Creating an innovation ecosystem with system dynamics approach
Subject Areas : Futurology
rozita dabbagafrouz
Alireza Bafandeh Zendeh
Mohamd Pasebani
1 - Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch,Management Economics and Accounting
2 - Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch Management Economics and Accounting
3 - Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch,Management Economics and Accounting
Keywords: Innovation ecosystem, Health of field, System Dynamics, Grounded Theory,
Abstract :
The main goal of the research is to Create innovation ecosystem with the systemic dynamics approach in the Tabriz. Data collection tools are research literature and semi-structured interviews. The statistical population of the study includes researchers from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, managers of knowledge-based companies and health policy makers. Eighteen members of the statistical population were selected by targeted snowball sampling. According to this methodology, first to explain the problem and identify the boundary of the model, the key variables and the trend of these variables were studied over time. Then, the structure of the problem was identified in the form of causal-loop diagrams and accumulation stock and flow map. After testing the model in the fourth stage, four scenarios for improving the innovation ecosystem in the fifth stage were evaluated. Analysis of the scenarios showed that improving government rules, reducing bureaucracy, and increasing the percentage of profits that industry should devote to research and development have the greatest impact on the dissemination of health innovation. Improving international relations came in second, and the scenario of material and immaterial incentives came in fourth