Identification and explanation of factors affecting the indifference of employees in sports organizations of Razavi Khorasan province
Subject Areas : Sport Management
Mohammad Javad Rasekhi
Ehsan Asadollahi
Seyed mohammad hosein Hoseini ravesh
Mahdi Esfahan
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Physical Education, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Mashhad branch, Islamic azad university, Mashhad, Iran.
3 - Department of Physical Education, Mashhad branch, Islamic azad university, Mashhad, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor of Department of Sports Sciences, Imam Reza International University
Keywords: Foundation Data Theory, Employee Indifference, Sports Organizations, Sports and Youth Administration, Sports Boards.,
Abstract :
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to identify and explain the factors affecting the indifference of employees in sports organizations in Razavi Khorasan Province.
Methods: In terms of the purpose of the research, this research is applied from the perspective of the research method, qualitative type and inductive approach (part to whole) and the dominant paradigm of the current research is the interpretive-constructive paradigm. Foundation data theory and Strauss Corbin's approach were used to identify factors affecting the indifference of sports organization employees in Razavi Khorasan Province. The statistical population of the research was all the experts of the country's sports organizations (Ministry of Sports and Youth, sports federations and university professors) who have an opinion on the issue of organizational behavior of employees. The number of samples in this research was selected using the snowball method and a total of 17 were done.
Results: Using Straus Corbin's paradigm model, it was found that three factors as causal conditions; Six factors play a role as background conditions and four factors as intervening conditions of indifference of sports organization employees. Also, there are four main structures and strategies and five main consequences for the indifference of sports organization employees.
Conclusions: In a general conclusion, it can be said that in sports organizations, organizational responsibilities and tasks are presented to people in a group format, in this case, both individual factors are solved to some extent and more communication is formed between people. And the possibility of indifference of the organization decreases.
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