Open Access Article
1 - Evaluation and presentation of conclusions
Gholam Hossein Fakher samineh bahadorijahromi عبدالحمید دلشاد Keramatollah Rasekh -
Open Access Article
2 - Meta theoretical foundations of feminism theory in international relations
Ebrahim Anooshe -
Open Access Article
3 - Conceptualization of business excellence model: Based on future study approach
Yousof Malek Mirzaee Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand Ali Rajabzadeh Mahmoud Samiei Nasr -
Open Access Article
4 - Providing Pattern of Health tourism attraction management in in the future of Iran
mania Aminzadeh Ali Hajiha Hossein Vazifehdust Fereydon Rahnama roodposhti -
Open Access Article
5 - Presenting and Validating a Model of Business Diplomacy in International Trade Based on the Grounded Theory and Structural Equation Modeling
Hamid Akbariye Hossain Vazifedoust Abbas Saleh Ardestani -
Open Access Article
6 - Financial Governance Model in Social Security System
shahram karimnezhad Reza Nagafbagy Karamollah Daneshfard Akbar Alamtabriz -
Open Access Article
7 - Individual Moods , Sensation- Seeking , Gambling Intention and Forecasting of Earnings Management Behavior: A Test of Upper Echelons Theory
bahman banimahd -
Open Access Article
8 - Designing improvement model for trade fairs in Iran: Participant’s point of view
HOOSHANG GOODARZI Hosein Vazifehdoost S. Jamalaldin Tabibi Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
9 - Provide Customer Relationship Management Model for Social Media-Based Businesses
Hossein Daneshmehr reza radfar Kambiz Heidarzadeh Hanzaee -
Open Access Article
10 - Designing and explaining the urban brand model in order to create a tourism destination brand with Grounded theory approach
ROMINA RABANI Seyyed Mehdi jalali Hassan Mehrmanesh -
Open Access Article
11 - Design the good governance model in Tehran municipality
ali amini shad abbas monavvarian mojtaba amiry -
Open Access Article
12 - A Future Study on Impact of Convergent Technologies on Ideal Model of Iranian Administrative System
Hedayat Kargar Shouroki Sayed Habibollah Mirghafoori Habib Zare Ahmadabadi Ali Mohammad Soltani -
Open Access Article
13 - Designing and Explaining an Effective Social Media-Based Advertising Pattern in the Educational Business Industry
Davood Yaghoobi Seyyed Mahmood Hashemi Abdollah Naami -
Open Access Article
14 - Construction and Lived Experience of Tourism Industry Experts and Experts in Tourism Marketing Using the Grounded Theory Method
Abas Asadi Kambiz Heidarzadeh mohsen Khonsiavash mansooreh aligholi -
Open Access Article
15 - Creating an innovation ecosystem with system dynamics approach
rozita dabbagafrouz Alireza Bafandeh Zendeh Mohamd Pasebani -
Open Access Article
16 - The Impact of Oil and Gas Industry Development on Cultural Evolutions in South Pars Special Economic Zone and Abadan Oil Refinery
mahdi pourali Seyyed Jamaluddin Tabibi Ali Akbar Rezaei -
Open Access Article
17 - Future studies on customer experience management and its effective factors based on brand loyalty
Azadeh Boostani Hamidreza Saeedniya Hamid Saeedi Rahim Mohtaram -
Open Access Article
18 - Analysis of The Drivers Affecting the Business Services Marketing with A Focus on The Perspective of Importing and Exporting Goods of Small and Medium Enterprises
Gholam ali Rahimi vahid nasehifar Tahmineh Nategh -
Open Access Article
19 - Considering success and failure factors of startups in Iran using grounded theory with Charmaz constructive approach
hamid adldoost Mahmood Alborzi Seyed Abdollah Amin Mousavi -
Open Access Article
20 - Designing a Model of Resistance Businesses in Service Industries
Hoda Zeynali Seyed Mahmoud Hashemi mirza hassn Hosseini Sina nemati zadeh -
Open Access Article
21 - The optimal choice of futures scenarios auditing profession with grounded theory approach
امیرحسین بهرامیان Bizhan Abedini Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar Faegh Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
22 - Developing a Model for Promoting Pedagogical Wisdom in Higher Education Based on Grounded Theory
Farshid Khanjanian Nadergholi Ghourchian Kamran Mohammadkhani Parivash Jafari -
Open Access Article
23 - A Fuzzy Model to Determine the Structural Dimensions of Organization Based on the Contextual Dimensions
S. Khan Mohammadi A.R. Bafandeh Zendeh -
Open Access Article
24 - Past, Present and Future of Marketing Practice: A critical Analysis
Pejman Jafari -
Open Access Article
25 - The Survey of Effective Behavioral Factors on Decision Making of Acceptance the Electronic Commerce, by Managers of SMEs in Tehran
A. Hajiha F.i Ghaffar L. Hajihashemi varnosefadrani -
Open Access Article
26 - A REVIEW OF ORGANIZATION VIRTUALIZATION TREND (From Newtonian attitude to Quantum Theory)
H. Mirzaei Ahranjani F. Bozorgi, -
Open Access Article
27 - Voluntary Disclosure in Financial Reporting: A Review of Theories and Researches
R. Royaee B. Banimahd -
Open Access Article
28 - Portfolio Optimization Using Markowitz’s Mean-Semi Variance Method on Tehran Stock Exchange
F. Heibati R. Haddadzadeh -
Open Access Article
29 - Future studies to determine the components of the model in higher education
Marziyeh Niaz Azari -
Open Access Article
30 - Application of Topsis Method for Ranking Research Centers in Order to Resource Allocating in Fuzzy Phase
Ali Reza Ali Ahmadi Mohammad Reza Khosh Lafz -
Open Access Article
31 - Identifying the Influential Factors on an Islamic-Iranian Model of Human Resource Development in Governmental Sector with Aspect of future studies
Ismail Kamali Rad Naser Mirsepasi Reza NajafBagy Afshar Kazemi -
Open Access Article
32 - Developed Fordyce Webster Algorithm for Solving Periodic Ordering with Fuzzy Costs
N. Hamidi P. Samouei M. Eghbali -
Open Access Article
33 - A New Approach For the Arrangement of the Resources Under Undetermined Jobs Sequence
M. T. Taghavifard H. R. Dehnarseidi -
Open Access Article
34 - Application of MPT & PMPT in Evaluation of Risk ( Financial-Marketing Approach to Iran Cement Industry )
H. R. Vakilifard J. Barzigar -
Open Access Article
35 - Evaluation of the quality of the ‘Fatah’(conquest) of Persia according to the ‘Just war’ theory
Parvin Torkamany Azar -
Open Access Article
36 - The Minbar Field in the Constitutional Period Based on Bourdieu's Theory
Sadeq Pashaei Shahrbanou Delbari Mahmoud Mahdavi Damghani -
Open Access Article
37 - The Analysis of Sarbedaran Movement Based on Charles Tilly Collective Action Theory
Ali Bahranipour abdolah fazeli sajad kazemi Ali Lajmorak Moradi -
Open Access Article
38 - Al-Fārābī's Theory of Just War
Amirhossein Emami Koupaei -
Open Access Article
39 - Sovereignty Over the Ra’āyā: Reflection of Safavid Ideology in “Man on a Composite Horse and Elephant” Paintings
Seddighe Nayefi asghar javani Mohammad Reza Moridi -
Open Access Article
40 - Visual Principles of Design in Islamic-Iranian Paintings and Visual Principles of Ibn al-Haytham’s Vision Theory; A Comparative Study
Parvaneh Delfani Esmael Bani Ardalan -
Open Access Article
41 - Are the Decline of Rationality and Lack of Break with the Foundations the Reason of Historical Backwardness? Review and Criticism of Javad Tabatabai’s Theory
Saeed Attar -
Open Access Article
42 - The Effect of Ibn al-Haytham’s Vision Theory on the Prevalence of Linear Perspective in the Renaissance Painting
Parvaneh Delfani Esmael Bani Ardalan -
Open Access Article
43 - On optical field driven quantum spin Hall phase in Bi_2Se_3 thin film with magnetic Impurities
Udai Tyagi Partha Goswami -
Open Access Article
44 - Three-Body force effects on breakup and formation of 6Li nuclei
Hossein Sadeghi Shahla Nahidinezhad -
Open Access Article
45 - String cosmological models with bulk viscosity in Nordtvedt's general scalar-tensor theory of gravitation
Uma Maheswara Rao Velagapudi Neelima Davuluri -
Open Access Article
46 - Mechanical properties of CaN, SrN, and BaN compounds by density functional theory
Homa Sadat Sharifzadeh Sima Sadat Sharifzadeh Faramarz Kanjouri Amirhosein Esmailian -
Open Access Article
47 - Study on higher order azimuthally polarized Laguerre–Gaussian mode beams with high NA lens
K. Lalithambigai P. M. Anbarasan K. B. Rajesh -
Open Access Article
48 - String cloud and domain walls with quark matter for plane symmetric cosmologicalmodel in bimetric theory
Pradyumn Kumar Sahoo Bivudutta Mishra -
Open Access Article
49 - Finite element formulation for the free vibration analysis of embedded double-walled carbon nanotubes based on nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory
Milad Hemmatnezhad Reza Ansari -
Open Access Article
50 - Investigation of structural and electronic transport properties of graphene and graphane using maximally localized Wannier functions
Mansoureh Pashangpour Vahid Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
51 - Classical information theoretic view of physical measurements and generalized uncertainty relations
Yoshimasa Kurihara -
Open Access Article
52 - Spin–lattice coupling in iron-pnictide superconductors: a model for possible continuous phase transition
Chinedu E Ekuma Ephriam O Chukwuocha Michael C Onyeaju -
Open Access Article
53 - First principles study on structural and magnetic properties of small and pure carbon clusters (Cn, n = 2 - 12)
Mahdi Afshar Mahboobeh Babaei Amir Hossein Kordbacheh -
Open Access Article
54 - The effect of structural defects on the electron transport of MoS2 nanoribbons based on density functional theory
Farahnaz Zakerian Morteza Fathipour Rahim Faez Ghafar Darvish -
Open Access Article
55 - The structural properties of boron and nitrogen adsorption on benzene molecule: a density functional study
Samaneh S. Hoseini Edris Faizabadi -
Open Access Article
56 - Fabrication of graded helical square tower-like Mn sculptured thin films and investigation of their electrical properties: comparison with perturbation theory
Mahsa Fakharpour Hadi Savaloni -
Open Access Article
57 - First principle study of the effect of defects on performance of single-molecule pentacene field effect transistors
Bahniman Ghosh Akash Gramin -
Open Access Article
58 - Temperature dependence of EXAFS spectra of BCC crystals analyzed based on classical anharmonic correlated Einstein model
Tong Sy Tien -
Open Access Article
59 - Dynamic structures of nonlinear ion acoustic waves in a nonextensive electron–positron–ion plasma
Uday Narayan Ghosh Asit Saha Nikhil Pal Prasanta Chatterjee -
Open Access Article
60 - Effect of BN nanodots on the electronic properties of α- and β-graphyne sheets: a density functional theory study
R. Majidi H. Eftekhari H. Bayat Kh. Rahmani A. M. Khairogli -
Open Access Article
61 - Photon decaying in de Sitter universe
Y. Ahmadi M. V. Takook -
Open Access Article
62 - Improving the security of wireless sensor networks using Game Theory
Behzad Seif mohammad goodarzi -
Open Access Article
63 - Design Policy Template for Reforming and Improving the Administrative System (Case Study: National Iranian Gas Company)
Javad Fadaei masoud POur Kiani -
Open Access Article
64 - Provide a conceptual model of e-government development: Review of e-government development in the administrative system reform program
khosrow nouri hadi Hemmatian hassan forati farshad faezirazi -
Open Access Article
65 - Investigating the effectiveness of banking services management based on meme theory
Mehdi Ehsanifard Farshad Faezy Razi Aliakbar Aminbeydokhti -
Open Access Article
66 - Designing a Conceptual Model of Diversity Management in Iranian Government Organizations
Parmis pakrooh Esmail Ghaderi Mahmoud Rahmani -
Open Access Article
67 - Ranking of Human Resources Empowerment Method Based on GREY THEORY
Majid Iravani Manochehr Omidvari -
Open Access Article
68 - Review Nuclear Diplomacy between Iran and the United States are based on the Game Theory
Seyed Amin Razavi nejad -
Open Access Article
69 - Designing a digital transformation system model in the tax organization
mehrdad kalantari Jalal Hghighat monfared Abdollah Kolobandi -
Open Access Article
70 - Designing an electronic customer relationship management model in private banks
Mina Abdolalipour Hossein Bodaghi Khajeh Noubar, Parvaneh Gelard Reza Rostamzadeh -
Open Access Article
71 - Designing Employee Empowerment Model for Imam Khomeini Relief Committee Based on Social Entrepreneurship Approach: A mixed study
mansour izadi mansoureh aligholi gholamhossein hosseininia -
Open Access Article
72 - Explaining the causal factors of online repurchase intention in chain stores
mahdi barehmoghadam Hossein Hakimpour Mehdi Mahmoodzadeh Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
73 - Identifying the effective context conditions of the sports entrepreneurship education of sports science students
Mehrnaz Sabzemeidani Vahid Shojaei Mohammad Hami -
Open Access Article
74 - Representation of contents and Concepts of Religious Traditionalism in the Seyyed Reza Mirkarimi's Film (Emphasizing the movie"Under the Moonlight" and "Here, a Shining Light")
fateme noorirad hadi jafari nezhad -
Open Access Article
75 - A Qualitative Approach to Modeling the Effectiveness of Sport Brand Placement in the Media
Mehrshad Nasimi Nasrollah Mohammadi Mohammad Ali Nasimi Saeed Amirnejad -
Open Access Article
76 - Media communication model to increase farmers' awareness and improve and develop agriculture (Case study: promotional media)
seyed mohammad mousavi Faezeh Taghipour Ahmadeza Golparvar -
Open Access Article
77 - Studying of structure and content of local press from perspective of Professional and developmental Principles of journalism(Case Study: Ardabil Province Press)
Shahriar Gholizadeh gollo -
Open Access Article
78 - Computational Linguistics: A Descriptive Approach towards its Uses and Techniques
Zolfa Imani -
Open Access Article
79 - Dichotomous paradigms in Media Discourses of JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)
Pooya Nematolahi , Mohammadreza Rasouli Seyed Mahmoud Nejati Hosseini, -
Open Access Article
80 - The Conceptual Model of Attention Management In The Face Of the Islamic Republic Of Iran
Shokouh Soltani Akbar Eteberian Saeed sharifi; Ali Rashidpoor -
Open Access Article
81 - Design, media management competency model
Ziba Amirkhani Ali Akbar Farhangi Afsaneh Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
82 - Firmware Development Work on Expanding the Use of Smart Phone Applications
Hossein Maadanipour Ahmad Aslizadeh -
Open Access Article
83 - A Critical Approach to Terrorism phenomenon: Traditional and Critical Theories
Keyhan Barzegar Rahmat Hajimineh -
Open Access Article
84 - Cohering central part of Shiraz Urban design guidelines toward a more coherent urban form based on complexity theory
Hossein Bahrainy Mehran Foroughifar -
Open Access Article
85 - Iranian traditional home aesthetics: Recognition aesthetics elements based on Grounded Theory(Case Study: Yazd)
Maryam Soleimani Kazem Mondegari -
Open Access Article
86 - The Role of Social Network Centrality Indices in Spatial Organization Based on Design Records (Case Study: Emergency Department of Hospitals)
Romisa Rahmati Gavari Hadi Ghodousi Far Mansoureh Tahbaz Fatemeh Zare Mirakabad -
Open Access Article
87 - Explaining and Regenerating of the Effective Powers to enhance the Quality of Women's Presence with the Iranian-Islamic Approach
Hamid Pour Hosein Roshan Mohammad Reza Pourjafar Hamid Reza Saremi -
Open Access Article
88 - Architecture student’s learning styles: a comparison between continuous Bachelor and discontinuous Bachelor Degree in Universities of Hamedan province
Shirin Gooran Manouchehr Foroutan Omid Dejdar -
Open Access Article
89 - Exploration of Effective Quality Components in Minimal Housing (Case Study: Jomee Mosque Neighbourhood in Ardebil)
Haniye Makareminia Seyed-Abbas Yazdanfar Neda sadat Sahrafard Monfared -
Open Access Article
90 - Exploring the features of complexity theories in Tehran City Comprehensive Plan (2007)
Esfandiar Zebardast Mohammad Amin Saeidi -
Open Access Article
91 - Analytical Approach to Design Theories of Christopher Alexander From notes on synthesis of form and pattern language to new concepts of complexity theory
Nahid mohajeri Shiva ghomi -
Open Access Article
92 - Analysis Quality of Urban Space with an Audience-Oriented Approach
Homa Hedayat Farah Habib -
Open Access Article
93 - A General Theory for Cities of the 21st Century (Peter Hall) and Adaptability to the Conditions of Iran
Zohreh Davoudpour Daryoush Ardalan -
Open Access Article
94 - Intricacy of Architectural Design Process as a Heterogeneous Network
Fatemeh Zare Kaveh Bazrafkan Homa Irani Behbahani Behrooz Mansouri -
Open Access Article
95 - Deleuze's Philosophy and its Impact on Late 20th Century Architectural Theory: A Study of ANY Magazine
Ehsan Kakhani Zohreh Tafazzoli -
Open Access Article
96 - Proposed Definition and Typology of Brownfield Sites in Iranian Cities
Elnaz Baghernejhad -
Open Access Article
97 - Investigating the Factors Influencing the Diversity of the Various Residential Buildings Façades (Case Study: Vali-Asr Neighborhood in Tabriz)
Hajar Panahi Barjay Lida Balilan Asl Dariush Sattarzadeh -
Open Access Article
98 - Social Issues in Post Disaster Reconstruction Planning
Fereshteh Navidi Majd Alireza Andalib -
Open Access Article
99 - Definition of Architecture
Afra Gharibpour -
Open Access Article
100 - Institutionalism in Strategic Structural Plans (A Grounded Theory Approach)
Maryam Daneshvar Ali Ghafari Hamid Majedi -
Open Access Article
101 - Social-cognitive determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among Rafsanjan female students, 2018-19: Application of social cognitive theory
Zahra Soleiman Ahari Mostafa Nasirzadeh Mohammad Asadpour Leili Mazar -
Open Access Article
102 - Identifying the Components of Social Commerce of Iranian Sports Clubs and Facilities with Qualitative Grounded Theory Approach
Siavash Mohamadyan korosh veisi Mahboub Sheikhalizadeh Mahdi Bashiri -
Open Access Article
103 - Strategic approaches to teaching sports entrepreneurship in sports science students
Mehrnaz Sabzemeidani Vahid Shojaei Mohammad Hami -
Open Access Article
104 - The globalization Model of zurkhaneh sports
Mojtaba johari reza saboonchi sayed Ehsan amirhosseini -
Open Access Article
105 - Identifying the causal and contextual factors affecting the success of the Iranian military sports caravan in the CISM 2023 competitions
Abdolreza Arianfard Reza Saboonchi Mohammad Nikravan -
Open Access Article
106 - Fixed Costs Allocation using Cross-Efficiency Evaluation and Game Theory
Mostafa Davtalab-olyaie Fatemeh Ghandi Farideh Davtalab-Olyaie -
Open Access Article
107 - Multiplicity Results for a Second-Order Boundary-Value Problems With Variable Expnents
ghasem Alizadeh Afroozi Mostafa Negravi Mehdi Azhini -
Open Access Article
108 - On Generalization of Sturm-Liouville Theory for Fractional Bessel Operator
S.S. Mosazadeh -
Open Access Article
109 - A new Levenberg-Marquardt approach based on Conjugate gradient structure for solving absolute value equations
F. Rahpeymaii K. Amini T. Allahviranloo -
Open Access Article
M. Khaleghi Moghadam S. Tersian M. Avci -
Open Access Article
111 - Base station selection in two-tier femtocell networks: A game-theoretic approach
Azadeh Pourkabirian Mehdi Dehghan Takht Fooladi Esmaeil Zeinali Amir Masoud Rahmani -
Open Access Article
112 - Fuzzy Graph Coloring in Traffic Lights Problem
Yahya Talebi Rostami Siyamak Firouzian Ali Reza Moniri Hamzekolaee Mostafa Nouri Jouybari -
Open Access Article
113 - A fourth order elliptic problem of Kirchhoff type and finding infinitely many weak solution for it
Karimeh Ardeshiri Somayeh Khademloo ghasem alizadeh afrouzi -
Open Access Article
114 - Calculating the upper limit of calculation speed and complexity growth rate using the mathematical method of disturbance theory
hossein bagheri Mohammadreza Tanhayi -
Open Access Article
115 - Resource Allocation in Data Envelopment Analysis on Fuzzy inputs and outputs
Esmat Noroozi Hamid SHarafi -
Open Access Article
116 - Bankruptcy Assessment with the Interval Programming and Games Theory
A. Batamiz M. Allahdadi -
Open Access Article
117 - A Primal Simplex Algorithm for Solving Linear Programming Problem with Grey Cost Coefficients
S.H. Nasseri A. Yazdani D. Darvishi Salokolaei -
Open Access Article
118 - Engineers' Crimes and Violations from Criminal Sociology Perspective
rajab Goldust Joybari Mohammad Reza Darabpour -
Open Access Article
119 - Understanding of Nation-State in Theories of International Relations
Sreyed Abdol-Ali Ghavam Afshin Zargar -
Open Access Article
120 - Constraints to Iran’s Regional Supremacy
سیدجلال Dehghani -
Open Access Article
121 - The Institution of Shiism in Iran: Challenges and Opporatunities
سید مصطفی Zbtahi -
Open Access Article
122 - Ideology, Discourse and Political Analysis
جهانگیر Moeini -
Open Access Article
123 - Applying the game theory in analysis of budget manager-Senior Manager strategic game in budget participation and budget slack
Sahar Sepasi Hossein Etemadi Saeed Sirghani -
Open Access Article
124 - The relationship between the size of the government and Tehran,s Stock Exchange Market Performance
مهدی پدرام عبدالرحمن حری -
Open Access Article
125 - Detection of stock price crash using memory-based graph theory
S. Javad Habibzadeh Baygi Roya Darabi Fatemeh Sarraf Yadollah Norifard -
Open Access Article
126 - Fuzzy Mean-CVaR Portfolio Selection Based on Credibility Theory
S. Babak Ebrahimi Amirsina Jirofti Matin Abdi -
Open Access Article
127 - Provide a Debt Financing Model for Financial Institutions and Banks Based on Crowdfunding with a Grounded Theory Approach
ghazal SHAHABI SHOJAEI fereidoon rahnama Shadi Shahverdiani hashem nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
128 - Explaining the Role of Firm Characteristics on sources of financing mergers and acquisitions based on Pecking Order Theory
fatemeh maleki amiri ali nabavi chashmi erfan Memarian -
Open Access Article
129 - Portfolio selection by Using Multi Attribute Decision Making based on grey relational analysis and linear programming
A. Asghar Anvari Rostami Mahdis Taghavi M. Ebrahim Aghababaei -
Open Access Article
130 - Portfolio selection with Lower tail dependence and Extreme value theory
Said Falahpur Samine Feyzolah -
Open Access Article
131 - Identification of Capital Structure Adjustment Speed Using a Dynamic Model of Optimal Capital Structure; Emphasis on Product Market Competition Factor
Amirmohsein Gorji Reza Raei -
Open Access Article
132 - Application of fuzzy network data envelopment analysis model with optional input-undesirable output in order to evaluate the performance of bank branches
Hasan Amini Javid mohammad ebrahim Mohammadpoor zarandi MIRFEYZ FALLAH naghi, shoja -
Open Access Article
133 - Forensic Accounting Paradigm in Changing Approach to Risk Disclosure of Capital Market Firms: Development of Homology Theory to Symbolize Investors Perception
MohammadHossein Labibzadeh Rezvan Hejazi allahkaram salehi Farshin Hormozi -
Open Access Article
134 - Conceptual modeling of financial resilience of the tourism industry in crisis
Seyyede Maryam Abolhasani Komle Mohammad Hassan Gholizadeh Mehdi Meshki -
Open Access Article
135 - Comparative Perspectives On Valuation and the Impact of the IPOs
Maryam Davallou Seyed Amirmahdi Hashemi -
Open Access Article
136 - Economies of Scale based on Theory of Constraints in Banks
S. Mojtaba Salehi Mohammad hamed Khanmohammadi -
Open Access Article
137 - The relation study between Free Float with Downside Risk and Liquidity on Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)
فروغ رستمیان المیرا اسلامی برجلو -
Open Access Article
138 - Developing an uncertain mean-chance model for portfolio optimization using forecasted returns
Hosein Didehkhani Amir Shiri-ghehi Behzad Miran -
Open Access Article
139 - A study of APT and Adj-CAPM Models for Forecasting Expected Return
Z. Amirhosseini S. Mohseni Behbahani -
Open Access Article
140 - Explaining the Comprehensive Model of Economic Dimension of Quality of Life and its Relationship with Financial Stress in Iran
Fatemeh Ghaemi Mohammad Hassani mohammadhamed khanmohammadi -
Open Access Article
141 - Studying the relation between inflation rate and interest rate based on Fisher's theory of the Iranian economy
پرویز سعیدی رضا مظهری حسن ولیان -
Open Access Article
142 - Cumulative Prospect Theory and Expected Return in Tehran Security Exchange
Shokrolah Khajavi Ali Faal Ghayoumi -
Open Access Article
143 - A Green Financing Model for Companies through Banking Industry: Grounded Theory Approach
Abbas Ali Sheikh Parviz Saeedi ebrahim abbasi arash naderian -
Open Access Article
144 - Analysis among shareholders, creditors and government conflicts in cash interest division approach to game theories
Majid Sabzeh Reza Tehrani Yasser Kargari -
Open Access Article
145 - Introduction a conceptual model of the effective factors of contrarian trading strategy in the formation of a profitable portfolio using the Grounded theory
Ebrahim Qashqai Allah Karam Salehi Ali Mahmoodirad -
Open Access Article
146 - Application of Game Theory in Evaluation of Stock Investment
غلامرضا اسلامی بیدگلی رضا احتشام راثی -
Open Access Article
147 - The Study of Problems and Constraints of Tax Specialists in Assessing of Tax Files- Case study Zanjan Province.
Saieed Abdi Ali Bayat -
Open Access Article
148 - Ranking of exchange-traded funds (ETF) And value at risk approach (EVT) based on value-generating theory (VaR) risk approach
Gholamreza Zomorodian Maryam Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
149 - Optimal Portfolio of Syndicated Loans with Downside Risk Approach
hossein rezaei Mohammad Oghbaei Jazani -
Open Access Article
150 - Investigating the effect of increasing the transacting probability of informed traders on adverse selection of market maker
Keyvan Shahab Lavasani Sadaf Morshed Babaie -
Open Access Article
Maryam Khalili. Samad Behroozizad -
Open Access Article
152 - Explaining Stocks’ Return Based on Prospect Theory
Fatemeh Ghadimi Afsaneh Soroushyar -
Open Access Article
153 - Explaining Stocks’ Return Based on Prospect Theory
Fatemeh Ghadimi Afsaneh Soroushyar -
Open Access Article
154 - Presenting of nonlinear hybrid model based on Extreme Value Theory for forecasting the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR)
Ehsan Mohammadian Amiri Ehan Atefi Seyed Babak Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
155 - Assessing the Efficiency of the Value-at-Risk Index (VAR) using Extreme Value Theory in comparison with traditional risk assessment methods
Mehrdokht Mozaffari Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
156 - The Effect of Political cycles in condition of Rational speculative bubbles and Based on the Theory of Constraints on the Real Rate of Return for selected firms in Tehran Stock Market
Ali Ramezani فریدون Rahnamay Roodposhti Oveis Bagheri -
Open Access Article
157 - Stock Portfolio Selection Using Dempster_Shafer Evidence Theory
Mahsa Abbasi Shirsavar S. Ali Nabavi Chashmi -
Open Access Article
158 - Providing a Model for Financing Science-Based Companies by Crowdsourcing in the Agricultural Bank
S. Yousef Haji Asghari Vahid Reza Mirabi Hasan Mehrmanesh M. Feyz Fallah Shams -
Open Access Article
159 - Estimating the Time Value of Daily Occupational and Educational Trips to multiplicity from Their Nearby Regions
N. Rezaei O.K. Sanginov -
Open Access Article
160 - Resource Mobilization Theory: Political Movement in Egypt
Farhad Hassan Abdullah -
Open Access Article
161 - Family Transformation after Natural Disasters (Case Study: Survived Women after Bam Earthquake in 2003)
Masoumeh Kamaledini Mostafa Azkia Bagher Saroukhani -
Open Access Article
162 - HIV/AIDS Related Stigma in Iran: A Qualitative Study
Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi Peyman Hekmatpour -
Open Access Article
163 - Gender Inequality in the Lived Experience of Social and Cultural Active Kurdish Women
Mostafa Azkia Saadat Pirani -
Open Access Article
164 - Anthropological Study of Folk Music in Gilan Province in Iran (Instrumental Music)
Yaghoub Sharbatian John S. Gaikwad -
Open Access Article
165 - Factors Affecting Immoral Behaviors in Social Networks based on Planned Behavior Model
Yousef Fasihi Garineh Keshishyan Siraki -
Open Access Article
166 - The Process Model of Tourism Culture from the Perspective of Tourism Experts with Grounded Theory
Leila Hamedi Mohsen Ameri Shahrabi Abbas Ali Ghayomi -
Open Access Article
167 - Review of Theory of Mind and Social Skills of Educable Mentally-retarded Boys
Soroush Fathi Hanieh Fakoury Hossein Bashiri Guivi -
Open Access Article
168 - The Sociological Analysis of Women’s Social Identity A Qualitative Research in Hashjin City (Khalkhal)
Khadijeh Safiri Hashem Aram -
Open Access Article
169 - Sociological Analysis of Impressments of Modern Factors on Religious Values in Rural Kurdistan
Rashid Ahmadrash -
Open Access Article
170 - Kurdistan between Modernism and Tradition (Case of Study: Mukerian)
Rashid Ahmadrash -
Open Access Article
171 - Presenting a Model for Economic Empowerment of Vulnerable Women based on Grounded Theory (Case of Study: Vulnerable Women Supported by Tehran Municipality)
Zahra Sadat Moshir Estekhare -
Open Access Article
172 - The Effects of Gender Differences and Schema-Based Pre-reading Activities on Reading Comprehension Skill
Mohammad Reza Oroji Mahshid Hajiqorbani -
Open Access Article
173 - Presenting a Pattern of Ethical-Oriented Organizational Culture in Line with Promoting of Administrative Health with a Mixed Approach
Mohamad ali Akbarikia Zeina Al-Abedin Amini Ehsan Sadeh -
Open Access Article
174 - Qualitative Analysis of the Status of Bureaucracy in Iran based on Weber’s Viewpoint
Azam Raghimi Mohammad Hossein Pouriani Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
175 - The Study of Social Factors Affecting on Changes in Life Style of Villagers during the Last four Decades (Case of Study: Villagers of Khalkhal)
Mahin Maleki Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi Majid Kashani -
Open Access Article
176 - The Attitude of Tehranian Customers toward Tourism Electronic Services
Alireza Dehghan Yalda Erfanifard -
Open Access Article
177 - The Relationship Between CEO's Duality And Audit Fees
Omid Farhad Touski -
Open Access Article
178 - The Impact of Agility on the Probability of Bankruptcy
Vahid Bekhradi nasab -
Open Access Article
179 - Investigating the Effect of Auditors' Behavior Biases on Decision Making and Errors within Capital Market, with Emphasis on Auditor's Personal and General Characteristics
bakhtyar ashrafi zohre hajiha reza tehrani -
Open Access Article
180 - The effect of ESG on financial performance and firm value: The moderating role of CEO power in the ISE
Saleh Mahdi Abd Ali Ahmed saeid aliahmadi Faez Abdulhasan Jasim Jasim Afsaneh Soroushyar -
Open Access Article
181 - Some Determinants of Corporate Financing Decisions: Evidence from the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
Younes Badavar Nahandi Vahid Taghizadeh Khanqah -
Open Access Article
182 - Forecasting Stock Market Using Wavelet Transforms and Neural Networks: An integrated system based on Fuzzy Genetic algorithm (Case study of price index of Tehran Stock Exchange)
Ali Anvary Rostamy Nor Mousazadeh Abbasi Mohammad Ali Aghaei Mahdi Moradzadeh Fard -
Open Access Article
183 - Identification of Effective Factors on the Development of Export of Medical Equipment Using Grounded Theory
ghasem zarei banafsheh parsamehr -
Open Access Article
184 - Untimarketing the Unnecessary Use of Health Services on Social Security Organization
ghasem zarei tahereh zarei somayeh pourghadimi -
Open Access Article
185 - Designing a Model for Upgrading and Optimizing the System of Selection and Recruitment of Human Resources in Government-Oriented Health Organizations
mahdi noroozian hassan rangriz mohamad reza rabiee mondjin -
Open Access Article
186 - The Moderating Role of Human Resources Strategic Role in Human Resources Outsourcing Decision at Telecommunications Sector
Dana__MHD Dib__Alkwaify Dana__MHD Dib__Alkwaify Ayman Dayoub Mohsen__shafiei__Nikabadi Mohsen__shafiei__Nikabadi -
Open Access Article
187 - Does Sustainability Matters for Firm Value: Evidence from China
Aghila Sasidharan Manav Duggal -
Open Access Article
188 - The influencing factors on consumer choice behavior regarding green products based on theory of Consumption Values
مهناز کاظمی سید علیرضا سید صالحی -
Open Access Article
189 - Co- brand Strategy, based on customers' attitude in Lap top, Cell phone and automobile products
اسماعیل شاه طهماسبی khabat nesaei -
Open Access Article
190 - Identification Effect Factors on Corporate Banking Effectiveness with the Role of Customer Relationship Management as mediation Role “Mixed Method”
Mohammad ail abdolvand mehdi baniasadi -
Open Access Article
191 - Investigating the Impact of emotions on the Intention to buy customers of Green Products (Studied case: Students of the Islamic Azad University of Kashan)
alireza naalchi kashi Seyed Mohammad Tabataba’i- Nasab -
Open Access Article
192 - Using Theory of Trying to Investigating the Adoption of Mobile Banking
Mojgan Bahrami Naser Khani Mohamadreza Moradi Mogoyi -
Open Access Article
193 - From Importance of Features in Purchasing to Consumers’ Personal Values: Overview of Laddering Technique and How It Works in Marketing Research
Masoud keimasi Ali Amoei Ojaki Melika Nasir -
Open Access Article
194 - Presentation of Conceptual Model of Customer Experience Management of Brand Relation Based on Foundation Data Theory
۰Keyvan ۰Ghayemalaee Hassan Esmailpour Hamidreza Saeednia Farideh Haghshenas -
Open Access Article
195 - Design structural model of impulsive buying and its validation in chain stores
Ebrahim Salarinahand hosein hakimpor tahmineh nategh -
Open Access Article
196 - Investigating the Effectintive factors on online shopping consumers with by Grand Theory Method
mehdi mahmodzade hosein zolfahgar dehnavi -
Open Access Article
197 - Presenting the imitative brand model in buying behavior of luxury brands in internet businesses using Grounded Theory
Mohammad Rahimzadeh Majid Fattahi Nilofar Imankhan -
Open Access Article
198 - The Role of Media and Peers on Tendency of Female Students towards Beauty Products Based on the Extended Theory of Reasoned Action
Mohammad Nazaripour Bahar Dastaran -
Open Access Article
199 - Presenting Agricultural Marketing Model with Emphasis on Medicinal Herbs in Iran
BIJAN Alizadeh Abdullah naami mohammad kohandel mohammad nasrollahniya -
Open Access Article
200 - A Model of Electronic Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Businesses with Grounded Theory Approach
seyed shahin hoseini Majid Fattahi Saeid Safarian Hamedani -
Open Access Article
201 - Designing an Integrated Pattern for the Distribution of Basic Goods with the Aim of Fighting Brokering and Rent-Seeking
sajjad shamsi gooshki Mohammad Solgi -
Open Access Article
202 - Presenting an integrated model of online repurchase intention in chain stores using the multi-ground theory method
mehdi berah moghadam Hossein Hakimpour Mehdi Mahmoodzadeh Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
203 - Developing a digital marketing strategy model for Iranian successful startups based on the Grounded Theory
Sepideh Moradi ziba Javad Abbasi Reza Radfar Mohammad Ali Abdolvand -
Open Access Article
204 - Presenting the Customer Experience Management Model in Real Estate Marketing with a Mixed Approach
Reza kochakpour nesfi H. R. Saeednia Hamid Saeedi rahim mohtaram -
Open Access Article
205 - Designing a beauty and fashion consumer buying behavior model using digital marketing (with emphasis on Foundation data theory)
Somayeh Hozouri mohamad ali Abdolvand Kambiz Heidarzadeh Mohsen Khunsiavash -
Open Access Article
206 - Evaluating the Factors Influencing the Adoption of Internet Banking: An Integration of TAM and TPB with Perceived Risk and Perceived Benefit
M. A. Abdolvand H. Abdolazimi -
Open Access Article
207 - Developing a Model for Software-as-a-Service Adoption
E. Haji Ahmadi B. Kheiry -
Open Access Article
208 - Examining the Match-up Effect in Co-marketing Alliance
H. Safarzadeh N. Esmaili -
Open Access Article
209 - The Internet Banking Services (IBS) in the Youth Market (Case Study: Eghtesad Novin Bank)
A. Tajzadeh S. Naysari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
210 - The Influencing Factors on Consumer Choice Behavior Regarding Green Products Based on Theory of Consumption Values
S. A. Seyed Salehi M. Kazemi -
Open Access Article
211 - A Proposed Model for Mobile Banking Adoption from Customers Perspective and Compare it with World Known Models
S. Karkhanei Sh. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
212 - Reviews behalf of confession in light of the rule of law
محمدعلی جهانیان جواد محمد علیزاده -
Open Access Article
213 - Analysis of the theory of the limits of Mohammad Shahrour
shirin Rajabzadeh -
Open Access Article
214 - A comparative study in the theory of imprevision after the amendments of French Civil Code in 2016 and comparision with the similar jurisprudence rules in Imamiah jurisprudence
Abdolrazzagh Musanataj Seyyed Hossein Safaei Asghar Arabian Najadali Almasi Mohsen Mohebi -
Open Access Article
215 - Analysis of Traslative theory of the lease of premises
Marzieh Afzalimehr -
Open Access Article
216 - Categorical Prohibition of Torture from the Perspective of a Utilitarian Theory of Ethics
Seyed Hosein Alizadeh Tabatabaei RahimNobahar Nobahar Seyyed Mohammad Reza Ayati -
Open Access Article
217 - Designing a performance evaluation model for audit institutions' personnel based on Grounded Theory
Mahmoud Kia Javad Rezazadeh hossein kazemi -
Open Access Article
218 - Presenting the accounting information system model in the framework of management accounting, taking into account the knowledge gap theory in small and medium-sized companies
Fatemeh Farivarnia Keyhan Azadi M. Reza Vatanparast -
Open Access Article
219 - Effect of Ownership Structure on the Development of the Sustainabe Reporting
Ali Khozein Ghodratolah Talebnia Mansour Garkaz Bahman Banimahd -
Open Access Article
220 - Critical review of quality of financial reporting researches and information-uncertainty based theory of quality
حسین اعتمادی علی رحمانی عادل آذر رضا حصارزاده -
Open Access Article
221 - A review of psychological theories in management accounting research
ferydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti Nemat Rostami Mazoei -
Open Access Article
222 - Fuzzy Activity Based Costing
Yahya Hasas Yeganeh Hojat Hassanzadeh Mohammad Ghadiry Talaghiyan -
Open Access Article
223 - Management Accounting Ontology in the Context of Postmodernity (Performativity, Actant-Network and Applications)
feriydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti Babak Nejad Toolami -
Open Access Article
224 - The Relationship between Corporate Philanthropy and Investment Efficiency with an emphasis on the Institutional Investors Ownership
Vahid Taghizdeh Khanqah Younes Badavar Nahandi Aliasghar Mottaghi Houshang Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
225 - Presenting a Sustainability Accounting Model from the Perspective of Positive and Normative Theories
samaneh sadeghi Bahareh Banitalebi Dehkordi -
Open Access Article
226 - Tax Avoidance and Agency Theory: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)
Shokrollah Khajavi Amir Sarvestani -
Open Access Article
227 - Comparative Between Innovative and adaptive Cognitive Manager in use & ERP Implementation
منیر امیری نسب علیرضا مهرآذین -
Open Access Article
228 - An Explanatory model for Intellectual Perception of Budgeter at Iranian Universities and Research Institutes
Farzaneh Jalali Aliabadi Bita Mashyekhi Ali Asghar Pourezzat Ezzatollah Abbasian -
Open Access Article
229 - Modeling Components and Dimensions of Organizational Performance Evaluation Adapted to Iranian Environmental Conditions
Masoud Bakhtiari Mohammad KashaniPour Reza Gholami Jamakrani Hossein Jahangirnia -
Open Access Article
230 - The Effects of Accounting variables on Economies of Scale in banks using Theory of Constraints
Mojtaba Salehi M. Hamed Khanmohammadi -
Open Access Article
231 - The Effect of Social Pressures Anomie on Aggressive Financial Reporting: Analysis of the Theory of Managerial Critical Perception
Mahmoud reza khaki Mohsen Hamidiyan Negar Khosravipoo, Maryam sarraf -
Open Access Article
232 - The Investigate Relationship between Working Capital with Corporate Governance and Pecking Order Theory in listed company in Tehran stock exchange (TSE)
هادی هرمزی سعید علی احمدی -
Open Access Article
233 - Investigating the Effectiveness of the Auditor Information Foraging Behavior Theory on Professional Auditor's Perception Based on Rough Theory
Mohammadreza Abdoli Hasan Valiyan Mohadeseh Bigomjalali Mehran Orooyee -
Open Access Article
234 - Comparative Study of Operating Profit with Unoperating profit in Iran Capital Market
Sasan Mehrani Parisa sadat Behbahaniniya -
Open Access Article
235 - Managerial Wisdom and Entrepreneurial Investment Orientation of Capital market companies Based on the analysis of Galatia's theory
omid Sayeedi Arash Naderiyan ali khozein Hosein Didekhani -
Open Access Article
236 - The Comparison between Domain Theory and Method Theory in Management Accounting Researches: the Emphasis on Actor-Network Theory
Shokrollah Khajavi Mohammad Hallaj Kiyanoosh Ganji -
Open Access Article
237 - Design and Evaluation of Green Behaviors Model and Financial Performance in Yazd City Hotels
Zahra Hoseini zadeh harat Mahmoud moeinadin Forough Heirani -
Open Access Article
238 - Investigating the Role of Negative Strengthening of Golem Effect Theory of the Impact of Halo's Bias on the Contradiction of Auditor's Judgment Desirability
Zohreh Tabesh Mohammadreza Abdoli -
Open Access Article
239 - Examining the Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Efficient working Capital Management
محسن دستگیر مهسا هنرمند -
Open Access Article
240 - Developing a Judicial Accounting Paradigm in the Fluctuation of the Level of Protection of Shareholders' Profits in Companies: An Analysis Based on the Thorndike's Theory Test
Somayeh Sharifi Seyed Ali Vaez mehdi basirat -
Open Access Article
241 - Analysis of Resource-Based Theory to Explain the Relationship between Employee Protection and Investment in Corporate Innovation Activities: The moderating role of political connections
Yasser Rezaei pitenoei (Ph.d) mehdi safari gerayli mohammad gholamrezapoor -
Open Access Article
242 - Investigating the Effects of Psychological Distance on Judgment and Decision Making in Accounting
Kazem Javidi Ramazanali Royaei Ghodratollah Talebnia Bahman Banimahd -
Open Access Article
243 - Mental Accounting and the Balanced Scorecard
F. Rahnamay Roodposhti Arezoo Jalili -
Open Access Article
244 - Developing an audit culture model with a Grounded Theory Approach
Masoud Sadeghi forough heyrani akram taftiyan -
Open Access Article
245 - Investigation reasons lack of empirical managerial Accounting research in Iran
Hashem Nikomaram F. Rahnamy RoodPoshti Ali Biat -
Open Access Article
246 - Strategies for Inhancing Financial Reporting Immunization in Iran: Grounded Theory Approach
Ghader Dadashzadeh H. Mohammadzadeh Salteh Rezvan Hejazi Houshang Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
247 - Examining and explaining the effects of technical and human actors on the functions of the management accounting information system using actor network theory
Nemat Rostami Mazouei F. Rahnamay Roodposhti S. Mohammadreza Raeiszadeh Zahra Poorzamani -
Open Access Article
248 - Comparative study of financial information reliability based on life cycle theory
Zohreh Hajiha Malek Bahadori -
Open Access Article
249 - Creative Accounting Model in Iran's Environmental Conditions using Grounded Theory
tahereh aziz zadeh mehdi zeinali Younes Badavar Nahandi -
Open Access Article
250 - Adjustment of Audit Expectation Gap based on Human Resources Strategies through the Rough and Gray Theory
Hasan Valiyan Mohammadreza Abdoli Mehran Orooyee -
Open Access Article
251 - Green Accounting Environmental Discourses and Reasoned Action Theory Argumentation of Virtues of Zagzebski's Theory
behjat abbasi mohammadhamed khanmohammadi zahra moradi Tahereh Mahmoodiyan -
Open Access Article
252 - Social TiesTheory and Audit Quality : Experimental Evidence of Tehran Stock Exchange
gholamali Movahedi Asl Mehdi Moradzadeh fard Hamid Ahmadzadeh -
Open Access Article
253 - Proposing the Accounting Model of Strategic Management based on the Development of Accounting Databases In Crisis Conditions
shahram soleimani zahra moradi Abdolkarim Moghadam -
Open Access Article
254 - Describing the connection between Machiavellian behavior of accountants using the theory of planned behavior
mostafa notghi taheri habib piri jalil beytari reza sotode -
Open Access Article
255 - Explaining the Application of Innovative Strategies in Management Accounting System from the Perspective of Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Bahareh Banitalebi Dehkordi Abdollah Ghaforinezhad -
Open Access Article
256 - CEO Power and Thick Decision based on Sophistication Theory
Abolfazl Sherkhani mehdi safari gerayli Hasan Valiyan -
Open Access Article
257 - Investigating the role of state ownership on the relationship tax avoidance and audit fees: The empirical test of the Deep Pocket Theory
Rohollah Arab Mohammad Gholamrezapoor Narjes Amirnia Amir Emadodini -
Open Access Article
258 - The effect of cash holding adjustments on managerial entrenchment
Ataollah Mohammadi Nasrin Khodabandehlu -
Open Access Article
259 - Expanding of Anthropocene Theory Paradigm in Examining of Corporate Environmental Behaviors on Green Accounting Strategic Consequences
Maryam Shahri Naghi Fazeli mohammadreza Abdoli -
Open Access Article
260 - Connectivity analysis of mountain sheep habitats (Ovis vignei arkal) to locate a highway corridor in Golestan National Pak using an integrated approach of Circuit and Graph theories
Nasim Kheirkhah Ghehi Seyed Ali Jozi -
Open Access Article
261 - Presenting The Construction Framework and Application of The Culture of Peace Among the Iranian Citizens (Case Study: Citizens of Alborz Province)
Mohsen Ameri Shahrabi mahtab hatami Seraj addin mohebbi -
Open Access Article
262 - Designing a model for the transformation of organizational culture with the approach of increasing productivity for the Iranian education system in the form of background theory
samira taremy Mohammad Mojtaba Zadeh massod moradi -
Open Access Article
263 - Studying the Connection between the Agency Theory of Active Companies & Tehran Stock Exchange
دکتر رمضانعلی رویایی دکتر فریدون رهنمای رودپشتی محمدرضا عبدلی -
Open Access Article
264 - Managerial model of "cultural security - social" According to the identity elements in Iran
Seied Reza Salehi Amiri Mohsen Ghadami Fateme Baratlo -
Open Access Article
265 - Developing a New Dynamic Model for Art full Waste Management
محسن قدمی میترا آفتاب آذری مینا قدمی -
Open Access Article
266 - The relationship between managements’ cultural dimensions and agency base model of firms’ dividend policy
فرزین رضایی کاظم گلباغی -
Open Access Article
267 - Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship to Predict Quantum Properties of Monocarboxylic Acids By using Topological Indices
fatemeh shafiei -
Open Access Article
268 - Application of Graph Theory: Investigation of Relationship Between Boiling Temperatures of Olefins and Topological Indices
Esmat Mohammadinasab -
Open Access Article
269 - A computational study of Nitramide adsorption on the surface of pristine and Ni functionalized (4,4) armchair Gallium nitride nanotubes
Mahdi Rezaei Sameti -
Open Access Article
270 - Prediction of the structural and spectral properties for L,L-ethylenedicysteine diethylester (EC) and its complex with Technetium-99m radionuclide
Mehdi Nabati -
Open Access Article
271 - Investigating the Effect of Fullerene (C20) Substitution on the Structural and Energetic Properties of Tetryl by Density Functional Theory
Mohammad Jalali Sarvestani Roya Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
272 - Structural Characteristics and Reactivity Relationship of some Thiophene Derivatives
Moriam Adeoye -
Open Access Article
273 - Reactivity and aromaticity of hexasiline derivatives Si6XH5 (X = H, F, Cl, Br, COOH, NO2, NH2, CH3 and tBu)
Mehdi Nabati -
Open Access Article
274 - Investigation Adsorption Tyrosine on Surface Single Walled Aluminum –Nitride and Doped-Si Aluminum-Nitride
Morteza Keshavarz -
Open Access Article
275 - Investigation the Dependence of Mobility on Carrier Concentration and Temperature in Organic Semiconductors
Ali Mahmoudloo -
Open Access Article
276 - Fullerene (C24) as a Nanocarrier for Procarbazine Anticancer Drug: A Density Functional Theory Investigation
Mohammad Jalali Sarvestani Roya Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
277 - Investigating the Effect of Fullerene (C20) Substitution on the Structural and Energetic Properties of 3-picrylamino-1, 2, 4-triazole by Density Functional Theory
Mohammad Jalali Sarvestani Roya Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
278 - Topological analysis and Quantum mechanical structure of Ozone
Gholam Hossein Shafiee Abdolreza Sadjadi Cina Foroutan Nejad -
Open Access Article
279 - NMR and vibrational spectra of 2-methoxycarbonyl-7-methyl-1,3-thiazino[3,2- b][1,2,4]triazine-4,8-dione: a joint of experimental and DFT
M. R. Zardoost N. Nami M. Azimi -
Open Access Article
280 - Electronic transport in Si and Au monoatomic chains considering strongly correlation effect, a first principle study
Mansoureh Pashangpour Vahid Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
281 - The Structural Relationship Between Topological Indices and Some Thermodynamic Properties
F. Shafiei M. Aghaie K. Zare H. Aghaie -
Open Access Article
282 - A Density Functional Theory Study of Boron Nitride Nano-Ribbons
Mahmoud Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
283 - A model for modified electrode with carbon nanotube composites using percolation theory in fractal space
H. Baheri H. Aghaie -
Open Access Article
284 - Topological relationship between electric quadrupole, hexadecapole moments, energy and Padmakar–Ivan index in armchair polyhex nanotubes TUVC6[2p,q]
Majid Monajjemi Esmat Mohammadinasab Fatemeh Shafiei -
Open Access Article
285 - A DFT study of interaction of folic acid drug on functionalized single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Shahla Hamedani Hossein Aghaie Shahram Moradi -
Open Access Article
286 - Computational studies of carbon decorated boron nitride nanocones
A. Nouri M. Mirzaei M. Yousefi -
Open Access Article
287 - Density Functional Theory Studies of Defects in the (5,5) Silicon Nanotube
M. Ilkhani M. Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
288 - Theoretical study of tetrahedrane derivatives
Mehdi Nabati Mehrdad Mahkam Yaser Gholizade Atani -
Open Access Article
289 - Kinetic and thermodynamic study of substituent effect on the Claisen rearrangement of para-substituted SI aryl ether: a Hammett study via DFT
S. R. Emamian M. R. Zardoost K. Zare E. Zahedi H. Aghaie -
Open Access Article
290 - Application of Graph Theory to Some Thermodynamic Properties and Topological Indices
H. Aghaie M. Monajjemi F. Shafiei -
Open Access Article
291 - Investigating the Effects of Molecular Oxygen Impurity on the Quadrupole Coupling Constants of Boron Nitride Nanotubes: Computational Studies
A. Nouni M. Yousefi M. Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
292 - Ab initio study of the structural, mechanical and thermal properties of (B, Al and Ga)-N nanotubes (4,0)
Atefe Nejati Hasan Tashakori Faramarz Kanjouri Amirhosein Esmailian -
Open Access Article
293 - Thermodynamics of CO2 reaction with methylamine in aqueous solution: A computational study
M. Hajmalek K. Zare H. Aghaie -
Open Access Article
294 - A computational investigation on NMR Characterization and electronic properties of some zigzag nanotubes
M. Anafcheh F. Naderi M. Ezatvar H. Masoomi -
Open Access Article
295 - A density functional theory study of the region selectivity of the Diels –Aldercyclo addition of 2 methyl- substituted diene with selected dienophiles
A. Nouri E. Zahedi F. Joneydi Jafari S. Sedaghat -
Open Access Article
296 - Density functional theory study of the structural properties of cis-trans isomers of bis-(5-nitro-2H-tetrazolato-N2) tetraammine cobalt (III) perchlorate (BNCP)
Mehdi Nabati -
Open Access Article
297 - Boron nitride substituted 12-crown-4 ether: Theoretical study of structural, thermochemical, and nonlinear optical properties
Nasrin Zeighami Asadollah Boshra Ahmad Reza Oliaey -
Open Access Article
298 - Density Functional Study on Stability and Structural Properties of Cu n clusters
Sepideh Ketabi Giti Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
299 - Theoretical Investigation of Hyper-coordinate Planar Si Clusters in [SiMnHn]q (M = Cu, Ni and n = 4, 5, 6)
Maryam Ahangari-Givi Jamshid Najafpour Khadijeh Kalateh -
Open Access Article
300 - A quantum-mechanical investigation of functional group effect on 5,5'-disubstituted-1,1'-azobis(tetrazoles)
Mehdi Nabati -
Open Access Article
301 - Explaining the Causes of Underdevelopment in Kurdistan Province- Using Qualitative Method
soma mardokhi iraj saiearasi -
Open Access Article
302 - To explain the sociology of Tehrani citizens' social trust in Bank Melli Iran in 2018
مجید کفاشی Reza Nazari Ali BaghaeiSarabi -
Open Access Article
303 - Sociological study of the social consequences of tariffing on imported goods And its relationship with economic development in Iran
Seyad Jalal Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
304 - The reflection of the global capitalist system in the lifestyle of Iranian youth
Amir Razzaghi Ali Rahmani firouzjah Ali asghar Abbasi asfajir -
Open Access Article
305 - Identifying the dimensions and components of cultural branding development in the Iranian film industry: A social approach
azra moradi Amir hassan nedaei Nader Mohaghegh -
Open Access Article
306 - Sociological analysis of the role of comparative dissatisfaction in creation of job idleness (Case study of Sharif University staff)
Fatemeh Abron Khadigeh Safiri Khalil Mirzaee -
Open Access Article
307 - Extramarital Relations as a Need for Attention (Case Study of Rafsanjan Women)
reza akbari Afsaneh tvassoli bahram ghadimi -
Open Access Article
308 - Sociological survey of the role of Iranian families' cultural capital on entering their children into university successfully (A survey about the Sharif industrial university students in the year 1394)
Open Access Article
309 - Study the effects of the collective identity of the Kurds (Sociological study of the effects of socio-economic development of ethnic identity in the city of Mahabad)
hassan rashidi مصطفی ازکیا منصور وثوقی -
Open Access Article
310 - Sociological analysis of institutional factors of development and underdevelopment In East Azarbaijan province with data method
Jafar Ebrahimi Mostafa Azkiya Samad Rasoolzadeh Aghdam -
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311 - Grounded Theory: A Method for Scientific and Practical Study of Development and Social Change
sohiela naseri -
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312 - Studying the Social Construction of the Elite International Migration and Its Developmental Consequences Using Grounded Method
Atefeh Shakiba Rad Haeideh , Saberi Mehrdad Sabet -
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313 - A qualitative study of social responsibility among male teachers in Poldasht city
leila fathi Ahad Talooni -
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314 - Analyzing the needs of young girls with a data theory approach
leila fathi Mohadese Daraman Mojtaba Hemayatkhah -
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315 - Explain the role of cyber social networks in the exercise of social power and national power..
