Evaluation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) Intercropping
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Bijan Kahraryan
Farhad Farahvash
Soleyman Mohammadi
Bahram Mirshekari
Varahram Rashidi
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Horticultural crops research Department, West Azarbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Miyandoab, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
5 - Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: yield, barley, Intercropping, land equivalent ratio (LER), Vetch,
Abstract :
To study the effect of barley-vetch intercropping on their yields and yield components, a two-year field experiment was conducted during 2013 and 2014 growing seasons at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station of Miandoab. Factors consisted of 9 mixed treatments: with densities of 250 vetch plants + 300 barley plants, 250 vetch plants + 500 barley plants, 250 vetch plants + 700 barley plants, 450 vetch plants + 300 barley plants, 450 vetch plants + 500 barley plants, 450 vetch plants + 700 barley plants, 650 vetch plants + 300 barley plants, 650 vetch plants + 500 barley and 650 vetch plants + 700 barley plants per square meter and sole cropping of barley (350 plants per m2) and vetch (250 plants per m2). Experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications. Result of combine analysis showed that there were significant differences among the patterns of planting treatments. The highest number of spikes per square meter (97.88), thousand kernel weight (47.28 g) and biological yield (7.63 t.ha-1) and seed yield (4.36 t.ha-1) were observed in sole cropping of barley. Also, the highest number of plants (379.25), biological yield (63.67 t.ha-1) and seed yield (1.94 t.ha-1) in vetch were belonged to sole cropping of vetch. In this study the highest land equivalent ratio (LER), based on seed yield (1.20) and biological yield (1.48), belonged to 250 vetch + 500 barley plants treatment, which indicate the usefulness of this intercropping treatment, as compared to the sole cropping of these two plant.
· Abdulahi, A., S. Nasrolahzadeh, A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, S. Zehtab Salmasi, and S. Pourdad. 2014. Study on effect of weed interference and nitrogen fertilizer on performance of chickpea in intercropping with wheat. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Production Science. 23 (4): 85-100. (In Persian).
· Agegnehu, G., A. Ghizam, and W. Sinebo. 2006. Yield performance and land-use efficiency of barley and faba bean mixed cropping in Ethiopian highlands. European Journal of Agronomy. 25: 202-207.
· Agegnehu, G., A. Ghizam, and W. Sinebo. 2008. Yield potential and land-use efficiency of wheat and faba bean mixed intercropping. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 28: 257-263.
Ahmadi, A., Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, A., Zehtab Salmasi, S., Amini, R., and Janmohammadi, H. 2010. Evaluation of yield and advantage indices in barley and vetch intercropping. Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production. 20: 78-88. (In Persian).
· Ansarul, Haq, S., K. Joseph Korieng, T.A. Shiekh, F.A. Bahar, Khurshid A. Dar, Waseem Raja, Rayees A. Wani, and N.S. Khuroo. 2018. Yield and quality of winter cereal-legume fodder mixtures and their pure stand under temperate conditions of Kashmir Valley, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 7(2): 3626-3631.
· Asadi, G.A., and S. Khorramdel. 2013. Effects of different ratio of barley and hairy vetch intercropping on yield, plant nitrogen content, weed population and diversity. Journal of Crop Products. 7(1): 131-156.
· Banik, P., A. Midya, B.K. Sarkar, and S.S. Ghose. 2006. Wheat and chickpea intercropping systems in an additive series experiment: Advantages and weed smothering. European Journal of Agronomy. (24): 325-332.
· Baributsa, D.N., E.F. Foster, K. Thelen, D.R. Kravchenko, and M. Ngouajio. 2008. Corn and cover crop response to corn density in an interseeding system. Agronomy Journal. 100: 981-987.
· Borghi, E., C.A.C. Crusciol, A.S. Nascente, V.V. Sousa, and P.O. Martins 2013. Sorghum grain yield, forage biomass production and revenue as affected by intercropping time. European Journal of Agronomy. 51: 130-139.
· Bradford M.M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Journal of Analitical Biochemistery. 72: 248-254.
· Chapagain, T., and A. Riseman 2014. Barley–pea intercropping: Effects on land productivity, carbon and nitrogen transformations. Field Crops Research. 166: 18–25.
· Cruz, P.A., and H. Sinoquet. 2003. Competition for light and nitrogen during a regrowth cycle in a tropical forage mixture. Field Crops Research. 36: 21-30.
· Dapaah, H.K., Asafu-Agyei, J.N., Ennin, S.A., and Yamoah, C.Y. 2003. Yield stability of cassava, maize, soybean and cowpea intercrops. Agricultural Science. 140: 73-82. (In Persian).
