Open Access Article
1 - Designing Service Outsourcing System in Support Organizations (Case Study: Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Fars Province)
yalda sharafiyan Habib Allah Ranaei Kordshouli Moslem Alimohamadloo -
Open Access Article
2 - Islamic governance from the perspective of Ayatollah Naini
mohammad jalilfar محمدکاظم کاوه پیشقدم -
Open Access Article
3 - Evaluation and presentation of conclusions
Gholam Hossein Fakher samineh bahadorijahromi عبدالحمید دلشاد Keramatollah Rasekh -
Open Access Article
4 - Predicting local scour depth of bridge piers using hybrid particle swarm optimization and gray wolf optimizer
Mehran Sarabi Seyed Abbas Hosseini -
Open Access Article
5 - Consequences of ineffective organizational culture based on Jihadi management indicators in Islamic Republic of Justice
hassan soltani taherehsadat arvinasl Saeed Razeghi -
Open Access Article
6 - The effect of nitrogen, planting density and number of seedling in the main farm on morphologic qualities, functional components and quantitative and qualitative functions of ratoon rice (Oryza sativa L.) production cultivars Sangtarom
mohammad reza Khodadadi Balanaghibi بهرام حيدرنيا سماکوش -
Open Access Article
7 - Predicting stock prices using data mining methods.
پریسا دانشجو Mojtaba Hajigholami -
Open Access Article
8 - A comparative study of Jesus Christ from the point of view of the Qur'an and the holy books of the Bible and the Torah
rodabeh rezaei akhtar soltani zahra rezaei -
Open Access Article
9 - The semantics of "denial" in the Qur'an based on cohabitation relationships (case study: words derived from the root nekr)
karam siyavoshi erfan gholami -
Open Access Article
10 - Reviewing and evaluating the translation of words with conflicting meanings in the Persian translation of the Holy Quran
Sajed Sobhani -
Open Access Article
11 - Presenting a new model for ATM demand scenario
Alireza Agha Gholizadeh Sayyar Mohamadreza Motadel Alireza Pour ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
12 - Management Ability and its Consequences on Firms Value Creation by Employing Neural Networks (A Comparative Approach to Chemical & Food Industries)
Akbar Valizadeh Oghani Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand Farzin Modarres Khiabani -
Open Access Article
13 - Providing Pattern of Health tourism attraction management in in the future of Iran
mania Aminzadeh Ali Hajiha Hossein Vazifehdust Fereydon Rahnama roodposhti -
Open Access Article
14 - Presenting and Validating a Model of Business Diplomacy in International Trade Based on the Grounded Theory and Structural Equation Modeling
Hamid Akbariye Hossain Vazifedoust Abbas Saleh Ardestani -
Open Access Article
15 - Designing a Model for Total Branding in Organizations which Hold Non-Academic Educational Events
Sepehr Tarverdian ahmad Roosta Kambiz Heydarzadeh Mohammad Rahim Esfidani -
Open Access Article
16 - Financial Governance Model in Social Security System
shahram karimnezhad Reza Nagafbagy Karamollah Daneshfard Akbar Alamtabriz -
Open Access Article
17 - Future Perspectives Perspectives in Mahdavi's Ideal Politics
mahmood alipour gorji Rashid Rekabian -
Open Access Article
18 - A Model for Creating Organizational Value from Big Data Analytics
Ali Mirarab Seyedeh Leili Mirtaheri Seyed Amir Asghari -
Open Access Article
19 - Designing improvement model for trade fairs in Iran: Participant’s point of view
HOOSHANG GOODARZI Hosein Vazifehdoost S. Jamalaldin Tabibi Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
20 - A Survey of Internal and International Experiences in the Future Studies System of Web-Based Environmental Scanning
morteza tizchang mina ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
21 - Provide Customer Relationship Management Model for Social Media-Based Businesses
Hossein Daneshmehr reza radfar Kambiz Heidarzadeh Hanzaee -
Open Access Article
22 - Designing and explaining the urban brand model in order to create a tourism destination brand with Grounded theory approach
ROMINA RABANI Seyyed Mehdi jalali Hassan Mehrmanesh -
Open Access Article
23 - Design the good governance model in Tehran municipality
ali amini shad abbas monavvarian mojtaba amiry -
Open Access Article
24 - A Model for predicting the need for orthopedics surgery by using data mining techniques
Seyed Sina Fatemi Razavi Seyed Abdollah Amin Mousavi -
Open Access Article
25 - A Future Study on Impact of Convergent Technologies on Ideal Model of Iranian Administrative System
Hedayat Kargar Shouroki Sayed Habibollah Mirghafoori Habib Zare Ahmadabadi Ali Mohammad Soltani -
Open Access Article
26 - Designing and Explaining an Effective Social Media-Based Advertising Pattern in the Educational Business Industry
Davood Yaghoobi Seyyed Mahmood Hashemi Abdollah Naami -
Open Access Article
27 - Construction and Lived Experience of Tourism Industry Experts and Experts in Tourism Marketing Using the Grounded Theory Method
Abas Asadi Kambiz Heidarzadeh mohsen Khonsiavash mansooreh aligholi -
Open Access Article
28 - Foresight of the aging trend of the Iranian population in different regions and population groups until 1420
javad dindar farkosh shahla kazemipour sabet hamid ansari -
Open Access Article
29 - Predicting Pervasive branding based on qualitative and quantitative approach
Sepehr Tarverdian Ahmad Roosta Kambiz Heidarzadeh Mohammad Rahim Esfidani -
Open Access Article
30 - Designing a model of managerial courage in government organizations is based on a data approach
fatemeh sohrabi akbar hasanpoor bizhan abdolahi saeid jafarinia -
Open Access Article
31 - Providing an Entrepreneurial Banking Model in Bank Sepah with Foundation Data Approach
سمیرا nazifi rohollah samiei samereh shojaee Mahmoud Reza mostaghimi -
Open Access Article
32 - Pathology and design of optimal talent management model
sohiela darouian naser mirsepasi karamolah daneshfard -
Open Access Article
33 - Analysis of The Drivers Affecting the Business Services Marketing with A Focus on The Perspective of Importing and Exporting Goods of Small and Medium Enterprises
Gholam ali Rahimi vahid nasehifar Tahmineh Nategh -
Open Access Article
34 - Provide a model of crowdfunding and examine its role in creating innovation in business
Ali Akbar Khademi Fariba Hosseini Hanieh Farazandeh -
Open Access Article
35 - Designing a Model of Resistance Businesses in Service Industries
Hoda Zeynali Seyed Mahmoud Hashemi mirza hassn Hosseini Sina nemati zadeh -
Open Access Article
36 - Presenting a Model for Predicting and Improving Production Quality Using Decision Tree Algorithms and Linear Planning (Case Study: TIBA Wave Generating Companies in Iran)
Nadereh Sadat Rastghalam Roya Roya M.ahari Ahmad Reza Shekarchizadeh Atefeh Amindost -
Open Access Article
37 - Developing a Model for Promoting Pedagogical Wisdom in Higher Education Based on Grounded Theory
Farshid Khanjanian Nadergholi Ghourchian Kamran Mohammadkhani Parivash Jafari -
Open Access Article
38 - Develop a general model of talent management in the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iran
rashid zaheri Seyyed Jafar Moosavi Farshad Emami -
Open Access Article
39 - Credit Facilities Applicants Classification by SVM
A. Toloei ashlaghi H. Nikoomaram F. i Maghdoori sharabian -
Open Access Article
40 - The predictive ability and information content of aggregate earnings beyond disaggregate earnings
R. Shabahang Z. Lashgari -
Open Access Article
41 - A mathematical programming model for measurement of the relative efficiency of Iranian industries
M.J . Asgharpour M.B.G. Arianezhad M. shokri M.A. Keramati -
Open Access Article
42 - Estimation of Technological Coefficients Of Input-Output Table by Using the Group Decision Making Models (In Line With the Analytic Hierarchy)
M. Asgharpour J. Haghighat monfared -
Open Access Article
43 - The Organization Productivity Evaluating Model with Two Stage Data Envelopment Analysis
F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi M.B. Aryanegad A. Ebnerasoul S.E. Najafi -
Open Access Article
44 - Past, Present and Future of Marketing Practice: A critical Analysis
Pejman Jafari -
Open Access Article
45 - A mathematical programming model for measurement of the relative efficiency of Iranian industries
M. J. Asgharpour M. Ali. Keramati -
Open Access Article
46 - Using Composed Approach of DEA and AHP for Efficiency Evaluation Faculties of Shahid Beheshti University
Akbar Alem Tabriz Hesam Saiedy Sarem Deilami Moezi -
Open Access Article
47 - A REVIEW OF ORGANIZATION VIRTUALIZATION TREND (From Newtonian attitude to Quantum Theory)
H. Mirzaei Ahranjani F. Bozorgi, -
Open Access Article
48 - Estimating the tax base in the value added tax system (case Iran 1995-1999)
A. A. Peirow N. Samadpoor -
Open Access Article
49 - A study on the financial performance of companies using data envelopment analysis model and Zemijsky's model, and a comparison of their results . (the case of accepted pharmaceutical companies in stock market)
Akbar Rahimipoor Masomeh Tadress Hasani -
Open Access Article
50 - Determining Relative Efficiency of Slightly-Nonhomogeneous Decision Making Units by Data Envelopment Analysis
R. Farzinpoor Saen A. Memariani F. Hosseinzadeh lotfi -
Open Access Article
51 - Using of Compiled Algorithm for Ranking of Research Subject by DEA : IAU*'s Faculties by DEA
M. B. Aryanezhad P. Hamzeh F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi -
Open Access Article
52 - Identifying the Influential Factors on an Islamic-Iranian Model of Human Resource Development in Governmental Sector with Aspect of future studies
Ismail Kamali Rad Naser Mirsepasi Reza NajafBagy Afshar Kazemi -
Open Access Article
53 - A Survey of Effective Factors in Decision Making about Utilizing Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Iranian Organizations
A. Hajiha A. Ameli F. Moghimi -
Open Access Article
54 - A Study of Relationship Between Institutional Investors and Board of Director With Earnings Management
Gh. Talebnia A. Taftian -
Open Access Article
55 - Evaluation of R&D projects with integrated BSC and DEA
Reza Radfar Fariba Salahi -
Open Access Article
56 - Evaluation of R&D projects with integrated BSC and DEA
Reza Radfar Fariba Salahi -
Open Access Article
57 - تأثیر اجرای سیستم مدیریت کیفیت (استاندارد ایزو 9001 ) بر سطوح سیگما
سلیمان ایران زاده علی مالک -
Open Access Article
58 - Performance Evaluation Accounting With Inputs Non-Discretionary Factors in an Integrated BSC-DEA Methodology
E., Najafi M. B. Aryanejad, F. , Hosseinzadeh Lotfi A. Ebnerasoul -
Open Access Article
59 - Baghdadi Paper in the Early Centuries of Islam; Reviewing an Idea
Mahdi Mojtahedi -
Open Access Article
60 - An analysis of Fathnāmi-yi-baghdād indited by Khādj-i Nasīridini Tūsī and the Syrian rulers’ response to it
پریسا قربان نژاد -
Open Access Article
61 - Baghdād's Shûnȋzȋyyas in the History of Sufism
Sayedeh Fatemeh Zare Hosseini Hamid Reza Sanaei -
Open Access Article
62 - Position of Baghdad Shurta Institution and Its Power (from Establishment till Early Buyid Period)
سید هاشم آقاجری علیرضا اشتری تفرشی -
Open Access Article
63 - Relations between Delhi Sultans and Abbasid Caliphs
محسن معصومی سعید شیرازی -
Open Access Article
64 - Strategy design of process model for agility of new product development cycle with world-class production policy in Iran Khodro Company (qualitative approach)
pegah tarmast Aboutorab Alirezaei Gholamreza Hashemzadeh Ashraf Shahmansouri -
Open Access Article
65 - Design Policy Template for Reforming and Improving the Administrative System (Case Study: National Iranian Gas Company)
Javad Fadaei masoud POur Kiani -
Open Access Article
66 - Investigating the Impact of Mineral Export Development Policy through Special Economic Zones Case study: Hormozgan Special Economic Zone
nader nosrat abadi hossain Vazifehdoost HamidReza Saeednia -
Open Access Article
67 - Talent Management Strategy and it's Effect on the Employees' Organizational Commitment: (Case Study: Staff of Mazandaran University)
کاوه تیمورنژاد محبوبه علیجانپور -
Open Access Article
68 - Provide a conceptual model of e-government development: Review of e-government development in the administrative system reform program
khosrow nouri hadi Hemmatian hassan forati farshad faezirazi -
Open Access Article
69 - Designing and Testing the Organizational Pessimism Pattern by Ethnography Approach (Case Study: Esfahan Province Electricity Distribution Companies)
Hossein sadri Mohammad Reza Dalvi Ali Reza Shirvany -
Open Access Article
70 - Designing a Model for Establishing a Mentoring System in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance (Foundation data Theorizing Method)
sadegh noormohammadi kiomars Ahmadi Adel Salavati -
Open Access Article
71 - Design an Open Policy-Making Model
morteza nosoohi Akbar Etebarian Mehrabaan Hadi Paykani Reza Ebrahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
72 - appropriate indicators for evaluating the policy-making process Industrial development based on human resource value creation
Nader Naroui Abdolali Keshtgar Bahareh Naseri -
Open Access Article
73 - Provide a virtual buyer behavior policy model based on the online brand trust variable
kambiz sanaee asghar moshbaki hasan esmaillpoor Siavash ahmadi chehre bargh -
Open Access Article
74 - Explain the model of bilateral policy in the field of coaching with the approach of development, profitability
Mirali Seyednaghavi jahanyar bamdadsofi reza vaezi parisa akhtari -
Open Access Article
75 - ideal organizational culture model based on jihadi management indicators in the judiciary (courts of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
Tahereh Sadat Arvin Asl Hassan soltani saeed razeghi -
Open Access Article
76 - Designing a the successor organization model based on elite policy in Abadan Oil Refining Company
Masood Ghezelbash Seed Mojtaba Mahmoodzadeh Hamed Dehginan Vahid Khashei -
Open Access Article
77 - Ranking indicators of good governance in effective organizations (Case Study: branches of Refah bank in Qazvin Province)
Seyede Atefeh Yeganegi Seyyed Mehdi Alvani Gholamreza memarzadeh -
Open Access Article
78 - The effect of uncertainty in exports on economic development in OPEC member countries
AhmadAli Asadpour -
Open Access Article
79 - --
-- -- -- --- -- قلی زاده -
Open Access Article
80 - Designing a digital transformation system model in the tax organization
mehrdad kalantari Jalal Hghighat monfared Abdollah Kolobandi -
Open Access Article
81 - Designing an electronic customer relationship management model in private banks
Mina Abdolalipour Hossein Bodaghi Khajeh Noubar, Parvaneh Gelard Reza Rostamzadeh -
Open Access Article
82 - Research Trends in Entrepreneurial well-being: A Bibliometric study
Leila Mivehchi Hamideh Reshadatjoo Hossein vazifehdust -
Open Access Article
83 - Explaining the causal factors of online repurchase intention in chain stores
mahdi barehmoghadam Hossein Hakimpour Mehdi Mahmoodzadeh Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
84 - Identifying the effective context conditions of the sports entrepreneurship education of sports science students
Mehrnaz Sabzemeidani Vahid Shojaei Mohammad Hami -
Open Access Article
85 - A Qualitative Approach to Modeling the Effectiveness of Sport Brand Placement in the Media
Mehrshad Nasimi Nasrollah Mohammadi Mohammad Ali Nasimi Saeed Amirnejad -
Open Access Article
86 - Media communication model to increase farmers' awareness and improve and develop agriculture (Case study: promotional media)
seyed mohammad mousavi Faezeh Taghipour Ahmadeza Golparvar -
Open Access Article
87 - The Role of Media Literacy with the Mediation of Social Capital in Family Relationships (Case Study: Clients Aged 14 To 18 Years Covered By the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Tehran Province)
seyedabolfazl parpanchi Somayeh Tajik Ismaeili Leila Niroomand Nazanin Malekian -
Open Access Article
88 - Measuring Progress and Regress in Printed Media Using Malmquist Productivity Index in Data Envelopment Analysis
Hanieh Haghighinia Mohsen RostamyMalkhalifeh Mohammad Soltanifar Akbar Nasrollahi kasmani -
Open Access Article
89 - Individual and Social Effects and Achievements of Presence of News Media in the Hearings
Morteza Rasteh Faezeh Taghipour -
Open Access Article
90 - رابطه فناوری های نوین اطلاعاتی و توسعه مدیریت منابع انسانی الکترونیکی
اسماعیل کاوسی سید محمود هاشمی -
Open Access Article
91 - Iran contemporary architecture and the problem of identity (a realistic representation of the post-modernism critical reading in architecture)
Amir Davood Maslahatjoo Maryam Ghasemi Sichani Vahid Ghobadian Biajn Abdolkarimi -
Open Access Article
92 - Data mining on the ossibility study of urban fabric's physical change modeling
ناجی پژمان ضیایی محمد نقی زاده سید مصطفی مختاباد -
Open Access Article
93 - Exploration of Effective Quality Components in Minimal Housing (Case Study: Jomee Mosque Neighbourhood in Ardebil)
Haniye Makareminia Seyed-Abbas Yazdanfar Neda sadat Sahrafard Monfared -
Open Access Article
94 - An Analytical Approach toward Cultural Events Effects on Temporary Urbanscape
Maryam cheshmeghasabani Nooshin Karimi -
Open Access Article
95 - desingning streming model in sports media: a foundational data model
golnaz rezaei reza saboonchi majid soleymani -
Open Access Article
96 - Identifying the Components of Social Commerce of Iranian Sports Clubs and Facilities with Qualitative Grounded Theory Approach
Siavash Mohamadyan korosh veisi Mahboub Sheikhalizadeh Mahdi Bashiri -
Open Access Article
97 - Feasibility of developing electronic contracts based on professional football jurisprudence
Reza Shahmansouri Mehdi Montazer Ezzatollah Shahmansouri -
Open Access Article
98 - Strategic approaches to teaching sports entrepreneurship in sports science students
Mehrnaz Sabzemeidani Vahid Shojaei Mohammad Hami -
Open Access Article
99 - Identifying national strategies that have an impact on the development of environmental culture in sports organizations
Seyed Farzad Mirhosseini Seyyed Mustafa Tayibi Thani حیدر لطفی افسانه روحانی -
Open Access Article
100 - Investigating the safety management of sports venues in sports events in Zanjan schools
parisa karimi Mehriye Panahi sajad hosseini -
Open Access Article
101 - The globalization Model of zurkhaneh sports
Mojtaba johari reza saboonchi sayed Ehsan amirhosseini -
Open Access Article
102 - Identifying the causal and contextual factors affecting the success of the Iranian military sports caravan in the CISM 2023 competitions
Abdolreza Arianfard Reza Saboonchi Mohammad Nikravan -
Open Access Article
103 - Determining returns to scales the left and right in a two-stage green supply chain using network data envelopment analysis
Rohollah Sharafeddin Amir Gholam Abri Mohammad Fallah -
Open Access Article
104 - A revisit of a mathematical model for solving fully fuzzy linear programming problem with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers
A. Ebrahimnejad -
Open Access Article
105 - Designing of performance evaluation indicators of banks by network data envelopment analysis, with FDH and SBM approach
Aseyeh Sadat Hatami Morteza Shafiee mouzhdeh Rabani Mohammad Reza Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
106 - Common-weights approach in fuzzy DEA from based on virtual ideal and anti-ideal units: a case study on insurance companies
Maysam Majdi Maryam Nikbakht A. Ebrahimnejad -
Open Access Article
107 - Efficient location by using data envelopment analysis
M. Mirbloky M. Jolaei -
Open Access Article
108 - Evaluating and Prioritizing of cement plant pollutant gases based on FDH and CRA models
fatemeh dadkhah Mohammad Reza Mozaffari Javad gerami -
Open Access Article
109 - A Computational Method for Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations on Bipolar Fuzzy Numbers and Its Application
Fazlollah Abbasi sahleh shakeri -
Open Access Article
110 - Fixed Costs Allocation using Cross-Efficiency Evaluation and Game Theory
Mostafa Davtalab-olyaie Fatemeh Ghandi Farideh Davtalab-Olyaie -
Open Access Article
111 - Developing a Mixed Integer Quadratic Programing Model with Integer Numbers for Designing a Dynamic closed-loop Logistics Network
Ehsan Yadegari Akbar Alem-Tabriz Mostafa Zandieh Behrouz Dorri -
Open Access Article
112 - A new approach based on data envelopment analysis with double frontiers for ranking the discovered rules from data mining
Hossein Azizi -
Open Access Article
113 - Ranking Decision Making Units based on their profit in competition to reach a standard level
A. Dehnokhalaji J. Sadeghi B. Hallaji N. Soltani -
Open Access Article
114 - Measuring the efficiency of a three-stage network using data envelopment analysis approach considering dual boundary
Ehsan. Vaeezi S. Esmail. Najafi Seyed Mohammad. Haji Maulana Farhad, Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Mahnaz. Ahadzadeh Namin -
Open Access Article
115 - A DEA model for resource allocation with weight restrictions : An application of resource allocation in IAU (Mashhad Branch) Libraries
Hamed Zhiani Rezai -
Open Access Article
116 - Portfolio ranking: using finance technology set in DEA models (Case Study: Tehran Stock Exchange)
A. Davtalab R. Mehrjoo -
Open Access Article
117 - A new method for ranking of Z-numbers
M. Matinfar S. ezadi -
Open Access Article
118 - Credit rating of the bank legal customers by using the improved modified Russell model (Case study: the legal customers of Arak Melli Bank)
M. izadikhah M. shamsi -
Open Access Article
119 - Providing comprehensive control chart for monitoring of linear and nonlinear profiles using functional data analysis.
M. Bahri A. Hadi-Vencheh -
Open Access Article
120 - Balanced evaluation of suppliers performance by applying a hybrid DEMATEL-DEA approach in presence of undesirable factors
M. Homayounfar A.R. Amirteimoori -
Open Access Article
121 - Optimal Allocation of Resources Using the Ideal-Solutions
S. Ghobadi S. Jahangiri -
Open Access Article
122 - presentation of a two stages method to determine the suitable benchmark and return to scale (case study: girls high school of one zone shiraz city)
Javad Gerami -
Open Access Article
123 - Estimation of cost efficiency for firms in different technologies using data envelopment analysis
Mohsen Hekmatnia Alireza Amirteimoori Sohrab Kordrostami Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
124 - Evaluation of Students' Performance before and after Parent Involvement in Math Educaton with DEA
S. E. Haghi M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh M. H. Behzadi A. Shahvarani -
Open Access Article
125 - A Hybrid Model of Two-Stage DEA and PROMETHEE in the Gray Environment for Performance Evaluation
Alireza Alinezhad Amir Amini -
Open Access Article
126 - Time-staged outputs in production process: A DEA-Based Approach
S. Seyedboveir M. Maghbouli F. Matrood -
Open Access Article
127 - Introducing a new inefficiency source due to inappropriate price selection in a Non-Competitive Environment in Data Envelopment Analysis (a case study in the Imam Khomeini Oil Refinery Company of Shazand in Iran)
Elham Rezaei hezaveh Reza Fallahnejad Masoud Sanei Mohammad Izadikhah -
Open Access Article
128 - Ranking Decision Making units in Data Envelopment Analysis based on cooperative games
sanaz asadi rahmati Reza Fallahnejad -
Open Access Article
129 - Dual Frontiers in Non-convex Data Envelopment Analysis: Efficiency and In-efficiency Assessment and Stability Analysis
Nasim Nasrabadi Sheyda Ayati -
Open Access Article
130 - Providing a model for evaluate the efficiency of supply chain based on information flow using fuzzy network data envelopment analysis
tahmineh Noohi tehrani maryam shoar saber saati mohtadi -
Open Access Article
131 - Determining the Russell Technical Efficiency of measure in the Presence of Flexible Factors based on slack variables
Majid Sedighi Hassan Kiyadeh Saber Saati Mohtadi Sohrab Kordrostami -
Open Access Article
132 - Duality analysis in technologies with weak disposability
Homeira Amirmohammadi Alireza Amirteimoori Sohrab Kordrostami Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
133 - On the structural properties for the cross product of fuzzy numbers with applications
Robab Alikhani -
Open Access Article
134 - Cost efficiency in three stage network DEA-R processes
parisa kamyab Mohammad Reza Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
135 - Designing a smart algorithm for determining stock exchange signals by data mining
pantea maleki-moghadam akbar alem-tabriz esmael najafi -
Open Access Article
136 - Performance Appraisal of Research and Development Projects Value-Chain for Complex Products and Systems: The Fuzzy Three-Stage DEA Approach
Pejman Peykani Jafar Gheidar-Kheljani -
Open Access Article
137 - Solving Fuzzy Integral Equations of the Second Kind by using the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Method
Seddigheh Farzaneh Javan Saeid Abbasbandy Mohammad Ali Fariborzi Araghi -
Open Access Article
138 - Estimation of undesirable outputs and desirable inputs along with efficiency improving for DMUs with interval data
Farhad taher Behrouz Daneshian ghasem Tohidi Farhad Hosseinzadeh lotfi Farzin Modarres Khiyabani -
Open Access Article
139 - Designing a mathematical model for measuring credit risk by credit rating using data coverage analysis model
farid heidarifar farhad hanifi gholamreza zomorodian -
Open Access Article
140 - Bootstrap Method and Common Set of Weights in Data Envelopment Analysis to Differentiate Efficient Units
Akbar Amiri saber saati mahtadi alireza amirteimoori -
Open Access Article
141 - Measuring the cost efficiency in NDEA
Shahruz Fathi Ajirlu Alireza Amirteimoori Sohrab Kordrostami -
Open Access Article
142 - Evaluating Decision Making Units with Multi-Periodic Data Using DEA-R Models
Mahsa Torkavannejad Behrouz Daneshian Ghasem Tohidi Mahnaz Maghbouli Farzin Modarres Khiyabani -
Open Access Article
143 - Evaluate the efficiency of decision making units with classical model and goal programming data envelopment analysis and output correlation with statistical methods in Ghavamin Bank.
golamreza Panahandeh khojin Abbass Toloie Eshlaghy Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi -
Open Access Article
144 - Providing a model based on auxiliary variables for calculating the efficiency and effectiveness of metro stations in Tehran in the analysis of data coverage with inputs and outputs
Ali mohammad Gholiha Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Mohammadreza Shahriari Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
145 - A generalization of the Erdos-Serpinski conjecture
Hamid Torabi AmirAli Fatehizadeh -
Open Access Article
146 - Estimation of fuzzy parameters based on neural networks using trapezoidal data
razieh naderkhani Mohammad Hassan Behzadi tahereh Razzaghnia rahman farnoosh -
Open Access Article
147 - Evaluating and classifying the insurers risk in the insurance industry using data envelopment analysis
Seyyedeh Nasim Shobeiri Mohsen Rostamy- Malkhalifeh Hashem Nikoomaram Mohammadreza Miri Lavasani -
Open Access Article
148 - Efficiency Evaluation of Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis Model Based on Triangular Intuitionistic Fuzzy numbers andslack variables
nafiseh javaherian Ali Hamzehee Hossein sayyadi Tooranloo Reza Soleymani-Damaneh -
Open Access Article
149 - A Hybrid Data Envelopment Analysis Method for Solving Decision Making Problems with GTHF Numbers
tayebeh Rezaei Taziani mahnaz barkhordariahmadi mohamad reza Balooch Shahryari -
Open Access Article
150 - Provide a mathematical model for selecting suppliers in the supply chain based on profit efficiency calculations
H. Saleh F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi M. Rostmay-Malkhalifeh M. Shafiee -
Open Access Article
151 - Supplier Ranking Using Data Envelopment Analysis and New Cross Efficiency Evaluation in the Presence of Undesirable Outputs
Mehdi Soltanifar Hamid SHarafi Seyyed Mohammad Zargar Mehdi Homayounfar -
Open Access Article
152 - Centralized Limited Resource Allocation in Data Envelopment Analysis with Stochastic Data
Najmeh Malekmohammadi -
Open Access Article
153 - رویکرد معادلسازی دورهای با دادههای بازهای در ارزیابی کارایی پویا شبکههای چند مرحله-ای
Alireza Ebrahimi Baqa Farhad Hossein Zadeh Lotfi Alireza Amir Timuri Mohsen Rostami malKhalife -
Open Access Article
154 - A two-stage DEA approach to measure the performance of multi-activity bank branches
Ali Hadi Alireza Amirteimoori Sohrab Kordrostami Saeid Mehrabian -
Open Access Article
155 - Survey of partial and directional derivatives of fuzzy multi-dimensional mappings under generalized differentiability
Mohsen Miri Karbasaki Mohammadreza Balooch Shahryari Omolbanin Sedaghatfar -
Open Access Article
156 - Designing a Dynamic two-stage data envelopment analysis model to calculate partial and periodic efficiency
Reza Soleymani-Damaneh -
Open Access Article
157 - Most Productive Scale Size with Environmental Factors in Data Envelopment Analysis
Hajar Haghighatpisheh Sohrab Kordrostami Alireza Amirteimoori -
Open Access Article
158 - Efficiency analysis in two-stage production systems with the presence of undesirable and reversible factors
Mohammad Malmir رضا کاظمی متین Mahnaz Ahadzadeh namin -
Open Access Article
159 - Determining the efficiency, satisfaction and productivity of the public transportation system using data envelopment analysis and its applied study on Mashhad bus lines
Maliheh Shahkooeei Farzad Rezai Balf Mohsen Rabbani Mehdi Fallah Jelodar -
Open Access Article
160 - Autoregressive stochastic frontier model with nonlinear function of exogenous variable and dynamic technical inefficiency
Bahareh Feizi Ahmad Poyrdarvish -
Open Access Article
161 - Value efficiency based on semi-additive production technology in DEA
Javad Gerami -
Open Access Article
162 - Improving production possibility set in data envelopment analysis using confidence interval values
Pooya Nasrollahian Alireza Amirteimoori Sohrab Kordrostami Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
163 - Reduction Difference Between the Profile weights in Stochastic cross-efficiency
Somayeh Rahmani Mohsen Khounsiavash Reza Kazemi Matin Zohreh MOGHADAS -
Open Access Article
164 - Providing a Model for Preprocessing the Organizational Data in Order to Predict Insurance Business Processes
Mehrdad Fadaei PellehShahi Sohrab Kordrostami Amir Hossein Refahi Sheikhani Marzieh Faridi Masouleh Soheil Shokri -
Open Access Article
165 - An enhanced Russell model to measure aggregate efficiency of multi-period production systems
Mohammad Najari Alamouti Mohsen Khounsiavash Reza Kazimi Matin Zohreh Moghaddas -
Open Access Article
166 - Resource Allocation in Data Envelopment Analysis on Fuzzy inputs and outputs
Esmat Noroozi Hamid SHarafi -
Open Access Article
167 - Measuring Inefficiency Slacks of Network Systems in the presence of Shared Resources
Hossein Azizi Shahruz Fathi Ajirlu -
Open Access Article
168 - A method for solving the Z-fractional differential equation With fuzzy confidence
Parisa Keshavarz Farajollah Yaghoobi Ali Barahmand -
Open Access Article
169 - Ranking Saman bank branches using fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis and PROMETHEE
Elahe Sarfi Esmat Noroozi -
Open Access Article
170 - Computing the efficiency interval of decision making units (DMUs) having interval inputs and outputs with the presence of negative data
M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh F. seyed Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
171 - A matrix method for estimating linear regression coefficients based on fuzzy numbers
S. Ezadi T. allahviranllo -
Open Access Article
172 - Cost Efficiency of Closed–Loop Supply Chain in the Presence of Dual-Role and Undesirable Factors
M. Jahani Sayyad Noveiri S. Kordrostami A.R. Amirteimoori -
Open Access Article
173 - Efficiency Evaluation by using mixed modeling of Data Envelopment Analysis and Balanced Scorecard- A Case Study in the banking industry
M. Fallah Jelodar -
Open Access Article
174 - Weighted Optimal Path in Graph with Multiple Indexes
M. Nikjoo F. Rezai Balf -
Open Access Article
175 - Measuring robust overall profit efficiency with uncertainty in input and output price vectors
M.A. Raayatpanah N. Aghayia -
Open Access Article
176 - Bank branches efficiency assessment using dynamic data envelopment analysis approach to SBM
M. Shafiee -
Open Access Article
177 - Ranking Efficient DMUs in Two-stage Network DEA with Common Weights method
M. Ahadzadeh namin E. Khamseh -
Open Access Article
178 - Modified Goal Programming Approach for Improving the Discrimination Power and Weights Dispersion
Sahand Daneshvar Nazila Shahi Fariba Najafzadeh -
Open Access Article
179 - The Uniqueness of the Overall Assurance Interval for Epsilon in DEA Models by the Direction Method
S. Mehrabian -
Open Access Article
180 - Utilizing Robust Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Measuring Efficiency of Stock, A case study: Tehran Stock Exchange
Pejman Peykani Emran Mohammadi Armin Jabbarzadeh Alireza Jandaghian -
Open Access Article
181 - gH-differentiable of the 2th-order functions interpolating
H. Vosoughi S. Abbasbandy -
Open Access Article
182 - A New Approach to Solve Fully Fuzzy Linear Programming with Trapezoidal Numbers Using Conversion Functions
S.H. Nasseri -
Open Access Article
183 - Ranking of decision making units based on cross efficiency by undesirable outputs and uncertainity
N. Aghayi -
Open Access Article
184 - Uniquely classifying flexible measures by a CWS model
m. korzedin m. mirbolouki -
Open Access Article
185 - Utilizing Monte Carlo Method for Ranking Extreme Efficient Units in Data Envelopment Analysis
Gh-R .Jahanshahloo M. Zahedi-Seresht -
Open Access Article
186 - The Most Productive Scale Compared to Demand Fulfillment (Case Study: Insurance Companies)
M. Ahadzadeh namin E. Khamseh -
Open Access Article
187 - A DEA approach for investigating the effect of computerized maintenance management system on staff productivity: A case Study
M. Soltani A. Hadi-Vencheh -
Open Access Article
188 - Amalgamated duplication of some special rings along an ideal
E. Tavasoli -
Open Access Article
189 - Bankruptcy Assessment with the Interval Programming and Games Theory
A. Batamiz M. Allahdadi -
Open Access Article
190 - Supplier Selection in Supply Chain Management by Data Envelopment Analysis
Z. Moghaddas M. Vaez-Ghasemi B. Rahnama Parchekoalei -
Open Access Article
191 - Classifying Flexible Factors Using Fuzzy Concept
S. Saati N. Imani -
Open Access Article
192 - Total and Partial efficiency indexes in data envelopment analysis
S. Kordrostami A.R Amirteimoori -
Open Access Article
193 - Finding the most efficient decision making unit in data envelopment Analysis
J. Vakili -
Open Access Article
194 - Probability-possibility DEA model with Fuzzy random data in presence of skew-Normal distribution
B. Mehrasa M. H. Behzadi -
Open Access Article
195 - Fully Fuzzy Transportation Problem
A. Khoshnava M.R. Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
196 - Malmquist Productivity Index Based on Time Effect
M. Vaez-Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
197 - Three steps method for portfolio optimization by using Conditional Value at Risk measure
S. Navidi sh. Banihashemi M. Sanei -
Open Access Article
198 - The proposed cost and profit models in presence of flexible measures
F. Matroud Gh. Tohidi -
Open Access Article
199 - Two-stage network DEA-R based on value efficiency
M.R. Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
200 - Introducing a secondary goal for evaluating DMUs by cross efficiency in data envelopment analysis
R. Mehrjoo نقی .Shoja -
Open Access Article
201 - اPerformance Assessment of South Fars Power Generation Management Company by using of Data Envelopment Analysis with Interval Data and Undesirable Outputs
J. Gerami A. R. Ghanaatian -
Open Access Article
202 - Efficiency and Effectiveness with interval indices in stochastic environments
S. kazem nadi M. Rostamy malkhalife -
Open Access Article
203 - finding the defining hyperplanes of production possibility set with variable returns to scale using the linear independent vectors
N. Rafati-‎Maleki M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh -
Open Access Article
204 - Congestion Status Identification Using Slack Based Models in Data Envelopment Analysis
M. Abbasi M. Rostamy-Malkhlifeh -
Open Access Article
205 - Productivity changes of units: A directional measure of cost Malmquist index
G. Tohidi S. Tohidnia -
Open Access Article
206 - The Calculation of the output price vectorby applying reverse linear programming: The novel approach in DEA
S. Sadri M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh -
Open Access Article
207 - A Method for Target Setting with Share Data
B. Rahmani Parchkolaei Z. Moghaddas -
Open Access Article
208 - Determining Left and right Returns to Scale (RTS) and RTS sustainability by using linear programming problems based on simultaneous changes in inputs and outputs
M. Omidi M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh A. Payan F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi -
Open Access Article
209 - A new approach based on alpha cuts for solving data envelopment analysis model with fuzzy stochastic inputs and outputs
S. H. Nasseri O. gholami M. Fallah Jelodard -
Open Access Article
210 - Stochastic DEA with Using of Skew-Normal Distribution in Error Structure
A. Nazari M-H .Behzadi -
Open Access Article
211 - Comparing the Efficiency of Dmus with Normal and Skew-Normal Distribution using Data Envelopment Analysis
A. Nazari M. H. Behzadi -
Open Access Article
212 - Using Neural Network to Determine Input Excesses, Output Shortfalls and Efficiency of Dmus in Russell Mode
D. Modhej M. Sanei N. Shoja -
Open Access Article
213 - SBM extended model with nonlinear value data in data envelopment analysis with axiomatic approach
M. Vaez-Ghasemi، Z. Moghaddas -
Open Access Article
214 - Increasing the discrimination power the decision making units based on reducing dispersion of weights in the data envelopment analysis
اعظم Pourhabib A.R Amirteimoori S. Kordrostami R. Kazemi Matin -
Open Access Article
215 - Robust efficiency in data envelopment analysis with VRS technology
Saeid Shahghobadi Farhad Moradi -
Open Access Article
216 - Congestion measurement in data envelopment analyses under weak disposability of desirable and undesirable outputs in a Two-phase Network
R. Rastgoo M. Rostami Malkhalifeh -
Open Access Article
217 - A Heuristic Method on Extended Two-Stage Network Structures
R. Ahmadzadeh S. Kordrostami A.r. Amirteimoori -
Open Access Article
218 - Performance analysis in production processes in the presence of fixed-sum outputs
A. R. Amirteimoori S. Masroori S. Kordrostami -
Open Access Article
219 - Designing a decision support system to predict the success of research centers with discriminatory analysis DEA
T. Alahveranlo محسن . Vaez ghasemi سیدمصطفی . Tahery -
Open Access Article
220 - Studying the Impact of Deferred Debts on Bank Performance by Using Data Envelopment Analysis
A. Gholam Abri -
Open Access Article
221 - Performance Measurement of Decision Making Units with Network Structure in the Presence of Undesirable Output
P. Peykani E. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
222 - A Model for Project Selecting with Limited Resources in Data Envelopment Analysis with Input and Output Fuzzy
M. A. jahantighi -
Open Access Article
223 - Using Data Mining and Three Decision Tree Algorithms to Optimize the Repair and Maintenance Process
M. Izadikhah D. Garshasbi -
Open Access Article
224 - تعدیل در قراردادهای پیمانکاری
عزت الله عراقی -
Open Access Article
225 - Islamic Jurisprudential and Legal Outlook to Foreign Exchange Value Tomorrow Transactions by Considering the Foreign Exchange Law and Regulations
Milad Monsefi Abouzar Ebrahimitorkaman asghar arabiyan -
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226 - مبانی و ضرورتهای اعمال جایگزینهای حبس در مورد کودکان و نوجوانان (در پرتو نگاه تطبیقی به تجربه حقوق ایران و آمریکا)
مسعود همت حمیدرضا حیدرپور ژیلا بزی تنها -
Open Access Article
227 - جستاری بر رویکرد نظام کیفری ایران به اثبات معنوی (با تکیه بر مفهوم علم قاضی)
مسعود همت حمیدرضا حیدرپور -
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228 - شیوههای پرداخت در معاملات تجاری بینالمللی با تأکید بر اعتبارات اسنادی
رضا نصیری اقدم پیمان دادرس -
Open Access Article
229 - ماهیت حقوقی شرط داوری
محسن سلیمی بابک خسروی نیا مهدی زارع -
Open Access Article
230 - «نقش قرارموقت دیوان بینالمللی دادگستری در اختلافات زیستمحیطی بین دولتها»
سید عباس پورهاشمی مجید حقانی -
Open Access Article
231 - نقش تبلیغات و علائم تجاری در حمایت از حق آگاهی مصرف کننده با مطالعه ی تطبیقی در حقوق انگلیس
پری خالدی دوبرجی عباس قاسمی حامد -
Open Access Article
232 - افشاء مستندات اتهام ؛ ابزاری برای تحکیم اصل برابری سلاحها (مطالعه تطبیقی حقوق ایران، فرانسه ورویه قضایی بینالمللی)
محمد اشوری محمد علی مهدوی ثابت بهزاد رضوی فرد یاسین صعیدی -
Open Access Article
233 - دادرسی الکترونیک در حقوق ایران؛ اهداف، مبانی و ویژگی ها
زهرا زاده حسین علیایی احمد احمدی -
Open Access Article
234 - اصل بی طرفی دادرس و قواعد ناشی از آن
اصغر حاجی محمدی گودرز افتخار جهرمی لعیا جنیدی مهدی شهلا -
Open Access Article
235 - معیارهای تعیین قانون حاکم در صورت سکوت طرفین در قراردادهای تجاری بین المللی
حمیدرضا پیری نجادعلی الماسی -
Open Access Article
236 - شرایط انتقال غیرارادی قرارداد در حقوق ایران و انگلیس
حسین جلالی شادروان عزت الله عراقی محمد رضا پیرهادی بختیار عباسلو -
Open Access Article
237 - حق فسخ ناشی از پیشبینی نقض قرارداد در اصول قراردادهای تجاری بینالمللی، کنوانسیون بیع بینالمللی کالا و حقوق ایران
رسول قاسمی محمد هادی مهدوی -
Open Access Article
238 - چالش های مهم درقراردادهای الکترونیک در حقوق ایران
محسن رستمی پرویز ساورائی -
Open Access Article
239 - تبیین اصول شفاف سازی و آزادی اطلاعات به عنوان مولفه های حکمرانی مطلوب در پرتو نظام حقوقی حاکم بر قراردادهای دولت
عصمت زکی زاده منوچهر توسلی نائینی سید محمدصادق احمدی -
Open Access Article
240 - نقض تعهد و الزام به تعهدات پولی و غیر پولی در حقوق ایران در مقایسه با اصول قرارداد تجاری اروپا واصول قراردادهای تجاری بینالمللی
معصومه قدیریان مظفر باشکوه علیرضا لطفی دودران -
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241 - Law governing obligations in electronic contracts
Rahim Abdoli Tayeb Afsharnia Alireza Rajabzadeh Estahbanati -
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242 - Crime Detection, Custody, and the Differentiation of the Suspect’s Rights in the Criminal Justice Systems of Iran, France, and the United States
Mohamad masoud molazemian Abbas Sheikholeslami mohamad Ashouri Majid Shaygan Fard -
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243 - بررسی اعمال ماده 477 (478) ق .آ.د .کیفری در آرای داوری قضاوت شده با تأکید بر رویه قضایی
محمدصادق مهدوی راد پیمان دادرس -
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244 - جستاری در باب حقوق قراردادهای عمومی در ترازوی حقوق بشر با تاکید بر اصول حقوق موضوعه
رامین خادم پور محمد شریف شاهی منوچهر توسلی نائینی -
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245 - شور داوران و نظارت قضایی بر آن در حقوق ایران و انگلیس
بی بی فاطمه برومند مرتضی شهبازی نیا اصغر عربیان -
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246 - قالب حقوقی اقسام واگذاری قرارداد با نگرشی بر دیدگاههای قضایی
امیر عباس کاوسی حسن بادینی نجاد علی الماسی -
Open Access Article
247 - اجرای آراء دادگاههای ملی به عنوان رأی داوری در پرتو کنوانسیون نیویورک
مجتبی زاهدیان احسان بزمی مایوان -
Open Access Article
248 - Advantages and disadvantages of swap contracts
Mokhtar Mahmoudi Ebrahim Shoarian Yousef Molaee -
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249 - Assessing the quality of the relationship between contract and reality; A critique of philosophical realism approach to the validity of a contract
narges khaleghipour dawood nassiran -
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250 - Challenges Facing (Executive) Police Units in the New Criminal Procedure In The Light Of Human Rights and Civil Rights
akbar sabzevari mashallah karimi -
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251 - The impact of unusual and unpredictable inflation in creating the right of termination for the contractor in projects based on the general terms of the contract
Soheil Ravagh Ardebilii ahmad Yousefi Sadeghloo, Pejman Pirooz i -
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252 - The Judicial Rights of Citizenship in Jurisdiction, Confession, and Testimony from the Standpoint of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law
Shiva Azizaan Ebrahim Yaghouti Aahmad reza khazaei -
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253 - Evaluating the possibility of harmonizing the regulations governing electronic contracts with international regulations.
elahe ekrami SHOKROLAH NIKVAND -
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254 - Legal analysis of the responsibility of cryptocurrency miners and exchanges
asghar khajavi Syed Morteza Ghasem Zadeh Kourosh jafarpour -
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255 - Acquisition of land in oil and gas industry projects with emphasis on "IPC" contract
Ghasemzadeh habib alireza rajabzade Alireza Mazloum Rahani -
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256 - ماهیت و ویژگی های قرارداد لیسانس و قابلیت انطباق آن با عقود معین در قانون مدنی ایران
غلامرضا افشاری پور محمدرضا حسین پور -
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257 - Patterns of Technology Transfer in Contracts
Ali Zare Mohammad Reza Mokhtari -
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258 - Compare mortgage contract deals with right of refund
Rima Amiraghdam Hasan Borji -
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259 - حقوق مصرفکننده در مرحله پیش قراردادی با مطالعه تطبیقی در حقوق انگلیس
پری خالدی دوبرجی عباس قاسمی حامد اکرم بهشتی -
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260 - شروط محدودکننده و ساقط کننده مسوولیت بیمه گر در بیمه مضاعف (با تاکید بر حقوق انگلیس)
زهرا بختیاری محسن ایزانلو غلامعلی سیفی زیناب منصور امینی -
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261 - A Succinct Review of Judicial Settlement of the International Disputes
Hossein Sorayaii Azar -
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262 - شروع به داوری
سیدمحمد اسدی نژاد یوسف فروتن -
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263 - بررسی قلمرو کیفری در "ضمانت اجرای انفصال از خدمت" در نظام حقوقی ایران
محمدرضا یوسفی محمدعلی مهدوی ثابت -
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Hamzeh Iranmanesh parizi -
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265 - کارشناسی و خبرهگی ماهیت و کارآیی
احمد یوسفی صادقلو علی نصرالهی -
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266 - Review and critique the contradiction of competency of the revolutionary and punishment provincial courts
M. Malmir -
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267 - The Effect of Type, Importance and Location of Crimes on Not Reporting of Committed Crimes to Criminal Justice Authorities
Ali Safary Sahar Seifi -
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268 - "The Doctrine of Frustration in the English and Iranian law"
Omid Shabani Laya Baradaran -
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269 - تحول مفهوم قرارداد به تاثیر از نقش دولت در نظام حقوقی ایران
میترا اسماعیلی علی رادان جبلی منوچهر توسلی نائینی -
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270 - Judicial Administration of Contract With Inference in Determination of Contractual Obligations on the Basis of Justice and Equity, or Individual and Collective Expediency
Sohrab Samankan -
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271 - Policies of international and Iranian documents on customer rights arising from the sale of defective goods
Faranak Moazen Ahmad Shams Seyed Mojtaba Mirdamadi ahad bagherzadeh -
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علی Gharibeh -
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273 - A Survey of the Fundamental Breach of Contracts in the International Sales
مجتبی Zahedian -
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274 - An Overview of the Doctrine of Frustration and Force Majeure
Omid Shabani Asghar Haji mohammadi -
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275 - The Comparative Study on Reservation Right for Consignee in Various Types of Contracts for Transport
Amir Hoseyn Fakhari Sharareh Mofidian -
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276 - بررسی ماهیت حقوق انتقال اعتبار اسنادی
محمد رضا سهامی مسعودرضا رنجبر حکمت اله عسکری رضا زارعی -
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277 - Good Faith in the International Commercial Law
کوروش Jafarpour -
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278 - Discourse of mashroteat and effect on Iran, s foreign relation
Hamid Reza Saeedinejad Zeinab Veisy -
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Omid tavakolikia Mohsen Aghasi Syed AhmadAli Ali Hashemi -
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280 - Electronic Signature
جمشید Noorshargh -
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Soudeh Nategh Noori -
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282 - Designing and presenting a model to determine the effect of macroeconomic and banking variables on the occurrence of asset freezing in the country's banking system
Fateme Davoudi Farkoosh mohammad ebrahim Mohammadpoor zarandi mehrzad minouei -
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283 - The effect of FDI on Economic Growththrough the Channel of Financial Development in the MENA region
مانی موتمنی فائزه آریانی -
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284 - Presentation of a Two Stages Model Based on Data Mining for Evaluation of Common Customers of Bank and Insurance Companies
Hamidreza Amir hasankhani abbass toloie Alireza poorebrahimi reza radfar -
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سیده عاطفه حسینی اسماعیل شاه طهماسبی منیره ابویی مهریزی رامین وران -
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288 - تأثیر مقررات بانکی بر حاشیه سود بانکی (رهیافت داده های ادغامی)
اعظم احمدیان مهران کیانوند -
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ghazal SHAHABI SHOJAEI fereidoon rahnama Shadi Shahverdiani hashem nikoomaram -
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290 - کاربرد تحلیل ناپارامتریک بازهای و پنجره ای به عنوان مکملی برای ارزیابی کارایی مالی (مطالعه موردی: بانکهای پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران)
محمد حسین طحاری مهرجردی علی فاضل یزدی محمد زارعی محمود آبادی -
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291 - The Application of Pecking Order Theory in Financing
رضوان حجازی هاشم ولی پور مهرنوش سیامر -
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292 - Performance Assessment of Investment Firms under Uncertainty
Pejman Peykani Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Emran Mohammadi Reza Tehrani -
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293 - Application of DEA in the calculation of consolidated index of stock liquidity (evidence of Tehran Stock Exchange)
Keykhosro Yakideh M. Hassan Gholizadeh S. Morteza Mousavinia -
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294 - Stock selection of Tehran stock exchange investors with hybrid of data envelopment analysis (DEA) and goal programming (GP)
محمد غلی افشارکاظمی مریم خلیلی عراقی احمد سادات کیایی -
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295 - Presentation of electronic banking forensic policy model
afshin khodamoradi علیرضا پورابراهیمی mohamad ali afsharkazemi -
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296 - The Effect Corruption on the Financial Health of Islamic Banks
Vahid Bekhradi Nasab Fatemeh Zholanezhad -
Open Access Article
297 - Application of fuzzy network data envelopment analysis model with optional input-undesirable output in order to evaluate the performance of bank branches
Hasan Amini Javid mohammad ebrahim Mohammadpoor zarandi MIRFEYZ FALLAH naghi, shoja -
Open Access Article
298 - Forensic Accounting Paradigm in Changing Approach to Risk Disclosure of Capital Market Firms: Development of Homology Theory to Symbolize Investors Perception
MohammadHossein Labibzadeh Rezvan Hejazi allahkaram salehi Farshin Hormozi -
Open Access Article
299 - Identifying Banking Crisis Using Banking Stress Index in Iranian Economy (Dynamic Factor Model)
samineh ghasemifar Abolfazl Shahabadi shamsollah shirinbakhsh mirhosien mousavi azam ahmadian -
Open Access Article
300 - Liquidity-adjusted Intraday Value at Risk modeling and risk management: by using Vector Auto Regression (VAR)
Gholamreza Zomorodian Mehdi Hemmati Asiabarki Hossein Rad Kaftroudi -
Open Access Article
301 - Forecast the Gold Coin Future Contracts prices by ARIMA models in Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME)
سعید علی احمدی -
Open Access Article
302 - Conceptual modeling of financial resilience of the tourism industry in crisis
Seyyede Maryam Abolhasani Komle Mohammad Hassan Gholizadeh Mehdi Meshki -
Open Access Article
303 - The effect of the abundance of natural resources on financial development in selected OPEC countries of oil and gas (with emphasis on the multi-dimensional index of financial market development in the stock market)
M. H. Mahdavi Adeli Maryam Rohani -
Open Access Article
304 - A Green Financing Model for Companies through Banking Industry: Grounded Theory Approach
Abbas Ali Sheikh Parviz Saeedi ebrahim abbasi arash naderian -
Open Access Article
305 - Study the Relation between Exchange Rate as one of the Microeconomic Variable and Stock Return with APT Model (Examined Export Company in Tehran Stock Exchange)
Zahra Farshadfar -
Open Access Article
306 - Introduction a conceptual model of the effective factors of contrarian trading strategy in the formation of a profitable portfolio using the Grounded theory
Ebrahim Qashqai Allah Karam Salehi Ali Mahmoodirad -
Open Access Article
307 - Study the Effect of Stock Liquidity on Excess Return with Five Factors Arbitrage Pricing Model
Zahra Farshadfar Mansour Khalili Eraghi -
Open Access Article
308 - A new time series robust forecasting approach with application in finance
حمید شهریاری نیما شریعتی امیر مسلمی -
Open Access Article
309 - Application of factor analysis in fuzzy DEA model combined with Markowitz's model portfolio to determine the most efficient companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange
Hamzeh Pourbabagol Mohammad hossin Nayyeri -
Open Access Article
310 - Analyze of the dynamics of optimal hedge ratio in the gold coin market: MS-DCC approach
Sanaz Miri Teimur Mohammadi Farhad Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
311 - Developing a model for Iran for Public-Private Partnership as a modern financing method for infrastructure projects
فرشاد هیبتی هاشم نیکومرام -
Open Access Article
312 - The Effects of Financial Liberalization on Market Capitalization Ratio
اعظم احمدیان مهدی تقوی -
Open Access Article
313 - The impact of stock market pressure on tax benefits based on the Ming-Chin Chen model (2015)
Hosein Norouzizadeh M. Reza Setayesh M. Hasan Janani -
Open Access Article
314 - بررسی تاثیر سرمایهگذاری و تولید سرانه استانی بر نابرابری درآمدی درون استانهای ایران
الناز امیدوار فرهاد غفاری عباس معمارنژاد تیمور محمدی -
Open Access Article
315 - بررسی اثرنقدشوندگی بازار سهام بر نرخ فقر (منتخبی از کشورهای در حال توسعه و توسعه یافته)
زینب مریدی شهرام فتاحی کیومرث سهیلی -
Open Access Article
316 - بررسی تاثیر روشهای تأمین مالی بخش صنعت بر سرمایهگذاری در شرکتهای پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران
یزدان گودرزی فراهانی علی اکبر محرابیان -
Open Access Article
317 - تاثیر برخی متغیرهای اقتصادی بر تولیدفناوری پیشرفته در کشورهای در حال توسعه منتخب
کتایون اعلامی محمدعلی کرامتی قاسم توحیدی -
Open Access Article
318 - بررسی اثرات کیفیت نهادی، حقوق مالکیت و سرمایه انسانی بر رشد اقتصادی (مطالعه موردی کشورهایD8,G7)
اصغر مبارک کامبیز هژبر کیانی عباس معمارنژاد کامبیز پیکارجو -
Open Access Article
319 - Social capital and good governance Case Study: Developing Countries (1996 – 2010)
Iman Mirzaaghanasab Gerdrudbari Mehdi Taghavi -
Open Access Article
320 - Analysis of the Effects of Relative Price Variability and Monetary Shocks on Inflation in Iran’s Economy
مجید احمدلو اکبر کمیجانی کامبیز هژبر کیانی فرهاد غفاری -
Open Access Article
321 - Measuring the effect of neoclassical and institutional variables on employment rate in the OECD Developed countries
Mohammadreza Sharif Azadeh Akbar Komijani Teimour mohammadi Akbar Bagheri -
Open Access Article
322 - تجزیه مصرف انرژی در ایران 1390-1380 (یک تحلیل ایستای مقایسهای با رویکردSDA)
اسفندیار جهانگرد وجیهه گلشنی مهنوش عبداله میلانی حمیدرضا غفارزاده -
Open Access Article
323 - The Effects of Government Expenditure on health care on Factor productivity : a regional approach
J. Pajoyan A. Raeispour -
Open Access Article
324 - The effects of information and communication technology (ICT) on the employment in industrial factories of Khorasan Province
کامبیز هژبرکیانی محمد حیدری -
Open Access Article
325 - survey of Economics factors affecting the absorption in the oil producer middle eastern countries
فرهاد غفاری جابر اکبری -
Open Access Article
326 - بررسی آثار عوامل موثر بر تاب آوری اقتصادی در ایران و کشورهای منتخب: رویکردی بر روش دادههای تابلویی با ضرائب متغیر
محمدرضا فرزین عباس معمارنژاد الهام غلامی -
Open Access Article
327 - تحلیل عوامل مؤثر برکسری بودجه در منتخبی از کشورهای در حال توسعه با تاکید بر نقش توهم مالی
محمدتقی گیلک حکیم آبادی شهریار زروکی حسنا ازوجی -
Open Access Article
328 - بررسی تأثیر شوکهای قیمتی نفت بر اشتغال در کشورهای منتخب صادرکننده نفت
وحید فرزام مسلم انصاری نسب ربابه خیل کردی -
Open Access Article
329 - Comparison of Nanotechnology R&D’s Effect on Economic Growth in developing and developed countries
رویا آل عمران وحیده کسمائیپور سید علی آلعمران -
Open Access Article
330 - Estimation of the Housing DemandFunction for the city of Qom, using the Hedonic Price Pattern
فرهاد Ghafari طاهره Ovasi -
Open Access Article
331 - The Effects of Internal R&D Efforts and Intermediate - Capital Imports on Value added in Iranian provincial Industries
Manijeh Taghilou-Barzelaghi Gholamhosein Rahnomay Garamaleki Hasan hoseinzadeh Monireh Dizaji -
Open Access Article
332 - بکارگیری مدل لاجیت دادههای تابلویی برای پیش بینی ورشکستگی شرکتها با توجه به چرخه عمر
الهام غلامی سمانه محمدی پورشاطری -
Open Access Article
333 - بررسی هزینههای ی دولتهایبر رشد اقتصادی با استفاده از مدل تابلویی پویا
نازی محمدزاده اصل -
Open Access Article
334 - Direct And Indirect Effect Of Human Capital On Iranian Economic Growth
Esfandiar Jahangard Mehrnoosh Shishvani -
Open Access Article
335 - پیشبینی نرخ رشد قیمت سکه طلا در ایران با استفاده از الگوی رگرسیون دادهها با تواتر متفاوت (میداس)
عماد کاظم زاده تقی ابراهیمی سالاری مهدی بهنامه -
Open Access Article
336 - Comparing the impact of information and communication technology on employment in Ilam and Lorestan province industries
فرید Sefati -
Open Access Article
337 - بررسی عوامل موثر بر استفاده کارا از منابع (کارایی درونی) در صنعت بانکداری ایران
مائده پورحسن سید محمد مهدی احمدی جواد نوبخت -
Open Access Article
338 - بررسی تأثیر سرمایه انسانی و تغییرات ساختاری بر رشد اقتصادی کشورهای عضو آسه آن
احمد سرلک مجتبی قیاسی -
Open Access Article
339 - بررسی تاثیر توسعه مالی بر فقر در کشورهای در حال توسعه منتخب
حسین آذری کیان منیره دیزجی -
Open Access Article
340 - The Effect of R & D Expenditure on Economic Growth to Separate Sections of the Investor (Case Study of OIC Countries)
شهرزاد انوشه -
Open Access Article
341 - بررسی تأثیر آزادسازی تجاری بر روی رشد صادرات و واردات کشورهای عضو سازمان همکاری های اسلامی
احمد سرلک مجتبی قیاسی -
Open Access Article
342 - Analyzed changes in the energy intensity of Iran economic activity with the structural decomposition approach
مریم رشیدی زاده اسفندیار جهانگرد -
Open Access Article
343 - بررسی اثر درآمد نفتی بر درآمد مالیاتی کشورهای صادرکننده نفت
فاطمه نظری -
Open Access Article
344 - بررسی تاثیر صادرات و واردات کالاهای سرمایه ای- واسطهای برارزش افزوده درصنایع ایران
علی شاهین پور افسانه خوش رفتار -
Open Access Article
345 - Market Structure and Social Costs in Cement Industry: The Case study of Iran
سید شمس الدین حسینی سمیه دودانگه -
Open Access Article
346 - Determinants of Intra-industry Trade Case study: Iran & Southwest Asian Countries
کریم امامی تیمور محمدی نفیسه شعبانی -
Open Access Article
347 - Estimating the Tax Capacity of Provinces in the Country
احمد سرلک -
Open Access Article
348 - The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Net Exports (Case Study of Selected countries)
عباس معمارنژاد سمانه سادات عجایبی -
Open Access Article
349 - Examining the presence of price bubble in the Iranian housing market using panel data
علی اکبر خسروی‏ نژاد فرزانه فتحی -
Open Access Article
350 - The impact of individual and social factors in improving the performance of provincial health care
تیمور محمدی بهنوش سادات آقایان -
Open Access Article
351 - The study of relationship between financial liberalization and economic growth at Middle East and South Africa
مریم خوشنویس اعظم احمدیان فاطمه مهربانی -
Open Access Article
352 - چیستی و چرائی حاکمیت اطلاعاتی (IG) در نظام سلامت
زهرا مستانه لطف اله موصلی -
Open Access Article
353 - عوامل موثر بر چابکی در زنجیرههای تامین امدادی سلامت در بلایا
عفت جهانبانی امیراشکان نصیری پور سید جمال الدین طبیبی پوران رئیسی -
Open Access Article
354 - کارایی هزینههای عمومی و خصوصی سلامت با استفاده از روش تحلیل پوششی دادهها
مریم فتاحی سجاد برخورداری -
Open Access Article
355 - A Systematic Review of Treatment and Quality of Diagnostic Coding and its Influencing Factors in Iran
طلعت مدنی مریم احمدی -
Open Access Article
356 - Enhancing the Efficiency of the Technological Innovation Capabilities and Competitiveness of Pharmaceutical Companies by Applying Technology Intelligence Using data Envelopment Analysis
Ali Bonyadi Naeini Mahnaz Ahadzadeh Namin Ali Amini -
Open Access Article
357 - Optimum Staff Leveling of Hospital Emergency Department Using a Simulation Based Approach
Amir Hossein Khoshbin mohamad mhdi sepehri Sedigh Raissi -
Open Access Article
358 - Developing a Model for Selecting Managers with an Emphasis on Talent Management in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran
rashid Toraji samad jabbari asl novroz ezadpanah -
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359 - Identification of Effective Factors on the Development of Export of Medical Equipment Using Grounded Theory
ghasem zarei banafsheh parsamehr -
Open Access Article
360 - تخمین تابع تولید بیمارستان های آموزشی – درمانی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید صدوقی یزد طی دوره ی زمانی 1390-1380
ویدا کاردان مقذم شهروز پارسانیا مهشاد گوهری مهر محسن بارونی روح الله عسکری -
Open Access Article
361 - Untimarketing the Unnecessary Use of Health Services on Social Security Organization
ghasem zarei tahereh zarei somayeh pourghadimi -
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362 - The Effect of Health System Transformation Plan on The Efficiency of Selected Hospitals in Ahvaz
parastou amirifar aniseh nikravan Leila Nazarimanesh -
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363 - Designing a Model for Upgrading and Optimizing the System of Selection and Recruitment of Human Resources in Government-Oriented Health Organizations
mahdi noroozian hassan rangriz mohamad reza rabiee mondjin -
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364 - Data Mining as an Intangible Model of Information Therapy and Seeking Behaviors in Immune Deficiency Disease Specialists
Sedigheh Mohammadesmaeil Shiba Kianmehr -
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365 - Factors Affecting the Provision of Safe Care in Pre-Hospital Emergency Units of Mazandaran Province
Mostafa Golchobi Leila Keikavoosi-Arani -
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366 - Assessment of Technical Efficiency of Comprehensive Health Services Centers of Hamadan by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in 2019
mohamad yousefi nayer Ali Akbar Fazaeli Ydolah Hamidi Jalaleddin Amiri -
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367 - The Spatial Layout Effect on the Restorative Quality of the Inpatient Ward Environment
Sareh Nikabadi Hossein Zabihi Azadeh Shahcheraghi -
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368 - طراحی مدل ترکیبی کارت امتیاز متوازن و تحلیل پوششی دادهها مطالعه موردی: ارزیابی کارائی نسبی شرکتهای دارویی عضو بورس اوراق بهادار
محمدعلی افشار کاظمی عباس طلوعی اشلقی لیلی قلم سیاه -
Open Access Article
369 - بررسی تقاضای القایی پزشک
ویدا ورهرامی -
Open Access Article
370 - رابطه سرمایه انسانی بهداشت و رشد اقتصادی در کشورهای اوپک (OPEC)
شهرام فتاحی کیومرث سهیلی سهیلا رشادت پرستو کریمی -
Open Access Article
371 - بررسی مدیریت دادههای سلامت در نظام ارائه مراقبتهای اولیه بهداشتی در استان آذربایجان شرقی
مصطفی فرح بخش علیرضا نیک نیاز اکرم ذاکری -
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372 - A Survey on the Market Oriented Advertising in the Food Industry, Qualitative Approach
Mohamad Rahim Esfidani Emad Rahmanian -
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373 - Identification Effect Factors on Corporate Banking Effectiveness with the Role of Customer Relationship Management as mediation Role “Mixed Method”
Mohammad ail abdolvand mehdi baniasadi -
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374 - Effect of psychological contract violation on positive word of mouth intention in online shopping (case study: customers of digikala)
niloufar ashrafi Kambiz Heidarzadeh -
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375 - Identifying the Factors Affecting Marketing Success at One of the Branches of Tejarat Bank Using Data Mining Techniques
mehdi ghazanfari aghdas badiee fatemeh moslehi -
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376 - Presentation of Conceptual Model of Customer Experience Management of Brand Relation Based on Foundation Data Theory
۰Keyvan ۰Ghayemalaee Hassan Esmailpour Hamidreza Saeednia Farideh Haghshenas -
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377 - Design structural model of impulsive buying and its validation in chain stores
Ebrahim Salarinahand hosein hakimpor tahmineh nategh -
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378 - Investigate the Relationship between Talent Management, Product Market Competition and Intellectual Capital
ali habibi arezo ziyari -
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379 - Providing a Conceptual Model for Sporting Events in Iran
Reyhaneh Naghshzan Khajouie Mehdi Salimi Rasool Nazari -
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380 - Presenting the imitative brand model in buying behavior of luxury brands in internet businesses using Grounded Theory
Mohammad Rahimzadeh Majid Fattahi Nilofar Imankhan -
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381 - A Model of Electronic Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Businesses with Grounded Theory Approach
seyed shahin hoseini Majid Fattahi Saeid Safarian Hamedani -
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382 - Designing an Integrated Pattern for the Distribution of Basic Goods with the Aim of Fighting Brokering and Rent-Seeking
sajjad shamsi gooshki Mohammad Solgi -
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383 - Identifying and Prioritizing Factors Affecting the Development of Transportation, Customs and Transit Cooperation between Iran and Other Countries
Behzad Jafari fereydoun omidi Ghasem Rekabdar -
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384 - Developing a digital marketing strategy model for Iranian successful startups based on the Grounded Theory
Sepideh Moradi ziba Javad Abbasi Reza Radfar Mohammad Ali Abdolvand -
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385 - Presenting the Customer Experience Management Model in Real Estate Marketing with a Mixed Approach
Reza kochakpour nesfi H. R. Saeednia Hamid Saeedi rahim mohtaram -
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386 - Designing a beauty and fashion consumer buying behavior model using digital marketing (with emphasis on Foundation data theory)
Somayeh Hozouri mohamad ali Abdolvand Kambiz Heidarzadeh Mohsen Khunsiavash -
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387 - Mining the Retail Banking Customers Characteristics Using Data Mining Techniques
J. Nazemi P. Jafari H. Hashemi -
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388 - The Impact of Contextual Factors, Brand Loyalty and Brand Switching on Purchase Decisions Young Consumers
H. Safarzadeh B. Kheiry R. Agha Seyed Agha -
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389 - Mega Data Distribution Technology and Decision Support Systems
Sh. Gilaninia -
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390 - Contemporary Marketing in Iran Verification of Relationship Marketing Validity in Large Manufacturing Firms
H. Nikoomaram S. Samiee P. Jafari -
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391 - Jurisprudential and legal examination of the effects of changes in the contract in accordance with the Convention on the International Sale of Goods
Farman Safari Mahboubeh Abdolahi Hassan Heidari -
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392 - Examining the balance between security-oriented and citizen-oriented approaches In the proceedings of the courts of the revolution and especially of the clergy
Hamed Mahtabi Akbar Varvaei Masoud ghasemi -
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393 - Investigating the origin of credit rights in jurisprudence and law
Seyed Mahmood Nabavian Seyed Moohamad Mahdi Nabavian -
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394 - Investigating the principles of the priority of laharij over the necessity in the execution of contracts
abdilkarim golgoun هرمز اسدی کوه باد Mohammad Rasool Ahangaran -
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395 - Legal Jurisprudential Study of the Types of Claimable Damages in Breach of Contractual Obligations in Accordance with the Latest Amendments to the French Legal System
Marzieh Farahati seyed mohammad sadri Abbasali Farahati -
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Parvin Akbarineh Behnam Amirshakeri Ali GHaribeh Mohamad Taghi -
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397 - Iranian jurisprudence and law and the rule of interpretation against the contractor in it
Fatemeh SHeikhi Mansour Amini Parviz Savraie -
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398 - The responsibility of the Islamic State in dealing with fake transactions and its solutions
Amir Jawadi Mohammad Babapoor Abdolali Mohammadi Jozani -
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399 - The role and authority of the judge in civil liability lawsuits, from the point of view of jurisprudence and subject law and its comparison with French law
Saied Farzaneh AliAbbas Hayati Faramarz BagherAbadi -
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400 - A comparative study of the effects of economic sanctions from the perspective of Iran's legal systems, international and Imami jurisprudence, and future solutions.
