Identifying effective drivers on the strategic development of talents in Sharif University of Technology
Subject Areas : title1
nasim mirinejad
Sediqeh Tootian Isfahani
1 - Master's degree in Management Department, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Accounting and Management, Islamic Azad University, Tehran West Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Strategic, talent, strategic talent development,
Abstract :
purpose of this research is to identify the effective drivers for the strategic development of talents in Sharif University of Technology. The research method is quantitative, The statistical population of this research includes 20 university experts in first stage and managers and experts in Sharif University of Technology in the second stage, a sample of 108 people has been selected for this research. In order to collect information, the method of library and field studies has been used, and in the field method, the tools of the questionnaire of factors affecting the development of talents and the questionnaire of priorities have been used. Its content validity was approved by supervisors and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics including frequency percentage and mean as well as analysis hierarchy test (AHP) have been used to prioritize indicators. SPSS and Expert Choice software were used to perform the above tests. The findings of this research showed that the goals and strategy of the organization, the approach of managers, government laws and regulations, human resources and organizational culture are effective on the strategic development of talents, and organizational culture with a weight of 0.433 is the first priority and government laws and regulations. With a weight of 0.054, they are in the last priority. Also, the variable of respect for the opinions and values of employees was given the first priority and the variable of bureaucracy and limited flexibility was given the last priority.