afshin mottaghi Syrus AHMADI NOHADANI babak shafiee -
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316 - Paradigmatic analysis of social structures affecting the failure of development projects (Case of Study: Water Pumping Station Project in Pasar Village, Hersin)
parisa Moradian Farahnaz Rostami shahpar geravandi -
Open Access Article
317 - Investigating the effective factors on the formation of social capital in universities with emphasis on the views of Imam Khomeini and developing an appropriate model for its development
mohammad samani baharak shirzad kebria Amirhosein Mahmodi -
Open Access Article
318 - Designing A Model for Empowering Sustainable Social Welfare for Families Covered by the Relief Committee: with A Grand Theory Approach
طائف Taaef Mehrdad Navabakhsh Reza Esmaieili -
Open Access Article
319 - Qualitative study of career- family role conflict of female teacher in Saveh city
leila fathi tayebeh ghasemi -
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320 - Scientific Socialization in Iran A presentation of Paradigm Model according to Grounded Theory
Gholamabbas Tavassoli Nahal Riazi -
Open Access Article
321 - Grounded Theory: A Method for Scientific and Practical Study of Development and Social Change
Soheila Naseri Sediqeh Piri -
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322 - Network Politics Approach: Extension of Social Capital Notion to State Analysis
Mehrdad Navabakhsh Saeed Attar Seyed Rahim Aboul hasani -
Open Access Article
323 - The Assessment of the Effects of Development on the Kurds’ Collective Identity (A Sociological Study of the Impacts of Development on Ethnic identity in Mahabad city)
Hassan Rashidi Mostafa Azkia -
Open Access Article
324 - Sociological Study of the Social Consequences of Tariffing on Imported Goods and its Relationship with Economic Development in Iran
Seyed Jalal Mahmoudi Mostafa Azkia Meysam Mousaie -
Open Access Article
325 - Identifying the Dimensions and Components of Cultural Branding Development in the Iranian Film Industry: A social Approach
Azra Moradi Amirhassan Nedaie Nader Mohaghegh -
Open Access Article
326 - A Sociological Approach to the Relationship between Engineering and Society
علیرضا ثقه الاسلامی -
Open Access Article
327 - Demonstration of Kant's Theory on Transforming All Forms of Syllogism into the First Form
Ali Akbar. Peyman -
Open Access Article
328 - Autism and the Three Main Theories of Cognition
Azadeh Doustelahi Seyed Ali Samadi Mostafa Taqavi -
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329 - Libertarianism and Freewill: A Review of Kane’s Ideas
احسان جوادی ابهری -
Open Access Article
330 - Avicenna and MullaSadra’s Thought about the Perception of Universal Concepts: a Comparative Study
بیوک علیزاده داود زندی -
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331 - Iran's regionalism strategies in the Caucasus Against Russia based on game theory
mostafa hashemi Rebaz Ghorbaninejad Qiuomars Yazdanpanah Dero mohammad hassan nami -
Open Access Article
332 - Identification and analysis of key factors of transportation-based development with emphasis on the metropolitan structure of Tabriz
Arezou Karimi Rahnama Mahsa Faramrzi Asli Siroos Jamali Dariush Sattarzadeh -
Open Access Article
333 - Identifying the challenges and obstacles of religious tourism in the sustainable development of Mehran based on the grounded theory model
Mohammad faraji darabkhani Hoshang Moradi -
Open Access Article
334 - The Role of Industrial Location on Locating of Industrialists in Industrial Estates (The Case of East Azerbaijan/I.R.Iran)
فیروز Jamali کریم Hosseinzadeh بهزاد Entezari -
Open Access Article
335 - The necessity to reform management of urban development in Tehran
A. Sayyaf Zadeh Mansoor Badri Far -
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336 - Evaluating of planning process and regional impacts national construction plan (Case study ;Kārūn-3 Dam)
رحمت الله Farhoodi مجید Abdolahi -
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337 - Models and techniques of renovation planning of historical areas in cities
Hossein Kalantari احمد Pourahmad -
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338 - The Model of Capital Attraction Process in the Municipality; Based on a Mixed Study
Hamideh Mirshahi Golnar Shojaei Baghini -
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339 - Designing strategic management model in the university education system using Grounded theory
masoud baradaran Mohammad Mehdi Farahi, Motahareh Abadikhahi -
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340 - Explaining the Economic, Social and Political Structure of Rural Poverty with a Fundamental Theory Approach (Case Study: Shamshir Village from Functions of Paveh City)
pooria saadollahi Koroush roosta َAhmad yaghoubi farani reza baradaran -
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341 - Factors influencing adoption of improved wheat varieties and their impacts on food security dimensions: Application of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) in East Azarbaijan
Farzaneh Noruzi Ajabshir Farhad Lashgarara Mehdi Mirdamadi Maryam Omidi najafabadi -
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342 - A model for outsourcing decisions of agricultural extension services in Golestan province
Maryam Naimi Kurosh Roosta Mohammadsharif Sharifzadeh Asadollah Zamanipour Reza Baradaran -
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343 - Designing the social Responsibility Evaluation model of the agricultural Bank regarding sustainable entrepreneurship development in the rural areas of South Khorasan
reza aminisharakht Kurosh Roosta aligholi heidary Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini -
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344 - Develop a Comprehensive Model for Organizing Agricultural Extension with a Chaos Theory Approach
Marziyeh Bordbar faezeh hashemi Seyed Mahmood Hosseini Mohammad Chizari -
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345 - Designing a Model for Economic Empowerment of Female Heads of Households in Ilam Province
masomeh jamshidi Hossein Mehdizadeh -
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346 - Analyzing Wheat Farmers’ Behavior Regarding Water Management in the Orzuiyeh County based on the Theory of Social Cognition
Leyla Sharafipoor Mostafa Ahmadvand -
Open Access Article
347 - The Attitude of Owners and Managers of Agricultural SMEs toward ICT Application in Environmental Education (Case Study: Kermanshah and Ilam provinces)
عبدالحمید Papzan حسین Mahdizadeh زهره Motamedinia -
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348 - Modeling Farmers' Behavior in Optimal Management of Agricultural Water Consumption Based on Smart Climate Agriculture in Pakdasht County: Application of Planned Behavior Theory
Ali Tavassoti Mehrdad Niknami sayed Jamal F Hosseini Maryam Omidi Najafabadi -
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349 - Comparison of ranking methods in Data envelopment analysis using Rough set theory
Leila Karamali -
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350 - Presenting a pricing model for the producers of steel with application of Game theory
Narges Shirafkan Mohammad Mehdi Hosseinzadeh -
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351 - Satisfaction Function in Present Undesirable Factors
Zohreh Iravani Mohammad Mohseni Takaloo -
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352 - Investigating Changes in the Intensity of Short-Term Rainfall in the Last Half Century in the Context of Data Scarcity (Case Study: Rasht City)
Mehdi Torabi Alireza Shokoohi -
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353 - Investigating the Possibility of Measuring Phenolic Compounds in Brown Sugar by DFT Method
P. Mesgaran Karimi M. Honarvar -
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354 - Designing a Model for Sustainable Development of Industrial Clusters
Ahmad Jafarnejad Mansour Momeni Ali Morovati Shariabadi Mohammad Karimi Zarchi -
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355 - Attitudes towards environmental protection by Grounded Theory approach (The Case of: Agricultural students of Razi University in Kermanshah)
Somayeh Shahbazi Somayeh Khosravi Hossain Mehdizadeh Mosayeb Gholami -
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356 - Factors affecting participation in forest management programs in rural community in the north of Iran
Kiomars Sefidi Elaheh Alibabaie Morteza Moridi -
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357 - Sustainable Governance of Transboundary Water Resources Using Social Choice Rules Concepts (Case Study: Harirud River Catchment)
Hamidreza Jafari Bahram Malekmohammadi Touraj Nasrabadi Abdulsalam Amini -
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358 - Evaluation of Combat Desertification Alternatives by Using Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) (Case study of Khezerabad region in Yazd Province)
mohammad hassan sadeghi ravesh Bahare Jabalbarezi -
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359 - Impact of the Theory of Consumption Values on Green Purchasing Behavior with Emphasis on Mediator Role of Environmental Concern (Case study: Consumers of green products in Tehran)
Mirza Hasan Hoseini Reza norouzi ajirloo -
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360 - The Study of Security Indicators in Urban Parks from User’s Point of View with Emphasis on CPTED Theory
jamalal-din mahdinejad soudabeh gholipour -
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361 - Effect Pygmalion in Support of Green Food Products
Majid Sabouri Hossein Bodaghi Khajeh Noubar, Mohammadreza Abdoli Yaghub Alavimatin Mehdi Zinali -
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362 - Evaluating the Competitive of Green Product Development Consequences in the Existence of Technology-Based Capabilities of Knowledge-Based Companies: Extended Rough Set Theory (ERST)
Hamideh Ajazm Ekrami Mohammadreza Abdoli Hasan Valiyan -
Open Access Article
363 - Designing a Model of Digital Branding of Healthy Agricultural Products in Iran Using Grounded Theory Method
Abolghasem Mohammadnezhad Ali Zamini Arezo Ahmadi danyali Mahmoud Ahmadi Sharif -
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364 - Comparison of Fractal Geometry and Kriging Methods to Estimate the Effect of Length Scale on Dispersivity of Reactive Elements in Soil
Yasser Hosseini Behrouz Mehdi nejadiani -
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365 - Launching green entrepreneurship as a strategy for empowering the poor villagers (Case study: Professors of Agriculture Faculty, Razi University)
Somayeh Khosravi Hossein Mehdizadeh Ali Asghar Mirakzadeh -
Open Access Article
366 - A new model for evaluation of Iran’s ecological capabilities to establish service and civil development application (case study: district 22 of Tehran
Seyed Ali Jozi Sahar Rezaian -
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367 - Investigating the Nonlinear Relationship between CEO Power and Capital Structure
Maryam Aslani Manarebazari Seyed Reza MirAskari gholamreza mahfoozi -
Open Access Article
368 - The effect of co-creation in the face of augmented reality on perceived risk, perceived trust
Masoomeh Ghafoori Nosrat Shadnoosh Muhammad Ali Karamati -
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369 - Comparison of Performance of Selected Stock Portfolios Based on Constraint Theory Criteria with Traditional Grid Matrix Model
Mohammad Aslani mohammad reza setayesh Mohammad Hasan janani mahmood hematfar -
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370 - Applying Rough Developed theoretical Models (ERST), Interpretation-Structural Analysis (ISM) and Decision Tree (CART) for Help Auditors to Identify Fraud in the Financial Statements of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Iran
Davood Hasanpoor hasan valiyan mehdi safari griyly Reza Tahmasbizadeh -
Open Access Article
371 - Content Paradigmatic Analysis of Financial Performance Deficiencies: A Case of Abadan Oil Refining Company (Qualitative and quantitative approach)
Yousef Baghlaniani Allahkaram Salehi Ali Mahmoodi Rad -
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372 - Systemic risk assessment of the banking system by modeling of the topology of the interbank market network
tayebeh zanganeh Mohammad Ali Rastegar kazem Chavoshi mirfeiz Fallah Shams -
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373 - Designing an Inference System for Expert System to Assess and Select Investment Fund in Iran Based on Fund Features: The Rough Theory Approach
Reza Tehrani Mohammad Ali Mirza Kochak Shirazi Sayyed Mojtaba Mirlohi -
Open Access Article
374 - The moderating effect of social responsibility on the relationship between investment and performance with emphasis on factors based on agency theory
farhad fazilat hashem valipour shadi shahverdiani -
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375 - The survey on the Relationship between Investor Characteristics and their Loss Aversion in Tehran Stock Exchange
mohammad hassan ebrahimi sarveolia Mohammad Javad Salimi GHasem Bolo Hamze Gouchifard -
Open Access Article
376 - Evolutionary multi-objective (3 or 4) optimization portfolio using fuzzy logic in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohammad Javad Salimi Mirfeiz FallahShams Hadi Khajezadeh Dezfuli -
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377 - Financial crimes; Model design and explanation With grounded theory Method
Ali Reza Amerian Ebrahim Chirani mohammadhasan gholizadeh seyed mozaffar mirbargkar -
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378 - Validation of Investment Efficiency Models Based on Agency Theory, Information Asymmetry, Managerial Entrenchment and Firm value maximization
Vahid Taghizadeh Khanqah younes badavar nahandi Aliasgar Mottagi Houshang Taghizadeh -
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379 - Designing the bank deposit forecasting model based on behavioral accounting and money market
Ahmad Aghazadeh Kamakli sina kherdyar Mohammad Reza Azadehdel -
Open Access Article
380 - Explain the application of the theory of constraints model to assess credit risk in banks
Mohammadreza Khezri poor mohammadhamed Khanmohammadi faegh ahmadi HAMIDREZA KORDLOUIE -
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381 - Presentation of Parsian Bank Brand Promotion Model Base on Grounded Theory with a Value Creation Approach
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382 - Modeling risk in accordance with the financing structure in the money market based on probabilistic decision theory
hamidreza iravani hamidreza kordlouieuie narges yazdanian -
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383 - Assessing the Impact of Managers' Agency Motivation on Investment Portfolio Selection in the Framework of prospect Theory
najaf karami Rasoul ABDI nader rezaei asgar pakmaram -
Open Access Article
384 - Applications of game theory in the analysis of investment knowledge using chaos theory
Masoud Norouzian Musa Akrami Taghi Torabi Farhad Hoseinzadeh Lotfi -
Open Access Article
385 - Corporative Game Theoretic Application in Stock Selection Optimization
Peyman Tataei Hashem Nikoomaram Ashkan Hafez Alkotob -
Open Access Article
386 - Assessing the various risks of the Iranian petrochemical industry
Jehad Barzigar Mohammad Jalili -
Open Access Article
387 - Study of The pecking order theory in financing behavior's firms in Iran under financing deficit and surplus situations
hojjat-allah ansari ronak ghanbarpour zeinab aidi -
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388 - Social capital and investment efficiency
Esmail Ebrahimi Farzin Rezaei Salahedin Ghaderi -
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389 - investing in start-ups in order to achieve a resilient economy and economic defense
mohammadreza ranjbar fallah hamid fatahi -
Open Access Article
390 - Designing a model for identifying auditors' stress triggers
asgar amiri nader rezaei asgar pakmaram Rasoul ABDI -
Open Access Article
391 - Evaluating the impact of systematic risk on the stock returns of companies listed on the iran stock exchange using an optimal model based on rough set, regression and arbitrage pricing theory
mehdi Geraeeli Nezhad Foomeshi Seyed Ali Nabavi Chashmi rahmat alizadeh -
Open Access Article
392 - The Application of Downside Risk and Arbitrage Pricing Model in Risk Assessment (Financial Marketing Approach to Iran's Petrochemical Industry)
Jehad Barzigar Mohammad Jalili -
Open Access Article
393 - A New Approach to the Financial and Managerial Angles of Privatization Challenges in Iran Using Foundation Data Theory (Grounded Theory)
Mehdi Panahi ali Esmaeilzadeh Maghari Farzaneh heidarpoor Amirreza Keyghobadi -
Open Access Article
394 - provide a model to check MANAGERS' OVERCONFIDENCE, RISK PREFERENCE, HERD BEHAVIOR AND NON-EFFICIENT INVESTMENT( approach based on game theory )
Vahideh Asgari Yahya Kamyabi Mehdi Khalil poor -
Open Access Article
395 - portfolio optimization based on modeling of dependence structure and extreme value theory
mohamad safaei alireza saranj Mehdi Zolfaghari -
Open Access Article
396 - Information Content of Financial Reporting and the development of interactive capability with stakeholders: Pygmalion Theory Test
Mohsen Heydari Mohammadreza abdoli -
Open Access Article
397 - Modeling the financial behavior of momentum and random investors in crisis situations: Qualitative analysis based on grounded theory
Fatemeh Jafari Reza Aghajan Nashtaei Mohammadhasan Gholizadeh -
Open Access Article
398 - A model for continuing the activity and diagnosing the health of manufacturing companies in Iran
mostafa rezaee masoud Taherinia Majid zanjirdar -
Open Access Article
399 - The Influence of Ownership of Investment Company on Financial Reporting Quality: A Test of Efficient Monitoring Hypothesis
Mozhgan Saeedi hashem nikomaram Ahmad Yaghoobnezhad -
Open Access Article
400 - Presenting a model of how sanctions affect the investment chain until the exploitation of Iran's oil industry using the Grounded Theory
Abbas Ayaran Mehdi Fadaei Eshkiki Mehdi Homayounfar Hossein Amoozad -
Open Access Article
401 - Pathology of the Automobile Industry of the Country Using the Grounded Theory Strategy and provide solutions to get it out of the current situation
Mohammad Hassan Maadi Roudsari Seyed Habibollah Tabatabaeian Reza Radfar -
Open Access Article
402 - Evaluation of investment methods and comparison between the behavioral model and common logical models in choosing the optimal portfolio
behzad malekzadeh lili Negar khosravipour ali Esmaeilzadeh Maghari -
Open Access Article
403 - Portfolio VaR Modelling using EVT-Pair-Copulas Approach
Ali Souri Saeed Falahpor Ali Foroush Bastani Ehsan Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
404 - Investment Portfolio Optimization of Insurance Companies with Copulas and Extreme Value Approach
arash goodarzi reza Tehrani Ali souri -
Open Access Article
405 - Designing target leverage model over the life cycle of the company
ha,ed salehi yadolah tariverdi afsaneh tavangar amir reza kayghobadi -
Open Access Article
406 - Stakeholder Relationship Capability and Investment Efficiency: A Mosaic Homology Theory Test
Maryam Ghaed Vali Khodadadi Alireza jorjorzadeh Ahmad Kaabomeir -
Open Access Article
407 - Applying Game Theory to Interacting Properties of Accounting Information and Accounting Conservatism in Tehran Stock Exchange
Yousef Saffar Fazel Mohammadi Noodeh Farzin Rezaei Mehrdad Sadrara -
Open Access Article
408 - Test of effect the rational speculative bubbles and the political cycle based based on the theory of constraint on the rate of return in selected companies of the Tehran Capital Market
Ali Ramezani Oveis Bagheri -
Open Access Article
409 - Forecasting Investors Trading Behavior: Evidence from Prospect Theory
Ali Saghafi Roohollah Farhadi Mohammadtaghi Taghavi Fard Farokh Barzideh -
Open Access Article
410 - The effect of prior performance of investors on stock price based on Prospect theory
Mohammad Kaffash Panjeshahi Farrokh Barzideh -
Open Access Article
411 - Presenting of Investment Model for Interaction Between Industry and University with System Dynamic
Mahdi Homayounfar Abbas Toloie Ashlagy Mahdi Fadaei Ashkiki -
Open Access Article
412 - Comparative Analysis of Oil Price and Exchange Rate Volatility in Industries Return Relating to Petroleum Based On Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Dynamic Regression Model
Fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhty Hamed Tajmir Riyahi Salman Esmaeeli Atooie Mansour Feizollah Zadeh -
Open Access Article
413 - Financial risk assessment based on Extreme Value Theory and instantaneous data of Tehran Stock Exchange Index
Mehrdokht Mozaffari Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
414 - Comprehensive Model of Credit Risk Management in the Banking System of Iran
Ali Saqafi Jamal Damghanyan Sajjad Sayyah Hosein Khozuei -
Open Access Article
415 - Performance Evaluation of risk premium measurement models: q-theory asset pricing model against three factor model of fama and french
Gholamreza kordestani Mozhde Ghasemi -
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416 - The gap between actual and optimal leverage financial leverage due to risk of bankruptcy
zahra Fallah Mahdidoust Azita Jahanshad -
Open Access Article
417 - A game-theoretical approach to evaluating foreign direct investment in the manufacturing sector due to the economic and social index
Hamed Amini Morteza Rasti-Barzoki -
Open Access Article
418 - Empirical analysis of fractal dimensions on cash return and price indices of listed companies of Tehran Stock Exchange
Shokrollah Khajavi Hadi Abdi Taleb Beigi -
Open Access Article
419 - Shareholder Satisfaction Theory and Determinants’ of dividend policy factors in Tehran Stock Exchange
Saeed Jabbarzade Kangarlooie Morteza Motevassel -
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420 - Role of Investment Opportunities Set (IOS) in Companies Financing Policy
Mahdi Gholipour Khaneghah Shahin Ramtinnia -
Open Access Article
421 - Testing portfolio strategies based on fundamental, technical and heuristically with behavioral objects and characteristics of Tehran stoke market investors
Esfandyar Shahmansuri -
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422 - Stock Portfolio Selection Using Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory
Shaban Mohammadi Nader Naghshbandi Hadi Saeidi -
Open Access Article
423 - Feasibility study of the pricing of crude oil by OPEC and OECD countries using game theory in the form of a win– win
Reza Fahimi Doab Ahmad Sabahi M. H. Mahdavi Adeli Ahmad Seyfi -
Open Access Article
424 - The impact of family ownership on capital structure on accepted company in TSE(based on agency theory)
Hossein Fakhari Elham Fasihe -
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425 - Application of Extreme Value Theory in Value at Risk forecasting
Hosein Falahtalab Mohammadreza Azizi -
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426 - A study on how managers of mutual funds invest in Iran (With an approach based on technical & fundamental analysis and Modern Portfolio Theory)
Mohammadreza Nikbakht Yasser Kargari Mahtab Davarzadeh -
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427 - Investigation the relation between Free cash flows and Tobin’s Q ratio with Management compensation plans in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange
Azita Jahanshad Mahshid Alam Ahrami -
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428 - Using the Utility Theory for Finding an Optimal Structure of Bank Asset Liability
M. E. Pourzarand M. Alborzi F. Hosseinzade Lotfi M. Shahriari -
Open Access Article
429 - Present the Model of the relationship between financial intelligence behavioral trends and their impact on investors decisions based on the theory of planned behavior
Zahra Bineshian Farhad Dehdar -
Open Access Article
430 - The Investigating of Exchange Rate Volatility Impact on Stock Market Price Efficiency and Optimization of Investment Portfolio
Ashban Hassani Elnaz Entezar -
Open Access Article
431 - Modeling volatility and conditional VaR measure using GARCH models and theoretical EVT in Tehran Stock Exchange
Saeed Fallahpoor Reza Raee Saeed Mirzamohammadi seyed mohammad hasheminejad -
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432 - Fuzzy portfolio selection under down risk measure by hybrid intelligent algorithm
Hojat Ansari Adel Behzadi Mostafa Emamdoost -
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433 - The effect of magnetic field on 2-D problem of generalized thermoelasticity with energy dissipation
parisa ghiyasi -
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434 - The embedding method to obtain the solution of fuzzy linear systems
Journal Admin -
Open Access Article
435 - The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis and Queuing Models to Large Scale Computer Networks
شبنم فرشچی -
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436 - Classical center location problem under uncertain environment
Fahimeh Baroughi Akram Soltanpour Behrooz Alizadeh -
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437 - On The Fractional Minimal Cost Flow Problem of a Belief Degree Based Uncertain Network
S. Niroomand -
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438 - Optimized Pricing Decisions In a Multi-Level Supply Chain With Various Power and Channel Structures: A Game-Theoretic Approach
N. Araghi H. Nikoomaram F. Ghaffari -
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439 - مدل BCC تحلیل پوششی داده ها نایقین با درجه باور: یک مطالعه موردی در بانکهای ایرانی
محمد جمشیدی مسعود صانعی علی محمودی راد قاسم توحیدی فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی -
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440 - وجود جوابهای ضعیف برای یک سیستم مقدار مرزی فراکشنالی نیمه-خطی ولترا – فردهلم
الیاس شیوانیان -
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441 - یک روش DEA فازی برای انتخاب پروژه با استفاده از تحلیل ریسک مطلوب و نا مطلوب
شقایق صادقیان فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی بهروز دانشیان نیما آذرمیر -
Open Access Article
442 - A Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm to Solve Capacitated Location-routing Problem With Fuzzy Demands
A. ‎Nadizadeh‎‎ A. Sadegheih A. Sabzevari ‎Zadeh‎ -
Open Access Article
443 - Planarity of Intersection Graph of submodules of a Module
P. Malakooti -
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444 - Fuzzy Lyapunov stability and exponential stability in control systems
S. Salahshour F. Amini‎‎ M. Ayatollahi‎ E. Vaseghi -
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445 - Classical Center Location Problem Under Uncertain Environment
A. Soltanpour‎‎ F. Baroughi‎‎ B. Alizadeh -
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446 - Scenario planning of Integrated Urban Landscape Ecology Network based on the improved Gravity model (Case study: Northeast area of Tehran)
Hossein Moosavi Fatemi Farah Habib Pooyan Shahabian -
Open Access Article
447 - Examining the Foundations and Pillars of Civil Responsibility in the Field of Construction that is Contrary to Environmental Principles
Mohammad Hosein Porkareh Asgar Jalalian , Masoud Monavari -
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448 - Explaining the Risk and Responsibility Framework in the Light of International Environmental Law
niloufar nezhad esmaeili Sobhan Tayebi -
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449 - Same Applications of Game theory in Environmental Management
Farzam Hasti Abdolrassoul SalmanMahiny -
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450 - Presenting a paradigmatic model of problem-oriented policy making in the field of green taxes with the grounded theory method
Majid Hasani mohammad reza rabiee mandin, hasan givarian -
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451 - Comparison of emotional rhetorical element in the poetry of Rahi Moairi and Diwan Abdul Wahab Al Bayati According to Ullman's theory
Fatemeh Aazam alsadat Modirzade Tehrani Shahin ojaq Alizad Fatemeh Emami -
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452 - Investigating the influence of Qarmatian thoughts on Mutnabi poetry
Mahasti rayegan Majid Najjarian Ali Nazari -
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453 - A Study of Relation between the Studies of Qur’an and Hadith with the Persian Literature from the Viewpoint of Comparative Literature
Abdollah Radmard Ehsan Ghabool -
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454 - A Comparative Study of Moby-Dick and the Fire of the Noon Color Based on Will Wright's Variation Theory of Revenge
Zahra Khazaei Ravari Hamed Hoseinkhani -
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455 - The study of Hafez's sonnets based on the psychological theory of ACT
Azizeh Yousefi -
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456 - A Comparative Study of Ahmad Shamloo and Ahmad Matar
Javad Kaboutari Masoumehh Bakhshi Zade Hossein Arian -
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457 - A Study on Naas Surah German Translations Based on Eugene Nida's Theory
Seyyed Saeed Firouz Abadi Zahra Ebrahimi -
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458 - A Comparative Study of Perception in novel of Joyce's "Dublinians" and Sadegh Hedayat's "Zendeh Begour"
Mohammad Karimi Nasser Maleki -
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459 - Philosophy and a new theory in literature
François Youst Alireza Anoushirvani -
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460 - The comparison of personification in Iranian and foreign short stories
Shadman Shokravi Masoud Norouzian -
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461 - “Complete Peace”: The Logical Dialogue of World Literature in the Logic of a Dialogue between Hazef and Goethe
Tahereh Kouchakian -
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462 - English Literature: From Ideological Mission to Postcolonial Condition
Mehdi Javidshad -
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463 - The role of texture in similar verses on the Theory Firth
Zohreh Ghorbanimadavani behnaz khajeh mohammad abadi reyhaneh alavi tabaei -
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464 - Encouraging Speech act and Studying George Lakoff's Rules in Holy Quran
Rahim Ahmadi Nargeseh Bahman Gorgian Mahmoud Naqizadeh Seyyed Hesameddin Hosseini -
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Zarin Taj Parhizgar Tooraj Aghdaie -
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466 - The Relationship Between Cognitive Application of Verses Intervals and their Content (Fallah Case Study)
Rezvan Zamani Forooshani Mahdi Moti’ Mahdi Habibollahi -
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467 - Criticizing and Studying the Western Intelligentsia’s Point of View on the Relationship between Science and Religion
Monire Seyed Mazhari -
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468 - Analysis of textual coherence in Bahrampour Persian translation of the Holy Quran (Case study: Surah Zalzal)
Seyed Mohammad Hassan Mousavi Fakhr -
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469 - Planning A Curriculum Template by Globalization Approach and Keeping Cultural Identity from Quran's Viewpoint
Kobra Qasemi Alaa'eddin E'temaad Ahari Badi'ozzaman Makki Ale Aaqa -
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470 - Textual Cohesion in Quran’s Translation by Bahrampour (Zelzal Surah)
Seyyed Mohammad Hasan Mousavi Fakhr -
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471 - Examining the Meaning of Meaning in the Couplets Containing Metaphorsof Abu Madi's Poem “Al-Sama”(According to Jean Cohen’s Theory)
Reza Hajarkesht ali pirani shal Soghra Falahati Hooman Nazemian علی اسودی -
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472 - Analyzing the meaning of the meaning in the jihad sermon, based on Jurjani’s systems theory (metaphor and metaphor as an example)
qasem mokhtari abdolhossein afshar mohammad jorfi mahmuod shahbazi -
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473 - Study on contemporary literary theory
Mehdi Momtahen Narjes Tohidi far -
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474 - Omission in Short Stories from Cohesion and Coherence Point of View
Nasim Arabi Mina Arabi -
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475 - A Study of Literary Theory in Al Divan Poetry
Ali pirani Shal Fatemeh Aliyan -
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476 - Achievements of transformational educational leadership based on the document of fundamental change in education
Ismail Amini Jahangir Yari Haj Ataloo Zarrin Daneshvar Harris -
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477 - Presentation the development model of faculty members with a virtualization approach (Islamic Azad University of the Khorasan Razavi Province)
Safiyeh Salehisadr Hamid Rezaiefar Mohammad Mohammadi Hossein Hakimpour -
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478 - providing a model for the development of organizational citizenship behavior of managers in the education organization
Rifat Attari Manijeh Zakariaei Seyedeh Vahideh Hosseini -
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479 - Providing A Model For Promoting Teachers’ Quality Of Life (Case Study: Primary Teachers Of Sistan & Baluchestan Province)
Hossain Damani Akhtar Jamali parivash jafari Afsaneh Zamanimoghadam -
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480 - Presentation of the Art Education Model for the Middle School of the Iranian Educational System
Ardeshir Kazemi marjan kian Abbas Ali Qayyumi Mohsen Ameri Shahrabi -
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481 - Identifying and prioritizing the components and indicators that affect the ranking of universities, focusing on educational aspects
MINA Rahimi Ali Akbar Amin Beidokhti Mohammad Reza Zare Banadkouki -
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482 - Presenting a model for the personal development program of organizational managers
Mahdi Afshari nader soleimani Hamid shafizadeh -
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483 - Recognition of Challenges for Implementing Tadbir Plan in Elementary Schools: A Grounded Theory Approach
maryam mashakalayeh Esmaeil Kazempour Ghafar Tari -
Open Access Article
484 - Analyzing school-centered management using grounded theory
Ebrahim Shirali Yadollah Mehralizadeh Nasrollah Ghashghaeizadeh -
Open Access Article
485 - A designed with a holographic approach model for exiting universities from addicted organizations
maryam masoudi alireza shirvani jozdani hamidreza mirtavousi -
Open Access Article
486 - Providing a model for evaluating the performance of research organizations of research centers and research institutes of the Ministry of Science Research and Technology
Jamile Masouminia Esmat Masoudi Nadushan Zainab Golzari -
Open Access Article
487 - Pathology of Bushehr's urban development plans From the the perspective of view of the right to the city with emphasis on residential land separation criteria
غلامرضا مرادی احمدرضا خواجه پویا حاجی زاده مهسا دهقانیان -
Open Access Article
488 - A Reflection on the Jurisprudence Reasons of Article 360 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013
Seyed Hashem Aletaha Ahmad Hajidehabadi -
Open Access Article
489 - The War in the Hegemonic Theories of International Relations: Reflection of the War of Occupation of Iraq in a Hegemonic Behavior View
amin ravanbod -
Open Access Article
490 - Comparing the Role of Elites in the Process of Economic Development of Iran and Malaysia with an Emphasis on the Theory of Adrian Leftwich
Rahim eini reza delavari -
Open Access Article
491 - The Impact of Martyrdom Discourse on the Formation of National Identity
Reza Parizad Seyed Javad Hashemi Monfared -
Open Access Article
492 - A Reflection of the Facilitative Backgrounds behind the Decision-making of the Commanders in Operation ValFajr 8 (A Qualitative Research about the Decision-making of the Commanders in Lashkar-e Sarallah)
Mohammadreza Mahmood Molaei Sanjar Salajeghe Alireza Manzari tavakoli -
Open Access Article
493 - Theory of Government in the Political Idea of Ibn Khaldun
Mohammad Reza Oveisi -
Open Access Article
494 - An Analysis of the Leadership Features of Imām Khomeyni from the Perspective of Political Psychology
Maasoud Akhavan Kazemi Omid Shokraneh Arzanaghi -
Open Access Article
495 - The Application of James Rosenau's Theory of Continuity in the Analysis of Regionalism in the Second Pahlavi Regime
Hossein Hassan Pour Dehnavi Ahoura Rahbar Ahmad Bakhshi Ali Momammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
496 - Discriminant Analysis of the Economic Development of the Economic Emerging Powers (BRICS) Based on Rostow’s Theory
Milad Mansoori Mohammad Torabi Masha'Allah Heydarpour -
Open Access Article
497 - Exploring the Grounds for Arab Convergence with the Zionist Regime Against Iran Based on Stephen Walt's Balance of Threat Theory
Asghar Rajabi Deh Borzoei Mohammad Bidgholi -
Open Access Article
498 - Exploring the Position of the Doctrine of Difference in John Rawls's Theory of Justice And explaining the desirable society accordingly
hasan arayesh seyedmasoud haselimofrad mohammad ali tavana -
Open Access Article
499 - A Crisis‐Centered Approach to Hassan al‐Banna’s Political Thought
Mohammad Baqeri Mohammad Javad Khalili -
Open Access Article
500 - Studying “Garmabeh- the bathroom” as the threshold level move in the fiction called “the son of the merchant and the city of the voiceless people” in the book entitled “Hasht Behesht- 8 paradises” written by Amir Khosro
Mahbobeh Pouragha Ramin Sadeginejad Maryam Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
501 - The Modes of Satire in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah Sana'i and its Communicative Function
Seyyede Elham Bagheri Ahmad Khatami -
Open Access Article
502 - Educational Function of the Myth of Fereydon and Zahak Based on Glasser’s choice Theory
Anahita Amini Ghadam ali Sarrami -
Open Access Article
503 - Humorous tricks in the works of Obaid Zakani and their communication use
Seyyede Elham Bagheri Ahmad Khatami -
Open Access Article
504 - A Formalistic Analysis of Three Sonnets of Shams
Jaleh Akhtaryar Azar Fatemeh Emami Maryam Arjmand -
Open Access Article
505 - Indirect Discourse in ShahnameFerdowsi Based on Catherine Kerbrat’sSemantic Theory
Akram Rahmani -
Open Access Article
506 - Sociology of Hafiz’s Ghazals with an Emphasis on the Critical Discourse
Farhad Tahmasbi -
Open Access Article
507 - Interpretation of Attar's Poetry Based on the Idea of Correspondence
Leyla Gholami Ahangar-Kolayi Mahmoud Tavousi Shahin Ojaq Alizade -
Open Access Article
508 - Passing through the Nine Bisheh of Shahriar-nameh: An Approach Based on Campbell’s Theory of Monomyth
marzieh mashalian leila hashemian -
Open Access Article
509 - Intertextuality Criticism of Two Literary Works: Bustan and Qabousnameh
Fatemeh Emami -
Open Access Article
510 - Applying Density Functional Theory to Study NLO Properties of Benzyne-Based Chromophores
Reza Ghiasi Azadeh Heidarbeigi -
Open Access Article
511 - Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) Population Analysis of Iridabenzene (C5H5Ir)(PH3)3
R. Ghiasi E. Ebrahimi Mokaram -
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512 - Relationship between 13C NMR Parameters and Antimalarial activity of Cryptolepine Isosteres
Mohamad Reza Talei Bavil Olyai Hadi Behzadi Payman Roonasi -
Open Access Article
513 - The Stability and Properties of Mn+@ C26-2nBnNn(M= alkaline and earth alkaline metals; n=0, 3) Complexes for Synthesis Application
Reza Ghiasi Hadi Bharifar Simzar Hosseinzade Mohammad Ail Zarinfard Amir Hossein Hakimyoun -
Open Access Article
514 - Study on Sunitinib Adsorption on Graphene Surface as an Anticancer Drug
Sepideh Tanreh Abolghasem Shameli Ebrahim Balali -
Open Access Article
515 - A Theoretical Study on Applying Conformational Analysis of 2-Halo-2-Oxo-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinanes
Fatemeh Azarakhshi Nazanin Farhadyar Mehrnoosh Khaleghian -
Open Access Article
516 - Analyzing the effective factors on women deputy in Premeditated murder of disturbing man
Mahtab Mafi Hosein Fekrazad Amirmasoud Amirmazaheri -
Open Access Article
517 - Qualitative Study of the Causes and Consequences of Extramarital Relationships (Case of Study: Women in Rafsanjan)
Reza Akbari Afsaneh Tavasouli Bahram Ghadimi -
Open Access Article
518 - Sociological analysis of job idleness (case study of Sharif University staff)
فاطمه آبرون خدیجه سفیری خلیل میرزایی -
Open Access Article
519 - Analyzing the factors affecting women's participation in the intentional murder of a disturbing man
Mahtab Mafi Hosein Fekrazad Amirmasoud Amirmazaheri -
Open Access Article
520 - Content of Socialization of financing responsibility of Youth in Tehran
Leila Qurani Damdabaja, Gholamreza Sedigh Ourei Ahmad Reza Asgharpour Masouleh -
Open Access Article
521 - Navigating Teachers’ and Tourism students’ Preferred Intelligence Types in English for Tourism Purposes
Elham Mehrdelan Hamed Barjesteh Fereshteh Azizmohammadi -
Open Access Article
522 - Identifying factors and explaining the behavior pattern of capital market efficiency in Iran
Iman Zare Saeid Tanasan -
Open Access Article
523 - Profit Transparency and Profit Payment Policy
Safora Abbasi Reza Gholamijamkarani -
Open Access Article
524 - The Interactive Role of an Auditor's Expertisein the Relationship between Abnormal Transactionswith Biased People and Financial Statement Fraud:Testing Agency Theory
Amirali Bandarian Saeid Emami Dehcheshmeh Khatereh Kargarpur -
Open Access Article
525 - Moderation and Developmentof Structuration Theory in Accounting Research with a Social-Ethical Approach
Iman Zare Ali Torkzadehmahani -
Open Access Article
526 - Effective Factors on Income Tax Non-Compliance in Occupations: Theory of Planned Behavior
Sajad Ebrahimi Jaafar Babajani hamideh Asnaashari -
Open Access Article
527 - A Literature Review of the Accounting Theory and the Conceptual Framework of Financial Accounting Standards Board
Hassan Chenari -
Open Access Article
528 - The study of homosexuality in the novel of Arabia in the light of the sociological reflection theory: The case of the novel Shāri al-atāyef 'The Street of Affections'
Reza Nazemian Ghasem Azizimorad -
Open Access Article
529 - Reformulation of "Akhlagh-e Naseri" and "Akhlagh-Al- Ashraf" within the framework of Spragens' Crisis Theory
Sadeq Karim hahya -
Open Access Article
530 - The Reflection of Triple-Narratives of Redemption in Works of Mikha'ilNa'ima and Ahmad Shamlou from a Lyotardian perspective
Haniyeh Majidi Fard Ahmadreza Heidaryan Shahri Bahar Seddighi -
Open Access Article
531 - The Symptoms of narcissism in the poetry of Abu al-a'lā al-Maʽrrī (according to the psychological theory of Otto Kernberg)
Mohammad Hassan Amraee -
Open Access Article
532 - A woman's hero analysis of Maslow's look at the pyramid of Maslow's pyramid
Sepideh Sepehri -
Open Access Article
533 - The study of hero and anti-hero in the play "Death of Yazdgerd"of Bahram Beizai (With an approach to the reader response theory of Wolfgang Iser)
Sayedeh Maryam Mirhosseini Fatemeh Heidari -
Open Access Article
534 - Mytho-archetypal Analysis of Devil beings in the Persian Divān of Iqbal Lāhori Based on Jung's Theory
Javad Khalej Nastaran Saffari -
Open Access Article
535 - Common Egyptian Proverbs versus Women Socio-cultural Identity, in the Shadow of Dominance Theory: A Case Study of Ahmad Shaolan's Book
Ehya Komasi Amir Mesgar Azra Saberi -
Open Access Article
536 - A Comparative Study of the Occupational Motivation of the Physical Education and Health Staff of the Armed Forces Based on Herzberg Theory
Hasan Shabani Seyd Mahmod Mosavi -
Open Access Article
537 - Development of a Sports Participation Model During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ali Shekar Goftar Zahra Haji Anzahaie Farideh Ashrafganjouei Seyed Hamid Sajjadi hazave -
Open Access Article
538 - Analysis of the Behavior of Individual Investors Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior: With Emphasis on Optimism-Pessimism and Financial Literacy
Mohammad Nazaripour Babak Zakizadeh -
Open Access Article
539 - Investigating the Effect of Self-Control Learning Strategies on Financial Fraud Risk Assessment
reza nematikoshteli -
Open Access Article
540 - Investigating the Impact of Planned Behavior Theory and Opportunistic Behavior on Employee Accounting action (Accountants)
zahra mohammadpour davood kiakojori -
Open Access Article
541 - Analyzing the Intention of Individual Investors towards Socially Responsible Investment: Extended Theory of Reasoned Action
Mohammad Nazaripour Babak Zakizadeh -
Open Access Article
542 - Theory of Planned Behavior Role in Investment Decisions in Islamic Securities
raziyeh salehi amniyeh khozani arezoo aghaei chadegani -
Open Access Article
543 - Investigating the effect of auditor personality type on the content aspect of the readability of the audit report
Atefeh fazel Dehkord Hamidreza Jafaridehkordi Behrouz Eydivandi -
Open Access Article
544 - Scope of Theory of Planned Behavior and Whistle-Blowing Tendency
Vahid Bekhradi Nasab -
Open Access Article
545 - Investigating the impact of leadership ability on audit quality considering the diversity of auditors' leadership
Ahmad Hemati Dehaghani Hamzeh Mohammadi Khoshoei Rahman Saedi -
Open Access Article
546 - Designing a structural model of factors affecting the destructive and ineffective organizational behaviors of Accountants
mitra hamedinezhad reza karimikasabi zahra kamrani azam gharibi -
Open Access Article
547 - Theoretical investigation of tautomerisation of 3-Amino-1H-1,2,4-Triazol-5(4H)-One by using quantum calculations by DFT method.
