The impact of magnetic and ultra-sound pre-treatment on the agronomical traits and yields of forage corn
Subject Areas : crop production
sasan rezadust
هادي طايفه افشاري
1 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran
2 - گروه زراعت كشاورزي ، واحدخوي، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ، خوی- ایران
Keywords: seed pretreatment – corn of 704 – magnetic field – ultrasound,
Abstract :
To study the impact of pre-treatment of magnetic and ultra sound waves of the yield of forage corn of 704, an experiment was carried out in factorial complete random blocks with three replications and two factors on a field in Badalboo village, 15 km north of Urmia in 1392. The first factor was the magnetic field including 40, 80 milli-tesla in 20 minutes and the control ; the second factor was the sound waves including two levels with 40, 80 k. h. in two minutes with control. The results showed that the traits of the stalk height, the number of nodes, leaf area, the corn weight ratio, percentage of the protein, and the weight of forage were under the impact of sound waves. The trait of the number of nodes was also under magnetic field. The interactive impact of magnetic field in second waves was significant on the stalk height, number of leaves, wet weight of the stalk, and percentage of protein. The combination of two pre-treatment of ultra-sound and magnetic wave in average wave level caused %20 increase in the forage.
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