Investigating the Effect of Different Amounts and Sources of Nitrogen on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Rice
Subject Areas : Research On Crop Ecophysiology
Natiq Jafar Ali Al-Khazali
1 - Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2 -
Keywords: Keywords: Plant height, Rice, Nitrogen, Nano fertilizer, Growth, Grain yield.,
Abstract :
ABSTRACT The present study was conducted in the agricultural year of 2022-2023 in the climatic conditions of Khorramabad city. The experiment was conducted as a basic design of randomized complete blocks with 3 replications. The treatments include N1: nano-nitrogen fertilizer, according to the soil test result and fertilizer recommendation, N2: nano-nitrogen fertilizer, according to the twice fertilizer recommendation, N3: nano-nitrogen fertilizer, half the fertilizer recommendation, N4: fertilizer Normal nitrogen chemical fertilizer with a concentration (90 Kg ha-1) and according to Cody's recommendation, N5: Normal nitrogen chemical fertilizer with a concentration (180 Kg ha-1) double the recommended N6 fertilizer: Normal nitrogen chemical fertilizer with a concentration (45 Kg ha-1) half of the recommendation Fertilizer, N7: combination of nitrogen fertilizer (half of nano nitrogen + half of normal nitrogen chemical fertilizer), control: no fertilizer. The results showed that the highest seed yield in N3, was 5767 Kg ha-1, and the lowest yield was 3383 Kg ha-1 in the control. The highest biological yield was obtained in N5 amount of 18632 Kg ha-1 and the lowest amount was obtained in the control of 10957 Kg ha-1. On the other hand, the increase in nitrogen fertilizer plays an important role in the growth of rice. Increasing the supply of nitrogen through fertilizer has improved the process of photosynthesis, and the absorption of nutrients, and as a result, increased the quantity and quality of yield. In general, the combination or use of nitrogen fertilizers and nitrogen nano-fertilizers in rice cultivation has led to improved growth, increased production, and improved product quality.
Al-Juthery H. W., Habeeb K. H., Altaee F. J. K., AL-Taey D. K., Al-Tawaha A. R. M. 2018. Effect of foliar application of different sources of nano-fertilizers on growth and yield of wheat. Bioscience research, (4), 3976-3985.
ALWAN KATTAN I. M. A. D., MIRZAEI HEYDARI M. O. H. A. M. M. A. D. 2022. Effect of Drought and Heat Stress on Growth and Yield and Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Research On Crop Ecophysiology, 17(2), 76-85.
Ashraf M., Ali Q., Rha E. S. 2005. The effect of applied nitrogen on the growth and nutrient concentration of Kalonji (Nigella sativa). Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 45(4), 459-463.
Beigzadeh S., Maleki A., Heydari, M. M., Khourgami A., Rangin A. 2019. Ecological and physiological performance of white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affected by algae extract and salicylic acid spraying under water deficit stress. Applied Ecology & Environmental Research, 17(1).
Divito G.A, Hernan R., Rozas, S., Echeverra H.E., Studdert G.A. Wyngaard N. 2011. Long term nitrogen fertilization: Soil property changes in an Argentinean Pampas soil under no tillage. Soil & Tillage Research. 114: 117–126.
El-Saadony M. T., ALmoshadak A. S., Shafi M. E., Albaqami N. M., Saad A. M., El-Tahan A. M., Helmy A. M. 2021. Vital roles of sustainable nano-fertilizers in improving plant quality and quantity-an updated review. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 28(12), 7349-7359.
Eyni H., Mirzaei Heydari M., Fathi A. 2023. Investigation of the application of urea fertilizer, mycorrhiza, and foliar application of humic acid on quantitative and qualitative properties of canola. Crop Science Research in Arid Regions, 4(2), 405-420.
Fathi A, Kardoni F. 2020. The importance of quinoa (Quinoa chenopodium Willd.) cultivation in developing countries: a review. Cercet Agron Moldova 53:337–356.
Fathi A. 2022. Role of nitrogen (N) in plant growth, photosynthesis pigments, and N use efficiency: a review. Agrisost (camaguey) 28: 1–8.
