The Effect of Using a Solar MagnetizerWater System on Increasing the Germination of Some Seeds
Subject Areas : Shelf Life of Food Products and Agricultural ProductionsAmin Reza Jamshidi 1 , Mahdi Mozafari Legha 2 , Mohsen Mohseni 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Power Engineering, Kahnoj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kahnooj, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: magnetic field, Seeds, Magnetizer water system, Germination percentage,
Abstract :
In this study, the effect of magnetic field of a magnetic system on seed germination percentage was studied. The device consists of components including: seed tank, device structure, 50-watt solar panel, electronic board of electromagnetic field generator with field intensity change up to 0.1 Tesla, intelligent electronic charge control board, 14-amp battery, 2-inch inlet and outlet tube Is. To control the magnetic field, two pairs of coils are used, which are wrapped around the passage tube. By installing an intelligent electronic board, the battery charge is controlled. The current from the DC power supply to the windings will produce a non-oscillating magnetic field strength. Seed germination percentage was determined and compared before and after magnetic field formation and magnetic water production. Germination experiment showed that the water from the magnetic field did not have a significant effect on increasing the germination of wheat, canola, alfalfa, tomato and lettuce seeds. However, a significant difference was observed between the germination percentage of cucumber and pumpkin in the isolated sample and the prototype, so that the germination percentage of these seeds increased by 26 and 20.64%, respectively, compared to the primary seeds.
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