Designing a brand credit model in the banking industry based on Grounded Theory
Subject Areas : MarketingHoseen zolfaghar Dehnavi 1 , mehdi mohammad zade vashan 2 , hasan hakimpor 3 , hamid rezaee far 4
1 - university Birgand
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Azad Birjand University, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Azad Birjand University, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Azad Birjand University, Iran
Keywords: Brand credibility, Banking industry, Branding, Grounded theory,
Abstract :
Brand credibility of banks is an inevitable necessity in attracting loyal customers and profitability in today's competitive environment of banks. Based on this, the current research was conducted with the aim of presenting factors affecting brand credibility in the banking industry with a qualitative method. The statistical population was domestic and foreign articles published in the period of 2000-2022 and expert experts in the field of banking industry. The sample size of experts and articles was determined using the purposeful sampling method of 15 experts and 51 articles, respectively. Data collection was done through library methods and in-depth semi-structured interviews. The collected data were analyzed using the grounded theory method. Based on the paradigm model obtained from the data analysis of the foundation, space and culture with the concepts of welfare facilities, macroeconomic conditions, banking characteristics, customer empowerment and the desirability of access to banks, the desirability of service quality with the concepts of responsibility, reliability, guarantee and guarantee, empathy and The tangible situation, customer orientation with the concepts of customer needs assessment and relational marketing were identified as intervening, causal and contextual factors affecting the brand reputation of banks, respectively. In line with the mentioned factors, strategies and consequences affecting the credibility of the banks' brand were presented. As a result, it can be stated that the use of new marketing techniques, the improvement of service quality and customer orientation increase the credibility of the banks' brand, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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