Presenting the guiding model of the adaptability of the career-sports path of athletes: the optimal social role-playing approach
Subject Areas : Ecological studies in sports
Hamid Salehi
ghasem rahimi
Vali nowzari
1 - PhD student in sports management, Yasouj Branch, Islamic Azad university, Yasouj, Iran
2 - ,Facuity of Physical Education and sports Science,Islamic Azad University,Branch (khorasgan)
3 - Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan
Keywords: social, adaptability, grounded theory, leadership, career path,
Abstract :
Objective: The present research was conducted with the aim of designing the leadership model of athletes with the approach of adapting the career-sports path. Research method: The research design was of mixed exploratory type (qualitative-quantitative). In the qualitative part, the data collection method was targeted and snowball. For this purpose, after the interview with the first expert, the next expert was introduced by him and the interview continued until reaching theoretical saturation. The number of experts was interviewed until reaching theoretical saturation with 17 experts. The approach used in the qualitative section was used in construction. Based on the data approach of the Strauss and Corbin Foundation, 5 dimensions (causal, contextual, intervening factors and implementation strategies and consequences) that finally after the implementation of the interviews, 102 open concepts, 16 categories (axial coding) and 7 components (coding) selective) was discovered. Research findings: As a result, based on the information obtained in the quantitative and qualitative sections, a leadership model was designed with the approach of adapting the career-sports path. Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it seems that the leadership model has appropriate content validity and reliability, has educational, executive and research applications and is effective in promoting the adaptability of the sports career path of athletes.
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