Productivity Evaluation and Measurement in Iranian Petroleum Industry Health Organization
Subject Areas : Business ManagementMeysam Azimian 1 , Mahdi Karbasian 2 , Hamed Rahimpour 3 , Shahrzad Falahi 4
1 - PhD in Industrial Engineering, Petroleum Industry Health Organization (PIHO), National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Management and Industrial Engineering, Malik Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD in Management, Petroleum Industry Health Organization (PIHO), National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Tehran, Iran.
4 - MSc in Management, Petroleum Industry Health Organization (PIHO), National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Health Care Provider Organizations, productivity, data envelopment analysis, Malmquist index. ,
Abstract :
In health care provider organizations (HCPOs), there are several sub-units, simultaneously providing health and preventive services to the population covered, in which measuring productivity is one of the most important challenges for the managers of these organizations. Hence, the purpose of this study is to provide an integrative approach of data envelopment analysis (DEA) and Malmquist productivity index (MPI) to monitor the productivity in Iranian Petroleum Industry Health Organization (PIHO) as an HCPO. In this study, using the indicators related to efficiency and defining the specialized indicators affecting the performance of the sub-units of this organization, the growth rate of the performance of the sub-units was determined through calculating four distance functions and Malmquist productivity Index. According to the results of this study, 27 specialized indicators in the fields of direct and indirect health and preventive services for monitoring the effectiveness of proposed HCPO have been presented. Also, the growth rate of productivity of the fifteen areas of the organization under study has been evaluated from 2019 to 2021. The innovative aspect of this article lies in the definition of effectiveness measurement indicators and presentation of a theoretical framework for monitoring the rate of productivity in HCPOs. The findings of this applied research in health service organizations can be used to enhance capacity in different areas of health care and save resources.
Key Words: Health Care Provider Organizations, productivity, data envelopment analysis, Malmquist index.
- Introduction
In health care provider organizations (HCPOs), there are several sub-units, simultaneously providing health and preventive services to the population covered, in which measuring productivity is one of the most important challenges for the managers of these organizations. Hence, the purpose of this study is to provide an integrative approach of data envelopment analysis (DEA) and Malmquist productivity index (MPI) to monitor the productivity in Iranian Petroleum Industry Health Organization (PIHO) as an HCPO.
- Literature Review
In researches about performance evaluation as well as productivity growth analysis, DEA is commonly used to evaluate hospital efficiency in a specific period of time (Hollingsworth, 2003), for example, hospitals performance evaluated by DEA in Greece hospitals (Xenos et al., 2016), Portuguese NHS hospitals (Almeida et al. 2015), Tianjin city hospitals in China (Li & Dong, 2015), 30 hospitals in the Europe (Assanduluie et al., 2014), and Japan hospitals (Kawaguchi et al., 2014). On the other hand, productivity growth rate in health care centers and hospitals has been evaluated by using integrated approach of DEA and Malmquist index in two time period, for instance, productivity growth of health care centers in ASEAN (Singh et al., 2021), primary health care in Morocco (Rays and Lemqeddem, 2021), total productivity change of health care centers in Greece (Trakakis et al., 2021), productivity growth in Egypt hospitals (habib and shawan,2020), productivity growth in Turkey (Mollahaliloglu et al.,2018), cost productivity of healthcare systems in OIC`s member countries (Asghar et al., 2019), productivity change of national health systems in the WHO eastern Mediterranean region (Masri and Asbu, 2018), Tehran hospitals in Iran (Peykani et al., 2018), Hong Kong hospitals (Guo, 2017), Yazd hospitals in Iran (Raie et al., 2017), productivity changes in OECD healthcare systems (Kim et al., 2016), Uganda hospitals (PN and JM, 2016), health systems in Slovakia (Stefko et al., 2016), Henan hospitals in china (Chenge et al., 2015), and Ontario hospitals in Canada (Chowdhury et al., 2014) evaluated by DEA and Malmquist approach. Therefore, in this study productivity growth of HCPO is evaluated using this approach as well as determining specific effectiveness indexes for such organizations.
- Methodology
In this study, by determining the efficiency indicators and defining the specialized indicators related to effectiveness in HCPOs, the performance of the sub-units in proposed HCPO, Iranian Petroleum Industry Health Organization (PIHO), are evaluated using DEA and Malmquist approach. From a functional point of view, the study employs an applied-developmental method. The data type is crisp and the data collection procedure is a longitudinal and quasi-longitudinal and correlational one from the research point of view. The dependent variables are productivity growth in PIHO sub-units as well as the critical variable in performance analysis, and the independent variables are the inputs and outputs of the DEA model.
- Results
Based on the results of this study, 27 specialized indicators in the fields of direct and indirect health and preventive services for monitoring the effectiveness of HCPOs were presented. Also, the growth rate of productivity of the fifteen sub-units of the PIHO was evaluated from 2019 to 2021.
- Discussion
The innovative aspect of this study lies in the definition of effectiveness measurement indicators and presentation of a theoretical framework for monitoring the rate of productivity in HCPOs. The findings of this applied research in health service organizations can be used to enhance capacity in different areas of health care and save resources. The limitation of this study is the possibility of defining the input and output indicators of the DEA method, which, by considering the existing software data in the organization under study, five input and output indicators were defined to evaluate the efficiency and productivity of the sub-units.
Today, performance evaluation and measurement of efficiency, effectiveness and productivity are among the most important topics in health and treatment centers, and the findings of the present study can be used to improve capacity in different areas of health care and save resources. Based on the results obtained in this research, the senior managers of the organization can use appropriate incentives and motivational tools to better support areas and units with improved performance. In addition, the input and output variables of HCPOs sub-units can be changed or enhanced based on the needs of the organizations. This proposed method can also be used to evaluate the performance of medical personnel and other units as desired by the senior managers of the organization and to define the corresponding input and output variables based on the data recorded in the organization database. It is also possible to propose productivity improvement projects based on performance evaluation results.
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