بهزاد چهکندی -
Open Access Article
548 - Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding of (E)-N'-(n-Fluoro-2-hydroxybenzylidene) Nicotinohydrazide: A DFT study
Zainab Moosavi-Tekyeh -
Open Access Article
549 - Investigation of C-O tautomerism in a derivative of Flucytosine: A DFT study
بهزاد چهکندی -
Open Access Article
550 - Investigation of intramolecular hydrogen bond in Anthranilic acid derivatives
Mansoureh Zahedi-Tabrizi Maryam Bargi -
Open Access Article
551 - Study of hydrogen bond between the anion and cation in the methyl ethyl imidazolium bis (tri fluoro methylsulfonylmethane) amide ionic liquid using density functional theory (DFT)
Hossein Azizi Toupkanloo -
Open Access Article
552 - QSAR Study of New Biphenylic Derivatives as CB2 Receptor Ligands by Quantum Chemical Descriptors
Nosrat Madadi Mahani Alireza Mohadesi zarandi Najmeh Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
553 - DFT-based study on Melphalan absorption on defective graphene-doped Si, Al and p
abolghasem shameli soha sabzalivand -
Open Access Article
554 - Compare power links S=O and C=O Saccharin in complexes tetraaquabissaccharinato Copper(II) and tetraaquabissaccharinatozinc(II), Using density functional theory(DFT) and Natural bond orbital(NBO)
masoud memar -
Open Access Article
555 - Theoretical and experimental tautomerism study of para-Trifluorobenzoylacetone halogen derivatives using DFT and vibrational spectroscopy
Vahidreza Darugar Mohammad Vakili Sayyed Faramarz Tayyari -
Open Access Article
556 - A Theoretical Study on Three Tautomeric Forms of Lenalidomide with Density Functional Theory
abolghasem shameli Shima Jonidei -
Open Access Article
557 - The Study of absorption of drug anticancer Chlorambucil on Graphene: A DFT Study
abolghasem shameli Ebrahim balali -
Open Access Article
558 - Investigation of the IntraMolecular Hydrogen Bonding in Halo, Methoxy, and Cyano-Malonealdehyde Derivatives
Hadi Zare yousefkhani mohammad vakili vahidreza darugar -
Open Access Article
559 - Synthesis, Structure and vibrational assignment of bis(3-amino-1- phenyl-2-buten-1-onato) nickel(II)
mina jamialahmadi -
Open Access Article
560 - Quetiapine Adsorption on the Surface of Fullerene (C20): A Thermodynamic Study
Mohammad Reza Jalali Sarvestani -
Open Access Article
561 - Theoretical study on the kinetics and mechanism of the atmospheric oxidation of acenaphthylene initiated by hydroxyl radical. Hydrogen Abstraction pathway
maryam talebi Ehsan Zahedi Abolfazl Shiroudi Behzad Chahkandi -
Open Access Article
562 - Investigating Levodopa Adsorption on the Surface of Graphene and Carbon Nanocone by Density Functional Theory
Mohammad Reza Jalali Sarvestani Roya Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
563 - The DFT studies on molecular configurations of Azacitidine
abolghasem shameli samira naseri -
Open Access Article
564 - Computational study of the effect of tin oxide nanoparticles on the thermodynamic properties of Mephedrone
Roya Ahmadi ashraf Sadat Shah Velayatih Shabnam Shashmani Masoumeh Simin Ghad -
Open Access Article
565 - A Computational Study on Tetranitrocarbazole Interaction with Boron Nitride Nanocage (B12N12)
Mohammad Reza Jalali Sarvestani -
Open Access Article
566 - A theoretical study on the nature of formaldehyde adsroption on the C58BN heterofullerene using DFT
Ehsan Zahedi majid mozaffari Malihe Arab -
Open Access Article
567 - Cu (I)-Catalyzed C-C and C-N Coupling Reactions from a Theoretical Point of View
Fatemeh Zarkoob Alireza Ariafard -
Open Access Article
568 - Theoretical investigation of Curtius rearrangement of oxalyl di azide molecule using quantum calculations in gas phase and solution
Roghaye Taheryan بهزاد چهکندی Ehsan Zahedi -
Open Access Article
569 - Molecular Docking and DFT Study On the Interaction Between Quercetin on surface B12N12 Fullerene
Mohammad Taghi Baei -
Open Access Article
570 - Energetic and electronic properties of bilirubin photoisomerization products using density functional theory
Maryam Taheri احسان زاهدی Mohammad Taghi Baei -
Open Access Article
571 - Theoretical Study of Some Imidazo[1,2-a]Pyrimidines: Structural Optimization, Mechanism and Spectroscopy
maryam khashi ali beyramabadi abolghasem davoodnia niloofar vafaeenejad -
Open Access Article
572 - Calculation of optical properties of Na2S in different phases
Hamdollah salehi Emel Abdoullahi -
Open Access Article
573 - The use of DFT computational method to study the effect of physical factors on the pH range of color change of Azo indicator: Methyl red and Methyl Orange
ahdieh Sadeghpour Farzaneh Zanjanchi -
Open Access Article
574 - Investigation of Phononic and thermal properties of Gallium Phosphide in two Zincblend and hexagonal phases
Hamdollah salehi shiva mokhavat Peiman Amiri -
Open Access Article
575 - Investigating the adsorption and antioxidant properties of Gallic acid on surface the B12N12 fullerene using quantum mechanical DFT and Molecular Docking
Mohammad Taghi Baei khadijeh tavakoli hafshejani -
Open Access Article
576 - A Sociological Approach to the Lack of Cohesion in Hindi-Style Sonnet (Examining the Relationship between Hindi-Style Poets’ Worldview and the Sonnet Structure of this Style Based on Lucien Goldmann’s Structure-Orient Developmental Theory)
Kazem Dezfoolian Rad Mona Ali Madadi Ma’soomeh Talebi -
Open Access Article
577 - The Ways to Understand and the Nature of God in the Thoughts of Attar and Sohravardi
Qodrat Allah Taheri Farah Khaneh Zar -
Open Access Article
578 - Genetic Algorithm and ANN for Estimation of SPIV of Micro Beams
M. Heidari -
Open Access Article
579 - Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of FG Nano-Beams in Thermal Environment and Resting on Nonlinear Foundation based on Nonlocal and Strain-Inertia Gradient Theory
Ebrahim Mahmoudpour -
Open Access Article
580 - Modelling of Non-Uniform Piezoelectric Micro-Cantilever in Different Environments
Mitra Taghizade A. H. Korayem M. H. Korayem -
Open Access Article
581 - Thermal Optimization of an Array of Needle-Shaped using Constructal Theory
Maryam Hoseinzadeh Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan Morteza Bayareh -
Open Access Article
582 - Dynamic Analysis of AFM in Air and Liquid Environments Considering Linear and Non-linear Interaction Forces by Timoshenko Beam Model
P. Maleki Moghadam Abyaneh M.H. Korayem B. Manafi M. Damircheli -
Open Access Article
583 - Theoretical Predictions on Mechanical Properties of Functionally Graded Epoxy/Clay Nanocomposites
Mahdi Karami Khorramabadi -
Open Access Article
584 - Effect of Important Physical and Geometrical Parameters on the Dynamic Response of Thick Composite Plates with Smart Attached Mass
Ali Pourmoayed keramat Malekzadeh Fard naser zolghadr -
Open Access Article
585 - Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Epoxy/Clay Nanocomposite Beams based on the First Order Shear Deformation Theory
Mahdi Karami Khorramabadi -
Open Access Article
586 - Mechanical Buckling of Circular Orthotropic Bilayer Nanoplate Embedded in an Elastic Matrix under Radial Compressive Loading
M. Ahmadpour M.E. Golmakani M.N. Sadraee Far -
Open Access Article
587 - Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Kirchhoff Nano-Plate using Modified Couple Stress Theory and Navier Solution Method
Behzad Bayati Chaleshtori Ali Hajiahmad Seyed Saeid Mohtasebi -
Open Access Article
588 - Bending and Buckling Analysis of a Nth-Order Shear Deformation Nanoplate using Modified Couple Stress Theory
Majid Eskandari shahraki mahmoud shariati naser asiaban -
Open Access Article
589 - Bending and Vibration Analysis of a Mindlin Rectangular Nanoplate using Modified Couple Stress Theory and Navier's Solution
Majid Eskandari Shahraki Mahmoud Shariati naser asiaban -
Open Access Article
590 - Evaluation of Critical Buckling Load in FG Plate using Analytical and Finite Elements Methods
Hossein Ahmadi Rashid AMIR GHIASVAND Maziar Mahdipour Jalilian Mahdi Kazemi -
Open Access Article
591 - Effectiveness of training based on choice theory and rational emotive behavior therapy on the academic achievement motivation and difficulty adjusting emotionally
Shahrbano nirouzadeh Farideh Yousefi mahboobeh Fooladchang masoud Hosseinchari -
Open Access Article
592 - Validation of video resume to assess competencies of students based on the generalizability theory
alireza zarei Ebrahim alizadeh Abasalt Khorasani -
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593 - The Comparison Theory of Mind Dimension in Autism Children and Normal Children Isfahan City
tahere heidari arezoo sfahmive shalar framarzi -
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594 - The Impact of Group Education Based on Snyderâs Hop Theory on The Rate of Happiness in Elderyâs Life
افشان قاسمی احمد عابدی ایران باغبان -
Open Access Article
595 - role of perceptual- affective strain on determining the interaction of organizational injustice dimensions for positive and negative behaviors:Introducing the perceptual and affective strain theory (PAST)
محسن گلپرور زهرا واثقی -
Open Access Article
596 - To Investigate Mathematical Cognitive Abilities (Spatial and Numerous) and Their CorrelationWith Educational Development, Mental Age and Gender
غلامرضا خوئینژاد علیرضا رجایی تکتم محبراد -
Open Access Article
597 - Comparison of Temperament- character Personality Characteristics among Addicted, Depressed, Anxious and Normal People
امیرحسین علی محمدی فرشاد شیبانی نوقابی کمیل زاهدی تجریشی -
Open Access Article
598 - The effects of implicit theories of intelligence on general self-efficacy in university students:The mediating role of self-evaluative and conscientious perfectionism components
Majid Ghaffari Neda Safari -
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599 - The effect of interpersonal therapy on social anxiety and theory of mind
susan alizadehfard zohreh rafezi Masoomeh Tadris Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
600 - The Effectiveness of Educational Intelligence Training Based on Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory on Emotional Intelligence and Creativity in Isfahan female Students
khatereh bozorgmehri bozarjomehri fariba hafezi parviz askary Behnam Makvandi Reza Pasha -
Open Access Article
601 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Successful Marriage Training and Choice Theory Training on Kind of Selection of Young Couples
mohsen khanbani Mohsen Golparvar Asghar Aghaei Jeshvaghani -
Open Access Article
602 - Effect of group therapy based on choice theory on emotional control and life expectancy in patients with MS in Tehran
Zahra Kazemabadi Farahani Abolfazl karami -
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603 - Developing a native marital quality model: A Qualitative Research Based on Grounded Theory
Zabihollah KavehFarsani Gholamreza rjabi abas amanelahi Reza Khojasteh Mehr -
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604 - The Effect of Training Choice Theory Principles and Training ACT Principles on Self-differentiation in High School Students
Golnar Sadeghnia Mohammad Reza Zarbakhsh Bahri Shohreh Ghorban Shiroudi -
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605 - Self- harm Behavior Affected by Mentalization and Family Relationships in high school Girl's Adolescents 14-18 years old (Qualitative Research)
fariba karimi kiiumars farahbakhsh abdoallah moatamedi Hossein Salimi -
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606 - The effect of group counseling based on choice theory on dysfunctional conflict resolution styles of married people
mohammad farajpour korush mohammadi Eghbal zarei -
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607 - The effect of teaching the concepts of The choice theory on marital attitude in marring people according to attachment style
Zahra Hosseini Azizolah TajicEsmaeili farshad mohsenzadeh -
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608 - Designing an Executive Functions Training Program and Evaluating its Effective on Improving of Theory of Mind in Children aged 6 to 8 Years with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
karim abdolmohamadi farhad ghadiri hamid alizadeh -
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609 - Explaining the counseling model of preventing parental psychological annoyance transmission to adolescent children: A grounded theory
Maryam Maadi Esfahan Masoumeh Esmaeili somayeh kazemian Ebrahim Naeimi -
Open Access Article
610 - Comparison of The Effect of Training Pivotal Response Treatment Principles and Training Theory of mind Principles on Executive Functions in kids with autism spectrum disorder
maryam Aflaki naseri Mohammadreza Zarbakhsh Bahri Shahnam Abolghasemi Taher Tizdast -
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611 - The Interaction between Using Test-taking Strategies, Level of Language Proficiency, and Test Performance
Narjes Ghafournia Akbar Afghari -
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612 - The Interaction among Using Test-Taking Strategies, Level of Language Proficiency, and Test Performance
Narjes Ghafournia Akbar Afghari -
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613 - Examining Differential Item Functioning (DIF) For Iranian EFL Test Takers with Different Fields of Study
Shokouh Rashvand Semiyari Saeideh Ahangari -
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614 - Psychometrics Revisited: Recapitulation of the Major Trends in TESOL
Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan -
Open Access Article
615 - The Dynamic Trajectory of L2 Development in the Speech of Early Iranian Learners of English Based on Processability Theory
Fatemeh Alizadeh Afsar Rouhi Hossein Sadegh Oghli -
Open Access Article
616 - Using a Messenger Bot as a Tool for Providing Written Corrective Feedback: Examining L2 Development and Learners’ Attitudes
Maryam Abdollahzadeh Mohammad Golshan Hamid Allami -
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617 - Choice Theory and L2 Learners’ Engagement, Satisfaction, and Performance
Shahram Ebrahimi Ahmadabad Afsar Rouhi Hossein Sadeghoghli -
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618 - Effectiveness of science education teaching based on multiple intelligence theory on creativity in 5 grade elementary school girl students
Hasan Gharibi Jalil Aslani Mehzad Abdolmaleki -
Open Access Article
619 - Critical theory impact on the curriculum studies theorizing
Sirus Mansoori Mohammad Hasan Karimi Majid Kowsary Meimanat Abedini Baltork -
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620 - Service learning: applaying educational theory in practice
Maryam Marandi, Yusef Adib Eskandar Fathiazar Firooz Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
621 - Conceptualizing of Scraped Ccurriculum in Iran’s higher education system
Seyyedeh Maryam Hosseini Largani Kourosh Fathi Vajargah -
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622 - Mobile learning in environmental impact assessment training using theory of reasoned action
Seyedeh Zahra Shamsi Seyed Mohammad shobeiri -
Open Access Article
623 - Beyond E-learning 1.0: Conceptualizing Web 2.0 and its implications for designing a model of E-learning curriculum
mohammad jamali tazeh kand kourosh fathi vajargah mahboubeh arefi -
Open Access Article
624 - Investigation of the compatibility of claims in rival curriculum theories for democratic citizenship based on a Schwabean perspective
محمود مهر محمدی -
Open Access Article
625 - The Role of Irrational Beliefs and Aggression on Academic Performance of Grade Male Students in Tabriz High Schools
Mokhtar Motamedin Gholam Hossein Ebadi -
Open Access Article
626 - Reflection on the barriers to critical thinking in the curriculum of secondary education
وحیده علی پور مریم سیف نراقی عزت اله نادری علی شریعتمداری -
Open Access Article
627 - An Analysis on the Critical Theory of Education and Its Implications for the Curriculum
رحمت اله خسروی سید مهدی سجادی -
Open Access Article
628 - The Impact of Web-Based Learning with a Problem-Solving Approach on Reflective Thinking Development in English Language Students of Islamic Azad University of Ardabil
یوسف نامور عزتالله نادری علی شریعتمداری مریم سیف نراقی -
Open Access Article
629 - Educational theory and curriculum approach from the perspective of the new pragmatism
mohammad reza yousefzadeh -
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630 - Link theory and practice: Review of Educational Thought from the viewpoint of Robert Floden and London E Beyer and perspective on curriculum in Farhangian University
aboosaeed davarpanah -
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631 - Qualitative Study of the Principles of Educational Design Based on Cognitive Flexibility Theory in Combination with Scaffolding Strategies
ABBAS TAGHIZADE javad hatami maryam ghasemi -
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632 - Explaining procrastination among high school students: A grounded theory study
Saeed Garaaghaji Shahram Vahedi Eskandar Fathi Azar Yousef Adib -
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633 - Primary assessment of the predictive of Gardner’s multiple intelligences, in choosing major courses
maryam ansary shaghayegh nikneshan -
Open Access Article
634 - Intellectual and theoretical Origins of the Shadow curriculum and recognition of its evidences In educational system of Iran
Morteza Bazdar Gamchi Gayeh korush fathi vajargah Mahboobeh Arefi Magsood Farasatkhah -
Open Access Article
635 - A content analysis of selected chapters of the English textbooks for Iranian junior high schools (prospects) based on the four main processes of generative model of learning according to views of English language experts and teachers
Farzaneh Dehghan -
Open Access Article
636 - Scholarship of Teaching, missing Function of higher education in Iran; Reflection of Bullying
Zahra rashidi -
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637 - Designing a World Class University Curriculum Implementation Model in Iranian Higher Education Based on Grounded Theory
Nozhatozaman Moshfeghi mahammadali nadi -
Open Access Article
638 - The Curious Case of Ralph Tyler: A Historical Narrative of a Lifelong Effort for the Consolidation of Curriculum Theory and Practice
Seyed Ahmad Madani -
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639 - Identifying the principles governing the experimental science curriculum based on actor-network theory based on the meta- Synthesis approach
hosein lotfi mohamadreza emamjome gholamali ahmady alireza assareh javad hatami -
Open Access Article
640 - Determining Indicators and Process Pattern of Critical Thinking in Teaching and Learning
Mohsen Torkzadeh Bahram Barzegar Fakhteh Mahini -
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641 - Curriculum leadership modeling for head master in Iran
nahid fazli Ali Khalkhali nader naderi javad soleimanpuor -
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642 - The Effectiveness of Optimal Experience Educational Package Based on Csikszentmihalyi's Theory on I Interaction and Self-Confidence of Primary School Teachers
zahra ghaderi ilnaz sajjadian mohammad ali nadi -
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643 - The Conceptual Higher Education curriculum Pattern based on a Sustainable Development
zahra kazemi mostafa ghaderi alireza assareh -
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644 - Designing a conceptual framework for analyzing implemented curriculum in class from the perspective of “human as an agent” theory
behnaz Bahadori Zahra Niknam Nematollah Mousapour Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast, -
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645 - Improvement of Software-Defined Network Performance Using Queueing Theory: A Survey
Ava Tahmasebi Ahmad Salahi Mohammad Ali Pourmina -
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646 - The Game Theory Modeling of the Conflict between the Jammer Set, and the ARM Missile with the Search Radar Set and the Missile Equipped with HOJ to Find the Best Response of the Parties
Houman Akbarzade Seyed Mohammad Alavi Yaser Norouzi -
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647 - Optimal Location of the Intermediate Band Gap Energy in the Intermediate Band Solar Cell
Mohammad Ershadi -
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648 - Effect of Absorption Coefficients in Upper Efficiency Limit of Intermediate Band Solar Cells
Mohammad Ershadi -
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649 - Effect of Absorption Coefficients in Upper Efficiency Limit of Intermediate Band Solar Cells
Mohammad Ershadi -
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650 - A Recommender Model based on Bayesian Theory for Detection of COVID-19 on the Internet of Things Ecosystem
Zahra Ghorbankhani Mani Zarei Rahil Hosseini -
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651 - The model of the role of health promotion management with sports in Iran's sustainable development: social constructionism with the foundation's data approach
marziyeh aboutalebi Rasool Nazari -
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652 - Presenting a sports entrepreneurship model with a social capital approach based on data foundation theory
Parisa Niazy Fariba Rafeei Dehkordi -
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653 - An Approach to Updating Valuable Patterns of Iranian-Islamic Architecture (Case Study: Hemmatyar House)
Mohammad Latifi Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad -
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654 - Features of pantheism theory in Jami’s Haft Awrang
Akbar SayyadKuh Mohammad Anvar Bejarzehi -
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655 - Investigation of Hypocritical Sufis in Jami's Haft Owrang using Functional Attitude Theory in Social Psychology
Faranak Jahanbakhsh Masroureh Mokhtari Askar Salahi -
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656 - The Reflection of Mystic Religious Experiences on Hafiz Divan (Considering Sween Bern’s Theory
Masoumeh Sadeghi -
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657 - Academic procrastination from attribution theory perspective: An overview
Mehdi Haseli Songhori Kimiya Salamati -
Open Access Article
658 - An Intercultural Analysis of Iranian and American Websites in light of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory
Najmeh Maghsoudi -
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659 - فناوری کمکی واقعیت مجازی برای زبان آموزان دارای اختلال بیانی زبان: اثربخشی، امکان سنجی، و خطرات
Arash Dehghanian Seyyed Hassan Seyyedrezaei Omid Mazandarani Ghasem Barani -
Open Access Article
660 - Natural Frequency and Dynamic Analyses of Functionally Graded Saturated Porous Beam Resting on Viscoelastic Foundation Based on Higher Order Beam Theory
M Babaei K Asemi P Safarpour -
Open Access Article
661 - A Plate Bending Kirchhoff Element Based on Assumed Strain Functions
F Boussem L Belounar -
Open Access Article
662 - On Plane Waves for Mode-I Crack Problem in Generalized Thermoelasticity
kh Lotfy -
Open Access Article
663 - Vibration Analysis of Rotary Tapered Axially Functionally Graded Timoshenko Nanobeam in Thermal Environment
N Shafiei M Hamisi M Ghadiri -
Open Access Article
664 - Free Vibration Analysis of Multi-Layer Rectangular Plate with Two Magneto-Rheological Fluid Layers and a Flexible Core
M Shekarzadeh M.M Najafizadeh P Yousefi A. R Nezamabadi K Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
665 - Refined Zigzag Theory for Nonlinear Dynamic Response of an Axially Moving Sandwich Nanobeam Embedded on Visco-Pasternak Medium Using MCST
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Abdollahian -
Open Access Article
666 - Influence of Viscoelastic Foundation on Dynamic Behaviour of the Double Walled Cylindrical Inhomogeneous Micro Shell Using MCST and with the Aid of GDQM
A Mohammadi H Lashini M Habibi H Safarpour -
Open Access Article
667 - Analysis of Nonlinear Vibrations of Slightly Curved Tripled-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Resting on Elastic Foundations in a Magneto-Thermal Environment
M.G Sobamowo J.O Akanmu O.A Adeleye A.A Yinusa -
Open Access Article
668 - Size Dependent Nonlinear Bending Analysis of a Flexoelectric Functionally Graded Nano-Plate Under Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Loads
A Ghobadi Y Tadi Beni H Golestanian -
Open Access Article
669 - Nonlinear Modeling of Bolted Lap Jointed Structure with Large Amplitude Vibration of Timoshenko Beams
M Jamal-Omidi F Adel -
Open Access Article
670 - Size-Dependent Forced Vibration Analysis of Three Nonlocal Strain Gradient Beam Models with Surface Effects Subjected to Moving Harmonic Loads
K Rajabi Sh Hosseini Hashemi A.R Nezamabadi -
Open Access Article
671 - On Static Bending, Elastic Buckling and Free Vibration Analysis of Symmetric Functionally Graded Sandwich Beams
A.S Sayyad P.V Avhad -
Open Access Article
672 - Effect of Temperature Dependency on Thermoelastic Behavior of Rotating Variable Thickness FGM Cantilever Beam
M.M.H Mirzaei A Loghman M Arefi -
Open Access Article
673 - Natural Frequency of Rotating Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Considering Gyroscopic Effect
A Fatahi-Vajari Z Azimzadeh -
Open Access Article
674 - Vibrational Study on Multilayer Sandwich Plates: Porous FGM Core, Nanocomposite and Piezoelectric Face Sheets
M Pakize M Irani Rahaghi Z Khoddami Maraghi Sh Niknejad A Ghorbanpour Arani -
Open Access Article
675 - Linear and Nonlinear Free Vibration of a Two-Dimensional Multiferroic Composite Plate Subjected to Magneto-Electro-Thermo-Aerodynamic Loading
S Razavi H Ghashochi Bargh -
Open Access Article
676 - Effect of Winkler Foundation on Radially Symmetric Vibrations of Bi-Directional FGM Non-Uniform Mindlin’s Circular Plate Subjected to In-Plane Peripheral Loading
N Ahlawat R Lal -
Open Access Article
677 - Vibration Analysis of Vessels Conveying Blood Flow Embedded in Viscous Fluid
R Bahaadini M Hosseini M. A Paparisabet -
Open Access Article
678 - Vibration Behavior of Thick Sandwich Composite Beam with Flexible Core Resting on Incompressible Fluid Foundation
M Khosravi Saeed Jafari Mehrabadi Keramat Malekzadeh Fard -
Open Access Article
679 - Free Vibration Analysis of Composite Grid Stiffened Cylindrical Shells Using A Generalized Higher Order Theory
H Mohammad Panahiha A Davar M Heydari Beni J Eskandari Jam -
Open Access Article
680 - On The Free Vibration of Doubly Clamped Single-Walled Coiled Carbon Nanotubes: A Novel Size Dependent Continuum Model
F Darvishi O Rahmani -
Open Access Article
681 - Vibration Analysis of a Magneto Thermo Electrical Nano Fiber Reinforced with Graphene Oxide Powder Under Refined Beam Model
R Selvamani J Rexy F Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
682 - Thermoelastic Damping and Frequency Shift in Kirchhoff Plate Resonators Based on Modified Couple Stress Theory With Dual-Phase-Lag Model
S Devi R Kumar -
Open Access Article
683 - Investigation of Strain Gradient Theory for the Analysis of Free Linear Vibration of Nano Truncated Conical Shell
A.R Sheykhi Sh Hosseini Hashemi A Maghsoudpour Sh Etemadi Haghighi -
Open Access Article
684 - Size-Dependent Higher Order Thermo-Mechanical Vibration Analysis of Two Directional Functionally Graded Material Nanobeam
M Mahinzare S Amanpanah M Ghadiri -
Open Access Article
685 - Analysis of Coupled Nonlinear Radial-Axial Vibration of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Numerical Methods
A Fatahi-Vajari Z Azimzadeh -
Open Access Article
686 - Analysis of Nanoplate with a Central Crack Under Distributed Transverse Load Based on Modified Nonlocal Elasticity Theory
M Rajabi H Lexian A Rajabi -
Open Access Article
687 - Finite Crack in a Thermoelastic Transversely Isotropic Medium Under Green-Naghdi Theory
S.K Panja S.C Mandal -
Open Access Article
688 - A Novel Spring-Based Model for Damage Investigation of Functionally Graded Beams
S Karimi M Bozorgnsab R Taghipour M.M Alipour -
Open Access Article
689 - Improved High-Order Analysis of Linear Vibrations of a Thick Sandwich Panel With an Electro-Rheological Core by Using Exponential Shear Deformation Theory
M Keshavarzian M.M Najafizadeh K Khorshidi P Yousefi M Alavi -
Open Access Article
690 - Analysis of Nonlinear Vibration of Piezoelectric Nanobeam Embedded in Multiple Layers Elastic Media in a Thermo-Magnetic Environment Using Iteration Perturbation Method
M.G Sobamowo -
Open Access Article
691 - Fatigue Failure Analysis of Trailing Arm Using Numerical Methods
Aidin Ghaznavi S Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
692 - Refined Plate Theory for Critical Buckling Analysis of FG Sandwich Nanoplates Considering Neutral Surface Concept and Piezoelectric Surface Effects
Amir Hossein Soltan Arani Ali Ghorbanpour Arani Zahra Khoddami Maraghi -
Open Access Article
693 - Post-buckling analysis of porous circular plate with small initial deflection using first-order shear deformation theory
M. M Mohieddin Ghomshei Mahdi Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
694 - Dynamical stability of bi-directionally graded moving beams
Mohammad Hasan Babaei Rochi Jalil Jamali -
Open Access Article
695 - Nonlinear Vibration of Smart Micro-Tube Conveying Fluid Under Electro-Thermal Fields
A Ghorbanpour Arani E Haghparast S Amir -
Open Access Article
696 - Bending Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions
A.M Naserian Nik M Tahani -
Open Access Article
697 - Multiscale Analysis of Transverse Cracking in Cross-Ply Laminated Beams Using the Layerwise Theory
W Jin Na J.N Reddy -
Open Access Article
698 - Free Vibration of Sandwich Panels with Smart Magneto-Rheological Layers and Flexible Cores
G Payganeh K Malekzadeh H Malek-Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
699 - Frequency Analysis of Embedded Orthotropic Circular and Elliptical Micro/Nano-Plates Using Nonlocal Variational Principle
A Anjomshoa A.R Shahidi S.H Shahidi H Nahvi -
Open Access Article
700 - Elastic Buckling of Moderately Thick Homogeneous Circular Plates of Variable Thickness
S.K Jalali M.H Naei -
Open Access Article
701 - A Nonlocal First Order Shear Deformation Theory for Vibration Analysis of Size Dependent Functionally Graded Nano beam with Attached Tip Mass: an Exact Solution
M Ghadiri A Jafari -
Open Access Article
702 - Non Uniform Rational B Spline (NURBS) Based Non-Linear Analysis of Straight Beams with Mixed Formulations
R Ranjan J.N Reddy -
Open Access Article
703 - An Efficient Co Finite Element Approach for Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Ceramic-Metal Skew Shell Panels
G Taj A Chakrabarti -
Open Access Article
704 - Large Amplitude Vibration of Imperfect Shear Deformable Nano-Plates Using Non-local Theory
S.K Jalali A Rastgoo I Eshraghi -
Open Access Article
705 - Dynamic Response of an Axially Moving Viscoelastic Timoshenko Beam
H Seddighi H.R Eipakchi -
Open Access Article
706 - A Zigzag Theory with Local Shear Correction Factors for Semi-Analytical Bending Modal Analysis of Functionally Graded Viscoelastic Circular Sandwich Plates
M Shariyat M.M Alipour -
Open Access Article
707 - Vibration and Stability Analysis of a Pasternak Bonded Double-GNR-System Based on Different Nonlocal Theories
A Ghorbanpour Arani R Kolahchi H Vossough M Abdollahian -
Open Access Article
708 - Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Bending of Straight Beams Using hp-Spectral Approximations
R Ranjan -
Open Access Article
709 - A Comparative Study of Least-Squares and the Weak-Form Galerkin Finite Element Models for the Nonlinear Analysis of Timoshenko Beams
W Kim J.N Reddy -
Open Access Article
710 - An Analytical Solution for Inverse Determination of Residual Stress Field
S.A Faghidian G.H Farrahi D.J Smith -
Open Access Article
711 - Study on the Pull-In Instability of Gold Micro-Switches Using Variable Length Scale Parameter
M Fathalilou M Sadeghi G Rezazadeh M Jalilpour A Naghilou S Ahouighazvin -
Open Access Article
712 - Small Scale Effect on the Vibration of Orthotropic Plates Embedded in an Elastic Medium and Under Biaxial In-plane Pre-load Via Nonlocal Elasticity Theory
M Mohammadi M Goodarzi M Ghayour S Alivand -
Open Access Article
713 - Magneto-Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Response of a Multiferroic Doubly-Curved Nano-Shell
S Razavi -
Open Access Article
714 - Free Vibration Analyses of Functionally Graded CNT Reinforced Nanocomposite Sandwich Plates Resting on Elastic Foundation
R Moradi-Dastjerdi Gh Payganeh H Malek-Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
715 - Stress Analysis of Skew Nanocomposite Plates Based on 3D Elasticity Theory Using Differential Quadrature Method
M.R Nami M Janghorban -
Open Access Article
716 - Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Spinning Cylindrical Shells Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory
M Mehrparvar -
Open Access Article
717 - Thermal Stability of Thin Rectangular Plates with Variable Thickness Made of Functionally Graded Materials
M Pouladvand -
Open Access Article
718 - Comparison of Two Kinds of Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shells with Various Volume Fraction Laws for Vibration Analysis
M.R Isvandzibaei P.J Awasare -
Open Access Article
719 - Wave Propagation in Mixture of Generalized Thermoelastic Solids Half-Space
R Kumar S Devi -
Open Access Article
720 - Dynamic Instability of Visco-SWCNTs Conveying Pulsating Fluid Based on Sinusoidal Surface Couple Stress Theory
A Ghorbanpour Arani R Kolahchi M Jamali M Mosayyebi I Alinaghian -
Open Access Article
721 - Nonlocal Vibration of Y-SWCNT Conveying Fluid Considering a General Nonlocal Elastic Medium
A.H Ghobanpour Arani A Rastgoo A Ghorbanpour Arani M. Sh. Zarei -
Open Access Article
722 - Displacements and Stresses in Pressurized Thick FGM Cylinders with Varying Properties of Power Function Based on HSDT
M Ghannad H Gharooni -
Open Access Article
723 - Axial and Transverse Vibration of SWBNNT System Coupled Pasternak Foundation Under a Moving Nanoparticle Using Timoshenko Beam Theory
A Ghorbanpour Arani A Karamali Ravandi M.A Roudbari M.B Azizkhani A Hafizi Bidgoli -
Open Access Article
724 - Effect of Magnetic Field and a Mode-I Crack 3D-Problem in Micropolar Thermoelastic Cubic Medium Possessing Under Three Theories
Kh Lotfy Y Yahia -
Open Access Article
725 - Influence of Rotation on Vibration Behavior of a Functionally Graded Moderately Thick Cylindrical Nanoshell Considering Initial Hoop Tension
H Safarpour M.M Barooti M Ghadiri -
Open Access Article
726 - The Effect of Elastic Foundations on the Buckling Behavior of Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composite Plates in Thermal Environments Using a Meshfree Method
Sh Shams B Soltani M Memar Ardestani -
Open Access Article
727 - Mathematical Modeling for Thermoelastic Double Porous Micro-Beam Resonators
R Kumar R Vohra M.G Gorla -
Open Access Article
728 - The Effect of Modified Couple Stress Theory on Buckling and Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Double-Layer Boron Nitride Piezoelectric Plate Based on CPT
M Mohammadimehr M Mohandes -
Open Access Article
729 - In-Plane and out of Plane Free Vibration of U-Shaped AFM Probes Based on the Nonlocal Elasticity
M Ghadiri S.A.H Hosseini M Karami M Namvar -
Open Access Article
730 - Surface Effects on Free Vibration Analysis of Nanobeams Using Nonlocal Elasticity: A Comparison Between Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko
Sh Hosseini – Hashemi M Fakher R Nazemnezhad -
Open Access Article
731 - Smart Vibration Control of Magnetostrictive Nano-Plate Using Nonlocal Continuum Theory
A Ghorbanpour Arani Z Khoddami Maraghi H Khani Arani -
Open Access Article
732 - Stress Analysis of Two-directional FGM Moderately Thick Constrained Circular Plates with Non-uniform Load and Substrate Stiffness Distributions
M.M Alipour M Shariyat -
Open Access Article
733 - Vibration Analysis of a Rotating Nanoplate Using Nonlocal Elasticity Theory
M Ghadiri N Shafiei S Hossein Alavi -
Open Access Article
734 - Theory of Generalized Piezoporo Thermoelasticity
M Jabbari A Yooshi -
Open Access Article
735 - Theoretical Formulations for Finite Element Models of Functionally Graded Beams with Piezoelectric Layers
J.N Reddy S Doshi A Muliana -
Open Access Article
736 - Nonlocal DQM for Large Amplitude Vibration of Annular Boron Nitride Sheets on Nonlinear Elastic Medium
A Ghorbanpour Arani R Kolahchi S.M.R Allahyari -
Open Access Article
737 - Third Order Formulation for Vibrating Non-Homogeneous Cylindrical Shells in Elastic Medium
M Gheisari H Molatefi S.S Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
738 - First-Order Formulation for Functionally Graded Stiffened Cylindrical Shells Under Axial Compression
A Hasani -
Open Access Article
739 - Closed-form Solution of Dynamic Displacement for SLGS Under Moving the Nanoparticle on Visco-Pasternak Foundation
A Ghorbanpour Arani A Shiravand S Amir -
Open Access Article
740 - Thermo-elastic Damping in a Capacitive Micro-beam Resonator Considering Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Model and Modified Couple Stress Theory
M Najafi G Rezazadeh R Shabani -
Open Access Article
741 - Vibration Suppression of Simply Supported Beam under a Moving Mass using On-Line Neural Network Controller
S Rezaei M Pourseifi -
Open Access Article
742 - Response Determination of a Beam with Moderately Large Deflection Under Transverse Dynamic Load Using First Order Shear Deformation Theory
F Sohani H.R Eipakchi -
Open Access Article
743 - Free Vibration Analysis of Non-Uniform Circular Nanoplate
M Zarei M Ghalami-Choobar G.H Rahimi G.R Faghani -
Open Access Article
744 - Two-dimensional Axisymmetric Electromechanical Response of Piezoelectric, Functionally Graded and Layered Composite Cylinders
T Kant P Desai -
Open Access Article
745 - Variational Principle and Plane Wave Propagation in Thermoelastic Medium with Double Porosity Under Lord-Shulman Theory
R Kumar R Vohra M.G Gorla -
Open Access Article
746 - Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Formability of Al3105-St14 Two-Layer Sheet
H Deilami Azodi R Darabi -
Open Access Article
747 - Modified Couple Stress Theory for Vibration of Embedded Bioliquid-Filled Microtubules under Walking a Motor Protein Including Surface Effects
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Abdollahian A.H Ghorbanpour Arani -
Open Access Article
748 - Vibration Analysis of FG Nanoplate Based on Third-Order Shear Deformation Theory (TSDT) and Nonlocal Elasticity
M.M Najafizadeh M Raki P Yousefi -
Open Access Article
749 - Influences of Small-Scale Effect and Boundary Conditions on the Free Vibration of Nano-Plates: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation
S.F Asbaghian Namin R Pilafkan -
Open Access Article
750 - Spectral Finite Element Method for Free Vibration of Axially Moving Plates Based on First-Order Shear Deformation Theory
M.R Bahrami S Hatami -
Open Access Article
751 - Free Vibration Analysis of Microtubules as Orthotropic Elastic Shells Using Stress and Strain Gradient Elasticity Theory
F Mokhtari Y Tadi Beni -
Open Access Article
752 - New Method for Large Deflection Analysis of an Elliptic Plate Weakened by an Eccentric Circular Hole
Sh Dastjerdi L Yazdanparast -
Open Access Article
753 - Damping and Frequency Shift in Microscale Modified Couple Stress Thermoelastic Plate Resonators
S Devi R Kumar -
Open Access Article
754 - Nonlocal Bending Analysis of Bilayer Annular/Circular Nano Plates Based on First Order Shear Deformation Theory
Sh Dastjerdi M Jabbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
755 - Free Vibration Analysis of Variable Stiffness Composite Laminates with Flat and Folded Shapes
B Daraei S Hatami -
Open Access Article
756 - Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shell Panel With and Without a Cutout
k.S Sai Ram K Pratyusha P Kiranmayi -
Open Access Article
757 - Viscous Fluid Flow-Induced Nonlocal Nonlinear Vibration of Embedded DWBNNTs
A Ghorbanpour Arani Z Khoddami Maraghi R Kolahchi M Mohammadimehr -
Open Access Article
758 - Analysis of Viscoelastic Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates with CNT Reinforced Composite Face Sheets on Viscoelastic Foundation
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Emdadi H Ashrafi M Mohammadimehr S Niknejad A.A Ghorbanpour Arani A Hosseinpour -
Open Access Article
759 - Nonlocal Piezomagnetoelasticity Theory for Buckling Analysis of Piezoelectric/Magnetostrictive Nanobeams Including Surface Effects
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Abdollahian A.H Rahmati -
Open Access Article
760 - Finite Difference Method for Biaxial and Uniaxial Buckling of Rectangular Silver Nanoplates Resting on Elastic Foundations in Thermal Environments Based on Surface Stress and Nonlocal Elasticity Theories
M karimi A.R Shahidi -
Open Access Article
761 - Dynamic Behavior of Anisotropic Protein Microtubules Immersed in Cytosol Via Cooper–Naghdi Thick Shell Theory
M.R Ghorbanpour Arani Z Khoddami Maraghi E Haghparast -
Open Access Article
762 - Pull-In Instability of MSGT Piezoelectric Polymeric FG-SWCNTs Reinforced Nanocomposite Considering Surface Stress Effect
A Ghorbanpour Arani B Rousta Navi M Mohammadimehr S Niknejad A.A Ghorbanpour Arani A Hosseinpour -
Open Access Article
763 - Influence of Temperature Change on Modal Analysis of Rotary Functionally Graded Nano-beam in Thermal Environment
E Shahabinejad N Shafiei M Ghadiri -
Open Access Article
764 - Thermo-Mechanical Vibration Analysis of FG Circular and Annular Nanoplate Based on the Visco-Pasternak Foundation
M Goodarzi M Mohammadi M Khooran F Saadi -
Open Access Article
765 - Effects of Gravitational and Hydrostatic Initial Stress on a Two-Temperature Fiber-Reinforced Thermoelastic Medium for Three-Phase-Lag
S.M Said M.I.A Othman -
Open Access Article
766 - Effect of the Interparticle Interactions on Adsorption-Induced Frequency Shift of Nano-beam-Based Nanoscale Mass-Sensors: A Theoretical Study
K Rajabi Sh Hosseini-Hashemi -
Open Access Article
767 - Free Axisymmetric Bending Vibration Analysis of two Directional FGM Circular Nano-plate on the Elastic Foundation
M Zarei Gh Rahimi -
Open Access Article
768 - Free and Forced Transverse Vibration Analysis of Moderately Thick Orthotropic Plates Using Spectral Finite Element Method
M.R Bahrami S Hatami -
Open Access Article
769 - Calculation of Collision Speed Corresponded to Maximum Penetration Using Hydrodynamic Theory
A.R Nezamabadi -
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770 - An Upper Bound For Restrained double Roman Domination Number In Honeycomb Networks
Mojtaba Ghanbari Doost Ali Mojdeh -
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771 - Homological dimensions of complexes of R-modules
N. Tayarzadeh Esmaiel Hosseini Sh. Niknejad -
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772 - Explain the appropriate context for the implementation of strategic plans in urban policy Emphasizing the theory of good urban governance
gashtaseb kiani korosh afzali kermatolah ziari -
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773 - Promoting safety and security by relying on social capital based on cultural regeneration approach (Case study: Historical context of Urmia)
ahmad sheikhahmadi Mirsadegh Mohammadi -
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774 - Developing the Conceptual Model of Local Empowering of Informal Settlements Using Fundamental Point of View
majid javadi nima jahanbin Arman Heidari Omran Kohzadi Seifabad -
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775 - A Reading on Heritage Tourism in the Model of Regeneration the Historical Texture by Grounded Theory (Case Study: Shiraz)
Saeideh Ghaderi zahra sadat saeideh zarabadi Mojtaba Rafieian -
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776 - The application of game theory in the analysis of urban construction activists, Case study: the privacy of the metropolitan area of Tehran
Zahra Safaeipour Rahim Sarvar Ribaz Ghorbanenejhad -
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777 - A study of the beloved metaphorical systems in the generalities of Shams Tabrizi based on metaphorical theory
Mehdi Rahnama Ahmad Reza Kikhai Farzaneh behroz romiani -
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778 - The Relationship between Language and Imagery in Hafiz Poetry (with regard to the theories of Abd al-Qahir al-Jurjani)
maryam fayazi -
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779 - Examining the elements of text coherence in the imagery of the geographical location of cities in Nasser Khosrow's travelogue based on Halliday and Hassan's theory
Azima Sabbaghnia Hamid Reza Ardestani rostami Farzaneh Youssef Ghanbari Masoud Khordmandpour -
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780 - The Study of Stage-like Development of Morpho-syntactic Structures in EFL Learners’ Writing Performance: A Processability Theory Account for Cases of “Plural -s” and “Adverb Fronting”
Mahin Sadat Tabatabaee Keivan Mahmoodi Abbas Bayat -
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781 - Stable Feature Selection and Clustering According to Hierarchical Structures Based on Chaotic Multispecies Particle Swarm Optimization Applied for Genetic Data Diagnosis and Prognosis
Maryam yassi Mohammad Hossein Moattarb Mehdi Yaghoobi -
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782 - Reduction of DEA-Performance Factors Using Rough Set Theory: An Application of Companies in the Iranian Stock Exchange
Mahnaz Mirbolouki Maryam Joulaei -
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783 - The Relationship between Capital Investment Choice and Capital Productivity: A Test of Firm Life Cycle Theory (A Comparative Investigation of Cyclical and Non-Cyclical Companies)
Ali Khamaki Parviz Saeidi Arash Naderian Ali Khozain -
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784 - Uncertain Entropy as a Risk Measure in Multi-Objective Portfolio Optimization
Mahsa mahmoodvandgharahshiran Gholamhossein Yari Mohammad Hassan Behzadi -
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785 - Chaotic Test and Non-Linearity of Abnormal Stock Returns: Selecting an Optimal Chaos Model in Explaining Abnormal Stock Returns around the Release Date of Annual Financial Statements
Reyhaneh Enayayi Taebi Alireza Mehrazeen Mehdi Jabbari Nooqabi -
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786 - Stock Price Momentum Modeling: A Grounded Theory Approach
Mehdi Elhaei Sahar Rezvan Hejazi Allah karam Salehi Hossein Moltafet -
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787 - Application of Resource-Based View Theory in Assessing of Efficiency of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange by Data Envelopment Analysis
Zahra Moradi Mona Ghilavi Mohammad Hamed Khan Mohammadi Zohreh Hajiha -
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788 - Which Currency Will Evolve?
