Identification and Evaluation of Employer Brand Components in Iran's Small Industries
(Case Study of Active Companies in Industrial Towns of East Azerbaijan Province)
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
Amir Laleh
Hosein Gharabiglo
mojtaba ramazani
Soleyman Iranzadeh
1 - The Department of Business Management. Faculty of Management. Islamic Azad University of Ajabshir. Ajabshir. Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, AjabShir Branch, Islamic Azad University, AjabShir, Iran.
3 - Management Department,, Faculty of Humanities, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
4 - Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Economics and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Received: 2022-07-29
Accepted : 2023-04-08
Published : 2023-04-21
small industries,
talent management,
Employer Brand,
Industrial Estates Company,
Abstract :
Today in organizations, it is not enough to satisfy the customer or honor the superiors and focus on successful sales to maintain a competitive position in the market, and therefore, organizations must develop the necessary strategies to attract and maintain efficient and effective human resources. adopt Without having efficient human resources, the organization will not be able to transform, develop and excel and achieve the set goals. The way to achieve this is to develop the organization's management and leadership and create an effective structure for managing the employer brand. This research aims to evaluate the variables of the employer brand in the active companies of the industrial towns of East Azerbaijan province and evaluate the effectiveness of each of the components in these companies. The current research is of quantitative and qualitative type, first the variables were screened and verified by Delphi method, and then in the quantitative stage, using software JMP and the causal-comparative method, and using the factor effectiveness of the variables. The employer brand is done. results showed that the component of training to improve quality has the lowest factor contribution with a coefficient of determination (0.246) and the highest factor contribution is related to the use of participatory management with a value of (1.000). The highest correlation with other components is related to the indicator of training according to the needs of employees with a value of 0.880 and the lowest correlation is related to the use of participatory management with a value of 0.246.
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Toropova, A., Myrberg, E., & Johansson, S. (2020). Teacher job satisfaction: the importance of school working conditions and teacher characteristics. Educational Review, 1-27.
Voronchuk, I., & Starineca, O. (2014). Human Resource Recruitment and Selection Approaches in Public Sector: Case of Latvia. International Scientific Conference New Challenges of Economic and Business Development, 417-430.
Warren, K. & Kourdi, J. (2003). People Power: Developing the talent to perform. Vola Press.
Zahedi, A; & Malikakhlaq, I; Mohtashami, M. (2021). Designing a model for human
resource management in education in accordance with the document of fundamental
Scientific Journal of Human Resource Management Research, 13(2), 212-171.
(In Persian)
Zahedi, Shams-al-Sadat, Alvani, Seyed mehdi and Faqihi, Abolhasan. (2009). Comprehensive Management Dictionary. Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai University Publications.
Aminshayan Jahromi, S., Bagheri, K., Najarpoor, A., & Akbari, R. (2017). The Effect of in-Service Training Courses on Empowerment and Productivity, Managers and Employees. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 7(28), 131-148.
Armandina, A. (2018). Brand name and brand (from a semiotic-semantic point of view). Tadbir Namah, 2018(2), 53-57.
Arthur, A. (1998). Best Practices: Building Your Business with Customer-Focused Solutions Touchstone; 1st Touchstone Ed edition.
Asadi, Esmail & Pourasadollah, Habib. (2015). Employer Branding Strategy in Organizations (an approach to attract and retain talent). International Conference on New Directions in Management, Economics and Accounting, Tehran, Iran.
Basha, H. A., & Naidu, M. Y. (2020). Employer Branding: a new facet of education
Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, 8(12), 45-60.
Beigloo, L., & Esgandari, K. (2017). Designing an Employer Brand Model for Social Security Organization with an Emphasis on Internal Marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 11(33), 117-134.
Budaghi Khajeh Nobar, H., Esgandari, K., & Rostamzadeh, R. (2016). "The effect of managers' competitive intelligence on modernization of small industries". The Journal of Productivity Management, 10(2(37)), 81-106.
Chunping, Y., & Xi, L. (2011). The study on employer brand strategy in private
enterprises from the perspective of human resource management. Energy Procedia, 5,
Freer, T. (2012). Social media gaming – a recipe for employer brand success. Strategic HR Review, 11(1), 13-17.
Gatsoris, L. (2012). Competitive intelligence in Greek furniture retailing: a qualitative approach. Euro Med Journal of Business, 7, (3), 224-242.
