Selection of traits affecting sugar yield as selection criteion in various domestic and foreign sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cultivars
Subject Areas : Genetic
Farhang Movloudi
Esmail Nabizadeh
heydar azizi
1 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Mahabad, Iran
2 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Mahabad, Iran
3 - Sugar Beet Research Department, West Azarbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO, Urmia, Iran
Keywords: Sugar beet, genetic correlation, final yield, Cause and effect relationships,
Abstract :
In order to identify traits affecting sugar yield and determine cause and effect relationships between them, 13 different domestic and foreign sugar beet monogerm cultivars were evaluated at three different harvest time (7 October, 22 October, and 6 November) in a RCB design with four replications in terms of 11 important quantitative and qualitative traits in 2018 crop season in Miandoab Agricultural Research Station. The ANOVA results showed that the difference between studied cultivars was significant for all evaluated traits at 0.01 probability level. Phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were high for most traits, indicating relatively high variability in the studied cultivars for evaluated traits. Genetic correlation coefficients between traits showed that the highest positive and significant correlations were observed between sugar yield trait on the one hand and white sugar yield (0.88**), impure sugar content (0.71**) and white sugar content (0.65**) traits in that order, and the highest negative and significant correlation was found between sugar yield trait on the one hand and molasses sugar (-0.62**), alkalinity coefficient (-0.58**), and root potassium (-0.52**) traits, in that order. In multiple regression analysis by stepwise method, sugar content, white sugar content, α-amino nitrogen, and root yield traits were entered into the regression model, respectively, that explained %84 of the total sugar yield variations. Based on path analysis results, sugar content (1.12) and root yield (1.03) traits had the highest positive direct effect on sugar yield and thus, selection based on these traits can help us to achieve high-yielding genotypes.
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Abdollahian-Noghabi, M. and Froud-Williams, B. (2000). Drought stress and weed competition in sugar beet. British Sugar Beet Review, 68(1): 47-49.
Aghazadeh, K., Nematzadeh, G. and Babaeian-Jelodar, N. A. (2008). The genetic diversity of rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) using quantitative traits. New Agricultural Science, 3 (9): 1-12.
Ahmadkhansari, V., Sabouri, H., Biyabani, A.L., Falahi, H.A. and Zarei, M. (2016). Study of correlation and path analysis of agronomic traits in wheat-wheat and sugar beet-wheat rotations. Applied Research of Plant Ecophysiology, 2(2): 145-156.
Anonymous. (2017). Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad press. 95 Pp.
Azizi, H., Aalami, A., Esfahani, M. and Ebadi, A.A. (2017). The study of correlation and path analysis of grain yield and its related traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties and lines. Journal of Crop Breeding. 9 (21):36-43.
Babaei, B., Abdollahian-Noghabi, M., Jahad Akbar, M.R. and Yousefabadi, V. (2013). Introduction of appropriate method for determination of sugar content in sugar beet produced under drought, salinity and normal conditions. Journal of Sugar Beet, 29(1): 99-111 (In Persian).
Babaie, A.H., Aharizad, S., Mohammadi, S.A., Yarnia, M. and Norouzi, M. (2013). Identification of traits affecting grain yield in barley lines. Journal of Crop Breeding, 5(11): 49-59.
Baradaran Firouzabadi, M., N. Farrokhi, M. and Parsaeyan, M. (2011). Sequential path analysis of some yield and quality components in sugar beet grown in normal and drought conditions. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 6: 45-51.
Bashiri, B., Mir Mahoudi, T. and Fotouhi, K. (2015). Evaluation of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) genotypes for their trait associations under saline conditions. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology, 9(2): 243-258.
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) Rome. (2018).
Flavy, A. and Vukou, K. (1977). Physics and chemistry of sugar beet in sugar manufacture. Elsiviere scientific Hungry.
Fotouhi, K., Mesbah, M., Sadeghian, S.Y. and Ranji, Z. (2010). Path analysis under normal and salt stress conditions in sugar beet germplasm. Journal of Sugar Beet, 26(1): 1-13.
