Study of Information flow in the research Institutes of Islamic Azad University
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
Ali Sadeghzadeh Vayghan
Mohammad Hassanzadeh
Fahimeh Babalhavaeji
nadjla hariri
1 - PhD of LIS Islamic Azad University- Research and Science Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant professor of Tarbiat Modaress University,
3 - Associate professor of Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran
4 - Associate professor of Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran
Keywords: Islamic Azad University, Data input, data processing, data output, Information Flow, research institutes,
Abstract :
Objective: This study aims to identify the flow of information in the research Institutes of Islamic Azad University from the perspective of researchers, conducted using a researcher- made questionnaire. Methodology: The methodology of research was survey method. The population of the study consisted of 7 research institutes affiliated to Islamic Azad University includes research assistants, heads of scientific groups, library administrators and faculty members as members of study population. 25 questionnaires had been sent and 24 questionnaires (96 percent) had been returned. Findings: The results showed that in the input stage (collecting and using information), electronic forms more than printed formats and in the processing stage (production and storage of information), printed forms more than electronic formats and in the output stage (dissemination of information), printed forms more than electronic formats are used. Further. The researchers use electronic resources more than print sources, but this situation is reversed in the production and dissemination stage and the printed format are used more than electronic formats. Conclusion: analysis using ANOVA showed that the difference between use of different types of formats in three stages: input, processing and output, in the most items, were not significant and little difference has been. The overall status of the information flow is acceptable in input stage and poor in the processing step.
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