Comparative Assessment of Gully Erosion and Sediment Yield in Different Rangelands and Agricultural Areas in Ghasr-e-Shirin, Kermanshah, Iran
Subject Areas : Soil and Water ConservationKhosrw Shahbazi 1 , Ali Salajagheh 2 , Mohammad Jafari 3 , Hassan Ahmadi 4 , Aliakbar Nazarisamani 5 , Mohammad Khosrowshahi 6
1 - Forests and Rangelands Research Institute of Iran
2 - 2Faculty of Natural Resources, Tehran University, Iran
3 - Faculty of Natural Resources, Tehran University, Iran
4 - Faculty of Natural Resources, Tehran University, Iran
5 - Faculty of Natural Resources, Tehran University, Iran
6 - 3Forests and Rangelands Research Institute of Iran
Abstract :
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