Abbas Javadian Elahe Sorouri Madjid Eshaghi Gordji -
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789 - Past-oriented behavioral bias: A study on S&P & TEPIX index-es
Mohsen Mehrara Saeid Tajdini Jamal Maghsoudi Majid Lotfi Ghahroud Niloufar Ebrahimiyan Farzad Jafari -
Open Access Article
790 - Providing a hybrid strategy based on the theory of turbulence and price acceleration in the Iranian stock market
Rohollah Hamidi Ali Saeedi Mohammad Khodaei Valazaghard Mehdi Naghavi -
Open Access Article
791 - Using A Multivariate Statistical Method of Factor Analysis and Grounded Theory to Review the Theory of Agency in Developing Countries (A Case Study of Iran)
Mirza Mohammadi Rahmatollah Mohammadi pour Ghodratallah Talebnia Negar Khosravipour -
Open Access Article
792 - Designing an Analytical Model for Assessing Supply Chain Resilience to different Types of Risks: Case Study of Iran Petro-chemical Industries
Mohammad Bahrami Seyfabad Ahmad Jafar Nejad Ezatollah Asghari Zadeh Hanan Amo Zad -
Open Access Article
793 - A Model of Investor Sentiment Based on Grounded Theory Approach
Akram Davoudi Ali Khozein Arash Naderian -
Open Access Article
794 - The Ability of Elliott Waves Theory to Predict the Information Content of Accounting Profit
Hossein Alizadeh Majid Zanjirdar Gholamali Haji -
Open Access Article
795 - Selecting The Optimal Multi-Period Stock Portfolio with Different Time Horizons in the Credibility Theory Framework
Younes Nozarpour Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi Mahdi Fadaee -
Open Access Article
796 - Portfolio Optimization under Varying Market Risk Conditions: Copula Dependence and Marginal Value Approaches
Jila Ahmadi Hasan Ghodrati Ghezaani Mehdi Madanchi Zaj Hossein Jabbari Aliakbar Farzinfar -
Open Access Article
797 - Visualized Portfolio Optimization of stock market: Case of TSE
Fatemeh Lakzaie Alireza Bahiraie saeed mohammadian -
Open Access Article
798 - According to Agency Theory and Neoclassical Theory; New Ownership and Diversity of Public Sector Companies in Corporate Life Cycle
Abdollah Tavasoli Parviz Saeidi Bahram Biglari -
Open Access Article
799 - Comparison of Selected Performance of Portfolio Investment Companies by Using of Grey Forecasting and Johnson’s Index in Tehran Stock Exchange Market
Rahmatollah Mohammadi pour Zhaleh Alavimoghadam Adel Fatemi -
Open Access Article
800 - Hyper-Rational Choice and Economic Behaviour
Majid Eshaghi Gordji Gholamreza Askari -
Open Access Article
801 - Synthesis and application of core-shell magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer for the selective extraction of metronidazole from biological fluids: Isotherms and kinetic
Raheleh Sanjari maryam kazemipour mehdi ansari leila zeidabadinejad -
Open Access Article
802 - Structural and electronic properties of SiC2 monolayer in the presence of acetaldehyde gas: Application feasibility as a gas sensor
Khalil Seidali Javanmardi Zahra Karami Horastani -
Open Access Article
803 - Theoretical study of methane adsorption on the (8,0) single wall carbon nanotube decorated with Ag-Pd dimer
Zahra Karami Horastani Saber Jamali Hajiani -
Open Access Article
804 - Investigating the Role of Non-Financial Information Analysis and Risk- Return Analysis along with Financial Information in Increasing the Efficiency of the Stock Portfolio of Banks
Alishir Taheri Morteza Shafiee Fariborz Evazzadeh Fath -
Open Access Article
805 - The Causal Model of Environmental and Internal Factors of the University on the Process of Technology Transfer to Industrial Centers
Mohsen Soleimani Akbar Alem Tabriz Sohrab Khalili Shavarini -
Open Access Article
806 - Designing Optimal Banking Model Based on Customer Service
Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini Tooraj Sadeghi Ali Hosseinzadeh Mehdi Zirak -
Open Access Article
807 - A Hybrid Approach in Designing and Validating a Green Quality Management Model in the Food Industry
Davood Tarvirdizadeh Shahram Mirzaeidaryani Mohammadreza Nahidi AmirKhiz Mohammad Pasbani Morteza Honarmand Azimi -
Open Access Article
808 - Prioritize Development of Corporate Social Responsibility in Food Industry Based on the Taxonomy Method
Vahide Hajihassani Hassan Rangriz Babak Hajikarimi -
Open Access Article
809 - Presenting a Model of Product Development Process Management in Gas Refining Company
Hooman Keshavarzi Seyedjavad Iranban Moqaddaseh Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
810 - Examining the Forex Market Based on Chaos Theory
Elahe Hadizadeh Mohammad Taleghani Soghra Barari Nokashti -
Open Access Article
811 - Designing and Validating a New Integrated Digital Marketing Model
Farzad Malek shirabadi Mehdi Karimi zand Mohammad Reza Kabaran Zad Ghadim -
Open Access Article
812 - Studying the Effective Factors in Brand Value Creation from the Perspective of Customers, Organizations and Stakeholders (Case study: Iranian Textile Industry)
Parviz Alilou Hamid Reza Saeednia Ali Badi Zadeh -
Open Access Article
813 - Identifying the Effective Factors of Oral Electronic Marketing on Brand Equity
Azadeh Darvish Fereshteh Lotfizadeh Kambiz Hiedarzadeh Rahim Mohtaram -
Open Access Article
814 - An Integrated Approach for Evaluation Applications of Building Information Modeling Based on Rough Number
Alireza Aminrad Mohammad Miehosseini Mohammad Ehsanifar Ehsanullah Zeighami -
Open Access Article
815 - Proposing a Customer Experience Management Model Based on the Grounded Theory Approach in Aviation Industry (Case study: Taban Airline)
Mohammad Sadeghi Far Azar Kaffashpoor Abdollah Naami -
Open Access Article
816 - Designing an Optimal Selection Model of Transportation Network in A Multi-level Supply Chain Using Game Theory
mahmood darvish sefat Javad Rezaeian Mohammad Mahdi Pourpasha -
Open Access Article
817 - Psychological Identifications of Branding in the Food Industry with Grounded Theory Institutions (Study case: Gaz Asari)
Zakieh Beiki Demeneh Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi Mohammad Reza Dalvi -
Open Access Article
818 - Designing a Structural Model Based Using Smart Technologies in Improving the Ethics and Administrative Health of Customs Employees
Ebrahim Karimikia Habib Zare AhmadAbadi Ali Morovati Sharif Abadi Seyyed Heidar MirFakhreddini -
Open Access Article
819 - Designing a Systemic Model for Promoting the Adoption of Virtual Banking in Iran's Banking Industry
Monireh Akbari Mahdi Mahmoudzadeh Vashan Hossein Hakimpour -
Open Access Article
820 - Presenting a Paradigm Model of Green washing based on the Grounded Theory Approach
mahsa jandaghi Mahmud Naderi Beni -
Open Access Article
821 - Presenting the Model of Strategic Management of Human Resources in the Marketing Department based on the Grounded Theory
Peiman Tirabadi Majid Bagherzadeh Khajeh Hooshang Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
822 - The Antecedents Destructive Organizational Behaviors based on Social Exchange Theory in Metacombination Method
Mohsen Shahbazi Shahla Sohrabi Esmaeil Asadi -
Open Access Article
823 - A Grounded Theory Approach to Developing a Partnership Quality Model in Service Outsourcing
Reza Shojaey Khani Naser Arash Shahin Nader Ale Ebrahim -
Open Access Article
824 - Designing and implementation of a fuzzy-dynamic model to evaluate system’s risk and reliability
Majid VaziriSarashk Sohrab KhanMohammadi Mahmood Alborzi Seyed Mohammad Seyed Hoseini -
Open Access Article
825 - Modelling and Ranking the Antecedents of Brand Hate among Customers of Home Appliance
Mohammad Reza Dalvand Vahid Reza Mirabi Mohammad Hosein Ranjbar Serajodin Mohebi -
Open Access Article
826 - The Role of Human Capital of Management Team on Performance in Iranian Academic Spin-Offs
Mehdi Shahsavari Jalal Haghighat-Monfared -
Open Access Article
827 - A Presentation of the Strategic Entrepreneurial Marketing Model in the Construction Industry
Shahram Kouseh Gharravi Saeid Saffarian Hamedani -
Open Access Article
828 - Explaining the Conceptual Framework of Place Dignity in the Urban Regeneration Process Using Grounded Theory
Habib Khorasani Siamak Korang Beheshti Hamid Davazdahemami Maryam Ghasemi sichani -
Open Access Article
829 - Women Perception Of Urban Spaces After The Development Plan Using The Grounded Theory
Hamid Pour hosein roshan Hashem Dadash pour -
Open Access Article
830 - Consequences of Islamophobia for United Kingdom Muslim Women Based on Moral Panic Theory
Ali Sabbaghian Mohammad Sadegh Koushki Hamzeh Safavi Ali Mohammad Khaksar -
Open Access Article
831 - Examining the Stories of Female Immigrant Writers Based on Mikhail Bakhtin's Carnivalesque Theory
Fatemeh Jafaryan Shervin Khamseh Soheyla Ghasimi tarshizi -
Open Access Article
832 - Choice Theory Implementation on Hope, Resilience and Psychological Well-being of Divorced Women
Mina Mahmoudi Tabar Zahra Dargahi -
Open Access Article
833 - Ethnographical Analysis of Indigenous Botanical Knowledge Based on Julien Steward's Theory
Fatimah Shabani Asl Mohammad Sadeq Farbod Ali Baseri Mohammad Hadi Mansour Lecoorge -
Open Access Article
834 - Pathology Of Lesbianism
محسن Doostkam مهناز Mehrabi-zadeh Honarmand S. A. Ghanavati سپیده Pour-Heidar -
Open Access Article
835 - Characteristics of Online Database Perceptions and Its Compliance by Female Faculty Members
فریبا Nazari فریبرز Khousravi فهیمه Bab-alhavaeiji -
Open Access Article
836 - The effectiveness of Glaser's choice theory training on marital burnout and family instability in couples with military spouses
Eftekhar Ameri Aezam Vaziri-Nasab -
Open Access Article
837 - Cultural approach in modeling traits of borderline personality disorder in adolescents based on theory of mind: Mediating role of problem solving strategies
Mohadeseh Fateminia Fariba Hassani Ahmad Borjali fatemeh golshani -
Open Access Article
838 - Theoretical study of HCX (NH2) (X= O, S, and Se) analogs in the gas phase: Electronic Structure, Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) & Natural Resonance Theory (NRT)
golrokh Mahmoudzadeh ghazal kouchakzadeh -
Open Access Article
839 - Theoretical study of the para chlorophenol adsorption on phosphorus-doped polypyrrole with DFT
Mozafar Rezaee Shahrbanoo Rahman setayesh -
Open Access Article
840 - Study of structural effects of binary mixtures of Nitrobenzene and 2-Alcohols
Mohammad Almasi -
Open Access Article
841 - Calculation the thermodynamic parameters of some imidazolidin-2,5-diones by using DFT method
Farideh Khatib Asadollah Farhadi -
Open Access Article
842 - Quantum chemistry study on the regioselective behavior of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of azides with various substituted cyclooctynes
Marzieh Omrani Tayebeh Hosseinnejad -
Open Access Article
843 - DFT studies of the hydroquinone adsorption on polypyrrole
Mozafar Rezaee Shahrbanoo Rahman setayesh -
Open Access Article
844 - پیش بینی دبی روزانه جریان باراندوزچای با استفاده از تئوری آشوب
احمد پور مقدم ادریس معروفی نیا ابوالفضل شمسایی -
Open Access Article
845 - Designig The Conceptual Model Of Partnership Quality In Services Outsourcing (Case Study: Isfahan Gas Company)
reza shojaey naser khani arash shahin nader Aleebrahim -
Open Access Article
846 - Providing an practical model of contractor selection and prioritization in project - based companies (Case Study: MAPNACompany)
HOSEIN KARBAKHSH RAVARI sanjar salajegheh ayyub Sheikhi -
Open Access Article
847 - Pattern of production resilience in critical shocks (sanction); A qualitative study based on grounded theory
MEHDI NAZARI hasan mehrmanesh Jala Haghighat monfared -
Open Access Article
848 - Presenting Content Marketing Model Based on Grounded Theory (Case Study: Fars Province Tourism Industry)
mahmood maarefi hooshang asadollah esmaeil hasanpour qorughchi -
Open Access Article
849 - Designing and explaining the process model of human resource value creation in knowledge-based companies
ALI AHMADI Mohammad Reza Rabiee Mondejin zeynolabdin Aminisabegh Ehsan Sadeh -
Open Access Article
850 - Pathology of the process of using the staff of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences With a data theory approach
hassan makhdoomi Farhad Nejad Irani Rahimi Gholamreza seyedabdolah hojati -
Open Access Article
851 - Providing and evaluating a grounded theory for extension of value innovation from the intra-organizational level to the supply chain
Ebrahim Rasti Borazjani Faghat Naser Khani Akbar Alem Tabriz -
Open Access Article
852 - Use the game theory approach and data envelopment analysis to calculate cost efficiency in two-stage networks
Raheleh Mousavizadeh Mehrzad Navabakhsh Ashkan Hafezalkotob -
Open Access Article
853 - Identifying And Prioritizing Supply Chain Sustainability Indicators And Presenting A Comprehensive Sustainability Model Related To Yazd Ceramic Tile Industry With The Grounded Theory And The Best-Worst Fuzzy Method
mohsen mirjalili Hasan Dehghan Dehnavi shahnaz nayebzadeh -
Open Access Article
854 - Investigating the sustainable performance evaluation criteria based on stable balanced scorecard methods with fuzzy MCDM (Case study of detergent Industries)
rahim Dabbagh mohamad soltan mahamdi Saeid Jafarzadeh Ghoushchi -
Open Access Article
855 - An improvement in the prediction of project performance by integrated approach of fuzzy earned value and risk analysis
Mojtaba Farrokh -
Open Access Article
856 - Application of game theory on optimizing multilevel green transportation problem under multi-stakeholder’s condition
mahmood darvishsefat Javad Rezaeian Mohammad Mahdi Pourpasha -
Open Access Article
857 - Proposed a model to evaluate supply chains sustainability efficiency based on trade-offs among sustainability goals using game theory
Mohsen Yaghoubizade Vanini Reza Yousefi Zenouz Amir-Reza Abtahi Kaveh Khalili-Damghani -
Open Access Article
858 - Presentation of a model of Performance management assessment of oil and gas companies with a game theory approach
Mehdi Khajavi Mohammad reza motadel Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi -
Open Access Article
859 - Designing an Optimal Recycling Model in a Four-Level Closed-Loop Supply Chain by Queuing Theory and Robust Planning (Case Study: Paper Industry)
Mahdi Alizadeh Beromi Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi Mohammadali Keramati Abbass Toloie Ashlaghi -
Open Access Article
860 - A Game Theory Approach for Supply Chain Coordination Model with Incentive Mechanisms of Discount and Delay in Payments
mohammad ferdousmakan Roya M.ahari Mohammadreza Vasili Majid Vaziri Sarashk -
Open Access Article
861 - Analysis of the Challenges Leading to the Industrial Projects using Grounded Theory (Case study: the Petrochemical Industry)
Elahe Mobini-Dehkordi Peyman Akhavan -
Open Access Article
862 - Optimizing Queuing-Inventory Problems under Uncertainty: A Fuzzy Mathematical Programming
Alireza Alinezhad Vahid Hajipour Amin Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
863 - The Use of Fuzzy Multi-Objective Decision-Making Process to Provide Project Risk Assessment Model (Azar Oil Well Drilling)
Mohammad Reza Imani Moghadam Mohammad Khalil Zadeh -
Open Access Article
864 - An Algorithm Genetic Approach for solving Bi-level Linear Programming
Hashem Omrani -
Open Access Article
865 - A New Approach for Solving Multi-layered Facility Location Models under Uncertainty Using fuzzy Simulation
Mahdi Yousefi Nejad Attari Saeed Kolahi-Randji Ensiyeh Neyshabouri Jami -
Open Access Article
866 - The effectiveness of multimedia educational design based on cognitive load theory on students' academic achievement and self-concept in fifth grade science course
سپیده صفرپور دهکردی اقدس شکری -
Open Access Article
867 - Investigating the Components and Dimensions of the Mission of Schools in Post-Corona Era through Grounded Theory
faranak mosavi leila jazayeri Leila Ghazaghi Morteza Kalhori Fate meh Salimi yahya mahammady hossein hasani Nadia Hasanvand Fatemeh Ahmadvand Maryam Mohamadi Nazanin Amini Faramarz Azizi Mohammad Khamisabai Sirous Mirzabeighi -
Open Access Article
868 - Determining the competency indicators of the first grade high school teachers in Karaj city
farzad eskandari nasab Khadijeh Abolmaali Freeborz dortaj Freeborz Bagheri -
Open Access Article
869 - Comparison the effectiveness of group counseling based on choice theory and Gottman theory on increasing marital intimacy and decreasing marital conflicts in married women
Eghbal Zarei Reza Borumand Maryam Sadegifard Samaneh Najarpourian Mahin Askari -
Open Access Article
870 - The mediating role of social adjustment in the relationship between mind theory and self-efficacy with the tendency to virtual networks in gifted students
Alireza Sangani behnam makvandi Parviz Askary -
Open Access Article
871 - Effectiveness of teaching theory of mind on reduce emotional-behavioral-social problems of preschool learners
Somayyeh Keshavarz Alireza Kakavand Haneyeh Dashtdar -
Open Access Article
872 - The Effectiveness of Educational Intelligence Training Based on Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory on Social Utility and Educational Motivation in Isfahan female Students
khatereh bozorgmehri Fariba Hafezi Parviz Askary behnam makvandi Reza Pasha -
Open Access Article
873 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Social skills training and self- management on Teachers and Parents of Preschool Children on Their Theory of Mind
Maryam Soleimani Hamidinejad Zohreh Musazadeh Khadijeh Abolmaali Al-Husseini Abdul Hassan Farhangi -
Open Access Article
874 - Identifying the Effective Factors on Reducing the Desire to Marry Using Grounded Theory (GT)
Sedigheh Heydari Mehrnaz Azadyekta Ashkan Kazemi -
Open Access Article
875 - Psychoanalytical criticism of “ermiya novle” one of the Holy defence stories according to jacqes lacan theory
hesam ziaee -
Open Access Article
876 - Asylum as a protest; an analysis of the novel No Friend but the Mountains from the Perspective of Critical Aesthetic Theory
hamid moradi osman hedayat -
Open Access Article
877 - Comparative Study of Agriculture in Shahnameh Based on Dumezil Three Way Theory.
Omid Massoudifar -
Open Access Article
878 - Metaphor and its function in everyday speech of Persian speakers )Relying on Persian language students of Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch(
Gholamhassan oraki Elkhas vaysi -
Open Access Article
879 - Morphological Analysis of Siddha Nasafi’sBaharieh (based on Propp’s theory)
Azar Akbarzade Ebrahimi Zahra Ekhtiari -
Open Access Article
880 - Structure analysis of plot of Tahmuroth story
Jahangir safari amir fathi -
Open Access Article
881 - “Selecting target literary texts , a solution for raising perception in Elementery School Students”
Golbarg Zehni Arsalan Golfam -
Open Access Article
882 - A Semiotic Analysis on Hafiz Poems Based on C.S. Peirce’s Theory on hope symbols
Nasrin Aini -
Open Access Article
883 - Designing a model for empowering employees on the verge of retirement in (Case Study: Iran's electricity industry)
Mohammad Rasoul Tohfeh Shams Al-Sadat Zahedi Mohammad Montazeri ali yaghoubipour -
Open Access Article
884 - Explore the Pattern of Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship in Animal Uusbandry Using Grounded Theory
seyed ahmad hosseini Mohammad ziaaddini mohammadreza Hosseini pour -
Open Access Article
885 - Analysis of strain and stress in composite layered plate using shear deformation theory and secant function
Iman Najimi Saeed Jafari Mehrabadi Peyman Yousefi -
Open Access Article
886 - Non-linear vibration analysis of circular nano-plate based on nonlocal strain gradient method
morteza pourabdi Mohammad Shishesaz Shahram Shahrooi Seyed Alireza Seyed Roknizadeh -
Open Access Article
887 - Optimizing urban governance policies in metropolises (case study:Rasht)
sadegh sadeghpour bakhtyar ezatpanah nader zali -
Open Access Article
888 - The study of factors affecting the level of fear of crime in residential neighborhoods, a study on scarcity trap theory (Case study: Ahwaz city)
Rostam Saberifar -
Open Access Article
889 - Explaining the paradigm model of anti-productive behaviors in Sports Boards
Zainab Badeli Asra Asgari Amin Rashid Lamir Zayalabedi, Falah Taher Behlekeh -
Open Access Article
890 - Identification and ranking of motivation to follow sports teams in Instagram based on Uses and Gratifications Theory (Case study: Tehran Perspolis Team)
Abed Mahmoudian Saeed Sadeghi Boroujerdi Sara Gharibi Mojtaba Ghasemi sieani -
Open Access Article
891 - Identification and prioritization of integrated management indicators in Iran's sports tourism industry
Taraneh Karimi Ali Mohammad Safania Rahim Sarvar Salaheddin Naghshbandi -
Open Access Article
892 - Identifying and prioritizing strategies for completing of sport construction projects in the country
Mohamad Hesami Elham Moshkelgosha -
Open Access Article
893 - The theory of unity in Imam Khomeini's intellectual system based on his guidelines and cultural opinions
farkhondeh kornasidezfuli -
Open Access Article
894 - Comparative study of normative ethics theories of contemporary thinkers from the intellectual perspective(Allameh Misbah Yazdi and Dr. Hadi Sadeghi)
shabnam bahrami ali balvardi -
Open Access Article
895 - Shariati and the confusion of political thought (Criticism of Ali Shariati's political opinions based on intentionalist hermeneutic method)
Ali Morshedizad Ehsan Tajik -
Open Access Article
896 - Dig into contents of the Containment Theory; A Comparative approach on the Levers of rehabilitation at the constitution of the Islamic Republic Iran
Gelavizh Sheikholeslami vatani Mohammad Ashouri Nasrin Mehra Mohammad Ali MahdaviSabet -
Open Access Article
897 - The paradigmatic model of realizing the blood culture of peace in line with peace and compromise and reducing crime among ethnic groups
Ahmad Abbasi Darehbidi tayebeh zareie Maryam Mohebbipour -
Open Access Article
898 - A Comparative Study between good governance model, as a point of view of Imam Ali (Greetings upon him), with common proper governance models: Using Grounded Theory
mohammad montazeri azime kazemi -
Open Access Article
899 - Exploring the epistemology of the function of utility in Islamic economics
mahdi goldoozha akbar mirzapour babajan -
Open Access Article
900 - A Theoretical Study of H2S and CO2 Interaction with the Single-Walled Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanotubes
M. Oftadeh M. Rezaeisadat A. Rashidi -
Open Access Article
901 - Electronic Structure Investigation of Octahedral Complex and Nano ring by NBO Analysis: An EPR Study
M. Khaleghian F. Azarakhshi G.R. Ghshami -
Open Access Article
902 - Providing a Model for the optimal use of Mobile Phone Social Networks with Emphasis on the Cultural Identity of Students
Faezeh Taghipour -
Open Access Article
903 - Designing an Integrated Model for Developing the Innovation and Commercialization Level of Iran's Knowledge-based Companies
seyed habibollah mirghafoori Ali Morovati sharifabadi Amir Ehsan Zahedi -
Open Access Article
904 - Social Construction Of Creativity Sociological analysis from the viewpoint of professors and graduates of sociology and computer science about creative research
Alireza Ghaffari Mostafa Azkia -
Open Access Article
905 - Digital Storytelling and Theory of Mind: A media for creative mindreading
Zeinab Khosravi Reza Afhami Parviz Azadfallah -
Open Access Article
906 - Applying the Ideality of Systematic Innovation (TRIZ) in Architectural Design
Mahsa Jabalameli Farhang Mozafar Mahmoud Karimi Vahid Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
907 - Designing a Human Resource Effectiveness Model at the University with an Innovative Data Base Approach (Case Study: Islamic Azad University)
Mehrdad Ghaffari Zenozi Serah aldin Mohebbi Karam ollah Daneshfard -
Open Access Article
908 - Designing and validating an innovative model of transformational leadership in secondary schools with a qualitative approach (Case study: Ardabil secondary schools)
Hasan Aslanzadeh Masoud Moradi Mohammad Mojtabazadeh -
Open Access Article
909 - Factors affecting the willingness to use virtual reality technology in education with the role of modulating learners' curiosity
Alireza Nazemibidgoli Zahra Sadeqiarani -
Open Access Article
910 - Presenting and explaining the developed conceptual model of Creativity-Based Rural Tourism
Bijan Khalil-Moghaddam Ruhollah Bayat Farhad Darvishi Sehtolani Safar Fazli Ali Zangiabadi -
Open Access Article
911 - Recognition of challenges facing the commercialization research in humanities with present a grounded theory
B. Mahmoudpour H. Rahimian A. Abbaspour A. Delavar -
Open Access Article
912 - Combined Uncertainty and Linguistic Variables in Response and Scoring To Psychological Questionnaires (Case Study: Abedi Creativity Questionnaire)
Shohreh Ghorbanshiroudi -
Open Access Article
913 - Examining Effective Factors on Mathematical Creativity from Novice Mathematics Learners’ Point of View: Mathematical Knowledge and Skills, and Personality Characteristics
Narges Yaftian -
Open Access Article
914 - System Theory of Creativity in the Organization
Mansour Sadeghi Mal Amiri -
Open Access Article
915 - The chaotic nature of monthly rainfall in the Tabriz under climate change
Rasoul Jani Mohammad Ali Ghorbani Abolfazle Shamsai -
Open Access Article
916 - Fundamentals of Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry for Determination of Open Pit Mines’ Planning and Design Parameters regarding Sustainable Development
omid Mohammadi Afshin Akbari Dehkharghani Seyed Mosleh Eftekhari -
Open Access Article
917 - A Review of Recent Psychological Perspectives and Treatments
Mehrnaz Azad Yekta -
Open Access Article
918 - Designing and Effectiveness of Parenting Curriculum with Emphasis on Selection Theory on Increasing Parental Self-Efficacy
Zahra Nili Ahmadabadi Fariborz Baqeri Hossin Salimi Bajestani -
Open Access Article
919 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Successful Marriage Training and Choice Theory Training on Psychological Wellbeing of Young Couples
Mohsen Khanbani Mohsen Golparvar Asghar Aghaei -
Open Access Article
920 - Compilation of the conditional-consequential matrix of separation anxiety from the viewpoint of mothers
behnood behmanesh khadijeh abolmaali alhosseini mehran azadi -
Open Access Article
921 - The Effectiveness of Teaching Choice Theory on the Difficulty In Emotion Regulation, Basic Needs Satisfaction and Bereavement Symptoms In Bereaved Adolescent Boys
Malihe Alijani-Mamaghani Faezaeh Sadri-Khorasanloo -
Open Access Article
922 - The Effectiveness of Teaching Choice Theory on the Difficulty In Emotion Regulation, Basic Needs Satisfaction, and Bereavement Symptoms In Bereaved Adolescent Boys
Malihe Alijani-Mamaghani Faezeh Sadri-Khorasanloo -
Open Access Article
923 - Investigation of Simple and Multiple Relations between Death Anxiety, Symbolic Immortality and Gratitude
Zeynab Lashani Zohreh Lashani Mohammad Reza Shaeiri Saeedeh Panahi -
Open Access Article
924 - Conceptualization and Design of a Digital Content Marketing Model Using Structural Equation Approach
Kamran Feizi Hormoz Mehrani Hossein Vazifehdust Ehsan Sadeh -
Open Access Article
925 - Impact of Capital Market Efficiency Based on the Theory of Limitation on the Total Return on Stock Rates
Morteza Hasanvand Akbar Bagheri Ali Asghar lotfi -
Open Access Article
926 - Investigating social responsibility effectiveness in net profit of manufacturing companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
Hosein Norbakhsh Jalal Seifodini Masoud Movafaghi -
Open Access Article
927 - Explaining the process of changing the public sector accounting system
saeid balanejad Khosro Faghani Makerani jamadroudi gorganli -
Open Access Article
928 - Factors affecting the use of climate-smart agricultural technologies among wheat farmers in Alborz province with a planned behavior approach
Seyed Mohamad Khademi Noshabadi Maryam Omidi Najafabadi Mehdi Mirdamadi -
Open Access Article
929 - Determining the Relationship Between Personality Type and Two-factor Theory with Motivation at Work
Mehran Nazari Saeed Sayadi Masoud Pourkiani Mohammad Jalal Kamali -
Open Access Article
930 - Studying the childish vision in poetry of Sohrab Sepehri,based on the theory of cognitive Development of Jean Piaget
leila hormozani Masoud Pakdel -
Open Access Article
931 - Comparative study of the three axes of Gerard Genet intertextuality with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the gardens of lights by Mohammad Sadegh Ghomshami
Mahin Farahmand Seyyed Mahmoud Seyed Sadeghi Shams Al-Hajiyeh Ahmadi roknabadi -
Open Access Article
932 - Critical Discourse Analysis in Ain al-Qudat Tamhidat Based on Norman Clough Theory
Mehdi Nosrati Habibullah J adid al-Islam Ahmad Reza Kikhai Farzaneh -
Open Access Article
933 - Belquis Character Analysis in Kelidar's Novel Based on Erich Fromm's Theory of Love
mostafa mohammadi lida namdar -
Open Access Article
934 - The Comparative Survey of Social Utopia in Gholamhossein Saeidi’s Tatar-e-Khandan and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World from Chaos Theory Viewpoint
Saeid Rahimipour -
Open Access Article
935 - Comparative comparison of the intertextuality types of Gerard Genet with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the sixteenth and seventeenth chapters of the principles of chapters in obtaining
Saeed Abedini Dr. Azizollah Tavakoli Kafi Abad Dr mahmoud sadeghzadeh -
Open Access Article
936 - Linguistic Abnormality in the Poems of Rahi Moayeri and Mehrdad Avesta
tina Niknam Razia Zavarian mahnaz ramezani -
Open Access Article
937 - Providing a Branding Model for a Selection of Sports Products
Marjan Mirjalili Zahra Hajianzehae Ali Zarei Farideh Ashraf Ganjouei -
Open Access Article
938 - Stability analysis of transverse vibrations of rectangular plates under periodic passage of moving masses
Ehsan Torkan Mostafa Pirmoradian Mohamad Hashemian -
Open Access Article
939 - Spam Detection by Game theory
Samaneh Ghods -
Open Access Article
940 - Free vibration and stability analysis of a rotating nano tube containing internal flow
Mehdi Salehi Mohammad Armaghani -
Open Access Article
941 - Improved SVM for Multi-class Classification by fuzzy game theory
Samaneh Ghods -
Open Access Article
942 - Analysis of indicators of evaluation of importance and life of infrastructure: grounded theory approach
Gholam reza hossein ali beyki -
Open Access Article
943 - Designing the model of indicators affecting the development and improvement of the financial structure with the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) approach (case study: manufacturing companies)
Rahmat Alizade Reza karimonnafs Mohammad nasrollahi Alireza hasan maleki -
Open Access Article
944 - Theory and Practice in Archaeology: How Can We Integrate These Two to End in a Better Understanding of the Past, and Apply Archaeology to Present and Future Problems More Efficiently
Kamyar Abdi -
Open Access Article
945 - The Effectiveness of Educational Program Based on Theory of Mind on Social Skills of Students with Mild Intellectual-developmental disability
شادی حاتم پور پریسا تجلی -
Open Access Article
946 - A Risk-Averse Energy Management in Micro-grids on Information Gap Decision Theory Using the Genetic Algorithm
Abdolreza Sadighmanesh sarang ezazi -
Open Access Article
947 - Ab initio Calculation for Photocurrent in Silicon p-n Junction: the First-Order Perturbation Theory
Majid Ghandchi Hossein Fazlalipour -
Open Access Article
948 - A Critical View on New Urbanism Theory in Urban Planning: From Theory to Practice
Mitra Ghorbi Hamid Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
949 - Investigating the Consequences Arising from Regeneration Policy in the Historical Fabric of the city of Bushehr Case study: Construction of the Faculty of Art and Architecture
Neda Khatami Far Mahmoud Ghalehnoee Pirooz Hanachi -
Open Access Article
950 - Explanation of Effective Factors on Perceptual Organization Pattern of Area 1 of Contemporary Tehran Based on Pattern Language Theory
Sina Mansouri Leila Karimifard Hossein Zabihi Seyed Hadi Ghoddusifar -
Open Access Article
951 - Explanation of the Qualitative Values in a Space with a view on the Capabilities of Vernacular Architecture: Case Study: Context-Based Architectural Schools
akramolsadat kheyrossadat -
Open Access Article
952 - Environmental tranquility: A conceptual framework and urban architectural features
Farnoosh Minooei Manouchehr Foroutan Mohammad Mehdi Soroush Azadeh Aghalatifi -
Open Access Article
953 - Explaining the Theory-Practice Gap In Iranian Urban Design Projects Based on Communicative Theory
Saeede Alikaei Seyyed Ali Nouri Pantea Alipour Kouhi -
Open Access Article
954 - Development of rejuvenation process in Iranian industrial heritage based on Grounded theory
Mehdi Khakzand Mohammad Javad Porkar -
Open Access Article
955 - Diary of an Architect, a Pheno-pragmatical Tool in Education
Homan Khajeh pour Shahab Kariminia Mahmoud Reza Saghafi Marziyeh Piravi Vanak -
Open Access Article
956 - The influence of culture in the body of traditional courtyards of Hamedan based on data theory"
Bahareh Mazinanian Jaleh Sabernejad Mohsen Dolati Niloufar Nikghadam -
Open Access Article
957 - An analysis of the application of the concept of urban self-organization in neighborhoods development (Case Study: Sabzevar city)
Fateme Saffarsabzevar Maryam Daneshvar Toktam Hanaee Seyed Moslem Seyed Alhoseini -
Open Access Article
958 - Developing a grounded-based model of environmental vitality in malls of Tehran City
Maryam Sanatgar Kakhaki Manouchehr Foroutan Mohammadmehdi Soroush Sara Jalalian -
Open Access Article
959 - Typological Analysis of Theories and Approaches for Transect Model Backgrounds
Mustafa Behzadfar Mehran Alalhesabi Eelnaz Amirhodaei -
Open Access Article
960 - Joint Inspecting Interval Optimization and Redundancy Allocation Problem Optimization for Cold-Standby Systems with Non-Identical Components
Mani Sharifi -
Open Access Article
961 - Recognition of the quality aspects and components of the curriculum is based on Delibrative Inquiry
javad jahan Alireza Faghihi Zabih Pirani -
Open Access Article
962 - The Effectiveness of teaching Choice Theory on Self-efficacy, Purpose Orientation and Academic Motivation of 9th grade Girl Students of Bonab city in the academic year of 1965-1959.
mahnaz samadian Sholeh Livarjani Amir Panahali -
Open Access Article
963 - A Reflection on the Memorable Concept and its Constructive Factors on Architecture Schools
Akramolsadat Kheyrossadat Seyd Mohammad Hosein Ayatollahi Marziye Tabaeian Marziyeh Piravi Vanak Maryam Ghasemi sichani -
Open Access Article
964 - Explain the relationship between Physical damages of theft With an attitude to the fear and insecurity of citizens based on social learning theory
sajad namvar hamed bakhshi masod imanian -
Open Access Article
965 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Formation of Primary Teacher Educational Theory in Bilingual Areas: A Narrative Inquiry
javad jahandideh -
Open Access Article
966 - Teachers' Professional Qualifications from a Critical Approach with Emphasis on Paulo Freire's Views
ebrahem ebrahem mohammad Hossein Hedari seyed Hashem Golestani -
Open Access Article
967 - Evaluation model of external efficiency of management of industrial fields in the technical and professional branches of education in Fars province
Samaneh Soltani gharghani Hamid reza Motamed Alireza Ghasemi Zad pari mashayekh -
Open Access Article
968 - Identifying the characteristics of transformational management in secondary schools in order to present a model (based on the study sample of secondary schools in Ardabil city)
hasan aslanzadeh Massod moradi mohammad mojtabazadeh -
Open Access Article
969 - Explanation and validation of assessment index of quantum curriculum( case study: elementary education field of study, Farhangian University)
fatemeh zeynali rogaye vahdat seyed abdollah hojjati -
Open Access Article
970 - Validation of secondary religion and life curriculum evaluation model with emphasis on constructivism theory
shahla haririmoghaddam Abbas Gholtash sedighe mohammadjani -
Open Access Article
971 - Investigation of the scheme police to coping with disturbance by chaos theory
sajad namour mohammad javad zahedi homa zanjani zadeh -
Open Access Article
972 - The effectiveness of multi-axis integrated models of social learning theory Krambvltz Shafiabadi resiliency working on Faculty of Education University of Shiraz
Fatemeh Pourali sefat کاترین Fekri A.R Oujinejhad -
Open Access Article
973 - Recognition of the quality aspects and components of the curriculum is based on Delibrative Inquiry
javad jahan alireza faghihi zabih pirani -
Open Access Article
974 - The effectiveness of compiling of Shafiabady’s multi axial pattern of vocational choice (SMPVC) with Krumboltz’s socal learg theory on resiliency in employed students of Education college in Islamic azad university of Marvdasht branch
fatemeh poralisefat katrin fekri ahmadreza oginegad -
Open Access Article
975 - Explaining the state of medical science and medicine in the Islamic world of the Abbasid era (132-656 AH) and the ways of transferring it to the West (Europe)
Batool Rabiei Boshra Delrish Elham Malekzadeh Koorosh Fathi -
Open Access Article
976 - A Computational Study on 3-Picrylamino-1,2,4-triazole Adsorption on the Surface of Carbon Nanocone
Mohammad Reza Jalali Sarvestani Roya Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
977 - A Computational Study on Lomustine Adsorption on the Surface of Graphene Quantum Dots
Mohammad Reza Jalali Sarvestani Roya Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
978 - A Computational Study on Melphalan Adsorption on the Surface of Graphene Quantum Dots
Mohammad Reza Jalali Sarvestani Roya Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
979 - Feasibility of using smart mobile phone application in chemistry education
Younes Karimi Fardinpour -
Open Access Article
980 - Investigating the Function of Hermeneutic Theory in Political Development
Abdolsalam Mamazizi Ehsan Shaker khoei Alireza Ismailzad -
Open Access Article
981 - The American School of Legal Realism: Dimensions and Approaches
Armin Amini Mojdeh Ghoddousi -
Open Access Article
982 - Investigating the Causal Factors of Weakness in the Implementation of Tax Policy in Iran
Mahdi Hasanvand Mohammad Reza Yazdani Zazerani Mahnaz Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
983 - Application of Theory of Punishment Objectives in Islamic Penal Code
Kiomars Monjezi Shahram Mohammadi tayebe bizhani ahmad fallahi -
Open Access Article
984 - Politeness Strategies and Politeness Markers in Email Request Sent by Iranian EFL Learners to Professors
Elahe Rahmani Ramin Rahmany -
Open Access Article
985 - The Effect of Verbalization on Young Learners’ Speaking Performance: Collective versus Idiosyncratic Changes
Somayeh Akbari Parisa Daftarifard -
Open Access Article
986 - بررسی تأثیر یک برنامه درسی خودمختاری هدایتشده بر انگیزش از دیدگاه تئوری خود تعیین
Abbas Ali Rezaee Maryam Pahlevan Aqajooni -
Open Access Article
987 - Non-deterministic Optimal Pricing of VMs in Cloud Environments: An IGDT-based Method
Mona Naghdehforoushha Mehdi Dehghan Takht Fooladi Mohammad Hossein Rezvani Mohammad Mehdi Gilanian Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
988 - A Technical Review on Unsupervised Learning of Graph and Hypergraph Pattern Analysis
Aref Safari -
Open Access Article
989 - Two New Methods of Boundary Correction for Classifying Textural Images
Amin Akbari Hassan Rashidi -
Open Access Article
990 - Evaluation and Ranking of Restaurants in Takestan County by Fuzzy TODIM Method Considering the Factors Affecting Customers' Satisfaction
Kavian Rahmani Jalal Rezaeenour -
Open Access Article
991 - Designing and Evaluating of the Organizational Happiness Pattern of Professors of Islamic Azad University of Tehran Branches (Combined Study)
Mersedeh Adabi Ali Hajiha Abbas Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
992 - Barriers performance-related pay(PRP) in public organizations of Iran
Mohamad Mobini Samane Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
993 - Presenting a Conceptual Model of Green Supply Chain Management to Improve Sustainable Development of the Environment with a Qualitative Approach Grounded Theory
Zahra Delshad Mozhde Rabbani Hasan Dehghan Dehnavi -
Open Access Article
994 - Designing an environmental NGO model with an effective leadership approach
Razieh Taghizadeh Farajollah Rahnavard Hamidreza Yazdani -
Open Access Article
995 - Designing a branding model for auditing firms
Saeed Pirvasi Rezvan Hejazi Heydar Mohammadzadeh Salteh -
Open Access Article
996 - Forecasting the exchange rate using futures studies methods and examining the effect of currency fluctuations on the performance of companies: A case study of Iran Tobacco Company
Alireza Fathinia Ali Badizadeh -
Open Access Article
997 - Analyze the dimensions of professional structure development for sports organizations based on the theory of Strauss and Corbin
Hossein Zakizzade Mehdi Naderinasab Rahim ramazaninezhad -
Open Access Article
998 - Designing a model of complexity drivers effective in evaluating the performance of complex Iranian government organizations
ebrahim sahraee Naser Poursadegh Naser Hamidi Ali Mohtashami -
Open Access Article
999 - Explaining and validating the model of small and medium enterprises in the poultry industry using a mixed approach
Behzad Hedayatpour Afshari saeid saffarian Hamedani maryam Taghvaee Yazdi -
Open Access Article
1000 - Presenting the competency model of cultural managers of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance using the grounded theory
Mohammad Rostami Morteza Hazrati Naser Hamidi samad jabari asl -
Open Access Article
1001 - Human factors design strategy map focuses on the age composition of the labor force based on interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) and a cognitive map of gray dynamic scorecard approach
nasim roudabr Meysam Jafari eskandari -
Open Access Article
1002 - Presenting the pattern of cognitive and emotional elements in visual advertisements
ALLAHYAR GHASEMI ahmad Rahchamani Hamidreza saeednia -
Open Access Article
1003 - Designing a progressive model of business growth for entrepreneurs at the bottom of the pyramid
Fereshteh Ansari Ali Badie zadeh Hojjatullah Abdul Maleki Ruhollah Zaboli -
Open Access Article
1004 - Investigating the effect of corruption perception on tax compliance behavior
Mohamadhasan Mohamadi Javad Reza zadeh Mahdi Beshkooh -
Open Access Article
1005 - Presenting the indigenous model of factors affecting the formation of digital trust Using the foundation's data approach and theory
mohammadreza pakdel Jalal Haghighat Monfared Mansoureh Aligholi -
Open Access Article
1006 - Providing an electronic marketing model of digital banking in Iran and evaluating the validity of the model with mixed method approach
Faranak Afshinmehr Hamidreza Saeednia Zahra Alipour Darvish Mansoureh Aligholi -
Open Access Article
1007 - Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to examine consumer’s green purchase intention
Hessam ZandHessami Shima Parvinchi -
Open Access Article
1008 - A grey decision-making and factor analysis technique approach to the supplier selection problem: A case study of Sazeh Gostar Saipa Company
Maghsoud amiri narges saberi hassan haleh -
Open Access Article
1009 - The Combination of Management and Customer Comments in Determining Product Mix Based on Revised Fuzzy Theory of Constraints
Naser Hamidi Mehdi Eghbali -
Open Access Article
1010 - Optimization the layout of filling station by simulation in queue theory
Sadegh Abedi Reza Radfar Naser Hamidi -
Open Access Article
1011 - Presenting a Hybrid Model of Data Envelopment Analysis and Multi-Objective Decision Making to Achieve the Efficiency Score of Decision Making Units in Grey Environment
Alizera Alinezhad Hossen Kakavand Abolfazle Kazemi Ali Shakorloo -
Open Access Article
1012 - Designing Grounded Model of Enterprise Architecture Based on Information Technology Governance
Rohollah Dadashniya kasmani Jalal Haghighat Monfared Sayyid Gholam Hassan Tabatabaee -
Open Access Article
1013 - Exploring of Organizational Energy Concept and Design its Unleashing Process Model in Organization
Hashem Baharvand Foad Makvandi Sirus Korahi Moghaddam Ghanbar Amirnejad -
Open Access Article
1014 - A survey on the factors affecting the adoption of online banking as a result of the integration of technology acceptance model and the theory of planned behavior on perceived risk and perceived usefulness
Mansoure Sadeqi Hormoz Mehrani -
Open Access Article
1015 - Investigating the Causal Relationships Between Critical Factors in Tax Fraud in Iran Using Group Anp and Fuzzy Dematel
Mohammad Khalilzadeh Davod Sedighezadeh Morteza Vassie Mohammad Reza Pashapour Hedeyeh Shakeri -
Open Access Article
1016 - A Continuous Review inventory Control Model within Batch Arrival Queuing Framework: A Parameter-Tuned Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Mohammad Alaghebandha Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh Vahid Hajipour -
Open Access Article
1017 - A Fuzzy Goal Programming Model for Efficient Portfolio Selection.