· Daraei Mofradard, A., K. Azizi, S. Heidari, and A.R. Ahmadi. 2008. Evaluating the effects of mono- and intercropping of barley with narbon vetch on barley grain yield and weeds growth. Magazine of Daneshvar. 1: 35-44. (In Persian).
· Eishi Rezaei, A., P. Rezvani Moghadam, H.R. Khazaei, and AS Asghar Mohammad Abadi. 2011. Effect of density and pattern of mixing (row and row) of millet and soybean on yield and their forage yield components in Mashhad weather conditions. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Research. 9(1): 50-59. (In Persian).
· Eslami Khalili, F., H. Pirdashti, and A. Motaghian. 2011. Evaluation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yield in different density and mixture intercropping via competition indices. Journal of Agroecology 3 (1):94-105. (In Persian).
· Ghale Noyee, Sh., A. Koocheki, M. Naseri Poor, T. Yazdi, and M. Jahan. 2017. Effect of different treatments of mixed and row intercropping on yield and yield components of sesame and bean. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 15(3): 588-602. (In Persian).
· Habibi, S.D., A. Kashani, F. Paknejad, H. Jafari Jami, M. Al-Ahmadi, M.R. Tookalloo, and J. Lamei. 2010. Evaluation of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) in pure and mixed cropping with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to determine the Best combination of legume and cereal for forage production. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. 5: 169-176.
· Hamzei, J., and M. Seyedi. 2013. Evaluation of mixed cultivation of chickpea and barley using mixtures crop efficiency indices under conditions of competition with weeds. Journals of Agronomy Sciences. 5(9): 10-12. (In Persian).
· Hamzei, J., and M. Seyedi. 2014. Evaluation of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum) intercropping systems using advantageous indices of intercropping under weed interference conditions. Journals of Agronomy Sciences. 5(9): 1-12. (In Persian).
· Hamzei, J., M. Seyedi, G. Ahmadvand, and M.A. Abutalebian. 2012. The effect of additive intercropping on weed suppression, yield and yield component of chickpea and barley. Journal of Crop Production and Processing. 2(3): 43-56. (In Persian).
· Hasanzadeh Aval, F., A.R. Kocheki, H.R. Khazaei Nassiri, and M. Mahallati. 2010. Effect of density on yield and agronomic characteristics of savory and Persian clover intercropping. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Research. 8(6): 920-929. (In Persian).
· Hauggaard-Nielsen, H., P. Ambus, and E.S. Jensen. 2003. The comparison of nitrogen use and leaching in sole cropped versus intercropped pea and barley. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 65: 289-300.
· Hauggard-Nielson, H., P. Ambus, and E.S. Jenson. 2001. Interspecific competition, N use and interference with weeds in pea-barley intercropping. Field Crops Research. 70: 101-109.
· Ibrahim, M., M. Ayub, M.M. Maqbool, S.M. Nadeem, T. Haq, S. Hussain, A. Ali, L.M. Lauriault. 2014. Forage yield components of irrigated maize-legume mixtures at varied seed ratios. Field Crops Research. 169: 140-144.
· Jahansooz, M.R., I.A.M. Yunusa, D.R. Coventry, A.R. Palmer, and D. Eamus. 2007. Radiation- and water-use associated with growth and yields of wheat and chickpea in sole and mixed crops. European Journal of Agronomy. 26: 275–282.
· Javanmard, A., A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, A. Javanshir, M. Moghaddam, and H. Janmohammade. 2013. Effects of maize intercropping with legumes on forage yield and quality. Journal of Agricultural Science. 22(3): 137-149. (In Persian).
· Khorramdel, S., and G.A. Asadi. 2016. The Effect of mixed crop mixed ratios on crop variety and weed and yield. Production of Crops. 7(1): 131-156. (In Persian).
· Koocheki, A., Z. Boroumand-Rezazadeh, M. Nassiri-Mahallati and S. Khorramdel 2012. Evaluation of nitrogen absorption and use efficiency in relay intercropping of winter wheat and maize. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 10: 327-334. (In Persian).
· Kurdali, F., N.E. Sharabi, and A. Arslan. 1996. Rainfed veteh-barley mixed cropping in the Syriansemi-arid conditions. I. Nitrogen nutrition using15 N isotopic dilution. Plant and Soil. 183: 137- 148.
· Ledgard, S.F. 1991. Transfers of fixed nitrogen from white clover to associated grasses in swards grazed by dairy cows estimated using 15 N methods. Plant and Soil Science. 131: 215-223.
