Designing a native talent management model in Iran's national gas industry
Subject Areas : Human Capital Empowerment
Abdoljavad khalili
Abdolghalegh Gholami
karamallah daneshfard
1 - Ph.D. Student Public Management, Islamic Azad University branch Yasoj, Yasoj, Iran
2 - Yasuj Azad University Public Administration Department
3 - Department of Public Administration, Azad University of Science and Research
Keywords: Structural Equations, talent management, Fajr Jam Gas Refinery, Indigenous pattern,
Abstract :
Today, talent management has become an essential requirement for organizations, and most of our organizations agree on talent capital and manpower that creates a competitive advantage. The purpose of this study is to design a native model of talent management in national gas industries. In terms of purpose, this research is an exploratory research in the qualitative part and an explanatory research in the quantitative part and in terms of method; it is mixed (qualitative and quantitative). In the qualitative section, using Delphi technique, among 15 managers and talent management specialists in Fajr Jam gas refinery, and in the quantitative section, the model test was conducted with a survey approach. The statistical population in the quantitative section also includes all the employees of Fajr Jam refinery, a sample of which was estimated using a random stratified sampling method of 278 people based on Cochran's formula. Then, through a researcher-made questionnaire and using structural equation modeling approach, after the content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts, the convergence validity and reliability of the questionnaire were obtained based on Cranach’s alpha coefficient and combined reliability. The main floor was categorized. The findings of the quantitative section also confirmed talent management, including 10 dimensions of personal development, organizational strategy, recruitment, performance management, training, service compensation, discipline, political factors, labor supply, and government laws and regulations. Finally, according to the data obtained from qualitative and quantitative research, the native model of talent management was proposed.
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