Abolfazl Kazemi Ali Shakourloo Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
1018 - The Optimal Number of Hospital Beds Under Uncertainty: A Costs Management Approach
Saeed Khalili Mohammad Ghodoosi Javad Hasanpour -
Open Access Article
1019 - Hybrid Techniques of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Location of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): Shahr Bank Branches in Tehran, 1st District Municipality
Alireza Shahhoseini Mahdi Yousefinejad Attari -
Open Access Article
1020 - Two-echelon Supply Chain Considering Multiple Retailers with Price and Promotional Effort Sensitive Non-linear Demand
Elahe Mohagheghian Morteza Rasti-Barzoki Rashed Sahraeian -
Open Access Article
1021 - Overcoming the uncertainty in a research reactor LOCA in level-1 PSA; Fuzzy based fault-tree/event-tree analysis
Masoud Mohsendokht Mehdi Hashemi-Tilehnoee -
Open Access Article
1022 - An Algorithm Based on Theory of Constraints and Branch and Bound for Solving Integrated Product-Mix-Outsourcing Problem
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Saeed Jalili -
Open Access Article
1023 - Determining the Best Combination of Perspective indicators of Balanced Scorecard by using Game Theory
mansoor abedian atefeh amindoust reza madahi javid jouzdani -
Open Access Article
1024 - Developing a Risk Management Model for Banking Software Development Projects Based on Fuzzy Inference System
tooraj karimi mohammadreza Fathi yalda yahyazade -
Open Access Article
1025 - Developing a Fuzzy Green Supply Chain Management Problem Considering Location Allocation Routing Problem: Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Approach
Behzad Aghaei Fishani Ali Mahmoodirad Sadegh Niroomand Mohammad Fallah -
Open Access Article
1026 - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis using Robust Data Envelopment Analysis (Case Study: Automobile Oil Filter)
Nasser Safaie Seyed Amir Nasri -
Open Access Article
1027 - Humanitarian Smart Supply Chain: Classification and New Trends for Future Research
Fatemeh Kheildar Parvaneh Samouei Jalal Ashayeri -
Open Access Article
1028 - Making Optimal Decisions of Assembly Products in Supply Chain
Yong Luo Shuwei Chen -
Open Access Article
1029 - Sequencing Mixed Model Assembly Line Problem to Minimize Line Stoppages Cost by a Modified Simulated Annealing Algorithm Based on Cloud Theory
Zaman Zamami Amlashi Mostafa Zandieh -
Open Access Article
1030 - Designing Stochastic Cell Formation Problem Using Queuing Theory
Parviz fattahi Bahman Esmailnezhad Amir Saman Kheirkhah -
Open Access Article
1031 - Using Markov Chain to Analyze Production Lines Systems with Layout Constraints
sadegh Abedi morteza mousakhani naser hamidi -
Open Access Article
1032 - Application of Rough Set Theory in Data Mining for Decision Support Systems (DSSs)
Mohammad Hossein Fazel Zarandi Abolfazl Kazemi -
Open Access Article
1033 - Determining the Likelihood of Damage in Concrete and its Physical Structure
leila Shahryari -
Open Access Article
1034 - Presenting the sense of place model of public spaces in the era of virtual spaces with Grounded theory (case study: public space in the center of Rasht city)
Hoseyn Reza Keshavarz Ghadimi Manouchehr Tabibian Maryam Moinifar -
Open Access Article
1035 - Identifying and prioritizing the atmospheric components of living space in architecture using Grounded theory
Open Access Article
1036 - The Scientific analysis of tests Based on Classic theory and latent trait theory
Mohammad Ali Ahmadvand -
Open Access Article
1037 - Analysis of family transformations based on women's and men's constructions of these transformations in the transition process of their joint life
Shahnaz Bakhtyari Hossain Abolhasan Tanhaee Mohamad Mehdi Labibi Massam Mousaaei -
Open Access Article
1038 - The effectiveness of group reality therapy based on the theory of choice on self-esteem and quality of life of Female married teachers
Monireh Javanmard Ali Khanekashi -
Open Access Article
1039 - Recommending a model to assess Women purchase behavior in social networks (A qualitative Study)
Sam Rahimzadeh Holagh Reza Ebrahimzadeh Dastjerdi Alborz Gheitani Akbar Etebarian khorasgani -
Open Access Article
1040 - Comparison of the effectiveness of group education based on mindfulness, Geshtalt theory and religious spiritual approach Islam oriented on psychological distress and quality of perceived marital relationship of Educable Intellectual Disability student's mothers
Nazila Mazruei Marziyeh. Alivandivafa. Naemeh Moheb -
Open Access Article
1041 - Sociological Study of Lifestyle Diseases in Terms of Occurrence, Consequence and Prevention: Study by Integrated Method
Hossein Ghorbanizad Shiran Samad Abedini Samad Rasulzadeh Aghdam -
Open Access Article
1042 - Sociological study of strategies and consequences of non-radical protest action in the organization
Malek Sheikhi akbar etebarian Reza Ebrahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1043 - Sociological Study of Young Adults’ Attitude towards the Issue of Temporary Marriage: Presenting a Grounded Theory
Behnam Bashiri Khatibi Firouz Rad Ali Baseri Norouz Hashemi Zehi -
Open Access Article
1044 - Evaluation Social concepts of architectural space organization of public buildings in the first Pahlavi era in Tabriz based on Michel Foucault’s theory of power
Noushin Ghorbani Sahar Toofan Habib Shahhosseini أima Valizadeh Hassan Sattari Sarbangoli -
Open Access Article
1045 - Analysis of Institutional Barriers to Economic Development in East Azerbaijan Province using the data foundation method
Jafar Ebrahimi Mostafa Azkiya Samad Rasolzadeh Aghdam -
Open Access Article
1046 - Grounded theory a new approach to evaluating the productivity of educational organizations Case study: Islamic Azad University of East Azerbaijan Province
MIRMOHSEN ALAVINAMVAR Behnam Talabi sadegh Maleki -
Open Access Article
1047 - Qualitative study of social factors of drug addiction, case study: Kleibar city drug addicts
Hossein Safari Naser Haghi -
Open Access Article
1048 - Investigation of sociological factors related to the method of caring for the elderly in Rasht with a theoretical approach
Nader Jahanaray Seyednaser Hejazi Mansour Haghighatian -
Open Access Article
1049 - Family-Based Care & Preventive Strategies in Front of High-Risk Behaviors
HAMIDREZA ATEFIFAR Hosein Agajani Marsa Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
1050 - Analysis of factors affecting the productivity of educational organizations Grounded Theory method of the foundation with emphasis on the social system (Research in the field of sociology of organizations)
MIRMOHSEN ALAVINAMVAR behnam talebi Sadegh Maleki -
Open Access Article
1051 - Providing a model for mentoring new teachers in the country's educational system based on the data theory of the foundation from the perspective of sociology of education
Parvaneh Niroomand jafar ghahramani Abolfazl Gasemzadeh Alishahi -
Open Access Article
1052 - A media model of environmental communication from experts' point
esmaeil pordelshad amir abolreza sepanji ali asghar keya -
Open Access Article
1053 - Reforming Iran's land policies and removing its social barriers according to the Al-Faragh region theory
Mohamad Piran Mohammad Hossein Mokhtari Esmaeil Shafiee -
Open Access Article
1054 - Organizational Behavior with Organizational Justice Approach Based on Fuzzy Expert System (Case study: Small Foods Industrials of East Azerbaijan)
Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand -
Open Access Article
1055 - Metatheorizing in social sciences
Abbas Lotfizadeh Reza Ebrahimi Islam Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1056 - Discussions of Human Communication in an Iranian Family Through Knowledge Theory
Benita Salek Azad Bagher Sarokhani -
Open Access Article
1057 - Types of case studies and implemending triangulation in them
Mohammad Abbaszadeh Ali Bodagi Fereydon Karimi -
Open Access Article
1058 - Sociological look at the death of languages
Narmineh Moeinian -
Open Access Article
1059 - The Function of Sexual Issues in Mutual Relations of Couples in AhwazCity, Iran
Ali Ismaeli Abdolrahim Asadollahi Mahmood Baratvand -
Open Access Article
1060 - Sociological Study of Language differences between men and women
Narmineh Moeinian -
Open Access Article
1061 - Language-sociological approach on Quranic verses of language (Lesan)
Ayoub Youssef Pour Nezami -
Open Access Article
1062 - Epistemology of Media Entrepreneurship and its Measuring in Media Organization
Neda Soleimani Seyed Morteza Razavi -
Open Access Article
1063 - Douglas North's Development Autopsy with Critical Analysis of The Discourse of New Institutionalism: A Lesson for Iran
Ghasem Emami mostafa abtahi Masood Mtalebi -
Open Access Article
1064 - Analyzing the hegemony of Hassan Rouhani's government's moderation discourse from the perspective of Laclau and Moffe discourse analysis
Farzaneh Rahmati mohammadreza dehshiri reza simbar Garineh Keshishyan Siraki -
Open Access Article
1065 - The Ratio of Alienation and Utopia in the Frankfurt Critical School
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Hamed Mehrali -
Open Access Article
1066 - Investigating the role of game theory and artificial intelligence in international relations
Zahra Sharifzadeh Amirhooshang Mirkooshesh mohammadmehdi hosseini -
Open Access Article
1067 - The Impact of the Ukraine Crisis on Nuclear Negotiations: Perspectives and Perspectives
Jahanbakhsh Moradi Mehrbod Moradi Hossein Karimifard majid rouhi -
Open Access Article
1068 - Woman and Culture Industry in Iran; Empowerment or Submissiveness?
ShakibaSadat Hashemian ُSaeed Gazerani AliAsghar Davoudi -
Open Access Article
1069 - Islamic fundamentalism; From theory to political practice
Mohammad Taheri Khonakdari فاطمه تابان -
Open Access Article
1070 - The Metatheoretical Challenges of the Theory of International Relations
akbar valizadeh sarem shiravand Aboozar omrani kamal ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1071 - Growth Mindset and Cognitive Engagement of Female EFL Learners: Contribution of Risk-Taking as a Mediator
لیلا حسن زاده سعیده آهنگری -
Open Access Article
1072 - Literature Use in Iranian and International Journals of Applied Linguistics: A Grounded Theory Study
سیامک مرادی عصمت بابایی محمدرضا هاشمی -
Open Access Article
1073 - شرح نظریه اجتماعی-فرهنگی ویگوتسکی در پرتو یافتههای روششناسی قوم شناختی
Behrooz Azabdaftari -
Open Access Article
1074 - بررسی فراوانی وقوع بخشهای متوجه به شکل زبان در مکالمات دو نفره متشابه و نا متشابه در زبان آموزان ایرانی
ناصر غفوری -
Open Access Article
1075 - روش های یادگیری ادراکی وپیشرفت مهارت نوشتن به کمک کامپیوتردرقالب نظریه فعالیت محور
آرزو حاجی مقصودی Parviz Maftoon -
Open Access Article
1076 - بررسی روایی و پایایی پرسشنامه فارسی هوشهای چندگانه (میداس)
مهناز سعیدی شهلا استوار برنتن شریر محمد اصغر جعفر آبادی -
Open Access Article
1077 - بررسی مقابلهای تاثیر گفتگوی مشارکتی هم سطح و نا هم سطح بر بیشرفت مهارت نوشتاری زبان آموزان ایرانی
پرویز مفتون ناصر غفوری -
Open Access Article
1078 - موفقیت حرفه ای بین استادان مدرس رشته آموزش زبان انگلیسی در دانشگاه : تحقیقی بر اساس تئوری فوتینگ گافمن
خلیل مطلب زاده هانیه گرمابی مهری بختیاری فیندری -
Open Access Article
1079 - Examination of Judicial and Lawful Principles of Non-Muslim's Mulct Payment from Muslims' Treasury
amin golriz -
Open Access Article
1080 - Fundamentals of Civil Liability of Government Financial Affairs according to Relative Jurisprudence and Law
Mohammad Adibi Mehr Eynollah Sotani -
Open Access Article
1081 - Iranian Architectural Education Curriculum Revision Based on a Strategic Approach with an Emphasis on the Relationship between Theory and Practice
Kristine Ebrahemian Bahram Vaziri Farahani Vadiheh Molla Salehi Sahar Toofan Hossein Moradinasab -
Open Access Article
1082 - Risk of Metropolis-Hastings Robbins-Monro algorithm in multidimensional models of item-response theory in binary data considering test length
mehdi molaei yasavoli ali delavar Mohammad Asgari Jalil Younesi vahid rezaei tabar -
Open Access Article
1083 - An investigation of group and individual counseling effectiveness
li naghi Aghadassi -
Open Access Article
1084 - The Effect of Instruction Based on Cognitive Load theory on Academic Achievement, Perceived Cognitive Load and Motivation to Learning in Science Courses
Ali Abdi Maryam Rostami -
Open Access Article
1085 - The Effectiveness of Occupational Development based on Super’s Growth Theory on Reducing Students Work-Family Conflicts and Job Burnout
Ahad Ahangar Anzabi Mahdi Zarea Bahram Abadi Abdollah Shafia Abadi -
Open Access Article
1086 - Effectiveness of Options in Multiple-choice Items: the case of “none of the above”
Resa Nejati Mohammad Morady -
Open Access Article
1087 - Designing Multimedia Education Based on Sweller's Cognitive Load Theory and Determining its Effect on Mathematic Educational Excitement Among3rd Grade of Elementary Students
Kourosh Hossein Baglou Mousa Piri Jahangir Yari Akbar Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1088 - Developing a Model for Improving the Quality of Accounting Education by Analyzing Teaching Methods Using Grounded Theory
Abdolrasoul rahmanian koushkki Bahram barzgar barzgar esmaeil kamalirad -
Open Access Article
1089 - The Characteristics of a Good Teacher from the Political Sciences Students’ Point of view at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Yahya Kamali Mohammad Abdollah pour Chenari -
Open Access Article
1090 - Factors hindering critical thinking within the Iranian High Schools’ Curriculum
Vahideh Alipour Maryam Seif Narghi Ezzatollah Naderi Ali Shariatmadari -
Open Access Article
1091 - Designing a model for evaluating of educational organizations productivity with the Grounded theory method Case study: Islamic Azad University of East Azerbaijan Province
Mir Mohsen Alavi Namvar Behnam Talebi Sadegh Maleki Avarsin -
Open Access Article
1092 - Designing an Innovative Services Acceptance Model: A New Approach in Health Marketing
Hanieh Mohammadzadeh Taheri Ali Hajiha Ahmad Roosta Abbas Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
1093 - Designing a Brand Model in Social prodution to Improve Domestic Clothing Industry
Sayed mousa Khademi MirzaHasan Hoseini Mohammad mehdi Parhizgar Fahime Askari -
Open Access Article
1094 - Designing a Model for Empowering Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises by Large Industrial Companies in Kerman Province
mehdi amirzadeh Mahnaz Hosseinzadeh Hossein Safari -
Open Access Article
1095 - Designing an Invisible Employee Control Pattern in Public Organizations: The Case of Universities and Higher Education Institutes in Ilam Province
Neda Salimi Mohammad Taban Yasanallah pourashraf Seidmehdi Veiseh -
Open Access Article
1096 - A Model of Corporate Social Responsibility in a Competitive Environment based on Improving Labor Productivity in Food Industry
Vahide Hajihassani Hassan Rangriz Babak Hajikarimi -
Open Access Article
1097 - Presenting a Model for Using the Internet of Things in Iranian Knowledge-Based Companies to Promote Productivity
khatereh Esmaeeli ranjbar Nadjla Hariri Mojdeh Salajgh Fahimeh Babalhavaeji -
Open Access Article
1098 - Designing a Paradigm Model to Establish Idiosyncratic Deals in Private Companies: a Grounded Theory Approach
Mahdieh Vishalghi Abbasali Rastgar Aliasghar Rouholamin -
Open Access Article
1099 - Metasynthesis of Organizational Productivity Antecedents Based on the New Institutionalism Theory
Abdolkarim Kiani Seydaliakbar Ahmadi Esmaeel Asadi -
Open Access Article
1100 - Presenting a Model for Measuring the Degree of Quality with Attention to the New Concept of Quality via Fuzzy Theory: A case study
Mir Hosseyn Seyedi Nima Ghasemnejhad Moghaddam Golamreza Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1101 - Surveying the Current Status of Knowledge Sharing among Faculty Members of Universities (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch)
Farshad Esmaell panah Saed Khayat mogadam -
Open Access Article
1102 - Developing an Expert Fuzzy-based system for Planning the Organizational Structure
Alireza Bafandeh zendeh -
Open Access Article
1103 - The Minimal Cost – Benefit Ratio for Interval Data
Sahand Daneshvar Mozhgan Mansouri Kaleibar -
Open Access Article
1104 - Presenting a desirable pattern for selecting the Faculty Members in Iranian universities
Nabiollah Mohammadi Reza Najaf Beigi Morteza Mousa Khani Akbar Alem Tabriz -
Open Access Article
1105 - Electronic Banking and Banks Counter Queue Density (Case study on the criteria of the queues in traditional and electronic banking)
Mohsen Mohammadloo Naser Hamidi Babak Hajkarimi -
Open Access Article
1106 - Application of Fuzzy Cognitive Map in Determining the Organization’s Success Path
Javad Sofiyabadi Bahare Kolahi changiz Valmmohamadi Mohammad mehdi Mohedi -
Open Access Article
1107 - Introduction and analytical comparison of classic test theory (CTT) and item response theory (IRT) in psychometrics
Gholamreza Goolmohammadnejhad -
Open Access Article
1108 - تحلیل کیفی پدیده «گرو» (ازدواج فرارگونه) در روستای گرو
احمد صادقی یوسف ادیبان مسعود ایمانیان -
Open Access Article
1109 - Analysis and investigation of political participation in the discourse of the reformist government based on the theory of Laclau and Mouffe(with emphasis on youth political participation)
Abolghasem Shamsabadi Moosa Shahriyari Yousef Amini -
Open Access Article
1110 - Designing a family concept model in successful young couples Based on Grounded Theory
Zeinab Shahbakhti Abdollah Shafiabady Mahmoud Jajarmi Jafar Hasani -
Open Access Article
1111 - Explaining the model of impulse buying behavior of young generation consumers with a mixed approach (Case study: Hypereme chain stores)
Elham Fasih Mehdi Rouholamini Shahrbanoo Gholipour -
Open Access Article
1112 - Designing the Impulse Buying pattern of young generation customers based on the Grounded Theory Approach
Elham Fasih Mehdi Rouholamini Shahrbanoo Gholipour -
Open Access Article
1113 - Providing Organizational Leadership Model in Response to Issues and Crises of Iran Social Security Organization
Gholam Hosein Agahi Ali Jafari Ashab Habibzadeh Mohammad Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1114 - Socio-psychological consequences of young women's prostitution; providing a qualitative analysis at the Bojnord city
Esmaiel Ghorbani Mona Omrani -
Open Access Article
1115 - A Study on the Different Effect of Religiosity in General and Private Spheres of Life
Taghi Azad Armaki Fatemeh Moradi -
Open Access Article
1116 - Gender and Crime: An Empirical Test of General Strain Theory among Youth in Babol (A City in Northern Part of Iran)
Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir -
Open Access Article
1117 - Presentation of the Development Pattern for Cultural Centers Studied on Youth Educational Centers in Mazandaran Province
Kamran Behzadi Saeed Imam Gholizadeh -
Open Access Article
1118 - Critique: the Relation between Religion and Sociology
Mostafa Abdi -
Open Access Article
1119 - Qualitative and Sociological Analysis of Prostitution in Bajnord
Esmaeil Ghorbani Mahdi Kermani Hossein Behravan -
Open Access Article
1120 - Investigation of Effective Factors on Women’s Sexual Disorder in Final Years of Marital Life (A Qualitative Approach)
Alieh Shekarbeygi Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir -
Open Access Article
1121 - The Role of Social Networks in the Political Participation of Young Women: Using Fundamental Theory Approach
Parvaneh Danesh Shahram Mollania Jolodar Narjes Mohammad Dost Leshkami -
Open Access Article
1122 - Fuzzy Mathematics and Nonstandard Analysis Application to the Theory of Relativity
John N Mordeson Sunil Mathew -
Open Access Article
1123 - On a New View of a Fuzzy Set
Enric Trillas Adolfo De Soto -
Open Access Article
1124 - An Artificial Intelligence Framework for Supporting Coarse-Grained Workload Classification in Complex Virtual Environments
Alfredo Cuzzocrea Enzo Mumolo Islam Belmerabet Abderraouf Hafsaoui -
Open Access Article
1125 - A Novel Technique for Solving the Uncertainty under the Environment of Neutrosophic Theory of Choice
Tabasam Rashid Aamir Mehboob Ismat Beg -
Open Access Article
1126 - The Pattern of Optimized Financial Statement Evaluation: A Grounded Theory Analysis
Fatemeh Moridi Rezvan Hejazi Mohammad Hosein Ranjbar Hamid Reza Vakilifard -
Open Access Article
1127 - Explanation of Critical Urban Theories in Analyzing the Effects of Capital Accumulation on the Spatial Structure of Cities (Case Study: Tehran Metropolis)
Pouyan Mozaheb Saeid Piri Hamid Reza Sabaghi Ali reza Estelaji -
Open Access Article
1128 - The Study of "Homay and Homayoun" and "Gol and Nowruz" with Theory of Love (John Lee)
Tayebe Abdollahzade Vajiheh Torkamani Barandozi Ahmad Karimi Maryam Shadmohammadi -
Open Access Article
1129 - Analysis of the Character of the Nightingale in the Poem "High Conservatory of Birds" by Riazi Yazdi Based on Eric Fromm’s Theory of LoveBased on the theory of love "Eric Fromm"
Mozhgan Kamalmehrizi Seyed Kaalaf Hotinegad َAsieh Zabihnia Emran -
Open Access Article
1130 - The application of TRIZ to solve the GSC problems in Sobhanoncology pharmaceutical firm.
Mina Hajihashemi seyed mohammad hoseini -
Open Access Article
1131 - An in-depth analysis of the pivotal social factors of higher educational marketing in Tehran IAUs
Paria Mohammadiha Amir Hossein Mohammad Davoudi maryam mosleh -
Open Access Article
1132 - Project Risk Assessment Framework
Mehran Khalaj Amir Hossine Khalaj -
Open Access Article
1133 - A Hybrid Method of DEA and MODM in Grey Environment
Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
1134 - Effect of different yield functions on computations of forming limit curves for aluminum alloy sheets
Farzaneh Moosavi Mojdeh Erfanian Ramin Hashemi Reza Madoliat -
Open Access Article
1135 - Assessment of rock fall risk in Zafar town of Kermanshah using Conefall technique
Farangis Ariamanesh afsaneh sheikhi Amjad Maleki -
Open Access Article
1136 - Environmental Planning for Blown Sand Mitigation along Sistan and Baluchestan Railway tracks and Stations
Yahya Sohrabi Ahmad Nohegar -
Open Access Article
1137 - Number and projected area estimates of coarse woody debris by line intersect sampling (case study: chafroud forests)
farshad keivan behjo zeynab poorgholi -
Open Access Article
1138 - Evaluating the potential of ancient places based on theory of weight-evidence of Dempster-Shafer for tourism development (case study: sari)
mahsa moghimian seyed mohsen hosseini hasan ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1139 - Investigating the Status of Landscape Architecture Theories of the World in the Professional Landscape Architecture Projects of Iran
Mehdi Khakzand koorosh Aghabozorgi -
Open Access Article
1140 - Comparative Study of Valiasr and Tarbiat Walk Ways in Tabriz in terms of Walking Oriented Components
Abolfazl Ghanbari Elham Hadi Elnaz Hadi -
Open Access Article
1141 - Designing a Model of Urban Physical Resilience against Earthquakes with an Emphasis on Critical Theory and Grounded Theory Approach
sara Tootoonchi Hossein Bahrainy manochehr tabibian -
Open Access Article
1142 - A Meta-analysis of the Pathological Perspective in Regional Documentary Studies Based on the Area Level
maryam Sejodi keramatollah ziari majid yasoori ahmad Pourahmad -
Open Access Article
1143 - Theoretical Model of an Age Friendly Community with an Emphasis on the Aging in Place
Mina Harandi Mojtaba Rafieian Hamid Saberi amirhosein shabani -
Open Access Article
1144 - Presenting a Model for Housing Quality Enhancement Policy Using the Granddad’s Theory
mohsen esmaeili kamal rahbari manesh -
Open Access Article
1145 - Highly Sensitive Detection of H2S Molecules Using a TiO2-Supported Au Overlayer Based Nanosensors: A Van Der Waals Corrected DFT Study
Amirali Abbasi Jaber Jahanbin Sardroodi -
Open Access Article
1146 - Effect of Li doping on the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Mn(N, As)
Monir Kamalian Abdus Salam Sepahi Zeinab Moradi -
Open Access Article
1147 - Exploration of the adsorption of caffein molecule on the TiO2 nanostructures: A density functional theory study
Amirali Abbasi Jaber Jahanbin Sardroodi -
Open Access Article
1148 - The electron density analysis of Cr(CO)3L complexes (L=benzene and graphyne)
Reza Ghiasi E Ardestanij J Motameni Tabatabai -
Open Access Article
1149 - Adsorption of Vitamin C on a Fullerene Surface: DFT Studies
Rezvan Baniasadi Kun Harismah Maryam Sadeghi Mahmoud Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
1150 - Solvent influence on the interaction of cis-PtCl2(NH3)2 complex and graphene: A theoretical study
Elham Ebrahimi Mokarram Reza Fazaeli Hossein Aghaei Mohammad Yousefi Karim Zare -
Open Access Article
1151 - Adsorption Behaviors of Curcumin on N-doped TiO2 Anatase Nanoparticles: Density Functional Theory Calculations
Amirali Abbasi Jaber Jahanbin Sardroodi -
Open Access Article
1152 - The electron density analysis of Cr(CO)3L complexes (L=benzene and graphyne)
Elham Ardestani Reza Ghiasi Javad Motameni Tabatabai -
Open Access Article
1153 - Exploration of the adsorption of caffeine molecule on the TiO2 nanostructures: A density functional theory study
Amirali Abbasi -
Open Access Article
1154 - Effect of Li doping on the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Mn(N, As)
Monir Kamalian Abdus Salam Sepahi Zeinab Moradi -
Open Access Article
1155 - شکل گیری روایی هویت معلم از منظر نظریه پیچیدگی
Saeed Ayiewbey Mehdi Sarkhosh -
Open Access Article
1156 - Task-based Language Teaching in L2 English Writing Classrooms: Insights from Chinese Senior Secondary Schools
Miner Chen -
Open Access Article
1157 - Collaborative vs. Individual Task Planning and Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance
Ahmad Ameri-Golestan Elham Dousti -
Open Access Article
1158 - Processability Theory: Stage-like Development of ‘Copula inversion’ and ‘Negation’ in Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance
Mahin Sadat Tabatabaee Keivan Mahmoodi Abbas Bayati -
Open Access Article
1159 - Cross-linguistic Validation of Processability Theory: The Case of EFL Iranian Students’ Speaking Skill
Saeed Taki Maryam Hamzehian -
Open Access Article
1160 - A Logogenetic Delve into Attitudinal Meanings in Native vs. Non-Native Discussion Section of Research Articles
DOR: 20.1001.1.23223898.2021.
Mona Bahmani Azizeh Chalak Hossein Heidari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
1161 - An Exploratory Study of Iranian EFL Teachers’ Agency: Conceptions and Practices
Fatemehe Soghra Kordabadi nader assadi Aidinlu Haniyeh Davatgari Asl -
Open Access Article
1162 - Application of Chesterman's Communicative Norm to the Persian Translation of Political Concepts: Iran between Two Revolutions in focus
Marzieh Hashemibani Masoud Sharififar -
Open Access Article
1163 - The Effects of Systemic-Theoretical Instruction on Developing Iranian EFL Learners’ Explicit and Implicit Knowledge of Tense-Aspect System
Saeedeh Erfanrad Ali Mohammad Fazilatfar Parviz Maftoon -
Open Access Article
1164 - Hypocritical Language and the Empire’s Double Lies: Pragmatic Study of the Selected Novels of George Orwell
Mohammad Hadi Jahandideh Jalal Rahimian -
Open Access Article
1165 - On the Development of a Model of Discipline-specific Reading Strategies in the Context of Iranian EFL Learners
Fazlolah Samimi Rahman Sahragard Seyyed Ayatollah Razmjoo -
Open Access Article
1166 - The Impact of Using Hyland's Mitigation Strategies on EFL Learners' Writing Ability: A socio-cultural perspective
Shahram Afraz -
Open Access Article
1167 - Translation of Psychology Book Titles: A Skopos theory perspective
Esmat Alimardani Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi -
Open Access Article
1168 - Professional Identity Reflection of Iranian EFL Instructors in E-Teaching: Focus on Achievement Orientation Theory
Raziyeh Fallah Azizeh Chalak Hossein Heidari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
1169 - Impact of Elementary Learners’ L1 in Consciousness-raising Tasks on Their L2 Writing Accuracy
Saeideh Fatahzade Sajad Shafiee Fariba Rahimi Esfahani -
Open Access Article
1170 - Recognizing Stalactites and Stalagmites of ELT Vodcasting in Teacher Education Based on Activity Theory and Visual Thinking Strategies
Pantea Hashtroodi Massood Yazdani Moghaddam Mohammad Khatib -
Open Access Article
1171 - The Effect of Scaffolded Written Corrective Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Quality: An Activity Theory Perspective
Ehsan Abbaspour Mahmood Reza Atai Parviz Maftoon -
Open Access Article
1172 - Study and Design of a Fractional-order Terminal Sliding Mode Fault-Tolerant Control for Spacecraft
Azam Hokmabadi -
Open Access Article
1173 - Ab-initio Investigation of Mechanical Properties of MX2(M=Zr, Hf; X=S, Se, Te) Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Nano Tubes (TMDNTs)
Abdollah Haji Malekkheili Mojtaba Yaghoubi Alireza Amani -
Open Access Article
1174 - General Chemotherapy Protocols
Amine Moustafid -
Open Access Article
1175 - Smart Power Distribution Network Reconfiguration based on the Graph Theory and Particle Swarm Optimization
Hassan Chahi Javad Mashayekhifard Ghasem Faezian -
Open Access Article
1176 - Comparison between the Distributed Entropy Method and Average Cost Theory Method in Exergoeconomic Analysis of Energy Systems
Seyyed Masoud Seyyedi -
Open Access Article
1177 - Educational dimensions of Imam Khomeini's thought in building social capital
hasan abdolah zade mohamad reza ghaedi hamidreza haghighat -
Open Access Article
1178 - Developing a conceptual model of effective factors in corrective feedback used among english language learners
Mohammad Rahimi shahram Afraz Amin Karimnia -
Open Access Article
1179 - expression of insecurity consequences of Mongols and Timurids invasion in Sistan based on the theory of Copenhagen school
monir arya Shahrbanoo Delbari Ardeshir Asadbeigi, -
Open Access Article
1180 - Explanation and Analysis of Mutual Religious Approaches of Qara Khitai and Muslims in FaraRoud
fardin yavari fezoallah boshasbgosheh farinaz hooshyar -
Open Access Article
1181 - modernizing the traditional irrigation system in western Iran: Pahlavi's era
Shayan Karami -
Open Access Article
1182 - Corporate banking model based on green businesses
mohammadhossein salehi پرویز سعیدی Maryam Bokharayan -
Open Access Article
1183 - Analysis of Driver-Police Interaction Using Game Theory
faramarz masoumzadeh Kiumars shahbazi -
Open Access Article
1184 - Experimental Survey of the Effect of Moral Intelligence on Free Riding: A dynamic Game with Complete Information Approach
Omolbanin Jalali zahra nasrollahi majid hatefi -
Open Access Article
1185 - Game Theory Approach to Modeling and Analyzing Inheritance Allocation of a Passed-away Couple
majid sheikhmohammadi mostafa abbasi -
Open Access Article
1186 - The Effect of Social Capital on Participation of Individuals in Teamwork: Experimental Approach Based on Sequential and Simultaneous Games
Omolbanin Jalali Zahra Nasrollahi Majid Hatefi -
Open Access Article
1187 - The Reasons of Differences Between the Wages of Large Industries in Iran
hamid kordbacheh Ali souri -
Open Access Article
1188 - Pricing Model of National Gas Exports via Pipeline on the Base of Game Theory
Ali Akbar Naji Meidani Gholam Ali Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1189 - Inflation Targeting: Optimal Control Approach
Mirhosei Mousavi Zahra Mostaani -
Open Access Article
1190 - Iran and Qatar Cooperation in Gas Production from South Pars (North Dome) Gas-Condensate Field: A Game Theory Framework
Elmira Bayati Bijan Safavi Amir Jafarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1191 - Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibrium and Soccer Players A Case Study of Penalty Kicks
morteza sameti mehdi fath abadi kamran kasraei -
Open Access Article
1192 - Evaluation of Accelerated Vehicles Retirement Program by Game Theory Approach
hosein sadeghi eghlim tamri -
Open Access Article
1193 - Customer Behavior Analysis of the Bank Industry: Grounded Theory Approach
Mostafa Esfandiari niloufar imankhan -
Open Access Article
1194 - Studding Democracy Convergence in Developing Countries: A Spatial Econometric Approach
Seyed Kamal Sadeghi mohsen pourabdollahan Parviz Mohamadzadeh zahra karimi parvin alimoradi afshar -
Open Access Article
1195 - Analysis of Home Market Effect: with Emphasis on Foreign Trade behavior Iran’s Manufacturing Sector
ali falahati mojtaba almasi yahya goli -
Open Access Article
1196 - The Morph-Morphemic Processes and Final Consonant Ellison of Takestan Tati Clitics on the Basis of Optimality Theory
Javad Rahmani Mohammadreza Oroji Behzad Rahbar -
Open Access Article
1197 - A Comparison of phonological processing and Dezfuil dialect of Persian language in the framework of Optimality Theory
mohammad paknejad Elkhas Veisi -
Open Access Article
1198 - An investigation of the phonological processes in attaching the modal prefixes of Mokriyani's dialect (according to autosegmental theory)
seyed farid khalife loo farzad azizi -
Open Access Article
1199 - A Description of Phonological processes in Golpayegani dialect in the framework of Optimality Theory
masoumeh dianati -
Open Access Article
1200 - Investigating weakening processes in Sistani dialect based on Optimality Procedure
Sayed Farid Khalifehloo Bahman Behrad Far Sadegh Eftekhary Far -
Open Access Article
1201 - The analysis of semantic lexical relations of Gilaki words in folklore tales of Guilan (based on Layons' theory) Understanding conceptual relations is essential for understanding and conveying meaning, because when examining different ty
Parisa Farrokh Fateme Akhtaranfar -
Open Access Article
1202 - Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Beams with FG Face Sheets Based on the High Order Sandwich Beam Theory
Mohsen Rahmani Sajjad Dehghanpour Ali Barootiha -
Open Access Article
1203 - Assessment of Third-order Shear Deformation Graphene Nanoplate Response under Static Loading Using Modified Couple Stress Theory
Majid Eskandari Shahraki Mahmoud Shariati Naser Asiaban Ali Davar Mohsen Heydari Beni Jafar Eskandari Jam -
Open Access Article
1204 - Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Different Types of Porous FG Sandwich Beams with Temperature-Dependent
Mohsen Rahmani Younes Mohammadi Mahdi Abtahi -
Open Access Article
1205 - Investigation of the Model of Microscopic Contact Parameters for Grinding M200 Using Elastic Abrasive Tool
Hassan Gheisari -
Open Access Article
1206 - Designing a New Model for Evaluating the Maintenance System
Abolfazl Sherafat Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi -
Open Access Article
1207 - The effect of reducing corporate tax rates on corporate tax revenue based on Ibn Khaldun's tax theory
Khadijeh Khodabakhshi Parijan reza koohi -
Open Access Article
1208 - Experimental study of alignment and entrenchment theories in explaining the impact of family ownership on the relationship between the financial reporting optimistic tone and audit fees
roohollah arab shirin panahi arvanagh Kolsoom Soofi Sheykh mohammad gholamrezapoor -
Open Access Article
1209 - Analysis of Agency Theory in Explaining the Relationship Between Internal control weakness and CEO Recruitment
mohammad gholamrezapoor roohollah arab mohammadali palangi mazrae narjes hossini -
Open Access Article
1210 - Paradigm model of factors affecting the quality of financial reporting in Bidboland Gas Refining Company
Seyed Ali Sedighipour Allah Karam Salehi -
Open Access Article
1211 - Presenting a qualitative model of conditional accounting conservatism and financial flexibility with the aim of reducing company lawsuits in the era of Covid-19 with a critical evaluation method based on multiple data-based theory.
