Open Access Article
1 - Evaluating the effect of academic field on the perception of space (Case example: undergraduate students of architecture and physical education department of Islamic Azad University of Shiraz)
Sare Kaviani hamed mozterzadeh -
Open Access Article
2 - Evaluating the components of Iranian healing gardens with emphasis on the presence of young elderly during the Covid-19 epidemic from the point of view of experts and elderly audiences (Case study: Historical gardens of Shiraz)
Mohammad Ali Rahimi Negar Fotouhi -
Open Access Article
3 - Investigating the Impact of Digitalization of Clients and the Expertise of Auditing Firms in the Digital Field on Audit Quality: Evidence from Iran
Fereydoon Rahnama Roodposhti Anahita Zandi -
Open Access Article
4 - Analysis and investigation of crimes related to medicine and treatment by medical and pharmaceutical professionals
Samira tajkhorasani -
Open Access Article
5 - Predicting local scour depth of bridge piers using hybrid particle swarm optimization and gray wolf optimizer
Mehran Sarabi Seyed Abbas Hosseini -
Open Access Article
6 - Designing a Livelihood System Compatible with the Environment and Sustainable in the Shadgan Wetland with the Approach of Oil Field Development
mohammad saedeifard Azadeh Nekooei esfahani mahdi nazari sarem -
Open Access Article
7 - Survey of yield and yield components of castor bean genotypes
ali sayadi -
Open Access Article
8 - The effect of drought stress and different amounts of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on productivity of forage sorghum variety speedfeed
fatmeh khezerloo -
Open Access Article
9 - Study of some morphological traits, yield and yield components in advanced wheat genotypes under normal and water deficit stress
bahman zekavati -
Open Access Article
10 - Effect of planting time on yield, yield components and some of agronomic traits of two soybean cultivares in Ardabil region
Seyed Sajjad Moosavi -
Open Access Article
11 - Evaluation of plant density and nitrogen fertilizer effects on yield, components, and seed protein percentage of durum wheat var. Aria
مجتبي احمدی همزیان -
Open Access Article
12 - Effect of cultivar and harvest date on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of autumn sown sugar beet in Kashmar region.
سعيد سبزواري -
Open Access Article
13 - Effect of planting dates ,seed rates and row spacing on grain yield and yield components of a lentil (Lens culinaris) genotype in Northern Khorasan dry land condition.
Seyed Morteza Azimzadeh -
Open Access Article
14 - Effect of Planting Date and Weed Control Methods on Yield and Vegetative Traits of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Khoy Region
مجتبي اكبري sasan rezadust -
Open Access Article
15 - The effect of sowing date on yield and its components of safflower genotypes under Urmia climatic conditions
علیرضا عیوضی -
Open Access Article
16 - Effect of exogenous abscisic acid and cytokinin on wheat (Triticum aestivum)
سیف الله کیا چهارباغي -
Open Access Article
17 - The effect of nitrogen and potassium on yield, and agronomic traits of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) in dry conditions
علي عبدزاد گوهري -
Open Access Article
18 - Effect of weed control and nitrogen application at different stages on corn yield and it components
ندا فوزي -
Open Access Article
19 - Foresight of the aging trend of the Iranian population in different regions and population groups until 1420
javad dindar farkosh shahla kazemipour sabet hamid ansari -
Open Access Article
20 - Creating an innovation ecosystem with system dynamics approach
rozita dabbagafrouz Alireza Bafandeh Zendeh Mohamd Pasebani -
Open Access Article
21 - The Minbar Field in the Constitutional Period Based on Bourdieu's Theory
Sadeq Pashaei Shahrbanou Delbari Mahmoud Mahdavi Damghani -
Open Access Article
22 - Magnetized electron-positron plasma, new mode, stability conditions
Farshid Nooralishahi Mohammad Salem Mohammad Reza Tanhayi -
Open Access Article
23 - Synthesis structural and anti-microbial characterization of nanostructured doped tin oxide
Achyutmohan Chaudhury Utsa Debnath Sujay Munshi Goutam Basak Avigyan Dutta Suvadip Masanta Achintya Singha Aritra Banerjee Debtanu Ghosh Partha Chatterjee Apurba Kanti Deb -
Open Access Article
24 - Analytical approach for the use of different gauges in bubble wakefield acceleration
Hitendra Malik Sonu Kumar Vidushi Dhaka Dhananjay Singh -
Open Access Article
25 - Spectra of heavy quarkonia in a magnetized-hot medium in the framework of fractional non-relativistic quark model
Mohammed Abu-shady Azar I. Ahmadov He M. Fath-Allah Vatan H. Badalov -
Open Access Article
26 - Optical imaging and magnetic field simulation of a DC circular planar magnetron sputtering discharge
Ahmad Rastkar Ali Reza Niknam Mostafa Salahshoor -
Open Access Article
27 - On optical field driven quantum spin Hall phase in Bi_2Se_3 thin film with magnetic Impurities
Udai Tyagi Partha Goswami -
Open Access Article
28 - Effect of transverse wiggler magnetic field on the growth rate of Raman backscattering of X-mode laser in rippled density plasma
Hitendra Malik Manish Dwivedi -
Open Access Article
29 - Properties of nanoscale copper oxide thin film deposited by plasma focus device
Hasan Anousha -
Open Access Article
30 - The spatial damping of electrostatic wave in Hall thruster beam plasma
Saty Bharti Sukhmander Singh -
Open Access Article
31 - Three-Body force effects on breakup and formation of 6Li nuclei
Hossein Sadeghi Shahla Nahidinezhad -
Open Access Article
32 - Optimizing electron trajectories in combined helical wiggler and solenoidal magnetic fields for effective particle acceleration
Hitendra K. Malik -
Open Access Article
33 - Bohm sheath criterion for electronegative warm plasma carrying seconadary electron emission in an oblique magnetic field
Yetendra Jha Mayank Kumar Hitendra K. Malik -
Open Access Article
34 - Numerical investigations of electron-self-injection in different shaped bubbles in wakefield acceleration
Sonu Kumar Dhananjay Singh Hitendra K. Malik -
Open Access Article
35 - Steady-state electron trajectories in a free electron laser with ion-channel and axial magnetic field in the presence of self-fields
T. Mohsenpour -
Open Access Article
36 - Theoretical analysis and intensity calculation for the f → d absorption spectrum of Ce3+ in YAl3(BO3)4 crystal
Imen Kebaïli Mohamed Dammak -
Open Access Article
37 - Variational calculation with general density functional to solve the electronic Schrödinger equation directly for ground state: a recipe for self-consistent field solution
Sandor Kristyan -
Open Access Article
38 - Relativistic dynamics of electrons around impurities in high-density plasmas
Said Douis Mohammed Tayeb Meftah -
Open Access Article
39 - Quasi monoenergetic electron bunch generation by frequency variation laser pulse in magnetized plasma
Azadeh Ahmadian -
Open Access Article
40 - Compressive solitons in a moving e-p plasma under the effect of dust grains and an external magnetic field
Rakhee Malik Hitendra K Malik -
Open Access Article
41 - A new form of Grad-Shafranov equation for a tokomak with an elongated cross section
Alireza Seife Khajeh Marjan Samad Sobhanian -
Open Access Article
42 - Effect of obliqueness of external magnetic field on the characteristics of magnetized plasma wakefield
Maryam Manouchehrizadeh Davoud Dorranian -
Open Access Article
43 - Investigation of the optimal material type and dimension for spallation targets using simulation methods
Seyed Amir Hossein Feghhi S. A. H. Feghhi Zohreh Gholamzadeh C. Tenreiro Claudio Tenreiro -
Open Access Article
44 - Propagation of magnetogasdynamic shock waves in a self-gravitating gas with exponentially varying density
Gorakh Nath Jagdamba Prasad Vishwakarma Vinod Kumar Srivastava Aswani Kumar Sinha -
Open Access Article
45 - Reflection of ion acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with variable charge dust
Renu Tomar Hitendra K. Malik Raj P. Dahiya -
Open Access Article
46 - Chromium ions effects on Sb2O3-PbO-GeO2 glass properties for radiation protection
Mohammed Ibrahim Sayyed Kawa M. Kaky Rana A. Anaee -
Open Access Article
47 - Investigation of the effects of pulse repetition frequency in a mixed electric field on a SDBD-like plasma jet
Amir Abbas Heidari Pourya Seyfi Ahmad Khademi Hamid Ghomi -
Open Access Article
48 - Effects of electric field on magnetic properties of MnxGe1-xdocumentclass[12pt]{minimal} usepackage{amsmath} usepackage{wasysym} usepackage{amsfonts} usepackage{amssymb} usepackage{amsbsy} usepackage{mathrsfs} usepackage{upgreek} setlength{oddsidemargin}{-69pt} egin{document}$$Mn_{x}Ge_{1-x}$$end{document} diluted magnetic semiconductors
Gezahegn Assefa P. Singh -
Open Access Article
49 - Theoretical relation between halo current-plasma energy displacement/deformation in EAST
Shahab Ud-Din Khan Salah Ud-Din Khan Yuntao Song Chen Dalong -
Open Access Article
50 - Proton driven plasma wakefield generation in a parabolic plasma channel
Y. Golian D. Dorranian -
Open Access Article
51 - Effect of magnetic field on electromagnetic soliton evolution by different pulses
Aparna Sharma Hitendra K. Malik Harish Kumar Sanjeev Goyal -
Open Access Article
52 - Dynamical and transport properties in plasmas including three-particle spatial correlations
Hakima Ababsa Med Tayeb Meftah Thouria Chohra -
Open Access Article
53 - Study of deformation microstructure of nickel samples at very short milling times: effects of addition of α-Al2O3 particles
Apurba Kanti Deb P. Chatterjee -
Open Access Article
54 - Calculation of current density for graphene superlattice in a constant electric field
Farhad Sattari -
Open Access Article
55 - Ripple transport and neoclassical diffusion in IR-T1 tokamak
M. Hosseininejad M. Ghoranneviss M. K. Salem -
Open Access Article
56 - Calculation of energy lost by radiation and convection during laser welding of TA6V titanium alloy
Soumaya Lemkeddem Fethi Khelfaoui Oumelkheir Babahani -
Open Access Article
57 - Thermodynamics of nonlinearly charged black holes in the Brans–Dicke modified gravity theory
J. Pakravan M. V. Takook -
Open Access Article
58 - The effect of mixed electric field on characteristic of ozone generation in a DBD plasma source
Pourya Seyfi Mehrdad Rezaei Golghand Saeed Ghasemi Hamid Ghomi -
Open Access Article
59 - Thermodynamics of charged rotating solutions in Brans–Dicke gravity with Born–Infeld field
J. Pakravan M. V. Takook -
Open Access Article
60 - First principle study of the effect of defects on performance of single-molecule pentacene field effect transistors
Bahniman Ghosh Akash Gramin -
Open Access Article
61 - Estimation of lattice strain in alumina–zirconia nanocomposites by X-ray diffraction peak profile analysis
Apurba Kanti Deb Partha Chatterjee -
Open Access Article
62 - Microstrain and lattice disorder in nanocrystalline titanium dioxide prepared by chemical route and its relation with phase transformation
Apurba Kanti Deb Partha Chatterjee -
Open Access Article
63 - Rapid growth of zinc oxide nanobars in presence of electric field by physical vapor deposition
Mehraban Jouya Fahime Taromian Simin Siami -
Open Access Article
64 - Conformally invariant spin-32documentclass[12pt]{minimal} usepackage{amsmath} usepackage{wasysym} usepackage{amsfonts} usepackage{amssymb} usepackage{amsbsy} usepackage{mathrsfs} usepackage{upgreek} setlength{oddsidemargin}{-69pt} egin{document}$$frac{3}{2}$$end{document} field equation in de Sitter space–time
N. Fatahi -
Open Access Article
65 - Transcriptional responses following seed priming with cold plasma and electromagnetic field in Salvia nemorosa L.
Maryam Ghaemi Ahmad Majd Alireza Iranbakhsh -
Open Access Article
66 - Photon decaying in de Sitter universe
Y. Ahmadi M. V. Takook -
Open Access Article
67 - Strategic Pathology of Human Resource Management System Based on International Competency Policies in the National Company of Southern Oilfields
yousef ravanpaikar afsaneh zamanimoghadam seead abdolla sajadijaghargh seeyad ahmad hashemi zeinolabedin amini sabegh -
Open Access Article
68 - Developing Strategies for the Development of Elder’s Sports in Iran in the Horizon of 20 Years
Sabihe hamdami khotbesara Ali Asghar Doroudian Zara sadat moshir estekhareh Ahad Rezayan Ghayehbashi -
Open Access Article
69 - Pathology of Drafting and Implementation of Tax Reform from the Perspective of Policy Making (Case Study: Iranian National Tax Administration)
فاطمه ثنایی اعلم mehdi alvani -
Open Access Article
70 - The Role of Physical-semantic Components of Residential Public Spaces in Accommodating the Elderly (Case Study: Ekbatan Residential Complex)
ali javan forouzande Neda Mansour hosseinin -
Open Access Article
71 - Urban Spaces Conformity with the Indicators of Age- Friendly City; Case of Chahar Bagh-e Abbasi Street of Isfahan
Ayoub Iranshahi -
Open Access Article
72 - Evaluating the Results of Policies in the Field of Elderly-friendly Cities in Iranian Metropolises
Rostam Saberifar -
Open Access Article
73 - Infill Development Planning, Methods and Necessites
Seyed Mehdi Fakhrahmad Mohammad Reza Pourjafar Aliakbar Taghvaee -
Open Access Article
74 - Explaining the Cognitive Aspects of Elderly's Space Perception in Architecture based on Age, Gender and Length of Residence
Farnaz Cheraghifar Soltanzadeh Hossein Hadi Ghoddusifar -
Open Access Article
75 - Proposed Definition and Typology of Brownfield Sites in Iranian Cities
Elnaz Baghernejhad -
Open Access Article
76 - Evaluation of Quality of Public Open Spaces for the Elderly (Case Study: Sheet-e- Bazaar in Zanjan)
hooman sobouti pari alavi -
Open Access Article
77 - Greenway Pedestrian Design in order to Rejoin the divided Urban Zones through the Brownfield Regeneration (Case Study: Tehran District 17- from Shahid Bradaran-e-Hosseini St. to Yaft Abad St.)
Yasmin Mirzai Fereshteh Habib Kianoush Suzanchi -
Open Access Article
78 - Some nutritional habits of elderlies in Tehran
Saeedeh Avazzade Akram Ghanbari Moghaddam Fateme Ardaneh Mohammad Ayatnia Sahel Sang-Sefidi Mojtaba Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
79 - Consumption of omega-3 supplements to prevent Alzheimer's disease based on Health Belief Model in the elderly
Zahra Jalili Reza Tavakoli Sahar Jalili -
Open Access Article
80 - An existence results on positive solutions for a reaction-diffusion model with logistics growth and indefinite weight
S. Salehshakeri ghasem alizadeh afrouzi -
Open Access Article
81 - Solution of Backup Multifacility Location Problem by Considering the Ideal Radius for each Customer
jafar fathali morteza nazari -
Open Access Article
82 - Concurrent vector fields on Finsler spaces
S.M. Zamanzadeh B. Najafi M. Toomanian -
Open Access Article
83 - Distinguished pairs of algebraic elements
َAzadeh Nikseresht -
Open Access Article
84 - Investigating the Effect of Virtual Reality Techniques on Balance of the Elderly
Hamid Reza Vatan Khah Yasin Najafi Zadegan -
Open Access Article
85 - Policy Implications of Participation Field Rules in Arbaeen Foot Pilgrimage
Sedigheh Ramezani Tamijani -
Open Access Article
86 - The Role of Middle-aged and Elderly people in the Sustainable Development of Taleghan and its Suburbs
Soosan Doostali Ghomrudi Majid Radfar Zahra Sadat Moshir -
Open Access Article
87 - Examination of the Relationship among Various Types of Capital (Social Capital, Cultural Capital and Economic Capital) Along with the Lifestyle of Elderly Women Under the Aegis of the Welfare Organization (Case study: Golestan province)
Tahereh Jabbari Rahmatollah Amirahamdi Gholamreza Khoshfar Gholamreza Khoshfar -
Open Access Article
88 - Study of Entrepreneurship Spirits Among Health Care Management Students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
reza moradi fahimeh rabbani-khah qmars chelongar hiva mirzaei maryam shirvani -
Open Access Article
89 - Factors Affecting in Providing Active Aging Services in Iran
zeinab gholipour Mahmood Mahmoodi Majd Abadi Farahani Leila Riahi kamran hajinabi -
Open Access Article
90 - Using SWOT Analysis to develop a strategy for the transfer of Intelligent Oil Fields Technology in Iran
Hajar Pouran Manjily Mahmood Alborzi Turaj Behrouz Mohammad Seyedhoseini -
Open Access Article
91 - A Survey of Electronic Banking Effects on Organizational Structure in Agricultural Banks
S. M. Alvani K. Heidarzadeh R. Jalali -
Open Access Article
92 - Survey of yield and Bulb Quantitative and Qualititative Traits in Iranian Onion Morphotypes.
Mehdi Manbachi Mohsen Khodadadi Vahid Abdoosi Amirhossein Rahmatizadeh Sahar Majdi -
Open Access Article
93 - Investigation of the magnetic field effects on germination growth and peroxidase enzyme activity in Black locust seeds
Seyed yousef Torabian Vahid Hemmati Seyed Armin Hashemi -
Open Access Article
94 - Theoretical investigation of the implicit effects water molecules and resonance interactions on structural stability and NMR tensors of hallucinogenic harmine by density functional calculations
neda ahmadinejad arezoo tahan Mostafa Talebi Tari1 -
Open Access Article
95 - The Effect of Magnetic Nanoparticles along with Magnetic Experimental Modeling for the Desalination of the Caspian Sea Water
Kamran Lari nikoo ostovar -
Open Access Article
96 - بررسی ساختار و دینامیک در رابط نانو ورق آب- نیکل و مقایسه آن با آب حجیم، با استفاده از میدانهای نیروی واکنشی
karim zare marziyeh samimi majid monajemi -
Open Access Article
97 - An Ab initio Investigation of Pyrene Electronic Structure
M. Monajjemi R. Zhiani H. H. Haeri F. Mollaamin -
Open Access Article
98 - An Ab initio and chemical shielding tensors calculations for Nucleotide 5’-Monophosphates in the Gas phase
M. Monajemi M.A Seyed Sajjadi R. Sayyadi G. Ghassemi -
Open Access Article
99 - Computation of the NMR Parameters of H-Capped (10,0) and (5,5) Single-Walled SiC Nanotubes
Goudarz M. Rouzbehani Temer S. Ahmadi Ahmed Seif -
Open Access Article
100 - An ab initio quantum chemical investigation of TOMS nmr SHIELDING TENSORS IN Adenine-thymine, Adenine-uracil, Guanine-Cytosine & uracil-quartet: comparison between theoretical and experimental results
H. Aghaie M. Monajjemi Gh. Ghassemi M. Kia -
Open Access Article
101 - The Study of Salvation Effects on an Anticancer Drug; Dammarane sapogenins
M. Hooshyari F. Naderi M. Yari M. Khaleghian M. Monajjem -
Open Access Article
102 - Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Studies of 15N and 13C NMR Shielding Tensors in Serine and Complexes of Serine- nH2O: Investigation on Strength of the CαH…O Hydrogen bonding in the Amino Acid Residue.
M. Monajjemi T. Karimkeshteh F. Mollaamin -
Open Access Article
103 - Investigation of Solvent Effect on CUA Codon Mutation: NMR Shielding Study
S. Irani M. Monajjemi S.M Atyabi M. Sadegizadeh M. Heshmat T. Nejadsattari -
Open Access Article
104 - Theoretical study of hydrogen bond effects on Diphenylphosphorylazide
S. Reihani Z. Azizi M. Khaleghian H. Passdar L. Pishkar R. Ahmadi L. Saedi -
Open Access Article
105 - An ab initio study of metalated CMP,UMP& dTMP at HF level:Bond energies and isotropic NMR shielding of atoms
M.A Seyed Sajjadi R. Sayadi G. Ghasem KH. Kalateh -
Open Access Article
106 - Investigation of Different Solvents and Temperatures Effects on (3,7) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: DFT Study
M. Monajjemi M. Khaleghian -
Open Access Article
107 - Theoretical study of solvent effect on NMR shielding for Pyrazole and Pyrazoline
Farideh Keshavarz Rezaei -
Open Access Article
108 - Entanglement in the XZ spin chain model in the external magnetic field
F. Soheilian M.R. Soltani M. Firoozi S. A. Hosseini -
Open Access Article
109 - Thermal negativity in a two qubit XXX and XX spin chain model in an external magnetic field
M. Ghasemloo N. Nikdel M. R. Soltani M. Firoozi F. Soheilian -
Open Access Article
110 - Solvent Effect on Aquaporin4
S. Shojaee M. Monajjemi -
Open Access Article
111 - Social and cultural capital's effect on lifestyle of elderly women covered by the state Welfare Organization (case study: Golestan province)
rahmatollah amirahmadi Tahereh jabbary Gholamreza Khoshfar -
Open Access Article
112 - Explaining social health management strategies from the perspective of the elderly (a phenomenological study)
leila fathi Nayere hafezi -
Open Access Article
113 - Sociological survey of the role of Iranian families' cultural capital on entering their children into university successfully (A survey about the Sharif industrial university students in the year 1394)
Open Access Article
114 - Investigating the needs of the elderly population of Iran in different regions and population groups up to 1420 and its role in social development
جواد dindar Farkosh shahla kazemipour sabet hamid ansari -
Open Access Article
115 - Paradigmatic analysis of social structures affecting the failure of development projects (Case of Study: Water Pumping Station Project in Pasar Village, Hersin)
parisa Moradian Farahnaz Rostami shahpar geravandi -
Open Access Article
116 - Designing and validating a competency-based curriculum model for student physical education teachers
Majid rafei Abdollah Hojjati Ali imanzadeh -
Open Access Article
117 - Analysis of sprawl on Chabahar urban border with Heldern and Entropy Shanon models
roghayieh golvarey karamatollah Zayyari alireza estelaji -
Open Access Article
118 - Determination of susceptible areas for field hospitals using a fuzzy AHP model in GIS environment with passive defense approach
hassan atashgahi Esmaeel Yazdani -
Open Access Article
119 - Prioritizing Brownfield for Sustainable Urban Regeneration (Case study: neighborhoods of zone 16 of Tehran neighboring with the Fedaiyan Islam axis)
Nahid Nematikutenaee Rahim Sarvar Farideh Asadian -
Open Access Article
120 - The hydropolitic of Aras river border and its effect on the security of Ardabil province.
Hamidreza Paknejad motaki Abdolreza Faraji rad. -
Open Access Article
121 - A Study on Cognitive Maps about Space Perception by the Elderlies (Case study: Kahrizak Nursing Home)
Farnaz Cheraghifar Hossein Soltanzadeh Hadi Ghoddusifar -
Open Access Article
122 - Application of Content Analysis Method to Evaluate and Identify the Brownfields Redevelopment Process in Leading Countries
فرشاد Nooriyan کاظم Afradi -
Open Access Article
123 - Factors Affecting on Achievement of Water User Associations (Irrigation Network of Qazvin Plain)
Iraj Rashvand mehdi Mirdamadi Farhad Lashgarara -
Open Access Article
124 - Sustainability of Guilan Rice Fields and its Effective Factors (Case: Rasht City)
Soodabeh Saraei Hassan Afrakhteh -
Open Access Article
125 - Assessment of CERES-Wheat Model in simulation of varieties of wheat yield under different irrigation treatments
زهرا سعادتی معصومه دلبری Ebrahim Amiri مهدی پناهی محمد حسین رحیمیان مسعود قدسی -
Open Access Article
126 - Effect of natural and artificial moisture absorbents on delay of permanent wilting point coefficient
نقی حقیقت علی محمدی ترکاشوند ابراهیم پذیرا -
Open Access Article
127 - Investigation of lithological units susceptibility of erosion using mineralogical characteristics
Seid Saeid Ghiasi Sadat Feiznia Alireza Moghadam nia Somayye Najirad -
Open Access Article
128 - Assessment of Different Rosetta Software Levels on Some Soil Hydraulic Properties Estimation
Parisa Mashayekhi Mohsen Dehghani -
Open Access Article
129 - Simulation of sugar beet growth under water stress using AquaCrop model
Zahra Saadati Masoomeh Delbari مهدی پناهی Ebrahim Amiri -
Open Access Article
130 - Water use efficiency of wheat under simultaneous water and salinity stress conditions by using date palm leaves biochar
مهرداد نوروزی سیدحسن طباطبائی محدرضا نوری -
Open Access Article
131 - Evaluation of production functions to estimate rapeseed yield in different Interval times
Arash Tafteh اصلان اگدرنژاد Niazali ebrahimipak -
Open Access Article
132 - Effect of remaining nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on chemical properties of soil in faba bean- rice cropping system
Abbas Shahdi Kumleh SeyedReza Seyedi Mohammad Rabiee Maryam Foroughi -
Open Access Article
133 - Effect of partial root-zone drying irrigation and plant density on yield and water productivity of forage corn
Hossein Sahradi Fayaz Aghayari -
Open Access Article
134 - The Effect of Deficit Irrigation Management and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels on Yield and Water use Productivity in Soybean
Amir Nikakhtar Ali Neshat Najmeh Yazdanpanah -
Open Access Article
135 - Evaluation of CWSI for Three of Corn Cultivars under Drip Irrigation Regimes (The Lands of Khuzestan Northern)
پیمان لالوند ali heydar nasrolahi محمد Kh مهری سعیدی نیا -
Open Access Article
136 - Assessing the Performance of WRF Model in Prediction of Evapotranspiration in Paddy Fields
Ebrahim Asadi Oskouei Mohammadreza Mohammadpour Penchah Leila Goodarzi Mojtaba Shokouhi -
Open Access Article
137 - Measurement of Water Consumption of Promising Rice Cultivars Using Mini-Cylindrical Lysimeters in Amol City
Saeed Hosseini Ali Bagheri Reza Asadi Davod Akbari nodehi -
Open Access Article
138 - Influence of different subsurface drainage systems on nitrate losses from rainfed-canola croplands
Farzad HaghNazari Fatemeh Karandish Abdullah Darzi-Naftchali Jirka Simunek -
Open Access Article
139 - Study of salinity distribution in cultivated soil profile under drip irrigation
leila mirzaeialamuti Bijan Nazari Abbas Sotoodehnia Hadi Ramezani Etedali -
Open Access Article
140 - Investigating the impacts of latitude on virtual water content of major crops in the eastern provinces of Iran
Ali Arefinia Khaled Ahmadaali -
Open Access Article
141 - The effect of sawdust and nitrogen on soil quality indices under bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivation
Farzad Jalili -
Open Access Article
142 - Effect of Irrigation Management on Yield and Yield Components of Different Rice Genotypes (Case Study: Amol)
Mojtaba Zabihpour Roushan ali bagheri Reza Asadi Davod Akbari Nodehi Fazl Shirdel Shahmiri -
Open Access Article
143 - Investigating Performance, Water Productivity, Growth Degree Day Index (GDD) and Evaluating Yield Response Factor of Safflower Plant Under Different Irrigation Treatments
Arash Tafteh Saloomeh Sepehri Aslan Egdernezhad Ali Abdzad Gohari Parisa Shahinrokhsar -
Open Access Article
144 - Effect of Tillage Direction and Straw Mulch on Precipitation Use Efficiency in Wheat Rainfed Land in a Semi-Arid Region
Alireza Vaezi Samira Rezaeipour Mohammad Babaakbari Fereshteh Azarifam -
Open Access Article
145 - Simulation of yield and water use productivity in soybean plant under deficit irrigation and different levels of nitrogen fertilizer conditions using DSSAT model
Amir Nikakhtar Ali Neshat Najmeh Yazdanpanah Ali Abdzad Gohari Ebrahim Amiri -
Open Access Article
146 - Effect of type and application level of polyacrylamide on soil loss
Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi Zeinab Karimi Hossein Ali Bahrami -
Open Access Article
147 - Estimation of Production Function and Water Use Efficiency on Eggplant in Drip Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer
Ali Abdzad Gohari Ebrahim Amiri Amin Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
148 - Trend of soil loss and sediment concentration changeability due to application of polyacrylamide
Seyed Hamid Reza Sadeghi Zeinab Hazbavi Habibollah Younesi Morteza Behzadfar -
Open Access Article
149 - Evaluating reduced tillage methods on energy productivity and rainfed wheat yield
Zein-al-Abedin Shamabadi -
Open Access Article
150 - Suspended sediment particle size distribution in Kojour river
Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi Mohamad Ali Zakeri -
Open Access Article
151 - Butter Separation from Cream Using Ultrasonication: Optimization of Parameters Using RSM
B. Maheshwari R. Saravanathamizhan N. Balasubramanian -
Open Access Article
152 - Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of Toast Bread Baked by Yeast–Salt Method
M. Karamirad S. Movahhed A.R. Shahab Lavasani -
Open Access Article
153 - Effect of irrigation with different salinities on some soil characteristics and salt concentration factor (Case study: Bighard, Khonj)
Ehsan Kamali Maskooni Seyed Fakhadin Afzali -
Open Access Article
154 - investigation of land cover changes using remote sensing technique (Case study: Katalan unit)
Maryam Nazemi jalal Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Elham Forootan -
Open Access Article
155 - Identifying concepts of green curriculum based on educational fields: a qualitative research
Masoumeh Reyhani Shirvan nazia sadat naseri Mahboubeh Soleimanpour Omran -
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156 - Comparison of carbon sequestration in different land uses (Case Study: Some part of catchment of Behshahr)
Kebriya Jafari Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Yahya kooch -
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157 - Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cultivars and promising lines of triticale in the two cold regions of Khorasan Razavi proviance
Seyyed Alireza Razavi hassan hamidi -
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158 - Investigation of Field Experiments and Mathematical Models for Heavy Gas Dispersion
Narjes Hemati Alam Eslam Kashi Razieh Habibpour -
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159 - Determining the Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals and Their effects on Soybean Yield at Sari Region
Fatemeh Taghavi Ghasemkheyli hemmatollah pirdashti Mostafa Emadi Mohammad Ali Tajick Ghanbary -
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160 - Investigation on the Concentration of Suspended Particulate Matters in Tehran Underground Subway Stations and Compare it with Ambient Concentrations
Ameneh Bolourchi Farideh Atabi Faramarz Moattar Mehdi Ali Ehyaei -
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161 - Investigation of Quality and Quantity of Waste Generation in South Azadegan Oil Field (Southwest of Iran)
Zhinoos Tavakoli Hossein Sakhaeinia Farshid Pajoum Shariati -
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162 - Determination of Diazinon in Water of Rice fields of Amol city by Thin Layer Chromatography Technique
Reza Arjmandi Mitra Tavakol Mansoreh Shayeghi -
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163 - Climate Regulation and Soil by Development of Green Space in an Arid Zone
Azadeh Salehi Masoud Tabari Kocheksaraei -
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164 - 6
وحید رضا صفدری داود پارسا پژوه امیر هومن حمصی -
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165 - Samples Using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Method in Ghorveh Field
Abdoreza Noferesti Sattar Shariati Taravat Nickpour -
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166 - Sediment Yield Estimation Due to Forest Road Network Using SEDMDEL and GIS
Zakaria Asadollahi Saleh Yosefi Majid Mohammady -
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167 - Breeding success and daily survival rate of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) in Amirkelayeh International Wetland, Iran
Razeih Rahimi Masoud Monavari Mahmoud Karami -
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168 - Evaluation and determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in drilling wastes (Case study: Southern Azadegan Oil Field)
Mahdis Mirzatahermostofi Azamosadat Hosseini Hashemi -
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169 - Application of New Technologies for Flare Gas Reduction in Iran, an Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis
Zeinab Kasraei Ameneh Haji Heidari -
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170 - Nutrition Properties of Soil and Leaf of Eldar Pine Trees Irrigated by Municipal Effluent
Azadeh Salehi Masoud Tabari Kochksaraei -
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171 - Investigating the effect of IPM/FFS on Economical and Environmental Dimensions at the Rural Communities (Case Study: Fereeydoonkenar District, Mazandaran Province)
Maryam Hashemi Akramolmolok lahijanian -
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172 - Integrated Optimal Risk-Based Liquidity Management Model Design in Specialized Holdings of Social Security Investment Corporation (SHASTA)
Gholamreza Zomorodian Mohammad Reza Rostami Robabeh Bahramian -
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173 - Design of Mathematical Optimization Algorithm of Banks' Foreign Exchange Portfolios on the Basis of Fuzzy Logic and Relevant Risk Indices (Case Study: Bank Mellat)
Gholamreza Bayati Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammad Pourzarandi HAMIDREZA KORDLOUIE Arefeh Fadavi -
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174 - The study of behavioral factors in the selection of optimal portfolio in
Maryam Saberi Roya darabi -
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175 - Discuss Optimal Portfolio Efficiency in terms of Kurtosis Model in Phase environment
Ehsan Ghadrdan Khosro Faghani Makrani Samira Solgi -
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176 - Evaluation of current distribution induced on perfect electrically conducting scatterers
عادله حکیم زاده -
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177 - Mathematical Modeling of Micropolar Blood Flow in a Stenosed Artery Under the Body Acceleration and Magnetic Field
AR. Haghighi N. Aliashrafi M. Kiyasatfar -
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178 - Effect of Hall Current and Wall Conductance on Hydromagnetic Natural Convective Flow Between Vertical Walls
D. ‎Kumar‎ A. K. Singh‎ Mr. Sarveshanand‎ -
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179 - Effect of slip and variable thermal boundary conditions on hydromagnetic mixed convection flow and heat transfer from a non-linearly stretching surface
M. Abd El-Aziz -
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180 - Unsteady MHD Couette-Hartmann flow through a porous medium bounded by porous plates with Hall current, ion-slip and Coriolis effects
J. K. Singh‎‎ S. Ghousia ‎Begum‎ N. Joshi‎‎ -
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181 - A scalable physical model based on remote sensing in paddy yield estimation
Ehsan Asmar Mohammad H. Vahidnia Mojtaba Rezaei Ebrahim Amiri -
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182 - Designing a participation model based on its effective and influential components in the field of environment
zahra Tehraei Nasrabadi Saeed Motahari maryam farahani bita azadbakht -
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183 - The Importance of Watershed Ecosystem Services with Emphasis on Runoff yield and Erosion Control
Elnaz Ghabelnezam Raoof Mostafazadeh Abazar Esmali Zeinab Hazbavi -
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184 - HPTLC method’s Application for the study of Diazinon Concentration in the Rice paddies
Reza Arjmandi mansore shayeghi mitra Tavakol -
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185 - Safety and Occupational Health Risk Management in construction phase of oil field and presenting Management strategies improve (Case study construction phase of platform's Reheat oil field)
Hoda Hosseini Tooraj Dana Reza Arjmandi Iman Shirianpour -
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186 - Effects of Nitrogen Levels and its Splitting on Rice Yield and Nutrient Uptake in Rice, Hashemi Variety
Taymour Razavipour Mohammadreza Khaledian Mojtaba Rezaei -
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187 - Analysis of the process of identity and development in the history of Beyhaqi, Kelileh and Demneh
leila kamrani parvaneh adelzadeh Kamran Pashaie -
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188 - Manifestation of the image of elders in Attar Neyshabouri and Movlavi's Divan according to the American school in comparative literature
Farzaneh Dastmard Massoud Sepahvandi Qasem Sahraei -
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189 - مطالعه مولکولی عوامل حدت جدایههای پاستورلا مولتوسیدای مربوط به طیور و بررسی کشندگی جدایههای حاد در جنین و نیمچه ماکیان
رحیم قدیمی پور مسعود قربانپور داریوش غریبی منصور میاحی احمد رضا جباری -
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190 - Identifying the green curriculum based on the fields of education in education
Masoomeh Reyhani Shirvan Nazia Sadat Neseri Mahboobeh Soleiman Poor Omran -
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191 - The Effect of Drought Stress and Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Irrigated Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) in Temperate Region of Lorestan Province
عزت اله نباتی امین فرنیا مجتبی جعفرزاده کنارسری شهرام نخجوان -
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192 - Investigating changes in yield and yield components of white beans under the conditions of biological fertilizers application
حمید نوری saeid navabpour -
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193 - An investigation and comparison of effective factors on variations of Honsfield numbers in CT scanners
Ameneh Abdollahi Qomi Parviz Zobdeh Saeed Karim Khani Zandi -
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194 - The world and its relation with God from attar’s view point
soheila zoghi -
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195 - Ferdowsi's aesthetic taste Bourdieu's measurement
saba pezhmanfar Ahmad Zakeri -
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196 - Relationship between 13C NMR Parameters and Antimalarial activity of Cryptolepine Isosteres
Mohamad Reza Talei Bavil Olyai Hadi Behzadi Payman Roonasi -
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197 - Diastereoselective Synthesis of Stable Phosphorus Yields by a Three-Component Reaction between Ph3P and Acetylenic Esters in the Presence of Hydrazine Derivatives
Safa Ali-Asgari Seyyed Javad Hosseini Khalil Pourshamsian Mohammad Bagheri Ehsan Naghizadeh -
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198 - Study on Sunitinib Adsorption on Graphene Surface as an Anticancer Drug
Sepideh Tanreh Abolghasem Shameli Ebrahim Balali -
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199 - Synthesis of Ibuprofen with Modified and Economical Process as an NSAID Drug
Abbas Ahmadi Marzie Daniali Sara Kazemi Samira Azami Noshin Alizade -
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200 - Optimization of Process Parameters on Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Sambucus Ebulus for Bio-oil Production
Amir Hosein Mohseni Hadi Baseri -
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201 - Advanced Manufacturing Technology by Under Water Friction Stir Welding Technique
M Sadeghi M Farahani H Sabet -
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202 - Effects of Boron and Zirconium on the Microstructure and High-Temperature Strength of Cast Fe3Al-Based Alloys
M. Rajabi M. Shahmiri M. Ghanbari -
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203 - Effects of Welding Cycles on Microstructural Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of SAF 2507 Super Duplex Stainless Steel
M. A. Beheshty E. H. Dehkordi K. Zarrin Naghsh M. R. B. Marnany -
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204 - Effect of the FSW Tool Pin Profile on Mechanical Properties of the Al6061-Cu Plates Joint
F. khalili K. Amini M. Golzar Shahri F. Gharavi -
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205 - Effects of HFRW Variables on Weldded Joint Quality of the Ferritic Stainless Steel to Cr-Mo Low Alloy Steel in Heat Recovery Steam Generator
M Sadeghi H Sabet H Razavi -
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206 - Effect of Heat Treatment on the Intermetallic Compounds and Mechanical Properties of Explosive Weld Interface of three Al 5083, Al 1050 and St 1515 Layers
Bakhtiari H Mokhtariniya F Khanzadeh M. R Farvizi M -
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207 - Evaluation of Performance of Resistance Spot Welded Joints with Different Parameters in Advanced High Strength TRIP Steel
I. Hajiannia R. Ashiri M. R. Pakmanesh M. Shamanian M. Atapour -
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208 - The Effect of Travel and Rotational Speeds on the Mechanical Properties of Al2024 in Underwater Friction Stir Welding
R. Azarafza A. Rabieifar A. Rezaei S. Nategh -
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209 - Improvement of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Manganese Steels by Adding Boron Alloying Element
N. Arab -
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210 - Effect of PWHT Variables on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Al-Zn Weld Metal
M. Forghani -
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211 - Advanced Manufacturing and Eco-friendly Welding Between AISI 409 Finned to High Pressure T22 Boiler Tube by HFRW Clean Energy
M Sadeghi H Sabet S. H Razavi -
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212 - Investigating the Effect of Explosive Welding Variables on the Corrosion Behavior of Explosive Joint of Two-Layered Inconel 718-AISI H13 Hot Work Tool Steel Plates in Salty Environment
A. Norbakhsh M. R. Khanzadeh GharahShiran A. Saadat H. Bakhtiari -
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213 - Effects of Shielding Gas on the Depth, Width and Hardness of 17-4PH Stainless Steel during TIG Welding
S, M Hosseini Farzaneh M Belbasi -
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214 - Investigation on the Effects of Explosive Welding Parameters on the Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity of Al-Cu Bimetal
H Bakhtiari H Abbasi H Sabet M. R Khanzadeh M Farvizi -
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215 - Effects of Shielding Gas on the Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of 409L Ferritic Stainless Steels during Gas Metal Arc Welding
A. Feghhi A. Emamikhah Y. Bayat Asl -
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216 - Study of Fatigue Behavior and Microstructure of 1.6582 Steel Joint by Resistance Butt Welding
O Ashkani H .M Semnani H Sabet M .R Tavighi -
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217 - Weldability of Dissimilar Joint of AISI 304 to CK45 by GTAW Method
A. Taherkhani Y. Shajari K. Mirzavand A. Mellatkhah Z. S. Seyedraoufi -
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218 - The Influence of the Nickel Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Al-Mg Weld Metal
F. Sharifi -
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219 - Welding and inspection Industry Measurement System Analysis
N Adabavazeh M Nikbakht -
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220 - Joining of Ti-6AL-4V to AISI 304 Stainless Steel using Laser Spot Welding with Circular Technique
M Rafi H Sabet V Abouei Mehrizi A Anbarzadeh -
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221 - Several Horizontal and Vertical Cracks in a Piezoelectric Rectangular Plane
R Bagheri -
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222 - High Frequency Resistance Welded Finned Tubes Technologies in Heat Recovery Steam Generator Boilers
M. Sadeghi -
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223 - Metallurgical Investigation of Under Water Friction Stir Welding (UWFSW) Process
M Sadeghi -
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224 - Relationship Between cultural capital and the lifestyle of elderly women
Tahereh Jabbary Touran Rahmatollah Amirahamdi Gholamreza Khosh Far Ebrahim Ghafari -
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225 - Interaction between Nicosulfuron dose and timing on Johnson grass and maize competition indices
Fatemeh Eynollahi Mostafa Oveisi Hamid Rahimian Mashhadi -
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226 - The effect of mechanical and chemical weed control on the yield of onion (Allium cepa L.) seedlings cultivated fall in Hormozgan province.
بهروز بابایی نژاد جعفر آلبوغبیش علیرضا دادخواه -
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227 - Effect of herbicides on weeds and corn yields in different tillage systems
Froud Bazrafshan Mohammad javad Jamalzadeh Omid Alizadeh Mehdi Zare Abdollah Bahrani -
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228 - Evaluation the Effects of Some Pre-plant Herbicide and Plastic Mulch on Weed Flora of Transplanted Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Alireza Ranjbaran Mehdi Rastgoo -
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229 - Effect of weed management methods on agronomic traits, yield and yield components of Neda and aerobic rice cultivars under seeding and transplanting methods
parvin hejazirad Javid Gherekhloo Ali Moumeni naser bagherani Ebrahim Zeinali Afshin Soltani -
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230 - Investigating the competitive ability of different potato varieties with weeds in autumn cultivation
Ali Akbar Nouzaei Saeed Sadeghzadeh Hemayati Ali Saremirad -
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231 - Optimizing the antagonistic effects of water hardness on the efficacy of 2,4-D plus MCPA by adding ammonium sulfate to control broadleaf weeds in wheat fields
Mahnaz Mirzaei Eskandar Zand Alireza Hasanfard Mohammad Hosein Zamani Saied Jabbari-nick -
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232 - مروری بر تأثیر بیوچار در جذب و آبشوئی علف کشها
Omid Alasti Javid Gharakhlou -
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233 - A Comparative Study of the Occupational Motivation of the Physical Education and Health Staff of the Armed Forces Based on Herzberg Theory
Hasan Shabani Seyd Mahmod Mosavi -
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234 - Low-Power Differential Voltage-Controlled Ring Oscillator Based on Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor (CNTFET)
Saba Naseri Akbar -
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235 - Effect of very low frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic field on memory retrieval in mice
Elham Forozandeh Manochehr Satari Naeini -
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236 - extraction defects of radiographic images using local information in transform domain
zahra mousavi Ahmad Keshavarz -
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237 - Analysis of the phenomenon of scattering in polymer optical fibers
Hani shahnazari Hadi Shahnazarisani -
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238 - Quadruple analog multiplier with high-frequency response
Hamid Bashi Seyed Hadi Mosavi Abolfazl Amiri -
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239 - Use of fuzzy technique to optimally route control cables in the presence of interfering fields in transmission substations.
Hadith Zare Faramarz Faqihi Fatemeh Abbasian -
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240 - The comparision of NQR-NMR tensors and chemical reactivity of Mirtazapine and Normirtazapine analogues using quantum mechanics methods
Arezoo Tahan Mahya Khojandi -
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241 - investigation of NMR and NQR tensors in the medicinal analogues of Methylphenidate
Arezoo Tahan Mahya Khojandi -
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242 - Identification and Comparison of the Extractives Chemical Compounds in Leaves of Planted Eldar Pine and Plane Tree by GC-MS Methods
mohammadbagher pashazanosi -
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243 - An Experimental Investigation on Comparison of the Similar and Dissimilar Resistance Spot Welding of St12 and Galvanized Steel using Design of Experiments
Mahmoud Moradi Hadi Abdollahi Ali Khorram -
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244 - Corrosion Behavior Characterization of the Nugget Zone in Copper/Brass Metals of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Lap Joints
kamran amini Farhad Gharavi -
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245 - Optimizing Friction Stir Welding Process for Enhancing Strength and Hardness using Taguchi Multi-Objective Function Method
Sajjad Khaki Ali Heidari Amin Kolahdooz -
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246 - Optimization of AZ61 Mg Alloy Resistance Spot Welding using Response Surface Method
Afshin Lotfi Davood Afshari Zuheir Barsoum -
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247 - Simulation of Ultrasonic Welding of Al-Cu Dissimilar Metals for Battery Joining
Reza Abdi Behnagh Peyman Esmaeilzadeh Mohsen Agha Mohammad Pour -
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Ali Shahmirzaloo Mohammadreza Farahani -
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Sina Sazesh Aazam Ghassemi Reza Ebrahimi Mohammad Khodaei -
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250 - Effect of Welding Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Spot Welded of Titanium Alloy TiAl6V4
Saeid Nader Masoud Kasiri- Asgarani kamran amini Morteza Shamanian -
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251 - The Effects of Local Variation in Thermal Conductivity on Heat Transfer of a Micropolar Fluid Flow Over a Porous Sheet
Reza Keimanesh Cyrus Aghanajafi -
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252 - Experimental Study and Finite Element Simulation of Residual Stress in Welded Sections of Steel P91 Pipes with Multi-pass Welding
Davood Azadi Nosratollah Solhjoei SayedAli Mousavi -
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253 - Investigation of The Effects of Process Parameters on The Welding Line Movement in Deep Drawing of Tailor Welded Blanks
Ali Fazli -
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254 - Experimental Study and Modeling of Friction Stir Welding Process of Aluminum 1100 Alloys, using Artificial Neural Network with Taguchi Method
V. Zakeri Mehrabad Ali Doniavi A. Gholipoor -
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255 - Effect of Rotational Speed on Wear Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded AA6061+15%Al2O3p Metal-Matrix Composite
Moslem Paidar Mojtaba Jafarian Mohsen Salehi Mohammad Saeed Khakpash -
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256 - Effect of Burr Grinding on Fatigue Strength of Steel Butt-Welded Connections
Abbas Fadaei Annette Betkhoodu -
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257 - Field Performance of Inlet Liner for Centrifugal Slurry Pump Manufactured by NR/PBR Nanocomposite
Puya Afsharjahanshahi Seyed Yousef Ahmadi-Brooghani Mehdi Raghebi Mohammad Ali Karimi -
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258 - Evaluation of S/N Diagram in Welded Joints Based on Different Fatigue Failure Criteria
Saeed Jouzdani Ali Heidari -
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259 - Effect of TID-dressing on Fatigue Life Stress Concentration Factor in St37-2Butt Weldments
Abbas Fadaei Mostafa Jalalizadeh Faeze Mohammad Zaheri -
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260 - Experimental Study on Manufacturing of Tailor Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Blanks
Farhad Teimouri Hamid Montazerolghaem Mahmoud Farzin -
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261 - A Novel Technique for Keyhole-Less Reinforced Friction Stir Spot Welding of Polyethylene Sheets
Moosa Sajed S. M. Hossein Seyedkashi -
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262 - Microstructure Investigation and Mechanical Properties of Resistance Upset Butt Welded Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
Mahmood Sharifitabar -
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263 - Influence of Tool Offset Distance on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Dissimilar AA2024–AA7075 Plates Joined by Friction Stir Welding
Hossain Soleimany kamran amini Farhad Gharavi -
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264 - Effect of MIG Welding Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Weld Joints of AISI 202 and AISI 316 Steels
Venkatratnam Dirisala KESAVA RAO V.V.S -
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265 - Investigation of Pitting Corrosion Rate on Micro Plasma Arc Welded Dissimilar Weld Joints of AISI 304 and AISI 430 Stainless Steel Sheets
Uma Maheswara Rao G Srinivasa Rao Chalamalasetti -
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266 - Weld Distortion and Residual Stresses in Aluminum Hollow Section T-Joint
Asghar Mahdian Arash Babamiri Behrooz Shahriari -
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267 - Numerical Study of the Flow Field and Heat Transfer of a Non-Newtonian Magnetic Nanofluid in A Vertical Channel Affected by A Magnetic Field
amireh nourbakhsh amirreza sadeghi -
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268 - Experimental Correlation Between Microstructure, Residual Stresses and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded 2024-T6 Aluminum Alloys
Majid Farhang Mohammadreza Farahani Mohammad Nazari O. Sam Daliri -
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269 - Experimental Study on the Effects of Friction Stir Spot Welding Process Parameters on AL2024T3 Joint Strength
Majid Farhang Mohammadreza Farahani Moein Enami -
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270 - Magnetic Field Effect on Ferro-Nanofluid Heat Transfer in a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Seven Twisted Oval Tubes
Mansour Talebi Mehran Tabibian -
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271 - Investigating the Effect of Electrical Discharge Process Input Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Surface
Hadi Eivazi bagheri Hamid Gorji Mohammad Reza Shabgard mohamad Bakhshi-Jooybari -
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272 - Improvement Analysis of Response Between Jacket Platforms and Sea Waves using the Vibration Dampers
Latif Pendarian Alireza Fiouz Abbas Gasemi -
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273 - Effect of Post-Weld Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AA7075 Welds
Alireza Jalil Nasrollah Bani Mostafa Arab Malek Naderi Yaghoub Dadgar Asl -
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274 - Rosa damascena essential oils: a brief review about chemical composition and biological properties
Hristina Nunes Maria Graca Miguel -
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275 - Inheritance pattern and association study of agronomical traits in 47 elite accessions/genotypes of Opium poppy ( Papaver somniferum L.)
Rashmi Lahiri - Jyotshana A.K. Verma Karuna Shanker Raj Kishori Lal -
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Ritu Mishra Ajay Kumar A.K. Gupta Dharmendra Saikia Raj K. Lal -
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277 - A review of 13C NMR spectra of drimane sesquiterpenes
Sylvia Awino Opiyo -
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278 - The Effectiveness of Group Logotherapy on the Sense of Loneliness of Elderly Women Resident in Nursing Home
Shayesteh Zanjiran Leila Keyani Maryam Zare Zeynab shayeghian -
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279 - The Impact of Group Education Based on Snyderâs Hop Theory on The Rate of Happiness in Elderyâs Life
افشان قاسمی احمد عابدی ایران باغبان -
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saeedeh hedayat mokhtar arefi -
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Niloofar Mikaeili Saeede hedayat -
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282 - The Comparison of the Effect of Mindfulness training and Biofeedback-Relaxation on Anxiety and Depression in the Elderly
Fatemeh Kamranmehr Alireza Farsi Maryam Kavyani -
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283 - The effect of life review treatment based on the Islamic ontology trend on cognitive flexibility and deterministic thinking in the elderly
zahra solgi -
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Habibollah Mashhady Nasser Fallah -
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285 - The Contributions of Input Enhancement of Collocations to the Reading Comprehension Performance of Iranian Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Learners
Tahere Mohammadi Alireza Amjadiparvar -
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Shokouh Rashvand Semiyari Saeideh Ahangari -
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287 - Reform some third-grade student's misconception & incorrect belief basis on Gagné's and Schönefeld's Problem-solving frameworks.
Sepideh Noruzi Mahmoud Mehrmohammadi Ebrahim Reyhani Hashem Fardanesh Mohsen Imani -
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288 - The effectiveness of problem solving training on reduction of math anxiety amongst the students with field-dependent cognitive style in academic year 1391-1392
saeed veisi kahreh sadaf imani rasool kordnoghabi moselem VeisiPour hadi Tahmasian abas RabieMsbahe -
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Fatemeh Sadat Bitarafan Marjan Sojoodi marziye dehghani -
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290 - Designing a competency-based counseling and guidance bachelor's curriculum template (Farhangian University case study)
Naser Shirkavand hossein moameni mahmuee Hossein Sahebdel Asado llah Zangoei -
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Marziyeh Advand Bahram Azizollah Ganji Mohammad Reza Kolahdouz -
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Ahmadreza Askari Majid Khorvash Majid Namnabat -
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294 - Design and simulation of an Improved NEMFET with Low Leakage Current and Sub-threshold Swing
Nastaran Jafari Farshad Babazadeh Zahra Ahangari -
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295 - Simulation and analysis of electromagnetic fields resulting from lightning in the proximity of watercraft using Maxwell v.15 software
Shahrouz Nasiri Mehdi Tabasi Alireza Bakhshinejhad -
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296 - The effect of sample thickness on the critical current density of the superconducting strip
Rasool Ghanbari -
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297 - Estimation of sugarcane field temperature using Split Window Algorithm and OLI LandSat 8 satellite images
Shadman Veysi Abd Ali Naseri Saeid Hamzeh Poria Moradi -
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Mohsen Mirzaie Mozhgan Abbasi Safar Marofi Eisa Solgi Roohollah Karimi -
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299 - Performance evaluation of principal component analysis, independent component analysis and minimum noise fraction method in increasing the information extracting accuracy of Sentinel-2 satellite data
Sayyad Asghari Saraskanrood Hasan Hasani Moghaddam Hossein Fekrat -
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301 - Comparison of the effect of exosomes derived from Sertoli cells with vitamin C on damage induced by electromagnetic field (50 Hz) in spermatogonial stem cells
Farzaneh Salek Javad Baharara Khadijeh Nejad Shahrokhabadi Elaheh Amini -
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302 - Interpretation of sport in Bourdieu's discourse
Kamal Javanmard -
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303 - Analytical study of the social and motivational effects of exercise for the elderly in Iran
Lida Moazen Ahmadi Hassan Fahim devin zahra sadat mirzazadeh Hossein Peymanizad -
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304 - A Plate Bending Kirchhoff Element Based on Assumed Strain Functions
F Boussem L Belounar -
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305 - A New Three-Dimensional Sector Element for Circular Curved Structures Analysis
H. E Khiouani L Belounar M Nabil Houhou -
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306 - Investigating the Effect of Joint Geometry of the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process on the Residual Stress and Distortion using the Finite Element Method
A Shiri A Heidari -
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307 - The Dynamic and Vibration Response of Composite Cylindrical Shell Under Thermal Shock and Mild Heat Field
S. A Mousavi M Rahmani M kaffash Mirzarahimi S Mahjoub Moghadas -
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308 - Modelling Mechanical Properties of AISI 439-430Ti Ferritic Stainless Steel Sheet
N Brinis B Regaiguia O Chahaoui N Maatougui M.L Fares -
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309 - Reliability-Based Robust Multi-Objective Optimization of Friction Stir Welding Lap Joint AA1100 Plates
E Sarikhani A Khalkhali -
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310 - Displacement Fields Influence Analysis Caused by Dislocation Networks at a Three Layer System Interfaces on the Surface Topology
A Boussaha R Makhloufi S Madani -
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311 - A Modified Model to Determine Heat Generation in the Friction Stir Welding Process
A Ghiasvand S Hasanifard M Zehsaz -
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312 - In-Plane Analysis of an FGP Plane Weakened by Multiple Moving Cracks
R Bagheri M Mahmoudi Monfared -
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313 - Anisotropic and Isotropic Elasticity Applied for the Study of Elastic Fields Generated by Interfacial Dislocations in a Heterostructure of InAs/(001)GaAs Semiconductors
R Makhloufi A Boussaha R Benbouta L Baroura -
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314 - Improved High-Order Analysis of Linear Vibrations of a Thick Sandwich Panel With an Electro-Rheological Core by Using Exponential Shear Deformation Theory
M Keshavarzian M.M Najafizadeh K Khorshidi P Yousefi M Alavi -
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315 - Analysis of Nonlinear Vibration of Piezoelectric Nanobeam Embedded in Multiple Layers Elastic Media in a Thermo-Magnetic Environment Using Iteration Perturbation Method
M.G Sobamowo -
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316 - Fatigue Failure Analysis of Trailing Arm Using Numerical Methods
Aidin Ghaznavi S Mirzaei -
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317 - Deformation of Irregular Layered Half-Space Due to Long Strike Slip Fault
M Malik Savita Dhankhar R kumar Sahrawat -
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318 - Modeling at the nanometric scale of interfacial defects of a semiconductor heterostructure in the isotropic and anisotropic cases for the study of the influence of stresses.
