Conceptualization of business excellence model: Based on future study approach
Subject Areas : Futurology
Yousof Malek Mirzaee
Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand
Ali Rajabzadeh
Mahmoud Samiei Nasr
1 - PhD student in business management (marketing(, Department of management, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish Island, Iran
2 - Associated professor of Department of Business Administration & MBA, Payame Noor University, PO Box 19395-3697 Tehran, Iran
3 - Associated Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Department of management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Future study, Pragmatism, Business excellence, Meta-synthesis, Content analysis, Grand Theory,
Abstract :
This is a philosophical study with critical paradigm, using symbolic interactionism with fundamental orientation, inductive reasoning, the qualitative library-based approach, the Grounded Theory, meta-synthesis and the content analysis method. It aims to describe and explore the business excellence model and identify its variables and indicators based on a futuristic approach. Using the meta-synthesis and meta-analysis techniques, the methods involve open, axial and selective coding, resulting in a new concept. The required data were collected through a review and study of the documents on business excellence models. The study specifically focused on the models set forth in valid magazines and journals with the theoretical sampling logic in order to reach theoretical saturation. We used two long-term and holistic participatory strategies for validity, as well as two coders with agreement on open coding for reliability. We used the MAXQDA software for data analysis. The findings of this study were obtained from 101 conceptual models of business excellence and 869 concepts or open codes at the coding stage. Then the basic codes with the same meanings were divided into 24 major categories, which led to the creation of five dimensions at the selective coding stage and a theoretical concept with the dimensions of people, market, work, management, and underlying factors. This theory made an important contribution to the success of small and medium-sized businesses by taking into account the new paradigms for assessing businesses in the future.