Omission in Short Stories from Cohesion and Coherence Point of View
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty Member, Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Religions University, Tehran
2 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran
Keywords: short story, القرآن الکریم, Holy Quran, الحذف, القصة القصیرة جداً, نظریة تماسک النص, omission, Cohesion and Coherence theory,
Abstract :
Omission technique in Arabic language would be done by a verbal or abstract correlation and its aim is to avoid the exhausting repetitions and make the context more attractive. This technique has other goals which is its main role in maximum shortening and make it more comprehensive; in other word it intends to fortify the text by long and numerous concepts with short amount. On the other hand the theorists analyze the Cohesion and Coherence theory by an up to date view and have found remarkable effects of this technique on other elements of the text.
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المواقع الالکترونیة
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