Synthesis of teachers' knowledge management research Taken from databases in the time period (1389 to 1401) and (2010 to 2023).
Subject Areas : title1
Ali Mazlomi
Hossein Momeni Mahmoui
1 - Master's student, Department of Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Management, Torbat Heydarieh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbat Heydarieh, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Torbet Heydarieh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbet Heydarieh, Iran
Keywords: Knowledge management, Social, Cultural, research synthesis, Technology field,
Abstract :
The purpose of research is knowledge management; The method of this research is qualitative and research synthesis, the statistical population, numerous studies that have been conducted in domestic and foreign articles, and the database in the time period of 1389-1401 and 2010-2023 AD, the number of 123 articles selected through content analysis, categorization And the number of articles (28 foreign sources and 95 domestic sources) that were eligible for the study were examined, and finally the articles were extracted for re-reading, coding of their indicators and concepts, and selected as a statistical sample through purposive sampling. took In order to collect the required information, the checklist made by the researcher was used to report and record the primary research information, which was collected through searching with different keywords and related to the purpose of the research. For the analysis, the 6-step synthesis model was used. Roberts' research was used to check the data reliability of the presented framework, in the field of study, 4 criteria; Believability, transferability, reliability and confirmability were used. And the result of the inductive and combined content analysis of the categories is the extraction of a conceptual framework in the field of knowledge management, which is based on the axes of behavior, social, cultural, mental, motivation, transformation and development, self-centeredness, technology and strategy.