Provide a comprehensive model of knowledge management in relief organizations with a disaster management approach (Case study: Western regions of Iran)
Subject Areas : Regional PlanningEdris Moradi 1 , Kumars Ahmadi 2 , َAdel Salavati 3
1 - PhD student in Public Administration, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Public Management, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Public Management, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.
Keywords: Factor Analysis, Knowledge Management, Grounded theory, Disaster Management, Relief Organizations,
Abstract :
In terms of zoning in terms of natural disasters, Iran is one of the countries Which is located in the most dangerous area of the planet and Annually high natural temperatures impose irreparable human and financial losses on the country. In order to manage accidents in relief organizations in different regions of Iran, Knowledge management is a valuable resource for all organizations, especially service-oriented organizations. Organizations with superior knowledge management systems, they have the ability to coordinate and combine traditional resources and capabilities in new and distinct ways. Providing suitable grounds for the interaction of ideas and gaining new experiences for scientists is the most important condition for the growth of knowledge capital in organizations. The purpose of this study is to design a model of knowledge management in relief organizations with a natural and human disaster management approach. This research in terms of purpose Is development-applied and in terms of nature, Is qualitative-quantitative. The statistical population includes managers and deputies of relief organizations that by purposeful sampling method (snowball), and according to the principle of data adequacy, a total of 16 people were interviewed. The method of analysis is the data theory of the foundation based on a systematic approach. to confirm the model extracted from Delphi method was used and to examine the relationship between them Confirmatory factor analysis method. The obtained results confirm that Causal conditions, including strategic dimension and executive dimension, the central phenomenon is included Knowledge production, knowledge documentation and knowledge utilization, Underlying conditions include the Legal institutions and volunteer institutions, Interfering conditions are included the Resource management and participatory management, Strategies also include managerial and non-managerial dimensions and is the implications of this research on the organizational and extra-organizational dimension. The results of the model fit with Using the factor analysis and SMART-PLS 2 software showed, operating loads were more than 0.5 and The value of t-statistic is greater than 1.96. also All relationships were significant at the 5% error level and Their path coefficients are positive and direct.
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