Fathi A., and Zeidali E. 2021. Conservation tillage and nitrogen fertilizer: a review of corn growth and yield and weed management. Central Asian Journal of Plant Science Innovation, 1(3), 121-142.
Fathi A., Farnia A., Maleki A. 2016. Effects of biological nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on vegetative characteristics, dry matter and yield of corn. Applied Field Crops Research, 29(1), 1-7.
Ghadirnezhad Shiade S. R., Fathi A., Kardoni F., Pandey R., Pessarakli M. 2024. Nitrogen contribution in plants: recent agronomic approaches to improve nitrogen use efficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(2), 314-331.
Hafeez A., Ali B., Javed M. A., Saleem A., Fatima M., Fathi A., Soudy F. A. 2023. Plant breeding for harmony between sustainable agriculture, the environment, and global food security: an era of genomics‐assisted breeding. Planta, 258(5), 97.
Heydari M. M., Brook R. M., Withers P., Jones D. L. 2011. Mycorrhizal infection of barley roots and its effect upon phosphorus uptake. Aspects of Applied Biology, (109), 137-142.
Heydari M. M., Maleki A., Brook R., Jones D. L. 2009. Efficiency of phosphorus solubilising bacteria and phosphorus chemical fertilizer on yield and yield components of wheat cultivar (Chamran). Aspects of Applied Biology, (98), 189-193.
Kadhim Joni Alsaedi N., Mirzaei Heydari M., Sabeeh Kareem Altai D. 2023. Effect of nanoboron and nanopotassium spraying on growth and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiate L.). Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, 54(9), 1397-1414.
Kayan Hosseini L., Mojaddam M., Babaei Nejad T. 2019. A Comparison of urea and sulfur coated urea urea on quantitative and qualitative yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different silica rate. Journal of Plant Production Sciences, 9(1), 27-36.
Keyhanian A., Mobasser H., Samdaliri M., Bakhshipour S., and Mohammadi S. 2012. Effect of seed consumption and different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of rapeseed in the second crop after rice in western Mazandaran. Crop Physiology Journal. 4(15): 43-57. (In Persian)
Khairy A. M., Tohamy M. R., Zayed M. A., Mahmoud, S. F., El-Tahan A. M., El-Saadony M. T., Mesiha P. K. 2022. Eco-friendly application of nano-chitosan for controlling potato and tomato bacterial wilt. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 29(4), 2199-2209.
Lotfi B., Maleki A., Mirzaei Heydari M., Rostaminiya M., Babaei, F. 2021. The Effect of Different Tillage Systems, Nitrogen Fertilizer and Mycorrhiza on Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Production and Energy Indices. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 52(4), 416-428.
Mirzaei Heydari M., Babaei Z. 2022. Evaluating the Effect of Potential of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria as Inoculated in Soil and Different Rates of Phosphorous Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Autumn Wheat. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, (Articles in Press).
Mirzaei Heydari M., Mishkhaszadeh K. 2022. the effects of mycorrhizal fungi on growth and yield of winter chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under conditions of supplemental irrigation. Journal of Plant Environmental Physiology.
Mirzaei Heydari M., Brook, R. M., Jones, D. L. 2023. Barley Growth and Phosphorus Uptake in Response to Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 1-16.
Mirzaei A., Naseri R., Torab Miri S. M., Soleymani Fard A., Fathi, A. 2018. Reaspose of yield and yield components of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars to the application of plant growth promoting rhizohbacteria and nitrogen chemical fertilizer under rainfed conditions. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology, 11(44 (4)), 775-790.
Mirzaei-Heydari M. (2013). The role of bio-inoculants on phosphorous relations of barley. Bangor University (United Kingdom).
Nezhad M., Armin M., Heydari M. 2014. The effect of split application of nitrogen and herbicide doses on yield and yield components of wheat in competition with weeds. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology, 7(28 (4)), 453-468.
Rathnayaka R. M. N. N., Mahendran S., Iqbal Y. B., Rifnas L. M. 2018. Influence of urea and nano-nitrogen fertilizers on the growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Bg 250. International Journal of Research Publications.