Ahmed Boussaha Rafik Makhloufi Rachid Benbouta Mourad Brioua -
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319 - Simulation of Residual Stress and Distortion in Welded Carbon Steel Pipe by Considering Solid-State Phase Transformation
M. R Jahanban Saeed Feli -
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320 - Multiscale Analysis of Transverse Cracking in Cross-Ply Laminated Beams Using the Layerwise Theory
W Jin Na J.N Reddy -
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321 - Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Behavior of Cylinder Reinforced with FG SWCNTs Under Transient Thermal Field
A Ghorbanpour Arani M.R Mozdianfard V Sadooghi M Mohammadimehr R Kolahchi -
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322 - Creep Life Forecasting of Weldment
J Jelwan M Chowdhry G Pearce -
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323 - An Efficient Co Finite Element Approach for Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Ceramic-Metal Skew Shell Panels
G Taj A Chakrabarti -
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324 - Two New Non-AFR Criteria for Depicting Strength Differential Effect (SDE) in Anisotropic Sheet Metals
F Moayyedian M Kadkhodayan -
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325 - Nonlinear Instability of Coupled CNTs Conveying Viscous Fluid
A Ghorbanpour Arani S Amir -
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326 - Global Optimization of Stacking Sequence in a Laminated Cylindrical Shell Using Differential Quadrature Method
M.R Saviz A Ziaei Asl -
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327 - Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Stresses and Perturbation of the Magnetic Field Vector in an EGM Rotating Disk
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Azamia H Sepiani -
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328 - An Exact Solution for Vibration Analysis of Soft Ferromagnetic Rectangular Plates Under the Influence of Magnetic Field with Levy Type Boundary Conditions
S.A Mohajerani A Mohammadzadeh M Nikkhah Bahrami -
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329 - 2D-Magnetic Field and Biaxiall In-Plane Pre-Load Effects on the Vibration of Double Bonded Orthotropic Graphene Sheets
A.H Ghorbanpour Arani M.J Maboudi A Ghorbanpour Arani S Amir -
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330 - Application of Case I and Case II of Hill’s 1979 Yield Criterion to Predict FLD
M Aghaie-Khafri M Torabi-Noori -
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331 - Nonlocal Vibration of Embedded Coupled CNTs Conveying Fluid Under Thermo-Magnetic Fields Via Ritz Method
A Ghorbanpour Arani S Amir -
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332 - Effect of Stress Triaxiality on Yielding of Anisotropic Materials under Plane Stress Condition
S.S Bhadauria M.S Hora K.K Pathak -
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333 - Wave Propagation Analysis of CNT Reinforced Composite Micro-Tube Conveying Viscose Fluid in Visco-Pasternak Foundation Under 2D Multi-Physical Fields
A. H Ghorbanpour Arani M.M Aghdam M.J Saeedian -
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334 - Damping Ratio in Micro-Beam Resonators Based on Magneto-Thermo-Elasticity
A Khanchehgardan G Rezazadeh A Amiri -
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335 - Effect of Magnetic Field on Torsional Waves in Non-Homogeneous Aeolotropic Tube
R Kakar S Kakar K.C Gupta K Kaur -
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336 - Rayleigh Waves in a Homogeneous Magneto-Thermo Voigt-Type Viscoelastic Half-Space under Initial Surface Stresses
R Kakar -
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337 - Analysis on Centrifugal Load Effect in FG Hollow Sphere Subjected to Magnetic Field
S.M.R Khalili A.H Mohazzab M Jabbari -
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338 - Electro-magneto-thermo-mechanical Behaviors of a Radially Polarized FGPM Thick Hollow Sphere
A Ghorbanpour Arani J Jafari Fesharaki M Mohammadimehr S Golabi -
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339 - On the Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Behavior of a Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shell with Pyroelectric Layers Featuring Interlaminar Bonding Imperfections Rested in an Elastic Foundation
M Saadatfar M Aghaie-Khafri -
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340 - Engineering Critical Assessments of Marine Pipelines with 3D Surface Cracks Considering Weld Mismatch
S.M.H Sharifi M Kaveh H Saeidi Googarchin -
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341 - Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Stresses and Perturbation of Magnetic Field Vector in a Thin Functionally Graded Rotating Disk
A Ghorbanpour Arani S Amir -
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342 - Magnetic Stability of Functionally Graded Soft Ferromagnetic Porous Rectangular Plate
M Jabbari M Haghi Choobar A Mojahedin E Farzaneh Joubaneh -
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343 - Analysis of Axisymmetric Extrusion Process through Dies of any Shape with General Shear Boundaries
H Haghighat G.R Asgari -
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344 - Displacement Field Due to a Cylindrical Inclusion in a Thermoelastic Half-Space
K Singh M Renu -
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345 - Shape- Dependent Term Investigation of Khan- Liu Yield/ Fracture Criterion as a Function of Plastic Strain for Anisotropic Metals
F Farhadzadeh M Tajdari M Salmani Tehrani -
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346 - Effects of Gravitational and Hydrostatic Initial Stress on a Two-Temperature Fiber-Reinforced Thermoelastic Medium for Three-Phase-Lag
S.M Said M.I.A Othman -
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347 - Effect of Submerged Arc Welding Parameter on Crack Growth Energy on St37
J.A Khodaii A Mostafapour M.R Khoshravan -
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348 - The effect of race 1 of the root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita on the mass production of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus)
Yaghoob Taheri -
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349 - The effects of crop density and post-emergence herbicides usage on grain yield and yield components of broomcorn (Sorghum vulgare var. technicum)
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350 - Effect of cover crops and their residue management on total weed density, yield and yield components of maize and soil
parviz sharifiziveh Batoul Samedani -
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351 - A Review of Weed Interference Models
rahman khakzad Mostafa Oviesi Reza Deihimfard -
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352 - Distribution and estimating fruit yield reduction in the commercial olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.) due to verticillium wilt in Guilan province
Mahmoud HOSHYASR-FARD Hoshyasr-Fard -
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353 - Allelopathic effects of medicinal plant madder (Rubia tinctorum) on germination characteristics and seedling growth of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), corn (Zea mays), field bindweed (Convolvolus arvense) and Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense)
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354 - Measuring the tourist's perspective on understanding the quality of space body with an emphasis on readability in Iranian bazaars. (Study case: Isfahan bazaar saria)
Somayeh pahlevan hossein soltanzadeh farah habib -
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355 - Measuring and evaluating the indicators of an elderly friendly city Case study: Borazjan city
mohammad gholami gholamreza amininejad khodakaram bonari -
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356 - Evaluation of Individual and Tank-mix Application of Herbicides on weed and Saffron Corm Weight in Neyshabour
Mohammad Reza Abbasian Mohammad Bazoobandi Alireza Sohani Darban -
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357 - Effects of Nitrogen Rate and Herbicide Doses on Yield and Yield Components of Corn under Weed Competition
Hesam Reza Moradi Mohammad Armin Hamid Marvi -
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358 - The Efficiency of Foramsulfuron, Sulfosulfuron, Metribuzin and Aclonifen Herbicides on Weed Control in Tomato (Lcopersicon esculentum L.)
Majid Gasab Mohammad Abadi Majid Abbaspour Leila Alimoradi Mojtaba Zafarian -
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359 - Effects of Metam-Sodium on Weeds, Broomrape (Phelipanche aegyptiaca Pers.) and Soil Microbial Respiration in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Field
Adeleh Assaran Mohammad Hasan Hadizadeh Kiyoomars Bakhsh Kelarestaghi Seyed Hossein Torabi -
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360 - Investigation of Salinity and Moisture on the Germination of Weed Seeds Mallow,Barnyard grass and Johnson grass in Terms of Deterioration of Seeds
Ghodratolah Fatahi Eynolah Hesami Nima Ardalan -
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361 - Weed Map Distribution of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Fields and Prediction of Their Presence in Agricultural Fields of Kermanshah Province with Using Geographic Information System (GIS)
Younes Chalechale Mahdi Minbashi Moeini Amir Hossein Shirani Rad -
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362 - Effect of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and Common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) Densities on Yield and Yield Components of Cotton
Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Mojtaba Velayati Mahmoud Attarzadeh -
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363 - The Effet of Weed Infested and Weed Checkon on Growth Properties and Yeild of Corn (Zeamays L.)
Ali Asghar Chitband Seyed Omid Rashidi Saeed Jahedipour Ali Mohhamad Mansouji Iraj Amini -
Open Access Article
364 - Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Seed Density in Direct Planting of Two Spring Wheat Varieties
Davod Omidinasab Mohammad Hossein Gharineh Abdolmahdi Bakhshandeh Mehran Sharafi Zadeh Alireza Shafeinia -
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365 - Effect of alloying elements on hydrogen diffusion in austenitic stainless steel, Carbon Dissimilar Joints
Omid Ghani Ebrahim Heshmat Kordi -
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366 - The efficiency of innovative techniques in improving new and traditional standards of corporates’ performance
Kianoosh Mansourkhani Majid Zanjirdar Majid Davoudi Nasr Mohammad Izadikhah -
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367 - Fumigant toxicity and repellency effect of essential oils of Pinus eldarica and Cupressus arizonica on adults of flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller. (Lep., Pyralidae)
F. Habibi- Ghozloo M. Moarefi Z. Rafiei-Karahroodi -
Open Access Article
368 - The Effect of Using a Solar MagnetizerWater System on Increasing the Germination of Some Seeds
Amin Reza Jamshidi Mahdi Mozafari Legha Mohsen Mohseni -
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369 - Effect of Different Levels of Magnesium in Irrigation Water on Growth Parameters of Two Pistachio Bases
Naghme Bagheri Najme Yazdanpanah Naser Sedaghati -
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370 - Geothermal conditions of hydrocarbon formation in the South Caspian basin
Vagif Kerimov Michael Rachinsky Rustam Mustaev Uliana Serikova -
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371 - Study the relationship between rainfall erosivity and sediment yield in Shirin Darreh dam catchment, northeastern Iran
Maryam Tajbakhshian Abolfazl Mosaedi Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie Reza Moussavi-Harami -
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372 - Principal Component Analysis for Soil Conservation Tillage vs Conventional Tillage in Semi Arid Region of Punjab Province of Pakistan
Ijaz Rasool Noorka Shabir A Shahid Saeed Rouf -
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373 - A Robust Methodology for Prediction of DT Wireline Log
Sh. Maleki A. Moradzadeh R. Ghavami F. Sadeghzadeh -
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374 - Preliminary Petrological Studies of Basement Rocks, Thar Coal Basin, Thar Parkar District, Sindh, Pakistan
Yasmin Rizvi -
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375 - New Approach for Estimation of Natural and Anthropogenic Components in the Recent Tendencies of Erosion Intensity and Suspended Sediment Yield Changes in River Basins
A.V. Gusarov -
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376 - An Algorithm for Modeling and Interpretation of Seismoelectric Data
Ehsan Golmakani Torghabeh Mohammad Ebrahimi Dabbagh Hooman Latifi -
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377 - Estimation of erosion and sediment yield of Ekbatan Dam drainage basin with EPM, using GIS
S. Amini B. Rafiei S. Khodabakhsh M. Heydari -
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378 - Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Drought Stress on Yield and Yield Components and Percentage of Oil Seed Sunflower
Mohsen Rezaei Mohammad Nabi Ilkaee Abdol Majid Mahdavi Damghani Saeed Souphizadeh Fayaz Aghayari -
Open Access Article
379 - Evaluation of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L) Cultivars in Terms of Irrigation Interruption and Delay Planting Date
Peyman Davami Mojtaba Alavifazel Shahram Lak Davood Habibi Afshin Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
380 - Effect of Plant Density and Amounts of Phosphorus on Yield and Yield Components of Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)
Yahya Soleymani Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
381 - Study the Effect of Seed Size on Vegetative, Agronomic Traits and Seed Protein Content of Different Chickpea Cultivars
Raof Ghaisari Farzad Fayaz Babak Pasari -
Open Access Article
382 - Effect of Nitrogen and Zinc Sulfate Fertilizers on Yield and Yield Components of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.)
Arvin Behdarvandan Yahya Soleymani Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
383 - Evaluation of Different Tillage Systems and Fertilizer Types on Grain Yield and Yield Components in Several Rapeseed Cultivars
Javad Tarighi Mousa Azad -
Open Access Article
384 - Evaluation of different amounts of Glyphosate herbicide in the stages of vegetative-reproductive growth and yield of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum), Cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) and Bean (Vicia faba) plants.
Ainolah Hesami Hadi Chamheidar -
Open Access Article
385 - Evaluation of Different Yields of Barley (Hordeum vulgar L.) Under Drought Stress Conditions
Hasan Majdinasab Mohammad Motamedi -
Open Access Article
386 - Influence of Sulfur Fertilizers and Nano-potassium Foliar Application on Morphologic، Agronomic Characters and Quality of Seed Safflower
Omid Moradi Babak Pasari -
Open Access Article
387 - The Effect of Different Planting Patterns on Yield Changes and Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Sugarcane in the South of Khuzestan
Abdulazim Hamid Shahram Lak Mani Mojaddam -
Open Access Article
388 - Evaluation of Auxin Application and Weed Management on Yield, Physiological and Chemical Properties of Potato Cultivars
Mahmoud Setoudeh Nezhad Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Tayeb Saki Nejad Shahram Lak Seyed keyvan Marashi -
Open Access Article
389 - Studying the effects of interrupted irrigation on the response of two safflower cultivars under spring and summer sowing conditions
Sholeh Danaei Babak Pasari Asad Rokhzadi -
Open Access Article
390 - The Evaluation of yield, yield components and indices advantage of intercropping of Populus euramericana with Allium sativum in Karaj conditions
Fatemeh Ahmadloo Saeedeh Eskandari -
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391 - Investigating the Stability of Lentil Genotypes Using Parametric Statistics in Rainfed Conditions
Mohammad Rasouli Fariborz Inanloo Meranloo -
Open Access Article
392 - Estimation of Wheat Potential yield in Sistan Region Under Dry Stress: With use of Experiment Field and AquaCrop Model
Ahmad Mehraban Sayyed Mehdi Javadzadeh -
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393 - The Infoneuroanalysis Relationship Between the Fields of Study of 1st Grade Secondary Schools Principals with their Leadership Style
Fatemeh Mohammadi Fatemeh Zare Zare -
Open Access Article
394 - The Impact of Urban microclimates on Environmental Comfort in Public open spaces (Case study: Fields at the end of Vakilabad, Mashhad)
Farnosh Vazin Sanaz Saedi Monfared Toktam Hanaei -
Open Access Article
395 - The Effect of Cropping Pattern and the Sources of Nitrogen Supply on the Cultivating Traits and Maize Yield 704
فهيمه ميرزايي sasan rezadust -
Open Access Article
396 - The effect of plant density and nitrogen levels on the yield and yield components of maizecultivar (KSC 700) in moderate region of Kermanshah.
فرهاد صادقی -
Open Access Article
397 - The Effect of Plant Density and Weed Control Methods on Vegetative and Reproductive Characteristics and Yield of Kidney Bean
محمد كاظم عليلو -
Open Access Article
398 - The effect of foliar application of fertilizers with growth stimulants and micronutrients on yield and yield components of two corn cultivars
فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
399 - Grounds for The Formation of Fake Hadiths in The Field of Women
Razie Shirini -
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400 - The Effectiveness of Group Logo-Therapy on the Sense of Loneliness and Death Anxiety in Elderly Women
Vahid Mostafapour abdollah motamedi Hossein Farrokhi -
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401 - Khadijah's Interacting with Spouse Style in Three Cultural, Psychological and Behavioral Fields
Reza Baniasadi Maryam Baghrrinejad Yazdi -
Open Access Article
402 - Assessment of Terminal Heat Stress and Nitrogen on Grain Yield and Yield Com-ponents of Canola.
Ali Hamdi Shengri Aziz Karmollachaab Abdolmehdi Bakhshandeh Mohammad Hossain Gharineh Ghodratolah Fathi Faraj Saadi Al kasir -
Open Access Article
403 - Investigation Growth Indices Analysis and Sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L.) Crop Production Affected Different Level of Nitrogen and Nitroxin Bio-Fertilizer
Armaghan Charkhab Mani Mojaddam -
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404 - Evaluation Effect of Different Levels of Zinc and Manganese Nano-Chelate on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)
Poran Alasvand Alireza Shokuhfar -
Open Access Article
405 - Impact of Titanium on Growth and Forage Production of Maize (Zea mays L.) under Different Growth Stage
Farshad Ghooshchi Mohammad Lotfi -
Open Access Article
406 - Investigates the Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars under Drought Stress and Delayed Planting Date
Peyman Davami Afshin Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
407 - Response of Growth Curve of Canola Genotypes to Use Different Concentration and Time of Application Gibberellin
Somayeh Ghalandari Tayeb Sakinezhad Mani Mojaddam Shahram Lak Mojtaba Alavi Fazel -
Open Access Article
408 - Assessment Effect of Different level of Nitrogen Fertilizer (Urea Source) and Interval between Irrigation Round on Crop Production of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L., cv. Speed feed)
Bahareh Jahangiri Mojtaba Alavifazel Mohamad Reza Dadnia -
Open Access Article
409 - Evaluation Effect of Growth-stimulating Bacteria and Salicylic Acid on Growth Physiological Indices and Grain Yield of Corn (Zea mays L.) under Non-irrigation Conditions at Different Growth Stages
Gholam Esmaeilvandi Kamran Mohsenifar -
Open Access Article
410 - Assessment Effect of Different Level of Combination Chemical and Biological Fertilizer and Several Type of Application Fertilizer on Morphological and Qualitative Traits of Bread Wheat
Zhaleh Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
411 - Assess Effect of Different Level of Biochar and Humic Acid on Crop Production and Nutrition Content of Maize Affected Water Stress Condition
Armaghan Charkhab Mani Mojaddam Tayeb Sakinejad -
Open Access Article
412 - Evaluation Effect of Livestock Manure and Urea Fertilizer on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Corn and Correlation Between Traits (S.C 704)
Mohammad Momeni Ali Gholami -
Open Access Article
413 - Assess Effect of Deficit Irrigation and Super Absorbent Ploymer on Crop Production and Growth Indices of Corn under Dry and Warm Climate Condition
Mahshid Kazempor Saeid Zakernejad -
Open Access Article
414 - Effects of Rhizobium– Mycorrhizae Symbiosis and Foliar Application of Urea on Some Traits of Soybean
Alireza Safahani Azin Irani Farshad Ghooshchi -
Open Access Article
415 - Effect of Duration and Composition of Seed Priming on Germination Indices and Yield of Wheat (cv. Mehregan) in Khorramshahr Region (South west of Iran)
Masomeh Sebti Kamran Mohsenifar -
Open Access Article
416 - Evaluation Amino Acids and Iron Nano particles on Photosynthetic Pigments and Yield of Potato
Arash Roozbahani Sanaz Pour Ali -
Open Access Article
417 - Assess Using Paclobutrazol in Reducing Negative Effects of Late Sowing of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars
Neda Bakhtiyarinejad Mehran Mombeini Abdollah Bahrani Mahroo Mojtabaie Zamani -
Open Access Article
418 - Evaluation of Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Agronomic Traits of Corn (Zea mays L.) Genotypes
Marziyeh Izadian -
Open Access Article
419 - Investigating Effect of Growth Promoting Bacteria and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Qualitative and Quantitative Traits of Zea Mays L. Hybrids
Anise Jorfi Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Adel Modhej -
Open Access Article
420 - Effect of Different Concentrations of Paclobutrazol on Increasing Tolerance of Sugarcane (CP48-103 variety) to Winter Conditions in the Southern Region of Ahvaz (South West of Iran)
Hashem Salehi Tayeb Sakinejad -
Open Access Article
421 - Effects of Drought Stress and Humic Acid on Plant Growth, Yield Quality and Its Components of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd)
Farah Mohammadi Abbas Maleki Amin Fathi -
Open Access Article
422 - Evaluation Effect of Different Level of Combination Chemical and Biological Fertilizer and Several Type of Application Fertilizer on Growth Indices of Bread Wheat
Zhaleh Ahmadi Shahram Lak -
Open Access Article
423 - Assess Effect of Abscisic/Salicylic Acid Mixing Ratio Application at Different Growth Stages on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) under Ahvaz Climatic Conditions
Sara Najarnasab Tayeb Sakinejad -
Open Access Article
424 - Determination Effect of Mycorrhiza and Vermicompost on Accumulation of Seed Nutrient Elements in Maize ( Zea mays L.) Affected by Chemical Fertilizer
Hadis Karami Abbas Maleki Amin Fathi -
Open Access Article
425 - Effect of Vinasse Application on Germination and Absorption of Some Macro Elements by Barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Ramila Bezian Kamran Mohsenifar Ali Gholami -
Open Access Article
426 - Assessment of Foliar Application of Iron and Silicon on Some Agronomic, Quanti-tative and Qualitative Parameters of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Ahmad Estaji Hamid Reza Rousta Mohammad Reza Mir Kahnooj -
Open Access Article
427 - Study of Source and Different Levels of Potassium Fertilizer on Canola (Brassica napus L.) Production
Alireza Jafarnejadi Seyed Mohammadhadi Mousavifazl -
Open Access Article
428 - Influence of Zeolite and Biological Fertilizer under Different Irrigation Regime on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Sugar beet (Beta Vulgaris L.)
Tahereh Hasanabadi Davood Habibi Hamideh Khalaj -
Open Access Article
429 - Response of Phenological, Morphological Traits and Crop Production to Apply Different Level of Azospirillum and Azotobacter of Maize Genotypes
Abbas soleymanifard -
Open Access Article
430 - Effect of Foliar Application of Auxin on the Growth Indices and Crop Production of Wheat Cultivars in Southwest of Iran (Ahvaz region)
Mohsen Salehinazar Tayeb Sakinejad -
Open Access Article
431 - Evaluation Impact of Amount and Distribution of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Barley Crop Production and Qualitative Characteristics
Shokat Shajaripour Mani Mojaddam -
Open Access Article
432 - Assessment Maize Hybrids Response to Biological and Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizers
Anise jorfi Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Adel Modhej -
Open Access Article
433 - Evaluation Crop Production, Nitrogen Content and Oil yield of Corn in Affected Vermicompost and Iron Nano Fertilizer
Najmeh Razmandeh saeid zakernejad Khoshnaz Payandeh -
Open Access Article
434 - Response of Some Bread and Durum Wheat Genotypes to Different Levels of Nitrogen in South West of Iran
Atosa Enayat Shahram Lack Adel Modhej -
Open Access Article
435 - Assess Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Phosphorous Biofertilizers (Azospirillum and Pseudomonas) on Barley Crop Production and Seed Protein Content
Tahereh Hasanabadi Hamideh Khalaj Mohammad Reza Ardakani Maryam Delfani -
Open Access Article
436 - Evaluation of Tillage, Nitrogen Fertilizer and Crop Residue Management on some Agronomic Traits of Soybean
Alireza Safahani Maryamosadat Alavian Petroodi Farshad Ghooshchi -
Open Access Article
437 - Evaluation of Crop Production of Canola (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars Due to Irrigation Cut-off and Different Planting Dates in Karaj Climatic Conditions
Peyman Davami Davood Habibi -
Open Access Article
438 - Assessment Effect of Vermicompost on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) Under Different Irrigation Regime
Mostafa Chaharlang Alireza Shokuhfar -
Open Access Article
439 - Assess Absorbent Super Polymer on Reducing the Effects of Low Irrigation in Cowpea Fields (Vigna unguiculata L.)
Parvaneh Mombani Seyed Keyvan Marashi -
Open Access Article
440 - Assessment Effect of Super Absorbent Polymer and Nitroxin on Growth Curves and Corn (Zea mays L.) Production
Sadegh Lamochi Tayeb Sakinejad -
Open Access Article
441 - Assessment Effect of Nitroxin and Phosphorus Biofertilizer on Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Crop Production, Seed Protein Content and Correlation between Traits
Maryam Amini -
Open Access Article
442 - Effect of Different Concentrations of Paclobutrazol on Increasing Tolerance of Sugarcane (CP48-103 variety) to Winter Conditions in the Southern Region of Ahvaz (South West of Iran)
Hashem Salehi -
Open Access Article
443 - Assessment Effect of Spray Different level of Zinc and Magnesium on Crop Production and Agrophysiological Characteristics of Wheat
Sara Madeh Khaksar Shahram Lack -
Open Access Article
444 - Evaluation Effect of Foliar Application of Methanol and Zinc Chelate on Crop Production of Cowpea (Vigna Sinensis L.) in Warm and Dry Climate Condition
Hossien Atrak Mani Mojadam -
Open Access Article
445 - Copper Strategy in Response to Saline Water in Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)
Mohamad Reza Dadnia -
Open Access Article
446 - Investigating the Effect of Zinc Sulfate on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Three Varieties of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Khuzestan Province (Southwest of Iran)
Mehdi sadeghi Mysam Joodaki Mohammadreza Moradi Talavat -
Open Access Article
447 - Maize (Zea mays L.) Agro-Physiological Response to Potassium and Iron Fertilizer under Water Deficit Stress
Saeed Reza Yaghoobi Arash Roozbahani Mohammad Reza Akhavan Mohseni -
Open Access Article
448 - Determine Correlation between Traits and Regression of Bread Wheat Affected Different Level of Combination Chemical and Biological Fertilizer and Several Type of Application Fertilizer
Zhaleh Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
449 - Physiological and Agronomical Responses of Triticale to the Growth Bacteria, Nano Iron Fertilizer and Ordinary Iron Fertilizer Treatment
Zohreh Sepehrzadegan Omid Alizadeh Mahdi Zare -
Open Access Article
450 - Effect of Terminal Drought Stress on Seed Yield and Its Components of Rapeseed Cultivars
Peyman Davami Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Davood Habibi Afshin Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
451 - Evaluation of Combined Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Vermicompost on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Wheat Verities in Amareh Region (Southern Iraq)
Ahmad Mahisan Davood Almaleki Saeed Zakernejad -
Open Access Article
452 - Evaluation Effects of Chemical, Organic and Biologic Fertilizers on Chamomile (Matricaria chamomile L.) Yield
Fatemeh Jahani Abbas Maleki Alireza Pazoki -
Open Access Article
453 - Evaluation of Microbial Biomass and Soil Carbon as Well as Weed Parameters on Potato Production Affected Different Weed Management
Afshar Azadbakht Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim Hamid Reza Mohammadduost Chamanabad Akbar Ghavidel -
Open Access Article
454 - Response of Growth Indices to Copper Foliar Application at Different Growth Stages of Cowpea
Shahram Ashabi Mohamad Reza Dadnia -
Open Access Article
455 - Evaluation the Quantitative Characteristics of Potato Cultivars Affected Foliar Application of Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Weed Management
Mahmoud Sotoudeh Nezhad Tayeb Saki Nezhad Seyed Keyvan Marashi -
Open Access Article
456 - Response of Effective Traits on Sugarcane Crop Production to Different Level of Tillage System and Urea Fertilizer under Warm and Dry Climate Condition
Mansor Hamedannejad Shahram Lak -
Open Access Article
457 - Effect of Different level of Nitrogen and Vermicompost on Quantitative and Quali-tative Traits of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Mustafa Adebifar -
Open Access Article
458 - Investigating the Effect of Urea Chemical Fertilizer on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Production Affected Sugarcane Compost under Warm and Climate Condition
Forogh Zadeh Omidi Seyed Keyvan Marashi -
Open Access Article
459 - Evaluation Effective Traits on Crop Production of Breed Wheat under Warm and Dry Climate Condition (Khuzestan Province, Southwest of Iran)
Azam Jafari Abdolamir Rahnama Shapor Lorzadeh -
Open Access Article
460 - Investigation Role of Vermicompost to Improve Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Corn (Zea mays L.) Production
Mohammad Khayat -
Open Access Article
461 - Response of Morphological Traits and Seed Protein Content of Bread Wheat to Apply Different Level of Biological and Chemical Fertilizers
Reza Dashtbozorgi Shahram Lack -
Open Access Article
462 - Maize (Zea mays L.) Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer under Drought Stress at Vegetative and Reproductive Stages
Adel Modhej Maryam Davoodi Behrang Behdarvandi -
Open Access Article
463 - Evaluation of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Bread and Durum Wheat Genotypes
Fatemeh Torfi -
Open Access Article
464 - Assess Effect of Different level of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Redistribution, Efficiency and Contribution of Redistribution and Current Photosynthesis of Wheat Genotypes
Fatemeh Torfi -
Open Access Article
465 - Investigation Integrated Effect of Fertilizer and Biofertilizer (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Crop Production
Mahsa Karimi Seyed Kivan Marashi -
Open Access Article
466 - Integrated Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Vermicompost on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Under Water Stress Situation
Seyedeh Zohreh Hashemi saeid Zakernejad Khoshnaz Payandeh -
Open Access Article
467 - Determining the Effect of Different Level of Fertilizer and Tuber Weight on Quantitative Traits of Potato Cultivar under Warm and Dry Climate Condition
Mansour Timar Alireza Shokuhfar Naser Zarifinia -
Open Access Article
468 - The Influence of Growth-Promoting Bacteria and Salicylic Acid on Leaf Area Index, Grain Yield and Harvest Index of Corn (Zea mays L.) under Non-irrigation Conditions at Different Growth Stages
Gholam Esmaeilvandi Aslan Egdernezhad -
Open Access Article
469 - Evaluation Effect of Salicylic Acid and Glycine Betaine on Quantitative Properties of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) under Drought Stress Conditions
Babak Maghsoudi Damavandi Sara Shirzad -
Open Access Article
470 - Assessment Role of Integrated Management of Fertilizer and Biofertilizer to Improve Corn Production and Achieve Sustainable Agriculture
Seyed Ataollah Siadat -
Open Access Article
471 - Assess Effect of Phosphorus Biologic Fertilizer to Improve Crop Production under Warm and Dry Climate Condition
Azam Jafari -
Open Access Article
472 - Investigating the Effect of Nitrogen and Nitroxin Biological Fertilizer on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Dual-purpose Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Forage
Najmeh Haghighatzadeh Mani Mojaddam -
Open Access Article
473 - Evaluation Effect of Different Amount and Time of Apply Gibberellin Acid on Correlation between Trait, Regression Relationships and Grain Filling Rate of Broad Bean
Somayeh Ghalandari Tayeb Sakinezhad -
Open Access Article
474 - Effect of Time of Seaweed Consumption and Composition of Seaweed and Urea Fertilizer on Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Wheat Yield
Mehrnoosh Zakeri Seyed Keyvan Marashi -
Open Access Article
475 - Evaluation Effect of Vermicompost and Nano Iron on Agro-Physiological Traits of Corn (Zea mays L.)
Arash Roozbahani Elham Mohammadkhani -
Open Access Article
476 - Assessment Iron Application to Improve Agro-Morphological Traits and Bio-Fortification of Grain Wheat Grown in Different Nitrogen Conditions
Majid Abdoli Ezatollah Esfandiari Rana Taheri -
Open Access Article
477 - Impact of Zinc Sulfate and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Growth Curves and Crop Production of Green Beans (Phaseolous vulgaris L.)
Mehrnosh Kermanshahi Hasan Noriani -
Open Access Article
478 - Evaluation Effect of Biological Fertilizer (Nitroxin case study) on Corn (Zea mays L.) Crop Production
Mani Mojadam -
Open Access Article
479 - Effect of Organic and Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizers on Grain Yield and Yield Components of Wheat and Soil Fertility
Syed Azam Shah Wisal Mohammad Syed Mahmood Shah Muhammad Shoaib Shafi -
Open Access Article
480 - Influence of Zinc and Cadmium on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Maize (Zea mays L.)
Shokofeh Berenjani Mohamad Reza Dadnia Mani Mojaddam Nazli Derogar -
Open Access Article
481 - Agro-Physiological Traits of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Agria) Affected Different Rate of Zeolite and Triple Super Phosphate
Hamid Madani Masoud Gomarian Seid Rasol Mohammadi Hosseini -
Open Access Article
482 - Effect of Bio-Fertilizers Containing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fixing Bacteria on Yield and Yield Components of Faba Bean
Maryam Amini Shahram Lack -
Open Access Article
483 - Assess Effect of Water Deficit Stress and Clinoptilolite on Corn (Zea mays L.) Crop Production
mojtaba alavifazel Hojatollah Sohrabi Najme Razmandeh -
Open Access Article
484 - Assess Correlation between Traits Affected Different level of Nitrogen Fertilizer (Urea Source) and Interval between Irrigation Round of Sorghum
Bahareh Jahangiri Mojtaba Alavifazel Mohamad Reza Dadnia -
Open Access Article
485 - Investigation Effect of Different Level of Fertilizer and Biologic Fertilizer on Basil Varieties Crop Production at Greenhouse in Khuzestan Province (Southwest of Iran)
Naser Zarifinia -
Open Access Article
486 - Combined Effect of Sulfur and Sulfofertilizer1 on Physiological Traits and Grain Yield of Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) in Mahshahr County (South west of Iran)
Seyedeh kobra Hatami -
Open Access Article
487 - Calixarene Drug deleivery invistegation of Calixarene compounds with conection by histidine L and D stereochemistry
Hooriye Yahyaei Neda Hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
488 - تخمین میزان آبشستگی اطراف پایه پلها با استفاده از نرمافزار SSIIM
هوشنگ حسونی زاده احسان زارع دهدشت -
Open Access Article
489 - برآورد بهره وری سه محصول گندم، جو و ذرت دانه ای در خرمشهر
ایمان هرمزی نژاد -
Open Access Article
490 - ارزیابی کارایی مدلSALTMED در برآورد عملکرد محصول ذرت علوفهای در شرایط رایج آبیاری در دشتهای شهرکرد و خانمیرزا
حامد ریاحی فارسانی روح اله فتاحی نافچی -
Open Access Article
491 - Development and Evaluation of Divorce Fields Questionnaire according to Iranian Social and Cultural Conditions
Parastoo Taghavi Dinani Fariborz Bagheri Javad Khalatbarii -
Open Access Article
492 - A Sociological Reading of Qazi and His Translations
Shilan Shafiei -
Open Access Article
493 - Provide an electronic human resource management model in the field of navy
Roholah sharifi Ahmad Malaki -
Open Access Article
494 - A Review of Common Tests for Evaluating Animal Learning and Memory Ability in the Field of Physical Education
Maedeh Poureskandar Saleh Rahmati Zahra Entezari Marzieh Balali -
Open Access Article
495 - The effect of yoga exercise with dumbbells along with spirulina supplement on liver enzymes of elderly Bushehr women
Mohadeseh Bandarrigi Saeid Shakerian Roohollah ranjbar Sadegh Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
496 - The effect of eight weeks of aerobic training on some apoptotic factors of elderly men
Farzane Tleb Mohammadi bahram abedi Mojtaba Khansooz -
Open Access Article
497 - Promoting the health of the elderly: Assessing the quality of life and the cost of treatment based on physical activity
samira Akbari Hosein AliMohmadi -
Open Access Article
498 - Elderly Participation in intergenerational leisure-sports activities
raha barahmand Ali Mohammad Safania معصومه حسینی -
Open Access Article
499 - Logical designing of yield pillar base on coal pillars yielding process
Kazem Oraee Navid Hosseini -
Open Access Article
500 - Investigation of environmental dimensions of brownfield dispersion in marginal areas
Sanaz Saeidi mofrad -
Open Access Article
501 - Effect of Hydrodynamic flow on oil-water contact tilting in calcareous Sarvak reservoir, Civand field, Persian Gulf
ماهرخ Forood M.R Kamali علی Selgi علی Senobar پوران Nazarian-Samani -
Open Access Article
502 - Investigation of environmental dimensions of brownfield dispersion in marginal areas
Fazel Khaleghi -
Open Access Article
503 - ??????
Abolfazl Soltani Sarveh Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
504 - A laboratory study on effects of Forouzan oil fields gas injection to Soroosh oil field
Asghar Ghobadi-dizajyekan Zeinab Alishavandi -
Open Access Article
505 - Petrophysical evaluation of Asmari formation in Galenar oilfield located in Dezful Embayment
Akram Eivazinejad Mahdi Zare -
Open Access Article
506 - Evaluation of water production Asmari Reservoir in Doroud Oil Field wells
اصغر GHobadi جعفر Ali M.R Rajoli زینب Alishonadi -
Open Access Article
507 - Determination of Reservoir character of kangan & dalan formation in south pars gas field using wireline logs
میترا Nozari بهرام Movahed S.H Vaziri -
Open Access Article
508 - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Psychodrama, Reminiscence and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy of Ellis on Happiness of Elderly Men
Nayereh Mardi Mukhtar Arefi Khodamorad Momeni Hassan Amiri -
Open Access Article
509 - The relationship between health literacy and quality of life with the mediating role of social adjustment in the elderly
Behrang Esmaili Shad Masod Ghasemi Fatemeh Mortazavi Kiasari -
Open Access Article
510 - Developing a Model of Psychological Well-Being in Elderly Based On Life Expectancy through Mediation of Death Anxiety
Nasrin Bakhshi Sara Pashang Nematullah Jaafari Shohreh Ghorban Shiroudi -
Open Access Article
511 - The Effectiveness of Well-Being Therapy on Quality of Life in Older Adults with Non-Clinical Depression
mostafa ramezani aval hassan ahadi parviz asgari Hamid Nejat -
Open Access Article
512 - The Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Sleep Quality and Blood Pressure of Elderly with Insomnia
Reza Mottaghi Alireza Maredpour Shirali Kharamin -
Open Access Article
513 - Effectiveness of Positive Cognitive Behavioral Education on Stigma and Self-Care in Elderly with Empty Nest Syndrome
Sahand ShayesteMehr Leyla Asgari Ahmad Torabie -
Open Access Article
514 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Acceptance and Commitment-Based Therapy (ACT) on Reducing Depression and Life Expectancy in the Elderly with Empty Nest Syndrome
Mojdeh Sadat Hamidian Ahmad Torabie Soodabeh Kaviani Cherati Soheila Haji Esfandiari Mahsa Rohani Otaghsara -
Open Access Article
515 - corona anxiety, death anxiety and health anxiety before and after corona vaccine injection in elderly men.
maedeh bazargani Afsaneh Sobhi maryam rahmati mahdi balibegloo zahra motahary -
Open Access Article
516 - Effects of different harvesting times on the yield and protein content of Bami alfalfa under micronutrient foliar application in Kerman region
Hojjat Safari Kamal Abadi -
Open Access Article
517 - Estimating the energy gap in greenhouse cucumber production
Bardia Bayat Mohammad Hossein Ansari Marjan Diyanat Ali Mohammadi ‎ Torkashvand -
Open Access Article
518 - Evaluation of super-resolution algorithm for detection and recognition of features from MODIS and OLI images in sub-pixel scale using Hopfield Neural Network
Mohammad Hosein Mehrzade Abarghooee Ali Sarkargar Ardakani -
Open Access Article
519 - Brownfield land use change modeling using GIS-based Weights-of-Evidence approach
Saleh Abdullahi -
Open Access Article
520 - Analysis of Golpayegani's Madhosh Golpayegani poems based on Pierre Bourdieu's theory of "character and field"
shayesteh abhaji ezabadi azizollah tavakkoli Mahmoud Sadeghzadeh -
Open Access Article
521 - Comparison of different cultivars of Sugar beet infection to Lixusincanescens (Col.: Curculionidae) in Joghatay
isa jabaleh Reza Khodashahi Sadegh Baghban Khalilabad -
Open Access Article
522 - Comparison of Sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Put., resistance in barley in Neyshabour
isa jabaleh roya Askari majid Taherian -
Open Access Article
523 - Taxonomic study of some biodiversity characteristics of the soil Laelapid mites in different habitats of Shahrood region-Iran
Parisa Qurani Massoud Hakimi Tabar Omid Joharchi Hamed Ghobari -
Open Access Article
524 - Parasitoid flies of the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps and their parasitism in cereal fields of Alshtar area of Lorestan province
habib Habbasipour sattar Ahmadi Javanmard -
Open Access Article
525 - Low magnetic field effect with magnetic water on the control of Fusarium wilting of seedlings of tomatoes
Arash Momeni Saghar Ketabchi -
Open Access Article
526 - Numerical Simulation of Pollutant Dispersion from an Industrial Stack
Nima Amoozadeh Hadi Kargar Sharif Abad -
Open Access Article
527 - Natural convection heat transfer analysis of nano-fluid in a F- shaped chamber
Abdollah Khalesi Doost Amir Yadolahi -
Open Access Article
528 - Investigation and Optimization Of the Parameters Affecting the Strength Of Nd:YAG Pulsed Laser Spot Welding in Steel Sheet Using Design Of Expriment
Abbasali Habibollahi Nasrollah Bani mostafa Arab Ali Dehghani Amir Alinaghizadeh -
Open Access Article
529 - Experimental investigation on the effect of resistance projection welding parameters on weld joint torque strength of nut to sheet
Nasrollah Bani mostafa Arab Amir Alinaghizadeh Ali Dehghani -
Open Access Article
530 - Analysis and presenting an optimum post weld heat treatment cycle to maximum reduction of residual stresses of electron beam welding
Hossein Rajabi Ali Heidari -
Open Access Article
531 - Investigating the effect of magnetic field, slope variations and wall temperature boundary conditions on the natural convection in the cavity with obstacle filled with water
mohammad nemati mohammad sefid ahmad reza rahmati -
Open Access Article
532 - Analysis of heat transfer in the cavity with different shapes filled nanofluid in the presence of magnetic field with heat generation/absorption using LBM
mohammad nemati ramin jahangiri morteza khalilian -
Open Access Article
533 - Experimental evaluation of forced convective heat transfer and pressure drop of ferrofluid in a U-shaped tube under variable magnetic field
Ali Eslahchi Mohammad Hassan Nobakhti Mohammad Behshad shafii Mohammad Hosein Dibaei Bonab -
Open Access Article
534 - Numerical study of the effect of inter-particle forces of large biomass on mixing before combustion
mahsa baghaeifar morteza khayat Mohammad Hassan Nobakhti -
Open Access Article
535 - Free vibration analysis of viscoelastic nanotubes under longitudinal magnetic field based on non-position strain gradient of Tymoshenko beam model
Parviz Ghazviniyan -
Open Access Article
536 - The forced convection of alumina-water nanofluid over three staggered circular cylinder on the effect of magnetic field
Amin Nikelham Vali Enjilela Nima Vaziri Zahra Poolaei Moziraji -
Open Access Article
537 - The effect of rounds of the Friction Stir Welding tool (FSW) in determining of fatigue life of T6-7075 aluminum alloy
Mohamad Jafar Ostad Ahmad Ghorabi Reza Samieifard -
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538 - Modeling of mechanical behavior of a rotating magnetorheological damper
Iman Bagherzadeh Ali Moazemi Goudarzi -
Open Access Article
539 - Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Compassion - Therapy on Affective Capital in Elderly Women
Roghieh Nooripour Nikzad Ghanbari Vahideh Sadat Farkhojasteh Seyed Hossein Tabatabaei Saeed Soleimani Farsani Peyman Hassani-Abharian -
Open Access Article
540 - Influence of low electromagnetic field on photosynthetic apparatus and the amount of soluble sugar content in Lepidium sativum L.
Elham bagheri Abyaneh Ahmad Majd Sayeh Jafari -
Open Access Article
541 - Evaluate the effect of biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer on yield and yield components of chick pea (Cicer arietinumL.)
Mohammadreza Shadfar Keyvan Shams -
Open Access Article
542 - The Effect of Drought Stress and Biological Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Maize
Masood Shirzadi Keyvan Shams -
Open Access Article
543 - Investigating the trend of changes of physiological growth indices of maize (Zea mays L.) in different sowing dates at Varamin climate conditions
Majid Abdoli -
Open Access Article
544 - Evaluation of water stress and phosphorous fertilizer on yield and yield components in Nigella sativa L
Hossein Zeinali Masoomeh Hasanbarani -
Open Access Article
545 - Evaluation of the growth regulators, sugars and amino acid tryptophan effect on the rate of tryptophan decarboxylase enzyme on Vinca major L. in tissue culture, cell suspension culture and field culture conditions
Ali Kazemzadeh fariba khosravinejad Amirhossein Kazemzadeh Haghighi -
Open Access Article
546 - Interaction effects of different amounts of zinc(Zn) and boron(B) on growth and antioxidative enzymes activity in lettuce(Lactuca sativa L. cv. Paris Island) plant
Farhad Behtash Hadi Fakhr ghazi Masoomeh Hasanbarani -
Open Access Article
547 - Investigating the effect of boron levels on the quantitative and qualitative yield of medicinal-oil plant varieties of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
Mohammad Reza Zargaran Khouzani Mohammad Hossein Gharineh Malihe Jahani Sedighe Jahani -
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548 - The Effect of Aerobic Step Training on Plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Phosphorylated Tau Protein of Elderly Women
fatemeh dehghan haghighi lotfabadi Ali Yaghoubi -
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549 - Studying of Central Alborz's crustal velocity by using ANN method
Tohid malekzadeh Dilmaghani -
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550 - Dynamic Performance Comparison for Improved Vector and Scalar Controlled Asynchronous Motor Drives
Mohsen Ebadpour Hadi Naghizadeh Ghishlagh Hossein Nasiraghdam -
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551 - Optimizing speed and angle control of stepping motor by using field oriented control
Ahad Golipour -
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552 - Evaluating Sustainable Neighborhood Development for the Elderly with Emphasis on Physical and Social Sustainability: Case Study: Neighborhoods in District 8 of Tehran
Ali Sheikhazami Soha Aliakbari -
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553 - Factors influencing residents' satisfaction in nursing homes, Isfahan province, Iran: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Marzieh Rajabian Narges Dehghan -
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554 - Evaluating the Effect of Visual Quality of Windows' Fields of View, on Mental Health of Apartment Residents, Through the Recording of Brain Waves
Hadi Keshmiri Maryam Haghayegh Khosro Movahed Malihe Taghipour -
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555 - Investigating the Effects of Physical Factors on Promoting the Objective Dimension of Quality of Life for the Physical Environments of the Elderly (Case Study:Elderly Care Centers of Isfahan , Iran)
Atena sadat Hashemi Fesharaki Seyedeh Marzieh Tabaeian Samar Haghigi Boroojeni Maryam pourshams -
Open Access Article
556 - A Reflection on the Memorable Concept and its Constructive Factors on Architecture Schools
Akramolsadat Kheyrossadat Seyd Mohammad Hosein Ayatollahi Marziye Tabaeian Marziyeh Piravi Vanak Maryam Ghasemi sichani -
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557 - Comparison of self-efficacy and job commitment of teachers with Teaching "in the field" and Teaching out-of-field" in the primary school of education district one of Sanandaj city
soheila hosein pour farhad saeidi heidar abdi -
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558 - Comparision of the effectiveness of logotherapy and Fordyce Happiness on reduction of elderly women’s depression in Tehran
zahra kashani Abdullah shafe abadi aboalfazl karami -
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559 - Tyranny and Welcome »Analytical on field of psychosocial welcome from Reza Shah's tyranny«
محسن عزیزی نیا طهماسب علیپوریان -
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560 - Investigation of scattering caused by electric field in TiO2 nanocrystals
majid shabzendeh -
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561 - Pathology of Welfare Programs and Patterns (Case Study: Iran's Social Welfare System)
Hossein Shahvardi Soroush Fathi Tahmourth Shiri -
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562 - Induced Voltage and Current of Electrical Power Line on Adjacent Buried Pipeline
Mohammad Reza Nasiri -
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563 - Visual Torch Position Control Using Fuzzy-Servoing Controller for Arc Welding Process.
Reza Babazadeh Tili Fereshteh Akbarnejad Vahid Rostami -
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564 - Cluster-Based Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Markov Random Field
Peyman Rasouli Mohammad Reza Meybodi -
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565 - Reduction of Cramer-Rao Bound in Arbitrary Pre-designed Arrays Using Altering an Element Position
Hamidreza Bakhshi Mohsen Abedini -
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566 - Determining the strategic position of sports tourism in the field of citizens' health
Rozita Hajiahmadi Mehdi Naderinasab Nima Majedi -
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567 - Optimization of the Ductile Properties of an Arc Welded Plate Based on the Yield Strength, Elongation and Modulus of Elasticity.
Samuel Sada Joseph Achebo -
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568 - Types of welding process and relationship with defective rate in structural fabrication for oil & gas project
Mohd Amran Mohd Daril Abd. Rahim Sidek Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab Khairanum Subari Sobia Irum Nohman Khan -
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569 - A New Fuzzy Method for Assessing Six Sigma Measures
Seyed Habib A Rahmati Abolfazl Kazemi Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad Alireza Alinezhad -
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570 - Evaluation of Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Rigid and Semi-Rigid Steel Frames under Far-Field Earthquake Records
Fariborz Tooll Gulani Ali Anvarsamarin -
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571 - Development of Seismic Criteria for Seismic Responses of Regular and Irregular Structures in Plan considering Vertical Component of the Near-field Records
Maryam Firoozi Nezamabadi Fariborz Yaghoobi Vayeghan -
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572 - Evaluation of Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Rigid and Semi-Rigid Steel Frames under Far-Field Earthquake Records
Fariborz Farhadi Ali Anvarsamarin -
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573 - Seismic behavior of RBS connections at near and far field earthquakes
Maziar Basirololoomi Armin Aziminejad Fariman Ranjbaran -
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574 - Influence of the Isolator Characteristics on the Response of the Isolated Buildings in the Near-FaultEarthquakes
Beytollah Taromi Kiarash Nasserasadi Asghar Vatani Oskouei -
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575 - The Study of Improvement of Dispersive Soil Using Magnetic Field
S. F Ashrafi M Behzad A Naseri H Ghafarian Malmiri -
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576 - Comparison Appropriateness of Teaching Hours of Main and Specialized Subjects of Management Field and Educational Programming From the Educated ones’ Viewpoint (Schools’ Principals and Assistants) and Knowledgeable Professors of Higher Education
Reza Mahmoudi Shahrbanoo Rabeie -
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577 - Identifing the factors that affect management student’s motivation
Mohammad Amin Alizadeh Hamid Reza Parvazi Mohammad Hosien Rahmati -
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578 - Grouping of Late Maturing Corn Hybrids in Relation to some Agronomic Traits
S. Mohammadi L. Alivand F. Farahvash H. Hamzeh K. Anvari S. Arefi -
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579 - Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) and Chickpea (Cicer arietinium L.) Intercropping under Micronutrient Applications
Yaser Esmaeilian Mohammad Behzad Amiri -
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580 - Evaluation of Seed Yield and Yield Components of 20 Winter Barley Lines in Tabriz, Iran
F. Eslamy B. Pasban Eslam M. Tajbakhsh H. Teimourpour -
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581 - Assessment of Interference of Growing Period of Amarant (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) and Lambs Quarter (Chenopodium album) on Yield and its Components of Rapeseed
H. Firouzi, B. Mirshekari M.B. Khorshidi Benam -
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582 - Effects of Glycine Betaine and Salicylic Acid Foliar Application on Yield and Yield Components of two Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars under Rainfed Conditions
Hadi Salek Mearaji Akram Hatami -
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583 - Effect of Seed Inoculation with Nitragin and Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Corn
S. Baser khochehbagh B. Mirshekari F. Farahvash A. Javanshir -
Open Access Article
584 - Evaluating Some Growth Parameters, Water Relations and Yield of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) as Affected by Quality Water Irrigations and Different Fertilizers
احمد Ghanbari J. Bardel M. Khajeh -
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585 - Response of Three Bread Wheat Cultivars to Different Levels of Seeding Rates in Ilam Region
A. Maleki P. Seyedan A. Tahmasbi -
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586 - Grain Yield Adaptability and Stability of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) Genotypes Using Different Stability Indices
Maryam Etaati Mohammad Reza Ardakani Mahmoud Bagheri Farzad Paknejad Farid Golzardi -
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587 - Effect of Drought Stress on Yield and Yield Components of Determinate Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill)
M. Abdipour A. Rezaei S. Hooshmand F. Raeisi -
Open Access Article
588 - Assesment of Relationships between Seed Yield and Some Morphophysiological Traits of Bread Wheat Genotypes under Rainfed and Supplementary Irrigation Conditions
Saman Motazedi Saeed Seifzadeh Reza HagParast HamidReza Zakerin Hamid Jabbari Jahanfar daneshian -
Open Access Article
589 - Evaluation Grain Yield and Yield Component of Three Wheat Cultivars to Drought Stress and Different Levels of Nitrogen
M.R. Enayatgholizadeh G. Fathi M. Razaz -
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590 - Evaluating Tolerance of Potato Cultivars and Promising Clones to Water Deficit in Ardabil Region
D. Hassanpanah H. Hassanabadi -
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591 - Grain Yield Stability of Bread Wheat Cultivars under Irrigation in Cold and Temperate Climatic Conditions of Iran
M. Bakhshayeshi Geshlagh, F. Habibi H. Bakhshayeshi M. Shekarchezade M. Moslemi N. Hejrankesh P. Vafadar Afshar -
Open Access Article
592 - Evaluation of Spring Bread Wheat Lines (Triticum aestivum L.) and Their Classification by Using Some Agronomic Traits
A. Daryani A.R. Tarinejad S. Aharizad F. Farahvash H. Khanzade -
Open Access Article
593 - The Effect of Sowing Dates on Yield, Yield Components and Oil Content of Three Spring Safflower Cultivars (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Under Full Irrigation Regime in Tabriz
بهاره Deltalab H. Kazemi- Arbat B. Pasban-Eslam -
Open Access Article
594 - Evaluation of Hail Simulated Damage on Marketable Tuber Yield of Potato Agria Cultivar in Ardabil Region
D. Hassanpanah H. Hassanabadi -
Open Access Article
595 - The Effect of Different Interference Periods of Weeds on, Leaf Area Index, Yield and Yield Components of Corn Hybrid
H. Shahi B. Mirshekari A. Valad Abadi A. Dabbag-e-Mohammadi Nasab -
Open Access Article
596 - Investigating Seed Yielding Ability and Its Related Traits of Alfalfa Genotypes (Medicago sativa)
P. Hazeg Jafari F. Nourmand Moayed G. Mohammadi S. Aharizad P. Behrouz -
Open Access Article
597 - The Effects of Irrigation Regimes on Second Cropping of Three Soybean Genotypes in Moghan Region
M. Rostamzadeh Kaleybar, M. Farboodi A.H. Hoseinzadeh Moghbeli N. Razmi -
Open Access Article
598 - Relationships between Oil and Grain Yield with Morphologic Traits in Single Cross Hybrids of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
A.R. Tarinejad P. Ramezani V. Rashidi M. Ghafari -
Open Access Article
599 - Competition of Triticale (Triticosecale wittmack) Lines with Wild Oat (Avena fatua) and its Different Densities
M. Najjari Sadeghi, B. Mirshekari A.H. HosseinZadeh Moghbeli S. Baser Kouchebagh -
Open Access Article
600 - Improvement of Some Physiological Traits, Yield and Yield Components of Wheat and Barley by Using Sodium Selenate and Sodium Selenite in Dry Land Conditions
Nour Ali Sajedi Hamid Madani -
Open Access Article
601 - Grain Yield and Growth Traits of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as Affected by Interference with Wild Oat (Avena ludoviciana L.)
