Estimation of Wheat Potential yield in Sistan Region Under Dry Stress: With use of Experiment Field and AquaCrop Model
Subject Areas : Sustainable production technologies
Ahmad Mehraban
Sayyed Mehdi Javadzadeh
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Iranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iranshahr, Iran
Keywords: Wheat, AquaCrop model, Potential yield, Sistan region,
Abstract :
Crops growth simulation models are important tools for evaluating effects yield of crops. One of these models is the AquaCrop model. This model can simulate productivity, yield, water requarment and water use efficiency undr condition of water limitation. research was carried out in order to simulation of some paremeters of crops growth undr condition of different water regimes on wheat (Hamoon varyity)in Sistan region at 2020-21 In this research climate, soil characteristics, plant characteristics and crop cultivation management are from major inputs for model. Place situation, climatic data, soil data, management data are necessary data and information for running model of AquaCrop. After gathering data, simulation of potential yield, attainable yield and yield gap determination of wheat was done with AquaCrop model. Region wheat farms actual yield obtained from Zabol Agriculture Researches Center. results of simulation by AquaCrop model showed that model simulates biomass and seed yield well. results of research showed that potential yield (yield simulated by model in optimum condition), available yield (yield obtained in field experiments in optimum condition of management) and actual yield (yield average obtained by region farmers) was equal to 5830, 3640 and 2750 kg/ha respectively. Between limited and decreased factors under study was determined that irrigation is the most important limited factor of wheat yield in region Management factors were introduced as the second limited factor of yield. So that led to decrease of 15.2% wheat yield relation to potential yield. At the last can to recognize effective factors in yield gap, and optimizing them, can fill this wheat yield gap in region.