Problems and challenges of the elderly in urban spaces: a case study of Tehran's 13th district
Subject Areas :Mohammadali khaliji 1 , somaye Rezaihajideh 2
1 - Department of Urban planning, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Phd student of Geography and Urban Planning, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: culture, Tehran, Urban space, Transportation, the elderly,
Abstract :
Many activities of daily living take place in urban public spaces and some of these activities are inevitable. An ideal urban space is one in which civil justice is observed and all citizens and even vulnerable sections of society can use this space. Respect and respect for culture is one of the most important issues for the elderly. The presence of the elderly in management and citizenship participation can also play a very important role. The issue of neighborhood houses, mosques in the administration of neighborhoods, and helping to solve urban problems are also very important issues. The purpose of this study is to investigate the problems and challenges of the elderly in urban areas. The research was applied in terms of purpose and analytical-descriptive in terms of research method. The components are evaluated in six sections. Mean and regression tests were used to assess the challenges of the elderly in urban areas. The statistical population includes the elderly in District 13 of Tehran, 120 people were selected by available non-random sampling method. Findings show that the coefficients of the regression model of respect and culture are rejected at the level of 0.05, but the other variables are not rejected at the level of 0.05. Elderly satisfaction varies according to the degree of respect and culture, so respect and culture at the same time predict the satisfaction of the elderly. But safety, transportation, ease of access, respect and culture, the establishment of smart homes, and the allocation of government funds at the same time are not predictors of elderly satisfaction, so the most important predictor of elderly satisfaction is respect and culture. The results show that there is a significant linear relationship between the criteria of problems and challenges of the elderly in urban space with the satisfaction of the elderly in Tehran. The most important predictors of elderly satisfaction are transportation and government budget allocation, respectively. Extended Abstract Introduction One of the main problems of the elderly regarding having independence and participation in social interactions, which are considered as social needs of the elderly, is the lack of urban environments and open spaces. Urban open spaces today do not meet the needs of all members of society. It is obvious that with the passage of time and change in the level of people's abilities, their needs also change and the same urban space that was considered usable until recently, becomes an unfavorable and inaccessible environment. At the same time, the problems of the elderly are far greater than the problems of other sections of society and even the disabled. Some older people experience multiple physical, sensory, and mental disabilities at the same time, and in addition, general weakness of the body causes them to lose the ability to react quickly. Most dementia sufferers experience some degree of general cognitive impairment, regardless of dementia. The problems of the elderly in the urban environment are related to various aspects of urban design; However, since the urban landscape includes both objective and subjective dimensions, the cognitive problems of the elderly, apart from the issues related to the diseases of old age, are largely related to the design of the urban landscape. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt the urban landscape to the problems of the elderly. As long as an elderly person is forced to leave home with others due to problems in the urban environment, such as unfamiliarity with the environment and cognitive and navigation problems, and is deprived of personal independence, social inclusion will not be achieved and society will not be able to reach all potentials. Benefit and ultimately, social justice will not be achieved. Urban landscape adaptation not only improves the quality of the urban environment for the elderly, but also gives them a sense of independence, control over a worthwhile life. Such an environment, in addition to being accessible to the elderly, can be used by other inclusive members and ultimately leads to social inclusion and the participation of all members of society in social activities and social justice. Methodology Research method in this research is a descriptive-analytical method. Analytical method was used to achieve the relationships and to recognize the correlations and relationships between variables and indicators. At this stage, the required data were collected from the selected statistical population using a questionnaire technique, after classification and extraction, using the usual statistical methods, were measured and analyzed scientifically. After examining the characteristics of urban public spaces in the study area, the needs of the elderly are assessed through field data collection (questionnaire and interview). Simultaneously with defining variables to examine the problems and challenges of the elderly in urban public spaces, after extracting and reviewing the results of the questionnaires, the findings will be analyzed. The statistical population of this study is all elderly people aged 65 and over living in the 13th district of Tehran. The most important commercial centers of the region are Damavand industrial order and peasant trade order and air force. District 13 has 154 schools and 46 mosques. According to statistics provided by the Statistics Center of Iran, the total number of elderly people aged 65 and over in the study area is 180. The study population of this study includes a selected sample of the statistical population that were selected according to the limitations of the study, including the geographical extent and dispersion of the population, as well as the limited duration of the study. Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size of the statistical population. Based on this, the statistical sample size was considered equal to 120 people. Results and discussion Data analysis shows that the correlation coefficient of Pearson test between the two variables of official channel registration in the national media and elderly satisfaction is 0.305 with a value of p (significance) of 0.019 and less than the significance level of 0.05, so in this The level of hypothesis, ie lack of relationship, is rejected and as a result, there is a significant relationship between the registration of the official channel in the national media and the satisfaction of the elderly in Tehran. In addition, the positive correlation coefficients and the slope of the fitted line indicate a direct relationship between these two variables. Also, the coefficient of determination between the two variables is equal to 0.093 (= 0.093), in other words, 9.3% of the changes in the satisfaction of the elderly can be explained by registering the official channel in the national media. Conclusion In the study of the satisfaction of the elderly with the public urban spaces of the study area, the approach of experimental research was selected based on a survey of the elderly living in the area. The results of the researches of Zabetian and Taqvaee (2009) are consistent with Mahmoudi, 2011, Alia-Hesabi and Rafiei in 2011. In addition, the results of the study are in line with the findings of Berton Mitchell in a 2006 study by Torrell et al. The results showed that there is a significant linear relationship between the criteria of problems and challenges of the elderly in urban space with the satisfaction of the elderly in Tehran. The most important predictors of elderly satisfaction are transportation and government budget allocation, respectively. There is a direct and significant relationship between transportation, ease of access, respect and culture building, establishment of a smart nursing home and government budget allocation with the satisfaction of the elderly in Tehran, but there is no significant relationship between safety and satisfaction of the elderly in Tehran.