Farshad Sorkhi -
Open Access Article
602 - Effects of Planting Dates on Yield and Yield Component of Mini-Tuber Potato Cultivars in Ardabil Region
A. Abde Emani M.B. Khorshidi Benam D. Hassanpanah Sh. Azizi -
Open Access Article
603 - The Effect of Chemical and Biofertilizers on Yield and Yield Components of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) as Second Crop
S. Eslami Fard F. Rahimzadeh Khoei F. Farahvash -
Open Access Article
604 - Effect of Integrated Management of Biological and Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizers with Different Plant Densities on Seed and Oil Percentage of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under Water Deficit Stress
Hassan Rahmani Mani Mojaddam Alireza Shokuhfar Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Shahram Lak -
Open Access Article
605 - Evaluation of Quantitative Traits of Potato Cultivars in the Spring Cultivation and after Barley Harvest Plantings in Ardabil Region
D. Hassanpanah H. Hassanabadi -
Open Access Article
606 - Some Morphological Characters and Yield of Common Field Bean (Vicia faba.L)
لیلی Golchin S. Zehtab Salmasi J. Shafagh Kolvanagh -
Open Access Article
607 - Evaluation of Correlation between Physiological and Morphological Traits with Yield in Hull- less Barley Lines
M.R. Dadashi A. Noorinia M. Askar Sh. Azizi -
Open Access Article
608 - Effects of Plant Density and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Quantity and Quality of Forage Corn in Daregaz Region (Iran)
N. Saadatzadeh S.M. Nabavi Kalat R. Bahari Kashani -
Open Access Article
609 - Response of Potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Kaiser) to Different Sources of Fertillizers
Mohammad Reza Saeedi Saeedi Mehrab Yadegari -
Open Access Article
610 - Allelopathic Effects of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) on Seed Germination, Growth and Yield of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
M. Yarnia -
Open Access Article
611 - Identification of Cold Tolerant Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars Using Stress Tolerance Indices under Humic Acid Application
Shirin Alizadeh Arash Roozbahani Amir Hosein Shirani Rad Mohamadreza Haj Seyedhadi -
Open Access Article
612 - Genetic Diversity for Grain Yield and its Components in Winter Wheat Genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)
M. Tabrizi H. Kazemi-e- Arbat -
Open Access Article
613 - Improvement of Seed Yield, its Components and Oil Content of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) by Applications of Chemical and Organic Fertilizers
Abdollah Javanmard Fariborz Shekari -
Open Access Article
614 - Effect of Foliar and Soil Application of Chitosan Nanoparticles on some of Physiological Characteristics of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under Drought Stress
Faride Behboudi Zeinolabedin Tahmasebi Sarvestani Mohamad Zaman Kassaee Seyed Ali Mohamad Modares Sanavi Ali Sorooshzadeh -
Open Access Article
615 - Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Nano-Fertilizers on Growth and Seed of Two Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars
Seyed Taghi Sadati Valojai Yousef Niknejad Hormoz Fallah Davood Barari Tari -
Open Access Article
616 - Study on Physiological Indices and Agronomical Characteristics of Different Rice Cultivars and Plant Spacing in West Mazandaran, Iran
S. Mohammadi D. Habibi A. Kashani F. Paknejhad S. Bakhshipour M.R. Ardakani -
Open Access Article
617 - Evaluation of Spring Wheat Recombinant Inbred Lines under Drought Stress
M. Moghaddaszadeh-Ahrabi M. Moghaddam Vahed S. Aharizad S.A. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
618 - Evaluation of Spring Bread Wheat Lines (Triticum aestivum L.) and Their Classification by Using Some Agronomic Traits
A .R. Tarinejad A. Daryani S. Aharizad F. Farahvash H. Khanzade -
Open Access Article
619 - Evaluation Nitrogen and Radiation Use Efficiency of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) under Irrigation Levels
A. Ghanbari B. Fakheri E. Amiri A. Tavassoli -
Open Access Article
620 - Effect of Supplementary Irrigation and Foliar Application of Zinc Sulfate on Seed Yield and its Components of Chickpea in Arak, Iran
V. Borzabadi I. Farahani -
Open Access Article
621 - Relationship Between Ecological Awareness and Paddy -Field Knowledge of Women in Bandar- E Anzali With Sustainable Agriculture Critea
H. Chaharsougi-Amin S.M. Mirdamadi -
Open Access Article
622 - Effect of Application of Biofertilizers and Phosphorus Fertilizers on Qualitative and Quantitative Traits of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
میثم Moradi S.A. Siadat K. Khavazi R. Naseri A. Maleki A. Mirzae -
Open Access Article
623 - Effect of Different Methods of Chemical Weed Control Irrigation Regimes on Weed Biomass and Safflower Yield
M. Matinfar S. Seyfzade A.H. ShiraniRad M.A. Baghestani M. Matinfar -
Open Access Article
624 - Investigation of Delay Sowing Date, Plant Density and Harvest Method on Yield and Yield Components of Baby corn (Zea mays L.) var. KSC403 su
K. Kalarestaghi A. Rahmani S. Khavari- Khorasani -
Open Access Article
625 - Effect of Iron Containing Fertilizers and Botamisol on some Traits of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Sanaz Pourali Arash Roozbahani -
Open Access Article
626 - Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers on Morpho-Physiological Characteristics and Seed Yield of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)
Hossein Abdolahpour Enayatolah Tohidi Nejad Amin Pasandi Pour -
Open Access Article
627 - Evaluation of Some Morphological and Physiological Traits of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Lines and Cultivars
پریسا Moradiyan H. Kazemi Arbat M. Rezayi Morad Ala -
Open Access Article
628 - Efficacy of Maister OD (Foramsulfuron + Idosulfuron) a New Herbicide in Controlling Weeds of Corn Fields
J. Abdi M.A. Bagestani A. Khorgami P. Sabeti -
Open Access Article
629 - The Effect of Drought Stress on Yield and Agrophysiological Characteristics of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes under Irrigated and Rainfed Conditions
Hamid Khoshkhabar Abbas Maleki Mohammad Mirzaeiheydari Farzad Babaii -
Open Access Article
630 - Effect of Supplementary Irrigation on Yield, Yield Components and Protein Percentages of Chickpea Cultivars in Ilam, Iran
A. Maleki A. Heidari A. Siadat A. Tahmasebi A. Fathi -
Open Access Article
631 - Evaluation of the Effect of Flower Removal and Size of Mini-Tuber on the Yield and Yield Components of Agria Potato Cultivar by Using Two Methods of Planting
M. Goldust Jelodar M.B. Khorshidi Benam D. Hassanpanah Sh. Azizi -
Open Access Article
632 - The Role of Salicylic Acid and Chitosan Foliar Applications under Drought Stress Condition on Some Physiological Traits and Oil Yield of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
Ayoub Amiri Sedigheh Esmaeilzadeh Bahabadi Parviz Yadollahi Dehcheshmeh Alireza Sirousmehr -
Open Access Article
633 - Effect of Doses of Oxyfluorfen and Trifluralin Hebicides on Weeds Control and Yields of Garlic Var. Mazand (Allium sativum L.)
S. Mahzari M.A. Baghestani Meibodi -
Open Access Article
634 - Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Phenological Traits, Grain Yield and Yield Components of Three Maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivars
عباس Soleimani Fard H. Naseri Rad R. Naseri E. Piri -
Open Access Article
635 - Identification of Tolerate Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars to Drought Tolerance Indices under Late Sowing Date
Aliakbar Shafighi Mohammad Reza Ardakani Amir Hossein Shirani Rad Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Farnaz Rafiei -
Open Access Article
636 - Effect of Drought Stress and Seed Priming on some Vegetative and Reproductive Traits of Castor bean (Ricinus Communis L.) var Esfahan
Sonia Abasi Sadr Soran Sharafi Abdollah Hassanzadeh Ghorttapeh -
Open Access Article
637 - Effects of Methanol on Yield and Yield Components of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
M. Sogani F. Paknejad I. Nadali F. Elahipanah M. Ghafari -
Open Access Article
638 - Effect of Different Levels of Selenium and Sulfur on Growth and Yield of Three Cultivars of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
O. Bakhshi Rad M. Moez Ardalan A. Reyhanitabar -
Open Access Article
639 - The Effect of Foliar Application of Gibberellin and Kinetin Hormones on Morphological, Biochemical and Functional Characteristics of Maize (Zea mays L.) Hybrids
Aghil Aalipour Tayeb Saki Nejad Shahram Lak Alireza Shokuhfar Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
640 - Yield Comparisons of Mung-bean as Affected by Its Different Nutritions (Chemical, Biological and Integration) under Tillage Systems
Fakher Kardoni Sadegh Bahamin Behroz Khalil Tahmasebi Seyed-Hossein Ghavim-Sadati Seyyed Esmaeil Vahdani -
Open Access Article
641 - Density on Seed Yield and Yield Components of Corn Hybrids
سید محسن Mousavi Nik -
Open Access Article
642 - Seed Filling Trend of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) as Affected by Planting Date and Density
Ali Rahemi Karizaki Abbas Foroughi -
Open Access Article
643 - Evaluation of Yield, Yield Components and Photosynthesis of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Response to Combined Salinity and Drought Stresses at Vegetative Growth Stage
Marziyeh Esmaeilzadeh Hosein Babazadeh Hormozd Naghavi Ali Saremi Gholamhosein Shiresmaeili -
Open Access Article
644 - Effect of Irrigation Intervals on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum bicolor Cultivars in Miyaneh Region, Iran
P. Naseri A. Faramarzi M.B. Khorshidi Benam Sh. Shahrokhi -
Open Access Article
645 - Relationship Between Yield and Yield Components of Maize Hybrids under Different Irrigation
جمیله Seyedzavar M. Norouzi S. Aharizad A. Bandehhagh -
Open Access Article
646 - Effect of Planting Date and Weed Control Methods on Yield and Agronomic Traits of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Khoy Region
M. Akbari M. Roshdi S. Rezadoust -
Open Access Article
647 - Effects of Integrated Weed Management on Forage Corn (Zea mays) in Miyaneh Region, Iran
F. Lotfi Mavi J. Daneshian A. Moradi Agdam M. Moradi Agdam -
Open Access Article
648 - Comparison of the Yield and Yield Components of Direct Seeded Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Along with Fish Culture in Astara, Iran
F. Saeid zadeh Sh. Garousi -
Open Access Article
649 - Evaluation of the Combined Effect of Biological and Chemical Phosphorous Fertilizers and Micronutrient on Seed and Protein Yield of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Mona Yousefipor Shahram Lack Khoshnaz Payandeh -
Open Access Article
650 - Comparison of Yield and Some Forage Qualitative Characteristics of Corn, Sorghum and Amaranth in Response to Density and Sowing Date in Fars Province
Elham Moshaver Yahya Emam Hamid Madani Ghorban Nour Mohamadi Hossein Heidari Sharifabad -
Open Access Article
651 - Evaluation of Yield Stability Promising Lines of Rice (Oryza sativa)
M. Nomani V. Rashidi Sh. Abdollahi H. Rahim-e-Soroush -
Open Access Article
652 - Evaluation of Potato and Pinto bean Intercropping
A. Nasrollahzadeh-Asl A. Dabbag - Mohammadi nassab S. Zehtab - Salmasi M. Mogaddam A. Javanshir -
Open Access Article
653 - Effect of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Combination on the Yield and Active Ingredient of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
S.M. Abtahi -
Open Access Article
654 - Evaluating Yield and Morphological Traits Response of Some Millet Accessions to Stopping off Irrigation at Flowering Stage
A. Nakhaei M.R. Abbasi E. Arazmjoo -
Open Access Article
655 - Response of Yields and Agronomic Traits of Five Grain Millet Varieties to Planting Date
Mahnaz Ghafari Seyyed Gholamreza Moosavi Mohamad Javad Seghatoleslami Hamed Javadi -
Open Access Article
656 - Thermal Requirement and the Response of Corn Hybrids (Zea mays L.) to Different Planting Dates in Isfahan
P. Vafa M. Barary H. Darkhal R. Naseri -
Open Access Article
657 - The Effect of Biofertilizer, Azotobacter, and Different Levels of Nitrogen Application on Yield and Yield Components of Three Bread Wheat Varieties
A. Maleki A. Bazdar Y. Lotfi A. Tahmasebi -
Open Access Article
658 - The Effect of Using Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizer and Biological Fertilizer on Seed Yield and Protein Percent of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)
Babak Lotfi Farbod Fotohi Seyed Ataollahi Siadat Mehdi Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
659 - Effect of Sowing Date on Some Agronomic Characteristics and Seed Yield of Winter Wheat Cultivars
A. Ganbari H. Roshani A. Tavassoli -
Open Access Article
660 - Effect of Integrated Application of Azotobacter chroococcum and Azospirillum brasilense and Nitrogen Chemical Fertilizers on Qualitative and Quantitative of Durum Wheat
S. Azadi, S.A. Siyadat R. Naseri A. Soleimani Fard A. Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
661 - Effect of Deficit Irrigation Conditions on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivars in Ardabil Climatic
Atousa Shafaroodi Mahnaz Sharifi Abdolghayoum Gholipouri Broomand Salahi Mohammadbagher Aalizadeh -
Open Access Article
662 - Effect of Foliar Application of Iron and Zinc from Chelate and Sulfate Sources on Growth and Yield of Maize, at Dezful Province of Khuzestan
Ali Khalafi Kamran Mohsenifar Ali Gholami Mohammad Barzegari -
Open Access Article
663 - Impact of Time and Rate of Imazetapyr Herbicide Application on Growth and Yield of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
Abdolreza Ahmadi Omid Ali Akbarpour -
Open Access Article
664 - Evaluating the Effect of Amount of Wheat Straw and Stubble Residues and Urea Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Corn (Zea mays L.)
S. Safikhani M. Azarnia -
Open Access Article
665 - The Effect of Organic Mulches and Metribuzin on Weed Control and Yield of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Rouzbeh Zangoueinejad Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim -
Open Access Article
666 - Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Promising Potato Clones and Commercial Cultivars Using the GGE Bi-plot and AMMI Models
داود HassanPanah H. Hassan Abadi -
Open Access Article
667 - Ecophysiological Evaluation of Three Maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivars under Irrigation Regimes and Use of Super Absorbent
Allahyar Hassanzadeh Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
668 - Tuber Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as Affected by Different Dosage Applications of Rimsulfuron at Its Various Growth Stages
Seyyede Asiye Khatami Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim Mehdi Mohebodini Rogayeh Majd -
Open Access Article
669 - The Effect of Vermicompost and Biological Fertilizer Application on Seed Yield and Yield Components of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
علیرضا Rezaee Moadab S.M. Nabavi Kalat -
Open Access Article
670 - Fesibility Study on Increasing Water Use Efficiecy in (Thymus vulgaris L.) in Different Planting Pattern and Partial with Using Biochar
Kiomars Fakhri Saeed Sayfzadeh Mansour Sarajooghi Seyed Alireza Valad Abadi Ismail Hadidi Masouleh -
Open Access Article
671 - Improvement of Physiological Growth Indices and Yield of Soybean (Glycine max L.) by Replacing some of Nitrogen with Phosphorus under Moisture Stress
Farasat Sadeghi Mohammad Ali Aboutalebian -
Open Access Article
672 - Evaluating Yield and Drought Stress Indices under End Season Drought Stress in Promising Genotypes of Barley
H. Tajalli S.Gh. Mousavi E. Arazmjo -
Open Access Article
673 - The Effect of Biochar and Humic Acid Rates on some Phophysiological Characteristics and Grain Yield SC704 Corn (Zea mays L.) Hybrid Under Water Deficit stress
Armaghan Charkhab Many Mojaddam Shahram Lack Tayyeb Sakinejad Mohammad Reza Dadnia -
Open Access Article
674 - Effect of Foliar Application of Salicylic Acid on Yield and Yield Components of Pumpkin under Different Water Deficienies
Vahideh Biyare Farid Shekari Saeid Seifzadeh Hamidreza Zakerin Esmaeil Hadidi -
Open Access Article
675 - Investigation of Water Saving Strategies for Pinto Beans under Drought Stress
Masoumeh Mohammadpur Ali Nasroallahzadeh Asl Mohsen Roshdi Farzad Jalili Sasan Rezadoost -
Open Access Article
676 - The Effect of Reduced Doses of Trifluralin on Control of Common Lamsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) and Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Fields
Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim Elham ‎ Samadi kalkhoran -
Open Access Article
677 - The Effect of Irrigation Regimes on Yield and Yield Componets of Three Wheat Cultivars
Issa Nabati Peyman Sharifi -
Open Access Article
678 - Comparison of Yield and some Physiological Characteristics of Wheat Cultivars under Cut Irrigation Levels in Shahriar Region
Reza Afsharianzadeh Eslam Majidi Heravan Mohammad Nasri Hossein Heidari sharifAbad Ghorban NourMohammadi -
Open Access Article
679 - Effects of Agricultural Management on Nitrogen Nutrition and Yield of Canola (Brassica napus L.) in Gorgan
A. Behdadian A. Soltani E. Zeinali H. Adjam Norouzi -
Open Access Article
680 - Effect of Drought Stress and Application of Salicylic Acid on Yield and Yield Components, Photosynthetic Pigments and Compatibility Metabolites of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) under Sistan Climatic Conditions
Barat Ali Fakheri forouzan heidari Nafiseh Mahdi Nejad Iman Shahrokhi Sardoui -
Open Access Article
681 - The Effects of Irrigation Regemes and Planting Patterns on Seed Yield and some Agronomic Traits of Maize (S.C. 604)
Abbas Soleimani fard Rahim Naseri -
Open Access Article
682 - The Effect of Super Absorbent Application on Yield and Yield Components of Rain-fed Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes under Supplemental Irrigation Conditions
Seyedeh Nesa Shahrokhi Ahmad Naderi Payam Pezeshkpour Mani Mojaddam Adel Modhej -
Open Access Article
683 - Evaluation of Spring Sweet Corn (Zea mays var saccharata) Production in Different Planting Date under Plastic Cover in Gachsaran Province
H. Naraki, H. Faraji M. Movahedi Dehnavi S.K. Didgah -
Open Access Article
684 - Application of Herbicide in Paddy Fields Inoculated with Azotobacter chroococcum
Akbar Shirzad Chenari Hashem Aminpanah Peyman Sharifi -
Open Access Article
685 - Effect of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and Mycorrhizal Fungi on Phenological and Physiological Characteristics of Wheat under Dryland Conditions
Rahim Naseri Mehrshad Barary Mohammad Javad Zarea Kazem Khavazi Zahra Tahmasebi Anita Yaghotipoor -
Open Access Article
686 - Yield and Physiological Response of Red Bean Genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to Cutting Irrigation off at Different Growth Stages
Shadi Sadat Mohajerani Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Hamid Madani Shahram Lack Adel Modhej -
Open Access Article
687 - Evaluation of Quantitative, Qualitative and Tuber Yield Stability of 18 Promising Potato Clones in Ardabil Province
D. Hassanpanah H. Hassanabadi -
Open Access Article
688 - Effect of Biofertilizer and Biochar Applications on Quantitative, Qualitative Yields and Root Characteristics of Flue-Cured Tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum L.) Under Dryland Farming Condition
Ramin Mesbah Mohammad Reza Ardakani Ali Moghaddam Farnaz Rafiei -
Open Access Article
689 - Mixed-cropping and Its Effects on Yield and Agronomical Traits of Barley (Hordeum vulgar L.) and Bersim Clover (Trifolium alexanderium L.)
S. Mohammadi N. Khalil Agdam A. Khoshnejad M. Pour Yousef N. Jalilnejad -
Open Access Article
690 - Effects of Foliar Application of Methanol on Yield and Yield Components of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under Water Deficit Stress Conditions
نظام Armand حمزه Amiri A. Ismaeili -
Open Access Article
691 - Effect of Urea, Yashil and Nitragin Fertilizers on Yield and its Components of Cowpea
E. Agaalipour F. Farahvash B. Mirshekari A. Eivazi -
Open Access Article
692 - Effect of Planting Dates on Seed Yield and Vegetative Traits of Rapeseed Cultivars in Ilam Region
G. Tahmasebi S.A. Syadat M.M. Pour Siabidi R. Naseri -
Open Access Article
693 - Responses of Seed Yield, Yield Components and Some Morpho-physiological Traits of Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum) to the Application Methods of Fulzyme Biofertilizer
A. Eslami R. Sadrabadi Haghighi M. Zafarian -
Open Access Article
694 - The Effect of Row Spacing, Plant Population and Planting Pattern on Yield and Yield Components of Corn (SC 704) in Double Cropping
M. Ramezani R. Rezaei Sokht-Abandani -
Open Access Article
695 - Evaluation of the Response of Spring Canola (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars to Delay Sowing Dates
Asadolah Zareei Siahbidi Abbas Rezaeizad Ashkan Asgari Amir Hosein Shirani Rad -
Open Access Article
696 - Variation of Agronomic Traits and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes Using Subirrigation
Hossein Sabouri Hojat Ghorbani Vaghei Mohammad Reza Jafarzade Razmi Mohsen Rezaei Mahnaz Katozi Somayeh Sanchouli -
Open Access Article
697 - Evaluating Yield Variations of Corn (single cross 260) at Different Water Regimes and Nitrogen Rates by Using of Growth Indices
مهتا Haghjoo A. Bahrani -
Open Access Article
698 - The Effect of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (VAM) on Yield and Yield Components of Three Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Cultivars
A. Mehraban S.M. Moussavi Nik A. Tavassoli -
Open Access Article
699 - Study some of Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum L.) Physiological Traits at Levels of Irrigation and Ascorbic Acid
Zohre Akbari Mansour Fazeli Rostampour Leyla Zeya ebrahimi Mohamad Reza Naroeirad -
Open Access Article
700 - Effect of Vermicompost Fertilizer Application on Physiological Characteristics of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Genotypes in Two Sowing Dates
Elnaz Samadzadeh ghale joughi Eslam Majidi Hervan Amir Hoseain Shirani Rad Ghorban Noormohammadi -
Open Access Article
701 - Effect of Phosphate Bio Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Corn (KSC 704) Under Water Deficit
F. Mirshekari P. Nazeri M. MirAkhori N. Jamshidi M. Gaffari A.H. Markazi -
Open Access Article
702 - Effects of Different Levels Drought Stress and Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Corn (Zea mays, SC. 704)
Sh. Sepasi K. Kelarastaghi H. Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
703 - Effect of Foliar Applications of Humic Acid, Iron and Zinc on some Characteristics of Negro (Guizotia abyssinica L.)
Ali Tadayyon Sedigheh Beheshti -
Open Access Article
704 - Evaluation of Micronutrient Application at Different Growth Stages on Yield and Yield Components and Grain Quality of Sweet Corn
Afsaneh Yousefpour Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
705 - The Effects of Physical Primings of Seeds on Agronomical Characteristics and Alkaloid Content of Datura
سحر Baser kouchebagh F. Farahvash بهرام Mirshekari F. Rahimzadeh Khoei H. Kazemi Arbat -
Open Access Article
706 - Response of some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties to Changes in Plant Density
Kazhal Pirzahiri Homayoun Kanouni Asaad Rokhzadi -
Open Access Article
707 - Improvment of Physiological and Agronomic Characteristics of Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) with Nano-Selenium Application
Gholam Behzad Parisa Sheikhzadeh Nasser Zare Mitra Rostami -
Open Access Article
708 - The Effects of Urea Fertilizer and Azotobacter and Azospirillum on Physiological Charactestis of Maize (Zea mays L.) at Khash, Iran
عباس Soleymanifard R. Naseri -
Open Access Article
709 - Determination of Drought Tolerance Indices of some Selected Rice Genotypes under Drought Stress at Flowering Stage
Zeinab Heravi Zadeh Morteza Samdaliri Morteza Mobaleghi Amir Abbas Mosavi Mojtaba Neshaei Moghadam -
Open Access Article
710 - Germination, Growth and Yield of Wheat as Affected by Physical Priming Techniques
B. Mirshekari F. Farahvash S. Baser KoocheBagh -
Open Access Article
711 - Investigating Yield and Its Related Traits by Using Components Analysis of Different Varieties of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
Abbas Frooghi Abbas Biyabani Ali Rahem Gorban Ali Rasam -
Open Access Article
712 - Competitive Effects of Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) on Growth Parameters, Seed Yield and Essential Oil of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
بهرام Mirshekar -
Open Access Article
713 - Evaluation of Rapeseed Genotypes under Drought Stress Condition
N. Jamshidi A.H. Shirani rad F. Takht chin P. Nazeri M. Ghafari -
Open Access Article
714 - Effects of Foliar Applications of Sulfur, Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Castor Bean (Ricinus cmmunis L.) Seed Yield and its Components under Water Deficit Conditions
M. Mosavi A.R. Sadeghi Bakhtavari B. Pasban Eslam S. Sameh Andabjadid H. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
715 - Path Analysis for Grain Yield on Populations of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare M.) under Normal and Water Deficit Stress Conditions
Milad Ghasemi S. Aharizad Majid Norouzi Ali Bandehagh Roghayeh Azhdari -
Open Access Article
716 - Investigation of Affecting Factors on Soybean (Glycine max L.) Pod Abnormality in Gorgan
Amir Mohtasham Amiri Mohhamad Reza Dadashi Abolfazl Faraji -
Open Access Article
717 - The Effect of Mycorrhizal Inoculation of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) on its Yield and Some Physiological Characteristics Under Drought Conditions
Madineh Bijhani Parviz Yadollahi Mohammad Reza Asgharipour Moslem Heydari -
Open Access Article
718 - Effect of Water Deficit Stress on Yield and Yield Components in Corn Using Path Analysis
Y. Momeni H. Monirifar -
Open Access Article
719 - Effect of Seed Priming on some Morphophysiological Characteristics, Yield and Seed Protein Content in Three Dryland Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars
Kianoush Safari Yousef Sohrabi Adel Siosemardeh Shahryar Sasani -
Open Access Article
720 - The Response of Corn (Zea mays L.) Hybrids with Different Maturity Groups to Low Dose Application of Nicosulfuron Herbicide
Iraj Rooki M. Armin Matin Jamimoeini -
Open Access Article
721 - Effect of Different Potassium Levels on Yield and Growth Indices of Potato in Mashad Climate Condition
A. Sobhani H. Hamidi -
Open Access Article
722 - The Effects of Water Deficit Stress on Some Morphological Characteristics and Grain Yield of Armavirsky Cultivar Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
E. Abbasi Seyahjani F. Farhvash H. Kazemi Arbat M.B. Khorshidi Benam -
Open Access Article
723 - Evaluation of AquaCrop Model in Simulating Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Three Corn Hybrids under Hot-Dry Climatic Conditions
Yaser Esmaeilian Mahmoud Ramroudi -
Open Access Article
724 - Effect of Mycorrhiza and Phosphate Solublizing Bacteria on Yield of Corn (Zea mays L.) (KSC 704) under Different Irrigation Regimes
Khoshnaz Payandeh Mani Mojaddam Nazli Derogar -
Open Access Article
725 - The Effect of Mycorrhiza and Azotobacter Bio-Fertilizers on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Varieties
Zeinab Amanolahi Baharvand Morteza Siavoshi Yosoof Niknezhad Hormoz Fallah Amoli Masoud Rafiee -
Open Access Article
726 - Evaluation of Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Corn and Grass pea as Affected by Organic, Chemical and Bio Fertilizers
Mohammad Shahbaghi Alireza Valadabadi Jahanfar Daneshiyan Amir Hossein ShiraniRad Saeid Seyfzadeh -
Open Access Article
727 - Some Agronomic and Physiological Traits of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L. ) as Affected by Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers
Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi Mehrdad Yarnia Vahid Ahmadzadeh Noushin Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
728 - Effect of Sowing Date on Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Two Varieties of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) Populations
A. Vaseghi A. Ghanbari M. Heydari S. Davazdahemami -
Open Access Article
729 - Evaluation of Annual Clover Ecotypes by Using Drought Tolerance Indices
Sh. Nikou M. Pouryousef Miandoab A. Hassanzadeh Gorttape -
Open Access Article
730 - Interaction of Nitrogen Fertilizers and Plant Density on Physiological Characteristics, Yield and Yield Components of Canola (Brassica napus L.)
Behnam Hosseininasab Farhad Mohajeri Mohammad Rahim Owji Mehdi Madandoust -
Open Access Article
731 - Effects of Planting Pattern on Morphophiysiological Characteristics and Yield and Yield Components of Sweet and Super Sweet Corn Varieties (Zea mays L. var. saccarata)
آتنا Rahmani M. Nasrolah alhossini S. Khavari Khorasani A. Khalili Torghabeh -
Open Access Article
732 - Evaluation of Yield and Yield Components of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) in Different Treatments of Irrigation Distance and Sowing Date
Sahar Keyvan Rad Hamid Madani Hossein Heidari Sharifabadi Mojtaba Mahmoudi Ghorban Nourmohamadi -
Open Access Article
733 - The Role of Salicylic Acid in Improving the Photosynthetic System of Soybean (Glycin max L.) Genotypes under Drought Stress
Nasrin Razmi Ali Ebadi Jahanfar Daneeshian Soodabe Jahanbakhsh -
Open Access Article
734 - Effect of Drought Stress and Straw Mulch of Wheat on Morpho-Physiological Characteristics of Sesame
Jahanbakhsh Behzad Nejad Zeinolabedin Tahmasebi Sarvestani Ahmad Aien Ali Mokhtassi Bidgoli -
Open Access Article
735 - Effect of Super-Adsorbent and Irrigation Levels on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris)
Marouf Khalili Hamze Hamze -
Open Access Article
736 - Yield of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in the Intercropping with Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) on Different Planting Date
Vahid Ghahramani Ghalejoq Mohammad Taghi Naseripoor Yazdi Reza Kamaei -
Open Access Article
737 - Response of Durum Wheat Genotypes to Different Planting Dates and Plant Densities under Dryland Conditions
Saeid Ghazvineh Ali Reza Valadabadi Abdol Vahab Abdolahi Saeed Seyfzadeh Hamid Reza Zakerin -
Open Access Article
738 - Effect of Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels on Physiological Characteristics of Four Varieties of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Farshad Sorkhi -
Open Access Article
739 - Effect of Plant Density on Yield and Yield Seed Components of Rapeseed (Brassica napus) Cultivars
M. Matinfar M. Matinfar M. Mahjoor A.H. Shirani Rad R. Mahmodi -
Open Access Article
740 - Effect of Weed Interference in Different Agronomic Managements on Grain Yield and Yield Components of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
محمد Asghari M. Armin -
Open Access Article
741 - Growth Index, Yield and Yield Components of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) Cultivars Affected by Date and Method of Planting at Ahvaz Region
Mehrnoosh Golabi Shahram Lak Abdolali Gilani Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Aslan Egdernezhad -
Open Access Article
742 - Evaluation of Plant Residues on the Dynamics of Weed Populations and Corn (Zea mays L.) NS640 cultivar in two Types of Soil Textures
Einollah Hesami Mohsen Jahan Mehdi Nasiri Mahallati Roozbeh Farhoudi Amin Reza Jamshidi Mohamad Moetamedi -
Open Access Article
743 - Effect of Application Methods of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizers on Tuber Yield and Some Morphological Traits of Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Farnaz Monaghash Abbas Maleki Heydar Zolnorian -
Open Access Article
744 - Effect of Different Irrigation Levels on the Population of Barnyard grass (Echinocloa crus-galli L.) and Agronomical Traits Related to Paddy Yield of Two Rice Cultivars
سبحان Mahzari M. Omrani M.A. Baghestani -
Open Access Article
745 - Effect of Foliar Application of Iron on Growth, Nodulation and Quantity and Quality of Yield of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Hamedan
Javad Hamzei Mohsen Seyedi Afshar Azadbakht Ayob Fesahat -
Open Access Article
746 - Response of Some Agronomic Characteristic of Canola (Brassica napus L.) to Nitrogen Fertilizer and Sowing Date
سعید Safikhani عباس Biabani Abolfazl Faraji Ali Rahemi Abdolatif Gholizadeh -
Open Access Article
747 - Leaf Gas Exchange, Yield and Yield Components of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars as Affected by Plant Density
Reza Hosseinipour Seyyed Alireza Valadabady Mohammad Reza Mehrvar Saeed Sayfzadeh -
Open Access Article
748 - The Effect of Weed Interference Duration on some Morphologic Traits and Yield of Onion (Allium cepa L.)
عمر Rasolzadeh, A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab R. Amini S. BolandNazar H. Davati Kazem nia -
Open Access Article
749 - Effect of Seedling Age and Seeding Rate in Nursery on Some Agronomic Traits and Seed Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) cv. Tarom Hashemi
Norollah Kheyri Hamid Reza Mobasser -
Open Access Article
750 - Investigation of the Limiting Factors of Wheat Seed Yield in the Eastern Region of Kerman
Mohammad Ali Bagheripour hosein heydari sharif abad Ahmad Mehraban Hamid Reza Ganjali -
Open Access Article
751 - Evaluation of Yield and Yield Components of Oilseed Rape in the Wheat-Oilseed Rape Strip Intercropping Influenced by Chemical and Biological Fertilizers
راشین Amirmardfar A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nassab Y. Raei S. Khaghaninia R. Amini S.H. Tabataba Vakili -
Open Access Article
752 - Effect of Humic Acid and Phosphorus on the Quantity and Quality of Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) Yield
A.A Farjami, S.M. Nabavi Kalat -
Open Access Article
753 - The Effects of Using Organic and Biological Fertilizer Along with Lower Rate of Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizer on Quality and Quantity of Rice Yield
Norollah Kheyri Yousof Niknejad Maryam Abbasalipour -
Open Access Article
754 - Effect of Sulphur and Vermicompost Application on Agronomic Traits of Hubbit Cultivar of Soybean (Glycine max L.)
Somayeh Shahrusvand Hamid Reza Eisvand Farhad Nazarian Firozabadi Mohammad Feizian -
Open Access Article
755 - Evaluation of the Effects of Some Mrphophysiolocal Traits on Seed Yield of Winter Wheat Genotypes
Babak Hooshmandi Vrahram Rashidi -
Open Access Article
756 - Seed Yield and Some Agronomic Traits of Maize (Zea mays L.) as Affected by Different Planting Patterns
عباس Soleymanifard رحیم Naseri روح اله Karami -
Open Access Article
757 - Effect of Biological and Mineral Phosphorus Fertilizers together with Microelement Sprayings on Yield and Component of Yield in Pinto Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
علی Nasrollahzadeh Asl H. Gorbannezhad -
Open Access Article
758 - Weeds Control by Living Mulch of Maize and Their Effect on Two Potato Cultivars
Zohrab Adavi -
Open Access Article
759 - Growth Analysis, Yield and Yield Components of Three Barley Cultivars (Hordeum vulgare L.) under Different Seeding Rates
Payam Moradhajati Alireza Shokuhfar -
Open Access Article
760 - Effects of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis along with Vermicompost and Tea Compost on Quantity and Quality Yield of Mentha aquatic L.
Mostafa Koozehgar Kaleji Mohammad Reza Ardakani Naser Khodabandeh Mojtaba Alavi Fazel -
Open Access Article
761 - Agro-Physiological Responses of Different Peal Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) Cultivars to Water Deficit in Kerman Climatic Conditions
Seyed Nabiladin Fatemi Ali Akbar Maghsoodi Mood Ghasem Mohammadi Nejad -
Open Access Article
762 - The Effect of Trichoderma harzianum and Cadmium on Tolerance Index and Yield of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
F. Taghavi Ghasemkheyli H. Pirdashti M.A. Bahmanyar M.A. Tajick Ghanbary -
Open Access Article
763 - Effect of Azotobacter and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels on Agro-physiological Traits and Yield of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Genotypes under Different Moisture Conditions
Abbas Soleimanifard Mani Mojaddam Shahram Lack Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
764 - Possible Use of the Chlorophyll Meter for Diagnosing Nitrogen Deficiency in Early Growth Stage of Tobacco under Field Condition
Mohammadtaghi shamelrostami Abbas Biabani Abdollatif Gholizadeh Hosein Sabouri Ebrahim Golamalipour Alamdari -
Open Access Article
765 - Evaluating the Effect of Cytokinin Foliar Application on Morphological Traits and Yield of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) under Optimal Irrigation and Drought Stress Conditions
Hadi Salek Mearaji Afshin Tavakoli Niaz Ali Sepahvand -
Open Access Article
766 - The Roles of A200 Super Absorbent Rates on Yield of Burley 21 Tobacco under Different Irrigation Treatments
مهرداد Molavi S. Mohammadi S. Sharafi E. Namvar Rezaei -
Open Access Article
767 - Response of Seed and Oil Yields and Yield Components of some Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Genotypes at Saline Areas of Tabriz Plain
Bahman Pasban Eslam Bahram Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
768 - Effects of Potassium and Nitrogen Fertilizer Applications on Yield and Lodging of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Different Irrigation Regimes
Zahra Rabiei Naser Mohammadin Roshan Seyyed Mostafa Sadeghi Ebrahim Amiri HamidReza Doroudian -
Open Access Article
769 - The Effect of Water Deficit stress on Osmotic Metabolites and Anti Oxidant System and Grain and Oil Yield of Amaranth CV. Koniz
Mehrdad Yarnia -
Open Access Article
770 - Simulation of Maize Yield with Different Levels of Nitrogen by Using DSSAT Model
farzad Paknejad Sheida Moayeri por Fayaz Aghayari Mohammad Nabi Ilkaei -
Open Access Article
771 - Evaluating Tolerance Indices of some New Maize Hybrids Imposed to Drought Stress
J. Seyedzavar M. Norouzi S. Aharizad -
Open Access Article
772 - Evaluation of Yield, Harvest Index, and Water Use Efficiency of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) in Different Treatments of Irrigation and Sowing Date
Arameh Zand-Silakhoor Hamid Madani Hossein Heidari Sharifabadi Mojtaba Mahmoudi Ghorban Nourmohamad -
Open Access Article
773 - Critical Period of Weed Control of Corn (Zea mays L.) Second Cropping at Moghan Region
Saber Aley Ghorban Didehbaz Moghanlo Farid Golzardi -
Open Access Article
774 - Response of Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Maize (Zea mays L.) to the Application of Zinc and Iron at Irrigation Cutoff Conditions
Mojtaba Afshari Ahmad Naderi Mani Mojadam Shahram Lak Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
775 - Effect of Planting Date and Nutritional Treatments on Yield and Yield Components of Maize (Zea mays L.)
Sayed Mohammad Reza Tabatabai Hamid Madani Hossein Heidari Sharifabad Ghorban Noormohammadi Farrokh Darvish -
Open Access Article
776 - Effect of Salinity on Osmotic Adjustment, Yield and Essence of Local Landraces Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi L.)
Isa Piri Mousa Keshtegar Abolfazl Tavassoli Mehdi Babaeian -
Open Access Article
777 - The Role of Mycorrhiza in Drought Tolerance of Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.)
Sh. Moghadasan A. Safipour Afshar F. Saeid Nematpour -
Open Access Article
778 - The Effect of Brassinosteroied Application on Water Stress Tolerance of Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.)
Motalleb Hosseinpour Ali Ebadi Esmaeil Nabizadeh Hassan Habibi Soodabeh Jahanbakhsh Godekahriz -
Open Access Article
779 - Yield and Yield Components of Vetch (Vigna radiata) as Affected by the Use of Vermicompost and Phosphate Bio-fertilizer
Mohammad Mehdi Rahimi Alireza Hashemi -
Open Access Article
780 - The Effect of Cold and Drought Stresses on Yield, Yield Components and Water Use Efficiency of some Corn Hybrids (Zea mays L.)
Mohsen Tarighaleslami Mohammad Kafi Ahmad Nezami Reza zarghami -
Open Access Article
781 - Variation of Forage Yields and some Agronomic and Physiological Characteristics of Kochia, Millet, Sorghum and Maize under Drought Stress
Hamid Najafinezhad Seyed Zabihollah Ravari Mohammad Ali Javaheri -
Open Access Article
782 - Response of Yield, Yield Components and Nutrient Concentration of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) to Mycorrhizal Symbiosis under Salt Stress Conditions
M. Bijhani P. Yadollahi M. Heydari M. Ghanavati -
Open Access Article
783 - The Physiological Response of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) to Manure and Super Absorbent Polymer under Drought Stress Conditions
Zahra Rezai Mohammad Rafieolhossaini -
Open Access Article
784 - Evaluation of Grain Yield and some Biochemical Characteristics of Five Chickpea Cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.) under Drought Stress in Kermanshah Region
Seyed Mohammad Naseh Hosseini Mohsen Saeidi Cirous Mansourifar -
Open Access Article
785 - Interaction Effect of Cover Crop Residues and Hand Weeding of Weeds on Iceberg Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Iceberg) Yield
Fatemeh Ahmadnia Ali Ebadi Mohammad Gudarzi -
Open Access Article
786 - Response of Different Irrigation on Nano Iron Chelated to Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla L.) Genotypes
hamideh azade godjebigloo Bartali Fakheri Nafise Mehdi Nejhad Ghasem Parmoon -
Open Access Article
787 - Mixed Cropping of Legumes and Maize by the Use of Urea
Esmaeil Alibakhshi Mohammad Mirzakhani -
Open Access Article
788 - Investigating the Effect of Date and Planting Method (Transplanting and Direct-Seeding) on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
Shahrokh Pahlavianian Miandoab Mohammad Reza Dadashi Touraj Mir Mahmoudi Asiyeh Shahrooghbi Hossein Adjam Norouzi -
Open Access Article
789 - The Effect of Winter Cover Crops on Plant Density, Biomass of Weeds and Potato Yield (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Majid Rostami Yangjeh Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim Fatemeh Ahmadnia Leyli Nabati Souha -
Open Access Article
790 - Top-dressing of Potassium Fertilizers on Safflower
Neginsadat Amir Khalili Alidad Amiri Behzadi Esmaeil Babakhanzadeh Sajirani -
Open Access Article
791 - Evaluating of the Role of Soluble Potassium Sulfate and Chelated Iron on Corn Yield and Yield Components under Water Deficit Stress
Saeed Reza Yaghoobi Arash Roozbahani Mohammad Reza Akhavan Mohseni -
Open Access Article
792 - Variation Trend of Leaf Area Index, Yield and Yield Components of Green Beans (Phaseolous vulgaris L.) by Using Zinc Sulfate and Nitrogen
Sh. Lack M. Kermanshahi H. Noryani -
Open Access Article
793 - Response of Bread Wheat Varieties to Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer under Different Irrigation Treatments
Parisa Ghahremani Soleyman Mohammadi Hashem Hadi -
Open Access Article
794 - Utilization of Micronutrients in Dorotti Sugar-beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Cultivar
Saeid Soleymani Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
795 - The Effect of Combined Application of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Different Levels of Vermicompost on Quantitative and Qualitative Performance of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
reza monem Alireza Pazoki Ali Abdzad Gohari -
Open Access Article
796 - Weed Interference Duration Effect on Yield and Yield Components of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) in Conventional and Organic Conditions
Masoud Zarei Mohammad Armin Mosarreza Hokmabadi -
Open Access Article
797 - Effect of Dose and Oxadiargyl Application Time at the Different Growth Stages on Weed Biomass and Tuber Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
E. Samadi Kalkhoran M.T. Alebrahim -
Open Access Article
798 - Evaluation of Yield, Yield Components and Essential Oil Content of Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) with the Use of Nitrogen and Vermicompost
Alireza Pazoki Hamidreza Tavakoli Haghighat Abolfazl Rashidi Asl -
Open Access Article
799 - Evaluation of Yield and Yield Components of Maize by Foliar Application of Salicylic Acid
Mahmood Tohidi Rahim Falahi -
Open Access Article
800 - Evaluation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) Intercropping
Bijan Kahraryan Farhad Farahvash Soleyman Mohammadi Bahram Mirshekari Varahram Rashidi -
Open Access Article
801 - The Effect of Hand Weeding Times on the Reduce of Herbicide Application in Sugar beet
Mohammad Nowbakht Alizadeh Sabzevari Mohammad Armin Matin Jami moeini -
Open Access Article
802 - Determination of the Critical Weed Control Periods of Okra (Abelmuschus esculentus L.)
Mansour Fazeli Rostampour Seyyed Gholamreza Moosavi Marziyeh Kouchak Shoushtari -
Open Access Article
803 - Factor Analysis, AMMI Stability Value (ASV) Parameter and GGE Bi-Plot Graphical Method of Quantitative and Qualitative Traits in Potato Genotypes
Davood Hassanpanah Hassan Hassanabadi Amiraslan Hosseinzadeh Bita Soheili Raouf Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
804 - Identification of Resistance Gene to PVY and Its Relation to Marketable Tuber Yield of PVY Resistant Potato Genotypes
Hassan Hassanabadi Abdolhadi Hosseinzadeh Seyed Ali Peighambari Mohammad Reza Naghavi Akbar Dizaji -
Open Access Article
805 - Evaluation of Maize Response to Less Irrigation Management Using SWAP Model
Ebrahim Amiri Fahimeh Shirshahi -
Open Access Article
806 - Chemical and Mechanical Control of Soybean (Glycin max L.) Weeds
Ebrahim Gholamalipour Alamdari Taher Erteghzadeh Abbas Biabani Ali Nakhzari Moghadam -
Open Access Article
807 - Reaspose of Yield and Yield Components of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars to the Application of Plant Growth Promoting RhizohBacteria and Nitrogen Chemical Fertilizer under Rainfed Conditions
Amir Mirzaei Rahim Naseri Seyed Mohammad Torab Miri Abbas Soleymani Fard Amin Fathi -
Open Access Article
808 - Assessment of Changes in Weed Dry Weight and some Characteristics of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) under Different Sources of Fertilizer and Intercropping
Saeid Heydarzadeh Jalal Jalilian -
Open Access Article
809 - Rice Yield Variations as Affected by Direct Seeding and Herbicide Application
Pooya Aalaee Bazkiyaei Jafar Asghari Parasto Moradi Ebrahim Amiri -
Open Access Article
810 - Reduction of Phenmedipham + Desmedipham + Ethofumesate Herbicides Dosage Based on Application Timing in Sugar Beet
Valiyolah Anabestani Mohammad Armin -
Open Access Article
811 - Ecophysiologic Indices of Wheat as Influenced by Plant Density and Application of Herbicide
Ehsanollah Zeidali Rahim Naseri Amir Mirzaei Ali Asghar Chit Band -
Open Access Article
812 - Inoculation with Trichoderma virens and Piriformospora indica for Improving the Morphological and Physiological Traits Related to Grain Yield of Rice under Different Rates of Phosphorus Fertilizer
Faezeh Mohammadi Kashka Hemmatollah Pirdashti Yasser Yaghoubian -
Open Access Article
813 - The Effect of Foliar Application of Growth Stimulants and Priming on Yield and Grain Oil Content of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)
Mahmoud Pouryousef Miandoab Farnaz Esmaeilzadeh -
Open Access Article
814 - Effects of Previous Crop and Rate of Phosphorous Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) cv. Shiroudi
Abouzar Abbasian Hashem Aminpanah -
Open Access Article
815 - Seed Yield and Yield Component of Some Spring Wheat Varieties as Affected by Different Sowing Dates in Neishabour
Zeynab Baygi Saeid Saifzadeh Amir Hosein Shirani Rad Seyed Alireza Valadabadi Ahmad Jafarinejad -
Open Access Article
816 - Evaluation of Lentil Recombinant Inbred Lines using Drought Tolerance Indices
Mohammad Hassan Rahimi Sadollah Houshmand Mahmood Khodambashi -
Open Access Article
817 - The Effect of Cover Crops on Weeds Control and Essential Oil Yield of Mint (Mentha piperita L.)
Ghorban didehbaz moghanlo Ahmad Tobeh Rasoul Fakhari Hassan Khanzadeh Seiedeh Azam saadat -
Open Access Article
818 - Response of Barley Double Haploid Lines to the Grain Yield and Morphological Traits under Water Deficit Stress Conditions
Maroof Khalily Saeid Aharizad Alireza Poraboghadareh -
Open Access Article
819 - Effect of Using Different Levels Manure on Quality and Quantity of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) under Salt Stress Condition
Issa Piri Abbas Harati Abolfazl Tavassoli Mahdi Babaeian -
Open Access Article
820 - Determination of Optimum Transplanting Date for Double Cropping of Rice (Oryza sativa L. CV. Tarom Mahalli) in Mazandaran
Majid Esmaeilzadeh Yousef Niknejad Hormoz Fallah Amoli norollah kheyri -
Open Access Article
821 - Relationships of Phenology and Physiological Traits with the Yield of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Northern Khorasan
Abbas Frooghi Abbas Biyabani Ali Rahemi Karizaki Gorbanali Rassam -
Open Access Article
822 - Advantage of Sesame and Cowpea Intercrops in Different Fertilizer Application Systems
Jasem Aminifar Mahmood Ramroudi Mohammad Galavi Gholamreza Mohsenabadi -
Open Access Article
823 - Presenting a competency model in appointing managers in service organizations by identifying and cultivating managers' competencies from the sociological perspective of organizations (Case study: Social Security Organization)
behrouz khoshnamak Suleiman Iranzadeh asadollah khadivi Hoshang Tagizadeh -
Open Access Article
824 - Investigation of sociological factors related to the method of caring for the elderly in Rasht with a theoretical approach
Nader Jahanaray Seyednaser Hejazi Mansour Haghighatian -
Open Access Article
825 - The Elderly and Physical Activity: A Qualitative Method
Mohammad mostafa Abdi Mohammad Abbaszadeh kamal koohi -
Open Access Article
826 - Gender Differences between Participation in Public Sports and the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Tehran
Setare Azadi Seyed Saeed Aghaei Bahram Ghadimi -
Open Access Article
827 - Health Index, Social Capital and Participatory Actions of Elderly People in Ahwaz City/Iran
Abdolrahim Asadollahi Ali Ismaeli Laleh Fani-Saberi -
Open Access Article
828 - Comparative study of quality of life (quality of their communication and elderlies’ personality characteristics) among the elderly living in nursing home and in their family Case study:elderly living in Uremia
Omid Shekaryazi Safar Hayati -
Open Access Article
829 - The study of the relationship between national identity and media use among students.
Majid Zoroufi -
Open Access Article
830 - On the effects of ‘social field’ on the voters’ attitudes towards the policymaking of the electoral institutions in Rasht
Morteza Shabani Reza Simbar Mohammad Reza Akhzarian Kashani -
Open Access Article
831 - بررسی تاثیر تدریس راهبردهای فراشناختی شنیداری در تکنیک سایه برروی درک شنیداری زبان آموزان وابسته به زمینه و مستقل از آن
پرستو علی زاده اقیانوس مونا خبیری -
Open Access Article
832 - بهبود عملکرد داستانگویی شفاهی زبان آموزان سطح متوسط ایرانی از نظر صحت دستوری، روانی وپیچیدگی با ا یجاد آگاهی معنایی از طریق فیلدهای معنای
بهزاد محمودی سعیده اهنگری مهناز سعیدی -
Open Access Article
833 - Investigation of the possibility of inhibiting the growth of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger in corn biomass using Pinus Eldarica leaf extract in the in vitro condition
بهروز Valipour Barenji -
Open Access Article
834 - Effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Pinus eldarica on inhibiting the growth of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger in corn biomass under in vitro conditions
بهروز Valipour Barenji رامین Salamatdoust Nobar -
Open Access Article
835 - Alterations in body weight and blood glucose level of female hamsters exposed to electromagnetic fields of cell phones
A.R Lotfi حبیب Aghdam Shahryar -
Open Access Article
836 - Effect of exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (50 Hz, 0.5 mT) during incubation on hematological indices in newly-hatched chicks
A.R Lotfi حبیب Aghdam Shahryar M.R Valilou -
Open Access Article
837 - The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on Hope and Adaptation to School in Students with a Choice of Compulsory Mathematics and Technology
Samaneh Sadat Tabatabaei Toktam Sadat Jafar Tabatabaei Malihe Ganjifard Toktam Bijari -
Open Access Article
838 - Effectiveness of Group Narrative Therapy on Life Expectancy and Happiness of the Elderly in Tabriz
Fereshteh Changizi Amir Panahali -
Open Access Article
839 - A study of the relationship between the cognitive styles (Field dependence & Field intendance) with learning and the studying methods among the third grade theoretical high-school female students in Tabriz in 2010-2011
Yousef Adib Akbar Rezaei Sedigheh Sobhi Laleh -
Open Access Article
840 - Ranking’s Rate of Coherence for Employed Postgraduates’ Students to Post-academic Norms based on Field of Study's Paradigms by TOPSIS’s Method
Akbar Zolfaghari Mohsen Niazi Elham Shafaiei Moghadam -
Open Access Article
841 - The Sociological Study of Cultural Capital Role of Iranian Families on the Acceptance of their Children in University (Case Study: Sanati Sharif University- Entrance of 2015-2016)
Qasem Alaeizadeh Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed Mirzaie Mostafa Azkia -
Open Access Article
842 - Representations on Raised Very Thin Hv-fields
Thomas Vougiouklis -
Open Access Article
843 - The Effect of Six Weeks of Selected Aerobic Training on Some Physiological Factors in Elderly Men
Mohsen Khodakaramyan Mehran Ghahramani Nahid Mohammadi Javid Parisa Banaei -
Open Access Article
844 - An Analysis of Land Use Changing and Opportunities, Obstacles to Growth and Urban Development (Case Study: Zabol City)
Mohsen Ahadnejad ashraf azimzadeh irani saeid najafy -
Open Access Article
845 - Economic Analysis of Soil Erosion in Nehzatabad Watershed in Kohgiluyeh County
Vajiheh Ghorbannia Kheybari Mohsen Armin -
Open Access Article
846 - Evaluating and prioritizing new methods of marketing health products in the elderly community (Case study of AJA retirees)
MohammadReza Rostami Maryam Mosleh Babak Maleki -
Open Access Article
847 - Effect of different yield functions on computations of forming limit curves for aluminum alloy sheets
Farzaneh Moosavi Mojdeh Erfanian Ramin Hashemi Reza Madoliat -
Open Access Article
848 - CFD Modelling of Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum to Steel butt joint
Hamed Aghajani Derazkola Majid Elyasi Morteza Hossienzadeh -
Open Access Article
849 - Effects of reaction temperature and raw material type on optical properties and crystal phase growth of Solid state synthesized NiSb2O6 nanomaterials
Alireza Hakimyfard -
Open Access Article
850 - The Effect of Friction Stir Processing Speed Ratio on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A 430 Ferritic Stainless Steel
Ali Salemi Golezani S. M Arab Sh. Javadi Firooz Kargar -
Open Access Article
851 - Simulation of Heat Transfer and Recrystallization in Aluminum Alloy AA 6070 by TIG Welding Method
Mir Javad Mir Najd Gerami Eslam Ranjbarnodeh Mehdi Farajpour -
Open Access Article
852 - The Weldability Evaluation of Dissimilar Welds of AISI 347 Stainless Steel to ASTM A335 Low Alloy Steel by Gastungesten Arc Welding
Iman Hajiannia Morteza Shamanian Masoud Kasiri -
Open Access Article
853 - Dissimilar resistance spot welding of AISI 1075 eutectoid steel to AISI 201 stainless steel
Mehdi Safari Hossein Mostaan -
Open Access Article
854 - Statistical Approach on Corrosion Behavior of Dissimilar Welds of A387-Gr91/AISI316 Steels with PCGTAW Process
Mohammad Jula Reza Dehmolaei Seyed Reza Alavi Zaree -
Open Access Article
855 - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Friction Welded Joint between X53CrMnNiN219 and X45CrSi93 Stainless Steel
khalil gheisari Mohammad Reza Abasi -
Open Access Article
856 - Investigation of Roll Bonding between AA5083 Strips
Mohammad Sedighi mohammad heydari vini Pedram Farhadipour -
Open Access Article
857 - Friction Stir Welding of Al 2024 with Al 7075 Alloys and evaluate its structural and mechanical properties
Sayedeh Zahra Anvari Saeed Rohani Mojarad -
Open Access Article
858 - Study the effect of the friction stir process on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of the AZ31 as-cast alloy joint
Amir Rezaee Iman Ebrahimzadeh Farhad Gharavi -
Open Access Article
859 - Experimental Investigation on the dissimilar laser weld joints between Inconel 625 Superalloy and AISI 430 Ferritic Stainless Steel
Hossein Mostaan Mahdi Rafiei Mohammad Emadi -
Open Access Article
860 - Simultaneously Modeling and Optimization of Heat Affected Zone and Tensile Strength in GTAW Process Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm
Meysam Beytolamani Masoud Azadi Moghaddam Farhad Kolahan -
Open Access Article
861 - Robust Multi-Objective Optimization of Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welding Using Neural Network and Modified-NSGA-II
Mostafa Akbari Hossein Rahimi Asiabaraki -
Open Access Article
862 - Dissimilar DP780/DP980 Resistance Spot Welded joints: Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Critical Diameter
Bahman Valizadeh Mehdi Mansouri -
Open Access Article
863 - The Improvement of Mechanical Properties of the Incoloy 825 Weld Metal by Applying Electromagnetic Vibration
Ali Pourjafar Reza Dehmolaei -
Open Access Article
864 - Effect of Post-Weld Intercritical Annealing on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Gas Tungsten Arc Welded DP700 Steel
Hamid Ashrafi Sayyed Erfan Aghili -
Open Access Article
865 - Evaluation of GMAW Welded Joints in A36 Low-Alloy Marine Steel Sheets: Tensile Test, Hardness, and Fatigue Properties
Mohammad reza Maraki Masoud Mahmoodi Milad Khodaei Hadi Tagimalek -
Open Access Article
866 - Optimization and utilization of semisolid casting process for semisolid welding of Al-6061 alloy
M Hajihashemi M Shamanian B Niroumand -
Open Access Article
867 - Numerical Simulation Of Heat Affected Zone Microstructure During Laser Surface Melting
M Amin Jabbareh H Asadi -
Open Access Article
868 - Bimetal friction stir welding of aluminum to magnesium
P Pourahmad M Abbasi H.A Mehrabi -
Open Access Article
869 - Heat Transfer Modelling in Wide Gap Rail Thermite Welding
A Mohassela A. H Kokabi P Davamia E Ranjbarnodeh M Movahedia -
Open Access Article
870 - Influence of shielding gas composition on weld structure in pulsed Nd: YAG laser welding
M jokar F MalekGhaini M. J. Torkamany -
Open Access Article
871 - The effect of activating fluxes on 316L stainless steel weld joint characteristic in TIG welding using the Taguchi method
E Ahmadi A.R Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
872 - Regional modeling of relationship between sediment yield and vegetation cover in Sabalan mountain catchments
Sayyad Asghari saraskanroud Mahdi Jadidoleslami ghalehno -
Open Access Article
873 - Land Systems Investigation in The Mud Field Basin
mohammad hosien Ramesht Abdollah Khoshroo Mehdi Amini -
Open Access Article
874 - Wood yield estimation in a Hyrcanian forest using ecological carrying capacity concept
arman sheikh ali jafari hamid jalilvand Anoshiravan alami -
Open Access Article
875 - Analysis the relationship between yield and area, animal unit and the number of exploiter in rangelands (Case Study: Isfahan Summer Range Management Plans)
raufiraad valiollah Gh heidari Setareh Bagheri -
Open Access Article
876 - The effect of spraying humic acid on some morphological and physiological traits of bean (Vicia faba L.)