Saideh Esmailyfard Hossein Seyed Sadat Hosseini Ramezan Dehghan Majid Heratiannejadi -
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401 - Comparative comparison of the role and effect of will in determining the law governing contracts in Iran and Egypt
Omid Doulah Hassan Heidari Shapoor Farhangpour -
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Yashar Taheri Seyed Hekmatollah Askari Seyed Basem Mavalizadeh -
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403 - Capacities of Al-Faragh theory and its application in law and legislation
farzaneh salemrahbar saydmohamadreza ayati Kazem Rahman Setayesh -
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404 - Credibility as a guarantee of enforcement of violations of the principles of criminal procedure
GholamAbbas sadeghi ali reza saybani mohammad mehdi saghian -
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Sasan Moein Rashid Ghadiri Bahramabadi karim salehi -
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Payam Forouzandeh (Corresponding author) Saleh Montazeri -
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Mehri Salehi Ebrahim Yaghouti Vali Rustavi -
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Ali Reza Amini Ali Reza Salimi -
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Morteza Chitsazian Mozhgan Noparvar -
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Ali Pourmohammadi -
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Hojjat Shafiei Majid Vaziri -
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Mohamad Mostafa Doagooee Zeynab Mohamadi -
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Mohammadtagi Alavi Behzad Farjam Mehrdad Shokrani -
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Ehsan Aliakbari Baboukani Vahid Moqadam Reza Abbaspour -
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Omid Shabani -
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Mohammad Sadegh Elmi Taybeh Balvardi -
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418 - Legislative-executive critique, the philosophy of punishment of repentant criminals in ta'zir crimes non-Determined
Amin Jalili seyd Mohamad Mehdi Sadati -
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419 - To Condition to the Result in Unnecessary Cosmetic (Fantasy) Surgeries
Ali Reza Mashhadizadeh Mansour Amini -
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420 - A Study of the Role of Theorists of Baghdad Legal School in Institutionalizing “Reason” in the Process of Development of Shiite Studies of Jurisprudence
Seyd Mohamd Mohsen Marashi Shoshtari Hormoz Asadi Kohbad -
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421 - Legal Analysis of Futures Contracts in Energy Exchange
Alireza Mashhadizadeh -
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422 - Designing a performance evaluation model for audit institutions' personnel based on Grounded Theory
Mahmoud Kia Javad Rezazadeh hossein kazemi -
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423 - The Impact of Data Visualization in Management Accounting Reports on Managers Decision-making
Sonya Zaree Elaheh Barzegar -
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424 - Evaluate the Performance of the Steel Industry by Combining Disaggregated Activity Based on Costing and Aggregated Information with Networking Data Envelopment Analysis
Tahereh Rezazadeh Tekieh Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar morteza shafiee faegh ahmadi -
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425 - An Explanatory model for Intellectual Perception of Budgeter at Iranian Universities and Research Institutes
Farzaneh Jalali Aliabadi Bita Mashyekhi Ali Asghar Pourezzat Ezzatollah Abbasian -
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426 - Modeling Components and Dimensions of Organizational Performance Evaluation Adapted to Iranian Environmental Conditions
Masoud Bakhtiari Mohammad KashaniPour Reza Gholami Jamakrani Hossein Jahangirnia -
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427 - Evaluating the financial performance of banking industry in TSE: applying TOPSIS logic in Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)
محمدرضا رستمی جواد قاسمی فرزانه اسکندری -
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428 - Explaining combined incentive contracts’ choices: Clawback contracts
Sasan Mehrani Mohsen Motmaen -
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429 - Designing and explaining the ranking model and credit rating transfer using data envelopment analysis model and Markov chain
farid heidarifard farhad hanifi gholamreza zomorodian -
Open Access Article
430 - A survey of the effect of the existence of the audit committee on the attraction of investors for investors for investment in accepted corporations in Tehran stock exchange market.
Ghodrat-Allah Talebnia HAMIDREZA VAKILI FARD Mansoore Shahsavari -
Open Access Article
431 - Investigation of diagnois of Iran Accountant society of REA in eduation of Accounting systems in Universites
Kambiz Forghandoost Haghighi Mehri Gharaat -
Open Access Article
432 - Studding of Efficiency and Sensitivity Analysis Operation Techniques of Management Accounting In Improvement of Performance of Companies by Data Envelopment Analysis Models (Case Study: Pharmacy Companies Accepted In Tehran Stock Exchange)
محمود معین الدین علی مروتی شریف آبادی علی فاضل یزدی محمد حسین طحاری مهرجردی -
Open Access Article
433 - Design and Evaluation of Green Behaviors Model and Financial Performance in Yazd City Hotels
Zahra Hoseini zadeh harat Mahmoud moeinadin Forough Heirani -
Open Access Article
434 - Analysis of the relationship between Corporate Governance and Economic Value Added (EVA) in Tehran Stock Exchange
محمد رضا اولی مهدی قائمی اصل سعیده امین زادگان الناز عظیمی -
Open Access Article
435 - Effectiveness of firms leading mechanisms in order to reduce agenty costs
هاشم ولی پور علی خرّم -
Open Access Article
436 - Investigates the effects of corporate governance mechanisms of benefit sharing
هاشم ولی پور لادن زارع اسماعیل خرم -
Open Access Article
437 - Provide a Model for Interactive/Qualitative Analysis (IQA) of Themes of psychoanalytic contracts of individual interactions Auditor with partners
Hasan Sarhadi Mohammadreza Abdoli Farhad Dehdar -
Open Access Article
438 - An analysis of accounting software based on accounting information systems (AIS) (case study: companies based on zanjan province)
دکتر مهرداد علیپور حسین بدیعی مرتضی رمضانی -
Open Access Article
439 - The Study of Productivity and Cost Leadership and Differentiation Strategy Effect on Bankruptcy Risk
Majid Azimi Yancheshmeh Mostafa rajabi Zoherh Mahmoud Dehnavi -
Open Access Article
440 - Evaluating the Effect of Tax Auditor’s Talent Strategies on the Green Tax Sustainability Consequences: Atanassov's Intuitive Fuzzy Logic Approach
Abdolreza Faraji neda nafari Yousef Mohamadi Moghadam -
Open Access Article
441 - The effects of judgmental biases on managerial accounting techniques
فریدون رهنمای رودپشتی هاشم نیکومرام آرزو جلیلی -
Open Access Article
442 - Developing an audit culture model with a Grounded Theory Approach
Masoud Sadeghi forough heyrani akram taftiyan -
Open Access Article
443 - Measuring Accruals Through Textual Reports Using Support Vector Regression Technique and Dictionary-based Approach
Zohreh Zivdar Dariush Foroughi Gholamhosein Kiani -
Open Access Article
444 - Developing the corporate social responsibility Model and its impact on the Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information
S. Ahmad Mousavi Farzin Rezaei Farhad Shahveisi -
Open Access Article
445 - The Impact of Corporate Governance’s Mechanisms on the Relationship of Managerial Ability and Created Shareholders Value
Younes Badavar Nahandi Nesa Heshmat -
Open Access Article
446 - Providing an optimization model of inventory control costs in Tehran ATMs
Alireza Agha gholizade sayar hossein shirazi mahdi izadyar mohamad mahdi fattah damavandi -
Open Access Article
447 - Proposing the Accounting Model of Strategic Management based on the Development of Accounting Databases In Crisis Conditions
shahram soleimani zahra moradi Abdolkarim Moghadam -
Open Access Article
448 - Futurology of auditing from the information technology, regulatory, structural and procedural changes perspectives
zahra abdoli Ehsan Kamali amin rostami Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani -
Open Access Article
449 - Investigating the Effect of Different Data Clustering Methods on the Accuracy of Models Related to Accounting Estimates by Comparing Traditional and Classical Clustering Methods
S. Mohsen Salehi Vaziri Jamal Barzaghi Khaneghah -
Open Access Article
450 - Evaluating Efficiency of Forest-Trees Felling Motor-Manual Groups Using Data Envelopment Analysis Method in West of Mazandaran Province
Morteza Madanipour Kermanshahi Leila Karamali -
Open Access Article
451 - بررسی تاثیر چیدمان اتصالات انگشتی بر مدول الاستیسیته و مدول گسیختگی تیرهای لایهای
امیر لشگری -
Open Access Article
452 - تهیه نقشه پارامترهای خاک در مطالعات علوم محیطی بر اساس اصول ژئوپدولوژی با کاربرد سنجش از دور و سامانه اطلاعات جغرافیایی
ناصر احمدی ثانی ساسان باباییکفاکی -
Open Access Article
453 - Designing a Talent Management Model for Cultural Organizations Using Delphi-Fuzzy Approach
davood zameni Abbasali Ghaiyoomi Fatemeh azizabadifarahani Nasser mirsepassi Ebrahim Hajiani -
Open Access Article
454 - Presenting The Construction Framework and Application of The Culture of Peace Among the Iranian Citizens (Case Study: Citizens of Alborz Province)
Mohsen Ameri Shahrabi mahtab hatami Seraj addin mohebbi -
Open Access Article
455 - Relief of Tehran's urban community with the approach of sustainable development of cultural centers (Case study: Cultural centers of Tehran)
Niloofar Soodmand farhad Emamjomeh -
Open Access Article
456 - The rise of the global citizen; The consequence of the culture of peace
mahtab hatami Mohsen Ameri Shahrabi Seraj addin mohebbi -
Open Access Article
457 - The Maintenance of the Cultural Security through the Passive Defence Approach in Islamic Republic of Iran
Rashed Jafarpour Kolori سوسن علایی عباسعلی gh -
Open Access Article
458 - The role of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (RA) to improve the cultural capital of Tehran clients
Mehdi Mahmoodi Rozita sepehrnia -
Open Access Article
459 - Effect of the Family Education Comprehensive System, Proposed by Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation, On families Supported by the Alborz province
سیدرضا صالحی امیری مسعود کوثری سیدمحسن میر -
Open Access Article
460 - The role of communication skills of managers in the work environment
somayeh sadat mahdavi Seyyed Vahids Aghili norooz hashemzehi aliakbar farhangi -
Open Access Article
461 - Sociological study of the role of gender cultural beliefs in women's sports scouting
Soheila Abdi Nemat Abad bahram ghadimi Shahla hojjat Masoumeh shojaei zahra Alipor-darvishi -
Open Access Article
462 - The Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing Model with Combined Approach (Case Study: Tehran Milk Industry Experts and Policymakers)
maryam abdoli -
Open Access Article
463 - Comparison of the Viewpoints of Social and Political Scholars and Intellectuals and Population of Kurdistan on Fair Distribution of Opportunities and Amenities during 2017-2018
Foad mohmmadi Saifollah Saifollahi sayedmohammad sayedmirzaii -
Open Access Article
464 - Providing solutions for attracting human resources talents in Tehran Municipality
Seyyed Mohsen Tabatabaei Mozdabadi َAzadeh Ghamari -
Open Access Article
465 - Sociological analysis of the role of comparative dissatisfaction in creation of job idleness (Case study of Sharif University staff)
Fatemeh Abron Khadigeh Safiri Khalil Mirzaee -
Open Access Article
466 - Extramarital Relations as a Need for Attention (Case Study of Rafsanjan Women)
reza akbari Afsaneh tvassoli bahram ghadimi -
Open Access Article
467 - Investigating the needs of the elderly population of Iran in different regions and population groups up to 1420 and its role in social development
جواد dindar Farkosh shahla kazemipour sabet hamid ansari -
Open Access Article
468 - The effect of social capital on economic growth in the Middle East and North of Africa
زهزا میلا علمی -
Open Access Article
469 - The role of sporting events and the deployment of international caravans in the social and cultural development of communities (Case study of Iran)
nasrallah sajjadi Amin Dehghan Ghahfarkhi maryam Bayat -
Open Access Article
470 - Designing A Model for Empowering Sustainable Social Welfare for Families Covered by the Relief Committee: with A Grand Theory Approach
طائف Taaef Mehrdad Navabakhsh Reza Esmaieili -
Open Access Article
471 - Providing Solutions for Attracting Human Resources’ Talents in Tehran Municipality
Seyed Mohsen Tabatabai Mazdabadi Seyed Alireza Seyed Ordobadi Azadeh Ghamari -
Open Access Article
472 - The effect of social capital on economic growth in the Middle East and North of Africa
Zahra (Mila) Elmi Mahboubeh Gorbani -
Open Access Article
473 - A Sociological Study of the Role of Gender Cultural Beliefs in Finding Women's Sports Talent
Soheila Abdi Ne'matabad Bahmram Gadimi Shahla Hojjat Masoumeh Shojaie Zahra Alipour Darvishi -
Open Access Article
474 - The Relationship between Art and Politics in Jean-Francois Lyotard’s Opinion
Elham Ahmadi Maryam Bakhtiarian -
Open Access Article
475 - John Rawls: From the Social Contract to Two Principles of Justice
شهلا اسلامی -
Open Access Article
476 - Husserl on Consciousness of Internal Time
فاطمه راثی -
Open Access Article
477 - A Review of Wittgenstein's View on Finitism in Mathematical Philosophy
MOHAMMAD HAJIBABAEI SORKHI Malek Hosseini Hossein Bayat -
Open Access Article
478 - The Logic of Situation and its Appliance to Literary Criticism and Theories
رهبر اشنوئی محمودزاده -
Open Access Article
479 - Encountering Architecture as an Event for Derrida
Sharareh Teimouri Shamsolmolok Mostafavi -
Open Access Article
480 - On Carnap's Endeavor for By-Passing the Barriers of Meaningful Speech
مجید داودی بنی -
Open Access Article
481 - Educational locate top talent by using a combination of Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Geographic Information System (GIS) (Case Study: Karaj (
محمد حسن یوسفی علی اصغر آل شیخ حسین یوسفی سهزابی -
Open Access Article
482 - Change prediction of Karoon river lengths by using historical and quantitative geomorphologic data (From Shoshtar to Arvandrod)
Jafar Morshedi Seyed Kazam Alavi panah -
Open Access Article
483 - The role of lineaments in karstification- Pabdeh anticline Zagros Fold Belt: an application of remote sensing and geographic information system
سعید Pirasteh -
Open Access Article
484 - The Study of Precipitable Water and its use in Cloud Seeding with thermodynamic diagrams and Modis Satellite in Western Iran
سید علیرضا Sadeghi-Hosseini -
Open Access Article
485 - Modeling of the Relation between Capability Approach and Community Based Approach Disaster Management
Armin Firoozpour Masoud daraei Ali Asghar Sadabadi -
Open Access Article
486 - The Impact of Digitalization on Public Sector Audit
Zahra Abdoli Abatari ehsan kamali amin rostami Arezoo Aghaie chadegani -
Open Access Article
487 - The Identification and Analysis of Causal and Effective Relationships of Required Infrastructures for the Deployment of an Electronic City based on Business Intelligence in Tehran
Seyed Mohammad Sohofi Neda Kazemi -
Open Access Article
488 - The role of urban big data in smart cities
kheirollah hemati roozbeh zamanian -
Open Access Article
489 - The Model of Capital Attraction Process in the Municipality; Based on a Mixed Study
Hamideh Mirshahi Golnar Shojaei Baghini -
Open Access Article
490 - Evaluation of the Performance of Durable and Safe Houses Affiliated to Tehran Municipality in Order to Promote Community-Oriented Participation of Citizens in Crises
shahin Mozaffari Morteza shafiee Hamid Mamoodian AtaAbadi -
Open Access Article
491 - Determining Socio-Economic Factors for Contract Farming Success in Iran.
Hossein Hossein Abadi Amir Mohammadinejad omid gilanpoor mohammad khaledi -
Open Access Article
492 - Evaluation of the effect of different doses of folic acid supplementation on serum lipid profiles in experimental obstructive cholestasis in rat
Mohammadian, Z. *, Eidi, A. , Mortazavi, P. , Tavangar, SM. , Asghari, A. . -
Open Access Article
493 - The evaluation of sodium molybdate effect on liver fibrosis in a rat model of bile duct ligation
مهسا Ale Ebrahim, اکرم Eidi, . P. Mortazavi, S.M Tavangar, داریوش Minai Tehrani, -
Open Access Article
494 - Effect of folic acid in cholestatic hepatic fibrosis induced by bile duct ligation Model in rat
Z. Mohammadian, A. Eidi, P. Mortazavid, SM. Tavangar, A. Asghari, -
Open Access Article
495 - Experimental study on protective effects of Crocin on nephropathy induced by complete unilateral ureteral obstruction in the rats
رامین کفاشیالهی، داریوش مهاجری . -
Open Access Article
496 - Effects of magnesium sulfate on atherogenic indices in cholestatic male rats using Bile duct ligation method
Eshraghi, T., Eidi, A., Mortazavi, P., Asghari, A., Tavangar, S.M. . -
Open Access Article
497 - Experimental study of ethanolic extract of brown algae Nizimuddinia zanardinii on liver histopathological injury induced by bile duct ligation inrats
مدارا Nasiri , M Ale-Ebrahim , R Hajikhani , P Mortazavi -
Open Access Article
498 - Estimating soil moisture characteristics curve using parametric scaled model
Samaneh Amanaabadi Mohamad hossein Mohamadi Mohamad hasan Masih abadi -
Open Access Article
499 - Estimation of Inflow to Urmia Lake Using Time Series and Basin's Future Simulation Modeling in Two Long and Short Term Scenarios
اردلان شریف نسب Mojtaba Shourian -
Open Access Article
500 - Performance Evaluation of M5 Tree Model and Support Vector Regression Methods in Suspended Sediment Load Modeling
Mohammad Taghi Sattari علی رضازاده جودی Forugh Safdari فراز قهرمانیان -
Open Access Article
501 - Modelling monthly runoff by using data mining methods based on attribute selection algorithms
محمدتقی ستاری Ali Rezazadeh Joudi -
Open Access Article
502 - Estimating wheat crop coefficient using remote sensing data and data reduction approach
Laleh Parviz -
Open Access Article
503 - Drought Monitoring and Trend Analysis by Using Rainfall Products ERA5, CHIRPS, and PERSIANN-CDR Rainfall Products in Iran
Milad Nouri Shadman Veysi -
Open Access Article
504 - Modeling Desalination of Brackish Water with the Electrodialysis Method, Using the Design of Experiments and the GMDH neural Network
Maryam Sharafi Mahmood Akbari -
Open Access Article
505 - Verification of Water Infiltration in the Soil in the Flood Occurrence Model Using SCS Probability Distribution Equations and HEC-HMS Model
Sohrab Alizadeh Alireza Zamani Nouri Babak Aminnejad -
Open Access Article
506 - An Analytical Solution of the non-Darcy Flow Governing Equation the Homotopy Analysis Method Using
Amirhossein Arvin Mohammad Hadi Fatahi Mohammad Sedghi-Asl Seyed Abbas Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
507 - Prediction of Scour around Cross-Vane Structures using Generalized Structure of Group Method of Data Handling
ebrahim shahbazbigi fariborz yosefvand behrouz yaghoubi saeid shabanlou ahmad rajabi -
Open Access Article
508 - Evaluation of physical and biological soil quality using spectroscopy in agricultural lands of Zanjan province
Mohammad Sadegh Askari Golnaz Rostamkhani Setareh Amanifar Toraj Khoshzaman -
Open Access Article
509 - Modeling Soil Nitrogen Using Remote Sensing, Regression and Random Forest Models
Mahboubeh Sadeghi Mozhgan Ahmadi Nadoushan -
Open Access Article
510 - Multivariate Analysis of Hydrological Droughts in Urmia Lake basin Using Artificial Data Generation Technique and Copula Functions
Babak Shahinejad Zahra Shams Zabihollah Khani temeliyeh Azadeh Arshia -
Open Access Article
511 - Mutual Interaction between Religion and Wisdom Based upon the Hierarchy of Appearance in the Worlds of Existence in the Later Zoroastrianism
Susan Anjomeruz Mohammad kazem Elmi Ghorban Elmi -
Open Access Article
512 - Abulfazl al-Baghdādī: the Unknown Successor of Ahmad Ghazālī
انسیه شیخسفلی شهرام پازوکی -
Open Access Article
513 - Designing a Model for Sustainable Development of Industrial Clusters
Ahmad Jafarnejad Mansour Momeni Ali Morovati Shariabadi Mohammad Karimi Zarchi -
Open Access Article
514 - Evaluating the Effect of Walkable Street on Traffic Volumes of Periphery Routes (Case Study: 15th Khordad WalKable Street in Tehran)
khashayar kashanijou hamed mohammadi -
Open Access Article
515 - Impact of Renewable Energies on Green Economy
Somayeh Daneshvari Parvaneh Salatin Mohammad khalilzadeh -
Open Access Article
516 - Assessment of the historical impact of climate change on the desertification hazard in the Esfarayen-Sabzevar Region (study period: 1979-2016)
esmaeil silakhori majid ownegh Abdolrasoul Salman-mahini iman Babaeian -
Open Access Article
517 - Optimization of Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Orange Production Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Genetic Algorithms (Case Study: Dezful Province)
fatemeh sabzalipour hossein bagherpour -
Open Access Article
518 - Environmental Efficiency and Its Relationship with Income in Islamic Countries (D8)
Mahsa Evaz Sahra Saman Ziaee Mahmood Ahmadpour Borazjani Alireza Sargazi -
Open Access Article
519 - Modeling Environmental Efficiency Based on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Petrochemical Industries (Case study: Assaluyeh industrial area, Zagros Petrochemical Complex)
Elnaz Keivani Madjid Abbaspour Zahra Abedi Majid Ahmadian -
Open Access Article
520 - Evaluating the effects of energy and economic growth on Carbon dioxide emission (using spatial panel data)
hedayat hossinzadeh mehdi moradi -
Open Access Article
521 - Evaluating the Effect of Cost of Environmental Pollution on Efficiency (Case study: China's economic zones)
fatemeh Mehregan Soheyla Seyedboyer -
Open Access Article
522 - Interpretation of Effectiveness of the Consequences of Green Tax Sustainability based on Themes of Thick Decision
Behzad Ghobadi Houshang Amiri Ghasem Rekabdar -
Open Access Article
523 - Using Sentinel-2 satellite image data and ground data to surveying and mapping poplar plantation of Tehran province
fatemeh Ahmadloo khosro Mirakhorlou Mohsen Calagari Azadeh Salehi -
Open Access Article
524 - Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Above-ground Carbon of Zagros Forests using Regression Kriging, Geographically Weighted Regression Kriging and Landsat 8 imagery
somayeh izadi Hormoz Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
525 - The new hybrid SELKA method for evaluation, ranking and selection of green suppliers in the supply chain
Elham Shadkam Fatemeh Adineh -
Open Access Article
526 - Study on the importance of the position of the environment and the Principle of Equity in determining the boundaries of land borders (Emphasis on the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice)
mirhasan riazi Ali Faghih.habibi Ali Mashhadi Mansour Pournouri -
Open Access Article
527 - Consolidating the role of private plaintiff in environmental lawsuits against the government
Rohallah Karimi Abbas Pahlavanzadeh hossein Jalali -
Open Access Article
528 - Development and Improvement of Neural network algorithm and forest cover index (FCD) classification methods in GEOEYE high resolution satellite data. (Case study: Ramsar-Safarood Hyrcanian forests)
Amin Mahdavi Saeidi Sasan Babaie Kafaki Asadollah Mattaji -
Open Access Article
529 - Presentation of Clean Sport Development Model in Iran
Afshin Sharifi Shahab Bahrami Hasan Safikhani -
Open Access Article
530 - The principle of participation in international environmental law with an approach to its components in the procedure of the European Court of Human Rights
Arham Hashempour harir mojahed -
Open Access Article
531 - Identification of Satellite Image Ability for Vegetation Cover Crown Percentage Mapping in Arid and Semi Arid Region (Case study: Mouteh wild life sanctuary)
Vahid Rahdari Alireza Soffianian Seyed Jamalaldin Khajaldin Saedeh Maleki Najfabdai -
Open Access Article
532 - Investigating the impact of nanotechnology on environment
Maryam Lashkarizadeh Maryam eshaghi -
Open Access Article
533 - The Effect of Informal Economic activities on Air Pollution Index (Environmental Kuznets Curve Estimation)
Amir Hossein Mozayani Niloofar Morad hasel -
Open Access Article
534 - Application of nonparametric method for optimization of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission in wheat production
Morteza Taki Yahya Ajabshirchi Ahmad Ghobadifar -
Open Access Article
535 - Studying the environmental pollution of industries in Iran using an input-output approach (Special Ccase: CO2)
Taghi Torabi Mohsen Varesi -
Open Access Article
536 - Land use/cover mapping usig satellite data and geographic information system (GIS) (Case study: Mouteh wild life sanctuary)
Vahid Rahdary Alireza Soffianian Saeideh Maleki Najfabdai Seyed Jamaleddin Khajeddin Meysam Rahdari -
Open Access Article
537 - 1
کتایون پیشکاری عباس اسماعیلی ساری -
Open Access Article
538 - Ten-year assessment of forest growth using permanent sample plots (Case study: Gorazbon District in Kheyroud Forest, Mazandaran province)
Mahmood Bayat Fatemeh Gorzin -
Open Access Article
539 - Investigating the effect of economic policies of government on environmental quality in elected countries
MohammadReza Shahab Seyede Marvehi NaserSadrabad -
Open Access Article
540 - Sustainability assessment of urban geomorphology for planning and urban development management (Case Study: Yazd)
Amanehalsadat Pouriyeh Nematallah Khorasani Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Parvin Farshchi -
Open Access Article
541 - Determining the optimal method for classification and mapping of land use/land cover through comparison of artificial neural network and support vector machine algorithms using satellite data (Case study: International Hamoun wetland)
amir houshang ehsani Mojtaba Shakeryari -
Open Access Article
542 - Development of international environmental law in the light of International judicial judgements and precedents
Sahar Zarei Seyed-Abbas Poorhashemi Mansour Pournouri -
Open Access Article
543 - Civil-legal consideration of circumstances for exerting citizenship rights on the environment
Maryam Pir Nasser Ghasemy -
Open Access Article
544 - The Effect of Good Governance on the Environment in Middle-Income Countries
Saeed Alizade Maryam Bayat -
Open Access Article
545 - Study of Cyber Space Impact on Urban Sustainable Development in Iran: A Provincial Approach
Niloofar Moradhassel Amir H. Mozayani -
Open Access Article
546 - The effect of co-creation in the face of augmented reality on perceived risk, perceived trust
Masoomeh Ghafoori Nosrat Shadnoosh Muhammad Ali Karamati -
Open Access Article
547 - Evaluation of financial efficiency with non-radial model and fuzzy data and inputs and outputs with nonlinear marginal margin with data envelopment analysis technique
Saeid savadkouhi Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Mohammadreza Shahriari Mohsen Vaez-Ghsemi -
Open Access Article
548 - Investigating the Impact of Stock Market Liquidity on Income Distribution (Selected from Developing and Developing Countries)
zeynab moridi shahram fatahi Kiomars Sohaili -
Open Access Article
549 - Identifying Risks of Outsourcing Information Technology Contracts in Government Organizations (Case Study: Level one Organozation In Tehran)
Seyed Mahmoud آشت َنذشقه -
Open Access Article
550 - The Designing Early Warning System of Financial Crisis Outbreak in Tehran Stock Exchange by Decision Tree
Alireza Gholizadeh mirfeiz Fallahshams Mohammad Ali Afsharkazemi -
Open Access Article
551 - The Relationship between Financial Investment and Malmquist Productivity Index Based on Data Envelopment Analysis in Network Structure (Case Study: Tehran Metro Stations)
Ali Mohammad Gholiha Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Mohammadreza Shahriari Mohsen Vaez-Ghsemi -
Open Access Article
552 - Designing a Risk of tax arrears model with a tax litigation approach
Mohammad Sadeghi Sayyah Mir Feiz Fallah Shams Ali Akbar Arab Mazar Reza Gholami Jamkarani -
Open Access Article
553 - Comparative Analysis of the Financial Regime of New Petroleum Contracts, Known as IPC, and Buyback Trade in Terms of Costs
Alireza Hasanalizadeh ali zarea mahdi montazer -
Open Access Article
554 - Measuring systemic risk and the effect of fundamental variables on it in the country's banking system
leila barati Mirfaiz Falah Shams Farhad Ghafari Alireza Heidarzadeh Hanzaei -
Open Access Article
555 - Designing a hybrid intelligent model for predicting the Financial Richness
fatemeh shahbazadeh ebrahim abbasi Hosein Didehkhani Ali Khozean -
Open Access Article
556 - Appraising the Relationship between Age and Total Assets of Mutual Funds and their Efficiency by Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach (DEA)
Alireza badkoobeh Hezaveh ali Esmaeilzadeh Maghari -
Open Access Article
557 - Presentation of Parsian Bank Brand Promotion Model Base on Grounded Theory with a Value Creation Approach
Open Access Article
558 - Explaining the role of personality and structural characteristics of management on the competitiveness in the market of products of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange: Emphasis on data mining models and data envelopment analysis
Amir Faridnia Mohsen Lotfi Behrooz Eskandarpoor -
Open Access Article
559 - Calculating Tail Value at Risk Using a EGARCH-Extreme Learning Machine Model And The long-term forecast approach in the insurance industry
reza raei Azam Honardoust ezzatolah abbasian -
Open Access Article
560 - Estimation the risk-neutral processes in jump–diffusion models of gold coin future contracts in Iran Mercantile Exchange
Nahid Malekiniya hosein asgari alouj -
Open Access Article
561 - investing in start-ups in order to achieve a resilient economy and economic defense
mohammadreza ranjbar fallah hamid fatahi -
Open Access Article
562 - Investigating and measuring the factors affecting the efficiency indicators of technical analysis in the Iranian stock market;Generalized Torque Model (GMM) approach
hamed tavakolipour faegh ahmadi bihan abidini Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
563 - Efficiency measurement of mutual fund families performance in Iran using two-stage DEA models
Maryam Masoumi Hajir Fatemeh Rakhshan Mohammad Reza Alirezaee -
Open Access Article
564 - Investigating production sharing agreement as a way to attract investment in Iran's oil industry
mohammad amin salarian ali zare mohsen mohebi sadegh abdi -
Open Access Article
565 - A New Approach to the Financial and Managerial Angles of Privatization Challenges in Iran Using Foundation Data Theory (Grounded Theory)
Mehdi Panahi ali Esmaeilzadeh Maghari Farzaneh heidarpoor Amirreza Keyghobadi -
Open Access Article
566 - The role of management's expected profit on the investment efficiency in stock market
Yazdan Gudarzi Farahani leila barati -
Open Access Article
567 - Introducing Early Warning System for Solvency of Iranian Insurance Companies, Using Pane data method
Mahmoud Haghverdilou Kambiz Peykarjou gholam reza zomorodianS -
Open Access Article
568 - A model for continuing the activity and diagnosing the health of manufacturing companies in Iran
mostafa rezaee masoud Taherinia Majid zanjirdar -
Open Access Article
569 - Combining Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Mathematical Optimization as a Basis for Capital Decision Making
Ali Sepehri Hossein Jabbari Hassan Ghodrati Ghazaani Hossein Panahian -
Open Access Article
570 - Presenting a model of how sanctions affect the investment chain until the exploitation of Iran's oil industry using the Grounded Theory
Abbas Ayaran Mehdi Fadaei Eshkiki Mehdi Homayounfar Hossein Amoozad -
Open Access Article
571 - Pathology of the Automobile Industry of the Country Using the Grounded Theory Strategy and provide solutions to get it out of the current situation
Mohammad Hassan Maadi Roudsari Seyed Habibollah Tabatabaeian Reza Radfar -
Open Access Article
572 - Evaluation and ranking of market risk in infrastructure projects using integrated DEA/AHP technique
fatemeh komaki reza fallahnejad farhad Hoseinzadeh Lotfi mohsen rostsmi malekhalifeh -
Open Access Article
573 - An overview of contractual methods of financing energy projects with emphasis on Project revenues
sadegh abdi mohammad amin salarian -
Open Access Article
574 - Impact of macroeconomic variables on unobserved systematic risk using Kalman filter
Majid Hatef Vahid Abbas Saleh Ardestani -
Open Access Article
575 - Modeling The Effective variables on investment efficiency: evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange.