الهام میری mohammad reza abdoli maryam shahri Farhad Dehdar -
Open Access Article
1212 - Analyzing the strategy of Capital Productivity using the ROIC index at different stages of the company's life cycle (A comparative test between different industrial groups of companies accepted in the stock market of Iran)
Ali Khamaki parviz saeidi -
Open Access Article
1213 - Designing the model of internal audit through new technologies in Islamic Azad University
Seyyed Abdulhamid, Cheraghi Allah Karam Salehi Alireza, , Jorjorzadeh Saeed, , Nasiri -
Open Access Article
1214 - Non-parametric momentum strategy based on rank and signStudy case: Tehran Stock Exchange
parsa jozzi sayyed mohammadreza davoodi saeed Kazemian hossinabadi -
Open Access Article
1215 - A Study of the Role of Environmental Factors in Committing Crimes by the Cyberspace Users: A Case Study of the Youth in Shiraz
azadeh dehghanfar Amir Paknahad Amir Irvanian -
Open Access Article
1216 - Analysis of Bifurcation Phenomenon in a Grid-Connected Electric Arc Furnace
Mohammad Behzad Es-haghi Mehran Zamanifar -
Open Access Article
1217 - A Three-Level Framework for Determining the Optimal Strategy of Microgrids to Participate in the Day-Ahead Competitive Market by Considering Electric Vehicles and Demand Response Programs
Abolfazl Bayatian Amir Ahmarinejad -
Open Access Article
1218 - Optimal Bidding Strategy of Generation Companies (GenCos) in Energy and Spinning Reserve Markets Using Linear Programming
Hassan Barati Ali Habibzadeh Afshin Lashkarara Jamshid Aghaei -
Open Access Article
1219 - QFT Controller Design for Uncertain Multivariable Linear Systems With Constraint on Bandwidth, With the Aid of an Internal Feedback
Bahram Karimi Farid Sheykholeslam Iman Saboori -
Open Access Article
1220 - Designing a Pattern of Conflict Dimensions between Tourists and Residents Using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM)
Nahid Alizadeh Ali Gholipour Soleimani Ebrahim Chirani Narges Delafrooz -
Open Access Article
1221 - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tehran Hospitals in Attracting Medical Tourists through Grey Relational Analysis
ebtehal zandi Mohanna Nikbin -
Open Access Article
1222 - Designing an explanatory model of tourism ethics using grounded theory
Ardalan Sadeghhasani Narges Delafrooz Ali Gholipour Soleimani Kambiz Shahroodi -
Open Access Article
1223 - Physical-social Planning in Tourism Towns (A Case Study of Amirkabir in Arak)
Kaveh Amin Asghar Nazarian -
Open Access Article
1224 - Complementary Relationship between Dynamic Assessment and Traditional Testing
Ogholgol Nazari -
Open Access Article
1225 - Text(Nass) on Imamate before the Great Occultation
Alireza Fakherzad ghasemali kouchnani -
Open Access Article
1226 - Providing of customer attraction model in digital marketing based on visual stimuli with a classical Grounded Theory (GT) Approach
Bahman Narouei Hossein Hakimpour Mehdi Mehdi Mahmoodzadeh Vashan Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1227 - Designing an attitude development model for the Iranian brand in the household appliance industry with an emphasis on national values and religious beliefs
omid zanganeh mahdi mahmoodzadeh vashan hosein hakimpour Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1228 - Identifying Different Dimensions of Brand Transgression in the Iranian Banking Industry
Gholamreza Shahbazi Soleyman Iranzadeh Bagher Asgarnezhad -
Open Access Article
1229 - The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in Fuzzy Queuing Models
Najmeh Malekmohammadi -
Open Access Article
1230 - New existence results for boundary value problems with integral conditions
Rahmat Darzi Roja Mahmoudi Matankolae -
Open Access Article
1231 - Optimistic and Pessimistic Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis: Empirical Evidence from Tehran Stock Market
Pejman Peykani Mohammad Namakshenas Nasim Arabjazi Fatemeh Shirazi Neda Kavand -
Open Access Article
1232 - Comparison of the Dependence Structures of Stochastic Copula-DEA Model
Sima Balak Mohammad Hassan Behzadi Ali Nazari -
Open Access Article
1233 - Existence and Multiplicity Results for the p(x)- Laplacian Equation via Genus Theory
Asieh Rezvani Mohsen Alimohammady Bahram Agheli -
Open Access Article
1234 - Anti Fuzzy Bi-Ideals in Semirings Under S-Norms
Rasul Rasuli -
Open Access Article
1235 - Optimal Decision-Making in Fractional Multi-commodity Flow Problem in Uncertainty Environment
Salim Bavandi Seyed Hadi Nasseri -
Open Access Article
1236 - A Novel Selfish Node Detection Based on Fuzzy System and Game Theory in Internet of Things
Gholam Hossein Abdi Amir Hosein Refahi Sheikhani Sohrab Kordrostami Shahram Babaie -
Open Access Article
1237 - Substituent effect on the stability and electronic properties of naphthalene and azulene: A computational investigation
Reza Jafari Reza Ghiasi Bita Mohtat -
Open Access Article
1238 - Evaluation of adsorption potential of Buprenorphine drug from blood plasma by its molecular imprinted polymer; a joint experimental and theoretical study
Maryam Khanlari Bahram Daraei Leila Torkian Maryam Shekarchi Mohammad Reza Manafi -
Open Access Article
1239 - Identifying the Position of Information Technology and Innovation of the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum at Kabul Education University-Afghanistan
wahidullah abdurahimzai Mahbobah Arefi Koroush Fathi vajargah Esmaeil Jafari -
Open Access Article
1240 - Validating MOOC-based Curriculum in Higher Education
Esmaeil Jafari Kourosh Fathi Vajargah Mahboobeh Arefi Morteza RezaeiZadeh -
Open Access Article
1241 - Factors Affecting the Success of Mobile Learning Implementation Using the Theory of Reasoned Action
Hosein Molaei Aliabadi Shahram Mehravar Giglou Abasalt Khorasani Korosh Fathi Vagargah -
Open Access Article
1242 - The Effectiveness of Using Smart Boards in the Curriculum Elements Based on Technology Acceptance Theory
Leila Heshmatifar Shadi Jazini Bibi Eshrat Zamani -
Open Access Article
1243 - Scale Validation of Persian Basic Psychological Needs Scale in E-learning Setting
Akram Kharazmi Hossein Kareshki Mahdi Moshki -
Open Access Article
1244 - The Effectiveness of Virtual Happiness Training With a choice Theory on Hope and Anxiety Covid-19 of Female Teachers in Coronavirus Epidemic
mehdi shomaliahmadabadi atefe barkhordariahmadabadi -
Open Access Article
1245 - The impact of educational multimedia design based on the principles of cognitive load on learning, remember and educational progress motivation in math lesson
fateme hosizadeh Hassan Rastegarpour Nasrin Mohammadhasni sasan salimi -
Open Access Article
1246 - Factors Influencing Unethical Behavior in Social Networks based on Theory of Planned Behavior
Hosein Jafarkarimi Rokhsareh Mobarhan -
Open Access Article
1247 - Black seeds (Nigella sativa) for the management of dengue viral disease: insight into the evidence and POM analyses for the identification of antiviral pharmacophore sites: a review
Naina Mohamed Pakkir Maideen Taibi Ben Hadda Faisal Almalki Hamid Laarousi Sameh Soliman Sarkar Kawsar -
Open Access Article
1248 - برهمکنش ساپونین استخراج شده از گیاه Tribulus terrestris بر ساختار پروتئین سرم آلبومین انسانی
آزاده حکمت رویا برومند کامبیز لاریجانی -
Open Access Article
1249 - A Theoretical Evaluation of Relation of Responsibility to Protect and the Sovereignty of State from Constructivism Point of View
Mohammad Hossein Jamshidi Ahmad Soltani Nejad Nikbood Masoumzadeh -
Open Access Article
1250 - Crisis of Decision Making in North Korea Nuclear Crisis
Saeed Eslamee -
Open Access Article
1251 - Development in International Relations from Rationalism to Reflectivism
Seyed Ali Monavari -
Open Access Article
1252 - Critical analysis of the book entitled "Theories of international Relations"
Mohammad Reza Aghareb parast -
Open Access Article
1253 - Imperatives of Islamic Theorizing of international relations
معصومه جمالی مجتبی عبدخدائی -
Open Access Article
1254 - An Analysis of the Relations of Russia and Turkey on the Basis of Liberalism Theory (2002-2014)
mahboobeh roohi nozar shafiee -
Open Access Article
1255 - (Impact of Security Dilemma on Rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia)
ebrahim eram amin ravanbod -
Open Access Article
1256 - The Personality of Donald Trump and its Impact on US Foreign Policy towards JCPA (Based on Ennagram Theory)
Hasan Adediny Koshkoueieh Hossein Masoudnia Mahnaz Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
1257 - The Post-Corona World; China-Centered or America-Centric Continuity in International Relations?
mohammad mahmoodikia -
Open Access Article
1258 - Factors influencing the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) against the Soviet Union from the perspective of the theory of threat balance
hassan jalalpoor -
Open Access Article
1259 - Analysis of the policy of developing relations with new China based on realism theory
ali Imani -
Open Access Article
1260 - From Cultural Relations to Cultural Theory of International Relations: A Review of Culture in International Relations
Farhad Atai Nasim Sadat Vasei Zadeh -
Open Access Article
1261 - An Analysis of Israel's Approach vis-a-vis the 5+1 Negotiations with Iran within the Framework of Games Theory
Abdolreza Farajirad Majid Najaflo Torkaman -
Open Access Article
1262 - A Study of the Relations of Iran and America from the Beginning till 1946 (On the Basis of Theory of Continuity of James Rosenau)
Sadegh Zibakalam Davood Afshari Hossein Asbaghi Ali Soleimani -
Open Access Article
1263 - The Causes of Coming into Power of Khatami (Reform Government 1997/1376) on the Basis of Samuel Huntington’s Theory of Uneven Developmen
Sadegh Zibakalam Davood Afshar Abdollah Aslanzadeh -
Open Access Article
1264 - An Explanation of Competitions Between China and USA in the Frame Work of Power-Cycle Theory
Mohammad Mehdi Mazaheri -
Open Access Article
1265 - Morality and Politics from Critical Theory Point of View
Jamil Hassan poor Manoochehr Dehyadegari -
Open Access Article
1266 - Cybernetic Reflection on Iranian Nuclear Decision- making Model
Seyed Yousef Ghorashi -
Open Access Article
1267 - The Application of Games Theory in Describing the Elections Competitions
Majid Golparvar Mahdieh Shahabi -
Open Access Article
1268 - The Analysis of Election Behaviour of Isfahan City Citizens (Before the Ninth Round of Islamic Majlis Council)
Mojtaba Attarzadeh Hossein Tavasoli -
Open Access Article
1269 - Assessing English Language Quality of EFL Students: Links to A Grounded Theory
فاطمه گرجی شهرام افراز فضل الله صمیمی -
Open Access Article
1270 - بررسی رابطه ی بین هوش زبانی انگلیسی آموزان ایرانی، توانایی نوشتاری آنها و معیارهای ارزیابی نوشتار
موسی احمدیان سمانه حسینی -
Open Access Article
1271 - Theoretical study on the mechanism of hydromethoxylation catalyzed by palladium(II) complex
S. Ali Beyramabadi Ali Morsali -
Open Access Article
1272 - Gas contaminants capturing by gamma-carbonic anhydrase catalyst: A quantum chemical approach
Mina Ghiasi Nahal Majdoddin Ebrahim Esalati -
Open Access Article
1273 - Data analysis based on ecological behavior in the face of corona residues (Study of citizens over 18 years old in Boroujerd)
abdolreza navah محمدرضا حسینی narges khoshkalam -
Open Access Article
1274 - Promoting water literacy based on media performance in Isfahan
parastoo iranpour faezeh taghipour seyed behnam sarvarinezhad -
Open Access Article
1275 - Exploring the process of formation of the phenomenon of street work children and its consequences in the city of Ahvaz
Hoseyn Moltafet, Mohammadhoseyn Moghadam Aziz Hazbavi -
Open Access Article
1276 - A sociological study of the formation of dramatic collective behaviors in the context of people's lived experience of the corona virus:The Case study of Kermanshah
Ali moradi Mahdi Amjadian -
Open Access Article
1277 - Presenting a paradigm model of poverty and its sociological explanation in deprived areas of Khuzestan province (case study of Hamidiyeh and Indika cities)
Sajad Bahmani Masoumeh Baghery Ali Budaghi Marzieh Shahriari -
Open Access Article
1278 - . A Data -based analysis of ecological behavior in the face of corona residues (case of Study: residents over 18 years old in Boroujerd)
abdolreza navah Hosseini Mohammadreza narges khoshkalam -
Open Access Article
1279 - Rethinking of Synomorphy Theory in the Art of Street Music (Case study: Urban Sidewalk in Tehran )
Sahar Toofan Yasaman Sadat Mostatab Elham Mousapour -
Open Access Article
1280 - Presenting a paradigm model of poverty and its sociological explanations in deprived areas of Khuzestan province (case of study: Hamidiyeh and Indika cities)
Masoumeh Bagheri Ali Budaghi Sajad Bahmani Marzieh Shahriari -
Open Access Article
1281 - .Promoting water literacy based on media performance in Isfahan
parastoo iranpour Faezeh Taghipour seyed behnam sarvarinezhad -
Open Access Article
1282 - Developing a model for citizenship education utilizing a Grounded theory approach
Mansour Arayesh Mohammad Taghi Sheikhi Hossein Parviz Ejlali -
Open Access Article
1283 - A study of socio-political factors affecting ethnic convergences (Case Study: ethnic groups of the city of Uremia)
mehdi ghassed Habibolah Zanjani Alireza Kaldi -
Open Access Article
1284 - Exploring the process of formation of the phenomenon of street work children and its consequences in the city of Ahvaz
Mohammadhoseyn Moghadam Hoseyn Moltafet, Aziz Hazbavi -
Open Access Article
1285 - Individual-institutional dysfunction and collective cooperation: The study of farmers’ understanding in Semiram about water scarcity in urban life.
Mahmood Ghasemi Azimeh Sadat Abdullahi Shapour Behyan -
Open Access Article
1286 - A sociological study of the formation of dramatic collective behaviors in the context of people's lived experience of corona virus (Case of study: the city of Kermanshah)
Mahdi Amjadian Ali Moradi -
Open Access Article
1287 - Explaining the dialectic of space and the concept of the right to the city from the perspective of critical urban theories
Pouyan Mozaheb Saeid Piri Hamid Reza Sabaghi Alireza Estelaji -
Open Access Article
1288 - ارزیابی ریسک سرمایه گذاری با شاخص های بهره وری فازی برای صنعت نفت و گاز
Ali Zebardast Kiumars Shahbazi Amir Amini -
Open Access Article
1289 - تجزیه و تحلیل عوامل موثر بر پذیرش مشتریان از خدمات بانکداری اینترنتی با استفاده از نظریه گراف
Ali Sharifi Mahdi Homayounfar -
Open Access Article
1290 - A study of Financing Decisions and Capital Structure in Real Investment
Reza Aghajan Nashtaei Ebrahim Chirani Mehrdad Goodarzvand Chegini -
Open Access Article
1291 - Organizational Sustainable Competitive Advantage using ORESTE, TRIZ, SWOT Approaches in Gray Conditions
Dorna Teimoory Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
1292 - بکارگیری تئوری محدودیت ها در برنامه ریزی و مدیریت تولید-مطالعه موردی
Ahmad Hooshmand Ali Reza Mehrazeen Ali Reza Davoody Mohamad Reza Shorvarzi -
Open Access Article
1293 - Optimization of the Private Sector Cooperative Approach in Investment Projects of the National Iranian Oil Company Using Game Theory Approach
Shadi Safarii Mansour Soufi Alireza Amirteimoori Mahdi Fadaei -
Open Access Article
1294 - Designing an optimization model for preventing the waste time in the activity cycle of an organization
M. Taleghani Y. Moddabernia -
Open Access Article
1295 - Linear Programming, the Simplex Algorithm and Simple Polytopes
Das Bhusan Biswal Bagaban J.P Tripathy -
Open Access Article
1296 - Unweighted p-center problem on extended stars
Jafar Fathali Nader Jafari Rad Sadegh Rahimi Sherbaf -
Open Access Article
1297 - Narrative grammar in the story of Dej Bahman based on the theory of Algirdas Grimas
Mahboobeh Zamani Boroojeni asghar Rezapoorian -
Open Access Article
1298 - عملکرد و پاسخ های متابولیکی گاوهای تازه زا به استفاده از منبع پیش ساز قندی به صورت روزانه و یا به صورت یک روز در میان
م. کاظمی بن چناری م. جهانی مقدم ع.ر. علیزاده پ. قدرتی ح. شهابی ا. محجوبی م. گرجی دوز -
Open Access Article
1299 - Development of a Wavelet Hybrid Models for Estimating Regional Droughts in Siminehroud Basin
Erfan Rostam Zade alireza parvishi -
Open Access Article
1300 - Presenting a model to determine the equilibrium point in the Oligopoly
Reza Basiri Mansour Abedian Saeed Aghasi Zahra Dashtlali -
Open Access Article
1301 - Risk and Complexity of the Interaction of the Board of Directors and Corporate Governance: Examination and Analysis Using Grounded Theory
Salman Cheraghi Badi, , Meysam Arabzadeh Hasan Ghodrati Ghazaani, Hossein Jabbary Mostafa Ezadpour -
Open Access Article
1302 - Determining the factors influencing the voluntary disclosure of non-financial information from the perspective of institutional theory Qualitative method
Ali Khodabakhshi Mohsen Dastgir Saeid Aliahmadi -
Open Access Article
1303 - An Exploratory Perspective of Systematic Decision Making in Corona Crisis for SME Corporation Based on Grounded Theory and System Dynamics
Masoud Borhani Alireza Shirvani Zahra Alipoor Darvishi Roya M. Ahari -
Open Access Article
1304 - Presenting a Paradigmatic Model of Organizing the Teriphery of Kerman city
amanolah jamshidi kamal javanmard mehrdad navabakhsh -
Open Access Article
1305 - Explain and Evaluate the Sustainable Situation of Future Cities and Islamic Symbols (Using Grounded Theory)
masoud safaeepoor hoshang moradi -
Open Access Article
1306 - Examining Two Decades of Intervention Approaches and Policies in Tehran's Dilapidated Urban Landscape Using Grounded Theory
Rama Ghalambordezfooly Maryam Hoseiny Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1307 - Analysis of the moral and educational actions of Ketayun and Homa in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, based on Maslow's theory of self-actualization.
Afsaneh Rakhshani Hamid Tabasi حبیب الله جدید الاسلامی -
Open Access Article
1308 - Comparative study of educational poems attributed to Imam Reza (as) With Saadi Shirazi's educational poems with an intertextual theory approach
Faroogh Nemati Seyedeh Somayeh Mosavi Salem Ayoob Moradi -
Open Access Article
1309 - Investigating the Moral Philosophy in Ferdowsi's Shāhnāmeh Based on the Theory of Divine Command
Hajar Amiri Kolahjoobi Isa Najafi khalil Baygzade -
Open Access Article
1310 - Analysis of the educational function in the Reality therapy approach and Glasser's Choice theory in the story " Lion and Animals " of the first book of Masnavi Manavi
Noushin Derakhshan, Abolfazl Ghanizadeh -
Open Access Article
1311 - A Study of the Fables of the First Chapter of Kelile o Demne Based on Grimas’s Narrative Paradigm
MohammadReza Haji AqaBabayi -
Open Access Article
1312 - Analysis of the virtue of wisdom in Shāhnāmeh based on Aristotle's theory of ethics of virtue
zinat jahani Kimia Tajnia Ismail Eslami -
Open Access Article
1313 - Investigating the Components of Child Moral Development in the Stories of Ahmadreza Ahmadi (by Using the Social Learning Theory)
Sarah Noei Reza Ashrafzadeh Batool Fakhr Eslam -
Open Access Article
1314 - Solving Data Clustering Problems using Chaos Embedded Cat Swarm Optimization
Farhad Ramezani -
Open Access Article
1315 - A Novel Caching Strategy in Video-on-Demand (VoD) Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks Based on Complex Network Theory
Venus Marza Amir. H JadidiNejad -
Open Access Article
1316 - Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network Training Based on Improved of Stud GA
Firozeh Razavi Faramarz Zabihi Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani -
Open Access Article
1317 - Modeling Cooperation between Nodes in Wireless Networks by APD Game
Abbas Arghavani Abdorasoul Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1318 - Pre-scheduling and Scheduling of Task Graph on Homogeneous Multiprocessor Systems
Marjan Abdeyazdan Saeed Parsa Amir Masoud Rahmani -
Open Access Article
1319 - A Lattice based Nearest Neighbor Classifier for Anomaly Intrusion Detection
Yazdan Jamshidi Hossein Nezamabadi-pour -
Open Access Article
1320 - The Explanation of Decision Making Process in Establishing Of the Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas, With Emphasis on Gender Approach (Case Study: Souleghan District)
Fazileh Dadvarkhani Somayeh Mosavi -
Open Access Article
1321 - Hinge spaces, another look at the gendered behaviors of space with the Iranian-Islamic approach Case Study: Urban Space around the Holy Shrines
hamid pour hossein roshan Hamid Reza Saremi Mohamad reza Pourjafar -
Open Access Article
1322 - Identifying the dimensions of destination social responsibility from the perspective of tourists in urban and rural tourism destinations of Guilan province by classical Grounded Theory research method
Fereshteh Ghavidel Ali Gholipour Soleimani Seyed Mahmoud Shabgoo Monsef Alireza Farokhbakht Foomani -
Open Access Article
1323 - Impact of Dust storm on Agricultural Production in Iran
Tahere Maleki Mariyeh Sahraie Fatemeh Sasani Mahana Shahmoradi -
Open Access Article
1324 - Structural Model of Job Satisfaction in Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Staff Based on Herzberg Motivational Theory
Jamshid Abdi Sahar Dehyour Azita Zand Masoumeh Arfaee -
Open Access Article
1325 - Willingness and Motivation of Nigerian Youth to Pursue Agricultural Careers After Graduation
Grace Inegbedion Md. Mofakkarul Islam -
Open Access Article
1326 - Theoretical Model Development for Agricultural Extension in Iran’s Resistive Economy
Neda Seyedan Iraj Malek Mohammadi Seyed Jamal Farajollah Hosseini Reza Moghaddasi -
Open Access Article
1327 - Identifying and Prioritizing the Challenges of Organic Farming Development Among Farmers in Lorestan Province
Jahanbakhsh Beiranvand Ahmad Reza Ommani Azadeh N. Noorivandi Mohammad Reza Ardakani -
Open Access Article
1328 - The presentation of the new model of social cooperation based on the theory of games in economic linguistics
roya sediqziyaberi mohsen qasemi reza kheyrabadi -
Open Access Article
1329 - Designing the Concept Model of the Effect of Academic Entrepreneurship Components
Zohre Hassani Mahmoud Abolghasemi Asghar Moshabaki Esfehani -
Open Access Article
1330 - Investigating the Causes of Inadequate Physical Activity in Girl Adolescents in Tehran Using Field Theory, 2016- A Qualitative Research
Fatemeh Sadat Ashtari reza Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
1331 - Qualitative Study of the Effect of Virtual Social Networks on Building Social Identity of Students at Farhangian University
Rashid Ahmadrash soroosh Bahami behzad hakiminya -
Open Access Article
1332 - Study of “no conversation between spouses in their married life” (Case study: Employees of the Ministry of Education in Tehran)
zohreh taha hosien abolhasan tanhaei mostafa azkiya -
Open Access Article
1333 - Designing A Model For Explaning Sustainable Human Resource Management In Government organization Iran
Ezatollah kiani hassan rangriz kumars ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1334 - Presenting a model of social harms of earthquake-stricken women in Bam
Fatemeh Yazdizadeh Reza Fazel Alireza Saanatkhah -
Open Access Article
1335 - A sociological study of the causes of children's and adolescents' tendencies towards various genres of fictional literature ( adolescents in Isfahan, 2018)
nazfar nazem -
Open Access Article
1336 - Social Consequences And Stratgies Sustainable Human Resource Management In Government Organizations Iran
Ezatollah kiani Hassan Rangriz kumars ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1337 - Analyzing and investigating political participation in the justice-oriented government discourse based on the theory of Laclau and Mouffe
Abolqasem Shamsabadi Musa Shahriari yousef Amini -
Open Access Article
1338 - Social Analysis and Presentation the Indigenous Model of the Impact of Tehran Shopping Centers Brand Image on Female Consumer Behavior
mona manian bahram kheiri -
Open Access Article
1339 - Why Do They Want to Migrate from Rural Areas? A Psychological Perspective from Iran
مسعود یزدان پناه طاهره زبیدی -
Open Access Article
1340 - مدیریت استعداد در نظام آموزش عالی کشاورزی ایران: بر اساس گراندد تئوری
سیدمحمدجواد سبحانی Mohammad Chizari Hassan Sadighi امیر علم بیگی -
Open Access Article
1341 - بررسی راهکارهایی جهت افزایش مشارکت کشاورزان در تشکلهای آببران استان لرستان
فاطمه سپهوند سعید غلامرضایی مهدی رحیمیان -
Open Access Article
1342 - عوامل موثر بر عدم تمایل به کاربرد سموم شیمیایی در گلخانههای صیفی شهرستان بندرعباس (ایران)
مسعود یزدان پناه فاطمه رحیمی فیض آباد خدیجه عباس زاده -
Open Access Article
1343 - شناسایی و تبیین موانع کلیدی دانشمحور شدن شرکتهای دانش بنیان حوزه کشاورزی بر اساس روش نظریه داده بنیاد
منوچهر انصاری حسین جمور محمد حق شناس محمد کاوسی کلاشمی -
Open Access Article
1344 - کاربرد روش داده بنیاد برای شناسایی و تحلیل عوامل موثر بر موفقیت بازاریابی محصولات کشاورزی ارگانیک ایرانی
بهمن قاسمی مهرداد گودرزوند چگینی ابراهیم چیرانی -
Open Access Article
1345 - تأثیر جهتگیری پایداری و دانش پایداری پیشین بر قصد کارآفرینی پایدار دانشجویان کشاورزی
سعید کریمی فاطمه سپهوند -
Open Access Article
1346 - الگوی عملکرد صادراتی صنعت گل و گیاهان زینتی استان مازندران با استفاده از رویکرد نظریه پردازی داده بنیاد
نرگس مهدئی فانیمجید فانی Majid Fattahi -
Open Access Article
1347 - تحلیل کیفی و اولویت بندی چالش های توسعه پایدار کشاورزی از طریق نظریه داده بنیاد و فرایند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی (AHP) در ایران
Keivan Torfi Ahmadreza Ommani Azadeh Noorollah Noorivandi mohammad sadegh sabouri -
Open Access Article
1348 - Determinants of Farmers’ Participation in Horticulture-based Extension Programs in Iran: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
Morteza Akbari Farahnaz Rostami Abdolmotaleb Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1349 - Designing a Women's Entrepreneurship Model Based on Home-Based Businesses Using Grounded theory
hamid taboli mahboobeh askari bagher abadi Raana Namazian -
Open Access Article
1350 - Application of adaptive fuzzy decision-making system for managing water consumption at smart house
Reza Mohammadi Jahan Mohsen Daryani Mehdi Azarafza -
Open Access Article
1351 - Using fuzzy prospect theory approach to Identifying and prioritizing factors affecting on promoting the competencies of safety supervisors in the Petroleum industry
seyed mahmood zanjirchi negar jalilian Mohamad Ali Sangbor -
Open Access Article
1352 - Bankruptcy Forecasting Using of Workforce Agile in the Organization
Vahid Bekhradi Nasab -
Open Access Article
1353 - Designing and explaining the organizational model in the employees of state banks in Iran Based on Grounded Theory
Alireza Najafpour reza Najafbeigi karamallah daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1354 - The presentation of a Pattern for Financial Empowerment in Small and Medium Enterprises with Grounded Theory Approach
Gholamreza Elahi parviz saeedi Jamadverdi Gorganli Dooji Maryam Bkoharaiyan Khorasani -
Open Access Article
1355 - Designing a comprehensive human capital management model with an entrepreneurial approach (Study case: National Oil Products Distribution Company)
shadmehr zohdi Hassan Amiri Koroush Parsa Moein -
Open Access Article
1356 - Empowering Iran oil companies to be self-sufficient in dealing with American and European sanctions by designing a cooperative game model
Shadi Safari Mansour Soufi Alireza Amirteimoori Mehdi Fadaei -
Open Access Article
1357 - Designing a Product Development Process Model in Gas Refining Companies Based on Grounded Theory
Hooman Keshavarzi Sayed Javad Iranban Moghadeseh Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
1358 - Presenting the Model of Financial Synergy with the Grounded Theory Approach
Hamid Issazadeh Lazarjani Parviz Saeidi Maryam Bokharaeian Khorasani Jomadoordi Gorganli Davaji -
Open Access Article
1359 - Compilation of performance management system and environmental improvement and providing the best combination of oil and gas holding strategy based on BSC, fuzzy AHP, and game theory
mehdi khajavi mohammad reza motadel Mohammad Ali Afshar kazimi -
Open Access Article
1360 - Analysis of agency conflict with emphasis on aspects of earnings management, audit quality, and cost of equity: Game theory approach
Zahra Moghadam Hamzeh Didar Kiumars Shahbazi Ali Ebadian -
Open Access Article
1361 - Analysis of Labor-Management Negotiation based on Chicken Evolutionary Game and Catastrophe Theory
ahmad makui Seyed Mohammad Seyedhosseini Parinaz Esmaeili Seyed Jafar Sadjadi -
Open Access Article
1362 - An availability-based design optimization by using a fuzzy goal programming approach
zahra sobhani mahmoud Shahrokhi Alain bernard -
Open Access Article
1363 - Supply Chain Coordination with Wholesale contract in an Uncertain Environment
Alireza Ghaffari-Hadigheh Nassim Mongeri -
Open Access Article
1364 - A mixed integer bi-level DEA model for bank branch performance evaluation by Stackelberg approach
Morteza Shafiee Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Hilda Saleh Mehdi Ghaderi -
Open Access Article
1365 - Fuzzy Reliability Optimization Models for Redundant Systems
ل Nematian -
Open Access Article
1366 - Multiple utility constrained multi-objective programs using Bayesian theory
Pooneh Abbasian Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri Hamed Fazlollahtabar -
Open Access Article
1367 - Accelerated decomposition techniques for large discounted Markov decision processes
Abdelhadi Larach S. Chafik C. Daoui -
Open Access Article
1368 - Combination of real options and game-theoretic approach in investment analysis
Abdollah Arasteh -
Open Access Article
1369 - Analysis of implementation of Tradable Green Certificates system in a competitive electricity market: a game theory approach
Meysam Ghaffari Ashkan Hafezalkotob Ahmad Makui -
Open Access Article
1370 - Application of queuing theory in production-inventory optimization
Reza Rashid Seyed Farzad Hoseini M. R. Gholamian Mohammad Feizabadi -
Open Access Article
1371 - Optimal advertising and pricing decisions for complementary products
Ata Allah Taleizadeh Masoud Charmchi -
Open Access Article
1372 - Developing a cross-docking network design model under uncertain environment
S. M. Seyedhoseini Reza Rashid E. Teimoury -
Open Access Article
1373 - Evaluating different scenarios for Tradable Green Certificates by game theory approaches
Meysam Ghaffari Ashkan Hafezalkotob -
Open Access Article
1374 - Selection of energy source and evolutionary stable strategies for power plants under financial intervention of government
Ashkan Hafezalkotob Reza Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
1375 - Application of queuing theory in inventory systems with substitution flexibility
S. M. Seyedhoseini Reza Rashid Iman Kamalpour Erfan Zangeneh -
Open Access Article
1376 - A fuzzy mixed-integer goal programming model for a parallel machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times and release dates
A.H Gharehgozli -
Open Access Article
1377 - Stochastic extension of cellular manufacturing systems: a queuing-based analysis
Fatemeh Fardis Afagh Zandi Vahidreza Ghezavati -
Open Access Article
1378 - Cooperative vehicle routing problem: an opportunity for cost saving
Sedighe Zibaei Ashkan Hafezalkotob Seyed Sajad Ghashami -
Open Access Article
1379 - Developing a new stochastic competitive model regarding inventory and price
Reza Rashid Ali Bozorgi-Amiri S. M . Seyedhoseini -
Open Access Article
1380 - Risk management in medical product development process using traditional FMEA and fuzzy linguistic approach: a case study
Milind Shrikant Kirkire Santosh B. Rane Jagdish Rajaram Jadhav -
Open Access Article
1381 - A stochastic model for the cell formation problem considering machine reliability
Bahman Esmailnezhad Parviz Fattahi Amir Saman Kheirkhah -
Open Access Article
1382 - Cooperative aggregate production planning: a game theory approach
Ashkan Hafezalkotob Samaneh Chaharbaghi Tahmineh Moradi Lakeh -
Open Access Article
1383 - A novel risk-based analysis for the production system under epistemic uncertainty
Mehran Khalaj Fereshteh Khalaj Amineh Khalaj -
Open Access Article
1384 - Using game theory approach to interpret stable policies for Iran’s oil and gas common resources conflicts with Iraq and Qatar
Maryam Esmaeili Aram Bahrini Sepideh Shayanrad -
Open Access Article
1385 - Incentive mechanism based on cooperative advertising for cost information sharing in a supply chain with competing retailers
Mostafa Setak Hajar Kafshian Ahar Saeed Alaei -
Open Access Article
1386 - B2B electronic market analysis using game theory
M.J Tarokh S Sohrabi H Shahriari -
Open Access Article
1387 - A new heuristic approach to solve product mix problems in a multi-bottleneck system
A.R Rashidi Komijan B Aryanezhad A Makui -
Open Access Article
1388 - A multi agent method for cell formation with uncertain situation, based on information theory
N Javid A Makui -
Open Access Article
1389 - A multi-product green supply chain under government supervision with price and demand uncertainty
Ashkan Hafezalkotob Soma Zamani -
Open Access Article
1390 - Impacts of government interventions on pricing policies of the dual-channel supply chain by considering retailer services
Taher Javadi Ashkan Hafezalkotob -
Open Access Article
1391 - The Application of Planned Behavior and Social Exchange Theories in the Attitude of Khuzestan Public Libraries Staff on knowledge sharing behavior through Their Intention of Knowledge Sharing Behavior
zahra ghafari fariba nazari -
Open Access Article
1392 - Using behavior of open access databases among faculty members based on theory of planned behavior (Case study: Ahvaz universities)
Mahsa Veisizade fariba nazari -
Open Access Article
1393 - The Pathology of library and Information Science Education: A Grounded Theory Approach
zahra rezazadeh Zohreh Mirhosseini -
Open Access Article
1394 - Pricing and Carbon Emission Reduction Effort Decision in an Electric and Gasoline Vehicle Supply Chain Considering Government: a Game Theory Approach
Mohammad Mahdi Sheikhi-Nasrabadi Hossein Khosroshahi -
Open Access Article
1395 - Examining the factors influencing faculty members knowledge sharing based on the Planned Behavior Theory
Nafise Amirinejad Mohammad Aazami Farzaneh Zolala Ali Talebian -
Open Access Article
1396 - Grounded Theory in Knowledge and Information Science
Shohreh SeyyedHosseini Ahmad Shabani Asefeh Asemi -
Open Access Article
1397 - The Acceptance and use of Latin on-line databases among faculty members of Kermanshah universities based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and use of Technology (UTAUT)
negin hoseini Mehrdokht Vazirpour Keshmiri Mozaffar Cheshmeh Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
1398 - Analysis of technological factors influencing on adoption based on Rogers' diffusion of innovation theory: Case study Namaye Nashryat software
Nourolah Ebadolahi Mozafar Cheshmeh Sohrabi Fatemeh Nooshinfard -
Open Access Article
1399 - Investigating the Evolution of the Political Theory of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) with the Lakatos Methodology Approach
Mohammad Kamali zadeh Mirghasem Seyedin zad -
Open Access Article
1400 - International Security, Covid Crisis, Copenhagen Security Theory, Extended Security, Post-Covid
Hassan Yousefi Jahangir Karami -
Open Access Article
1401 - Justice among Peoples and Decency of Iranian People
Morteza Bahrani -
Open Access Article
1402 - Identity and Foreign Policy
Ebrahim Anoosheh -
Open Access Article
1403 - Requirements of Smart City Realization in Tehran Based on Good Governance Theory
Ali Hashemi Mitra Rah Nejat Fattah Sharif Zadeh Mohammad Reza Sa'di -
Open Access Article
1404 - Analysis of Ahmadinejad Government's Foreign Policy According to the Critical Theory of International Relations
Mohammad Ali Tavana Tooraj Rahmani Hamed Eslami -
Open Access Article
1405 - Rational Choice Theory: An Overview
Mohammadreza Kari -
Open Access Article
1406 - The Impact of New Approaches in Qur'an Interpretation on Political Islam Thought
Mohammad Jafar Ariannejad Ali Asghar Davoudi Saeed Gazerani -
Open Access Article
1407 - A Critical Review on the Reproduction of Dominance and Gender Discrimination Relations in the Textbooks of Iran's Educational System
ShakibaSadat Hashemian Saeed Gazerani AliAsghar Davoudi -
Open Access Article
1408 - The Role of Identity in Iraq’s (post- Saddam) Challenges and Iran’s Foreign Policy Orientation
مسلم حقی Mohammad Yousefi Jouybari, -
Open Access Article
1409 - Opportunities of Virtual Social Networks for Critical Infrastructure of National Security (From the Point of View of Political and Virtual Media Experts)
Marjan Karami گارینه کشیشیان سیرکی محمد توحیدفام -
Open Access Article
1410 - Design and validation of professional organization model in National Iranian Oil Company with Islamic-Iranian progress
Mahsa Noroozi Mashaallah valikhani karamollah daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1411 - Presentation of Compensation Model with Organizational Attachment Approach(Case study: Bank Melli Iran)
Mohsen Mohammadbagheri Akbar Etebarian Khorasgani Faezeh Taghipour -
Open Access Article
1412 - Design a model of employee relations with colleagues based on a hermeneutic approach
Sajjad moradian Majid jahangifard Ali mehdizadeh ashrafi Ali mehdizadeh ashrafi -
Open Access Article
1413 - Phase behavior and mixing properties of symmetric gemini surfactant nano structures by quasichemical theory
Zahra Khodadadi -
Open Access Article
1414 - Presenting the model of development of marketing of agricultural products in Iran with the focus on medicinal plants Using the Grounded Theory Method and Model Validation
BIJAN Alizadeh Abdullah naami mohammad nasrola niya -
Open Access Article
1415 - Morphology of traditional markets in Islamic countries based on the theory of transic lost space (Study sample: Zanjan and Istanbul markets)
Mohammad Behzadpour Mahsa Razzaghi -
Open Access Article
1416 - Presenting a Quantum Management Development Model in Sport Organizations with Grounded Theory Approach
نحله نظری جهرمی مسعود نادریان جهرمی حسین دست برحق -
Open Access Article
1417 - The impact of electronic auditing on the financial health in the government and government-related devices in Iran
Mahmood Hematfar Hafez Azadbakht Farid Sefati -
Open Access Article
1418 - The Role of Cooperation in Regional Sustainable Development and Social Capacity (Case of study: General Directorate of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare of Kerman Province)
somsyeh soleimani Sanjar Salajegheh Mohammadjalal Kamali Samaneh Mehdizadeh -
Open Access Article
1419 - The Relationship between Representation Cost and Company Growth
mohsen hamidian Mohammad Hassan Saadatian Farivar -
Open Access Article
1420 - The Effect of Unusual Operating Cash Flows on Earnings Sustainability in the Listed Companies of Tehran Stock Exchange
Hossien fakhari Javad Mohammadi Mohsen Hasanataj Kordi -
Open Access Article
1421 - A Study of the Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange (Leasing and Banks)
hassan aboalfathi Ghodrat Allah Taleb Nia -
Open Access Article
1422 - Mechatronic Technology Commercialization in Small and Medium Enterprises: Based on Grounded Theory
Maryam Mohammadkhah S Reza. Hejazi -
Open Access Article
1423 - Sociocultural Theory and Reading Comprehension: Hard vs. Soft Scaffolding effect on Reading Comprehension
Haleh Mojarrabi Biook Behnam Mahnaz Saeidi -
Open Access Article
1424 - انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی برداشت معلمان از ساخت دستگاه منحصر به فرد یادگیری زبان در فرآیند فراگیری زبان دوم: نظریه پایه
Milad Omidi Hamid Reza Khalaji Keyvan Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
1425 - Evaluation of English Textbooks Taught in Iranian Secondary High Schools from the Processability Theory Perspective
Amir Hamzeh Gholami Abbas Bayat Peyman Rajabi -
Open Access Article
1426 - بررسی تأثیر در بلای کبوترها اثر لوئیز اردریک
Ladan Mokhtarzadeh Zahra Jannessari Ladani Negar Sharif -
Open Access Article
1427 - درک معلمان زبان انگلیسی از استفاده از تقلید سبک در کلاس های زبان انگلیسی: مزایا و چالش ها
Arash Dehghanian Seyyed Hassan Seyyed Rezaei Omid Mazandarani Ghasem Barani -
Open Access Article
1428 - Investigating Discourse Socialisation Progress of an English as a Second Language Learner Using Systematic Functional Linguistic Approach
Adnan Satariyan Mohammadreza Esmaeili Chinijani Bronwyn Reynolds -
Open Access Article
1429 - An investigation into the relationship between EFL teachers’ and students’ multiple intelligences and teaching styles
Yoones Taase Adnan Satariyan Bronwyn Reynolds Hamid Salimi Ahmad Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1430 - An Activity Theoretical Investigation into the Dominant Composition and Translation Activities of EFL learners across Persian and English
Yusef Rajabi -
Open Access Article
1431 - ترجمه متون سیاسی با و بدون اسکوپوس تعریف شده: مورد مترجمان ایرانی
Hamidreza Abdi Adnan Satariyan -
Open Access Article
1432 - The Role of Metaphorical Language in the Critical Discourse Analysis of Western Political Texts
Ali Akbar Farahani Zohreh Adeli Jam -
Open Access Article
1433 - Contradictions in Writing Anxiety: A Qualitative Case Study of Expansive Learning among Iranian EFL Learners
Mohsen Nazari Maryam Farnia Behzad ghonsooly Manoochehr Jafarigohar -
Open Access Article
1434 - The Position Occupied by Persian Translations of English Modern Short Stories in Persian Literary Polysystem
Sayyed Mohammad Karimi Behbahani Farzaneh NaserKhaki -
Open Access Article
1435 - Engagement and Motivation in EFL Classroom: Humanizing the Coursebook or Autonomy-supportive Teaching Climate?
hossein Rahmanpanah Ahmad Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1436 - Strategies Available for Translating Persian Epic Poetry: A Case of Shahnameh
Rasoul Firouzi Salar Manafi Anari -
Open Access Article
1437 - On the Emergence of Scientific Grammar in Iran
Ali karimi Firozjaei Ali Asghar Shahriari Bovand Gholamreza Askari -
Open Access Article
1438 - Universal Grammar and Chaos/Complexity Theory: Where Do They Meet And Where Do They Cross?
Marzieh Bagherkazemi Bahram Mowlaie -
Open Access Article
1439 - تناقضات در اضطراب نوشتاری: مطالعه موردی کیفی یادگیری گسترده در زبان آموزان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی
Mohsen Nazari Maryam Farnia Behzad Ghonsooly Manoochehr Jafarigohar -
Open Access Article
1440 - تاثیر دانش منظور شناسی بر ترجمه لطیفه در کلاس ترجمه زبان انگلیسی
Aliasghar Kargar Rahman Sahragard -
Open Access Article
1441 - بررسی اثرات شیوه ی پسامتد بر هیجانات تحصیلی ، خودکارامدی تحصیلی، پیشرفت تحصیلی وعزت نفس فراگیران دوره دوم متوسطه پایه دوازدهم شهر زاهدان از منظر تئوری پویا
Yalda Hooman رضا رضوانی Shahram Afraz -
Open Access Article
1442 - Reviewing Ibn Khaldun’s theory of state formation as a theory of Muslim reform in Seyed Farid Alatas’s reading: A case study Morocco
Fatemah Amin re'ya jezah Ali Murad Khani Sayyed Husayn Sadjadi Sayyed Javad Miri Minaq -
Open Access Article
1443 - The Traces of Myths in Atash Bedune Dood (Fire without Smoke); A Review Based on Gerard Genette's Intertextuality Theory
Royā Novin Hamidrezā Farzi Ali Dehghān -
Open Access Article
1444 - Possible Worlds in the Narrative Structure of Masnavi Manavi; A Case Study: The Story of Dezhe Hooshroba (The Castle of Fortress)
Zeinab Hājabokahaki Ashraf Sheibāni Aghdam Mohammad Ali Gozashti -
Open Access Article
1445 - Violence in Iranian Paintings of Battle Scenes: A Study Based on Slavoj Žižek's Ideas
Sārā o-Sādat nouri Ashraf-o-Sādat Mousavilar -
Open Access Article
1446 - The Views of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani and Ruzbehan Baqli about "Quality World" Based on Glasser's Choice Theory
Zohreh Fahami Hasan por alashti Maseod Rohani Mostafā Gorji -
Open Access Article
1447 - Examples of Theory of Well-being in Hafez's Ghazals Based on Seligman's Positive Psychology
maryam Safari Mohammad Ali Gozashti shirin kooshki Ashraf Shibaniaghdam -
Open Access Article
1448 - A Comparative Study of Love Stories Among Mythological Deities: An Analysis Using the Triangular Theory of Love (Case Study of Greek, Indian, and Mesopotamian Deities)
Sahar Zolqadri Zahrā Ansāri ّFarāmarz Khojasteh Hossein Mirzā Niknām -
Open Access Article
1449 - Welcome toHades and the Myth of Persephone: A Comparative Analysis Based on Theory of Intertextuality
Afsane Hasan zade dastjerdi -
Open Access Article
1450 - The Analysis of the Story of Sheikh Sanān Based on Campbell's Theory of Monomyth
Mohammad Reihāni raheleh abdolahzadeh borzoo -
Open Access Article
1451 - The Concept of Love in the Story of Sheikh San'an (by Attār Neishapouri) and the Fantasy Play of Sheikh San'an (by M. H. Meymandinejad) Based on Robert Sternberg's Ideas
Mohammadrezā Rasouli Parisā Kiomarsi -
Open Access Article
1452 - Content and structure of values among iranian adolescents
Mohammad T. Delkhamoush Mehrnaz A. Mobarakeh -
Open Access Article
1453 - Identifying the content and structure of human values in iranian students
Mohammad Taghi Delkhamoush -
Open Access Article
1454 - Does the Rasch Model work for Equating?
