Deductive logic as a paradigm of knowledge theory in Mulla Sadra and Descartes’s philosophical systems
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
1 - assistant professor in islamic philosophy at sistan and baluchestan university
Keywords: Mulla sadra, deduction, logic, Descartes, Cognitive Theory,
Abstract :
The main end of epistemological discussions from the point of view of philosophers is the attainment of certainty and truth. From this point of view, different philosophers, with different views and ideas, have always tried to establish a basis for achieving the desired result. Mulla Sadra and Descartes are among the most sought-after. Both Mulla Sadra and Descartes have made the deduction the tool of their epistemological theory and consider the possibility of attaining certainty in this way possible. While sharing this view, the differences between the two regarding this issue should be noted that Mulla Sadra's deduction is Aristotelian deduction based on facial logic, but in Descartes' epistemic logic it is more concerned with the logic of matter and the relation between facts. And not merely from the perspective of the relationship of the concepts studied. It is noteworthy that Mulla Sadra's view as an deduction underlies the arguments of Aristotelian face logic and tradition, because of the real and objective rules and laws in which both senses and rationales are used, in contrast to Descartes's view that his meaning is based on deduction. It builds on the logic of matter and focuses solely on recommendation and order, making it more acceptable and acceptable, at least in terms of evaluation.
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