Hamel Niyat, M., Babaeian Jelodar, N.A., Bagheri, A. and Kiani, Gh. (2016). Determination of correlation coefficients and path analysis of traits affecting yield in local Tarom mutant lines. Journal of Crop Breeding, 8(20): 198-206.
Khayamim, S., Mazaher, D., Banaian Aval, M., Govhari, J. and Jahansooz, M.R. (2003). Assessment of sugar beet physiologic and technologic characteristics at different plant density and nitrogen use levels. Journal of Pajouhesh & Sazandegi, 60: 21-29 (In Persian).
Mirmahmoudi, T., Fotouhi, K., Hamzeh, H. and Azizi, H. (2021). Evaluation of Quantitative and qualitative characteristics and relationship between traits in sugar beet genotypes under normal and salt stress conditions. Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences, 14(1): 221-233 (In Persian).
Mirzaei, M.R. and Rezvani, S.M. (2007). Effects of water deficit on quality of sugar beet at different growth stages. Journal of Sugar Beet, 23(1): 29-42 (In Persian).
Mohammad Yousefi, S., Ahmadi, M. and Najafi Zarrini, H. (2017). Evaluation of the relationship between traits affecting stem shrub and root yield in sugar beet lines in autumn agriculture. Journal of Plant Productions, 10(2): 11-28.
Mohammadi, S. (2014). Evolution of grain yield and its components relationships in bread wheat genotypes under full irrigation and terminal water stress conditions using multivariate statistical analysis. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research, 12(1): 99-109.
Nasri, R., Kashani, A., Paknezhad, F., Sadeghishoa, M. and Gorbani, S. (2012). Correlation and path analysis of qualitative and quantitative yield in sugar beet in transplant and direct cultivation method in saline lands. Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, 8(1): 213-226.
Nasri, R., Paknezhad, F., Sadeghishoa, M., Gorbani, S. and Fatemi, Z. (2013). Correlation and path analysis of drought stress on yield and yield components of barley (Hordeum vulgare) in Karaj region. Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, 8(4):155-165.
Orojnia, S., Habibi, D., Taleghani, D., Dovlatabadi, S., Pazoki, A., Moaveni, P., Rahmani, M. and Farshidi, M. (2012). Evaluation of yield and yield components of different sugar beet genotypes under drought stress. Iranian Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, 8(1): 127-144 (In Persian).
Ouda Sohier, M. M. (2005). Yield and quality of sugar beet as affected by planting density and nitrogen fertilizer levels in the newly reclaimed soil. Sugar Crop Research Egypt.
Rahimi, M., Ramazani, M. and Ozoni Duji, A.A. (2016). Correlation analysis and causality of pattern effect and planting density on two rapeseed cultivars. Journal of Crop Breeding, 8(19): 218-227.
Reinfeld, E., Emmerich, A., Baumgarten, G., Winner, C. and Beiss, U. (1974). Zur voraussage des melassezuckers aus rubenanalysen. Zucker. 27:2-15
Sabokdast, M. and Khialparast, F.A. (2008). Study of relationship between grain yield and yield component in common bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Journal of Water and Soil Science, 11(42): 123-134.
Soghani, M., Vaezi, Sh., Sabaghpour, S.H. (2010). Study on correlation and path analysis for seed yield and its dependent traits in white bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, 6(3): 27-36.
Sohrabi, Y., Shakiba, M.R., Abdollahian-Noghabi, M., Rahimzadeh, F., Tourchi, M. and Fotouhi, K. (2006). Evaluation of limited irrigation effect and root harvest time on yield and some quality characteristics of sugar beet. Journal of Pajouhesh and Sazandegi, 70: 8-15 (In Persian).
Zare, M. (2017). Analysis of phenotypic correlation and causality of different agronomic traits in barley under optimal irrigation conditions and drought stress. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology, 9(28): 60-67.