A Grounded Theory Approach to Developing a Partnership Quality Model in Service Outsourcing
Subject Areas : Business StrategyReza Shojaey 1 , Khani Naser 2 , Arash Shahin 3 , Nader Ale Ebrahim 4
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Keywords: Partnership Quality, Service Outsourcing, Outsourcing Success, Grounded Theory,
Abstract :
Partnership quality has been known as one of the foremost critical determinants of outsourcing victory. Since the relationship is dynamic, it is important to understand both sides of the partner. The purpose of this study is design a model for the partnership quality in outsourcing services with focus on both sides. In order to achieve this goal, mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) and grounded theory approach have been used. In the qualitative section, in order to identify the categories of the contextual model of partnership quality, a semistructured interview has been used in the service provider and client section by theoretical sampling method. The statistical population in the qualitative section included all managers and heads and expert contractors in 90 contracts during the 3 years. The total number of statistical population in the qualitative section was 176 people. In the qualitative section, grounded theory and MAXQDA software are used for analysis. Then, through the coding process in three sections, open, central and selective data of qualitative section were organized. In the quantitative research section, the statistical population included district heads, deputies, officials, supervisors on the one hand, and all their contractors and representatives on the other. The total number of statistical population in the quantitative section was 623 people. In the quantitative research section, in order to test the obtained pattern, the required data were collected by a designed questionnaire. To analyses the data collected, the partial least squares (PLS) method was used. According to the results of this research, the most important operational strategies are, empowerment, standardization and technology improvement to achieve the partnership quality in outsourcing services.
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