Designing a Livelihood System Compatible with the Environment and Sustainable in the Shadgan Wetland with the Approach of Oil Field Development
Subject Areas : New technologies in natural resources and environment
mohammad saedeifard
Azadeh Nekooei esfahani
mahdi nazari sarem
1 - Department of Environment, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Land Resources
2 - Faculty of Islamic Azad University ,Central Teran Branch ,Department of Environmentral Engineerin
3 - Petroleum Engineering, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Land Resources, Central Tehran
Keywords: Shadgan Wetland, Oil field Development, Livelihood System, Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Making,
Abstract :
Introduction: Since ancient times, the wetlands had an alternative environment that caused residents to gather around them, and these wetlands were a source of work and livelihood for the people of the region, and this led to an increase in tourism. Shadgan Wetland is one of the most important wetlands in the country, and with the development of the oil field around it, changes in the environment, tourism and even the life of the people of this region emerged. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted with the aim of designing a livelihood system compatible and sustainable with Shadgan wetland environment with the approach of oil field development. In terms of research classification according to the purpose, it is an applied research, the method of data collection is descriptive-non-experimental, and among the types of descriptive research methods, it is classified as a case study. The statistical population includes 10 experts of Maron Oil and Gas Exploitation Company, among whom the expert questionnaire was distributed. Based on the studies, the main research criteria include social, environmental, legal and economic factors. Results and Discussion: Data analysis has been done using ANP-DEMATEL approach. Based on the results of the research, it was proven that the "environmental factors" criterion with a final weight of 0.574 is the first priority among the criteria and has the most interaction with other criteria, legal factors with an influence of 6.719 are the most influential and social factors with an influence of 099. 7/ is the most effective criterion, the sub-criterion "lack of executive plan and specialized guidelines for environmental management in oil fields" with a final weight of 0.1605 is the first priority among the sub-criteria. Conclusion: considering the development of the oil field in the area of Shadgan wetland, with the aim of achieving a sustainable environment so as not to harm the livelihood system of the natives of the area, attention should be paid to having an executive plan and specialized instructions for environmental management in oil fields and the existence Executive guarantee is very important for it
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