Zahra Tahmooresi qodratallah talebnia Rasoul Baradaran Hassanzadeh Nemat Allah Mousavi hamidreza vakilifard -
Open Access Article
576 - Exchange Rate Optimal Hedge Ratio by Gold Futures in Iran
Rasool Sajad Adena Torosian -
Open Access Article
577 - The day of the week effect on the stock market return in the stock exchange of Tehran
Farshad Heybati Mahboobeh Behfar -
Open Access Article
578 - Macroeconomics variables and corporate events effect on systematic risk according to jump beta
Ali Askarinejad Amiri Mohammad E. FadaeiNejad GholamHossein Assadi -
Open Access Article
579 - Forecasting Investors Trading Behavior: Evidence from Prospect Theory
Ali Saghafi Roohollah Farhadi Mohammadtaghi Taghavi Fard Farokh Barzideh -
Open Access Article
580 - Market Depth and Noisy Prices: A Maximum Likelihood Approach
Jalal Seifoddini Fereydon Rahnamay Roodposhti Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
581 - Empirically examining of the effect of week days on future contracts market of Bahar Azadi Coin in Tehran Merchandise Exchange
Peyman Tataee Jalal Seifoddini Emad Ahmadipour Leila Azadi -
Open Access Article
582 - Credit risk management in the banking system - A comparative approach of Data Envelopment Analysis and Neural Network and Logistic Regression
Marziyeh Ebrahimi Shghagi Abdollah Daryabor -
Open Access Article
583 - Designing a Hybrid Intelligent Model for Prediction of Stock Price Golden Points
Mohammad Moshari Hosein Didehkhani Kaveh Khalili Dameghani Ebrahim Abbasi -
Open Access Article
584 - Algorithmic Trading System for future contract of gold coin based on intra-day data
Mohammad Ali Rastegar Amin Sedaghatipour -
Open Access Article
585 - Comprehensive Model of Credit Risk Management in the Banking System of Iran
Ali Saqafi Jamal Damghanyan Sajjad Sayyah Hosein Khozuei -
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586 - Role of Investment Opportunities Set (IOS) in Companies Financing Policy
Mahdi Gholipour Khaneghah Shahin Ramtinnia -
Open Access Article
587 - Analysis of bankruptcy of companies listed in Stock Exchange by using of two methods of Discriminant Analysis and DEA–Additive analysis
Asghar Moshabbaki Hossein Mombeyni Alireza Bakhshizadeh -
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588 - Feasibility of Currency hedging for exporter and importer companies by Using the Iran Mercantile Exchange Coin futures contract
Ali Rostami Gholamreza Zomorodian Meysam Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
589 - Identifying the relative efficiency of banks, using the data envelopment analysis and fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making approach (Case Study: The Bank accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange)
Golnar Golbazkhanin pour Ali Fazel Yazdi Mohamad Hosein Tahari Mehrjardi -
Open Access Article
590 - Presenting of High-frequency Trading System
Mohsen Dastpak Mohammadali Rastgav -
Open Access Article
591 - Information Content of Limit Order Book in Tehran Stock Exchange
Ahmad Badri Mohammad Arab Mazar Massoud Soltanzali -
Open Access Article
592 - Risk-Return Tradeoff: Evidence of Capital Assets Pricing Model
Roohollah Farhadi Ali Saghafi Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard -
Open Access Article
593 - The Relationship between Tax Evasion and Future Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)
Mahdi Moradi Mohammadali Bagherpour Velashani Amin Rostami -
Open Access Article
594 - Production planning in parallel production systems such as banks: A DEA-based approach
Sohrab Kordrostamia Alireza Amirteimoori Atefeh Masoumzadeha -
Open Access Article
595 - The relationship between the amount of free float and liquidity of shares in Companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohammadreza Monjazeb Sajjad jalali -
Open Access Article
596 - The effect of maturity date, trade volume and open interests on gold coin future price volatility
Reza Raei Azam Honardoost Yunes Salmani Peyman Tataei -
Open Access Article
597 - Efficiency Evaluation and Rating of registerd brokerage firms of Tehran Stock Exchange Using data envelopment analysis (DEA)
Heidar Foroughnejad Ghader Masoomi Khanegha Manochehr Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
598 - The Relationship of Management Optimism and Earnings Smoothing between Banks Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange and OTC
Jamal Bahri Sales -
Open Access Article
599 - Examining the Relationship Between Spot Price of an Underlying Asset and Cost of Carry of Gold Coin Futures in Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME)
Majid Shariatpanahi Hadi Mohammadzadegan Safoora Shahini -
Open Access Article
600 - Credit Derivatives: Shari'aa & Economic Feasible Study For Banks Credit Risk Improvement
Ali Rostami M. R. Ranjbar Fallah M. Khademolhoseini Ardakani M. H. Habibi A. Jamali Neishaboor M. Ali Mohammadi -
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601 - Investigation of Relationship between Corporate Governance and Cash Flow with Firms’ Investment Efficiency
Samaneh sadat Salavati Abdorreza Asadi -
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602 - Efficiency and Productivity in Tehran Stock Exchange based on Diversification Strategy
Meysam Doaei Babooshka Shavazipour Mahdi Zamani Sabzi -
Open Access Article
603 - Investigation of Economic Effects of Energy Carriers Price Increases on the Composition of Consumption Expenditures of Urban Households
Seed Mohamad Mehdi Ahmadi Jamshid Pajhuyan -
Open Access Article
604 - Stock Price Clustering and Factors Affecting on It in Iran Capital Market
Moslem Peymany Foroushany Amir Hossein Erza Mohammad Mahdi Bahrololoum -
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605 - The Effect of Investors Sentiment and Free Float on Stock return in TSE Listed Companies by Using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)
ommolbanin Dadar seyedeh mahboobeh jafari -
Open Access Article
606 - Using data mining techniques to measure tax risk of value added taxes
Mohammad Masihi Ahmad Yaghoobnejad Amirreza Keyghobadi Taghi Torabi -
Open Access Article
607 - تکنیک های اندازه گیری کارایی در حضور تولیدات نامطلوب
S. Masrouri AR. Amirteimoori S. Kordrostami -
Open Access Article
608 - یک روش ترکیببی جدید بر اساس تحلیل پوششی داده ها و شبکه عصبی برای بهینه سازی ارزیابی عملکرد
علی نمکین سید اسماعیل نجفی محمد فلاح مهرداد جوادی -
Open Access Article
609 - یک مدل بازه ای در شبکه جریان تحریمشده
راضیه کشاورزی حسن صالحی فتح آبادی -
Open Access Article
610 - الگویابی شرکت های خدمات پس از فروش خودرو با معیار های وابسته- کاربردی از تحلیل پوششی داده ها
سجاد خیری فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی سیداسماعیل نجفی بیجان رحمانی -
Open Access Article
611 - آنالیز کارایی هزینه و درآمد غیرمحدب در شبکه دو مرحله ای و کاربرد آن برای فرودگاههای ایران
جواد گرامی محمد رضا مظفری پریسا کامیاب -
Open Access Article
612 - کاربرد مدل های MCDEA در رتبه بندی واحدهای تصمیم گیرنده با داده های تصادفی
علی غفران مسعود صانعی قاسم توحیدی حسین بورانی -
Open Access Article
613 - مدل BCC تحلیل پوششی داده ها نایقین با درجه باور: یک مطالعه موردی در بانکهای ایرانی
محمد جمشیدی مسعود صانعی علی محمودی راد قاسم توحیدی فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی -
Open Access Article
614 - رهیافتی جدید برای حل مسئله برنامهریزی خطی دو ترازه تماما فازی
S. F. Tayebnasab F. Hamidi M. Allahdadi -
Open Access Article
615 - شناسایی و رتبه بندی عوامل موثر در افزایش رضایتمندی پرسنل با دادههای فازی شهودی در واحد فولادسازی و نورد پیوسته سبا (شرکت فولاد مبارکه)
E. Asghariz‎adeh M. Lotfi M. ‎Hosseinzadeh‎ H. Amoozad Mahdiraji S. Salahshour‎ -
Open Access Article
616 - تحلیل پوششی داده های شبکه ای پنجره ای: کاربرد در شرکت های سرمایه گذاری
P. Peykani E. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
617 - ساختارهای شبکه دو مرحلهای تصادفی تحت P-model: رویکردی مبتنی بر DEA
S. Mehdizadeh A. R. Amirteimoori M. H. Behzadi S. Kordrostami -
Open Access Article
618 - فاکتورهای نامطلوب و بهبود کارایی در تحلیل پوششی داده ها
M. Eyni M. Khodadadi -
Open Access Article
619 - پیش بینی الگو برای واحدهای تصمیم گیرنده در تحلیل پوششی داده ها
مرتضی شفیعی فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی هیلدا صالح -
Open Access Article
620 - الگویابی بر مبنای تراکم و توسعه پایدار در تحلیل پوششی داده های شبکه ای، مطالعه موردی: 9 زنجیره تامین رب گوجه فرنگی ایران
الهه مولائیان فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی عباس طلوعی اشلاقی محسن رستمی مال خلیفه محمد علی افشار کاظمی -
Open Access Article
621 - ارائه مدلی جدید برای ارزیابی و رتبه بندی واحدهای تصمیم گیری با داده های ترتیبی
جعفر پورمحمود داود نوروزی -
Open Access Article
622 - انتخاب سهام با روش ترکیبی تحلیل پوششی داده ها و الگوریتم رقابت استعماری
F. Faezy Razi -
Open Access Article
623 - بازده به مقیاس تعمیم یافته برای مدل های ضربی در تحلیل پوششی داده ها
علیرضا داودی مسعود زارع پیشه رضا فلاح نژاد -
Open Access Article
624 - یک روش DEA فازی برای انتخاب پروژه با استفاده از تحلیل ریسک مطلوب و نا مطلوب
شقایق صادقیان فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی بهروز دانشیان نیما آذرمیر -
Open Access Article
625 - ارائه یک مدل هدفگذاری مبتنی بر کارایی در ساختارهای سِری K مرحلهای
M. Homayounfar AR. Amirteimoori M. Goudarzvand- Chegini -
Open Access Article
626 - تحلیل پوششی داده ها و شاخص مالم کوئیست برای اندازه گیری بهره وری واحدهای تصمیم گیرنده ناکارا
ملیحه شاهکویی فرزاد رضایی بالف محسن ربانی مهدی فلاح جلودار -
Open Access Article
627 - مساله میانه و مرکز کارا: یک مدل برنامه ریزی صحیح توام دوهدفه
طاهره سیار جعفر فتحلی مجتبی غیاثی -
Open Access Article
628 - یک تجزیه جدید از کارایی هزینه بر اساس مجموعه های امکان تولید قیمتی و هزینه ای در فضای غیررقابتی در تحلیل پوششی داده ها
رضا فلاح نژاد الهام رضایی حزاوه -
Open Access Article
629 - یک روش عملی با رویکرد وزنهای مشترک برای رتبهبندی واحدهای تصمیم گیرنده در تحلیل پوششی دادهها
محمدجواد رضائیانی علی اصغر فروغی -
Open Access Article
630 - کارایی تصادفی مبتنی بر مدل وزن مشترک در تحلیل پوششی داده ها
مرضیه قاسمی محمدرضا ظفری محسن رستمی مال خلیفه محمدحسن بهزادی -
Open Access Article
631 - به حداکثر رساندن کارایی کل با تخصیص مجدد منابع در DEA: مطالعه موردی در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران
عصمت نوروزی الهه صرفی -
Open Access Article
632 - طراحی مدل ارزیابی کارایی شبکه ای تولید دو مرحله ای، با خروجی مطلوب و نامطلوب (مطالعه موردی صنعت تولید کره)
عاطفه شیروانی امیر عزیزی -
Open Access Article
633 - یک الگوریتم برای ابرصفحه های سازای ضعیف PPS در تحلیل پوششی داده ها
علی اکبر بانی محسن رستمی مالخلیفه فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی -
Open Access Article
634 - تاثیر شاخص متا مالمکوئیست روی بهینه سازی سبد دارایی
زهره طائب شکوفه بنی هاشمی -
Open Access Article
635 - Event-oriented tourism: an effective stimulus to attract tourists to local festivals (Case of study: Anarchini festival of the dense village of Rudbar city
majid akbari مرضیه طالشی mohammad taleshi anboohi -
Open Access Article
636 - FTRTA : Fault Tolerance and Reliable Transmissions Algorithm based on the Internet of Things
Mohsen Mozafari Vanani Pouya Khosraviandehkordi -
Open Access Article
637 - Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis in the Light of Process Safety Management in Mobarakeh Steel Company (Case study: Oxygen and Hydrogen Unit)
Hanieh Nikoomaram Hossein Modaresifar Javad Kiani Mohammad Dehbozorgi -
Open Access Article
638 - Legal analysis of environmental litigation and the role of the private plaintiff
Rohallah Karimi Abbas pahlavanzadeh hossein jalali -
Open Access Article
639 - Investigating the effectiveness of the Paris Agreement in domestic climate change lawsuits from the perspective of international law
meisam norouzi mehdi eskandari khoshguo -
Open Access Article
640 - Development of the principle of prevention in the climate change legal system
mona davanlou Seyed Abbas Poor Hashemi Ali Zare -
Open Access Article
641 - Environmental Risk management For Construction phase of Oil Fields Platforms (Case study construction phase of Reshadat oil field)
Hoda Hosseini Tooraj Dana Reza Arjmandi Iman Shirianpour -
Open Access Article
642 - Use of Decision Support Tools in Municipal Solid Waste Management (Case Study: Landfill Site Selection of Alborz Province)
Marzeyeh Mahtabi Oghani Akbar Najafi Habibollah Yunesi Mazaher Moeinaddini -
Open Access Article
643 - Litigation and International Responsibility; Instruments deal with the lack of performing commitments concerning climate change
Seyed Abbas Pourhashemi Sobhan Taiebi Shima Naderi -
Open Access Article
644 - Comparison of two solar systems, emerging grom terms of the semantics of numbers
zeynab noroozali Ahmad khiyali khatibi aliasghar halabi -
Open Access Article
645 - Comparative study of the use of war instruments in Eskandarnameh's manuscript and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. (a case example of Bysanghari's Shahnameh and Nezami's Khamseh with Antarat Ibn Shadda Arab poet and warrior)
Fatemeh sharafi seyyed ali akbar shariati far ali eshghisardehi -
Open Access Article
646 - A comparative analysis of the paradoxes of life and death and the world and the hereafter from the perspectives of Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī and Abū al-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī
mahboobeh sadeghi googhari Hamid Reza Kharazmi -
Open Access Article
647 - Poetry and Its Origin in the World Literature
Muhammad Farahmand -
Open Access Article
Seyyed Ahmad Hosseyni Kazerooni -
Open Access Article
649 - The influence of Persian Culture and Literature on Javaheri's Poetry
Shamsi Vaghef Zadeh -
Open Access Article
650 - Ferdowsi’s Humanitarianism; Revival of Iranshari’s Thought and Termination of Iranian Culture’s Silence
Soheila Loveimi -
Open Access Article
651 - Analysis of the novel "My Father's Dogs and Fence " Reproduction of Oppression and Patriarchy
Sadeq Karim Yahya -
Open Access Article
652 - Comparative Study on Manifestation of Love in Rumi & Ibn Farid's Poetries
Morteza Kazem Shiroudi Seyyed Ibrahim Dibaji Gholam Abbas Rezaei -
Open Access Article
653 - A comparative study of the status of litigation in Shahnameh and policy based on religious teachings
Mohammad Reza Ebrahimi Massoud Sarhadi Roghayeh Ebrahimi Zad Joymi -
Open Access Article
654 - Traditions and Qur'anic Research on the Evidence for the Freedom of E-Commerce Contracts
amir ahmadi -
Open Access Article
655 - Quranic principles of allowing and not allowing recourse rule to the ruling
Hamdollah Soleimani Sarduo Meisam Taram Rouhollah Afzali -
Open Access Article
656 - The concept of interpretation and the necessity of identifying the institution of modification in contracts from the perspective of general Quranic rules, Iranian and British law
hasan jahanshahlo vahid ghasemi ahd -
Open Access Article
657 - Assistance Tradition and its Various Types in Holy Quran
Ali Banaei -
Open Access Article
658 - A Study on Justice in Holy Quran from Three Points of Views
Ahmad Arabshahi Karizi -
Open Access Article
659 - Government’s Role in Preventing Data Privacy Violation by focusing Religious Ethics
Nafiseh Nekouei Mehr Atefeh Hosseini Fard Reza Soltani -
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660 - Planning A Curriculum Template by Globalization Approach and Keeping Cultural Identity from Quran's Viewpoint
Kobra Qasemi Alaa'eddin E'temaad Ahari Badi'ozzaman Makki Ale Aaqa -
Open Access Article
661 - Investigating the supervisory role of the Court of Administrative Justice on considering the rights of the nation in the Quranic verses
Mohammad Hosseini Davood Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
662 - A Study on Contrary Terms from Phenomenology Viewpoint(Case Study: Suspicion Term)
Haleh Badindeh Seyyed Ibrahim Dibaji Gholam Abbas Rezaei -
Open Access Article
663 - The life and literature of Khatib Tabrizi
Nader Nezam Tehrani Nezam Tehrani -
Open Access Article
664 - بررسی تغییرات میزان ظرفیت کل انتی اکسیدانی پلاسمای خون گاوهای شیری هلشتاین در زایمانهای مختلف ( شکم 1 تا 5)
سوگند مشفقی مجید محمدصادق -
Open Access Article
665 - اثر لوزارتان بر فیبروز کلیه متعاقب انسداد کامل یکطرفه میزنای در موش صحرایی
مهرداد نشاط قراملکی میرهادی خیاط نوری غفور موسوی -
Open Access Article
666 - مدلیابی چابکسازی منابع انسانی بر اساس رویکرد نظریهپردازی داده بنیاد (مطالعه موردی)
ناهید خدابنده نبی اله محمدی هما درودی علی منصوری -
Open Access Article
667 - طراحی الگوی سکوت سازمانی مبتنی بر رویکرد نظریهپردازی داده بنیاد
سعید خدابنده ناصر پورصادق ناصر عسگری -
Open Access Article
668 - the relationship between teacher talent development and the effectiveness of high schools in Bushehr province
Zahra Helalian Motlagh AbdulRahim Nave ebrahim Bijan Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
669 - ارائه مدل فرایند تربیت رهبری خدمتگزار بر اساس رویکرد نظریهپردازی داده بنیاد
جواد حیدریان علیرضا چناری کوروش پارسا معین -
Open Access Article
670 - Achievements of transformational educational leadership based on the document of fundamental change in education
Ismail Amini Jahangir Yari Haj Ataloo Zarrin Daneshvar Harris -
Open Access Article
671 - Presentation the development model of faculty members with a virtualization approach (Islamic Azad University of the Khorasan Razavi Province)
Safiyeh Salehisadr Hamid Rezaiefar Mohammad Mohammadi Hossein Hakimpour -
Open Access Article
672 - Designing a Talent Management Model for Educational managers: A Qualitative Study
Mazaher Babaei Seyed Ahmad Hashemi Abbas Gholtash -
Open Access Article
673 - Providing A Model For Promoting Teachers’ Quality Of Life (Case Study: Primary Teachers Of Sistan & Baluchestan Province)
Hossain Damani Akhtar Jamali parivash jafari Afsaneh Zamanimoghadam -
Open Access Article
674 - کاربست کلان داده ها در بررسی روابط بین استعداد کاری و سبک یادگیری دانش آموزان
حجت اله میاندهی رودسری زهره شکیبایی علی خلخالی -
Open Access Article
675 - Study of Electronic Human Resource Management Syndrome Using Foundation Data Method (Case Study: Staff of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences)
صفدر آتش بر فرامرز ملکیان مریم اسلام پناه الهام کاویانی -
Open Access Article
676 - Validation of the model of border management components from the perspective of school principals
tayebeh rashidi elham kaveani faramarz malekian soosan laei -
Open Access Article
677 - Identifying and prioritizing the components and indicators that affect the ranking of universities, focusing on educational aspects
MINA Rahimi Ali Akbar Amin Beidokhti Mohammad Reza Zare Banadkouki -
Open Access Article
678 - Presenting the research and evaluation model based on transformation in the education system
seyed mohamad seyedi masoud pourkiyani mojgan derakhshan sanjar salajeghe -
Open Access Article
679 - Presenting a model for the personal development program of organizational managers
Mahdi Afshari nader soleimani Hamid shafizadeh -
Open Access Article
680 - Recognition of Challenges for Implementing Tadbir Plan in Elementary Schools: A Grounded Theory Approach
maryam mashakalayeh Esmaeil Kazempour Ghafar Tari -
Open Access Article
681 - Designing a structural model of staff talent management in public universities
Hadi Hajiyan Abolfazl Danaei -
Open Access Article
682 - Analyzing school-centered management using grounded theory
Ebrahim Shirali Yadollah Mehralizadeh Nasrollah Ghashghaeizadeh -
Open Access Article
683 - A designed with a holographic approach model for exiting universities from addicted organizations
maryam masoudi alireza shirvani jozdani hamidreza mirtavousi -
Open Access Article
684 - Providing a model for evaluating the performance of research organizations of research centers and research institutes of the Ministry of Science Research and Technology
Jamile Masouminia Esmat Masoudi Nadushan Zainab Golzari -
Open Access Article
685 - ساخت و اعتباریابی ابزار اندازهگیری سبک رهبری امنیتمدار
صدف خلیجیان غلام رضا شمس -
Open Access Article
686 - تبیین قابلیتهای حقوق بین الملل برای جبران خسارت معنوی لطمه به شهرت تجاری ناشی از نقض تعهدات قراردادی در کشورهای هدف تحریم
حسن بادینی عباس کریمی طیب افشارنیا روحالله مرادی -
Open Access Article
687 - طراحی مدل مفهومی توسعه کارآفرینی در بخش بومگردی با رویکرد رفاه اجتماعی به روش دادهبنیاد
محمدرضا قلی پور محمودرضا چراغعلی هادی ثنائی پور -
Open Access Article
688 - واکاوی علل شکاف جغرافیای دانشگاهی و نیازهای جامعه با مدل داده بنیاد
روح الله اسدی حانیه لقایا -
Open Access Article
689 - ارزیابی کارایی شاخصهای کیفیت زندگی شهری (مطالعه موردی: نواحی شهر تهران)
مهدی مدیری سید احمد حسینی دیمن کاشفی دوست -
Open Access Article
690 - مکانیابی بهینه و کارای احداث کارخانه کنسانتره دام و طیور در شهرستان میامی همراستا با متغیرهای جغرافیای صنعتی-اقتصادی و آمایش استان سمنان
طاهره سیار مجتبی غیاثی جعفر فتحعلی سعید آیباغی اصفهانی -
Open Access Article
691 - بررسی تأثیر امدادرسانی بهموقع به وضعیت مجروحین و مصدومان در تصادفات نقاط حادثهخیز شبکه راهها در کاهش شدت خسارات وارده با استفاده از نرمافزارARC GIS (مطالعه موردی محورهای پلیسراه ملایر-همدان)
علی موقر پاک مجید شمس -
Open Access Article
692 - ارائه مدل جدید چندهدفه برای مکانیابی مراکز توزیع امداد در شرایط فازی
مصطفی کاظمی محمد اسفندیار حدیث نجاریان -
Open Access Article
693 - توسعه واحدهای مرغداری گوشتی منطقه بستک با تاکید بر کارآیی در راستای توسعه اقتصادی منطقه
وحید دهباشی محمد خیری مرضیه سیوندی -
Open Access Article
694 - راهکارهای شناسایی استعدادهای منابع انسانی در شهرداری تهران با تأکید بر توسعه و کارآمدی شهر: ارائه یک الگو
سید محسن طباطبایی مزدآبادی* آزاده قمری -
Open Access Article
695 - ارائه نگرشی نوین بربازخوانی مفهوم خاطره و جایگاه آن در ارزیابی کیفی عملکرد فضاهای جمعی (مورد مطالعه: دانشکده هنر و معماری یزد)
اکرم السادات خیرالسادات ابوالفضل داودی رکن آبادی دکتر مرضیه پیراوی ونک -
Open Access Article
696 - Trail in absentia in Islamic fiqh and some current legal systems
Esmat sadat Tabatabaei Lotfy zinat nemati -
Open Access Article
697 - Fiqhi (Jurisprudential) Principles on the Law of Inadmissibility of Withdrawal of Judgement
Hamdollah Soleimani Sarduo Ruohollah Afzali Meisam Taram -
Open Access Article
698 - Review Jurisprudence and Legal of Cheating in Electronic Contracts
amir ahmadi mohamad ahangaran -
Open Access Article
699 - International treaties, its terms and conditions in Islamic jurisprudence
Hossain Alam- alhoda سید محسن رزمی Mustafa Rajaepour -
Open Access Article
700 - Jurisprudential and Legal Examination of the Obligatory Testament Law from the Viewpoint of Fazel Moqadd and Abu Bakr Jassas
Said taha Hassan najid Ahmad Reza Rafiee Javad Paw Pour -
Open Access Article
701 - Examining the application of the prohibition of reasoning in family lawsuits
Zahra Asvar -
Open Access Article
702 - Examining the authenticity of the confession before the competent court and general judicial officers
Ahmad Bajelan Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
703 - Achievements of human dignity in sentencing
Farahnaz Nazeri sharibani Alireza Saberian -
Open Access Article
704 - Theoretical barriers to observing the principle of publicity of trials
Mahdi Mahdi Allahyari Esmat al-Sadat Tabatabaei Lotfi -
Open Access Article
705 - Moral Damage of Breach of Contract in Fiqh, Iran’s Law, and Britain’s Law
Fatemeh Nakhaii Fariba Sanjari moghadam -
Open Access Article
706 - A Comparative Study of the Obstacles to Performing the Same Obligation in Islamic Jurisprudence, Iranian and British Law
Mohammad Reza Ashtari Hassan Pashazadeh Salman Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
707 - A Comparative Survey of the Conflict between Principle and Apparent Condition in Imāmiyah versus ‘Āmmah Fiqh
mahdi abdar esfahani ehsan aliakbari mohammad ali heidari -
Open Access Article
708 - Existence of a condition of knowledge and intent in compensating for the lawsuit
Saeed Farzaneh Ali Abbas Hayati Faramarz BagherAbadi -
Open Access Article
709 - ربررسی فقهی و حقوقی قانون حاکم بر قراردادهای الکترونیکی
Mehdi Mohammadian Amiri علیرضا عسگری سید محمدمهدی احمدی سید حسن عابدیان -
Open Access Article
710 - -
Said taha hassan najid احمدرضا رفیعی جواد پنجهپور -
Open Access Article
711 - Distribution, Frequency and Seasonal Variation of Microalgae of 15 Khordad Dam, Qom, Iran
Hassan Bakhtiari Lobat Taghavi Seyed Ahmad Mirbagheri Taher Rajaee Mehdi Ramezani -
Open Access Article
712 - An investigation and comparison of effective factors on variations of Honsfield numbers in CT scanners
Ameneh Abdollahi Qomi Parviz Zobdeh Saeed Karim Khani Zandi -
Open Access Article
713 - The Judiciary Mission of the International Court of Justice against Political Performance of the Security Council in International Disputes
Morteza Ghahremani Seyed Yaser Ziaee -
Open Access Article
714 - The Status of Otherness in Creating Meta-discourse of Constitutional Movement and Its Effect on Iran’s Political Development
علی شیرخانی داود سبزی -
Open Access Article
715 - Reflection of Haft Khan Rostam, Esfandiyar (Rostam-Esfandiyar’s Seven Labours) and Hercules’ Twelve Labours
Negahdar Shadkam Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerooni عبدالله رضایی -
Open Access Article
716 - Evaluation of the class-based view of Bahram Beyzai in the light of Wittfogel's and Marx's views, based on plays Arash, Azhdahak, Karname-ye Bandar Bidakhsh, Soltan-Mar [The King Snake], Chahar sandoogh [four boxes] and Dar Hozour-e Bad [in the presence of wind]
Shirzad Tayefi Koroush Salman Nasr -
Open Access Article
717 - The Evental Dialectics of the Subject-Artist and Art in Julian Barnes’ “The Noise of Time” and Bozorge Alavai’s “Cheshmhayash (Her Eyes)”
Masoumeh Bakhtiari Leila Baradaran Jamili Bahman Zaarinjooee -
Open Access Article
718 - The Language of Event and Transmission of Meaning: The Hermeneutic Reading of the Red Intellect (Aqle Sorkh) via the Lens of Gadamer
Roghayeh Mousavi Hosein Yazdani -
Open Access Article
719 - The causes of religious strife and decline of rationalism in testament of Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi
Ali Mohammad Sajjadi Mansoureh Ahmadi Jafari -
Open Access Article
720 - Judgment and happiness and its role in injuriesinShahnameh
Hamideh sharifi sayedmahmood Sayedsadeghi -
Open Access Article
721 - An Analytical Comparative Study of the Myth of “Zal and Rudaba” in Comparison to Other Iranian and Egyptian Myths
maryam mahmoodi ahmad khademi -
Open Access Article
722 - The History of Apparel in Pre-Zahhak Period
Fateme Mohseni Gerdkouhi -
Open Access Article
723 - components of Post-colonialism Mehdi Akhavan-Sales poem
seyedegohar norbakhsh Abdolhossein Farzad -
Open Access Article
724 - Intertextuality Criticism of Two Literary Works: Bustan and Qabousnameh
Fatemeh Emami -
Open Access Article
725 - رابطه رویدادهای استرسزا با شدت علائم بیماری در بیماران مبتلا به انسداد مزمن ریه: نقش واسطهای ویژگیهای شخصیتی
نرگس خاتون اکرم -
Open Access Article
726 - ارائه الگوی آموزش خلاقیت مبتنی بر مدل غنیسازی در سطح آموزشگاه (SEM) ویژه دانشآموزان استعدادهای درخشان: مطالعه کیفی
بهار رشیدی احمد عابدی قاسم نوروزی -
Open Access Article
727 - بررسی اثربخشی آموزش مدیریت هیجان بر استرس شغلی امدادگران اورژانس تهران
روح الله رضائی نسب حسین خدمتگزار -
Open Access Article
728 - رابطه رویدادهای استرسزا با شدت علائم بیماری در بیماران مبتلا به انسداد مزمن ریه: نقش واسطهای ویژگیهای شخصیتی
نرگس خاتون اکرم نعمت ستوده اصل راهب قربانی فرهاد ملک -
Open Access Article
729 - تحلیل جامعه شناختی عوامل و پیامدهای اجتماعی و فردی خشونت خانگی (مورد مطالعه قربانیان خشونت خانگی شهرهای زلزله زده تازه آباد و جوانرود)
نامدار حسینی خدیجه سفیری سید محمد سیدمیرزایی -
Open Access Article
730 - تحلیل جامعه شناختی ساختار توزیع فرصت ها و امکانات (مورد مطالعه استان کردستان)
سیف اله سیف الهی فواد محمدی seyed mohmmad seyed mirzaie -
Open Access Article
731 - سرمایه فرهنگی و کیفیت زندگی (مورد مطالعه:کارکنان کمیته امداد امام خمینی تهران )
طاهره میرساردو زهرا رنجبری -
Open Access Article
732 - مطالعه کیفی علل و پیامدهای روابط خارج از ازدواج(مورد مطالعه زنان شهرستان رفسنجان)
Reza Akbari Afsaneh Tavasouli بهرام قدیمی -
Open Access Article
733 - Qualitative Study of the Causes and Consequences of Extramarital Relationships (Case of Study: Women in Rafsanjan)
Reza Akbari Afsaneh Tavasouli Bahram Ghadimi -
Open Access Article
734 - Sociological analysis of job idleness (case study of Sharif University staff)
فاطمه آبرون خدیجه سفیری خلیل میرزایی -
Open Access Article
735 - تحلیل جامعه شناختی عوامل و پیامدهای اجتماعی و فردی خشونت خانگی (مورد مطالعه قربانیان خشونت خانگی شهرهای زلزله زده تازه آباد و جوانرود)
نامدار حسینی خدیجه سفیری سید محمد سید میرزایی -
Open Access Article
736 - سرمایه فرهنگی و کیفیت زندگی (مورد مطالعه:کارکنان کمیته امداد امام خمینی تهران )
زهرا رنجبری طاهره میرساردو -
Open Access Article
737 - بررسی و مطالعه جامعه شناختی ساختار توزیع فرصت ها و امکانات (مورد مطالعه استان کردستان)
فواد محمدی سیف الله سیف اللهی سید محمد سید میرزایی -
Open Access Article
738 - Identifying factors and explaining the behavior pattern of capital market efficiency in Iran
Iman Zare Saeid Tanasan -
Open Access Article
739 - A Study of the Intervention Role of Big Data Adoption in the Correlation between Board Governance and Audit Report Lag
Anahita Zandi -
Open Access Article
740 - Investigating Management Factors affecting Weed Biodiversity Indices and yield of Wheat Field in Chenaran township Using CART Decision Tree
setayesh kheradmand Behnam Kamkar javid gherekhloo mohammad hasan hadizadeh ghorbanali rasam -
Open Access Article
741 - Analyzing Class Differences Motifs in the 1350s Press: A Case Study of Abu al-Qasim Hālat
Zahra Nowruzi Seyyed Babak Farzaneh -
Open Access Article
742 - A Study of Narrative Time in the Novel Frānkenštāin fī Baghdād (Frankenstein in Baghdad) based on the model of Gerard Genet
Foad Abdollahzadeh Isa Zare Dorninani Abdolbaset Arab Yosouf Abadi Mohammad Yaghobi -
Open Access Article
743 - A Study of Efficient and Inefficient Olympic FederationsUsing Data Envelopment Analysis
Mohammad Alimardani -
Open Access Article
744 - Management Methods of International Sports Events (The Case Study of Olympic Games)
Mohammad saeid Kiani -
Open Access Article
745 - Development of a Sports Participation Model During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ali Shekar Goftar Zahra Haji Anzahaie Farideh Ashrafganjouei Seyed Hamid Sajjadi hazave -
Open Access Article
746 - Identifying the Talent Criteria of Table Tennis Athletes Using the Talent Evaluation Method
Mohammadbagher Forghani Ozrudi Ali Yaghobi Zahra Teymoorinejhad Gadikolaei -
Open Access Article
747 - Compressive Sensing-based Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review
Gholamreza Imanian Mohammad ali Pourmina AHMAD SALAHI -
Open Access Article
748 - Improving Storage in Distributed Cloud Data Centers by Increasing Reliability Using Collective Intelligence Algorithms
Alireza Chamkoori Serajdean Katebi -
Open Access Article
749 - Classification of Breast Cancer Masses using Non-Linear Quadratic Support Vector Machine and Comparison with Self-Organizing Neural Network
Soodeh Bakhshandeh Seyede Monire Atyabi Sahar Saberi -
Open Access Article
750 - Spectrally Factorized Optical Ofdm
T. Rezaeenasab -
Open Access Article
751 - Internet data transmission through distribution lines (IPL)
Bahareh Ranjbar Rahman Dashti -
Open Access Article
752 - A structure for object-oriented database queries using fuzzification of XML tags and by using ordered weighted average method to calculate the objects’ membership degree
M. Dashti1 A. Harounabadi S. J. Mirabedini -
Open Access Article
753 - improving intrusion detection systems by feature reducing based on genetics algorithm and data mining techniques
Mehdi Keshavarzi hossein Momenzadeh -
Open Access Article
754 - Introducing a new query database optimization method
Peyman Arebi Amir Masoud Bidgoli Serajodin Katebi -
Open Access Article
755 - An Ensemble Classifier Method for Breast Cancer Detection Using Genetic Algorithm and Multistage Adjustment of Weights in the MLP Neural Network
Amin Rezaeipanah S. J. Mirabedini ali mobaraki -
Open Access Article
756 - Assessment data transmission network in WiMAX technology (Wimax) and fifth-generation (5G)
Ali Movloodian H. Moemenzadeh Haghighi -
Open Access Article
757 - Using Ant Colony Algorithm and Pairwise Learning to Classify Attack in Intrusion Detection Systems
Mohammad Ali Nadoomi Majid Sina -
Open Access Article
758 - Use of Classification Models for Optimize Link Prediction in the Ego-Social Networks
Soheila Nemati Mehdi sadeghzadeh maziyar ganjoo -
Open Access Article
759 - Investigating the impact of violence on organizational silence through psychological contract violation, organizational justice and friendly relations (Case study: private auditing firms in Tehran)
zohreh mousavi kashi maryam shams -
Open Access Article
760 - Designing a structural model of factors affecting the destructive and ineffective organizational behaviors of Accountants
mitra hamedinezhad reza karimikasabi zahra kamrani azam gharibi -
Open Access Article
761 - Modeling Investor Behavior Patterns in Choosing a Stock Portfolio During the Covid-19 Epidemic
Saeed Harivandi َAhmad Ahmadi Mahmoud Lari Dasht Bayaz -
Open Access Article
762 - Cyclic Voltametric Detection of CO2 Gas by PGE Electrode Modified by PEDOT/CS/Cu Nanocomposite
S. Ebrahimiasl -
Open Access Article
763 - The reflection of didactive literature in bahar’s poetries
Gholamhossein Mollaei -
Open Access Article
764 - The study and analysis of pantheism and expression allegories in description quatrains of Jammi relaying on its educational aspect
GholamReza Davoudipour asghar dadbeh -
Open Access Article
765 - The concept of relativity in Masnavi of Rumi and its allegory related
Shokouh Baradaran -
Open Access Article
766 - Studying “Night” key word in Sohrab Sepehri’s poems
Mohammad Kazem Haghshenas Umar Safar -
Open Access Article
767 - Necessities in a rational judgment (a case study of allegorical story "Grocer and Parrot" in Masnavi's First Book)
Abolfazl Ghanizadeh -
Open Access Article
768 - Studying “Night” keyword in Nima’s poems
Mohammad Kazem Haghshenas -
Open Access Article
769 - The Relationship Between perception Authoritarian Leadership and Employees’ Deviant Workplace Behaviors with the Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Violation
Seyed Najomddin Mousavi Mohsen Aref Nejad Fariborz Fathi Chgni mahdie sepahvand -
Open Access Article
770 - The effect of perceived adherence to psychological contract on citizenship performance among employees of a industrial company: Mediating role of organizational loyalty
Amir Hemmat panah Ali Mehdad Zahra Farsi -
Open Access Article
771 - بررسی زمینههای پیشاعتیادی معتادان ومقایسۀ آن با افراد سالم غیرمعتاد
علی زینالی رقیه وحدت صفر حامدنیا -
Open Access Article
772 - To Investigate the Relationship Between MotherParenting Styles and Their Children's Perception
محمد پورعبدلی پروین کدیور علیرضا همایونی -
Open Access Article
773 - The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style of Supervisor on Occupational Injuries: The Mediating Role of Safety Consciousness, Role Overload and Safety-related Events
فریبا کیانی محمدرضا خدابخش -
Open Access Article
774 - Prediction of creativity and personality types on the basis of mathematicstalentand personality types in primary school gifted students
Mansoureh Bahramipour Ahmad Abedi Salar Faramarzi Mokhtar Malekpour Ahmad Yarmohammadian -
Open Access Article
775 - Prediction of Elementary School Student’s Machiavellian Beliefs by Parenting Styles The Prediction of Machiavellian beliefs of elementary students based on parenting styles
zahra eshami chehrazi Maryam Ghorbani Asghar Aghaei -
Open Access Article
776 - Relationship between Organizational Bullying and Organizational Silence with the Mediating Role of Violations of the Psychological Contract
reza sepahvand mohsen arefnezhad Fariborz Fathi Chgni masood sepahvand -
Open Access Article
777 - Analysis of Sustainable Urban Development Indicators on Urban Neighborhood Performance (Case Study: Bonab City Neighborhoods)
Azadeh Arbabi Sabzevari HAMED ALEESMAEIL -
Open Access Article
778 - The effect of reflection training on executive functions, episodic foresight and creativity in children aged 3 to 5 years
ghasem mohammadyari Nasser Behroozi manijeh Shehni Yailagh gholamhossein maktabi -
Open Access Article
779 - Explaining the counseling model of preventing parental psychological annoyance transmission to adolescent children: A grounded theory
Maryam Maadi Esfahan Masoumeh Esmaeili somayeh kazemian Ebrahim Naeimi -
Open Access Article
780 - The Effect of Positive Psychological Capital Dimensions on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The mediating roles of Psychological Contracts
Alireza Rajabipoor Hossein Arjmandi niloofar afsharzadeh -
Open Access Article
781 - The Investigation of Patterns for Identification of Aptitude in Psychology and Educative Sciences
Ali Ghasemzadeh mohammadreza abedi Parisa Nilforooshan -
Open Access Article
782 - Conceptualizing of Scraped Ccurriculum in Iran’s higher education system
Seyyedeh Maryam Hosseini Largani Kourosh Fathi Vajargah -
Open Access Article
783 - Relationship of academic burnout and self-regulated learning with academic performance of high school students
mohammad azimi moosa piri taghi zavvar -
Open Access Article
784 - Prediction of regulation of learning based on academic self-efficacy & study interest with mediation of information processing strategies
sara ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
785 - A Model to Evaluate Factors Influencing Perceived Responsive Curriculum in Smart Schools
فرهاد شفیعپور مطلق محمدحسین یارمحمدیان -
Open Access Article
786 - Scholarship of Teaching, missing Function of higher education in Iran; Reflection of Bullying
Zahra rashidi -
Open Access Article
787 - Designing a World Class University Curriculum Implementation Model in Iranian Higher Education Based on Grounded Theory
Nozhatozaman Moshfeghi mahammadali nadi -
Open Access Article
788 - Comparison of achievement, output-input (efficiency), and output-process ratios in some provinces based on TIMSS
Masoud Kabiri -
Open Access Article
789 - Analysis of scientific products in the field of augmented reality technology in education
Jabiz Golzar Moghadam Marjan Kian Masoud Geramipour yousef Mahdavi Nasab -
Open Access Article
790 - Identifying teaching methods and components and compiling its interpretive model based on teachers' lived experiences in order to discover the talent of experimental sciences of elementary students
mohammadreza nazarian Ali Mehdad ahmad abedi mohammad ali nadi -
Open Access Article
791 - Determining Indicators and Process Pattern of Critical Thinking in Teaching and Learning
Mohsen Torkzadeh Bahram Barzegar Fakhteh Mahini -
Open Access Article
792 - Curriculum leadership modeling for head master in Iran
nahid fazli Ali Khalkhali nader naderi javad soleimanpuor -
Open Access Article
793 - Flood prone areas mapping by using statistical index and weights of evidence models (Case study: Madar Soo watershed, Golestan)
Safoura Siahkamari Hossein Zeinivand -
Open Access Article
794 - Site selection of solar power plant using Geospatial Information System and climatic data (Case study: Ilam province)
Hoda Ahmadi Jafar Morshedi Farideh Azimi -
Open Access Article
795 - Comparative study of the possibility estimation of some structural quantitative attributes of Caspian forests using Radar and integrating Radar and Lidar data
Mehrsa Yazdani Shaban Shataee Joibari Jahangir Mohammadi Yaser Maghsoudi -
Open Access Article
796 - Identification of potential areas for presence of submarine springs in the persian gulf on the coasts of Bushehr province using thermal data of Landsat 8
Mohsen Farzin Ali Akbar Nazari Samani Saeideh Menbari Sadat Feiznia Gholam Abbas Kazemi -
Open Access Article
797 - Evaluation of RapidEye satellite data for estimation some quantitative structure variables in the Caspian forests of Gorgan region
Noureddin Noorian Shaban Shataee Jahangir Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
798 - The Use of the Internet of Things Technology in Collecting Environmental Information of Agricultural Lands using Sensor Observation Service
Nima Ghasemloo Ali Akbar Matkan Abbas Alimohammadi Hossein Aghighi babak mirbagheri -
Open Access Article
799 - Analysis of land use/ cover changes in Ardabil province using landscape metrics
Azad Kakehmami Mehdi Moameri Ardavan Ghorbani Sahar Ghafari -
Open Access Article
800 - Investigating the surface changes of Urmia Lake using the integration of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellite data
Amir Ghayebi Ahmad Ahmadi Behnaz Bigdeli -
Open Access Article
801 - Comparison of the classification methods in software development effort estimation
Sadegh Ansaripour Taghi Javdani Gandomani -
Open Access Article
802 - Use data mining to identify factors affecting students' academic failure
Mehdi Afzali Mahmood Najafi Mahmood Moradi -
Open Access Article
803 - Use of ICD (International Classification of Diseases) to prepare medical data in decision support systems
Mehdi Afzali Forough Sadat Hosseini Mahmood Moradi -
Open Access Article
804 - A new approach for data cleaning to improve quality of data warehouse
Ali Shahnavaz Mehdi Afzali Shima Rahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
805 - Designing a hybrid model for classification of imbalanced data in the field of third party insurance
Mahnaz Manteqipour parisa Rahimkhani -
Open Access Article
806 - A Comparative Study of Open-Source Software for Deployment and Management of Cloud Computing Utilizing a Big Data Processing Quality Model
Mahdi Jafari Amir Kalbasi -
Open Access Article
807 - A new algorithm for data clustering using combination of genetic and Fireflies algorithms
Mahsa Afsardeir mansoure Afsardeir -
Open Access Article
808 - A Recommender Model based on Bayesian Theory for Detection of COVID-19 on the Internet of Things Ecosystem
Zahra Ghorbankhani Mani Zarei Rahil Hosseini -
Open Access Article
809 - Constraint Search based Test Data Generation to cover Prime Paths in Structural Testing
Ebrahim Fazli Mojtaba Aajami -
Open Access Article
810 - A Novel Semi-Supervised Approach for Improving efficiency of E-Learning
Open Access Article
811 - SDC-causing Error Detection and Mitigation Based on Failure rate Prediction without Fault Injection
Moona Yakhchi Mahdi Fazeli Seyed Amir Asghari Toochai -
Open Access Article
812 - An Online group feature selection algorithm using mutual information
maryam rahmaninia sondos bahadori -
Open Access Article
813 - A Survey of Intelligent Data Mining Methods to Combat Money Laundering and Establish Data Governance in the Banking Network
Hedayat Alimoradi dokoohi Erfaneh Noroozi -
Open Access Article
814 - Improving the Accuracy of the Intrusion Detection System in the IoT by Machine Learning and Clustering Algorithms
Javad Pashaei Barbin Mahdi Jalali -
Open Access Article
815 - The place of New Generation Processing Systems in Knowledge Management Systems
Edris Abbaszadeh Mohamadreza Sanaei Reza Ehtesham -
Open Access Article
816 - Examining Effect Of the Aqueous Extract Of Anchusa Italica on Estrogen and Progesterone Concentrations and Placental Parameters in Wistar Female Mice
Arezo Zangeneh Shahla Roozbehani Ramesh Monajami -
Open Access Article
817 - Evaluation dietary effect of Apple cider vinegar on histology of the hepatopancreas and intestinal microbiota of the Litopenaeus vannamei
szjad pourmozaffar Abdolmajid Hajimoradlo Hamed Kolangi Miandare -
Open Access Article
818 - Investigating the effect of moral perfectionism on online social behavior with the mediating role of online interpersonal trust and moral identity in students of the country's top sports talent Olympiad
Kazem cheragh birkandi Seyed Hossin Khaje -
Open Access Article
819 - The model of the role of health promotion management with sports in Iran's sustainable development: social constructionism with the foundation's data approach
marziyeh aboutalebi Rasool Nazari -
Open Access Article
820 - Presenting a sports entrepreneurship model with a social capital approach based on data foundation theory
Parisa Niazy Fariba Rafeei Dehkordi -
Open Access Article
821 - Environment Analysis and Presentation of Football Development Strategies in the Iranian Education System
Alireza Elahi Shahamat Abbasi Mejrzad Hamidi -
Open Access Article
822 - Presenting paradigmatic model of the characteristics of the Paralympic athlete's aptitude development environment
Sahar Mahmodi Rokhsareh Badami -
Open Access Article
823 - Crisis management in sports events during the corona
Mohammad mehdi Salari Mehdi Talebpour Hojjat Hajipoor -
Open Access Article
824 - Presenting the management model of sports talents of Iranian students based on data foundation theory
Mahsa Mortezaeian Zahra Sadat Mirzazadeh Mohammad Keshtidar Mahdi Talebpour -
Open Access Article
825 - An Overview of Common Post-Processing Methods in Random Number Generators with an Emphasis on Use in Renewable Systems
Mohsen Mousavi -
Open Access Article
826 - Techno-Economic Modelling of a Resilience Enhancement Strategy Based on Multi-microgrid Operational Capabilities
Samira Salahi Navid Rezaei Jamal Moshtagh -
Open Access Article
827 - A new Approach to Detecting Intrusion and Malicious Behaviors in Big Data
Homa Movahednejad Mohsen Porshaban Ehsan Yazdani Chamzini Elahe Hemati Ashani Mahdi Sharifi -
Open Access Article
828 - Joneid Baghdadi as Reported in Tazkaratul Owliya
Touraj Aqhdaie -
Open Access Article
829 - A Glimpse at the Inter-textual Relationship between Dr. Ghadamali Saramis Poetry and Cognitive Field Of Mysticism
Mehri Talkhabi -
Open Access Article
830 - The analysis of Godliness, Advocacy of Justice and Oppression in Shahnameh-e- Ferdowsi
Ahmad Amini Kamran Pashayee Fakhri Khalil Hadidi -
Open Access Article
831 - Various Dimensions of Junaid and Hallaj Dispute in the Light of Khorasan and Baghdad Schools of Sufism
Shokrollah Pouralkhas Ahmad Jabari Farshid Bagheri -
Open Access Article
832 - Legendary Secrets of the Mystical Number (According to the Chosen Texts Mystical Prose to the Seventh Century AH)
Kourosh Goodarzi seyyed mohsen hosseini Mohammad reza roozbeh -
Open Access Article
833 - Functions and codes of the symbolic number "three" and its place in Meybodi's Kashf-ol-Asrar
Saeed Farzanerad Saeed Farzanerad -
Open Access Article
834 - The Use of Mystical Representation in the Nature of Legal Representation
Sharyar Bagheri saeed bigdeli Nejad Ali Almasi -
Open Access Article
835 - Self-knowledge: Necessity and Means of Achievement From Allameh Tabatabaei’s Viewpoint
Akram Rezaii Maryam Bakhtyar Seyed Jasem Pajouhandeh -
Open Access Article
836 - Measurement of Inefficiency Slacks in Network Data Envelopment Analysis
حسین عزیزی علیرضا امیرتیموری سهراب کردرستمی -
Open Access Article
837 - Analysis Jurisdiction of the Article 12 Urban Land Commission in accordance with the procedure of the courts in relation to government policy for public welfare
Farzad Karimi khanjari mahdi hashemi golijani -
Open Access Article
838 - A Reading on Heritage Tourism in the Model of Regeneration the Historical Texture by Grounded Theory (Case Study: Shiraz)
Saeideh Ghaderi zahra sadat saeideh zarabadi Mojtaba Rafieian -
Open Access Article
839 - A feature selection algorithm for online multi-label data
maryam rahmaninia sondos bahadori -
Open Access Article
840 - Presenting a blockchain-based model for accepting national entrance exam candidates based on academic records
راحله مالکی ِDavod Bahrepoor somaye fateminasab -
Open Access Article
841 - LEAM: الگوریتم ضرب تقریبی با خطای کم
سعیده جهانشاهی امیر صباغ ملاحسینی آزاده السادات عمرانی زرندی -
Open Access Article
842 - انتخاب مقصد مهاجرت با پیشبینی وضعیت بعدی ماشین فیزیکی با درنظر گرفتن نقض قرارداد در محیط محاسبات ابری با هدف کاهش مصرف انرژی
تکتم زحمتکش مرجانه سیده سمیه فاطمی نسب داود بهره پور -
Open Access Article
843 - کنترل نرخ بهینه شده برای کنترل ازدحام و بهبود قابلیت اعتماد در شبکه های حسگر بی سیم با کاربرد مراقبت پزشکی
Abbas Ali Rezaee Mohammad Hossein Yaghmaee moghaddamb Amir Masoud Rahmani -
Open Access Article
844 - Pseudo-Random Number Generation Based on Cellular Automata AndLongton Ants
SeyedMorteza Hosseini Hossein Karimi Majid Vafaei Jahan -
Open Access Article
845 - A New Approach to Extract Frequent Conceptual Links from Social Networks
Mahboobeh Farimani saman Poorsiah Hamid Tabatabaee Hossien Salami -
Open Access Article
846 - ارائه یک پروتکل جدید انتشار داده برای سینک متحرک در شبکههای حسگر بیسیم
Farzad Tashtarian MohammadReza Majma Hossein Pedram Mehdi Dehghan -
Open Access Article
847 - طبقه بندی داده های نامتعادل با ترکیب منحنی اصلی و smote بهبود یافته درجه پشتیبان
ریحانه کمال پور عادل قاضی خانی -
Open Access Article
848 - Designing A New Detective circuit for Numbering System
Shiva Forghani Mehdi Hossein Zadeh Amir Sabbagh Molahosseinic -
Open Access Article
849 - Provide Efficient and Speed Method for Detecting Overflow in Module Set {2^n-1 ,2^n,2^n+1}
Marzieh Sadat Amir shakermi Mehdi Hossein zadeh ALI Astaneh Asl -
Open Access Article
850 - Foregrounding in Akhavan-Sales’ Poetry
hamid samsaam nazanin sheykh zadeh -
Open Access Article
851 - Oath in Beyhaghi History
taghi amini fard zeynab torabi -
Open Access Article
852 - بررسی سرکشی وزیران و موبدان در شاهنامه با استفاده از دادهکاوی
لیلا قربانی قره تپه -
Open Access Article
853 - A Morphological Study of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves of Baghdad
keyvan goorak -
Open Access Article
854 - مفهوم تفسلی ریسک و آثار آن در قراردادهای جدید نفتی ایران موضوع مصوبه هیات دولت در خصوص شرایط عمومی، ساختار و الگوی قراردادهای بالادستی نفت و گاز
فرهاد روهنی سید نصراله ابراهیمی مجتبی زاهدیان سید محسن حسینی پویا -
Open Access Article
855 - بررسی تطبیقی قرارداد نفتی ipc و قرارداد های سایر کشور
سجاد باقری سید باقر میر عباسی ابو محمد عسگر خانی -
Open Access Article
856 - بررسی حقوقی نوآوری های قانون آیین دادرسی کیفری مصوب 4/12/1392 در خصوص حقّ آزادی متّهم در خلال رسیدگی قضایی از منظر حقوق شهروندی با تکیه بر منابع اسلامی
ایمان عطری محمد رضا کاظمی گلوردی غلامحسن دلاور -
Open Access Article
857 - آزادی بیان در تقابل با دادرسی منصفانه: تاثیر بازنمایی رسانهای جرم بر نقض دادرسی منصفانه
مهدی سیدزاده ثانی سعید کرمانی -
Open Access Article
858 - آثار فسخ در معاملات ملکی
ابوالفضل امین رنجبر -
Open Access Article
859 - بررسی مقایسه ای قراردادهای تجاری بین المللی در نظام های حقوقی کامن لا و سیویل لا
زهره کرمی رسول مقصودپور -
Open Access Article
860 - بررسی استقلال قاضی از منظر فقه و قانون
کرم جانی پور علی جانی پور تورج دالکی -
Open Access Article
861 - تأملی بر حقوق شهروندی در حکومت اسلامی (بازنگری فقهی حکم قتل مرتد به سبب تکرار ارتداد)
عبدالله باقری ورزنه محمد صادق احمدی غلامحسین مسعود -
Open Access Article
862 - نقد قانون دیوان عدالت اداری از منظر اصول مشترک اخلاق اسلامی و آیین دادرسی
نادر مختاری افراکتی امیرحمزه سالارزایی محسن کرد تمینی -
Open Access Article
863 - بررسی تطبیقی قراردادهای نفتی ایران (ipc ) با قرارداد های سایر کشورها
سجاد باقری سید باقر میر عباسی ابو محمد عسگرخانی -
Open Access Article
864 - اقدامات حین فسخ و خاتمه و آثار ناشی از آندو در قراردادهای پیمانکاریطرق انحلال قراردادهای پیمانکاری
زهرا قدسی خواه مجتبی زاهدیان -
Open Access Article
865 - تأملی بر حقوق شهروندی در حکومت اسلامی (بازنگری فقهی حکم قتل مرتد به سبب تکرار ارتداد)
محمد صادق احمدی عبدالله باقری -
Open Access Article
866 - بررسی شرط تثبیت در قراردادهای نفتی بینالمللی
ندا نقیب زاده امیرحسین ملکی زاده -
Open Access Article
867 - مطالعه تطبیقی روشها و آیینهای صدور دستور اقدامات موقت قبل از تشکیل هیات داوری در 54 کشور جهان
الهه شهناز محمدرضا غلامپور -
Open Access Article
868 - راهبردهای حقوقی جبران کاهش ارزش پول در قراردادها با تکیه بر رویه قضایی
فاطمه واشقانی غلامعلی سیفی زیناب -
Open Access Article
869 - نقش عقلانیت دینی در فقه سیاسی میرزا محمد حسین نائینی
علیرضا بهشتی -
Open Access Article
870 - تأملی در ضمانت اجرای حقوق مصرف کننده در پرتو رویه قضایی
معصومه رمضانی ابراهیم یاقوتی -
Open Access Article
871 - تبیین فقهی حقوقی فسخ و خاتمه در قراردادهای پیمانکاری
زهرا قدسی خواه مجتبی زاهدیان -
Open Access Article
872 - ماهیّت حقوقی قرارداد رحم جایگزین در فقه و قانون ایران
امیر خواجهزاده -
Open Access Article
873 - تطبیق و واکاوی تاثیرات دادگستری و دادرسی در ایران باستان بر دادگستری نوین
آمنه قاسمی شهربانو دلبری -
Open Access Article
874 - بررسی تطبیقی عسر و حرج در اصول قراردادهای تجاری بینالمللی با قاعده فقهی آن در حقوق ایران
سید مجتبی اعجازی محمد جواد صفّار -
Open Access Article
875 - Sample size calculation in entomological studies using R language of statistical computing Part 1: comparison of means and proportions
J. Karimzadeh -
Open Access Article
876 - Influence of Drying Conditions and Temperature on Hazelnuts (Corylus avellana) Fruit Quality
Behzad Kaviani Davood Hashemabadi Sara Khayyati Babaei Zahra Yousefi -
Open Access Article
877 - Ecological and Economic Effects of Land Equipping and Renovation in Irrigated Wheat Production in Hamadan Province
Mohammad Abdolmaleky Fereshteh Yazdani -
Open Access Article
878 - Optimization of Energy Consumption and Economic Productivity of Different Methods of Grape Production Using Data Envelopment Analysis
Asmaeil Rahmani Mohammad Gholami Parshokohi Davood Mohammad Zamani -
Open Access Article
879 - Evaluation of Auxin Application and Weed Management on Yield, Physiological and Chemical Properties of Potato Cultivars
Mahmoud Setoudeh Nezhad Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Tayeb Saki Nejad Shahram Lak Seyed keyvan Marashi -
Open Access Article
880 - The effect of Barvar-2 phosphate biofertilizer and mycorrhizal fungi along with humic acid on agronomic characteristics of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.)
علی نصرالله زاده اصل -
Open Access Article
881 - Relationship Between Perceived Organizational Justice And Adherence To Psychological Contracts With Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Among Female Employees
Ali Mahdad Sara Ahmadpour Mohsen Golparvar -
Open Access Article
882 - بررسی اثر سطوح مختلف سوپرجاذب بر تعداد و سطح برگ کاهو (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia) تحت تنش خشکی
هانیه طاهری امیر سلطانی محمدی ناصر عالم زاده انصاری -
Open Access Article
883 - Designig The Conceptual Model Of Partnership Quality In Services Outsourcing (Case Study: Isfahan Gas Company)
reza shojaey naser khani arash shahin nader Aleebrahim -
Open Access Article
884 - Comparison the discriminate power of variable return to scale models in evaluate efficiency of decision-making units in the banking industry
Gholamreza Panahandeh Khojin Abbas Toloie Ashlaghi Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi -
Open Access Article
885 - Evaluating risks of sustainable supply chain by the failure mode and effect analysis method in fuzzy environment (case study: Saba battery)
Mojtaba Farrokh mohsen zabihi jamkhaneh mehdi sholeh -
Open Access Article
886 - Analysis of human resources performance using the two-stage data envelopment analysis approach-Case study: Azar Noosh Shokofeh Co.
HAMIDREZA ASILFARID Mehran Khalaj Maryam Zaeri -
Open Access Article
887 - Development of a Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) model for investigation of the internal structure of decision-making units
Reza Soleymani-Damaneh -
Open Access Article
888 - Evaluating the performances of decision-making units based on the optimistic and pessimistic points of view
Hossein Azizi Maziar Salahi -
Open Access Article
889 - Decision models for evaluation and selection of suppliers in the presence of cardinal and ordinal data, weight restrictions, and non-discretionary factors: An approach based on DEA with double frontiers
Hossein Azizi Rasul Jahed -
Open Access Article
890 - Providing an practical model of contractor selection and prioritization in project - based companies (Case Study: MAPNACompany)
HOSEIN KARBAKHSH RAVARI sanjar salajegheh ayyub Sheikhi -
Open Access Article
891 - Evaluating the Energy Efficiency of the Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province Industries
Vahide Rezaie Samad Nejatian Masumeh Khanmohammadi -
Open Access Article
892 - Pattern of production resilience in critical shocks (sanction); A qualitative study based on grounded theory
MEHDI NAZARI hasan mehrmanesh Jala Haghighat monfared -
Open Access Article
893 - Designing a green marketing process model in the pharmaceutical industry
Bita Hadizadeh Moghadam Hassan Biabani Esmaeil Hasnpour -
Open Access Article
894 - Reduction of environmental pollution in closed-loop supply chain optimization using fuzzy complex integer programming
sayyed mohammad reza davoodi homa kalani -
Open Access Article
895 - Explaining the categories of support vector machine and neural network for Ranking of bank branches
davod khosroanjom mohamamd elyasi behzad keshanchi Bahare Boobanian shovana abdollahi -
Open Access Article
896 - Presenting Content Marketing Model Based on Grounded Theory (Case Study: Fars Province Tourism Industry)
mahmood maarefi hooshang asadollah esmaeil hasanpour qorughchi -
Open Access Article
897 - Designing and explaining the process model of human resource value creation in knowledge-based companies
ALI AHMADI Mohammad Reza Rabiee Mondejin zeynolabdin Aminisabegh Ehsan Sadeh -
Open Access Article
898 - Investigating the effect of employer branding on employee job satisfaction in the private insurance industry of the country with regard to the mediating role of talent management
Manizheh Yadegari Torag Mojibi Niloofar Imankhan Ali Mehdizadeh Ashrafi -
Open Access Article
899 - Introducing R& Z-number cognitive map method for modeling the causal relationships of strategies (Case study: Iran health insurance organization)
Mostafa Izadi Rassoul Noorossana Hamidreza Izadbakhsh Saber Saati Mohammad Khalilzadeh@srbiau.ac.ir -
Open Access Article
900 - Pathology of the process of using the staff of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences With a data theory approach
hassan makhdoomi Farhad Nejad Irani Rahimi Gholamreza seyedabdolah hojati -
Open Access Article
901 - Determining the main indicators, evaluating and ranking the efficiency of knowledge management performance by data envelopment analysis, case study: Iranian oil industry
masoud najafi behzad Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
902 - a monolithic model for identifying innovation drivers among knowledge-based organizations.
mani shojaie Davoud Samari Roohalla Samiee zahra alipour darvish -
Open Access Article
903 - Designing SAIPA supply chain resilience scenarios to evaluate the production process
Somayeh Shafaghizadeh Sadoullah Ebrahimnejad Mehrzad Navabakhsh Seyed Mojtaba Sajadi -
Open Access Article
904 - Big Data and Its Impact on the Iranian Banking Industry Achieving Competitive Advantage
foad Kouhzadi hossin gharebiglou hossin boudaghi khaje nouber yaghoub alavi matin -
Open Access Article
905 - Providing and evaluating a grounded theory for extension of value innovation from the intra-organizational level to the supply chain
Ebrahim Rasti Borazjani Faghat Naser Khani Akbar Alem Tabriz -
Open Access Article
906 - Use the game theory approach and data envelopment analysis to calculate cost efficiency in two-stage networks
Raheleh Mousavizadeh Mehrzad Navabakhsh Ashkan Hafezalkotob -
Open Access Article
907 - Identifying And Prioritizing Supply Chain Sustainability Indicators And Presenting A Comprehensive Sustainability Model Related To Yazd Ceramic Tile Industry With The Grounded Theory And The Best-Worst Fuzzy Method
mohsen mirjalili Hasan Dehghan Dehnavi shahnaz nayebzadeh -
Open Access Article
908 - Comparison of supply chain performance evaluation with BSC-FDEA and BSC-RDEA methods in Tabriz automotive industries
SINA CHARTAB JABBARI kamaleddin rahmani youshanloui mohammad paseban yagoub Alavi matin Mojtaba Ramazani -
Open Access Article
909 - Presenting a Comparative Model and Financial Ranking of Petrochemical Companies Using Dynamic Network Data Envelopment Analysis (DNDEA)
Ali hasanpor rahmat alizadeh seyed ali Nabavi Chashmi -
Open Access Article
910 - Evaluating suppliers using gray data envelopment analysis With applying decision maker preferences
Shahab Rafiazadeh Dariush Mohammadi Zanjirani -
Open Access Article
911 - Identification and Evaluation of Employer Brand Components in Iran's Small Industries (Case Study of Active Companies in Industrial Towns of East Azerbaijan Province)
Amir Laleh Hosein Gharabiglo mojtaba ramazani Soleyman Iranzadeh -
Open Access Article
912 - Observing Influential Variables »At the Industry Level« to Create Value for Parent Knowledge-Based Companies
Ali Abdali erfan movahedifar -
Open Access Article
913 - Identifying the influencing factors in customer churn of Kurdistan Telecommunications Company and presenting models for predicting churn using machine learning algorithms
vida sadeghi Anvar Bahrampour Seyed Ali Hosseini -
Open Access Article
914 - Application of meta-synthesis in identifying methods of data-based algorithms for troubleshooting the polypropylene production process
Soleiman Golpour Kandeh Reza Ramazani Khorshiddoost Mohammadreza kabarandadeh Ghadim -
Open Access Article
915 - Analysis of the Challenges Leading to the Industrial Projects using Grounded Theory (Case study: the Petrochemical Industry)
Elahe Mobini-Dehkordi Peyman Akhavan -
Open Access Article
916 - Presenting a New Approach to Improve Effectiveness and Select the Most Critical Equipment Using Data Mining, Fuzzy DEMATEL, FMEA and FTA Approaches
Mohammad Ehsanifar Nima Hamta Parisa Bolhasani -
Open Access Article
917 - A Hierarchical Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis to Locate the Solar Power Sites
Navid Rafiei Mahtab Sherafati -
Open Access Article
918 - Evaluation and Selection of a Supplier by Interval DEA Models with Assurance Region: ADEA Approach to Efficient and Inefficient Frontiers
Hossein Azizi Akbar Jafari Shaerlar -
Open Access Article
919 - A New Method for Ranking the Discovered Rules Obtained from Data Mining Using Data Envelopment Analysis
Hossein Azizi -
Open Access Article
920 - A New Expansion on Multi-Stage DEA Methodology in Supply Chain Management
Saviz Saei Esmaeil Najafi -
Open Access Article
921 - Evaluation of Performance of Personnel Units of Management in Mellat Bank with a Combined Approach of Window analysis Models and Malmquist Index
Ezatolah Asgharizadeh Masoud Keimasi Elnaz Borji -
Open Access Article
922 - Worst-practice Data Envelopment Analysis Models for the Measurement of Fuzzy Efficiency
Hossein Azizi Haidar Rasul Jahed Leila Farrokhi -
Open Access Article
923 - Design a Hybrid Model of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques for Ranking the Bank Branches
Pegah Aminijam Milad Jasemi Zargani -
Open Access Article
924 - Using Multi-Criteria Assessment Methods to Select Contractors with Regard to the Research Phase
Sina Namazi Amir Sadeghi Mahmoud Modiri Zahra Gorajaghlo Shayan Satari -
Open Access Article
925 - Using PROMETHEE Method to Provide a Model to Rank the Contractors in Construction Projects (Case study: Tehran Municipality II
Alireza Rashidi Komeijani Mostafa Bayatloo -
Open Access Article
926 - A Study on the Efficiency of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange Using Data Envelopment Analysis
Hiresh Soltanpanah Iman Dadashi Samira Zarei -
Open Access Article
927 - Provide a Data Envelopment Analysis/Data Mining Integrated Model for Evaluation of Decision-making Units
Alireza Alinezhad Javad Khalili -
Open Access Article
928 - A Two-Stage DEA Model to Evaluate and Improve the Systems Function (Case study: Sorena System Sharq Company Projects)
Mehran Khalaj Hamid Reza Asilfarid -
Open Access Article
929 - Assessment of Component’s Efficiency with MCDEA
Seyed Esmail Najafi Elham Shafaghi Faigh Zaheri -
Open Access Article
930 - A Framework for Dynamic MCDM in Fuzzy Environment (Case Study: Emergency Department and Triage Patients)
alireza alinezhad -
Open Access Article
931 - Assessing the Performance of the Organization Using the Combined Approach of Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis and Balanced Scorecard (Case study: Tejarat Bank Branches of Yazd Province)
Seyed Habibollah Mirghafoori Ali Morovati Vahid Namavaran Fatemeh Zamani -
Open Access Article
932 - A Data Envelopment Analysis Model with Interval Data Using TOPSIS Technique
Hossein Azizi Alireza Amirteimoori Sohrab Kordrostami -
Open Access Article
933 - Extending Fuzzy AHP Models for Evaluating Dimensions of IT Capability and Data Quality
Davod Khosroanjom Ali Asghar Anvary Rostamy Rasoul Chawshini Masoud Ahmadzade -
Open Access Article
934 - Increasing the Customers Score through the EFQM Excellence Model in International Inspection Companies
Sanaz Rasouli Kamran Jamali Firouzabadi -
Open Access Article
935 - Evaluation of Management Efficiency in Cement Industry of Iran Using Data Envelopment Analysis Technique
Akbar Valizadeh Oghani Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand Farzin Modarres Khiabani -
Open Access Article
936 - Outsourcing in Railway Transportation Using the Data Enveloping Method
Mohammad Mehdi Movahedi Nima Saeedi -
Open Access Article
937 - Improving Inventory Performance with Clustering based Demand Forecasts
Yaser Taghinezhad -
Open Access Article
938 - Using Linear Goal Programming Approach in Quality Function Deployment Method in Grey Conditions (Case Study: Checking Quality of Olive Oil)
Behzad Babakhani Emad Roghanian Shima Azarnia -
Open Access Article
939 - Investigating the Components and Dimensions of the Mission of Schools in Post-Corona Era through Grounded Theory
faranak mosavi leila jazayeri Leila Ghazaghi Morteza Kalhori Fate meh Salimi yahya mahammady hossein hasani Nadia Hasanvand Fatemeh Ahmadvand Maryam Mohamadi Nazanin Amini Faramarz Azizi Mohammad Khamisabai Sirous Mirzabeighi -
Open Access Article
940 - Determining the competency indicators of the first grade high school teachers in Karaj city
farzad eskandari nasab Khadijeh Abolmaali Freeborz dortaj Freeborz Bagheri -
Open Access Article
941 - Improving second grade students' understanding of addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers using a technical method (an experiment based on lesson study)
Somayeh Ebrahimi-dolar -
Open Access Article
942 - The roll of job stress and work locus of control in the job satisfaction in Emergency first responderâs.
علی اصغر محمدی محمد نقی فراهانی جعفر حسنی عباس سامی -
Open Access Article
943 - Iran political poetry from Reza Shah’s collapsing to the coupdeta of 28th in Mordad 1332
mehdi hasani bagheri sharifabad -
Open Access Article
944 - Volumetric travel in time ؛ The Role of Eventual Memory in Poetry Poetry; Based on Memory Segmentation from Bergson's View
sadaf mohseni alireza farnam -
Open Access Article
945 - Comparative comparison of Ferdowsi Shahnameh with the policy of Khajeh Nizam al-Mulk in the field of litigation
Mohammad Reza Ebrahimi Masoud Sarhadi Roghighd Ebrahimi Za -
Open Access Article
946 - The symbolism of the numbers in the saadatnameh and zohuoriy tarshizi of saghinameh baseh on Jung
zeynab noroozali Ahmad khatibi khiyali aliasgar halabi -
Open Access Article
947 - A Study of Interactive Contracts in Nasfi Interpretation in Comparison with the Translation of the Discovery of Mysteries Based on Norman Fairclough Theory
tayebeh ebrahomy shahr abad saber emami farhad tahmasbi -
Open Access Article
948 - Study of the role of social events in the selection of poems of the poems of Kaiser Aminpoor
Armaqan Behdarvand Ahmad Hosaini Kazerooni sayed Jafar Hamidi -
Open Access Article
949 - The Dual Meaning of the Expresion "Az Bone Dandān"
Mohammad Irani -
Open Access Article
950 - Study protest literature in the Current social Smbolism
Rahim kooshesh Zahra nori -
Open Access Article
951 - Designing a model for empowering employees on the verge of retirement in (Case Study: Iran's electricity industry)
Mohammad Rasoul Tohfeh Shams Al-Sadat Zahedi Mohammad Montazeri ali yaghoubipour -
Open Access Article
952 - The effect of talent management and succession planning on prevention of corruption (Case Study: Judiciary of West Azerbaijan Province)
rasoul ranjbarian Hoseein Shokri -
Open Access Article
953 - Designing the human resource agility model in the Ministry of Justice
Masoomeh Hojati mohamad reza Rabiee mandajin alireza amirkabiri -
Open Access Article
954 - Explore the Pattern of Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship in Animal Uusbandry Using Grounded Theory
seyed ahmad hosseini Mohammad ziaaddini mohammadreza Hosseini pour -
Open Access Article
955 - Architecture of strategic talent management process of employees in government organizations, application of Delphi approach
Mohammad Montazeri Ensieh Barkhordari Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
956 - Optimizing urban governance policies in metropolises (case study:Rasht)
sadegh sadeghpour bakhtyar ezatpanah nader zali -
Open Access Article
957 - Compilation of strategies and consequences for the development of basic football in Iran
Mohammad Elias Ansarinia Mina hakakzade Seyed Jalil Miriosfi -
Open Access Article
958 - Analysis of the performance of the sports convoy of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the world military sports competitions (SISM) with selected countries
farhad fathi ali ghobadi Mohammad saivan Nouri -
Open Access Article
959 - Prioritizing the Components that Affect the Security Management of Sport Events (Case Study: Student Competitions)
Kazem Shiralipour Saeid Amirnejad Mohammad Sanaei -
Open Access Article
960 - model the structural equations of the relationship between talent management and social capital with the organizational commitment of the staff of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Fars Province
ahmad torkrar rahim shirazi nejad saeedeh zabihi marzie noroozpoor -
Open Access Article
961 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Sustainability of the Economics Governing Students' Sport Olympiads
Mahnaz Davarniya Sedigheh Khadigehaflaton Ayob Ameri Ebrahim Deldar -
Open Access Article
962 - Identifying the Pattern of Causal Relationships of Factors Affecting Talent Management in Sports Organizations: Combined Research Approach
Ehsan Shahgholi Mehdi Salimi Rasool Nazari -
Open Access Article
963 - Identification and prioritization of integrated management indicators in Iran's sports tourism industry
Taraneh Karimi Ali Mohammad Safania Rahim Sarvar Salaheddin Naghshbandi -
Open Access Article
964 - Presenting the development model of talent search strategies in football in Khuzestan province (foundation data theory)
Sajad Mehdipor Amir Nadri Mohammad Sajadian -
Open Access Article
965 - Identifying and prioritizing strategies for completing of sport construction projects in the country
Mohamad Hesami Elham Moshkelgosha -
Open Access Article
966 - Designing an optimal model for talent management in the sport of karate in veterans and the disabled of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Azadeh Aghili Ezzatollah Shahmansouri Reza Sabonchi -
Open Access Article
967 - The potential capacity to monitor the fulfillment of the obligations of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's human rights documents
Marmar Asadian Seyed Bassem Mavalizadeh Seyed Hasan Hosseini -
Open Access Article
968 - Legal protection capacities in regional courts of religious tourists.