Saad A. M., Alabdali A. Y. M., Ebaid M., Salama E., El-Saadony M. T., Selim S., El-Saadony F. M. 2022. Impact of green chitosan nanoparticles fabricated from shrimp processing waste as a source of nano nitrogen fertilizers on the yield quantity and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Molecules, 27(17), 5640.
Taheri F., Maleki A., and Fathi A. 2021. Study of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Quinoa grain yield. Crop physiology journal, 13(50), 135-149. (In Persian with English Summary).
WATHEQ JABBAR S. A. F. A. A., MIRZAEI HEYDARI M. O. H. A. M. M. A. D. 2021. The Role of Ascorbic Acid on the Antioxidants of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L) Grown and the Economic and Pharmacological Importance in Iraq. Research On Crop Ecophysiology, 16(1), 10-20.
Welch R. M. 2008. Linkages between trace elements in food crops and human health. In’Micronutrient deficiencies in global crop production’.(EDs BJ Alloway) pp. 287-309.
Zamani Z., Zeidali E., Alizadeh H. A., Fathi, A. 2023. Effect of drought stress and nitrogen chemical fertilizer on root properties and yield in three quinoa cultivars (Chenopodium quinoa Willd). Crop Science Research in Arid Regions, 5(2), 487-500.
Zeidali E., Moradi R., Fathi, A. 2022. Quantitative and qualitative response of maize yield to tillage systems and nitrogen chemical fertilizer. Applied Field Crops Research, 35(2), 105-85.
Research on Crop Ecophysiology 112 - 122 Vol.18/2, Issue 2 (2023), Pages:
Original Research |
Investigating the Effect of Different Amounts and Sources of Nitrogen on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Rice
Natiq Jafar Ali Al-Khazali1 and Mohammad Mirzaei Heydari2*
1- MSc graduated, Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2- Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
* Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Received: 5 May 2023 Accepted: 10 July 2023
Keywords: Plant height, Rice, Nitrogen, Nano fertilizer, Growth, Grain yield.
Rice is the most important food product after wheat in the world, and it is the most important grain that constitutes more than half of the world's food. Rice is a grain that provides more than 80% of daily calories for the consumer and is the main food for more than half of the world's population. Rice provides 20% of the world's energy, while the share of wheat is 19% and corn is 5%. Nitrogen is one of the important food elements for agricultural plants, which if not consumed in sufficient amounts, causes limitations in plant growth (Nezhad et al., 2014; Lotfi et al., 2021; Fathi, 2022). It has been reported that higher or lower nitrogen consumption has a negative effect on the growth and production of agricultural plants (Taheri et al., 2021; Ghadirnezhad Shiade et al., 2024). The increase in agricultural food production worldwide during the last four decades has been accompanied by a seven-fold increase in the use of nitrogen fertilizers (Hafeez et al., 2023). Therefore, the challenge of the coming years will be to meet the needs of the expanding population through the development of agricultural production while maintaining the quality of the environment (Mirzaei Heydari et al., 2023; Kadhim Joni Alsaedi, 2023; Ghadirnezhad Shiade et al., 2023; Mirzaei-Heydari et al., 2013). The application of nanotechnology in agriculture has been increasing in recent years and is a valuable tool for achieving the goal of sustainable food production worldwide (Khairy et al., 2022). Nanotechnology, which is of great interest in the agricultural revolution, is due to the high reactivity, bioavailability, and surface effects of nanoparticles (Al-Juthery et al., 2018). Nano fertilizers have been studied to increase the efficiency of nutrients and improve plant nutrition compared to traditional fertilizers (Saad et al., 2022). A nanofertilizer is any nanoparticle product that is used to improve nutrient efficiency (El-Saadony et al., 2021). According to various climatic and soil factors such as soil properties, nutrient status, and their reaction, rice shows a positive and significant response to fertilizer application and increases dry matter production (Heydari et al., 2009; Heydari et al., 2011; Mirzaei Heydari and Babaei, 2022). It has been reported that the use of nitrogen fertilizer improves seed yield through the effect on photosynthesis, and increases dry matter production, transfer, absorption, and seed filling (Eyni et al., 2023). The researchers investigated the effect of the amount of nitrogen consumed on the amount of soil residues, soil organic carbon, soil organic nitrogen, and the speed of soil nitrogen mineralization. They stated that an increase in the amount of nitrogen consumed caused more biomass production and as a result, an increase in the volume of residues returned to the soil, and with an increase in nitrogen levels, the rate of decomposition and mineralization of residues increased (Divito et al., 2011; Beigzadeh et al., 2019). For this reason, considering the importance of achieving sustainable agricultural goals to optimize nitrogen consumption and also improve quantitative and qualitative characteristics, it is necessary to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer sources on these factors.
