Open Access Article
1 - The impact of cultural institutions on the institutionalization of modern Islamic civilization
غفار zarei soleyman ghasempor Ali Mohammad Haghighi -
Open Access Article
2 - The possibility of inferring the justice system as fairness from within the discourses of the Islamic Republic
Afshin Habibzadehkolli Reza Akbari noori khodayar mortazavi asl -
Open Access Article
3 - Analysis of Saudi Arabia's approach in Syria and Yemen "with an emphasis on delimiting the strategic area of Iran"
shahram Askari hesn SEYED MOSTAFA IRANNEJAD -
Open Access Article
4 - Islamic governance from the perspective of Ayatollah Naini
mohammad jalilfar محمدکاظم کاوه پیشقدم -
Open Access Article
5 - Manifesting the spirit of privacy adjustment on Iranian extroverted houses (case study: Kolbadi house in Mazandaran province)
Amir Hossein Shirdel Jamaledin Mehdinejad Roshanak Naseriakbar -
Open Access Article
6 - The Study of Jihadi culture and Islamic work ethics with job performance in physical education teachers
omid safari -
Open Access Article
7 - A study of the political patterns of influence of the domination system in the Islamic Republic of Iran
ahmadreza habibi -
Open Access Article
8 - An Analysis of the 17th Global Development Program and the Foreign Policy Approach of the Islamic Republic of Iran
majid abdollahi mohammadreza قائدی مریم مرادی حبیب اله ابوالحسن شیرازی -
Open Access Article
9 - Consequences of ineffective organizational culture based on Jihadi management indicators in Islamic Republic of Justice
hassan soltani taherehsadat arvinasl Saeed Razeghi -
Open Access Article
10 - Explaining the necessity of good governance from the perspective of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)
Motahara Salehi mohamad ghasemi -
Open Access Article
11 - Examining the economic goals of Iran and China in the comprehensive strategic cooperation document
Arezoo Askary Mehrdad salehiyeganeh -
Open Access Article
12 - Challenges facing Islamic civilization with emphasis on Richard Slater's votes
Monireh Basirati Abdolhosein kalantari -
Open Access Article
13 - Providing a Model for Promoting Intelligence in Islamic Azad University of Hormozgan Province
ali ahmadi -
Open Access Article
14 - Providing Identification of Dimensions, Components and Indicators of Professional Competency Model Promotion
Open Access Article
15 - An Analytical Study on the Formation of Ground War in the Future on the Issue of the Most Quietest Region in the Islamic Republic of Iran
seyed Alireza Ghazimirsaeed -
Open Access Article
16 - Designing a model of academic entrepreneurship assessment, a new approach for comparability of future universities
Javad Tavasoli Noghabi Hamideh Reshadatjoo Mohammadali Hosseini -
Open Access Article
17 - Analysis of factors affecting the empowerment of women faculty members of Islamic Azad University
Saeedeh Koohi kamran mohammadkhani Nadergholi Ghourchian amirhoseein mohamad davoudi -
Open Access Article
18 - Reviewing the Relationship between the organizational Trust and Organizational Commitment in the Employees of Science and Research Branch in Islamic Azad University
Mehdi Akbarzadeh H. Rezghi Shirsavar -
Open Access Article
19 - Presentation Model for Management By Value And Its the Impact on Organizational Excellence Islamic Azad University
Abolghasem Barimani Kiumars Niaz Azari -
Open Access Article
20 - Investigating Islamic Azad University’s Strategic Analysis
Gh. Memarzade K. Kiakojory F. Roudgarnezhad -
Open Access Article
21 - Identifying the Influential Factors on an Islamic-Iranian Model of Human Resource Development in Governmental Sector with Aspect of future studies
Ismail Kamali Rad Naser Mirsepasi Reza NajafBagy Afshar Kazemi -
Open Access Article
22 - A presentation of pattern for Accreditation of Islamic Azad University (IAU)
Kioumars Niaz Azari -
Open Access Article
23 - A presentation of pattern for Accreditation of Islamic Azad University (IAU)
Kioumars Niaz Azari -
Open Access Article
24 - Religious democracy in Imam Ali’s word ( on the occasion of Imam Ali’s (AS) year)
Lotfollah Foroozandeh Dehkordy -
Open Access Article
25 - Waterfronts in Andalusia Belvedere Gardens; from Al-Zahra to Al-Hamra
Afife Khadangi Abdolrahim Ghanavat -
Open Access Article
26 - Idris Bitlisi, clerkly writing History and Islamic paradigm in the Ottoman historiography
Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
27 - The Impact of living in the Umayyad Court on John Damascus Attitude toward Islam
Mostafa Moallemi -
Open Access Article
28 - History of the Development of Jurisprudence in Second Caliph Era from the Perspective of Legal Anthropology: Legitimacy of Hajj al-Tamattu’
Hamidreza Azarinia Ihsan Bahramlou -
Open Access Article
29 - Social Consequences of Arab Tribes Immigration to Iran
زهره دهقان پور علی بیات -
Open Access Article
30 - Arabesque and its Nabatean Origin
Negar Zeilabi Hadi Alemzadeh -
Open Access Article
31 - Rhazes on Pharmacy
Mahboobeh FarkhondeZadeh Mostafa Gohari FakhrAbadi -
Open Access Article
32 - A Study on Gardīzī's Historiography in Zayn al-Akhbār
mojtaba khalifeh setare ghaffari bijari -
Open Access Article
33 - Architecture as a Political Expression: The Impact of Political Contexts and Purposes on the Architectural Activities of Bahri’s Mamluks (1250-1382
Zahra Habibi Fariba Pat Negar Zeilabi -
Open Access Article
34 - Rebellion and Conversion: Christian Copts and Muslim Rulers in Egypt, the Second and Third Centuries A. H.
معصومعلی پنجه -
Open Access Article
35 - Reflection of Cohens Narrations on The Prophet Sȋrah: An Analysis of Pre-Prophetic Mission Narrations
Naser Abedi Abedi Gholam Hosein Zargarinejad Sina Forouzesh Osman Yousefi -
Open Access Article
36 - The Village of Yathrib/Medina in the Prophet Era; Based on the First Centuries A.H. Evidences
mehran Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
37 - The Link between Talismans and Figural Images in Islam
Negar Zeilabi -
Open Access Article
38 - The Entry of Historical Narratives to Islamic Genealogy by the End of Third Century A.H: the Process and Motives
muhammad taqavi ali bayat -
Open Access Article
39 - Calling Iranians to Islam from the first Muslim’s invasion To the Kadisīyyah Battle
آذر آهنچی -
Open Access Article
40 - Districts and Strongholds of Jews in Hidjāz
فاطمه احمدوند -
Open Access Article
41 - Fields of growing of philosophy and theology in Samanids Era
محبوب مهدویان -
Open Access Article
42 - Dihghāns and Islamic Conquests
شهرام امیری -
Open Access Article
43 - Political System, Organization and Governmental Institutes of the Tūlūnīds
هادی عالم زاده معصومعلی پنجه -
Open Access Article
44 - The Chronology of the Attention of Imāmi Scholars to al-Qāḍī Nuʿmān’s Works (with Emphasis on Pre-Safavīd Era)
Mohammad Afi Khorasani -
Open Access Article
45 - The Purpose of Ibn Farīghūn for Jawāmeʿ al-ʿulūm's writing: Viewpoints Review
Taher Babaei Ahmad Badkubeh Hazaveh -
Open Access Article
46 - Thābit b. Sinān Ṣābī and the Tradition of Historiography in Islam
فریبا پات -
Open Access Article
47 - The Image of Khadīdjah in Early Sunni Historiography: A Study on the Narrations of Ibn Saʿd
Mojtaba Soltani Ahmadi Sarah Khatami Mostafa Gohari Fakhrabad -
Open Access Article
48 - The Religious-Ethnic Approach in the Futūḥ-Writings of the Islamic Period; A Study on Futūḥ Al-Miṣr va Akhbāruha by Ibn ‘Abd al-Hakam
Mohammad Taqavi -
Open Access Article
49 - Baghdadi Paper in the Early Centuries of Islam; Reviewing an Idea
Mahdi Mojtahedi -
Open Access Article
50 - Islamic Education in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria (1893-1960)
Oladiti Abiodun Akeem Kamal-deen Olawale Sulaiman -
Open Access Article
51 - Phlebotomy in Islamic Medicine
علی غفرانی نرگس کدخدایی کلات -
Open Access Article
52 - The Encroachments on the Endowed Lands in the Mamlūks Egypt: Consequences and Reactions
قدریه تاج بخش -
Open Access Article
53 - First Abbasid Caliphs, Philosophy and Theology
محبوب مهدویان -
Open Access Article
54 - Rhazes’ Research Methods in Medicine
Fahimeh Mokhber Dezfouli -
Open Access Article
55 - |araism and Islamic Theology
محمد کاظم رحمتی -
Open Access Article
56 - The Confiscation of Property in the Abbasid Era; its Political and Economic Aims and Performances
Mahdi Qorbani Hesari Ebrahim Mousapour Besheli Qanbarali Roodgar -
Open Access Article
57 - The Functions of Genealogy in the Studies of Islamic History
mehdi Bigdeli Seyed Abolfazl razavi Reza Shabani -
Open Access Article
58 - The Turks, from Shamanism to Islam
فهمیه مخبر دزفولی -
Open Access Article
59 - Abul Faraj Isfahānī's Historiography in Maqātil al-Tālibīyyīn: The Written Maqātil of Ahl al-Bayt (Peace be Upon Him)
Azar Anjomshoaa Mohammad Reza Hedayat Panah Mohammad Hasan Masoumi -
Open Access Article
60 - The New Interpretation of al-Hakīm al-Tirmidhī's Kitāb al-Furūq
Shams al-Din AzizPur Hamed(farhang) Khani(mehrvash) -
Open Access Article
61 - Risala fi [Tawziḥ Ashkal] al-Usṭurlab al-Kuriy: A Survey of an Anonymous Treatise on Spherical Astrolabe
سید جمال Mousavi سید محمّد Mouzafari -
Open Access Article
62 - Rationalism and Textualism in Al-Bad wa l- Tarikh
خضر پورعبادی یونس فرهمند -
Open Access Article
63 - Local Historiography in Syria: Tārīkh-i Dimashq (History of Damascus) by Ibn Qalānisī
Ameneh Baqeri Masoumali Panjeh -
Open Access Article
64 - The Fātimīd Period and the History of Islamic Civilization: A Theoretical Study
Zeinab Fazli -
Open Access Article
65 - 15 unknown schools in Khurasan (4^th Hidjri until 6^th Hidjri century)
قربان علی اسماعیلی -
Open Access Article
66 - The Saints’ Kiramat in Islamic Thought; Mu'tazilite Critical Point of View
Amir Hossein Hatami -
Open Access Article
67 - A Study of the Achievements of French Orientalists in Algeria (1830-1962 AD)
Majid Menhaji -
Open Access Article
68 - Position of Baghdad Shurta Institution and Its Power (from Establishment till Early Buyid Period)
سید هاشم آقاجری علیرضا اشتری تفرشی -
Open Access Article
69 - Conversion of Copts to Islam in Bahrī Mamluks period: Contexts, Causes & Consequences
معصومعلی پنجه -
Open Access Article
70 - Celebrations and Celebratory Behaviors in the Territory of Jahāngīrshāh Gurkānī (1037-1014 AH) Based on Jahāngīrnāmih and Majālis Jahāngīrī
Hossein Tavakoli Moqadam Qanbarali Roudgar -
Open Access Article
71 - Rebuttal Writing against Islam in Andalusia and Its Influence on this Tradition in the Western Europe
محمد کاظم رحمتی -
Open Access Article
72 - An introduction to Ibn Khaldūn’s Viewpoints on the Islamic Civilization Decline
یوسف جعفرزاده -
Open Access Article
73 - Local Histories of the Jazīra: Structural Typology and Content Evaluation
hossein nazari pasikhani Masoumali Panjeh Younes Farahmand -
Open Access Article
74 - Historiography of Ibn Aybak in Kanz al-Durar
اسماعیل چنگیزی -
Open Access Article
75 - Historical Evolution of a Term; Ra’iyyat and its Classification in Islamic Administration
نگار ذیلابی -
Open Access Article
76 - Marine Trade in Siraf during the First Islamic Centuries
داوود یحیایی -
Open Access Article
77 - Ibn Ri∙wān MālaÎi (d. 874 A.H) and His Political Thought
مجتبی دوستی یونس فرهمند -
Open Access Article
78 - The Concept of Pādishāh-i-Islām in Ilkhānīd Era: A Study on Ghāzān-Nāmih by Nūrī Azhdarī
Seyed Abolfazl Razavi Ali Shahzadi -
Open Access Article
79 - Iranian Identity; A Critique of the Views and the Necessity of a Historical Approach
Mohammad ali Asgari Fahimeh Mokhber Dezfuli Younes Farahmand -
Open Access Article
80 - Social-Cultural Factors in Forming District in Iranian-Islamic City and its Functions
عباس بحری مقدم شهرام یوسفیفر -
Open Access Article
81 - The Reasons for the Joining of Social Classes to Bābak Khurramdin's Revolt against the Abbasids: A Social Study Based on the Theory of Relative Deprivation of Ted Robert Geer
mohammad azagh Fereidoun Allahyari Ali akbar kajbaf -
Open Access Article
82 - Nūshābād’s Zīlū: The Earliest Known Zīlū from Islamic Persia
Mohamad Reza Ghiasian Mohammad Mashhadi Noosh Abadi -
Open Access Article
83 - A Critical Review of Tarīkh -i Islam of Dr. Fayyāz
صابر اداک -
Open Access Article
84 - Historical Treatises within Safīni-yi Tabrīz
هادی عالم زاده -
Open Access Article
85 - philosophical- theological transitions in Hafsi period
M.R Pak -
Open Access Article
86 - A Study on the Structure of Rab’i Rashidi in Ilkhanids Era
Amir Dehghan Nejad Abdolrasoul Emadi Mohsen Rahmati -
Open Access Article
87 - Relations between Delhi Sultans and Abbasid Caliphs
محسن معصومی سعید شیرازی -
Open Access Article
88 - A Critical Study on Patricia Crone’s Views as a Revisionist
Sepideh Nosrati Ghorban Elmi naser gozashteh -
Open Access Article
89 - Fluctuations of Iranian-Islamic Identity (From the Beginning till Tamer lane Invasion)
منصور Tarafdari -
Open Access Article
90 - Dehkhoda of Sår-i-Sr§fÊl: an Imperfect Picture of Social Democracy
Sayed Hashem Aghajari Mehdi Zamani -
Open Access Article
91 - “Khātimih” of Rawḍat al-ṣafā: It’s Author and Content
Zahra Rezaeenasab Qanbarali Roodgar hadi Alemzadeh -
Open Access Article
92 - Tārik͟h-i Khayrāt and Aṣaḥḥ al-tawārikh: the Representation of the Early History of Islam in Two General Histories from the Ninth Century A.H.