Alireza Keshtkar Masoud Raei Dehaqi Manouchehr Tavasolli Naeini -
Open Access Article
969 - بررسی جایگاه اصل حسن نیت در موضوع اختلاف علیه روسیه در دیوان بینالمللی دادگستری
Abdul Majid Mehdizadeh mohammad hadi soleimanian -
Open Access Article
970 - Individual and social negative effects of presence public and media in court hearings from critics' view of public trial
Morteza Rasteh Ali Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
971 - The paradigmatic model of realizing the blood culture of peace in line with peace and compromise and reducing crime among ethnic groups
Ahmad Abbasi Darehbidi tayebeh zareie Maryam Mohebbipour -
Open Access Article
972 - Examining the restoration of executive operations in administrative law
Hosseini Najafi Ramezan Dehghan, Hossein Ghorbanian -
Open Access Article
973 - Tax violations in the European Court of Human Rights
mohammad reza yosefi -
Open Access Article
974 - A Comparative Study between good governance model, as a point of view of Imam Ali (Greetings upon him), with common proper governance models: Using Grounded Theory
mohammad montazeri azime kazemi -
Open Access Article
975 - A comparative study of the principle of effective cooperation of parties in commercial proceedings
saeid johar -
Open Access Article
976 - تعیین دما و زمان بهینه برگشت دادن بهمنظور حصول خواص مکانیکی مطلوب در ورق فولادی ASTM A517 Gr. B
بهرنگ اهدایی رضا آبدیده محمد هیزم بر -
Open Access Article
977 - Error detection and correction in the DNA computing based on the Adleman Lipton model
Farzaneh Famoori امیر صباغ ملاحسینی Azadeh Alsadat Emrani Zarandi -
Open Access Article
978 - Designing an Integrated Model for Developing the Innovation and Commercialization Level of Iran's Knowledge-based Companies
seyed habibollah mirghafoori Ali Morovati sharifabadi Amir Ehsan Zahedi -
Open Access Article
979 - Effect of Talent Management on Creativity Mediating Role of Organizational Trust (Case study: Secretary Teachers of Education City Torbat)
ali hoseinzadeh Zeinab Mostaghimi -
Open Access Article
980 - Designing a Human Resource Effectiveness Model at the University with an Innovative Data Base Approach (Case Study: Islamic Azad University)
Mehrdad Ghaffari Zenozi Serah aldin Mohebbi Karam ollah Daneshfard -
Open Access Article
981 - Designing and validating an innovative model of transformational leadership in secondary schools with a qualitative approach (Case study: Ardabil secondary schools)
Hasan Aslanzadeh Masoud Moradi Mohammad Mojtabazadeh -
Open Access Article
982 - Designing an innovative model of income generation in education with an emphasis on opportunities and threats
mohammad bigdeli abbas ghanbari -
Open Access Article
983 - Providing a Flexible Work System Model for Recruiting and Retaining the Organization's Elites (Case Study: National Elite Foundation)
Iman Khaki Seyed Hamzeh Hoseini -
Open Access Article
984 - Digital currency scaling with innovation in information data synthesis
Mahdi Nazari oloum Amirhosein Yavari Reza Moazen -
Open Access Article
985 - Explaining the management model of employees' ideation in military organizations
Ali akbar Peyvasteh mohammad bakhtazmay bonab Jafar Saadati Raziyan reza rostamzade -
Open Access Article
986 - Presenting and explaining the developed conceptual model of Creativity-Based Rural Tourism
Bijan Khalil-Moghaddam Ruhollah Bayat Farhad Darvishi Sehtolani Safar Fazli Ali Zangiabadi -
Open Access Article
987 - The Culture of Creativity and Cultural Creativity
Gh. H. Heidari -
Open Access Article
988 - The effectiveness of questioning and explaining skills training to teachers on creativity of high school students
Kamran Ganji Hassan Dinarvand Hamid Abootalebi -
Open Access Article
989 - Processing of exploration data in Zarshouran area, modeling of ore body and mineral resource estimation
Arash Gourabjeiri pour Bahram Abolqasemi Alireza Najafi Mahnaz Taheri -
Open Access Article
990 - The Introduce of Indices to Predict Geology Unites Susceptibility to Coseismic Landslides; Manjil Earthquake as a Case study
M.A Rajabi -
Open Access Article
991 - The relationship between talent development and organizational innovation and the mediating role of quality of work life
Masoumeh Mashhadi batoul faghiharam Aboutaleb Seadatee Shamir -
Open Access Article
992 - The Relationship of Family Social Support and adolscent addiction Susceptibility in the City of Shahriyar
Amin Norouzi Kianoush Zahrakar Hadi Safari Maryam Faraji Abbas Marzban -
Open Access Article
993 - Standardization of the Third Edition of the Wadkock-Johnson Student Volunteering Scales in Elementary School Students in Islamshahr
Ali Vosoughi Colnteri Kambiz Kamkari Mehrnaz Azadyekta -
Open Access Article
994 - Critical Study and Analysis of the principles of Surrealism in Comparison With Anecdotes Junaid Baghdadi withEmphasis on the Memoirs of Attar's Tazkereh al-Awliya
Nasser Amir Mohammadi Nemat Esfahani Omran Hamid Tabasi -
Open Access Article
995 - A comparative view of the mystery of wealth and happiness in Shahnameh and Haft Peykar
leyla ساعی naser naseri shahriyar hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
996 - Linguistic Abnormality in the Poems of Rahi Moayeri and Mehrdad Avesta
tina Niknam Razia Zavarian mahnaz ramezani -
Open Access Article
997 - Identification of the dominant species of Agrotis in Naghadeh sugar beet fields and determination of the number of its generations in the field
Samira Khodayari Fatemeh Haghi Esmaeil Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
998 - Study of population fluctuations of Lobesia botrana (Lep.: Tortricidae) in vineyards of Kashmar region, in Khorasan Razavi province
isa jabaleh Esmat Maldari Kondor Mohammad Sirjani -
Open Access Article
999 - A Database for use in Intelligent Personality Recognition System
Vahid Ghods حوریه عربیان -
Open Access Article
1000 - A Novel Automated Random Based Test Case Generation Approach
Arash Sabbaghi -
Open Access Article
1001 - Optimal Analysis and Design Controller for Suppressing Vibration Smart Timoshenko Beam by Using Various Intervals
مجتبی حسنلو اجمد باقری فرید نجفی -
Open Access Article
1002 - Best Selection Design in Air Distribution of Data Centers
Mohammadamin Mojavery Agah khalil Mojaveryagah Alireza Saraei -
Open Access Article
1003 - Improving Energy Conversion Efficiency in Pest-Detector WSN Environments Using Genetic Programming-Based Data Aggregation
Mohammad Ahmadinia Fahimeh Azampour -
Open Access Article
1004 - The effect of rounds of the Friction Stir Welding tool (FSW) in determining of fatigue life of T6-7075 aluminum alloy
Mohamad Jafar Ostad Ahmad Ghorabi Reza Samieifard -
Open Access Article
1005 - Spectral distortion-based flood detection in multi-temporal images fusion techniques
حسن حسنی مقدم Mohammad Javad Nateghi -
Open Access Article
1006 - A Model for Locating Urban Waste Disposal (Case Study : Rine Larijan Township)
Maryam Shabani abdollah hydaryeih -
Open Access Article
1007 - Mitigation of the COVID 19 Pandemics in tectonically active areas.
Saumitra Mukherjee -
Open Access Article
1008 - Analysis of indicators of evaluation of importance and life of infrastructure: grounded theory approach
Gholam reza hossein ali beyki -
Open Access Article
1009 - Comparative evaluation of sports spaces in Semnan cities for holding sporting events using Geographic Information System (GIS)
hamid bagherzadeh seyedmostafa tayebisani bahram ghadimi vahid rafiy dahbidi -
Open Access Article
1010 - Evaluating and measuring the level of readiness of institutions influencing the integrated management of Tehran's peri-urban areas in the establishment of spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
Abolhassan Modarreszadeh Barzoki Rahim Sarvar Farideh Asadian -
Open Access Article
1011 - Designing the model of indicators affecting the development and improvement of the financial structure with the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) approach (case study: manufacturing companies)
Rahmat Alizade Reza karimonnafs Mohammad nasrollahi Alireza hasan maleki -
Open Access Article
1012 - Randomized crossover efficiency in evaluating decision units with unfavorable factors
mehdi khodadadipour sayyed mohammadreza davoodi -
Open Access Article
1013 - Development of the general financing model for value creation of technology in the use of new energies
anahita abbasian Saeed Aghasi sayyed mohammadreza davoodi -
Open Access Article
1014 - Presenting a data mining model based on the environmental index of sustainable urban development affected by the epidemic of Covid-19
Abbas Maleki Sadegh Abedi Alireza Irajpour -
Open Access Article
1015 - عوامل ارتقای سلامت مالی در چرخه انعقاد قراردادهای پیمانکاری دولتی (مطالعه موردی: ادارات دولتی جنوب استان آذربایجان غربی)
مسعود قهرمانی فاطمه کریم زاده -
Open Access Article
1016 - ارزیابی عملکرد زنجیره تامین صنعت سیمان با استفاده از تحلیل پوششی داده ها
سیدمحمد سید حسینی محمد حسین درویش متولی -
Open Access Article
1017 - اثر بانکداری اسلامی و رشد اقتصادی بر فقر و نابرابری اقتصادی در کشورهای منتخب اسلامی
محمدتقی نظرپور فرشته اشراقی زهره خواجه سعید -
Open Access Article
1018 - ارزیابی کارایی و رتبه بندی مدارس ابتدایی با استفاده از تحلیل پوششی داده ها (DEA)
فرانک امیدیان محمد امین اجاقی ندا اجاقی -
Open Access Article
1019 - بررسی تاثیر مدیریت استعداد بر دلبستگی و تعهد کارکنان )مورد مطالعه:بانک های خصوصی کشور(
اعتبار نقدی مرجان فیاضی سیدرضا سید جوادین -
Open Access Article
1020 - رویکردبررسی تأثیر ساختار مالکیت و جریان وجه نقد آزاد بر سودمندی داراییها در شرکتهای پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران
مصطفی نطقی طاهری سینا نعمتی زاده -
Open Access Article
1021 - بررسی رابطه اثر حجم معاملات، زمان تاسررسید، تعداد موقعیتهای تعهدی بازبر بازده معاملات آتی سکه بهار آزادی
فاطمه میرزاده علیرضا حیدرزاده هنزائی علی سعیدی -
Open Access Article
1022 - ارزیابی کارایی و رتبه بندی مدارس ابتدایی با استفاده از تحلیل پوششی دادهها (DEA)
فرانک امیدیان محمدامین اجاقی ندا اجاقی -
Open Access Article
1023 - رابطه اختلاف قیمت پیشنهادی خرید و فروش سهام با بازدهی بازار، تعداد دفعات معامله و سرعت گردش سهام در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران
شهره اصغری گیلده محسن حمیدیان بهزاد یوسفیان امیرخیز -
Open Access Article
1024 - ارزیابی عملکردشرکت بابرّرسی تأثیرتیزبینی بازارومشارکت شبکه تأمین،برقابلیت مقاومت دربرابررخدادهای فاجعه بار
علیرضا فضل زاده محمد صبوری فرد محمدرضا قربانیان جعفر امینی -
Open Access Article
1025 - بررسی عملکرد سرمایه گذاری های منطقهای بهداشتی دولت بر بهرهوری عوامل تولید
علی رئیس پور دکتر جمشید پژویان -
Open Access Article
1026 - ارزیابی کارایی هزینه، درآمد و سود سازمان با استفاده تحلیل پوششی داده ها
مهدی صالحی صدقیانی سوان سهرائی -
Open Access Article
1027 - Study on Demographic Changes and Spatial Distribution of the Iron Age Communities of Iran with an Environmental Archaeology Approach
Babak Shaikh Baikloo Islam -
Open Access Article
1028 - A Study on Parthians Economy Base on XRF Analysis of Silver Coins During Mitridat I and Mitridat II
Mahdi Sabzali Alireza Gudarzi Mostafa Khazaei Kouhpar Farhang Khademi Nadoushan -
Open Access Article
1029 - A Proposal to Determine the Location of the Ilkhani City of Sultanabad Chamchamal (Little Baghdad) in Bisotun Kermanshah
Abbas Motarjem Yaqub Mohammadifar -
Open Access Article
1030 - Destiny and Endeavor in the 70th Question of Dādestān-e Dēnīg
Azadeh Heidarpour Katayoun Fekripour Mohammad Mokari -
Open Access Article
1031 - ﻣﺴﺘﻘﻴﻢ آﻣﻮزش1
اﻋﻈﻤﻲ ﻣﺤﻤﻮد1 ﺟﻌﻔﺮی ﻋﻠﻴﺮﺿ اﻋﻈﻤﻲ ﻣﺤﻤﻮد1 ﺟﻌﻔﺮی ﻋﻠﻴﺮﺿ -
Open Access Article
1032 - بررسی نقش باز یهای آموزشی بر یادگیری مفاهیم آموزش و مقایسه اعداد ریاضی دانش آموزان دختر پایه اول ابتدایی شهر ری
دکتر علی شریعتمداری دکتر قدسی احقر دکتر مریم سیف نراقی نسرین قنبری -
Open Access Article
1033 - بررسی سبک رهبری مدیران تحولگرا بر بهبود سازمانی
ذوالفقار یزدان مهر دکتر بابک حاجی کریمی -
Open Access Article
1034 - بررسی تأثیر تاکتیک های نفوذ بر آمادگی برای تغییر در کارکنان بیمارستان تامین اجتماعی بجنورد
نازنین وحدانی رشوانلوئی بهرنگ اسماعیلی شاد -
Open Access Article
1035 - درک الگوی تحرک و فعالیت های کاربر از داده های شبکه های اجتماعی با برچسب جغرافیایی
حسن رحیمی نرگس گلستانی رضا گلستانی -
Open Access Article
1036 - Prediction of regulation of learning based on test anxiety & achievement goals with mediation of information processing strategies
sarah ebrahimi davod laki -
Open Access Article
1037 - The comparison Emotional distress, eating self-efficacy, morningness and coping styles students with binge eating disorder and non-patients, with control of body mass index
elham farsimadan sodabeh shirani brojeni tayebeh sharifi -
Open Access Article
1038 - A Reflection on the Memorable Concept and its Constructive Factors on Architecture Schools
Akramolsadat Kheyrossadat Seyd Mohammad Hosein Ayatollahi Marziye Tabaeian Marziyeh Piravi Vanak Maryam Ghasemi sichani -
Open Access Article
1039 - The effectiveness of Cognitive group training on Action for Individual development of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee´ clients
horeyeh heydari katrin fekri -
Open Access Article
1040 - Identification of talent management attributes in the Customs Organization of Iran (mixed method)
morad khoshdel mofidi mohamadreza bagherzade asadolah mehrara -
Open Access Article
1041 - Presenting the Pattern of Factors Affecting faculty Talent Management in Islamic Azad Universities of East Azerbaijan
soraya gholamhoseinpouranvari -
Open Access Article
1042 - Identifying the characteristics of transformational management in secondary schools in order to present a model (based on the study sample of secondary schools in Ardabil city)
hasan aslanzadeh Massod moradi mohammad mojtabazadeh -
Open Access Article
1043 - ز
hasanali bahramzadeh aminreza marati -
Open Access Article
1044 - sds
ebrahim bavafa -
Open Access Article
1045 - The Consequence of England Policy at Constitutional Revolution of Iran after Treaty 1907
aliakbar khadrezadeh -
Open Access Article
1046 - Investigating human relation indices among teachers
ahmad valipour ensiyah mahmoujanlo -
Open Access Article
1047 - Prediction of regulation of learning based on test anxiety & achievement goals with mediation of information processing strategies
sara ebrahimi davod laki -
Open Access Article
1048 - A discussion of the power of Darius and Cyrus killed, Cambiz and Bardia
Ahmad Heydari -
Open Access Article
1049 - An investigation into Purchasing, Selling-Renting and loaning economic documents in ancient Elam
زهرا میراشه kamal aldin niknami بهمن فیروزمندی -
Open Access Article
1050 - Tyranny and Welcome »Analytical on field of psychosocial welcome from Reza Shah's tyranny«
محسن عزیزی نیا طهماسب علیپوریان -
Open Access Article
1051 - Social rights of slaves in the Book of A Thousand Judgement
zahra hisseini -
Open Access Article
1052 - Securing the Family Livelihood in the ‘Ten Sentences of Mādayān ī Hazār Dādestān’
zahra hisseini -
Open Access Article
1053 - Genealogy and historiographic explanation of the fall of Baghdad in Persian historiographical works up to the 10th century
Maryam Nazaralhooey Mahboubeh Sharafi -
Open Access Article
1054 - The Explanation and Analysis of Sacred Numbers in Iranian culture from Achaemenid Empire to fall of Sasanids Empire (559B.C-651A.D) (Case Study the numbers: three, seven, twelve, forty and seventy-two)
Hasan Atash Ab parvar karim yousefjamali Esmaeil sangari Shokouhossadat Arabihashemi -
Open Access Article
1055 - An introduction to the thoughts and political positions of Ayatollah Agha Najafi Quchani
ali soleimanpour -
Open Access Article
1056 - Examining the sentences of paying the debt of the deceased (tōzišn) and debt settlement (pēš-tōzišnīh) in Sassanid times from the Mādayān ī hazār dādestestān
zahra hisseini -
Open Access Article
1057 - Radān duties in the Sassanid period from the Mādayān ī Hazār Dādestān
zahra hisseini -
Open Access Article
1058 - desire from the scholars in the orbit of the policy of the rulers of Baghdad (with emphasis on the fourth century AH)
saeeid hamidi -
Open Access Article
1059 - In the fourth century the two capital cities in the World of Islam i.e.Baghdad
maryam baihi nezhad naser jadidi -
Open Access Article
1060 - THE Study of Mufid political and intellectual interaction with gowernors of Buveyhid
leila taghavi bahram amani -
Open Access Article
1061 - gf
rajab ali vsughe motlagh -
Open Access Article
1062 - Investigation of The poet and whole text of the historical inscription in the eastern vestibule of Yazd’s jaame mosque
fatemeh salahshour yaser hamzavi maryam mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
1063 - A Survey of Sheykhorrais Qajar’s life and woks and his constitutionalism combats
Javad Abolhasani Masoomeh Gharadaghi -
Open Access Article
1064 - Imam Reza’s (PBUH) political reactions to his contemporary crises
amir akbari -
Open Access Article
1065 - Explaining the historical and theological Mu'tazilite school Basra and Baghdad
morteza mousavi parisa fiezi -
Open Access Article
1066 - Divan Resalat and it’s Function in the Khwarazm Shahid’s Divan
Ebrahim Bavafa -
Open Access Article
1067 - Ash'ari exact role of ideas in relationship with the caliphate system Alebouyeh
morteza soltani vali abolhasani -
Open Access Article
1068 - Why Hasan Ibn Fazl was Elected as Baghdad’s Caliph
majid mesbah -
Open Access Article
1069 - A Reflection on 1919 Treaty
jalil naebiyan -
Open Access Article
1070 - living, treaces and political thoughts of ,,Abdol-Rahmane kavakebi
masoma gharedaghi -
Open Access Article
1071 - Causes and conclusions of the first military intevention of the Soviet communist regime in Iran
Behzad Bahrami -
Open Access Article
1072 - This study aims to provide a systematic understanding of the organization of police chiefs of police actions during the Pahlavi and the period in question Reza Shah's modernization quasi Bashd.tghyyrat developments in Brnzmyh community also had its impact
moammad ahmadabadi soheyla torabi fizolah boshasb -
Open Access Article
1073 - The Consequence of England Policy at Constitutional Revolution of Iran after Treaty 1907
Ali Akbar Khedrizadeh -
Open Access Article
1074 - An investigation into Purchasing, Selling-Renting and loaning economic documents in ancient Elam Name
zahra mirashe kamalodien niknami bahman firozmandi -
Open Access Article
1075 - Investigation of Shi'ism current opportunities from the fall of Baghdad To the establishment of the Safavid dynasty
Azadeh Montazeri -
Open Access Article
1076 - Relations between Buyid and Egypt
RajabAli Vosooghi -
Open Access Article
1077 - Society and governance in the era of Achaemenid (Discussion about the nature and power of the Achaemenid kings
M.R Golizadeh M.H Rahnema -
Open Access Article
1078 - Feasibility of using smart mobile phone application in chemistry education
Younes Karimi Fardinpour -
Open Access Article
1079 - Political Sanctions and Its Impact on Contracts Based on Jurisprudence and Legal Solutions.
khosro معرعلیان Beytollah Divsalar Fakhrollah Molai -
Open Access Article
1080 - Critical Analysis of the Foundations of Inequality in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Political Philosophy (with Emphasis on the Second Discourse)
saeed eslamee Amirmasoud Tadayon fatemeh soleymani pourlak Amin Moezi Dailami -
Open Access Article
1081 - Review and analysis of the right to secession (remedial measure) based on international law, emphasizing the secession of the Crimean region from the Ukrainian government
Adel mohammadi Abu Mohammad Asgarkhani Sayed Bagher Mirabassi -
Open Access Article
1082 - A Comparative Study of the Certificate and its Positive Value in the Iranian and British Legal Systems
mohammad zaman qorban amraji jamshid yahyapour -
Open Access Article
1083 - The Impact of Economic Fluctuations on the Political Sability of Iran
Hossein Karimi Arghini Mohammad Mojtabazadeh Rasool Davoodi Noradin mirzai -
Open Access Article
1084 - The Relationship between the Restriction of Apostasy and the Claimant of Imamate
Mohammadali Arabameri Mohammadrasoul Ahangaran Maryam Aghaeibajestani -
Open Access Article
1085 - Transfer of the International Subject of the Contract in Iranian and British Law
Mohamad Mahdi Kazemi Moghdam Tayeb Afsharnia Mohamad Taghi Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1086 - Historical Investigation of the Independence of Arbitration in the Settlement of International Disputes
Hamed Moghiseh Hasan Moradi Mostafa Naghizadeh Ansari -
Open Access Article
1087 - The Strategies and Consequences of Utilization of Talent Management in Sports Organizations (Grounded Theory)
Roya Alizadeh Hassan Fahim Hosein PeymanniZad Mohammad KeshtiDar -
Open Access Article
1088 - Application of the Principles of Competition and Transparency in Supporting the Weak in Government Contracts
Karim Farhadi Khairullah Parvin Mohammad Hassan Habibi -
Open Access Article
1089 - Investigating the Causal Factors of Weakness in the Implementation of Tax Policy in Iran
Mahdi Hasanvand Mohammad Reza Yazdani Zazerani Mahnaz Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
1090 - Critical Review of "Fair Trial" in International Documents
Namdar Babayi Valiolah Ansari Ali qorbani -
Open Access Article
1091 - A Study of the Theory of Consideration in Iranian Law with a Look at British Law
Hossein Tafvizi Seyed Pedram Khandani -
Open Access Article
1092 - Investigating the Status of Fairness in Prosecution of Disputes and Beneficial Mediation
Maisam Sarhadi Rad Mostafa Arbabi -
Open Access Article
1093 - A Comparative Study of the Possibility of Mitigation of Damage Resulted from Contract Violation in Iranian and English Legal Systems
fatah karimi Najad Ali Almasi Abdallah kiaei -
Open Access Article
1094 - Breach of Obligation to Provide Information in the Contractual Relations of Iranian-British Law
Shahram Ghasemi Seyyed Hekmatollah Askari Ranjbar Sahraiey MassoudReza -
Open Access Article
1095 - Investigating the Nature of Being a Matter in Employment and Administrative Contracts
Mahtab Masoomi Mostafa Seraji Khairullah Parvin Ahmad Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1096 - Innovations of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Adopted in 1392, on the Rights of Defendants
Seyed Essa Hosseini Naghi Fazeli Jafar Koosha -
Open Access Article
1097 - Investigating the Role of Social Justice in Mitigating the Exorbitant Damages Caused by Breach of Contract
Ali Haratiyan nezhadi bakhtiyar abasloo mehdi montazer mitra zarabi -
Open Access Article
1098 - A Comparative Study of the Impunity of Criminals in the Iranian Penal System and the Statute of the International Criminal Court
ali mansourlakoorak Asghar Abbasi ali ghorbani -
Open Access Article
1099 - Analyzing the Issue of Removal of Brain Dead's Organs, from the Viewpoint of Jurisprudence and Law
Alireza Zare Hosein Khanifar -
Open Access Article
1100 - A Comparative Study of the Effects of the Decline of the Main Case on Mutual Countermeasures in the Laws of Iran and France
Azad Rashid Azarpour Akbar Bashiri -
Open Access Article
1101 - Talent Management Model in Public Sector (survey: health networks in Iran University of Medical Science)
Azar Eslami Naser Poursadegh Masoud Haghighi -
Open Access Article
1102 - Designing and Evaluating of the Organizational Happiness Pattern of Professors of Islamic Azad University of Tehran Branches (Combined Study)
Mersedeh Adabi Ali Hajiha Abbas Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
1103 - Barriers performance-related pay(PRP) in public organizations of Iran
Mohamad Mobini Samane Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1104 - A fuzzy hybrid approach for supplier selection and order allocation
Reyhaneh Hajati Majid Nojavan Davood Mohammaditabar -
Open Access Article
1105 - Designing a model for optimizing talent management: with a system dynamics approach
Sayed Salman Zakaryayi Hossain khanifar.ir Salahedin Ebrahimi Bahman Gholami -
Open Access Article
1106 - Presenting a Conceptual Model of Green Supply Chain Management to Improve Sustainable Development of the Environment with a Qualitative Approach Grounded Theory
Zahra Delshad Mozhde Rabbani Hasan Dehghan Dehnavi -
Open Access Article
1107 - Entrepreneurship development model design with a social accountability approach in higher education (Case study: Islamic Azad University)
mahboubeh porgoo vahidreza mirabi Hamideh Reshadatjoo Hossein Vazifehdust -
Open Access Article
1108 - Variety of Talent and Employability : The Analyzing the mediating role of Intelligent Education
Reza Sepahvand Razieh Bagherzadeh Khodashahri -
Open Access Article
1109 - Drawing a map of the research process in the field of financial literacy indexed in the web-of-science database using bibliometric techniques.
Seyyed Jamaladdin Tabatabai Mazreno Mahmoud moeinaddin Akram Taftiyan -
Open Access Article
1110 - Analyze the dimensions of professional structure development for sports organizations based on the theory of Strauss and Corbin
Hossein Zakizzade Mehdi Naderinasab Rahim ramazaninezhad -
Open Access Article
1111 - Designing a model of complexity drivers effective in evaluating the performance of complex Iranian government organizations
ebrahim sahraee Naser Poursadegh Naser Hamidi Ali Mohtashami -
Open Access Article
1112 - Presenting the competency model of cultural managers of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance using the grounded theory
Mohammad Rostami Morteza Hazrati Naser Hamidi samad jabari asl -
Open Access Article
1113 - Designing a talent management model based on employee participation (Case of study: Qazvin Province Civil Registration Organization)
mehri maleki Gholamreza Memarzadeh Tehran parham azimi -
Open Access Article
1114 - Presenting a data mining model based on sustainable development index in the urban management of Tehran metropolis affected by the covid-19 epidemic.
Abbas Maleki sadegh abedi Alireza Irajpoor -
Open Access Article
1115 - Presenting the pattern of cognitive and emotional elements in visual advertisements
ALLAHYAR GHASEMI ahmad Rahchamani Hamidreza saeednia -
Open Access Article
1116 - System Dynamics of strategic approach to Talent Management in Knowledge-based Organizations
somayeh shamani Seyyed Mohammad zargar Seyed Abdollah Heidarieh, hadi Hemathian, -
Open Access Article
1117 - Presenting a model for predicting tax evasion guilds based on Data mining techniques
Mohammad Ghasemi Sadegh Abedi Ali Mohtashami -
Open Access Article
1118 - Presenting the indigenous model of factors affecting the formation of digital trust Using the foundation's data approach and theory
mohammadreza pakdel Jalal Haghighat Monfared Mansoureh Aligholi -
Open Access Article
1119 - A hybrid model of network data envelopment analysis and data mining to predict efficiency in the green supply chain of the poultry industry
Tahereh Torkashvand Fatemeh Saghafi Mohammad Hossein Darvish Motevali nazanin pilevari -
Open Access Article
1120 - Presenting a model for promoting sustainable development policies based on small wins in Iran
mahmoud rahmatollahi Mehdi Mortazavi Hamed Rahmani -
Open Access Article
1121 - Usage of Scientometric Method in Higher Education Regional Preparation For the Development of Entrepreneurial University
Marziyh Bakhtiyari Morteza Moosakhani Seyed Mhdi Alvani Seyed Rasul Hosseini -
Open Access Article
1122 - Productivity Based on Positive Organizational Behavior
Seyed Mahdi Alvani -
Open Access Article
1123 - Designing an Optimal Talent Management Model
Sohiela Darouian Naser Mirsepasi Karamolah Daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1124 - Supplier Selection Based on Optimistic and Pessimistic Perspectives
Hosen Azizi Alireza Amir Teymori Reza Farzipour Samen -
Open Access Article
1125 - Strategic Capacity of Managers Based on Job Recognition, Job Variability, Organizational Support and Job Adjustment
Alireza Mooghali Maryam Farami Rahman MoshiriZadeh -
Open Access Article
1126 - Technology Selection in The Presence of Both Cardinal and Ordinal Data
Hoosen Azizi Reza Farzipoor Saen -
Open Access Article
1127 - Combination of DEA and ANP-QUALIFLEX methods to determine the most Efficient Portfolio
Mozhgan pishdadian Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
1128 - Evaluating the Performance of the Sales Force on KPI with the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Esmaeel Malekakhlagh Arman Poureisa Sayyed Ali Nabizadeh -
Open Access Article
1129 - Design an Entrepreneurship Development Model for Small and Medium Organizations in the Technical and Professional organization
Mohamad Mahdii Mozafar Majid Kavosi -
Open Access Article
1130 - Fuzzy Streaming Data Classification Using Data Envelopment Analysis
Amineh Tohidi Mohammad Amin Adibi Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
1131 - Developing and Standardizing Government Organizations' Talent Orientation Questionnaire
Farshad Nemati Ghasem Ansari Ranani Adel Salavati Pouya Faroughi -
Open Access Article
1132 - Effect of Psychological contract breach on emotional exhaustion of employees considering the mediating role of Affective organizational commitment and Affective commitment to supervisor
Hosein Damghanian Mohammad Keshavarz -
Open Access Article
1133 - Presenting a Hybrid Model of Data Envelopment Analysis and Multi-Objective Decision Making to Achieve the Efficiency Score of Decision Making Units in Grey Environment
Alizera Alinezhad Hossen Kakavand Abolfazle Kazemi Ali Shakorloo -
Open Access Article
1134 - Development of congestion model in fuzzy data envelopment analysis
Alireza Alinezhad Behnam Mohamadbeigi -
Open Access Article
1135 - Strategic Selection of Suppliers Using Corrected Factor Analysis Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
Siyavash Hekmat Maghsoud Amiri -
Open Access Article
1136 - Designing Grounded Model of Enterprise Architecture Based on Information Technology Governance
Rohollah Dadashniya kasmani Jalal Haghighat Monfared Sayyid Gholam Hassan Tabatabaee -
Open Access Article
1137 - Exploring of Organizational Energy Concept and Design its Unleashing Process Model in Organization
Hashem Baharvand Foad Makvandi Sirus Korahi Moghaddam Ghanbar Amirnejad -
Open Access Article
1138 - Presenting a Bi-objective Method in Location-allocation Problems Using Combinational Interval Full-ranking and Set Covering with Backup Model
Majede Kordjazi Abolfazl Kazemi -
Open Access Article
1139 - Performance Evaluation Using Data Envelopment Analysis in Educational Departments
Nima Hashemi Hashemi Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Seyed Esmaeil Najafi -
Open Access Article
1140 - Evaluate the performance of the organization using two integrated approaches the DEA-BSC and ANN-DEA
Reza Ehtesham Rasi Eisa Naji -
Open Access Article
1141 - Assessment Talent Management Strategy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Knowledge Worker
Ebrahim Rajabpour Jahanshah Chartab Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1142 - Assessing Credit Risk in the Banking System Using Data Mining Techniques
Nima Hamta Mohammad Ehsanifar Bahareh Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1143 - Proposing a New model to Predict Performance of Decision Making Units Based on Fuzzy stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis
Ali Yaghoubi Elham qobadi -
Open Access Article
1144 - The Intertextual Reading of Lalehzar Context Based on Event-Space Concept for Improving Its Spatial Quality
Mohammadreza Jasbi fatemeh amirian Bahman Namvarmotlagh -
Open Access Article
1145 - Identifying and prioritizing the atmospheric components of living space in architecture using Grounded theory
Open Access Article
1146 - Comparison of perceived social support, hope and academic achievement between the students living in Imam Khomeini relief foundation dormitories and the welfare organization homes of parentless and unsupervised children in West Azerbaijan
Javad keyhan sara mohammad moradi naghadeh fazel ganea gare bagh -
Open Access Article
1147 - Development and Validation of addiction susceptibility Questionnaire-student version (ASQ-SV)
Ali Zeinali -
Open Access Article
1148 - The Relationship between Parents’ Child Rearing Styles and Children’s Hardiness
Masoud Naghipour -
Open Access Article
1149 - Investigating the Effect of Talent Management on Psychological Empowerment of Employee of Hospitality Industry
Davood KiaKojuri Seyyed Mohammad Mirtaghian Rudsari -
Open Access Article
1150 - Prediction of emotional symptoms from stressful life events
Ali Akbar Haddadi Kuhsar -
Open Access Article
1151 - Misconceptions of students about comparing decimal numbers from 6th, 7th and 8th year of girl pishva town
Ahmad Shahvarani Mohammad Hasan Behzadi Abed Moradi -
Open Access Article
1152 - Demographic factors affecting the motivations of suicide by self-burnin (hospitalized in burn unit of zare hospital Sari-Iran)
Mansour Latifi Mehar Nader Solimani Reza Nouroz Zadeh -
Open Access Article
1153 - The relationship of parenting patterns of parents with social adjustment of second-grade high school students
Parvaneh Doodman Abbas Gholtash -
Open Access Article
1154 - The Effect of Reality therapy on Depression in Female-headed households under the auspices of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in Shiraz in 2019
Ali Hosseini Aadan Moein -
Open Access Article
1155 - Investigating the Relationship between Talent Management and Improving the Job Performance of Male and Female Physical Education Teachers in East Azerbaijan Province.
Jaleh Sarbazvatan Mohamdrahim Najafzadeh Hamid Janani jafar. Barghimogadam. -
Open Access Article
1156 - Recommending a model to assess Women purchase behavior in social networks (A qualitative Study)
Sam Rahimzadeh Holagh Reza Ebrahimzadeh Dastjerdi Alborz Gheitani Akbar Etebarian khorasgani -
Open Access Article
1157 - اثربخشی آموزش مولفههای نظریه معکوس برخلاقیت دانش آموزان دختر مقطع متوسطه شهرستان ارومیه
راضیه نوروزبخش علی نقی اقدسی -
Open Access Article
1158 - بررسی عوامل موثر بر اشتغال زنان با تاکید بر استفاده از ICT
منیره دیزجی آرش کتابفروش بدری -
Open Access Article
1159 - Effect of Seed Inoculation with Nitragin and Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Corn
S. Baser khochehbagh B. Mirshekari F. Farahvash A. Javanshir -
Open Access Article
1160 - Effect of Temperature Limits and Crop Density on Quality Characteristics of Oils and Fatty Acids in Regression Relationship with Soybean Yield
Alireza Alazmani Masoumeh Naeemi Abolfazl Faraji Ali Rahemi Karizki Leila Ahangar -
Open Access Article
1161 - Effect of Irrigation Intervals on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum bicolor Cultivars in Miyaneh Region, Iran
P. Naseri A. Faramarzi M.B. Khorshidi Benam Sh. Shahrokhi -
Open Access Article
1162 - Effects of Roasting Cotton Seed on its Gossypol Content, Ruminal Degradability and in Vitro Protein Digestibility
M. Taghinejad Roudbaneh S.R. Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1163 - Response of Yields and Agronomic Traits of Five Grain Millet Varieties to Planting Date
Mahnaz Ghafari Seyyed Gholamreza Moosavi Mohamad Javad Seghatoleslami Hamed Javadi -
Open Access Article
1164 - Meta-Analytical Study of the Effect of Drought Stress on Cotton’s Performance and its Components in Iran
Azadeh Razaji Farzad Panknejad Maryam Moarefi Abdolmajid Mahdavi Damghani Mohammad Nabi Ilkaee -
Open Access Article
1165 - Study on Quantitative Characteristics of Three Promising Cotton Genotypes in Country Moderate Regions (Khodafarin)
M.B. Khorshidi Benam O. Alishah -
Open Access Article
1166 - Response of Two Rapeseed Cultivars (Brassica napus L.) in Terms of Growth Indices, Yield and Yield Components to Method of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application in Gonbad-e Qabus Plain
Seyyed Fazel Fazeli Kakhki Morteza Goldani Farhad Soleimani fard Naser Bikzadeh -
Open Access Article
1167 - Study on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat Genotypes under Different Moisture Regimes
E. Mogtader M. Roostaei A. Faramarzi J. Jafarzadeh R. Dastbori R. Eslami M.B. Khorshidi Benam -
Open Access Article
1168 - Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates and Its Split Application on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa willd.) Cultivars
Mahsa Mansouri Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Abdolali Gilani Shahram Lak Mani Mojdam -
Open Access Article
1169 - Effect of Compost Combination and Chemical Fertilizers on Yield and Yield Components of Onion (Allium cepa L.)
Reza Rezayi Ghyasi Seyyed Ali Mousavizadeh Elnaz Farajzadeh Meamari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
1170 - Effect of Potato (Solanum tubersum L.) and Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa willd.) Intercropping and Weed Management on Yield and Quantitive Traits of Potato
Mohammad Jalali Seyed Vahid Eslami Sohrab Mahmoodi Ahmad Aein -
Open Access Article
1171 - Investigating the Tolerance of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Cultivars to Broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca pers) in Khorassan Razavi
M. Zafarian, R. Sadrabadi Haghighi M. Ghassab Mohammadabadi M. Nasirpour -
Open Access Article
1172 - Evaluation of Root Growth Dynamics and Yield Components of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Cultivars by Changing Phosphorus and Zinc Levels
Anise Jorfi Mojtaba Alavifazel Abdolali Gilani Mohammad Reza Ardakani Shahram Lack -
Open Access Article
1173 - Effect of Azotobacter and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels on Agro-physiological Traits and Yield of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Genotypes under Different Moisture Conditions
Abbas Soleimanifard Mani Mojaddam Shahram Lack Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
1174 - The Study of Source-Sink Relations by Comparison of Weight and Grain in the Modern and Old Wheat Cultivars
Mehdi Joudi shahram mehri -
Open Access Article
1175 - Mitigating the Effect of Drought Stress on Potato Cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) by Spraying them with Potassium Humate
A. Hoseini M.B. Khorshidi Benam D. HassanPanah F. Shekari -
Open Access Article
1176 - Effect of Salicylic Acid on Morpho-agronomical Traits of Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) under Drought Stress
Faramarz Chamani Enayatollah Tohidinejad Mehdi Mohayeji -
Open Access Article
1177 - Sociological study of strategies and consequences of non-radical protest action in the organization
Malek Sheikhi akbar etebarian Reza Ebrahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1178 - Grounded theory a new approach to evaluating the productivity of educational organizations Case study: Islamic Azad University of East Azerbaijan Province
MIRMOHSEN ALAVINAMVAR Behnam Talabi sadegh Maleki -
Open Access Article
1179 - Presenting a biological attitude model in order to improve community health using the data foundation method
Sara Firuzian Alireza Esmaeili Rahmat alh Amir ahmadi Mohammad reza Naeimi -
Open Access Article
1180 - Family-Based Care & Preventive Strategies in Front of High-Risk Behaviors
HAMIDREZA ATEFIFAR Hosein Agajani Marsa Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
1181 - Providing a model for mentoring new teachers in the country's educational system based on the data theory of the foundation from the perspective of sociology of education
Parvaneh Niroomand jafar ghahramani Abolfazl Gasemzadeh Alishahi -
Open Access Article
1182 - Social participation and cultural factors affecting it (studied: Javanroud and Ravansar counties)
Shahram Fazeli Abdulreza Adhami Feyzollah Norozi -
Open Access Article
1183 - A comparative study of the extent of public participation in informal and planned urban settlement (Case study: Molla-zeynal and Dadgostari districts of Tabriz)
Ali Panahi Majid Dadashpour Moghaddam Akbar Azar Pour -
Open Access Article
1184 - The relationship between the literacy rate and emigration in Iran
Seyyed Ali Paytakhti Oskooe Laleh Tabaghchi Akbari -
Open Access Article
1185 - The study of the relationship between women’s employment and their social health in Maragheh
Elham Masti Sirous Fakhrayi -
Open Access Article
1186 - The crises of the process of government and nation building and its role on the formation of fundamentalism in Middle East (Case study: Iraq and Syria)
Sedigheh Moradzadeh Ehsan Shakeri Khoyee -
Open Access Article
1187 - Determining the Criminal Responsibility of Adults,Adolescents and Children in the Light of Criminological Data from the Perspective of Criminal Sociology
Mohsen Ashrafi Kiya Mohammad Tagi Ghoharniya -
Open Access Article
1188 - The Social role of Board of Directors on Accounting Conservatism of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohammad Amin Hakimi Heydar Mohammadzadeh Salteh -
Open Access Article
1189 - The civilians’ rights in Islamic government: reviewing the verdict of apostasy because of its repetition
Abdollah Bagheri seyyed Mohamadsadegh Aahmadi gholamhossien masood -
Open Access Article
1190 - Crime ignore the new Iranian Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure effects
Mehdi Soleimani -
Open Access Article
1191 - The position of the principle of the effectiveness of the terms of the contract in the interpretation of contracts
Hossein Moridifar Reza Sokuti Nasimi naser masoodi -
Open Access Article
1192 - The difficulty of compulsion and its legal effects in contractual obligations
Ali ALAHYARI Ali Gharibe -
Open Access Article
1193 - Guarantees of Unfair Conditions in Additional Contracts; Studying the Legal System of England and Iran
ali akbar garosi Mohammad Reza pirhadi -
Open Access Article
1194 - A Comparative analysis of the verse "Estemtah" from Fazel Moghdad and AbuBakr Jasas,s Viewpoint
Said taha hassan najid Ahmad Reza Rafiee Javad Paw Pour -
Open Access Article
1195 - A comparative study of the principle of voting certainty in jurisprudence, Iranian and British law
dariush babaei Vahid Khandani -
Open Access Article
1196 - Civil liability arising from contract termination in Iranian law and international sales and the principles of international contracts
seyedeh sadat alavi bakhtiyar abaslo mohammad bahmani -
Open Access Article
1197 - Good faith in contracts with an emphasis on identifying it as a principle in Iranian law and its comparative study in jurisprudence and international documents.
Zahra Erajzadeh Ahmad Shams Saeed Mansouri Eesa velaii -
Open Access Article
1198 - The right to terminate the contract in jurisprudence and law
Peymane Eslami naser masuodi -
Open Access Article
1199 - An analysis of the status of precedence over necessity in the implementation of contracts in Iranian law and Islamic jurisprudence
abdolkarim golgoun hormoz asadikoohbad Mohammad Rasool Ahangaran -
Open Access Article
1200 - -
Mohammad Reza Aghayi Bajestan Ali Chahcandi سید محمد رضوی -
Open Access Article
1201 - -
سراج الدین الهی Adel abbasi Babak Mohammadrezapour -
Open Access Article
1202 - قواعد و آثار حاکمیت اراده در انصراف از رسیدگی، با فرض کثرت خوانده در فقه و حقوق
ایرج جمشیدی مسعود البرزی ورکی علیرضا نواریان -
Open Access Article
1203 - -
hojat Ghafari جعفر هاشمی -
Open Access Article
1204 - Prosecutor's Role in Ensuring the Rights of the Accused in the Iranian Islamic Law and Common Law Legal System
Faramaraz Sanjarani Fakhr Hossein Reza Fani Abbas Ali Akbari -
Open Access Article
1205 - آیین و قواعد داوری منبعث از فقه در قرارداد پیشفروش ساختمان
فرشید عارفی افتخار دانش پور پژمان پیروزی -
Open Access Article
1206 - -
شهرام صبری rahim vakilzadeh -
Open Access Article
1207 - -
بهارک شاهد نسرین مهرا محمد آشوری -
Open Access Article
1208 - -
عبدالحمید مفتخر مهران جعفری علی پورجواهری کرم جانی پور -
Open Access Article
1209 - -
مصطفی یوسف زاده گندوانی javad niknejad behnam ghanbarpor -
Open Access Article
1210 - Investigating causal relationships of development dimensions of Iran's Higher Education System with future research approach
Mojtaba Tabari Sepideh Modanloo Joybari masoud yousefzadeh Mohammadreza Bagherzadeh -
Open Access Article
1211 - Analysis of anti-government discourse in the experience of the Republic of Kurdistan (Mahabad 1946)
ABDOLAZIZ MOLOUDI Majid Tavasoli roknabadi Mohamadmahdi Mojahedi -
Open Access Article
1212 - The Impact of Political Violence and Terror on Political Changes in the Pahlavi Period
ali fallahi saifoddin ali fallahnejhad -
Open Access Article
1213 - John Lock and Explanation of “Labor-Value” Theory in the Liberal Government and Bourgeois Society
علی دارابی -
Open Access Article
1214 - کارایی گفتگوهای برون دادی تحریک شده متقارن و نامتقارن در تقویت گفتار
پرویز قاصدی حبیب الله مشهدی فریده اکاتی ناصر فلاح -
Open Access Article
1215 - تاثیر بازخوردهای اصلاحی نوشتاری بر روی صحت دستوری فعالیت های برون دادی و یادگیری فرم زبان هدف
محمدرضا حسین نژاد محمد رضا ملاحسینی -
Open Access Article
1216 - بافتمند سازی آموزش دستور زبان از طریق آموزش از قبل طراحی شده مبتنی بر معنا و ارایه درونداد برجسته نمایی شده در یک محیط انگلیسی بعنوان زبان خارجی
مجید قلیچی -
Open Access Article
1217 - تاثیر تمرکز بر فرم بر اساس تدریس درون داد و برونداد روی یادگیری گرامر زبان آموزان ایرانی
سمیرا بوستان سعدی مهناز سعیدی -
Open Access Article
1218 - بررسی تاثیر متفاوت بسط ترتیبی و همزمان درون دادهای متنی بر دریافت زبان آموزان ایرانی
مهری جلالی منوچهر جعفری گهر -
Open Access Article
1219 - تاثیر موسیقی پس زمینه هنگام خواندن صامت روی درک مطلب فراگیران ایرانی انگلیسی به عنوان یک زبان خارجی
سکینه صاحبدل محمدرضا خدادوست -
Open Access Article
1220 - تاثیر مقایسه ای تقویتدرون داد بصری و شنیداری بر یادگیری افعال چند قسمتی نامتجانس (ناموافق) در زبان آموزان ایرانی
بهدخت مال امیری پرستو علی زاده اقیانوس عاطفه زهره وند -
Open Access Article
1221 - تاثیر متن بر یادگیری و یاداوری اصطلاحات
سیمین ولیزاده سعیده آهنگری -
Open Access Article
1222 - نقش کمکی بازی در آموزش اعداد انگلیسی به زبان اموزان ایرانی در سطح متوسط
Farzaneh Zardoshti فاطمه بهجت محمد رستم پور -
Open Access Article
1223 - تأثیر سطوح مختلف یادگیری در تستهای چهار گزینه ای و تشریحی بر یادداری زود هنگام و دیر هنگام
مهناز سعیدی مریم سلیمانی -
Open Access Article
1224 - مقایسه اثر فعالیتهای درونداد و برونداد هم سطح با دانش فراگیر در کیفیت و دقت گفتار زبانآموزان ایرانی
امید طباطبایی معصومه یخ آبی -
Open Access Article
1225 - Surrogate Obligations in Civil Liability of Harmful Action with Comparative Study in the Jurisprudence and French law
alireza yazdanian alireza yazdanian -
Open Access Article
1226 - Judicial and Lawful Study on Contract Nature of Istesna
Yasser Abdi Jafar Jafarzadeh Mahmoud Ari -
Open Access Article
1227 - Lawful-Judicial Survey of the Nature and Descriptions of Barter Contract
yasser abdi morteza nasiri morteza nasiri Morteza Shabazinia fakhroddin Asghari -
Open Access Article
1228 - A Survey on the Bases and Conditions of Insolvency Option
Mostafa Elsan -
Open Access Article
1229 - The Sanction for Breach of Contractual Obligations in Detriment of Third Parties
Reza Fotohi Rad Seyyed Mohammad Ghaboli Saeed Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1230 - Adaption of Time-Sharing Contracts with the Universitas Facti Lease Contract in Iranian Law
Alireza Fasihizadeh Maryam Jalali -
Open Access Article
1231 - Comparative Study of Nullity Theory of Moghareseh Contract
Moein Farzaneh Ali Tavalaei -
Open Access Article
1232 - Evaluating "Taadol Tarafoei (Tanazor)" in Judicial Proceedings and International Commercial Arbitration
Hassan Gholipour Mehdi Ahamadi محمدحسن جعفری -
Open Access Article
1233 - Investigation of Procedures in Listening to Testimony
mohammadreza kazemi javad mohammad alizadeh -
Open Access Article
1234 - Absentia Trial under Judicial Principles
mohammadreza kazemi javad mohammadalizadeh -
Open Access Article
1235 - Regulatory Mortgage Contracts of Notary Offices and its Compatibility with Lawful and Judicial System
hengameh ghazanfari Saeed kheradmandi Saeed kheradmandi bahareh rezaeipour -
Open Access Article
1236 - Acquittal Principle in Theological Thinking and the Presumption of Innocence in European Thinking
ali ghorbani jafar movahedi -
Open Access Article
1237 - The Kind of Responsibility and Consequences of the Nullity of Commutative Contracts
Behzad Pourseyyed Mostafa Shafizadeh Mohammad Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1238 - Judicial and Lawful Study of Timely Obligation Enforcement in Iran's Law
Abbas Moghadari Hekmatollah Asgari -
Open Access Article
1239 - Comparative Study of the Statute of Non-determinant Leasehold in Rent Contract from the Perspective of Imamieh Jurisprudence and Laws of Iran
hamid abhari Benyamin Babaei -
Open Access Article
1240 - Accuser rights in first section of primary civil procedure (Relying on principles of Imamiyah Jurisprudence)
mohammad mahdi zarei saeed ebrahimi hadi hajian -
Open Access Article
1241 - The essence and the position of social justice in Islam legislation inference process
mohamad abdorrezaee dastgerdee Ali Mazhar gharamaleki seyed hosein hashemi -
Open Access Article
1242 - The effects of indivisibility of litigation in matter of the extradition with assumption of multiplicity of litigants, rules and jurisprudence fundamental
iraj jamshidi masoud Alborzi varaki abdallah kiaee kiaee -
Open Access Article
1243 - A Jurisprudential And Legal Discussion About The Situation Of Interim And Conservatory Injunctions In Arbitration Hearings Of Domestic Arbitration
Ahmad Esfandiari -
Open Access Article
1244 - Contract adjustment due to economic fluctuations
Mohammad Reza Hafezi GHahestani Abbas Moghaddari Aimiri Abdol hamid Mortazavi -
Open Access Article
1245 - Functions and territory of the people's participation and Non governmental organizations in the criminal prosecution process based on Imamiyah jurisprudence
rouzbeh asghari hasan hajitabar firozjaee Abolhasan Shakeri -
Open Access Article
1246 - An Analysis of the Effects of Suspension Proceedings on the Rights of Parties
Gholamreza Pir Jahangir Bahram Taghipour Abolhassan Mojtahed Soleymani -
Open Access Article
1247 - The Nature and Effects of the Consent of the Lost in Imamieh Jurisprudence and Iranian Law
Ali Taghipourian javad niknejad Mehdi Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
1248 - Representation of third party beneficiary exceptions in the contract
Parviz Bagheri -
Open Access Article
1249 - A Jurisprudential and Legal Study of Confession in Cyberspace
Shahrbanoo Pourbagher Seyyed Asgari Hosseini Moghadam Seyyed Hossein Ebrahimian, -
Open Access Article
1250 - The Legal Principles of Reconsideration of Judge's Vote
Jafar Jafarzadeh Mohammad Jafari Harandi Rahmat Farahzadi -
Open Access Article
1251 - Jurisprudential and legal explanation of request and acceptance in government tenders and auctions
Samira Sadat Dolatabadi Mohsen Valayati Alireza Pour Ismaili -
Open Access Article
1252 - Jurisprudential and legal review of the additional condition as a review, especially in contracts
Amir Barani Amir KHajehzadeh Efat Ahmadzadeh -
Open Access Article
1253 - The Status of Unfair Contracts in Imami Jurisprudence Compared to the Unfair Condition in Iran's Electronic Commerce Law and International Systems
mehran Jafari abdolhamid moftakhar Ali pourjavaheri karam jany pour -
Open Access Article
1254 - The study of Legal and Judicial Necessity Effects in Non-Contractual Liability (A Comparative Study(
Yasser Abdi -
Open Access Article
1255 - Examining the claim of entering and attracting a third party in Iranian and American law (federal)
Alireza Sotudeh ali pourjavaheri Ali Jamadi Darush Babae -
Open Access Article
1256 - Contract Cancellation in the Shiite Jurisprudence and Law
Seyyed Ali Jabar Golbaghi Masouleh -
Open Access Article
1257 - Moral Foundations of Parties' Intent and Consent in Contracts and its Efficacy in Jurisprudence and Law
Sam Mohammadi Mehdi Fallah -
Open Access Article
1258 - Position of Restitutionary Liability Theory in Jurisprudence
majid abbasi Ali Gharibeh Esmaeil Saghiri Hassan Pashazadeh -
Open Access Article
1259 - The principle of openness of the trial In Iranian law ,Islamic jurisprudence And English law
Open Access Article
1260 - A Comparative Study of Hiring of Persons with Employment Contracts, Reward Contract (Jualah), and Contract-Work under Iranian Legislation and Islamic Jurisprudence
Abolfazl Sobhikamal Gholamali seifi -
Open Access Article
1261 - Legal and Economic Analysis of Design, Procurement and Construction Contracts with a Jurisprudential Approach
Mohammad Nourozi Jalil Qanavati Seyyed Ali Seyyed Ahmadi Sajadi -
Open Access Article
1262 - A Reflection on the Challenges of Martyrdom in Iranian Judicial System
Abbasali Daroei Hasan Eskandari hossein eskandari -
Open Access Article
1263 - Inference of Religious Laws, and Prove of Criminal Proceeding in Conflict of Evidences: Commons and Differences
Omid Motaghi Ardakani Abolhassan Mojtahed Soleymani -
Open Access Article
1264 - The Validity and Effect of the Dominance of Persuasion of the Judge's Conscience on the Purpose of the Trial
Rahman Valizadeh Sayyad mohammad sadegh Mosavi asghar arabiyan -
Open Access Article
1265 - Transactions with the right of informal restitution with a jurisprudential attitude
Ali Talebi Najatullah Abrahamian mansor amini -
Open Access Article
1266 - Adapting the institution of predictable breach of contract with the extended concept of obligation in the principles of jurisprudence.