Morteza Sam Deliri samaneh roudgarnezhad Amir Abbas Mousavi Mirkalaei Mojtaba neshaee moghaddam -
Open Access Article
877 - Effect of different sources of biological and chemical fertilizers morphological and functional traits of Triticum aestivum L.
hadi jahanshahi Hossein Ajam Noruzi MOHAMMAD REZA DADASHI mohammad ali Rezaii hedieh mosanaiey -
Open Access Article
878 - Grain yield, chlorophyll content, osmolyte accumulation, total phenolics and catalase activity in maize (Zea mays L.) under drought stress
Vahid Nasrollahzade asl Sajjad Moharramnejad Mehri Yusefi -
Open Access Article
879 - Response of nitrogen physiological efficiency of safflower to animal and chemical fertilizers in Kashan region
Mohammad Mirzakhani Marjan Ghanbari Kashan Sid Amir Farid Hashemi -
Open Access Article
880 - Evaluating the effects of water stress and urban waste compost on morpho-physiological indices and yield components of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik)
Raheleh Ahmadpour Saeed Reza Hossain Zade -
Open Access Article
881 - Effect of water deficit stress and application of humic and salicylic acid on physiological traits, yield and yield components of corn
Seyyed Moosavi hossain Ragh ara -
Open Access Article
882 - The simultaneous effect of seed quality, plant density, and nitrogen fertilizer on physiological and yield characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
H. Ajamnorozi M.R. Dadashi A. Faraji H. Mosanaiey M. Pessarakli -
Open Access Article
883 - Effect of different levels of biochar on physiological traits of pumpkin under water shortage stress
Ali reza Safahani Reza Noora -
Open Access Article
884 - Evaluation of the effect of Azospirillum spp. inoculation, alone and in combination with phosphate solubilizing bacteria Bacillus megaterium , on alleviation of the effects of salinity stress on Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.)
Nosratollah Abasi Jalal Jalilian Mohhamad Javad Zare -
Open Access Article
885 - Effect of drought stress on yield and quality of eight cultivars of soybean (Glycin max L.) in Sistan region
Ahmad Mehraban Omid Azizian Shermeh Afsaneh Kamali daljoo -
Open Access Article
886 - The effect of foliar spray of brown seaweed water extract and different levels of nitrogen on some physiological, biochemical, parameters and yield of wheat
Azin Ghfarizadeh Sid Mansour Seyyed Nejad Abdolali Abdolali Gilani -
Open Access Article
887 - The effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria in combination with phosphorus fertilizer on yield of corn hybrids in the northern of Khuzestan
Fateme Nouraki Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Ahmad Naderi Ebrahim Panahpour Shahram Lack -
Open Access Article
888 - Comparative study of biochemical parameters of Pinus nigra and P. elderica cultivated in the area around Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex and Kantuyeh
حکیمه علومی فرخنده رضانژاد بتول کرامت -
Open Access Article
889 - The effect of combined application of nitrogen fertilizer and Azotobacter at different plant densities on some quantitative and biochemical characteristics of spring corn (Zea mays L.)
مانی Mojaddam معصومه Poostizadeh -
Open Access Article
890 - Evlauation of application methods of nitroxin and nitrogen on yield and some physiological traits of maize (Zea mays L. cv SC 704)
Sahi Tale Mani Mojaddam -
Open Access Article
891 - Effect of plant density on some growth and physiological responses, and antioxidant enzymes activities of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under different irrigation levels
Mohammad Barzali Mohammad Nasri Maziyar Karimi Far -
Open Access Article
892 - Effect of foliar application of iron on yield, yield component, and grain protein of lentil crop
ahmad mehraban -
Open Access Article
893 - The pollution effect of Kermanshah petrochemical industry on some growth and physiological characteristics of Pinus eldarica Medw. and Cupressus sempervirens L.
Nayer Mohammadkhani زهرا نورعلی زاده -
Open Access Article
894 - Comparison of Various Seed Priming Methods for Improving the Growth and Yield of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Under Saline Conditions
Ali reza Safahani Ghorban Shariari -
Open Access Article
895 - The pollution effect of Kermanshah petrochemical industry on some growth and physiological characteristics of Pinus eldarica Medw. and Cupressus sempervirens L.
Ali Rostami M. Asgari -
Open Access Article
896 - The effects of nitrogen source and amount on growth, chlorophyll, oil, and essence contents of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.)
Ahmad Abdolzadeh Yash Gin Valipoor Chahardahcheriki Farshid Ghaderi-Far -
Open Access Article
897 - Effect of Iron, Manganese, and Nitrogen nano-fertilizers on some agronomic and physiological traits of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars
gafar bakhtiari Masoumeh Maleki Majid Rostami -
Open Access Article
898 - Role of exogenous phytoprotectants in mitigation of adverse effects of abiotic stresses
Ali Namvar Hashem Hadi Raouf Seyed sharifi -
Open Access Article
899 - Study on the effect of applying different levels of olive pomace (Olea europaea L.) on the grain yield of three rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars in climatic conditions of Khuzestan
azadeh niroomand Mansour Seyyednejad farshad abrahimpour Abdolali Gilani Golamreza Bakhshikhaniki -
Open Access Article
900 - Effects of paclubutrazol on water-less stress tolerance mechanisms of two sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genotypes
elham faghani Mousa Miri Hemmatollah Pirdashti Valiollah Ghasemiomran -
Open Access Article
901 - Effect of drought stress and spraying of gibberellic acid and salicylic acid on the quantitative and qualitative yield of canola (Brassica napus)
naser ezati Abbas Maleki Amin Fathi -
Open Access Article
902 - The study of the response of some physiological characteristics and grain yield of Purslane (Portulaca Oleracea L.) cultivars to drought stress and foliar application of chelated nano iron
nafiseh mahdi nezhad hamideh jamalpour barat ali fakheri hameideh azad -
Open Access Article
903 - Effect of silicon oxide and salicylic acid on yield, yield components, and some biochemical properties of Persian melon (Cucumis melo var. inodorus)
mojtaba salahiostad malihe morshedloo Mohammad Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
904 - Simultaneous effects of silica nanoparticles, potassium, biological and nitrogen chemical fertilizers on the absorption of some elements and yield of rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.)
mehrdad Ghasemi Lemraski Hamid Madani Nasibe Rezvan talab salman dastan -
Open Access Article
905 - The assessment of quantitative and qualitative yield of different native and foreign sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cultivars under optimal and limited irrigation conditions
heydar azizi Esmail Nabizadeh Azad Ebrahimi Rahim Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
906 - Effect of amount of sugarcane compost and nitrogen on quantitative and qualitative yield of corn (Zea mays L.)
Seyed Keyvan Marashi Forogh Zadehomidi -
Open Access Article
907 - Evaluating some qualitative and quantitative indices of local rice cultivars in paddy field planting systems in north of Iran
Nader Moeini MOHAMMAD REZA DADASHI Salman Dastan Abolfazl Faraji -
Open Access Article
908 - Selection of traits affecting sugar yield as selection criteion in various domestic and foreign sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cultivars
Farhang Movloudi Esmail Nabizadeh heydar azizi -
Open Access Article
909 - Effect of organic, biological and chemical fertilizers on yield and efficiency elements of sesame
farzad babaei Esmael Ganghene Afshin Mozafari Mohammad Mirzaei Heidari Rahim Naseri -
Open Access Article
910 - Investigation of morpho-physiological responses to salinity stress in three promising hybrid genotypes of Iris (Iris germanica L.) inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi
Zahra Ziaei Maryam Dehestani-Ardakani Mostafa Shirmardi Mohammad Hosein Azimi -
Open Access Article
911 - Effect of foliar application of organic growth stimulators on physiological characteristics, yield and percentage of safflower oil (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under levels of drought stress
Ali Rashedi Alireza Sirousmehr Mohsen Mousavi nik Ahmad Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
912 - Effect of mycorrhiza and salicylic acid on yield and physiological parameters of maize (Zea mays)
Poria Mazloom mohsen peyman younespor Morteza Sam daliri Amir Abbas Mousavi Mirkalaei Morteza Moballeghi, -
Open Access Article
913 - Morphological, physiological, and enzymatic responses of Caucasian alder (Alnus subcordata C. A. Mey) seedlings to water deficit conditions by inoculation of Rhizophagus irregularis
Zahra Boor Ghasem Ali Parad Seyed Mohsen Hosseini Ehsan Ghanbary -
Open Access Article
914 - The study of morphophysiological characteristics and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using Nitrogen and Zinc sources and their interaction
Mohammadali Rezaei hossein ajamnorozi Mehrali Mahmoudjanlo Hassan Modares zadeh -
Open Access Article
915 - Investigation of the effect of plant density and humic acid on paddy yield, water use efficiency, and biochemical traits of direct-seeded rice cultivation (Oryza sativa L.) in northern Iran
Manizhe Kalteh Hossein Ajam Norouzi Abolfazl Faraji Abdol Aziz Haghighi Ebrahim Gholamalipour Alamdari -
Open Access Article
916 - Comparison of quantity and quality of Phlomis olivieri essential oil in Kelardasht and Baladeh habitats, Mazandaran Province
Seyed Khadijeh Mahdavi Maedeh Yousefian Abbas Effati -
Open Access Article
917 - Effect of foliar application of salicylic acid and biofertilizerson on yield and some biochemical traits of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under water stress
Ahmad Afkari -
Open Access Article
918 - Effects of Mycorrhizae and nano Fe-Zn oxide on nodulation and quantitative and qualitative yield of rain fed lentil (Lens culinaris L.)
Ravanbakhsh Aghahei Raouf Seyed sharifi Hamed Narimani -
Open Access Article
919 - Response of yield and some physiological traits of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to interaction effect of different levels of sulfur and zinc
Ziba Shokri majid ashouri Hamidreza Dorodian Naser Mohammadian Roshan Seyed Mostafa Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
920 - Effect of different nitrogen and sulfur levels on yield, yield Components and Some Quality Characteristics
Hossien Ebrahimi Abolfazl Faraji morteza samdaliri Amir Abbas Mousavi Amir Kolahi -
Open Access Article
921 - The effect of drought stress and selenium on some morphophysiological characteristics of Dragons head (Lallemantia iberica L.)
Masoomeh Amerian Alireza zebarjadi javaneh alsadat mehrabi -
Open Access Article
922 - Evaluation of forage yield and weed control of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) under the influence of different herbicides
Masood Noroozi Mohammad Reza Dadashi Fariba Maighany Hossein Ajamnorozei -
Open Access Article
923 - Effects, mechanisms and applications of agricultural biotechnology to improve salinity stress on wheat growth
Rahim Naseri -
Open Access Article
924 - Effect of spermidine foliar application on some morphophysiological traits and secondary metabolites of marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) under drought stress
Sophia Soroori Elham Danaee Khodayar Hemmati Alireza Ladan Moghadam -
Open Access Article
925 - Evaluation of some physiological responses of three indigenous watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.) accessions to drought stress
ali rouin amin baghizadeh mahmoud Roghami amin mousavi -
Open Access Article
926 - The effects of drought stress on the yield and some biochemical characteristics of four Maize hybrids in the gorgan climate coditions
mansour esmaily Mohamad reza Dadashi Mohamad Taghi Feyzbakhsh kami kaboosi fatemeh shaikh -
Open Access Article
927 - The effect of screening and optimization of osmopriming on seed germination properties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using surface-response method
Afagh Yavari Ghader Habibi Masumeh Abedini Gholamreza Bakhshi Khaniki -
Open Access Article
928 - Investigating agrotechnological features affecting sugar yield of Beta vulgaris L. in different planting dates for cultivar selection in northwest of Iran
Esmail Nabizadeh Farhang Movloudi Heydar Azizi -
Open Access Article
929 - A review of the effects of drought stress on plants and some effective strategies in crop management
Amin Fathi Abbas Maleki Rahim Naseri -
Open Access Article
930 - Effects of auxin and gibberellin hormoneson some agronomic, physiological and biochemical traits of tancy mustard (Descurainia sophia) under different levels of humic acid
mohammad jahantigh Isa Khamari Alireza sirousmehr mehdi dahmardeh -
Open Access Article
931 - Evaluating the effects of mycorrhizal fungi on growth and yield of winter chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under conditions of supplemental irrigation
Mohammad Mirzaei Heydari Kobra Mishkhaszadeh -
Open Access Article
932 - The effect of humic acidic and cycocel on yield, yield components, and photosynthetic material remobilization of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under end-of-the-season drought stress conditions
Maryam Shirvanian Mani Mojaddam Shahram Lack Mojtaba Alavifazel Seyed Keyvan Marashi -
Open Access Article
933 - The effect of co-inoculation of bradyrhizobium and mycorrhizal species on physiological traits and grain yield of soybean (Glycine max L.) under drought stress
Mohammad Ali Mohammad Ali Zirak- Qoturbulagh Shahram Mehri Hossein Soleimanzadeh Mohammad Hossein Ansari -
Open Access Article
934 - e effect of hydrogen peroxide pretreatment and copper foliar application on some physiological traits and quantitative yield of SC704 maize hybrid under water deficit stress
Abdollah Ayaran Mohammad reza Dadnia Mojtaba Alavifazel shahram Lack Tayeb Sakinejad -
Open Access Article
935 - A study on relationship between morphological and agronomic traits, and seed cotton yield and early-maturity in different cultivars
محمدرضا Dadashi, برزو Kazerani -
Open Access Article
936 - The Effects of sowing date and plant density on seed and flower yield of Pot Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.)
MJ Seghatoleslami gr Mousavi -
Open Access Article
937 - Three New Records of Oscillatorian Cyanophyta for the Paddy –Fields Algal Flora of Iran
رقیه Siahbalaie حمید Afsharzadeh سا Shokravi -
Open Access Article
938 - The effect of continuous illumination and short dark durations on growth and pigment composition of green algae Scenedesmus sp. From Golestan Province - Iran
پروانه Harati Sh Shokravi آرین Sateei پانیذ Azizi -
Open Access Article
939 - The effect of continuous illumination and photoperiods on growth and heterocyst frequency of cyanobacterium Fischerella ambigua from Golestan province
Fereshte Vakili Kayvan Ghorchibeigi Neda Soltani Shadman Shokravi -
Open Access Article
940 - Ecophysiological Characterization of Cyanobacterium Lyngbya sp. FS33 Agardh Collected From Paddy-Fields of Golestan Province
Sh Shokravi مریم Safaie فریبا Amirlatifi -
Open Access Article
941 - Taxonomical Characterization of Fischerella sp. FS18 collected from paddy-fields of Golestan Province (Iran)
sh Shokravi فریبا Amirlatifi مریم Safaie ، ندا Soltani, -
Open Access Article
942 - Effect of different strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum on micronutrients uptake in shoots and yield of seeds in soybean (Glycine max L.)
آذر دخت Mehdipoor M.A Rezaei احمد Asgharzadeh علی Cherati -
Open Access Article
943 - Effect of Pyridoxine and Different Levels of Nitrogen on Yield and Yield Components of Corn (Zea mays L. Var. SC. 704)
داود Eradatmand Asli Gh.R Farrokhi مجتبی Usefi Rad -
Open Access Article
944 - Path analysis of grain yield, its components, and some morphological characterstics in spring safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
محمدرضا Dadashi, علیرضا Ahmadzade ابوالقاسم Mohammadi BandarKheyli بهرام Alizade -
Open Access Article
945 - Effects of exogenous glycine betaine on morphophysiological characteristics and yield of soybean (Glycine max L.)
M.A Rezaei -
Open Access Article
946 - Evaluating the morphological indicies effective on yield and yield component in different cotton genotypes
محمدرضا Dadashi برزو Kazerani -
Open Access Article
947 - Studing of survival, growth, pigment composition and amelioration ability in cyanobacterium Nostoc sp.FS77 collected from paddy-field of Golestan Province under different salinities
زینب بادلی Shadman Shokravi Jallal aldin Derakhshanpour رقیه بادلی -
Open Access Article
948 - Phytochemical assessment and comparison of Thymus daenensis Celak. essential oil in natural habitats and field conditions
jalal khorshidi Majid Shokrpour Vahideh Nazeri -
Open Access Article
949 - Effect of irrigation frequency on yield and chemical compositions of the essential oil from Salvia officinalis L.
najmeh vosoughi Masoud gomaria Prof. Abdollah Ghasemi Pirbalouti shahab khaghani fatemeh Malekpoor -
Open Access Article
950 - Investigate of variation of morphological and phytochemical traits of Matricaria recutita L. affected by foliar application of iron, zinc, manganese and copper
سعید یوسف زاده -
Open Access Article
951 - Effect of edaphic conditions on phytochemical latex yield of bitter asafetida (Ferula assa-foetida L.) medicinal plant in two natural habitats in Kerman province
Amir Saadatfar Samira Hossein Jafari Iraj Tavassolian -
Open Access Article
952 - The effect of density and enriched straw on phytochemical responses and yield of Bakhtiari savory (Satureja bachtiarica Bunge.) in dry farming condition
Ahmad Mirjalili mohammad hosein Lebaschy Mohammad Reza Ardakani hosein heydari sharif abad Mehdi Mirza -
Open Access Article
953 - Essential oil composition and effect of different treatments on seed dormancy breaking and germination of Salvia sahendica Boiss. & Buhse
ahad hedayati fatemeh Aghamohseni elnaz norouzi syavash hemmaty mir sajjad mir yusefzadeh zahra bagheri shabnam mir yousefzadeh mohammad hossein Mirjalili -
Open Access Article
954 - Evaluation of growth, yield, and physiological responses of Valeriana officinalis L. to the application of urea, nitroxin, and phosphate Barvar-2 fertilizers
Mehdi Heydari-Rahni Mohammad Nasri Yousef filizadeh Pourang Kasraei Pezhman Azadi -
Open Access Article
955 - Evaluation of morpho-physiological responses of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf to the application of chemical and biological fertilizers under salinity stress in Fars and Tehran climates
mostafa salehi fatemeh nakhaei seyyed gholamreza mosavi reza bradaran -
Open Access Article
956 - Evaluation of some populations of Alyssum species based on the branch and seed yield and some morphological traits
Mohammad Ali Alizadeh Ali Ashraf Jaffari saiedeh sadat i mirzadeh vaghef Mohammad Dadmand saied Esmaiel saiedian mohamadreza pahlavani liela fallah hossieni Masomeh . Ramezani Yeganeh liela rasoolzadeh -
Open Access Article
957 - The effects of plant density and irrigation interval on forage yield and some physiological traits of Kochia, Quinoa and Forage sorghum in Golestan province
Alireza Saberi Alireza Kiani -
Open Access Article
958 - Evaluation of Elderly Friendly City Planning Criteria with Emphasis on Vitality in District 2 of Tehran
Malihe Ahmadi Samaneh Heydari -
Open Access Article
959 - Evaluating Elderly-Friendly City Indicators (A Case Study of Sari)
Ata gafari gilandah chnour mohammadi elham davari -
Open Access Article
960 - Theoretical Model of an Age Friendly Community with an Emphasis on the Aging in Place
Mina Harandi Mojtaba Rafieian Hamid Saberi amirhosein shabani -
Open Access Article
961 - Performance Investigation of Pentacene Based Organic Double Gate Field Effect Transistor and its Application as an Ultrasensitive Biosensor
Mohammad Reza Jouharchi Zahra Ahangari Farshad Babazadeh -
Open Access Article
962 - Low temperature hydrothermal synthesis, evaluation of band gap energies and catalytic performance for Biginelli reactions of Sr2-xAxNb2O7+δ (A=Eu3+ and Nd3+) (x = 0.01 and 0.05) nanomaterials
shahin khademinia mahdi behzad -
Open Access Article
963 - Solid state synthesis, crystal structure, evaluation of direct and indirect band gap energies and optimization of reaction parameters for As2Ni3O8 nanomaterials
Alireza Hakimyfard shahin khademinia masumeh rahimkhani -
Open Access Article
964 - High efficient solar light photocatalytic degradation of malachite green by solid state synthesized Bi2Sn2O7 and Bi2MxSn2O7 ﴾M = Y3+, Eu3+, Gd3+ and Yb3+) nanomaterials
Ladan Roohandeh Alireza Hakimyfard Mohammad Samimifar -
Open Access Article
965 - Performance Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Junctionless FinFET with Asymmetric Doping Profile
Zahra Ahangari Ehsan Asadi Seied Ali Hosseini -
Open Access Article
966 - External electric filed effect on the Hydrogen adsorption and storage on Palladium – functionalized C20 bowl: A computational investigation
S Shayanmehr Reza Ghiasi Behrooz Mirza B Mohtat -
Open Access Article
967 - Low temperature hydrothermal synthesis, evaluation of band gap energies and catalytic performance for Biginelli reactions of Sr2-xAxNb2O7+δ (A=Eu3+ and Nd3+) (x = 0.01 and 0.05) nanomaterials
shahin khademinia Mahdi Behzad -
Open Access Article
968 - Hydrogen rich gas production via nano-catalytic gasification of bagasse in supercritical water
Ahmad Tavassoli Masoumeh Ghalbi Ahangari -
Open Access Article
969 - Solid state synthesis, crystal structure, evaluation of direct and indirect band gap energies and optimization of reaction parameters for As2Ni3O8 nanomaterials
Alireza Hakimyfard Shahin Khademinia Masumeh Rahimkhani -
Open Access Article
970 - Performance Investigation of Pentacene Based Organic Double Gate Field Effect Transistor and its Application as an Ultrasensitive Biosensor
Mohammad Reza Jouharchi zahra ahangari Farshad Babazadeh -
Open Access Article
971 - High efficient solar light photocatalytic degradation of malachite green by solid state synthesized Bi2Sn2O7 and Bi2MxSn2O7 (M = Y3+, Eu3+, Gd3+ and Yb3+) nanomaterials
hassan GHEISARI Ebrahim Karamian Ali Soheily -
Open Access Article
972 - Performance Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Junctionless FinFET with Asymmetric Doping Profile
Zahra Ahangari Ehsan Asadi Seied Ali Hosseini -
Open Access Article
973 - Impact of Motivational Scaffolding on Self-Determination and Learning Achievement of Field-Dependent/Independent EFL Learners
Masoumeh Sohrabi Hossein Siahpoosh Asgar Mahmoudi -
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974 - Impact of Teacher Training Course on Iranian EFL Teachers’ Beliefs
Shirin Abasifar Zahra Fotovatnia -
Open Access Article
975 - A Simple Method for Vector Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor under Open-Phase Fault for Electric Vehicle Applications
Rahemeh Tabasian محمود قنبری Mohammad Jannati -
Open Access Article
976 - Effects of Line Defect on Electronic Transport of Double Gate Armchair Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistors: a Simulation Study
Mohammad Bagher Nasrollahnejad Parviz Keshavarzi‎ -
Open Access Article
977 - A Simple Strategy for DRFOC of 3-phase Induction Motors under Single-phase Open Fault
Mohammad Shabandokht-Zarami محمود قنبری Esmaeil Alibeiki Mohammad Jannati -
Open Access Article
978 - A New VAD Algorithm using Sparse Representation and Updated Dictionary in Spectrogram Domain
Mohadeseh Eshaghi -
Open Access Article
979 - Synthesis of teachers' knowledge management research Taken from databases in the time period (1389 to 1401) and (2010 to 2023).
Ali Mazlomi Hossein Momeni Mahmoui -
Open Access Article
980 - A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Cognitive, Affective, and Personality Traits on English Foreign Language Learners’ Lexical Knowledge
Mohammad Rostampour Seyyedeh Mitra Niroomand -
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981 - Money Priming and Trust among Children: Evidence of a Field Experiment
Zahra Ebrahimi Masoud Homayounifar Mehdi Feizi -
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982 - The Effect of OPEC Statements on Fluctuations in Crude Oil Prices
Fariba Shahbodaghlou Aliasghar Esmaeilnia gatabi azadeh mehrabian ROYA SEIFIPOUR -
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983 - Iran and Qatar Cooperation in Gas Production from South Pars (North Dome) Gas-Condensate Field: A Game Theory Framework
Elmira Bayati Bijan Safavi Amir Jafarzadeh -
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984 - Bayesian Analysis of Spatial Probit Models for Investigating the Adoption of High Yielding Wheat Varieties
Anahita Nazari Gooran Vali Borimnejad -
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985 - Effects of Physical and Mental trainings on Short-Term Memory and Information Processing Speed in Elderly Men with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Arsalan Damirchi reza rezaeeshirazi Saeed Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
986 - The Computational Study of Number of Shot Particles and Distance Effects on Residual Stress and Mechanical Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy after Shot Peening Process: Molecular Dynamics Approach
Ali Moradi Ali Heidari Kamran Amini Farshid Aghadavoudi Reza Abedinzadeh -
Open Access Article
987 - Experimental Study of the Effect of Rotational Speed, Feed Rate, Lubricant and Tool Material in Friction Drilling of the Titanium Sheets
Mehran Yazdani Nogarani Reza Nosouhi -
Open Access Article
988 - Study the Percentage of Carbon and Ferrite in Layers of Steel (SA-516) by Strip Cladding with E316L
Ahmad Afsari Dara Fazel Jafar Karimisharifabadi Vahid Mehrabi -
Open Access Article
989 - Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding between Magnesium and Aluminum Alloys
Mahdi Salari -
Open Access Article
990 - Evaluation of Optimal Conditions, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum to Copper Joints Welded by FSW
Ahmad Afsari Shahin Heidari Jaleel Jafari -
Open Access Article
991 - Experimental Investigation of One-pass and Two-pass Friction Stir Welding Process of Aluminum Alloy 6061 with and without Copper Foil
Qadarat Mohammad Jassim Al-Issawii Maziar Mahdipour Jalilian Mahdi Karami Khorramabadi -
Open Access Article
992 - Investigating the Effect of Residual Stress on Fatigue Crack Propagation by Modified J-integral and Experimental Method
Ali Moarrefzadeh Shahram Shahrooi -
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993 - Optimizing the Implementation of a Robotic Welding System
Fionn Foley Chris O’Donoghue Joseph Walsh -
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994 - Thermal and Stress Analysis in Butt, T-shaped and Tubular Joints in the Welding Process of Dissimilar Parts
Adel Tavabe Behdad Jahanbeen Seyed Mohammad Reza Nazemosadat Ahmad Afsari -
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995 - Formability Study of Steel Tailor laser Welded Blanks (TWB) in Stretch Forming
Mohammad Riahi Ahmad Amini Hossein Bisadi -
Open Access Article
996 - Numerical and Experimental Study of Geometrical Dimensions on Laser-TIG Hybrid Welding of Stainless Steel 1.4418
Mahmoud Moradi Majid Ghoreishi Azam Rahmani -
Open Access Article
997 - Manufacturing of Aluminum Thin Cylindrical Parts By Using Friction Stir Welding Method
Ahmad Reza Sabet Hamid Montazerolghaem -
Open Access Article
998 - The Effect of Annealing Heat Treatment on the Bond of Explosivewelded Copper/Steel after the ECAR Process
Mohammad Honarpisheh Ali Akbar Haddadi Hadi Mansouri -
Open Access Article
999 - Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Poly Methyl Methacrylate and Polycarbonate Sheets
Mojtaba Rezaee Hajideh Omid Shapurgan Navid Molla Ramzani Essa Hasan Nejad -
Open Access Article
1000 - Simulation of Tool Rotation and Travelling Speed Effects on Friction Stir Welding of Ti-6Al-4V
Hamed Aghajani Derazkola -
Open Access Article
1001 - Effects of Tool Tilt Angle and Plunge Depth on Properties of Polycarbonate FSW Joint
Hamidreza Mohammadi Kuhbanani Hesameddin Yasemi Hamed Aghajani Derazkola -
Open Access Article
1002 - A Hybrid Thermal Assisted Friction Stir Welding Approach for PMMA Sheets
Mojtaba Rezaee Hajideh Mohammadreza Farahani Masoud Ahmad Khanbeigi -
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1003 - Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Manufacturing Wind Turbine Blades Produced by Hydroforming of Aluminum Alloy AA5754
Javad Shahbazi Karami Hamed Bakhtiarizade Mohsen Shahmoradi -
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1004 - Investigation of ECAR Routes on Mechanical Properties of Explosive-Welded Al-Cu Bimetal
Mohammad Honarpisheh Mahdi Dehghani Sina Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
1005 - A New 2-input CNTFET-Based XOR Cell With Ultra-Low Leakage Power For Low-Voltage and Low-Power Full Adders
Amir Baghi Rahin Vahid Baghi Rahin -
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1006 - Full-Wave Investigation of Far- and Near- Fields of a Vessel and Extracting Far-Field from Near-Field Data Scattered in X Frequency Band
Farzad Khajeh-Khalili Reza Jokar -
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1007 - Path Planning of Mobile Robots using the Artificial Potential Field Method and the Harris Hawks Metaheuristic Algorithm
Hosein Saili Masine Mohammad Saadat -
Open Access Article
1008 - Design and Simulation of a Bulk Driven Operational Transconductance Amplifier Based on CNTFET Technology
Sayed Mohammad Ali Zanjani Mostafa Parvizi -
Open Access Article
1009 - Converting RGB Images to Gray-Scale by the Weighted Average Method, based on Shift-and-Add Technique on the Combination of Color Components for Reducing the Computational Units and Errors in FPGA
Mahdi Ajamin Hamednai Payam Sanaee -
Open Access Article
1010 - Design of a Low Power Temperature Sensor Based on Sub-Threshold Performance of Carbon Nanotube Transistors with an Inaccuracy of 1.5ºC for the range of -30 to 125ºC
Sayed Mohammad Ali Zanjani Masoumeh Aalipour Mostafa Parvizi -
Open Access Article
1011 - Design and Implementation of an Intelligent High Frequency Counter with Optimized Architecture on a Low Cost FPGA Chip XC6SLX9-2FTG256C
Sayyed Hossein Keyhomayoon Mehdi Amoon -
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1012 - Design and Simulation of a New Optimized Full-Adder Using Carbon Nano Tube Technology
Abbas Asadi Aghbolaghi Mehran Emadi -
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1013 - Automatic Persian License Plate Recognition by Edge Detection Using Hopfield Neural Network
Homayoun Mahdavi-Nasab Mohammad Sadegh Memarzadeh Peyman Moallem -
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1014 - Improvement of Industrial Radiography for Defect Detection of Oil and Gas Pipelines in Weld Regions by Image Processing
Ali Reza Karimian Monir Torabian Mohammad Reza Yazdchi -
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1015 - Comparison of exploitation criteria and acceleration of diagrid steel structures with tube system based on wind dynamic analysis
mehdi hooshmand Hassan Haji Kazemi Seyed Alireza Zareei -
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1016 - Seismic Performance Investigation of Buckling Restrained Braces with Parallel Yielding Double Core
Kourosh Mehdizadeh Abbasali Sadeghi Seyede Vahide Hashemi -
Open Access Article
1017 - Dynamic Response of Bridges to Near and Far Fault, Forward Directivity Ground Motions
mohammad hajali abdolrahim jalali ahmad maleki -
Open Access Article
1018 - Performance Investigation of A new type of Hexagonal damper in a diagonal brace
mohsen yousefi Yahya nassira ali ghamari -
Open Access Article
1019 - Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Rocking Motions and its Effects on the Controlling Provisions of Special Steel Moment-resisting Systems Dual with CBF Bracing
Ali Parvari Ehsan Azizi -
Open Access Article
1020 - Evaluation the Performance and Seismic Comparison of Steel Moment Dual Systems in Rocking Frames with CBF and EBF Bracing
Ali Parvari Arman Beglar -
Open Access Article
1021 - Optimal intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand modeling of multi-span continuous concrete box girder bridges subjected to near-field earthquakes
Hoodean Malekzadeh Hassan Abbasi Mahmood Hooseini Armin Aziminejad Mohammadreza Adib Ramezani -
Open Access Article
1022 - An Experimental Study to Investigate the Effect of Repair Welding Repetition at the Joint on the Tensile Strength of Welded Segment
Ali Seyedkazemi mahmood mirzaaghaei -
Open Access Article
1023 - Investigation of the Performance of a new model of rectangular damper in the diagonal Convergent brace
mohsen yousefi Yahya nassira ali ghamari -
Open Access Article
1024 - Investigation of seismic Fragility and collapse capacity of RC Moment Frames Considering the increase of stiffness of the column relative to the beam under far and near field earthquakes
siamak saboonchi ashkan khodabandehlou -
Open Access Article
1025 - Active Control of Structures Using Active Tendon Subjected to Near Field Earthquakes
Ahmad maleki rasool khodayari hosein yousefpour -
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1026 - Investigation of the effect of low-strength steel on 6-story moment frame connections against progressive collapse
ahmad karimian arastoo armaghani Alaaddin Behravesh -
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1027 - Comparison of Exploitation Criteria and Acceleration of Long Diagrid Steel Structures with Environmental Frame System Based on Dynamic Wind Analysis
mehdi hooshmand Hassan Haji Kazemi Seyed Alireza Zareei -
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1028 - Effect of yield-torsional damper on the vibrational Energy Absorption of the Structure
alireza ansari saeed abbasi asghar rasouli -
Open Access Article
1029 - The effect of far- and near-field earthquakes on the collapse capacity of performance based optimization of RC moment frames
siamak saboonchi ashkan khodabandehlou -
Open Access Article
1030 - Green synthesis of naphthiridinone using multicomponent reaction of Melderumʼs acid and 4-aminoquinoline-2-one
Seyyed Jalal Shams Najafi Maryam Ghazvini Atefeh Navabi -
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1031 - evaluating the approaches of information based quantum paradigm on curriculum of elementary education field
fatemeh zeynali roqaye vahdat seyed abdollah hojati -
Open Access Article
1032 - Effect of Ozonation, UV light irradiation and pulsed electric field processes on reducing of Aflatoxin M1 and total Aflatoxin in Acidophilus milk
Esmat Khoori Vahid Hakimzadeh Ali Mohamadi sani Hasan Rashidi -
Open Access Article
1033 - Using micellar casein concentrate (MCC) on efficiency and physicochemical properties of Iranian white brine cheese
somayeh Aghaei Ali Reza Shahab Lavasani peyman Rajaei -
Open Access Article
1034 - اثر کودهای زیستی بر رشد و عملکرد کمی گیاه سنایهندی (Cassia angustifolia Vahl) در شرایط آب و هوایی کرج
نیلوفر طاهریان حسن علی نقدی بادی علی مهرآفرین محمدعلی وکیلی شهربابکی امین نیک خواه -
Open Access Article
1035 - بررسی اثر مقادیر مختلف کمپوست زباله ی شهری و کودِ گاوی بر مقدار وزن خشک و عناصر سنگین در گیاهِ رُزماری (Rosmarinus officinalis L )
سهیلا کاوه مجید فکری مجید محمودآبادی ناصر برومند -
Open Access Article
1036 - تعیین بهترین زمان برداشت برای دستیابی به بیشترین بازدهی اسانس و تیمول در آویشن باغی Thymus vulgaris L در شرایط اصفهان
امین هادی پناه احمدرضا گل پرور عبدالله قاسمی پیربلوطی حسین زینلی -
Open Access Article
1037 - تأثیر کاربرد متانول و اتانول بر عملکرد گیاه دارویی سرخارگل (Echinacea purpurea L) در منطقه کرج
محمدتقی خسروی علی مهرآفرین حسنعلی نقدی بادی رضا حاجی آقایی اسماعیل خسروی -
Open Access Article
1038 - بررسی عملکرد، اجزاء عملکرد تودههای مختلف مرزه گل درشت (Satureja macrantha) در شرایط زراعی یزد
عباس زارع زاده فاطمه سفیدکن سیدرضا طبایی عقدایی علی میرحسینی محمدرضا عربزاده -
Open Access Article
1039 - The Political and Security Relations of Russia and the United States in Eastern Europe during Putin’s Presidency (1998-2008)
Hamid Hadiyan Hasti Saif -
Open Access Article
1040 - The Role of Geo-economy of Energy in Linkage of Iran and China
Ali Adami Elham Keshvarz Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1041 - The Security Regime of the Caspian Sea after the Disintegration of the Soviet Union till 2009: The Obstacles and the Challenges
Hossein Ahmadi Darab Jalil Piran -
Open Access Article
1042 - A simple synthetic technique to produce ZnO/Fe2O3/Fe3O4 nanostructures and application as a photocatalyst
Nai-Feng Hsu Kuei-Ting Hsu -
Open Access Article
1043 - A Novel Cobalt Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Magnetic Nanocatalyst for Convenient Four-Component Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydropyridones
Maryam Barazandehdoust Manouchehr Mamaghani Hassan Kefayati -
Open Access Article
1044 - Muhammad ibn Sanan and her role in transmitting the hadith of Zaydiyya to Imamiyya
Giti mohamadbeigi alireza abtahi Mohammad ali Chelongar -
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1045 - Field study of the ancient sites in Chalous and Kelardasht area of Mazandaran
Atefeh Rasouli Meysam Miri Ahoodashti -
Open Access Article
1046 - عوامل حیوانی، شرایط بدنی، عملکرد تولید شیر و کیفیت چرای گاوهای شیری: یک مطالعه مروری
آ.آی. روکا-فرناندز -
Open Access Article
1047 - The Relationship between Body Condition Score and Milk Production, Udder Health and Reduced Negative Energy Balance during Initial Lactation Period: A Review
A.K. Singh C. Bhakat -
Open Access Article
1048 - القاء شیردهی در گاوهای هلشتاین با استفاده از تزریق پروژسترون یا درج واژنی پروژسترون
F. Rivera-Acuna E. Prado-Martinez P. Luna-Nevarez M.G. Mendez-Castillo L. Avendano-Reyes J.F. Hernandez-Chavez J.L. Espinoza-Villavicencio J. Hernandez-Ceron A. Correa-Calderon -
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1049 - رابطه بین اوج تولید شیر و پارامترهای پستانی گاومیشهای آمیخته شیری دِهانگ
ز.بی. گو اس.ال. یانگ جی. وانگ سی. ما ی. چن وی.ال. هو اس.کا. تنگ اچ.اس. ژو سی.بی. لیو تی. چن ایکس.اچ. فو اس.اچ. زیو ز.پی. شی آر.اس. لی جی.دی. می اچ.ام. مااُ -
Open Access Article
1050 - اثرات دفعات شیردوشی روی تولید و ترکیبات شیر گاوهای هلشتاین
آی. بوجنانه -
Open Access Article
1051 - کمپلکس معدنی-سینبیوتیک جدید در جیرههای گاوهای شیرده برای بهبود تولید و ترکیب شیر
آ.اف. گورلوو آ.آی. بلیااِو م.آی. اسلوژنکینا ن.آی. مسولووا ای.ی. زلوبینا آ.وی. راندلین ای.ی. بُندارکووا ب.آ. شرستیوک -
Open Access Article
1052 - چند شکلیهای DNA در جایگاههای ژن کاندیدا و ارتباط آنها با صفات تولید شیر در گاومیش مورا (Bubalus bubalis)
دی.اس. کاله بی.آر. یاداو جی. پراساد -
Open Access Article
1053 - برآورد روند ژنتیکی تولید شیر روزآزمون توسط شکل لگاریتمی تابع وود با استفاده از یک مدل تابعیت تصادفی
ز. پزشکیان ع.ا. شادپرور س. جوزی شکالگورابی -
Open Access Article
1054 - بررسی تأثیر جای گزینی بخشی از کنجاله سویا با نخود زراعی پولکی شده بر تولید و ترکیب شیر، و میزان مصرف خوراک گاوهای شیرده هلشتاین
آ. پیرزاده نائینی م. دانش مسگران ع.ر. وکیلی ه. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
1055 - Effect of Replacing Dietary Corn Silage with Hydroponic Barley Green Fodder on Holstein Dairy Cows Performance
H. Fazaeli H.A. Golmohammadi S.N. Tabatatbaei -
Open Access Article
1056 - Effects of Dietary Protein and Energy Levels on Productive and Reproductive Performance of Lactating Buffaloes
H.M.A. Gaafar E.M. Abdel-Raouf M.M. Bendary G.H.A. Ghanem K.F.A. El-Riedy -
Open Access Article
1057 - ارزیابی روشها مختلف پیشبینی تولید شیر و چربی روزانه و کل دوره با استفاده از مدلهای آماری در گاوهای شیری شکم اول ایران
M. Elahi Torshizi M. Hosseinpour Mashhadi -
Open Access Article
1058 - تأثیر روش شیردوشی با اکسی توسین بر عملکرد شیردهی و طول دوره شیردهی گوسفند
M. Nezamidoust S. Razzaghzadeh E. Ezati R. Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
1059 - Productive Performance of Lactating Buffaloes Fed RationContaining Sugar Beet Tops and Corn Silages
H.M.A. Gaafar E.M. Abdel-Raouf M.M. Bendary G.H. Ghanem K.F. El-Reidy -
Open Access Article
1060 - اثرات سطوح مختلف پودر گیاه دارویی شیرین بیان (Glycyrrhiza glabra) بر عملکرد، کیفیت تخم و برخی فراسنجههای بیوشیمیایی سرم خون مرغهای تخمگذار
ح. اقدم شهریار ع. احمدزاده ع. نوبخت -
Open Access Article
1061 - اثرات پودر کاسنی همراه با اسید بوتیریک بر صفات لاشه و برخی از فراسنجههای خونی در جوجههای گوشتی
م. فرامرززاده م. بهروزلک ف. صمدیان و. واحدی -
Open Access Article
1062 - Milk Yield and Composition of Red Sokoto and Weast African Dwarf Does Raised Intensively in a Hot Humid Environment
F.O. Ahamefule O. Odilinye E.N. Nwachukwu -
Open Access Article
1063 - تأثیر منابع سلنیوم غیرآلی و آلی روی عملکرد و کیفیت گوشت جوجههای گوشتی
کا. راجاشری تی. موتوکومار ان. کارتیکیان -
Open Access Article
1064 - صفات رشدی، تولید و کیفیت گوشت سینه ژنوتیپهای جوجههای گوشتی تحت شرایط گرمایی
آی.آ. اُکر -
Open Access Article
1065 - Effects of Rebreeding Interval on Litter and DoePerformance of Rabbit in Baichi State Nigeria
P.A. Addass A. Midau M.A. Tizhe Z.B. Mshelia Y.M. Muktar H.D. Nyako -
Open Access Article
1066 - Effect of Dietary Buffers Supplementation on Milk Yield and Composition in Dairy Cows: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
M. Hashemi F. Tavakolinasab -
Open Access Article
1067 - سطوح بالای آفتابگردان خرد شده در جیرهها برای برههای پرواری سبب کاهش عملکرد و کیفیت لاشه میگردد
ای.ر. اُلیویرا جی.ر. گندرا ف.پ. مُنکااُ آ.م.آ. گابریئل آ.ر.م. فرناندز ر.اچ.ت. گواس م.جی. مورایس ای.ب. مونیز ت.ل. پریرا -
Open Access Article
1068 - عوامل مؤثر بر طول دوره خشکی و تأثیر آن روی تولید و ترکیبات شیر در شیردهی بعدی گاوهای هلشتاین
آی. بوجنانه -
Open Access Article
1069 - The Effect of Partial Replacing Solvent Soybean Meal with Poultry Blood Meal on Performance and Metabolic Status of Fresh Holstein Dairy Cows
I. Rahnama T. Amirabadi Farahani S. Karimi-Dehkordi -
Open Access Article
1070 - مطالعه موانع مزارع شیری سنتی از طریق بررسی تولیدات بالقوه و عملکردی شیر
م.ت. سرایری ی. سانیتو جی.ف. توراند -
Open Access Article
1071 - Genetic and Phenotypic Parameters for Milk Production Traits in the First and Second Lactation in Romanian Simmental Dairy Cows
E. Nistor V.A. Bampidis M. Pentea M. Matiuti V. Ciolac F. Adebambo -
Open Access Article
1072 - The Impact of Agricultural Credit and Farmer Trainings on Small Holder Dairy Production in Southern Region in Sri Lanka
P.H.G.J. De Silva A.L. Sandika -
Open Access Article
1073 - Effect of Two Types of Total Mixed Rations on Production Performances of Holstein Friesian Cows in Early Lactation
B.C. Kalansooriya R.M.A.S. Bandara H.M.G.P. Herath -
Open Access Article
1074 - تأثیر نمره شرایط بدنی بر تولید و ترکیب شیر در گاوهای شیری آمیخته
م.ای. حسین تی. چندا جی.کا. دبناث م.م. حسن آ.اچ. شایکات م.آ. هکو -
Open Access Article
1075 - Physical Form of Concentrate for Lactating Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats: Feed Intake and Sorting, Milk Production, and Blood Metabolites
M.H. Khabbazan H. Amanlou D. Zahmatkesh E. Mahjoubi A. Nikkhah -
Open Access Article
1076 - منابع بتائین به عنوان دهندگان گروه متیل در جیرههای جوجههای گوشتی
ر. پریرا جی.ف.م. منتن ف.آ. لنگو م.ب. لیما ل.و. فریتاس کا.سی. زاواریز -
Open Access Article
1077 - An Optimum Regression Model to Estimate Economic Values for Milk Yield, Milk Yield Persistency and Calving Interval in Dairy Cattle
S. Falahpour A.A. Shadparvar N. Ghavi Hossein Zadeh M. Mehdi Zadeh Stalkh Kohi -
Open Access Article
1078 - Effect of Rumex Sc on Ruminal Fermentation, Blood Metabolites and Performance of Lactating Dairy Cow
R. Khodabakhshi A. Afzalzadeh M. Rezaeian A.A. Khadem M.A. Norouzian -
Open Access Article
1079 - The Effect of Climate Change on Milk Yield in New Zealand: A Case Study of Fonterra
Z. Shaheen Ali Z. Li -
Open Access Article
1080 - تأثیر مصرف انرژی و پروتئین جیره غذایی بر تولید و ترکیب شیر گاوهای شیری دورگه
M.E. Hossain T. Chanda G.K. Debnath M.M. Hassan M.A. Haque -
Open Access Article
1081 - Lactation Curves for Milk Yield and Composition of Moroccan Holstein Dairy Cows
I. Boujenane E. Elouaddi -
Open Access Article
1082 - Estimates of Repeatability and Heritability of Productive Trait in Holstein Dairy Cattle
ز. عرفانی اصل ع. هاشمی م. فرهادیان -
Open Access Article
1083 - Genetic Analysis of Milk Yield in Iranian Holstein Cattle by the Test Day Model
ی. نادری N. امام جمعه کاشان ر. واعظ ترشیزی م. امین افشار -
Open Access Article
1084 - The effects water stress, magnetic and moisture pretreatment on physiological parameters and yield and harvest index of sunflower in north of Khuzestan climate condition
Negin Zarian Farbod Fotouhi Ali Afrous -
Open Access Article
1085 - Identification of suitable areas for the presence of the elderly in urban areas using the AHP-Fuzzy model with emphasis on the environment-oriented psychology (Sample of Shiraz District 8)
ehsan amini sadegh seidbeigi sadegh ebrahimi Amir bakhshi -
Open Access Article
1086 - Piriformospora indica inoculants enhance flowering, yield, and physiological characteristics of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) in different growth phases
Esmaeel Kaboosi Mehdi Ghabooli Rouhollah Karimi -
Open Access Article
1087 - Effects of ethephon on growth and yield of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) at different growth stages
Sommart Yoosukyingsataporn Somyot Detpiratmongkol -
Open Access Article
1088 - Changes in some physiological traits and mucilage yield of sour tea (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) under foliar application of magnesium and iron oxide nanoparticles
Payam Moaveni Hasti Kiapour Behzad Sani faizeh rajabzadeh Hamid Mozafari -
Open Access Article
1089 - Antioxidant enzyme responses and crop yield of wheat under drought stress and re-watering at vegetative growth period.
Mohsen Saeidi Shiva Ardalani Saeid Jalali-Honarmand Mohammad-Eghbal Ghobadi Majid Abdoli -
Open Access Article
1090 - Soybean Photosynthesis Responses, Yield, And Grain Quality Affected by Vermicompost And Sulfur
somayeh shahrusvand Hamid Reza Eisvand Farhad Nazarian Firouzabadi Mohammad Feizian -
Open Access Article
1091 - Responses of alfalfa influenced by magnetic field and rhizobial inoculant
Neda Kazemi Khaledi Sara Saadatmand Ramazan Ali Khavari-Nejad Taher Nejadsattari -
Open Access Article
1092 - Seed priming with Electromagnetic Field Improved Growth, Nutrition, And Metabolism of Salvia nemorosa L.
Maryam Ghaemi Ahmad Majd Alireza Iranbakhsh Davoud Dorranian -
Open Access Article
1093 - Mitigation methane emission in paddy field utilizing biosilica of rice husk
John Bimasri Dedik Budianta Muhammad Harun Marsi - -
Open Access Article
1094 - The effect of humic acid application on Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) growth and metabolites under drought stress
Ameneh Zamani Mojtaba Karimi Ali Abbasi-surki Fatemeh Direkvand-moghadam -
Open Access Article
1095 - Impact of ambient ozone pollution on yield attributes of Pisum sativum L. plants by using ethylenediurea
Fareeha Jabeen Shakil Ahmed Anis Shah -
Open Access Article
1096 - Role of IAA, GA3, riboflavin for crop improvement in fenugreek
Muhamamd Tufail Khalid Hussain Zaneb Saeed Khalid Nawaz -
Open Access Article
1097 - Early Sowing Date as A Cultivation Strategy to Alleviate Drought Effects On Yield Components of Different Canola Genotypes
Nadia Gharechaei Amir Hossein Shirani Rad Nasser Shahsavari -
Open Access Article
1098 - Hydrogen peroxide promotes metabolic changes and alleviates effects of static magnetic field on tobacco cells
Faezeh Ghanati Farzaneh Mohammadi Mohsen Sharifi Mohammad Pormehr Abazar Hajnorouzi Atefeh Payez -
Open Access Article
1099 - Evaluation of the response of rice cultivars in some functional and physiological traits using different nutritional sources (chemical, organic) under drought stress conditions
Jaber Mehdiniya afra Yousef Niknejad Hormoz Fallah Amoli Davood Barari Tari -
Open Access Article
1100 - Morpho-physiological and biochemical responses of suger beet cultivars (Beta Vulgaris L.) topretreatment and salinity
Ali Shokouhian Heshmat Omidi Amin Bostani Amirmohammad Naji -
Open Access Article
1101 - Effect of microelements on some physiological traits and yield of soybean (Glycine max L.) under water deficit stress conditions
Agha Mohammad Alijani Jahanfar Daneshian Saeid Sayfzadeh Hamid Madani Amir Hossein Shirani Rad -
Open Access Article
1102 - Response of bread wheat cultivars to salinity stress trend under greenhouse conditions
Mojgan Barani Biranvand Omidali Akbarpour Hamid Reza Eisvand -
Open Access Article
1103 - Static magnetic field in plants: physiological effects and antioxidant defense mechanisms-an overview
Halimeh Hassanpour Mahbobeh Ghanbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1104 - Storage duration and temperature of hydroprimed seeds affects some growth indices and yield of wheat.
Zeinab Farajollahi Hamid Reza Eisvand -
Open Access Article
1105 - Adaptation of the Cyanobacterium fischerella sp. ISC 107 to the combined effects of pH and carbon dioxide concentration.
Mahboobeh Rajabnasab Ramezan Ali Khavari-nejad Shademan Shokravi Taher Nejadsattari -
Open Access Article
1106 - Didactic Instructions Based on the Presence of Different Generations in Shāhnāmeh
Masoumeh Hashempour Yosef Nikrouz Athar Tajalli Ardakani -
Open Access Article
1107 - Design and Implementation of MOSFET Circuits and CNTFET, Ternary Multiplier in the Field of Galois
Malakeh Karimghasemi-rabori Peiman Keshavarzian -
Open Access Article
1108 - A Low Power Full Adder Cell based on Carbon Nanotube FET for Arithmetic Units
Mokhtar Mohammadi Ghanatghestani Mehdi Bagherizadeh -
Open Access Article
1109 - An Efficient Three-Stage Yield Optimization Technique for Analog Circuits Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Abbas Yaseri Mohammad Hossein Maghami Mehdi Radmehr -
Open Access Article
1110 - Unsupervised Texture Image Segmentation Using MRFEM Framework
Marzieh Azarian Reza Javidan Mashallah Abbasi Dezfuli -
Open Access Article
1111 - A Low-Power and Low-Energy 1-Bit Full Adder Cell Using 32nm CNFET Technology Node
Meysam Mohammadi Yavar Safaei Mehrabani -
Open Access Article
1112 - Camel; sedation, induction and maintenance of anesthesia; A review article
Abolfazl Barzegar Bafrouei Moosa Javdani -
Open Access Article
1113 - Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Indicators and Enabling Entrepreneurship in Optimal Development of Rural Entrepreneurship (Case Study: Villages of Ardabil County)
Bahram Imani Ali Naseri Ebrahim Arami -
Open Access Article
1114 - Presenting a rural tourism marketing model with a qualitative approach theme analysis (Case study: Rudsar city)
Emad Safari Siahkalroodi Ebrahim Abbasi mohammad ali nasimi Parviz Saiedi -
Open Access Article
1115 - EStructural Equation Modeling of Factors Affecting the Realization of an Elderly-Friendly City (Case Study of Ahvaz)
Majid Goodarzi Saeed Maleki Dariush Khodabakhshi -
Open Access Article
1116 - Study of the Agricultural Landscape Evolution in Mazandaran Province in the First Pahlavi Era
Mehrdad Divsalar Mohammad Taqi Rahnamaei Mohammad Husain Farajiha Mohammad Mahmodpour -
Open Access Article
1117 - Rural Settlemant Service leveling System in Pasargad County
علی شکور فضل اله کریمی قطب آبادی -
Open Access Article
1118 - The Analysis of Alvand Town's spatial & physical development pattern using Antropi Shanon's & Heldern's models to depict its favorite development pattern of Alvand town in future
nafiseh Marsousi rahmatollah farhoodi aliakbar esmaeili ahmad heshmati -
Open Access Article
1119 - Surveying The Role of Physical Development of Rasht City in Land Use Changing of The City Border Fields
majid yasori reza Viasi mojgan sabab kar maryam mohamadi -
Open Access Article
1120 - Evaluating the influences of pressurized irrigation system on the charging of farming structure, cropping pattern and yield
عبدالحمید نظری رضا منافی آذر عبداله عبدالهی -
Open Access Article
1121 - Urban Poverty Challenges and Necessity Approach Community Strategies inInformal Strategies in Informal Settlement (Case Study of Besem in ZanjanCity)
esmaeil nasiri -
Open Access Article
1122 - مطالعه مقایسه ای بین واریته های مختلف گل جعفری برای عادت رشد و کیفیت گلدهی در شرایط لاهور
Malik Mehmood Ghazal Rahim Abdul Wahid -
Open Access Article
1123 - بررسی رشد گیاه دارویی زینتی به لیمو در بسترهای حاوی سوپرجاذبهای طبیعی و مصنوعی
مریم مرعشی صبا قاصدی شیرین سیدنصیر -
Open Access Article
1124 - اثر میدان مغناطیسی بر شاخصهای رشد و نمو بذر کوکب کوهی ( Rudbeckia hirta L.) در شرایط خشک و مرطوب
گل آذین گلباز بهزاد کاویانی -
Open Access Article
1125 - تأثیر ازوتوباکتر کرووکوکوم و سطوح مختلف کود نیتروژن بر خواص فیتوشیمیایی و عملکرد سرخارگل (Echinacea purpurea L. Moench)
سیده آمنه سجادی زهرا اسپیدکار آوید رضوی شهرام مهری -
Open Access Article
1126 - ارزیابی اثر محلولپاشی پرولین بر برخی خصوصیات مورفولوژیک و فیزیولوژیک گیاه همیشه بهار (Calendula officinalis L.) تحت تنش خشکی
سوفیا سروری الهام دانائی خدایار همتی علیرضا لادن مقدم -
Open Access Article
1127 - تنوع مورفولوژیکی و فیتوشیمیایی بین برخی از توده های ایرانی Rosa damascena Mill.
حنیفه سید حاجی زاده بهروز عبادی محمدرضا مرشدلو اکبر عبدی قاضی جهانی -
Open Access Article
1128 - واکنش گل صدفی (Gypsophila paniculata) تحت تاثیر آمیزه ها و مقادیر مختلف کودهای غیرآلی
انریکه ای بیناس جی آر نوآ دی مارویا الن ال تنداسینگ -
Open Access Article
1129 - ارزیابی رشد و توانایی گیاه پالایی تال فسکیو زینتی و آفتابگردان در خاکهای آلوده به هیدروکربن های نفتی
کامران پروانک -
Open Access Article
1130 - بررسی ارتباط خصوصیات فیزیکوشیمیایی خاک و رشد سوزنی برگان جنوب تهران و البرز به کمک مدلهای رگرسیون خطی چندمتغیره
افسون احمدی پور علی محمدی ترکاشوند عباس احمدی راهله ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
1131 - Growth, Yield and Quality of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Cultivars under Lath House Conditions
Malik Abid Mehmood Muhammad Saleem Akhtar Khan Naveed Ahmad -
Open Access Article
1132 - Character Association in Improved Mulberry Genotypes Exhibiting Delayed Leaf Senescence
Doss, S. G Chakraborti, S. P Roychowdhuri, . S. Das, N. K Vijayan, K Ghosh, P. D -
Open Access Article
1133 - Effect of Magnetic Field on Seed Germination and Early Growth of Calendula officinalis L.