Ali Kalirad -
Open Access Article
93 - Imam Muhammad Al-Ghazzālī Influence on the Malay World; The Archipelago of Indonesia
mahmoodreza esfandiar -
Open Access Article
94 - The Reason of Brief-writing works in Islamic Culture
قنبر علی رودگر -
Open Access Article
95 - Women's Missionary: Reflections on Mariy Bird's Propaganda Goals and Methods with Emphasis on Book of Persian Women and Their Creed
Mansour Tarafdari Jafar Nouri Mohammadreza Maleksabet -
Open Access Article
96 - The Link Between Astronomy and Astrology in Safavid Era
Behzad Karimi -
Open Access Article
97 - Kitāb al- Buldān by Ibn Faqīh-i-Hamadānī: The Geographical School and Method
Mahboobeh Sharafi Mahdi Alijani -
Open Access Article
98 - A Glory Report from History of Islam a Review on the Book of “History of Islam” Written by Late Dr Ali-Akbar Fayaz
عبدالرحیم قنوات -
Open Access Article
99 - khitatnigari in islamic Egypt
M.A Panle -
Open Access Article
100 - Review of Ali Akbar Velayati’s Islamic Culture and Civilization
اسماعیل چنگیزی اردهایی -
Open Access Article
101 - Iranian Furniture in Islamic Era: from Seljuqs to Zands
Seyede Motahareh Mousavi Hasanali Pourmand Leila Karimi Fard -
Open Access Article
102 - One Civilization and Two Interpretations: Rereading Two Works by Abdulḥusayn Zarrinkub: Du Qarn Sukut and Karnami-yi Islam
سیاوش Shohani -
Open Access Article
103 - An approach to civilization and Islamic civilization from Seyyed Hossein Nasr's view
سید علیرضا عالمی -
Open Access Article
104 - Muslim Minority in Romania (from Independence till Now)
میهای چرناتِسْکو -
Open Access Article
105 - -Hyecho’s Diary and Its Implications for the Historical Studies of Iran and Islam
Iman Taji -
Open Access Article
106 - A Reexamination on Relation between the Islamic Arts and Mysticism on the Historical Evidences
مهرداد قیومی بیدهندی -
Open Access Article
107 - 0assan ibn Zāhed Kirmānī, an Alchemist of 8th Century and his Works
علی کاوسی رحیم رضا کوهکن یونس فرهمند -
Open Access Article
108 - The relationship between personality characteristics and burnout and employee deviant behaviors of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Maryam Sadeghi Amir Garousi -
Open Access Article
109 - Presenting a Structural Interpretivel Model of Islamic Social Responsibility Policy in the Health System
ruhollah shahmoradi sirous tadbiri maryam Majidi -
Open Access Article
110 - Restructuring Genuine Leadership in Higher Education: Leadership legitimacy through the evaluation of followers of ethical dimensions
Azam RagabiMram Elham Kavyani Franak Mosavi Maryam Eslampanah -
Open Access Article
111 - Canonical analysis of the relationship between organizational health and organizational commitment among the employees of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Medical Branch
Afshar Kabiri Seyed Mohammad Seyed Alavi -
Open Access Article
112 - Investigating the Impact of HR Strategies on Organizational Agility in Shooshtar Jameh Islamic Azad University (from the Viewpoint of Managers and Professors)
ghanbar amirnejad -
Open Access Article
113 - Improving the strategic model of governance of local affairs in the Islamic Republic of Iran
mohammad amirabadi seyedjavad amini -
Open Access Article
114 - Identifying and Explaining the Components of Student Improvement and Presenting a Related Model in Islamic Azad University
pariya porbaran Hamideh Reshadatjoo kamran mohammad khani adel fatemi -
Open Access Article
115 - Identification and Prioritization component of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance entrepreneurship with AHP approach (case study: Tehran Central Building)
Fahime Mashhadi Mahmoudi Hadi Rezghi Shirsavar -
Open Access Article
116 - Evaluate the Accountability System in Islamic Azad University
Ali Kargar Zanjani Abolhasan Faghihi Reza Najafbeyghi -
Open Access Article
117 - Comparison between Boroujerd and Dooroud Islamic councils in terms of performance
حسن گیوریان مسعود یاراحمدی علیرضا شیروانی حاجیه رجبی فرجاد -
Open Access Article
118 - Determine the Level of Organizational Intelligence and the Relationship Between the Productivity of Employees (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Science and Research)
S. Mohammad S. Alavi Arezou Maghsoudi -
Open Access Article
119 - ارتباط مدیریت دانش و مولفه های آن با ابعاد سازمان یادگیرنده در دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات تهران
tahereh feizi leila gh -
Open Access Article
120 - Presenting an entrepreneurial education model for sustainable job creation in Islamic Azad Universities in Tehran
sana abdolali -
Open Access Article
121 - Media Literacy and Awareness of the Social Network Damages
حسن مقدس زاده هاجر صفاهیه -
Open Access Article
122 - Fatemeh Esmaeili, Aliakbar Razmjo, Ebrahim Fathi
Fateme Esmaeeli Aliakbar Razmjoo Ebrahim Fathi -
Open Access Article
123 - Islamophobia in Western Visual Media
Abbas Isazadeh Seyed Hossein Sharafoddin -
Open Access Article
124 - Definition of mission and vision of media organizations. Case study: learning (amoozesh) Channel of Islamic republic of iran broadcasting
youseph norouzgendeshmin Taher Roshandel -
Open Access Article
125 - Investigating the State of Civil Society and the Evolution of the Press in the Six Periods of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
nafiseh zarekohan Hadi Khaniki Afsaneh Mozafari -
Open Access Article
126 - روش شناسی دانش ارتباطات؛ درآمدی بر روش شناسی اسلامی
سید وحید عقیلی عبدالحسین خسروپناه امین طیب طاهر -
Open Access Article
127 - The New Definition of Islamic Tabligh
Hassan Sabilan Ardestani -
Open Access Article
128 - نقش روابط عمومی دانشگاهها در توسعه فعالیت های آموزشی
فاطمه احمدنژاد آتو -
Open Access Article
129 - بررسی رابطه هویت اسلامی، فضای مجازی وجهانی شدن
هومن الوندی محسن نایبی -
Open Access Article
130 - Measurement of Social Trust and It`s Aspects in Azad University Students in Tehran
Somayeh tajik esmaeili -
Open Access Article
131 - Critical Discourse Analysis of Persian-language BBC Media (Case Study: Weekend Page 2)
Sina Tofangchi Hajar Kazemi -
Open Access Article
132 - اطلاع رسانی به موقع روابط عمومی هاو رضایت کارکنان و اعضای هیئت علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی (استان تهران)
لیلا نیرومند -
Open Access Article
133 - The effect of the Voice of America news coverage on the audience perspective (study students of Islamic Azad University Damavand)
Afshim Mohammadi Alireza Talkhabi -
Open Access Article
134 - رابطه بین ارزشهای دینی و توسعه روابط عمومی در سازمان های هزاره سوم
سید محمود هاشمی اسماعیل کاوسی محسن نایبی -
Open Access Article
135 - Cultural Inteligence of Emplooyees & the Impact of Development on Social & Cultural Activities at University
Esmaeil Kavousy Seyyed Mahmood Hashemi -
Open Access Article
136 - بررسی دیپلماسی کره جنوبی در استقبال مردم ایران از فرهنگ و کالای این کشور
سید وحید عقیلی علیرضا قرائتی -
Open Access Article
137 - The Role of Cultural Factors Affecting On Knowledge Management In Tehran Sharg (gyam Dasht) University Staff &, Teachers
Esmaeil kavousi seid mahmoud hashemi -
Open Access Article
138 - The Citizen's journey to God inKhaje Abdullah Ansari’s The City of Sad Meydan (one hundred fields)
Mohammad Naghizadeh Maryam Najafi -
Open Access Article
139 - Assessing the Impact of Islamic Azad University of Sari on Sustainable Developments of the Surrounding Areas
Abdullah Ebrahimi Farah Habib Iraj Etessam -
Open Access Article
140 - Assessing Urban Planners Skills for Entering Professional Job and Measure the Total Quality Management Level (Case Study: Department of Urban Development, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch)
Seyed Moslem Seyedolhosseini Elham Sanagar Darbani -
Open Access Article
141 - Analyzing and explaining the components of sociability of public spaces in Iranian-Islamic cities (Case Study: Ali Qapu Pedestrian in Ardabil)
Azita Balali Oskoyi Mohammad Ali Keynejhad Hamid Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
142 - Typology Research of the Northwest Iran’s Railway Stations’ Architecture (The Qajar Period to Present)
Habib Shahhoseini Fatemeh Asadzadeh -
Open Access Article
143 - Manifestation of Social Justice in the Structure of Islamic City (Neighborhood)
Leila Rahimi Mohammad Naghizadeh -
Open Access Article
144 - The Friday Mosque of Fahraj; a Re-examination
Alireza Anisi -
Open Access Article
145 - The Relationship of Perceived Tenure Security and Housing Quality in Informal Settlement of Islamabad, Tehran
Hashem Dadash Poor Bahram Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
146 - Khaje Abdullah Ansari’s Sad Meydan, A Bases for Providing Iranian Urban Design & Planning Principles
Mohammad Naghizadeh Maryam Najafi -
Open Access Article
147 - Designing of Spatial of City Quarters with Emphasis on the Islam Principles in Iranian - Islamic City (Case Study: Shohada Neighbourhood in Zanjan)
Saeid gholami Abolfazle meshkini Esmaeil daviran -
Open Access Article
148 - Representation of New Viewpoints on Rose and Star Patterns in Islamic Decorations
Lida Balilan Asl Dariush Sattarzadeh Maryam Nouri Sanaz Khorshidian Ahmar -
Open Access Article
149 - The symbolism of Iranian Garden in Islamic Era
Mohamad mahdi godarzi sorosh Mostafa Mokhtabad -
Open Access Article
150 - The Role of Perceptual and Spatial Organization of Street in Security Feeling of Pedestrians (Case study: Tabriz city)
Leila Rahimi Mohamad Taghi Pirbabaei -
Open Access Article
151 - Analysis of the Social Problems Role in Insecurity of Islamic Cities
Hamidreza Saremi -
Open Access Article
152 - Architectural Language of Persian Paintings (Survey of Persian Paintings as Historical Documents of Iranian Islamic Architecture)
Manouchehr Foroutan -
Open Access Article
153 - Examining the reasons for the weakness of professional ethics in the communication of the football federation at the international level
mozafar yektayar mostafa mostafapour mozhgan khodamoradpour meysam allahmoradi -
Open Access Article
154 - Identify the behavioral factors involving in increasing students’ participation in recreational sport activities at the university Islamic Azad
Hadi Abdollahifar -
Open Access Article
155 - تحلیل اجتماع مسئولیت مباشر و مسبب در قانون مجازات اسلامی مصوب سال 1392 از دیدگاه حقوق خصوصی
رضا امین پور علی محمودیان چالبان ام البنین درویش پوریان -
Open Access Article
156 - نقش بزه دیده بر مسئولیت بزهکار در قانون مجازات اسلامی از منظر آموزههای بزه دیده شناسی علمی
جمال بیگی حکیمه یزدانی -
Open Access Article
157 - Genealogy and the Strategies of the Innovation Discourse in Islamic Law
Hossein jalali -
Open Access Article
158 - The right of the couple to recourse to reciprocal divorce in Islam and jurisprudence
Ahmad Yousefi Sadeghloo saman karimi -
Open Access Article
159 - The role of the religion in social changes through crime (with emphasis on the Islam role in terrorism)
Nourooz Karegari -
Open Access Article
160 - The role of political security in Islamic Azad University in Islamic Republic of Iran during the 80's
Majid Masomi Laleh Gholipour Arbastan -
Open Access Article
161 - Domestic and foreign policies from the perspective of Turkey's AKP
Hamid Ahmadi Fatemeh Hatamabadi Farahani -
Open Access Article
162 - مبانی داوری تجاری در فقه اسلامی و حقوق بینالملل
محسن قدیر حسین کاظمی فروشانی -
Open Access Article
163 - Constructivism: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Foreign Policy
علیرضا Azghandi -
Open Access Article
164 - Elixir of Recent Vestiges; A Comparative Study of the Indentity Problem in the Qajar Chronology
محسن Khalili -
Open Access Article
165 - Constraints to Iran’s Regional Supremacy
سیدجلال Dehghani -
Open Access Article
166 - ساز و کارهای حل و فصل غیرقضایی دعاوی کیفری در حقوق جزای اسلامی
علیرضا محمدبیکی عباس شیری ورنامخواستی ابوالقاسم خدادی سید علی میرابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
167 - School affiliation on Development strategies in the first decade of the Islamic Revolution
Mohammad Kazem Kaveh Pishghadadam -
Open Access Article
168 - Power – knowledge and hegemony in process of globalization
Abdolreza bay -
Open Access Article
169 - بایستههای نظری تقلب نسبت به قانون از منظر حقوق ایران
حسین کاظمی فروشانی محسن قدیر -
Open Access Article
170 - Opportunities and Threats of Globalization on Political Developments in Iran
احمد Sai مهدی Safarpoor محمد Bavbar -
Open Access Article
171 - Political Cinema and America’s Foreign Policy Toward Iran After September 11th
Allahyar elahi Elahi Abbas Soltanloo Ali Reza soltani -
Open Access Article
172 - -
A. Saei GH. Torabi -
Open Access Article
173 - Evaluation and comparative analysis of mudarabah papers based on the standards of Shafi'i and Imami jurisprudence
ABDOLAZIZ MIRANI fereydoon rahnama seid abas mousavian Mahdi Madanchi Zaj Mohammad Adel Ziaei -
Open Access Article
174 - Identification diversifying financing methods In Islamic Azad University
Nazi Mohamadzadeh Asl -
Open Access Article
175 - Scientometrics Study of the Islamic Finance sphere treatises in Iran
Younes Nobakht -
Open Access Article
176 - The relationship between religious beliefs and Islamic financial literacy in master's degree students
اسما اشرف گنجوئی شهناز نایب زاده -
Open Access Article
177 - The Effect Corruption on the Financial Health of Islamic Banks
Vahid Bekhradi Nasab Fatemeh Zholanezhad -
Open Access Article
