The simultaneous effect of seed quality, plant density, and nitrogen fertilizer on physiological and yield characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Subject Areas : Genetic
H. Ajamnorozi
M.R. Dadashi
A. Faraji
H. Mosanaiey
M. Pessarakli
1 - Department of Agronomy, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran
2 - Department of Agronomy, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran
3 - Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Gloestan, Gorgan, Iran
4 - Department of Agronomy, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran
5 - Plant Sciences Department, University of Arizona, U.S.A.
Keywords: Starch, Protein, Grain yield, Cereal, Seed deterioration,
Abstract :
In order to study the effect of seed aging, plant density, and nitrogen fertilization on physiological and yield characteristics of wheat, an experiment was performed as a split plot based on RCBD with four replications in 2015-2016. Experimental factors were three levels of nitrogen in recommended amount, 15 and 30 percent more than the recommended amount (125, 143.75, and 162.5 kgN.ha-1, respectively) and plant density at two levels, namely 350 and 420 plants per square meter which were the main plots and seed quality at four levels including control, 15, 30, and 45 hours of accelerated aging was subplots. Grain yield, protein and starch performance were significant under the triple effects of seed quality, planting density, and nitrogen fertilizer. With increasing levels of seed aging significant reduction were observed in all traits (except grain protein and nitrogen percentage). Application of nitrogen fertilizer 30 percent more than the recommended dose, as well as plant density of 420 plants per square meter significantly increased grain protein and nitrogen percentage. The highest average protein yield was achieved in the combined treatment of 350 plant square meters at 30-hour aging level and nitrogen fertilizer at 15 percent more than the recommended dose and also in combined treatment of 420 plant square meters, 45-hour aging level, and the nitrogen level 30 percent more than the recommended dose. Generally, seed deterioration reduced its quantitative and qualitative characteristics but more nitrogen fertilizer improved quality traits, thereby improving the quality loss.
Akhtar, S., Anjum, F.M. and Anjum, M.A. (2011). Micronutrient fortification of wheat flour: Recent development and strategies. Food Research International. 44: 652-659.
Ali, A., Ahmad, A., Syed, W.H., Khaliq, T., Asif, M., Aziz, M. and Mubeen, M. (2011). Effects of nitrogen on growth and yeild components of wheat. Science International (Lahore). 23(4):331-332.
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Bahador, M., Ebdali-Mashhadi, A., Siadat, S., Fathi, G. and Lotfi-Jalalabadi, A. (2015). Effect of Zeolit and priming on seed nitrogen, chlorophyll content and seed yeild of Vigna radiata L. JISSPP. 4(11): 137-147.
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Curtis, T. and Halford, N.G. (2014). Food security: the challenge of increasing wheat yield and the importance of not compromising food safty. Annals of Applied Biology. 164(3):354-372.
Eisvand, H., Tavakolafshari, R., Sharif Zadeh, F., MadahiArefi, H. and Hesamzadehejazi, M. (2008). Improvement of physiological quality of deteriorated Tall Wheat Grass (Agropyron elongatum) Hostseeds by hormonal priming for non-drought and drought stress conditions. Iranian Journal Field Crop Science. 39(1): 53-65 (In Persian).
Garrido-Lestache, E., Lopez-Bellido, R.J. and Lopez-Bellido, L. (2005). Durum wheat quality under Mediterranean conditions as affected by N rate, timing and splitting, N form and S fertilization. European Journal of Agronomy. 23: 265-278.
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Hopkins, W.G. (2004). Introduction to plant physiology (3rd edition.).John Wiely and Sons.New York pp. 557.
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Iqbal, M.M., Akhter, J., Mohammad, W., Shah, S.M., Nawaz, H. and Mahmood, K. (2005). Effect of tillage and fertilizer levels on wheat yield, nitrogen uptake and their correlation with carbon isotope discrimination under rainfed conditions in north-west Pakistan. Soil Till Research. 80: 47-57.
