Identifying Risks of Outsourcing Information Technology Contracts in Government Organizations (Case Study: Level one Organozation In Tehran)
Subject Areas :
Journal of Investment Knowledge
Seyed Mahmoud آشت َنذشقه
1 - Researcher of Mehr Pajouhan Non-Commercial Social Innovation Research Institute: Tehran, Iran
Received: 2019-11-16
Accepted : 2019-11-16
Published : 2021-12-22
"Government Agencies",
"Information and Communication Technology",
"IT Outsourcing",
Information Technology Contracts",
Abstract :
AbstractRisk management is essential to get success in IT projects. The main purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize risks that threaten the feasibility of information those projects, outsourced by Iranian government agencies successfully. The target population of this study is one-level organizations in Tehran. At the first stage by reviewing relevant literature and reviewing related research provided a list of 76 factors that could potentially hamper the success of information technology projects. Then, according to the opinion of 12 expert executives, 22 agents who are more important in government IT outsourcing projects had been selected.The questionnaires were sent to 51 IT experts and managers of the target organizations and their contracting companies. Research findings showed that employer-related and environmental hazards are the most important. Also, 11 factors identified as potentially serious risks for successful outsourcing of IT projects were identified and ranked according to their impact and importance.
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