· Mazaheri, D. 1998. Intercropping. Tehran University Publications. Tehran, Iran. (In Persian).
· Mohammadi, S., N. Khalili Aghdam, A. Khoshnejad, M. Pour Yousef, and N. Jalil Nezhad. 2013. Mixed-Cropping and its effects on yield agronomic traits of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Bersim clover (Trifolium alexandrium). Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 2(26): 229-239. (In Persian).
· Najafi, S., D. Ghanbari, A. Bonjar, M. Ramroudi, and A. Sirousmehr. 2014. Evaluation of yield and yield components in intercropping of barley (Hordeum vulgar L.) with clover (Trifolium resupinatum L). International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research. 4: 31-39.
· Peters, N.C.B., and J.B. Wilson. 1981. Some studies on the competition between (Avena fatua L.) and spring barley. II variation of A. fatua emergence and development and its influence on crop yield. Journal of Weed Research. 23: 305-311.
· Putnam, D.H., and D.L. Allen. 1992. Mechanism for over yielding in sunflower-mustard intercrop. Agronomy Journal. 84: 188-195.· Rezaei-Chianeh, E., A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nassab, M.R. Shakiba, K. Ghassemi-Golezani, and S. Aharizad. 2011. Study of some agronomical characteristics of maize in intercropping with faba bean. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Production Science. 21(1): 1-14. (In Persian).
· Sadeghpour, A., and E. Jahanzad. 2012. Seed yield and yield components of intercropped barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and annual medic (Medicago scutellata L.). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 3: 47-50.
· Shakour Zadeh, A., K. Alizadeh Pour, M. Yousef, and A.A. Ghaffari. 2012. Study of density and nixed ratios on forage qualitative and quantitative yield in intercropping of barley and vetch under dryland conditions. Iranian Journal of Dry Farming. 1: 63-74. (In Persian).
· Thorsted, M.D., J.E. Olesen, and S. Weiner. 2006. Width of clover strips and wheat rows influence grain yield in winter wheat/white clover intercropping. Field Crops Research. 95: 280-290.
· Tosti, G., P. Benincasa, and M. Giuiducci. 2010. Competition and facilitation in hairy vetch- barley intercrops. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 3: 239-247.
· Tuna, C., and A. Orak. 2007. The role of intercropping on yield potential of common vetch/oat cultivated in pure stand and mixtures. Journal of Agriculture Biological Science. 2: 14-19.
· Xiao, Y., L. Li, and F. Zhang. 2004. Effect of root contact on interspecific competition and N transfer between wheat and faba bean using direct and indirect 15N techniques. Plant and Soil. 262: 45- 54.
· Yang, F., S. Huang, R. Gao, W. Liu, T. Yong, X. Wang, X. Wu, and W. Yang. 2014. Growth of soybean seedling in relay strip intercropping systems in relation to light quantity and red: far- red ratio. Field Crops Research. 155: 245-253.
· Yilmaz, S., A. Özel, M. Atak, and M. Erayman. 2015. Effects of seeding rates on competition indices of barley and vetch intercropping systems in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 39: 135-143.
· Abdulahi, A., S. Nasrolahzadeh, A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, S. Zehtab Salmasi, and S. Pourdad. 2014. Study on effect of weed interference and nitrogen fertilizer on performance of chickpea in intercropping with wheat. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Production Science. 23 (4): 85-100. (In Persian).
· Agegnehu, G., A. Ghizam, and W. Sinebo. 2006. Yield performance and land-use efficiency of barley and faba bean mixed cropping in Ethiopian highlands. European Journal of Agronomy. 25: 202-207.
· Agegnehu, G., A. Ghizam, and W. Sinebo. 2008. Yield potential and land-use efficiency of wheat and faba bean mixed intercropping. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 28: 257-263.
Ahmadi, A., Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, A., Zehtab Salmasi, S., Amini, R., and Janmohammadi, H. 2010. Evaluation of yield and advantage indices in barley and vetch intercropping. Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production. 20: 78-88. (In Persian).
· Ansarul, Haq, S., K. Joseph Korieng, T.A. Shiekh, F.A. Bahar, Khurshid A. Dar, Waseem Raja, Rayees A. Wani, and N.S. Khuroo. 2018. Yield and quality of winter cereal-legume fodder mixtures and their pure stand under temperate conditions of Kashmir Valley, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 7(2): 3626-3631.
· Asadi, G.A., and S. Khorramdel. 2013. Effects of different ratio of barley and hairy vetch intercropping on yield, plant nitrogen content, weed population and diversity. Journal of Crop Products. 7(1): 131-156.
