Development of the general financing model for value creation of technology in the use of new energies
Subject Areas :
anahita abbasian
Saeed Aghasi
sayyed mohammadreza davoodi
1 - 1. PhD Candidate of Industrial Management,Department of Management, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor. Department of Management ,Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran
3 - Associate management.Dehaghan Branch.Islamic Azad University.Dehaghan .Iran
Keywords: Technology valuation, financing, data base, renewable energy, structural equations,
Abstract :
In this research, the technology valuation model for the analysis of financial decisions in the field of financing and investment in the solar energy industry according to the collection of experts' opinions according to three main categories (valuation model, technology organization and investment) and 9 subcategories (model valuation, technology organization and investment) and 9 sub-categories (low cost, exclusive experience, value provided by technology, communication, technological infrastructure, agility, knowledge management, human resources, new financing model) have been designed. To ensure that the factors are chosen correctly or not, a content validity analysis has been performed for each of the categories, and according to the results, all the categories have the necessary sufficiency to be included in the valuation model. In the continuation of the research, using the structural equation model, the relationships of the indicators have been modeled in Lisrel software to determine the influence of each factor on each other and also on its main factors. Based on the obtained results, the relationship between the sub-category of human resources and the technology organization in the funding valuation model is identified as meaningless with an impact factor of 0.24. Therefore, this criterion cannot be included in the financing valuation model. But the relationship of other factors with their main criteria in the valuation model of financing is significant. Finally, the validity of the model has been investigated using statistical tests.