Abbas Mirshekari amir javadi -
Open Access Article
1267 - Effects of unilateral uretral obstruction on the induction of renal apoptosis
یوسف Doustar مهرداد Neshat Garamaleki Ali Rezaie -
Open Access Article
1268 - Histopathological evaluation of the effect of vitamin E on rat kidney after complete unilateral urethral obstruction
G.h Mousavi داریوش Mohajeri علی Agebati Maleki رامین Kafash Elahi مهرداد Neshat میرهادی Khayat Nouri -
Open Access Article
1269 - Investigation on the hygienic quality of natural mineral waters sold in the city of Tabriz in 2008
جلیل Khandaghi M.R Sehat khah -
Open Access Article
1270 - Risk of Metropolis-Hastings Robbins-Monro algorithm in multidimensional models of item-response theory in binary data considering test length
mehdi molaei yasavoli ali delavar Mohammad Asgari Jalil Younesi vahid rezaei tabar -
Open Access Article
1271 - The Factorial Structure of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB)
Akbar , Rezaei Badri Shahtalebi Zohre Esmaelian Alireza Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1272 - Evaluating Emotional Quota: A DEA-Based Approach (Case Study: Yadegar Emam, Shahr-e Rey Islamic Azad University)
Fatemeh Moradi Mahnaz Maghbouli -
Open Access Article
1273 - Developing a Model for Improving the Quality of Accounting Education by Analyzing Teaching Methods Using Grounded Theory
Abdolrasoul rahmanian koushkki Bahram barzgar barzgar esmaeil kamalirad -
Open Access Article
1274 - Diagnostic of Students' procedural errors in Addition and subtraction of decimals Using Bayesian Networks
Hashem Hooshyar Ali Delavar Noorali Farrokhi Jalil Younesi -
Open Access Article
1275 - Designing a model for evaluating of educational organizations productivity with the Grounded theory method Case study: Islamic Azad University of East Azerbaijan Province
Mir Mohsen Alavi Namvar Behnam Talebi Sadegh Maleki Avarsin -
Open Access Article
1276 - Productivity Evaluation and Measurement in Iranian Petroleum Industry Health Organization
Meysam Azimian Mehdi Karbassian Hamed Rahimpour Shahrzad Falahi -
Open Access Article
1277 - Designing an Innovative Services Acceptance Model: A New Approach in Health Marketing
Hanieh Mohammadzadeh Taheri Ali Hajiha Ahmad Roosta Abbas Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
1278 - Talent Management in Media: Talent Motivational Factors to Work at IRIB
Siavash Salavatian Gholamreza Godarzi Ehsan Torshizi -
Open Access Article
1279 - The Relationship among Talent Management, Organizational Intelligence and Entrepreneurship Tendency
Fakhrossadat nasiri Mahya Bageriy -
Open Access Article
1280 - Investigating the Productivity of Process Model of Social Work Services and Empowerment Using Data Mining Techniques
Mehrdad Mohammadzadeh Alamdary Mansour Esmaeilpour Alireza Slambolchi Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchigh -
Open Access Article
1281 - Designing a Model for Empowering Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises by Large Industrial Companies in Kerman Province
mehdi amirzadeh Mahnaz Hosseinzadeh Hossein Safari -
Open Access Article
1282 - Designing and explaining the current situation of the talent management model of the employees of the Social Security Organization
Rasoul Ghasemzadeh Abdolrahim Naveh Ebrahim Hamid Reza ,Arasteh Mohammad Reza Behrangi -
Open Access Article
1283 - A New Clustering Algorithm for Productivity in Data Mining: The Case of UCA Data
Jhila Nasiri Farzin Modarres Khiyabani NIma Azorbaarmir Shotorbani -
Open Access Article
1284 - Designing an Invisible Employee Control Pattern in Public Organizations: The Case of Universities and Higher Education Institutes in Ilam Province
Neda Salimi Mohammad Taban Yasanallah pourashraf Seidmehdi Veiseh -
Open Access Article
1285 - Development of open and non-homogenous network data envelopment analysis model
Vahid Ettehadi Hasan Hoseininasab Mohammad Bagher Fakhrzad Hasan Khademizare -
Open Access Article
1286 - Identifying the Effective Factors Contributing to Talent Management in Knowledge-Based Companies with a Focus on Knowledge Worker Retention
Bibi Esmat Sarfarazi noormohammad yaghoubi Mohammad Mohammadi Jalil Jarrahi -
Open Access Article
1287 - A Model of Corporate Social Responsibility in a Competitive Environment based on Improving Labor Productivity in Food Industry
Vahide Hajihassani Hassan Rangriz Babak Hajikarimi -
Open Access Article
1288 - Presenting a Model for Using the Internet of Things in Iranian Knowledge-Based Companies to Promote Productivity
khatereh Esmaeeli ranjbar Nadjla Hariri Mojdeh Salajgh Fahimeh Babalhavaeji -
Open Access Article
1289 - Designing a Paradigm Model to Establish Idiosyncratic Deals in Private Companies: a Grounded Theory Approach
Mahdieh Vishalghi Abbasali Rastgar Aliasghar Rouholamin -
Open Access Article
1290 - Designing a supply chain resilience assessment model with the approach of NDEA(case of study: government hospitals of Yazd province)
Mohsen Shafiei Nikabadi Fereshteh Bahrami -
Open Access Article
1291 - Developing a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Model while Enhancing the Resolution of Decision-Making Units in Data Overlay Analysis through a Fuzzy Inference System
Navid Sharifi Maghsood Amiri Laya Olfat Amir Yousefli -
Open Access Article
1292 - An Analytical Study the Effect of Globalization on Labor Market
Sahand Daneshvar Somayyeh Layazali -
Open Access Article
1293 - The Effects of Internal R&D Expenditures and Intermediate - Capital Imports on Productivity and Value Added in Iranian Provincial Industries
Manijeh Taghilou Barzelaghi Gholamhosein Rahnomay Garamaleki Monere Dezaji -
Open Access Article
1294 - Productivity and Economic Growth in Selected Developing Countries
Parviz Mohamadzadeh hossein Akbare fard Akram Akbari Somaye Atapour -
Open Access Article
1295 - Evaluating the Effect of Organizational Culture on Non-Financial Performance through the Mediating Role of Knowledge Utilitization and Application by Using Fuzzy Network Data Envelopment Analysis (FNDEA)
Mohsen shafenikabadi Amir Salimi -
Open Access Article
1296 - Computing the Optimal Solution of Technology Selection Model with Fuzzy Data
Sahand Daneshvar Sahar Khoshfetrat -
Open Access Article
1297 - Evaluating Relative Efficiency of Major Cargo Ports in the Middle East: The Integrated DEA-AP Approach
Azita Hajizadeh Seyed Nasser Saeidi Amer Kaabi Homayoun Yousefi Mostafa Zaredoost -
Open Access Article
1298 - Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Insurance Branches Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) (Case study: Branches of Insurance Company in the Southern Provinces of Iran)
Mahmood Dniyali dah hooz Saede Ketabi -
Open Access Article
1299 - The effect of Sale and Operation planning on total supply chain performance (a case study in forming industry)
Mehrdad Madhoshi Abdolhamid Safaei Ghadikolaei Yaser Nemati -
Open Access Article
1300 - Measuring the Efficiency through Fuzzy Model in Data Envelopment Analysis
Maryam Balaseyyed Gassir Esmail Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
1301 - Factors Affecting Talent Management with a Focus on Internal Reward: A Case Study of Barfab Company
Hadi Ghaffari Mojtaba Rafiei Shahnaz Sahranavard -
Open Access Article
1302 - The Impact of the Information and Communication Technology on Production and Total Factor Productivity of Industrial Firms
Yadollah Rajaye -
Open Access Article
1303 - Evaluation of Suggestion System based on the CIPP Model
Faraj Allah Rahnavard -
Open Access Article
1304 - The Minimal Cost – Benefit Ratio for Interval Data
Sahand Daneshvar Mozhgan Mansouri Kaleibar -
Open Access Article
1305 - Malmquist productivity index to measure progression and regression in the network and its application to study at a university School
Morteza Azarbad Farhad Hosin zadeh -
Open Access Article
1306 - Saderat Bank customer classification using decision tree Based on customer value
Hosein Beyorani Mahram Azimi -
Open Access Article
1307 - Determining Iran’s Status Regarding knowledge-based Economy among the Selected Countries
Monere Dezaji Sahand Daneshvar Seyed Sina Sharifi -
Open Access Article
1308 - Investigation of Bank Management Performance Using DEA Technique (Case Study of Different Branches of Tehran Banks)
Mohammad Rahim Ramazanian Keikhosro Yakideh Lobat Akhavan Deilami -
Open Access Article
1309 - Multiple Relationships between Perceived Organizational Justice and Adherence to Psychological Contracts with Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
Ali Merdad Sara Ahmad pour Mohsen Golparvar -
Open Access Article
1310 - Ranking and Assessing the Efficacy of Insurance in Iran Using Dynamic Approach of Data Window Analysis
Ali Fazel Yazdi Mahmoud MoeinAddin -
Open Access Article
1311 - Applying the mathematical expected growth on common investment Funds and assessing pure productivity growth indices based on Malamaqueist productivity index
Ali Mansory Homa Droody Nargess Saadati -
Open Access Article
1312 - Analysis the effect of detariffication on the performance of Iranian insurance using mathematical and statistical modeling
Mohammad reza Namdar Mohsen Ghare khani -
Open Access Article
1313 - Presenting a desirable pattern for selecting the Faculty Members in Iranian universities
Nabiollah Mohammadi Reza Najaf Beigi Morteza Mousa Khani Akbar Alem Tabriz -
Open Access Article
1314 - Nonlinear Effects of Urbanization and Human Capital on Energy Consumption in Different Sectors of Economy in Iran
Monere Dezaji Arash Ketabforoush Badri -
Open Access Article
1315 - Evaluation of bank branches Performance by combining two systems "balanced scorecard" and "fuzzy DEA" (Case Study: Tabriz selected branches of Bank Sepah)
Alireza Bafande Samera Rafie -
Open Access Article
1316 - The Relationship between Managerial talent, Investment Efficiency and Stock Price Crash Risk
Bita Moazen Yunes Bad Avar Nahandi -
Open Access Article
1317 - A Comprehensive Succession Planning Talent Management Model to Enhance Organizational Efficiency in Governmental Organizations: A Structural Equation Modelling
Ali Mahfozi Davod Lafzfroushan Mahmoud Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
1318 - Investing the talent management relation with organizational performance (case study: Municipality of Gilan)
Mehrdad Goudarzvand Chegini Ebrahim Chirani Hadi Moghadam Seyedehfateme Ghanekooshalshahi Maryam Moradei -
Open Access Article
1319 - The optimal talent management system in organizations, the infrastructure and its implementation requirements
Nazanin Akefiyan Dr.Mohammad Rashidi -
Open Access Article
1320 - The relationship between forensic accounting indicators and the quality of financial reporting
Mohammad Reza Borna Rasoul Baradaran Hasanzadeh Alireza Fazlzadeh Yones Badavar Nahandi -
Open Access Article
1321 - Cultural economy analysis in the space of Gilan province
farhad barandak Lili Mohamadi Asl -
Open Access Article
1322 - Prediction of the Peak Ground Acceleration for Zagros Earthquakes Using ANFIS and Data Partitioning Approach
seyyed Mohamadreza tabatabaei Roohollah kimiaefar Alireza Hajian Alireza Akbari -
Open Access Article
1323 - تخمین تابع تقاضای مسکن با استفاده از روش رگرسیون دادههای پانل (مطالعه موردی: شهرهای غرب استان مازندران)
سیدفخرالدین فخرحسینی الهام فاضلی -
Open Access Article
1324 - تحلیل روایی حکایتهای گلستان سعدی، مطالعۀ موردی، باب ششم
فخرالدین سعیدی ابواسحاقی محمد حکیم آذر مظاهر نیکخواه -
Open Access Article
1325 - بازتاب جلوه های وطندوستی درشعرسیّد اشرف الدّین حسینی در عصر مشروطه
رضا موسی آبادی مهدی نوروز بتول فخراسلام -
Open Access Article
1326 - مدل سرمایه گذاری مناسب در سبد سهام با رویکرد تحلیل پوششی دادهها- شبکه عصبی
مصطفی کاظمی محمد اسفندیار حدیث نجاریان -
Open Access Article
1327 - ارزیابی کارایی و رتبه بندی مدارس شهرستان فیروزکوه با استفاده از مدل تحلیل پوششی داده ها ( مطالعه موردی مدارس ابتدایی شهرستان فیروزکوه )
مریم زیاری مهدی فلاح جلودار -
Open Access Article
1328 - بررسی تاثیر کیفیت سود گزارش شده بر کارایی واحدهای اقتصادی با استفاده از تحلیل پوششی دادهها
مهدی غلام ابری محمد محمودی -
Open Access Article
1329 - بازده به مقیاس واحدهای تصمیم گیرنده با ورودی ها و خروجی های بازه ای در تحلیل پوششی داده ها
مهدی فلاح جلودار -
Open Access Article
1330 - ارزیابی عملکرد و تعیین شاخص های قابل کنترل و غیرقابل کنترل در ایستگاه های راه آهن ایران
سید محمد سید حسینی محمد حسین درویش متولی -
Open Access Article
1331 - Seasonal monitoring of drought in the country Using CRU network data
Azadeh Arbaby -
Open Access Article
1332 - Assessment of the Vegetation Dryness Index Based on Satellite Imagery in Sistan & Balouchestan province
kamal omidvar Masoumeh NabaviZadeh Hamid Reza Ghafarian malmiri Ahmad Mazidi -
Open Access Article
1333 - Environmental Planning for Blown Sand Mitigation along Sistan and Baluchestan Railway tracks and Stations
Yahya Sohrabi Ahmad Nohegar -
Open Access Article
1334 - Integration of decision-making models based on optimization, distance ratio and additive weighting in climate pattern determination
Laleh Parviz Neda Azizi Khadijeh Khani-Zangbar -
Open Access Article
1335 - Number and projected area estimates of coarse woody debris by line intersect sampling (case study: chafroud forests)
farshad keivan behjo zeynab poorgholi -
Open Access Article
1336 - Analysis the relationship between yield and area, animal unit and the number of exploiter in rangelands (Case Study: Isfahan Summer Range Management Plans)
raufiraad valiollah Gh heidari Setareh Bagheri -
Open Access Article
1337 - Effect of silicon oxide and salicylic acid on yield, yield components, and some biochemical properties of Persian melon (Cucumis melo var. inodorus)
mojtaba salahiostad malihe morshedloo Mohammad Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
1338 - Effect of foliar application of organic growth stimulators on physiological characteristics, yield and percentage of safflower oil (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under levels of drought stress
Ali Rashedi Alireza Sirousmehr Mohsen Mousavi nik Ahmad Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
1339 - Compensate for reduced yield due to late water stress by using growth enhancers in the tillering stage of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Mehrnoush Eskandari Torbaghan sayd fazel fazeli kakhki Mohammad Joleini -
Open Access Article
1340 - Evaluating the effects of mycorrhizal fungi on growth and yield of winter chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under conditions of supplemental irrigation
Mohammad Mirzaei Heydari Kobra Mishkhaszadeh -
Open Access Article
1341 - The Effects of sowing date and plant density on seed and flower yield of Pot Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.)
MJ Seghatoleslami gr Mousavi -
Open Access Article
1342 - اثر کاربرد اوره و اسید بُریک، بر غلظت عناصر غذایی برگ، درصد روغن و عملکرد میوه زیتون
ابوالفضل لولایی کاظم سوری سودابه جرجانی -
Open Access Article
1343 - Designing a Model of Urban Physical Resilience against Earthquakes with an Emphasis on Critical Theory and Grounded Theory Approach
sara Tootoonchi Hossein Bahrainy manochehr tabibian -
Open Access Article
1344 - Using Input Enhancement and Output-Based Production in Writing Classes
Hamid Marashi Alireza Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1345 - "Design and Accreditation of Strategic Talent Management Model in Islamic Azad University, Case Study of Region One"
maysam shakeri mokhtar ranjbar amin nikpour -
Open Access Article
1346 - Identifying effective drivers on the strategic development of talents in Sharif University of Technology
nasim mirinejad Sediqeh Tootian Isfahani -
Open Access Article
1347 - Presenting a model for talent management of principals of secondary public schools in Tehran
Zohreh Tayefeh Seifi Sayed َAhmad Hashemi Abbas Gholtash -
Open Access Article
1348 - A blended learning plan for talent development: a combined Meta-synthesis study with the Delphi technique
Sanaz Mirchi Ahmad Vedadi Driush Gholamzade -
Open Access Article
1349 - Investigating the effect of human resource management activity on organizational performance with regard to the mediating role of talent management in Mapna Operation and Repair Company
Vahid Taheri Abdoljavad Khalili ahmad askari -
Open Access Article
1350 - Investigate the effect of surrogacy on reducing social laziness by considering the mediating role of organizational transparency in the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee
mehdi mehdizadeh rostam Shekoufeh Zare Peyman Pirooz -
Open Access Article
1351 - Examining the role and performance of the military organization of the Tudeh party in the August 28 coup
Majid Malekshahi Sina Forouzesh Sattar Oudi -
Open Access Article
1352 - Historical Explanation of the Political-Economic Indicators and Consequences of the Safavid Kings' Autocracy in European Travelogues (Based on the theory of Iranian tyranny Homayoon Katouzian)
akram karamali mojtaba zahabi -
Open Access Article
1353 - Iranian musician UrmuI performances in Baghdad mongul period
MOHAMMAD REZA HASHEMI NIA mohammad sepehri satar oudi -
Open Access Article
1354 - Reflection of Var Ritual in Balouch Tribe Historical Stories ;Case Study of Malek Shah and Allahi
Mohammad Masih Hashemi Nia Fteme Janahmadi Halime Mirkazehi nezhad -
Open Access Article
1355 - the resualts of St. Petersburg Agreement in iran
Hojat Abdolahi Masomeh Gharadaghi Manuchehr samadivand Nazli Eskandarinejad -
Open Access Article
1356 - Investigating the causes of change in the occupations of Baghdad in the Abbasid era from the 2nd to the 7th century AH
Mohadese Khosravi ardeshir asadbeigi mahmood mahdavi damghani shahrbanoo delbari -
Open Access Article
1357 - The field of Gotham Hill battle and the coagulant contract in 1881.
sattrarberdy fajoori rajabali vosughimotlgh omid sepehrirad -
Open Access Article
1358 - The Legal rulings in the Pahlavi text of the Pursišnīhā
Rahim Kalhor Mahmood Tavoossi zohreh zarshenas -
Open Access Article
1359 - بررسی حوزه حدیثی شیعه ی بغداد در سه سده نخستین
دکترعباسعلی تفضلی طاهره رحیم پور ازغدی -
Open Access Article
1360 - رفتار شناسی سیاسی محمدعلی شاه در «توپ فرستادن»1 به مجلس
دکتر محمد رضا جلالی -
Open Access Article
1361 - ماهیت قرارداد استصناع
علیرضا سلیمی محمدامیر رضوانی -
Open Access Article
1362 - تأثیر نظام ارباب و رعیتی بر ساختار تصمیم گیری های سیاست خارجی و منافع ملی ایران (تأکید بر دوره قاجار تا انقلاب اسلامی)
دکتر جمیل حسن پور -
Open Access Article
1363 - نقش رویدادهای سیاسی در شکل گیری کتیبه ها و نقش برجسته ها در دوره ساسانی
علیرضا احمدی مفرد پروین علم الهدایی -
Open Access Article
1364 - جایگاه و نقش مکتب کوفه در بنیانگذاری و شکوفایی علمی در تمدن اسلامی ( از ورود امام علی (ع) تا تاسیس حوزه علمی بغداد )
احمد رضا بهنیافر -
Open Access Article
1365 - همکاری رضاخان با دولت استعماری انگلیس در انعقاد قرار داد 1933م
روح الله بدری -
Open Access Article
1366 - بررسی بازتاب رویدادهای تاریخی در ادبیات داستانی
سید محمود هاشمی فاطمه شعیبی -
Open Access Article
1367 - The status of Christians in Baghdad Since the Collapse of Dar-Al-Khalafah until Ilkhanan's decay
Mostafa naseri rad Fatemeh sadat seyied ghavami -
Open Access Article
1368 - طراحی مدل سطح بندی جانشین پروری مبتنی بر شایسته سالاری و مدیریت استعداد سبز در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد
اسداله حسن زاده دلوئی امیرحسین محمدداوودی محمدعلی حسینی اختر جمالی -
Open Access Article
1369 - تحلیل عوامل مؤثر بر رفتارکارآفرینانه سازمانی در راستای توسعه پایدار اجتماعی
علی سوسرایی مجید نصیری روح اله سمیعی محمدباقر گرجی -
Open Access Article
1370 - شناسایی پیشایندها و پسایندهای نظام مدیریت استراتژیک منابع انسانی سبز در سازمان آب و فاضلاب سمنان
عادل نیک نژاد نیلوفر ایمان خان مجید جهانگیرفرد -
Open Access Article
1371 - Corporate banking model based on green businesses
mohammadhossein salehi پرویز سعیدی Maryam Bokharayan -
Open Access Article
1372 - بررسی عوامل موثر بر پیاده سازی کسب و کارهای هوشمند سبز در ایران
دانیال ناظری علیرضا مقدسی مجید نصیری -
Open Access Article
1373 - ارزیابی کارایی شرکت های هواپیمایی با هدف کاهش پتانسیل گرمایش جهانی با روش تحلیل پوششی داده های دومرحله ای استوار با خروجی نامطلوب
فرهاد سنچولی فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی سیداسماعیل نجفی Farzad Movahedi Sobhani -
Open Access Article
1374 - Efficiency of 4 stage supply chain in presence of non discretionary , undesirable and negative factors Using SBM model in DEA
mehdi shoga farhad hoseinzadeh lotfi امیر غلام ابری Alireza Rashidi Komijan -
Open Access Article
1375 - Impact of Economic-Social Development on Air Quality in the Middle East Countries
masoumeh motallebi Reza Najarzade Lotfali Agheli -
Open Access Article
1376 - The Effect of OPEC Statements on Fluctuations in Crude Oil Prices
Fariba Shahbodaghlou Aliasghar Esmaeilnia gatabi azadeh mehrabian ROYA SEIFIPOUR -
Open Access Article
1377 - A Bargaining Game Model for Estimating Efficiency of the Multi-stage Network with Fixed Cost Allocation and its Applications
Kayvan Moradipour Sanaz Asadi Rahmati Elham Abdali -
Open Access Article
1378 - The Effect of Habit Formation on Consumers Behavior in Iran
Mir Hosein Mousavi Elnaz khojasteh Farid Dehghani -
Open Access Article
1379 - The effect of industrial concentration and capital goods import on the energy consumption intensity in Iran’s industries
Sima Hajebi Fard Reza Roshan -
Open Access Article
1380 - Dynamics between Macroeconomic Variables and the Core Inflation Gap with the MIDAS-VAR Approach
Amir Mansour Tehranchian MirHosssein Mousavi Zahramila Elmi Zahra Kashanian -
Open Access Article
1381 - Bootstrap-DEA efficiency: Radial and non-radial approaches in the banking industry
mohamadreza pahle mahdi fathabadi parvane salatin -
Open Access Article
1382 - Economic Welfare Analysis with an Emphasis on Aspects of Globalization
Ahmad Jafari Samimi Shahryar Zaroki Seyede Rogheieh Sadati Amiri -
Open Access Article
1383 - Modifying Adjusted Flag Location Quotient (AFLQ) (A case study o Tehran province)
Ali Azadinejad Abas Esari Arani Esfandiar Jahangard Alireza Naseri -
Open Access Article
1384 - Estimating an Institutional Structure in Economic Growth Using GMM Dynamic Panel Data Method
mohammad nadiri teymoor mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1385 - Calculation of Backward and Forward linkages of Mineral of Iran's Mines (Application of Input-Output Approach)
mirhosein mousavi farid dehghani azadeh roshanravan -
Open Access Article
1386 - Identifying the position of Petrochemical Industry in Iran Economy by Using Eigenvector
Ali asghar esfandiari Azam Moradi -
Open Access Article
1387 - Income Distribution Modeling in Iran: Comparison of Dagum Model and Other Models Selected
esfandiar jahangard saeedeh sarabadani tafreshi -
Open Access Article
1388 - Impact of Oil Different Products Consumption on Economic Growth in Iran Provinces
kumars Shahbazi hosein Asgharpur Karim moharramzadeh -
Open Access Article
1389 - Effects of Targeting Subsidies on Agricultural Sector in Iran
ahmad tashkini -
Open Access Article
1390 - The Effects of Technology Imports and Higher Education Employees on Food and Beverages Exports
hosein asgharpour hasan abdi -
Open Access Article
1391 - Environmental Impact Assessment of Economic Activity in Iran: An Input-output Approach
Zahra Nasrolahi Zohreh Ahmadi Samaneh Eshrati -
Open Access Article
1392 - The Productivity of Energy and the Effective Factors on it. (Manufacturing Industries of IRAN)
Ebrahim Niknaghsh نقی شجاع Amir Gholam Abri Mohamad Mehdi Movahedi -
Open Access Article
1393 - The Effect of Environmental Performance on Happiness: A Cross-country Analysis
hadis hesabi morteza khorsandi hosein abbasinejad Hassan Dehghan Shourkand -
Open Access Article
1394 - Performance Evaluation Health Houses of Firouzkouh City by Using Data Envelopment Analysis
N. shoja A. Gholamabri N. khalili -
Open Access Article
1395 - Factors Affecting Agricultural Exports in ECO Countries
Hamed Najafi Alamdarloo seyed Abolghasem Mortazavi Katayun Shemshadi -
Open Access Article
1396 - The Impact of Tax Ratio on the Tourism Receipts in MENA Countries (Dynamic Panel Data Approach)
majid feshari Ali Akbar Taghipour mojtaba valibeigi nayer ghamari -
Open Access Article
1397 - Calculating the Sustainable Supply Chain Performance in the Cement Industry (Application of Network Data Envelopment Analysis Model)
mohammad hossein darvish motevally farhad hosseinzadeh lotfi نقی شجاع Amir Gholam Abri -
Open Access Article
1398 - Environmental Assessment of Economic Activity by Using I-O Table (Yazd)
zahra nasrolahi shahram vasfi esfastani somayeh norizadeh -
Open Access Article
1399 - Evaluating the Efficiency of Social Security in Isfahan Province
amir gholamabri -
Open Access Article
1400 - Customer Behavior Analysis of the Bank Industry: Grounded Theory Approach
Mostafa Esfandiari niloufar imankhan -
Open Access Article
1401 - Developing an Appropriate Model to Evaluate the Qualitative Performance of the University A Case Study of Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch
mohammad hosein darvish motavali amir gholam abri mahmoud darvish motevali -
Open Access Article
1402 - Evaluation of The Effect of Increasing Oil World Price on PPI and CPI in Iran by Using Input-output Approach
M. S. M. M. Pourmehr -
Open Access Article
1403 - Economic Growth in the Middle East Countries
amirreza souri mohammad hassan sabouri deilami javad attaran -
Open Access Article
1404 - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Research Activities in Islamic Azad University Branches by Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
naghi shoja mohammad hosein darvish motevali -
Open Access Article
1405 - Optimal Budget Modeling for Technical and Vocational Training Organization
zarir negintaji akbar zamanzadeh -
Open Access Article
1406 - Impact of Technological Progress and Efficiency Changes on the Productivity Growth of Iran Agriculture Sector: Data Envelopment Analysis
mahdi salarieh Amir Mohamadi Nejad Reza Moghaddasi -
Open Access Article
1407 - Analysis of uvular stop consonant in Neyriz dialect based on acoustic characteristics
Fereshte Mohamadpour Mehrzad Mansouri -
Open Access Article
1408 - Principles of sustainability literature on two different fronts against dictatorship Relying on the poems of Abdullah Pashiv and Qaisar Aminpour
Yadollah Pashabadi -
Open Access Article
1409 - The Phonological process of fortition in some dialects of Isfahan Province
Majid Tame -
Open Access Article
1410 - number of Phonological Processes in 15 Language Varieties of Kerman Province
alie kord zaferanloo kamboozia paria razm dideh -
Open Access Article
1411 - The effect of six-week resistance training with vascular obstruction on Growth hormone,Strength,Muscular endurance,power and Body fat Percentage in male bodybuilders
Salar Haghiparast Mohammad Reza Fadaei Chafy -
Open Access Article
1412 - Presenting a qualitative model of conditional accounting conservatism and financial flexibility with the aim of reducing company lawsuits in the era of Covid-19 with a critical evaluation method based on multiple data-based theory.
الهام میری mohammad reza abdoli maryam shahri Farhad Dehdar -
Open Access Article
1413 - A Comparative Study of Dynamic Portfolio Optimization Using Grey Relational Analysis Methods and Basic Methods (Average, Moving Average and Moving Average) in Tehran Stock Exchange
Reza Adak Mehdi Meshki Miavaghi Mohammad Hassan Qolizadeh -
Open Access Article
1414 - Stock price modeling and forecasting using meta-heuristic ant colony algorithm
seyed javad kiaei zahra Farshadfar -
Open Access Article
1415 - Designing the model of internal audit through new technologies in Islamic Azad University
Seyyed Abdulhamid, Cheraghi Allah Karam Salehi Alireza, , Jorjorzadeh Saeed, , Nasiri -
Open Access Article
1416 - The proportion of seizure of crime-related data and criminal jurisdiction in the cybercrime process
Akbar Alizadeh Tahmineh Edalatju Hassan Alipour Sadegh Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
1417 - A Comparative Study of Cryptocurrencies from Perspectives of the Contract Law and Banking Law
alireza mohamad zade Asghar Mahmoudi Ebrahim Taghizadeh Hassan Khosravi -
Open Access Article
1418 - A Comparative Study of the Electronic Evidence in Criminal Justice Systems of Iran and China
Babak pourghahramani Reza Ghaderi -
Open Access Article
1419 - Possible Responses to Cyber Attacks from the perspective of International Law
Azar Givkey -
Open Access Article
1420 - Investigation of Capacitor Placement in Variable Loads to Reduce the Power Loss of Distribution Systems using Mixed–Integer Linear Programming Algorithm and Re–Gradation of Loads
Ali Ahmadpour Hossein Shayeghi Elham Mokaramian -
Open Access Article
1421 - Optimal Unit Commitment for Thermal Power Plants using Combined Fuzzy Logic and Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm Method
Hasan Barati Esmaeil Fathi Mohammad Nasir -
Open Access Article
1422 - Implementation of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm Applying the Map-Reduce Parallel Approach
Fahimeh Tavakoli Faramarz Safi-Esfahani -
Open Access Article
1423 - Converting RGB Images to Gray-Scale by the Weighted Average Method, based on Shift-and-Add Technique on the Combination of Color Components for Reducing the Computational Units and Errors in FPGA
Mahdi Ajamin Hamednai Payam Sanaee -
Open Access Article
1424 - Improved Intrusion Detection System Based On Distributed Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm to Solve Support Vector Machine in Form of Multi Kernel Learning with Auto Encoder
Elaheh Faghihnia Seyed Reza Kamel Tabakh Farizni Maryam Kheirabadi -
Open Access Article
1425 - A Comprehensive Review on Data-Driven Techniques in Smart Power Grids
Khalegh Behrouz Dehkordi Homa Movahednejad Mahdi Sharifi -
Open Access Article
1426 - Improved Sensor Sampling Method for the Joint Dictionary Learning and Compressive Data Gathering in WSNs with the Aid of Information Theory
Gholamreza Imanian Mohammad Ali Pourmina Ahmad Salahi -
Open Access Article
1427 - Design and Implementation of a Local Blockchain-based Peer-to-Peer Energy Exchange Platform
Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Alimohammad Saghiri -
Open Access Article
1428 - A New Topology for Switched Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Based on H-Bridge Submodules
Majid Hosseinpour Erfan Panahlou Ali Seifi Abdolmajid Dejamkhooy -
Open Access Article
1429 - A Replacement Method Based on Shannon Entropy and Simple Additive Weighting Method in Named Data Networks
Mohammad Soltani Behrang Barekatain Faramarz Hendesi Zahra Beheshti -
Open Access Article
1430 - Adaptive Algorithm Based on Compressive Sensing to Improve the Channel Estimation of M-MIMO Systems
Mohammad Ali Abedi Afrooz Haghbin Farbod Razzazi -
Open Access Article
1431 - Overhead Reduction in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Via Sequential Detection in Cognitive Radio Networks Under Bandwidth Constraint
Samira Torabi Ali Bahrami Mohammad Farzan Sabahi -
Open Access Article
1432 - Speed Detection and Diagnosis of Symptoms by Using Color and Shape Information
Hamed Hamidi Rad Hossein Pourghasem Homayoun Mahdavi-Nasab Ahmad Keshavarz -
Open Access Article
1433 - Implementation of Hybrid Speech Dereverberation Systems and Proposing Dual Microphone Farsi Database in Order to Evaluating Enhancement Systems
Farhad Faghani Hamid Reza Abutalebi -
Open Access Article
1434 - Impact of Sink Node Placement onto Wireless Sensor Networks Performance Regarding Clustering Routing and Compressive Sensing Theory
Shima Pakdaman Tirani Avid Avokh -
Open Access Article
1435 - Evaluation and Simulation of Common Video Conference Traffics in Communication Networks.
Farhad faghani Ghasem Mirjalily -
Open Access Article
1436 - Religious Tourism and Motivations for Attending Religious Leadership Conferences (Spiritual Leadership Development Approach)
Mostafa Heidari Haratemeh -
Open Access Article
1437 - Designing a Pattern of Conflict Dimensions between Tourists and Residents Using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM)
Nahid Alizadeh Ali Gholipour Soleimani Ebrahim Chirani Narges Delafrooz -
Open Access Article
1438 - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tehran Hospitals in Attracting Medical Tourists through Grey Relational Analysis
ebtehal zandi Mohanna Nikbin -
Open Access Article
1439 - Designing an explanatory model of tourism ethics using grounded theory
Ardalan Sadeghhasani Narges Delafrooz Ali Gholipour Soleimani Kambiz Shahroodi -
Open Access Article
1440 - The study of "annual price index change" from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence
syyad rahmatolla danesh mir kohan -
Open Access Article
1441 - Comparative Examination of the Application of the Condition of Non-divorce from an aspect of Imami Jurists and Sunnis and Opposing that from an aspect of Criminal Law
amin najafian hadi khoshnoodi -
Open Access Article
1442 - Analyzing the Transaction with the Intention of Evading Debt based on the Principle of Contractual Security
Hasan Omidvar mahdi sheydaeiyan Yegane Birang Adnan Omrani far -
Open Access Article
1443 - Examining the Results of Differential Decisions in Proceedings in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency
Sohrab Mozafarinia Amir Alboali Mahmoud Bavi -
Open Access Article
1444 - Investigating the Impact of Creating Electronic Notification and Registration in the Process of Judicial Proceeding
Behnam Ghanbarpor OMID GHORBANI -
Open Access Article
1445 - Legal and Jurisprudence Examination of Damages Caused by Lack of Profit
amin najafian mansoore darabi -
Open Access Article
1446 - The development of The Qur’anic idea “al-Shahid” from Court Witness to the Martyr: Quranic background for the formation of the concept
Ashraf Montazeri Hamed Khani (Farhang Mehrvash) -
Open Access Article
1447 - تقریر متکلمان شیعۀ بغداد از نظریۀ تکلیف
حسین بیرشک بهنام طالبی -
Open Access Article
1448 - مطالعۀ ترجمههای فارسی قرآن از حیث صحت ترجمۀ لای نفی جنس
زهره اخوان مقدم مجید نبوی -
Open Access Article
1449 - بازخوانی مفهوم ربا در قرآن کریم بر پایۀ روش معناشناسی ساختگرا
محمد حسن شیرزاد محمد حسین شیرزاد -
Open Access Article
1450 - Providing of customer attraction model in digital marketing based on visual stimuli with a classical Grounded Theory (GT) Approach
Bahman Narouei Hossein Hakimpour Mehdi Mehdi Mahmoodzadeh Vashan Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1451 - Designing an attitude development model for the Iranian brand in the household appliance industry with an emphasis on national values and religious beliefs
omid zanganeh mahdi mahmoodzadeh vashan hosein hakimpour Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1452 - Identifying Different Dimensions of Brand Transgression in the Iranian Banking Industry
Gholamreza Shahbazi Soleyman Iranzadeh Bagher Asgarnezhad -
Open Access Article
1453 - The effect of Number and Position of Braced Frames on Failure Distribution and Column Behavior of the Dual Steel Structural System (MRF and EBF)
Alireza Faroughi Sajjad Mohammadi Abd-ol-Reza Sarvghad Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
1454 - Ranking method for efficient units by RPA and TOPSIS in DEA
فرزاد رضائی بالف -
Open Access Article
1455 - The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in Fuzzy Queuing Models
Najmeh Malekmohammadi -
Open Access Article
1456 - Investigation of the Effect of Cocoa Roasting Temperature and Time on Total Polyphenols, Chemical Properties and Sensory Properties of Cocoa Powder
Samaneh Ebrahimzadegan Narmela Asefi Ramin Maleki Seyyed Sadegh Seyyed lou Heris -
Open Access Article
1457 - سینتیک انتقال جرم با استفاده از تیمار فراصوت-اسمز دراسلایس های پیاز زرد
مهرانوش غریبی تهرانی الهام آذرپژوه احمد پدرام نیا سیدحسین استیری -
Open Access Article
1458 - Identifying the Position of Information Technology and Innovation of the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum at Kabul Education University-Afghanistan
wahidullah abdurahimzai Mahbobah Arefi Koroush Fathi vajargah Esmaeil Jafari -
Open Access Article
1459 - Validating MOOC-based Curriculum in Higher Education
Esmaeil Jafari Kourosh Fathi Vajargah Mahboobeh Arefi Morteza RezaeiZadeh -
Open Access Article
1460 - Developing a model for predicting student performance on centralized test Based on Data Mining
mostafa yousefi Tezerjan Esrafil Ala Maryam Mollabagher -
Open Access Article
1461 - Relationship between e-learning and psychological distress mediated by fear of losing the school year of Abadeh nursing students
Marzieh Heydari sakineh Eslami -
Open Access Article
1462 - The Impact of Money Laundering on Expansion of Organized Terrorism in the Middle East (2001-2016)
سید سعید میرترابی mohsen keshvarian -
Open Access Article
1463 - A Comparative Study of the Concept of Citizenship in Contemporary international Law Systems and Islamic Law
Mosoud Hemmat -
Open Access Article
1464 - The Causes of Coming into Power of Khatami (Reform Government 1997/1376) on the Basis of Samuel Huntington’s Theory of Uneven Developmen
Sadegh Zibakalam Davood Afshar Abdollah Aslanzadeh -
Open Access Article
1465 - The failure of Egypt’s Rulers in Political and Economic Development on the Basis of Authoritarian Bureaucratic and Dependent Development Model (1980-2011)
Mohammad Kazem Kaveh Pishghadam -
Open Access Article
1466 - A Study of the Possibility of Demanding Ecological Reparation of Iran-Iraq War from International Court of Justice
Sayed Abbas Poor Hashemi Ali Faghieh Habibi -
Open Access Article
1467 - Iran’s Relations with the United States of America between 1951-1953(document analysis) of the Causes of the 28th Mordad Coup d’état
Ali Jadidi -
Open Access Article
1468 - Explaining the Indexes of Democracy from John Locke’s View
Shiva Jalalpour Shohreh Jalalpour Sayed Majid Mosavi -
Open Access Article
1469 - The Role of Municipal (Baladieh) Organization in Urban Development during First Pahlavi Era
Shohreh Jalpour -
Open Access Article
1470 - مقایسه متون سیاسی ترجمه شده و اصل با تأکید بر فرضیه ساده سازی
احمد علی بابایی زهرا صالحی -
Open Access Article
1471 - تأثیر جنسیت بر فعالیت برو ن داد – درون داد
مینا کاظم زاده اکبر افقری -
Open Access Article
1472 - Promoting water literacy based on media performance in Isfahan
parastoo iranpour faezeh taghipour seyed behnam sarvarinezhad -
Open Access Article
1473 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Social Cohesion of Andimeshk (Case Study; Citizens of Andimeshk in 2016-2017)
Shahla Sohrabi samire مهرداد نوابخش Zahra Hazrati someeh -
Open Access Article
1474 - Analysis of Lifestyle Consumption of Married Youth and Adults in Ardabil and Parsabad Based on Their Experience of Media Communication through a Data-Based Approach
Farshid Khodadoost, اقباله عزیزخانی Soroush Fathi -
Open Access Article
1475 - Presenting a paradigm model of poverty and its sociological explanations in deprived areas of Khuzestan province (case of study: Hamidiyeh and Indika cities)
Masoumeh Bagheri Ali Budaghi Sajad Bahmani Marzieh Shahriari -
Open Access Article
1476 - .Promoting water literacy based on media performance in Isfahan
parastoo iranpour Faezeh Taghipour seyed behnam sarvarinezhad -
Open Access Article
1477 - Developing a model for citizenship education utilizing a Grounded theory approach
Mansour Arayesh Mohammad Taghi Sheikhi Hossein Parviz Ejlali -
Open Access Article
1478 - Investigating the Factors Affecting Social Cohesion in Andimeshk in 2016-2017)
Shahla Sohrabi samire Mehrdad Navabakhsh Zahra Hazrati someeh -
Open Access Article
1479 - A Data-Based Analysis of Lifestyle Consumption of Married couples in Ardabil and Parsabad on the basid of Their Media Communication Experience
Farshid Khodadoost, Eghbaleh Azizkhani Soroush Fathi -
Open Access Article
1480 - .
Morteza Anoosheh Ali Aghmohseni Fashami سید مجتبی موسوی نقابی -
Open Access Article
1481 - Investigating the Role of Isfahan Historic Houses yards in Promoting Social Interactions
Pejman Nazeri Maryam Ghasemi sichani Mohsen Afshari Narges KeshtiAray -
Open Access Article
1482 - تبیین قابلیتهای حقوق بین الملل برای جبران خسارت معنوی لطمه به شهرت تجاری ناشی از نقض تعهدات قراردادی در کشورهای هدف تحریم
حسن بادینی عباس کریمی طیب افشارنیا روحالله مرادی -
Open Access Article
1483 - طراحی مدل مفهومی توسعه کارآفرینی در بخش بومگردی با رویکرد رفاه اجتماعی به روش دادهبنیاد
محمدرضا قلی پور محمودرضا چراغعلی هادی ثنائی پور -
Open Access Article
1484 - واکاوی علل شکاف جغرافیای دانشگاهی و نیازهای جامعه با مدل داده بنیاد
روح الله اسدی حانیه لقایا -
Open Access Article
1485 - ارزیابی کارایی شاخصهای کیفیت زندگی شهری (مطالعه موردی: نواحی شهر تهران)
مهدی مدیری سید احمد حسینی دیمن کاشفی دوست -
Open Access Article
1486 - مکانیابی بهینه و کارای احداث کارخانه کنسانتره دام و طیور در شهرستان میامی همراستا با متغیرهای جغرافیای صنعتی-اقتصادی و آمایش استان سمنان
طاهره سیار مجتبی غیاثی جعفر فتحعلی سعید آیباغی اصفهانی -
Open Access Article
1487 - بررسی تأثیر امدادرسانی بهموقع به وضعیت مجروحین و مصدومان در تصادفات نقاط حادثهخیز شبکه راهها در کاهش شدت خسارات وارده با استفاده از نرمافزارARC GIS (مطالعه موردی محورهای پلیسراه ملایر-همدان)
علی موقر پاک مجید شمس -
Open Access Article
1488 - ارائه مدل جدید چندهدفه برای مکانیابی مراکز توزیع امداد در شرایط فازی
مصطفی کاظمی محمد اسفندیار حدیث نجاریان -
Open Access Article
1489 - توسعه واحدهای مرغداری گوشتی منطقه بستک با تاکید بر کارآیی در راستای توسعه اقتصادی منطقه
وحید دهباشی محمد خیری مرضیه سیوندی -
Open Access Article
1490 - راهکارهای شناسایی استعدادهای منابع انسانی در شهرداری تهران با تأکید بر توسعه و کارآمدی شهر: ارائه یک الگو
سید محسن طباطبایی مزدآبادی* آزاده قمری -
Open Access Article
1491 - ارائه نگرشی نوین بربازخوانی مفهوم خاطره و جایگاه آن در ارزیابی کیفی عملکرد فضاهای جمعی (مورد مطالعه: دانشکده هنر و معماری یزد)
اکرم السادات خیرالسادات ابوالفضل داودی رکن آبادی دکتر مرضیه پیراوی ونک -
Open Access Article
1492 - مروری بر الگوریتم های فراابتکاری و تحلیل پوششی داده ها
Mohsen Vaez-ghasemi Zohreh Moghaddas Hamid Askari Feloora Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
1493 - ارزیابی کارایی مالی در یک شبکه با تحلیل پوششی داده ها
Zohreh Moghaddas -
Open Access Article
1494 - مدل های DEA بدون ورودی یا خروجی صریح: شعاعی و غیر شعاعی
Zohreh Moghaddas -
Open Access Article
1495 - The Role of Numbers Three, Seven and Forty in Iranian Culture (Relying on Iranian transitions in Bakhtiari folk culture)
hasan Atash ab parvar Esmaeil sangari mohamadkarim yousof jamali shoko arabi -
Open Access Article
1496 - The situation of income and expenses of constitutionalists and dictators in the petty tyranny period Relying on the newspaper Habal ol-Matin Calcutta
Mohamad Amiri -
Open Access Article
1497 - .
خدیجه محمدی پور عبدالعزیز موحد نساج -
Open Access Article
1498 - .
Ali Asmand -
Open Access Article
1499 - .
masod rohani sabike esfandyar -
Open Access Article
1500 - مقایسه حساسیت روشهای BayesC و (GBLUP) در برآورد ارزشهای اصلاحی ژنومی تحت تفاوت جایگاه صفات کمی مدل مفروض
M. Shirali S.R. Miraei-Ashtiani A. Pakdel C. Haley P. Navarro R. Pong-Wong -
Open Access Article
1501 - عملکرد تولیدمثلی بزهای نژاد ابرگل پرورش یافته در سیستم مدیریت سنتی منطقه سکوتا در اتیوپی
بی. دریب ام. تای -
Open Access Article
1502 - بررسی پلی مورفیسم ژن گیرنده دوپامین و ارتباط آن با صفات رشد و تولید تخم مرغ در جمعیت مرغان بومی آذربایجان غربی
م. غلامی م. غفاری ع. هاشمی -
Open Access Article
1503 - اثر افزودن سطوح مختلف مدفوع خشک شده طیور بر اندازهگیریهای خطی بدنی قوچهای در حال رشد تغذیه شده با ذرت خوشهای بخار داده شده
آ.آ. بلو -
Open Access Article
1504 - شدت رشد برهها در طول پرورش شیر مصنوعی وابسته به عوامل غیرژنتیکی انتخاب شده
پ. ماکوویسکی م. گالیسووا کوپیکووا م. مارگتین پ. ماکوویسکی م. ناگی -
Open Access Article
1505 - اکسیداسیون پروتئین در عضلات راسته و ران برههای پرورشیافته درآغل و روی مرتع باکتی سالمونلای روده جوجههای گوشتی در معرض چالش سالمونلایی
تی. پوپووا پی. مارینووا -
Open Access Article
1506 - برآورد ضرایب اقتصادی صفات باروری، تولید شیر و مردهزایی در جمعیت گاوهای هلشتاین ایران
ح. قیاسی ع. پاکدل ا. نجاتی جوارمی ا. گنزالس-رسیو م. خسوس کارابانو ر. آلندا ع. صادقی سفید مزگی -
Open Access Article
1507 - Hargreaves Method Improves Accuracy in Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration Adjustment Weight With the Help of Artificial Neural Network and Decision Tree
omid mohtarami Mohammad Reza Hosseini Ruhollah Fattahi تیمور سهرابی -
Open Access Article
1508 - Modeling Of Irrigation and Drainage Networks with Remote Sensing and Gis (Case Study of Debye Sabili Area)
ali afrous Ebrahim Nohani Hamid Behfar -
Open Access Article
1509 - شناسایی و اولویت بندی اقدامات استراتژیک بازاریابی در سازمانهای غیرانتفاعی (مطالعه موردی: کمیته امداد امام خمینی استان هرمزگان)
امیرمسعود سالکی اسماعیل حسن پور -
Open Access Article
1510 - بررسی رابطه ی پذیرش فناوری اطلاعات و اثربخشی سازمانی (مورد مطالعه: دادگستری استان تهران)
حاجیه رجبی فرجاد نیلوفر میرسپاسی معصومه طاهری -
Open Access Article
1511 - .
سید محمد رضا داودی سمیه نادری یگانه -
Open Access Article
1512 - .
مریم تقوایی یزدی -
Open Access Article
1513 - Comparison of the results of changing the approach in water resources management in karkheh basin during the droughts of 2012 and 2014.
Aref Vaeli Alireza Manzari Tavakoli Hamdaleh Manzari Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
1514 - A model for evaluating sustainable supply chain performance using network data envelopment analysis and bootstrap simulation
Masoud Vaseei Maryam Daneshmand-Mehr Morteza Bazrafshan Armin Ghanee kanafi -
Open Access Article
1515 - Title Designing a performance improvement model based on relationship management with Kaknan(in Melli Bank of Iran)
Mohammad Reza Dalvi Zakieh Beiki Demeneh -
Open Access Article
1516 - Evaluation of productivity, efficiency and ranking of thermal power plants: an approach based on stochastic data envelopment analysis
Mehdi Khodadadipour -
Open Access Article
1517 - حل یک مدل لجستیکی تحویل کالاهای اولویت دار در فاز پاسخگویی به زلزله با استفاده از الگوریتم ژنتیک و روشهای MODM: مطالعه موردی شهرکرمان
محمد علی فرقانی زین العابدین صادقی اسماعیل افزون -
Open Access Article
1518 - آسیب شناسی پیاده سازی مدیریت استعداد در سازمان های دولتی ایران
اکرم هادیزاده مقدم حمید رامین مهر امیر سالار محمدی -
Open Access Article
1519 - ارزیابی کارایی معاونت های دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران جنوب با رویکرد ترکیبی کارت امتیازی متوازن و تحلیل پوششی داده ها
کیامرث هفشجانی الهام حسامی -
Open Access Article
1520 - Detection of Knowledge Governing on Demographic Characteristics of Customers in Selecting Banks by through using Associative Rules in Data Mining
Naser Ghabouli Alireza Bafandeh Zendeh Samad Aali -
Open Access Article
1521 - بررسی رابطه بین درصد سهام شناورآزاد با تعداد خریداران، تعداد دفعات معامله و نسبت گردش سهام در شرکت های پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران
سید نیما ولی نیا -
Open Access Article
1522 - Form Follows Architecture Event (An Objective Representation from a Modern Perspective in Post-Modern Conditions)
Amir Davood Maslahatjoo Maryam Ghasemi Sichani Vahid Ghobadian Bijan Abdolkarimi -
Open Access Article
1523 - .
ahmad ahmadi lotfeali barghi -
Open Access Article
1524 - .
رحمان مشتاق مهر Ahmad Goli fatemeh manavi -
Open Access Article
1525 - Narrative, a teaching tools in Golestan: A Narrative Approach to the First Chapter of Golestan
Mohammad Hakim Azar Fakhredin Saidi Mazaher Nikkhah -
Open Access Article
1526 - The School of "originality of benefit" and escape from the absolutism in Khayyâm's Rubaiyat based on his moral school
مهیار علوی مقدم علی صادقی منش -
Open Access Article
1527 - .
پریسا داوری -
Open Access Article
1528 - Genealogy of didactic literature (A glance at the reasons of presence and expansion of didactic literature in Iran)
منا علی مددی -
Open Access Article
1529 - The act of ending in the story with a didactic literature approach
Ali Mohammadi arezo Baharvand -
Open Access Article
1530 - .An analysis of thoughts and advices of Asadi toosi’s Garshasb Nameh on civil policy
Ali Reza Shabanlu khadijeh moradi Abd ol-Hossaein Farzad ghafar borjsaz -
Open Access Article
1531 - The philosophical- moral functions of the book Altavassol ela altarassol
Maryam Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
1532 - .
hosein sedghi fatemh mehrabani mamdouh -
Open Access Article
1533 - Assessment and Analysis of Physical Development and Land Use Changes on Parsabad Moghan City Using Remote Sensing Data
Mohamad Reza Pourmohammadi Mehdi Moazzeni Bahman Hadili -
Open Access Article
1534 - Evaluation of Equity in Health with the Aim of Achieving Citizens' Equal Access to Health Care Centers (Case Study: Ardebil City)
F. Barandak -
Open Access Article
1535 - The Relationship between Imam Relief Committee Policies and Economic Empowerment Indicators for Rural Covered Households Case Study: Central District of Guilan Province
Alireza Mohammadi Teymour Amar Nasrollah Molaeihashjin -
Open Access Article
1536 - Explaining the effects of event-based tourism on functional metamorphosis of urban infants in Iran (Case study: Ritual tourism of Armaghankhaneh city of Zanjan)
Mohammad T aghi Heidari mohammad rasoli parvin rahmati Sharareh Saeedpour -
Open Access Article
1537 - Identifying the dimensions of destination social responsibility from the perspective of tourists in urban and rural tourism destinations of Guilan province by classical Grounded Theory research method
Fereshteh Ghavidel Ali Gholipour Soleimani Seyed Mahmoud Shabgoo Monsef Alireza Farokhbakht Foomani -
Open Access Article
1538 - The effect of citizen education and cultural events on the promotion of the brand of the creative city of Rasht
Hassan Ahmadi Aliakbar Salaripour Arman Hamidi Roghayeh Mirzaei, Ali Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1539 - Designing socio-economic database in GIS (a case study of Ardebil province)
alireza estelaji -
Open Access Article
1540 - Urban disaster management with Emphasis on Process after disaster
masood taghvaee Mozhgan Darabi -
Open Access Article
1541 - تحلیل کنش های فضای طبیعی ایران در جغرافیای سیاسی آن
علی بلادپس غلامحسین بی باک قربانعلی ذکی -
Open Access Article
1542 - اثر تیمار کوتاه مدت با نانو ذرات نقره و محلول گلجایی ساکارز روی پیری گل و برگ شاخه بریده رز
خدیجه آل کثیر رحیم نقش بند حسنی علیرضا مطلبی آذر -
Open Access Article
1543 - بررسی اثر نانوسیلور، نانوسیل و پراکسید هیدروژن بر عمر پس از برداشت گل بریده رز (Rosa hybrida)
مونا شادباش فتح اله کشاورزشال -
Open Access Article
1544 - ارزیابی محیطهای مختلف رشد و کود ازته بر برخی صفات موفولوژیکی اسپاتیفیلوم
سید فاضل فاضلی کاخکی علیرضا شریفیان ناصر بیک زاده -
Open Access Article
1545 - تاثیر محلولهای گلجایی حاوی کبالت، سریم و نانوذرات نقره بر ماندگاری و کیفیت پس از برداشت گل های شاخه بریده پرنده بهشتی (Strelitzia reginae)
جهانگیر آذرهوش داود هاشم آبادی لیلا اسدپور بهزاد کاویانی -
Open Access Article
1546 - بررسی اثر متقابل بنزوات سدیم و اتانول روی عمر گلجایی گلهای شاخه بریده رز رقم ’اولانچ‘
ندا نکویار مه فام حمیدی امامی -
Open Access Article
1547 - بررسی تنوع ژنتیکی برخی ژنوتیپ های گل محمدی (Rosa damascena Mill.) استان کردستان با استفاده از صفات مرفولوژیکی
فردین نصری ارسلان فداکار بایزید یوسفی بهمن زاهدی -
Open Access Article
1548 - Evaluation of the effect of plant distance on yield of four watermelon cultivars (Citrullus vulgaris) in Jiroft environmental conditions
Ebrahim Mamonoei Seid Mohammad Alavi Siney Morteza Eshraghi-Nejad -
Open Access Article
1549 - Investigation the effect of planting date on yield, yield components and growth indices in some cultivars and lines of barley in Khuzestan region
Milad Mojadami Abdollah Bahrani -
Open Access Article
1550 - Designing the Concept Model of the Effect of Academic Entrepreneurship Components
Zohre Hassani Mahmoud Abolghasemi Asghar Moshabaki Esfehani -
Open Access Article
1551 - Relationship of Social Influence Tactics with Readiness for Change (Case study: Bojnourd Social Security Hospital)
Nazanin vahdani Rashvanlouei behrang esmaeili shad -
Open Access Article
1552 - Provide a talent management model for employees Shahed University
akram hojati abbas khorshidi Mohsen Farmoni Farahani Amirhossein Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
1553 - Designing A Model For Explaning Sustainable Human Resource Management In Government organization Iran
Ezatollah kiani hassan rangriz kumars ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1554 - .
بیژن خواجه نوری صادق پناهی نسب صدیقه جهانبازیان اسماعیل دامیار -
Open Access Article
1555 - .
علی روحانی مسعود سرپاک مهناز جوکاری -
Open Access Article
1556 - .