Material and methods
This research was carried out in the agricultural year of 2022-2023 in a research farm in Khorramabad at latitude 48 degrees 18 minutes north longitude 33 degrees 30 minutes east and an altitude of 1171 meters above sea level. This region has a semi-arid and cool climate with mild summers. Based on the results of the soil test from zero to 30 cm depth, soil texture is loam-clay, acidity 7.6, electrical conductivity 0.39 deciSiemens/meter, organic matter 0.57%, total nitrogen 0.03%, phosphorus 4. 10 mg/kg and potassium was 280 mg/kg. The experiment was conducted as a basic design of randomized complete blocks with 3 replications. The treatments include N1: nano-nitrogen fertilizer, according to the soil test result and fertilizer recommendation, N2: nano-nitrogen fertilizer, according to the soil test result and twice the fertilizer recommendation, N3: nano-nitrogen fertilizer, according to the soil test result and half the fertilizer recommendation, N4: fertilizer Normal nitrogen chemical fertilizer with a concentration (90 Kg ha-1) and according to Cody's recommendation, N5: Normal nitrogen chemical fertilizer with a concentration (180 Kg ha-1) double the recommendation of N6 fertilizer: Normal nitrogen chemical fertilizer with a concentration (45 Kg ha-1) half of the recommendation Fertilizer, N7: combination of nitrogen fertilizer (half of nano nitrogen + half of normal nitrogen chemical fertilizer), control: no fertilizer (control agent). Nano nitrogen was obtained from reputable agricultural stores.
Nitrogen fertilizer was prepared from a urea source with 46% nitrogen. Land preparation was done in June. To perform the plowing operation, before preparing the land, the experimental plots were irrigated. Based on the recommendation of the fertilizer, potassium and phosphorus fertilizer in the amount of 100 kilograms per hectare was distributed on the soil surface and mixed with the agricultural soil to the desired depth with the last disc operation. Transplanting was done according to the custom of the region with a distance of 20x20 cm and the distance between the blocks was considered to be 2 meters.
Variance analysis of the data with SAS v.3 software and also to compare the mean of the desired traits, the LSD test was used at the five percent probability level. In this experiment, the effect of random year was considered.
Result and dissection
Plant height
The results showed that the effect of nitrogen sources on plant height was significant at the level of 1% (Table 1). The average comparison results showed that the maximum height of the plant in N3 treatment was 128 cm and the lowest height was 104.9 cm in the control treatment. Also, a significant difference was observed between other levels of nitrogen sources (Figure 1). Nano-nitrogen increases the efficiency of fertilizer application and reduces the pollution and risks of chemical fertilizers. Also, nanonitrogen may increase plant metabolism due to its distinct physicochemical properties, which ultimately increase plant growth. The report of other researchers confirms the results of this study (Rathnayaka et al., 2018).