· Banik, P., A. Midya, B.K. Sarkar, and S.S. Ghose. 2006. Wheat and chickpea intercropping systems in an additive series experiment: Advantages and weed smothering. European Journal of Agronomy. (24): 325-332.
· Baributsa, D.N., E.F. Foster, K. Thelen, D.R. Kravchenko, and M. Ngouajio. 2008. Corn and cover crop response to corn density in an interseeding system. Agronomy Journal. 100: 981-987.
· Borghi, E., C.A.C. Crusciol, A.S. Nascente, V.V. Sousa, and P.O. Martins 2013. Sorghum grain yield, forage biomass production and revenue as affected by intercropping time. European Journal of Agronomy. 51: 130-139.
· Bradford M.M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Journal of Analitical Biochemistery. 72: 248-254.
· Chapagain, T., and A. Riseman 2014. Barley–pea intercropping: Effects on land productivity, carbon and nitrogen transformations. Field Crops Research. 166: 18–25.
· Cruz, P.A., and H. Sinoquet. 2003. Competition for light and nitrogen during a regrowth cycle in a tropical forage mixture. Field Crops Research. 36: 21-30.
· Dapaah, H.K., Asafu-Agyei, J.N., Ennin, S.A., and Yamoah, C.Y. 2003. Yield stability of cassava, maize, soybean and cowpea intercrops. Agricultural Science. 140: 73-82. (In Persian).
· Daraei Mofradard, A., K. Azizi, S. Heidari, and A.R. Ahmadi. 2008. Evaluating the effects of mono- and intercropping of barley with narbon vetch on barley grain yield and weeds growth. Magazine of Daneshvar. 1: 35-44. (In Persian).
· Eishi Rezaei, A., P. Rezvani Moghadam, H.R. Khazaei, and AS Asghar Mohammad Abadi. 2011. Effect of density and pattern of mixing (row and row) of millet and soybean on yield and their forage yield components in Mashhad weather conditions. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Research. 9(1): 50-59. (In Persian).
· Eslami Khalili, F., H. Pirdashti, and A. Motaghian. 2011. Evaluation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yield in different density and mixture intercropping via competition indices. Journal of Agroecology 3 (1):94-105. (In Persian).
· Ghale Noyee, Sh., A. Koocheki, M. Naseri Poor, T. Yazdi, and M. Jahan. 2017. Effect of different treatments of mixed and row intercropping on yield and yield components of sesame and bean. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 15(3): 588-602. (In Persian).
· Habibi, S.D., A. Kashani, F. Paknejad, H. Jafari Jami, M. Al-Ahmadi, M.R. Tookalloo, and J. Lamei. 2010. Evaluation of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) in pure and mixed cropping with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to determine the Best combination of legume and cereal for forage production. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. 5: 169-176.
· Hamzei, J., and M. Seyedi. 2013. Evaluation of mixed cultivation of chickpea and barley using mixtures crop efficiency indices under conditions of competition with weeds. Journals of Agronomy Sciences. 5(9): 10-12. (In Persian).
· Hamzei, J., and M. Seyedi. 2014. Evaluation of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum) intercropping systems using advantageous indices of intercropping under weed interference conditions. Journals of Agronomy Sciences. 5(9): 1-12. (In Persian).
· Hamzei, J., M. Seyedi, G. Ahmadvand, and M.A. Abutalebian. 2012. The effect of additive intercropping on weed suppression, yield and yield component of chickpea and barley. Journal of Crop Production and Processing. 2(3): 43-56. (In Persian).
· Hasanzadeh Aval, F., A.R. Kocheki, H.R. Khazaei Nassiri, and M. Mahallati. 2010. Effect of density on yield and agronomic characteristics of savory and Persian clover intercropping. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Research. 8(6): 920-929. (In Persian).
· Hauggaard-Nielsen, H., P. Ambus, and E.S. Jensen. 2003. The comparison of nitrogen use and leaching in sole cropped versus intercropped pea and barley. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 65: 289-300.
· Hauggard-Nielson, H., P. Ambus, and E.S. Jenson. 2001. Interspecific competition, N use and interference with weeds in pea-barley intercropping. Field Crops Research. 70: 101-109.
· Ibrahim, M., M. Ayub, M.M. Maqbool, S.M. Nadeem, T. Haq, S. Hussain, A. Ali, L.M. Lauriault. 2014. Forage yield components of irrigated maize-legume mixtures at varied seed ratios. Field Crops Research. 169: 140-144.