Manoochehr kordzanganeh یوسف امینی رستم کردزنگنه -
Open Access Article
1557 - تاثیر عوامل بازاریابی درونگرا برعملکرد بازاریابی (موردکاوی: صنعت رستوران درشهرستان رشت با تأکید بررستوران های بنانهاده شده برنامه های گیلکی)
مهدی محمدی کوچصفهانی محمد جلیلی محمود نورایی -
Open Access Article
1558 - مدل مدیریت استعداد در شرکتهای دانشبنیان فعال در حوزه کشاورزی استان گیلان
سعید صحت محمدتقی تقوی فرد رضا سلامی مجتبی افشاریان -
Open Access Article
1559 - تعیین کارایی و اندازه بهینه مزارع برنج استان مازندران (مورد مطالعه: شهرستان فریدونکنار)
رضا اسفنجاری کناری محمود احمدپور برازجانی احمدعلی کیخا سامان ضیایی ماشاا... سالارپور -
Open Access Article
1560 - کاربرد روش داده بنیاد برای شناسایی و تحلیل عوامل موثر بر موفقیت بازاریابی محصولات کشاورزی ارگانیک ایرانی
بهمن قاسمی مهرداد گودرزوند چگینی ابراهیم چیرانی -
Open Access Article
1561 - ارائه تکنیکی جدید برای ارزیابی کارایی مزارع کشاورزی با کاربرد ترکیبی تحلیل پنجرهایی دادهها و شاخص مالم کوئیست مطالعه موردی: مزارع جو شهرستان خاش
علی سردارشهرکی ندا علی احمدی -
Open Access Article
1562 - بررسی کارایی فنی نخلستان ها با استفاده از تحلیل پوششی داده ها
زینب لطیفی حسین شعبانعلی فمی -
Open Access Article
1563 - الگوی عملکرد صادراتی صنعت گل و گیاهان زینتی استان مازندران با استفاده از رویکرد نظریه پردازی داده بنیاد
نرگس مهدئی فانیمجید فانی Majid Fattahi -
Open Access Article
1564 - مقایسه سیستم های تولید جلبک بر اساس مصرف انرژی و تحلیل اقتصادی: کاربرد تحلیل پوششی داده ها
ناصر کاظمی محمد غلامی پرشکوهی احمد محمدی داود محمد زمانی -
Open Access Article
1565 - کاربرد مقایسهای تکنیکهای متداول رتبهبندی بهمنظور تعیین اولویت عوامل اثرگذار بر تولید بذر گیاهان دارویی؛ مطالعهی موردی: استان گیلان، ایران
سیدعلی نورحسینی اسماعیل فلاحی سپیده قلی نژاد -
Open Access Article
1566 - کلاسبندی تناسب اراضی ایستگاه تحقیقاتی آذربایجان شرقی برای گوجه فرنگی، سیب زمینی، پیاز و لوبیا
Parisa Alamdari Setareh Amanifar -
Open Access Article
1567 - تاثیر مزیت نسبی صنایع سه گانه کشاورزی و متنوع سازی صادرات بر ارزش افزوده این صنایع در ایران
افسانه شایسته همایون رنجبر -
Open Access Article
1568 - ارزیابی کارایی فنی نخلستان های خرما با استفاده از رهیافت تحلیل پوششی داده های بوت استرپ (مطالعه موردی منطقه رودخانه بر ایران)
غلامرضا زمانیان مصطفی خواجه حسنی -
Open Access Article
1569 - Presenting the pattern of employing retirees in Iran's National Oil Company
Farshid Babaakbari sedighe tootian esfahani nazanin pilevari hassan rangriz -
Open Access Article
1570 - Designing a model of effective factors on the strategic improvement of human resources in the judiciary of the country
الهه هاشم زهی امین نیک پور -
Open Access Article
1571 - Designing a Women's Entrepreneurship Model Based on Home-Based Businesses Using Grounded theory
hamid taboli mahboobeh askari bagher abadi Raana Namazian -
Open Access Article
1572 - بررسی مشکلات زمین شناسی در زون گسله پورکان-وردیج و نحوه برهم کنش آن با ماشین TBM(مطالعه موردی تونل انتقال آب کرج-تهران)
محسن غلامی محمدرضا جاری رسول اجل لوییان -
Open Access Article
1573 - بررسی تاثیر شبکه برداشت داده های اکتشافی بر دقت برآورد مناطق آنومال به روش فرکتالی متغیر- مساحت
سمیه طبسی رضا قوامی ریابی فرامرز دولتی اردهجانی -
Open Access Article
1574 - Providing a model for replacing higher income generation (case study of Islamic Azad University of Tehran)
ELHAM ELBAD sadraddin sattari yosef namvar -
Open Access Article
1575 - The effect talent management on employee commitment in banking industry
Etebar Naghdi Marjan Fayyazi -
Open Access Article
1576 - The Role of Talent Management in Effective Strategy Implementation
Mohammad Hassan Morshedi Tonekaboni -
Open Access Article
1577 - Talent Management Model in the Customs Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Morad Khoshdel Mofidi Mohammad Reza Bagherzadeh asadollah mehrara -
Open Access Article
1578 - Designing a native talent management model in Iran's national gas industry
Abdoljavad khalili Abdolghalegh Gholami karamallah daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1579 - The effect of organizational talent and knowledge management on job satisfaction
ghader Khaligh rasoul ranjbarian -
Open Access Article
1580 - Designing and explaining the organizational model in the employees of state banks in Iran Based on Grounded Theory
Alireza Najafpour reza Najafbeigi karamallah daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1581 - Presenting the model of managers' immortality in the Iranian banking system with a grounded theory approach
roohallah samiei nasrin kouroshzadeh mahmudreza mostaghimi tahmures aghajani hashtjin -
Open Access Article
1582 - Designing a talent management model in the country's electricity industry using interpretive structural modeling
maryam hesami roohalla samiee fereydoon azma mahmoodreza mostaghimi -
Open Access Article
1583 - Explanation of the model human resource agility in the Ministry of Justice
masoomeh hojati mohammadreza rabiee mandejin alireza amirkabiri -
Open Access Article
1584 - The presentation of a Pattern for Financial Empowerment in Small and Medium Enterprises with Grounded Theory Approach
Gholamreza Elahi parviz saeedi Jamadverdi Gorganli Dooji Maryam Bkoharaiyan Khorasani -
Open Access Article
1585 - Designing a comprehensive human capital management model with an entrepreneurial approach (Study case: National Oil Products Distribution Company)
shadmehr zohdi Hassan Amiri Koroush Parsa Moein -
Open Access Article
1586 - Analysis of the legislative and supervisory performance of different periods of the Islamic Parliament using two-stage data envelopment analysis
Ahmad Ghanbarian Boroojeni kambiz Shahroodi Alireza Amirteimoori mehrdad Goodarzvand Chegini -
Open Access Article
1587 - Designing a Product Development Process Model in Gas Refining Companies Based on Grounded Theory
Hooman Keshavarzi Sayed Javad Iranban Moghadeseh Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
1588 - Identifying Indigenous Indicators of Talent Management Process Optimization in Iran (Case Study: Fajr Jam Gas Refinery)
Abdoljavad Khalili -
Open Access Article
1589 - Sustainable Human Resource Management in Power Industry
Mohammad Tafarrojkhah Majid Bagerzadeh Soleyman Iranzadeh -
Open Access Article
1590 - Presenting the Model of Financial Synergy with the Grounded Theory Approach
Hamid Issazadeh Lazarjani Parviz Saeidi Maryam Bokharaeian Khorasani Jomadoordi Gorganli Davaji -
Open Access Article
1591 - Strategies and Consequences of Acquiring Sports Seats in International Forums and its Effects on the Development of Surrounding Areas
Elham Gorji Lora Chapari Zahra Hezhabrnia -
Open Access Article
1592 - Presenting the Organizational Mentoring Model with the Talent Management Approach in the Ministry of Education
Abdolreza Golabi Seyyed Rasool Aghadavod Saeed Aghasi -
Open Access Article
1593 - Investigating the attitude of Librarians about execution of data governance strategies for planning the collection making of information resources in libraries of Islamic Azad University
fariba jalili fariborz doroudi Sayed Aliakbar Famil Rohani -
Open Access Article
1594 - Examining the Relationship between Talent Management and Intellectual Capital Management and Quality of Working Life in Libraries of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch
hasti sohrabi Ali Asghar Razavi leyli taherkhani -
Open Access Article
1595 - Reviewing the websites of Tehran Municipality and providing appropriate data mining solutions
shaysteh shojaei karizaki sudabeh Shapoori hajar zarei -
Open Access Article
1596 - Comparison of the current situation of big data management with the desired situation in the future from the perspective of the Staff and provincial managers and IT professionals of Foundation of Iranian Public Libraries
Zahra Rezaei Zohreh Mirhosseini Fereshteh Sepehr -
Open Access Article
1597 - Analysis of the relationship between the dimensions of talent management strategy and creativity in terms of employees of public libraries in Mazandaran province
Fatemeh Valipanah firouzjahi safiyeh tahmasebi limooni -
Open Access Article
1598 - The role of the data librarian in scientometrics and related fields
amirreza asnafi Sajedeh Abdi -
Open Access Article
1599 - Mapping the knowledge map of articles extracted from master's theses in information science and epistemology of Islamic Azad universities
Esmaeil Khademizadeh Fatemeh Nooshinfard Amirreza Asnafi -
Open Access Article
1600 - Application of big data in the public libraries: Determining the necessities and affecting factors
Zohreh Mirhosseini zahra rezaei Fereshteh Sepehr -
Open Access Article
1601 - The Most Widely Used Components of Research Data Management (Case Study: Librarians of University of Medical Sciences Libraries in 7th. Zone in Iran)
Mohammad Rahim Rasouli Azad Hassan Ghahnaviyeh Fahimeh Babalhavaeji nadjla hariri -
Open Access Article
1602 - Analysis of the issues of compiling master's theses in the field of Architecture and Urban planning
hamzeh zeraati mohsen ghasemi mansour nikpour -
Open Access Article
1603 - Drawing word co-occurrence map in the field of digital transformation in the Web of Science database
ُSoheila Khoeini Alireza Noruzi Nader Naghshineh Zeinab Jozi -
Open Access Article
1604 - Identify Appropriate Data Attributes in order to Knowledge Discovery from Health Big Data Systems
Fatemeh Soleimani Roozbahani Ali Rajabzadeh Ghatari Reza Radfar -
Open Access Article
1605 - Identifying the Thematic Relationships between the Resources Used By the Users of the Regional Science and Technology Information Center Using the Text Mining Technique
Khojasteh Shabani asefe asemi -
Open Access Article
1606 - Improving the semantic description of digital archive objects using descriptive metadata elements of the RiC conceptual model
Mohammad Hassan Azimi faeze sadat tabatabai amiri -
Open Access Article
1607 - Cost–benefit analysis of databases in Mohaghegh Ardabili University in 2009
Aliakbar Poorahmad Hadi Sharif Moghaddam Effat Bonyadi -
Open Access Article
1608 - Talent and succession management in the libraries of Islamic Azad University Branches located in Tehran
Nadjla Hariri Nahid Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
1609 - Study of Information flow in the research Institutes of Islamic Azad University
Ali Sadeghzadeh Vayghan Mohammad Hassanzadeh Fahimeh Babalhavaeji nadjla hariri -
Open Access Article
1610 - Evaluation of faculty members Research performance at Bushehr University of Medical Sciences in Google Scholar during 2009-2013
Khadijeh Shabankareh Mitra Baghjannati Ali Hamidi -
Open Access Article
1611 - The Study of School Libraries a Review in Education (and training)Ministry Statistics
mosa majidy -
Open Access Article
1612 - Comparison of the utilization and ability of medical colleges students in using the electronic databases existing at Integrated digital library portal (IDL)of Iran
Leila Nemati Anaraki Fahime Babolhavaeji -
Open Access Article
1613 - Investigation of the research output of faculty members of Tehran pharmacy colleges according to h-index factor
zohreh mirhoseini marjan jalili baleh -
Open Access Article
1614 - Determine the most important quantitative and qualitative features of the genus Rubus L. in Iran using Feature Selection and Classification Algorithms
Mohammad Javad Sheikhzadeh -
Open Access Article
1615 - Evaluation of the effect of different types and amounts of foliar application of jasmonate before fruit harvest on functional, physiological, qualitative and medicinal traits of two strawberry cultivars
Mohammad Javad Mahdavi Lasibi Rezvan Karami Borz Abad Abolfazl Baghbani Arani -
Open Access Article
1616 - Design and validation of professional organization model in National Iranian Oil Company with Islamic-Iranian progress
Mahsa Noroozi Mashaallah valikhani karamollah daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1617 - Identifying the underlying factors of organizational culture based on jihadi management indicators (courts of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
Tahereh Sadat arvin asl Hassan soltani saeed razeghi -
Open Access Article
1618 - Presentation of the Model of Internal Organizational Factors Affecting the Implementation of the Talent Management Model (Case Study of Iran Khodro Industrial Group)
mohammad yadegari babak rezaei -
Open Access Article
1619 - Identifying the Components of Talent Management in order to Increase the Productivity of Education Managers; A Mixed Method Study
mazaher babaee Seyed ahmad hashemi abbas gholtash -
Open Access Article
1620 - -
حسین فلسفی نژاد حسن دهقان دهنوی شهناز نایب زاده -
Open Access Article
1621 - -
احد سوری سوسن علایی جعفر رحمانی -
Open Access Article
1622 - ارائه الگویی تفسیری/ساختاری از مضامین قراردادهای روانکاوانهی تعاملات فردی حسابرس با شرکاء
حسن سرحدی محمد رضا عبدلی رویا ایری -
Open Access Article
1623 - شاخصهای مدل مدیریت استعداد مبتنی بر قابلیتهای ادراکی، انسانی و فنی در مدیران تامین اجتماعی با استفاده از روش دلفی
حیدر صفری رشید ذولفقاری زعفرانی محسن محمدیان ساروی -
Open Access Article
1624 - مقولههای فرهنگی مصرف موسیقی ملی ایران
پدرام جوادزاده مسعود کوثری محسن عامری شهرابی عطاء الله ابطحی -
Open Access Article
1625 - حفظ امنیت فرهنگی در ایران با ارائه الگوی پدافند غیرعامل
راشد جعفرپور سوسن علائی عباسعلی قیومی -
Open Access Article
1626 - سبکهای رهبری مؤثر در نهادخدمتگزار و حمایتی کمیته امداد امام خمینی (ره) از منظر قرآن و احادیث
سیده نیلوفر شامرادی مجتبی معظمی -
Open Access Article
1627 - Design a model of employee relations with colleagues based on a hermeneutic approach
Sajjad moradian Majid jahangifard Ali mehdizadeh ashrafi Ali mehdizadeh ashrafi -
Open Access Article
1628 - استفاده از گرافیت اصلاح شده با نانو ذرات نیکل به عنوان الکترود در پیل های سوختی متانولی
عباس رئوفی کیان سید ابولفضل سید سجادی -
Open Access Article
1629 - Removal, pre-concentration and determination of palladium from different environmental water samples using modified magnetic nanoparticles prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometry
مریم حمیدی مجید رمضانی -
Open Access Article
1630 - The challenges of Applying Global Jurisdiction in Dealing with Cyber Terrorism
Hasan Movassaghi -
Open Access Article
1631 - The plurality of contract parties under Iranian law and principles of European contrary law
Hossein Zare Shaar Saghar Amiri -
Open Access Article
1632 - The impact of official development assistance on educational outcomes in selected countries of the MENA region
Lotfali Agheli Mehran Samdaliri -
Open Access Article
1633 - Presenting the model of development of marketing of agricultural products in Iran with the focus on medicinal plants Using the Grounded Theory Method and Model Validation
BIJAN Alizadeh Abdullah naami mohammad nasrola niya -
Open Access Article
1634 - Analyzing the Backward and Forward linkage of the Khuzestan Steel Company's Products with Inside the Company and the national economy with the approach of the enterprise Input-Output table
Yaghoub Andayesh ziba Saeidi Nashlil -
Open Access Article
1635 - The effect of talent management on objective organizational forgetting with the mediator role of organizational agility (case study: Department of Sports and Youth of Tehran Province) تت
علی اصغر دورودیان محمدرضا غفارزاده -
Open Access Article
1636 - شناسایی و تحلیل عوامل اثر گذار بر نقش آفرینی نیروی انتظامی در رویدادهای ورزشی مبتنی بر روش الکتره
حجت الله ابوالفتحی شهاب بهرامی بهرام یوسفی حسین عیدی -
Open Access Article
1637 - A reading on the importance of using the oral history approach in order to improve the quality of holding international sports events selected by the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Hooman Ordookhani farshad Tojari Zinat Nikaeen -
Open Access Article
1638 - The need for an outsourcing development of sports marketing activities in academic sport
رحیم شیرازی نژاد احمد ترک فر محمد صادق افروزه حمیدرضا صفری جعفرلو مریم قدسی -
Open Access Article
1639 - Presenting a Paradigm Model of ambush marketing risk management in sporting events
Zohre Kamalian Zynalabedin Fallah Taher Bahlekeh Asra Askari -
Open Access Article
1640 - Explaining the factors affecting the quality of hosting international military competitions (SIZM) based on the oral history approach
Hooman Ordookhani farshad Tojari Zinat Nikaeen -
Open Access Article
1641 - Analyzing the effect of foreign direct investment on economic growth in developing countries
Mahnaz Rabiei Maryam Behifar Ghasem Azadi Ahmadabadi -
Open Access Article
1642 - Examining access to big data and its use in supply chain decisions based on financial model with ANN-Big data integrated approach
Elnaz Alikhani zanjani Farid Asgari Amir Najafi Babak Haji Karimi -
Open Access Article
1643 - The Role of Cooperation in Regional Sustainable Development and Social Capacity (Case of study: General Directorate of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare of Kerman Province)
somsyeh soleimani Sanjar Salajegheh Mohammadjalal Kamali Samaneh Mehdizadeh -
Open Access Article
1644 - Provide a Method to Evaluate Business Agility in Manufacturing Firms. Using Data Envelopment Analysis Stage TechniqueCase study: The automobile Trading Companies
علی Ramezani امیر Rahimi Ghazikalayeh مهدی Amirafshari -
Open Access Article
1645 - Automakers Clustering based on Economic Production Function using Data Envelopment Analysis
S. Rezaei Gh.R. Amin M.Gh. Ariyanezhad -
Open Access Article
1646 - The Effect of Financial Development on the Financing of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
Naem Eslamdust Elham Gholami -
Open Access Article
1647 - The Impact of Country Risks Index on Commercial Insurance Demand (Case Study: MENA Countries)
Ali Dehghani Niloufar Sheikh Rezaie -
Open Access Article
1648 - Estimating the Efficiency of Banks by DEA Approach and Investigating its Relationship with Financial Ratios
Fatemeh Mesgarpour Amiri Naser Yadollah zadeh Tabari -
Open Access Article
1649 - The Impact of Information and Communicatin Technology on Labor Productivity in Food Industry of Tehran Province
Farzaneh moradi Kambiz hojabr kiani -
Open Access Article
1650 - A Comparative Study of the Efficiency of Insurance Companies in Iran and MENA Countries
Sousan Shokoohigol Ali Dehghani -
Open Access Article
1651 - Mechatronic Technology Commercialization in Small and Medium Enterprises: Based on Grounded Theory
Maryam Mohammadkhah S Reza. Hejazi -
Open Access Article
1652 - توانایی کنشهای گفتاری و چالشهای زبانآموزان پیشرفته ایرانی: مطالعه ای آمیخته درباره تفاوت های جنسیتی در عملکردهای کنشهای گفتاری متنوع
Roohollah Maleki Ali Malmir Rajab Esfandiari -
Open Access Article
1653 - Investigation of false mysticism from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence
marziyeh shafiee Faezeh Moqtadaee -
Open Access Article
1654 - Legitimate trade from the perspective of Islamic law
Maryam Ebn Torab -
Open Access Article
1655 - The study of religious prudence and legalbasies of Baghy
Sayyid Muhammad Musawi Bujnurdi Ensiyah Asim Nakhjawani -
Open Access Article
1656 - f
Siddiqah Musaddiq Sidqi Bahram Arifi -
Open Access Article
1657 - Knowledge of God and Self-Knowledge; The Influence of the Thoughts of Rūmī on Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist
Nāser Nāseri Tāzehshahri -
Open Access Article
1658 - Representation or Reconstruction: The Structural Evolution of Junayd of Baghdad’s Face in Some Mystical Texts
naser amirmohammadi nemat esfehaniomran hamid tabasi -
Open Access Article
1659 - The First Correspondences of Mystics; The Maktoobat of Dhul-Nun al-Misri and Junayd of Baghdad
elaheh Rajabifar bagher sadri niya -
Open Access Article
1660 - The Analysis of Semiotics of Masnavi Manavi in Baqdadi Man
mahnaz Ravanbakhsh Shahin Oujagh Alizadeh Fatemeh Emami -
Open Access Article
1661 - لیبرالیزم و مشابهتهای مضامین «کلیله و دمنه» و «مرزباننامه» با آن
خدیجه اطمینان -
Open Access Article
1662 - An Analytic Mythological study of The Archetype of the First Human and Its Samples in the Pishdādis Section of Shāhnāmeh
Farzad Ghaemi -
Open Access Article
1663 - The Mythical Analysis of Suvashun: the 1953 Iranian Coup D ' état
Mohammad Alijāni Hoseinalī Qobadī Saeed Bozorg Bigdelī -
Open Access Article
1664 - Mythic Analysis of Dard-e Siāvash; Reconsideration of 1953 Iranian Coup d’état in the Light of Myths
Hoseinali Qobādi Saeed Bozorq Beiqdeli Mohammad Alijāni -
Open Access Article
1665 - Health and Stress: Physiological and Psychological Consequences of Stressful Life Events
Mohtaram Nemat Tavousi -
Open Access Article
1666 - Post-traumatic stress disorder in survivors of bam earthquake
Farahnaz NoorMohammadi Fatemeh Ataei -
Open Access Article
1667 - Self efficacy and mental health of gifted and normal students
G. Ali Afrooz Farzaneh Motamedi -
Open Access Article
1668 - Acculturation Specific and General Hassles and Positive Psychological Functioning
Saba Safdar John Rees Lewis -
Open Access Article
1669 - Maternal mental states input and children social behavior:the mediator role of theory of mind
Maryam Bordbar Razieh Sheikholeslami, PhD -
Open Access Article
1670 - The effect of progressive relaxation training on stress management due to daily life events
Mohtaram Nemat Tavousi -
Open Access Article
1671 - Effectiveness of Respectful Listening to Children Package on Mothers’ Psychological Well-Being
Nazanin Abed Shahla Pakdaman MohammadAli Mazaheri Mahmood Heidari -
Open Access Article
1672 - Testing the Model of the Relationship Between Positive Perfectionism and Negative Life Events with Coping Styles and Psychological Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital
Azam Manoochehri Nasser Behroozi Manijeh Shehni Yeylag Gholamhosein Maktabi -
Open Access Article
1673 - Study of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) & wind speed over coastal area of Hormozgan Province by satellite data
M. Torabi Azad A. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1674 - Survey of hail forecasting possibility by using radar data
A. Saneei F. Arkian P. S. Katiraeie M. Raihani Parvari -
Open Access Article
1675 - امکان سنجی مسئولیت نرم افزار الکترونیکی هوشمند در فرض وقوع خطا و اشتباه در انعقاد قرارداد الکترونیکی در حقوق ایران و کامن لا
HADI PANAHI ali garibeh hasan Pashazadeh -
Open Access Article
1676 - ضمانت اجرای نقض حسن نیت در آیین دادرسی مدنی ایران با مطالعه تطبیقی در اصول آیین دادرسی مدنی فراملی
جواد پورکرمی مجید غمامی حسن محسنی مصطفی السان -
Open Access Article
1677 - اصول حقوقی حاکم بر داوری سازمان جهانی مالکیت فکری
علی زارع جمشید ابراهیمی رامندی -
Open Access Article
1678 - شرایط و ضوابط حقوقی اجرای قرار نظارت قضایی در کنار قرارهای تأمین کیفری
هدیه غلامرضایی آزاد نسرین مهرا غلام حسن کوشکی -
Open Access Article
1679 - دادگاه های اقتصادی جایگزین محاکم تجاری با مطالعه تطبیقی در نظام حقوقی فرانسه و بلژیک
سعید جوهر شکرالله نیکوند -
Open Access Article
1680 - تحول مصونیت مقامات دولتی از صلاحیت کیفری محاکم خارجی در رویه دیوان بین المللی دادگستری
فخرالدین سلطانی جلال الدین شیرژیان -
Open Access Article
1681 - جایگاه و مبانی انفساخ در نظام حقوقی ایران
علی اصغر اسکندری -
Open Access Article
1682 - نهاد دادسرا و تشکیلات آن در حقوق ایران و دیوان کیفری بین المللی
طاهره عابدی تهرانی محمدرضا کونانی رامین آریا -
Open Access Article
1683 - استقلال قضایی در حقوق ایران و انگلیس
وحید خندانی محمد باقر عامری نیا -
Open Access Article
1684 - صلاحیت دادگاههای ایران در طلاق ایرانیان مقیم خارج از کشور
بهشید ارفع نیا -
Open Access Article
1685 - شیوه های پولی جبران خسارت قراردادی در حقوق ایران، امارات و کنوانسیون بیع بین المللی کالا
منصور شکیبا پژمان محمدی سیاوش شجاع پوریان -
Open Access Article
1686 - انتقال تعهد در ایران، انگلیس و اسناد بین المللی
حسین جلالی محمدرضا پیرهادی بختیار عباسلو سید عزت الله عراقی -
Open Access Article
1687 - نقش دادرسی اساسی در حفظ و صیانت از انتخاب مردم: در آلمان و ایران
محسن ایرج خیرالله پروین -
Open Access Article
1688 - بررسی فقهی و حقوقی اشتراک ها و تمایز های بانکداری اسلامی در ایران و مالزی
محمود عرفانی علیرضا محمدی -
Open Access Article
1689 - نقش و تاثیر سکوت در شکل گیری اعمال حقوقی و جایگاه آن در ادله اثیات با رعایت اخلاق حسنه
حسین زارع شعار مینا ابراهیمیان -
Open Access Article
1690 - تاثیر اراده در ایجاد تعهد در حقوق ایران
سپیده صحت بابک رضاپور رضا قیاسی -
Open Access Article
1691 - تشریفات دادرسی مدنی الکترونیکی
محمد آقایاری عباس کریمی مصطفی السان -
Open Access Article
1692 - تطبیق وکاربرد مسایل داوری در حل اختلافات بانکی بین المللی( با تاکید بر مراکز داوری تجاری بین المللی )
افسانه ساری محمود باقری علیرضا رجب زاده اصطهباناتی -
Open Access Article
1693 - قراردادهای خدمات سرمایه گذاری در صنعت نفت
مسعود طاهری مسعود البرزی ورکی عبدالله کیایی -
Open Access Article
1694 - نظارت قضایی برتعقیب و تحقیق در دیوان کیفری بین المللی (Icc)
عبدالرضا منصوری دهبید احمد رمضانی منصور عطاشنه -
Open Access Article
1695 - استثنائات اصل صلاحیت سرزمینی دررسیدگی به جرائم اتباع بیگانه در ایران با عنایت به قانون مجازات اسلامی 1392
منوچهر توسلی نائینی -
Open Access Article
1696 - اصل راهبردی حاکمیت اراده در حقوق ایران و انگلیس
وحید خندانی محمدباقر عامری نیا قوام کریمی داریوش بابایی -
Open Access Article
1697 - بررسی تطبیقی الزامات در قرادادهای دولتی و نظامی
احسان مشکل گشا محسن رئیسی -
Open Access Article
1698 - جایگاه وموقعیت قاضی درتحقق اصول دادرسی عادلانه
میرناصر قرشی زاده علیرضا جمشیدی منصور رحمدل -
Open Access Article
1699 - طرق فوق العاده اعتراض به آراء کیفری در حقوق ایران و مقایسه آن با حقوق کامنلا
لطف اله میرهاشمی مسعود حیدری محمدرضا شادمان فر علی یوسف زاده -
Open Access Article
1700 - تحلیل حق حضور وکیل در مرحله تحقیقات مقدماتی در حقوق کیفری ایران
محمد عندلیب Housein aghaei -
Open Access Article
1701 - انحلال قراردادهای الکترونیکی از طریق عدم تنفیذ
حمیدرضا علیخانی ایوب احمدپور علی رفیعی مقدم -
Open Access Article
1702 - اخلاق و عدالت کیفری در دادگاه ویژه کیفری بین المللی نورنبرگ با تکیه بر حقوق بین المللی عرفی
اشکان فامیل مدبران رضا نیکخواه سرنقی سیامک جعفرزاده -
Open Access Article
1703 - نقض دادرسی عادلانه و ضمانت اجرا کیفری آن از منظر قانون ایین دادرسی کیفری 1392
مهری زمان زاده بهبهانی محسن رهامی مرتضی ناجی زواره -
Open Access Article
1704 - تعقیب متهمان از دادرسی کیفری تا دادرسی ترمیمی
طیب علیپور حسنعلی موذن زادگان غلام حسن کوشکی -
Open Access Article
1705 - تحلیل ماهیت و قلمرو قراردادی شدن آیین دادرسی کیفری در حقوق ایران
مراد شمولی محمدرضا شادمان فر -
Open Access Article
1706 - Investigation of criminal law responses to accused children and adolescents in the pre-trial stage in Iran and human rights documents
siyavash hadipoor karam janipoor mohamadmehdi salehi -
Open Access Article
1707 - قرادادهای منعقده در محیط اینترنت در حقوق ایران و فرانسه
محمد صحرائیان مهدی زارع -
Open Access Article
1708 - نگاهی به وضعیت یمن از منظر دادگاه کیفری بین المللی
Mohsen Hamidipour -
Open Access Article
1709 - اجرای سیستم عدالت ترمیمی در دادرسی نظامی ایران و مطالعه تطبیقی با حقوق انگلستان .
عباس زارع بیدسردره محمدرضا شادمان فر علی یوسف زاده -
Open Access Article
1710 - ایراد امر مطروحه و مرتبط در خصوص دادگاههای رسیدگیکننده در نظام حقوقی ایران و لبنان
نبی غلامی رسول مقصود پور سید محسن حسینی پویا احمد تاجی -
Open Access Article
1711 - دادرسی عادلانه در مرحله ابتدایی، معیارها و ضمانت های اجرا
اسدالله ناصری کریموند سید یزدالله طاهری نسب محسن شکرچی زاده -
Open Access Article
1712 - محدودیت های حاکم بر نهاد دادستانی دیوان کیفری بین المللی در تحقیقات مقدماتی
محمدصادق چاووشی -
Open Access Article
1713 - آیین دادرسی افتراقی در پولشویی با رویکرد امنیت گرایی
محمد شهریاری محمدرضا شادمان فر مسعود حیدری علی یوسف زاده -
Open Access Article
1714 - تأثیر اراده طرفین اختلاف در صلاحیت داور در رسیدگی به اختلاف راجع به اصل قرارداد در حقوق ایران و انگلستان
سیدعلی حسینی داریوش babaei عبدالله bahmanpouri -
Open Access Article
1715 - Transaction with the right of restitution and the condition of maintaining ownership in Iranian law and English law
akbar fathi bahram darvish mohamad taqi abedi -
Open Access Article
1716 - حدود تعهد اطلاع رسانی پیش قراردادی در قوانین بیمه انگلستان و ایران
mazaher khajevand davoud soltaniyan -
Open Access Article
1717 - بررسی امکان پذیری جهات اعاده دادرسی نسبت به رای داور در حقوق ایران با نگاهی به حقوق فرانسه
محمدکاظم بیات محمد khoshkar احمد امیرمعزی -
Open Access Article
1718 - A comparative study of the conditions and effects of the dissolution of design and construction contracting contracts in Iranian and British law
mohsen kheiri mohamadreza pirhadi bakhtiyar abaslo -
Open Access Article
1719 - Obtaining a criminal reason by relying on illegitimate actions
smaiil ghamari اکبر وروایی masood ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1720 - H
مهتاب چاقمی خیرالله پروین اسدالله یاوری -
Open Access Article
1721 - Analyzing the legal rules governing the remedy caused by the termination of the contract and predicting its breach with emphasis on international documents
hadi roosta sjafar hashemi امیر محمد sediqian -
Open Access Article
1722 - موارد غیرقابل انجام شدن تعهدات در قراردادها
hamid rashidi محمود gh حسین hkhosravi -
Open Access Article
1723 - The rights of Detained persons from the perspective of the Iranian Code of Criminal Procedure and the rules of the International Criminal Court
Abbas Tadayoon -
Open Access Article
1724 - Guarantee the implementation of the abuse of the emergency rule in Iranian and French law
Majid Bahari Ghazani Akbar Zare -
Open Access Article
1725 - باز سازی فعالیتها به موجب لوایح جدید اصلاحی قانون تجارت با نگاهی به حقوق ایالات متحده آمریکا و فرانسه
شاهرخ صیادیان محمد صقری حسین طاهرخانی -
Open Access Article
1726 - شرایط اساسی قراردادهای بالادستی نفت جهت واگذاری به شرکت های بین المللی نفتی
عبدالحسین شیروی خوزانی محمود باقری سید عمادالدین طباطبایی -
Open Access Article
1727 - مفهوم و مبانی جبران خسارت از محکومان بی گناه با مطالعه تطبیقی در نظام حقوقی ایران و کامن لا
اسدالله قربان زاده محسن رهامی بهروز گلپایگانی -
Open Access Article
1728 - Crisis Factories in Iranian Law with a Look at the Laws of the United States and France
Shahrokh Sayadian Mohammad Saghari Farid Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1729 - تاملی بر شرایط تجزیه پذیری قرارداد با تاکید بر مقررات بین المللی
abdoreza hatamikia alireza Rajabzadeh Isthabanati alireza mazlom rahni -
Open Access Article
1730 - رویکرد دیوان بین المللی دادگستری در توسعه منابع حقوق بین الملل در پرتو ماده 38 اساسنامه
سید محمد باقر amirian sadeg salimi محسن mohebi mohsen abdollahi -
Open Access Article
1731 - نقش وکیل در جلو گیری از اطاله دادرسی درحقوق ایران و اسناد بین المللی
رضا کارخانه محمد ابوعطا محمد روحانی مقدم -
Open Access Article
1732 - H
خسرو مبینی مجد بهنام حبیبی درگاه -
Open Access Article
1733 - The impact of the virtual world on family law
azam karami ghare ghashlaghi abdolreza alizadeh seyed ali alavi ghazvini -
Open Access Article
1734 - دادرسی عادلانه در رسیدگی به جرایم سایبری نیروهای مسلح
sajad fatahizafarghandi مهدی esmaeli hasan haji -
Open Access Article
1735 - The impact of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights On how to restrict fundamental rights and freedoms in the Iranian constitution
mohsen marhoni leila raisi -
Open Access Article
1736 - Iran's international judicial policy regarding the assassination of personalities with a look at the assassination of Lieutenant Sepahbod Qassem Soleimani
mohamad salehi Shahrdad darabi alireza saied -
Open Access Article
1737 - بررسی تطبیقی وظیفه مرجع قضایی در صورت سکوت قانون در دیوان بین المللی دادگستری و دادگاه های ایران
علیرضا نامی حسین نامی -
Open Access Article
1738 - Jurisprudential and legal study of the right of termination in partial invalidity of the contract with a comparative study of common law
Ali Eslami panah Asiyeh Alaee -
Open Access Article
1739 - Parallel arbitration in international trade law and ways out of it with emphasis on jurisprudence
zohreh safavi homami mosa mosavi zenoz seyed baqer mirabbasi -
Open Access Article
1740 - Analysis of the right of a lawyer to appear in the trial stage in Iranian criminal law
mohamad andalib hosein aqaei janat makan -
Open Access Article
1741 - خسارت تأخیر درانجام تعهدات قراردادی در حقوق ایران و کنوانسیون بیع بین المللی
majid safavi saleh yamerli chamran rafeypor -
Open Access Article
1742 - Judicial oversight of prosecutions and investigations in the Iranian criminal justice system
abdoreza mansouri dehbid ahmad ramezani mansour atashene -
Open Access Article
1743 - Relief and compensation for litigation costs in Iranian and British law
Milad Kianpouriannejad Pejman Mohammadi khalil Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1744 - صلاحدید قضایی در اجرای تعهدات قراردای در نظام حقوقی انگلستان
ma jafari Ahmad Esfandiari mrm yaali -
Open Access Article
1745 - The scope of party's obligation in reaching result in renegotiation in international petroleum contracts
ahmadreza asaadinejad abdolhosein shiravi Mehdi Montazer Kourosh jafarpour -
Open Access Article
1746 - The role of the judiciary in maintaining the position and security of judges with emphasis on Article 164 of the Constitution
hosein mozafari Ruhollah Rahami mahdi shekh movahed mohamad moqadam far -
Open Access Article
1747 - نقش قاضی در تحصیل دلیل و کشف حقیقت در فقه و حقوق ایران و انگلستان با نگاهی به اصول و قواعد آیین دادرسی مدنی فراملی
مهدی عباسی سرمدی وحید معین -
Open Access Article
1748 - Basics and challenges of determining the law governing international electronic contracts
LAYA bagheri samgh abadi majid safavi saleh yamerli -
Open Access Article
1749 - Multiplicity of courts and jurisdictions in international trade law and solutions to deal with it
Mir Shahbiz Shafi mahdi delgir -
Open Access Article
1750 - Prosecution to trial in the International Criminal Court and explanation of precursors to justice in the proceedings
ebrahim firoozian haji Karan Rouhani -
Open Access Article
1751 - Criteria for determining the types of invalidity of contracts in Iranian and French law
Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Karim Pour Alehashem -
Open Access Article
1752 - The Cambodian Court and Integral Criminal Justice; Approaches and Challenges
Jamal Beigi -
Open Access Article
1753 - A Comparative Study of Processes and Challenges of Reorganization of Business Companies in Iranian Laws and Other Countries
mohsen nazemizadeh mohammad reza pasban ali radan jebely -
Open Access Article
1754 - The legal nature and guarantee of the execution of the Provisional measures of the International Court of Justice in the light of the procedure of the Court and the performance of the countries
mahdiye Ardeshir Moghadam heybatolah Najandi Manesh mohamadali solhchi -
Open Access Article
1755 - The supremacy of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in dealing with cyber aggression
Ali reza Mohaghegh harcheghan mohammad Ardebili Ebrahim Beigzadeh Mohammad Ali Mahdavi Sabet -
Open Access Article
1756 - The nature and legal dimensions of the assignment of upstream oil contracts with a view to the IPC contract
Ahmad Panjeh pour Mohammad Hossein Zarei -
Open Access Article
1757 - Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Construction Contracts of the International Union of Engineers
Milad Moradian Zazerani Ali Rostamifar Hamid Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1758 - بررسی نظر مشورتی دیوان بینالمللی دادگستری در مورد اعلامیهی یک جانبهی استقلال کوزوو
رضا فاضل -
Open Access Article
1759 - اصل آزادی انتقال قرارداد
عبدالعلی محمدی -
Open Access Article
1760 - معنا و مفهوم حسن نیت در قراردادها
اسماعیل عباسی -
Open Access Article
1761 - نظریه بطلان دلیل در فرایند دادرسی کیفری (با تاکید بر حقوق فرانسه)
عباس تدین -
Open Access Article
1762 - نقد و بررسی دستور نگهداری متهمتحتنظر در مقررات دادرسی ایران
حمید محمدی -
Open Access Article
1763 - حقوق و تکالیف متعاملین در بیع الکترونیک
علی مقدم نجاد علی الماسی بهروز اخلاقی -
Open Access Article
1764 - تحلیل و نقد افتراقی بودن دادرسی نظامی
حامد عطارنیا رجب گلدوست جویباری محمد علی اردبیلی -
Open Access Article
1765 - آثار بطلان قراردادهای تجاری نسبت بهاشخاص ثالث
کورش ایزدمهر محمد صقری -
Open Access Article
1766 - تحلیل رای دیوان بین المللی دادگستری در قضیه مربوط به اعمال کنوانسیون منع و مجازات جزم کشتار جمعی از نگاه قضات دیوان (بوسنی هرزگوین علیه جمهوری صربستان)
حمید الهویی نظری -
Open Access Article
1767 - تناسب در قرارهای تأمین کیفری
مرتضی ناجی زواره -
Open Access Article
1768 - استقلال شرط داوری در قراردادهای تجاری بین المللی
مریم رییسی بهزاد ساعدی -
Open Access Article
1769 - انتقال خیار در حقوق ایران
عیسی امینی محمد حضرتی زینب ملکوتی خواه -
Open Access Article
1770 - A
محمد رضا سبحانی رضا موسی زاده حسین شریفی طرازکوهی سعید منصوری -
Open Access Article
1771 - فسخ قرارداد به واسطه ی نقض احتمالی در کنوانسیون بیع بین المللی کالا ( 1980 ) و حقوق ایران
داود اندرز -
Open Access Article
1772 - رابطه علم دادرس با دلایل قانونی اثبات دعاوی مدنی
هادی شریفی علی رفیعی مقدم -
Open Access Article
1773 - مسؤولیت مدنی ناشی از نقض حقوق مالک اسرار تجاری
محمد بهمنی -
Open Access Article
1774 - مروری بر شیوههای خاص ارزیابی خسارت قراردادی با تکیه بر مواد 75 و 76 کنوانسیون بیع بین المللی کالا و حقوق ایران
محمد بهمنی -
Open Access Article
1775 - بررسی تطبیقی مرحله تحتنظردرآیین دادرسی کیفری ایران وفرانسه
محمد آشوری روح الله سپهری -
Open Access Article
1776 - دادرسی ترافعی در پرتو بزه دیده شناسی اولیه در حقوق ایران و اسناد بین المللی
طیبه بیژنی میرزا باقر شاملو -
Open Access Article
1777 - نسبیت احکام دیوان بینالمللی دادگستری در نظریه و عمل
سید قام زمانی سوده شاملو -
Open Access Article
1778 - اصل هم ترازی حقوق اصحاب دعوا در فرایند دادرسی های کیفری
عباس تدین محمدرضا خانجانی -
Open Access Article
1779 - بررسی فقهی تشکیل جلسة دادرسی به شیوة الکترونیکی
بهنام سرخوش منجق تپه هما داودی گرمارودی -
Open Access Article
1780 - تحلیل اقتصادی فرآیند دادرسی مدنی براساس هزینهها
مجید پوراستاد فاطمه حصارخانی -
Open Access Article
1781 - اصل تناسب در آیین دادرسی مدنی
مجید پوراستاد مهسا سعادت -
Open Access Article
1782 - مسئولیت کیفری در جنایات بین المللی و تقابل آن با گفتمان مصونیت
محمد علی چاپاری مجید شایگان فرد -
Open Access Article
1783 - تخصصی کردن ضابطین گامیبه سوی حقوق کیفری قراردادی
هوشنگ شامبیاتی علی پروینی -
Open Access Article
1784 - ضمانت اجرای قراردادی تعهد به فعل ثالث
حسین ترکمان محسن ایزانلو -
Open Access Article
1785 - نقش قابل پیشبینی بودن خسارت در مسؤلیت مدنی قراردادی و قهری
محسن قاسمی -
Open Access Article
1786 - بررسی جایگاه علم دادرس در قوانین حقوقی ایران
محمدهادی شریفی اعظم عدالتجو -
Open Access Article
1787 - مطالعه تطبیقی جهت و علت عقد در حقوق ایران وفرانسه و فقه امامیّه
عبدالرسول دیانی -
Open Access Article
1788 - معامله ی اتهامی در فرآیند دادرسی کیفری با تاکید بر نظام حقوقیایران
فررزانه مرادی سید درید موسوی مجاب اعظم عدالتجو -
Open Access Article
1789 - قلمرو بیطرفی در دادرسی کیفری
مرتضی ناجی زواره -
Open Access Article
1790 - رسالت فرایند دادرسی کیفری
مرتضی ناجی زواره -
Open Access Article
1791 - قرار دستورموقت و رفع اثر از آن در دادگاههای خانواده (به لحاظ رویکردهای نوین قانون حمایت از خانواده مصوّب ۱۳۹۱)
میرمرتضی میرحسینزادهکشتلی محمد عالمزاده -
Open Access Article
1792 - بررسی مصادیق برجسته ی عدالت قضایی در سیره ی امام علی (ع)
محمد صالح ولیدی -
Open Access Article
1793 - مسئولیت وکیل ناشی از توقیف اموال
جلیل مالکی حمید بذرپاچ -
Open Access Article
1794 - راهکارهای ایجاد تعادل قراردادی
امید محمدی نیا غلامرضا رضائی راد -
Open Access Article
1795 - مبانی و تضمینات اصل قانونمندی دادرسی در نظام کیفری ایران و کنوانسیون اروپایی حقوق بشر
محمد ربانی مهدی هوشیار امیرحسین راهگشای -
Open Access Article
1796 - تحلیل تأثیر حدوث فراستریشن (استحاله) در قراردادهای بین المللی نفتی در حقوق انگلیس و ایران با نگاهی به فقه امامیه
افشین قفقازی سیدنصرا... ابراهیمی مجتبی زاهدیان سیدمحسن حسینی پویا -
Open Access Article
1797 - Criticism of translations of Holy Quran ''Five Excited Translators: Ayati, Hadad Adel, Khorramshahi, Fooladvand and Makarem Shirazi + Author"
Mohammad Hassan Taqiyeh -
Open Access Article
1798 - نگاهی به برخی علل و عوامل قانون گریزی در دوره مشروطه
طهمورث شیری -
Open Access Article
1799 - Pattern of resolving non-performing demands of the Iranian banking system using the experience of other countries
Hadi Rahmani Fazli -
Open Access Article
1800 - Designing a Mathematical model for performance evaluation based on market in insurance industry
هادی عبداللهی Kambiz Shahroodi S. Mahmood Shabgoo Monsef Yalda Rahmati -
Open Access Article
1801 - Measuring and Analyzing Systemic Risk in Selected Index of the Tehran Stock Exchange and Examining the Factors Affecting it
امیر حسین حاجیلو مقدم مهدی ذوالفقاری naeim shokri -
Open Access Article
1802 - Identification and leveling of corporate banking components in the banking system of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the foundational data theory approach
mohammad hossein Salehi parviz saeidi maryam bokharayan -
Open Access Article
1803 - Comparative application of particle algorithm and genetic algorithm in predicting long-term and short-term trend of stock returns
javad kiae zahra farshadfar -
Open Access Article
1804 - Analyzing Structural Change between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in the Selected Oil Exporting Countries (1980-2010)
سید کمیل طیبی zahra zamani mostafa rajabi atyee azimi -
Open Access Article
1805 - The Oil shocks Effects on macroeconomics variables in some exporter and importer selected Countries
Ebrahim Hosseini nasab Mona mirkazemi mod -
Open Access Article
1806 - رابطه بین شاخص های ثبات با کارایی فنی بانکهای ایران طی سالهای (1395-1383)
محمود عیسوی فتح اله تاری حبیب انصاری سامانی حسن عموزاد خلیلی -
Open Access Article
1807 - The Impact of ICT onTotal Factor Productivity in Selected Countries of The World
Ahmad Jafarisamimi Alireza daghighiasli Mah shad Arab -
Open Access Article
1808 - The impact of oil prices on economic growth and nuclear energy
M.R Mohamad vand nahidi حامد Ali por -
Open Access Article
1809 - برآورد کششهای قیمتی و درآمدی گروههای مصرفی خانوارهای شهری با استفاده از سیستم تقاضای تقریباً ایدهآل مبتنی بر دادههای تابلویی
جمشید پژویان سید محمد مهدی احمدی -
Open Access Article
1810 - The Effect of Financial Development on Income Distribution in Developing Countries and Developed Countries: GMM Method
علی اکبر احمدی محمد اسماعیل رستمی نیا علیرضا غیبی -
Open Access Article
1811 - Relationship between air pollution and economic growth of the province's environmental Kuznets curve application
رضا Moghadasi رضا Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1812 - Development impact earnings growth firms (case study of selected enterprises Tehran Stock Exchange)
GH.R Abasi وجیهه KHakpash -
Open Access Article
1813 - برآورد تابع تقاضای بنزین در ایران طی دوره زمانی 1381 تا 1386 با استفاده از تکنیک پنل دیتا*
علی امامی میبدی غلامرضا گرایی نژاد نگین دارابی -
Open Access Article
1814 - The Corruption Effect on Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries
عبدالرحیم کردی مهدی خدا پرست مشهدی -
Open Access Article
1815 - The Interactions between Infation Uncertainty and Government Spending on Main Economic Sectors Growth In Iran
محسن مهر آرا میر سجاد سید قاسمی محسن بهزادی صوفیانی -
Open Access Article
1816 - برآورد ظرفیت و تلاش مالیاتی و ارتباط آن با درآمد نفتی در اقتصاد ایران و چند کشور منتخب عضو اوپک
مهناز ربیعی فاطمه اسماعیل نیا کتابی -
Open Access Article
1817 - An Analysis of Effective Factors on Private Deposits in Commercial & Development State –owned Banks in Iran
Rafik Nazarian Marjan Mohammad Esmaeil -
Open Access Article
1818 - An Examination of Electronic Commerce Effects on non- oil Export in Iran
Farhad Dezhpasand Maryam Karami -
Open Access Article
1819 - The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on human Capital in Selected countries
Gholamreza Geraeenejad Aliakbar Khosravinejad Erfan Bahraminia -
Open Access Article
1820 - سنجش آثار کمی تغییر سیاستهای مالیاتی بر صنایع کشور (رهیافت داده – ستانده)
ابوالفضل کزازی محمدتقی تقوی فرد اسفندیار جهانگرد مهرداد مهرکام -
Open Access Article
1821 - Identifying the Key Sectors in the Tourism Industry of Iran: (An Input-Output Model Approach)
محمدرضا فرزین ابتهال زندی مرجان عبدی نیلوفر عباس پور -
Open Access Article
1822 - تحلیل عوامل مؤثر بر بهره وری کل عوامل تولید : (مطالعه موردی صنایع تولید مواد شیمیایی اساسی ایران)
هوشنگ شجری حسین استادی ثریا شیخی -
Open Access Article
1823 - رابطه بین قیمتهای نقدی و آتی سکه طلا در ایران
محسن مهرآرا فاطمه نائبی -
Open Access Article
1824 - Analysis of Gilan by the production and productivity of rice processing industry DEA
SH Kavosi مصطفی Ebrahim por azbari مهدی KHayati -
Open Access Article
1825 - بررسی تأثیر فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات بر بهره وری سرمایه و کل عوامل تولید در ایران (مطالعه موردی: کارگاه های بزرگ صنعتی استان یزد)
کامبیز هژبر کیانی احمد سرلک -
Open Access Article
1826 - An Appraisal of Rating of Mutual Funds Performance in Iran
امید علی عادلی -
Open Access Article
1827 - A Comparative Analysis of Efficiency between Firms Power Production in Iran,
Ebrahim Abassi Shamin Ebrahim -
Open Access Article
1828 - Analyzing the Impact of Financial Policy (Total Income Tax) on Income Distribution in Selected OECD Countries
حسن ملااسمعیلی دهشیری جمشید پژویان فرهاد غفاری سید شمس الدین حسینی -
Open Access Article
1829 - The effect of foreign aid on per capita income growth in some selected Developing countries from Asia and Africa
کریم امامی نجمه آزاد وار -
Open Access Article
1830 - ارزیابی چگونگی عوامل تاثیرگذار بانکی بر مطالبات غیرجاری بانک-های ایران )رویکرد مدل پانل پویا GMM)
نادر حکیمی پور -
Open Access Article
1831 - Presenting the policy model of the talent management system in the country's banking network
Fateme Memari Vahid Araei -
Open Access Article
1832 - الگوئی برای نمایش چشماندازی از تراز تجاری کشور به روش رگرسیونی دادههای ترکیبی با تواتر متفاوت
محمد نو فرستی سمانه جواهر دهی -
Open Access Article
1833 - A survey of Financing Projects Mechanisms in Oil Industry of Iran
ابراهیم عباسی سید ایمان مصطفوی -
Open Access Article
1834 - An Examination of influencing factors on economic growth in some selected MENA countries
Bijan Baseri Golamreza Abassi Arezo Nouri -
Open Access Article
1835 - Presentation of Smart Money Model in Iranian Stock Market Based on Grounded Theory
خدیجه عیدان ترک زاده فرزین رضایی محسن صیقلی -
Open Access Article
1836 - Determination Optimal Service Level on BOT Transport Project Contract Based on Zhang Model
محمد کیان بابک حاجی کریمی محمدمهدی مظفری -
Open Access Article
1837 - TheEffective Factors Analysis on Tourism Industry in Middle, South and West Asia
Narciss Amin Rashti Fatemeh Fahimifar Ebrahim Siami Araghi -
Open Access Article
1838 - Presenting a model for accepting new technologies and innovations in the field of renewable energy by Iranian consumers with an economic, financial and social approach based on the foundation's data theory
Fatemeh Shoghi Aghjeh Mashhad Alireza Farrokhbakht Foumani Ali Gholipour Soleimani -
Open Access Article
1839 - Comparison Research on Buy- back and Production Sharing Contracts in Upstream projects of Oil and Gas Industry of Iran
Hooshang Momeni Vesalian Hojatolla Ghanimi Fard Mohammad Mahmuodi -
Open Access Article
1840 - مزیت رقابتی داده کاوی در بانکداری الکترونیکی در برابر نااطمینانیهای اقتصادی
محمد علی خطیب سمنانی سمیه ایزدی سید رضا خادمی -
Open Access Article
1841 - تأثیر عوامل مؤثر بر جذب سرمایهگذاری مستقیم خارجی با تأکید بر متغیرهای نهادی و ساختاری
غلامرضا گرایی نژاد علیرضا دقیقی اصلی آذین سادات استاد رمضان -
Open Access Article
1842 - The dynamics of economic growth and output volatility
Karim Emami Shohreh Vakilian -
Open Access Article
1843 - A Survey of economic shocks Influences on the energy growth rate efficiency (case study: OPEC countries Oil Revenues During 2000-2011)
مهدی پدرام مهدی بصیرت مریم امیری -
Open Access Article
1844 - تأثیر پس انداز و آزاد سازی بر توسعه کشورهای عضو اوپک
سعید منصوریان طبایی سیدمجتبی حسین زاده یوسف آباد بهزاد زمانی کرد شولی -
Open Access Article
1845 - The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Economic Growth Due to Financial Markets Deepening in Some Selected OPEC Countries
مهدی بصیرت آرزو نصیر پور علیرضا جرجرزاده -
Open Access Article
1846 - Factors affecting the exports of agricultural products and explore target markets these products
هادی Mohamadi فرانک Hemati -
Open Access Article
1847 - The Effect of Electronic Banking on Return on Equity for Selected Banks in Tehran Stock Exchange
سید شمس الدین حسینی حمید فرامرزی عباد -
Open Access Article
1848 - آثار سرریز ناشی از گسترش صنایع در استان تهران بر استانهای همجوار ( رویکرد جدول داده – ستانده بین منطقهای)
منیژه دشتبان فیروز توفیق بهروز هادی زنوز کامبیز پیکار جو -
Open Access Article
1849 - کاربرد قراردادهای سلف موازی استاندارد بورس انرژی در پوشش ریسک قیمت بازار برق ایران
علی طیب نیا محسن مهر آرا مهران کیانوند -
Open Access Article
1850 - اثر پرداخت های الکترونیکی بر سهم اسکناس و مسکوک از پول در ایران و کشورهای منتخب
یاور دشتبانی سید شمس الدین حسینی عباس معمارنژاد محسن مهرآرا -
Open Access Article
1851 - Utilization of Mixed Data Sampling model in Identifying the Effects of Monthly Exchange Rate Changes on Seasonal GDP of Iran
Roja Tilik Abbas Najafizadeh S. Fakhredin Fakhr Hosseini Ahmad Sarlak -
Open Access Article
1852 - Designing a process model of social-ethical responsibilities in audit institutions (qualitative approach: foundational data theory)
Mahmoud Malekipour Gharbi Hasan Ghodrati Hossein Jabari Hossein Panahian Ali Akbar Farzin Far -
Open Access Article
1853 - بررسی کارایی بانک های دولتی و خصوصی بر اساس شاخصهای بانکداری الکترونیک با استفاده از روش تحلیل پوششی داده ها ((DEA
منیژه هادی نژاد رافیک نظریان فریدون پیری -
Open Access Article
1854 - Investigating the Impact of Investment on Value Added of Tourism Industry in the Framework of Regional Economy: A Case Study of Khorasan Razavi Province
Hadi Rafi Darani Mahsa Bahrami Nesab Javad Brati Fatemeh Rahmani -
Open Access Article
1855 - Pathology and providing a model of sustainable development in Iranian governmental Bank
Mohammad Ali Jafari Gorji Reza Najaf Beigi Abolhassan Faghihi Mohammad Javad Kameli -
Open Access Article
1856 - بررسی تأثیر رشد مصرف انرژی هستهای بر رشد اقتصادی کشورهای منتخب
کریم امامی مهناز اکبری -
Open Access Article
1857 - Providing a model of sustainability reporting with the foundation data theory approach in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
Reza Mahmoudi Ghodrat Allah Talebnia Hamidreza Vakilifard Faegh Ahmadi Khosrow Moradi Shahdadi -
Open Access Article
1858 - Providing and analysis of green financing model of companies through the banking industry in establishing a sustainable environment
عباسعلی شیخ پرویز سعیدی ابراهیم عباسی آرش نادریان -
Open Access Article
1859 - تاثیر توسعه مالی بر توسعه انسانی در کشورهای درحال توسعه با تمرکز بر ویژگیهای نهادی، اجتماعی و اقتصادی
سجاد برخورداری حمید ابریشمی مجتبی ذوالفقاری -
Open Access Article
1860 - سنجش کارایی نسبی و رتبه بندی شعب بانکها، رویکرد پنجره ای: مطالعه موردی استان زنجان
هما درودی محمد باقر امینی -
Open Access Article
1861 - Title of fitting and testing the native model of market orientation in the Iranian banking industry
مجید قلی پور یلدا رحمتی کامبیز شاهرودی -
Open Access Article
1862 - تعامل ریسک سیستماتیک با بازده سهام در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران
سعید دهقان خاوری سید حسین میر جلیلی -
Open Access Article
1863 - The Effects of Too-Big-to-Fail Periods Banks on Deposits in Government and Private Banks in Iran (Dynamic Panel Data Approach)
Hossein Mirzaei mehrdad rezaei Javad Salahi Majid Afshari Rad -
Open Access Article
1864 - بررسی تاثیر متغیرهای کلان اقتصادی بر بازار سهام ایران با استفاده از الگوریتم های داده کاوی
مهرزاد ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
1865 - Identify the Importance of Validation of Idea and Timing in the Success of Startups with an Emphasis on Financial Resource and Investment Planning
فریبا فتحی وحید رضا میرابی جلال حقیقت منفرد -
Open Access Article
1866 - Flaws in bank demand guarantees with emphasis on the uniform regulations of the International Chamber of Commerce
Musa Talebi Haider Hassanzadeh Sattar Zarklam Jalil Maliki -
Open Access Article
1867 - The effect of restorative justice in reducing the cost of litigation in legal systems
Hashem Farhadi Ahmad Shams -
Open Access Article
1868 - Provide a brand affiliation model based on brand experience with customers of shopping malls and malls
Hamed Asl Roosta Abdollah Naami Abdolhamid Hajipoor Ahmad Sardari -
Open Access Article
1869 - Investigating of Factors Affecting on Life Insurance Demand in Iran with Emphasis on Organizational Internal and External Quantitative Factors
سید محمد مهدی احمدی الهام غلامی احسان تفاخر -
Open Access Article
1870 - Dynamic Prediction of Financial Distress: A Case Study
Hamid Rahimi Mehrzad Minooei mohammad reza fathi -
Open Access Article
1871 - Reconstruction of the argument from illusion for the theory of mental existence in the light of the arguments for the sense data theory
fatemeh mirrahimi mohammad saeedi mehr Omid Karimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1872 - Plato and the Origins of Linguistic Philosophy
سیدحمید طالب زاده مالک شجاعی جشوقانی -
Open Access Article
1873 - The doctrine of clean hands with emphasis on the dispute between Iran and the United States in Property Confiscation case
abbas barzegarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1874 - The International Capacities of the Legal Investigation of the Assassination of Nuclear Martyrs
saleh Rerzaei Pishrobat هاشم زعفرانی -
Open Access Article
1875 - File readout of Iran – England Oil Company in International Court of Justice
Davood aghaee -
Open Access Article
1876 - Review of the Legal Challenges in Front of Iran and USA on the Airbus File
Seyed Davood Aghaee -
Open Access Article
1877 - Dialectic and the Major Indicators of Political Thoughts of Ferdowsi
Aliakbar Amini Aghil Goudarzi -
Open Access Article
1878 - Freedom in the Position of Meaning
Jahanbakhsh Izadi -
Open Access Article
1879 - Study on Applicability of Amity Treaty of 1955 for Propounding the Case in the ICJ in Regard to the Western Sanctions against Iran
Seyed Hassan Mirfakhraei Sadegh Piri -
Open Access Article
1880 - بررسی و تحلیل اضداد در دو تفسیر مجمع البیان و روض الجنان
محسن قاسم پور مرضیه صالح پور -
Open Access Article
1881 - Human Resources Agility Model: An Analysis of Automotive After-Sales Services Companies in Iran
Farhad Tavakoli Moghadam Mir Ali Sayyednaghavi Ali Reza Eslambolchi Mohammad Reza Rabiee Mondajin Rabiee Mondajin -
Open Access Article
1882 - Designing a model for the effectiveness of banking advertising by using the Grounded theory method (Case study: Bank Day branches in Tehran
sadaf khanbolooki Ali Asghar Eyvazi Heshmat Rasoul Sanavifard alireza aghayousefi -
Open Access Article
1883 - Develop a model of a professional organization in the National Iranian Oil Company with an emphasis on improving performance
Mahsa Noroozi Mashaallah valikhani karamollah daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1884 - Presenting a team entrepreneurial passion model in accelerators using a grounded theory qualitative method
elham irannejadparizi kambiz talebi jahangir yadollahi farsi hamideh reshadatjoo -
Open Access Article
1885 - Designing a process model for Content Marketing aimed at strengthening the intention to buy customers of the retail industry focusing on social media
shiva ghavami lahiji Vahidreza Mirabi Mahdi Bagheri Serajalddin Mohebbi -
Open Access Article
1886 - Identifying Operational, Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Consequences of Brand Schizophrenia: Grounded Theory Approach
Hamid Tahmasebifard Bahram kheiri Mandan Momeni -
Open Access Article
Seyed Ahmad Modir ghomi Tahmorec Sohrabi Zadallah Fathi -
Open Access Article
1888 - Determining the Most Important Financing Strategies in the Worn-Out texture of Urban Recreation Targets and Neighborhoods, Using Network Fuzzy Range Adjusted Measure Data Envelopment Analysis (NFRAM DEA) (Case Study: Javanmard Qasab Neighborhood, District 20 of Tehran Municipality)
SARA hadavand Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammadpour Zarandi MEHRZAD minouei -
Open Access Article
1889 - The model of strategies for enhancing service motivation in the public sector: Stimulus for improving the business environment
Naghi Zehi Mojtaba Ramazani Seiied Abdollah Hojjati Jafar Beikzad -
Open Access Article
1890 - Problems and strategies for implementing social welfare policies Using Grounded Theory
mehdi faghani Ali Ali Mehdi zade Ashrafi Toraj Mojibi Ahmad Meydari Nilofar ImanKhan -
Open Access Article
1891 - Modeling of Political Communications of the Board of Directors and Credit Risk Empirical Evidence of Iran's Interest-Free Banking System (Dynamic Panel Data Approach
Ali Heydari Ezatullah Abbasian Farzaneh KHalili -
Open Access Article
1892 - Measuring and ranking the Ease of business Efficiency in Iran and Selected Countries
mostafa mardani najafabadi nasrin ohadi farshad razmavar -
Open Access Article
1893 - Designing a social media marketing model for chain stores based on brand equity from a consumer perspective
soniya behzadinasab Leila Andervazh Ebrahim albonaiemi -
Open Access Article
1894 - Presenting a customer classification Pattern with a combined data mining approach (case study :Hygienic and Cosmetic products Industry )
omid Bashardoust Ezzatollah Asgharizadeh moHammadAli AfsharKazemi -
Open Access Article
1895 - Designing the Sustainability Model for Family Businesses
Reza Fadaei keivani Mohamad azizi Ali badizadeh -
Open Access Article
1896 - The effect of currency shock on the occurrence of anomalies in the Tehran Stock Exchange The effect of currency shock on the occurrence of anomalies in the Tehran Stock Exchange
marzieh ghalandari Mirfeiz Fallah -
Open Access Article
1897 - Bank branches performance evaluation with DEA and cooperative game theory approach
Mahdieh Akhbari Marzieh Mozafari Zahra Abodollahi -
Open Access Article
1898 - Factors influencing Implementation Entrepreneurial Talent Management In municipalities
farideh moradi Ayatollah Momayez afsaneh zamani moghadam -
Open Access Article
1899 - Antecedents and Consequences of Individual Investors' Behavior in the Iranian Capital Market Relying on Neural Financial Aspects: A Mixed Approach
morteza maryami yaghoubian ali najafi moghadam Farideh Haghshenas Kashani bita nasrolahi -
Open Access Article
1900 - Presenting the ideal public policy model in the Tax Organization of Iran
Hamze Asadpour Ali Reza Amir Kabiri Mohammad Reza Rabiee Mandjin -
Open Access Article
1901 - Identifying Factors Affecting National Brand Promotion in the Automotive Industry with Economic Approach
seyed shahab mousavi mahmud samiei nasr farhad hosseinzadeh lotfi -
Open Access Article
1902 - Identify the dimensions of the business system in the re-engineering model in the public banking industry with emphasis on customer orientation
Mohsen Fallah Farideh haghshenaskashani Ali Rezaeian -
Open Access Article
1903 - Identification of effective factors on green marketing using the grounded theory method in the hotel industry
Majid Alizadeh Sina Nematizadeh Hasan Esmaeilpour -
Open Access Article
1904 - Explain a Service Quality Model with Emphasizing on Customer Satisfaction in the Restaurant Industry with Grounded Theory Approach
Abolghasem Ahmadi Azam Rahimi nik Mandan Momeni -
Open Access Article
1905 - Designing and Explaining the Marketing Intelligence Model based on the New Product Development in Iran's Automotive Industry
nika habibi azam rahiminik FARIDEH HAGHSHENAS KASHANI -
Open Access Article
1906 - بررسی تاثیر سنجش عملکرد کارکنان با استفاده از رویکردهای روانشناسی بر توسعه ظرفیتهای انسانی و استعدادیابی
نوشین ایزد پناه حسین صفرزاده -
Open Access Article
1907 - الگوریتم مرکب از تحلیل پوششی دادهها (DEA) و فرآیند تحلیل شبکهای (ANP) در ارزیابی عملکرد در دانشکدهها
اسماعیل نجفی مهدی یزدانی الهه شریعتمداری سرکانی مصطفی مردی -
Open Access Article
1908 - سنجش توانایی مدیریت شرکت های تولیدی پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران
زهره حاجیها منی قیلاوی -
Open Access Article
1909 - روش ترکیبیBSC و VFB-DEAدر محیط فازی جهت طراحی مدلی برای ارزیابی عملکرد بیمارستان ها
علیرضا علی نژاد جواد خلیلی -
Open Access Article
1910 - تبیین کارایی و تحلیل بازدهها نسبت به مقیاس صنعت برق کشور
محمدرضا حمیدیزاده مرجان شهابالدینی -
Open Access Article
1911 - شناسایی عوامل تاثیرگذار برتوسعه تجارت الکترونیک با تاکید بر نقش شبکه های اجتماعی
نرگس دل افروز امیرعلی تقوی علی قاسمی سیامک جعفری -
Open Access Article
1912 - بررسی ارتباط بین ابعاد سرمایه فکری با عملکرد سازمانی از طریق روش تحلیل پوششی داده (مورد مطالعه: صنعت خودرو)
فاطمه صراف احسان مومنی -
Open Access Article
1913 - ارزیابی عملکرد، رتبه بندی و ارائه مسیر توسعه با استفاده از رویکرد تحلیل پوششی داده ها(DEA) (مورد مطالعه : شرکت های هواپیمایی مسافربری ایرانی)
نصرت اله شادنوش احسان معینی -
Open Access Article
1914 - ارائه یک روش ترکیبی از ANP و مدل SAR در تحلیل پوششی دادهها جهت مقایسه و رتبهبندی گزینهها (مطالعه موردی: محصولات شرکت کرمان موتور)
علیرضا علی نژاد آرش پرویزی -
Open Access Article
1915 - ارائه مدل بازاریابی احکام اسلامی مبتنی بر اصول بازاریابی اجتماعی: رویکرد نظریه داده بنیاد
عباس صالح اردستانی محمدرضا صادقی مقدم سید یاسر مهدی ابوترابی فرد -
Open Access Article
1916 - بررسی تاثیر مدیریت استعداد در به کارگیری و جذب نخبگان و اثرات آن بر کاهش مهاجرت نخبگان در کشور
ُسید مصطفی مقیمی -
Open Access Article
1917 - ارزیابی عملکرد شرکتهای داروسازی پذیرفتهشده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران با استفاده از رویکرد ترکیبی تحلیل پوششی داده ها و داده کاوی
علیرضا علی نژاد جواد خلیلی -
Open Access Article
1918 - ارزیابی کارایی سود در زنجیره تامین سه مرحله ای با خروجی های برگشت داده شده با تکنیک تحلیل پوششی داده ها
زهره مقدس شادان صدیق بهزادی محسن واعظ محمد علوی ششتمد -
Open Access Article
1919 - Proposing a Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) Model for Evaluating Information Efficiency of Reporting Entities
Safdar Alipour esfandyar malekian Hossein Fakhari -
Open Access Article
1920 - The effect of traditional education approaches and big data method on academic achievement of accounting students
Mohammad Namazi Zohre Raiessi -
Open Access Article
1921 - رابطه توانایی مدیریت با اجزاء مدیریت ریسک یکپارچه
فرزین رضایی اکرم فیروز علیزاده الهام نورمحمدی -
Open Access Article
1922 - The Effect of Dividend Policy on Stock Price Variability
Rezvan Hejazi Rohollah Gheitasi Mir Sajjad Mosajed Mousavi Sajedeh Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1923 - Modeling of Audit Production Efficiency based on the Business Risk Audit Approach
Shoeyb Rostami OstadKelayeh MohammadAli Aghaei Kumars Biglar -
Open Access Article
1924 - تأثیر هزینه آموزش و هزینه تبلیغات بانکداری الکترونیکی بر افزایش جذب سپرده های بانکها (مطالعه موردی بانک صادرات استان مازندران )
فرزانه حیدر پور ابو طالب طهماسبی گتابی -
Open Access Article
1925 - Providing an Effective Model for Monitoring and Evaluating Public Sector Financial Performance in Performance-based Budgeting
حافظ امرایی عادل آذر -
Open Access Article
1926 - Independent Audit Quality Modle by Emphasizing on Meeting Stakeholders’ Needs
Mohsen Delbary ragheb ali Esmaeilzadeh Magharri -
Open Access Article
1927 - رتبه بندی میزان تاثیر اقلام کلیدی ترازنامه ای و نسبتهای سودآوری در انتخاب پرتفوی بهینه (با استفاده از تکنیک های داده کاوی)
امیررضا کیقبادی سمیه فتحی سمیرا سیف -
Open Access Article
1928 - Managerial over Confidence, Corporate Social Responsibility Activities, Corporate Performance and Financial Constraints
Mohadeseh Shaghaghi Shahnaz Mashayekh -
Open Access Article
1929 - ارائه الگوی مفهومی مدیریت سود مبتنی بر روش نظریه داده بنیاد چند وجهی
مریم فرودی رضوان حجازی -
Open Access Article
1930 - ارزیابی عملکرد سبد اوراق بهادار – مدل علمی میانگین – واریانس – چولگی در مقایسه با مدل علمی میانگین – واریانس
علی روحی محمد محققی ریاضی -
Open Access Article
1931 - Segment Report Patterning in Iranian Banking Sector
سید علی اکبر میرعمادی جواد رضازاده بهروز خدارحمی -
Open Access Article
1932 - بررسی کارائی شرکت های پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران با استفاده از روش تحلیل پوششی داده ها و ارتباط آن با بازده سهام
آزیتا جهانشاد زهرا پورزمانی فاطمه اژدری -
Open Access Article
1933 - Compare the performance of internal and comparative data analysis, genetic algorithm nonlinear techniques to forecast profitability
زهرا Purzamani -
Open Access Article
1934 - برآورد اختلاف قیمت پیشنهادی خریدوفروشسهام با استفاده از الگوریتم کلونی زنبورعسل مصنوعی (ABC)
ابراهیم نادری علی اسماعیل زاده مقری -
Open Access Article
1935 - پیش بینی تغییر حسابرس با استفاده از متغیرهای در ماندگی مالی: رویکرد داده کاوی
حسین اعتمادی سلمان لطفی -
Open Access Article
1936 - Qualified Audit Opinion and Debt Maturity Structure
Nezam-Oddin Rahimian Esmail Tavakolnia Meisam Karamlou -
Open Access Article
1937 - پیشبینی ورشکستگی شرکتها مبتنی بر سیستمهای هوشمند ترکیبی
مهدی غضنفری اقبال رحیمی کیا علی عسکری -
Open Access Article
1938 - Ehe Impact of Board Composition on Dividend Behavior with Emphasis on Variables Interactive Effects and Type of Industry,by Using The PLS and The GLS Methods
Farzin Rezaei Khadijeh Eidantorkzadeh -
Open Access Article
1939 - داده کاوی صورتهای مالی جهت اعطای تسهیلات مالی
امیر رضا کیقبادی وحید خدامی -
Open Access Article
1940 - Designing a Structural Model of Indigenous Factors Affecting Behavioral Management Accounting
Farshid Yazdani Arefeh Mohaghegh Naghi Fazeli -
Open Access Article
1941 - Designing a Model for the Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards No. (17(
مهدی اسکافی اصل فرزانه حیدر پور -
Open Access Article
1942 - Formulate and Explain the Model of Effective Factors of Integrated Reporting
Akbar Givkey Mansour Garkaz Mehdi Safari Grayli alireza matoufi -
Open Access Article
1943 - The effectofemploymentandfamily life onsatisfactionofthe femaleteachers (Case Study:the employed teachersin zone one, Karaj)
Habbllah Zanjani Zeinab Baghiat Esfahani -
Open Access Article
1944 - بررسی عوامل مؤثّر بر ماندگاری نخبگان (نخبه داری) و کاهش فرار مغزها از کشور با کاربرد روش کیفی داده بنیاد
naser ali ramezani naser mir sepasi mahmud alborzi mehrdad navabakhsh -
Open Access Article
1945 - The impact of social networks on the quality of life under the protection of Relief Imam Khomeini city of Ardabil
Gholamreza Ghozali Ali Jafari -
Open Access Article
1946 - بررسی موانع سیاسی صنعتی شدن ایران از ابتدای دوره صفویه تا پایان دوره پهلوی اول
eghbaleh azizkhani seyed asgar irani kolour seyedeh maryam yahyazadeh -
Open Access Article
1947 - The Role of Managers' Communication Skills on Workplace Efficiency (Case study: Employees of business enterprises in Kerman)
somayeh sadat mahdavi seyed vahid aqili norooz hashemzehi ali akbar farhangi -
Open Access Article
1948 - Incompleteness Rate of Registered Mortality Data and the Impact of Reform in Life Expectancy Case Study: Ilam Province, Iran 1395
zinab sadooghi alireza teimouri ali pezhhan -
Open Access Article
1949 - Representation of ethnic identity in ethnic media (Case study: Azerbaijan of Iran)
yavar eivazi seifolah seifollahi bagher saroukhani -
Open Access Article
1950 - Causes and Consequences of Out-of-Marriage Relations (Case Study: Women in Rafsanjan)
reza akbari afsaneh tavassoli bahram ghadimi -
Open Access Article
1951 - Sociological analysis of elder abuse (Emphasizing the phenomenon of aging in Tehran)
mohamadreza ranjbar mohamadi Seyyed Naser Hejazi mohammadali chitsaz -
Open Access Article
1952 - Redesigning the Emergency Services Process Model Using Techniques Data Mining and Process Research (Case Study: Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of West Azerbaijan Province)
Mehrdad Mohammadzadeh Alamdary Mansour Esmaeilpour alireza slambolchi Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchigh -
Open Access Article
1953 - Designing a talent management model for presidents of Islamic Azad University of Tehran province
Masoumeh Takhteravan saeid moradi Abas khorshidi Pari Soushabi -
Open Access Article
1954 - Victims' rights from the perspective of jurisprudence and criminal procedure approved in 1392 and the Statute of the International Criminal Court
Ghasem karbasfrosh Habib Asady -
Open Access Article
1955 - Differences between puberty in boys and girls in cold, tropical and temperate climates based on medical findings and field data
sayed mohammad keykavosi -
Open Access Article
1956 - The Fault challenging in tort
rasool malakooti -
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1957 - Comparative Studying of Without examining judge ICCmodel and with examining judge Iranian model
Hossein abdi mohammad ali ardebili -
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Sohrab Neshastehriz Mahmoud Malmir Masoud Heidary -
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1959 - Investigating the Impact of Excuses of Impossibility and Difficulty of Contract performance completion on the Lease Contract (with an emphasis on the Corona pandemic)
Pari khaledi Leila hakkak Mehri Afshari Kaveh -
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1960 - The responsible behavior of lawyers in Iran's legal system
farideh Asgari mostafa namdar pourbengar -
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1961 - A comparative study of assignment of contract in Iranian legal system and common law with emphasis on lease contract
amir abbas kavoosi Hassan Badini Nejad ali Almasi -
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1962 - The rights of the accused and the invalidity of the preliminary investigation; Challenges and requirements (in the Code of Criminal Procedure adopted in 1392 and subsequent amendments)
masoud Fadaei Dehcheshmeh Asal Azemeyan sajad jahanbaziGojani -
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1963 - Jurisprudential principles of criminal mediation in the field of ta'zir crimes with emphasis on restorative justice
seyedeh samaneh Hoseeyni mohammad Golverdi majid shaygan fard -
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1964 - Critics on the Compensation Regime for "Unjust Imprisonment and Detention" In Iran's Legislative Criminal Policy
Mahdi Khaghani Esfahani -
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1965 - Laws governing electronic contracts from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence and the subject law of Iran
rahim abdoli Tayeb Afsharnia Alireza Rajabzadeh -
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1966 - Study the bases of obligation for damages remedies and methods for determining and repairing the damages due to the void transactions
Mohsen Anari Mozaffar Bashokooh Alireza Lotfi Dodaran -
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1967 - A reflection on the basis of jurisdictional deviation in Iran's criminal procedure regulations with a look at French regulations
Abbas ali ghorbaniyan Ali mazidi Seeyad Mehdi Mansouri -
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1968 - Practitioners of human rights based on the constitution in private law
Mohammad Shamei Neda Mojahed -
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1969 - Manifestations of populist criminal policies in different stages of economic crime proceedings
Morteza Rezaei Mahmoud Qayyumzadeh Hossein Khosravi Amir Molamohammadali -
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1970 - Comparative comparison of Article 174 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the International Ombudsman
Yasaman Saeidi -
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1971 - Legal Sources of Obligation to Provide Information and Its Performance Guarantee in Iranian and British Law
Pari khaledi Bahareh Shafiei -
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1972 - Feasibility of pursuing the assassination of Sardar Soleimani in the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice and Domestic Law
Fatemeh Aghamiri zahra Fehreste Ebrahim Yaghouti -
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1973 - Studying the approach of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the action of the Islamic Court of Justice in the peaceful settlement of international disputes based on the concept of "effectiveness"
Marmar Asadiyan Seyed Bassem Movalizadeh Seyyed Hasan Hosseini -
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1974 - Application of econometric modeler for predicting stock prices in the capital market
Alireza Sadat Najafi Soheila Sardar -
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1975 - Testing of multi criteria decision making model in designing success model of Succession Planning in Iranian Banking system
zhila Mohamadi Dariush Gholamzadeh vahidreza mirabi ahmad vedadi -
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1976 - Modeling of Gold coin futures with stochastic differential equations
Rahele Baqeri mohammadreza setayesh Reza Radfar -
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1977 - Investigating the Effect between Overall & Partial Efficiency of Financing Methods from the Perspective of Governance and Residents of the Worn-Out texture of Urban Recreation Targets and Neighborhoods, Using Network Fuzzy Range Adjusted Measure Data Envelopment Analysis (NFRAM DEA) method (Case Study: Javanmard Qasab Neighborhood, District 20 of Tehran Municipality)
sara hadavand mohammad ebrahim mohammad pourzarandi mehrzad minouei -
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1978 - Presenting a Model Based on Evaluation of Performance Banks Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange Using Data Mining Approach
elham adakh arefeh fadaviasghari Mohammad Ebrahim Mohamad Pourzarandi -
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1979 - The Impact of Using Dimensionality Trading Strategies on Forecasting the Daily Stock Returns of the Panel Data Method.