178 - Inflation swaps, instruments to hedge inflation risk (review of compliance with Islamic finance)
Ali Rahneshin -
Open Access Article
179 - Liquidity Risk Management of Firms in Accordance with Sharia Through Private Deposit Funds
Ali Rahneshin -
Open Access Article
180 - The effect of financial stability and fluctuations in the value of the national currency on the efficiency of Islamic banking, under the switching regime change model
hadi radfar Mohammad Khazri fatemeh zandi bijan safavi -
Open Access Article
181 - Juridical and Economic Look to the Ijarah securities, features and benefits
Aziz Neko M. Javad Baqizadeh -
Open Access Article
182 - Ranking Iranian Banks in terms of corporate governance whit emphasizing the status of the board of directors and its committees
Marziyeh Noorahmadi Ali Mahdavi Parsa -
Open Access Article
183 - رابطه فساد و سرمایه انسانی در کشورهای منتخب عضو کنفرانس اسلامی با سطح توسعه انسانی متوسط و ضعیف
سید مهدی صدری اسگویی منیره دیزجی پرویز محمدزاده سید علی پایتختی اسکویی -
Open Access Article
184 - تأثیر شوکهای سیاست پولی بر احتمال بقای نظامهای ارزی در کشورهای عضو سازمان همکاری اسلامی (رهیافت تحلیل بقاء در دادههای تابلویی)
ندا قدرت آبادی علیرضا دقیقی اصلی مجید افشاری راد مرجان دامن کشیده -
Open Access Article
185 - امکانسنجی ایجاد خزانه اسلامی متمرکز و تأثیر آن بر فقر
نادر نامدار مهدی مرادی یعقوب محمودیان مهدی صادقی شاهدانی رقیه حسن زاده -
Open Access Article
186 - تأثیر دموکراسی بر هزینههای نظامی در کشورهای اسلامی: رهیافت اقتصادسنجی فضایی
ابوالقاسم گل خندان -
Open Access Article
187 - The Relationship between Islamic-Iranian Management and Human Resource Development with the Mediation Role of Meritocracy and Accountability (Case Study: State Hospitals and Medical Centers of West Azerbaijan Province)
Masoud Ghahremani Behrouz Behrouz Osmanzadeh -
Open Access Article
188 - The Effect of Guerrilla Marketing Dimensions through Usefulness Mediation Variables and Acceptance of Information in Brand Image in Social Networks Studied By Students of Tehran Azad University of Research Sciences
Shadi Shahriari Farideh Haghshenas kashani -
Open Access Article
189 - Sharia prescribed punishments, jurisprudential contradictions and legal ambiguities
mahdiar rahmandoost -
Open Access Article
190 - Jurisprudential study and critique of the establishment of the religious limit of "corruption on earth" in the Islamic Penal Code 1392
aliakbar mohammadzadeh mohammadali heidari ahmadreza tavakkoli -
Open Access Article
191 - Feasibility study of criminalization of some examples of vandalism in using some jurisprudential capacities of the Constitution and the Islamic Penal Code of 1392
Dr. Seyed Mohammad Reza Mousavi Fard -
Open Access Article
192 - A Comparative Study of the Refugee Admission Pattern by the Islamic Government and Western States
Esmail Ragheb Babaii Hojatollah Salimi Torkamani, Saleh Rezaii PishRobat Hossein Rostamzad -
Open Access Article
193 - Qadf: Reviewing Muhaqeq Ardabili's Viewpoints and its Application to Islamic Penal Code of 2013
fateme koohmishi mansour amirzadeh jirkoli hosain saberi -
Open Access Article
194 - Vali-e-Faqih and the Legislative Criminal Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
amin allah zamani -
Open Access Article
195 - The field of aesthetic and artistic education is a document of the fundamental transformation of education in the Islamic standard system from the perspective of jurisprudence, the Quran, and Hadith.
hasan heydari Mohammed Hussain TAHEREH feyzollah akbari -
Open Access Article
196 - Jurisprudential and legal assessment of the inclusion of the provision of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code for criminals with relative impairment of discrimination and perception
Fatemeh Noori roomanan abbas tadayyon Behnam Yousefian Shuredeli -
Open Access Article
197 - The need to criminalize usury as an economic crime
saeed saeedmirzai abdolvahid Zahedi seed reza hosseini -
Open Access Article
198 - Takfiri terrorism ahd exprwssing the position of jihad in lslamic jurisprudence
mohammadali ansarichamroudi Hossein sadjadi younes vahed yarijan -
Open Access Article
199 - The History of Compilation and the Place of the Book of Common Prayer in the Protestantism in Christianity and the Place and Dignity of Prayers and Rituals in Islam
Mansoureh Nejatnia Bakhsh Ali Ghanbari (Corresponding Author) Mohammad Reza Adli -
Open Access Article
200 - Social Supervision in Islam
Saeed Amir Kaveh Amir Kaveh -
Open Access Article
201 - Understanding the Legal Reason of the Transmission of Precepts from Nass to Other Cases in the Viewpoints of Islamic Sects
Taha Samiai Sayyed Hossain Vaezi -
Open Access Article
202 - Legal Jurisprudential Investigation of the Investigation and Its Exceptional Cases
Seyyed Hadi Salehi Seyyed Mehdi Salehi Reza Nikkhah Sarnaghi -
Open Access Article
203 - Specific Executor Traits in the Iranian Law and the Islamic Jurisprudence
Ahmad Ali Ghane Esmaeil Mohammadpour -
Open Access Article
204 - Legislative-executive critique, the philosophy of punishment of repentant criminals in ta'zir crimes non-Determined
Amin Jalili seyd Mohamad Mehdi Sadati -
Open Access Article
205 - Proportion and Relation of Jurisprudence to Ethics from the Perspective of Fayd Kāshānī
Seyd Abolghasem Naghibi -
Open Access Article
206 - Comparative Study of Sperm Selling in the Jurisprudence of Islamic Religions
Ayoub Shafeipoor Hossein Nooroddini -
Open Access Article
207 - The Process of Evolution and Development of the Conduct of the Wise to the Islamic Usulis
Seyyedeh Fatemeh i Mousavi Hormoz Asadi Koohbad Javad Panjeh Poor -
Open Access Article
208 - The Role of Islamic Culture in Auditors' Responsibility and The Quality of Audit in The Iranian Environment
Hossein Reza Ramezani kaveh azinfar Hamid Reza Gholamnia Roshan Reza Fallah -
Open Access Article
209 - The effect selected individual characteristics on the well-being of professional accountants and mediator role of Islamic ethics and ethical climate of the organization
Mahmoud Moeinadin Shahnaz Nayebzadeh Fatemeh Dinpajouh -
Open Access Article
210 - Determining Per Capita of Students with Activity-Based Costing Method (Case Study: Tehran Sciences and Research Branch)
Arezou Jalili Javad Ashrafi -
Open Access Article
211 - Presenting an Islamic accounting model with emphasis on juridical bases and fundamental challenges
Sasan Mehrani Gholamreza Karami S. Ali Hosseyni Alireza Ramrooz -
Open Access Article
212 - Extracting Resilience strategy map from the perspective of Islam in crisis management of organizations using the balanced scorecard approach and fuzzy DEMATEL technique
Ahmad Ebrahimi Fatemeh Azizabadi-Farahani Minoo Laffafchi Soroor Laffafchi -
Open Access Article
213 - The Relationship of Islamic Work Ethics with Attitude toward Organizational Change in Isfahan Province Governorate
mohammad hadi mansur lakourj Reza Ebrahimzadeh Dastjerdi Majed Maharani Barzani abbas ghadamini -
Open Access Article
214 - Investigating the Role of Organizational Culture and Islamic Work Ethics on Job Performance with Regarding Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Satisfaction (Case Study: Office of Registry and Property and Property of Mashhad)
zahra aminafshar Mohsen Hooshangi Seyyed majid Elahi -
Open Access Article
215 - Islamic State Educational Facilities in organizing the process of socializing women
Firozeh Karami -
Open Access Article
216 - The impact of Psychological Capital on Organizational Silence in Islamic Azad University of Mazandaran province
Ghazal Ahmadi کیومرث Azeri needs محمد Salehi -
Open Access Article
217 - Relationship between Cultural intelligence with Manager’s Performance (case study: the Provincial television networks of Islamic Republic of Iran West Region)
Arman Ahmadizad SAIED SEDAGHATALLAH MOSAVI nadia shabrand -
Open Access Article
218 - Investigating dimensions of Islamic culture in Iran and its impact on managers' behavior and job satisfaction
mahdi eslampanah sayed mahdi alvani -
Open Access Article
219 - Analysis of effective themes on water consumption culture; Islamic approach (qualitative study)
neda Rajaeian Narges Keshtiaray Mohammad Ali Nadi -
Open Access Article
220 - Iranian Islamic Knowledge Knowledge Management Based On The Teachings Of The Islamic Religion And The Iranian Culture
HASAN Movaffagh Gholamreza Hashemzadeh khorasegani esfandiar Doshmanziari -
Open Access Article
221 - Evaluating the organizational culture in Islamic Azad university of Esfarayen
Zohreh AlipourTorbati Royae Afrassiabi -
Open Access Article
222 - Identification of the resiliency human resource dimensions during pandemic covid-19 condition from Islamic point of view based on fuzzy Delphi method
Mir Mehrdad Peidaei Nazanin Pilevari salmasi Mohammad Reza Shahriari -
Open Access Article
223 - Identifying the Components of revolutionary managers in the organization, from the viewpoint of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution
Milad Fakhraei Kumars Ahmadi Aliakbar Ahmadi Farzad Zandi -
Open Access Article
224 - Presenting a model for developing Islamic organizational culture for education (Case study: cities of Tehran province)
علی صادقی سعید مرادی بتول فقیه آرام علیرضا عراقیه لیلی شریفیان -
Open Access Article
225 - The role analysis of Fundamental Islamic-Iranian Blueprint For Progress in Strategic Realms Transformation and Promoting The Government and People Continuity (case study: popular- government constitutions and state organizations of west azerbaijan province)
Masoud Ghahremani Farshad Zavari Khanaghah -
Open Access Article
226 - Investigating the effect of Islamic leadership on deviant behaviors in the workplace through Islamic work ethic and social capital (Case study: Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan))
abbas ghadamini reza Ebrahimzadeh Dastjerdi Mehrdad Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
227 - Designing Model create space cultural At FestivalHi artistic Fajr Revolution Islamic of Iran
vahid mohammadi -
Open Access Article
228 - Presenting the model of organizational virtue with an emphasis on spiritual care (Cae study : Islamic azad university HQ )
mohsen Faraji Sadigheh tootian leila saiedi -
Open Access Article
229 - Research on the process of globalization or globalization Looking at the threat or opportunity of the generation gap in the teachings of criminal and Islamic sociology
Maryam Thabakh Hossaini Seyed Mohammad Reza Mousavi Fard Ali Dalfani Mustafa Malaki -
Open Access Article
230 - Investigating relation between cultural factors and women’s promotion in management positions (case study: Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch)
سید رضا صالحی امیری لیلا اشرفجو -
Open Access Article
231 - University Evaluation about the Need for Improvement and Presentation of Accounting Measurement Conceptual Framework by Islamic Religious Culture Approach
عسگر پاک مرام یوسف بیک زاده جمال بحری ثالث -
Open Access Article
232 - a
firozeh karami -
Open Access Article
233 - study of entrepreneur characteristics and effectiveness of some managers of The Islamic Azad University
دکترسید رضا صالحی امیری دکتر علی شاه حسینی -
Open Access Article
234 - Assessment of Iranian‐Islamic identity components Among University Students and presenting management strategies to enhance it
عباسعلی قیومی محمدرضا انصاری -
Open Access Article
235 - Identifying Islamic Values Affecting Individuals' Financial Behaviors
رمضانعلی رویایی محمد علی افشار کاظمی حمید رضا وکیلی فرد علی باغانی -
Open Access Article
236 - Outsourcing Projects Effectiveness in Islamic Azad University as a cultural institution; A case study Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
دکتر سید احمد حسینی گل افشانی عبدالرحیم رحیمی -
Open Access Article
E. Kavousi P. Khalesi -
Open Access Article
238 - Pathology of Islamic Education in Schools of Qom and Managerial Solutions to Treat it
دکتر حمید نگارش ناهید دامن پاک مقدم -
Open Access Article
239 - Article title: Identification the Dimension of Balanced Human Resources from Islamic point of view based on Fuzzy Delphi Method
میر مهرداد پیدایی نازنین پیله وری صابر باقری -
Open Access Article
240 - Survey of Create Electronic Journal database Of Islamic Azad University
علی حاجی شمسایی صمد صبوری سروش فتحی -
Open Access Article
H. Nikomaram E. Kavousi P. Asgari -
Open Access Article
242 - a
mohamad banaiyan mohamadhoseyn yarmohamadian narges kashti aray seyed mahdi aghapor -
Open Access Article
243 - Evaluating the Role of the Islamic Culture and Relations in Cultural Interchanging with Other Countries
دکتر سید رضا صالحی امیری سعید محمدی -
Open Access Article
244 - An Investigating And Explanation of Strategies of Work Commitment & Self Control Culture Institutionalizination (Case Study: Islamic Azad University Units' Employments)
محمد صالحی کیمرث نیازآذری حسنا کاشف -
Open Access Article
245 - Designing the Iranian‐Islamic model of covering management according to value management
محسن قدمی حسین مظفر عیسی کشاورز -
Open Access Article
246 - Assessment of the Performance of the University Managers at the I.A.U Branches (Tehran, District 8)
دکتر کریم حمدی هادی رزقی شیرسوار نادی علیزاده -
Open Access Article
247 - Measurement and Comparing Cultural Capital among Management Student of Tehran University and I.A.U, Tehran, Science and Research Branch
دکتر اسمعیل کاوسی زینت السادات خراسانی -
Open Access Article