Ghodeswar, B. M. (2008). Building brand identity in competitive markets: a conceptual model. Journal of product & brand management, 17(1), 4-12.
Ghorbani, Mohammad Hossein, Moazzami-Godarzi, Fatemeh & Safri-Jaafarlu, Hamidreza. (2019). The role of employer branding on individual and organizational performance of human resources in selected sports federations. Quarterly Journal of Human Resource Management in Sports, 7(2), 405-420.
Gratton L. (2000). Living Strategy: Putting people at the heart of corporate purpose. Pearson Education press.
Hassanzadeh, M. (2016). Evaluating the special value of the brand name and its effects on customer loyalty. The first national conference on the application of modern research in humanities, 1-10. (In Persian)
Javanmard, N. (2018). Investigating the relationship between self-esteem and attachment level of deaf girls in Rasht, Journal of Educational Psychology, No. 27. (In Persian)
Kapoor, V. (2010). Employer Branding: A Study of Its Relevance in India. The IUP Journal of Brand Management, 7(2), 51-75.
Keller, K. (2008). Strategic brand management. Prentice Hall.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. M. (2018). Marketing Mix: Selected Chapters From: Principles of Marketing, Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong. (trans. Froozandeh, Bahman) Pearson.
Kull, P., & Brandt, E. (2007). Talent Management: How firms in Sweden find and nurture value adding human resources. International Handelshogskolan press.
Lance, A., Berger, D., Berger, R. (2004). The Talent Management Handbook. McGraw-Hill books.
Melissa, J. & Phil, R. (2006). Rules of Attraction, Marketing Health Service, 26: 38-40.
Najafi-Haghi, J. (2004), Competitive Intelligence, Tadbir monthly journal, No. 154. (In Persian)
Nashifar, Vahid. (2009). A review on the concepts of meritocracy. Journal of Management and Economics, No. 15.
Ranaei-Kordsholi, Habibollah, Ebrahimi, Abolghasem & Mobasheri, Ali-Asghar. (2019). Evaluation of employer brand. Management Studies Quarterly (Improvement and Transformation), 28(19), 139- 161.
Razavi, Seyyed Hamidreza; Khorasani, Mohammad; Hosseini, Seyed Emad & Vahidi, Javad. (2006). Principles of Supervision, Computer Science Publishing, 4th
Saimian, Sediqeh. (2008). New competencies of human capital in leading organizations. The second conference of training managers of production and service organizations, Tehran (pp. 20-30).
Salim-Khanian, Shiva. (2012). Investigation and determination of brand-based human resource management, psychological brand ownership and brand citizenship behavior. [Master’s thesis], Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Faculty of Management.
Sameian, S. (2007). New competencies of human capital in leading organizations. The second conference of training managers of production and service organizations, Tehran, 20-30. (In Persian)
Sepahvand, R. & Sepahvand, S. (2013). Investigating the effectiveness of Brand-centered human resource management on clients’ satisfaction of company’s brand with concentrating on Black Box processes. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, 5 (8): 979-992.
Sepahvand, Somaieh. (2013). Investigating how brand-oriented human resource management affects customer satisfaction with the company's brand, focusing on black box processes, [Master’s thesis], Lorestan University, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economy.
Singh, M. (2012). Employee Branding Through Talent Management for Customer Satisfaction. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM), 2(3), 1-3.
Sullivan, J. (2004). Eight elements of a successful employment brand. ER Daily, 23 February, available online at:
Toropova, A., Myrberg, E., & Johansson, S. (2020). Teacher job satisfaction: the importance of school working conditions and teacher characteristics. Educational Review, 1-27.
Voronchuk, I., & Starineca, O. (2014). Human Resource Recruitment and Selection Approaches in Public Sector: Case of Latvia. International Scientific Conference New Challenges of Economic and Business Development, 417-430.
Warren, K. & Kourdi, J. (2003). People Power: Developing the talent to perform. Vola Press.
Zahedi, A; & Malikakhlaq, I; Mohtashami, M. (2021). Designing a model for human
resource management in education in accordance with the document of fundamental
Scientific Journal of Human Resource Management Research, 13(2), 212-171.
(In Persian)
Zahedi, Shams-al-Sadat, Alvani, Seyed mehdi and Faqihi, Abolhasan. (2009). Comprehensive Management Dictionary. Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai University Publications.