Comparison of the legal status of commercial contracts and negotiable instrument setting by a representatives lack the authority or position ( with the approach of jurisprudence and supernation law)
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issuesmohammad bozorgpanah 1 , Alireza Entezari 2 , Mahmoud Gauom zadah 3
1 - PhD student in private law, Department of Law, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Law Department, Naraq Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naraq, Iran.
3 - Full Professor, Department of Education and Law, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.
Keywords: Commercial contract, commercial documents, authority and authority, private transaction,
Abstract :
The general rule accepted in legal systems is that the contract is the representative of the original contract. Although the basis of the legal systems in this regard is different and this rule has exceptions and all cases should not be considered in the same way, with this definition, the absence of position and authority does not always mean that the contract and negotiable instrument are not affected. The intention of representation and It is necessary for the client to perform a legal act for the client, especially in contracts where the parties are part of the contract, and it is a condition of the correctness of the contract. The results will show. As the representative does not have authority and the third party should be aware of this matter, in this What will be the status of the contract and contractual arrangement of the instrument and whether the third party can refer to the representative and demand the performance of the obligation or should he refer to the principal, also if the representative has no authority or position and the third party is not aware of this matter but through the position of the representative of any A conventional person should imagine him as a real representative with authority and power (such as the CEO, minister, etc.) in this case, does the representative's signature have legal effect and is the original responsible in front of the third party or not? And in a situation where the principal and the representative colluded with each other so that the representative is considered to have no authority and authority and in the future against the beneficiary they will abuse this and claim the lack of authority and authority of the representative, this situation should also be investigated and basically Do the above issues in the commercial contract and negotiable instrument have the same results or different results? Is there a difference from a jurisprudential perspective between commercial contracts and negotiable instrument?
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