Forecasting the Condition of "Renegotiation" in Establishing the Economic Balance of Oil Contracts Lacking "Balance" and its Result in Restoring the lost Economic Balance
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public law
Adham Haghgozar
Ali Rostamifar
Nejad Ali Almasi
1 - Department of Law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.
2 - Department of Law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran (corresponding author)
3 - Department of Law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
Keywords: renegotiation, oil contracts, economic balance, stabilization condition, contract stability.,
Abstract :
In oil contracts, the question is always, how can renegotiation restore the lost economic balance of these contracts? With this title, the special feature of oil contracts is their long term, and in this way, there is always the possibility of fundamental changes in the contractual conditions and the basic structure of the parties' agreement. Therefore, the assumption of the existence of a reliable mechanism that can manage this situation in an optimal way will become more important. Of course, the prediction of the renegotiation condition in the economic balance of unbalanced contracts will be different in the assumption that these contracts contain a stabilization condition or not. In the first assumption, the parties are bound to return to the negotiation table in good faith and discuss a new agreement, but in the second assumption, the situation will sometimes be complicated and it is not easy to talk about reaching a constructive agreement. In this research, which was compiled using a descriptive and analytical method, the result of renegotiation in restoring the economic balance of oil contracts will be discussed. The findings show that in the assumption that the parties succeed in renegotiation, the contract without balance will be restored to its previous state and it is as if the stability of the contract was not disturbed from the beginning; But in the second assumption, according to the contractual conditions, various situations may arise that can ultimately lead to the termination of the contract, the continuation of the contract
الف: منابع فارسی
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