Designing and validating a behavior management training package based on choice theory for parents and students.
Subject Areas :
moslem amiri
javad mesrabadi
abolfazl farid
Siavash Sheikhalizadeh
1 - Phd Student of Educational Psychology ,Shahid Madani University of Azarbaijan
2 - Professor of Educational Psychology, Shahid Madani University of Azarbaijan
3 - Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Shahid Madani University of Azarbaijan
4 - Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, Shahid Madani University of Azarbaijan
Received: 2023-03-30
Accepted : 2023-06-19
Published : 2023-04-21
Content Validity,
Training Package,
Behavior Management,
Choice Theory,
Abstract :
Aim:Managing behavior in order to gain personal peace and maintain social stability is among the necessities of every society. So the purpose of this study is to design and validate a behavior management training package based on choice theory for parents and students.
Method :The research method is qualitative and performed by Delphi technique, that In order to design the training package, the theoretical foundations of choice theory (Glasser, 2013) were used, and in order to ensure the optimal validity of the training package, the content validity method using Lawshe model (1975) was used, with a panel of 8 experts and two quantitative coefficients of content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI). Findings: The results showed that all designed closed sessions are necessary and the content of all the sessions was completely related to the designed goals or related but needed to be partial revisioned. Subsequently, the revisions requested by the experts, which included 6% of all responses, were applied and the final package was compiled in twelve sessions.
Conclusions: finding has practical implications for educational interventions. Therefore, this training package can be helpful as a comprehensive and approved program to manage the behavior of parents and students in different environments, especially in family and school, and in order to improve the quality of the parent-child relationship as well as reduce students’ indiscipline and misbehavior, the use of this package in family and school counseling sessions and workshops in the form of group training programs is strongly recommended.
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