Hosein Salehi Arjmand Saeed Sharafi -
Open Access Article
1134 - The Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Plant Density on Morphological Traits and Essential Oil Yield of Coriander
G. Moosavi M. Seghatoleslami A. Ebrahimi M. Fazeli Z. Jouyban -
Open Access Article
1135 - تاثیر آب مغناطیسی و دورهای آبیاری روی میزان عناصر غذایی خاک و )Catharanthus roseus( اندام هوایی پروانش
داوود هاشم آبادی فاطمه زارع دوست مریم جدید سلیماندارابی -
Open Access Article
1136 - Response of Marigold Flower Yield and Yield Components to Water Deficit Stress and Nitrogen Fertilizer
Seyyed Gholamreza Moosavi Mohamad Javad Seghatoleslami Mansour Fazeli-Rostampoor Zeinolabedin Jouyban -
Open Access Article
1137 - Study on Effect of Plant Density and Nitrogen on Yield and Yield Components of Visia faba (Faba Bean)
H. Khamooshi N. Mohammadian M. Saamdaliri Z. Foroughi -
Open Access Article
1138 - Evaluation of Mulberry(Morus spp.) Genotypes for Tolerance to Major Abiotic Stresses
M. K. Prithvi Raje Urs Rajashekar Rajashekar A. Sarkar -
Open Access Article
1139 - Study on the Effect of Different Growing Media on the Growth and Yield of Gerbera(Gerbera jamesonii L.)
M. A. Khalaj M. Amiri S.S. Sindhu -
Open Access Article
1140 - Impactof Integrated Organic Nutrient Handlingon Fruit Yields and Quality of Strawberry cv. Kurdistan in Iran
Ahmad Dadashpour Mohammad Jouki -
Open Access Article
1141 - Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Farmer`s Adoption of Wheat Production Technical Packages in Gezira Scheme, Sudan
Ahmed Mirghani Abdel Rahman Wisal Abd Ebrahim Babiker Mohammed -
Open Access Article
1142 - Knowledge Level of Rice Farmers Regarding Cultivation Practices In Mahanawiyah district, AL-Qadisiya Province, Iraq
Bassim Kshash -
Open Access Article
1143 - Effects of Adoption of Improved Maize Technology on Yield among Smallholder Maize Farmers in the Bawku West District of Upper East Region of Ghana
John Akumbole Hamza Adam Hudu Zakaria -
Open Access Article
1144 - Wheat yield prediction modeling by soil properties: a case study in North-west of Iran
Afshin Morovvat Mostafa Emadi Mosa Shojae Ahmad Pakpour Leila Gholami Javad Haji Aghasi Ehsan Kamali -
Open Access Article
1145 - The Agricultural Students' Satisfaction from Their Field of Study (Case Study: Bu-Ali Sina University, College of Agriculture)
Kambiz Karimi Reza Movahedi Nasim Izadi -
Open Access Article
1146 - Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School for Sustainable Agriculture
Pawan Singh Bhandari -
Open Access Article
1147 - Farmers Perception about gains from Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School
Pawan Singh Bhandari -
Open Access Article
1148 - The Effective Factors on the Adoption of Biological Control in Farmers' Field School by Rice Producers: The Case of Babol Township
Hadi Moumeni Helali Amir Ahmadpour -
Open Access Article
1149 - Effect of Seedling Age and Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Heart Province- Afghanistan
Seyed Mohsen Nabavi Kalat Hamid Allah Naseri Reza Sadrabadi Haghighi -
Open Access Article
1150 - The density of weeds in different planting dates of agricultural rice species in the conditions of direct cultivation using the dry-bed method.
hossein sabet zangeneh Abdolali gilani Sami jalali -
Open Access Article
1151 - The evaluation of effects the nitrogen and potash fertilizer on yield, yield components and remobilization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) promising line
Abdolhossein Sheikh hosseinian , Majid Ashouri Majid Nahvi Saeid Bakhshipour Mohmmad Roudpeyma Mitra Yekta Farhad Biranvand -
Open Access Article
1152 - Evaluation of yield and yield components of different varieties of pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under water stress conditions.
Mahdi Ziaei Nasab ali Rahmati Mansour Abad -
Open Access Article
1153 - Interactive effect of planting date and variety on agronomical characterestics and incidence of blast disease in rice replanting (Oryza sativa L.)
Allahyar Fallah*1 Alireza Nabipour2 Abdulreaza Ranjber3 -
Open Access Article
1154 - Evaluation of pigments content and functional traits of Camelina (Camelina sativa) under the influence of growth stimulants
Najmeh Rezaiean Mahyar Gerami Parastoo Majidian Hamidreza Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
1155 - Effect of different mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus fertilizer on growth traits and grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Hossien Hamidi1,2 Seyed Keyvan Marashi2* -
Open Access Article
1156 - Effect of Silicon on Agro physiological Characteristics of Wheat under drought stress conditions
Nikoo alsadat Tabatabaei Mitra Ataabadi Mohammad Mehdi Tehrani Mehran Hoodaji -
Open Access Article
1157 - Response of agronomic traits of forage corn to simultaneous cropping with legumes, nitrogen levels and cultivator application
Mohammad Mirzakhani Farzad Ameri -
Open Access Article
1158 - A Comparison of urea and sulfur coated urea urea on quantitative and qualitative yield of rice )Oryza sativa L.( under different silica rate
Leila Kayan Hosseini 1 Mani Mojaddam2* Timoor Babaei Nejad3 -
Open Access Article
1159 - Effect of seed priming on grain yield and quality of rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) in Ahvaz region
Seyed Keyvan Marashi Parisa Korosiani -
Open Access Article
1160 - Effect of superabsorbent polymer application on some agrophysiological traits and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) plant under water deficit stress in Horand region
Saeedeh Babaei Ahmad Afkari -
Open Access Article
1161 - Effect of silicon application on morphological and physiological characteristics of sunflower (Helianthus.annuus L.) under different moisture levels
zohreh nabipour Gholamreza Zamani -
Open Access Article
1162 - The role of planting date and rice cultivars on the effect of weed on yield and some agronomic traits in dry-bed seeding system
Hossein Sabet zangeneh Abdolali Gilani -
Open Access Article
1163 - Biochemical Response of Different Hybrids of Corn to Consumption of Biological and Chemical Potassium Fertilize and Drought Stress in Dehloran climatic
Mohamad Sadegh Azadi1,2 Alireza Shokoohfar2* Mani Mojadam2 Shahram Lak2 Mojtaba Alavifazel2 -
Open Access Article
1164 - The effect of drought stress levels and weed management on some qualitative and quantitative indicators of KS260 corn and sorghum
Mansoura Khodadadi Ali Ghanbari Ali Ghanbari Ghorbanali Asadi Mehdi Rastgou -
Open Access Article
1165 - Evaluation of relationships between chemical and biochemical traits with grain yield of rice genotypes through stepwise regression model in northern Khouzestan province
Mohammad Reza Zargaran Khouzani Kaveh Limouchi -
Open Access Article
1166 - Changes the vegetative characteristics and grain yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars in the presence of fenugreek as living mulch
Bita Abbasi Gholamreza Mohammadi Alireza Bagheri -
Open Access Article
1167 - Evaluation of interaction of the planting density and nitrogen on the agronomic traits of rice mutants (Oryza sativa L.)
Allahyar Fallah Lila Bagheri Kevan Mahdavi Mashki -
Open Access Article
1168 - The effect of planting date on yield and yield components of maize hybrids in Ahvaz
rahil chehrazi Mojtaba Alavi Fazel -
Open Access Article
1169 - Evaluation of yield changes and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under changing conditions of biochar and mycorrhiza
Syyed mohammad amin Sobhani Mojtaba Alavi Fazel Mohammad Reza Ardakani Adel Modhej Shahram Lak -
Open Access Article
1170 - The interaction between irrigation interval with manure and vermicompost on vegetative characteristics and yield of Lemon Verbena (Lippia citriodora L.)
Zahra Shadkam1 Farhad Mohajeri 2* -
Open Access Article
1171 - Evaluation of AquaCrop and WOFOST in simulating of corn yield under deficit irrigation
Aslan Egdernezhad1 Ali Reza Masjedi 2 Ali Reza Shokouhfar 3 Mojtaba Alavifazel 4 -
Open Access Article
1172 - Study of physiological indices and yield of the rice varieties in north regions of Khuzestan
Abdolali Gilani1 Seyed Ataallah Siadat2 Sami Jalali Kaveh Limouchi -
Open Access Article
1173 - Evaluation of soybean reaction by magnetic water and methanol foliar application
Aref Fatehi Babak Pasari asad rokhzadi -
Open Access Article
1174 - Effect of vermicompost and manure on morphological traits, yield and essential oil content of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
Peyman Mohammadzadeh Toutounchi -
Open Access Article
1175 - Investigation of combined effect of biological and chemical fertilizers of phosphorus and nitrogen on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Alireza Shokouhfar Sahar Khani -
Open Access Article
1176 - Comparison of quantitative and qualitative yield response of different sugar beet genotypes under drought stress conditions
behnam Ahmadi Hossein Sharifabad Mohammad Abdollahian noghabi Ali Mokhtassi Bidgoli Rahim Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
1177 - Study of drought stress of hybrid corns (Zea mays) using drought tolerance indices
Mohsen Farshadfar Hooshmand Safari Hooman Shirvani Mostafa Amjadian Hoshang Rahmati -
Open Access Article
1178 - Effect of Pseudomonas and chemical fertilizer of potassium sulfate on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of corn (Zea mays L.)
Layla Neiayeshpoor1 Seyed Keyvan Marashi2 Abolali Gilani -
Open Access Article
1179 - Evaluation of planting row spacing and plant spacing on the planting row in the sugar beet field in Karaj region
Reza Esmaeili Rahim Mohammadian Hossein Heidari Sharif Abad Ghorban Noor Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1180 - Effect of Seedling Age and Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Heart Province- Afghanistan
Hamid Allah Naseri Seyed Mohsen Nabavi Kalat2* Reza Sadrabadi Haghighi -
Open Access Article
1181 - Effects of plant density and different amounts of nitrogen on remobilization changes in yield of corn (Zea mays L.) S.C. 704
Mandana Sotodeh Mojtaba AlaviFazel -
Open Access Article
1182 - Investigating the effects of various amounts of urea fertilizer and sugar cane filter on yield and functional parameters of wheat bread
Ahmed Al Kathir Teimour Babaeinejad Ali Gholami -
Open Access Article
1183 - Effect of seed priming with hydrogen peroxide on reducing the effects of saline water on bread wheat lands (Triticum aestivum L.)
Zahra Albaji Seyed Keyvan Marashi -
Open Access Article
1184 - Assessing the effect of zeolite levels on grain yield, yield components and re-transfer of dry matter of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars in Miyaneh region
Davar Gharadaghi Ali Faramarzi Jalil Ajali Mehrdad Abdi Naser Nazari -
Open Access Article
1185 - Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)
yahya solimani adel modhej -
Open Access Article
1186 - Study the response of bread wheat (Triticum eastivum L.) cultivars to seeding rate and different amounts of nitrogen
masoumah shabouti Abdolkarim Banisaidi Adel Modhej -
Open Access Article
1187 - Effect of weed management at different levels of sulfur coated urea on yield and qualitative traits of Beta vulgaris
Einollah Hesami -
Open Access Article
1188 - Assessment of the role of growth reduction factors on some morpho-physiological and yield indicators of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars in climate condition of Khouzestan
Marzieh Gorgizadeh Shahram Lak Abdolali Gilani -
Open Access Article
1189 - Investigating the effect of different planting dates on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of soybeans in Khuzestan
Abdollah Bahrani maryam salary -
Open Access Article
1190 - A comparative study on the competency of Teaching of Teachers of Isfahan Payame Noor Universities in order to plan the improvement of educational quality
Minou Tabatabaie -
Open Access Article
1191 - Social Evaluation The Effect of Welfare Organization's Empowerment Plans on Quality of Life in the Kerman Khalkhal
eghbaleh azizkhani -
Open Access Article
1192 - -Impact of Climate Variability on Cool Weather Crop Yield in Ethiopia
آرگا آدم بلای کاسا دگی گوشو ماجالیوا موانجالو -
Open Access Article
1193 - تدوین بیمه عملکرد منطقهای با استفاده از روشهای پارامتریک آلترناتیو: مطالعه موردی گندم در استان آذربایجان شرقی
محمد قهرمانزداه حسین راحلی طراوت عارف عشقی قادر دشتی -
Open Access Article
1194 - ارزیابی پایداری بوم نظام های زراعی استان گلستان، ایران
مجید رستمی Hoda Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1195 - عملیات ایمنی غذایی در مزرعه: مطالعه ای در شمال ایران
احمد عابدی سروستانی آمنه آورند -
Open Access Article
1196 - بررسی اثربخشی مدیریت تلفیقی آفات با رویکرد مدارس مزرعهای کشاورزان( مورد مطالعه: گلخانهداران استانهای تهران و البرز)
Azadeh Ahmadvand Enayat Abbasi Homayon Farhadian Hadi Moumenihelali Alireza Norouzi -
Open Access Article
1197 - تطابق و عدم تطابق سبک یادگیری و تدریس در فرایند آموزش کشاورزی
خوشقدم خالدی محمد چیذری عنایت عباسی حسن صدیقی -
Open Access Article
1198 - اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر عملکرد چغندرقند با تأکید بر ریسک تولید محصول در ایران
علی سردار شهرکی ندا علی احمدی نسیم صفری -
Open Access Article
1199 - Analysis of Land Tenure System Among Rice Farmers in Awe Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Luka Gougong Ezra H, Yahaya -
Open Access Article
1200 - Rice Yield Distribution and Risk Assessment in South Asian Countries: A Statistical Investigation
Mahadeb Prasad Poudel Shwu-En Chen Raju Ghimire -
Open Access Article
1201 - Identifying Indicators of Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture in Paddy Fields of Guilan Province
Ali Mohammadi Torkashvand Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari Zahra Daghighi Masuleh -
Open Access Article
1202 - Comparative Cost Structure and Yield Performance Anzlysis of Upland and Mangrove Fish Farms in Southwest, Nigeria
Mafimisebi Taiwo Ejiola Okunmadewa Foluso Yinka -
Open Access Article
1203 - Effectiveness of Crop Advisory Services in Aurangabad District of Maharashtra in India
Bhaskar Pant Alpa Rathi Anshul Rathi -
Open Access Article
1204 - تخمین تقاضای آب بخش کشاورزی با استفاده از تابع آب محصول ( مطالعه موردی ، سیستان)
Zahra Ghaffari Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1205 - Analyzing the human resources' cyberloafing in the health field of Iraq with a mixed approach
Karar Abdul Kazem Saeed Sharifi Amer Ellami Mehrda Sdadeghi -
Open Access Article
1206 - Calculating the drilling mud weight window and geomechanical properties of Darian limestone formation in Reshadat oil field
Naser Ebadati Mohammad Najari -
Open Access Article
1207 - Depositional Environment Study of the Pabdeh Formation in Zeloi Oilfield using data obtained by Rock Eval 6 pyrolysis
Hossein Motahhari Bahram Alizadeh Hormoz Ghalavand Mehrdad Moradi -
Open Access Article
1208 - The sediment yield potential estimation of Kordshikh river watershed basin using MPSIAC, EPM and Fournier model in the GIS framework
Mohammad Bahrami Ali Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1209 - Sediment yield and study of fining trend in Torogh Dam watershed with emphasize on Moghan-Kortian sub basin
Mohammad Javanbakht Reza Moussavi Harami Habibollah Torshizian Ehsan Sharifi Hamed Soukhtanlou -
Open Access Article
1210 - Potential comparison of Kazhdomi and Pabdeh source rocks in Marun oilfield, by S2 vs. TOC standard geochemical diagram
Mohammad mehdi Fajrak Bahram Alizadeh Hormoz Ghalavand Farid Tezheh -
Open Access Article
1211 - The Effect of Fracture Intersection on Drilling Mud Loss in Iranian Gas Fields
Abbas Kangi Zahra Alimirzaei Gholamhossein Montazeri -
Open Access Article
1212 - study the current state of suitability of agricultural higher education curricula and the needs of the Ardabil labor market and provide solutions.
azize taraz maryam sameri javad keyhan -
Open Access Article
1213 - Prioritization of factors impacting on performance of power looms using AHP
S. R . Dulange A. K. Pundir L. Ganapathy -
Open Access Article
1214 - Armentum: a hybrid direct search optimization methodology
Francisco Zorrilla Briones Jaime Sa´nchez Leal Inocente Yuliana Mele´ndez Pastrana -
Open Access Article
1215 - Capacity price decisions, a manufacturing yield management perspective
M Modarres J Nazemi -
Open Access Article
1216 - Seismic Fragility Analysis of Base-Isolated Buildings resting on Sloping Ground under real earthquake ground motions
Open Access Article
1217 - Hysteretic Dissipators Made Of Aluminium And Steel: Optimal Design And Preliminary Characterization Tests
Mariella Diaferio Dora Foti Riccardo Nobile -
Open Access Article
1218 - Why do some students choose Library and Information Science as their field of study?
nadjla hariri Mahin Bayat -
Open Access Article
1219 - Investigating the Relationship between Cognitive Maps in the Presence and Perception of the Elderly of Architectural Space (Case Study: Kahrizak Nursing Home)
Farnaz Cheraghifar Hossein Soltanzadeh Hadi Ghoddusifar -
Open Access Article
1220 - Examining the relationship between cognitive maps in presence and perception of the elderly from the architectural space (case example: Kahrizak nursing home)
Hossein Sultanzadeh Farnaz Cheraghi Far Hadi Qudousi Far -
Open Access Article
1221 - Effect of magnetic field, culture medium and growth regulators on seed germination of Catharanthus roseus L.
Maryam Peyvandi Seyede Maryam Seyed Talebi Ahmad Majd -
Open Access Article
1222 - Improvement of Antioxidant Enzymes Activity of Zea mays L. After Treatment with Magnetized Water
Maryam Soleymani Faezeh Ghanati Somayeh Mohamadalikhani Hasan Zare maivan -
Open Access Article
1223 - Evaluation of the growth regulators, sugars and amino acid tryptophan effect on the rate of tryptophan decarboxylase enzyme on Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don. in tissue culture, cell suspension culture and field culture conditions
ali kazemzadeh haghighi hamid sobhanian gholamreza bakhshi khaniki mohamadali ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1224 - The effects of electromagnetic fields on anatomical structure of Cucurbita maxima Duchesne.
Simin Nabizadeh masome mirzai -
Open Access Article
1225 - Building a Persian Gulf Missile Defense Shield and its Impact on Regional Security: (2001-2017)
Ali Asghar Ghaffari Hassan Khodaverdi -
Open Access Article
1226 - Comparison of Cultural, Symbolic, Social and Economic Capitals of the Clergy in the Safavid and Qajar Periods
Reza Nou doost Mohammad Reza Mayeli -
Open Access Article
1227 - Examining the Public Literary Sphere with the Public Moral and Political Sphere in Contemporary Iran (With emphasis on Nima, Forough and Shamlou's poetry examples)
Mahmoud Mozafari Morteza Bahrani Nassereddinali Taghavian -
Open Access Article
1228 - Comparative study on the effect of natural rubber protein content obtained by two Kjeldahl and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) methods on the tensile properties of natural rubber based compound
Masoomeh Sadeghi Mercedeh Malekzadeh saeed taghvaei Fereshteh Motiee -
Open Access Article
1229 - Synthesis of polymer-supported organic compounds for the preparation of amines, amino acids and peptides
Maaroof Zarei Aliasghar Jarrahpour Abdolhamid Fadavi -
Open Access Article
1230 - Electrically Conductive nanocomposite foam with electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding ability based on EPDM rubber and MWCNT: Effect of foam morphology and electrical conductivity
Hasti Bizhani Ali Asghar Katbab -
Open Access Article
1231 - Changes in Field Capacity (FC) by Irrigation with Domestic Wastewater (DWW)
porya jalali -
Open Access Article
1232 - Investigating the effect of Inlet and Outlet location on Flow field and Sedimentation pattern of a rectangular settling basin using CCHE2D
M.R Majdzadeh Tabatabaie M.R Pirestani S Alimohamadi -
Open Access Article
1233 - Sensitivity Analysis of Meteorological Parameters in Runoff Modelling Using SWAT (Case Study: Kasillian Watershed)
Mohsen Ghane Sayed Reza Alvankar -
Open Access Article
1234 - Assessing Persian-English Translation Quality: A Housian Model
Abolfazl Horri -
Open Access Article
1235 - ارزیابی کیفیت ترجمه فارسی قبرستان بر اساس مدل ارزیابی کیفیت ترجمه هاوس
Tannaz Alavi Iraj Noroozi -
Open Access Article
1236 - The Effect of Metacognitive Strategies Training on Reading Comprehension of Field-dependent / Field- independent Learners
Mehdi Sheykhi Zohre Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
1237 - The Intertextual Dialogue between Qabus-nameh and Sufi Elders' Sayings through the Lens of Gerard Genette's Theory
Ebrāhim Dānesh Farāmarz Jalālat -
Open Access Article
1238 - Academic achievement in students with field dependent/independent cognitive styles
Mehran Azadi -
Open Access Article
1239 - Entrepreneurship in directors of islamic azad university
Fattah Nazem -
Open Access Article
1240 - comparing life style,self-esteem and mental health of the along,non-along and residing nursing home elderly
Khodamorad Momeni Samira Karami Mohammad Reza Majzoobi -
Open Access Article
1241 - Gender difference in coping with stress
Marzieh Hajizadegan -
Open Access Article
1242 - The effectiveness of structured group reminiscence on the enhancement of the elderlt,s life quality and happiness
Mohammad Reza Majzoobi Khodamorad Momeni Rozita Amani Mohsen Hojjat Khah -
Open Access Article
1243 - Identifying Elderly’s Psychological and Social Problems and Needs and Their Priorities: A Qualitative Study
mehdi manouchehri saeideh mohseni-nezhad fatemeh khoramian -
Open Access Article
1244 - Self-Compassion, Attitude Towards Religion and Death Anxiety: Predictors of Psychological Well-Being in the Elderly
Payam Varaee Khodamorad Momeni Asie Moradi -
Open Access Article
1245 - The Moderating Role of Coping Styles in the Relationship Between Attachment Styles and Obsession Death among the Elderly
Ali Taghvaeinia -
Open Access Article
1246 - بررسی جریان خون به عنوان مایع مرتبه سوم غیر نیوتنی درون شریان متخلخل در حضور یک میدان مغناطیسی با استفاده از یک روش تحلیلی
مهران خاکی جامعی محمدرضا سیجانی -
Open Access Article
1247 - جوشکاری سوپر آلیاژ پایه نیکل روسوب سخت شونده
محمد رضا محقق نیا -
Open Access Article
1248 - بررسی انتقال حرارت فروفلویید Fe3O4 برپایه آب تحت تاثیر میدان الکترومغناطیسی خارجی
صبا یزدانی -
Open Access Article
1249 - مطالعه تجربی اثر قطر ناگت بر مقاومت کششی و برشی در نمونه های جوشکاری نقطه ای AISI 1008
A. فدایی ا.ح محمودی آ. برزویی -
Open Access Article
1250 - Homogenizing Electric Field of Lightning in L.P.S. XLPE Descending Conductor
Ali Amirjalali Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini -
Open Access Article
1251 - Estimation of the Bistatic Echolocation from Underwater Target Using Ship Noise based on Normal-Mode Model
Mojgan Mirzaei Hotkani Seyed Alireza Seyedin Jean Bousquet -
Open Access Article
1252 - Design and Implementation a Single-Phase UPS Based on Microcontroller with AVR at Input and Full-Bridge Inverter at Output for Improving Sinusoidal Output Voltage
Ahmad Omrani Majid Dehghani Mohamad Reza Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1253 - Ship Tracking Utilizing Propeller Noise with a Compact Hydro-phone Array
Mojgan Mirzaei Hotkani Seyed Alireza Seyedin -
Open Access Article
1254 - Effect of Planting Date on the Yield of Potato Cultivars in Chaypareh Region
حسين قاسمي -
Open Access Article
1255 - Effects of Azosprilium and Cytokinins Hormone on Physiological Traits of Corn ( Zea Mays L. )
ساسان بشيري -
Open Access Article
1256 - Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Macro-elements on the Amount of Production in Flue – cured Tobacco Coker 374
عليرضا فرخ -
Open Access Article
1257 - The effects of drought stress and foliar application micronutrients on growth yield and nutritional elements of black cumin ( Nigella sativa L. )
علی اکبر عاملی -
Open Access Article
1258 - Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Using Tools with Tapered Pins in Friction Stir Welding (FSW) of AA6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy
Saleh Al Khatour Maziar Mahdipour Jalilian Mahdi Karami Khorramabadi -
Open Access Article
1259 - Isolating tricalcium phosphate solubilizing bacteria from wheat and oat soil in Marvdasht
Fatemeh Naseri Nima Bahador Majid Baser Mehdi Kargar -
Open Access Article
1260 - Comparison Research on Buy- back and Production Sharing Contracts in Upstream projects of Oil and Gas Industry of Iran
Hooshang Momeni Vesalian Hojatolla Ghanimi Fard Mohammad Mahmuodi -
Open Access Article
1261 - A New Cold War in Russian-US Relations
Jahanbakhsh Mohebbinia Mansour Salehi -
Open Access Article
1262 - Effects of Water Stress on Seedling Growth and Physiological Traits in Four Thyme Species
Ali Sepahvand Aliashraf Jafari Fatemeh Sefidkon Sepideh Kalatejari -
Open Access Article
1263 - Comparative Assessment of Gully Erosion and Sediment Yield in Different Rangelands and Agricultural Areas in Ghasr-e-Shirin, Kermanshah, Iran
Khosrw Shahbazi Ali Salajagheh Mohammad Jafari Hassan Ahmadi Aliakbar Nazarisamani Mohammad Khosrowshahi -
Open Access Article
1264 - Diversity and Relationships of Yield and Quality Traits in Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) Genotypes
Open Access Article
1265 - Studying Drought Tolerance in Thymus kotschyanus Accessions for Cultivation in Dryland Farming and Low Efficient Grassland
Abbas Pourmeidani Ali Ashraf Jafari Mahdi Mirza -
Open Access Article
1266 - Impact of Sowing Date on Growth, Phenology and Yield of Three Ecotypes of Astragalus cyclophyllon G. Beek in Semirom Rangelands, Iran
Masoud Esmaeili Sharif Amir Hooshang Jalali Roja shabahang -
Open Access Article
1267 - Evaluation of Morphological Traits in the Populations of Coronilla varia L.
Parvin Salehi shanjani Leila Rasoulzadeh Hamideh Javadi -
Open Access Article
1268 - Effect of Drought Stress on Morphophysiological Traits of Thymus vulgaris L. in a Field Experiment, Borujerd, Iran
Davod Akhzari Hamidreza Kavian -
Open Access Article
1269 - Forage Yield and Quality Traits of Brachiaria spp. Grass Species at Central Gondar Zone, Ethiopia
Alemu Tiruneh -
Open Access Article
1270 - Study of Diversity for Yield and Quality Traits in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and Determination of the Best Population for Cultivation in Dryland Farming in Iran
Mohsen Farshadfar Mehdi Kakaei Yaser Salehabadi Zahra Baghaeifar Ali ashraf Jaffari -
Open Access Article
1271 - Effects of Sudan Grass Cultivars and Cutting Frequency on Forage Yield and Quality Traits at the Central Gondar Zone, Ethiopia
Alemu Tiruneh -
Open Access Article
1272 - Potential of Oat (Avena sativa), Vetch (Vicia villosa) and their Mixtures as Fodder in the Ethiopian Highland
Alemayehu Jambo Kassa S. Retta Habtamu Didena -
Open Access Article
1273 - Effects of Fertilizer Types and Harvesting Date on Performance and Nutritional Qualities of Brchiariahydridmulato II (Brachiaria ruziziensis) Grass in the Highlands of Ethiopia
Salew Baye Bimrew Asmare Shigdaf Mekuriaw -
Open Access Article
1274 - Effects of Cutting Days on Yield, Morphological and Quality Traits of Three Grass Species under Irrigation Conditions in Mecha District, Ethiopia
Tobiyaw Tsegaye Ashenafi Mengistu Yeshambel Chekol -
Open Access Article
1275 - Yield and Growth Performance of Selected Vetch Species Under Rain-fed Conditions at Three Locations of Dessie Zuria District Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Destaw Zemene Tadesse Sisay -
Open Access Article
1276 - Effect of Salinity Stress and Salicylic Acid on Morpho-physiological and Growth Characteristics Satureja mutica Fisch. & C. A. Mey.
Borzou Yousefi Roya Karamian -
Open Access Article
1277 - Effects of Phenological Stages on Yield and Quality Traits in 22 Populations of Tall Wheatgrass Agropyron elongatum Grown in Lorestan, Iran
A. A. Jafari H. Anvari H. Nakhjavan E. Rahmani -
Open Access Article
1278 - Species Richness, Evenness and Plant Community Stability 22 Years after Ploughing a Semiarid Rangeland
Mohammad Jankju Fariba Noedoost -
Open Access Article
1279 - Study of Gene Effects for Stalk Sugar Yield and Its Component Traits in Sweet Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Using Generation Mean Analysis
Sudhir Kumar K. H. P. Reddy P. Srinivasa Rao P. Sanjana Reddy Belum V. S. Reddy -
Open Access Article
1280 - Effects of Seed Scarification on Vegetation Parameters in Some Astragalus Species under Field Conditions (Case Study: Homand Absard, Damavand, Iran)
Sedigheh Zarekia Ali Ashraf Jafari Ehsan Zandi Esfahan -
Open Access Article
1281 - Herbage and Seed Production of Two Species of Lathyrus L. under Rainfed Condition of Borujerd, Iran
Ali Ashraf Jafari Parisa Moazami Godarzi Shahram Nakhjavan Morad Cheshmehnoor -
Open Access Article
1282 - Studying Varieties and Relationships of Yield and Quality Traits in Tall Wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum) under Two Cutting Management Procedures
Ata Elmi Ali Ashraf Jafari Amin Farnia Mohammad Bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
1283 - Assessment of Relationships among Yield and Quality Traits in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) under Dryland Farming System, Hamadan, Iran
M. Davodi A. A. Jafari G. Assadian A. Ariapour -
Open Access Article
1284 - Variability and Correlation between the Seed Yield and its Component in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Populations under Dry Land Farming System, Hamadan, Iran
Ali Ashraf Jafari Milad Lak Ghasem Assadian -
Open Access Article
1285 - Investigating the effect of the social field on the voters' attitude towards the policies of the electoral institutions in Rasht
Morteza Shabani Reza simbar Mohamad Reza Akhzariyan Kashani, -
Open Access Article
1286 - Fighting methods in the field of political competitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran (case study: the period of reformists and fundamentalists)
علی جان مرادی جو -
Open Access Article
1287 - Internet addiction and some of its demographic correlates in Tehran students
Ramin Alavinejad Shirin Kooshki Anita Baqdasariyans Fatemeh Golshani -
Open Access Article
1288 - Prediction of vulnerability to stress based on personality traits, source of control, social support and resilience of elderly residents in Kermanshah nursing home.
Leila Naderi Baghbanan Shima Parandin -
Open Access Article
1289 - The Relevance between Accounting Variables and Stock Return Based on the Stock Returns Model of Zhang
Mohsen Dastgir Neda Taji Rahman Saedi -
Open Access Article
1290 - Major Components Affecting the Development of Accounting Education in Iranian Universities
Mahdi Piri Sagharloo Arash Tahriri -
Open Access Article
1291 - Relationship between Psychological hardiness and emotional processing with the rate of death anxiety in older women during coronavirus
Abolfazl Bakhshipoor Farzaneh Fardinfar -
Open Access Article
1292 - The mediating role Quality of Life in the relationship between the Meaning of Life and Sense of Coherence with Death Anxiety in elderly of Ahvaz city
Mahan Mahmoodi Zahra Dasht Bozorgi -
Open Access Article
1293 - Overview the Factors Affecting the Discharge of Contaminated Insulators and Intelligent Change Some of Them to Reduce the Discharge Intensity
Yadullah Shafiei Faramarz Faghihi Amir Hossein Salemi Hossein Heydari -
Open Access Article
1294 - Performance Analysis of InAs/AlGaSb Heterojunction Electron-Hole Bilayer Tunnel Field Effect Transistor for Low-Power High-Speed Digital Computing
Zahra Ahangari -
Open Access Article
1295 - Sociological study of changes in the meaning of life of older men (Case Study of Elderly Men in District 21 of Tehran, west Tehransar neighborhood, Phase two)
Roghayeh Norouzi seyed Mohannad seyedmirzae Mostafa Azkia -
Open Access Article
1296 - Sociological analysis of elder abuse (Emphasizing the phenomenon of aging in Tehran)
mohamadreza ranjbar mohamadi Seyyed Naser Hejazi mohammadali chitsaz -
Open Access Article
1297 - Differences between puberty in boys and girls in cold, tropical and temperate climates based on medical findings and field data
sayed mohammad keykavosi -
Open Access Article
1298 - Classical Wavelet Transforms over Finite Fields
A. Ghaani Farashahi -
Open Access Article
1299 - A representation for some groups, a geometric approach
A. Parsian -
Open Access Article
1300 - Mal-Operation of Distance Relay in Parallel Cable Lines of Sub-Transmission Network Due to the Effect of Reverse Fault Current in the Direction of Load Flow
Farhad Aghajanian Sabagh Farzad Hajimohammadi -
Open Access Article
1301 - A study of defectless and vs-defectless extensions of valued fields
َA. Nikseresht -
Open Access Article
1302 - An algebraic perspective on neutrosophic sets: fields and linear spaces
V. Cetkin B. Pazar Varol H. Aygun -
Open Access Article
1303 - A New Classes of Solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell Field Equations with Pressure Anisotropy
Kalikkuddy Komathiraj -
Open Access Article
Nirmala P Ratchagar Vijaya Kumar -
Open Access Article
1305 - Effect of Transplanting Time on Yield and Yield Components of Seed Corn in Kermanshah
فرهاد صادقی -
Open Access Article
1306 - The Effect of Source and Rates of Fe on Yield and components of Oil-seed Sunflower
علي زينالي -
Open Access Article
1307 - Influence of seeding rate and reduced doses of haloxyfop-R-methyl herbicide on weed control, yield and component yield of mung bean
abdolraheem shakibapoor Saeed Saeedipour -
Open Access Article
1308 - Study of morphological traits, yield components and qualitative and quantitative yield in landraces and improved cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
norollah kheyri حسام حسین نژاد امیر عباس موسوی پرویز یداللهی -
Open Access Article
1309 - The feasibility of replacing bio-fertilizer (barvar-2) with phosphorus chemical fertilizer in lentil cultivation
Farhad Farahvash Farnaz Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
1310 - Effect of Nano Chelated Nitrogen and urea Fertilizers on wheat plant under drought stress condition
naimeh Astaneh foroud bazrafshan mahdi zare Bahram Amiri abdollah Bahrani -
Open Access Article
1311 - The effect of nitrogen biological and chemical fertilizers on savory in north of Khuzestan
عذرا یزدی شیما علایی حسن رحمانی -
Open Access Article
1312 - Comparing the Efficiency of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Bio-fertilizers on Quality and Quantity Yield of Pishtaz Wheat Cultivar
Nahid Rozbahani A. Farnia amin fathi -
Open Access Article
1313 - Effects of Nitroxine and Thiobacillus biofertilizers on morphological and phytochemical properties of Mentha pipertita L.
Azizollah Kheiry Roghieh Babakhani Mohsen Sanikhani Farhang Razavi -
Open Access Article
1314 - Evaluation of wheat cultivars/lines for terminal drought tolerance using drought tolerance and susceptibility indices.
Fazlollah Hassani S. Hoshmand Fariba Rafiei A. Niazi -
Open Access Article
1315 - Evaluation the effect of drought stress and foliar application of micronutrients on yield of two soybean cultivars (Glycin Max L.) in Khorramabad region
raziyeh movahedi A. Khourgami M. Sayyahfar -
Open Access Article
1316 - Performance Evaluation of FAO AquaCrop Model to Predict Maize Grain Yield and Biomass under different water regimes and fertilizer
Ebrahim Amiri Afshin Khorsand -
Open Access Article
1317 - Modeling growth and yield of winter wheat in Hamadan province
Soheyla Ghasemi Maham Benyamin Torabi Amir Dadrasi -
Open Access Article
1318 - Effect of seed priming and foliar application of selenium on physiological traits and Stink bug injury percentage of rainfed wheat Azar 2 cultivar
Nourali Sajedi -
Open Access Article
1319 - Effect of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield component of some new maize cultivars (Zea mays L.) in Kermanshah
Mansour Ahmadi Farzad Mondani Mahmud Khorramivafa Gholamreza Mohammadi Ali Shirkhani -
Open Access Article
1320 - Evaluation of producibility and drought tolerance of three millet cultivars and sorghum var. Speedfeed in Rafsanjan region
mohammad safaee arman azari -
Open Access Article
1321 - Evaluation of effects of different Urea top-dressing methods and foliar application of selenium on wheat under rain fed condition
Mohammad Konani Nourali Sajedi -
Open Access Article
1322 - Effect of tillage systems and fertilization (NPK) on quantitative and qualitative traits of corn (Zea mays L.)
Davood Barari Tari amin fathi Hormoz Fallah Yousof Nicknejad -
Open Access Article
1323 - Evaluation of competitive ability and yield of some bean cultivars in weed interference
Ahmad Mehraban -
Open Access Article
1324 - Effects of the vermicompost and the nano chelate fertilizer on yield and yield components of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under no irrigation condition
mohamad saboury Seyed Mostafa Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1325 - Effect of seeding rate and nitrogen levels on agronomic characteristics and nitrogen use efficiency of barley cultivar (MB-82-12)
O. Satari M. Mirzakhani A. Hashemi -
Open Access Article
1326 - Effect of furrow irrigation patterns on yield and yield components of two corn varieties (Zea mays L.)
Seyed Keyvan Marashi Zolikha Makvandi zadeh -
Open Access Article
1327 - Effect of compilation organic and mineral fertilizer on production parameters and harvest index of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)
A. Mosavai A. Shokohfar -
Open Access Article
1328 - Effect of row spacing on yield quantity and quality of some determinate and indeterminate growth bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties in Guilan climatic condition
نوید کاظمی طاسکوه معرفت مصطفوی راد محمد حسین انصاری -
Open Access Article
1329 - Effect of integrated application of chemical and biological fertilizers on phosphorus use efficiency and the agronomic characteristics of sunflower
M. Mirzakhani N. Sajedi -
Open Access Article
1330 - Effect of vermicompost and seprator fertilizer on yield of wheat
Open Access Article
1331 - Effect of different planting methods on agronomic traits and oil yield of safflower cultivars
M. Mirzakhani K. Gazrani K. Nozad Namin -
Open Access Article
1332 - Evaluation of Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) competition with redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflxus L.) at different levels of plant density
تاصر جعفرزاده Alireza Pirzad Hashem Hadi -
Open Access Article
1333 - Effects of nano fertilizer and different levels of nitrogen on grain and oil yield of sesame
hamed bekhrad fateme niknam B. Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
1334 - Agronomic and physiological response of Nigella sativa L. to Ascorbate and methanol foliar application in water deficit stress
Mojtaba Baradaran Firouzabadi Mahdie Parsaeian Mehdi Baradaran Firouzabadi -
Open Access Article
1335 - Effect of phosphate and nitrogen fertilizer levels on the leaves and branches fresh and dry matter and essential oil Brazmbl (Perovskia abrotanoides L).
S.R. Jafari M. Nikkhah Gh.R. Zarei A. Zarezadeh -
Open Access Article
1336 - The Effect of narrow left herbicides and dual herbicides combined with silice treatments on Sisymbrium irio (avena) weed control in wheat.
narges sadat rasouly fard hamid reza miri ali reza bagheri -
Open Access Article
1337 - Study the effect of plant nourishment with chemical, PGPR and manure fertilizers on agro-physiologic characteristics and weed density of maize
Ehsanolla Zeidali Rahim Naseri Amir Mirzaei Amin Fathi Fereshteh Darabi -
Open Access Article
1338 - Investigation of selenium usage effect on yields and its components of seed and oilseed of rape (Brassica napus L.) on normal and delayed cropping Conditions
Abdoreza Davoudi Bahram Mirshekari Amirhossein Shirani Rad Farhad Farhvash Varham Rashidi -
Open Access Article
1339 - Agro-physiological responses of barley to foliar application of some plant-hormones under dryland farming
Sabriyeh Najaf Nia Ali Hatami Mohammad Javad Zarea -
Open Access Article
1340 - Determining the optimum planting date of chickpea in Kermanshah province using modeling approach
seyedreza amiri -
Open Access Article
1341 - Effects of Different Fertilizer Treatments on the Yield and its Components of Madder in Saline Conditions
Mohammad Javad Roosta Hossein Zeinali Mostafa Mirabzadeh Ardakani -
Open Access Article
1342 - Effect of direct seeding and transplanting methods on yield and yield components of different onion cultivars in short-day condition
H. Kh M. Kh A. ابوطالبی -
Open Access Article
1343 - The study of Yield and Yield Components of Red Beans in Condition of Drought Stress and Seed Pre-Treatment With Growth Regulators
منا محتشمی احمد نادری علی اکبر قنبری مجتبی علوی فاضل شهرام لک -
Open Access Article
1344 - Evaluation of the yield and germination indices of maize hybrid seed (Zea mays .L cv KSC704) in different sowing dates and plant density of parental lines
عنایت رضوانی فرشید حسنی -
Open Access Article
1345 - Effect of Plant Density on Radiation Use Efficiency, Extinction Coefficient and Grain Yield of Two Sunflower Cultivars in Northern Khuzestan
fatame zarghami mehdi sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1346 - Study the effects of mychorryisa fungus on vegetative growth and nutrient uptake in three apple cultivars ('Red delicious', 'Golden delicious' and 'Starking')
Maryam Dehestani-Ardakani Zeinab Mohasedat Kazem Kamli -
Open Access Article
1347 - Evaluation of drought tolerance in some bread wheat genotypes using drought resistance
azadeh sheibanirad Ezatolah Farshadfar Abdolah Najafi -
Open Access Article
1348 - The Effect Of Deficit Irrigation Using Drought Tolerance Indices in Bean Phaseolus vulgaris L))
Ali Rahemi Karizaki H. Davodi علی نخ‎زری مقدم ابراهیم غلامعلی پور علمداری -
Open Access Article
1349 - Study the effect of pre-treatment of seed with hydrogen peroxide on physiological and yield attributes traits of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) under drought stress conditions
Omid Sadeghipour حوریه بابایی علیرضا پازکی -
Open Access Article
1350 - Effect of different levels of superabsorbent polymers on Water Use Efficiency and characteristics of sorghum in different water regimes
کیامرث همتی نفر محمد مهدی رحیمی -
Open Access Article
1351 - The effect of inflorescence removing and seed tuber size on leaf area index and tuber yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
علی نصراله زاده اصل Atieh Pasha Poor Khoyi -
Open Access Article
1352 - Effect of bio fertilizers and foliar applicationon of Nano zinc oxide on clorophyll content, grain filling period and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under water limitation
RAOUF SEYED SHARIFI khadigeh babaei alireza pirzad -
Open Access Article
1353 - Effect of Salicylic Acid and Fertile Phosphate 2 Biofertilizer on Yield and Essence of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill)
Aida Farhangi Moosa Arshad -
Open Access Article
1354 - Evaluation Effect of Application Manganese sulfate on Component production and Malon Di Aldehid Concentration of Spring Rapeseed under Water Stress Condition
شهرام لک علی اصغر هدایت محمد رضا دادنیا -
Open Access Article
1355 - Effect of irrigation regime and phosphorus application methods on phosphorus recovery efficiency and grain yield of two rapeseed cultivars
R. Baladi E. Bijanzadeh R. Naderi -
Open Access Article
1356 - Response of various bread wheat genotypes to different planting method and terminal drought stress at southern Fars province
Vahid Barati Ehsan bijanzadeh Ali Barati Zahra Zinati -
Open Access Article
1357 - Evaluation of yield and yield components of grain corn under the influence of planting date and hybrid in winter cultivation
Hamid Najafikjad Mohammad Ali Javaheri seyed zabi Ravari -
Open Access Article
1358 - Study the efficiency of Atlantis and its mixture with Duplosan Super and Bromicide MA herbicides for weeds controlling of wheat
سعید سعید ی‏پور زینب زلقی -
Open Access Article
1359 - Study of environmental factors effects on thyme quality and quantity in field and habitat conditions
Leili safaee Ebrahim Sharifi Davood Afiuni -
Open Access Article
1360 - Effect of supplemental irrigation and iron spraying on chickpea genotypes in Kermanshah
Mahdi Roozrokh Maryam Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1361 - The effect of different levels of phosphorus fertilizer and different planting density on yield and yield component of Persian shallot (Allium altissimum Regel.)
M. Kheikhah F. Mohammadkhani M. Ghorbanzadeh -
Open Access Article
1362 - Effects of utilizing manure, vermicompost, chemical fertilizer, Triple superphosphate and urea in agriculturing flax plant (Linum usitatissimum L.)
laila bahari shahab madah hosaini hamed bekhrad fateme niknam -
Open Access Article
1363 - Evaluate the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and some agronomic and physiological traits of medicinal plant of Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.)
سعید حکم علی پور -
Open Access Article
1364 - Evaluation of sunflower (Heliantus annus L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) intercropping based on replacement method in Khoy region
A. نصراله زاده اصل Mehdi Talebi -
Open Access Article
1365 - Study of yield and water productivity in inbred lines of sunflower under optimum and water stress conditions
Mohammad Abedini Esfahlani Reza Fotovat Masood Soltani Najafabadi Alireza Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
1366 - Investigation the Effect of Different Fertilizing Levels from Various Sources on Yield, and Grain Quality of Sweet Corn
Mohammad Javad Fereidooni Eisa Maghsoudi Ali Mojabghasroldashti Yaaghoub Behzadi -
Open Access Article
1367 - Comparison of Yield and Yield Components of Six Short-day Onion (Allium cepa L.) Cultivars and Landrace Affected by Transplant Age in Minab Region, Iran
hamed Hassanzadeh Khankahdani Abdolhossein Aboutalebi -
Open Access Article
1368 - Evaluation of Integrated System management in Organic, Biological and Chemical Inputs on Yield Characteristics and nitrogen Efficiency of German Chamomile
عباس ملکی فاطمه جهانی علیرضا پازکی -
Open Access Article
1369 - Ions content and antioxidant response of barley to different methods of salicylic acid application under salinity conditions
Elahe Hashemi Yahya Emam Hadi Pirasteh-Anosheh -
Open Access Article
1370 - Investigation of irrigation interval and nitrogen rates on some growth indices and yield of corn
Ebrahim Amiri -
Open Access Article
1371 - سیEvaluation of adaptation and drought stress indices in advanced bread wheat genotypes
Habiballah Soughi -
Open Access Article
1372 - Yield gap evaluation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) at different supplementary irrigation: a simulation study
seyedreza amiri -
Open Access Article
1373 - Response of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) to bio-fertilizer, chemical nitrogen and phosphorus under drought stress conditions
seyed anis sadeghian dehkordy ali tadayyon -
Open Access Article
1374 - Effect of Zn without and with Sodium Nitro-Prusside (SNP) on growth and some physiological characteristics of Eldar pine (Pinus eldarica Medw)
طاهر آبتین Javad Mirzaei Asghar Mosleh Arani Hamidreza Azimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1375 - The evaluation of antioxidant enzymes role in seed yield of some wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under drought stress at post anthesis
P. Sharifi N. Mohammadkhani -
Open Access Article
1376 - Analysis of potential yields and yield gaps of chickpea under different scenarios of sowing dates using modeling approach
seyedreza amiri deh ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1377 - Effect of foliar application of zinc sulfate and ascorbic acid on growth and essence yield of medicinal plant of Echinacea purpurea (Purple coneflower) under drought stress
Farhad Farahvash -
Open Access Article
1378 - The effect of autumn and spring planting season on yield and yield components chickpea in the dry conditions Aleshtar
payam pezeshkpour -
Open Access Article
1379 - Evaluation of Cell membrane Instability of Oily Sunflower Varieties under Water Deficit and Salicylic Acid Application
Mohammad Sibi Mohammad Mirzakhani Masoud Gomarian Hesamedin Yaqobi -
Open Access Article
1380 - Effect of time of foliar application and type of liquid fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative yield of ratoon rice (var. Tarom)
M. Joukar M. Nasiri N. Kheyri M. Habibi -
Open Access Article
1381 - Effect of planting date on grain yield and yield components of three winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cultivars in Fars province
A. Bahrani M. Haghjo -
Open Access Article
1382 - Effect of foliar spraying of Silicon on the vegetative and reproductive charactrictics of strawberry in soilless culture
Mehdi Hosseini Farahi زینب محمد حسین پور بیژن کاوسی -
Open Access Article
1383 - Autoecological Study of Dorema ammoniacum D. Don in Bafgh (Yazd province)
Gholamreza Zarei Naser Baghestani Maybodi Ali Zamani Bajgani -
Open Access Article
1384 - Effect of Plant Density and Spacing on Yield and Yield Components of Sesame
H. Ghasemian امیرحسین شیرانی راد S. Motaghi O. Lotfifar -
Open Access Article
1385 - The effect of different phosphorous fertilizer on yield and yield components of corn (Zea mays L.) under with and without pigweed (Amaranths retroflexus)
سیروس منصوری فر مسعود کرکه آبادی A. Fallah -
Open Access Article
1386 - The Effect of Water Deficit on Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Vegetative Characteristics and Grain Yield of Corn Hybrids
houman homayouni victoria khazarian Mohsen Saeidi -
Open Access Article
1387 - Evaluation of Heat Stress Indices in Bread Wheat Genotypes
H. Sooghi N. Babaeian Gh. Ranjbar M.H. Pahlevani -
Open Access Article
1388 - Effect of light intensity on trend of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters changes in stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) medicinal plant under cold stress
Mehranoosh Emamian Tabarestani Esfandiar Farahmandfar Hemmatollah Pirdashti Yasser Yaghoubian -
Open Access Article
1389 - Effect of Separate and combined application of phosphorus and biofertilizer, phosphor barvar2, on vegetative characteristics, grain yield and essential oil content of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
Farzin Abdolahi Somayeh Rastegar Saber Arzani -
Open Access Article
1390 - Effect of foliar application nano iron chelate on Yield and growth traits of chickpea cultivars.
Younes mir Mashaalah daneshvar Farhad Nazarian Hamed Khosravi -
Open Access Article
1391 - Effect of solubilizing phosphate bacteria Pseudomonas putida on salt tolerance of two sunflower cultivars
M. Yosefirad F. Moghimi -
Open Access Article
1392 - The effect of bio fertilizers on some growth parameters and essential oil of Moldavian dragonhead under drought conditions
Hoseein Gorgini Shabankareh محمد رضا اصغری پور براتعلی فاخری -
Open Access Article
1393 - The survey of zeolite application and manganese on yield, oil content and seed glucosinolate rapeseed cultivars in different irrigation regimes
Hossein Bagheri Farhad Farahvash مرتضی سام دلیری مهرداد یارنیا امیر حسین شیرانی راد -
Open Access Article
1394 - Evaluating the impacts of different levels of conjunctive irrigation with saline and non-saline water on morphological attributes of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.)Moench)
saeed ghaedi payman Afrasiab -
Open Access Article
1395 - Effect of nitrogen rate and cutting time on grain and forage yield in dual purpose barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivation in Gorgan
علیرضا الازمنی Abbasali Nourinia -
Open Access Article
1396 - Evaluation of the effect of different levels of plant density and N fertilizer on yield and yield components of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.)
یدالله قادری محمد مقدم -
Open Access Article
1397 - Evaluation of vermicompost and Nano Iron Fertilizer on yield improvement of grain corn (Zea mays L.)
Arash Roozbahani E. Mohammadkhani -
Open Access Article
1398 - The impact of vermicompost and bio super absorbent on yield and root characteristics of Chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.)Cultivars
Hamed Khosravi Mashaalah Daneshvar Seyede Zahra Hoseini younes mir -
Open Access Article
1399 - Study the effects of different irrigation regimes and foliar application of fruit set on increment of perfect flowers and productivity of olive (Olea europaea L. cv." Shenge")
MOHAMMAD SAEED TADAYON gholamreza moafpourian -
Open Access Article
1400 - Evaluation of palnting season and plant density on yield and yield component of lentil(cv.Gchsaran) in dryland condition
payam pezeshkpour -
Open Access Article
1401 - Effect of green manure and biological fertilizer on morphological characteristics, grain yield and essential oil of Dracocephalum moldavica L.
Mahmoud Pouryousef Miandoab Amine Homayoni -
Open Access Article
1402 - Evaluation of vegetative growth, fruit characterestics and yield of eight canning olive cultivars in sub tropical conditions of Fars provine.
alireza bonyanpour -
Open Access Article
1403 - The Effect of Density on Morphological Indices, Yield and Poretin Content in Four Grain Sorghum Varieties
hamed javadi -
Open Access Article
1404 - Study on physiological characteristics of bread wheat genotypes response to water stress after anthesis and zinc foliar application
Davood Afiuni غلامعباس اکبری ایرج اله دادی G. Najafian L. Safaei -
Open Access Article
1405 - Effect of low irrigation and use of phosphate solubilizing bio-fertilizer on yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
M. Nasiri Arash Roozbahani M. Ziaei nasab -
Open Access Article
1406 - Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield components of two cultivars of canola (Brassica napus L.) in West of Golestan
hosein Tamartash abolfazl faraji zahra arabi hedieh mosanaiey -
Open Access Article
1407 - Growth and physiological reactions of common bean cv. Sanry in response to salicylic acid and biostimulants under different irrigation regimes
Zahra Ghahremani Taher Barzegar Jaefar Nikbakht Zahra Ghahramani -
Open Access Article
1408 - Integration of mechanical and chemical methods in red bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) weeds management
amir sina ghatari Arash Roozbahani Saeed Reza Yaghoobi -
Open Access Article
1409 - Evaluation of Drought Tolerance Indices of Promising Canola Lines (Brassica napus L.) at Changes in Planting Date
Maryam Teymoori Mohammad Reza Ardakani Amir Hossein Shiranirad Mojtaba Alavifazel Parisa Nejatkhah -
Open Access Article
1410 - Effects of climate change on growth stages of broad leaf vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) (Case study: Khorramabad)
Khosro Azizi Ali Reza Daraeimofrad Behrouz Nasiri Mohammad Feizian -
Open Access Article
1411 - Effects of nitrogen and potassium levels on some qountitative and qualitative traits and agronomical fertilizer use efficiency in lentil cultivation
Roghayyeh Zabihi-e-Mahmoodabad Mohammah Hassanzadeh -
Open Access Article
1412 - Effect of water stress on quantity traits of potato traditional cultivars and advanced clone
maghsoud ziachehreh ahmad tobeh davod hassanpanah Shahzad Jamaati-e-Somarin usef jahani -
Open Access Article
1413 - Effect of different VAM Species and Phosphorus levels on yield and Physiological properties of safflower
Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi maliheh Asadi -
Open Access Article
1414 - The Effect of different fertilization systems (chemical, biological and combinatory) on different characteristics of winter barley
Nasrin Mirzakarami Mohammad Mirzaei-Heydari Mahmoud Rostaminia -
Open Access Article
1415 - The combined effect of different levels of salinity and irrigation water on physiological characteristics of forage sorghum in different cuttings
halimeh piri -
Open Access Article
1416 - Study of quantitative and qualitative traits of bread wheat by using of Cycocel, Zinc sulfate and bio-fertilizer application under dry land farming
Mostafa Ahmadi Mohammad Javad Zarea Yahya Emam -
Open Access Article
1417 - Evaluation of competitiveness of different wheat genotypes with weeds and their quantitative and qualitative changes in rainfed and supplementary irrigation
Elias Neyestani Neyestani Hasan Makarian Ali Akbar Ameri Mostafa Heydari -
Open Access Article
1418 - The effect of irrigation- cut off on chlorophyll content and yield of cotton genotypes (Gossypiumhirsutum L.)
vahid ghodrat Reza Hamidi Omid Alizadeh Forood Bazrafshan Shahram Sharafzadeh -
Open Access Article
1419 - Effect of chemicals and biological Potassium fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three corn Hybrids Under Drought Stress
mohamad sadegh Azadi Alireza shokuhfar Mani Mojadam shahram lak mojtaba alavifazel -
Open Access Article
1420 - Effect of nitrogen and Aztobactor fertilizers on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of Moroccan single cross corn
Arash Rostami Khosro Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1421 - Assessment of AquaCrop Model for Simulating Spring Canola Yield and Soil Water under Water Stresses
Chonoor Bahrami vahid rezaverdinejad Afshin Khorsand Sina Besharat Abolfazl Majnooni-Heris -
Open Access Article
1422 - Effect of nitrogen rates and irrigation intervals on yield and yield components of Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochonriacus) in Saatlou region of Urmia
Naser Jafarzadeh Nooshin Nezamabadi -
Open Access Article
1423 - Evaluation of grain and oil yield changes of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) as affected by bio-fertilizers and supplementary irrigation
Nader Rahimi Jalal Jalilian Alireza Pirzad Esmaeil Gholinezhad -
Open Access Article
1424 - Response of seed quantity and quality of promising winter rapeseed genotypes to terminal water limitation
Mahdi Ghassembaglou Saeid Khomari Bahman Pasban-Eslam Omid Sofalian -
Open Access Article
1425 - Effect of different levels of nitrogen and plant density on yield and yield components of sweet corn
ahmad hasnakifard seyedatalah Siadat Ghodratolah Fathi khalil Alami Saeid Mohammadhossein Daneshvar -
Open Access Article
1426 - Efficiency of individual application and mixing herbicides on some traits of Bifora testiculata and wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Ebrahim Gholamalipour Alamdari Amir Toghzarin Ali Nakhzari Moghadam Zeinab Avarsaji Masoumeh Naeemi -
Open Access Article
1427 - Studying the growth characters, yield and elements concentration of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) affected by different manure combination
Leyla Jahanban Ebrahim Panahpour Ali Gholami Mohammadreza Davari omid Lotfifar -
Open Access Article
1428 - Investigation of water deficit and physical seed priming effects on some morphophysiological traits and grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.)