Ehteram Rahdarpoor heshmatolah asgari -
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1980 - Developing the Financial Literacy Education Model in Iran using the Grounded Theory Approach
Fatemeh Kazempour dizaji mohammadhamed khanmohammadi Mahmoud Moeinuddin -
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1981 - Intangibles disclosure: A user-based approach to enhanced external financial reporting
Akbar Dalirian mehdi meshki fazel mohammadi nodeh sina kheradyar -
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1982 - Mutual fund performance with a different approach to data envelopment analysis
Fatemeh Mehregan -
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1983 - Development of a Hybrid Model of Dynamic Simulation Systems and Network Data Envelopment Analysis to Predict and Evaluate Services Supply Chain (Case Study of Hormozgan Social Security Branches)
taleb pargar Morteza Shafiee Mohamadali Afsharkazemi kiamars fathihafshjani -
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1984 - Evaluation of Bank Branches with Financial Indicators Using Data Envelopment Analysis
somayeh Razipour-GhalehJough ّFarhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Mohsen Rostamy-Maslkhalifeh Hamid Sharafi -
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1985 - Investigate the effectiveness of gold coin dealing to hedge the risk of stock price volatility
Soheila Hoghooghi Mohammad Ebrahim Aghababaei -
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1986 - Presentation DEA - MLP Neural NetworkModel in Selecting the Optimal Portfolio: Reviewing the Information Content of Accounting Criteria, Value-Based Criteria and BSC Criteria
Hasan Fattahi Nafchi mehdi arabsalehi Majid Esmaelian -
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1987 - A new Method for Sustainable Portfolio Selection with DEA, TOPSIS and MIP in Stock exchange
Soghra Rezaei Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi -
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1988 - Evaluation of Bank Branch Performance using Data mining and Expert System Approach
Hamid Eslami Nosratabadi Mohammad Jafar Tarokh Alireza Poorebrahimi -
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1989 - Comparison of the performance of Merton and Heston models in predicting the price of gold coin futures contracts
Rahele Baqeri mohammadreza setayesh -
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1990 - Design of Credit Risk Assessment Model by Predicting Credit Rating Transfer Using Markov Chain Process
Farid Heidarifar Farhad Hanifi gholamreza zomorodian -
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1991 - The Presentation of a Model for Product Design and Development Process based on the Smart Economy Paradigm in the Banking Industry
mahdi soltani njad kiamars fathihafshjani gholamreza hashemzadehKhorasgani , AbouTorab Alirezaei -
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1992 - Convergence of Futures Contracts For Iranian Stock Exchange
Fatemeh mirzadeh ali saeedi Alireza Heidarzadeh Hanzaei Mohammad Khodaei valezaghard -
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1993 - Evaluating the efficiency score of investment holdings by considering undesirable variable using FDH model: An approach of Data Envelopment Analysis
alireza ziaei shirkolaei mohammad ebrahim mohammad pourzarandi mehrzad minoee -
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1994 - Ranking of banks based on CAMELS indicators to predict financial distress by logistic regression and Data Envelopment Analysis
Gholam abbas Paidar Morteza Shafiee Fariborz Avazzadeh Fath Hashem Valipoor -
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1995 - Strategy of Data Foundation Theory Method with Coding Method and Paradigm Model of Strauss and Corbin to Provide a Model for Accelerating the Cooperation of Macro-Corporate with Micro-Businesses
Vahid Bekhradi Nasab -
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1996 - Evaluation of financial performance of Iranian insurance companies using two-stage data envelopment analysis technique
Reza Sanei Mohammad fallah Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Farzad Movahedi Sobhani, -
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1997 - Economic and non-economic consequences of corporate social responsibility: Application of Grounded Theory Approach
Sayyed Mehran Taghavi Mahdi Karimizand Vahidreza Mirabi -
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1998 - Financial performance measurement of the top 50 companies on the stock exchange using non-radial models of data envelopment analysis
Saeid Rezaeilava Mirfeyz Fallah Masoud Sanei Shokofeh Banihashemi -
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1999 - Evaluating the performance of bank branches using fuzzy network data envelopment analysis model with optional input-undesirable output
Hasan Amini Javid` Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammadpoor Zarandi Mirfeiz fallahshams naghi shoja -
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2000 - Evaluating the Performance of Financial Institutions using a Data Envelopment Analysis model in a FDH networks (Case Study: Saman Bank)
Hadise Vahedi-Anvar Narges Norouzi -
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2001 - Providing an Optimal Financing Model of Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA) Perspective of Entrepreneurs and Investors Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Maryam Amiri Mohsen Rostamy-Maslkhalifeh Afsaneh Zamani Moghadam -
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2002 - Solving Imbalanced Data Distribution Problem in Bankruptcy Prediction by Cost-Sensitive Learning Method
seyed behrooz razavi ebrahim abbasi -
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2003 - Provide a model for identifying the factors affecting the instabilityof the Tehran Stock Exchange based on the Grounded theory
hossein hashemnezhad Khadijeh Ebrahimi Mehdi Safari Graili -
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2004 - Bankruptcy prediction using hybrid data mining models based on misclassification penalty
Atiye Torkaman AmirAbbas Najafi -
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2005 - بررسی رابطه نسبتهای سودآوری با کارایی درموسسات آموزش عالی غیر دولتی با استفاده از تکنیک تحلیل پوششی داده ها (DEA)
محمد محمودی حسین بدیعی روح اله رضازاده -
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2006 - پیش بینی درماندگی مالی شرکت های پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران با استفاده از شبکه بیزی ساده و مقایسه آن با تحلیل پوششی داده ها
علی اسماعیل زاده مقری هاجر شاکری -
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2007 - Evaluate the performance of bank branches using the control approach in analyzing the data cover weight
mahnaz Ahadzadeh Namin elaheh khamseh Farzaneh Mohamadi -
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2008 - Analysis of Common Weighting Method in Data Envelopment Analysis Based on Customer Satisfaction of Companies Active in Tehran Stock Exchange
Zahra Bodaghi Mahnaz Ahadzadeh Namin Shadi Shahverdiani -
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2009 - تعیین ساختار بهینه سرمایه با استفاده از شاخص های سنجش عملکرد مبتنی برارزش به کمک تحلیل پوششی داده ها (DEA)
سیدعلیاکبر حسینی یوسف نجفی -
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2010 - بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر تغییرات قیمت قراردادهای آتی در بورس کالای ایران
علی سعیدی شهریار علیمحمدی -
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2011 - Risk hedging by use of Hybrid future contracts index (Case: Iran financial market)
Hamid Eskandari Ali Asghar Anvary Rostamy Ali Husseinzadeh Kashan -
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2012 - A new model for calculating the efficiency of existing cement companies with a network structure (an application of data envelopment analysis)
Mohammad hossein darvish motevalli Farhad hosseinzadeh lotfi naghi shoja amir gholamabri -
Open Access Article
2013 - A Portfolio Optimization Model for a Private Equity Investment Company under Data Insufficiency Condition with an Artificial Bee Colony Meta-heuristic Approach
Fereydoun Rahnama Roodposhti Ehsan Sadeh Mirfeiz Fallahshams reza Ehteshamrasi jamil Jalilian -
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2014 - Juridical feasibility of weather derivatives using multi-stage ijtihad research method
mohammad talebi mohsen sayar hanieh fadaei wahed -
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2015 - تحلیل سبد بازار و بهینه سازی مدل پیشنهادی برای بستههای تخفیفی ساخته شده بر اساس قواعد تلازمی مطالعه موردی در فروشگاه زنجیرهای
نیما شریعتی حسن شوندی سمیه علیزاده -
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2016 - تحلیل بنیادی سهام با استفاده از تحلیل پوششی دو مرحلهای
سیده عاطفه حسینی منیره ابویی مهریزی جواد حلوایی اسماعیل شاه طهماسبی رامین وران -
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2017 - Investment portfolio optimization using value at risk under credibility theory with Z-numbers approach
Amirsina Jirofti Amirabbas Najafi -
Open Access Article
2018 - Mining quantitative association rules with stock trading data using multi-objective Meta heuristic algorithms based on genetic algorithm
mostafa zandiyeh Sima Mardanlu -
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2019 - ارزیابی کارایی نسبی شرکت هواپیمایی جمهوری اسلامی ایران (هما) در مقایسه با شرکتهای برتر هواپیمایی جهان با استفاده از تحلیل پوششی دادهها (DEA)
محمد علی افشارکاظمی عباس طلوعی اشلقی رکسانه چرخچی -
Open Access Article
2020 - استفاده از تکنیک تحلیل پوششی داده ها برای سنجش کارایی شرکت های تولیدی پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران با استفاده از مدل مبتنی بر گزارشگری مالی
زهره حاجیها مونا قیلاوی -
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2021 - The effect of number of shareholders on the behavior and value of companies based on the two models, Yang, and Ustaruk and Austenberg
annahita zandi Fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti -
Open Access Article
2022 - بررسی عملکرد شبکههای عصبی مصنوعی در پیشبینی کارایی سرمایه فکری
علی فاضل یزدی روح الله تقی زاده مهریزی محمدحسین طحاری مهرجردی -
Open Access Article
2023 - Optimization of technical indicators’ parameters for intraday data using optics – inspired optimization (OIO): a case study of Tehran stock exchange
Mohammad Ali Rastegar Farah Ashuri -
Open Access Article
2024 - Online Portfolio Selection Using Spectral Pattern Matching
Matin Abdi amirabbas najafi -
Open Access Article
2025 - Portfolio choice with high frequency data: constant relative risk aversion preferences and the liquidity effect
mohammad firouzdehghan Hadi Saeidi Shaban Mohammadi ghasem elahi -
Open Access Article
2026 - Effects of Macroeconomic Variables and market power on Banking Sector's Deposits (Bayesian Model Averaging Approach in Panel Data)
mahboubeh shakiba alireza Daghighiasli marjan damankeshideh majid fashari Ali Esmaeelzadeh Maghari -
Open Access Article
2027 - Feasibility of Currency hedging for exporter and importer companies by Using the Iran Mercantile Exchange Coin futures contract
ali rostami Gholamreza Zomordian Meysam Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
2028 - Presenting a new approach based on association rule to investigating the relationship of the Oil market with global markets
Reza Khosravi Ehsan Mohammadian Amiri pouria Rezai Seyed Babak Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
2029 - Misevaluation and Behavioral Biases in the Tehran stock exchange
Jamal Tavosi Jamal Tavosi Aminreza Kamalian -
Open Access Article
2030 - Studying the stock price effect of bulk dealing of Tehran Stock Exchange companies and the occurrence front-running using the event study method
Mohammad hosein Ameri -
Open Access Article
2031 - Performance Evaluation of Stocks in Different Time Periods under Uncertainty: Fuzzy Window Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
Pejman Peykani Emran Mohammadi farhad hosseinzadehlotfi reza tehrani Mohsen Rostamy-Maslkhalifeh -
Open Access Article
2032 - Design a Risk Allocation Model for Construction Projects (EPC) for investment asset in public sector. (Case study: Guilan water and sewage industry).
bahman rasouli sina kheradyar bahman banimahd -
Open Access Article
2033 - Evaluative Image in Social Spaces by Enhancing Collective Memory and Likability in the City (Case Study: The Area of Quds Square to Imamzadeh Hassan in the City of Karaj)
Sara Dasht Gard Maryam Akbari -
Open Access Article
2034 - Architectural Phenomenology, an Effective Paradigm in the Architectural Design of Spaces for Discovering Children's Talent
Alireza Vosough Mohammad khosro Sahaf -
Open Access Article
2035 - The Relationship between Managers' Efficiency in Creating Operational Cash Flows on Real Earnings Management
Mohaddese Abedini Bahman Banimahd Mehdi Moradzadehfard Azam Shokri Cheshmehsabzi -
Open Access Article
2036 - The Impact of Potential Litigation Risk Motives arising from Material Errors & Misstatement in Clients’ Financial Reporting on Modified Audit Opinion
محمد حسنی -
Open Access Article
2037 - Recognize the components and dimensions of cultural development of schools in order to achieve an appropriate model
Faranak Mousavi -
Open Access Article
2038 - Designing a Resilience Pattern for Students of Higher Education Institutions in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic (Based on Grounded Theory Approach)
Targol Darabi Mehdi Shariatmadari amir hossein mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
2039 - Veneration of Teachers: Designing a Model and Explanation through Grounded Theory
parisa abdipour ali maghool Moslem Ghobadian Fatemeh Jafarkhani -
Open Access Article
2040 - Effect of plant density and planting pattern on yield components and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. Tarom Amrollahi
norollah kheyri حمیدرضا MOBASER بهنام masoodi پرویز YADOLAHI -
Open Access Article
2041 - Effects of the vermicompost and the nano chelate fertilizer on yield and yield components of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under no irrigation condition
mohamad saboury Seyed Mostafa Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
2042 - Effect of compilation organic and mineral fertilizer on production parameters and harvest index of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)
A. Mosavai A. Shokohfar -
Open Access Article
2043 - Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) root response to seaweed extract concentrations, time and method of application
Mohammad Sibi Hamid Reza Khazaei Ahmad Nezami -
Open Access Article
2044 - The effect of inflorescence removing and seed tuber size on leaf area index and tuber yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
علی نصراله زاده اصل Atieh Pasha Poor Khoyi -
Open Access Article
2045 - Effect of Plant Density on Some Morphological Traits, Yield and Yield Components of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Cultivars
Afshin Mokhtari Seyyed Gholamreza Moosavi -
Open Access Article
2046 - Response of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) to bio-fertilizer, chemical nitrogen and phosphorus under drought stress conditions
seyed anis sadeghian dehkordy ali tadayyon -
Open Access Article
2047 - Effects of Biological Fertilizer Spray and Planting Date on Yield and Yield Components of cowpea Vigna unguiculata In Bastam Shahrood
A. Nahardani جعفر Masoud Sinaki H. Abaspour saeid gharib bolouk -
Open Access Article
2048 - Assessing the relationship between leaf area and some vegetative characteristics in safflower
Benjamin ترابی ناصر دستفالی اصغر رحیمی افشین سلطانی -
Open Access Article
2049 - Effect of sowing date and plant density on yield and morphophenological traits of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) in Zabol
m. Delarami Seyyed Gholamreza Moosavi -
Open Access Article
2050 - Influence of planting method and density on yield, yield components and oil percentage of rapeseed in different tillage systems
حبیباله رنجبر محمدرضا شجاع حسن سامعی Hadi Pirasteh-Anosheh محمودرضا سالار -
Open Access Article
2051 - Evaluation of the effect of different levels of plant density and N fertilizer on yield and yield components of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.)
یدالله قادری محمد مقدم -
Open Access Article
2052 - Effect of bio fertilizers and nano zinc on yield and yield components of maize(Zea mays L.).
Arash Roozbahani mahsa zarandi -
Open Access Article
2053 - Effect of humic acid application on agronomic characteristics of some varieties of clover (Trifolium sp.)
علی تدین مجتبی ظفریان -
Open Access Article
2054 - Evaluation of yield and correlation between traits of ten new cotton cultivars in spring and summer plantings in Moghan region
Fatemeh Vadaye Kheiri siros mansorifar Saeid Hokmalipour -
Open Access Article
2055 - Predicting factors affecting on main component of wheat yield
Abbas Abhari -
Open Access Article
2056 - Effect of planting method and planting depth on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of different potato cultivars in Mahidasht of Kermanshah
Maryam Khosravi Abbas Maleki Heydar Zolnorian -
Open Access Article
2057 - The effect of foliar application of zinc element and transplanting time on agronomic and physiological characteristics of two rapeseed cultivars
Hamid Jabbari Sahar Khadem Hamid Mozafari Nadia Safavi Fard -
Open Access Article
2058 - Effect of plant growth promotiong rhizobacteria on growth and yield of Seed tubers of Potato Cultivars Mini-tubers
mehdi panahyankivi yaghob raei null null Saeid Hokm Alipour -
Open Access Article
2059 - The effect of nano-potass fertilizer and methanol application on some physiological characters, yield and yield components of wheat
Ferdus Rezaie Mehrshad Barary Ali Hatami Hamid Hassanein Khoshro -
Open Access Article
2060 - The effect of mycorrhizal and potassium on yield and yield components of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) under different irrigation regimes
khosro Taheri Haghighi barmak jafari abdolreza jafary hamidreza miri Hamid Reza Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
2061 - Effect of foliar application of methanol and nitrogen on yield and yield components of soybean in Guilan weather conditions
amir janbazi roudsari majid ashouri ebrahim amiri -
Open Access Article
2062 - Effect of salinity on yield and yield components of five canola cultivar
T. Tajali A.R. Bagheri M. Hosseini -
Open Access Article
2063 - Effects of plant density on yield and yield components of some sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars in Sistan climate
Z. Alipoor S. Mahmoodi M. Galvi Z. Mahdiani -
Open Access Article
2064 - Evaluation of Talent Management Value Systems in order to improve Performance (Case study: Islamic Azad University of Orumiyeh Branch)
Afahin Joudifam Mohammad Reza Norouzi -
Open Access Article
2065 - Evaluate the Performance of the Industrial Parks of Zanjan Province Using DEA
Behjat Abchar Homa Doroudi -
Open Access Article
2066 - Causal Relationship Between Health, Education And Economic Growth In A Selected Developing Countries
moloud jafari maryam jafari M. Emadzadeh -
Open Access Article
2067 - The impact of E-commerce and ICT on economic growth of using the translog function
bahram sahabi parisa shakerpur dariush tahmasebi -
Open Access Article
2068 - Performance Evaluation Model for Hospitals Using BSC and Fuzzy VFB-DEA
alireza alinezhad Javad Khalili -
Open Access Article
2069 - Analyzing the Impact of Technical Training and Talking on Economic Growth in Selected Developing Countries, 1390- 1369
N. Barikrou J. Mirmohammad Sadeghi M. R. Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
2070 - The Study of the relationship between Exchange Rates and the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Growth: An Empirical Analysis Based On Panel Data in Selected Countries
Mohammad Reza Shahab -
Open Access Article
2071 - Energy sector strategies based on resistance economic approach
Hossein Mohseni -
Open Access Article
2072 - Estimation of the Performance of the Fourth Development Plan in Terms of Foreign Exchange Need (Import) Using Input-Output Table
R. Khoshakhlgh Rahim Dallali-Isfahani N. Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
2073 - The Impact on Economic Growth of Sports Facilities
S. Kaghzyan Y. Naghdi B. Faraji Rostaghi -
Open Access Article
2074 - Analysis of the Financial Sector on Income Distribution: (Dynamic Panel Data Approach)
R. Aleemran siamak shokouhifard -
Open Access Article
2075 - A Survey of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Effect on Tourism Industry in Selected Countries and Iran
Ali SHAHINPOUR H. Gharehbiglo N. BanimohammadTagi -
Open Access Article
2076 - Estimation of the Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Trade Flows of Industrial Sector in OECD Countries
K. Azarbayejani H. Karimi-Hasnicheh S. Nagheli -
Open Access Article
2077 - Measurement and Analysis of the Productivity of Factors of Production into Separate Economic Sectors Bushehr Province, Iran
S. Nargesi Heshmatolah Asgari -
Open Access Article
2078 - Effects of Income Integration and Trade Flow Expansion on Economic Growth of Iran and Her Partners Including OECD Countries
K. Tayebi S. Daee Karim-Zadeh M. Ramazani -
Open Access Article
2079 - Effect of Income Inequality on Consumption Expenditure Inequality in Iran, 1982-2007
M.H. Fotros R. Maaboudi -
Open Access Article
2080 - The role of economic growth on the environment based on the Kuznets environmental curve theory approach
Bahjat Abchar Hossein Gharebeygloo Rafeeh Feyzi Ikhchi -
Open Access Article
2081 - Effect of foliar application of Zinc, Iron and Manganese nutrients on yield and yield components of bread wheat, Pishgam cultivar
Reza Sadrabadi Haghighi Seyedeh Shima Sekhavati -
Open Access Article
2082 - Effect of the silicon fertilizers spray on agronomical characteristics of Anbarbo rice in salinity field of Bahnamir
Allahyar Fallah -
Open Access Article
2083 - Foliar application of Zinc, Iron and Manganese fertiliZers on yield and yield components of bread wheat cultivars
R. Sadradi Haghighi S. S. Sekhavati -
Open Access Article
2084 - Effects of different substrates on quantitative characteristics of cucumber Negin cultivar in hydroponic irrigation system
Mehdi Ghaemi Qumars Kalarestaghi Mohsen Nabavi -
Open Access Article
2085 - Mode of some of barley quantitative inheritance traits in normal irrigation and terminal drought stress conditions using generation mean analysis
S. Nakhjavan M. R. Bihamta F. Darvish B. Sorkhi M. Zahravi -
Open Access Article
2086 - Effect of nitrogen application and micro nutrients on seed number in Amaranth CV. Koniz
E. Farajzadeh M. Yarnia V. Rashidi F. Rahimzadeh Khoei M. B. Khorshidi Benam -
Open Access Article
2087 - The role of operational risk events database in bank risk management
Samane Shafiee Mohammad Hamed Khan Mohammadi Ahmad Karami Majid Ghoroghi -
Open Access Article
2088 - Presenting a model for the implementation of fintech in the banking industry of Iran
Mohammad Gholami Majid Zanjirdar Peyman Ghafari Ashtiani Gholam Ali Haji -
Open Access Article
2089 - Presenting native model for the development of the country's banking industry: qualitative analysis based on grounded theorizing
Fazlullah Hadizadeh Fazel Mohammadi Nodeh Mojtaba Afsharian -
Open Access Article
2090 - The Miderating Effect of Bilateral Investment Treaty Stringency on the Relationship between Political Instability and Subsidiary Ownership
mostafa heidari haratemeh -
Open Access Article
2091 - winner stock momentum in Iran
Mehdi Elhaei Sahar Rezvan Hejazi Allah Karam Salehi Hossein Moltafet -
Open Access Article
2092 - Optimal hedging of quantitative risk based on Markov regime change in coin futures contract
Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi Marzieh Karami Chamgordani Sayyed AmirReza Hashemi -
Open Access Article
2093 - Developing a model to improve the credit of companies based on financial reporting and social responsibilities
Dariush Ghorbani Mostafa Ghasemi Abdolreza Mohseni -
Open Access Article
2094 - Fabrication of non-metallic Polycaprolactone-Baghdadite nanoparticles plates for using in repairing of bone damages
حسین عمادی Mahdi Karevan -
Open Access Article
2095 - Effects of a Single bout of Cycling Exercise with and without Blood Flow Restriction on Serum Concentrations of Testosterone, Cortisol and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha in Healthy Men
Eidi Alijani Mahsa Mohsen Zadeh Fatemeh Aghasi -
Open Access Article
2096 - The Comparison of Sperm Parameters and DNA Damage among Infertile Men with Varicocele and Obesity
Mahshid Elahi Vida Hojati Mahmoud Hashemitabar Mahsa Afrough Hossain Pourkargar -
Open Access Article
2097 - The Effect of Hypoxia Condition on NMRI Mouse Two-cell Embryo Development
D. Bagheri M. Dashtizad M. Daliri E. Hashemi A. Rahim Tayefeh -
Open Access Article
2098 - The Effect of Stem Cell Factor and Retinoids in Spermatogonial Cell Differentiation of Testicular Tissue of Obstructive Azoospermia Model Adult Rats
Mahnaz Nasimi Esmaeil Fattahi Sayed Gholamali Jorsaraei Maryam Gholamitabar Tabari Ebrahim Zabihi Neyshabouri -
Open Access Article
2099 - Analysis of the Heterogeneous Image in the Novel " After the End " by Fariba Wafee
Fariba Rahimi Nasser Alizadeh Khayyat Arash Moshfaghi -
Open Access Article
2100 - designing the model of the effects of implementing Environmental Management Accounting and Environmental Strategy on the performance of companies by Grounded Theory
محمد حسین ستایش ُُSayyed Amin Alamshah -
Open Access Article
2101 - Business Portfolio Strategic Management, Formation Ambidextrous at the Holding Company Level
mohamad talari seyed hamid khodadad Hosseini asadolah kordnaeij adel azar -
Open Access Article
2102 - Identification and Conceptualization of Dynamic Capabilities for Business Model Adaptation in ICT Industry
Arman Deilami Azodi seyed hamid khodadad Hosseini asadolah kordnaeij asghar moshabaki -
Open Access Article
2103 - A Model for International Joint Venture Strategy Implementation (Evidence from Iranian Auto Industry)
nader mazlooni HOSAIN RAHMANDOST mahdi haghighi kafash sahar ahmadi partovi -
Open Access Article
2104 - ....
mania Aminzadeh Ali Hajiha hosain vazifehdost Fereydon Rahnama roodposhti -
Open Access Article
2105 - The Typology of Organizational Behavior Strategy
Saleh Rahimi seyedmohhamad aarabi bibi marjan fazi -
Open Access Article
2106 - Designing Strategic Control Model in Bunkering Industry
vahid khashei Amirhossein Tayebi Abolhasani -
Open Access Article
2107 - Presentation of a Knowledge Sharing Model Using a Knowledge Management Approach (Case Study: Audit Institutes in Tehran City)
Khodakaram Ansari Allah Karam Salehi Houshang Amiri -
Open Access Article
2108 - Designing a Smart Specialization Model for Innovation Development in the Provinces of Iran: Case Study of East Azerbaijan Province
mahdi pakzad seyed sepehr ghazi noori mahdi mohammadi -
Open Access Article
2109 - The impact of natural resource rents on entrepreneurship development (Case Study selected countries)
yousef mohammadzadeh farhad rahbar hadi ghahramani -
Open Access Article
2110 - A hybrid bankruptcy prediction model based on GMDH-type neural network and genetic algorithm for Tehran Stock Exchange companies
hosain vazifehdost tayebeh zangeneh -
Open Access Article
2111 - Designing a Paradigm Model for Green Human Resource Management Using Data-Based Method (Case Study; Municipality of Mashhad)
Open Access Article
2112 - Measuring the Efficiency and Productivity of Commercial Banks in Iran by using a Hybrid Model of Fuzzy TOPSIS, DEA and MPI
ali fazelyazdi mahmod moienaldin -
Open Access Article
2113 - A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Model for Supplier Selection by Considering Sustainable Criteria: A Case Study in a Stone Industry
Farnaz Barzinpour hanie moazeni mirsaman pishvai -
Open Access Article
2114 - The Acquisition Model of Advanced IT Technology based on the Grounded Theory
mehdi karimipour Amir bayat tork Amir Najafi -
Open Access Article
2115 - Scruting the performance of commodity suppliers and contractors, supply chain gas company province charmahal and bakhtiari by methodology dea
mahin fazeli farsani fatemeh ziglari shahram Asadi -
Open Access Article
2116 - Strategic Shared Leadership Model in Manufacturing Knowledge – Based Companies
Amir Nikkar mohamad haghighi Mohammad Ali shahhoseini asadolah kordnaeij -
Open Access Article
2117 - Designing a Branding Model in the Iranian clothing industry
Forouzandeh Azimi hosain vazifehdost Hamidreza saeednia -
Open Access Article
2118 - Predictive Model presentation for Customer Satisfaction from Software Support Services with Data Mining Approach
babak sohrabi Iman raeesi Samaneh Keshavarzi -
Open Access Article
2119 - Presenting the Value Creation Model in SMEs Accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange based on the Grounded theory
Sara monajem farzin rezaei AKBAR alem tabrizi -
Open Access Article
2120 - Designing and Explaining the Content and Strategic Elements of the Strategic Thinking Competency Model (Case Study: the National Iranian Gas Company)
mirzahasan hosseini Mohammad Mahmoodi Meymand Mohammad Taghi Amini nima rahmani -
Open Access Article
2121 - Contingency model of business portfolio analysis in holding companies
Mohammad Talari seyed hamid khodadad Hosseini Asadollah Kordnaiej Adel Azar -
Open Access Article
2122 - Designing the Strategy Implementation Model across Organizations following an Integrated Approach Based on Grounded Theory
alireza pirali mohamad taghi amini mohammad megdi parhizghar ali nourozi -
Open Access Article
2123 - Application of Artificial Neural Network to Estimate the Strategic Value Creation Via Relative Efficiency in the Automotive Industry
Akbar Valizadeh Oghani Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand Farzin Modarres Khiabani Majid Bagherzadeh -
Open Access Article
2124 - Presenting the Conceptual Framework of Strategic Agility Based on Database Analysis Using Metacombination Method
sajad golchin Mohammad Hosein Ghanadanzadeh Reza Baniasad -
Open Access Article
2125 - Identifying the Components Affecting Customer Dissatisfaction in Order to Design Competitive Strategies to be Studied: Requested Video Platforms (VOD) in Iran
Nader Jafari Haftkhani, Abbas Rahimi -
Open Access Article
2126 - Modeling And Dynamic Analysis of Factors Affecting Data Quality of University Portal with an Integrated Approach of System Dynamics and Quality Function (Case Study: Amirkabir University of Technology)
Maedeh Alizadeh Mohammad Reza Motadel Navid Nezafati -
Open Access Article
2127 - بررسی پیوندهای پسین و پیشین و ضرائب همبستگی بین آلایندههای هوا در میان بخشهای اقتصادی
منا قزلباش دکتر علی اصغر اسفندیاری -
Open Access Article
2128 - بررسی تاثیر تجارت خارجی بر مصرف انرژی در منتخبی از کشورهای عضو سازمان اکو
رویا آل عمران سیدعلی پایتختی اسکویی -
Open Access Article
2129 - بررسی ضرائب مستقیم و غیرمستقیم ایجاد انواع آلایندههای زیستمحیطی برای بخشهای مختلف اقتصادی
منا قزلباش دکتر علی اصغر اسفندیاری -
Open Access Article
2130 - بررسی عوامل موثر بر صادرات پسته ایران با تاکید بر سلامت غذایی
نیلوفر اشکتراب -
Open Access Article
2131 - بررسی ضرائب مستقیم و غیر مستقیم ایجاد انواع آلایندههای زیست محیطی برای بخش های مختلف اقتصادی
رویا آل عمران -
Open Access Article
2132 - تحلیل مدل ایجاد و کاهش آلودگی لئونتیف در بخشهای اقتصادی
منا قزلباش علیرضا اسفندیاری -
Open Access Article
2133 - اثر آزاد سازی تجاری بر بخشهای صنعت و کشاورزی در کشورهای منا
نونزاد نونزاد شراره مجلسی -
Open Access Article
2134 - Leaf characteristics of Basilicum (Ocimum basilicum L) affected by different levels of humic acid and tea compost
Hamideh Fazel Tehrani mohammad nabi Ilkaei خداداد مصطفوی -
Open Access Article
2135 - Appointment of Importance and Portion of Morphological Traits on Fruit Yield in Breeding Hybrid Cultivars of Greenhouse Cucumber
Golnoosh Bozorgzad Maryam Golabadi -
Open Access Article
2136 - Evaluation of some vegetative traits, percentage of stem borer, blast disease and leaf sheath blight incidences in rice mutant genotypes
Allahyar Fallah Liela Bagher Alireza Nabipour Mohammad Taghey Karbalaei Aghmaleki Vahid Khosravi -
Open Access Article
2137 - Providing a Model for the Optimal use of Mobile Phone Social Networks with Emphasis on the Cultural Identity of Students
Farzaneh Tavakoli faezeh taghipour Ali Rashidpoor -
Open Access Article
2138 - Presenting a Paradigm Model of Tourism Culture Using Grounded Theory method
Leila hamedi mohsen ameri shahrabi ABBASALI GHAIYOOMI -
Open Access Article
2139 - Identifying the Effective Factors on the Development of Transformation Strategies in Cultural Policy-Making in the University and Its Implementation Strategies (Case study: Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran)
Mohammadreza Ansari Fatemeh AzizabadiFarahani seyed Reza Salehi Amiri Mohsen Ghadami -
Open Access Article
2140 - The Comparison of MRCP and ERCP findings in obstructive jaundice
Saeid Naghibi Niloofar Nasr Abadi Abbas Esmaeil zadeh -
Open Access Article
2141 - Investigating the seed and oil quantitive reactions of sunflower cultivars in different dates at Sistan region
Mostafa Khammar Abas Keshtehgar Ali Dana -
Open Access Article
2142 - Investigating the seed and oil quantitive reactions of sunflower cultivars in different dates at Sistan region
Mostafa Khammar hamidreza Mobasser -
Open Access Article
2143 - Effect of Plastic mulch and bed system on maize (zea mays) yield and weeds suppression
Mohsen Garshasebi Hamid Reza Rajab Larijani Mohammad Nasri -
Open Access Article
2144 - تحلیل عوامل مؤثر بر استعدادیابی فوتبال در لیگ آسیاویژن استان تهران
بهزاد سهیلی سجاد دوستداری -
Open Access Article
2145 - ارائه مدل پارادایمی توسعۀ ورزش همگانی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی بر اساس نظریه داده بنیاد
جواد طاهرزاده رسول نظری جمشید همتی -
Open Access Article
2146 - the design a career ethics model in Iran soccer premier league
hamidreza maleknia esfandiyar khosravizadeh حمید فروغی پور جمشید همتی -
Open Access Article
2147 - تبیین مدل مدیریت عملکرد منابع انسانی در وزارت ورزش و جوانان براساس مدل داده بنیاد
ایمان خوشدل عباس خدایاری محمدحسین قربانی مهدی کهندل -
Open Access Article
2148 - Qualitative Analysis of Encouraging Athletes to Purchase Iranian Sporting Goods: A Grounded Theory Study
مهداد نمازی مسعود ایمان زاده مهرداد محرم زاده -
Open Access Article
2149 - A Study of Sociological and Economic Factors in the Development of Iranian Football Talent Identification
کاظم قبادی عنصرودی mahdi Naderi Nasab Sayed Abbas Biniaz -
Open Access Article
2150 - Identifying the developmental factors of sports tourism in Iraq
مهند سعد سعدون سعدون محمدرضا اسماعیل زاده حسن فهیم دوین -
Open Access Article
2151 - Modeling and management identification to discover the talent of young people in attracting and developing professional sports
Seyed Sajjad Hosseini -
Open Access Article
2152 - Identifying the Effective Factors (Casual, Intervening, Contextual) on Development of Handball Sport of IRAN Based on the Grounded Theory Approach
vali alizadeh javad shahlail Habib Honari gholamreza shabanibahar -
Open Access Article
2153 - Developing a Model for the Role of Exercise in Leisure Time to Reduce Social Harms, Grounded Theory
Safdar Pornasrolah shahab bahrami hossein aydi -
Open Access Article
2154 - Designing a model for the development of sports participation of veterans and the disabled in the Islamic Republic of Iran
davod mehdinjad mahdi savadi hamidreza saybani -
Open Access Article
2155 - Developing the Paradigmatic Model of Sport for All in Islamic Azad University Based on Grounded Theory
جمشید همتی جواد طاهرزاده رسول نظری -
Open Access Article
2156 - بررسی برخی شاخص های استعداد یابی کشتی فرنگی از دیدگاه مربیان برتر ایرانی
عباس خدایاری علی رضا رحیمی بهروز حضرتی پور -
Open Access Article
2157 - Designing a Model for the Development of Environmental Sustainability of Sports in Iran
hassan taherkhani farydeh sharififar reza nikbakhsh -
Open Access Article
2158 - Qualitative Analysis of Encouraging Athletes to Purchase Iranian Sporting Goods: A Grounded Theory Study
mehdad namazi masuod emanzadeh mehrdad moharramzadeh -
Open Access Article
2159 - مقایسه تاثیر یادگیری رقابتی و مشارکتی بر مهار تهای منتخب فوتبال در دانش آموزان
بهروز عبدلی امیر شمس پروانه شمسی پور دهکردی -
Open Access Article
2160 - ارائه مدل ریاضی جهت انتخاب کانال روابط عمومی بر مبنای مدل آیدا در بخش تولیدی صنعت ورزش
سردار محمدی نرگس اسمعیلی -
Open Access Article
2161 - Qualitative Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Success of the Most Scored National Football Player in the World: A Case Study of Ali Daei
gholamreza jafari Hamid Foroghipour Reza Saboonchi -
Open Access Article
2162 - Designing a Professional Ethics Model for Iranian Premier League Football Clubs with Foundation Theory Approach
hamidreza maleknia esfandiyar khosravizadeh hamid foroghipoor jamshid hemmati -
Open Access Article
2163 - The Presentation a Systematic Data-Based Model for Enhancing Social Capital in the Sports and Youth Departments of Isfahan Province
afsaneh fadaei mehdi salimi mina mostahfezian shahram aroufzadeh -
Open Access Article
2164 - Designed by Iranian Professional Team Sports Club System
hojat kazemini zinat nikaeein ali zarei -
Open Access Article
2165 - Identifying the Factors Affecting the Development of NAJA Championship Sports Based on grounded Theory Approach
hasan esazadeh nasrola mohammadi farshad amami -
Open Access Article
2166 - Designing a Model of Success Factors for Iranian Basketball
elham jeyhoni nasrola momamadi morteza doosti saeid amirnejad -
Open Access Article
2167 - Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting the Football Club Management System in Iran
shahram ashtari abolfaz farahani abbas khodayari alimohamad safania -
Open Access Article
2168 - Presenting a Model for the Development of Doping-Free Sport in Iran
afshin sharifi shahab bahrami hasan safikhani -
Open Access Article
2169 - Designing Model of Outsourcing of Sports Venues in the Country Based on Grounded Theory
bahador shirincheshmeh Farshad Emami shahram shafiee mohammad sanaie -
Open Access Article
2170 - Investigating and Prioritizing the Key Indicators of Ticket Sales for Major Sporting Events in Iran
leila zakeyzade mohammadali safanejad reza nikbakhsh salahdyen naghshnandi mohsen baghryan -
Open Access Article
2171 - بازنمایی اهمیت، نقش و جایگاه حوزه علمیه ری در تاریخ کلام امامیه
محمد حسن نادم -
Open Access Article
2172 - اهمیت انسدادهای اختناقی روده بزرگ در کولیک اسب
alireza ghadrdan mashadi -
Open Access Article
2173 - تربیت عادلانه؛ امتداد نظریه عدالت شهید مطهری در تربیت
میثم صداقتزاده -
Open Access Article
2174 - The evolution of the rule of law from the perspective of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau
payam ghanizadeh -
Open Access Article
2175 - A Comparative Study of the Ideas of Jean Jacques Rousseau and John Stuart Mill regarding the Concept of Freedom
Khashayar Bourbouri Hossein-Ali Nowzari Reza Shirzadi -
Open Access Article
2176 - The Survey of Modernization Process Problems in Contemporary of Iran and Its Effect on Globalization
Yousef Ahmadi Ghasem Abad Sofla G.N. Zakrof -
Open Access Article
2177 - Archaism and National Identity; Modernism and Enlightened Despotism in view of Hassan Taghizade and Kaveh Magazine
Mohammad Shafeefar Nozar Khalil Tahmasebi -
Open Access Article
2178 - Analysis of the relationship between rural savings and supply of rural credit (The case of Iran's post bank)
mehdi kazemnejad ehsan amiri -
Open Access Article
2179 - Model of human resource management in schools of Sistan and Baluchistan province
Ommolbanin Fanodi yusef Mehdi pour Hossain momeni mahmouei Ali hosseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
2180 - Development of network data envelopment analysis model to evaluate the technical efficiency of the pharmaceutical industry
Seyede Elham Eftekharian Seyed Farzad Hashemi Ali Nemati Razieh Mehrjoo Mahnaz Ahadzadeh Namin -
Open Access Article
2181 - Content Analysis of Scientific Outputs in the Subject Area of Ethical Leadership in the Web of Science Database
مرضیه یاری زنگنه Ismael Mostafavi -
Open Access Article
2182 - The Application of the role of Employee Quality in the Managers’ Investment Decisions Efficiency
hadi amini وحید اسکو Abdolkhalegh Khonaka َAbolfazl Momeni Yanesari -
Open Access Article
2183 - A comparative study of the nature of sports contracts in Iranian and English law
Abdullah Dolah Mehdi Firoozabadian Gholamreza Yazdani -
Open Access Article
2184 - Identifying the Factors and Pattern of Financial Synergy through Iranian Banking Industry
Hamid Issazadeh Lazarjani Parviz Saeidi Maryam Bokharaeian Khorasani Jomadoordi Gorganli Davaji -
Open Access Article
2185 - A data-driven model for scheduling and sequencing tasks in industry 4.0 compliant production systems with flow shop
Danial Hatami Alireza Irajpour Reza Ehtesham Rasi -
Open Access Article
2186 - One Common Way to Deny the Validity of an Arbitration Agreement is to Invalidate the Original Contract or to Terminate theOriginal contract
mehdi asgharimoghaddam مصطفی ماندگار مصطفی السان -
Open Access Article
2187 - presenting a predictive model of default risk of corporate clients of mellat bank , qualitative approach ( strauss and corbin )
Alireza Sephidpoushkhameneh yaghob pourkarim Rasoul Baradaran Hassanzadeh Mahdi Zeynali -
Open Access Article
2188 - طراحی مدل مدیریت تصویر ازخودکارکنان، برای تسخیر احساسات مدیران در فرهنگ سازمان های ایران با رهیافت داده بنیاد
زکیه بیکی سید محمد رضا داودی -
Open Access Article
2189 - Criticism of the validity or non-permissibility of shaking hands between a man and a non-mahram woman
seyedhesamh hosseini -
Open Access Article
2190 - The Violability of Obligations in Smart Contracts and Guaranteeing its Possible Execution
HADI ZARE Rahim Mokhtari -
Open Access Article
2191 - A comparative study of the challenges of holding an electronic hearing in Iran, the European Union and UNCITRAL
مصطفی السان Fatemeh sadat Tabatabaie nik amir shayeganfar -
Open Access Article
2192 - Analyzing the dimensions and components of evaluating the supervisory performance of the Supreme Court on the good implementation of laws with an Islamic and Quranic perspective in the courts.