248 - Designing and offering a local pattern for promotion of organizational entrepreneurship in cultural organizations in 1388
فرشاد رحمتی زنجان طلب -
Open Access Article
249 - Survey and comparison of knowledge, attitude and skill level of the Master students of information technology management using virtual and traditional education in Islamic Azad University
جواد مقدسی دکتر رضا نوروز زاده -
Open Access Article
250 - The relationship between organizational intelligence and performance management, Islamic Azad University, Region Eight
هادی رزقی شیرسوار حمید شفیع زاده مسلم باقی زاده -
Open Access Article
251 - Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Strategy Case Study : Islamic Republic of Iran Broad Casting Deputy of Control and Monitoring
Fatemeh Aziziabadi Farahani Hamideh Reshadatjo Bahram Rezaei -
Open Access Article
252 - Social respinsibility promotion alternatives among staff managers of Islamic Azad University Central organization
حسین علی شاهینی -
Open Access Article
253 - Crisis Management in ISLAMIC AZAD UNIVERSTY
دکتر علی ربیعی هادی رزقی شیرسوار -
Open Access Article
254 - Political Development in the Era and After the Iranian Constitutional Revolution And the First Decade of the Islamic Revolution(57-67)
omid gahafari mahmoud ketabi نفیسه واعظ -
Open Access Article
255 - The study of barriers of entrepreneurship in Islamic Azad University and the role of entrepreneurs in economic and social development
zahra shojaei رحمت علیزاده -
Open Access Article
256 - Investigating the role of female identification in the performance of women's representatives in the 5th Islamic Consultative Assembly
fatemah haghani sarmi gholamhosien zargarinezad sina forosezh -
Open Access Article
257 - Review and analysis welfare development indicators in Islamic countries
somayeh mohammadi hamidi majid akbari mirnajaf mosavy -
Open Access Article
258 - Survey of villagers' satisfaction with the performance of Dehyari and the Islamic Council of the village (Case study: villages of Darrehshahr city)
Assiyeh Mahdipour Ahmad Mahdipour -
Open Access Article
259 - The effect of socio-economic development process on the occurrence of revolutions; A comparative historical study of the revolutions in Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen
Amir َAzimi Dolatabadi -
Open Access Article
260 - Evaluation and Analysis of Space-Community Structures and Social Security in Islamshahr Neighborhoods
Ali Akbar Tavakoli nejad Rahim Sarvar -
Open Access Article
261 - Discourse Analysis of Social Development in the Periods of Islamic Parliament of Iran
Moradali Mansoorirazi Reza Yazarloo Sedigheh Aminian علیرضا اسماعیلی -
Open Access Article
262 - Impact of socio-cultural indexes on social trust among Tehran Citizens toward Islamic Azad University
Majid kaffashi Soroush Fathi -
Open Access Article
263 - A Review and Analysis of Welfare Development Indicators in Islamic Countries
Mirnajaf Mousavi Majid Akbari Somayeh Mohammadi Hamidi Vahid Boustan Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
264 - An Investigation of the Factors Affecting Social Capital Improvement among Rural Islamic Council Members of Tehran
Somayeh Khosravi Mehrdad Niknami -
Open Access Article
265 - Assessing the Relationship between Social Capital and Occupational Activity (Case of Study: Employees in Islamic Azad University East Tehran Branch)
Esmaeil Kavousy -
Open Access Article
266 - The Role of Islamic Azad University in Tehran Suburbs’ Sustainable Development (Case of Study: Islamshahr Division)
Alireza Ghaleyie Seyed Mohammad Seyed Alavi -
Open Access Article
267 - Structural Equation Modeling of Affective Life Style Indices on Social Identity (Case of Study: Students of Islamic Azad University)
Majid Kaffashi -
Open Access Article
268 - A Sociological Study of Iranian-Islamic Lifestyle among the Youth in Kerman City
Mansour Haghighatian Hamid Mahmoodian Ameneh Firoozabadi -
Open Access Article
269 - Social Justice in Imam Khomeini’s Reflection
Ebrahim Irannezhad Mohammad hossein Jamshidi Ahmad Farshbafiyan -
Open Access Article
270 - The Effect of Socio-economic Development Process on the Occurrence of Revolutions; A Comparative Historical Study of the Revolutions in Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen
Amir Azimi Dolatabadi -
Open Access Article
271 - If Panderim among Prescribed Punishments(Hodood)
Rahim Nowbahar -
Open Access Article
272 - Ibn Sina on “Divine Attributes”
mohsen Ghasempour Seyed Abbas Zahabi Mohammad Seedimehr -
Open Access Article
273 - User evaluation of urban green space in the process of sustainable development (Case study: Eslamshahr)
Nemat Hosseinzadeh Elham Amini Zeynab Yaghobpor Majid Naghavi -
Open Access Article
274 - Measuring the Quality of Life in Rural Areas (Case Study: Central District of Islam Abad Gharb)
Batol Mirzaeian Bijan Rahmani Mohammad Taghi Razavian Abdolreza Farajirad -
Open Access Article
275 - Geopolitical Impact of Energy Transmission on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran
basir asghari -
Open Access Article
276 - Evaluation of Iraq's insecurity factors and its effects on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran
mohamad eisa ansarifard simin armaqan alireza estelaji -
Open Access Article
277 - The role of Islam in the convergence of the Baluch people and the impact on social security in Sistan and Baluchestan province
mohammad chegini , tahmineh daniali , aliasghar Ismail Porroshan -
Open Access Article
278 - Prioritizing Brownfield for Sustainable Urban Regeneration (Case study: neighborhoods of zone 16 of Tehran neighboring with the Fedaiyan Islam axis)
Nahid Nematikutenaee Rahim Sarvar Farideh Asadian -
Open Access Article
279 - Geoeconomic relations (geopolitical economy) of Iran- India and its convergence and divergence factor
Alireza mehrabi ghasem abbasianfard Sourosh Nick manesh -
Open Access Article
280 - The position of Iranian-Islamic urban development in the realization of urban livability (Case study around the shrine of Hazrat Abdul Azim)
Alireza Jafari HamidReza Saremi Arash Baghdadi -
Open Access Article
281 - Challllenges and sttrattegiies off Tehran megallopollii devellopmentt case sttudy:: iisllamshah– robattkariim Diisttriict
Mohammad Allii Rajaeii Asghar Nazaryan Rahiim Sarvar -
Open Access Article
282 - New Geopolitic of Europ and its imply cation on relation with Islamic Republic of form (Emphasizing on post –cold war and forming Europian union)
Abdoreza Faraji Rad Narges Qasemi -
Open Access Article
283 - The role of islamic azad university on formation human capital (a survey on its units scattering in iran)
ناصر Eghbali -
Open Access Article
284 - An investigation into life quality by emphasizing urban management: a case study in Islam abad gharb
Hamid Bargh bahman shafiei ahmad hajarian -
Open Access Article
285 - Urban Management in Annexed Village into Urban Area (Case study: Islamshahr and Shatareh)
نغمه محمدپورلیما علی نوری کرمانی علی اکبر رضایی -
Open Access Article
286 - Applying the Principles of Islamic-Iranian Culture in Urban Design Contemporary Iranian(Case Study: Tajrish Square in Tehran)
Sina Mansouri -
Open Access Article
287 - The Analyze of Behavior of Citizen in Islamic Council Electio (Case Study :Songhor)
Esmaeil Nasiri Hosein Komasi Ali Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
288 - Affecting factors on Delivering Sustainable Income Resources of Local Governments (Case of Study: Firoozkooh Municipality)
محمد ذاکری حسین شجاع حرمت اصغری -
Open Access Article
289 - The role of Tehran Municipality in promoting the cultural dimention of Islamic lifestyle (case study: region 5of Tehran Municipality)
Maryam Nozari Afsaneh Zamani moghaddam Fatemeh Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
290 - Presentation of a Strategic Model to Implement the Promotional Plan of Social and Cultural Level in 12th Territory of Tehran (Case study: ImamzadehYahya area)
Abolfazl Danaei SeyedReza Mohseni -
Open Access Article
291 - A Survey of Information Seeking Behavior of Graduate Students of Islamic Azad University: Najaf Abad Branch
Asefeh Asemi Saeed Rajaeepour Narges Oraee Ali Akbar Mirzaee -
Open Access Article
292 - Assessing the relationship between Islamic religiosity & organizational trust Case Study: East and West Azerbaijan State University librarians
ahmad sadeghinia Nadjla Hariri Fahimeh Babolhavaeji -
Open Access Article
293 - The relationship between resistance to change and the productivity of the librarians at Tehran Islamic Azad University branches
Farnoosh Azimi Khabazan Mina Afshari -
Open Access Article
294 - Identification of Information Needs Islamic Azad University Students of Ghaemshahr and the Role of Library to Meet in
Sara Barzegar Banafsheh Dadashi Seyyed Abedin Hosseini Ahangari -
Open Access Article
295 - Evaluation of e- books from the view- points of graduate students and librarians, case study: Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch in Tehran
Zahra Abdollahi Hamed Alipour Hafezi -
Open Access Article
296 - Identification of the relationship between librarians' job satisfaction and public library endusers' satisfaction: the case of Zanjan public libraries
Hava Khazaeenejad Fahimeh Babolhavaejianzadeh -
Open Access Article
297 - Examining the Usability of Islamic Thesaurus-based Offline Databases Based on ISO 9241 and ISO 16982
Seyed Mehdi Taheri Davood Shadpoori Masoud Razmi Shendi Yaghoub Norouzi -
Open Access Article
298 - The Development of Islamic Studies in the West
raoof nosratian Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
299 - Sharia and Tariqa in the Gospel of Thomas and Islamic mysticism
Mehran Rahbari -
Open Access Article
300 - The Emergence of the Imami scholastic Mysticism in Qom Seminary
Mahmoud Sheikh -
Open Access Article
301 - The Place of Mir Shams-ud-Din ‘Iraqi in Khashmir
گل آرا Davarpanah -
Open Access Article
302 - Religious Developments in Modern Islam and the 16th Century Europe: A Comparative Study
بهروز حدادی -
Open Access Article
303 - A Critique of the Concept of "Motion" in Cosmic Mysticism (Halqe)
seyed hamidreza raoof Azim Hamzeian -
Open Access Article
304 - Chivalry, Agility and Generosity Before and After Islamic Era
علی Zarrini محمد شفیع Saffari رضا Samizadeh -
Open Access Article
305 - The Nature of The Holy Spirit from the Perspective of the Holy Quran and the Bible
جمشید Sarmastani علیرضا Ebrahim طاهره Hajebrahimi -
Open Access Article
306 - Thomas Merton's views on Islam and Sufism
reza rezaei طاهره حاج ابراهیمی Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
307 - The Concept of Perfect Man from the viewpoint of Azīz ibn Muhammad Nasafī
کیومرث چراغی -
Open Access Article
308 - Tradition and Ijtihād in Christianity and Islam: Mechanisms Employed to Meet the Social Needs
behrooz haddadi -
Open Access Article
309 - Abrahamic Faith in Christianity and Islam
Amin Moradi Mahmoud Reza Esfaandiar Abdul Hussein Latifi -
Open Access Article
310 - Transcendental Suffering or Post-traumatic Growth: A Comparative Study of the Possibility of Post-Divorce Growth in Islam and Positive Psychology
Atefeh Najafizadeh Roshank Kodabakhsh Pirkalani Azam Farah Bijari -
Open Access Article
311 - Environmental Efficiency and Its Relationship with Income in Islamic Countries (D8)
Mahsa Evaz Sahra Saman Ziaee Mahmood Ahmadpour Borazjani Alireza Sargazi -
Open Access Article
312 - Evaluation of Ardebil Iranian-Islamic City Resilience and its Five Regions Ranking by Using KOPRAS Model
Karmat Allah Ziari asghar pashazadeh Mohammad Hasan Yazdani -
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313 - Islamshahr Town Environmental-Legal Problems’ Evaluation
Naser Ghasemi Vali ollah mohammadi -
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314 - Surveying the Level of Quality and Identity of Islaamshar Urban Sight from the Citizens’ Viewpoint
Masoud Alimardani Mahdi Vaezi -
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315 - The study of microbial pollution in ground water resources in Islamshar region
Amir Hesam i Hasan Mohammad Reza Khani Mojtaba Sayyadi Valiollah Ghadami Hamid Reza Khastoo -
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316 - The Securitization of Insurances In the Leading Industries (Based On Sukuk Models)
Seyed Mohammad Javad Mirtaher Mahdiar Sarshar -
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325 - Environmental Rights from the Perspective of Islam with the Method of Discursive Institutionalism
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333 - Analysis of the process of identity and development in the history of Beyhaqi, Kelileh and Demneh
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338 - Islamic Awakening in Farokhi Yazdi and AbulQasim al-Shabi’s Poetry
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Reza Zarinkamar Mohammad Mehdi Sayar -
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341 - Adaptation of Legal Concepts in Kelileh va Demneh and Golestan Saadi with the Provisions of the Laws of the Legal System of the Islamic Republic of Iran
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343 - Morier’s Hajji Baba and Post-Colonial Orientalism
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346 - Comparative Study of Praise in Holy Quran and Saadi's Bustan
