Digital Storytelling and Theory of Mind: A media for creative mindreading
Subject Areas : Creativity and innovation from psychological, epistemological, educational and pedagogical
Zeinab Khosravi
Reza Afhami
Parviz Azadfallah
1 - Department of Art studies, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Deparement of Art studies, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Psychology, Faculty of humanities, Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: Theory of Mind, Storytelling, Digital Storytelling, Creative mind reading, participatory storytelling,
Abstract :
Theory of Mind (mentalizing) is one of the most important skills for effective interpersonal relationships. In this respect, a great deal of investigations have studied how theory of mind can be enhanced across a range of methodological approaches. Moreover, stories have long been theorized to influence how we perceive our social world and our peers. Scholars have questioned whether exposure to stories can improve mentalizing. Considering how digital technology has drastically changed the way we communicate and the way we tell our stories, this study investigates the potential of digital storytelling medium for Theory of Mind enhancement. For this purpose, we review previous studies on stories and how they can evoke social processes such as Theory of Mind. We then suggest 3 principles that characterize how digital storytelling can work as a tool for Theory of Mind enhancement. Unlike traditional storytelling medium, digital storytelling can be a participatory medium for creative mind reading.
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