Calculation of Backward and Forward linkages of Mineral of Iran's Mines (Application of Input-Output Approach)
Subject Areas : Labor and Demographic Economics
mirhosein mousavi
farid dehghani
azadeh roshanravan
1 - گروه اقتصاد. دانشگاه الزهرا
2 - عضو هیئت علمی مرکز پژوهش های مجلس شورای اسلامی
3 - کارشناس ارشد توسعه اقتصادی و برنامه ریزی دانشگاه الزهرا
Keywords: O14, JEL Classification: E01, O21. Keyword: Mine Input-Output, Multiplier Coefficient of Production, Multiplier Coefficient of Employment, Intermediate Good,
Abstract :
Abstract The purpose of this study is to rank the minerals of mines in operation in Iran by examining the backward and forward linkages between sections. For this purpose, the input-output table updated in2011 by the Islamic Parliament Research Center of The Islamic Republic Of Iran has been used. By calculating the multiplier coefficient of production, using Leontief's demand-side method, all mining sections had a multiplier coefficient of production more than one. Also, by calculating the backward linkage using a supply-side model of Gosh, the multiplier coefficient of supply in all mineral sectors is high. By examining the power index through Rasmussen's demand-side method, coal and lignite, coal and stone, sand and gravel sectors with a power index greater than one, after the agricultural sector, the building And the industry, because of the greater link that they make with other sectors in terms of purchasing intermediary inputs, had more employment than the total average of activity. In this respect, other parts of the mine had no place among the first parts.
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