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347 - Comparative study of Islamic Awareness in Mohammad Iqbal and Abdullah Al-Baradouni's Poetries
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348 - Ammar Basri's Defenses of Christian Theology in Al-Borhan
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350 - The Role and Status of Women in Islamophobia with an Approach to Imam Khomeini's Viewpoint
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351 - Identifying the effective factors in realization of fairness in authorities' Islamic lifestyle from the viewpoint of Qur'an
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352 - Forward Sale and e-commerce in the statute laws citing to the Holy Quran
Seyedeh Sedigheh Shafiei Nasab Langroudi Mohammad Ali Ghorbani Kazem Rahman Satayesh -
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353 - An Analysis of the General Concept of the Word "Islam" in the Holy Qur'an: An Approach to the Sublime Man
Mehrnaz Donboli Khosrow Bagheri -
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354 - Economic Behavior in the Qur'an
Abolfazl Samy Gholamreza Mesbahi moghadam khashayar seidshokri nematollah falihi pierbasti -
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355 - Divorce and its Conditions of Validity in Qur'an and Civil Law
Ezzatollah Barkhordari -
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356 - Pathology of Rational – Social Principles of Enjoining the Good and Prevention of Vice by emphasizing Holy Quran and hadith
Roghiyeh Mirzakhani Ali Hossein Ehteshami -
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357 - Manifestation of Islamic Beliefs in the Contradiction of Jarir in Rejecting Falsehood Emphasizing Holy Quran
Hamid Motevalli Zadeh Naeini -
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358 - Investigating the level of attention to positive thinking lifestyle in Islamic texts and Quran
Ashaq Shirin Kam Effat Abbasi -
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359 - A study of the various sayings of Islamic commentators and thinkers about verse 3 of Surah Nisa in the Qur'an
ali matouri Mohammad Javad Sami Alireza Khansha -
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360 - Comparison of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with Quranic teachings
Hamid Bazrpach Mohsen Bozorgi -
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361 - Religious and Islamic beliefs in Khamsa Nizami with emphasis on the Holy Quran
Ashraf Naji Reza Fahimi Rahim Taher -
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362 - A comparative study of the International Declaration of Human Rights with Quranic teachings
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363 - Moving toward Desirable School from Motahari's View Point by citing Holy Quran Verses
Leila Mirzaei Saeed Beheshti Mohsen Imani Naeeini -
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364 - A Study on the Islamic Society Growth Process by Emphasizing Al Hujurat Surah
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365 - Traits of a model woman Islamic from Qoranic view point
Leyla Afshar Zohre Rostami -
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366 - Fideism in Islam and Christianity (Section 1)
Ghorban Jamali -
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Zarin Taj Parhizgar Tooraj Aghdaie -
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368 - Immortality of soul in Islam with emphasis on Quranic verses
Afifeh Hamedi -
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369 - The Semantical Examination of Some Words In Qoran and Pre-Islamic Culture
Ramazan Rezaei Yadollah Rafiei -
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370 - Quran’s view on blood money (Diyah) and its calculation in the current era
Mahmood Aghajani Nadali Ashouri Ahmad Abedini Mohamad Ali Heydari -
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371 - Fields of Solidarity, its Factors and Formation Strategies from Quran's Point of View
Gholamreza Shahraki Fallah -
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372 - Educational Obligation of Parents towards their Children from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
Mohammad Razeghi Ahmad Ali Foroughi Abri Jahanbakhsh Rahmani Wali Allah Malakootifar -
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373 - Physical Punishments in Islam Regarding Quranic Doctrines and Challenges of Humanistic Rights
Mahdi Salehi Mohammad Jafari Harandi -
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374 - Theism in Christianity and Islam (Section 2)
Ghorban Jamali -
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375 - Heresy in the interpretations of Holy Quran
Raziyeh Ahmadpoor Seyyedeh Fatemeh Hosseini Mirsafi -
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376 - Annunciation's Semantics in Holy quran
Ebrahim Fallah Nosratollah Nasiri -
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377 - An Analytic study on Islamic Economy and Its Components in Holy Quran
Ahmad Arabshahi Karizi -
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378 - A Survey on Quranic Documents of Pluralism Claimers
Sahar Yousefi Bibi Hakimeh Hosseini -
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Jamal Rezaie Ali Asghar Naraghi -
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380 - The Principles of Foreign Policy in Islamic Government from Quran Point of View
Iran Asadi -
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381 - Quranic study on the relationship between life style and the pure life
Ibrahim Ibrahimi Asghar Tahmasebi Boldaji Babollah Mohammadi Nabi kendi -
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382 - A Study on Justice in Holy Quran from Three Points of Views
Ahmad Arabshahi Karizi -
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383 - The Definition of the philosophy of Islamic cities based on five principles of Islam
Seyed Mohammar reza Talakesh Mahdi Jamalinezhad Jamal Mohammadi -
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384 - The Reflection of Instructions and Islam's Ethic Orders in Shahriar Poetry
Mahboobeh Moslemi Zadeh -
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385 - Methodology of Education to Prevent Interference Emphasizing Twelfth Verse of Al-Hujurat Surah
Hadi Razzaqi Hariandei Roqiyeh Sadeqi Ahangari -
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386 - Right to Social Security with Emphasis on Verses and Hadiths
Somayeh Sarami Nafiseh Nekouei Mehr Atefeh Hosseini Fard Mohammad Javad Abdollahi -
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387 - The proper consumption pattern in the Qoran & tradition
Mahdi Momtahen Akhtar Soltani Mohammad Amin Rodini -
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388 - An analysis on Blasphemy Crime in Quranic Learnings
Mohammad Qasem Nazerian Mohsen Rohami Sadeq Moradi -
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389 - Quranic Principals of the Government and a Study of Imam Khomeini’s Views
Touraj Kouhestani Nezhad Mohammad Ali Safa Rouhollah Afzali -
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390 - Divine Obey in Quran and its improvement ways in the Islamic University
Sorayya Ghotbi Shadi Nafisi Somayyeh Taheri -
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391 - Nutrition Style in Human Health from Verses and Traditions View Point
Tayyebeh Ekran Mehrnaz Goli -
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392 - Reflection of Quran and Hadith in Sheikh Najm al-Din Razi’s Poetries
Zahra Baratiyeh Ghorban Ali Ebrahimi -
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393 - Explaining Halal Tourism According to Quranic Verses
Mirza Hassan Hosseini Sahar Khavari Moslem Soleimanpour -
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394 - The Prophet's Approach to Inviting to the Principles of Islam based on Qur'anic Instructions
Reza Ramezani -
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395 - The proper consumption pattern in the Qoran & tradition
Seyed Reza Moosavi -
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396 - Defect in Will: Taking an Interdisciplinary Approach Applying Islamic – Quranic Psychology Science
Fahimeh Mohammad Poor Mohammad Ali Goodarzi -
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397 - A Study on Holy Quran Principles about Enjoying Religious Differences
Abbas Bakhshandeh Bali Mohammad Ibrahim Bakhshandeh -
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398 - Quranic Lifestylefrom from Kalam Al Molouk Babajan Qazvini
Asiyeh Zabih Nia Omran -
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399 - Consulting and Recitation; Two Decision – Making Strategies in Islamic and Quranic Culture
Fatemeh Riyahi Ahmad Mirzaei -
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400 - A Study on the Social Aspect of Responsibility from Quran and Islam View Point
Zahra Hosseini Mahshid Izadi Najmeh Vakili Fahimeh Ansarian -
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401 - A study of Tolagha from the perspective of hadiths and narrations
Ebrahim Khorasani Parizi Mohsen Moradi -
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402 - A Survey on Religious Extremism and the Role of Islamic Education in its Controlling
Farhad Ramezan Zadeh Seyyed Ibrahim Mirshaah Jafari -
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403 - A Study on Islamophobia and Quran's Solutions
Zahra Alizadeh A'zam Etemdi Fard Mina Sadat Tabatabaee -
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404 - An analysis of Islamic lifestyle inhibitors in the Holy Quran
Soraya Barzgarnejad Hamid Hosseini -
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405 - A study of the concept of personal growth in Islamic traditions and the Qur'an
Ali Rasoulian Kamal Khajeh Poor Banadoki Abolghasem Asi Maznab -
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406 - Thoughts of Supreme Leader; Roadmap for Realization of Modern Islamic Civilization
Tayyebeh Barkhordari Yasser Salari -
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407 - Analysis of the Quranic Function of Social Unity from the Perspective of Allamah Tabatabie
Sayed Mahdi Soltani Renani mohammadreza haji esmaeeli Muhammad Reza Sotudenia Sayed Mahdi Lotfi -
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408 - A Comparison on Imam Ali's Principles and Democracy System
Hassan Fazl Ardeshir Asad Beigi Mahmoud Mahdavi Damqani -
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سیدسینا منتظر کیومرث نیاز آذری ترانه عنایتی -
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410 - بررسی مولفههای موثر بر عدالت آموزشی در دانشگاههای آزاد اسلامی شهر تهران
رضا محمدزاده اول فردوس یادگاری علیاصغر شریفی -
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411 - مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری مسئولیت اجتماعی اسلامی با تکیه بر مدیریت دولتی نوین از نوع حکمرانی خوب
هادی ردایی حسین حبیبیتبار زینالعابدین امینی سابق حسان ساده -
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412 - طراحی مدل بومی ارزیابی عملکرد پژوهش دانشگاههای آزاد اسلامی شهر تهران
فرشته وثوق غلامعلی احمدی امیر حسین محمد داودی نرگس حسن مرادی -
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413 - بررسی نقش تعدیلکنننده فضیلت سازمانی در رابطه بین اخلاق کار اسلامی و درگیری شغلی کارکنان
منیره کتابچی -
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414 - شناسایی مولفههای امنیت سازمانی در دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی به منظور ارائه مدلی جهت ارتقای آن
ابراهیم نظری بدری شاهطالبی حسینآبادی اکبر اعتباریان خوراسگانی -
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415 - ارائه مدل عوامل موثر بر امنیت شغلی هیئت علمی دانشگاه ها با تأکید بر استقلال دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
میترا رضایی محمدنقی ایمانی کامران محمدخانی -
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416 - ارائه الگوی اجرای دورههای آموزش بدو ورود در راستای پیشگیری از افت تحصیلی دانشجویان دانشکده دندانپزشکی واحد علوم پزشکی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی تهران
فرشته محمودی علی مهدی زاده اشرفی -
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417 - Analysis of the strategies of creating an entrepreneurial university in Abadeh city: using a mixed approach
somaye aghashiri مرضیه حیدری -
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418 - بررسی رابطه مدیریت هوشمند با توانمندسازی کارکنان سازمان مرکزی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
داوود حسین زاده علی رضا طوسی -
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419 - بررسی رابطه بین اعتماد سازمانی با رفتار شهروندی سازمانی در بین کارکنان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات تهران
شبنم بیداریان پریوش جعفری -
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420 - بررسی رابطه بین ابعاد جهتگیری هدفی با خلاقیت در دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد شیراز
محمد جمالزلده مهدی وارث -
Open Access Article
421 - تحلیل روابط بین ویژگیهای شخصیتی کارکنان با فرهنگ و سکوت سازمانی
فاطمه اسلامیه اصغر شریفی -
Open Access Article
422 - طراحی مدل شفافیت سازمانی به منظور توانمندسازی مدیران دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
حسنا کاشف مریم تقوایی یزدی کیومرث نیاز آذری -
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423 - بررسی ویژگی های شهر پاک برگرفته از فرهنگ و شاخصه های شهر اسلامی در شهر تهران ...