Figure 1. Simple effects of nitrogen sources on rice height
Table 1. Results of variance analysis of nitrogen fertilizer sources on quantitative and qualitative traits of rice | |||||||||
S.O.V | DF | M.S | |||||||
height | cluster length | seeds per cluster | 1000-seed wright | seed yield | biological yield | nitrogen seed | |||
block | 2 | 38.20 | 9.05 | 20.75 | 21.10 | 1898637 | 8507722 | 0.02 | |
N source | 7 | 171.98** | 10.04* | 115.99* | 21.94* | 1974576* | 19324518* | 0.12* | |
Error | 14 | 20.41 | 2.93 | 29.80 | 7.40 | 665838 | 5296629 | 0.04 | |
Total | 23 | 68.09 | 5.63 | 55.24 | 13.01 | 1171350 | 9845212 | 0.07 | |
C.V | - | 3.8 | 7.02 | 6 | 10.2 | 16.52 | 15.31 | 13.1 | |
*, ** and ns are significant at 5% and 1% level and non-significant, respectively
Cluster length
The results showed that the effect of nitrogen sources on cluster length was significant at the five percent level (Table 1). The average comparison results showed that the maximum cluster length in N5 treatment was 26.84 cm and the lowest was 20.43 cm in the control treatment. Also, a significant difference was observed between other levels of nitrogen sources (Figure 2). Nitrogen is one of the important elements required for plant growth and plays an important role in influencing various plant components, including spike length. The improvement in spike length may be due to the vital role of nitrogen in maintaining the structural stability of the cell membrane and its use in protein synthesis, membrane function, and cell elongation (Welch et al., 2008). The researchers reported that the maximum amount of cluster length related to the treatment of urea fertilizer with sulfur coating and the level of two per thousand nanoparticles was obtained (Kayan Hosseini et al., 2019). The results of this research are consistent with our results.
Figure 2. Simple effects of nitrogen sources on cluster length
Number of seeds per cluster
The results showed that the effect of nitrogen sources on the number of seeds per cluster was significant at the five percent level (Table 1). The results of the average comparison showed that N3 was obtained at the rate of 38.98 and the lowest rate was obtained at the rate of 79.79 in the control treatment. Also, a significant difference was observed between other levels of nitrogen sources (Figure 3). Nitrogen, as a main element in the structure of amino acids, proteins, and hormones, stimulates the growth and development of plant cells and organs. An increase in nitrogen can lead to the development of the rice cluster and ultimately increase the number of grains (Ghadirnezhad Shiade et al., 2024; Alwan Kattan et al., 2022; Zamani et al., 2023). In addition, nitrogen plays a role in regulating the processes of cell division and grain size. Increasing the amount of nitrogen may stimulate cell division and, as a result, increase the size and number of seeds (Fathi and Zeidali, 2022 Zeidali et al., 2022).
Figure 3.Simple effects of nitrogen sources on the number of seeds per cluster
Weight of a thousand grains
The results showed that the effect of nitrogen sources on the weight of one thousand seeds was significant at the five percent level (Table 1). The average comparison results showed that the highest weight of 1000 seeds in N3 treatment was 29.22 grams and the lowest weight was 21.27 grams in the control treatment. Also, a significant difference was observed between other levels of nitrogen sources (Figure 4). Nitrogen is one of the main elements in the construction of chlorophyll. With optimal access to nitrogen fertilizer, the amount of chlorophyll and absorption of nutrients by the plant is improved, and as a result, the weight of a thousand seeds increases. An increase in nitrogen consumption makes the plant use the created environmental conditions more and the durability of the leaf surface increases, and thus the weight of a thousand seeds of the plant increases and finally the yield increases (Taheri et al., 2021).
Figure 4. Simple effects of nitrogen source on 1000 seed weight
Seed yield
The results showed that the effect of nitrogen sources on grain yield was significant at the five percent level (Table 1). The average comparison results showed that the highest seed yield was obtained in the N3 treatment at the rate of 5767 Kg ha-1 and the lowest yield was obtained in the control treatment at the rate of 3383 Kg ha-1. Also, a significant difference was observed between other levels of nitrogen sources (Figure 5). Probably, the availability of nutrients for rice growth through nitrogen fertilizer has increased the growth and development of the plant during the growing season, which has ultimately led to an increase in grain yield. Researchers reported that the use of nitrogen fertilizer had the greatest effect on grain yield (Mirzaei et al., 2018; Fathi et al., 2016). In a research, researchers showed that the increase in nitrogen consumption increases the amount of protein and protoplasm, so the increase in photosynthetic activity and its overall effect will cause more growth of the plant, in which more flowers will be formed. The results of these researchers showed that the seed yield of 200 Kg ha-1of nitrogen was 4806 Kg ha-1 more than the case of not using fertilizer and 100 Kg ha-1 (Keyhanian et al., 2012).
