Bourdieuian Analysis of literary production field of Shahnameh and Ferdowsi’s habitus
Subject Areas : epic
saba pezhmanfar
Ahmad Zakeri
Hosein Nabavi
1 - karaj university
2 - persion language and literatur, literatury and humanistic science, Azad university, karaj, Iran
3 - sociology, academy of literature and study human culture, Kharazmi university
Keywords: Shahnameh, Ferdowsi, Keywords Bourdieu, Literary production field, habitus,
Abstract :
Abstract This research is an attempt to apply Bourdieu’s integrated structuralist theory in order to examine the extent of influence of literary production field in the 4th century taken as object, and also study the impact of Ferdowsi’s disposition regarded as a subject in the composition of the most important Persian national epic. After examining the aforementioned field and studying the impact ofsocial, economic, cultural, and symbolic capitals on Ferdowsi’s habitus, this result is reached that there exists a dialectic relationship between the literary production field in the 4th century closely connected with the political field under the Samanids rule with the active habitus which did not lead him towards the vulgar teachings, instead had led him to use Persian national narratives in order to undertake the composition of Shahnameh. Employing descriptive analytic approach in this article it was found out that, Ferdowsi’s strategy was under the influence of collective habitus in his time which in turn emanated from the political structure of Samanids and his individual habitus was affected by the symbolic and cultural capital and also his Dehghan class. All these factors had persuaded him to incline towards preservation of the Persian language and Persian national identity. It was further proved that Abu Mansur Abd al-Razzaq and his companions had a great role in providing the milieu in which a project such as the writing of the Shahnameh could be realized.
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