Kapoor, N., Arya, A., Siddiqui, M.A., Amir, A. and Kumar, H. (2010). Seed deterioration in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under accelerated aging. Asian Journal Plant Science. 9(3):158-162.
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Madhaj, A., Naderi, A., Emam, Y., Aynebad, A., Normohamadi, G. (2010). Effect of different nitrogen levels on grain yeild grain protein content and agronomic nitrogen use efficiency in wheat genotype under optimum and post-anthesis heat stress condition. Journal of Crops and Seed. 2(25):353-371.
Maqsood, M., Asif Shehzad, M., Asim A., Ahmad, W. (2012). Optimizing rate of nitrogen application for higher growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar. Pakestan Journal of Agriculture Science. 49(4):491-496.
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Meriaux, B., Wagner, M.H., Ducournau, S., Ladonne, F. and Fougereu, J.A. (2007). Using sodium chloride saturated solution to standardize accelerated aging test for wheat seeds. Seed Science Technology. 35:722-732.
Naseri, R., Soleymanfard, A., Khoshkhabar, H., mirzaei, A. and Nazaralizadeh, K. (2012). Effect of Plant density on grain yield, yield components and associated of three durum wheat cultivar in Western Iran. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sceince. 4(2):79-85.
Parvane, V. (2005). Food qualitative control and chemical experiments. Tehran Univ. Press. PP.332.
Peng, Q., Zhiyou, K., Xiaohong, L. and Yeju, L. (2011). Effects of accelerated aging on physiological and biochemical characteristics of waxy and non-waxy wheat seeds. Journal of Northeast Agricultureal University. 18 (2):7-12.
Rodo, A.B., Tillmann, M.A.A. and Villela, F.A. (1998). Vigour tests to evaluate the physiological quality of tomato seeds. Revista Brasileira de Sementes. 20: 23–28.
Rodrigues, M.A., Pereira, A., Cabanas, J.E., Dias, L., Pires, J. and Arrobas, M. (2006). Crops use-efficiency of nitrogen from manures permitted in organic farming. European Journal of Agronomy. 25: 328-335.
Salvagiotti, F., Castellarín, J.M., Miralles, D.J., and Pedrol, H.M. (2009). Sulfur fertilization improves nitrogen use efficiency in wheat by increasing nitrogen uptake. Field Crops Research. 113:170-177. Seiadat, S.A., Moosavi, A., and Sharafizadeh, M. (2012). Effect of seed priming on antioxidant activity and germination characteristics of Maize seeds under different aging treatments. Research Journals of Seed Science. 5 (2):51-62.
Semenov, M.A., Jamieson, P.D. and Martre, P. (2007). Deconvoluting nitrogen use efficiency in wheat: A simulation study. European Journal of Agronomy. 26: 283-294.
Silva, J.B., Vieira, R.D. and Panobianco, M. (2006). Accelerated ageing and controlled deterioration in beetroot seeds. Seed Science Technology. 34: 265-271.
Spinola, M.C.M., Caliari, M.F., Martins, L. and Tessarioli Neto, J. (1998). Comparison of vigour evaluation methods in carrot seeds. Revista Brasileirade Sementes. 20:301–305.
Sun, M., deng, Y., Gao, Z., Zhao, H., Ren, A., Li, G., Yang, Z., Hao, X. and Zong, Y. (2015). Effects of tillage in fallow period and sowing methods on water storage and grain protein accumulation of dryland wheat. Pakestan Journal of Agriculture Science. 52(1):1-8.
Verma, O.P. and Karan-Singh, P.V. (2003). Vigor and viability losses in brassica during dtorage. Field Crop Abstracts. 50(9):932.
Akhtar, S., Anjum, F.M. and Anjum, M.A. (2011). Micronutrient fortification of wheat flour: Recent development and strategies. Food Research International. 44: 652-659.
Ali, A., Ahmad, A., Syed, W.H., Khaliq, T., Asif, M., Aziz, M. and Mubeen, M. (2011). Effects of nitrogen on growth and yeild components of wheat. Science International (Lahore). 23(4):331-332.
