Some nutritional habits of elderlies in Tehran
Subject Areas :
Saeedeh Avazzade
Akram Ghanbari Moghaddam
Fateme Ardaneh
Mohammad Ayatnia
Sahel Sang-Sefidi
Mojtaba Mohammadi
1 - Department of Health Education and Promotion, Faculty of Health Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical sciences, Mashhad, Iran
3 - Emdad Educational Center, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran
4 - Vasei Educational, Research and Treatment Center, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran
5 - Imam Hassan Educational, Research and Treatment Center, North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, Bojnurd, Iran
6 - Department of Health Education and Promotion, Faculty of Health Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran|Research Center on Healthy Aging, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran
Abstract :
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