Nader Najd Hassan Pashazadeh Alireza Nojavan -
Open Access Article
2193 - The General Condition of “Power Over Submission” from the Viewpoint of Imamiyah Fiqh and Iranian Law
Seyed Amir Mahdi Amin سیدحسن شبیری زنجانی -
Open Access Article
2194 - The rights of the plaintiff at the first stage of the first instance of civil proceedings )Based on the Imami jurisprudence)
hadi hajian محمدمهدی زارعی Saeid Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
2195 - Analyzing the ruling on requiring a late payment penalty in Islamic jurisprudence with a view to the distributive justice of banking facilities
mohammad nozari ferdosieh zahra najmalsadatasadi khansari Abdollah Omidi Fard -
Open Access Article
2196 - وکالت در حقوق ایران از نظریه تا عمل
mohammad rahim Behbahai -
Open Access Article
2197 - دیدگاهی فقهی حقوقی درباره ماهیت قرارداد ای پی سی، در پرتو فیدیک و حقوق ایران
Yashar Taheri HEKMATOLLAH ASKARI Seyyed Bassem Mavalizadeh -
Open Access Article
2198 - Futures Valuation Beased on Stochastic Interest Rate in Iran Mercantile Exchange
Moslem Peymany Foroushany Meysam Amiri Ali Rajabloo -
Open Access Article
2199 - Studying the impact of innovation and entrepreneurship on sustainable development management
Amir Abbas Farahmand Amir Hassan Kasraee -
Open Access Article
2200 - Designing and Explaining the Model of Factors Affecting the Establishment of the Policies of Non-Governmental Organizations (SAMAN) in Sustainable National Development
seyedmohammadali Khamesi Ali Faez farshad faezirazi, -
Open Access Article
2201 - Artificial intelligence and its impact on cyber security and data
امیررضا محمودی Maryam Bahrekazemi -
Open Access Article
2202 - Presenting the outsourcing model of information and communication technology projects in municipalities with the approach of structural equations (Case study of Information and Communication Technology Organization of Shiraz Municipality)
mohsen gerami -
Open Access Article
2203 - A comparative study of the components of social romanticism in the poems of Nima Yoshij and Abdul Moati al-Hjazi
ali solimani kojani ghorbanali ebrahimi morteza rashidi ashjerdi -
Open Access Article
2204 - The position of the principle of fairness in Iranian subject law and English law
Hamid Bazrpach Moien Sabahi Garaghani -
Open Access Article
2205 - Productivity Evaluation and Measurement in Iranian Petroleum Industry Health Organization
Meysam Azimian Mahdi Karbasian Hamed Rahimpour Shahrzad Falahi -
Open Access Article
2206 - Description of the Distributed Architecture for Processing Streaming Social Network Data
binazir ganji Ali Rezaee Sahar Adabi ali movaghari -
Open Access Article
2207 - Presenting model audit report credibility: A qualitative approach
Masoud Kiani Deh Kiani Ali Jafari Maryam Farhadi -
Open Access Article
2208 - The right to terminate the contract in jurisprudence and law
Peymane Eslami naser masuodi -
Open Access Article
2209 - Explanation of the ideal policy model of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of top talents and elites
ramazan sharifi malek dwalqdr Seyed Farshid Jafari Paybandi Jafari Paybandi -
Open Access Article
2210 - Designing a framework for talent management with succession approach in Sepeh Bank
Ali Tavakoli Maryam Majidi Alireza Afsharnejad Gholamreza Amjadi -
Open Access Article
2211 - The essential components of open government data model design in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of Iran
Hossein Alizadeh Darabi Abolhassan Faghihi Karamollah Daneshfard -
Open Access Article
2212 - Analyzing deviation from fair criminal proceedings affected by the status and position of the accused in Iranian law and international documents
Ali Mobaderi Samira Golkhandan Mohammad Hossein Rajabieh -
Open Access Article
2213 - The role of parliamentary transparency in promoting governance
Reza Fathi Sayyed Rasool Aghadavood Mehraban Hadi Peykani -
Open Access Article
2214 - The scope of freedom of will in football employment contracts in the light of domestic and FIFA regulations
Mostafa Soleimani Babadi محمد صادقی S.mehdi Mirdadashi -
Open Access Article
2215 - Temporal Operators in representing fuzzy spatio-temporal regions using direction-based method
Majid Saidi Mobarakeh Mohammad Davarpanah Jazi -
Open Access Article
2216 - Identifying the dimensions, components and indicators of improving management skills of Metro Company managers and providing an appropriate model
Hamidreza Asad amirhosain mahmoodi baharak shirzad fatemeh hamidifar -
Open Access Article
2217 - Explaining and identifying the dimensions of the talent management model in the administrators of the field of academic Jihad education
Mazaher Babaee Seyedahmad Hashemi Abbas Gholtash -
Open Access Article
2218 - Designing a knowledge sharing model among the employees of the organization (using the Grounded Theory Method and Interpretive Structural Modeling)
Ali Omidpanah Shahnaz Nayebzadeh Hassan Dehghandehnavi Hossein Eslami -
Open Access Article
2219 - Developing a model for the development of entrepreneurial culture in Farhangian University
Masihollah Bakhshi Jahromi mojtaba moazzami esmaeil kavousy Jafar Hosseinpour Saadatabadi -
Open Access Article
2220 - The Role of Talent Management and its Triple Strategies Among High School Teachers in Hamadan Province on Organizational Excellence
Dr. Morteza Moradi Rabeah Zandipak -
Open Access Article
2221 - Transformative learning environment design: based on grounded theory
zahra vahidi kambiz poushaneh Ali Akbar Khosravi Babadi mahshid izadi -
Open Access Article
2222 - Developing a quality Pattern for Entrepreneurial schools in Vocational schools in Sari
Seyedeh Khadijeh Hashemi esmat masoudy nadoshan Zeynab Golzari -
Open Access Article
2223 - The Impact of Spirituality on the Work Ethics of the Educational Staff of Golestan Province to Provide Model
Seyede Fateme Mirabedini mohammad Salehi Kiumars Niazazari -
Open Access Article
2224 - provide an executive model for improving the level of talent management of employees of the Central Organization in Islamic Azad University
نوشا هژبرنژاد amirhosain mahmoodi fatemeh hamidifar mohammad naghi imani -
Open Access Article
2225 - Dynamic modeling of talent management systems in knowledge-based companies: a training approach
somayeh shamani Seyyed Mohammad Zargar Seyyed Abdollahd Heidariyeh Hadi Hemmatian -
Open Access Article
2226 - Determining a model for evaluating the knowledge management system in order to improve industries with the focus on educational technology and applying data mining concepts
komeil akbarnezhadbaei mahmoud mohamadi abdollah kouloubandi Mohammad Taghipour -
Open Access Article
2227 - Designing a model for improving the management of education quality in Ahvaz schools
Leila Adabi Gholamhossein Barakat Leila Bahmaei -
Open Access Article
2228 - Presenting the model of informational justice in Iran's government education system
Zohre Sadat Ibn Shahid badri shahtalebi Mohammad ali Nadi -
Open Access Article
2229 - Analyzing thematic clusters and drawing a scientific map of big data research and online education of Scopus scientific database
Mahdi AlirezaNejad Soheil Dadfar -
Open Access Article
2230 - The Relationship between Organizational Socialization and Role Outputs of Novice Teachers
Majid Arash Farhad Ahmadi-Asl Jafar Abbasi Davood Alipoor -
Open Access Article
2231 - Identifying the Components of Internationalization of Higher Education from the Point of View of Experts from Northeastern Government Universities Masoumeh Hosseini
masomeh hosseini ali magholi nazisadat naseri ahmad zendedel -
Open Access Article
2232 - Model Of Comprehensive Evaluating Of The Performance Of Schools With Integrated Model
Behnaz Mohajeran Alireza GHalenoi Einolah Rahmani -
Open Access Article
2233 - An analysis of relationship between transformational leadership style in managers in Ostandari Khorasan Razavi entrepreneurship capabilities in personnel
Hamid Rahimi Mobina Ghoraba Akram Dabashi Reza Rafati -
Open Access Article
2234 - The Study and Analysis of Elementary School Teachers' Explaining
Kamran Gaji Rasool Kord Noghabi Rozita Zabih -
Open Access Article
2235 - The study of talent management statues in the faculty members of Mohaghegh Ardabili University (Mixed method)
Massoud Moradi Mohammad Bashokoh Hassan Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
2236 - Designing Framework for Policy Making whit Business Intelligence Approach in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology: Using the Grounded Theory
ahad benar ali rezaeiaian azizollah memariani ali moeini -
Open Access Article
2237 - Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge capabilities and Orientation Entrepreneurship with Considering the mediating role of social capital in the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Golestan Province
حمید رضائی مهسا زمانی -
Open Access Article
2238 - Validation of the infidelity proneness scale
Solmaz Javady Ali Zeinali -
Open Access Article
2239 - Validity & Reliability of Post-traumatic Growth Questionnaire in veterans by Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in the City of Saveh
Atefeh Hosseinloo Hooman Namvar -
Open Access Article
2240 - Using cluster analysis for data mining in educational research
Zahra Naghsh Azam Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
2241 - q
عاطفه حسینلو هومن نامور -
Open Access Article
2242 - Analyzing recruitment factors in talent management to improve the individual performance of employees
mohamadtaghi mahmodi fardin javanbakht badri shahtalebi -
Open Access Article
2243 - Identifying factors affecting the quality of education (based on brain-based learning)
Ghazal Fatehrad Kamran Mohammadkhani Maryam Mosleh -
Open Access Article
2244 - Application of Dimtel method for identifying factors affecting the health of the administrative system for the realization of open data governance
maryam ghasemian gorji masoud Ahmadi Saeed Safariyan Hamedani -
Open Access Article
2245 - Investigating the effective factors and consequences of the cultural citizen model and its validation
Majid Mohamad Semnani Hamid Davazdah Emami Mehrdad Sadeghi de cheshmeh -
Open Access Article
2246 - Designing Framework for Planning whit Business Intelligence Approach in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (A Qualitative Study Based on Grounded Theory)
ahad banar ali Rezaeian azizollah memariani ali moeini -
Open Access Article
2247 - Presenting a conceptual model for identifying research data management in the libraries of Qutb 7 medical universities
hassan ghahnaviyeh Mohammad Rahim Rasouli Azad Fahimeh Babalhavaeji Nadjla Hariri -
Open Access Article
2248 - Designing and testing the product portfolio model with the consumer behavior approach in the service industry of free specialized higher education
mehdi mansoury vahid reza mirabi seyed mahmoud shabghou monsef -
Open Access Article
2249 - Providing a model for the establishment of education management information system
maryam hazaveh Mohammad Naghi Imani asghar sharifi -
Open Access Article
2250 - Modeling the Application of Knowledge Management System in Order to Improve the Technology Governance in the Automotive Industry of Iran Using the Data Mining Environment
Komeil Akbarnezhadbaei Mahmood Mohammadi Abdollah Kouloubandi Mohammad Taghipour -
Open Access Article
2251 - Providing a process model of surrogacy based on data theory theory (Case Study: Imam Khomeini Relief Committee)
F. Mahmudi Nader Bohlouli jafar beikzad Gholamreza Rahimi -
Open Access Article
2252 - Analysis of ontological metaphors in Mehrdad Avesta's "Epic of Arash" based on Lakoff and Johnsons’s theory
Fereshteh Shahsanam ahmad khajeim Aboulghasem rahimi hasan delbari -
Open Access Article
2253 - Plato’s world of illusion, Collective unconscious of Jung, and Mowlana’s world of heart
Taqi Pournamdarian -
Open Access Article
2254 - The study of the word garəmo. Skarana in Vandidad
Javad lotfi Nozari -
Open Access Article
2255 - The Study of Paradoxical ideas in the poetry of Naser Khosrow
Batool Karbasi Amel -
Open Access Article
2256 - Raising the mythological characters by animals and mythological creatures (In epics and Iranian and non-Iranian narratives)
Narges Mohammadi Badr Yahya Nooroddini Aghdam -
Open Access Article
2257 - Ferdousi and criticism of Sassanid and Ghaznavid politics through Ghoshtasb’s change of character in Shahnameh
Hamid Reza Ardestani Rostami -
Open Access Article
2258 - Criticism of Power from Mawlana’s point of view in Masnavi
Maryam Mohammad zadeh -
Open Access Article
2259 - Presenting a model of data-driven intelligent human resources management with a comparative approach in the free and public universities of Isfahan province
mostafa toghiyani pozveh محمدرضا دلوی Seyed Rasool Aghadavood -
Open Access Article
2260 - The Relationship between Negative Meta-Emotion and Fatigue with Cognitive Failures in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The Mediating Role of Ego Depletion
Fateme Moradi Masoud Bagheri -
Open Access Article
2261 - Examining the predicting suicidal thoughts model based on stressful life events and depressive mediated rumination
Mina Vesal Mohamad Ali Godarzi -
Open Access Article
2262 - Basics of defense rights of the accused in access to a lawyer In international documents, the European Union and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights
Vali Shirpour -
Open Access Article
2263 - Analysis of the regulations governing the proof of claims and management of proceedings in Iranian laws
Reza Yousefzadeh ALI ZARE -
Open Access Article
2264 - Determining the Optimal Conditions for the Magnetic Removal of Cr6+ from Aqueous Solutions by Magnetic Nanoparticles Coated with Silica by Experimental Design Method
Nasim Ziaifar -
Open Access Article
2265 - Topology of trial courts in symmetrical states (235-436 AH)
Hossein Kamalian محمد سپهری mehrnaz behruzi -
Open Access Article
2266 - Thinking from the perspective of Nahj al-Balagheh: a foundational data study
Seyed Jalil Emami Meybodi Kamal Sahraei Ardakani یاسر رضاپور میرصالح ali mohammad Mirjalili -
Open Access Article
2267 - The relationship between big accounting data in forensic accounting practice and education
Zahra Shaabani -
Open Access Article
2268 - Examining the sentences of Sassanid period čāštagdārān and their followers from the Mādayān ī Hazār Dādistān (Case Study: Abarag and Mēdyōmāh)
Zahra Hosseini -
Open Access Article
2269 - Relief of Tehran's urban community with the approach of sustainable development of cultural centers (Case study: Cultural centers of Tehran
Niloofar Soodmand -
Open Access Article
2270 - Explaining the relationship between the event-oriented concept and the design of a peace-oriented environment
Fatemeh Nafar Narges Davoodi Razieh Labibzadeh -
Open Access Article
2271 - Business and entrepreneurship physical space model for Islamic Azad University units
Mohammad Ansari Fereydoon Azma Roohallah samiei Tayyebeh Tajari -
Open Access Article
2272 - Criminal liability of children and adolescents in Iranian and English jurisprudence
Nasim Saghiri -
Open Access Article
2273 - توسعه راهبردهای آمیخته بازاریابی اجتماعی برای ترغیب مردم به وقف در بخش آموزش عالی: رویکرد نظریه برخاسته از داده ها
Mehrshad Moghaddamnejad zahra sadeghi araei -
Open Access Article
2274 - طراحی الگوی مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری در شبکههای اجتماعی مجازی مبتنی بر بازاریابی سببی
ali reza salehi hossine vazifeh dust parviz saeedi Abdolaziz Paghghe -
Open Access Article
2275 - The Impact of Perceived Value of Tourism Events on Loyalty to Tourist Destinations (A Case of Zanjan)
sanaz salmanmohajer Firuzeh Hajialiakbari -
Open Access Article
2276 - Identifying the antecedents and consequences of the predictors of Entrepreneurial opportunities in international companies
Ali Farahani Younos Vakil Alroaia Farideh Haghshenas Kashani Ali Faez -
Open Access Article
2277 - Designing a holographic structure pattern to overcome the phenomenon of organizational addiction using the foundational data theory
Maryam Masoudi alireza shirvani hamidreza mirtavousi -
Open Access Article
2278 - Identification and Prioritization of Antecedents and Consequences for Identifying Key Employees in Iranian Banks
Ali Zare Abarghouei Mohammad Reza Dalvi zahra dashtlaali -
Open Access Article
2279 - The effect of combination of strength training with and without vascular occlusion with linear and undulating periodization on hypertrophic hormones and indices in judoka girls
amin Farzaneh hesari Shima Reisi Hadis Zaferaninan -
Open Access Article
2280 - Abstract Investigating the possibility of adjusting contractual obligations in Iran's jurisprudence and law with regard to public order
Saman Askari Sara Adibi Sedeh Behroz Majdzadeh Khandani -
Open Access Article
2281 - The impact of planting array and micro-fertilizers on the yield of oil sunflower ( lakumka ) and its components in the second farming
سيما عباس زاده محسن رشدي -
Open Access Article
2282 - Formulating of a conceptual model for online customer experience in social media with an approach based on foundational data theory.
Alireza Jafari Mahdi Zakipour marjan marjan rajabi -
Open Access Article
2283 - Designing a Model of Consumer Reaction to Negative Brand Events in the clothing Industry
leila Andervazh solmaz sadrjahani -
Open Access Article
2284 - Identifying students' talent management factors with sustainable development approach and presenting its model with theme analysis approach
Hamid Reza Mehrabi مهتاب سلیمی زهرا لبادی -
Open Access Article
2285 - Continuous Performance Assessment using Data Envelopment Analysis Models: An Approach to Industrial Sustainability Measurement
Mohammadreza Shahriari -
Open Access Article
2286 - The domain of Jurisprudence at the Analysis of Meta-Contract in the Cyber Space
Mohammad Rashidi akbar bashiri Abasat Pourmohammad -
Open Access Article
2287 - Designing and Testing the Success Model of E-learning in the Education Industry
Majid Zarei Rasool Shafieyoun Seyed Mohammad Reza Mirahmadi -
Open Access Article
2288 - An analysis of the status of precedence over necessity in the execution of contracts in Iranian law and Islamic jurisprudence
abdolkarim golgoun هرمز اسدی کوه باد Mohammad rasoul Ahangaran -
Open Access Article
2289 - Forecasting the Condition of "Renegotiation" in Establishing the Economic Balance of Oil Contracts Lacking "Balance" and its Result in Restoring the lost Economic Balance
Adham Haghgozar Ali Rostamifar Nejad Ali Almasi -
Open Access Article
2290 - An introduction to the challenges of artificial intelligence technology in the field of privacy
عباس میرشکاری fatemeh sabetghadam Morteza Asgharnia -
Open Access Article
2291 - ارایه مدل سازگاری فرهنگی قوم لر در دهه پایانی قرن چهاردهم
Ahad Sori Sousan Alaei jafar rahmani -
Open Access Article
2292 - طراحی مدل خرید پرتفوی بیمه گذاران بر پایه داده کاوی با استفاده از قوانین انجمنی
bahman babazadeh baloochi kambiz shahroodi SEYED MOZAFAR MIR BARG KAR -
Open Access Article
2293 - A Systematic Review of Intelligent Data-driven Human Resource Management
Mostafa Toghiyani Pozveh Mohammad Reza Dalvi Rasool Aghadavoo -
Open Access Article
2294 - Presenting an efficient school model for the primary period of public education in Iran
Marzieh Aghakhani badri shahtalebi محمدعلی نادی -
Open Access Article
2295 - Effect of plant density on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in climatic condition of the west part of Guilan Province, Iran
Farzin Saiedzadeh reza tagizadeh davar molazem -
Open Access Article
2296 - Detection of the first frost of autumn and the last frost of spring with the climate change approach at Gorgan synoptic station
Hossein Imani Pour Abdolreza Kashki mina firoozyazdi -
Open Access Article
2297 - Study of morphological traits and their relations with yield in 16 promising lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Abolgasem Gheisari Iraj Amini Yahya Emam Mortaza Nasiri -
Open Access Article
2298 - Effects of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on morphological traits and essential oil of daffodil (Narcissus tazetta L.)
Fatemeh Nakhaei ahmad khalili mohammad ali naseri parviz abromand -
Open Access Article
2299 - s
eiraj aladadi hosine oraki fataneh parhizkar hamid irannezhad reza bagheri -
Open Access Article
2300 - s
سید محمدرضا خلخالی داوود ال -
Open Access Article
2301 - The Study of Effect Factors for Outsourcing Decision (Case study: Abfa Company in Mash City)
Houshang Taghizadeh ali divanbeigi -
Open Access Article
2302 - Identifying the requirements of using the Industrial Internet of Things in the automotive supply chain
ali jantarani Masoud Barati Morteza Ghobakhloo Arash Shahin Mohammad Talari -
Open Access Article
2303 - Assessing the sustainability in the tomato paste supply chain using the principles of natural accessibility, management and bootstrap simulation
Masoud Vassei Maryam Daneshmand-Mehr Morteza Bazrafshan Armin Ghane Kanafi -
Open Access Article
2304 - Designing a brand credit model in the banking industry based on Grounded Theory
Hoseen zolfaghar Dehnavi mehdi mohammad zade vashan hasan hakimpor hamid rezaee far -
Open Access Article
2305 - Using data coverage analysis to compare the performance of banks admitted to the stock exchange
Akbar Valizadeh Oghani manouchehr rahmati guruli akbar golmahammadpor abbas vahedi -
Open Access Article
2306 - Investigating the Impact of Blockchain Technology in Solving the Challenges of the Halal Food Supply Chain
Mojtaba Farrokh Mohammad Mehrabioun Amirhosein Mashayekhi -
Open Access Article
2307 - ماهیت، مسئولیت و تخصیص پاداش ناشی از انجام عملیات امداد و نجات دریایی: تطبیق مقررات کنوانسیون بروکسل و لندن با قانون دریایی ایران
Pouria Ebrahimzadeh امیرحسین ملکی زاده -
Open Access Article
2308 - مطالعه تطبیقی حق سکوت متهم در نظام حقوقی کامنلاو رومی- ژرمنی با تاکید بر حقوق ایران
Elham Janfada محمد علی طاهری بجد Seyed Hassan Hashemi -
Open Access Article
2309 - A legal-criminological study of the personality case with a preventive approach in the laws of Iran and Canada
Maryam Soleimani Naghmeh Farhood Seyed Bassem Mavalizadeh -
Open Access Article
2310 - Designing a Social customer relationship management Pattern based on Cause Related marketing (with emphasis on green management in the framework of social responsibilities) with a qualitative approach based on grounded theory method
Alireza Salehi Hossein Vazifehdust parviz saeedi Abdolaziz Paghghe -
Open Access Article
2311 - Prediction of the total lifetime of the catalytic reforming catalyst for Isfahan refinery using test run data
Akbar Irandoukht -
Open Access Article
2312 - Designing a service quality management paradigm model: a foundational data theory approach
seyed esmail Mostafavi قنبر امیرنژاد , Aboutrab Alirezaei -
Open Access Article
2313 - Talent Management Based On Financial Performance and Organizational Learning (Presenting a Policy for Kerman Khodro Company)
Mohammad Reza Radfar Mansoureh Aligholi Mahdi Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
2314 - The Impact of International Issues on the Empower of Iran's Great Famine (1298-1296) into a historical catastrophe
Elaheh Jafari Bashir Esmaeili اسماعیل شفیعی سروستانی -
Open Access Article
2315 - A Conceptual Model of Competency for Managers of Islamic Civilization-Building Universities Using Grounded Theory
Syfollah Fazlollahi ghomshi -
Open Access Article
2316 - A digital marketing model based on electronic advertising
Ehsan Saliminia Musa Rezvani Chaman Zamin Marzyeh Zendehdel -
Open Access Article
2317 - Designing the wisdom building model in the country's higher education system
somayeh simaei elham fariborzi Naziasadat naseri -
Open Access Article
2318 - Designing The Pattern of Business Intelligence Application In The Cryptocurrency Market Using Grounded Theory
parviz saeidi Ali Norouzi Jouybari Maryam Bokharayan Khorasani Arash Naderian -
Open Access Article
2319 - Designing a Sustainable Marketing Model with an Emphasis on Sustainable Development in Iran's Banking Industry
Reza Anoushehi محمدرضا کریمی علویجه Nader Gharib Navaz Elham Faridchehr -
Open Access Article
2320 - Ways of protecting the weak party in commercial contracts in the legal system of Iran and France
Hamidreza Ghorbani Amnie Jamshid Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
2321 - An Analysis of the Theme of Freedom in the Poetry of Qassem Haddad and Ahmad Shamlou
reza kuchari ardeshir sadredini mostafa yegani -
Open Access Article
2322 - Motherhood and Redefining of Women Without a Spouse’s Gender Identity: a Study in Abbasabad And Afsaria District
Mazhgan Boolouri -
Open Access Article
2323 - Explaining the management model of employees & ideation in military organizations
Aliakbar peyvasteh Mohammad Bakhtazemay Javad rafirad reza rostamzade -
Open Access Article
2324 - Proposing The Model Of Instruction And Development Of Creative Thinking and its Impact on Learning Mathematics of Elementary Students in Bandar Abbas City
مرجان معیری -
Open Access Article
2325 - Designing a service quality management paradigm model: a foundational data theory approach
seyed esmail Mostafavi قنبر امیرنژاد , Aboutrab Alirezaei -
Open Access Article
2326 - Investigating the effect of the number of lateral buds, type of barberry shrub and BAP hormone on the growth rate of phenotypic traits of barberry through tissue culture
Ghanbar Laei -
Open Access Article
2327 - Investigating the Relationship Data Literacy and Academic Achievement Motivation of Students
Morvarid Tasa saleh rahimi Gholamreza Haidari -
Open Access Article
2328 - A Review of CP-ABE Access Control Schemes In Fog Computing
Mohammad Ali Alizadeh Somayeh Jafarali Jassbi Ahmad khademzadeh -
Open Access Article
2329 - Explaining and prioritizing effective factors on strengthening teamwork from elementary ages with emphasis on sports activities
alireza alizadeh tamiz shahriyar kharrazian Ehsan Asadollahi Amir Moghadam -
Open Access Article
2330 - The possibility of claiming and methods of compensation for moral damages in Iranian law and Islamic jurisprudence
Shouka Yavarian Jamshid Mirzaei hengameh ghazanfari -
Open Access Article
2331 - Improving the Yield and some Agronomic Characteristics of Soybean under Water Stress Conditions using Mycorrhiza and Zinc Sulfate
Pouya Sohrabi nour mohammad ali Abitalebiyan Javad Hamzei -
Open Access Article
2332 - Investigating the effect of physical activity on the variables of self-control, responsibility, escape and avoidance and solving the problem of the Baghdad police staff
Leith Bassem Jassim Al-Hashemi mohammadreza esmaeili mohammad jajbar hossein alzobeidi davood nasr esfahani -
Open Access Article
2333 - An Analysis of the Relationship between the Teacher and Student of Sheikh Ṣadūq and Sheikh Mofīd
Seyed Mohsen Mousavi Seyedeh Farnaz Ettehad -
Open Access Article
2334 - Predicting organizational success based on empowering and accepting information technology for the employees of sports departments in Baghdad
Abdul Mohiman Fayaz Ahmad Ameri Alireza zand -
Open Access Article
2335 - Investigating the Effect of Data Augmentation on the Intelligentization of Environmental Hazard Studies - Case Study: Real-Time Calculation of Earthquake Magnitudes in Early Warning Systems
Rezvan Esmaely Roohollah Kimiaefar Alireza Hajian Khosro Soleimani Maryam Hodhodi -
Open Access Article
2336 - Designing a competency model for managers of the Shahid and Veteran Affairs Foundation (with a qualitative approach
somayeh maghsoodi Abbas Khorshidi بتول فقیه آرام Nader Barzegar مریم رضایی -
Open Access Article
2337 - The Analysis of the Relative Performance of the Middle East in Terms of Sustainable Development Indices
اسماعیل Safarelizadeh رباب Hosseinzadeh مجید Akbari -
Open Access Article
2338 - Structural Changes and Income Inequality in Iran's Provinces
Mohammad Bager beheshti parviz mohamadzadeh خلیل قاسملو -
Open Access Article
2339 - Study of accomplishment level of growth of information and communication technology in The 6th Development Plan and its effect on the growth of output of other economic activities (Input-Output Analysis Approach by goal Programming Model)
reza zeinalzadeh mohammad ali yaghoobi mahdi khodaparast mashhadi masood homayounifar -
Open Access Article
2340 - Event analysis of Shiraz city
Mohammad Zare hamid saberi Mehri Azani amir gandomkar -
Open Access Article
2341 - Quantitative Analysis of Spatial Dimensions of Regional Economic sectors Using New Mixed EFLQ-RAS Method
aliasghar banouei zahra ziyaee parisa mohajeri -
Open Access Article
2342 - Designing a City branding model with a tourism development approach in Shiraz
saeid saeida ardekani fatemeh ghanbari mohammad reza rezaaei Alireza Rajabipoor Meybodi -
Open Access Article
2343 - Provide a comprehensive model of knowledge management in relief organizations with a disaster management approach (Case study: Western regions of Iran)
Edris Moradi Kumars Ahmadi َAdel Salavati -
Open Access Article
2344 - Explaining the capacities of local tourism on livelihood development in desert areas (Case study: Shahdad city, Kerman city, Kerman province)
behnam nazarizadeh seyed ali Almodaresi mostafa khabazi Saeedeh Moayedfar -
Open Access Article
2345 - Investigation and analysis of factors affecting tourism entrepreneurship in crisis situations )Case study: Isfahan city)
laleh poureidivand mahdi nasrollahi mohamad mahdi mozafari mohamad anisseh -
Open Access Article
2346 - Regeneration of Historical Textures with Emphasis on the Event-Based (Case Study: Zanjan City)
mohammad rasoli sadegh barzegar Ahmad Mamsharifi Hassan Hajizade Anari -
Open Access Article
2347 - Technical Efficiency of Bony Fishes Cooperatives in Mazandaran Province : Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
اندیشه Riahiv سعید Yazdani -
Open Access Article
2348 - The Relationship among the Components of Working Capital Management with Liquidity and Profitability in Food Industry
محمد Kavoosi Kalashami پریسا Khaligh Khiavi -
Open Access Article
2349 - Investigation of the Effective Factors on Iran Pomegranate Export demand
S.A Asari A. F Ardakani مسعود Fehresti Sani -
Open Access Article
2350 - Response of Iran’s Agricultural Export to Credit with Special Emphasis on Sub-Sectors
زهرا Fatahi Toghrolgerdi صدیقه Nabieyan حسین Mehrabi Boshrabadi -
Open Access Article
2351 - Determination Farmers' Vulnerability Patterns to Drought in Iran: Case Study of Bakhtegan Basin
فاطمه Nasrnia منصور Zibaei -
Open Access Article
2352 - The impact of surplus free cash flow on earnings management in food industry companies listed at the Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohammad Kavoosi Kalashami Parisa Khaligh Khiavi -
Open Access Article
2353 - The effect of water pricing policy on groundwater level in the Neyshabur basin
somayeh shirzadi laskokalayeh عصمت مجرد مائده هنرمند -
Open Access Article
2354 - Investigating the Tendency of Pistachio Producers in Yazd Province to Participate in Contract Farming
mohammad mehry mahmoud ahmadpour Hamid mohammadi mashaallah sُalarpour -
Open Access Article
2355 - The application of fuzzy DEA in evaluating the efficiency of wheat production Case study: city of Torbat e Hydarieh
فاطمه دادمند زهرا ناجی عظیمی -
Open Access Article
2356 - Evaluation Efficiencies of Energy for Potato Production in Hamedan Province of Iran
حامد قادرزاده ZANYAR pirmohamadyani -
Open Access Article
2357 - Determination of Technical Efficiency in Dairy Farms of Sirjan Using Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
nasrin ohadi elahe ahani ebrahim moradi -
Open Access Article
2358 - Estimating elasticities of demand for tea in Iran by panel data method
siyavash fallah alipour رضا اسفنجاری کناری Mohammad Kavoosi Kalashami syedeh sedigheh ahmadzadeh -
Open Access Article
2359 - Role of Efficiency in Transferring Climate and Price Shocks on Farmers (Case Study: Razan Township)
H. Haji Mirza Reza Shakeri -
Open Access Article
2360 - Determining Water Use Efficiency Rank of Cereal Crops in East Azerbaijan Province Using MIP-DEA Model
علی شهنوازی -
Open Access Article
2361 - The effects of ICT developments on the renewable energy consumption in the economic sectors of Iran (Industry,Services،Agriculture)
Fatemeh Nikooee abbas alavi rad seysd nemat allah mosavi -
Open Access Article
2362 - Factors Affecting Tax Revenue in Developing and Developed Countries with Emphasis on Growth of the Agricultural Sector
abbas mirzaei hassan azarm Dorna jahangirpor -
Open Access Article
2363 - Determining Potential of Production and Employment of Activity field Beekeeping in Kerman Province
farshid soleimaninejad hamidreza mirzaei khalil abadi M. Jalali Khalil Abadi H. Mehrabi Boshrabadi -
Open Access Article
2364 - Investingating the effects of economic growth of agricultural sector on desertification in iran
Farzaneh Gorgani HAMID AMIRNEJAD mahsa taslimi -
Open Access Article
2365 - Investigating Bank Diversification on Valuation in the Iranian Stock Market: Guidelines for Agricultural Bank
mohammad kheiry -
Open Access Article
2366 - Impact of Credit on Agricultural Growth and Employment in Iran (Using provincial panel data)
soma parva Reza Moghaddasi safdar hoseini saeed yazdani -
Open Access Article
2367 - Investigating the factors affecting the technical efficiency of irrigated wheat production in Kashm, Afghanistan
Mirveys Sharifi Farshid Eshraghi azam rezaee ali keramatzadeh -
Open Access Article
2368 - Pricing of contract Call and Put Option of Corn with Black-Scholes and Binomial Tree Approaches
davood seifi Hamid mohammadi vahid dehbashi محمد mehdipur -
Open Access Article
2369 - Evaluation of Melon Cultivation Efficiency and Economic Productivity Using Data Envelopment Analysis in Taybad Khorasan Razavi
Seyed Ahmad Mohaddes Hosseini Shojaat Zare -
Open Access Article
2370 - Climate Change Consequences on Rain-Fed Wheat Farming and its Relationship with Rent in Iran
azam rezaee farhad shirani bidabadi farzaneh bahadoran -
Open Access Article
2371 - Sources of Productivity Growth in Cereals Cultivation in Selected Provinces in Iran: Improving Farm Management or Technological Progress?
Behrooz Hassanpour Aiatollah Karami -
Open Access Article
2372 - Economic Efficiency Analysis of Cold-Water Fish Production Based on Self-Reliance on Domestic or Imported Eggs
Hiva Asadikia Seyed Habibollah Mosavi Sadegh khalilian Hamed Najafi Alamdarlo -
Open Access Article
2373 - Identify factors affecting on the economic growth of developed countries: Application of panel Tobit and spatial panel Tobit models
Mohammad Ghorbani Samira Shayanmehr -
Open Access Article
2374 - Study of the Relationship between Environmental Pollution and Agricultural Growth in Selected Oil and Non-Oil Countries
niyoosha naraghi R. مقدسی Amir Mohamadinejad -
Open Access Article
2375 - Efficiency and productivity Measurement of Barley Water; Using Interval and Window Analysis Method
Hamid mohammadi mostafa Eskandary Valiollah Sarani -
Open Access Article
2376 - The Impact of Financial Development on Agricultural Productivity Growth in Selected Islamic Countries
Reza Shakeri Bostanabad Zahra Jalili Mohsen Saleho Komroudi Azar Shahbazi -
Open Access Article
2377 - Asymmetry in Chicken Meat Spatial Price Transmission in Iran
Seyed Mojtaba Mojaverian Masoud Taghipou kandsar hamid amirnejad -
Open Access Article
2378 - Effects of climate change on available water resources and cropping pattern in Jiroft plain of Kerman province
Afshin Taghizadeh Yaser Feizabadi mostafa Goudarzi -
Open Access Article
2379 - Investigating the Impact of Trade Liberalization on Some Imports Agricultural inputs in Iran
elahe Ahani Hamid mohammadi mahmoud ahmadpour Saman Ziaee Alireza Keikha -
Open Access Article
2380 - Investigating the factors affecting the agricultural drought of wheat farmers in Kabgian district of Boyer Ahmad county
Ali gholami kalus Aiatollah Karami Mehdi Nooripoor -
Open Access Article
2381 - Determining the role of economic and social factors affecting the poverty index in the Middle East countries: Panel Data Analysis
Mohammad Mohebi Hamidreza foruzandeh yaaghob zeraatkish ebrahim negahdar -
Open Access Article
2382 - Applying data envelopment analysis and multi-criteria analysis of customer satisfaction to evaluate processed products
Maria Aliari mahmoud modiri Kaveh Khalili Damghani Kiamarth Fathi Hefeshjani -
Open Access Article
2383 - Study of Tomato Processing Efficiency in Fars Province
M. Ghodsi H. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
2384 - The effect of bank keshavarzi’s microfinance on agricultural development with regard to development ranking of agricultural sector in West Azarbaijan province
gh. سلیمی m. منصوری B. نجفی -
Open Access Article
2385 - Effect of Saffron Export on Agricultural Growth: Case Study of Iran and Spain
Sh Nasabian سمیرا Jafari -
Open Access Article
2386 - Evaluation of Agricultural Bank Branches Performance Using Data Envelopment Analysis: Case Study of Alborz Province
پرویز Ardabili Miyanaji ولی Borimnezhad -
Open Access Article
2387 - A
A. Karbasi P. Alizade -
Open Access Article
2388 - Study of employment potential of agricultural sector in rural and urbansectors: Case study of Khorasan Razavi province
محمدرضا kohansla هادی Rafee darani -
Open Access Article
2389 - Total Factor Productivity of Corn Production in Iran
H. Rafiee M. Zangeneh GH. Peykani -
Open Access Article
2390 - Investigating the Technical Efficiency of SME Firms in Kohgilooyeh and Boyer Ahmad Province(Dairy Firms, Broiler Firms and Fishery)
A. A. Karami S. F. Eftekhari A. Abdeshahi -
Open Access Article
2391 - An Analysis of Improving Energy Use in Apricot Production using Data Envelopment Analysis in Yazd Province Abarkooh County
A. Alavirad -
Open Access Article
2392 - Situation of Water Sector in Kerman Province
H. Mirzaee -
Open Access Article
2393 - Determining Efficiency of Irrigation Water use in Gharehgom Basin with Emphasis on Weighted Restrictions
S . Khanjari M . Sobohi -
Open Access Article
2394 - Determine of kind of Efficiency for Canola Producers in Sari Province
M. Pakravan H. Mehrabi boshrabadi A. Shakibaiee A. Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
2395 - Efficiency of Agricultural Processing Industry in Iran
پانته آ Moheban S.N Mousavi بهاءالدین Najafi -
Open Access Article
2396 - Meaurement of Crop Diversification and Fcators affecting it in Fars Province: Application of Entropy Diversification Indices
A. روستا B. نجفی S.N موسوی -
Open Access Article
2397 - Estimating the Export Demand Function of Iran's pistachio in Selected Destination Markets
A. کرباسی A.H توحیدی -
Open Access Article
2398 - Convergence Productivity Growth of Cotton Production in Various Provinces of Iran
A. R. Karbasi M. Saboohi E. Moradi -
Open Access Article
2399 - Linkages among Various Sectors in Iranian Economy with Emphasis on Agricultural Sector
S. H. Sadatbarikani B. Irannejad M. Aghvami -
Open Access Article
2400 - The Effect of Financial Market and FDI upon Economic Growth of Agricultural Sector: GMM Approach
M. KH S. مهرجو R. محسنی -
Open Access Article
2401 - Measuring the efficiency of industrial dairy cattle breeding farms using data envelopment analysis: A Case study in southern Tehran province, Iran
S. H. Amini A. R. Yazdani A. H. Chizari P. A. Borujeni -
Open Access Article
2402 - Effects of Transportation Infrastructure Development on Added Value of Agricultural Sector
M. افشارپور H. مهرابی بشرآبادی M. پهلوانی -
Open Access Article
2403 - Effects of Energy Subsidy Reform on Economic Variables in Agricultural Sector
مصطفی Eskandary حمید Mohammadi H.R Mirzaei A.A Kahkha -
Open Access Article
2404 - Effects of increase in energy price on employment with emphasis on the agricultural sector
عاطفه Sourodi حمیدرضا Mirzaee -
Open Access Article
2405 - Factors Affecting on Efficiency of Broiler Producers in Southern Khorasan
J. Esfahani J. Khazaee -
Open Access Article
2406 - Designing and testing a model of some antecedents of turnover intention
Nasrin Arshadi Maryam Mahmoodikia kioumars beshlideh Abdolkazem Neisi -
Open Access Article
2407 - Designing a physical-mental health model in old age leisure based on mental health indicators
Ahmad Cherik mehdy naderinasab Ali Hemmati Afif -
Open Access Article
2408 - Factor Structure of the Scale Logical Reasoning Anne Thomson
H. زارع A. مصطفائی -
Open Access Article
2409 - Cluster analysis: a Tool for Analyzing Data in Quantitative and Mixed Method Studies
F. رادمهر S.H علم الهدائی -
Open Access Article
2410 - The model of relation between psychological contracts, commitment and satisfaction with expectancy from organization and unethical behaviors with considering the role of protest opportunity
M. Golparvar Z. Javadian -
Open Access Article
2411 - Contract with Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: Replaceable Variables and Theoretical Relativism
M. Golparvar Z. Javadian A. Brazandeh -
Open Access Article
2412 - Detection and Analysis of Microbial Influenced Corrosion in Cooling Tower of Shahid Mofateh Power Plant
Majid Ghahraman Afshar Mohsen Esmaeilpour Hossein Ghaseminejad Narges Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
2413 - An Evaluation of Groundwater Recharge Potential Using Remote Sensing and the GIS Methods
Rouhollah Adinehvand -
Open Access Article
2414 - Development of variogram models retrieved from PERSIANN family and TRMM 3B47 V. 7 satellite-derived datasets in Fars province
Mahmood Reza Shaghaghian KEYVAN KHOJAND ZAHRA GHADAMPOUR Tooraj Sabzevari -
Open Access Article
2415 - Predicting the inflow into the dam reservoir using artificial neural network model based on PERSIANN-CDR and CMC data (case study: ZayandehRoud Dam)
Ramtin Moeini Mohammadali Alijanian Mina moradizadeh -
Open Access Article
2416 - assessment of the effect of the hydraulic and geometric parameters on the discharge coefficient of the labyrinth weirs Using the experimental method and intelligent algorithms
Mahdi Majedi-Asl mehdi fuladipanah Rasul daneshfaraz khalil jannat -
Open Access Article
2417 - Applications of artificial intelligence and time series models in runoff estimation (Case Study: Part of Halil river basin)
Elaheh Foroudi Sefat Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadi Kourosh Qaderi Soudabeh Golestani kermani -
Open Access Article
2418 - The Effects of Irrigation Water Prices on Input Demands: Case Study of The Jam Township.
سیدنعمت اله موسوی -
Open Access Article
2419 - Assessment of Data-Mining and Some Empirical Methods in Scour Depth Estimation at Briclge Piers
Mohammad Taghi Sattari Ali Rezazadeh Joudi Hadi Arvanaghi -
Open Access Article
2420 - Evaluation of Six Neural Networks and Two Geostatistical Methods for Generating the Missing Precipitation Data
N. Tayefeh Neskili B. Zahraei B. ثقفیان -
Open Access Article
2421 - Investigation of Withdrawal Location on the Salinity of the 15thKhordad Reservoir’s Water
M.E KH A. اقبالزاده M. افتخاری M. جوان -
Open Access Article
2422 - Application of the M5 Model Tree in Energy Dissipation Prediction over Gabion-Stepped Weirs
F. نهرین M.T ستاری F. سلماسی -
Open Access Article
2423 - کاربرد" قواعد انجمنی " در رصد کردن وقایع بارندگی و خشکسالی با استفاده از دمای سطح آبهای آزاد (مطالعه ی موردی: استان خوزستان)
محمد هادی فتاحی اعظم بامداد علی رحیمی خوب -
Open Access Article
2424 - Social Impact Assessment walk the streets of Tehran 15 Khordad located in the region of 12 municipalities (Phase II)
Kh. Mirzaei A. Mohammadzaki -
Open Access Article
2425 - Application of artificial neural network, frequency ratio and evidential belief function models in preparing of flood susceptibility map in Haraz watershed: A plan for urban flood risk studies
Himan Shahabi -
Open Access Article
2426 - Spatial analysis of the extent of the rail network on the use of public transportation (Case study of Tehran metro)
Saeed Nayeb Mohammad Reza Eskandari Ata -
Open Access Article
2427 - Explaining the Effective Factors on the Physical Regeneration of the Shiraz Historical Texture Using Grounded Theory
saeideh Ghaderi zahra sadat saeideh zarabadi Mojtaba Rafieian -
Open Access Article
2428 - تولید و تلفیق دادههای توصیفی و مکانی شهر جهت تصمیمسازی در حوزه فرهنگی (مطالعه موردی شهر بندرعباس)
رسول مهدوی نجف آبادی -
Open Access Article
2429 - رتبهبندی شاخصهای رفاه شهری مناطق مختلف شهر تهران
نازی محمدزاده اصل قدرت الله امام وردی محمد سریرافراز -
Open Access Article
2430 - Evaluating the efficiency of Mashhad Municipalities by Data Envelopment Analysis
M. Kazemi Sh. Monazam ebrahimpoor A.R Ilbeigi -
Open Access Article
2431 - The Effective factors on Probability of Divorce in Iran with Using Pseudo-Panel Data Method
ZahraMila Elmi -
Open Access Article
2432 - Identify causes and consequences of women's fashion Orientation using grounded theory
hossein moeini Fereshteh Moradi Farzaneh Jahromi -
Open Access Article
2433 - Determining the Relationship between Core Self-Assessment with Work Engagement for Working Female Headed Household in Ahvaz
سیف الله Gharacheh عزت Direh محمد بهروزی -
Open Access Article
2434 - Conceptual Model of Underlying Factors in Men’s Domestic Violence against Women
هادی Ghazizadeh کیانوش Zahrakar علیرضا Kiamanesh فرشاد Mohsenzadeh -
Open Access Article
2435 - The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Rice Waste Management Based on Rice Cultivating Women’ Views in Sari
مهدی Charmchian Langerodi -
Open Access Article
2436 - The Role of Mediator of Talent Management in Relationship to Knowledge Management and Attitude Toward Organizational Change (Case Study; Female Secondary School Teachers)
زهرا Sarchahani فخر السادات Nasiri عباس Gholtash -
Open Access Article
2437 - Spatial Analysis of Female headed households’ distribution in the country who covered by Relief foundation and its relation with social and economic variables
alireza astane mohammadreza rezvane mojtaba ghadiri Bahram Hajari -
Open Access Article
2438 - Evaluation of Scientific Outcomes of Female Researchers at Yazd University Using Analytical Clarity Citation Index
Azize hasankhani saeed ghaffari -
Open Access Article
2439 - The Necessity of Forming File in Juveniles Delinquent Trial in Iranian and American law
Laleh Akefi Amir Iravanian -
Open Access Article
2440 - Economic and demographic factors affecting the economic participation of rural women in the provinces of Iran with emphasis on the age- participation curve
ZahraMila Elmi mahsa khanekeshi -
Open Access Article
2441 - Theoretical and Empirical Relationship between Gender inequality and Social norms (A Comparative-Quantitative Study in Developing Countries, 1980-2019)
Niloofar Saghabashi Naeni -
Open Access Article
2442 - An Investigation of Socio-cultural Factors influencing Women Householder Abilities in the City of Tabriz
S.A.R Afshani الهام Fatehi -
Open Access Article
2443 - A Study of Information Acquisition Methods of Women Supervisors
زهرا Abazari پروین Ghiasi لاله Juolaei -
Open Access Article
2444 - The Study of Cultural Globalization and Tendency to Fertility
H. عنایت L. پرنیان -
Open Access Article
2445 - Explaining the pattern of relief culture and charity in the official education system of the country
Arman Rostami Tangaki Ali asghar Mashinchi abbas gholtash -
Open Access Article
2446 - Designing a talent management model in student sports
Hosein GHaderi Vali Nowzari Seyed Ehsan Amir Hosseini -
Open Access Article
2447 - Analysis, ranking and presentation of the identifying components of managers of Tehran's nongovernmental schools (Mixed method)
میترا Noradsedigh عبدالرحیم Navehebrahim H.R Arasteh H.R Zeinabadi -
Open Access Article
2448 - Designing and Validating a Model for the Function-based Performance Evaluation of Department chairs
Nazila Karimi سعید rajaeepour عبدالرحیم Navehebrahim -
Open Access Article
2449 - A Non-Convex Data Envelopment Analysis Model (FDH) for Rostam High School Performance Evaluation
Morteza Shafiee sh بازیار -
Open Access Article
2450 - Construction and standardization of mathematical talents attitude questionnaire
ali mahmoodi kianoosh hashemian Khadija Aboalmaali -
Open Access Article
2451 - Analyzing the relationship between electronic human resource management (e-HRM) and organizational innovation and talent management
afsane ahmadi moghadam محبوبه سلیمان پور عمران -
Open Access Article
2452 - Identification and Verification of indicators of managerial talent for managers in Disabled Ministry of education of Qom
reza tahmasebi ali hamidizadeh پریسا عالم زاده -
Open Access Article
2453 - Designing a model for capital return in distance higher education system
amir sabzipor null null null null nul nul -
Open Access Article
2454 - Designing a model of talent management for secondary school teachers
hasan ahmadi عادل زاهدبابلان مسعود مرادی علی kh -
Open Access Article
2455 - determining the qualitative development model of the universities' Incubators of Iran
mojtaba mollaahmadi -
Open Access Article
2456 - Provide a pattern for teaching the development of the children's market in Iran
Bita Niknezhad parviz saeidi Amir Akhavanfar -
Open Access Article
2457 - Designing a smart school pattern in order to improve online education: Grounded theory approach
Ghaffar Tari habibeh khodaei omid ali hoseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
2458 - Designing a conceptual model of novice teachers' talent development: Grounded Theory
Roghayeh Ansari ali jafari rad Ebrahim Por Hoseini -
Open Access Article
2459 - Presenting the Model of Reducing the Job Fatigue of Primary School Teachers based on the Grounded Theory
Shakib Lajmiri leila bahmaee Mohammadreza Taheri -
Open Access Article
2460 - Codification of the accreditation model of the training program of human resources of education and training by the approach based on data foundation theory
Mehdi Rahiminezhad saeid moradi batol faghiharam Firoz kiyoumarsi -
Open Access Article
2461 - Asynchronous classroom management: a grounded theory research on how teachers perform in classroom management in the context of online learning platforms
Farzad Dehghani-Firoozabadi SeyedAlireza Afshani Abolfazl Sadeghian Alimohammad Mazidi-sharfabadi -
Open Access Article
2462 - Explaining the Strategic Presence of Establishing a Quality Management System in Universities: A Qualitative Approach
azam molamohamadi abasalt khorasani kourosh fathi vagargah maghsood farasatkhah -
Open Access Article
2463 - Presentation of talent management model for high school principals in Shiraz
hadi rezghishirsavar marjan moshfeghi محمدصادق ضیایی maryam mosleh -
Open Access Article
2464 - Presentation of Conceptual Model Factors Affecting the Quality of Teaching of Professors of University of Farhangian with a Basis Based Data Theory Approach
maryam salehizadeh Nadergholi Ghourchian amir hossein mohammad davoudi -
Open Access Article
2465 - Analyze the competencies of smart school principals based on data foundation theoryFardin
nasrin cheraghi Fardin Batmani Naser shirbagi -
Open Access Article
2466 - The Design of the Teacher-Student Interaction Model Based on Grounded Theory Case Study: Shiraz University
fateme farhadi hosein khanifar hamidreza yazdani -
Open Access Article
2467 - Investigating the relationship between organizational socialization with retention of talents and the role of mediator of organizational trust
Farzaneh Porgoli Batoul Faghiharam Saeed Moradi -
Open Access Article
2468 - Designing the optimal model of talent management and development components
rohallah akhavan dorbash manjiheh zakaryaei gholamhossein entesar momeni -
Open Access Article
2469 - Identifying and Validating the Components of Teachers' Talent Management Model
Ziba Zamanifard mehry daraei saeed farahbakhsh -
Open Access Article
2470 - Presenting a paradigm model of organizational ambidexterity in the Iranian public education system
mansour zand badri shahtalebi mohammad ali nadi -
Open Access Article
2471 - Providing a model for knowledge sharing in the organization
Ali Omidpanah Shahnaz Nayebzadeh Hassan Dehghandehnavi Hossein Eslami -
Open Access Article
2472 - Designing the Model of influential Factors on the career plateau (grounded theory)
ghaffar karimianpour adel zahed babalan ali khaleghkhah Ali rezaeisharif -
Open Access Article
2473 - Factors affecting the creation of sports talent identification system in education
amir hosein sokhandani hamidreza safari jafarloo asghar nikseresht ebadollah ahmadi mohammad sadegh afroozeh -
Open Access Article
2474 - Designing and compiling a comprehensive talent management system in Islamic Azad University
maysam shakeri mokhtar ranjbar Amin Nikpour -
Open Access Article
2475 - Provide a model of organizational professionalism in physical education of the Ministry of Education with a data approach
Zohrab Gohari somayeh emadi Zahra Emadi Saeedeh Golestani -
Open Access Article
2476 - Designing and validating an Education Model based on the Competencies of Red Crescent Rescuer
Abbas AhadPour Samarin Yousef Mehdipour Hosein Momeni Mahmouei -
Open Access Article
2477 - Providing an indigenous model of positive leadership for primary school principals
Masoumeh Kouhsari abdolrahim navehebrahim Hassanreza Zeinabadi Hossein Abbasian -
Open Access Article
2478 - The Impact of IT Use on Training Effectiveness
مهرداد goodarzvand معصومه Esmaieli -
Open Access Article
2479 - Comparing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills Use and Priority from the Viewpoint of Middle School Teachers of Science, Mathematics, Arabic and Literature
A. Shariatmadari مریم Sif Naraghi E. Naderi زهرا Taleb -
Open Access Article
2480 - Theory Development from Qualitative Data Mining in Knowledge Sharing and Designing its Native Scale: A case study
M. مدهوشی N. جباری -
Open Access Article
2481 - Designing the Evaluation Pattern of the Performance ofIslamic Azad University (IAU) Branches on the Basis of the
N.GH GHorchyan پریوش Jafari حسن Rahgozar -
Open Access Article
2482 - Developing a Predictive Model of Teachers’ Organizational Commitment on the Basis of Role Conflict, Overload, and Psychological contract
M. Golparvar A. Barazandeh Z. Javadian -
Open Access Article
2483 - A Study of Learning Styles and Hemispheric Dominance in University Students with the intention of Using the Findings in Instructional Planning
مرضیه Amini احمد Alipor بهمن Zand عیسی Ebrahimzadeh مهران Farajelahi -
Open Access Article
2484 - Presenting a Management Model to Evaluate the Effectiveness of New Advertisements on the Television Audience
Mojtaba Shahrian Mehrdad Matani Ali Fallah Mohammad Reza Bagherzadeh -
Open Access Article
2485 - Identifying Causal Conditions; categories and concepts of Iranian Table Tennis success in International Events
Alireza Abrifam محمد جلیلوند معصومه مجیدی پرست غلامرضا خاکساری -
Open Access Article
2486 - A Comparative Study of Digital Signatures in Smart Contracts Under the Laws of Iran and the United States of America
Sahar Karimi parisa sinambari -
Open Access Article
2487 - Civil Liability Incurred from Smart Contract Error
Seyed Mahdi Razavi اسماعیل دائمی -
Open Access Article
2488 - Examining the Necessary Changes in the Structure, Organization and Systems in Judiciary for Implementation of the Electronic Proceedings
Mahdi Beiki shouroki Mohammadreza fallah -
Open Access Article
2489 - Analyzing the Scientific Production Trend in the Field of Sports Psychology on the Web of Science
Marzieh Yari Zanganeh Ismael Mostafavi -
Open Access Article
2490 - Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in order to Identify Indicators and Rank Network Marketing Companies
hamzeh karimi sahar shabani chafjiri -
Open Access Article
2491 - Design and Construction of a Data Monitor and Recorder to Record the Number of Car Battery Starts by Analyzing the Voltage Signal of Battery Terminal to Enhance Energy Efficiency
Ashkan Kalhor Majid Sanaeepur Maryam Momeni Sina Feyzi Soheil Shaban Ashini -
Open Access Article
2492 - Investigating the effective factors on the implementation of the economic policies of the sixth development plan in the administrative organizations of southeast Iran
Sepanta Niknam sanger salajeghe Rahman Jalali Javaran -
Open Access Article
2493 - A qualitative study of self-efficacy influenced by religious identities of high school students in the context of cultural capital (according to the grounded theory method)
Ali alkbar saberi مقصود فراستخواه -
Open Access Article
2494 - Changing the Economic Equilibrium of Oil Contracts and its Restoration as a result of the Collapse of the Stability of the Contracts Emphasizing the Fundamental Changes in the Contractual Situation
Adham Haghgozar Ali Rostamifar Nejad Ali Almasi -
Open Access Article
2495 - Meta-Analysis of Obstacles to the Establishment of Succession
Marzieh Abdul Rezaei Hamid Rezaiefar Mohammad Mohammadi Hosien Hakimpur -
Open Access Article
2496 - Modeling the Decision Making of Investors with Financial Intelligence Based on Behavioral Biases Using the Grounded Method
setareh moghadasi فرزانه حیدر پور -
Open Access Article
2497 - Examining the Sponsor's Attitude Model on Purchase Intention in Iran's Premier Football League with the Mediating Role of Event Sponsor Fit
علی احمدی Akbar Afarinesh Khaki Taybeh Zargar -
Open Access Article
2498 - The relations of the Dadu Sawadkohi family in Mazandaran with the government of Zandiyeh
mohammadtaghi latifi shirdar -
Open Access Article
2499 - Investigating the obligation and jurisprudential and legal status of the obligated party in obligations arising from the Internet of Things in smart contracts
Seyed Mostafa Malihi -
Open Access Article
2500 - The Effects of Lawyer Independence in the Judicial System and Client Rights in Iranian Law with a Look at International Documents
Soleyman Jafari ali akbar gorji Jafar kousha -
Open Access Article
2501 - Challenges of Article 477 of the code of Criminal Procedure Law And the proposal of legal solutions to amend it
MOHSEN HOSSEINIPANAH Sara Adibi Sedeh Behrouz Majdzadeh Dasani -
Open Access Article
2502 - Identifying the most productive scale size in the green supply chain using data envelopment analysis
Amir Gholam Abri -
Open Access Article
2503 - Introduction: Education is a fundamental pillar in national systems. In developed countries, schools vary in diversity and educational objectives, but what stands out in our beloved country is the reliance on traditional education systems that, given the country's progress and people's demands, no longer hold the same educational appeal. Skill-based schools are those that focus on educating students based on their abilities and skills. The main purpose of the research is to explain the principles and conceptual framework of the design of skill-oriented educational and training spaces. The research method is considered in terms of purpose, application, and mixed research method, from the nature of exploratory-survey-correlation data and from the perspective of inductive reasoning. which has been done with two qualitative statistical communities using the foundation data method and a quantitative community using the structural equation method. The sample size was 15 experts who were selected with a purposeful method and according to the principle of theoretical saturation. The data collection tool is a semi-structured interview. After open and central coding, it was determined that the dimensions and categories of the arena are organization and diversity, social space, comfort and culture according to the theoretical and practical bases, the relationships between the drawn identification categories and the native skill-based model have finally been drawn in 4 main axes, 9 sub-categories and 56 measures have been determined based on statistical analysis for a quantitative . Methodology: This study is applied in terms of purpose, utilizing a mixed research method. The nature of the data is exploratory, correlational, and deductive in the category of inductive research. The qualitative aspect of the research was conducted using grounded theory, while the quantitative aspect employed structural equation modeling. The statistical population consisted of 15 experts selected purposively following theoretical saturation principles. Data collection tools included semi-structured interviews. Results: After coding and thematic analysis, the main dimensions and topics discussed in this research include the field, organization and diversity, social environment, security and culture. Analytical software such as LIRZAL and SPSS will be used. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the skill-based school model can be a suitable solution for improving the quality of the educational system.
fatemeh ebrahimi avide talaei Farah Habib -
Open Access Article
2504 - ارائه الگوی برونسپاری پروژههای فنآوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات در شهرداریها با رویکرد معادلات ساختاری (مطالعه موردی: سازمان فنآوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات شهرداری شیراز )
Zeinab Jowkar محسن گرامی ahmadreza shekarchizade Nassibeh Janatyan -
Open Access Article
2505 - توسعه مدل کلی تأمین مالی برای ارزشآفرینی فنآوری در بهکارگیری انرژیهای جدید
Anahita Abbasian Saied Aghasi Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi -
Open Access Article
2506 - Aesthetics of Rhythm in the Poetry of Ibn Al-Haddad AlAndalusi
elahe faraji Mohammad Shayganmehr mohammad jafari -
Open Access Article
2507 - اولویت بندی بخش های اقتصادی استان فارس با تاکید بر بخش کشاورزی بر اساس جدول داده- ستانده
Zahra Daneshvar Hamid reza Mirzaei Mohammad Reza Pourebrahimi -
Open Access Article
2508 - Identification and explanation of factors affecting the indifference of employees in sports organizations of Razavi Khorasan province
Mohammad Javad Rasekhi Ehsan Asadollahi Seyed mohammad hosein Hoseini ravesh Mahdi Esfahan -
Open Access Article
2509 - Comparative study of damage caused by non-fulfillment of obligations in Iran, Egypt and Islamic jurisprudence
Taghi Shahavand Rahim Sayah روحالله مرادی -
Open Access Article
2510 - Legal Feasibility of Guatemala's Accession to the Escazú Agreement
Mohammadreza Jodyvash Mohammadreza Jodyvash pooneh tabibzadeh -
Open Access Article
2511 - Presenting a Qualitative model of the Variables Affecting the Aesthetic Value of Urban Landscape (Case Study: The City of Babol )
Elmira Rafizadeh Malakshah -
Open Access Article
2512 - self-proclaimed (Jobs without contract) and job security
teybah balvardi -
Open Access Article
2513 - Suitable Scenarios for the Developed Competency-based Succession Planning Model in Training-oriented Organizations with a Futures Research Approach
Mahdi Khodaparast Davood Kiakojouri Seyyed Javad Mortazavi Amiri Seyyed Ahmad Jafari Kalarijani -
Open Access Article
2514 - The need for a duty to re-negotiate international contracts, with an emphasis on oil and gas upstream contracts and fundamentals of jurisprudence and law
Abdolrahim Moradi -
Open Access Article
2515 - الگوی پارادایمی «نفوذ فرهنگی زبان فارسی» در جهان، بر اساس اندیشه مقام معظم رهبری
Ahmadreza Rahmanian -
Open Access Article
2516 - Examining the Sponsor's Attitude Model on Purchase Intention in Iran's Premier Football League with the Mediating Role of Event Sponsor Fit
علی احمدی Akbar Afarinesh Khaki Taybeh Zargar -
Open Access Article
2517 - Designing a Market-Oriented Strategic Management Model with Emphasis on Export in Saipa Company
Fatemeh Karimi Hossein Vazifeh dust Meisam Shirkhodaie Mehdi Naeimi Nezamabad -
Open Access Article
2518 - Design and Validation of Intelligent Leadership Model in Telecom Industry Based on Foundation Data Theory (Study Case: First Mobile Operator in Razavi Khorasan)
Mehrad Haddadrazavi Ali Hosseinzadeh Hoda Jannesar Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
2519 - Examining the Use of Firebase in Android Application Development
seyyedmohammad mirsharifi -
Open Access Article
2520 - Identifying factors affecting the quality of industrial products through data clustering analysis
Raoof Emami Razliqi Ahmad Ali Oumouei Milan Sadegh Abedi -
Open Access Article
2521 - Development of a Multimodal Movie Recommendation System Using Graph Neural Networks and Fusion of Textual and Visual Features
Ali Mosaddegh Danial Barati kiarash fazilat -
Open Access Article
2522 - Review Scalable Access Management in IoT using Blockchain
Leila Qumarsi Parisa Daneshjoo -
Open Access Article
2523 - بررسی قراردادهای واگذاری معادن در ساختار اداری وزارت صمت، با نگاهی به ادارات مشابه در نظامهای حقوقی فرانسه و کانادا
Hamidreza Rafipour Tehrani Bakhtyar Abasloo Hatem Sadeghi Ziazi Sadeghi Ziazi -
Open Access Article
2524 - Multi-level proceedings in environmental litigation
Alireza Mohammadalizadeh Farid Azadbakht masoud ghasemi -
Open Access Article
2525 - Genealogical Analysis and Root Examination of Contextual Factors Affecting the Formation of Borderline-Grey Spaces in Contemporary Iranian Architecture: A Grounded Theory Approach
Babak Sorour Vahid Shaliamini Leila Zare -
Open Access Article
2526 - Efficiency ranking of DMUS with fuzzy data
Neda Bashak Shokrollah Ziari Mohammad Mehdi Movahedi Amir Gholam Abri Amirmehdi Miandaragh -
Open Access Article
2527 - Comparison of the legal status of commercial contracts and negotiable instrument setting by a representatives lack the authority or position ( with the approach of jurisprudence and supernation law)
mohammad bozorgpanah Alireza Entezari Mahmoud Gauom zadah -
Open Access Article
2528 - Compilation and Validation of an Interventional Protocol Indigenous to Marital Satisfaction Based on Grounded Methodology
Zahra Afkham Rezaei Shokooh Navvabinejad َAli Akbar Khosravi Babadi Hamid Reza Rezazadeh Bahadoran -
Open Access Article
2529 - Compensation for damages resulting from breach of contract in the legal systems of Iran, England and Islamic jurisprudence
Shouka Yavarian Jamshid Mirzaei hengameh ghazanfari -
Open Access Article
2530 - The principles of the right to terminate a contract based on the principles of the right of rescission in Imamiyyah jurisprudence
Peymane Eslami Naser Masoudi Mokhtar Neam -
Open Access Article
2531 - The nature and reasons of Tanjiz rule in civil jurisprudence based on the principles of Sahib Urwa
kazem Golam Hazrat Hojjat Mahmoud Gauom zadah amir molamohammadali -
Open Access Article
2532 - Annihilation (Fana) of Attributes in Islamic Mysticism based on Transcendent Theosophy
سید حاتم مهدوی نور mahmood ghayyoomzadeh -
Open Access Article
2533 - The Relationship Between Emotional Awareness and Life Events with Executive Functions:The Mediating Role of Emotion Inhibition
fatemeh asadollahi Masoud Mohammadi Ghasem Naziri Najmeh Fath -
Open Access Article
2534 - The relationship between Adult Attachment dimensions and social media addiction: the mediating role of fear of missing out
Motahareh noori شهلا پاکدامن Pegah Nejat