Anonymous, (2013). FAOSTAT. http:// information/ world wheat production.html.
Bahador, M., Ebdali-Mashhadi, A., Siadat, S., Fathi, G. and Lotfi-Jalalabadi, A. (2015). Effect of Zeolit and priming on seed nitrogen, chlorophyll content and seed yeild of Vigna radiata L. JISSPP. 4(11): 137-147.
Basra, S.M.A., Ahmad, N., Khan, M.M., Iqbal, N. and Cheema, M.A. (2003). Assessment of cotton seed deterioration during accelerated aging. Seed Science and Technology. 31: 531-540.
Bradford, M.M. (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Annual Review of Biochemistry.72:248-254.
Cakmak, I. (2008). Enrichment of cereal grains with zinc: Agronomic or genetic bio fortification. Plant Soil. 302(1-2): 1-17.
Camara, K.M., Payne, W.A. and Rasmussen, P.E. (2003). Long-termeffects of tillage, nitrogen, and rainfall on winter wheat yields in the Pacific Northwest. Agronomy Journal. 95: 828–835.
Chen, J., Cheng, Z. and Zhong, S. (2007). Effect of exogegenous salicylic acid on growth and H2O2 Metabolizing enzymes in rice seedlings lead stress. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 19: 44-49.
Curtis, T. and Halford, N.G. (2014). Food security: the challenge of increasing wheat yield and the importance of not compromising food safty. Annals of Applied Biology. 164(3):354-372.
Eisvand, H., Tavakolafshari, R., Sharif Zadeh, F., MadahiArefi, H. and Hesamzadehejazi, M. (2008). Improvement of physiological quality of deteriorated Tall Wheat Grass (Agropyron elongatum) Hostseeds by hormonal priming for non-drought and drought stress conditions. Iranian Journal Field Crop Science. 39(1): 53-65 (In Persian).
Garrido-Lestache, E., Lopez-Bellido, R.J. and Lopez-Bellido, L. (2005). Durum wheat quality under Mediterranean conditions as affected by N rate, timing and splitting, N form and S fertilization. European Journal of Agronomy. 23: 265-278.
Ghaderi-Far, F., Bakhshandeh, E. and Ghadirian, R. (2010). Evaluating seed quality in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) by the accelerated ageing test. Journal Seed Science and Technology. 32: 69-72.
Ghorbanly, M. (1987). Plant physiology (translated). Markaz Nashr Daneshgahi Press.
Heydari, B., Saeidi, G.A. and Seyed-Tabatabaei, B.I. (2007). Factor analysis for quantitative traits and path coefficient analysis for grain yield in wheat. Agricalture Nature Research Science Technology Journal. 11:135-143.
Hopkins, W.G. (2004). Introduction to plant physiology (3rd edition.).John Wiely and Sons.New York pp. 557.
Hyatt, J.E. and TeKrony, D.M. (2008). Factors influencing the saturated salt accelerated aging test in tomato and onion. Journal Seed Science and Technology. 36: 534-545.
Iqbal, M.M., Akhter, J., Mohammad, W., Shah, S.M., Nawaz, H. and Mahmood, K. (2005). Effect of tillage and fertilizer levels on wheat yield, nitrogen uptake and their correlation with carbon isotope discrimination under rainfed conditions in north-west Pakistan. Soil Till Research. 80: 47-57.
Kapoor, N., Arya, A., Siddiqui, M.A., Amir, A. and Kumar, H. (2010). Seed deterioration in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under accelerated aging. Asian Journal Plant Science. 9(3):158-162.
Kaushal, T., Onda, M., Ito, S., Yamazaki, A., Fujikake, H., Ohtake, N., Sueyoshi, K., Takahashi, Y. and Ohyama, T. (2006). Effect of placement of slow- release fertilizer (Lime nitrogen) applied at different rates on growth, N2 fixation and yield of soybean (Glycine max). Journal Agronomy and Crop Science. 192: 417-426.