فاطمه طهرانی مجید ولی. شریعت پناهی. فریده اسدیان -
Open Access Article
424 - بررسی و تبیین وضعیت روستاهای شهرستان اسلامشهر از نظر چالشهای توسعه روستایی
بهادر حیدرپور تهمینه دانیالی علیرضا استعلاجی -
Open Access Article
425 - تبیین اهمیت منابع درآمدی برای موفقیت تمرکززدایی؛ پیشنهاداتی برای موفقیت نهادهای محلی در ایران
حسن کریمی فرد -
Open Access Article
426 - ارزیابی بناهای بلندمرتبه مسکونی ایرانی از منظرمعماری الگوگرا در معماری و شهرسازی ایرانی – اسلامی
فرهام مقدم راد منصور سپهری مقدم -
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427 - مطالعه جامعه شناختی تأثیر مؤلفه های سرمایه اجتماعی بر عملکرد مدیریت های محلی(شوراهای اسلامی شهر و روستا - شهرداری و دهیاری)
مهدی درویشی کمال جوانمرد زهرا حضرتی صومعه -
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428 - تحلیل ابعاد و مولفههای جایگاه زنان در برنامهریزی و طراحی فضاهای عمومی در شهرهای ایرانی- اسلامی (مطالعه موردی: شهر زاهدان)
سودابه هاشم زهی معصومه حافظ رضازاده مریم کریمیان بستانی -
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429 - بومی سازی الگوی مفهومی سازمان کارآفرین برای مناطق جغرافیایی ایران؛ مطالعه موردی گمرک جمهوری اسلامی ایران
علی سمایی مجید اشرفی روح الله سمیعی سامره شجاعی -
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430 - مطالعه تطبیقی قوانین و مقررات مقابله با تروریسم از منظر اسلام و حقوق بین الملل
امین امینی زارع ابومحمد عسگرخانی مریم مرادی -
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431 - ریشههای بسط و نضج بنیادگرائی افراطی در پاکستان در راستای ایجاد امنیت ملی و منطقهای با تاکید بر مرزهای مشترک ایران
فاطمه زهرا علی محمدی حمیدرضا محمدی عزت الله عزتی -
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432 - بحران مناطق شرق و تحلیل ژئوپلیتیکی برای مدیریت برون رفت از آن
محمدحسن نامی وحید بارانی پسیان غلامرضا سعیدی -
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433 - تحلیلی بر اولویتبندی وضعیت چرخه حیات در مناطق نمونه گردشگری مورد مطالعه: قطب گردشگری اسلام آباد غرب
غلامرضا نوری زهرا تقی زاده معصومه امانی بختیاروند -
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434 - مقایسه تطبیقی روستاهای دارای دهیاری و فاقد دهیاری در روند توسعهیافتگی (مطالعه موردی: روستاهای بخش مرکزی شهرستان اسلامشهر)
امیر هومن اسفندیاری تهمینه دانیالی -
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435 - ارزیابی همگراییهای اقتصادی میان جمهوری اسلامی ایران و کشورهای عضو سازمان شانگهای
سید مرتضی طباطبایی علی اصغر اسماعیل پورروشن تهمینه دانیالی حیدر لطفی -
Open Access Article
436 - بررسی فقهی و حقوقی تخریب محیطزیست و تأثیر آن بر گردشگری
غفور خوئینی محمدمهدی یحیی پور -
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437 - اصفهان، دارالعلم شرق در دوران صفویه
لیلا پهلوان زاده -
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438 - بررسی تطبیقی چارچوب تنظیمی سفر و گردشگری در کشورهای حاشیه خلیج فارس، با تاکید بر جمهوری اسلامی ایران
رسول افضلی سیدعباس احمدی محمود واثق منوچهر جهانیان -
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439 - تحلیل و بررسی چالشهای فقهی و حقوقی حضور گردشگران غیر مسلمان در ایران
عبدالله زندی فر محمد روحانی مقدم مریم آقایی بجستانی -
Open Access Article
440 - سنجش تفکر استراتژیک در مدیران شهرداری و شوراهای اسلامی شهر جهت برنامه ریزی استراتژیک منابع درآمدی پایدارشهرداری (مورد مطالعه شهر و شهرداری ملایر)
علیرضا امامی فخرالدین معروفی نقدهی -
Open Access Article
441 - تحلیل الگوی فضایی شاخصهای کیفیت زندگی در اجتماعات شهری (نمونه موردی: اسلامشهر)
غلامرضا ملک شاهی وحید بارانی پسیان اصغر آقایی محمد حسن نامی معصومه مولوی -
Open Access Article
442 - ژئوپلیتیک شیعه با تاکید بر نقش زائران حرم رضوی(مشهد مقدس)
محمدحسن نامی علی محمدپور مجید ولی شریعتپناهی اسفندیار حیدریپور -
Open Access Article
443 - بارزههای فرهنگی- مذهبی ایران در خارج از مرزها پس از انقلاب اسلامی
سید عباس احمدی محمود واثق عطاء اله عبدی احسان لشکری -
Open Access Article
444 - بررسی و تبیین ژئوپلیتیکی اسلام گرایی اعتدالی در سیاست خارجی ترکیه از سال 1995 تا 2011 میلادی با رویکرد سازه انگاری
افشین متقی -
Open Access Article
445 - بررسی و تبیین تعاملات ایران با ترکمنستان و کشورهای آسیای مرکزی
نظامعلی صالحی تهمینه دانیالی محمد اخباری -
Open Access Article
446 - کاربرد قاعده لاضرر در حفاظت از محیط زیست و معماری در راستای ارائه مدلی برای شهرسازی اسلامی و ایرانی
محسن حسن پور سید محمد موسوی بجنوردی مریم ابن تراب -
Open Access Article
447 - تحلیل و بررسی رابطه جرائم افساد فیالارض و امنیت ملی ایران
نغمه فرهود امیر وطنی -
Open Access Article
448 - الگویی راهبردی از محله پایدار شهر اسلامی – ایرانی (محله بنیاد شهر قم )
محمد محیط آرا عباس ملک حسینی مجید شمس -
Open Access Article
449 - واکاوی مولفههای تاثیرگذار بر همگرایی کشورهای اسلامی (باتاکید برظرفیتهای انقلاب اسلامی)
حسین ابوالفضلی کریزی محمد ستوده -
Open Access Article
450 - بررسی تأثیر دانشگاه بر توسعهی منطقهای مبتنی بر عدالت اسلامی در غرب استان تهران با تأکید بر توسعه فرهنگی شهرستان اسلامشهر
علی عقبایی شریف مطوف -
Open Access Article
451 - تحلیل ویژگیهای محیطی بر تنوع شخصیت انسان از دیدگاه فلاسفه اسلامی و نقش آن در برنامهریزی محیطی
سعید ریاحی مرضیه اخلاقی علی اصغر احمدی مهین رضایی -
Open Access Article
452 - شناسایی شرایط موثر بر گسترش فلسفه و حکمت در عصر صفوی
محمدحسین ایراندوست mssoome hasandoost -
Open Access Article
453 - Trail in absentia in Islamic fiqh and some current legal systems
Esmat sadat Tabatabaei Lotfy zinat nemati -
Open Access Article
454 - Pioneers of Beauty and Aestheticism doctrine in philosophy and Islamic Mysticism
محمدحسین ایراندوست ملیحه آدینه فرد -
Open Access Article
455 - Cucumber reviews for the sale of e-commerce
احمد مرادخانی hasan sadat -
Open Access Article
456 - Juridical and Juratory Study of Security and Corrective Measures with Emphasis on Islamic Punishment Law, 1392 (2013)
samane bagan احمد مرادخانی -
Open Access Article
457 - Removing terrorism from Islamic jurisprudence and jurisprudential explanation of political decision Imam KHomeini (RA)
احمد مرادخانی فاطمه رحمانی -
Open Access Article
458 - Analysis Rights types in Islamic religions
amir ahmadi -
Open Access Article
459 - Gender justice and Women's Employment In The Legal and Juridical Views
Seyed Doraid Mousavi Mojab Sara Bashari -
Open Access Article
460 - The effect of psychologist of school developmental crime prevention(with emphasis of Islamic teachings)
shahrdad darabi mahdieh pakravan namin -
Open Access Article
461 - The criminal responsibility of barbers for damaging the customer from the point of view of current jurisprudence and current Iranian rights
ahmad moradkhani fatemesadat taheri -
Open Access Article
462 - Jurisprudential examination of permission and role of brother in marriage of a sister in Islamic religions
amir ahmadi -
Open Access Article
463 - tajassos
محمدعلی قربانی mohammad pourshabanali -
Open Access Article
464 - International treaties, its terms and conditions in Islamic jurisprudence
Hossain Alam- alhoda سید محسن رزمی Mustafa Rajaepour -
Open Access Article
465 - The Relationship between Spirituality and Self-efficacy among Islamic Azad University Islamic Azad University Students in the Viewpoint of Islamic Psychology
Shirzad Amiri amir ahmadi -
Open Access Article
466 - Analysis of the scope of responsibility for paying blood money from Treasury in Islamic jurisprudence
Abbas Abedi Mohmmad mahdi Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
467 - The feasibility study of access to a common governance pattern among Islamic religions, with an emphasis on the role of the people
Mohamad Ahangaran Mohammad Beirouti -
Open Access Article
468 - The Philosophy of Al-Shariah Intentions in Shari'a Tricks Approaching the Imam Khomeini's Jurisprudential Views
Seyedmehdi Nezhadhahshemi Ali Bahraminezhad -
Open Access Article
469 - The methodology of cognition in transcendent wisdom
MohammadHossien Irandoost Eshagh Aban -
Open Access Article
470 - An Analysis of the Concept of Expert and Expertise in Islamic Ideology
Mahdi Fadaei Mehrbani Naser Garusi Saeed Jahangiri -
Open Access Article
471 - Jurisprudential principles of punishment and discipline of children by parents in jurisprudence
shirin shafie Tayebe Arefnia -
Open Access Article
472 - Insurance of Foreign Investment: An International Trade Law Approach and Islamic Jurisprudence
Fatemeh Asary -
Open Access Article
473 - An Explanation of Usury in Iran's Jurisprudence and Juridical System and the Ways of its Prevention
Afsaneh Aminikhah Tayebeh Arefnia -
Open Access Article
474 - The Place of Sahleh (Tolerance) and Samheh (Forbearance) in Marriage and the Role of Islamic Government in this Regard
Narges Ariannejad Alireza Asgari Seyyed Hasan Abedian -
Open Access Article
475 - Religious Dignity Based on the Necessity to Establish the Islamic Government in the Age of Absence
Mohammadali Moeel -
Open Access Article
476 - Feasibility Study of Using Islamic Financial Resources for the Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease with an Emphasis on Waqf (Endowment)
Mohammad Mehdi Moridi Fakhrullah Mollai Kendallos Hamed Rostami Najafabadi -
Open Access Article
477 - An Analysis of the Essence of Waiting Bonds in Jurisprudence; their Challenges and Inefficiencies
Manoochehr Ghafoori Mohammad Sadeghi Alireza Rajabzadeh -
Open Access Article
478 - The Arguments of Finitude of Dimensions from the View of Islamic Philosophers
Tahereh Sadat Mousavi Mehdi Najafi Afra Maghsoud Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
479 - Jurisprudential examination of the permissibility of demanding khums and zakat by the jurisprudence of Jame al-Sharitat
mohammad mahdi moridi Fakhrullah Mollai Kendallos Hamed Rostami Najafabadi -
Open Access Article
480 - A Review of 'Allāma Tehrāni's Jurisprudential View about Using the Term "Imām" for the fallible Characters
Mehrdad Hasan Beigi Mohammad Hassan Vakili -
Open Access Article
481 - -
محمد بیروتی mohamad ahangaran -
Open Access Article
482 - Advantages and disadvantages of passive defense policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohammad Taghi Roostaei رضا دلاوری -
Open Access Article
483 - National Identity in Iran. Take a look at the historical development patterns and policies of national identity
farshid delmqani محمدعلی قاسمی ترکی -
Open Access Article
484 - investigating Seyed Asadollah kharaghanis' political thought
Esmat ghafari maghsood ranjbar ali shirkhani -
Open Access Article
485 - ISIS: An Actor with Pre-Modern Thought and Ultra- Modern Instruments
masoud motallebi لیلی حیدری -
Open Access Article
486 - Historical place with three contemporary Arab thinkers Mohammed Abed Jabre, Mohammed Arkoun and Mohammad Talebi
حبیب عشایری -
Open Access Article
487 - Party status in Islam
ایوب دامیار محمد رحیم عیوضی -
Open Access Article
488 - Colonialism, Politics and World of Islam in the Constitution Era
morteza shirody -
Open Access Article
489 - The Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and the Islamic Awakening in Bahrain
Majid Abbasi Hassan Hassani -
Open Access Article
490 - Discourse of Islamic Revolution and the problems and challenges facing it
ali khaleghi -
Open Access Article
491 - Muslims and the Modern Phenomenon of Westernization : The Consequences and Solutions
morteza shirody mohamadsajad shirody -
Open Access Article
492 - The Problematique of Legitimacy in Islamic Civilization
Mohammad Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
493 - Analysis of the takfiris identity and their approach to the Islamic Republic of Iran
tohid afzali mohammad taher afzali -
Open Access Article
494 - The Dimensions of Iranian Identity in the Process of Globalization (case study of Islamist dimension)
pirouz hashempour غفار زارعی -
Open Access Article
495 - The role of the new middle class in the political instability of Iran in the second Pahlavi era
saeed jahangiri Abolghassem Taheri Alireza Azghandi Ahmad Saei -
Open Access Article
496 - The study and Comparison of Takfiri Cults among Muslims and Christians: An ISIS and Ku Klux Klan Case Study
rana ghasemi hadi vasei saeed montazery -
Open Access Article
497 - The Necessity of Transforming the Identity of the Islamic Revolution Based on the Agent-Structure Approach According to Ayatollah Khamenei's Votes
Saeed Saeedian Ghaffar Zarei -
Open Access Article
498 - An Analysis of the Effect of Challenges and Conflicts Related to the Syrian Crisis on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Muhammad Ebrahimi Ali Mohseni Abbas Barjoee fard -
Open Access Article
499 - The Impact of the European Jewish Congress on the Relationship between Iran and the European Union
Zahra Alvandi Mahdi Zakerianamiri Seyedabdolali Ghavam Hamid Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
500 - The Process of Globalization and the Necessity to Adopt a Inclusive Approach to Iran’s National Identity by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Government
Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali Hossein Rafie -
Open Access Article
501 - Challenges of Localization and Theorizing in Human Sciences
Ali Shirkhani Davoud Sabzi -
Open Access Article
502 - The Electoral System and Political Participation in Iran and its Impact on the Performance of Representatives (Review of the Sixth and Seventh Rounds of the Islamic Consultative Assembly)
Mir-Ebrahim Seddigh Garineh Keshishyan Ahmad Habibi -
Open Access Article
503 - The Transformation of National Security Discourses in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Davood Dakhshaei Mohsen Gholipour -
Open Access Article
504 - The relationship between Justice, Spirituality, and Rationality in the Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress and Their Achievements
Seyed Kazem Seyed Bagheri Mahmood Mokhtarband -
Open Access Article
505 - An Investigation of the Relationship between the BRICS and Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Arezoo Kheradmandan Bahram Yousefi Roohollah Shahabi Shiva Jalalpoor -