Figure 5. Simple effects of nitrogen sources on grain yield
Biological yield
The results showed that the effect of nitrogen sources on biological performance was significant at the five percent level (Table 1). The average comparison results showed that the highest biological yield was obtained in N5 treatment at the rate of 18632 Kg ha-1 and the lowest rate was obtained at the control treatment at the rate of 10957 Kg ha-1. Also, a significant difference was observed between other levels of nitrogen sources (Figure 6). Nitrogen is one of the most important food elements that plays an important role in the growth and development and production of plant dry matter. When enough nitrogen is available to the plant, the rate of photosynthesis increases and enables the plant to grow faster and produce more biomass, which is effective in increasing plant biomass (Ashraf et al., 2005; Kardoni et al., 2020).
Figure 6. Simple effects of nitrogen sources on biological performance
Seed nitrogen
The results showed that the effect of nitrogen sources on seed nitrogen was significant at the one percent level (Table 1). The average comparison results showed that the highest seed nitrogen was obtained in the N3 treatment at the rate of 1.82% and the lowest amount was obtained at the control treatment at the rate of 1.2%. Also, a significant difference was observed between other levels of nitrogen sources (Figure 7). Nutrient elements, including nitrogen, are factors affecting the activity of photosynthetic enzymes and, as a result, the accumulation of dry matter in plants (Mirzaei Heydari and Mishkhaszadeh, 2022; Fathi, 2022; WATHEQ JABBAR et al., 2021). It has been reported that the concentration of nitrogen in plant organs is affected by the amount of dry matter and the amount and type of nitrogen used per unit area (Taheri et al., 2021).
Figure 7. Simple effect of nitrogen sources on seed nitrogen
Nano-fertilizer has helped to improve nutrient exchange and absorption of nutrients and improved plant growth. On the other hand, the increase of nitrogen fertilizer plays an important role in the growth of rice. Increasing the supply of nitrogen through fertilizer has improved the process of photosynthesis, the absorption of nutrients, and as a result, increasing the quantity and quality of yield. In general, the combination or use of each of nitrogen fertilizers and nitrogen nano-fertilizers in rice cultivation has led to improved growth, increased production, and improved product quality.
Al-Juthery H. W., Habeeb K. H., Altaee F. J. K., AL-Taey D. K., Al-Tawaha A. R. M. 2018. Effect of foliar application of different sources of nano-fertilizers on growth and yield of wheat. Bioscience research, (4), 3976-3985.
ALWAN KATTAN I. M. A. D., MIRZAEI HEYDARI M. O. H. A. M. M. A. D. 2022. Effect of Drought and Heat Stress on Growth and Yield and Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Research On Crop Ecophysiology, 17(2), 76-85.
Ashraf M., Ali Q., Rha E. S. 2005. The effect of applied nitrogen on the growth and nutrient concentration of Kalonji (Nigella sativa). Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 45(4), 459-463.
Beigzadeh S., Maleki A., Heydari, M. M., Khourgami A., Rangin A. 2019. Ecological and physiological performance of white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affected by algae extract and salicylic acid spraying under water deficit stress. Applied Ecology & Environmental Research, 17(1).
Divito G.A, Hernan R., Rozas, S., Echeverra H.E., Studdert G.A. Wyngaard N. 2011. Long term nitrogen fertilization: Soil property changes in an Argentinean Pampas soil under no tillage. Soil & Tillage Research. 114: 117–126.
El-Saadony M. T., ALmoshadak A. S., Shafi M. E., Albaqami N. M., Saad A. M., El-Tahan A. M., Helmy A. M. 2021. Vital roles of sustainable nano-fertilizers in improving plant quality and quantity-an updated review. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 28(12), 7349-7359.
Eyni H., Mirzaei Heydari M., Fathi A. 2023. Investigation of the application of urea fertilizer, mycorrhiza, and foliar application of humic acid on quantitative and qualitative properties of canola. Crop Science Research in Arid Regions, 4(2), 405-420.
Fathi A, Kardoni F. 2020. The importance of quinoa (Quinoa chenopodium Willd.) cultivation in developing countries: a review. Cercet Agron Moldova 53:337–356.
Fathi A. 2022. Role of nitrogen (N) in plant growth, photosynthesis pigments, and N use efficiency: a review. Agrisost (camaguey) 28: 1–8.