Kindred, D.R., Verhoeven, T.M.O., Weightman, R.M., Swanston, J.S., Agu, R.C., Brosnan, J.M. and Sylvester-Bradley, R. (2008). Effects of variety and fertiliser nitrogen on alcohol yield, grain yield, starch and protein content, and protein composition of winter wheat. Journal Cereal Science. 48: 46–57.
Madhaj, A., Naderi, A., Emam, Y., Aynebad, A., Normohamadi, G. (2010). Effect of different nitrogen levels on grain yeild grain protein content and agronomic nitrogen use efficiency in wheat genotype under optimum and post-anthesis heat stress condition. Journal of Crops and Seed. 2(25):353-371.
Maqsood, M., Asif Shehzad, M., Asim A., Ahmad, W. (2012). Optimizing rate of nitrogen application for higher growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar. Pakestan Journal of Agriculture Science. 49(4):491-496.
Marschner, H. (2003). Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA
McCready, R.M., Guggolz, J., Silivera, V., Owens, H.S. (1950). Determination of starch and amylose in vegetables. Journal Analytical Chemistry. 22: 1156-1158.
McDonald, M.B. (1999). Seed deterioration: physiology, repair and assessment. Seed Science Technology. 27:177-237.
Meriaux, B., Wagner, M.H., Ducournau, S., Ladonne, F. and Fougereu, J.A. (2007). Using sodium chloride saturated solution to standardize accelerated aging test for wheat seeds. Seed Science Technology. 35:722-732.
Naseri, R., Soleymanfard, A., Khoshkhabar, H., mirzaei, A. and Nazaralizadeh, K. (2012). Effect of Plant density on grain yield, yield components and associated of three durum wheat cultivar in Western Iran. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sceince. 4(2):79-85.
Parvane, V. (2005). Food qualitative control and chemical experiments. Tehran Univ. Press. PP.332.
Peng, Q., Zhiyou, K., Xiaohong, L. and Yeju, L. (2011). Effects of accelerated aging on physiological and biochemical characteristics of waxy and non-waxy wheat seeds. Journal of Northeast Agricultureal University. 18 (2):7-12.
Rodo, A.B., Tillmann, M.A.A. and Villela, F.A. (1998). Vigour tests to evaluate the physiological quality of tomato seeds. Revista Brasileira de Sementes. 20: 23–28.
Rodrigues, M.A., Pereira, A., Cabanas, J.E., Dias, L., Pires, J. and Arrobas, M. (2006). Crops use-efficiency of nitrogen from manures permitted in organic farming. European Journal of Agronomy. 25: 328-335.
Salvagiotti, F., Castellarín, J.M., Miralles, D.J., and Pedrol, H.M. (2009). Sulfur fertilization improves nitrogen use efficiency in wheat by increasing nitrogen uptake. Field Crops Research. 113:170-177. Seiadat, S.A., Moosavi, A., and Sharafizadeh, M. (2012). Effect of seed priming on antioxidant activity and germination characteristics of Maize seeds under different aging treatments. Research Journals of Seed Science. 5 (2):51-62.
Semenov, M.A., Jamieson, P.D. and Martre, P. (2007). Deconvoluting nitrogen use efficiency in wheat: A simulation study. European Journal of Agronomy. 26: 283-294.
Silva, J.B., Vieira, R.D. and Panobianco, M. (2006). Accelerated ageing and controlled deterioration in beetroot seeds. Seed Science Technology. 34: 265-271.
Spinola, M.C.M., Caliari, M.F., Martins, L. and Tessarioli Neto, J. (1998). Comparison of vigour evaluation methods in carrot seeds. Revista Brasileirade Sementes. 20:301–305.
Sun, M., deng, Y., Gao, Z., Zhao, H., Ren, A., Li, G., Yang, Z., Hao, X. and Zong, Y. (2015). Effects of tillage in fallow period and sowing methods on water storage and grain protein accumulation of dryland wheat. Pakestan Journal of Agriculture Science. 52(1):1-8.
Verma, O.P. and Karan-Singh, P.V. (2003). Vigor and viability losses in brassica during dtorage. Field Crop Abstracts. 50(9):932.