Sustainable Human Resource Management in Power Industry
Subject Areas : Management and Sustanable Development
Mohammad Tafarrojkhah
Majid Bagerzadeh
Soleyman Iranzadeh
1 - PhD Student, Department of Industrial Administration, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Faculty member, Department of Industrial Administration, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Faculty member, Department of Industrial Administration, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: human resource management, Sustainability Approach, Sustainable Organizational Development,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study is to develop a human resource management model with a sustainable organizational development approach. This research was conducted in the framework of a qualitative approach using Grounded theory research method. The statistical population of the study consisted of managers working in the electrical industry and were selected through theoretical and purposeful sampling (judgment and quota). Sample size was determined by theoretical saturation criterion, 17 people. Atlas TI software was used to analyze the data from the interviews and coding. Data analysis was done in three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding and based on this, a qualitative research model was presented. findings of the research resulted in the extraction of 373 open source codes, 80concepts and 23categories, which were in the paradigm model including axial categories (sustainable working systems, equilibrium, autonomy and Human resource management systems), causal conditions (organizational and community value and management system, necessity of Maintain and Human Resource Development and Socio-Economic Responsibility and legal Responsibility), Strategies (Creating and Developing a Common Idea, Process Approach, Selection and Maintenance and Awareness), Governing Background (Sustainability Insights, Organizational Capability, Strategic Alignment and Organizational Capital), and ultimately Outcomes (Economic superiority Performance, superior social performance, and superior environmental performance).
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