The Post-Corona World; China-Centered or America-Centric Continuity in International Relations?
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
1 - assistant professor
political thought in islam research group,
research institute of imam khomeini and islamic revolution
Keywords: China, USA, International Order, Coronavirus, Power Cycle theory,
Abstract :
The outbreak of the coronavirus has raised the question of whether it is possible to transfer power from the West to the East and form a new world order based on China-centric Eastern values.Using the power cycle theory in response to this question, this article argues that given the current trends in the relative decline of US regulatory and hegemonic power in the international arena, as well as China's rise as an emerging power in the international arena. , The international system seems to be witnessing a period of transition and transfer of power from west to east; However, this transfer of power is a gradual process, and China does not currently have all the resources and capabilities to become a hegemonic power. Issues such as the yuan's influence and parity against the dollar in the international economy, the attractiveness and universality of Chinese values, human rights, civil liberties, and China's controlling system are among the most important issues influencing the speed of the power cycle.
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