Farhad Farahvash Reza Siyami Bahram Mirshekari Varahram Rashidi Alireza Tarinejad -
Open Access Article
1429 - Effect of sowing date on yield and some agronomic and physiological characteristic of three grain sorghum cultivars
Seyed Ali Tabatabaei Ehsan Shakeri Yahya Emam -
Open Access Article
1430 - Effect of seed priming with salicylic acid and plant growth promoting bacteria on some morpho-physiological traits of mung bean (Vigna radiata)
Behrooz Mohannadparast Ali Hatami Majid Rostami Abdolah Azizi -
Open Access Article
1431 - The effect of nitrogen rates on wheat morphological traits and grain yield in different irrigation conditions
Sadegh Shahrasbi Yahya Emam Hadi Pirasteh-Anosheh -
Open Access Article
1432 - Assessment barley genotypes using stress tolerance indices in normal and drought stress conditions
Rasoul Ahmadzadeh Hassan Pakniyat Elahe Tavakol sadegh shahrasbi -
Open Access Article
1433 - Study the efficiency of zeolite in reduce the effect of drought stress on agronomical traits and seed yield of rapeseed in Karaj region
Samaneh Motaghi لیلا متقی امیرحسین شیرانی راد امید لطفی فر -
Open Access Article
1434 - The rol of fungus Piriformospora indica on improving the grain related parameters of two native and improved rice cultivars under limited irrigation regimes
ABED AGHAJANI DELAVAR mehdi parsa Hemmatollah Pirdashti Mohammad Kafi Valiollah Babaeizad -
Open Access Article
1435 - Study of Nitrogen Nutrition Index, Seedling Index, Concentration Nitrogen and Wheat Yield in Different Nutritional Regimens
Akram Moeinirad Ebrahim Zeynali Afshin Soltani Serolah Galeshi -
Open Access Article
1436 - The effects of different sowing dates and plant density on qualitative and quantitative of anise (Pimpinella anisum L.)
Esfandiar Fateh Abbas Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1437 - The study on interaction effect of biologic fertilizers, mineral nitrogen fertilizer and hydropriming on emergence properties and yield components of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
A. Baghbani Z. Adavi T. Bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
1438 - EvEvaluate of Ultrasonic Waves Radiation and 24-epi-brassinolid Foliar Application for Reduction of Water Deficit Stress on yield and yield components of Red Beans (Akhtar)
amir younesian hossein ajamnoroozi manouchehr gholipoor afshin soltani -
Open Access Article
1439 - Effect of planting date and chemical and biological fertilizers application on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Ali Sepehri Hasan Shahbazi -
Open Access Article
1440 - Effect of planting method and planting depth on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of different potato cultivars in Mahidasht of Kermanshah
Maryam Khosravi Abbas Maleki Heydar Zolnorian -
Open Access Article
1441 - Investigation of the morphological and yield traits of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids affected by humic acid application
Aboalfazl Shahriary heshmat omidi -
Open Access Article
1442 - Integrated Dodder (CuscutacampestrisYuncker)management in Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Fields in Miandoab
naser Jafarzadeh Hossin Najafi -
Open Access Article
1443 - Effect of different fertilizer sources (chemical and biological) on yield and yield components and some agronomic traits of two varieties of garlic (Allium sativum)
Zahra Rashki Ghal'e no Ahmad Mehraban Hmaidreza Fanaei -
Open Access Article
1444 - Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and Azotobacter chroococcum on growth and yield of red bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Hadi Khavari Ghodratolah Shakarami -
Open Access Article
1445 - Effects of salicylic acid and spermine exogenous application on functional and physiological characteristics of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forssk.) under cutoff irrigation
azam roumani Abbas Biabani Ali Rahemi Karizaki Ebrahim Gholamalipour Alamdari Abdollatif Gholizadeh -
Open Access Article
1446 - Effect of zeolite and nitrogen fertilizer application on canola yield and nitrate leaching loss from root environment
Majid Gholamhoseini Reza Atayi Farhad Habibzadeh Akbar Hasani Mohammad Bagher Valipour -
Open Access Article
1447 - Evaluation of the effect of the return of different types of plant residues to soil on the yield of maize
einollah heammi Mohsen Jahan Mehdi Nassiri-Mahallati Rozbeh Farhoudi -
Open Access Article
1448 - Investigation of cotton mutant lines with nuclear technology response in saline water irrigation and potassium spray
majid jafaraghaei Alireza Marjovvi -
Open Access Article
1449 - The effect of foliar application of zinc element and transplanting time on agronomic and physiological characteristics of two rapeseed cultivars
Hamid Jabbari Sahar Khadem Hamid Mozafari Nadia Safavi Fard -
Open Access Article
1450 - Evaluation of yield relationship with yield components in different dry land wheat genotypes
Elyas Neyestani Hasan Makarian Aliakbar Ameri Mostafa Heydari -
Open Access Article
1451 - Response of growth, development and yield of peanut to changes in temperature and carbon dioxide
سید علی نورحسینی Afshin Soltani Hossein Ajamnoroozi -
Open Access Article
1452 - Effect of Different Amounts and Application Number of Salicylic Acid on Increasing Drought Tolerance of Fig in Rain-fed Conditions of Estahban Region
Ramin Babadaei Samani Alireza Javid Majid Shaebani -
Open Access Article
1453 - Effect of Drought Stress, Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer on Some Physiological and Agronomical Traits of Maize hybrid (Zea mays L. CV. Single cross 704)
Reza Rezaei Sokht-Abandani Seyed Ata Siadat Alireza pazoki shahram lack mani mojddam -
Open Access Article
1454 - Reduced doses of sulfosulfuron plus metsulfuron-methyl herbicide and plant density on Malva management in wheat (Triticum durum L.) fields
Saeid Saeidipour abdolkarim banisaeidi -
Open Access Article
1455 - Leaf chlorophyll content and grain protein and yield changes of three durum wheat (Triticum durum ) cultivars under nano fertilizer application
Razieh Ebrahimnia Ehsan Bizhanzadeh Ali Behpouri Rohullah Naderi -
Open Access Article
1456 - Simulation of soybean growth and yield using iLegume_Soybean model in Mazandaran
Ali Rahemi Karizaki Morteza Nouralizadeh -
Open Access Article
1457 - The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on some physiological traits of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) under water deficit stress
Zeinab Bosh Abdolrazagh Danesh Shahraki Mahdi Ghobadinia Keramatollah Saeidi -
Open Access Article
1458 - Effect of potassium Sulfate fertilizer levels and row spacing on yield and yield components of bean in tea uprooted garden
shahin soufifard seyyed mustafa sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1459 - Effect of bio green manure and chemical fertilizers and mycorrhizae on physiological traits, yield and yield components of wheat under water deficit stress
Abas Alipanah Alireza Sirousmehr Mohamadreza Asgharipour mohamad Shahverdy -
Open Access Article
1460 - Genetic Diversity of Different Agronomic Traits in Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.)
Nasim Ranjkesh Morteza sam deliri pouria mazloum Amirabbas mousavi valiollah rameeh -
Open Access Article
1461 - Study of plant density and zinc application on some agronomic characteristics of 6 winter canola cultivars
Mohammad Agha Mohammad Reza Farzad Paknejad Amir Hosein Shirani Rad Mohammad Reza Ardakani Ali Kashani -
Open Access Article
1462 - Effects of plant density on quantitative and qualitative of three Amaranths in Gorgan region
Mohammad Taghi Feyzbakhsh Amireza Safaei Hassan Mokhtarpour -
Open Access Article
1463 - Evaluation of Different Levels of Soil Moisture and Seed Hydroperimination on Yield and Yield Components of Vigna radiate L. in Mashhad Climate
SeyedMasoud Ziaeie Ahmad Nezami hamidreza khazaie -
Open Access Article
1464 - Evaluation of morphophysiological traits and drought tolerance indices in some advanced durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) lines under supplementary irrigation and irrigation conditions
Fereshteh Jokar Asad Masoumiasl Rahmatollah Karimizadeh -
Open Access Article
1465 - Long term trend analysis of changes in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) water use efficiency in the southern, southwest and central regions of Iran
Leila Jafari Farzin Abdollahi Sara Asadi -
Open Access Article
1466 - The effect of salicylic acid and calcium carbonate on water use efficiency and some physiological characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) under water deficiency condition in Marvdasht, Fars Province
mojtaba ebrahimi Mojtaba Alavifazel Yahya Emam Alireza Shekohfar Alireza Bagheri -
Open Access Article
1467 - The effect of nitroxin application and irrigation levels on quantitative and qualitative traits of rapeseed cultivars
Mohammad reza Safari Abolfazl Faraji Mohammad Reza Dadashi Sabzevar Branch Islamic Armin -
Open Access Article
1468 - Investigating the Fluctuations of Precipitation on Rangeland Vegetation Yield and Cover in Steppic Rangelands (Case study: Sadrabad Rangelands of Nadoushan-Yazd province-Iran)
hadi farokhi Saeid Mohtashamnia Majid Abbasizadeh -
Open Access Article
1469 - EThe effect of foliar application of iron sulphate and zinc sulphate on yield and yield components of rape seed in Marvdasht region
ALIAKBAR FALLAHE Gholamreza Moafporian Saeid Tadaion Farshid Dehghani Ahmad Zare -
Open Access Article
1470 - Survey the effects of vermicompost and bio superabsorbent on yield components and physiological characteristics of chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) cultivars
Hamed Khosravi ماشااله دانشور سیده زهرا حسینی یونس میر -
Open Access Article
1471 - Study of Zinc Chelate Foliar Application on Yield, Yield Components and Harvest Index Some from of Bread Wheat Cultivars in Esfahan Weather Conditions.
Marjan Nekoukhou ahmad majidimehr -
Open Access Article
1472 - Comparison of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of two tall rice cultivars under different planting systems
Morteza Siavoshi Salman Dastan -
Open Access Article
1473 - Investigation of the effect of application of natural zeolite and zinc sulfate on agronomic traits and wheat yield (Triticum aestivum) of mahdavi cultivar
Omid Nafeie Hamid Mozafari Faezeh Rajabzadeh -
Open Access Article
1474 - The change of physiological activities in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in response to different irrigation regimes and Ethanol foiliar application
Reza Ahmadi Sharif Hamid Reza Zakerin Marefat Mostafavi Rad saeed sayfzadeh Seyed Alireza Valadabadi -
Open Access Article
1475 - The effect of stopping irrigation and using superabsorbent on the morphological, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sunflower grains
rezvan karami borzabad BABAK peykarestan Abolfazl Baghbani- Arani -
Open Access Article
1476 - Response of soybean (Glycine max) to physalis (Physalis alkekengi) competition
Faezeh Zaefarian Elham Ghodrati Mohammad Rezvani -
Open Access Article
1477 - The effect of drought stress and plant density on yield and yield components of irrigated wheat cultivars in the temperate region of Lorestan province
Ezatollah Nabati Amin Farnia Mojtaba Jafarzadeh Kenarsari Shahram Nakhjavan -
Open Access Article
1478 - Effect of iron and zinc spraying and harvesting times on germination and some biochemical characteristics of soybean cultivar Williams 82
Armin Poursafar Mohammad Sedghi Raouf Seyed Sharifi Mohammad Hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
1479 - Evaluation of dry matter remobilization of assimilates materials amount and their contribution to the yield of different bread wheat varieties and lines in Ardabil
Roghayyeh Zabihi-e-Mahmoodabad Ahmad Tobeh Marefat Ghasemi Shahzad Jamaati-e-Somarin -
Open Access Article
1480 - The effect of mycorrhizal and potassium on yield and yield components of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) under different irrigation regimes
khosro Taheri Haghighi barmak jafari abdolreza jafary hamidreza miri Hamid Reza Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1481 - Investigation the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on growth, yield and dry matter remobilization in barley
Abazar Abbasia Shahram Mehri hosein soleimanzadeh Saeid Alipour -
Open Access Article
1482 - Response of yield and seed quality of two rapeseed cultivars to Zn and Fe elements application under water deficit condition
Hamid Reza Zakerin Amirhossein Shiranirad saeed sayfzadeh Seyed Alireza Valadabadi -
Open Access Article
1483 - Comparison of two mycorrhizal species in improving the absorption of nutrients and beneficial indicators of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) intercropping
Tahmine Salahi Alireza Yadavi Hamidreza Balouchi Amin Salehi Mohammad Hamidian -
Open Access Article
1484 - Effect of foliar application of methanol and nitrogen on yield and yield components of soybean in Guilan weather conditions
amir janbazi roudsari majid ashouri ebrahim amiri -
Open Access Article
1485 - Study on Drought Tolerance Indices in a Doubled Haploid Population of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
M. Zare علی Ashraf Mehrabi -
Open Access Article
1486 - Yield trials of wheat cultivars and elite lines in saline regions of Yazd province
G.H. Ranjbar M. Nikkhah1 -
Open Access Article
1487 - Effect of planting date on grain yield and yield components of three winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cultivars in Fars province
M. Haghjoo A. Bahrani -
Open Access Article
1488 - Effect of bacterial inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer timing on growth indices, yield and morphological traits of triticale (Triticosecale wittmack)
N. Hasanzadeh R. Seyed Sharifii -
Open Access Article
1489 - Effect of foliar application of ascorbic acid and methanol on dry matter accumulation and yield of soybean cultivars (DPX) under water deficit conditions
N. Ghanbari Tilami H. Abasspour M. Baradaran Firouz Aabady -
Open Access Article
1490 - Effect of foliar application of nitrogen and zinc on the yield and yield components of soybeans
M. Soroush M. Ashori E. Amiri -
Open Access Article
1491 - Effect of different form of nitrogen fertilizer and Zn amount on yield and yield components of cotton under saline conditions
M. Armin J. Ismaelnia -
Open Access Article
1492 - Effect of drought stress and salicylic acid on morphological characteristics and essence yield of Dill (Anethum graveolens L.)
nader omidvar mona dastori abdolraza jafari -
Open Access Article
1493 - Effects of supplemental irrigation and nitrogen levels on seed yield and some morphophysiological traits of two drlyland wheat cultivars
حمزه Felehkari M.E. Ghobadi G. Mohammadi S.J. Honarmand M. Ghobadi -
Open Access Article
1494 - Evaluation of different level of cholromeqat cholorid (CCC) and plant density on lodging control in bread wheat
محمد Sadeghi H.R. Miri -
Open Access Article
1495 - Investigation the effect of different levels of water stress, nitrogen and seed density on the Silybum marianum seed yield
S.M. Abtahi H. Zainali -
Open Access Article
1496 - Effect of drought stress on grain yield and yield components on forage corn hybrids
M. Hajibabaei F. Azizi -
Open Access Article
1497 - Effect of potassium and zinc application on yield and yield components in normal irrigation and deficit irrigation
M. Ghalenoei Gh. Moafporian M. Drostkar -
Open Access Article
1498 - Genetic diversity and path analysis of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) yield components in different environmental conditions
V. Rasoli E. Farshadfar J. Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1499 - Effect of different irrigation levels on some quantitative and qualitative traits of maize and soybean in intercropping
Y. Ghazi-khanlou Sani Kh. Jamshidi M.R. Azimi Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1500 - The effect of salinity and the application of Endophytic Fungus, Piriformospora indica, on yield and yield components of wheat
somayye hajinia mohammad javad zare ebrahim mohammadi gol tappe -
Open Access Article
1501 - Effect of nano iron chelates on yield and amount iron and rate oil of sesame cultivare Darab 14
M. Boghori H. Shamsi A. Morovati -
Open Access Article
1502 - Correlation and path analysis of white sugar yield with some of traits under irrigated regimes in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) genotypes
M. Sharifi -
Open Access Article
1503 - Effect of partial rootzone drying (PRD) and application potassium and zinc fertilizer on water use efficiency on corn
H.R. Ebrahimi H. Heydari Sharifabad Sh. Lak A. Naderi A. Modhej -
Open Access Article
1504 - Mixture of new and current herbicides for weed control in corn single cross 647
somayye esfandyari farrokh dinqezli mansore moeini -
Open Access Article
1505 - Evaluation the reaction of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars to irrigation cutting stress at different growth stages
A. Fallah F. Nouri C. Mansourifar -
Open Access Article
1506 - Effect of two methods of direct planting and transplanting on rate of dodder parasitizing of commercial tomato cultivars
Z. Moradi M. Madandost F. Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1507 - Interaction effects of nitrogen and seed inoculation by free living nitrogen fixing bacteria on phyllochron, dry matter remobilization and their contribution to grain yield of wheat
R. Seied Sharifi P. Ghanbari H. Kamari -
Open Access Article
1508 - Effect of biological fertilizer application on quantitative and qualitative traits of spring safflower under deficit irrigation
M. AghaAlikhani A. Roozbahani -
Open Access Article
1509 - Mechanical weed control of corn with emphasis on reduced dose of herbicide
arash roozbehani -
Open Access Article
1510 - Effect of amino acids and microelements on the rate of photosynthetic pigments content and yield of red bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)
A. Shamloo A. Roozbahani -
Open Access Article
1511 - Effects of plant density on yield and yield components of some sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars in Sistan climate
Z. Alipoor S. Mahmoodi M. Galvi Z. Mahdiani -
Open Access Article
1512 - Effects of humic acid and fertilizer containing calcium and boron (Calboron) on vegetative and reproductive properties of strawberry in soil-less culture system
M. Hosseini farahi R. Ameri Fahliani F. Yosefi -
Open Access Article
1513 - Physiological and morphological traits associated with grain yield improvement in post green revolution period in wheat and the future prospects
Hamidreza Miri Farahnaz Momtazi -
Open Access Article
1514 - اثرات گرسنگی و استراتژی های تغذیه ای بر عملکرد رشد و ترکیب لاشه تاس ماهی روسی (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)
محمود علیزاده افشار حسین خارا بهرام فلاحتکار -
Open Access Article
1515 - Effects of Irrigation Management and Humic Acid on Yield and Yield Components of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Saeid Mahdavi Naser Mohammadian Roshan Majid Ashouri Ebrahim Amiri Hamidreza Doroudian -
Open Access Article
1516 - The Effects of Poultry Manures on Aspergillus Section Flavi Density, Aflatoxin Production, Plant Nutrients, and Characteristics of Pistachio Fruit
Hamid Alipour Mohammad Moradi Hamideh Salmani-Nejad -
Open Access Article
1517 - The Effect of Yield Fluctuations and Production Risk on Pistachio Commercial Cultivars in Kerman Province
Hasan Arab Maryam Afrousheh Mohammad Abdollahi Ezatabadi Ali Tajabadipour -
Open Access Article
1518 - Evaluation of Application of the Asparagine and Glutamine Amino Acids on Improving the Biochemical Properties and Yield under Drought Sterss Conditions on Pistachio cv. Shahpsand
Mohammad ali Khajezade Bahareh Kashefi Hossein Afshari (new) Zarrin Taj Alipour -
Open Access Article
1519 - Potentiality of Anthropophily to Enhance Nut Production in Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)
Kartik Kandar Ujjwal Layek Prakash Karmakar -
Open Access Article
1520 - Foliar Application of Arginine Improves Vegetative and Reproductive Characteristics of Bearing Pistachio Trees
Ali Tajabadipour Mohammad Reza Fattahi Moghaddam Zabihollah Zamani Fatemeh Nasibi Hossein Hokmabadi -
Open Access Article
1521 - Effects of Deficit and Cutoff Irrigation During Different Phenological Stages of Fruit Growth on Production in Mature Almond Trees cv. ‘Mamaei’
A. Mousavi R. Ali Mohamad M. Tatari -
Open Access Article
1522 - Evaluation the Effects of Foliar Treatments of Polyamines and Some Organic Acids on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits in Some Pistachio Cultivars
F. Kamiab M. Heidari Salehabad E. Zamanibahramabadi -
Open Access Article
1523 - Comparative Study on the Effect of Water Stress and Rootstock on Photosynthetic Function in Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Trees
Abolfazl Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1524 - بررسی 26 ژنوتیپ جو کشت شده (Hodeum Vulgare L.) برای تحمل به شوری با اندازه گیری کاتیون های +Na و +K
غلامعباس محمدی محمدرضا بهرامجردی -
Open Access Article
1525 - بررسی تأثیر تاریخ کاشت و تراکم بوته بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد در رقم نخود آبی. آزاد در کرمان، ایران
H. Sepanji Babaki H. Heydary sharifabad M.H. Shirzadi -
Open Access Article
1526 - تأثیر تاریخ و عمق کاشت بر عملکرد ارقام سیب زمینی در کشت زمستانه در منطقه جیرفت
محمد رضا بهرام جردی غلامعباس محمدی -
Open Access Article
1527 - بررسی 26 ژنوتیپ جو کشت شده (Hodeum Vulgare L.) برای تحمل به شوری با اندازه گیری کاتیون های سدیم و پتاسیم پلاس
غلامعباس محمدی محمدرضا بهرامجردی -
Open Access Article
1528 - مقایسه واکنش زراعی آفتابگردان آجیلی و روغنی در شرایط مختلف کود فسفر و روی
H. Madani -
Open Access Article
1529 - تأثیر اسید سالیسیلیک و تنش آبی بر کلروفیل برگ و روند تغییرات مراحل مختلف رشد گندم (Triticum aestivum L)
M. Sharafizad M.R. Naghashzadeh -
Open Access Article
1530 - Effects of Potassium Sulfate Fertilizer Application on Sugarcane (Cultivar CP 48-103) Qualitative-Quantitative Yield
Open Access Article
1531 - Effects of Vermicompost and Manures on Growth Characteristics and Yield Components of Purslane (Portuleca oleracea L. var Behbahani)
Open Access Article
1532 - The Effect of Ratooning Practices on Cane Yield and Quality Parameters of Sugarcane
Open Access Article
1533 - Effects of Potassium Fertilization on Growth and Yield of Wetland Rice in Grey Terrace Soils of Bangladesh
Open Access Article
1534 - Effect of Different Planting Distributions on Yield and Forage Quality of Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L. )
Open Access Article
1535 - Relationship among Yield and Component Characters in Different Planting Dates of Rapeseed Genotypes
Open Access Article
1536 - Response of Yield and Yield Attributes of Different Rice Genotypes to Soil Arsenic
Open Access Article
1537 - Influence of Weed Densities and Different Nitrogen Levels on Leaf Area Index (LAI) of Corn and Red Root Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.)
Ali Vahedi Zohre Bakhshai Rasoul Fakhari -
Open Access Article
1538 - A Simulation Study on Impact of Climate Factors on Production and Requirements of Rice in Bangladesh
Md.AbuBakr Siddique Jun Furuya Shinataro Kobayashi M Abdus Salam -
Open Access Article
1539 - Nitrogen Fertilizer Optimization and Its Response to the Growth and Yield of Lowland Rice
Open Access Article
1540 - Effect of Tillage methods and nitrogen levels on seed yield, weed traits, and nitrogen use efficiencies of maize (Zea mays)
Open Access Article
1541 - Exploring the influence of sowing dates on phenological traits, yield components, and crop yield in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars
Mehrdad Mahmoodian Ghorban Nourmohammadi Hossein Sabouri Eslam Majidi Harvan -
Open Access Article
1542 - Investigating the effect of different amounts and sources of nitrogen on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Open Access Article
1543 - Water Use Efficiency of Common Sorghum and Grain Corn Cultivars and Comparing the Effect of Water Deficit on These Cultivars
Open Access Article
1544 - Effect of Biofertilizers and Chemical Fertilizers on Phosphorus Uptake and Wheat Yield
Open Access Article
1545 - A Study About the Possibility of Eearly Planting of Late-Maturing Ricecultivars in Lordegan Using Plastic Covered Nursery
Open Access Article
1546 - The Effect of Magnetic Field Intensity and Duration on the Amount of Nutrients Absorbed by Cucumber Transplant
Open Access Article
1547 - Optimum Planting Density of Mung Bean for Lordegan Region
Open Access Article
1548 - Effects of Vermicompost Application and Moringa Extract on Growth Responses, Yield and Bioactive Compounds in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
Open Access Article
1549 - Possibility of planting rice in semi-cold environment, (Case study, Saman, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Iran)
Open Access Article
1550 - Nitrogen Management Options in Winter Rice under Boro- Fallow-T. Aman Cropping System
Open Access Article
1551 - The Effect of Magnetic Field and Iron Fertilizer on Growth Characteristics of Greenhouse Cucumber
Open Access Article
1552 - The Effect of Azotobacter On Growth Indices, Yield and Essence Content Of Two Cultivars of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) Under Salinity
Open Access Article
1553 - Study of Reducing Water Consumption with Irrigation Method in Different Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars at Shahrekord Region
Open Access Article
1554 - Essential Oil Production, Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) as Affected by Sowing Date and Plant Density
Open Access Article
1555 - Study of Deficit Irrigation in Different Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars at Shahrekord Region
Foroud Salehi Bijan Haghighati-Boroujeni -
Open Access Article
1556 - The Effects of Different Application Times of Broadleaf Herbicides on Winter Wheat
Open Access Article
1557 - Agrophysiological Responses of Barley Cultivars to Salt Stress and Zinc Fertilization
Open Access Article
1558 - Effect of Tillage Methods and Nitrogen Levels on Seed Yield, Weed Traits, and Nitrogen use Efficiencies of Maize (Zea mays)
Open Access Article
1559 - Effect of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer, potassium and water on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of roselle
halimeh piri -
Open Access Article
1560 - The study of effects Erath worm, compost and soil tissue on soil trairts, quantity and quality yield salvia officinalis
Ali Eftekhari -
Open Access Article
1561 - Determination of the Best planting date and cultivar for barley rainfed in Hamedan region using agronomic indices, yield and yield components
Javad hamzei afshar Azadbakht Mohsen Seyedi -
Open Access Article
1562 - Effects of intercropping of maize with beans, the dry matter production and quality of forage
Mohsen Dargahi ali Reza Souhani Darban -
Open Access Article
1563 - The effect of cutting height on the number of China and new varieties of forage sorghum yield in the region of Sistan
ahmad mehraban afsaneh kamalideljoo Omid Azizian Shermeh -
Open Access Article
1564 - Study the effect of different concentration of EM1 Baikal Fertilizer on morphological traits, yield characteristics and essential oil content of Moldavian Balm (Dracocephalum moldavica L.)
ali salehi sardoei -
Open Access Article
1565 - Investigating the Effect of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Interaction and Water Management on Weeds and Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Corn (Zea mays L.)
Ehsan olah jalili Farnaz Ganjabadi Mir saeid Valiahdi Morteza Ghavami -
Open Access Article
1566 - Investigating the response of different agro-physiological traits of Iranian rice cultivars in shirodi and tarom local with consumption of nutritional resources (chemical, organic) under low irrigation stress conditions
yousof Niknejad jaber mehdiniya Afra Hormoz Falah Amoli Davood barari Tari -
Open Access Article
1567 - Effect of Planting Arrangement and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates on Agronomical Traits and Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Yield on Hashemi Cultivar in Guilan Climate.
Sobhan Mahzari -
Open Access Article
1568 - Investigation of the interaction of humic acid and zinc nanoparticles on yield and yield components of pinto beans
Mohamad ali Bahrami Nourali Sajedi shahram shoaei -
Open Access Article
1569 - Effect of the silicon fertilizers spray on agronomical characteristics of Anbarbo rice in salinity field of Bahnamir
Allahyar Fallah -
Open Access Article
1570 - Correlation between growth characteristics and yield components and grain yield of Use Biological fertilizers nitrogen and phosphorus on nuts sunflower
مهرداد مویدی -
Open Access Article
1571 - Evaluation of the effect chemical control on weeds, agronomical traits and yield of triticale (Triticosecale wittmack L.) in Mazandaran climate.
Sobhan Mahzari -
Open Access Article
1572 - Rice residual management on ratoon yield and agronomical characteristics in rice varieties in Amol, Iran
payam Asadi morteza Sam-Daliri hamid reza Mobasser salman Dastan -
Open Access Article
1573 - The Effects of tillage different methods and plant residues management on agro morphologic characteristic of wheat Var Sardari in dry land condition
mohamad bagher jafari noor ali sajedi masoud Gomarian -
Open Access Article
1574 - Determination of the best planting date and cultivar of rainfed barley in Hamedan
J. Hamzeei A. Azadbakht S. M. Seyedi -
Open Access Article
1575 - Evaluation of heat stress tolerance diversity in a number of rice genotypes on yield and yield components in Sistan and Baluchestan province
N. Hashemzehi A. Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1576 - The effects of plant density and nitrogen fertilizer amounts as top dressing on yield of potato at Damavand region
A. Roozbahani M. M. Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
1577 - Effect of drought stress in different growth stages on yield and yield components of corn hybrid S.C. 704 in different plant density
A. Jazayeri A. Naderi M. Alavi Fazel M. Gohari -
Open Access Article
1578 - Assessment of Planting Distribution Effects and Phosphorus Rate on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Agronomic Characteristics and Yield in Freidan Region (Esfahan)
H. Turajzadeh M. R. Naderi Darbaghshahi A. Soleimani A. R. Golparvar -
Open Access Article
1579 - Effect of plant densities on loss coefficient, grain yield and yield components of grain Sorghum Varieties
M. Bourbour S. Seifzadeh D. Eradatmand Asli -
Open Access Article
1580 - The effects of plant density formed from different between and within row distances on quantitative and qualitative traits of three Soybean cultivars at Urmia region
E. Rahimi Petroudi M. Zardashti M. Nojavan A. A. Pourmirza -
Open Access Article
1581 - Evaluation of drought tolerance in bread wheat lines using drought tolerance indices
M. Hatim M. Majidian T. Babaei -
Open Access Article
1582 - Effect of irrigation intervals and plant density on yield, yield components and some physiological traits in sorghum
mojtaba Jafari Bonyad mohamad reza Naderi Darbaghshahi mehdi Changizi iman Farahani -
Open Access Article
1583 - Effect of planting date on yield and yield components of spring Rapeseed (Brassica napus) cultivars in Isfahan region
H. R. Javanmard A. H. Shirani Rad S. A. Banitaba M. R. Naderi Darbaghshahi -
Open Access Article
1584 - Effect of planting arrangment on agronomical traits in different soybean cultivars
A. Pilvar M. Moballeghi H. Mobaser -
Open Access Article
1585 - Allelopathical weed control in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) The effects of water stress at silique formation and grain filling stage on yield and yield components of Rapeseed cultivars at Karaj region
H. Nezami ranjbar A. H. Shirani Rad H. Madani K. Kalarestaghi -
Open Access Article
1586 - The study of effects Erath worm, compost and soil tissue on soil traits, quantity and quality yield salvia officinalis
M. Sharif Moghadasi S. Azizi, -
Open Access Article
1587 - Effect of different level of potassium sulfate and zeolit on yield and yield component of potato in Arak region
hamid madani reza Hosseinkhani nor ali Sajedi -
Open Access Article
1588 - Comparison of the best seed vigor test for prediction of seedling emergence and grain yield in rapeseed
H. Soleimanzadeh D. Habibi M. N. Seyedi M. Nasrollahi -
Open Access Article
1589 - Assessment the effect of planting dates on protein percentage and yield components of sorghum cultivars in Isfahan province
A. R. Golparvar A. Armin M. Golabadi -
Open Access Article
1590 - Effects of zinc sulfate application on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L var. Shiroudi)
H. Hosein zadeh A. Mahdavi Damghani B. Delkhosh A. Mohadesi -
Open Access Article
1591 - Effect of silicon and potassium foliar application and nitrogen rates on yield and yield components of Iranian rice cultivars, Tarom Hashemi and Tarom Mahalli
mehrdad Ghasemi Lemraski GHorban Normohamadi Hamid Madani hosein Heidari Sharifabad hamid reza Mobasser -
Open Access Article
1592 - Evaluation of Effects of nitrogen and phosphorous biological fertilizers on qualities characteristics of sunflower
A. Farnia M. moayedi -
Open Access Article
1593 - An effect of drought stress by PEG on the morphological characterizes and yields in Hull-less barley
Javad Einali Abas ali Nourinia GHadir Tahery Elyas Soltani -
Open Access Article
1594 - Investigation of fertilization of Iron, Zinc and Boron and two different irrigation regimes on Soybean field characteristics
A. M. Alijani J. Daneshian S. Seifzadeh A. H. Shiranirad -
Open Access Article
1595 - Effect of cut off Irrigation and Foliar Application of Kaolin Clay on Yield and Yield Components of Pumpkin Seed (Cucurbita pepo L.)
M. Khalili F. Nejatzade -
Open Access Article
1596 - Effect of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) interference on growth period, chlorophyle content, leaf senescence and yield of marigold (Calendula officinalis)
B. Mirshekari -
Open Access Article
1597 - Investigation of yield, yield components, and seed protein content of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) germplasms
sina Siahkohian mohamad Galavi mahmod Ramroudi ahmad Nezami, Associ mostafa Heydari -
Open Access Article
1598 - Response of agriculture traits to drought stress condition in four safflower genotypes
M. Ferasat N. A. Sajedi M. Mirzakhani -
Open Access Article
1599 - Evaluation of effects of different tillage systems, planting row spacing and plant densities on grain yield and yield components of corn
Masoud Mohseni Mohammad hosein Haddadi -
Open Access Article
1600 - Effects of different conservative tillage methods and microelements on yield of Zea mays L.
M. Sharif Mogaddasi S. Azizi -
Open Access Article
1601 - Evaluation of safflower genotypes selected from exotic varieties for grain and oil yields in limited irrigation condition
mohamad Sharrif Moghaddasi amir hasan Omidi -
Open Access Article
1602 - Effect of plant density and nitrogen fertilizer different rates on sorghum cultivars forage yield
E. Mirhasanzadeh M. R. Tookalloo M. Rahimizadeh -
Open Access Article
1603 - Evaluation of yield and yield component Rapeseed cultivars in Arak region
N. Sabzevari H. Madani H. Aghajani -
Open Access Article
1604 - Study of crucible density and applied nitrogen on yield and some physiological characteristics of forage sorghum
I. Farahani M. R. Naderi Darbaghshahi N. Khodabande H. Tahmasebizade M. Jafari Bonyad -
Open Access Article
1605 - Effects of irrigation regimes, nitrogen rate and plant density on dry matter accumulation in sunflower (var. Iroflor)
E. Gholinezhad N. Sajedi -
Open Access Article
1606 - Effect Application of phosphate solabilizating on yield and yield components of theree line soybean M7,M9,TMS
A. M. Alijani M. jafarzadeh kenarsari Kh. Estaki Oregani A. farnia -
Open Access Article
1607 - Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria , foliar application of amino acids and silicic acid on yield and yield components of wheat under drought stress
D. Habibi -
Open Access Article
1608 - Effect of different treatments of nitrogen and distance of planting rows on content of mosilage and yield in Plantago Ovata Forsk
S. M. A. Vakili Shahrbabaki A. Baghizadeh -
Open Access Article
1609 - Effect of Plant density on yield and yield components of Vigna and Tepary local beans germplasm in Jiroft, Iran
H. Madani M. H. Shirzadi F. Darini -
Open Access Article
1610 - Project Title: Study of possibility of changing corn planting pattern (by using narrower rows and eliminating some planting furrows) to increase the yield and to decrease water use in Jiroft and Kahnooj
GH. Afsharmanesh P. Rahbarian S. A. Farshadmehr -
Open Access Article
1611 - Response of safflower yield and yield components to inoculation with azotobacter and mycorrhiza in Arak region
Arezu Omidi Mohammad Mirzakhani Mohamad reza Ardakani -
Open Access Article
1612 - Effects of row spacing and nitrogen different rates on yield and yield components of rapeseed in paddy field of Guilan
Samaneh Jafarifar Amir hosein Shirani Rad Mohamad Rabiee -
Open Access Article
1613 - Effects of micronutrients (Fe, Zn and Mn) on quality and quantities yield of Hamoon cultivar wheat in Sistan area
A. A. Hosseinabadi M. Galavi M. Heidari -
Open Access Article
1614 - The study of the effect of temperature treatment on the yield and yield component of rice (Oryza Sativa L.), Tarom mahale and Fajr varieties
parisa Mearrostamei Alahyar Fallah Morteza Mobaleghi Saaneh Mashayekhi Mehrdad Hghverdian -
Open Access Article
1615 - Effect of plant densities on morphological characteristics and seed yield of soybean genotypes in Markazi province
M. Anajafi A. Farnia -
Open Access Article
1616 - Study of interaction of Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles and water management on weeds, physiological and biochemical characteristics of Corn (Zea mays L.)
E. Jalili F. Gangabadi M. S. Valiahdi M. Ghavami, -
Open Access Article
1617 - Cycocel application effect on barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgar L.) under different sowing date in Mazandaran province
Reza Rahimi Baladezaei Nabi alah Nemati Hamid reza Mobasser Salman Dastan -
Open Access Article
1618 - Effect of Methanol and zinc on growth and yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Reza Pilevare khomami Mohamad Taghi Safarzadeh Vishkaei -
Open Access Article
1619 - Study of temprature effects on maze different hybrids yield, yield componants and phenological stage in Jiroft region
M. H. Shirzadi R. Chokan H. Heidari Sharifabad M. J. Mirhadi H. Madani -
Open Access Article
1620 - The effects of planting date and plant density on rice in Mazandaran province
S. Moradpour E. Amiri H. R. Mobasser H. Madani -
Open Access Article
1621 - The study planting date effects on yield and components yield of varieties sunflower area in Rudab Bam
S. Haerei Nejhad H. Madani S. Sadeghzadeh -
Open Access Article
1622 - Effects of irrigation interval and nitrogen degree on dry mater yield and water usage efficiency of corn in Mazandaran province
R. Rezaei Sokht Abandani A. Charati Araei D. Akbari Nodehi H. Mobasser M. Ramezani -
Open Access Article
1623 - Effects of nitroxin, animal manure and nitrogen fertilizer on yields quantity and quality of durum wheat (Triticum durum)
Hadi Jasemi Hamid Reza Eisvand Mashallah Daneshvar -
Open Access Article
1624 - Investigation of zeolite and potassium effects on vegetative growth and yield of sugar beet
Mohamad Akbari GHolamreza Maleki Eskandar Zand -
Open Access Article
1625 - Effects of row spacing and plant density on grain yield and yield components of maize (cv. Sc 711)
Behroz Salehi Jahanfar Daneshian -
Open Access Article
1626 - Determination the Sensitivity of Different Growth Stages of Five Maize Hybrids to Drought Stress
C. Mansourifar A. Fallah S. H. Hossein Zade -
Open Access Article
1627 - Effects of sowing date on the process of allocation of material photosynthesis on yield in direct seeded rice cultivars
Mostafa Basharkhah Alireza Valadabadi Jahanfar Daneshian Abdolrahman Erfani -
Open Access Article
1628 - Agronomical characteristics responses of durum wheat to super absorbent polymers, zinc and selenium compounds application
M. Gholami N. Sajedi M. Gomarian -
Open Access Article
1629 - The study of biological manure effect on decreasing demand chemical fertilizer in Hyssopus officinalis L
N. Nemati A. Pazoki GH. Naderi S. Taherabadi -
Open Access Article
1630 - Effect of nitroxin, nitrogen and manure application on yield, nitrogen use efficiency and Some crop characteristics in sweet corn
M. Sharifi M. Mirzakhani N. A. Sajedi -
Open Access Article
1631 - Effects of Amino acid spraying and vermicompost application on some morphological traits and flower yield of Chamomile
Mohamad reza Haj Seyed Hadi Mohamad taghi Darzi GHolam hosein Riazi Zohreh Ghandehari Alavijeh -
Open Access Article
1632 - Effect of the plant density and sowing date on kernel yield in early maturing maize
Mohammad Hoseyn Haddadi M. Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1633 - Effects of inter-cropping of maize with beans, the dry matter production and quality of forage
M. Dargahi A. Souhani Darban -
Open Access Article
1634 - Effect of cycocel and Zinc Foliar Application on protein content and important elements and water use efficiency on Corn under water defcit condition
ehsan Abbaspour Jafar Masoud Sinaki Zarin taj Alipour Sakine Saeedi Sar -
Open Access Article
1635 - Effects of different substrates on quantitative characteristics of cucumber Negin cultivar in hydroponic irrigation system
Mehdi Ghaemi Qumars Kalarestaghi Mohsen Nabavi -
Open Access Article
1636 - Effect of Rows Spacing and Planting Density on Yield and Yield Component of Two Cultivars Safflower
S. Pooreydi F. Paknejad M. Esfini Farahani M. Bakhtiari Moghadam S. Azizkhani -
Open Access Article
1637 - Evaluation of different watering levels on potato yield
Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi Mehrdad Yarnia Vahid Ahmadzadeh Nushin Faraj zadeh -
Open Access Article
1638 - Evaluation effect of different planting dates on quantity and quality characteristics and grain yield in spring cultivars of rapeseed
M. Moballeghi M. Sam Daliri S. Dastan A. A. Mousavi S. A. Rasouli -
Open Access Article
1639 - Effect of plant growth regulator Cycocel and different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on some growth characteristics and yield of barley
A. Afkari M. Abbasi -
Open Access Article
1640 - The response of relatively water content, grain protein, yield and yield components of dry land wheat to salicylic and ascorbic acid
Sh. Moradi N. A. Sajedi Sh. Khaghani -
Open Access Article
1641 - Comparison the effect of biologic fertilizer with chemical on oil sunflower (helianthus annus) in Arak condition
M. Moradi H. Madani M. A. Malboubi R. Pilehvari Khomami -
Open Access Article
1642 - Evaluation of drought stress effects on yield and yield components of advanced Rapeseed varieties at Esfahan region
F. Fayaz M. R. Naderi Darbaghshahi A. H Shirani Rad -
Open Access Article
1643 - The effects of Zinc and Manganese on yield and yield components winter canola varieties in Gilan
E. Fani Akhlagh J. Daneshian -
Open Access Article
1644 - Comparison between grain yield and yield components of sweet corn hybrids at different sowing dates in Arak environment
Hamid Madani Marzieh GHasemi -
Open Access Article
1645 - The study of effects Erath worm, compost and soil tissue on soil traits, quantity and quality yield salvia officials
A. Eftekhari -
Open Access Article
1646 - Effect of biofertilizer and nitrogen on nitrogen use efficiency and harvest index of two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars
M. Najari Sadeghi B. Mirshekari S. Baser Koochebagh S. Allahyari -
Open Access Article
1647 - Effect of time management in rapeseed planting on yield based on expert point of view of Qazvin Agricultural Jahad Organization
Iraj Hoseini Mehdi Mirdamadi Shaghayegh Kheiri Saied Seifzade -
Open Access Article
1648 - Determining of Suitable sowing Date for Different Corn hybrids in Rice Rotation system
M. Ansarinia H. Mobaser Gh. Nour Mohammadi B. Delkhosh -
Open Access Article
1649 - Comparison of chemical and biological phosphorus fertilizers in potato
A. Sefidgaran -
Open Access Article
1650 - Study on response of Rapeseed varieties to late planting at Karaj environment
O. R. Sali H. Madani A. H. Shirani Rad -
Open Access Article
1651 - Stady of some morphological attributes in spring bread wheat genotypes under weather condition of Moghan
saed Barani majid Shokrpour -
Open Access Article
1652 - Investigation of sediment rating curves error for estimating flood events sediment yield in Gharachay river
J. Varvani Sh. Khalighi -
Open Access Article
1653 - Silicon and potassium application facts on lodging related characteristicm and quantity yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Tarom Hashemi variety
Morteza Sam-Daliri Hamid reza Mobasser Salman Dastan Arash Ghasemi Mianaie -
Open Access Article
1654 - Effect of plant densities on extinction coefficient,grain yield and yield components of Varieties of grain Sorghum
Mohamadreza burbur Saeed Seifzadeh Davoud Eradatmand Asli -
Open Access Article
1655 - The effect of Nitroxin and different levels of nitrogen application on yield and yield components of maize (Hybrid Maximas) in Markazi Province
A. Dadiyan Sh. Khaghani M. Changizi -
Open Access Article
1656 - Effects of different transplanting dates on quantitative and qualitative traits of flue-cured tobacco (K326) in Mazandran, Iran
Yaghoub Yaghoubi Sobhan alah GHanbari Hamid reza Mobaser Abdol rahim Mahdavi Ali Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1657 - Investig ation of sink – source relations in different planting systems rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Fajr cultivar
S. A. Sadeghi S. Ghanbari H. R. Mobasser E. Rahimi Petroudi -
Open Access Article
1658 - Study of agronomical properties of local population of cuminum cyminum L. in different nitrogen fertilizing levels
M. A. Afshari M. Valadabadi J. Daneshian A. Akbarinia -
Open Access Article
1659 - Effect of time and values of methanol foliation on growth and yield of Coker 347 type tobacco
Kaveh Sabokroo mohmad taghi Safarzade mehdi Ranjbar Choobe jahanfar Daneshian Kamyar Sabokroo -
Open Access Article
1660 - The effect of nitrogen fertilizer and plant density on growth and yield of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) essential oils
H. khalili J. Daneshian H. Madani Gh. Naderi Broujerdi M. Chegini -
Open Access Article
1661 - Investigating the effect of bush condensation in different moisture regimes on the qualitative and quantitative characters of sunflower in circumstances of sistan
R. Baradaran H. R. Fanaei M. Sargezi -
Open Access Article
1662 - Effect of supplemental irrigation on yield and yield components and correlation between varieties cultivated in spring chickpea
Farideh Maleki Amin Maleki Farzad Mirzayi -
Open Access Article
1663 - Planting date effect on yield, seed yield, growth index and phonologic traits canola (Brassica napus L.) Genotypes in Ahvaz condition
M. Khayat M. Gohari -
Open Access Article
1664 - Investigate planting date plant density and different level of N fertilizer on the yield and oil percent of spring safflower
hasan Tahmasbizadeh hamid madani gholamreza Naderi Boroujerdi -
Open Access Article
1665 - Effects of nitrogen fertilizers and manure (Farm Yard Manure) on grain yield and yield components
S. A. Vajedi Roshan E. Rahimi Petroudi G. Mirzaie H. Mobasser -
Open Access Article
1666 - Investigation of planting dates and irrigation regimes on physiological traits of two spring sufflower (carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars
M. Zahedi R. Mamghani M. Mesgarbashi A. Kashani A. R. Montaseri -
Open Access Article
1667 - Effect of drought stress and different levels of potassium on quantitative and qualitative forage yield of Kochia (Kochia scoparia L.)
Mohamad ali karimian Mohamad Galavi Mahdi Dahmardeh Mohamad Kafi -
Open Access Article
1668 - Study of different effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on quantitative and qualitative yield of Safflower in Sistan region
M. Sadegh Bakhtiari H. Ganjali A. Mehraban A. Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1669 - Effect of drought Stress as water deficit and Plant density on yield roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in Jiroft region
P. Rahbarian Gh, A fsharmanesh, N. Modafe Behzadi, -
Open Access Article
1670 - The study of relationship between personal and economic-social characteristics rice-field women in Bandar Anzali township with sustainable agriculture criteria
H. Chaharsough Amin S. M. Mirdamadi -
Open Access Article
1671 - Effects of seed priming and planting density on the forage wet yield of silage corn (S.C704) in delay planting
F. Alipour-Abokhely H.R. Mobasser M. Mohseny E. Rahimi Petroudi -
Open Access Article
1672 - Evaluation affect of different planting dates on quantity and quality characteristics and grain yield in spring cultivars of canola
M. Sam Daliri S. Dastan A. A. Mousavi S. A. Rasouli M. Moballeghi -
Open Access Article
1673 - An investigation of the relationship of rapid canopy development with seed vigor and forage yield in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
H. Soleimanzadeh -
Open Access Article
1674 - Effect of water stress and absorbent materials application on yield and components yield of fall wheat
M. Farmahini M. Mirzakhani N. Sajedi -
Open Access Article
1675 - Investigation the effect of water deficit on agronomical characteristics and growth indices of winter rapeseed cultivars
S. Soleimanpour A. H. Shiranirad H. Madani A. Rezaeizad S. Fareghi -
Open Access Article
1676 - Correlation relation and path coefficient agronomic traits evolution on seed yield of rice analysis effective (Oryza Sativa L.) cultivar
hasan Tahmasbizadeh hamid madani gholamreza Naderi Boroujerdi -
Open Access Article
1677 - Effect of different levels of irrigation on yield and yield components of Maize (Zea mays L.)
L. Sadeghi H. Madani M. Rafiee -
Open Access Article
1678 - Effect of foliar applications of silicon and plant density on agronomic traits in corn hybrids Delayed planting of the summer
J. Mahmudi H. Mobaser S. A. A. Musavi Mirkalaei -
Open Access Article
1679 - Interaction of drought stress and zinc on yield, yield components and harvest index in maize plant mycorrhiza
N. Sajedi H. Madani -
Open Access Article
1680 - A Study of the effect of plant arrangement on the yield and its components of potato cultivar (Lady Rosita and Agria) in Arak
Shahab Khaghani mohamad ali Moshayedi Shohre Khaghani sepideh Rahmati fatemeh Rajaei -
Open Access Article
1681 - Effects of water deficit stress on agrophysiological traits hybrids of maize
M. sheikhi N. A. Sajedi M. Jiriaei -
Open Access Article
1682 - Effects of intercropping of maize with beans, the dry matter production and quality of forage
M. Dargahi A. Souhani Darban -
Open Access Article
1683 - Effect of different levels of zeolite and irrigation interval on yield and some trait of potato
hamid Madani arash Moghimi nor ali Sajedi -
Open Access Article
1684 - Effect of harvesting time on yield and grain shattering of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L. cv. Okapi) in Arak conditions
H. Madani G. Naderi Broujerdi H. Aghajani M. Changizi A. Pazoki -
Open Access Article
1685 - Effects of planting date and nitrogen rates on agronomical traits of potato Var Markiz
N. A. Sajedi S. Sheikhalivand H. Madani H. Safari Kamalabadi -
Open Access Article
1686 - Effect of plant density on physiological characteristics of growth and yield of varieties of dry farming wheat in Lorestan province
A. Farnia Sh. Nakhjavan F. Khodaei M. Shahverdi -
Open Access Article
1687 - Study on quantity and quality changes of alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv. Hamedani) under application of different rates of seaweed and humic acid
Amin Farnia Omid Ehyaei -
Open Access Article
1688 - Effect of phosphate and sulfur solubilizating microorganisms and zinc foliar on yield and yield components of Soybean (Glycine max L.)
A. M. Alijani Kh. Esteki Oregani M. Jafarzadeh kenarsari -
Open Access Article
1689 - Effect of fertilizers application and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on Forage yield in maize (Zea mays L.)
A. Boroumand N. Sajedi M. Changizi -
Open Access Article
1690 - Comparing effect of different nitrogen recourses on maize eco-morphologic characteristics under drought stress
M. Kavand H. Madani A. Dadian -
Open Access Article
1691 - Effect of plants growth promoting rhizobacteria and nitrogen fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative characters of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.)
R. Mohamadvarzi D. Habibi S. Vazan A. Pazoki T. Nooralvandi -
Open Access Article
1692 - Nitrogen and phosphorous use optimization in corn production with mycorrhiza and vermicompost utilization
O. Alizadeh A. Alizadeh L. Ariana -
Open Access Article
1693 - Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative yield of maize under conventional, integrated and in conversion to organic production systems
A. Mohageri M. R. Hajseyedhadi A. M. Shahsavar -
Open Access Article
1694 - Evaluation of safflower genotypes selected from exotic varieties for grain and oil yields in limited irrigation condition
M. Sharrif Moghaddasi A. H. Omidi -
Open Access Article
1695 - Effects of gamma ray on grain yield, yield components and morphological triats related to lodging in the rice of (Oryza sativa L.)
M. Morad A. Dehpour Jooybari H. R, Mobaser E. Rahimi Petroudi M. Rahmani -
Open Access Article
1696 - Effect of drought stress and potassium sulfate on yield and yield components of sunflower
M. Yarnia P. Safaie M. B. Khorshidi-benam E. Farajzadeh -
Open Access Article
1697 - Study of rapeseed cultivars reaction to different sowing date in Karaj region
Amir hosein Shirani Rad Abas Dehshiri Sara Ali-Jarahi -
Open Access Article
1698 - Effect of planting date and comparing yield between red bean cultivars in Ali-Ggoudarz , Lorestan, Iran
T. Rahmani H. Heidari Sharifabad H. Madani -
Open Access Article
1699 - The effects of red root pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) interference on green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yield
B. Mirshekari -
Open Access Article
1700 - Effect of drought stress, zeolitand and selenium on yield and yield Components on sunflower
P. Yousefvand N. Sajedi M. Mirzakhani -
Open Access Article
1701 - The effect of water deficit stress and manure on quantitative and qualitative yield and some characteristics of physiological (Plantago Ovata Forssk.)
B. Afsharmanesh Gh. Afsharmanesh M. A. Vakili Shahrbabaki -
Open Access Article
1702 - Effect of PGPR and water deficit on agronomical traits of wheat (cv. Shahriar)
M. Jiriaie N. A. Sajedi H. Madani M. Sheikhi -
Open Access Article
1703 - Effects of planting pattern and Nitrogen amounts on yield and yield components of spring safflower in Eghlid region, Fars Province
zohreh amini Mashala Hosseini Sedighe Zarei Hamid Madani Mohamad reza Mohamadrezakhani -
Open Access Article
1704 - Effects of chemical nitrogen fertilizer sources on seed yield and some agronomic characteristics of winter rapeseed cultivars (Brassica napus L.) in Arak (Iran)
H. Abedian A. Farnia M. Mostafavi Rad -
Open Access Article
1705 - The assessment effects of NPK fertilizer on vegetative growth and essential oil of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.)
Gh. Naderi H. Madani -
Open Access Article
1706 - Effects of irrigation management and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
M. Taghizade M. Esfehani N. Davatgar H. Madani -
Open Access Article
1707 - Determine relationship of leaf chlorophyll concentration and yeild using chlorophyll meter in sugar beet
Shadi Javaheri Mohamad Abdollahian-Noghabi Ali Kashani Davod Habibi Hmid Noshad -
Open Access Article
1708 - The planting pattern effects on yield and yield components of tropical beans genotypes at Jiroft in Iran
Hamid Madani Mahbubeh Salari Mohamad hasan Shirzadi -
Open Access Article
1709 - The effect of sowing date, plant density and different levels of nitrogen on the growth traits and rate of essence in medicine safflower
Hasan Tahmasbizadeh Hamid Madani GHolamreza Naderi Broujerdi -
Open Access Article
1710 - The effect of different planting dates and application of ammonium sulphate on yield and yield components of Hyola rapeseed cultivar on winter planting in Mane and Samalghan
A. Sadri D. Habibi H. Kamali M. Eskandari Torbaghan -
Open Access Article
1711 - Evaluation of bio- chemical fertilizers on agronomical traits and oil percentage in sunflower
Noor ali Sajedi Hmid Madani Mohamad Mirzakhani -
Open Access Article
1712 - Effects of different levels of nitrogen and zeolite on traits qualitative and quantitative of potato in Arak region
H. Madani A. Farhadi A. Pazoki M. Changizi -
Open Access Article
1713 - Effects of drought stress and Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteria strains on quantities and qualities characteristics in Soybean (Clark cv.)
Amin Farnia Hamid Madani -
Open Access Article
1714 - Interaction of water deficit stress and salicylic acid on yield and component yield of two cultivars wheat
Hamed Oghbaie Noor ali Sajedi Hamid Madani -
Open Access Article
1715 - Effects on the seed rate and nitrogen levels on the booting stage related- lodging morphological traits on the wheat (N-81-18 Line) on the two of Mazandaran
H. Mobasser R. Hosseini E. Rahimi Betroudi -
Open Access Article
1716 - Phosphorus solublizing bacteria and zinc sulfate utilization effects on yield and yield components of two potato cultivars in Markazi province environment
Hamid Madani Iraj Bayat Mehdi Changizi Mojtaba Jalalvandi -
Open Access Article
1717 - The impact planting season on the yield formation and yield components of spring cultivars of rapeseed under different moisture regimes
Hosien Varse Amir hosein Shirani Rad Ghorban Noor-Mohammadi Babak Delkhosh Bahareh Varse -
Open Access Article
1718 - Effect of seed inoculation with nitragin and different levels of urea on physiological traits and biologic yield of maize, cv. 704 grown in cold and semi-arid regions
B. Mirshekari S. Baser A. Javanshir -
Open Access Article
1719 - Effect of planting time, irrigation method and plant pattern on yield and yield components of potato Varieties in Jiroft, Iran
Abdol reza Najafi Moosavi -
Open Access Article
1720 - Silicon and potassium application facts on lodging related characteristics and quantity yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Tarom Hashemi variety
A. Ghasemi Mianaei H. Mobasser H. Madani S. Dastan -
Open Access Article
1721 - Effects of Biological and Chemical Fertilizers Nitrogen on Yield Quality and Quantity in Cumin (Cuminum Cyminum L.)
