Content Analysis of Scientific Outputs in the Subject Area of Ethical Leadership in the Web of Science Database
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
مرضیه یاری زنگنه
Ismael Mostafavi
1 - Assistant Professor Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
Keywords: Content Analysis, Scientific Outputs, Ethical Leadership, Web of Science Database,
Abstract :
Objective: The aim of this research is to study and analyze the scientific outputs in the subject area of ethical leadership in the Web of Science database.
Methodology: The research method is content analysis of scientific texts; and it has been conducted with a scientometric approach using scientometric software and the Web of Science database. The time period under study includes texts published in this database from 1998 to 2023. Excel, RaverPrimp, VOSviewer, UCINet, and NetDraw software were used for data analysis. Concept clustering based on the term co-occurrence matrix was also performed using SPSS software
Results: The findings of the study show that ethical leadership has been studied in 3,047 works on the Web of Science. The most published documents on the Web of Science in the field of ethical leadership are journal articles with 2,028 documents. The most works are by researchers from the United States. The most scientific collaborations were with the United States, China, Canada, and the Netherlands. 39 scientific works were published by Iranian authors in the field of ethical leadership, and the most international collaborations of Iranians were with the United States, China, Canada, Turkey, and Portugal. The study of the growth trend of scientific productions in the field of ethical leadership shows a significant increase in studies in the last decade, so that the most outputs in this field were published in 2023. The words "ethical leadership", "performance", "management", "commitment", "trust", "participation and social responsibility", "personality", "achievement", and "mediating and intermediary role" had the highest degree of centrality in the plotted network of words, and the highest density belonged to cluster 6 "ethical leadership standards".
Conclusion: The results showed that studies of ethical leadership at the global level in the Web of Science database include 22 clusters: types of leadership styles, ethical leadership, leadership dimensions, psychology and creativity, effective leadership, ethical leadership standards, characteristics of ethical leadership, spiritual leadership and culture, knowledge sharing and task performance, organizational trust, ethical management, accountable leadership, leadership and organizational citizenship, reward and punishment mechanisms, empowering and motivating leadership, organizational justice, ethical identity, job satisfaction, ethical care, organizational learning and change, and employee performance.
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