HPTLC method’s Application for the study of Diazinon Concentration in the Rice paddies
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentReza Arjmandi 1 , mansore shayeghi 2 , mitra Tavakol 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University
2 - Associate Professor, School of public Health and Institute of Public Health Research,Tehran
University of Medical sciences
3 - Master Student, Faculty of the Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Diazinon, Thin-Layer-Chromatography, Rice fields,
Abstract :
In most rice paddies in Mazandaran Province, Diazinon is applied to control Chilo suppressalis.Due to the extensive application of insecticides in the rice paddies of the Caspian coasts of Iran, thisinvestigation was carried out on the rice fields and rice granules in order to obtain the necessary dataand information on the concentration of insecticide residues. This study was done in a center in AmolTownship in 1386 by using thin-layer chromatography in order to investigate Diazinon on 125 samples.Sampling period was one day after spraying until observing Diazinon. Results indicate that the insecticide is used frequently to combat stem boring caterpillar of rice and citrus tree’s pest. The residuals of this toxic chemical were observed in the majority of stations from the day after the spraying until one to two months later. The greatest level of Diazinon, was in Station #1 in amount of 1.14 ppm. This study revealed that the physical and chemical properties of the studied insecticides such as fumigation quality as well as the ecological conditions and soil type influence the reduction and eventual removal of the insecticides during the cultivation and harvest periods.
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