Comparative analysis of the role of the collective unconscious of Carl Gustav Jung in the poem (Pain is my other name) by Qaiser Aminpour
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
ali keshavarz Ghadimi
mostafa maleki
1 - Institution of public libraries of the country, general office of public libraries of Qazvin province. Qazvin. Iran(corresponding author)
2 - Member of Iran's Mining Engineering System Organization, Technical Manager of Qazvin Province Mines. Qazvin. Iran.
Keywords: Jung's theory, pain is my other name, Qaiser Aminpour, collective unconscious. ,
Abstract :
In the human psyche, the unconscious plays an important role in his behavior and action and ultimately his destiny, and it is the unconscious that drives us forward without knowing it. A set of archetypes, positive and negative complexes, shadow and persona, etc. surprisingly captures the human individual and collective unconscious. The connection of all human behaviors with the unconscious is the case of psychologists. Poetry arises from the unconscious. In the meantime, Jung's theories have paved the way for this path to use these theories to analyze many unconscious behaviors in the poem (Pain is another name for me) by Qaiser Amin Pour.The aim of The present research by descriptive-analytical and library method is to investigate and analyze the role of the collective unconscious in this poem by Qaisar Aminpour. The findings of the research show that among Jung's theories, the collective and personal unconscious have a high frequency in this poem.
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