· Jahansooz, M.R., I.A.M. Yunusa, D.R. Coventry, A.R. Palmer, and D. Eamus. 2007. Radiation- and water-use associated with growth and yields of wheat and chickpea in sole and mixed crops. European Journal of Agronomy. 26: 275–282.
· Javanmard, A., A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, A. Javanshir, M. Moghaddam, and H. Janmohammade. 2013. Effects of maize intercropping with legumes on forage yield and quality. Journal of Agricultural Science. 22(3): 137-149. (In Persian).
· Khorramdel, S., and G.A. Asadi. 2016. The Effect of mixed crop mixed ratios on crop variety and weed and yield. Production of Crops. 7(1): 131-156. (In Persian).
· Koocheki, A., Z. Boroumand-Rezazadeh, M. Nassiri-Mahallati and S. Khorramdel 2012. Evaluation of nitrogen absorption and use efficiency in relay intercropping of winter wheat and maize. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 10: 327-334. (In Persian).
· Kurdali, F., N.E. Sharabi, and A. Arslan. 1996. Rainfed veteh-barley mixed cropping in the Syriansemi-arid conditions. I. Nitrogen nutrition using15 N isotopic dilution. Plant and Soil. 183: 137- 148.
· Ledgard, S.F. 1991. Transfers of fixed nitrogen from white clover to associated grasses in swards grazed by dairy cows estimated using 15 N methods. Plant and Soil Science. 131: 215-223.
· Mazaheri, D. 1998. Intercropping. Tehran University Publications. Tehran, Iran. (In Persian).
· Mohammadi, S., N. Khalili Aghdam, A. Khoshnejad, M. Pour Yousef, and N. Jalil Nezhad. 2013. Mixed-Cropping and its effects on yield agronomic traits of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Bersim clover (Trifolium alexandrium). Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 2(26): 229-239. (In Persian).
· Najafi, S., D. Ghanbari, A. Bonjar, M. Ramroudi, and A. Sirousmehr. 2014. Evaluation of yield and yield components in intercropping of barley (Hordeum vulgar L.) with clover (Trifolium resupinatum L). International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research. 4: 31-39.
· Peters, N.C.B., and J.B. Wilson. 1981. Some studies on the competition between (Avena fatua L.) and spring barley. II variation of A. fatua emergence and development and its influence on crop yield. Journal of Weed Research. 23: 305-311.
· Putnam, D.H., and D.L. Allen. 1992. Mechanism for over yielding in sunflower-mustard intercrop. Agronomy Journal. 84: 188-195.· Rezaei-Chianeh, E., A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nassab, M.R. Shakiba, K. Ghassemi-Golezani, and S. Aharizad. 2011. Study of some agronomical characteristics of maize in intercropping with faba bean. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Production Science. 21(1): 1-14. (In Persian).
· Sadeghpour, A., and E. Jahanzad. 2012. Seed yield and yield components of intercropped barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and annual medic (Medicago scutellata L.). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 3: 47-50.
· Shakour Zadeh, A., K. Alizadeh Pour, M. Yousef, and A.A. Ghaffari. 2012. Study of density and nixed ratios on forage qualitative and quantitative yield in intercropping of barley and vetch under dryland conditions. Iranian Journal of Dry Farming. 1: 63-74. (In Persian).
· Thorsted, M.D., J.E. Olesen, and S. Weiner. 2006. Width of clover strips and wheat rows influence grain yield in winter wheat/white clover intercropping. Field Crops Research. 95: 280-290.
· Tosti, G., P. Benincasa, and M. Giuiducci. 2010. Competition and facilitation in hairy vetch- barley intercrops. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 3: 239-247.
· Tuna, C., and A. Orak. 2007. The role of intercropping on yield potential of common vetch/oat cultivated in pure stand and mixtures. Journal of Agriculture Biological Science. 2: 14-19.
· Xiao, Y., L. Li, and F. Zhang. 2004. Effect of root contact on interspecific competition and N transfer between wheat and faba bean using direct and indirect 15N techniques. Plant and Soil. 262: 45- 54.
· Yang, F., S. Huang, R. Gao, W. Liu, T. Yong, X. Wang, X. Wu, and W. Yang. 2014. Growth of soybean seedling in relay strip intercropping systems in relation to light quantity and red: far- red ratio. Field Crops Research. 155: 245-253.
· Yilmaz, S., A. Özel, M. Atak, and M. Erayman. 2015. Effects of seeding rates on competition indices of barley and vetch intercropping systems in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 39: 135-143.
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