Ghasem Hosein Talaei Hosein Talaei Shocofeh Gholami Zeynab Kobra Pishva Majid Amini Dehaghi -
Open Access Article
1722 - The Effect of Drought Stress on Grain Yield and Oil Rate and Protein Percentage of Four Varieties Castor in Climatic Conditions of Damghan
Gh. Laei -
Open Access Article
1723 - Effects of Thiobacillus, Sulfur and Micronutrient Spray on Some Traits of Green Beans
Morteza Motamed Mehdi Baradaran Firoozabadi Jafar Masoud Sinaki -
Open Access Article
1724 - Solvent Effects on Medicinal Structure and 15N NMR Shielding of Medazepam
Arezoo Tahan Fatemeh Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
1725 - High-Barrier and Light–protective Bionanocomposite Film Based on Rye Starch/nanorod-ZnO for Food Packaging Applications
Neda Fallah Mohammad Mehdi Marvizadeh Reihaneh Jahangiri Azam Zeinalzadeh Abdorreza Mohammadi Nafchi -
Open Access Article
1726 - Quantitative and Qualitative Responses of Corn 704 Singel-Cross to Different Planting Patterns and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels
Jaber Khordadi Varamin Seyed Mohammad Reza Haj Seyed Hadi Mohammad Taghi Darzi Arash Rozbahaei -
Open Access Article
1727 - Niosomes Containing Isomeldenin Plus Lupeol Induce Apoptosis of SK-OV-3, MCF-7, and 3SKBr Cell Lines and Alter the Expression of Apoptotic Genes
Alaa Naseer M. Ali Hadeel A. Omear Shiama Rabeea Banoon Abdolmajid Ghasemian M.A. Abdelzaher -
Open Access Article
1728 - Investigating the effect of mindfulness on the social health of the elderly referred to Shahrekord health centers in 2021
Shayesteh Salehi Parinaz Davari Dehkordi Akram Dehghani Champiri -
Open Access Article
1729 - Effects of alumina nanoparticles, number of stirring pass and rotational speed on the mechanical behavior of friction stir welded (FSW) magnesium alloy (AM60)
Arash Behzadineghad Abbas mohassel Hamid Omidvar Nader Setoudeh -
Open Access Article
1730 - Investigation the effects of SiC reinforcement incorporation on mechanical properties of friction stir welded AZ31 magnesium alloy
AMIN ABDOLLAHZADEH Ali shokouhfar حمید امیدوار محمد علی صفرخانیان محمدرضا نادری -
Open Access Article
1731 - Comparison of Corrosion behavior of aluminium 6061 alloy joined by friction stir lap welding and gas tungsten arc lap welding methods
reza bazarganlari ehsan vafa -
Open Access Article
1732 - Similar and dissimilar 5754 and 6063 aluminum alloy joints by friction stir welding
امین ربیعی زاده احمد افسری فرهاد ارغوانی فرناز احمدی کیسمی -
Open Access Article
1733 - Evaluation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Lap Welded 6061 Aluminium Alloy at various welding speeds
فرهاد غروی ایمان ابراهیم زاده علی سهیلی -
Open Access Article
1734 - Investigation of effect of tool geometry on formation of common defects, and mechanical properties of 5456 Aluminum alloy, in Friction Stir Lap Welded process
MOHAMMADREZA NADERI محمد علی صفرخانیان امیر حسین کوکبی امین عبداله زاده -
Open Access Article
1735 - Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of AISI304L Stainless Steel to ASTMA514 Steel joint by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
موسی توکلی عباس سعادت محمدرضا خانزاده قره شیران -
Open Access Article
1736 - Modelling and prediction of the yield strength of 6061 aluminum alloy processed by accumulative roll bonding (ARB)
Mohammad Reza Rezaei Mohammad Reza Toroghinejad Fakhreddin Ashrafizadeh -
Open Access Article
1737 - Study the microstructure and hardness of FSW of API 70 steel at the presence of TiO2 particles
Rasoul Pouriamanesh KAMRAN Dehghani -
Open Access Article
1738 - Effect of Shoulder Surface Angle of Tool on Joint Properties in Friction Stir Welding of 5052 Aluminium Alloy
فرهاد غروی -
Open Access Article
1739 - Dissimilar welding of Incoloy 825 to AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel and evaluation of Microstructure and Mechanical properties
مهدی باباجانی مرتضی شمعانیان مسعود کثیری -
Open Access Article
1740 - Effect of Tool Rotation Speed on the Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded of 5083 Aluminium Alloy and Commercially Pure Titanium
Masoud Shabani بهروز شایق بروجنی رضا ابراهیمی کهریزسنگی -
Open Access Article
1741 - The effect of surface roughness and the current on the strength of stud welded pin
محمد خدائی جواد مختاری -
Open Access Article
1742 - ارزیابی خواص مکانیکی جوش های غیر مشابه فولاد زنگ نزن AISI 347 به فولاد کم آلیاژ ASTM A335
Open Access Article
1743 - Investigation of Microstructure, Hardness and Intermetallic Compound in Friction stir Welding of AA6065 Aluminum Alloy to Copper
مجید الیاسی Rahim Narimani Mortza Hosseinzadeh Hamed Aghajani Derazkola -
Open Access Article
1744 - Influence of the electrode distance and applied electrical potential on deposition of nano alumina in ethanol suspension
Mostafa Milani Syed Mohammad Zahraee Syed Mohammad Mirkazemi -
Open Access Article
1745 - Investigation of 6061 aluminum alloy pulsed laser welding based on the physical models for prediction of hot cracks
hossain ebrahimzadeh hassan farhangi seyed ali asghar akbari mousavi -
Open Access Article
1746 - Friction Stir Welding of Ultrafine-Grained Al 1050: Investigation of Pin Geometry, Welding Atmosphere Temperature and Welding Speeds on the Mechanical Properties
Morteza Hosseini Habib Danesh-Manesh -
Open Access Article
1747 - Experimental Study an improvement of Parameters Affecting Resistance Spot Welding Strength in Halogen lamps by Taguchi Statistical Method
Lotfali Mozafari Vanani Sadegh Rahmati -
Open Access Article
1748 - Investigation of the welding pass numbers on structure, hardness and wear resistance of sheet welded by ESAB 85.65
abbas saadat mohammad khalili parvar mohammad Reza khanzadeh ghareshiran -
Open Access Article
1749 - Aluminum alloy (АМГ6М) joining by two processes of friction-stir and non-consumable Tungsten electrode welding and comparison of their mechanical and microstructure properties
Aliasghar Torabi Tahmineh Ahmadi Afshin Shirali Mohammadreza Khanzadeh ghareshiran Majid Taghian -
Open Access Article
1750 - Microstructure and Ablation Resistance of ZrC Coating Prepared by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS) and Solid Shielding/ Shrouded Plasma Spraying (SSPS) Methods on SiC-Coated Graphite
Akbar Eshaghi Zia Valefi Naser Ehsani -
Open Access Article
1751 - Effect of Interlayer Type on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of the 6061 Aluminum Alloy Joint by Friction Stir Welding
seyed amin kafaei Hamed Sabet Mohsen Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
1752 - Effect of Rotational Speed on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AA5456 Alloy Welded by FSW-Lap Joint
mohamad ali safarkhanian -
Open Access Article
1753 - Evolution of the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Ferrite-Martensite DP700 Dual Phase Steel
Mahdi Mahmoudiniya Amir Hossein Kokabi Massoud goodarzi -
Open Access Article
1754 - Correlation of Microstructure with Mechanical Behavior of HSLA-100 Weld Metal Produced By GTAW Method
Mahyar Darivandpour Reza Dehmolaei Khalil Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1755 - Investigating the Effect of Tungsten Element on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fe-C-Ni Hard Coating
Adel Mosadeghian hamid nazemy Mohammadreza Khanzadeh Gharahshiran Mansor SadeghiNasb -
Open Access Article
1756 - Comparison of microstructure and high-temperature oxidation resistance of NiCrAlY coatings formed by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) and solid shielding shrouded plasma spraying (SSPS)
Reza Saharkhiz Zia Valefi Masoud Mirjani Saied Taghi-Ramezani -
Open Access Article
1757 - Finite element simulation of the effect of the second pulse current on temperature distribution and nugget size in resistance spot welding of TRIP1100 steel
Hamid Ashrafi Iman Hajiannia -
Open Access Article
1758 - Comparison of the effect of thermal cycles on phase transformation and structure in the heat-affected zone of pipeline steel welding
Gholamreza Khalaj -
Open Access Article
1759 - Study of the effect of magnetic field on the surface roughness of the workpiece in electric discharge machining of Al2O3-reinforced A413 composite
Ahmadreza Mizbani Sayed Ehsan Mirmohammadsadeghi Ali Mokhtarian -
Open Access Article
1760 - Investigation of the effect of thermal treatment after welding on the corrosion properties of the interconnecting joint wall of Cu / SS 304 sheets
Ali Ebrahimi Akbarabadi Abbas Saadat Mohammadreza Khanzadeh hamid bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
1761 - Effect of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) on Corrosion Behavior of Pure Copper in 3.5 % wt NaCl Solution
amirhossein taheri Arash Fattah-alhosseini -
Open Access Article
1762 - The effect of electromagnetic field with 50HZ frequency on the count blood cell of NMRI mice
نفیسه پذیره پریچهر یغمایی کاظم پریور وحیده سادات عباس نیا بهمن دلالت داود دورانیان -
Open Access Article
1763 - The effect of electromagnetic field with 50HZ frequency on the lactatdehydrogenase and glucose concentration of NMRI mice
نفیسه پذیره پریچهر یغمایی کاظم پریور داود دورانیان -
Open Access Article
1764 - A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Garlic, Elderberry, and Black Seed Extract on the Leukocyte in Mice
مهرداد مدرسی -
Open Access Article
1765 - Bird’s Species Richness and Biological Characteristic in Sarakhs Region in north-eastern Iran
علی خانی محمد کابلی مسعود یوسفی صیاد شیخی ییلانلو الهام نورانی محمود کرمی -
Open Access Article
1766 - The Effect of Magnetic Water on Growth Factors, Liver Enzymes and Liver Tissue in Female Dormitories
Moluk sadat Sirani Shahla Roozbehani Alireza Nazari -
Open Access Article
1767 - The Effect of Walking and Consuming Boswellia serrata on the Levels of BDNF and TNFα in Older Men
M. Eskandari B. Shemshadi A. Behjat B. Hooshmand Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1768 - شبیه سازی جریان گالیوم در یک قالب حلقوی در حضور میدان مغناطیسی به منظور بهبود فرآیند ریختهگری
مسعود افرند مسعود کثیری -
Open Access Article
1769 - بهینه سازی پارامترهای جوشکاری قوس تنگستن گاز پالسی در اتصال غیرمشابه مونل۴۰۰ و فولاد زنگ نزن آستنیتیL۳۱۶
علی خلیلی مسعود کثیری عسگرانی مرتضی شمعانیان -
Open Access Article
1770 - بررسی تجربی، عددی و تحلیلی استحکام سیستم اتصال فلز-کامپوزیت به روش "کامِلد"
محمد معین سیف خداداد واحدی عرفان قیاسی روح اله حسینی -
Open Access Article
1771 - ارائه یک طرح جدید جهت اتصال لولههای آلومینیومی در سازههای زیر سطحی
غلامرضا مزروعی علی حیدری -
Open Access Article
1772 - بررسی اثر سرعت خطی و دورانی ابزار بر روی جریان مواد و تولید حرارت در جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی پلی متیل متاکریلات (PMMA)
حامد آقاجانی درازکلا -
Open Access Article
1773 - بهینه سازی پارامترهای جوشکاری فولاد کمکربن EN 10130 به روش جوشکاری اصطکاکی-اغتشاشی
اکبر علیمحمدی مسعود کثیری مسعود افرند حسین نوروزی فروشانی -
Open Access Article
1774 - CFD simulation of hydrothermal of a nanofluid in a microchannel subjected to a magnetic field
Mohammad Reza Assari Arman Mohammadian Alireza Jafar Gholibeik -
Open Access Article
1775 - The effect of explosive welding variables on corrosion behavior of 304 stainless steel–copper joint in 3.5% NaCl solution concentration environment
MohammadReza Khanzadeh Reza Peykari Hamid Bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
1776 - Effect of friction stir welding parameters of aluminum alloy tubes on succeeding rotary draw bending
Alireza Soleymanipoor Hamid Montazerolghaem Mohsen Loh-mousavi -
Open Access Article
1777 - Optimization of drilling penetration rate through the optimal design of drilling leg and mechanical and hydraulic parameters of drilling using energy characteristic method (case study: South Pars gas field)
MohammadReza Nouri Mojtaba Rahimi Ali Mokhtarian -
Open Access Article
1778 - طرح ابتکاری مدل معادل برای شبیهسازی فرایند جوشکاری
علی حیدری محمدرضا فروزان جعفر گلستانه -
Open Access Article
1779 - بررسی تجربی اثر پارامترهای جوشکاری صفحه داغ بر چقرمگی شکست و استحکام کششی درز جوش قطعات ترموپلاستیکی
امیر هوشمندپور عبدالمحمد رضاوند مهدی نظری مرویان -
Open Access Article
1780 - تحلیل فرایند اکستروژن پیچشی در قالب با سطح مقطع بیضوی با استفاده از روش کران بالا
یاسر میرباقری حامد معصومی مجید سیدصالحی -
Open Access Article
1781 - خمش ورق گرافن قطاعی بروی پایه الاستیک وینکلر-پسترناک به کمک تئوری الاستیسیته غیرموضعی بروش کانتروویچ توسعه یافته
شهریار دستجردی مهرداد جبارزاده -
Open Access Article
1782 - آنالیز تنش مگنتوترموالاستیک و شدت میدان مغناطیسی القائی در یک مخزن جدار ضخیم کروی FGM
حسن خادمی زاده علی قربان پور آرانی محمد سالاری -
Open Access Article
1783 - اثر کسرهای حجمی بر تمرکز تنش سوراخ در مواد مرکب تک لایه با احتساب پلاستیسیته در ماتریس
پژمان تقی پور بیرگانی -
Open Access Article
1784 - The effect of eight weeks of Reactive Neuromuscular Training on balance, strength and quality of life of elderly women
Morteza Sadeghi Parniyan kazemi -
Open Access Article
1785 - Environmental Scanning of Sections Quad Iran's Sports Based on Strategic Foresight and Analysis of Consequences by Future Wheel Method
reza Farokhshahinia Moslem Shirvani Naghani ali hemati afif -
Open Access Article
1786 - Environmental risk management associated with the development one of oil fields in southwestern Iran using AHP and FMEA methods
Mahboobeh Cheraghi Abdolreza Karbassi Seyed Masoud Monavari Akbar Baghvand -
Open Access Article
1787 - Investigating the effect of Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) on Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria as an indicator of water contamination
Noushin i Osouleddin Amir Hesam Mahlooji Mohammad Abdollahzadeh -
Open Access Article
1788 - Evaluation of relationship between grain yield and yield components in bread wheat cultivars using multivariate statistical methods
Hossein Ali Fallahi atefeh kaviani charati -
Open Access Article
1789 - Improvement yield and grain protein of barley (Hordeum valgare L.) by iron, manganese and zinc foliar spray
Majid Rajaie Mojtaba Charkhandeh -
Open Access Article
1790 - The effect of seed Priming and planting date on yield and yield components of wheat Chamran variety in north of Khuzestan.
Shapour Lorzadeh Mehran Sharafizadeh -
Open Access Article
1791 - The effects of drought Stress and different sowing date on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three corn hybrids (Zea mays L.) in the region of north of Khuzestan
seyed mohammad hasheminejad omid alizadeh bahram amiri mohammad barzegari mansour esfanyari biat -
Open Access Article
1792 - Effect of Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nitrogen on Maize Yield,N Uptake and Soil Fertility
Adnan khan Syed Azam Shah Haroon Haroon Ibadullah Ibadullah Imran Azeem Kashif Khan Imran Khan Sajid ali -
Open Access Article
1793 - Effect of nitrogen fertilizer levels and plant density on seeds quantity and quality of wheat
Javad Hamzei mohsen Seyedi afshar Azadbakht Ayob Fesahat -
Open Access Article
1794 - Effect of planting date and cultivar on yield and the early flowering in autumn sowing of sugar beet varieties
ebrahim jahani moghadam soheil parsa sohrab mahmoudi masoud ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1795 - Evaluation of Different Genotypes of Sugar Beet to Rhizomania Diseases in Miandoab Conditions
peyman mokhles tutaj mir mahmodi keywan fotohi -
Open Access Article
1796 - The effect of planting date on yield and yield components of wheat cultivars base GGE Biplot in Gonbad
zeinab taghizadeh Hossein Sabouri Hossein Ali Fallahi Ahmad Reza Dadras AbdolRahim Taghizadeh, -
Open Access Article
1797 - Investigation of intercropping corn and cucumbers and its effects on weed control
Salahedin Moradi sayed esmail vahdani Leyla Jahanban -
Open Access Article
1798 - Evaluation of 38 varieties of bread wheat in heat stress tolerance is calculated based on the season of the untamed STI farm
seyed saeed sayahi Fatemeh Komaei -
Open Access Article
1799 - Evaluation of growing properties, yield and component yield of three chickpea cultivar in waitng and spring sowing
mohsen Seyedi afshar Azadbakht Ayob Fesahat -
Open Access Article
1800 - Study of yield, vegetative traits and seed germination of pinto bean produced from biopriming with Trichoderma
zahra rezaloo ghasem tohidloo samira shahbazi -
Open Access Article
1801 - Effect of chemical and biological nitrogenous and phosphorus fertilizers under sugarcane compost consumption condition on quantitative and qualitative aspects of maize yield (Zea mays L.)
Seyed Keyvan Marashi Akbar Taleb zadeh -
Open Access Article
1802 - Evaluation of zeolite levels on yield, yield components and some morpho-physiological characteristics of three wheat cultivars in Khorramabad region
amin bagheri manochehr sayyahfar -
Open Access Article
1803 - Comparison agronomical characteristics, yield and grain quality of rice mutant's tolerance to salinity
Allahyar Fallah Liela Bagheri Alireza Nabipour Ebrahim MOGHISEH -
Open Access Article
1804 - Assessment of relationship between grain yield and some related traits in oilseed sunflower genotypes
Ali Saremi-Rad Seyede Maryam Seyed Hassan Pour Khodadad Mostafavi Hosein Sadeghi Give -
Open Access Article
1805 - Investigation The Effect of Humic Acid and Different Method of Seed Biopriming on Morphophysiological Traits of Rainfed Wheat under Supplemental Irrigation Condition
Ali-Nazar Rostami Afshin Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
1806 - Response of some new irrigated wheat line and cultivars to cut of terminal irrigation
Behrooz Ekhtiary Esmaeil Nabizadeh -
Open Access Article
1807 - Evaluation of yield and its related traits in Wheat cultivars treated with fluorescent Pseudomonads under salt stress
Dariush safari fatemeh jmali hamid reza nooryazdan farashteh bayat -
Open Access Article
1808 - Effect of water salinity on growth, quantitative and biochemical characteristics of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Ahvaz region
Seyed Keyvan Marashi Elham Lotfinagsh -
Open Access Article
1809 - Identification and differentiation of rice fields using semi-automatic in north Iran
Ali Akbar Noroozi Mojtaba Saneie Zahra Rezghi -
Open Access Article
1810 - Effect of Paclobutrazol Spraying and Planting Date on Bolting and Yield of Autumn Sown Sugar Beet
Majid Hosseinzadeh Darush Taleghani Saeid SADEGHZADEH HEMAYATI MOHAMMAD REZA ARDAKANI Davood Habibi -
Open Access Article
azam Shah -
Open Access Article
1812 - Yield Stability of chickpea promising Genotypes in autumn planting of Using GGE biplot
payam pezeshkpour Rahmatolah Karimizadeh Amir Mirzaei Mohhamad Barzali -
Open Access Article
1813 - Investigation of grain yield and some agronomic traits in barley under normal and rain-fed condition
Khodadad Mostafavi Ezzat Karami Samane Azizi -
Open Access Article
1814 - Effects of Nitrogen and Tillage practices on oil yield and yield components of different Rape seed(Brassica napus) cultivars
pooria mazloom -
Open Access Article
1815 - Evaluation of yield and yield components of some of faba feen (Vicia faba L.) genotypes at different sowing dates in Guilan province
Peyman Sharifi -
Open Access Article
1816 - Study of effective factors on reducing wheat grain yield in Mahdasht region of Karaj
Seyyed Ali Mosavi Fayaz Aghayari MEHDI REZAEE -
Open Access Article
1817 - The Role of Social Disorganization and Economic Capital - Cultural Capital in the Emergence of Vandalistic Behaviors among the Youth of khorramabad City
hedayat khosravi Habib Sabouri Khosroshahi Majid Kaffashi -
Open Access Article
1818 - A field identification key to the scale insects of Iran
Masoumeh Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
1819 - A survey on the effects of different dietary levels of Acidi fire Biotronic S.A. fort® on growth performance, survival rate and body composition of Barbus Schwanen feldi
Hassan Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1820 - The effect of using different levels of acidifier (Biotronic S. E. Forte) on growth performance, survival rate and body composition of Barb (Tinfoil barb)
Hassan Mohammadi Hamed Manouchehri -
Open Access Article
1821 - Heat transfer simulation of a four layer of porous radiant air heater under the enthalpy change between gas enthalpy and radiant energy
Mohammad Mehdi Keshtkar -
Open Access Article
1822 - Performance evaluation of some alfalfa cultivars on different harvest dates
Fayzollah Khalaj Mohammad Nasri -
Open Access Article
1823 - Investigating the seed and oil quantitive reactions of sunflower cultivars in different dates at Sistan region
Mostafa Khammar Abas Keshtehgar Ali Dana -
Open Access Article
1824 - The effect of zinc application on some agronomic and physiologic traits of rapeseed promising lines in different irrigation regimes
ashkan ashkiani Saeed Sayfzadeh Amirhosein Shiranirad Seyed Alireza Valadabadi Esmaeil Hadidi-Masouleh -
Open Access Article
1825 - Comparison of yield and some Morphological and biochemical characteristics of wheat cultivars under cut irrigation in Varamin region
Reza Afsharianzadeh -
Open Access Article
1826 - Analysis Main Effective Traits on Grain Yield of Spring Canola Genotypes by Path 74 Software under Khuzestan Climate Condition
Mohammad Khayat -
Open Access Article
1827 - The effect of various amounts of humic chelate magnesium and gibberellic acid on yield and yield components of cowpea
Sami Saadi Tayeb Saki Nejad -
Open Access Article
1828 - Investigating the seed and oil quantitive reactions of sunflower cultivars in different dates at Sistan region
Mostafa Khammar hamidreza Mobasser -
Open Access Article
1829 - Effect of plant density and arrangement on corn (Zea mays L.) and cowpea (Vignaunguiculata L.) row_intercropping.
Ahmadreza Esfahani Hosain Amir Shekari Behnam Zand Mohammadhosain Fotovkiyan -
Open Access Article
1830 - The effect of irrigation regimes and pattern of nitrogen topdressing on yield and yield components of sunflower.
Zohreh Haghighi -
Open Access Article
1831 - Evaluation of trend changes in grain yield and characteristics physiology in 15 varietie facultative and winter bread wheat.
saeed Sadr Jahani mohsen EsmaeilzadehMoghaddam nabiolah Nemati mehrdad Bloorian alireza Norzad maryam KhosraviFarahani -
Open Access Article
1832 - Comparing the yield and some morphological characteristics of forage corn promising genotypes in Tehran province
Homira Abbasi Moshrefi Behnam Zand Seyyed Mohammad Javad Mirhadi Farhad Azizi -
Open Access Article
1833 - Evaluation of effects of planting pattern on seed yield and yield components of different soybean cultivars
Abas Zarkoobtehrani Mohammad Nasri Hamidreza Mobaser Omid Ghasemi Esmaeil Yasaari -
Open Access Article
1834 - Effect of drought stress and selenium foliar application on morphological traits, yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamustinctorius .L)
Behnam Khademi Hossein Ali Shaibani Arash Borzou -
Open Access Article
1835 - Effect of super absorbent polymer on the morpho-physiological and biochemical characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under water deficit stress
Mohammad Reza Kazemi Farshad Ghooshchi Pourang Kasraei -
Open Access Article
1836 - Effect of planting date on vejetatives growth and yield of three rice cultivares in north regions of Khuzestan
kaveh limouchi Ataollah Siadat Abdolali Gilani -
Open Access Article
1837 - Effects of humic acid and irrigation on some yield components of maize KSC 704 in ZabolRrgion
masoud Najafi hamidreza Mobasser hamidreza Ganjali -
Open Access Article
1838 - The effect of nitrogen on yield and yield components of soybean in the city of Mahmoud Abad
Mehran Mahmoodi Vatan Zakipor -
Open Access Article
1839 - The effects of foliar application of Glycine Betaine on yield and physiological variables of rapeseed (Brassica Nupus L.) under different irrigation regimes
Mohsen Bourboor meysam oveysi Mohammad Nasri -
Open Access Article
1840 - Effect of seaweed extract and vermicompost on yield and yield components and phosphor and chlorophyll of Mung bean in Varamin region
Ramila Basimfar Mohammad Nasri Kaveh Zargari -
Open Access Article
1841 - EffectofHexaconazoleapplication foliar anddifferent irrigation regimesonquantitative , qualitative and biochemicalcharacteristics in grain corn (Zea Mays L.) K.S.C 704.
atefeh Dehghani mohammad Nasri maysam Oveisi -
Open Access Article
1842 - Effects of foliar treatments (bacteria Thiobacillus, glycine betaine, Thiofol and salicylic acid) on yield and physiological traits of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) under cut irrigation
Davood Soleymani Mohammad Nasri meysam oveysi -
Open Access Article
1843 - Evaluation of energy consumption and econometric analysis in greenhouse cucumber production (Case study: Jiroft province)
Fakher Kardoni Neda Saeedi Graghany Amin Fathi -
Open Access Article
1844 - Investigation of Daljin Growth Regulator (Ascophyllumnodosum Extract) under Salt Stress Conditions on Agronomic and Physiological Traits of Barley (Hurdeumvulgare L.)
atena Seyeed Razavi meysam Ovissi pourangh Kasraei -
Open Access Article
1845 - The effect of putrescine foliar application on morphologic characteristics of wheat Tiriticum aestivum var sw-82-9 under water deficit stress
zahra Karimi Hamidreza Tohidi Moghadam Pourangh Kasraie -
Open Access Article
1846 - Review effect of system and different amounts of irrigation water on Yield and Yield Components of Potato Plant
hossain ardalani hossain Babazadeh -
Open Access Article
1847 - A200 super absorbent polymer effect on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of oil sunflower under water deficit conditions in field
Mehri Hashemi Hamid Reza Tohidi Moghadam Farshad Qushchy -
Open Access Article
1848 - Effect of Seaweed extract (Basfoliar Kelp sl) and Sulphate (K-leaf) on yield and some yield components of winter rapeseed (Brassica Napus L.) var. Natalie
Alireza Azarmehr Mehdi Baghi Medi Ziaeinasab -
Open Access Article
1849 - The study of Symbiotic of mycorhiza and phosphor fertilizer on yield and yield components of corn in Robat karim region.
Alireza Heidari Mohammad Nasri Farshad Ghooshchi -
Open Access Article
1850 - The effect of sodium silicate on yield and yield components of pea (Cicer arietinum L.) under salinity stress
Mahdi Jalali Amin Fathi Massoumeh Namrvari Somayeh . Karami Chameh Sadegh Bahamin -
Open Access Article
1851 - Evaluating Effect of Biofertilizer on the Performance of Mung Beans
Sara Pakzad Asl Payman Azizi Pourang Kasraei -
Open Access Article
1852 - The effect of irrigation regimes and pattern of nitrogen topdressing on yield and yield components of sunflower
Zohreh Haghighi -
Open Access Article
1853 - Effects of Zinc and nitrogen fertilizer on some qualitative and quantitative indices of wheat under late season low-irrigation condition
javad hasanpour mansoureh Khalatbari laleh Dehghan -
Open Access Article
1854 - Effect of nitrogen levels, cultivator and simultaneous cropping on yield and yield components of corn
Farzad Ameri Mohammad Mirzakhani Rogie AminianDehkordi -
Open Access Article
1855 - Effects of foliar application of methanol on agronomic and morphophysiological traits of sunflower (Helianthus annuusL.) under drought stress
Neda Haghinezhad meysam oveysi Mohammad Nasri -
Open Access Article
1856 - Effects of salinity and ascorbic acid on growth properties of German chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L)
Amin Fathi Saeedeh Foladvand Farzaneh Asgari Morvarid Imani Jaber Mehdiniya Afra2 -
Open Access Article
1857 - Effect of inoculation of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars KSC704 with Mycorrhizal fungi and Pseudomonas bacteria on yield and biochemical traits in condition of cut irrigation
mohammad nasri meysam oveysi -
Open Access Article
1858 - Study of Consumer compost of municipal waste with the nitrogen on yield and yield component wheat
Mohammad Ali Ghasemi Mohsen Selsepour Mohammad Nasri -
Open Access Article
1859 - Effect of different levels of iron and zinc concentrations of micronutrients on yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays L.) single cross 260
Hamid Goudarzi Pourang Kasraie Behnam Zand -
Open Access Article
1860 - Effect of foliar application of ascorbic acid (vitamin c) and irrigation withholding in different growth stages on quantitative and qualitative characteristics and some biochemical's changes in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Malahat Davoodi Mackinejad Hamid Reza Tohidi Moghadam Nabi-Alah Nemati -
Open Access Article
1861 - Effect of molybdenum (Mo) spraying on morphophysiological characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under drought stress condition
Amir Hossain Ghaffarian Reza Zarghami Behnam Zand -
Open Access Article
1862 - Study of Sowing date, Super phosphate triple and Zinc sulfate on Quantitative Yield of Annual Medics (Medicagoscutellata cv. Robinson) in Summer Cropping
mahmood Noosrati Momondi1 Khosro Azizi -
Open Access Article
1863 - Effect of defoliation and on morphophysiological characteristics under drought stress condition in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)
Mohsen Porahmadi Rahim Honarnejad meysam oveysi -
Open Access Article
1864 - Effect of source-sink limitation on agronomic traits and grain yield of different lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Morteza Moballeghi Nuralah Kheyri Saleh Hatami Ali Mohaddesi -
Open Access Article
1865 - Effect of several complexes of the sand and field soil on the size and weight corm and flowering of saffron (Crocus sativus L) in varamin.
Sara Mohammadi Kelajan Ali Akbar Kangarlou -
Open Access Article
1866 - The effect of super absorbent polymer application on some physiological and biochemical characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum. l.) under cut irrigation The effect of super absorbent polymer application on some physiological and biochemical characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum. l.) under cut irrigation The effect of super absorbent polymer application on some physiological and biochemical characteristics of wheat (Triticum
Ashkan Askiyani Farshad Ghooshchi Hmid Reza Tohidi Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1867 - Effects of Manure Fertilazer and super absorbent on morphological٫ quantitative and qualitativeCharacteristics of Soybean Under Water Deficit Stress Conditions.
Amir Hossain Mazaheri Hamid Reza Tohidi Moghadam Masoud Mashhadi Akbar Bojar -
Open Access Article
1868 - Evaluation of biological fertilizers Azotobacter and Azospirillum along with manure application on agronomic traits of maize (Zea mays L.) KSC647.
meysam oveysi Mohammad Nasri -
Open Access Article
1869 - Investigation of the effect of zeolite and superabsorbent on some quantitative and biochemical properties of rapeseed under irrigation cut-off conditions in Shiraz region.
atefeh Qaracheh shahla Ravangard -
Open Access Article
1870 - Study of sodium nitroprusside spraying on the agronomic and physiological traits of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in arsenic contaminated soils.
meysam oveysi mansour faragi pourang kasraei -
Open Access Article
1871 - Analyzing the effects of defoliation on physiological and biochemical characteristics of sunflower under cut irrigation.
Farshad Ghooshchi -
Open Access Article
1872 - The effect of different concentrations and different foliar application times of brown algae extract (Sargassumboveanum) on the morphological characteristics and the concentration of micronutrients in peppermint(Menthapiperita L.)
hanieh HedayatiFard farnaz Rafiei mohammadreza Ardakani -
Open Access Article
1873 - Response of wheat yield components to water stress and zeolite application in Farahan region
Mohammad Mirzakhani -
Open Access Article
1874 - Effect of B spraying on yield and physiological traits of wheat underwaterdeficit stress (Triticum aestivum L.)
Mohammad Reza Moeinian Kaveh Zarghari Javad Hasanpoor -
Open Access Article
1875 - Effect of cultivator application, simultaneous cropping and nitrogen levels on forage yield of corn (Zea Mays L.) in Esfahan region
Farzad Ameri Mohammad Mirzakhani -
Open Access Article
1876 - Effect of weed interference and different amounts of nitrogen on yield and yield components of grain sorghum In Ahvaz condition
Narges Kosari Mani Mojaddam -
Open Access Article
1877 - Effect of Plastic mulch and bed system on maize (zea mays) yield and weeds suppression
Mohsen Garshasebi Hamid Reza Rajab Larijani Mohammad Nasri -
Open Access Article
1878 - The effect of methanol on quality characteristics of Canola (Hayola 402) under water deficit stress in Varamin region
Alireza Mirchi -
Open Access Article
1879 - Influence of plant density and zinc foliar application on yield and its components in corn (hybrid K.S.C704)
Vagar Mirza Shahram Lak Mehran Mombeni -
Open Access Article
1880 - Effect of organic manure and bio-fertilizer on growth traits and quantities yield in milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaerth)
Laleh Volaii Gorban Nour Mohammadi Tahereh Hasanlou Mohammad Reza Haj Seyed Hadi -
Open Access Article
1881 - Develop a model of barriers to participation of the elderly in sports
اصغر محمدی آزاده سید عالی نژاد سیروس احمدی -
Open Access Article
1882 - The Study of Sport Vandalism Actions (Violence): during 2012-2022
Tahereh jahanp taha ashayeri -
Open Access Article
1883 - The Effect of Aerobic and Combined Training (Resistance-Aerobic) on Growth Factor Beta and Creatine Kinase Due to Muscle Injury in Elderly Men
maryam dashti amir delshad fateme talashan -
Open Access Article
1884 - Investigating the yield stability of barley promising lines in temperate regions of Khorasan Razavi province
majid taherian hamid tajala hamidreza nikkhah -
Open Access Article
1885 - The effect of using sulfur fertilizer in seedling box and plant density in field on growth and yield of rice Tarom mahali cultivar
S.M Hashemi kamanghar Alahyar Falah Morteza Nasiri -
Open Access Article
1886 - Effect of seaweed extract application on reducing chromium toxicity in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)
keyvan esmaeeli omid deghpor reza monem -
Open Access Article
1887 - Evaluation of agronomic characteristics of Potato under water deficit stress conditions using line-source sprinkler irrigation method and potassium fertilizer amounts
علیرضا Sobhani S.A Rzavi حسن Hamidi حمید Tajali -
Open Access Article
1888 - Evaluation of end season drought stress tolerance indices to identify tolerant genotypes of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
Fateme SHeikh Faramarz Seyedi -
Open Access Article
1889 - Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPRs) on yield and yield components of Black cumin under drought stress conditions in Shahr-e-Rey region
mohamad amin akbari alireza pazoki -
Open Access Article
1890 - Comparison of the efficiency of different herbicides in rice fields with a focus on the use of pre-emergence herbicides
زهرا Safari حسین Ajamnourozi معصومه Younesabadi -
Open Access Article
1891 - The role of growth promoters in improvement of yield and physiological properties of Red bean under different irrigation levels
M.K. Aliloo محسن Roshdi S. Rezadoost J. Khalili Mahaleh -
Open Access Article
1892 - Effect of nitrogen amount and splitting on agronomic and physiological traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. Tarom Hashemi
S.M Jafari داوود Barai یوسف Niknejad هرمز Fallah ابراهیم Amiri -
Open Access Article
1893 - Effect of different tillage methods and herbicides application on qualitative and quantitative traits of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Khorramabad region
S.R Ghasemi علی Khourgami -
Open Access Article
1894 - The effect of foliar application of cycocel and iron and zinc micronutrient elements on yield and physiological traits of wheat under different irrigation regimes.
سعید Sayfzadeh ناصر Shahsavari سعید Akbarimehr -
Open Access Article
1895 - The effect of foliar application of paclobutrazol at different levels of nitrogen on yield and quality of super wheat seeds
Sh Salemi M.N Ilkaei فرزاد Paknejad فیاض Aghayari مهدی Sadeghi Shoa -
Open Access Article
1896 - Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cultivars and promising lines of barley in the two cold regions of Khorasan Razavi province
S.A. Razavi H. Hamidi H. Tajalli -
Open Access Article
1897 - The effect of irrigation intervals and different nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of Basil medicinal plant (Ocimum basilicum L.)
H. Nazemi Esfand Abad A.A. Tajalli S.M. Hosseini Mazinani -
Open Access Article
1898 - Effect of foliar application of salicylic acid and naphthalene acetic acid on morphophysiological traits and product parameters of mung bean (Vigna radiate L.)
Amir Faridnia Tayeb Sakinejad -
Open Access Article
1899 - Investigating the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus biofertilizers on morphological and physiological traits of red beans in Borujerd region
مریم Zivardar امین Farnia علی khorgami -
Open Access Article
1900 - Evaluation of value of cultivation and Use (VCU) of two upland Cotton of new foreign cultivars in three regions Birjand, Darab and Mughan
آیدین Hamidi محمود Rahmani حسین Sadeghi سامان Sheydaei عنایت Rezvani Khorshidi مریم Najafian عاطفه Khandan احمد Mehrabi اکرم Noorani محسن Arazmjoo صادق Hashemi سیاوش Karimi Mazidi مهرداد Esmaeli M.H Hekmat M.A Ansari Sh Sarfarazi محمد Noori شاپور Alizade جبرائیل Taghi Nejad Gigloo اکرم Mohajer Abbasi Zarrin Monfared مسعود Hakimi رابعه Rezaiyan -
Open Access Article
1901 - Investigation the effectiveness of herbicides in Orobanche weed (Orobanch aegyptiaca) control and yield increase of Virginia variety tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in Talesh
پیام Mahjoor A.R Pazoki مهدی Alizadegan -
Open Access Article
1902 - Control of narrow-leaved weeds in direct rice cultivation fields in dry bed with combined use of herbicides
حسن Parsania حسین ajam Nourozi معصومه Younes Abadi -
Open Access Article
1903 - Investigating the effect of planting density and variety on greenhouse production of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L .)
بردیا Bayat محمدحسین Ansari مرجان Diyanat علی Mohammadi . torkashvand -
Open Access Article
1904 - The effect of seed amount consumption on yield and yield components of dryland Wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) in Qazvin region
سعید Sayfzade S.A Valadabadi مجید Esmaeli -
Open Access Article
1905 - Field Evaluation of a Live Avian Metapneumovirus Vaccine in Broiler Farm
payam Haghighi Khoshkhoo Hossein Hosseini gita Akbairazad amir Bakhshi -
Open Access Article
1906 - Effect of treatment with CIDR on conception rate of post inseminated repeat breeder high yielding dairy cows
. M KhodayariKamsorkh .O AtaeeAmarlooei .M. Farhoodi Moghadam .B Salasel -
Open Access Article
1907 - Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Visceral Pain
R. Hajikhani M.R Rahimnejad A. Zarghami -
Open Access Article
1908 - A study on the influence of electromagnetic felds on acute pain relief
R. Hajikhani M.R. Rahimnejad -
Open Access Article
1909 - Effect of foliar application of Fe, Zn micronutrients and Ca under supplementary irrigation on rainfed lentil yield
Majid Chegini Hamid Reza Zakerin Seyed Alireza Valadabadi -
Open Access Article
1910 - Effect of combined application of chemical and biological phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers on yield and yield components of wheat
mahsa karimi seyed keyvan marashi -
Open Access Article
1911 - effect of irrigation interval and selenium application on agronomical traits of grain maize
Mohammad Shirmohammadi Saeed sayfzadeh Seyed Alireza Valadabadi -
Open Access Article
1912 - Effect of Zn, B and Mn on yield of safflower under different humidity conditions
Abbas yazdifar Saeid Sayfzadeh Hamid Reza Zakerin -
Open Access Article
1913 - Evaluation of Aquacrop Model for predicting wheat yield indifferent fertilizer managments
Mohammad Reza Emdad Arash Tafteh -
Open Access Article
1914 - Investigation of Chemical Control Method and Reduced Intake of Rim Sulfuron and Sulfosulfuron Herbicides in Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Ehsan olah jalili Farnaz Ganj abadi -
Open Access Article
1915 - Effect of humic acid foliar application on quality and quantitive yield and agronomic charactristics of wheat plant (Triticum aestivum L.) in beiranshahr region (Lorestan)
Hamid Beiranvand Ali khourgamy -
Open Access Article
1916 - Study of water deficit on growth and yield of rice under different seeding methods
Mohsen Yousefi Jahanfar Daneshian Mahmoud Bonyadi -
Open Access Article
1917 - Effect of two Mycorrhiza Fungi Species on Yield, Yield Components and Some of Physiological Traits of Three Irrigated Wheat Cultivars in Khorram Abad Climate Conditions
Negar Yaqubi Manouchehr Sayyah far -
Open Access Article
1918 - Effect of Foliar Application of Agrotin Fertilizer on Some of Vegetative and Reproductive Traits of Rice Varieties in Khorram Abad
Bakhtiar Veyskarami Qodratolla ShaKarami -
Open Access Article
1919 - Study the Efficiency of Supplemental Irrigation and Various Nitrogen Levels for Increasing Yield of Different Wheat Varieties
Mitra Khosravi Tahmasb HosseinPour -
Open Access Article
1920 - Study the effect of manure, biofertilizer and foliar application of iron sulphate - and zinc sulphate on yield and yield components of wheat at Khorram Abad Town
Iman Mokhtari Zadeh Kazem Taleshi -
Open Access Article
1921 - Compare the Yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays L.) in different planting patterns
Najmeh Songol Zadeh alireza shokuhfar -
Open Access Article
1922 - Yield and Yield Components Response of Sardari, Azad and Qaboos Wheat Cultivars to Foliar Application of Full Fertilizer in Khorram Abad Climate Conditions
Nasrin Shaban Vahid Mohammad Khani Amir Hossein Papaei -
Open Access Article
1923 - Effect of Foliar Applications of Various Levels of Salicylic Acid on Yield and Yield Components of Two Barley Cultivars under Dry Land Farming Conditions
Negar Farhadi Manouchehr Sayyahfar Ghodratollah Shakarami -
Open Access Article
1924 - Effect of Foliar Application of Humax Fertilizer on Height, Yield and Some of Physiological Traits of Three Dry Land Farming Barley Varieties at Khorram Abad Region
Saeedeh Mansouri Ghodratollah Shakarami -
Open Access Article
1925 - Evaluation of stability of morphological and functional traits of maize hybrids under the influence of different irrigation methods in three continuous years
Hossein Mohammadi Pakdehi Hassan Habibi Heshmat Omidi -
Open Access Article
1926 - Effect of foliar application of iron and zinc on quantitative and qualitative yield of two rapeseed cultivars
Ali Akbar Moradi Saeid Sayfzadeh Mohsen Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1927 - Evaluation of response of lines and promising cultivars of safflower to different temperature conditions in rainfed conditions in cold regions of Kurdistan
Abdollah Shariati Hamid Reza Zakerin -
Open Access Article
1928 - Effect of drought stress and humic acid on yield and yield component traits of Coriandrum sativum L. plant in the Khoram abad condition
Seyed Hamid Tahery Mosavi Kazem Taleshi -
Open Access Article
1929 - Response of agronomic indices, quality and quantity yield of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) to the integrated application of bio-chemical phosphorus fertilizers
Javad Hamzei Afshar Azadbakht Seyed Mohsen Seyedi Farshid Sadeghi Saeid Najari -
Open Access Article
1930 - Comparative Study of Application of Manure, Biofertilizer and Foliar Application of Iron- and Zinc-sulphate on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat at Khorram Abad Town
Iman Mokhtarizadeh Kazem Taleshi -
Open Access Article
1931 - Effect of Zn, B and Mn on yield of safflower under different humidity conditions
Abbas Yazdfar Saeid Sayfzadeh Hamid Reza Zakerin -
Open Access Article
1932 - Effect of foliar application of Fe and Zn on yield of rapeseed under different irrigation regimes in Boin-Zahra region
Roghayeh Mazarloo Seyed Alireza Valadabadi Hamidreza Zakerin -
Open Access Article
1933 - Study of water deficit on growth and yield of rice under different seeding methods
Mahmoud Bonyadi Jahanfar Daneshian Mohsen Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1934 - Effect of Foliar Applications of Various Levels of Salicylic Acid on Yield and Yield Components of Two Barley Cultivars under Dry Land Farming Conditions
Negar Farhadi Manuchehr Sayahfar Ghodratollah Shakarami -
Open Access Article
1935 - Study of yield and yield component of wheat cultivars in Alborz
Mohsen Yousefi Rahim Amoujani Faramarz Hariri Moghadam Ali Saeidi -
Open Access Article
1936 - Study the Efficiency of Supplemental Irrigation and Various Nitrogen Levels for Increasing Yield of Different Wheat Varieties
Mitra Khosravi Tahmasb Hossein Pour -
Open Access Article
1937 - Effect of split, application method and rate of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and growth of Guilan local bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Peyman sharifi Zohreh Rad Mehran Gholami -
Open Access Article
1938 - Investigating the application of essential, extract (Artemisia sieberi) allelopathic and nano on improving the competitive ability of wheat with weeds
Ehsanollah Jalili Farnaz Ganjabadi Mirsaeid Valiahdi -
Open Access Article
1939 - Effect of combined application of chemical and biological phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers on yield and yield components of wheat
Mahsa Karimi Seyed Keyvan Marashi -
Open Access Article
1940 - Investigating the effect of planting date on growth and yield of two mung bean cultivars in the second crop in Qazvin region
Alireza Azimi Hamidreza Zakerin Esmaeil Hadidid Masouleh -
Open Access Article
1941 - Effect of Foliar Application of Humax Fertilizer on Height, Yield and Some of Physiological Traits of Three Dry Land Farming Barley Varieties at Khorram Abad Region
Saeideh Mansouri Ghodratolla Shakarami -
Open Access Article
1942 - Study of water deficit effect under selenium application on agronomical traits of maize
Mohammad Shirmohammadi Saeid Sayfzadeh Seyad Alireza Valadabadi -
Open Access Article
1943 - Evaluation of Some Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes Yield and Yield Components and Competitive Index with Weeds
Maryam Motagi Shahpar Mehrshad Barari Eskandar Zand Seyed Mohsen Seyedi Afshar Azadbakht -
Open Access Article
1944 - Effect of different levels of manure and superabsorbent on the growth indices and yield of vigna radiata plant under drought stress conditions
Hamed Jafari Mehdi Baghi payam Pezashkpour -
Open Access Article
1945 - Effect of foliar application of Fe, Zn micronutrients and Ca under supplementary irrigation on rainfed lentil yield
Majid Chegini Hamid Reza Zakerin Eamaeil Hadidi Masuleh -
Open Access Article
1946 - Application of different nitrogen (organic, chemical and integrated) nutritional systems and biofertilizer on yield components and yield of sunflower seed
Mansour Jalilvand Jahanfar Daneshian Hadi Asadi Rahmani Mohsen Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1947 - Compare the Yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays L.) in different planting patterns
Najmeh Sangolzadeh Alireza Shokouhfar -
Open Access Article
1948 - Effects of nitroxin and supernitroplast biofertilizers on morphological traits and grain yield of Maxima and 704 hybrid maize
Esmaeil Hadidi Masouleh Saeid Sayfzadeh Taleb Asadi -
Open Access Article
1949 - Establishment of a missile defense shield in the Persian Gulf region and its impact on the security of the region 2001-2017
Hassan Khodaverdi Aliasghar Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
1950 - Arctic geopolitical position and future game scene preparation (Emphasizing the role of Russia)
soleiman asadi -
Open Access Article
1951 - Investigating the competence components of policymakers in the field of security
Farzad Hosseini hamidreaz bahrami Mehraban Hadi Pykani علی رشیدپور -
Open Access Article
1952 - Investigating performance illuminance-based metrics in evaluating the lighting condition within Architectural design studios according on users’ activity type
Zahra Sharifian Narges Dehghan Mahdi Hamzenejad Zahra S. Zomorodian -
Open Access Article
1953 - The effect of nitrogen amounts and lack of irrigation in some stages of growth on some morphological traits and yield of corn (Zea mays L.) Sc770
abdol karim Banisaeidi Fatemeh Nesirian Adel Modhej -
Open Access Article
1954 - Evaluation of potato water productivity under deficit irrigation conditions using modeling approach
mahsa mostafavi Yousef Hasheminejhad محمد آرمین Hamid Marvi koorosh shojaei -
Open Access Article
peyman shadman heidari Mohammad Ghanooni Bagha Zeinolabedi Mortezaali -
Open Access Article
1956 - Reflecting the Changes of Iranian-Islamic Culture in the Data of Social History; A Case Study of Hadiths of Musnad al-Riḍā (as)
Azam Javadi Alireza Ashtari Tafreshi -
Open Access Article
1957 - Stability analysis of grain yield of Kabouli chickpea genotypes at spring sowing in cold area and rainfed conditions
يداله فرايدي -
Open Access Article
1958 - Effect of plant density and planting pattern on grain yield of maize 666
ناصر شهسواري -
Open Access Article
1959 - The effect of cultivars, density and weed control on yield and yield components of rainfed chickpea
ارسلان فلاحي فرهاد صادقی -
Open Access Article
1960 - Evaluation of sink and source relationships on grain yield and its components of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. )
زينب محمدزاده اصل عليرضا عيوضي -
Open Access Article
1961 - The effect of mycorrhizal fungi, water stress and year on flower yield and some characteristics of medicinal plant of Borage (Borago officinalis L.) in Yasouj region
Ali Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1962 - Identify and Prioritize the Cultural Elements of Sustainable Curriculum for Management with Environmental Approach at Islamic Azad University of Tehran Province
Elham Noorin soghra afkaneh کامران محمدخانی -
Open Access Article
1963 - The role of microbial fertilizers on the quantitative traits of sweet corn at different densities
Sahar Doaei -
Open Access Article
1964 - Effect of plant density and potassium consumption on the quantitative and qualitative yield in Sunflower ( Helianthus annus L. ) var. Hayson
هدي جمالي -
Open Access Article
1965 - Evaluation of some phonological, morphological traits with yield and yield components of chickpea genotype in Fall planting under the dry farming condition
Abbas Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1966 - Neural network in predicting the mechanical strength of Al6061/SiC composites used in aerospace industries
Seyed Rahim Kiahosseini -
Open Access Article
1967 - The effect of Nitrogen and Boron on Yield and Sugar Content of two Varieties of Sugar Beet
خليل خليلو فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
1968 - A study on grain yield and adaptability and stability of barley genotypes in cold dryland areas
غلامرضا خليل زاده -
Open Access Article
1969 - Effect of plant density and foliar application of urea fertilizer on yield and protein percentage of Durum wheat
اكبر قاسمي پور علی نصرالله زاده اصل -
Open Access Article
1970 - Refurbishing Inconel 738 Blades in GE-Frame5 Gas Turbines Through Laser Cladding and Welding
Peyman Toosi Hamid Zarepour Mohammad-Ali Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1971 - Maize- Peanut Intercropping Under Inoculated with Azotobacter chroococcum
Siavash Pourjani Hashem Aminpanah mohammadnaghi safarzade vishekaei -
Open Access Article
1972 - Effect of Organic Fertilizers, Mycorrhiza and Tillage on Yield and Uptake of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Seed, Leaves and Soil under Maize Cultivation
Alireza Feilinezhad Mohammad Mirzaeiheydari Farzad Babae Abbas Maleki Mahmood Rostami nia -
Open Access Article
1973 - Evaluation of Growth, Yield, Oil Content, Irrigation Water Productivity and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at Different Levels of Plant Density and Nitrogen Content
Morteza Motamed Shahram Rezvan Zarin Taj Alipour Ghanbar Laie جعفرمسعود سینکی -
Open Access Article
1974 - Effect of Tillage Systems and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Agro Physiological Characteristics of Corn
Reza Imani Morteza Samdaliri امیر عباس موسوی -
Open Access Article
1975 - The effect of hydrogen peroxide pretreatment and copper foliar application on some physiological traits and quantitative yield of SC704 maize hybrid under water deficit stress
Abdollah Ayaran Mohamad Reza Dadnia mojtaba alavifazel Shahram Lac Tayeb Sakinejad -
Open Access Article
1976 - The effect of cytokinin hormone consumption on improving grain yield and some growth indices of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L) genotypes in Khuzestan province
Mohsen Pourfarokhi tayeb sakinejad Shahram Lak Naser Zarifi nia Mani Mojadam -
Open Access Article
1977 - Effects of Nitrogen and Micronutrient Foliar Application on Yield and Yield Components of Pinto Beans
فرناز گنج آبادي فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
1978 - Evaluation of Quality, Physiological Tuber Yield Traits in Potato Genotypes in Ardabil Region
Davoud Hassanpanah احمدموسی پورگرجی -
Open Access Article
1979 - The Effect of Irrigation Regims and Humic Acid Levels on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Saeed Mahdavi Naser Mohammadian Roshan Majid Ashouri Ebrahim Amiri hamidreza doroudian -
Open Access Article
1980 - Effect of Potassium Nano Chelate on Physiological and Yield Characteristics of Barley in Phenological Stages under Irrigation Cut-Off Conditions
mohammad sayahi مانی مجدم Alireza Shokuhfar -
Open Access Article
1981 - Effect of Planting Date and Zinc Sulfate on Phenology, Growth Indices and Grain Yield of Lallemantiaiberica (M.B.) Fischer & Meyer
Mina Rostami Farid Shekari Kamran Afsahi Majid Khiyavi -
Open Access Article
1982 - The Effect of Cultivation and Management of Autumn Cover Crops on Weed Control of Potato in Ardabil Region
Gholamali Nateghi Ahmad Tobeh Bahram Dehdar Dehdar Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim Salim Farzaneh -
Open Access Article
1983 - Localization of knowledge management categories based on the basic model of knowledge building In the artistic field of the Islamic Propaganda Organization
mahnaz khodadad fahomeh babolhavaeji Esmat Momeni n adjla hariri -
Open Access Article
1984 - A Comparison between Creativity and Intelligence among University Students in Different Fields of Study*
Alireza Pirkhaefi Davood Manavipour Hassan Pasha Sharifi -
Open Access Article
1985 - A Survey on Mental Health among Students in Islamic AzadUniversity Karaj Branch
Hamed Bermas Sehraneh Javadi Asayesh† -
Open Access Article
1986 - Vocabulary Knowledge and Field Dependence/Independence Cognitive Styles
Nassim Golaghaei Mortaza Yamini -
Open Access Article
1987 - Morphic Field Theory in Language Learning
Rozita Zabihi Hasan Ahadi -
Open Access Article
1988 - Investigating the constituent factors of the employer's brand based on the company's social responsibility
leila gorizan Seyed Aliakbar Ahmadi Vahid Chenari -
Open Access Article
1989 - The Effectiveness of Semantic Therapy Training on the Feeling of Loneliness in the Elderly (Case Study: Nursing Home for the Center of Tehran)
Maryam Vatani Tahereh Hasoomi -
Open Access Article
1990 - Bourdieuian Analysis of literary production field of Shahnameh and Ferdowsi’s habitus
saba pezhmanfar Ahmad Zakeri Hosein Nabavi -
Open Access Article
1991 - Evaluation and comparison of the story of Rostam and Shoghad with the most leading structural models for three act screenplay
Nosratollah Haddadi Mahmoud Tavoosi Shahin Ojagh Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
1992 - Narration in Stendhal’s tales
Mohammad Nayyerivand Shaqayeq Haji Seyyed Taqia -
Open Access Article
1993 - Analysis of the impact of chemical, organic, and biological fertilizers on enhancing yield, yield components, and quality traits of medicinal plants: A new study on two ecotypes of Bunium persicum Bioss
Somayeh Elyasi Rad Seyyed gholamreza Moosavi محمد جواد ثقه الاسلامی Fatemeh Nakhaei -
Open Access Article
1994 - Experimental Investigation of the Magnetic Field Effect Using Fe3O4 Ferrofluid and the Study of the Ultrasonic Phenomenon in Solar Water Desalination Efficiency
hamidreza goshayeshi kimya samadi Vahid Nejati Reza Saleh Issa Chaer -
Open Access Article
1995 - Influence of Humic Acid on Growth and Yield of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) under Different Irrigation Regimens
Fatemeh Lovimi -
Open Access Article
1996 - Effect of Potassium Nano Chelate and Water Deficit Stress on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Maize in Southwest of Iran (Ahvaz Region)
Mohamad Reza Dadnia Aghil Zahedi -
Open Access Article
1997 - Investigation Effect of Different Levels of Zinc Element on Seed Yield and Its Components of Various Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Cultivars
Zeynab Banitamim -
Open Access Article
1998 - Investigation the weld quality characterizations and temperature field in laser welding of dissimilar Nickle-base alloy Inconel 600 and duplex stainless steel
Ahmad Soleimani Mohammad Akbari Arash Karimipour Amir Homayoun Meghdadi Reza Nosouhi -
Open Access Article
1999 - Effect of zinc and boron spray on quantitative and qualitative characters of Effect of zinc and boron spray on quantitative and qualitative characters of seed corn ( KSC 704 )
kianoush safari فرهاد صادقی احمد قنبری -
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2000 - The effect of potassium priming and micronutrient foliar application on yield and yield components of sunflower
رويا بنيادي فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
2001 - Investigating the effect of post-weld heat treatment on the corrosion properties of the explosive welded three-layer joint of Cu/Al/Cu
Heydar Ali Zamani Mohammad Reza Khanzadeh Ali Bakhtiari Hossein Paydar -
Open Access Article
2002 - Response of Crop Production of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to Use Different Level of Zinc Sulphate and Urea Fertilizer
Azam Makvandi Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
2003 - Efficacy of some post-emergence herbicides in controlling chickpea weeds (Cicer arietinum L) in south of Kerman.