Fathi A., and Zeidali E. 2021. Conservation tillage and nitrogen fertilizer: a review of corn growth and yield and weed management. Central Asian Journal of Plant Science Innovation, 1(3), 121-142.
Fathi A., Farnia A., Maleki A. 2016. Effects of biological nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on vegetative characteristics, dry matter and yield of corn. Applied Field Crops Research, 29(1), 1-7.
Ghadirnezhad Shiade S. R., Fathi A., Kardoni F., Pandey R., Pessarakli M. 2024. Nitrogen contribution in plants: recent agronomic approaches to improve nitrogen use efficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(2), 314-331.
Hafeez A., Ali B., Javed M. A., Saleem A., Fatima M., Fathi A., Soudy F. A. 2023. Plant breeding for harmony between sustainable agriculture, the environment, and global food security: an era of genomics‐assisted breeding. Planta, 258(5), 97.
Heydari M. M., Brook R. M., Withers P., Jones D. L. 2011. Mycorrhizal infection of barley roots and its effect upon phosphorus uptake. Aspects of Applied Biology, (109), 137-142.
Heydari M. M., Maleki A., Brook R., Jones D. L. 2009. Efficiency of phosphorus solubilising bacteria and phosphorus chemical fertilizer on yield and yield components of wheat cultivar (Chamran). Aspects of Applied Biology, (98), 189-193.
Kadhim Joni Alsaedi N., Mirzaei Heydari M., Sabeeh Kareem Altai D. 2023. Effect of nanoboron and nanopotassium spraying on growth and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiate L.). Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, 54(9), 1397-1414.
Kayan Hosseini L., Mojaddam M., Babaei Nejad T. 2019. A Comparison of urea and sulfur coated urea urea on quantitative and qualitative yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different silica rate. Journal of Plant Production Sciences, 9(1), 27-36.
Keyhanian A., Mobasser H., Samdaliri M., Bakhshipour S., and Mohammadi S. 2012. Effect of seed consumption and different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of rapeseed in the second crop after rice in western Mazandaran. Crop Physiology Journal. 4(15): 43-57. (In Persian)
Khairy A. M., Tohamy M. R., Zayed M. A., Mahmoud, S. F., El-Tahan A. M., El-Saadony M. T., Mesiha P. K. 2022. Eco-friendly application of nano-chitosan for controlling potato and tomato bacterial wilt. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 29(4), 2199-2209.
Lotfi B., Maleki A., Mirzaei Heydari M., Rostaminiya M., Babaei, F. 2021. The Effect of Different Tillage Systems, Nitrogen Fertilizer and Mycorrhiza on Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Production and Energy Indices. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 52(4), 416-428.
Mirzaei Heydari M., Babaei Z. 2022. Evaluating the Effect of Potential of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria as Inoculated in Soil and Different Rates of Phosphorous Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Autumn Wheat. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, (Articles in Press).
Mirzaei Heydari M., Mishkhaszadeh K. 2022. the effects of mycorrhizal fungi on growth and yield of winter chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under conditions of supplemental irrigation. Journal of Plant Environmental Physiology.
Mirzaei Heydari M., Brook, R. M., Jones, D. L. 2023. Barley Growth and Phosphorus Uptake in Response to Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 1-16.
Mirzaei A., Naseri R., Torab Miri S. M., Soleymani Fard A., Fathi, A. 2018. Reaspose of yield and yield components of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars to the application of plant growth promoting rhizohbacteria and nitrogen chemical fertilizer under rainfed conditions. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology, 11(44 (4)), 775-790.
Mirzaei-Heydari M. (2013). The role of bio-inoculants on phosphorous relations of barley. Bangor University (United Kingdom).
Nezhad M., Armin M., Heydari M. 2014. The effect of split application of nitrogen and herbicide doses on yield and yield components of wheat in competition with weeds. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology, 7(28 (4)), 453-468.
Rathnayaka R. M. N. N., Mahendran S., Iqbal Y. B., Rifnas L. M. 2018. Influence of urea and nano-nitrogen fertilizers on the growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Bg 250. International Journal of Research Publications.
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