Open Access Article
506 - Iran’s Islamic Revolution Giving Identity to the Axis of Islamic Resistance (A Case Study: Lebanon’s Hizbullāh)
Pirouz Hashempour Alimohammad Haghighi Ghaffar Zarei -
Open Access Article
507 - Transformations of Iran’s National Identity in the Islamic Era (Since the Advent of Islam to Iran until the Safavid Dynasty)
Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali -
Open Access Article
508 - A Reflection upon the Concept of Political Development in the Principlist Discourse of Mahmūd Ahmadī Nizhād
Reza Mohammadain Hossein Tafazoli Seyed Ismail Hosseini Goli -
Open Access Article
509 - Resistance Movements in West Asia and the Challenge of Iran's Leadership Role in the Axis of Resistance
Lotfi Mehdi Ali Shirkhani Mehdi Javadani Moghadam -
Open Access Article
510 - A Survey of the State of Political Intelligence among Physical Education Directors of Islamic Āzād Universities in the Whole Country
Reza Hashemi Mad Javad Adabi Firozjah Reza Sabonchi Hosein Alimohamadi -
Open Access Article
511 - A Comparative Study of the Political Tendencies of the Representatives of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (with Emphasis on the 6h and 7th Terms)
Ali Mohammad Sharifi Masoumeh Reshad Mohammad Tohidfam -
Open Access Article
512 - A Comparative Study of the Components of Economic Development in the Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Malaysia
Mahmood Baharloo Majid Abbasi Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Ali Adami -
Open Access Article
513 - Analyzing the Role of Ayatollah Khamenei as the Nodal Point of the Islamic Republic System
Arash Monshizadegan Ali Asghar Davoudi saeed gazerani -
Open Access Article
514 - An Investigation of the Components and Political-Social Aspects of the Hypothesis of Book Burning in Iran by the Muslim Conquerors
Safia Rezaei -
Open Access Article
515 - The Impediments of Transition to Democracy in the Islamic Republic of Iran in the 5th Decade
Askari Pourhabib Ali Karimi Mellah Majid Tavassoli Rokanabadi -
Open Access Article
516 - Russia and the State-Nation Building Crisis in Modern Iraq
Mohammadreza Hakakzadeh -
Open Access Article
517 - Examining the Impact of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Exportation of the Revolution Strategy on the Geopolitics of the Middle East and the Onset of the Iran-Iraq War
Saeed Makvandi Godazhdar Lena Abdolkhani Fereydoon Akbarzadeh Ruhollah Shahabi -
Open Access Article
518 - A Study of the Discourse of Political Islam and Genealogy of Islamism
Javad Bostan Afrooz Hamed Mohagheghnia Ruhollah Shahabi Fraidoon Akbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
519 - An Analysis of the Effective Social Policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran to Maintain Social Capital in the Province of Khouzestan
Abdolamir Ozariani Hassan Kheiri Hossein Ajdarizadeh -
Open Access Article
520 - An Analysis of the Foreign Policy Strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East Using SWOT Model
Ibrahim Eram Amin Ravan Bod Ghafar Zarei -
Open Access Article
521 - The Lived Experience of the Governors of the Revolution in Stabilizing Post-Pahlavi Security in Iran
Nowruz Hashemzehi Rasoul Yahai -
Open Access Article
522 - The Role of Science and Technology in the Development of Islamic Civilization in the Globalization Age
Hosein Marzbani Ali Shirkhani -
Open Access Article
523 - Changing Scenarios in the International System and Their Effects on Iran’s Acting
Hadiseh Koliaee Amin Ravanbod AliMohammad Haghighi -
Open Access Article
524 - Strategic Model of Relations Between Iran and the Second Taliban Government
Hamed Alizadeh Mohammad Hasan Elahi Manesh -
Open Access Article
525 - Political Assessment of the Strategic Approach and Positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran Regarding the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Navid Nozaeem Seyyed Baqir Mirabbasi Mareyam Moradi Sohail Sohaili Najafabadi -
Open Access Article
526 - A Study of Challenges and Strategies for Informed Political Participation in the Election System of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohammad Arianpour Morteza Abazari Khalil Bahrami Qasr Chemi -
Open Access Article
527 - A Study of the Soft Power Role of Sport Diplomacy in the Success of the Foreign Policy Objectives of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohammad Bidgoli -
Open Access Article
528 - An Identity-Centered Approach to Russia’s Balanced Policy toward Islamic Countries in the Middle East: A Case Study of Iran and Saudi Arabia (2011-2020)
Sayed Razzagh Moghimi Davoud Kiani Mahdi Javdani Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
529 - Security Challenges Arising from Globalization in the Middle East and Their Impact on the Foreign Policy Strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia
Fazel Hassanzadeh Amin Ravanbod Ghafar Zarei -
Open Access Article
530 - Foregrounds of Religious Democracy and Transcendental Theosophy and Islamic Revolution Relationship
Sharif Lakzaei نجمه کیخا -
Open Access Article
531 - Islamic Civilization in the Eyes of Imam Khomeini (ra)
محمد صادقی -
Open Access Article
532 - Transnational Thoughts of Imam Khomeini (ra) and their Universal Manifestation
ماشااله حیدرپور حسن بشارتی راد -
Open Access Article
533 - Revolutionary Seminary and Leadership of Modern Islamic Civilization
علی شیرخانی -
Open Access Article
534 - The Total Attitude towards Political Freedom in Islamic Thought
seyed Kazem Seyed Bagheri -
Open Access Article
535 - Discourse of the Islamic Revolution and drawing an alternative model for the government
Ataollah Afsordeh Shiva Jalalpoor Hamed Ameri Golestani Hamed Mohagheghnia -
Open Access Article
536 - The Islamic-Iranian pattern for progress, a discourse pattern for an all-embracing evolution
mostafa motahari Khoshinani Jahanbakhsh Izadi -
Open Access Article
537 - Democracy, Freedom and Secularism in the Eyes of Imam Khomeini (ra)
زهرا صداقتی نیا محمد قدرتی مقصود رنجبر -
Open Access Article
538 - “Religious minimalists” and “Religious Maximalists”: Diversity in the New Political Thoughts in the Islamic World
KHadijeh Mohammadpour marzbali farzad hosseini -
Open Access Article
539 - Revolutionary Seminary (Hawzeh), Maintaining the Islamic Republic of Iran Regime
مسعود پورفرد -
Open Access Article
540 - Legal-Jurisprudent Principles of Membership and Partnership of Citizens in the Islamic Republic of Iran
رضا عیسی نیا -
Open Access Article
541 - Controversy over the succession of Shiite resistance discourses and Takfiri discourse on traditional West Asian security
morteza shirody ahmadraza shhali karam jamshidifard -
Open Access Article
542 - The Study of Women’s Subjectivity in Forming Discourse of the Islamic Revolution
shahnaz karimi mehrdad navabakhsh mostafa azkia -
Open Access Article
543 - A Contemplative Look at Defense and Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Eyes of Imam Khomeini (ra)
مهدی جاودانی مقدم -
Open Access Article
544 - The Status of Expediency in Politico-Jurisprudent Thinking of Imam Khomeini (ra)
خدیجه هاشمی غلامرضا بهروزی لک -
Open Access Article
545 - The Knowledge and the Grounds for the Identity Self‐discovery in the Field of Political Science:Defining the Boundaries of Islamic Epistemology
Ali Ashraf Nazari -
Open Access Article
546 - A Constructivist View of Russian Foreign Policy in the Middle East (Case Study: Syria and Iraq 2018-2011)
Davood Kiani Zeinab Sadoughi -
Open Access Article
547 - US-EU Divergent and Convergent Relations in Important Matters of the Globe
مجتبی محمدی نودهکی ابراهیم متقی محمدرضا اصغری -
Open Access Article
548 - Idea of Ummah in the Eyes of Imam Khomeini (ra)
ابوذر گوهری مقدم سید علی لطیفی -
Open Access Article
549 - A Survey on the Degree of the Acquaintance of the Seminary‐School Students and University Students in Qom with Imam Khomeini’s Political Jurisprudence
Ali Akbari Mo’alem Ne’matollah Karamollahi -
Open Access Article
550 - Role of Revolutionary Seminary in Renewing National Identity
علی ملکی -
Open Access Article
551 - Role of Revolutionary Seminary in Modern Islamic Civilization with an Emphasis of Ideas of Hazrat Ayatollah Khamenei (May he Have Increasing Honor)
غلامرضا ضابط پور کاری -
Open Access Article
552 - Lifestyle in Nahj al-Balaghah and its Reflection in Saadi's Works
Fatemeh Gooshehneshin Maryam Shafiee Taban Behnam Feali -
Open Access Article
553 - The philosopher Ray reflects the moral, philosophical and doctrinal thoughts of Mohammad bin Zakaria Razi
Elaheh Gholami Varnamkhasti Asghar Reza Purian -
Open Access Article
554 - A study of protest poetry in the poems of famous poets of the Islamic Revolution Islamic Revolution
Reza Karimi Larimi Reza Forsati Joybari Hosein Mansoryan -
Open Access Article
555 - The place of the crown and hat in the symbolism of mystical texts
Behzad Bahmani Mutlaq Ali Akbar Afrasiabpour -
Open Access Article
556 - A Study of the Status of Women in Ramayana Valmiki and Mullah Masih Pani Petty
Leila Badamiyan Nastaran Safari -
Open Access Article
557 - Holy Narration of Hamdo-llah Mostofi’s «Chosen History» and the occasions for expressing them
Ali Zakeri -
Open Access Article
558 - Western Teachings in the poems of Simin Behbahani
masomeh salehi taregh ahmad zakeri -
Open Access Article
559 - The study of penitence in Attar Neishabouri`s Literature
reza ashrafzade Mozhgan hajatpour birgani -
Open Access Article
560 - Islamic Civilization and urban structures in sa’di’s works
Ali Zakeri -
Open Access Article
561 - Study of Iran's social-Islamic banking with an emphasis on the sociology of money
کرامت الله راسخ mohammad reza Yazdanpanah مجیدرضا کریمی -
Open Access Article
562 - Analysis of the influential social policies of the Islamic Republic System of Iran on maintaining social capital in Khuzestan province
Abdolamir Ezareyani Hasan Kheiri Hossein Ajdarizadeh -
Open Access Article
563 - Study of Iran's social-Islamic banking with an emphasis on the sociology of money
Mohammadreza Yazdanpanah Keramatollah Rasekh Majidreza Karimi -
Open Access Article
564 - طراحی مدل سبک زندگی ایرانی- اسلامی با رویکرد جامعه شناختی
محمد اسماعیلی جوشقانی -
Open Access Article
565 - Theory of Planned Behavior Role in Investment Decisions in Islamic Securities
raziyeh salehi amniyeh khozani arezoo aghaei chadegani -
Open Access Article
566 - The allegory of the perfect man in the story of Jonathan the Seagull (by Richard Bach) based on mystical texts
sareh Tarbiat -
Open Access Article
567 - Study on political marriages; study on pre-Islamic period of Iran history*
Kamran Pashayi Fakhri -
Open Access Article
568 - The allegory of the five pillars of Islam from the point of view of the Ayn-Al- Qodhat Hamedani
Zahra Fathi Ghadamali Sarami Mohammad Gholamrezayee Heydar Hasanlu -
Open Access Article
569 - Educational foundations of Islam Managing the evolution of religious character, Jalal Al Ahmad
Sayyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerouni Mohammad reza kamali baniani -
Open Access Article
570 - Epistemology in Islamic mysticism and the schools of psychoanalyze
Ali Mohammad Poshtdar Mohammad Reza Abbas pour xhormalu -
Open Access Article
571 - Light parables in mystical texts
sareh Tarbiat -
Open Access Article
572 - Predicting Academic Achievement by Learning Approaches and Perception of the Classroom Goals among Graduate Students of Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz
Mohammad Hosein Mohebi Noredin Vand Somayeh Dada -
Open Access Article
573 - The Effect of Subjective Well-being Group Training on the Mental Health of Students of Islamic Azad University of Khorasgan (Isfahan)
roya fallahian asghar aghaei hamid atashpoor azar kazemi -
Open Access Article
574 - Relationship Between Extravertion, Neuroticism, Forgiveness and Islamic Coping Strategies With Happiness in College Students of Ahvaz Universities in 1387
پروین احتشامزاده حسن احدی میرصلاحالدین عنایتی محمدمهدی مظاهری علیرضا حیدری -
Open Access Article
575 - Predicting Employees' Productivity according to Executive Intelligence and Organizational Intelligence (Case of Study: Islamic Azad University Isfahan Branch)
azam sami Mohammad Bagher Fakhrzad Amirreza Naghsh -
Open Access Article
576 - The Relationship of Islamic Life Style with Dysfunctional Attitudes in University Students
Mojtaba Toghyani محمدباقر کجباف مهدی بهرامپور -
Open Access Article
577 - Effectiveness of Training Communicative Skills Based on Islamic Views on Married Coupleâs Satisfaction
Farzaneh Monjezi Abdollah Shafiabadi Mansour Sodani -
Open Access Article
578 - Development of a psychological capital Training Package (PCTP) based on Islamic values and Assessment of its traning effect on Organizational Exellence
ahmadreza ghanbarinasrabadi Mohammadmahdi Rashidi Jamshid Taghsimi -
Open Access Article
579 - The Effectof Islamic-Ianian Reality Therapy on Couples’ Marital Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction, and Communication Skills Shiraz
Hadis Moridi mohammad bagher kajbaf Armin Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
580 - The effec of couple therapy according to Islamic teachings on resilience and happiness of couples in Isfahan
mohammad javad jaziny dorcheh hassan heidari -
Open Access Article
581 - dominant implications on curriculum with Islamic education approach toward globalization phenomenon in Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's view"
najme soltaninejad narges keshtiaray hossein vaezi -
Open Access Article