Rassoul Sadeghi Jim Tognolini -
Open Access Article
1455 - The Effectiveness of Group Training Based on Rational, Emotive, Behavioral Theory on Anger and Rejection Sensitivity
Saba Fakour Mahdieh Rahmanian Mahnaz Aliakbari Dehkordi -
Open Access Article
1456 - Maternal mental states input and children social behavior:the mediator role of theory of mind
Maryam Bordbar Razieh Sheikholeslami, PhD -
Open Access Article
1457 - Attitude change:comparing two theories of self-consistency and self-affirmation
Ruhollah Mansouri Sepehr M. Karim Khodapanahi Mahmood Heidari -
Open Access Article
1458 - Cognitive Appraisal Processes, Achievement Emotions and Academic Engagement: A Mediating Analysis
Farzaneh Davoodvandi Omid Shokri -
Open Access Article
1459 - Theory of Mind Development and its Relation to Social Skills in Children and Adolescence with Visual Impairment
Ali Mashhadi Mahbobeh Hashemi Juzdani Homeira Hashemi Borzabadi -
Open Access Article
1460 - Attachment styles and coping with stress
M. Ali Besharat Behzad Shalchi -
Open Access Article
1461 - The Role of Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance in Theory of Mind and Autobiographical Memory
Saloomeh Ghasemi Monsef Davood Manavipour -
Open Access Article
1462 - social support,basic psychological needs and psychological well-being:examining a causal model in employed women
Morteza Moradi Razieh Sheikholeslami Mozhdeh Ahmadzadeh Azam Cheraghi -
Open Access Article
1463 - The Comparison of the Choice Theory and Optimism Training on Sense of Coherence Among Students
Reza Mahpouya Afsaneh GhanbariPanah Mansureh ShahriariAhmadi -
Open Access Article
1464 - The Comparison of Theory of Mind in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo
Maohammad Shadbafi Elnaz Mohammadi Roghayeh Abdolrahimpour -
Open Access Article
1465 - Development of human and non-human agent concepts based on the theory of mind:a study of false belief attribution to human .god,angel and magician
Roshanak Nickpour Bahram Joukar -
Open Access Article
1466 - Explaining Strategies for Passing Through Midlife Crisis: A Qualitative Study
Masumeh Esmaeili Fatemeh Ghaseminiaii Kosar Dehdast -
Open Access Article
1467 - Evaluation of the validity of the perturbation approximation for sound scattering in the sea using a Pierson - Moskowitz spectrum
A. Mohseni Arasteh K. Lary M. Semnaninezhad -
Open Access Article
1468 - یک مدل FSDT برای تجزیه و تحلیل ارتعاشات صفحه FG مستطیلی نانو بر اساس تئوری تنش زوج اصلاح شده تحت بار متحرک
یونس امین -
Open Access Article
1469 - تجزیه و تحلیل ارتعاشی یک مایع نانولوله چرخشی که بر اساس تئوری کشش غیر محلی ارینگن
مهدی صالحی محمد ارمغانی -
Open Access Article
1470 - تأثیر پارامترهای پایه الاستیک وینکلر-پاسترناک در تحلیل تنش صفحات مستطیل شکل که تحت بار متحرک قرار دارند
احمدرضا خورشیدوند علی خیری امیر مسعود الله قلی -
Open Access Article
1471 - ارتعاش آزاد صفحات کامپوزیت مستطیلی با تکیه گاه ساده با Patch Mass
ر. اکبری آلاشتی ر. علی بخشی -
Open Access Article
1472 - تجزیه و تحلیل ارتعاش اجباری صفحات مستطیلی دارای درجه بندی عملکردی با تخلخل تحت بار متحرک
احمدرضا خورشیدوند علی خیری -
Open Access Article
1473 - استخراج معادلات حاکم بر رفتار متقارن محوری پایدار یک ورق دایروی توپر پیزوالکتریک متخلخل
علی ابجدی محسن جباری احمد رضا خورشیدوند -
Open Access Article
1474 - تجزیه و تحلیل ارتعاشات آزاد صفحات مستطیلی دارای درجه بندی ضخیم با استفاده از نظریه صفحه متغیر تقویت شده
رضا علی بخشی احمد خاواجی -
Open Access Article
1475 - Compensating and Enhancing Voltage Quality in Electrical Distribution Systems Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based on Synchronous Reference Frame Theory
Hamid Karimi Mohsen Simab Mehdi Nafar -
Open Access Article
1476 - Guarantee the implementation of the abuse of the emergency rule in Iranian and French law
Majid Bahari Ghazani Akbar Zare -
Open Access Article
1477 - Analysis and narratological analysis of the novel Lab Bar Tigh based on the narratological theory of Gerard Genet
Atefe Asalii hesam ziaee Hossein Parsaei -
Open Access Article
1478 - Comparative analysis of the role of the collective unconscious of Carl Gustav Jung in the poem (Pain is my other name) by Qaiser Aminpour
ali keshavarz Ghadimi mostafa maleki -
Open Access Article
1479 - Explaining the Comprehensive Model of Economic Dimension of Quality of Life Using Grounded Theory
فاطمه قائمی محمد حسنی محمد حامد خان محمدی -
Open Access Article
1480 - The Study of Chaos Phenomenon in TEDPIX of Tehran Stock Exchange
محمد نمازی زهره حاجیها حسن چناری بوکت -
Open Access Article
1481 - Application of optimal theory for Forcast Path of Iran Liquidity
Mostafa Rajabi Homayun Ranjbar Fojan Tadayon -
Open Access Article
1482 - uncertainty inflation and economic growth
Gholamreza Abasi Ashcan Rahimzadeh Davood Salmani -
Open Access Article
1483 - The Interaction of the Government and Central Bank Behavior in a Leader-Follower Game despite of the Risk Premium
داود محمودی نیا اطهره زیدآبادی -
Open Access Article
1484 - Pricing Unemployment Insurance in Iran
reza ofogi ramyar ebne abas -
Open Access Article
1485 - Presenting a model for accepting new technologies and innovations in the field of renewable energy by Iranian consumers with an economic, financial and social approach based on the foundation's data theory
Fatemeh Shoghi Aghjeh Mashhad Alireza Farrokhbakht Foumani Ali Gholipour Soleimani -
Open Access Article
1486 - Designing a process model of social-ethical responsibilities in audit institutions (qualitative approach: foundational data theory)
Mahmoud Malekipour Gharbi Hasan Ghodrati Hossein Jabari Hossein Panahian Ali Akbar Farzin Far -
Open Access Article
1487 - Presenting the Model of Tax Morale with Grounded Theory Approach
Hamed Rabi Beigi Rahmatollah Mohammadipour Iraj Noravesh reza salehi -
Open Access Article
1488 - Pathology and providing a model of sustainable development in Iranian governmental Bank
Mohammad Ali Jafari Gorji Reza Najaf Beigi Abolhassan Faghihi Mohammad Javad Kameli -
Open Access Article
1489 - Analyzing the Household Mental Budgeting Behavior Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior
Mohammad Nazaripour -
Open Access Article
1490 - Providing a model of sustainability reporting with the foundation data theory approach in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
Reza Mahmoudi Ghodrat Allah Talebnia Hamidreza Vakilifard Faegh Ahmadi Khosrow Moradi Shahdadi -
Open Access Article
1491 - Providing and analysis of green financing model of companies through the banking industry in establishing a sustainable environment
عباسعلی شیخ پرویز سعیدی ابراهیم عباسی آرش نادریان -
Open Access Article
1492 - The Impact of Foreign Exchange Reserve Management Dynamics and the Structure of Central Bank Interventions on Foreign Exchange Market Stabilization Using Gerton and Roper Theory
هادی محبوبی هوشنگ مومنی وصالیان مرجان دامن کشیده شهریار نصابیان -
Open Access Article
1493 - Qualitative model of consumer behavior in the of durable goods market (household goods) based on value theory
Bahman Naghdi Abdollah Naami Naser Azad Mohammad Nasrollahniya -
Open Access Article
1494 - Designing and explaining the indigenous model of empowerment in business-oriented non-governmental organizations
Norouz Hajibabaei Ali Akbar Rezae -
Open Access Article
1495 - Identify the Importance of Validation of Idea and Timing in the Success of Startups with an Emphasis on Financial Resource and Investment Planning
فریبا فتحی وحید رضا میرابی جلال حقیقت منفرد -
Open Access Article
1496 - Provide a brand affiliation model based on brand experience with customers of shopping malls and malls
Hamed Asl Roosta Abdollah Naami Abdolhamid Hajipoor Ahmad Sardari -
Open Access Article
1497 - Deductive logic as a paradigm of knowledge theory in Mulla Sadra and Descartes’s philosophical systems
hassan rahbar -
Open Access Article
1498 - Explanation of the most consistent pattern of Sadra's existence Gradation with MullaSadra's epistemological foundations based on grounded theory
zohre zarei Qudratollah qorbani rasoul rasoulpour Mohamad saeedimehr -
Open Access Article
1499 - Comparison of Allameh Tabatabai and Naeini's views on the Correspondent relation (Reflections on the Correspondence theory in Islamic philosophy)
roohollah daraei Akram khalili Nosh Abady -
Open Access Article
1500 - Kant and the general of interested- aesthetic judgments
ًRozita Rashedi Mohammad Shokry Ali Moradkhani -
Open Access Article
1501 - Applying Popper's Theory of the Three Worlds on the Ontology of Memes
Ahmad reza Moradian Ali abadi Hadi Samadi Alireza Mansouri reza Azizinezhad -
Open Access Article
1502 - The Theory of Dialogical Self and its Place Concerning Religious Experience
قدرت الله قربانی Pegah Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
1503 - Realism in Art as Essential Imitation from the Perspective of Avicenna
Seyyedeh Houra Mousavi S.Habib Mousavi Majid Abulghasemzadeh -
Open Access Article
1504 - Ibn Hazm's Moderating faith; the method to gain Religious Beliefs
Mohammd Reza Moradi Ali Reza Jalali Ghorban Elmi Mohammad Hosein Mahdawinezhad -
Open Access Article
1505 - Requirements of theory of derivations in political philosophy and global peace
Rohallah Modami Mosa Malayeri -
Open Access Article
1506 - Foundations of Reformed Epistemology and the mesure of Reid`s Influence
Abbas Yazdani Hosein ali Nasrollahi -
Open Access Article
1507 - A survey on possibility of an Intelligible Relation between “Conceptual Scheme” and “Empirical Content”
Meisam Mohammad amini -
Open Access Article
1508 - The echo of the Islamic Revolution in Nigeria based on broadcast theory
mahmood alipour gorji Hadith Rahmati -
Open Access Article
1509 - Trump, overcoming institutionalism and challenging the status of "liberal hegemony" for the United States
Tajedin Salehiyan -
Open Access Article
1510 - the future of international order in 2030
ali asghar naeimi amir houshang mir kooshesh ali mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
1511 - The Feasibility of the Theory of Integration in the Analysis of European Crisis
Ebrahim Aghamohammadi -
Open Access Article
1512 - Expansion of Regional Organization’s Function: Case of NAFTA
Taha Akrami Ahmad Saburinejad Seyed Davoud Aghaei -
Open Access Article
1513 - Barack Obama's image of Iran based on image theory in international relations
Jalil Bayat seyed Mohammad Kazem Sajjadpour Mohammed Hossain Jamshidi Mohsen Islami -
Open Access Article
1514 - The Theoretical Foundations of the Alliance of NATO after the Cold War
Hosein Salimi Hassan Eyvazzadeh -
Open Access Article
1515 - Analytical Framework for Examining of Turkey and Israel Relations after Coming to Power of Justice and Development Party in Turkey (2002-2010)
Ardeshir Sanaie -
Open Access Article
1516 - The Explanation of the Eleventh Cabinet Nuclear Diplomacy in Iran by Applying the Decision-making Theory of Roseanau
Seyed Amir Niakoee Mohsen Zamani -
Open Access Article
1517 - What Drives Ranchers’ Intention to Conserve Rangelands: The Role of Environmental Concern (A Case Study of Angoshteh Watershed in Borujerd County, Iran)
Saeid Karimi Amir Saghaleini -
Open Access Article
1518 - Analyzing the approach of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Syrian crisis using the theory of resistance
Hasan Larti Hamed Mohagheghnia Rohollah Shahabinia Lena Abdolkhani -
Open Access Article
1519 - Transcendent Wisdom: Foundations of the Social Sciences
Mohammad Pezeshgi -
Open Access Article
1520 - Presentation of a Brand Equity Model Influenced by Social Media Marketing Activities
Mohammad nafeii Leila andervazh Hamidreza saeednia -
Open Access Article
1521 - Human Resources Agility Model: An Analysis of Automotive After-Sales Services Companies in Iran
Farhad Tavakoli Moghadam Mir Ali Sayyednaghavi Ali Reza Eslambolchi Mohammad Reza Rabiee Mondajin Rabiee Mondajin -
Open Access Article
1522 - Designing a model for the effectiveness of banking advertising by using the Grounded theory method (Case study: Bank Day branches in Tehran
sadaf khanbolooki Ali Asghar Eyvazi Heshmat Rasoul Sanavifard alireza aghayousefi -
Open Access Article
1523 - Develop a model of a professional organization in the National Iranian Oil Company with an emphasis on improving performance
Mahsa Noroozi Mashaallah valikhani karamollah daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1524 - Presenting a team entrepreneurial passion model in accelerators using a grounded theory qualitative method
elham irannejadparizi kambiz talebi jahangir yadollahi farsi hamideh reshadatjoo -
Open Access Article
1525 - Designing a process model for Content Marketing aimed at strengthening the intention to buy customers of the retail industry focusing on social media
shiva ghavami lahiji Vahidreza Mirabi Mahdi Bagheri Serajalddin Mohebbi -
Open Access Article
1526 - Identifying Operational, Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Consequences of Brand Schizophrenia: Grounded Theory Approach
Hamid Tahmasebifard Bahram kheiri Mandan Momeni -
Open Access Article
1527 - Exploring the model of dark side of marketing with focusing on materialism based on a grounded theory model
Sayyed Farhang Abroomandi Bahram Kheiri Ahmad Vedadi -
Open Access Article
Seyed Ahmad Modir ghomi Tahmorec Sohrabi Zadallah Fathi -
Open Access Article
1529 - Providing a fuzzy AHP and fuzzy DEMATEL approach in order to rank branding effective factors based on grounded theory
Esa Fahim Mojtaba Purslemi Ali Hosein zadeh Mohammad Ghasemi namaghi -
Open Access Article
1530 - Providing a Model for Successful launching enablers in Small and Medium Enterprises through the grounded Theory
Zahra aghelfadiheh esmail hasanpour vahid reza mirabi mahdi bagheri -
Open Access Article
1531 - The model of strategies for enhancing service motivation in the public sector: Stimulus for improving the business environment
Naghi Zehi Mojtaba Ramazani Seiied Abdollah Hojjati Jafar Beikzad -
Open Access Article
1532 - Problems and strategies for implementing social welfare policies Using Grounded Theory
mehdi faghani Ali Ali Mehdi zade Ashrafi Toraj Mojibi Ahmad Meydari Nilofar ImanKhan -
Open Access Article
1533 - Designing a social media marketing model for chain stores based on brand equity from a consumer perspective
soniya behzadinasab Leila Andervazh Ebrahim albonaiemi -
Open Access Article
1534 - Designing the Sustainability Model for Family Businesses
Reza Fadaei keivani Mohamad azizi Ali badizadeh -
Open Access Article
1535 - Investigation of Mean-variance efficiency frontier patterns of portfolios under possible theory
Behnaz Ghadimi Mehrzad Minouei Gholamreza Zomorodian Mirfeiz Fallah -
Open Access Article
1536 - Bank branches performance evaluation with DEA and cooperative game theory approach
Mahdieh Akhbari Marzieh Mozafari Zahra Abodollahi -
Open Access Article
1537 - Investigating the effect of emotional factors on consumer reaction to online shopping with the mediating role of Rational choice theory
Donya Bavi soheila zarin jouy alvar Shahin راز -
Open Access Article
1538 - Antecedents and Consequences of Individual Investors' Behavior in the Iranian Capital Market Relying on Neural Financial Aspects: A Mixed Approach
morteza maryami yaghoubian ali najafi moghadam Farideh Haghshenas Kashani bita nasrolahi -
Open Access Article
1539 - Presenting the ideal public policy model in the Tax Organization of Iran
Hamze Asadpour Ali Reza Amir Kabiri Mohammad Reza Rabiee Mandjin -
Open Access Article
1540 - Identify the dimensions of the business system in the re-engineering model in the public banking industry with emphasis on customer orientation
Mohsen Fallah Farideh haghshenaskashani Ali Rezaeian -
Open Access Article
1541 - Paradimic model of customer satisfaction in the bread industry
setareh Nikian Ebrahim Albonaiemi Leila Andervazh -
Open Access Article
1542 - Identification of effective factors on green marketing using the grounded theory method in the hotel industry
Majid Alizadeh Sina Nematizadeh Hasan Esmaeilpour -
Open Access Article
1543 - Explain a Service Quality Model with Emphasizing on Customer Satisfaction in the Restaurant Industry with Grounded Theory Approach
Abolghasem Ahmadi Azam Rahimi nik Mandan Momeni -
Open Access Article
1544 - Designing and Explaining the Marketing Intelligence Model based on the New Product Development in Iran's Automotive Industry
nika habibi azam rahiminik FARIDEH HAGHSHENAS KASHANI -
Open Access Article
1545 - Providing a comprehensive model for taxable income expressed by companies from different perspectives
Aliasghar mottaghi Nabi Najafi ahmad mohammady -
Open Access Article
1546 - Structural model of consumer behavior of durable consumer goods (household appliances)
بهمن نقدی Abdullah Naami naser azad mohammad nasrollahniya -
Open Access Article
1547 - The public sector accounting system
saeid balanejad خسرو فغانی ماکرانی jamadroudi gorganli -
Open Access Article
1548 - Optimizing the investment portfolio using cumulative prospect theory based on elliptic two-point distribution
بهزاد ملک زاده لیلی نگار خسروی پور -
Open Access Article
1549 - Designing and Validating the Structural Model of Factors Affecting Risk Appetite Based on the Grounded Theory Paradigm
Milad Nikkhah Mehdi Beshkooh Hossein kazemi -
Open Access Article
1550 - Earnings management, Audit fees and abnormal tone of language in managers' reports
Mahdi saghafi AliAkbar Nonahal Nahr Azam Pouryousof -
Open Access Article
1551 - The Relationship between Earning Management and Debt
Bahman Banimahd Abdolreza Arab Ameri -
Open Access Article
1552 - The Evaluation of the Static Trade-off Theory in Capital Structure
Hashem Nikoomaram Fereydoon Rahnama Roodposhty Arefeh Moshefi -
Open Access Article
1553 - Modeling of Audit Production Efficiency based on the Business Risk Audit Approach
Shoeyb Rostami OstadKelayeh MohammadAli Aghaei Kumars Biglar -
Open Access Article
1554 - The Effect of Personality Type and Professional ethics on Auditors' Ability to Detect Fraud Using the Theory of Planned Behavior by theRole of Professional Skepticism
Leyla Alizadegan Mahmoud SamadiLargani Mohsen Imeni -
Open Access Article
1555 - The Relationship between Financial Leverage Replacement Use in Financial Structure and Tax Avoidance
محمد حسین ستایش فهیمه ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
1556 - Segment Report Patterning in Iranian Banking Sector
سید علی اکبر میرعمادی جواد رضازاده بهروز خدارحمی -
Open Access Article
1557 - Application of Market Timing Theory and Nonlinear Relation of Revised Pecking Order Theory to Corporate Capital Structure
Amin Heydari Mahmoud Hemmat far Mohammad Hassan Janani -
Open Access Article
1558 - An Analysis of Auditors Capability on Fraud Detection Using the Planned Behavior Theory Perspective: the Impact of Auditors Experience and Personality Type with Respect to the Role of Professional Skepticism
Leila Alizadegan Mahmoud Samadi Largani Mohsen Imeni -
Open Access Article
1559 - Developing a Model for Audit Documentation Quality based on Grounded Theory Approach
زهرا حمصیان کاشانی زهره حاجیها حسین جهانگیرنیا رضا غلامی جمکرانی -
Open Access Article
1560 - Internationalization with a Networking Approach Is an Efficient Approach in the Development of Food Industry Businesses
mohamadreza parvazimoghadam davood samari -
Open Access Article
1561 - Designing a Structural Model of Indigenous Factors Affecting Behavioral Management Accounting
Farshid Yazdani Arefeh Mohaghegh Naghi Fazeli -
Open Access Article
1562 - Sociological Analysis of Accounting Theories
Zahra Madahi Reza Gholami Jamkarani Majid Zakjirdat Hassan Kheiri -
Open Access Article
1563 - Designing a Model for the Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards No. (17(
مهدی اسکافی اصل فرزانه حیدر پور -
Open Access Article
1564 - Formulate and Explain the Model of Effective Factors of Integrated Reporting
Akbar Givkey Mansour Garkaz Mehdi Safari Grayli alireza matoufi -
Open Access Article
1565 - Social needs of cancer caregivers: Facet theory
mohadese fahimi aliabad fariba Zarani Ebrahim Alizade -
Open Access Article
1566 - Diagnosis of Liver Cancer by Fuzzy Kmeans Clustering Based on Evidence Theory
Babak Fouladi Nia Abbas Karimi Faraneh Zarafshan Manochehr Kazemi -
Open Access Article
1567 - Robust Model for Networked Control System with Packet Loss
Mohsen Jahanshahi Sayyid Mohsen Houshyar Amir Reza Zare Bidaki3 -
Open Access Article
1568 - A Novel Method to Increase the Power Capacity of Transmission Lines Using Transformerless Static Synchronous Series Compensator
Mohammad Ghorbani Ali Zarein Ali Mosallanejad -
Open Access Article
1569 - Satellite Attitude Control by using Back Steeping and Feedback Linearization Methods
Saeid Rafi Mahdi Siahi Ruhollah Barzamini -
Open Access Article
1570 - Investigation of the economic obstacles of development in ilam province
rozan piri roza karampour majid kaffashi -
Open Access Article
1571 - A review of the factors of sustainability reporting systems with an economic development approach
Saeed Anwar Khatibi -
Open Access Article
1572 - Qualitative study of the effect of modernization on youth role confusion
Morteza najimi Masome Esmaeili Ebrahim Naeimi -
Open Access Article
1573 - The sociological analysis of people interpretation from Family life changes (case study: Marivan city)
Ako kohnapooshi Alireza kaldi Seyed Mohammad Seyedmirzaie -
Open Access Article
1574 - Paradigm analysis of the production-oriented policies in Iranian oil & gas industry and the impacts on the local communities (Case of Study: Darkhovein local inhabitant)
Shahram Farzi mansor vosooghi -
Open Access Article
1575 - The lived experience of couples with fetal sex selection for non- medical reasons
Farangis Mojarad Takestani Seyed Mohammad Seyedmirzaie reza Omani-Samani Alireza Kaldi -
Open Access Article
1576 - Analysis of the novels of jazireh sargardani and Sarban sargardan with interpretive theory
bagher gheshlaghi Hosein A.Tanhaei Jamshid Mesbahipoor Iranian -
Open Access Article
1577 - Causes and Consequences of Out-of-Marriage Relations (Case Study: Women in Rafsanjan)
reza akbari afsaneh tavassoli bahram ghadimi -
Open Access Article
1578 - The duality of social hope and despair in the twelfth government Examining the factors, background and consequences
Jalil Mokhtar Mansour Hagigatiyan mohammadali chitsaz -
Open Access Article
1579 - Sociological analysis of elder abuse (Emphasizing the phenomenon of aging in Tehran)
mohamadreza ranjbar mohamadi Seyyed Naser Hejazi mohammadali chitsaz -
Open Access Article
1580 - Designing Social Policy Strategies in Issues and Crises of the Social Security Organization of Iran
gholam hossein agahi ali jafari ashab habib zadeh Mohammad Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1581 - A Reevaluation of Legitimacy of Supererogation Operations in the Light of Right Entitlement Theory
Vahid Aboulmali Alhoseyni Hamed ghuchani Pour -
Open Access Article
1582 - Dependence structure and portfolio risk in Iran exchange market by using GARCH-EVT-Copula method
Farhad Ghaffari sahar fathi -
Open Access Article
1583 - Developing the Financial Literacy Education Model in Iran using the Grounded Theory Approach
Fatemeh Kazempour dizaji mohammadhamed khanmohammadi Mahmoud Moeinuddin -
Open Access Article
1584 - Intangibles disclosure: A user-based approach to enhanced external financial reporting
Akbar Dalirian mehdi meshki fazel mohammadi nodeh sina kheradyar -
Open Access Article
1585 - Risk modeling of financing structure according to probabilistic decision theory through ANP
Hamidreza Iravani Hamidreza Kordlouie Freydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti Narges Yazdanian -
Open Access Article
1586 - The assessment of extreme value theory and Copula - Garch models in prediction of value at risk and the expected short fall in portfolio Investment Company in Tehran stock exchange.
ali alizadeh Mirfeiz Fallah -
Open Access Article
1587 - Evaluating corporate Risk Management using entropy weight and grey relation analysis
Frydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti mohammad norouzi hady aminy Farhad Azizi -
Open Access Article
1588 - The Presentation of a Model for Product Design and Development Process based on the Smart Economy Paradigm in the Banking Industry
mahdi soltani njad kiamars fathihafshjani gholamreza hashemzadehKhorasgani , AbouTorab Alirezaei -
Open Access Article
1589 - Impact of applying technology of digital currency on searching and bargaining costs towards resistance economy
maryam Farzanehrafat amir gholami Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1590 - Analysis of Cost and Asset Retrenchment Strategy on Corporates’ Financial Turnaround: Rent Creation Theory and System Dynamics Modeling
Mostafa Beheshti Seresht Mohammad Ali Dehghan Dehnavi Ali Naghi Mashayekhi Meysam Amiry -
Open Access Article
1591 - Strategy of Data Foundation Theory Method with Coding Method and Paradigm Model of Strauss and Corbin to Provide a Model for Accelerating the Cooperation of Macro-Corporate with Micro-Businesses
Vahid Bekhradi Nasab -
Open Access Article
1592 - A model for predicting stock price reaction delays based on grounded theory
kyvan faramarzi jamal bahrisales Saeed Jabbarzadeh Kangarlouie ali ashtab -
Open Access Article
1593 - Cost behavior analysis based on chaos theory
Azizollah Rangraz basaligheh Fereydoon rahnamaroodposhti Fazel Mohammadi Nodeh sina Kheradyar -
Open Access Article
1594 - Economic and non-economic consequences of corporate social responsibility: Application of Grounded Theory Approach
Sayyed Mehran Taghavi Mahdi Karimizand Vahidreza Mirabi -
Open Access Article
1595 - Designing a credit portfolio optimization model in the banking industry using a meta-innovative algorithm
ali asghar tehrani poor Ebrahim Abbasi Hosein Didehkhani arash naderian -
Open Access Article
1596 - The effect of behavioral factors based on prospect theory on the explanatory power of Fama and French five-factor model
hamzeh hosseinpour Ahmad Khodamipour Omid Pourheidari -
Open Access Article
1597 - Cryptocurrencies as a source of value
mohamad mahdi nasiri mohammadreza Kashfy Nishaburi -
Open Access Article
1598 - Provide a model for identifying the factors affecting the instabilityof the Tehran Stock Exchange based on the Grounded theory
hossein hashemnezhad Khadijeh Ebrahimi Mehdi Safari Graili -
Open Access Article
1599 - Market failure using the basket recommended by the Coalition
Peyman Tataei fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti -
Open Access Article
1600 - Evolutionary 4-Objective Optimization Portfolio Algorithms for fuzzy and non-fuzzy selection
Mohammad javad Salimi Mohammad Taghi Taqhavi Fard Mirfeiz Fallahshams Hadi Khajezadeh Dezfuli -
Open Access Article
1601 - Applying Random Matrix Theory Approach for Making Portfolio Enable to Beat the Market
N.S. Safavi Mobarhana Gholamreza Jafari Ali Saeedi -
Open Access Article
1602 - Investment portfolio optimization using value at risk under credibility theory with Z-numbers approach
Amirsina Jirofti Amirabbas Najafi -
Open Access Article
1603 - Smart Buying and Selling System Design Based on a Model Consisting of a Support Vector Machine Algorithm and Theory of Trend Channel
Shapoor Mohammadi Seyyed Ali Mousavi Sarhadi Mohammad Nooribakhsh -
Open Access Article
1604 - Portfolio optimization in an upside potential and downside risk (UPM-LPM) framework
ali saleh abadi Mohsen Sayar Mojtaba Shahryari -
Open Access Article
1605 - Statistical ranking of different VaR and ES models by using Model Confidence Set approach for the banking industry: With an emphasis on Conditional Extreme Value Theory
Alireza Saranj marziyeh nourahmadi -
Open Access Article
1606 - Developing a Fuzzy Multibjective Model for Multiperiod Portfolio Optimazation Considering Average Value at Risk
Amir Shiri Ghehi Hosein Didehkhani kaveh Khalili Damghani parviz Saeedi -
Open Access Article
1607 - Estimating Extreme downside risk premium using Extreme Value Theory Approach
Maryam Davallou Mahdiyeh Dashti -
Open Access Article
1608 - Optimal Currency Portfolio of Foregin Exchange Reserves in the Central Bank of I. R. Iran (Post-Modern Portfolio Approach)
Saeed Daei-Karimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1609 - Optimizing Portfolio through Extreme Value Theory in Tehran Stock Exchange
Afsaneh Sina Mirfeiz Fallahshams -
Open Access Article
1610 - Exploring Herding Behavior based on Weighted Cross-Sectional Variance (WCSV) in Tehran Stock Exchange
akram sadat sadati MohammasdEbrahim Aghababaei -
Open Access Article
1611 - Futures Contracts Margin Setting by CVaR Approach Based on Extreme Value Theory
mirFeyz Fallahshams ali Saghafi alireza naserpoor -
Open Access Article
1612 - Presenting a fuzzy multi objective model for portfolio selection based on value at risk, semi-skewness and fuzzy credibility theory
Hosein Didehkhani Saeid Hojjatiastani -
Open Access Article
1613 - Reference Points, Stock’s Major Historical Highs and Lows and Volume: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange
Gholamhosein Asadi Seyed Amirhosein Emami -
Open Access Article
1614 - VAR and ES calculation based on the Extreme Value Theory (block maxima and GPD): Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)
Mansour Kashi S. Hassan Hoseini mohammad Mousa Ghaliliou saeed Golkarian Arani -
Open Access Article
1615 - Measurement conditional value at risk based on FIGARCH-EVT method at Tehran stock Exchange
mohammadreza Lotfalipour Mahdiyeh Nosrati abolfazl Ghadiri Moghaddam Mahdi Filsaraei -
Open Access Article
1616 - The effect of chaos theory on creating fundamental changes in the principles of economics
Zohre Mohammadi Mohsen Ghadami -
Open Access Article
1617 - Estimation of Value at Risk with Extreme Value Theory approach and using Stochastic Differential Equation
Amir Shafiee reza raei Hossein Abdoh Tabrizi saeed falahpor -
Open Access Article
1618 - When Behavioral Portfolio Theory meets mean-variance frontier
mohammad sajjad moghaddam Fereydon Ohadi -
Open Access Article
1619 - The Relationship between Ethical Theories and Ethical Behavior in Auditors' Judgments
حسین رجب دری حمیدرضا وکیلی فرد حجت الله سالاری علی امیری -
Open Access Article
1620 - The Effect of Using Ganiyeh Model on Improving the Levels of Theory of Mind and Problem Solving in Deaf Students
Fatemeh Sadat Sadat Mehrizi Saeed Mazbouhi Hamidreza Maghami -
Open Access Article
1621 - Effects of using the Gagne model on improving the theory of mind and problem-solving levels of Deaf students.
Fatemeh Sadat Sadat Mehrizi Saeed Mazbouhi Hamidreza Maghami -
Open Access Article
1622 - Designing a Resilience Pattern for Students of Higher Education Institutions in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic (Based on Grounded Theory Approach)
Targol Darabi Mehdi Shariatmadari amir hossein mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
1623 - Developing Performance Standards for Faculty Members based on Grounded Theory: Presenting a Model
Masoumeh Mirzakhani ََAmir Hossein Mahmoodi Maryam Mosleh -
Open Access Article
1624 - A ($2-\varepsilon$)-approximation ratio for vertex cover problem on special graphs
N. Yekezare M. Zohrehbandian M. Maghasedi -
Open Access Article
1625 - Application of Stochastic Optimal Control, Game Theory and Information Fusion for Cyber Defense Modelling
Maryam Mohaghegh Tabar Ali Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
1626 - Using Integer Programming to Rough Set Based Feature Selection: An Approach to Find All Reducts Respectively
Seyed Majid Alavi -
Open Access Article
1627 - General Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Protocols with Chemotherapy
Amine Moustafid -
Open Access Article
1628 - Pseudo-Triangular Entropy of Uncertain Variables: An Entropy-Based Approach to Uncertain Portfolio Optimization
Seyyed Hamed Abtahi Gholamhossein Yari Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Rahman Farnoosh -
Open Access Article
1629 - Partial pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain random variables with application to portfolio risk management
Seyyed Hamed Abtahi -
Open Access Article
1630 - Using Fuzzy Interest Rates for Uncertainty Modelling in Enhanced Annuities Pricing
Mahboubeh Aalaei -
Open Access Article
1631 - Estimation of Multi-Component Reliability Parameter in a Non-identical-Component Strengths System Under Dependency of Stress and Strength Components
Akram Kohansal -
Open Access Article
A. Yadav J. Dash M. Padhee S. Bhattacharya -
Open Access Article
Deepak C. Pandey Arun K. Pal -
Open Access Article
M. Mansouri Kaleibar S. Daneshvar -
Open Access Article
F. Sotoude Vanoliya A. Pourdarvish Heydari -
Open Access Article
1636 - Veneration of Teachers: Designing a Model and Explanation through Grounded Theory
parisa abdipour ali maghool Moslem Ghobadian Fatemeh Jafarkhani -
Open Access Article
1637 - Designing a Model of Life Skills in Planning the Lesson of the First Year of Secondary School (Case Study of Khuzestan Province)
Mojtaba Moazami Khadijeh Hossini -
Open Access Article
1638 - Simulation and investigation of the optical properties of yttrium carbide Yn+1Cn (n =1, 2, and 3) Nano-MXenes
Amir Aliakbari Peiman Amiri Zeynab Amoudeh -
Open Access Article
1639 - Criticism of correspondence theory from the viewpoints of Suhrawardi and Heidegger
kazem hani -
Open Access Article
1640 - DFT/NBO Analysis of Interaction between 4-hydroxycoumarin and Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Pistachio
Azar Bagheri -
Open Access Article
1641 - A theoretical study on interactions between Berberine as an anticancer drug and DNA
Aiyoub Parchehbaf Jadid Leila Zarefatin Leila Javadi -
Open Access Article
1642 - The effect of political institutions on economic growth b through exchange rate misalignment (game theory approach)
Hajar Mostafaee Morteza Sameti mostafa rajabi -
Open Access Article
1643 - Energy sector strategies based on resistance economic approach
Hossein Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1644 - The effect of macroeconomic variables on total efficiency of the securities market Approach using state - space
A. Hortamani M. Karimkhani M. Abdoli -
Open Access Article
1645 - Analysis of Wheat Crop Cost Structure Using Translog Function"A Case of Kurdistan Province"
E. Pourmokhtar H. Ghaderzadeh -
Open Access Article
1646 - Presenting a model for the implementation of fintech in the banking industry of Iran
Mohammad Gholami Majid Zanjirdar Peyman Ghafari Ashtiani Gholam Ali Haji -
Open Access Article
1647 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Compare Financial Statements
Babak Jamshidinavid Maryam Mansouri -
Open Access Article
1648 - Comparison of the Power of Explaining Theory of Clean Surplus and Prospect Theory in Companies Listed of Tehran Stock Exchange
Afshin Badiei Saeid Ali Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1649 - Presenting native model for the development of the country's banking industry: qualitative analysis based on grounded theorizing
Fazlullah Hadizadeh Fazel Mohammadi Nodeh Mojtaba Afsharian -
Open Access Article
1650 - The Effect of Momentum on the Disposition Effect and Expected Stock Returns in the Framework of Prospect Theory and Mental Accounting Theory
Mahshid Allami Afsane Soroshyar -
Open Access Article
1651 - winner stock momentum in Iran
Mehdi Elhaei Sahar Rezvan Hejazi Allah Karam Salehi Hossein Moltafet -
Open Access Article
1652 - Developing a model to improve the credit of companies based on financial reporting and social responsibilities
Dariush Ghorbani Mostafa Ghasemi Abdolreza Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1653 - Future studies the role of factors determining of managers' fraud through the use of the fraud diamond model
Ehsan Saadati Shohreh Yazdani Mohammadhamed Khanmohammadi Davoud Gorjizadeh -
Open Access Article
1654 - Experimental test of contingency theory and political economy: development of a model to explain the impact of the main factors of development on the effectiveness of management accounting techniques
Saeed Khodayareyeganeh Zahra Pourzamani Azita Jahanshad RamazanAli Royaei -
Open Access Article
1655 - Theoretical and experimental study of Imidazolium Ionic Liquid Effect on the Corrosion Inhibition of 316-Stainless Steel, Using Electrochemical Test Methods and Quantum Mechanics Theories
Reza Safari ALI EHSANI Hamid Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1656 - A Review on Biological Analysis of of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory on the Origin of Cellular Life on Earth
Naeimeh Shibaei -
Open Access Article
1657 - The Qur'anic Intratextuality in Two Types of Revelatory and Allusive in The Magamate Hamidi Based on The Theory of Genette
Abbas Soltanpour Hamid Reza farzi Ali Dehqan -
Open Access Article
1658 - Sociological Analysis of Azarbaijani Folkloric Discourse based on the Story Gachak Nabi and Current Proverbs from the View Point of Critical Way of related Discourse
Rasool Babazadeh Habibollah Zanjani Sayfollah Sayfollahi -
Open Access Article
1659 - The Analysis of Hegemonic Flow of Shamloo's Poetry and Thoughts with the Function of the Discourse Theory of Ernesto Laclau
Kaveh Abbasi Jalil Tajlil Farhad Tahmasebi Abdolhossein Farzad -
Open Access Article
1660 - The Analysis of a Selection of African – American Poet Phillis Wheatley's Political-Ethical Poetry Based on the Reasoning Theory of Stephen Edleston Toulmin
Vida Sabzvari Bidokhti Saeed Roozbehani Abolghassem Amir Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1661 - شبیهسازی میکروکپسولهای تقویتشده توسط نانولولههای کربنی موجود در مواد خودترمیم پایه کپسولی
جعفر اسکندریجم فاطمه خانی محمود فرهادینیا -
Open Access Article
1662 - Dynamic Instability Analysis of Embedded Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes under Combined Static and Periodic Axial Loads using Floquet–Lyapunov Theory
Habib Ramezannejad Hemad Keshavarzpour Reza Ansari -
Open Access Article
1663 - Structural Analysis of Unsymmetric Laminated Composite Timoshenko Beam Subjected to Moving Load
Mohammad Javad Rezvani -
Open Access Article
1664 - Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Micro Beam with Piezoelectric Based on Modified Couple Stress Theory and Surface Effects
Mohammad khajekhabaz Ali Eftekhari Mohammad Hashemian -
Open Access Article
1665 - Dynamic stability analysis of functionally graded Euler-Bernoulli nanobeams under a sequence of moving nanoparticle based on nonlocal elasticity theory
Rahman Khanahmadi Mohammad Hashemian Mostafa Pirmoradian -
Open Access Article
1666 - ارتعاش آزاد ورق دایرهای سوراخدار تقویت شده با نانولولههای کربنی چند جداره مستقر بر بستر الاستیک با استفاده از تئوری بهبود یافته
مسعود رضایی حمید محسنی منفرد سید علیرضا مهاجرانی -
Open Access Article
1667 - تحلیل رفتار ارتعاشات غیر خطی نانولوله های کربنی چندلایه در محیط حرارتی با استفاده از مدل غیرموضعی تیر تیموشنکو
ابوالحسن نظری نژاد گیاشی رضا انصاری حبیب رمضان نژاد آزاربنی -
Open Access Article
1668 - مدلسازی استاتیکی غیرخطی ورق هدفمند تابعی نسبتاً ضخیم با استفاده از روش آزادسازی دینامیکی
محمدجواد محمودی وحید محلوجی -
Open Access Article
1669 - تحلیل خیز صفحات چهار گوش FGM براساس تئوری کلاسیک صفحات به روش کانتروویچ توسعه یافته
محمد مهدی نجفی زاده مجید علوی فؤاد سلماسی شیما آذری -
Open Access Article
1670 - آنالیز خمش نانولوله های دارای انحنای اولیهی تعبیه شده بر روی بستر الاستیک بر مبنای تئوری الاستیسیته غیرمحلی و روش گالرکین
اعظم عارفی محمود سلیمی -
Open Access Article
1671 - تحلیل پایداری دینامیکی ارتعاشات عرضی تیر تحت عبور متوالی جرم-های متحرک
مصطفی پیرمرادیان -
Open Access Article
1672 - تحلیل خمش صفحات ساندویچی کامپوزیتی بر اساس تئوری تغییر شکل برشی مرتبه اول با استفاده از روش مربعات دیفرانسیلی تعمیم یافته و هارمونیک
مصطفی یزدانی اعظم قاسمی محمد هدایتی -
Open Access Article
1673 - Analysis of Bending and Buckling of Circular Porous Plate Using First-Order Shear Deformation Theory
A.R. Yadegari Naeini Yadegari Naeini A. Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1674 - تحلیل کمانش ورقهای مستطیلی مواد مدرج تابعی تحت شرایط مرزی اختیاری
متین لطیفی فاطمه فرهت نیا محمود کدخدائی -
Open Access Article
1675 - بررسی ارتعاش تیر ضخیم تابعی مدرج تحت نیروی محوری براساس تئوری دو بعدی الاستیسیته و روش مربعات تفاضلی تعمیم یافته
حسین فراهانی فرزان براتی محمد نجاتی حمید باتمانی -
Open Access Article
1676 - تحلیل انتشار موج محوری در نانولولههایکربنی ثابت و متحرک حاوی سیال
سهیل اویسی حسن نحوی داود طغرایی -
Open Access Article
1677 - ارتعاشات دو صفحه گرافنی حاوی ذره، کوپل شده توسط محیط الاستیک بر اساس تئوری های کلاسیک و میندلین با در نظر گرفتن اثرات سطح
محمد هاشمیان -
Open Access Article
1678 - designing the model of the effects of implementing Environmental Management Accounting and Environmental Strategy on the performance of companies by Grounded Theory
محمد حسین ستایش ُُSayyed Amin Alamshah -
Open Access Article
1679 - Presenting a mathematical model based on game theory to maximize profit in closed loop supply chain
Feraidoun Lotfollahi yagoub Alavi matin sahar khoshfetrat Mohammad paseban ali bafandeh -
Open Access Article
1680 - Identification and Conceptualization of Dynamic Capabilities for Business Model Adaptation in ICT Industry
Arman Deilami Azodi seyed hamid khodadad Hosseini asadolah kordnaeij asghar moshabaki -
Open Access Article
1681 - Strategic Value Creation Model through Social Interactions in Project-Base Organizations
Open Access Article
1682 - Presentation and Validation of Compensation Model with Productivity Approach (Case Study: Bank Melli Iran)
Mohsen Mohammadbagheri akbar etebarian khorasgani Faezeh Taghipour -
Open Access Article
1683 - A Model for International Joint Venture Strategy Implementation (Evidence from Iranian Auto Industry)
nader mazlooni HOSAIN RAHMANDOST mahdi haghighi kafash sahar ahmadi partovi -
Open Access Article
1684 - Designing Strategic Control Model in Bunkering Industry
vahid khashei Amirhossein Tayebi Abolhasani -
Open Access Article
1685 - Presentation of a Knowledge Sharing Model Using a Knowledge Management Approach (Case Study: Audit Institutes in Tehran City)
Khodakaram Ansari Allah Karam Salehi Houshang Amiri -
Open Access Article
1686 - Applying Concept of Rough Set Theory with Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods to Evaluate and Select the Most Appropriate Maintenance Strategy
Mohammad Sabet Motlagh -
Open Access Article
1687 - Designing a Smart Specialization Model for Innovation Development in the Provinces of Iran: Case Study of East Azerbaijan Province
mahdi pakzad seyed sepehr ghazi noori mahdi mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1688 - Examining the Representation Model of Managers in Strategic Foresight Using Raugh Set theory
Mohammad Ehsan Souri Morteza Soltanee bahman hajipour Hamidreza Yazdani -
Open Access Article
1689 - Designing a Paradigm Model for Green Human Resource Management Using Data-Based Method (Case Study; Municipality of Mashhad)
Open Access Article
1690 - Strategic Analysis of Mobile Value Added Services (M-VAS) Market in Iran Using the System Dynamics Approach
Mohammad Ali Valafar naser hamidi mahmood alborzi Seyed Javad Iranban Fard -
Open Access Article
1691 - The Acquisition Model of Advanced IT Technology based on the Grounded Theory
mehdi karimipour Amir bayat tork Amir Najafi -
Open Access Article
1692 - Strategic Shared Leadership Model in Manufacturing Knowledge – Based Companies
Amir Nikkar mohamad haghighi Mohammad Ali shahhoseini asadolah kordnaeij -
Open Access Article
1693 - Presenting the Value Creation Model in SMEs Accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange based on the Grounded theory
Sara monajem farzin rezaei AKBAR alem tabrizi -
Open Access Article
1694 - Contingency model of business portfolio analysis in holding companies
Mohammad Talari seyed hamid khodadad Hosseini Asadollah Kordnaiej Adel Azar -
Open Access Article
1695 - Designing the Strategy Implementation Model across Organizations following an Integrated Approach Based on Grounded Theory
alireza pirali mohamad taghi amini mohammad megdi parhizghar ali nourozi -
Open Access Article
1696 - Presenting the Conceptual Framework of Strategic Agility Based on Database Analysis Using Metacombination Method
sajad golchin Mohammad Hosein Ghanadanzadeh Reza Baniasad -
Open Access Article
1697 - Identifying the Components Affecting Customer Dissatisfaction in Order to Design Competitive Strategies to be Studied: Requested Video Platforms (VOD) in Iran
Nader Jafari Haftkhani, Abbas Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1698 - The Relationship between the Alignment of Information Technology and Business Strategy and the Organization’s Financial Performance
mazyar ganjoo Sohrab khalili shavereini mahmood alborzi seyed mohammad zargar -
Open Access Article
1699 - New Theory in Environmental Ethics: Truth Centrism or Right Oriented Environmental Ethics
Jalal Valiallahi -
Open Access Article
1700 - Formulating the Conceptual Framework of the "Right to the City" Theory by Exploring Lefebvre's Thoughts
pante a alipour kohi saeede alikaei Seyedeh Maryam Maddahzad -
Open Access Article
1701 - The impact of culture on social variables, comparative study of the concept of happiness in Tehran and Arzaneh
zohre kazemianpour nadergholi ghorchian -
Open Access Article
1702 - Presenting a Paradigm Model of Tourism Culture Using Grounded Theory method
Leila hamedi mohsen ameri shahrabi ABBASALI GHAIYOOMI -
Open Access Article
1703 - Identifying the Effective Factors on the Development of Transformation Strategies in Cultural Policy-Making in the University and Its Implementation Strategies (Case study: Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran)
Mohammadreza Ansari Fatemeh AzizabadiFarahani seyed Reza Salehi Amiri Mohsen Ghadami -
Open Access Article
1704 - A Framework for the Revolutionary Reconstruction of the Iran's Cultural Structure
reza gholami -
Open Access Article
1705 - The Critical Study of "American English File" Book
kolsoum yasamini ferdos aghagolzadeh -
Open Access Article
1706 - the design a career ethics model in Iran soccer premier league
hamidreza maleknia esfandiyar khosravizadeh حمید فروغی پور جمشید همتی -
Open Access Article
1707 - Qualitative Analysis of Encouraging Athletes to Purchase Iranian Sporting Goods: A Grounded Theory Study
مهداد نمازی مسعود ایمان زاده مهرداد محرم زاده -
Open Access Article
1708 - Developing a Model for the Role of Exercise in Leisure Time to Reduce Social Harms, Grounded Theory
Safdar Pornasrolah shahab bahrami hossein aydi -
Open Access Article
1709 - Designing a model for the development of sports participation of veterans and the disabled in the Islamic Republic of Iran
davod mehdinjad mahdi savadi hamidreza saybani -
Open Access Article
1710 - Developing the Paradigmatic Model of Sport for All in Islamic Azad University Based on Grounded Theory
جمشید همتی جواد طاهرزاده رسول نظری -
Open Access Article
1711 - Designing a Model for the Development of Environmental Sustainability of Sports in Iran
hassan taherkhani farydeh sharififar reza nikbakhsh -
Open Access Article
1712 - Qualitative Analysis of Encouraging Athletes to Purchase Iranian Sporting Goods: A Grounded Theory Study
mehdad namazi masuod emanzadeh mehrdad moharramzadeh -
Open Access Article
1713 - Qualitative Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Success of the Most Scored National Football Player in the World: A Case Study of Ali Daei
gholamreza jafari Hamid Foroghipour Reza Saboonchi -
Open Access Article
1714 - Designing a Professional Ethics Model for Iranian Premier League Football Clubs with Foundation Theory Approach
hamidreza maleknia esfandiyar khosravizadeh hamid foroghipoor jamshid hemmati -
Open Access Article
1715 - Designed by Iranian Professional Team Sports Club System
hojat kazemini zinat nikaeein ali zarei -
Open Access Article
1716 - Developing an Entrepreneurial Model with an Emphasis on Sports Tourism
jafar hidari mehdi savadi hamidreza saybani -
Open Access Article
1717 - Designing Model of Outsourcing of Sports Venues in the Country Based on Grounded Theory
bahador shirincheshmeh Farshad Emami shahram shafiee mohammad sanaie -
Open Access Article
1718 - TAPI: Prospects and Challenges
ghasem torabi raziyeh sanei -
Open Access Article
1719 - Woman as victim and terrorist: A reflection on the reasons for joining European women to ISIS
Yousof Qorashi Fatemeh Ahmadnejad -
Open Access Article
1720 - The role of internal factors, governing institutions and influential figures in the neoclassical realism approach of Iran's foreign policy
seyed mahmoud kamalara -
Open Access Article
1721 - Afghanistan’s Crisis Based on Michael Brecher’s Theory
mehrdad khademi amir hoshang mirkoshesh ahmad ashrafi -
Open Access Article
1722 - Explanation of Obstacles to the Realization of Silk from the Perspective of the Convergence Theory
Ghasem Torabi Raziye Saneie -
Open Access Article
1723 - America's Triple Approach, Support, Mediation and Intervention: Compare the New Egypt and Iran
Mahdi Habib Allahi Hosein Masoudnia -
Open Access Article
1724 - Analyzing the Components of Resource Utilization with a Risk Management Approach: A Grounded theory Research
Mina Sadeghzadeh Hossein Adab Mohammadali Keramati Zabiholah Hashemi -
Open Access Article
1725 - Identifying the Factors and Pattern of Financial Synergy through Iranian Banking Industry
Hamid Issazadeh Lazarjani Parviz Saeidi Maryam Bokharaeian Khorasani Jomadoordi Gorganli Davaji -
Open Access Article
1726 - The impact of place attachment on pro-environmental behavior in educational spaces based on Seamon's theory (Case study: Girls' schools in Urmia)
Furugh Mirzaalipour Razieh Labibzadeh Babak Motiei -
Open Access Article
1727 - presenting a predictive model of default risk of corporate clients of mellat bank , qualitative approach ( strauss and corbin )
Alireza Sephidpoushkhameneh yaghob pourkarim Rasoul Baradaran Hassanzadeh Mahdi Zeynali -
Open Access Article
1728 - Portfolio selection by multi-criteria fuzzy method with tripartite decision approach and cumulative prospect theory
Zahra Ahmadi Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi -
Open Access Article
1729 - The evolution of urban planning theory, post-structuralism paradigm and formulation of theory principles with an emphasis on effective consensus (difference): (Case study: Shiraz)
Somaye Roodaki Nima Mouhebati مهرنوش حسن زاده -
Open Access Article
1730 - Designing and Explaining the Model of Factors Affecting the Establishment of the Policies of Non-Governmental Organizations (SAMAN) in Sustainable National Development
seyedmohammadali Khamesi Ali Faez farshad faezirazi, -
Open Access Article
1731 - Identifying and ranking the capital structure index effective on evaluating financial performance in private banks
zahra fazeli Farzaneh Bikzadeh Abbasi سهیلا سردار -
Open Access Article
1732 - Presenting the outsourcing model of information and communication technology projects in municipalities with the approach of structural equations (Case study of Information and Communication Technology Organization of Shiraz Municipality)
mohsen gerami -
Open Access Article
1733 - Loose coupling theory and organizational structure analysis based on dialectical approach: a new approach in jihadi management and Islamic governance
sina shahidi محسن امینی خوزانی Azam Sarvi Meysam Arabzadeh -
Open Access Article
1734 - Investigating the social factors affecting the deviance of teenage girls (case of study: teenage girls o
shiva pourghazi علی اصغر عباسی اسفجیر ali rahmani firuozjah -
Open Access Article
1735 - Political sociology of political developments of the Qajar government from the point of view of Vilfredo Pareto's elite circulation theory
Ghasem Gol hoseini Manije Kazemi SHAHRZAD sasanpour Davood Ebrahimpoor -
Open Access Article
1736 - Game theory, a new approach to solving conflicts between stakeholders in the process of urban regeneration
Zeinab Baziar Behzad Malekpour Asl محمد سعید ایزدی -
Open Access Article
1737 - Presenting model audit report credibility: A qualitative approach
Masoud Kiani Deh Kiani Ali Jafari Maryam Farhadi -
Open Access Article
1738 - Investigating the Factors Influencing the Adoption of E-Commerce in Small and Medium-Sized Companies using the Push-Pull Framework
Seyed Reza Jalalzadeh Seyyed Mohammad Shahab Sadrosadat Mahsa Lotfiyan Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1739 - Watching Film Through Literary Theories: A Structuralist Reading of Rocky, Kickboxer, Kill Bill I & II, and Southpaw Movies
Zeinab Nasiripour -
Open Access Article
1740 - The role of parliamentary transparency in promoting governance
Reza Fathi Sayyed Rasool Aghadavood Mehraban Hadi Peykani -
Open Access Article
1741 - A New Approach to Management Accounting: The Initial Loose-Joint Model, Complementary Theoretical Frameworks, and the Operational Model of Loose-Joint Based on Cognitive, Cultural, and Normative Elements
Sina Shahidi Mohsen Amini Khouzani Azam Sarvi Meysam Arabzadeh Maryam Atarasadi -
Open Access Article
1742 - Designing a Multicultural Curriculum Model for Secondary Education, Based on Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory
Javad Keyhan dari kian -
Open Access Article
1743 - Identifying the dimensions, components and indicators of improving management skills of Metro Company managers and providing an appropriate model
Hamidreza Asad amirhosain mahmoodi baharak shirzad fatemeh hamidifar -
Open Access Article
1744 - Designing a knowledge sharing model among the employees of the organization (using the Grounded Theory Method and Interpretive Structural Modeling)
Ali Omidpanah Shahnaz Nayebzadeh Hassan Dehghandehnavi Hossein Eslami -
Open Access Article
1745 - Developing a model for the development of entrepreneurial culture in Farhangian University
Masihollah Bakhshi Jahromi mojtaba moazzami esmaeil kavousy Jafar Hosseinpour Saadatabadi -
Open Access Article
1746 - Identifying and Prioritizing the Components of Sustainable Human Resource Management Affecting the Development of Iran's Automotive Industry
Alireza Ahmadbeigi Masoud Ahmadi farshideh zameni -
Open Access Article
1747 - Transformative learning environment design: based on grounded theory
zahra vahidi kambiz poushaneh Ali Akbar Khosravi Babadi mahshid izadi -
Open Access Article
1748 - Developing a quality Pattern for Entrepreneurial schools in Vocational schools in Sari
Seyedeh Khadijeh Hashemi esmat masoudy nadoshan Zeynab Golzari -
Open Access Article
1749 - Identifying Infrastructural Factors in Designing Educational Quality Model in Elementary Level through Grounded Theory
Zomorrod Chenari Leyla Bahmaei Gholam Hossein Barekat -
Open Access Article
1750 - The Role of Choice Theory Components in Entrepreneurship through Structural Equation Technique
Ali Jafari Rouhallah Samiee Freydoon Azma Mohammad reza Saffarian Toosi -
Open Access Article
1751 - Designing a model for improving the management of education quality in Ahvaz schools
Leila Adabi Gholamhossein Barakat Leila Bahmaei -
Open Access Article
1752 - Presenting the model of informational justice in Iran's government education system
Zohre Sadat Ibn Shahid badri shahtalebi Mohammad ali Nadi -
Open Access Article
1753 - Morphic Field Theory in Language Learning
Rozita Zabihi Hasan Ahadi -
Open Access Article
1754 - Designing Framework for Policy Making whit Business Intelligence Approach in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology: Using the Grounded Theory
ahad benar ali rezaeiaian azizollah memariani ali moeini -
Open Access Article
1755 - Development and Validation of Sport Aggression Styles Inventory: An instrument based on Millon’s personality theory
S. Mohammadreza Alavizadeh Naser Qara Maleki Shahram Mami Jahansha Mohammadzadeh Vahid Ahmadi Somaye Entezari -
Open Access Article
1756 - The effect of the first elementary science education guide based on cognitive tools of imaginative education theory on the perception of classroom activities of first grade elementary students in Tehran
Zahra Sabet Jahromi Khadijeh Abolmaali Ali Hosseini Khah Mekrdad Sabet Kianoosh Hashemian -
Open Access Article
1757 - Standardization of women's function index in married women referring to psychological clinics
mahdie sadat nayeri Amene Sadat Kazemi Mansour Alimehdi -
Open Access Article
1758 - The Development, Evaluation, and Refinement of the Planning to Achieve Goals scale: Applying Graded Response Model of Item-Response Theory in Test Construction
mohammad ahmadi deh qutbaddini valiyohhah farzad -
Open Access Article
1759 - Normalization of Reading Comprehension Skills in Studentsof Ilam city
Zeynab Mihan Dost -
Open Access Article
1760 - Construction and Validation of a Scale responsible adult With an emphasis on Glasser's Choice Theory
Monireh Kordloo Hosein Kavianfar Masoomeh Bahrami -
Open Access Article
1761 - Standardization of Intrinsic Motivation for Free Study Scale
Nahid Hamldar Masood Geramipoor -
Open Access Article
1762 - Investigating the effective factors and consequences of the cultural citizen model and its validation
Majid Mohamad Semnani Hamid Davazdah Emami Mehrdad Sadeghi de cheshmeh -
Open Access Article
1763 - Designing Framework for Planning whit Business Intelligence Approach in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (A Qualitative Study Based on Grounded Theory)
ahad banar ali Rezaeian azizollah memariani ali moeini -
Open Access Article
1764 - Designing a model of factors affecting the cooperation between education and municipalities in order to achieve the goals of the Education Transformation Document
Saber Hedari Fardin Batmani Fardin Abdoalahi -
Open Access Article
1765 - Providing a process model of surrogacy based on data theory theory (Case Study: Imam Khomeini Relief Committee)
F. Mahmudi Nader Bohlouli jafar beikzad Gholamreza Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1766 - checking Character of Sudabeh with Marvin Zuckerman's Excitement Theory
vajihe torkamani barandoozi -
Open Access Article
1767 - The interconnection of love and wisdom in the tale of Zal and Roudabeh based on the Choice theory and the Mandala figure
Anahita Amini ghadamali Sarami Reza Ashrafzadeh -
Open Access Article
1768 - Examining Persian national character in Shahnameh
sousan sahami Babak Heidarie -
Open Access Article
1769 - Descriptive characteristics of the poetry book of Arash, the archer composed by Siavash Kasraei according to Nima’s descriptive theory
Shamsi Parsa -
Open Access Article
1770 - The study of narrative grammar in the tale of Rostam and Esfandyar based on the Greimas narrative theory
Mahboobe Zamani Boroujeni asghar rezaporian -
Open Access Article
1771 - The very last dialogues of lovers in Persian romantic verses
Neda Haddadi -
Open Access Article
1772 - Designing and explaining the customer experience management model in creating value and revenue in the virtual tourism industry in the metaverse environment (with the method of data-based theory)
dorna abdollahi ماندان مومنی Masoumeh Latifi Benmaran -
Open Access Article
1773 - Comparison of the meaning of life, suicidal thoughts, and cognitive distortions between female patient affected by post-traumatic stress disorder and non-patient
Reza Johari fard Amir Reza Boromand Carl e Shaite Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Najmeh Hamid Iran Davoodi -
Open Access Article
1774 - The effectiveness of reality therapy on resilience in mothers with children afflicted by cancer
Ramona Shameli Fariba Hasani -
Open Access Article
1775 - Presenting the guiding model of the adaptability of the career-sports path of athletes: the optimal social role-playing approach
Hamid Salehi ghasem rahimi Vali nowzari -
Open Access Article
1776 - A comparative study of novice and experienced EFL teachers’ remotivational strategies: Ecological systems and Self-determination theories in perspective
Hadis Sadr Alavian Hasssan Asadollahfam Mohammadhossein Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1777 - IELTS Writing Skills Training and EFL Learners’ Identity Construction: Link to Selves-theory
Sanaz Farnia Neda Fatehi Rad Hassan Shahabi -
Open Access Article
1778 - Business and entrepreneurship physical space model for Islamic Azad University units
Mohammad Ansari Fereydoon Azma Roohallah samiei Tayyebeh Tajari -
Open Access Article
1779 - Presenting a model for opportunistic earnings management: factors, motivations and techniques
Ehsan Saadati Shahreh Yazdani Mohammad hamed khan mohammadi Davoud Gorjizadeh -
Open Access Article
1780 - Identifying the antecedents and consequences of the predictors of Entrepreneurial opportunities in international companies
Ali Farahani Younos Vakil Alroaia Farideh Haghshenas Kashani Ali Faez -
Open Access Article
1781 - Design and Test a Model for The Systemic Decision-Making Process in The Conditions of the Corona Crisis for SME By Using the Method of Grounded Theory and System Dynamics
Masoud Borhani Alireza Shirvani Zahra Alipouredarvish Roya Mohhamadali Porahari -
Open Access Article
1782 - Designing a holographic structure pattern to overcome the phenomenon of organizational addiction using the foundational data theory
Maryam Masoudi alireza shirvani hamidreza mirtavousi -
Open Access Article
1783 - Applying the Activity Theory Framework to Raise EFL Learners’ Ecological Critical Language Awareness
Ghazaleh Cheraghpour Samvati Parviz Maftoon Mojgan Rashtchi -
Open Access Article
1784 - Investigating the deviance of teenage girls with the experimental application of daily activities
shiva pourghazi علی اصغر عباسی اسفجیر ali rahmani firuozjah -
Open Access Article
1785 - Formulating of a conceptual model for online customer experience in social media with an approach based on foundational data theory.
