Explanation and Analysis of Mutual Religious Approaches of Qara Khitai and Muslims in FaraRoud
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)
fardin yavari
fezoallah boshasbgosheh
farinaz hooshyar
1 - PhD student, History Department, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran
2 - History department,najafabad branch,Islamic azad university,najafabad,iran
3 - Department of History, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran.
Keywords: Karakhtas.transoxiana , religious policy , chaos theory , muslims,
Abstract :
The appearance of the Qara Khitai and their invasion toward Transoxania (Fara Roud) in the 6th century AH can be considered as the first major invasion of non-Muslims from Central Asia plains towards the Islamic world. The present study was an attempt to investigate the most important Qara Khitai religious approaches and policies toward Muslim people, as Non-Muslims who ruled over the Transoxania through expanding the phenomenon of confusion, inconsistency and ideological conflict, through "distortion theory". In addition, we were interested to explore principles and components used by Muslims against Qara Khitai invasion. The results of the study indicate that the presence and appearance of Qara Khitai, as alien elements, infidels and trouble makers in Fara Roud, led to the formation of two kinds of approaches in Muslims' religious politics. Through the first approach, some Muslims, including Sultan Sinjar, decided to confront Qara Khitai due to sensitivity to conditions created via the phenomenon of confusion in terms of a religious conflict with Qara Khitai, while through the second approach, the majority of the Muslim community took a passive position due to being influenced by Sunni jurisprudence based on the legitimacy of Taghlib element. On the other side, the Qara Khitai turned to adopting alternative approaches to turbulence using religious tolerance and indifference, and expedient cooperation with various religious groups such as Al Burhan, Sadat Alavi, Qarakhanians, Sufis and mystics of this region due to familiarity with Muslims lifestyle in Fara Roud.