Investigating the social factors affecting the deviance of teenage girls (case of study: teenage girls o
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
shiva pourghazi
علی اصغر عباسی اسفجیر
ali rahmani firuozjah
1 - Ph.D student in sociology of Iranian social issues, Babol branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Deviation, Adolescent Girls, Firoozkooh, Self-control theory, Theory of everyday activity,
Abstract :
Since teenage girls are the main potentials and assets of any country, their deviation will have a direct impact on the future of the country as one of the important challenges of the family. The aim of the research was to investigate the social factors influencing teenage girls' deviance based on Felson's theories of daily activities and Gottfredson's self-control. The current type of research is applied, the descriptive method is a survey and the data collection tool is a questionnaire. In total, 400 female students of the first secondary school of Firuzkoh city in 1400-1401 were selected by simple random sampling method and answered the questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, spss24 and Amos24 software were used. The results of Pearson's correlation test and multiple regression in examining hypotheses show that all aspects of selfcontrol variables and daily activities have a significant relationship with teenage girls' deviance. The final linear regression model showed that (0.92) percent of the changes in adolescent girls' deviation can be explained by independent variables. According to the results of structural equation analysis, all the components of self-control and daily activities, in the order of importance, "risk-taking", "self-centeredness", "convenience seeking", "expressing anger" and "rushing" and The components of "unstructured activities", "structured activities", "leisure time with family", "integrity of attachment with friends" and "leisure time" have been influential on teenage girls' deviance. Therefore, theories of self-control and daily activity are an effective explanation for adolescent girls' deviance.
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