Alireza Jafari Mahdi Zakipour marjan marjan rajabi -
Open Access Article
1786 - L1 and L2 Peer-scaffolding Techniques Affecting on EFL Learners' Writing Skill: Link to Cognitive Learning Theory
Mousa Ghonchepour Azar Bagheri Masoudzade Akram Shekarian Behzadi -
Open Access Article
1787 - Strategic Analysis of Rostam's Death in Shahnameh: A Game Theory Perspective
Hadi Ziyaei Majid Eshaghi -
Open Access Article
1788 - Stage-Like Development of Morpho-Syntactic Structure of Do-S-V (O) in Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing and Speaking: A Mixed-Methods Analysis
Mahin Sadat Tabatabaee -
Open Access Article
1789 - Predicting Online Classroom Engagement by Causality Orientation, Goal Contents, and Organismic Integration Theories
Elham Hajibabaei Mehrdad Sepehri Fariba Rahimi -
Open Access Article
1790 - Designing and Testing the Success Model of E-learning in the Education Industry
Majid Zarei Rasool Shafieyoun Seyed Mohammad Reza Mirahmadi -
Open Access Article
1791 - Presenting a qualitative model of human resource management productivity with the approach of training agility with ground theory method
Siamak Hosseinnezhad Abdul Khaliq Gholami Karamollah Daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1792 - Investigating the Holland personality and job fit theory and its relationship with performance of employees of Iran Porcelain Industries Company
ghaffar tari Habib Rasouli -
Open Access Article
1793 - Identifying the requirements of using the Industrial Internet of Things in the automotive supply chain
ali jantarani Masoud Barati Morteza Ghobakhloo Arash Shahin Mohammad Talari -
Open Access Article
1794 - Strategic planning using the SWOT matrix and fuzzy AHP technique, in state bank
Masood Atayi Gharacheh sayyed mohammadreza davoodi -
Open Access Article
1795 - Identifying the factors affecting the validity of taxable income declared by companies based on the implementation of comprehensive tax plan operations
Ali Asghar Mottaghi Nabi Najafi Ahmad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1796 - Designing a brand credit model in the banking industry based on Grounded Theory
Hoseen zolfaghar Dehnavi mehdi mohammad zade vashan hasan hakimpor hamid rezaee far -
Open Access Article
1797 - Analysis of a number of Phonological Processes of Behbahani Dialect: Optimality Theory
Aliyeh KambuziyaKord Zafaranlu Mehdi Sham Roshan -
Open Access Article
1798 - Analysis of CNN News Approach to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in Donald Trump's Presidency, with an Emphasis on the "CNN Effect Theory"
leila samareh hashemi Ebrahim Anooshe kosro vafaei sadei -
Open Access Article
1799 - Suggestions system for school management: presenting a paradigm model based on Grounded Theory
Mansour Rahimpour Mahdi Bagheri Kolsoom Nami Payam Paslari -
Open Access Article
1800 - Compensatory Lengthening Process in Borujerdi Dialect in Optimality Theory Framework
Shiva Piryaee -
Open Access Article
1801 - Designing a Social customer relationship management Pattern based on Cause Related marketing (with emphasis on green management in the framework of social responsibilities) with a qualitative approach based on grounded theory method
Alireza Salehi Hossein Vazifehdust parviz saeedi Abdolaziz Paghghe -
Open Access Article
1802 - Determining indicators of food safety practices among apple producers in Meshginshahr County: Extending the theory of planned behavior
Mojtaba Sookhtanlou Zahra Khoshnodifar -
Open Access Article
1803 - Providing a Sustainable Marketing Model in the Insurance Industry with a Focus on Artificial Intelligence
Elnaz Allaf Jafari Alireza Rousta Farzad Asayesh Mahmoud Ahmadi Sharif -
Open Access Article
1804 - Designing a service quality management paradigm model: a foundational data theory approach
seyed esmail Mostafavi قنبر امیرنژاد , Aboutrab Alirezaei -
Open Access Article
1805 - A digital marketing model based on electronic advertising
Ehsan Saliminia Musa Rezvani Chaman Zamin Marzyeh Zendehdel -
Open Access Article
1806 - Designing a Pricing Model for Players in Iranian Professional Football
Ahmad Gorjipour Vahid Shojaei Mohammad Hami -
Open Access Article
1807 - The quality of text coherence in the manuscript of Qustas al-Atbai Nuruddin Mohammad Abdallah Shirazi based on Halliday's theory
Mohammad Afrassiabipur zahra rafeie Seyyed Mahmoud Seyyed Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1808 - Designing the wisdom building model in the country's higher education system
somayeh simaei elham fariborzi Naziasadat naseri -
Open Access Article
1809 - Designing The Pattern of Business Intelligence Application In The Cryptocurrency Market Using Grounded Theory
parviz saeidi Ali Norouzi Jouybari Maryam Bokharayan Khorasani Arash Naderian -
Open Access Article
1810 - The Application of John Berger's Theory in Reading Da Vinci's Portrait Paintings
Mojtaba Bahramipour Sheyda Nasiri -
Open Access Article
1811 - The aim of the current research is to present a new model for environmental policies in Iran. An attempt has been made to review the articles related to key words and select the more appropriate and newer sources from among them. For this purpose، it has been formed based on library studies and meta-composite method and has been pursued with a problem-oriented goal. In this way، after reviewing the articles، environmental issues were identified، and along with these studies، statistical surveys were taken into account in order to understand the existence of the problem. Since it is better for every solution to have a theoretical basis، in this research، several theories were examined perceptually and subjectively، and among them، three theories، which from the researcher's point of view، have been closer to the environmental field and the problem raised، were selected and examined. These three theories were public value management، participatory governance and cooperative governance، which were defined and investigated in this article، and then based on scientific and perceptive reasons and based on the understanding and opinion of the researcher، cooperative governance theory was chosen as a solution. be designed and presented on the basis of this theory. The approach reached by the researcher is based on different parts؛ including: problem identification resources، cooperation platform (cooperation group، facilitator leadership، environmental pillars and solutions) ،actors، monitoring group and environmental¬consequences.
Amirabbas Sadeghian -
Open Access Article
1812 - The Impact of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games on Language Development and Motivation: Perceptions from EFL Learners and Teachers
Mahmood Validi Aryan Movahed -
Open Access Article
1813 - Designing a Sustainable Marketing Model with an Emphasis on Sustainable Development in Iran's Banking Industry
Reza Anoushehi محمدرضا کریمی علویجه Nader Gharib Navaz Elham Faridchehr -
Open Access Article
1814 - Social psychology of the unrest of 2022 with an emphasis on the role of foreign media in Persian, especially the Iran International network.
َAlireza Sarvestani farzad navidi nia fraydun akbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1815 - Factors affecting the willingness to use virtual reality technology in education with the role of modulating learners' curiosity
Alireza Nazemibidgoli زهرا صادقی آرانی -
Open Access Article
1816 - Designing a service quality management paradigm model: a foundational data theory approach
seyed esmail Mostafavi قنبر امیرنژاد , Aboutrab Alirezaei -
Open Access Article
1817 - Analysis of the quantity of time in the epic poem Bahmannameh based on the theories of Gérard Genet
Zohreh Esmailzadeh Mohammad Mehdi Esmaeili Latifeh Salamat Bavil -
Open Access Article
1818 - Impact of Motivational Goal Orientations on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Emotional Engagement in Iranian EFL Learners
Zahra Nazari Elaheh Sadeghi Barzani Fatemeh Karimi -
Open Access Article
1819 - A Novel Framework for Efficiency Assessment in Multi-Divisional Systems: Application of Stackelberg Game Theory and Dynamic Network DEA
Ali Asghar Tatlari Bijan Rahmani Parchikolaei Farhad Hosenzadeh -
Open Access Article
1820 - Non-Linear Vibrations of Graphene Nanoplatelet-Reinforced Composite Beams using Non-Local Strain Gradient Theory
Ahmad Haghani -
Open Access Article
1821 - Presenting a model to determine the equilibrium point in the Oligopoly
Reza Basiri Mansour Abedian Saied Aghasi Zahra Dashtlaali -
Open Access Article
1822 - Cultural Manifestation In The Analysis Of Social Studies And The Shared Semantic Structure Of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh And Iranian Garden Architecture with A Focus On Greimasian Theory
Narges Aboutaleb ali asgharzadeh Vajihe Torkamani Barandozi Amir Hashem Poormafi -
Open Access Article
1823 - A Formalist Analysis of Phonological and Lexical Deviation in Hamid Mosadegh's Poetry Collection Based on Leech's Theory
Marzieh Ehsanjoo Seyyed Mahmoud Seyed Sadeghi مریم پرهیزکاری -
Open Access Article
1824 - A new3D elasticity numerical solution for nonlinear thermo-mechanical bending of orthotropic annular/circular micro/nanoplates using re-modified couple stress & SAPM
Amirreza Golkarian Mehrdad Jabbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1825 - Effect of Ionic Strength on Deprotonation of Salicylic Acid and its Derivative
Mohammad Faraji Faraji Ali Farajtabar -
Open Access Article
1826 - The Role of Media in Rural Life Style Changes (The Case of Zanjan Township)
Mohammad Badsar Soheila Fathi Rohallah Rezaeei Hossein Shabanali Famii -
Open Access Article
1827 - Analysis of the challenges of nomad women's employment in Zrdlan tribal region (Introduced qualitative approach underlying theory in the study of rural geography)
Masomeh Jamshidi Alireza Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
1828 - Designing a City branding model with a tourism development approach in Shiraz
saeid saeida ardekani fatemeh ghanbari mohammad reza rezaaei Alireza Rajabipoor Meybodi -
Open Access Article
1829 - Provide a comprehensive model of knowledge management in relief organizations with a disaster management approach (Case study: Western regions of Iran)
Edris Moradi Kumars Ahmadi َAdel Salavati -
Open Access Article
1830 - Application of the Multi-objective Game Theory Model in Determining the Economic-Environmental Balance in Zrebar Lake watershed in Marivan
mohammad ali asaadi Mohammad Has Vakilpoor Seyed Abolghasem mortazavi Kamran Abdollahi Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
1831 - Exploration of Non-Governmental Endogenous Integrated Pattern in Regional Development Case Study: Regional Development Plan of Selseleh
Hedayat Darvishi Shiva Moradi Tina Ehterami Abdolreza Roknedin EfteKhari -
Open Access Article
1832 - Investigation and analysis of factors affecting tourism entrepreneurship in crisis situations )Case study: Isfahan city)
laleh poureidivand mahdi nasrollahi mohamad mahdi mozafari mohamad anisseh -
Open Access Article
1833 - A comparative study of the position of the state in contemporary political theory (a case study of anarchist and communitarianism theories)
Seyed saeed Mosavi majid tavasoli Keyhan Barzegar -
Open Access Article
1834 - Investigating the Barriers of Organic Food Buying Behavior
bahareh zandi dareh gharibi Alireza Karbasi -
Open Access Article
1835 - Determining Main Success Factors of Private Sector Export Consortia in Iranian Industries using Grounded Theory Method and Fuzzy Logic
Parisa Shahnazari-Shahrezaei Fatemeh Shamshiri Mohammad Fallah Hamed Kazemipoor -
Open Access Article
1836 - Study of Factors Affecting Investment and Ways of Securing Liquidity:Case Study of Rural Cooperatives in Fars Province
B. Najafi M.H. Tarazkar A. Shirvanian -
Open Access Article
1837 - The effectiveness of conversation based approach training on theory of mind and meta knowledge of reading
روشنک Nikpour پروین Kadivar M.H Abdollahi GH Sarami -
Open Access Article
1838 - Relationship between Personality Traits and School Well-Being: The Mediating Roles of Positive and Negative Affects
Zeinab Rezaee Farideh Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1839 - The Effectiveness of theory of mind training on Self-Concept and Anxiety of Students with Learning Disabilities and comorbidity, attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder as a moderator
gholamreza Kheirolah Bayatiani Fariba Hafezi parviz asgari farah naderi -
Open Access Article
1840 - designing and developing an instructional design model based on mental model theory
Abdolrahman Jarihi mohammad raza Nili Daruosh noroozi esmaeel saadipour -
Open Access Article
1841 - The Mediation Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Relationship Between the Dimensions of Mind Theory and Social Skills in Students With Learnin Disabilities
Mohamad sadegh Arjmandi oliya azarmidokht rezaei Soltanali Kazemei Nadere Shorabi -
Open Access Article
1842 - The mediating role of Emotional Intelligence in explaining the causal relations between Theory of Mind and Cognitive Flexibility with Borderline Personality Disorder traits in Adolescents
Mohadeseh Fateminia Fariba Hasani Ahmad Borjali Fatemeh Golshani -
Open Access Article
1843 - Designing a physical-mental health model in old age leisure based on mental health indicators
Ahmad Cherik mehdy naderinasab Ali Hemmati Afif -
Open Access Article
1844 - Designing and validating a behavior management training package based on choice theory for parents and students.
moslem amiri javad mesrabadi abolfazl farid Siavash Sheikhalizadeh -
Open Access Article
1845 - Developing a Social Studies Achievement Test for High School Students Based on Item-Response Theory (IRT)
A. Orangi K. Dorani -
Open Access Article
1846 - Development and Validation of Contextualized Multiple Intelligences Based on Pentagon Theory
m. محمدی f. عبدشریفی -
Open Access Article
1847 - Probability of Constructing a Theory of Conselling and Psychotherapy Based on Islamic Mysticism
B. Shamshiri -
Open Access Article
1848 - Using Bankruptcy Theory Methods for Fair Allocation of Water Resources in order to Reduce Environmental Conflicts (Case Study: Lake Urmia Basin)
Negar Tayebzadeh moghadam Bahram Malekmohammadi -
Open Access Article
1849 - Developing a model based on games theory for optimal allocation of water to stakeholders in shared water resources under water bankruptcy conditions: Application of chicken game
Mehdi Yazdian Gholamreza Rakhshandehroo Mohammad Reza Nikoo Nasser Talebbeydokhti -
Open Access Article
1850 - Application of Combined Artificial Neural Network and Wavelet Theory for Flow Rate Prediction and Comparing the Results with those of ANFIS (Case Study: The Kor River)
A. YazdanPanah N. Barahmand -
Open Access Article
1851 - Application of the Chaos Theory, the Reconstructed Phase Space and Correlation Dimensions in the Suspended Load Transport Patterns as Affected by a Dam: The Case of the Karaj River
S. Fahimfard M.H Hadi Fattahi ابوالفضل Shamsai S. Farzin -
Open Access Article
1852 - Redefining tourism routes in the historical context of Tehran Bazaar
ghazal goodarzi Mostafa Behzadfar yosefali ziari -
Open Access Article
1853 - housing choice, based on demographic characteristics of households, using discrete choice experiment method, in Isfahan city
Sayed Mohamadreza Miralaei mahmood mohamadi MORTEZA SAMETI -
Open Access Article
1854 - Development of a conceptual model of urban open space quality for leisure (Case study of Arak city)
mohammad kazem yavari Alireza Sheikholeslami farzaneh sasanpour -
Open Access Article
1855 - Explaining the Effective Factors on the Physical Regeneration of the Shiraz Historical Texture Using Grounded Theory
saeideh Ghaderi zahra sadat saeideh zarabadi Mojtaba Rafieian -
Open Access Article
1856 - Development of a theoretical model of urban space production in Abbasabad lands of Tehran , Emphasizing the power relations of actors Based on Grand Theory (using Atlasti qualitative analysis software)
Nayyer Farabiasl Mojtaba Rafiean mohammadreza khatibi -
Open Access Article
1857 - Study of Urban Vitality based on Jacobs's theory and its adaptation to Shiraz Municipality District 6
farhad omidvar Esmaeil Shieh Atefeh Dehghan Tooran Poshti -
Open Access Article
1858 - Analysis of the role of activists in the field of Tehran metropolitan area privacy management based on the game theory approach
زهرا Safaei pour Rahim Sarvar rebaz ghorbaninejad -
Open Access Article
1859 - Qualitative Model of Women's Desire for Cosmetic Surgery in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Maryam Nademi Akbar Talebpour Farah Torkaman -
Open Access Article
1860 - Native Modeling of Psychosocial Vulnerability to Persistent Depression of Women: A Grounded Theory Study
Latifeh Nezami Marziyeh Alivandi Vafa ali khademi Jalil Babapour Kheiroddin -
Open Access Article
1861 - Affecting Factors on the Rural Women’s intentions to Use Herbal Medicines in Karaj Township
روح اله Rezaei لیلا Safa سپیده Miyanjy -
Open Access Article
1862 - Conceptual Model of Underlying Factors in Men’s Domestic Violence against Women
هادی Ghazizadeh کیانوش Zahrakar علیرضا Kiamanesh فرشاد Mohsenzadeh -
Open Access Article
1863 - The Semantic Reconstruction of Face Management Among the Female Students of the Islamic Azad University of Marvdasht
کیانوش Gholipour بهزاد Hakiminya -
Open Access Article
1864 - A Qualitative Study of Domestic Violence Against Housewives in Khorramabad
مسعود Zamani-moghadam Saba Hasanvandi -
Open Access Article
1865 - A Model of Promotion of Gender Equity in Islamic Societies Regarding Nahj al-Balabagh’view, Based on Grounded Theory
علی Imanzadeh مهلا Farhadi -
Open Access Article
1866 - Investigating the lived experience of permanent celibacy from the perspective of single girls
Akbar Talebpour Masoumeh Beiranvand -
Open Access Article
1867 - Presentation of Paradigm Model of Women's Sustainability in Dissatisfied Marriages; A Qualitative Research
Hadi Salimi Moosa Javdan Eghbal zarei Samaneh Najarpourian -
Open Access Article
1868 - Identifying the Causes of Divorce of Women without Children (the Initial Stage of the Married Life Cycle)
Mohammad Khaleghi amin koraei Masoud Shahbaza -
Open Access Article
1869 - Violence Against Balouch Women
SOMAYEH RAEISI Dariush Boostani -
Open Access Article
1870 - Qualitative analysis of reasons and contexts of suicide attempt by women in Yasouj
Maryam Mokhtari Hamid Sedaghat Ebrahim Fattahpour -
Open Access Article
1871 - Failure to get rid of addiction, The Process of Quitting among Addicted Women in Shiraz
Halime Enayat Ali Akbari Mohammad Mohammadi Maryam Hosseini -
Open Access Article
1872 - The Construction of Trust to Spouse in Virtual Space (Case Study: Women Living in Yazd)
KH. سفیری R. ذاکری هامانه -
Open Access Article
1873 - Methodology of Eroing Goffman Social Theory
Mohammad Taghi Iman گلمراد Moradi -
Open Access Article
1874 - Semantic Representation of Nature of Married Life in Failed Marriages (Constructivist Approach)
aliyeh Shekarbeigi omid ali ahmadi maryam Ebrahimi Manesh -
Open Access Article
1875 - Design the People Capability Maturity Model among Faculty Members Based on Grounded Theory (Case Study: Islamic Azad University of Fars Province)
maryam mahdavi nader Sheikh al-Islami narges Hassan Moradi narjes shukri -
Open Access Article
1876 - The Effectiveness combination Shafiabady’s multiaxial pattern with krumboltz’s social learning theory on vocational Gratification in female teachers
فاطمه Mirzayee کاترین Fekri -
Open Access Article
1877 - Designing and Validating a Model for the Function-based Performance Evaluation of Department chairs
Nazila Karimi سعید rajaeepour عبدالرحیم Navehebrahim -
Open Access Article
1878 - A model of the resilience of primary school principals: a qualitative research based on the views of experts
Mahdi bagheri masoud sadeghi masoud abolghasemi Seifollah Fazlollahi -
Open Access Article
1879 - determining the qualitative development model of the universities' Incubators of Iran
mojtaba mollaahmadi -
Open Access Article
1880 - Provide a pattern for teaching the development of the children's market in Iran
Bita Niknezhad parviz saeidi Amir Akhavanfar -
Open Access Article
1881 - Designing a smart school pattern in order to improve online education: Grounded theory approach
Ghaffar Tari habibeh khodaei omid ali hoseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
1882 - Designing a conceptual model of novice teachers' talent development: Grounded Theory
Roghayeh Ansari ali jafari rad Ebrahim Por Hoseini -
Open Access Article
1883 - Presenting the Model of Reducing the Job Fatigue of Primary School Teachers based on the Grounded Theory
Shakib Lajmiri leila bahmaee Mohammadreza Taheri -
Open Access Article
1884 - Codification of the accreditation model of the training program of human resources of education and training by the approach based on data foundation theory
Mehdi Rahiminezhad saeid moradi batol faghiharam Firoz kiyoumarsi -
Open Access Article
1885 - Asynchronous classroom management: a grounded theory research on how teachers perform in classroom management in the context of online learning platforms
Farzad Dehghani-Firoozabadi SeyedAlireza Afshani Abolfazl Sadeghian Alimohammad Mazidi-sharfabadi -
Open Access Article
1886 - Identifying Skill Needs of Educational Department Managers at Shahid Beheshti University
amirhosein mehdizadeh alireza araghieh shila lafzi -
Open Access Article
1887 - Explaining the Strategic Presence of Establishing a Quality Management System in Universities: A Qualitative Approach
azam molamohamadi abasalt khorasani kourosh fathi vagargah maghsood farasatkhah -
Open Access Article
1888 - Presentation of Conceptual Model Factors Affecting the Quality of Teaching of Professors of University of Farhangian with a Basis Based Data Theory Approach
maryam salehizadeh Nadergholi Ghourchian amir hossein mohammad davoudi -
Open Access Article
1889 - Provide an quantum management model in educational organizations
Touran Soleimani vida aghelzadeh Asghar Nakhostin Goldoost -
Open Access Article
1890 - The Effectiveness of Krumboltz’s social learning theory on vocational Performance of Technical school personnel in MARVDASHT
فاطمه زارعی کاترین فکری -
Open Access Article
1891 - provide a model for successful elementary school leadership based on grounded theory (GT)
Zohreh Mashayekhi Mohammad Ali Nadi fariba karimi -
Open Access Article
1892 - Multi-Layered Research Orientedness: Presenting a Research-Based School Paradigm Model
Elham Chavoshi Badri Shahtalebi Reza Ebrahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1893 - Analyze the competencies of smart school principals based on data foundation theoryFardin
nasrin cheraghi Fardin Batmani Naser shirbagi -
Open Access Article
1894 - Formulation of Factors Developing Social Entrepreneurial Intention of Students: (Grounded Theory Approach)
Farshid Karimi Hesari Alireza Rousta saeed moradi -
Open Access Article
1895 - The Design of the Teacher-Student Interaction Model Based on Grounded Theory Case Study: Shiraz University
fateme farhadi hosein khanifar hamidreza yazdani -
Open Access Article
1896 - Identifying and prioritizing the components of staff training in higher education institutions Based on Thematic analysis
Alireza Rajabipoor Meybodi Ali Abasaltian Mehdi Sabokro -
Open Access Article
1897 - Determining the effectiveness of leadership management based on selection theory on organizational culture and efficiency University administrators of Tajikistan
Mehdi Mehdipoor Bibi hafizeh Majidava -
Open Access Article
1898 - Presenting a paradigm model of organizational ambidexterity in the Iranian public education system
mansour zand badri shahtalebi mohammad ali nadi -
Open Access Article
1899 - Providing a model for knowledge sharing in the organization
Ali Omidpanah Shahnaz Nayebzadeh Hassan Dehghandehnavi Hossein Eslami -
Open Access Article
1900 - Designing the Model of influential Factors on the career plateau (grounded theory)
ghaffar karimianpour adel zahed babalan ali khaleghkhah Ali rezaeisharif -
Open Access Article
1901 - Determination of Teacher’s Competencies in online Teaching
sara ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1902 - Developing a conceptual model for improving the quality of faculty members' performance of Farhangian University based on the grounded theory
Zhila Heidari Naghd Ali Mohammad Farhadi mohammad javdani -
Open Access Article
1903 - Provide a model of organizational professionalism in physical education of the Ministry of Education with a data approach
Zohrab Gohari somayeh emadi Zahra Emadi Saeedeh Golestani -
Open Access Article
1904 - A Model for improving the quality of technical and vocational education
Mohamad Varaei Ahmadi Ebadollah -
Open Access Article
1905 - Providing an indigenous model of positive leadership for primary school principals
Masoumeh Kouhsari abdolrahim navehebrahim Hassanreza Zeinabadi Hossein Abbasian -
Open Access Article
1906 - On the Effect of Constructivist Education on Participants’ Satisfaction and Learning in Web-based Continuing Education for Medical Courses
s. ابراهیمی کوشکمهدی m. کرمی m. آهنچیان p. مسنن مظفری -
Open Access Article
1907 - Recognition of Challenges Facing the Commercialization Research in Educational Administration through Presenting a Grounded Theory
بختیار Mahmoodpor حمید Rahimiyan عباس Abaspor علی Delavar -
Open Access Article
1908 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Approaches of Vocational Counseling on the Components of Entrepreneurial Behavior
K. Fekri A. Shafeeabadi R. Norani Pour Gh. Ahghar -
Open Access Article
1909 - A Survey of the Implementation of Bureaucracy characteristics and Bureaucratic Orientations among School Principals in Tehran
S. Sattari Y. Namvar A. Rastgo -
Open Access Article
1910 - Electrical characterization of zig-zag Aluminum thin films using experimental and theoretical methods
Mahsa Fakharpour Maryam Gholizadeh Arashti Mohammad Taghi Musazade Meybodi -
Open Access Article
1911 - Interaction of Laser Beam and Gold Nanoparticles, Study of Scattering Intensity and the Effective Parameters
Mojtaba Servatkhah Soheila Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
1912 - Computational Investigation on Structural Properties of Carbon Nanotube Binding to Nucleotides According to the QM Methods
Nima Karachi Masoomeh Emadi Mojtaba Servatkhah -
Open Access Article
1913 - First-Principles Study of Structure, Electronic and Optical Properties of HgSe in Zinc Blende (B3) Phase
Hamdollah Salehi Firoozeh Anis Hoseini -
Open Access Article
1914 - Ab-initio study of Electronic, Optical, Dynamic and Thermoelectric properties of CuSbX2 (X=S,Se) compounds
Hamdollah Salehi peiman Amiri rohollah zare Hasanabad -
Open Access Article
1915 - Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor Based on ZrSe2 monolayer nanosheet
Soroush Karimi Khorrami Masoud Berahman Mojtaba Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1916 - First-Principles Study of Optical Aspects of Penta-Graphene and T-Carbon under External Stress and Hydrostatic Pressure
Hamidreza Alborznia -
Open Access Article
1917 - Defective HfS2 nanoribbons: the influence of vacancy defects and different atoms at the edge on this material with the first principle calculations
Mazdak Ghaedsharafi Mohammad Reza Moslemi Farshad Pesaran -
Open Access Article
1918 - Analysis and examination of the cognitive discourse of resistance and sacred defense poetry as the dominant discourse of contemporary poetry based on Laclau and Mouffe's theory (A case study of the poems of Seyyed Hassan Hosseini and Qeysar Aminpour)
ویدا نعمتی Mahmood Firoozi Moghaddam Abbas Kheyrabadi Ali Sadeghi Manesh -
Open Access Article
1919 - Identifying Causal Conditions; categories and concepts of Iranian Table Tennis success in International Events
Alireza Abrifam محمد جلیلوند معصومه مجیدی پرست غلامرضا خاکساری -
Open Access Article
1920 - The Philosophy of Return: A Model for Urban Sustainability and Habitability Continuity (Case Study: The City of Rey)
Ali Amirrahimi Zeinab Talebi Elham Nazemi Amirhosein Shabani -
Open Access Article
1921 - The Effect of Synchronous and Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication on Reading Comprehension and Reading Self-efficacy of Iranian EFL Learners
Azize Mahdavi Roya Ranjbar Mohammadi Hasssan Assadollahfam Ali Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
1922 - Investigating the effective factors on the implementation of the economic policies of the sixth development plan in the administrative organizations of southeast Iran
Sepanta Niknam sanger salajeghe Rahman Jalali Javaran -
Open Access Article
1923 - A qualitative study of self-efficacy influenced by religious identities of high school students in the context of cultural capital (according to the grounded theory method)
Ali alkbar saberi مقصود فراستخواه -
Open Access Article
1924 - Modeling the Decision Making of Investors with Financial Intelligence Based on Behavioral Biases Using the Grounded Method
setareh moghadasi فرزانه حیدر پور -
Open Access Article
1925 - The Behavior of the Government and the Contractor in the Early Termination of BOT Projects for the Construction of Suburban Pedestrian Bridges Using Game Theory
Elahe Shafati Ahmad Jafarzadeh Afshari Hasan Javanshir Vahid Baradaran -
Open Access Article
1926 - Human Behaviors against COVID-19: A game theory approach and a case study of Iran
Mansour Abedian Maryam Hejazi Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi -
Open Access Article
1927 - Assessing Relationships in Industry and Optimizing Related Decisions with the Help of Fuzzy Properties
Mehdi Fazli -
Open Access Article
1928 - An analysis of Rouhani's government's foreign policy towards Latin America (Case study: Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina)
Masoud Izadi کیهان برزگر کیهان برزگر کیهان برزگر کیهان برزگر کیهان برزگر davood kiani -
Open Access Article
1929 - The impact of innovation on environmental, social and governance performance
Samane Karimi Mojgan Safa Reza Gholami Jamkarani -
Open Access Article
1930 - Harnessing Green Energy: An Analysis of Indonesian Consumers' Adoption Behaviors
Joko Sulistio Budisantoso Wirjodirdjo Putu Dana Karningsih -
Open Access Article
1931 - Social Identity in Investment, Financial Management Resources and Valuation by Potential Investors with the Winner's Curse Theory
Abbas Ramzanzadeh Zaidi Alireza Heydari علی بیات Vahab Rostami -
Open Access Article
1932 - Determinants of Fraud in Financial Report based on the Pentagon theory
Sadegh Akhondzade Maryam Emami Mibody -
Open Access Article
1933 - Identification and explanation of factors affecting the indifference of employees in sports organizations of Razavi Khorasan province
Mohammad Javad Rasekhi Ehsan Asadollahi Seyed mohammad hosein Hoseini ravesh Mahdi Esfahan -
Open Access Article
1934 - Presenting a Qualitative model of the Variables Affecting the Aesthetic Value of Urban Landscape (Case Study: The City of Babol )
Elmira Rafizadeh Malakshah -
Open Access Article
1935 - Investigating the effect of effective factors on the improvement of the quality of electronic services of public service organizations with the structural equation approach (the case study of the Social Security Organization)
Seyed Ahmad Mousavi ناصر میرسپاسی heidar toorani مجتبی کیائی -
Open Access Article
1936 - Design and validation of a model for the formation of low academic motivation in students
Khadijeh Norozi Mahsima Pourshahriari Roya Rasuli -
Open Access Article
1937 - Designing a Market-Oriented Strategic Management Model with Emphasis on Export in Saipa Company
Fatemeh Karimi Hossein Vazifeh dust Meisam Shirkhodaie Mehdi Naeimi Nezamabad -
Open Access Article
1938 - Semiotic Exploration of English Pictographic Representation in the Persian Translation of ‘A Diary of A Wimpy Kid’: Socio-Cultural and Ideological Values in Focus
Mahnaz Azad Ailin Kazemi -
Open Access Article
1939 - Design and Validation of Intelligent Leadership Model in Telecom Industry Based on Foundation Data Theory (Study Case: First Mobile Operator in Razavi Khorasan)
Mehrad Haddadrazavi Ali Hosseinzadeh Hoda Jannesar Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1940 - Application of Max Luscher's Theory of Color Psychology in Nosrat Rahmani's Poems
Hossin ettahadi -
Open Access Article
1941 - Investigating the originality of the story of Ekwan Diu with the help of Algirdas Grimas' theory of narrative grammar
mahboobe zamani boroujeni َAsghar Rezapourian Ghahfarokhi -
Open Access Article
1942 - The Position of the Iranian Activist From the Concepts of Law, Legalism and Lawlessness
hasan farsijokar زهرا بیگ جانی -
Open Access Article
1943 - Genealogical Analysis and Root Examination of Contextual Factors Affecting the Formation of Borderline-Grey Spaces in Contemporary Iranian Architecture: A Grounded Theory Approach
Babak Sorour Vahid Shaliamini Leila Zare -
Open Access Article
1944 - Coalition or non-coalition: Greedy scalar equilibrium in the semi-cooperative game with the role of speculators in the game between fiscal and monetary policy-makers
Davoud Foroutannia Davoud Mahmoudinia -
Open Access Article
1945 - The Evolution of Science in Iran and the West (With emphasis on social and human sciences)
Seyyed Morteza Nabavi -
Open Access Article
1946 - Evaluation of Students' Conceptual Understanding of Double Integral Using APOS Theory
Zahra Jafaribehbahani Mohsen Roodaki -
Open Access Article
1947 - Comparing the type of thinking and answers of students in solving proportional problems based on dual processing theory
Ali Mohammadian Khatir Amir Ali Tabatabaei Adnani Ali Barahmand Mohammad Ali Faribourzi Araghi -
Open Access Article
1948 - Ranking and analysis of the development of the counties of East Azerbaijan Province with an integrated approach
Jafar Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1949 - The Effect of Well-developed Communication Skills between Supervisors and Teachers on English Teachers' Job Satisfaction
Davood Sepahi Shiva Marzoughi معصومه حسنی -
Open Access Article
1950 - A Motivational Model for Knowledge-Based Teachers Facing Anomalies (From Full-Time to Part-Time)
Syed Morteza Mousavi Moheb Kazem Moghtader Garde Maryam Darbar Zanjani Leila Konani -
Open Access Article
1951 - The Relationship Between Theory of Mind and Social Skills: The Mediated Role of Empathy and Emotion Regulation in Primary School Children
Mina Sangnour pour zeynab khanjani تورج هاشمی -
Open Access Article
1952 - Explanation of semantic network of the word wajh in holy quran from cognitive semantic viewpoint relying on bonn school school and context theory
Mohammad Ghomi farhad divsalar