The Intertextual Reading of Lalehzar Context Based on Event-Space Concept for Improving Its Spatial Quality
Subject Areas : Life Space Journal
Mohammadreza Jasbi
fatemeh amirian
Bahman Namvarmotlagh
1 - Master of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Parand and Robat Karim Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor in the architecture department, engineering faculty, Islamic Azad University, Parand Branch,
3 - Associate professor and faculty member of the French and Latin language and literature department. Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Shahid Beheshti University. Tehran Iran
Keywords: Intertextual Reading, Event-Space, Space Quality Enhancement, Lalezar, Valuable Historical Context,
Abstract :
The Intertextual Reading of Lalehzar Context Based on Event-Space Concept for Improving Its Spatial QualityAbstract: As valuable traditional pieces of the past, historical and cultural contexts are indispensable parts of any society, highlighting the importance of their preservation and restoration. Generally, historic sites carry the bio-codes of generations who left their distinct traces at a point in time. Without a shadow of a doubt, these unique footprints shape the cultural capital of any nation, including memories and mental images of citizens, leading to the basis of their identity. This article aimed to determine the most influential factors in improving the spatial quality of valuable urban context based on the concept of “event-space” through an intertextual reading. The selected area in this study was the Lalehzar context, one of Tehran's oldest historical and cultural streets. Reminiscing with vivid memories from the past citizens, Lalehzar street was a representation of modern life. This is why it consists of a significant number of cinemas, hotels, cafes, boutiques, and markets as modern functional representations, being an appropriate container for various social-cultural events and modern behavior. However, during the last seven decades, this area has lost its identity because of the city development and its negative consequences. Unfortunately, a large part of this historic district has been damaged due to the absence of social and cultural activities and an unfit neighborhood. Many symbolic spaces in Lalehzar have been destroyed or are on the verge of destruction. The place is now mainly used for everyday activities, entirely in contradiction with the physical body of the street in the form of electronics stores, resulting in intensified visual pollution. Given its rich history in Tehran and its exceptional location neighboring Baharestan Square and Toopkhaneh Square, Lalehzar Street has a brilliant capacity to accept new uses befitting its cultural and historical status. In doing so, the spatial quality and its improvement as an area of theoretical study in contemporary architecture were put into consideration, and the research and views of experts like Bentley, Rogers, Bell, and Golkar have been compared and analyzed. Some architects and urban designers believe that current factors are insufficient for the quality improvement of valuable contexts. Considering that the history and backgrounds of buildings are crucial in urban design and quality improvement, the intertextual approach was chosen to reinforce available potential and eliminate disharmonious parts. Intertextuality refers to the various relationships of texts, and intertextual reading allows studying different layers of a text and utilizing hermeneutics, the science of interpretation and change. Meanwhile, what is so important about this area was the events that took place here granted a lively atmosphere, almost equal to its physical representations and history that the built environment historians usually pay attention to. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to find the hidden dimensions of the effects of event space on spatial quality in Lalehzar through intertextual reading. The main research question was posed as follows: How can we determine the reliable and influential factors in spatial design quality improvement in valuable contexts through intertextual reading? In this qualitative interpretive research, the views of experts in event-space and spatial quality were first studied. To collect the data, in addition to the library resources and documentary research, interviews were conducted with the space users and audiences, whether at the buildings or in their neighborhood. To narrow down the study for accurate results, five landmark event spaces (Grand Hotel, Nasr Theater, Pars Theater, Pars Café, and Alborz Cinema) were selected through purposeful sampling, and they were studied and analyzed over two years. The data were coded via interpretive and content analysis, and eventually, SPSS and MAXQDA were used to analyze the extracting data. The former was used for quantities analysis resulting in a diagram of crucial factors for improving the quality of space based on the theorists’ writings, while the latter was used for creating some graphical coding diagrams for both the conducted research and interviews. The study’s results indicated that space perception, attachment to the natural flow of life (proportion, order, dynamicity), and spatial formation (variety and hierarchy) were the most influential factors in improving the quality of valuable contexts.Keywords: Intertextual Reading; Event-Space; Space quality enhancement; Lalezar; Valuable historical context.