Mostafa Khajeh Heydari Seyed Ahmad Hosseini behrouz Khalil Tahmasbi Mohammad Reza Dehghani Mohammad Roozkhosh -
Open Access Article
2004 - The impact of magnetic and ultra-sound pre-treatment on the agronomical traits and yields of forage corn
sasan rezadust هادي طايفه افشاري -
Open Access Article
2005 - Studying the priming impact with distilled water and salicylic acid on the enzymatic anti-oxidant and the infusion of hemp germination
شيرين کربلای قلیزاده tooraj mir-mahmoodi نبي خليلي اقدم -
Open Access Article
2006 - Studying the effect of Nitroxin biofertilizer and Nitrogen on yield and yield components of Rapeseed ( Brassica napus L. )
سيّدمرتضي عظيم زاده -
Open Access Article
2007 - The effect of hand-eye coordination motor exercises on the elderly
asma aref gholamhosiin nazemzadegan مجتبی مقدم -
Open Access Article
2008 - The impact of nitrogen ( nitroxin ) and phosphorus ( fertile phosphate 2 ) biofertilizers on the yield and percentage of sesame oil.
علی نصرالله زاده اصل فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
2009 - The impact of planting method and nitrogen chemical biofertilizer on the sunflower yield components
مريم پیرمحمدی علی نصرالله زاده اصل -
Open Access Article
2010 - The impact of planting array and micro-fertilizers on the yield of oil sunflower ( lakumka ) and its components in the second farming
سيما عباس زاده محسن رشدي -
Open Access Article
2011 - Comparison of Deficit Irrigation Management in the Method of Alternate Furrow Irrigation, Furrow Irrigation and Tape Drip Irrigation for Potato Crop
Bijan Haghighati Atefeh Sayadi shahraki -
Open Access Article
2012 - The effect of planting date on the yield and components of soya variety in Salmas region
احسان شرافت نژاد علی نصرالله زاده اصل -
Open Access Article
2013 - Evaluation of Wavelet Energy for the Vibration of a Single Pile Embedded in Sand under the Effect of Near-Field and Far-Field Earthquakes
Navid Hasanpouri Notash روزبه دبیری Masoud Hajialilue Bonab Larissa Khodadadi فریبا بهروز سرند -
Open Access Article
2014 - Effect of Filler Metal Type on the Microstructure of Welded Joints of HP Heat-Resistant Steel Modified by Niobium
Jamal Hussain Mansoor Reza Dehmolaei Mostafa Eskandari Seyed Reza Alavi Zaree -
Open Access Article
2015 - Investigating the effect of seaweed extract and humic acid on the quantitative and qualitative performance of sugar beet under water stress
Tawakkel Fekri Salim Farzaneh Ahmed Tobe Tobe Rauf Seyed Sharifi Seyed Sharifi Mohsen Nouri Harun Gitari Saeid Heydarzadeh -
Open Access Article
2016 - Response of Cereal Crop Production to Integrated Management of Chemical Fertilizer and Organic Manure
khoshnaz Payandeh -
Open Access Article
2017 - Investigation of Stress in the Perforated Plate with the Presence of Edge Crack
Hamed Bazvandi Nooredin Sabzian Moradabadi Mojtaba Nazari -
Open Access Article
2018 - Sociological analysis of the rise of Taliban in Afghanistan
Ali Moshtaghin Ahmad Sohrabi Haqiqat Mohammad Hosseyn Elahi Manesh -
Open Access Article
2019 - Study of grain yield stability and compatibility in durum wheat genotypes using AMMI method
hajar badri reza mohamadi alireza etminan -
Open Access Article
2020 - An overview of the history and the process of modeling studies of field crops in Iran
hossein pourhadian -
Open Access Article
2021 - The Effect of Triacontanol Hormone on Yield and Yield Components of two Landrace Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Ali Bagherzadeh Chaharjouee Mostafa Hojatianfar -
Open Access Article
2022 - Interaction between type, amount and split application of nitrogen fertilizers with plant density on morphophysiological characteristics, yield and yield components of Canola (Brassica napus L.) in Sheshdeh region, Fasa
Behnam Hosseininasab Farhad Mohajeri Mohammad Rahim Owji Mehdi Madandoust -
Open Access Article
2023 - Investigating the yield and fodder quality of native sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) populations in Isfahan region
Saeid Davazdahemami Mohammad Ali Alizadeh Marziyeh Allahdadi Hossein Zeinali Sadegh Jalali -
Open Access Article
2024 - Study the yield, yield components and morphological traits in the spring safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) using multivariatestatistical approaches
Ali Reza Ahmadzadeh eslam majidi bahram alizadeh amirhasan omidi -
Open Access Article
2025 - Effect of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on vegetative and reproductive growth of marigold (Calendula officinalis L.)
Farzaneh Bahadori Mohammad Kazemi Elham Morteza -
Open Access Article
2026 - Study the relationship between agronomic and morphological traits in the promising rice lines and their grouping by multivariate statistical methods
Saeid Bakhshipour Ali Gazanchian Ali Mohaddesi Majid Nahvi Roghayeh Razeghi-Jadid -
Open Access Article
2027 - The study of behavior of plant residue, Azolla and Duck on weed control, yield and harvest index form in integrated culture by rice Ratooning
Mahdi Esmailli Hamid Reza Mobsser Mohammad Tagi Karbalai Mehrdad Abdi Mehran Bakhoda -
Open Access Article
2028 - Effect of mycorrhiza inoculation and manure application on the growth and economic yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in a low input system
Noshin osoli Hadi Khavari Kazem Taleshi -
Open Access Article
2029 - Interference of wild oat (Avena ludoviciana) on more and less competitive wheat cultivars: Yield and yield components
Mohammad Armin Gorban Noormohammadi Eskendar zand Mohammad Ali Baghestani Farrokh Darvish -
Open Access Article
2030 - Evaluation of yield and yield components of bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)
Maryam Amri Hamdollah Kazemi Arbat Mozaffar Rustaii -
Open Access Article
2031 - Potassium humate foliar application effects on yield and yield components of different potato cultivars at spring cultivation in Ardabil region
Jalil Ajalli Saeid Vazan Farzad Paknejad Mohammad Reza Ardekani Ali Kashani -
Open Access Article
2032 - The effect of nitrogen fertilizer and bush density on seed yield and yield components of Azargol sunflower cultivar in Takestan region, Iran
Jabbar Babaiy mehrdad abdi saeed seyfzadeh majid khiavi -
Open Access Article
2033 - Yield and yield components response of chickpea to time and different levels of humic acid foliar application
Mohammad Armin Javad Moslehi -
Open Access Article
2034 - Effect of planting date on yield and yield components of sesame cultivars in Miyaneh region, Iran
Jalil Ajalli Saeed Vazan Ali Faramarzi Farzad Paknejad -
Open Access Article
2035 - Effect of tillage method and wheat residual management on some soil properties and grain corn yield in Kerman, Iran
Farzad Azadshahraki hormoz nagavi Hamid najafinejad -
Open Access Article
2036 - Effects of irrigation intervals, plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria and humid acid on yield and yield components of wheat (Kavir cultivar)
Sara Parvazi Shandi Alireza Pazoki Ahmad Asgharzadeh Amin Azadi -
Open Access Article
2037 - Susceptibility of immature stages of parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to pesticides
Houshang Rafiee-Dastjerdi mirjalil hejazi gadir Nouri,Ghanbalani mosa saber naser mohebalipor -
Open Access Article
2038 - Effcts of organic and chemical fertilizer combinations on yield, yield components, oil and protein percentages of two canola cultivars
Elanz Ebrahimian Ahmad Bybordi -
Open Access Article
2039 - Effects of different amounts and procedures of Fe and Cu fertilizers application on yield and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the greenhouse
Mohammad Reza Boorboori Davood Eradatmand Asli Mohammad Mehdi Tehrani -
Open Access Article
2040 - The effect of triacontanol hormone on yield and yield components of two Landrace chickpea
Ali Bagherzadeh Chaharjouee Mostafa Hojatianfar -
Open Access Article
2041 - Evaluation of new rice lines based on qualitative and quantitative characteristics
Alireza Tarang Morteza Nasiri Saeid Bakhshipour -
Open Access Article
2042 - Effect of deficit irrigation regimes on yield, yield components and determination of the best drought resistance evaluation index of three bread wheat cultivars.
Hamid Dehghanzadeh mohammadreza Khajehpour hosein Heidari Sharif Abad ali Soleimani -
Open Access Article
2043 - The effect of planting date and nitrogen on yield and yield components of Linseed, Linum usitatissimum L.
Mohammad Mahdi Rahimi ghorban normohamadi amir Aeinehband -
Open Access Article
2044 - The effect of chemical control of Echinochloa crus- galli weed at different growth stages on oil seed sunflower (Helianthus annus cv. Urofloure) yield.
Sakineh Hasanzadeh Aghbolaghi -
Open Access Article
2045 - Effect of sowing date on the yield and yield components of two canola cultivars in Khuzestan area
Abdol Amir Rahnama -
Open Access Article
2046 - Cycocel foliar application effect on alleviation of drought stress consequences on growth traits of barley cv. Kavir in Khorafarin, Iran
Ahmad Afkari Hamid Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
2047 - Response of soybean varieties to N and K fertilizers application at northern Khorasan province, Iran
Hamid Hatami amir Inehband mahdi Azizi afshin soltani alireza dadkhah -
Open Access Article
2048 - Effect of end season water stress on yield of nine rice cultivars and promising lines based on drought evaluation indices
Mohammad. Bager Khorshidi Mehrdad Abdi Shahram Iranipur Rahim Akbari -
Open Access Article
2049 - Effects of drought stress and irrigation methods on yield and yield components in two hybrids of corn (Zea mays L.)
Farzad Paknejad saeed vazan jalil ajali mojtaba Mirakhori mohammad nasiri -
Open Access Article
2050 - Effect of five pesticides on greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Hem., Aphididae)
Shahram Shahrokhi habiballah khodabandeh manuchehr farbodi -
Open Access Article
2051 - Effects of plant distance and tuber size on yield and yield component of potato varieties
Varahram Rashidi -
Open Access Article
2052 - Relationship between growth habit of barley genotypes with grain yield and some agronomic traits under Maragheh cold dryland area
Farhad Ahakpaz Farzad Ahakpaz Roghieh Dastbari -
Open Access Article
2053 - Effect of nitrogen fertilizer levels and row spacing on grain yield and morphological characteristics of rapeseed as second cropping after rice
Mohammad Rabiee Mehrdad Jilani -
Open Access Article
2054 - Response of new siliage maize hybrids to drought stress using drought tolerance indices
Maryam Hajibabaei Farhad Azizi -
Open Access Article
2055 - Effects of nitrogen source and amount, and foliar application methodsof urea and micro nutrients on the yield and growth characteristics in cucumber, Cucumis sativus cv. Royal
Elnaz Shadmehr ahmad glchin saaed Shafiey -
Open Access Article
2056 - Evaluation of different strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli inoculation on ecophysiological nitrogen fixation ability of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., cultivars
Mahdi Taherkhani ghorban normohammadi mohammadjavad Mirhadi hosein Haydari Sharif Abad amirhosein Shirani Rad -
Open Access Article
2057 - Effect of drought stress and defoliation on some of agronomical traits, yield and yield components of oil sunflower
Navvab Hajihasani mohsen roshdi mahdi ghafari esmaeil alizadeh amin moradiaghdam -
Open Access Article
2058 - Effect of foliar application of zinc on quantitative and qualitative yield of wheat under water deficit condition
Javad Tabatabaeyan -
Open Access Article
2059 - Evaluation of salinity toleranceindices in some bread wheat genotypes at seedling stage
Sepideh Biriyay Manouchehr Khodarahmi Davood Habibi -
Open Access Article
2060 - The effect of rotation and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and nitrogen, potasium and phosphorus concentrations in wheat
Shahram Shoaei folora rafiei ali kashani -
Open Access Article
2061 - Effect of integrated mechanical and chemical methods on yield and yield components of corn in Karaj region, Iran.
Arash Roozbahani ghorban normohammadi hamid Rahimian Mashhadi mohmmadali Baghestani eskandar zand -
Open Access Article
2062 - Effect of planting date on agronomical traits of two barley cultivars
Hosein Saboori Hossein Ali Fallahi Zeinab Khalilno Ahmad Reza Dadras Atefeh Saboori -
Open Access Article
2063 - Effect of foliar application of zinc on yield quality and quantity in wheat under water deficit
Javad Tabatabaeian -
Open Access Article
2064 - Effect of potassium and manganese on qualitative and quantitative yield of sugar beet in the north of Khuzestan
Hossien Obeidi Behnam Habibi Khaniani Hamid Sharifi -
Open Access Article
2065 - The effect of different planting dates on yield of different medicinal flax cultivars
Mohammad Mahdi Rahimi goeban normohammadi -
Open Access Article
2066 - Effect of crop density and application of reduced dosages of two post-emergence herbicides on broadleaf weeds biomass and yield and yield components of broomcorn (Sorghum vulgare var. technicum)
Hamed Raeisi Jahanfar Daneshian Mohammad Ali Baghestani Soleiman Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
2067 - Evaluation of chickpea genotypes in irrigated and non-irrigated conditions
Mahdi Roozrokh hasan Heidari Sharifabad seyedhosein Sabaghpour ghorban Noormohammadi eslam Majidi Heravan -
Open Access Article
2068 - Effect of row distances on the yield and some agronomic traits in two lines of lentil (Vicia villosa L.)
Shagayeg Sharifi Topragh Ghaleh mahmod pooryousef khoshnoud alizadeh -
Open Access Article
2069 - Effect cover crops compound cultivation with potato on its yield and weeds control
Elham Fasihfar Zahra Hosseini Cici -
Open Access Article
2070 - Evaluation of advanced dryland durum and bread wheat lines yield in Kandowan region of Miyaneh, Iran
Amir Ghanbari shagayegh Shamspour ali Faramarzi manochehr Farboodi -
Open Access Article
2071 - Effect of different tillage methods on yield and yield components of canola cv. Hayola 401
Mohammad Gholami Jalal Bahrebar Majid Rashidi -
Open Access Article
2072 - Drought effect on root dry weight in three potato cultivars
Mohammad Bager Khorshidi Farrokh Rahimzadeh Khoii Mohammad Javad MirHadi Gorban Nur mohamadi -
Open Access Article
2073 - Evaluation and comparision of two surface tillage and conventional tillage methods on grain yeild and yeild components of wheat
Masoud Zabolestani Ali Reshad Sedghi Ali Salak Zamani -
Open Access Article
2074 - Effect of different tillage methods on safflower yield
Ali Salek Zamani -
Open Access Article
2075 - Effects of water deficit and potassium fertilizer application on the grain yield, yield components and bending moment of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. Tarom Mahalli
Darush Zakavi Morteza Sam Daliri Hamid Reza Mobasser Salman Dastan -
Open Access Article
2076 - Path coefficient analysis of yield and yield components in promising lentil (Lens culinaris L.) genotypes under dry land conditions
Shahram Azizi-Chakherchaman hosein mostafaee davod hasanpanah hamdollah kazemiarbat mehrdad yarniya -
Open Access Article
2077 - Effect of sources and concentrations of folliar application of potassium on the yield and quality of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii cv. Stanza)
Sharareh Mortezaiefard sepideh Kalatehjari majid basirat -
Open Access Article
2078 - Effects of genotype, plant density and planting pattern on the yield and yield components of canola.
Behrouz Salehi jafar mohammadi mohsen khodadadi -
Open Access Article
2079 - Evaluation of yield and yield components of hopeful hybrids of spring canola, Brassica napus in Iranshahr climatic condition
Mahdi Noorabonjar -
Open Access Article
2080 - Effect of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) in various densities and emergence times on yield and yield components of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.)
Koroush Siami Saeed Reza Yaghoubi Ali Faramarzi Mohammad Javadi -
Open Access Article
2081 - Assessment of genetic variability in advanced lines of winter rapeseed
Leili Alizadeh bahram alizadeh farzad javidfar farookh darvish -
Open Access Article
2082 - Study of morphological traits and their relations with yield in 16 promising lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Abolgasem Gheisari Iraj Amini Yahya Emam Mortaza Nasiri -
Open Access Article
2083 - Effect of foliar application of zinc sulphate on quantitative and qualitative traits of soybean in Khorramabad region, Iran
Samira Adeli Ali Khorgami Masoud Rafiee -
Open Access Article
2084 - Evaluation of two types of tractor steel lugged wheel in paddy soil preparation
Ali Reshadsedghi Masoud Zabolestani -
Open Access Article
2085 - Effects of cutting height of main plant on the ratooning traits of different varieties in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Hamed Firozpouri hamidreza mobasser salman dastan reza yadi abas ganbarimalidarreh -
Open Access Article
2086 - An overview of the history and the process of modeling studies of field crops in Iran
hossein pourhadian -
Open Access Article
2087 - The effect of planting date on yield and yield components of different sesame cultivars under Miyaneh climatic condition.
Ebrahim Lazemi Ali Faramarzi Rahim Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
2088 - Effect of biostimulants on some characteristics of almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) cv. Mamaei
Farshad Sadeghi Ghotbabadi Ramin Babadaei Samani Masoud Zadehbagheri -
Open Access Article
2089 - Determining of planting arrangement in spring genotypes of safflower
Alireza Khalilzadeh Gogany Bahman Pasban Eslam Gorban Nurmohamadi Ali Reza khalilzadeh Gogany -
Open Access Article
2090 - Effects of systems of rice intensification (SRI) on grain yield and water productivity of rice
Yaser Ghorbanian Astane Ebrahim Amiri Teimoor Razavipor Mojtaba Rezaei -
Open Access Article
2091 - Improvement of initial growth and medicinal indices of ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata) by physical seed primmimg
Bahram Mirshekari Reza Siyami -
Open Access Article
2092 - Evalution of sunflower varieties for yield production under drought stress conditions using statistical tolerance indices
Ebrahim Abbasi Seyahjani farhad Farhvash mohammad Khorshidi Benam aytak sadegi -
Open Access Article
2093 - Investigation on the effective indices on yield in delayed sowing of different soybean cultivars in Zanjan region, Iran
Saeed Vaezi esmaeil Zangani farid Shekari -
Open Access Article
2094 - The effect of plant density and nitrogen split-application on quantitative characters of Brussels sprout, Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera
Peiman Ghanizadeh sirus azarabadi jafar mohammadi -
Open Access Article
2095 - Study the drought tolerance of 12 varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Shirvan area
Seyed Morteza Azimzadeh -
Open Access Article
2096 - Effects of nitrogen and planting density on yield and oil content of castor (Ricinus communis L.)
Mehrzad Alimohammadi seed alireza valadabadi jahanfar daneshiyan behruz aref -
Open Access Article
2097 - Effect of plant density on yield of two soybean cultivars in Sari region, Iran
Mehdi Oshri Ghorban Noormohamadi Hosein Yazdpour Salman Dastan Esmail Yassari -
Open Access Article
2098 - Effects of planting date and plant density on yield and yield components of barley in a cold region of Aligoodarz, Iran
Hamid Reza Nazari Ezatollah Nabati -
Open Access Article
2099 - Influence of sample area location on geopedology approach results in soil mapping: case study of Miyaneh area, Azarbayejan-e-Sharghi province
Naser Nazari Shahla Mahmoodi Mohammad Hasan Masihabadi -
Open Access Article
2100 - Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation different levels on maize yield using APSIM model
Akram Abbaspour Maryam Abbaspour Abolfazl Majnooni Heris -
Open Access Article
2101 - Faunistic survey and population fluctuations of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as predators of pests of rice fields in Mazandaran, Iran
Hassan Ghahari mehrdad Tabari abolfazl Rashidi hamireza Mohebbi -
Open Access Article
2102 - Physiological limiting factors of yield in different varieties of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., by changing source – sink relationships
Ali Reza Goharbari davod Eradatmand Asli mojtaba Usefirad -
Open Access Article
2103 - Evaluation of soil and foliar application of nitrogen at different growth stages on yield and yield components of sugar beet cultivars
Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi Mehrdad Yarnia Farrokh Rahimzadeh Khoie Mohammad Bager Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
2104 - Effects of planting time on the growth stages and oil and seed yield of soybean in Ardabil region, Iran.
Seyed Sajjad Moosavi Seyed Mohammad Javad Mirhadi Ali Akbar Imani Ali Mohammadpour Khaneghah -
Open Access Article
2105 - Comparison of the yield and yield components of maize hybrids in second cropping in Khoy region
Javad Khalili Mahalleh Mohsen Roshdi Sasan Rezadoost -
Open Access Article
2106 - Possibility of weeds control and yield increase due to intercropping Case study: marigold (Calendula officinalis) and mungbean (Vigna radiata)
Bahram Mirshekari -
Open Access Article
2107 - Effect of micronutrients application methods on concentration of elements in leaf and kernel of Zea mays L. cv. Jeta
Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi mehrdad yarniya vahid ahmadzadeh nushin Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
2108 - Effects of drought stress and cycocel application on yield of maize varieties in second crop
Fatemeh Hashemzadeh -
Open Access Article
2109 - Effect of different tillage methods on energy indexes and yield components of safflower
Mohammad Gholami Parshokoohi saeed seyfzadeh majid rashidi mohsen hanifi -
Open Access Article
2110 - Response of yield and morphological traits of some mungbean, Vigna radiate L. genotypes to drought stress
Majid Rafie mohammadreza asgaripur -
Open Access Article
2111 - Relationship between yield and yield components in Euroflour sunflower hybrid under water stress
Ebrahim Abbasi Seyahjani Farhad Farhvash Hamdohllah Kazemi Arbat Mohamad Bagher Khorshidi Benam4 -
Open Access Article
2112 - Effect of water deficit and nitrogen fertilizer on morphological traits and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var.Tarom Hashemi
Meysam Golduost Khorshidi Ali Reza Daneshmand Soghra Moradpoor Asghar Bagheri -
Open Access Article
2113 - Regional modeling of wheat yield production using the distributed agro-hydrological SWAP: (case study: Doroudzan irrigation and drainage network)
Elnaz Noroozi Hosein Babazadeh Majid Vazifehdoost Fereidoon Kaveh -
Open Access Article
2114 - Effects of potassium sulfate (K2SO4) on quantity and quality of AGRIA and SATINA potato cultivars in miyaneh region, Iran
Amir Ghanbari Manoochehr Farboodi Rahim Alimohammadi Ali Faramarzi Soleiman Jamshidi Shagayeg Shamspour -
Open Access Article
2115 - Improvement of marigold (Calendula officinalis) yield with better control of lambsquarters (Chenopodiun album) in field condition
Bahram Mirshekari Reza Siyami -
Open Access Article
2116 - Effects of red root pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexuxs L. interference times on yield of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata L.
Bahram Mirshekari -
Open Access Article
2117 - Yield and harvest index of sunflower (Helianthus annus) grown by a monocultur system in competition with redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Bahram Mirshekari -
Open Access Article
2118 - The effect of Pre winter nitrogen fertilizer application on yield and yield components of nine rapeseed cultivars in Miyaneh region, Iran
Ali Faramarzi Mohammad Bager Khorshidi Manoochehr Farboodi Mahdi Taherkhani -
Open Access Article
2119 - Effect of different irrigation and planting methods on water use effeciency and some seed yield characteristics in three pinto common bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Mehdi Mehrpouyan Manoucheher Farboodi Jalil Ajali Feraydoon Davoodi Asghar Jafari -
Open Access Article
2120 - Effect of alternate furrow irrigation method on grain yield and water use efficiency of common bean genotypes
Omid Sadeghipour Ali Faramarzi -
Open Access Article
2121 - Investigation of different planting dates effects on yield and yield components of four soybean cultivars in Miyaneh region
Mahdi Azizi Ali Faramarzi Mehrdad Abdi Jalil Ajalli -
Open Access Article
2122 - Critical period of weeds control in sunflower, Helianthus annus L.
Hosein Golipour bahram mirshekari amirhoshang hoseynzadehmogbli shahram hanifiyan -
Open Access Article
2123 - Effect of different tillage methods on energy indexes and yield components of safflower
Bahram Mirshekari -
Open Access Article
2124 - Effect of seed bio-fertilization on tuber yield and yield components of three potato cultivars
Bahram Mirshekari -
Open Access Article
2125 - The effects of nitrogen different rates on oil yield and seed quality and potassium and phosphorus uptake of winter canola, SLM046
Mahdi Taherkhani Ahmad Golchin -
Open Access Article
2126 - Evaluation of possibly of forage sorghum production in saline condition with CaCO3 application
Mehrdad Yarnia -
Open Access Article
2127 - Evaluation of nitrogen fixation ability of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars with three types of inoculants which contain different strains of Rhizobium phaseoli
Mahdi Taherkhani Gorban Mirhadi Mohammad Javad Mirhadi Rahim Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
2128 - Determination of the economic threshold of damage of red root pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexuxs L.) in green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) field
Bahram Mirshekari Adel Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab Mahmood Pouryousef -
Open Access Article
2129 - Drought resistance of different bread wheat genotypes under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions
Abbas Maleki eslam Majidi Hervan hosein Heidari Sharifabad ghorban Nourmohammadi -
Open Access Article
2130 - Allelopathic effects of Convolvulus arvensis on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germination and growth
Mehrdad Yarnia Elnaz Farajzadeh Vahid Ahmadzadeh Nima Nobari -
Open Access Article
2131 - Agronomic characteristics, yield and yield components of some rain-fed chickpea cultivars by supplemental irrigation
Behrooz Karimi amin farniya -
Open Access Article
2132 - Evaluation of seed yield and its components in cold-region adapted ecotypes of alfalfa
Hasan Monirifar -
Open Access Article
2133 - Effect of water stress at different growth stages on yield and yield components of Kidney bean cultivars
Saeed Vaezi Rad Farid Shekari Amir Hosein Shirani Rad Esmaeil Zangani -
Open Access Article
2134 - Response of yield related traits in three grain corn hybrids to weed competition periods
Bahram Mirshekari hojjat Shahi Ahmad Abad alireza Valad Abadi adel Dabbage Mohammadi Nasab -
Open Access Article
2135 - The relation research of cold region wheat lines for yield with pattern of path coefficient analysis
Fahimeh Halali Soltanabad hamdollah Majidi Hervan darioush tagave alireza Nourmohammadi jalil ajali -
Open Access Article
2136 - The effect of drought stress and nitrogen levels on yield and water use efficiency of forage millet and sorghum
Seyed Golam Reza Moosavi mohammadjavad Mirhadi seyedataollah Siadat ghorban Noor Mohammadi farrokh Darvish -
Open Access Article
2137 - inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum bv phaseoli and plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)
Mehrab Yadegari ghorban normohammadi hadi Asadi Rahmani -
Open Access Article
2138 - Effects of PGPR application methods on biological yield and Chl a+b content of Yarrow (Achilea millefolium L.) under drought stress conditions
ahmad mirjalili -
Open Access Article
2139 - Investigating the chemical control of weeds of potato after soiling.
Farnaz Ganjabadi ehsan alah jalili -
Open Access Article
2140 - Genotype ×environment interaction effect and grain yield stability of barley genotypes
behrouz vaezi rahmattolah mohammadi asghar mehraban tahmaseb hossienpour narges rahmani moghadam -
Open Access Article
2141 - The investigation about the reduction of the herbicide in order to suppression the density of different of (Sinapis arvensis)in rape seed
ehsan alah jalili farnaz ganjabadi mehdi azizi -
Open Access Article
2142 - Study the effect of artificial salinity stress due to the application of seed priming with acetic acid and sodium hydroxide on growth indicators of cumin plant
Abbas Sheibanian Mitra Zabelizadeh -
Open Access Article
2143 - Biotic and abiotic stresses in crop and medicinal plants
Mahdi Malekpour Abdolmajid Liaghat -
Open Access Article
2144 - Study of drought stress effect on fruit and essential oil yield of different genotypes of coriander as medicinal plant
hasan farahani javad mirarab mohsen nozad behnam ghorbani mostafa khodadadi -
Open Access Article
2145 - Effects of nano particle foliar application of iron nano on some morphophysiological traits of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), at Shahr- e Qods rejion
mitra bakhtiyary payam moaveni behzad sani -
Open Access Article
2146 - Foliar application of potassium silicate solution with elements of macro and micro elements on agronomic traits Tarom
atena najafi mehran mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
2147 - Effect of Different Levels chemical fertilizers and biological nitrogen on yield and photosynthetic pigments of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) in different density corm
mohammad karimi -
Open Access Article
2148 - Change in essential oil percent and yield of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia L.) under drought stress and PGPR application methods conditions
ali saki alireza pazoki -
Open Access Article
2149 - The effect of micronutrients on yield, yield components and essential oils of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L.)
mehran mahmoudi yusof niknezhad hormoz falah mohammad ansari -
Open Access Article
2150 - Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Temperature Field, Deformation, and Residual Stress in Two-Stage Single-Pulse Sub-Powder Welding Joints
Hamid Mozafari -
Open Access Article
2151 - The effect of fluorescent pseudomonads on the phytochemical characteristics of Reshingari savory (Satureja rechingeri Jamzad.) under field conditions
Samaneh Samavat Mahdiyeh Salehi Vozhdehnazari فاطمه سفیدکن -
Open Access Article
2152 - A Genetic-based Discrete Metaheuristic Algorithm for Controller Placement in Software-Defined Network
mahnaz khojand Kambiz Majidzadeh mohammad masderi yousef farhang -
Open Access Article
2153 - Evaluation and analysis of fuel stations in Semnan city according to the compatibility of neighbors
Yekta Ghanbarpour soorkoohi Ehsan Kashi Reza Rahmati -
Open Access Article
2154 - Response of Corn (Zea mays L.) Crop Production to Use Different Level of Potassium Sulfate and Boron Foliar Application
Zynab Abdolkhani Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
2155 - Effect of Combination of Humic Acid and Chelated Potassium on Crop Production and Qualitative Traits of Mung bean (Vigna radiate L.) under Drought Stress Conditions
Morteza Jalizavi Mani Mojaddam -
Open Access Article
2156 - Investigating the Effect of Different Amounts and Sources of Nitrogen on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Rice
Open Access Article
2157 - Multiple Simultaneous Damage Detection in large-span bridges
Leila Hosseinzadeh Behnam Babaie -
Open Access Article
2158 - Biochemical and Physiological Traits of Pinto Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Lines Affected by Drought Stress: A Comprehensive Analysis
Zeinab Sadat Hashemi Heshmat Omidi Amir Bostani Hamidreza Dorri -
Open Access Article
2159 - Identifying the key effective factors in the cultural and social spheres of Iranian football in the horizon of 1410
Milad Jan jan Ali-Mohammad Safania seyed salahedin naghshbandy, mohsen bagrian farah abadi -
Open Access Article
2160 - Examination of the Interactive Effects of Seed Magnetic Priming and Zeolite Applica-tion on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Super Sweet Corn Under Water Stress
Negin Zaryan Behnam Habibi Khaniani Ali Afrous Mehdi Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
2161 - Comparison of the Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of the Welding Zone of Aluminum Alloy 5754 by FSW and TIG Methods
Esmaeil Zarei Ahmad Afsari Eshagh Saharkhiz Seyed Kambiz Ghaemi Osgouie -
Open Access Article
2162 - Influence of Humic Acid on Growth and Yield of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) under Different Irrigation Regimens
فاطمه لویمی -
Open Access Article
2163 - Leakage inspection of the stepped solar still using the magnetic particle testing method
hamidreza goshayeshi kimya samadi Reza Saleh Vahid Nejati -
Open Access Article
2164 - Exploring the Hidden Benefits and Dual Nature of Electrode Misalignment in Resistance Spot Welding: Unveiling Drawbacks and Advantages Through Isolated Thermal-Induced Stress and Nugget Formation Analysis
Mahan Dashti Gohari Farshid Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
2165 - Optical Properties of Coupled Gold Nanoparticles: A Numerical Study for Photothermal Applications
Raha Rasouli Sghai Vahid Rajabpour -
Open Access Article
2166 - Interaction between biological tissues and extremely low frequency fields
Asma Lak -
Open Access Article
2167 - Investigating the fodder yield and nutrient content of Maxima Corn hybrid under biological and chemical nitrogen fertilizers application in limited irrigation conditions of Arak
Alireza Dadiyan -
Open Access Article
2168 - Improving the Yield and some Agronomic Characteristics of Soybean under Water Stress Conditions using Mycorrhiza and Zinc Sulfate
Pouya Sohrabi nour mohammad ali Abitalebiyan Javad Hamzei -
Open Access Article
2169 - Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Zinc Sulfate on Quantitative and Qualitative Yield of Forage Maize under Deficit Irrigation Stress
Abdollah Gholami Abbas Maleki Mohammad Mirzaeiheydari Farzad Babaei -
Open Access Article
2170 - Evaluation of Conservation Tillage Systems and Weed Management on Yield and some Characteristic of Cucurbita pepo L.
Seyed Mortaza Shekarlu Sasan Rezadoost Farzad Jalili -
Open Access Article
2171 - Effect of Ammonium Sulfate Additive on the Efficacy of Nicosulfuron Herbicide in Corn
Sajjad Ghaedi Kachooee Mehdi Madandoust -
Open Access Article
2172 - Predict the Impact of Climatic Change on the Agro-climatic Indexes and Rice Yield Case study: North of Iran
Mehrdad Ramazanipour -
Open Access Article
2173 - Identifying and prioritizing the factors that aggravate the process of urban space disorder for the use of the elderly
ehsan amini shirin toghyani Amir Hosein Shabani -
Open Access Article
2174 - Measuring Effective Factors on Rice Farmers Participation Level for taking part in Farmer Field School Education
جعفر عزیزی -
Open Access Article
2175 - Effects of climate change on the agricultural sector in the Kheirabad River Basin: Application of WEAP Software
Gh. layani mohammad bakhshoodeh -
Open Access Article
2176 - Determining Indemnity and premium rate of two- year yield insurance for rice varieties (case study: Noukandeh-ka county of Qaimshahr city)
somayeh shirzadi Laskookalayeh Fatemeh Zanjani Seyed Mojtaba Mojaverian Fatemeh Kashiri Kolaei -
Open Access Article
2177 - Effects of Technology Development and Mechanization on Agricultural Production in Qazvin Province
A. پرهیزکاری M. صبوحی -
Open Access Article
2178 - Designing a physical-mental health model in old age leisure based on mental health indicators
Ahmad Cherik mehdy naderinasab Ali Hemmati Afif -
Open Access Article
2179 - Dissociative Head and Eye Movement during Seizure: A Case Report
Soheila Rezakhani Mahmood Motamedi -
Open Access Article
2180 - The Effect of Eight Weeks of Exercise in Water on the Levels of Stress, Anxiety and Depression of Elderly Men
Hamzeh Karamipour Amin Mohammadi Ali Khajehlandi -
Open Access Article
2181 - The Effect of Eight Weeks of Selected Combined Training (Aerobic-Resistance) on Vascular Adhesion Molecules and Lipid Profile in Inactive Elderly Men
Hassan Akhavan Mehrdad Fathi Teimour Darzabi Keyvan Hejazi -
Open Access Article
2182 - The Effect of Eight Weeks of Concurrent Training on Total Plasma Protein Levels and Muscle Strength of Elderly Men
Solmaz Bbbasi Seyed Mohsen Avandi Rouhollah Haghashenas -
Open Access Article
2183 - The effects of salicylic acid on the yield and symptoms of Rhizoctonia solani infection on the potato tubers
M.R. Hadi -
Open Access Article
2184 - Performance of three tolerant air-cured tobacco cultivars when infected by black shank and root-knot nematode in Golestan province
M. Shazdehahmadi A. Sajjadi -
Open Access Article
2185 - Investigating on effect of heat treatment on microstructure and metallurgical properties of three layers explosively bonded Cu/Al/Cu plates
اکبر Soltani Dehnavi M.R Khanzadeh Gharah shiran عباس Saadat -
Open Access Article
2186 - An investigation on the effects of interpass temperature on corrosion behavior of weld metal of Hadfield high carbon steel weld joint
مسعود Sabzi زهره Balak -
Open Access Article
2187 - Investigation on Effect of Aluminum on the Corrosion Resistance of Hadfield Austenitic Manganese Steel
مسعود Sabzi صادق Moeni far ابراهیم Najafi Birgani -
Open Access Article
2188 - Influence of filler metal on the microstructure of dissimilar welds between UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel and ASTM A517 Quench and tempered steel
A.R Forough مرتضی Shamanian مسعود Kasiri -
Open Access Article
2189 - protrusion friction stir spot welding: the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al 6061 alloy
omid zarei mostafa mosavizade fateme zarghani hamed zarei -
Open Access Article
2190 - Investigation of the effect of current intensity and frequency in PC-GTAW on microstructural evolutions of weld joints of Hastelloy B-2 superalloy
Ali Heidary Moghadam mehdi khalasi dezfuli mehdi ghobeiti hasab -
Open Access Article
2191 - Influence of Friction Stir Welding Parameters on Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties in Lap Joints of 5456Aluminum Alloy
منصور مردعلی زاده محمد علی صفرخانیان محمد رضا سلیمانی یزدی -
Open Access Article
2192 - An Investigation of different parameters on the penetration depth and welding width of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by plasma arc welding
Yaser Vahidshad Amir Hossein Khodabakhshi -
Open Access Article
2193 - Investigation of High Frequency Resistance Welding (HFRW) Variables on microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar joints between chromium-molybdenum low alloy steel tubes to chromium high alloy steels
Open Access Article
2194 - Investigating the effect of degree of dilution and interlayer on the abrasion resistance of the hard-wired coated layer of Fe-Cr-C based on SMAW method on plane carbon steel
farhad abdi hamed sabet ahmad khorampour -
Open Access Article
2195 - Modification of mechanical properties of friction stir welded AM60 magnesium alloy with changing rotational speed and addition of nano alumina particles
Arash Behzadinezhad Abbas mohassel Hamid Omidvar Nader Setoudeh -
Open Access Article
2196 - Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of welding metal of A516-Gr70 steel in the presence of TiO2 by SAW method
Reza Amini Najafabadi Abbas Asadi -
Open Access Article
2197 - Investigation of corrosion resistance of Ti-6Al-4V alloy welding zone Welded by TIG method
mehdi kabiri laghab majid belbasi mohamadamar mofid -
Open Access Article
2198 - The effect of carbon nanotube surface modification on conductivity behavior of carbon nanotube reinforced polythene matrix hybrid HDPE composite with segregate structure
Atiyeh Neyshabouri Mohammadabdi Samaneh Sahebian Saghi Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar Jalil Vahdati Khaki -
Open Access Article
2199 - The effect of pin shape on microstructure and mechanical properties of HA-Ti surface composites produced by FSP method
Amirhosein Shahbaz Mehrdad Abbasi Hamed Sabet -
Open Access Article
2200 - Effect of the shoulder size and dwell time on the static Strength and fracture mode of projection friction stir spot welded 2024 aluminum alloy
F. zarghani seid m. mousavizade G.R Ebrahimi H.R. Ezatpour -
Open Access Article
2201 - Determination Optimum Boron Quantity Effect on Low Temperature Impact Energy of Mild Steel Weld Metal that Fabricated by Submerge Arc Welding (SAW)
Sh Shafinia Sh Mirdamadi حامد Sabet S. R Amirabadizade -
Open Access Article
2202 - Investigating the Effects of Heat Treatment in the Microstructure and Metallurgical Properties of the Explosive Welding of 304 Stainless Steel and CK45 Carbon Steel
M. Allah Dadi M.R. Khanzadeh -
Open Access Article
2203 - Fabrication of Aluminum Foam by ARB and Investigation on Its Friction Stir Welded Joint Properties
S.J موسوی دولت آبادی S. توحید -
Open Access Article
2204 - Investigation of Filler Metal on the Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Welding- Brazing Hybrid Joining of Aluminium to Ggalvanized Steel
M. Zarooni R. Eslami-Farsani -
Open Access Article
2205 - Mechanical and Physical Properties Laser and GTA Welding of Commercial Pure Titanium
S.GH. رضوی M. سبکتکین ریزی M. طاهری -
Open Access Article
2206 - Evaluation of microsegregation during dendritic solidification of a binary alloy using phase field method and analytical models
هادی براتی محمدرضا ابوطالبی سعید شبستری -
Open Access Article
2207 - Effect of Ultrasonic Impact Treatment on Fatigue Behavior of Steel Welded Pipes in Petrochemical Corrosive Environment
M. Daavari S. A. SadoughVanini Gh. A. Ashouri -
Open Access Article
2208 - Investigation and comparison of electromagnetic properties of epoxy-graphene and epoxy-carbon nanotube nanocomposites
R. Eqra B. Mohammadi K. Janghorban M. A. Montaseri -
Open Access Article
2209 - Cation Distribution, Structural Parameters and Magnetic Moment in the Spinel Structure of Li-Zn Ferrite Prepared by Glycine-Nitrate Process
N. برهان KH. GH H. محسنی -
Open Access Article
2210 - A Survey of Mechanism and Kinetic of Oxidation of Welding Lines in Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI321
Sh. Soltaninzhad R. Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
2211 - Microstructure, Hardness and Wear Resistance of the Hard Layer Containing Silicon Carbide Particles on ASTM A106 Steel Produced by GTAW Welding
H. Mazaheri A.R. Alaei M. fazel -
Open Access Article
2212 - Estimation of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Based on Satellite Imagery Using the GIS Technique and Employing Erosion Potential Method (EPM) on Watersheds (Case study: the Dez Watershed)
Hamed Noori S. Mostafa Siadatmousavi Barat Mojaradi -
Open Access Article
2213 - Modeling Effects of Heated Waste Water Discharge Rate on the Thermal Plume Pattern and Temperature at the Wastewater Discharge Site
parasto akbari masood sadri nasab یدالله nikpor علیرضا صفاهیه -
Open Access Article
2214 - Contribution of Wash and Channel Sediment Sources in Supplying Storm Suspended Sediment Load in the Galazchai Watershed
Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi Pari Saeidi Abdulrasul Telvari -
Open Access Article
2215 - Examining the Velocity field and the effects of hydraulic and geometrical parameters on the amount of the sediment entering the diversion channels through using Artificial Neural Network and ANSYS-CFX Software
sohrab karimi حجت کرمی javad esfandyari -
Open Access Article
2216 - Numerical simulations of unsteady flow field and non-uniform and non-equilibrium sediment transport in river bend
Mohsen Maghrebi Seyyed Ali Akbar Salehi Neyshaboori -
Open Access Article
2217 - Economical Assessment of Different Irrigation Methods Using New and Traditional Energies in Irrigated Wheat Cultivation
hormoz asadi Javad Baghani -
Open Access Article
2218 - Estimation of Potential Yield and Yield Gap of major crops in Qazvin irrigation network
afshin uossef gomrokchi -
Open Access Article
2219 - Investigating the use of Iron Slag of Alloy Steel in combination with biochar and vermicompost to reduce the water stress of coriander plants
Hossein Asghari Shivaee Sahar Dehyouri Abootaleb Kazemi Hamid Reza Javadian -
Open Access Article
2220 - Yield Barley and its Components Irrigated with Brackish and Grey Water
KH. Fattahi H. Babazadeh F. Shirshahi -
Open Access Article
2221 - Improvement in Water Use Efficiency of Corn Plant through Alternate Furrow Irrigation at its Different Growth Stages
Mitra Samsamipour Mohammad Reza Emdad Pyman Afrasiab Masoumeh Delbari -
Open Access Article
2222 - Problems and challenges of the elderly in urban spaces: a case study of Tehran's 13th district
Mohammadali khaliji somaye Rezaihajideh -
Open Access Article
2223 - Evaluation of the Infill Development Inner-cities texture with emphasis on quality of life indicators case study: Inner-city texture of Zanjan
محسن احدنژاد مینا جعفری نسرین جعفری -
Open Access Article
2224 - Influential Parameters of Urban Landscape on Identity of Oil Supplier Town of Omidyeh
Seyed Mohamad Kazem Mousavinejad Farah Habib zahra sadat Saeideh Zarabadi -
Open Access Article
2225 - Optimizing the environment of the elderly in the open space of residential complexes with an emphasis on the biophilic approach (Shiraz residential complexes)
Majid Afifian Hadi Keshmiri Hamed Moztarzadeh keramatollah ziari -
Open Access Article
2226 - Assessing the general health status (physical and mental) of the elderly at the level of neighborhoods in Region 4 of Rasht city
zahra shabanpour ata ghafarigilandeh Alireza Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
2227 - The Study of Self-Assessed Health between the Elderly in Shiraz and Yasuj Cities in 2015
مجید Movahedmajd صدیقه Jahanbazian -
Open Access Article
2228 - The Study of Self-Assessed Health between the Elderly of Shirazand YasujCities in 2015
مجید MovahedMajed صدیقه Jahanbazian -
Open Access Article
2229 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Couple Therapy with Imago-Therapy and Feldman's Integrated Approach on Intimacy Commitment of Conflicting Spouses
leila cheraey Mahmod Goudarzi Maryam akbary -
Open Access Article
2230 - Sociological Study of the Relationship between Elderly Care in the Family and the Depression and Anxiety among Caregiver (Case Study of Women Married Elderly Caregivers in Lar City)
Majid Movahed Majd Maryam Falamarzi sedigheh shoaa -
Open Access Article
2231 - The Sociological Study of Girls’ Normal and Abnormal Lifestyles A Case Study of Athletic Girls
H. تابعیان J. جهانگیری S.M زهری بیدگلی F. زرآور -
Open Access Article
2232 - The Effectiveness of Hope Therapy on Increasing Happiness and Life Satisfaction among Elderly Women Residing In Nursing Home of Borujen
R. جمال زاده M. گلزاری -
Open Access Article
2233 - Comparing Correlation between Various Educational Branches & Internet Skills & teachers' Professional Components
Gh.A Fakhari Ashrafi -
Open Access Article
2234 - A Study of the Reasons for Slight Prference of TalentedGirls towards Humanities in Semnan high Schools
A.A AminBidokhti مریم Daraei -
Open Access Article
2235 - An Investigation into the Organizational Health of Schools in Tehran on the Basis of Hoy and Fieldsman’s Model
نادر Solimani -
Open Access Article
2236 - Performance Optimization of an Electrostatically Doped Staggered Type Heterojunction Tunnel Field Effect Transistor with High Switching Speed and Improved Tunneling Rate
Mahdi Mohammadkhani Ghiasvand Zahra Ahangari Hamed Nematian -
Open Access Article
2237 - Metallography Investigation of Thermal Wave Control by Magneto-Static Field
Abdorreza Asrar Hossein Shahmirzaee -
Open Access Article
2238 - Self-heating effect modeling of a carbon nanotube-based fieldeffect transistor (CNTFET)
Kazem Pourchitsaz Mohammad Reza Shayesteh -
Open Access Article
2239 - Effects of the Channel Length on the Nanoscale Field Effect Diode Performance
arash rezaei Bahram Azizollah-Ganji Morteza Gholipour -
Open Access Article
2240 - Influence of Grating Parameters on the Field Enhancement of an Optical Antenna under Laser Irradiation
Mohammad Reza Mohebbifar Mehdi Zohrabi -
Open Access Article
2241 - Switching Performance of Nanotube Core-Shell Heterojunction Electrically Doped Junctionless Tunnel Field Effect Transistor
Zahra Ahangari -
Open Access Article
2242 - Studyof the Spin-Orbit Interaction Effects on Energy Levels and the Absorption Coefficients of Spherical Quantum Dotand Quantum Anti-Dotunderthe Magnetic Field
Tooraj Ghaffary Fatemeh Rahimi Yaghoob Naimi Hadi Khajehazad -
Open Access Article
2243 - Controlling Ambipolar Current in a Junctionless Tunneling FET Emphasizing on Depletion Region Extension
Morteza Rahimian -
Open Access Article
2244 - Designing an InGaP/InAlGaP Double Junction Solar Cell without an Anti-Reflection Coating by Adding a New Window Layer in the Upper Junction and Optimizing the Back Surface Field Layer
Neda Hasanzadeh Bishegahi Abdollah Eskandarian Abbas Ghadimi Ali Esmaeeli -
Open Access Article
2245 - Optical Absorption in an Array of Quantum Wires: Effects of Structural Parameters and External Fields
Mohammad Javad Karimi Vahid Ashrafi-Dalkhani Sajad Ghajarpour-Nobandegani Mahnaz Mojab-abpardeh -
Open Access Article
2246 - Host Liquid Effect on Thermo-Optical Pattern of a Self-Phase Modulated Laser Beam Passing Through Au Nanoparticles Colloids
Hoda Aleali Ahmad Mehramiz Elham Valizadeh Pilehroud -
Open Access Article
2247 - A Comparative Study of BSF Layers for InGaN Single-Junction and Multi-Junction Solar Cells
Maryam Amirhoseiny Majid Zandi Ahad Kheiri -
Open Access Article
2248 - Investigating the Effects of Electromagnetic Fields and Dimensions on the Electronic Properties of Gallium Arsenide Nanowire with Aluminum-Gallium Arsenide Coating in The Presence of Spin-Orbit Interaction
Alirteza Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
2249 - Electric Field and Impurity Effects on the Electronic Levels and Optical Properties of Spherical Segment Quantum Dot/Wetting Layer Interacted with Two Laser Fields
Reyhane Ezadi Masoomeh Dezhkam -
Open Access Article
2250 - The effect of a course of crosetin consumption on LC3 gene expression in heart tissue of elderly diabetic rats following intermittent aerobic exercise
Abolhasan Sharifi Rigi khosro jalali dehkordi Mohsen Akbarpour Beni Farzaneh Taghian -
Open Access Article
2251 - Iraqi elderly sports development model: a qualitative grounded theory study
Ali Abbas Hasan Vahid Shojaei Maysam Jabar Matar -
Open Access Article
2252 - Nonlinear Contraction Mappings in b-metric Space and Related Fixed Point Results with Application
Muhammed Raji Arvind Kumar Rajpoot Laxmi Rathour Lakshmi Narayan Mishra Vishnu Narayan Mishra -
Open Access Article
2253 - Comparing the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on Hatfield's love model in heterosexual and unequal couples
Mohammad Ploei حمید یعقوبی Mohammad reza Saffariyan Toosi -
Open Access Article
2254 - Investigation of the performance of Fluorouracil and azathioprine anticancer drugs with SWNT and BNNT: Molecular and Quantum Mechanical Calculations
Fatemeh Moosavi Neda Hasanzadeh Hooriye Yahyaei Ayeh Rayatzadeh -
Open Access Article
2255 - The effect of the sense of belonging to the place of the care center for the elderly on the improvement of their quality of life based on the integrated model of ventegodt
Atena sadat Hashemi Fesharaki Seyedeh Marzieh Tabaeian Samar Haghigi Boroojeni Maryam pourshams -
Open Access Article
2256 - The effect of Azosprilum on the yield and amount of wheat variety
نورالله تازيكه -
Open Access Article
2257 - A lattice Boltzmann analysis for MHD convection of Graphene-water nanofluid in a channel filled with porous media under local thermal non-equilibrium conditions
mostafa ahmadi Iman Zahmatkesh Hamid Reza Goshayeshi -
Open Access Article
2258 - Emerging technologies, military field, human rights
Tahereh Roozegar Abdolmohammad Afrough Abbas Barzegarzadeh -
Open Access Article
2259 - The Effect of Pilates and Aerobic Exercises on Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Elderly Women
Samira Aliabadi Bahar Nargesi -
Open Access Article
2260 - Stiffening weld repaired buried pipes using glass/epoxy composite layers to enhance buckling resistance under external pressure
Vahid Saedpanah Mohammad Ali Mostafaei Sayed Houssain Dibajian -
Open Access Article
2261 - Analysis of Seismic Demand Attenuation of steel Moment-Resisting Frames According to the Distance from the Fault
ayoub mehri dehno hasan aghabarati Mehdi Mahdavi Adeli -
Open Access Article
2262 - Application of STPA-BWM model to evaluate the safety of Azar oil field gas transmission pipelines based on reliability
Bahareh Lelahizadeh Hasan Mihanparast Simin dokht Zeynali Farham Aminsharei majid afshar -
Open Access Article
2263 - A Systematic Review of Research in the Mental Health of the Elderly in the Neighborhood Spaces: A Co-occurrence Study
Mona Masoudi Mohammadreza Poorjafar Saeed Piri -
Open Access Article
2264 - Effect of different amounts of irrigation on quantitative and qualitative yield of two Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) cultivars
Alireza Zenedini MohammadNabi Ilkaei Farzad Paknejad -
Open Access Article
2265 - Effect of planting density and nitrogen levels on agronomic traits and rice yield in Faridunkanar salinity field
Allahyar Fallah Bagheri Bagheri Keyvan Mahdavi Mashki Mohamad Mohamadian -
Open Access Article
2266 - The effects of deterioration, accelerated aging and planting density on yield, yield components and seed characteristics of produced Wheat seeds
Mahdi Namani Hosssein Ajamnoroozie محمدرضا داداشی -
Open Access Article
2267 - Evaluation of agricultural traits of three winter Safflower cultivars under drought stress conditions in different growth stages
saeed akbarimehr MohammadJavad Mirhadi Ghorban Noormohammadi -
Open Access Article
2268 - Analysis of water efficiency, energy and economics of corn and sorghum fodder production under different irrigation conditions
مسعود ترابی Mohsen Heidarisoltanabadi Rooholah Daneshvar Rad Hossein Heidari Sharifabad Reza Azizinejad Hamidreza Salemi -
Open Access Article
2269 - The effect of planting density and nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of Maize S.C.704
Majid Ashouri -
Open Access Article
2270 - Effect of Environmental Factors on the Distribution of Fungi in Paddy Fields in Najaf
Ahmed Mohsen Majeed Naser Jafari Nihad Habeeb Mutlaq -
Open Access Article
2271 - Evaluation of yield gape of Wheat chamran variety using APSIM model in irrigation and drainage network of Ramshir Plain
Mohsen Saadaffar Teimour Babeinejad Saeed Soofizadeh Ali Gholami Navid Ghanavati -
Open Access Article
2272 - Response of agronomic and physiological indices of Iranian rice cultivars to integrated NPK fertilizers application
Hasan Jafari حسین عجم نوروزی MohammadReza Dadashi Afshin Soltani -
Open Access Article
2273 - Investigating the effect of onion weight and nitrogen supply sources on morphological characteristics and yield of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.)
Mohsen Yousefi AmirHossein Shirani Rad -
Open Access Article
2274 - The effect of different concentrations of salicylic acid on Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) seed yield and yield components under influence of different humidity conditions
Zabiholah Rostami Saeed Sayfzadeh Seyed Alireza Valadabadi HamidReza Zakerin ناصر شهسواری -
Open Access Article
2275 - Effects of anti-stress substances application on yield, yield components and chlorophyll index in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under water deficit stress conditions
Hossein Zahedi Akbar Alipour -
Open Access Article
2276 - Evaluation of the magnetic field effect on stepped solar still efficiency
hamidreza goshayeshi kimya samadi vahid nejati Reza Saleh Isaa Chaer -
Open Access Article
2277 - The effect of selenium and biochar on some quantitative and qualitative yield traits of savory (Satureja hortensis L.) under cadmium stress conditions
Sajedeh-Saddat Tabatabaie Marzieh Ghanbari Jahromi Weria Weisany -
Open Access Article
2278 - Effect of nitrogen fertilizer application rate and timing on yield and yield components of forage Corn (Zea mays L.) after Wheat harvesting in Ghaemshahr region
sobhan ghanbari -
Open Access Article
2279 - The effect of water and soil regimes on morphological and metabolic characteristics of the medicinal plant Aloe vera
Davood Akbari Omolbanin Nattaj Nadia Fahimi borkhali -
Open Access Article
2280 - Antioxidant Activity and Milk Fatty Acids Profile of Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats Feeding Formaldehyde-Treated Sesame Meal at Different Levels of Dietary Crude Protein
F. Firozi O. Dayani B. Hajimohammadi Darabi -
Open Access Article
2281 - The effect of nitrogen foliar application at different growth stages on grain yield and yield components of two Wheat cultivars
alireza daneshmand -
Open Access Article
2282 - Weeds: A Major Threat to Medicinal Plant Yield and Quality
مهدی مین باشی نوشین نظام آبادی یونس محمدنژاد L Habibian T Soleimani Ali reza Safahani -
Open Access Article
2283 - Evaluating Human Capital Sustainability in the Asaluyeh Oil Field: Strategies for Effective Policy Implementation
Seyed Asghar Mousavi Mohammad Jalali Varnamkhasti Mojtaba Aghajani -
Open Access Article
2284 - The effect of plant density and harvesting time on grain yield, protein and rate of seed fall of different fodder vetch species in rainfed conditions
Babak Pasari Khosro Mohammadi