582 - A Study of the Amount of Applying Teaching Effectiveness Criteria in Khorasgan Islamic Azad University from the Veiw point of Students in 2006-2007
Bahare Endaleb GholamReza Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
583 - The comparison of the educational, supportive and punitive schedules in the Islamic Legal System and in the International Law
Mohammad Ali Haji Deh Abdi Masoud Heidari -
Open Access Article
584 - Investigation of the compatibility of claims in rival curriculum theories for democratic citizenship based on a Schwabean perspective
محمود مهر محمدی -
Open Access Article
585 - To Islamize schools based on the Motahariâs theory of self-return
نرگس کشتی آرای نجمه سلطانی نژاد -
Open Access Article
586 - Comparison of the amount attention to Mahdism concepts through Islamic education textbook of education system
Reza JafariHarandi Alinaghi faghihi hassan najafi -
Open Access Article
587 - Comparative study of boarding schools and ordinary ones: based on their fidelity to Islamic rites
مجید بحرینی بروجنی محمد رضا نیلی کبری سپهری بروجنی فیروزه کاویانی باغبادرانی -
Open Access Article
588 - Learning English through new media with Iranian-Islamic content development
Mohsen Jannejad Saeed Khazaie Habib Ahmadi Hossein Darjani -
Open Access Article
589 - The Comparative Study of Using Learning Theories in Instruction Process and its relationship with Mathematical Application Score's in Islamic Countries
mehdi namdari heidar karimyan هیمن رحیمی -
Open Access Article
590 - The Factors Influencing the Scientific Productivity of the Faculty Members of the Islamic Azad University (Branch )
mohammadreza soleymani ali shokohi -
Open Access Article
591 - A Framework for Measuring the Quality ofEducation for Engineering Courses (Chemistry, Electricity and Agriculture)in the Islamic Azad University District #O1
علیرضا قاسمیزاد -
Open Access Article
592 - Evaluation of External Effectiveness of the Undergraduate Curriculum in Bandar Abbas Azad Islamic University - Based on the Eye Competency Model
Mehdi Mohammadi Reza Naseri Jahromi Hadi Rahmani -
Open Access Article
593 - Compared to teach primary school children in accordance with Islamic values in the countries of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Azerbaijan
farhad shorehkandi Majid Aliasgari -
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594 - Comparing the Teaching Skills of Graduate Teachers from Government, Azad and Payam-Noor University
سعید احمدی حسن خضری -
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595 - Assessment of effective teaching, components based on the students viewpoints
sadraddin sattary -
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596 - The review of pedagogical dimensions of Islamization of universitiesâ curriculums of human sciences courses
Farhad Shafiepour Motlagh Maryam Tadion -
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597 - A Comparative Survey of QuantitativeDevelopment Trend in Private and GovernmentalHigher Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran
فریده آل آقا محسن کشاورز محسن رحیمی -
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598 - Feasibility study of implementing e-learning courses in Khorasgan branch of the Islamic Azad University (Isfahan(
safoora afyooni Ahmad-Ali Forooghi abari Mohammad-Hossein Yarmohammadian -
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599 - Designing and explaining the effective model of education quality in units of Islamic Azad University of Northwest Iran (By combination method)
kheyrollah Sarboland -
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600 - The Designing and Validation a pattern for Attracting Foreign Students to Islamic Azad University
adel hallaj Kourosh Fathi Vajargah aiiakbar khosravi kambiz phoshaneh -
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601 - The Inadequacies and Challenges of the Critical Curriculum of Henry Giroux in the Logical Encounter with the Philosophical Foundations of Islamic Education
najmeh ahmadabadi hassan najafi Hamid Ahmadi Hedayat -
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602 - The Analysis match of identity Form and content advertising Sport with Strategic purporsts Islamic-Iranian model of progress
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603 - Estimating the relative share of students' satisfaction with good governance in physical education and sports departments of Islamic Azad Universities in Isfahan province
davood nasr esfahani mohsen Shariati Kamalabadi -
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604 - Identifying the Islamic Art Elements of Naserid Darol-khalafe Citadel from the Perspective of Sadrol-Moteallehins Philosophy
Seyed Benyamin Keshavarz Seyed Aghil Keshavarz Zahra Kheiroddin -
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605 - The Role of Form in the Transcendence of Aesthetic Experience with an Emphasis on Islamic Philosophers’ Opinions and Look at the Tabatabaei House
Maryam Bakhtiarian Firoozeh Sheibani Rezvani -
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606 - Investigating the Manifestation of Sacredness in Iran’s Holy Shrine’s Architecture: The Case of Imam Reza’s (AS) Holy Shrine
Sanaz Rahravi Poodeh -
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607 - Rereading the Personality Characteristics of the Muslim Architect based on the Opinions of Titus Burkhardt
Seyed Rahman Mortazavi Mehdi Mohammadkhani -
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608 - Reading Climatic Patterns in the Facade of Iranian-Islamic Houses
Sayedeh Mahsa Zamanian Mohammad Latifi Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad -
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609 - Ontology of Art from the Perspective of Islamic Philosophy
Ahmad Valiee Abarghoei -
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610 - The Transformation and Change of Mehr and Zoroastrian Religious Places of Worship into Islamic Holy Places in Sadr Islam
ُSaba Hosseinpour Lida Balilan Asl -
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611 - نمود عینی عرفان و وحدت وجود در باغ ایرانی(موردمطالعه باغ تخت شیراز)
زهره ترابی شهام اسدی -
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612 - نماد عرفانی رنگ در هنر و معماری اسلامی
محمد نصیری علی اکبر افراسیاب پور فریبا احمدی -
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613 - The World as a Symbol Of Gloomy Universe in Islamic Mysticism
Mostafa Salari Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerooni -
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614 - Study Of differences Of project topic Of Haqiqat-e mohammadie on Shia mysticism
Behrooz Roomiyani Masoumeh Bakhshizadeh -
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615 - A comparative study Of two mystica l odes by Aviccinaand Bardsiri Kermani
Mohsen Seifi Ali Asadipour -
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616 - The effect Of instruction on the dynamic and continuity Of Islamic theosophy in Iran
Mohammad Reza Karamipour Naqi kamali -
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617 - Comparative Study Of Heaven in Islamic and Jewish Mysticism
Fariba i Taj-Mir-Al Hamid Mahmoodiyan Ali-Akbar Afrasiyabpour -
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618 - Motahari’s Mystical Beliefs as Associated with the Koran, Hadith, and Persian Poetry
Ali Ein Aliloo -
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619 - Evidences Of colord lights in letters Of najmoddin-e kobras students
Behrooz Romiyani Masoomeh Bakhshizadeh -
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620 - Impact Of Islamic Mysticism on Iranian Architecture with an Emphasis on Soltaniyeh Dome Decorations
Hatef Siyahkoohiyan -
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621 - Introduction to the Phenomenology Of Love mysticism in the mysticism Of Molavi and Hafiz
Yusof Jafarzadeh -
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622 - Ideal Man in Attars "An Islamic Mysticism Approach"
Shahin Ghasemi -
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623 - The Role Of Natural Elements and Symbolism in Islamic arts and Sufism
Majid Shahbazi Ghasem Mirzaei Mohammad Mohammadi Kia -
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624 - Studying the Historic Spread Of Sufism in the Early and Middle Islam Era and the Expansion Of Sufi Literature in Iran
Shahrbano Sahabi Khalil Hadidi Saeedullah Qarabeygloo -
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625 - Explanation on Evolutionary Guardianship on the Supreme-Human (The Perfect or the Exalted Man) In Epistemology Geometry of Islamic Mysticism (With a Focus on Thoughts (Ideas) Of Imam Khomeini)
Ali Hosseini Jaseb Nikfar -
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626 - Mahdaviat in Islamic Mysticism
Behrouz Roomiani Masoumeh Bakhshizadeh Esmaeil Abdolahi -
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627 - Analysis of the Role of Love in Islamic Mysticism from Sanai's Perspective
Fariba Shaker Sousan Alerasoul Zarrinta j Parhizkar -
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628 - Prayer in Ibn al- 'Arabi's and Rumi's Perspectives
Mariam Mahmoodi Mahdieh Vali Mohammadabadi -
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629 - A study of "The Baptized Son" by Leo Tolstoy with regard to teachings of Islam and mysticism
Janolah Karimi Motahhar Marzieh Yahyapour Roya Gholamalishahi -
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630 - The Concept of the Truth and Beauty of Mysticism and its Emergence in the Era of Islamic Architecture
KhosroZafarnavaei Zafarnavaei -
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631 - The Concept of “Perception”fromAbdulQahir-al-Jorjani Era to Islamic Mystical Texts
Abbas TalebzadehShoshtari Ali Nouroozi Abbas Arab Fatemeh Askari -
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632 - Mystical Allusions in Hafiz’s Sonnet
Masood Haji Rabie Zahra Shirdeli -
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633 - مفهوم «الصوفی غیرالمخلوق» با تأکید بر تعبیر بقا در دو مکتب هجویری و مولوی
ولی الله ساکی میثم خوئینی -
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634 - Study of the First Mystical Authority and its Analysis in Psychology through Statistical Method
mahnoush mani Seyyed Aliasghar mirbaghari Fard Tahereh Khoshhal shole Amiri -
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635 - A New Way of Proving the Content of Personal Unity of Existence
Vahid Vahed Javan Ali Ghasemi Sajad Nikkhoo -
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636 - God of The World and The world of God (A Study of Man’s Nature in Ganj-e Ravan and Chehel Sabah of Shah Daei Shirazi)
Masroureh Mokhtari Mahsa Kazempour -
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637 - Ibn Arabi's Unity Regime Effects on the Bubbling and Sonnets by Bidel Dehlavi with an Emphasis on Love
Abbas Bakhshande bali Aliakbar Shoubkalaei -
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638 - Survey of Social Evolution in Sama Ceremony and Mystical Music in Iran Based on Islamic Miniatures
Fakhredin Mohamadian Seyed Rasoul Mosavie haji Abed Taghavi -
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639 - Similarity between Islamic Mysticism Lessons and Adler’s Individual Psycology
Mohammad Reza Fereydooni Seyyed Meysam Mousavian -
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640 - Design and Validation of Islamic Sufism Management Model
Asadollah Asadi Garmarudi Ali Sheiykholeslami Esmaeil Mansuri Larijany Reza Saaki -
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641 - Analysis of Dreams from Ibn Arabi’s and Ala’al-Dawalah Semnani’s Points of View
azim hamzeian Tannaz Rashidinasab -
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642 - دیوان شمس تبریزی، آینۀ بازتاب شعورمندی کائنات
Enaiatolah Sharifpour Ahmad Amirikhorasani Mahin Iranmanesh -
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643 - Study of Spirituality and Faith on Strengthening Public Culture from the Standpoints of the Quran, Hadith, and Mysticism
Hossein Rahmani tirkalaii Mohammad Sadegh Jamshidi Rad Farhad Mohammadnejad Mahnaz Refiei -
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644 - بیان مفاهیم عرفانی در سینمای معناگرا
Narges Salehi Mohammadreza Hajiaghababaii -
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645 - Mysticism and Civilization: Exploring the Political Participation of Mystics and Sufis Focusing on Critique of Power
Mohammad Nasiri bagher mokhtari Ramezan Rezaei Alireza Khajehgir Seyed Mohammad Reza Mosavi Faraz -
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646 - تحلیل مسأله عینیت و غیریت خدا با خلق در عرفان اسلامی با رویکرد ارزیابی اشکالات منتقدان
Vahid Vahed Javan Sajad Nikkhoo -
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647 - The Role of Mysticism in Imam Khomeini's literature during the Political Struggle before the Revolution
Morteza Sarfi bahram dalir naghadeh Mohammad Javad Rudgar -
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648 - نقش تصوف و عرفان اسلامی در گسترش اسلام در جهان مالایی
Faezeh Rahman Mahmoudreza Esfandyar -
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649 - Mystical Psycology of Religion in Mathnawi’s Vol. 6based on Jung’s Theory
mohammad amin Ehsani Estahbanati Maryam Shafiee Taban -
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650 - Analysis of Qalandariat and Related Topics in the Poetic and Prose works of Sheikh Ahmad-e Jaam
Jaanmohammad Afrazi Hamid Tabasi Abolghasem Raadfar -
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651 - فَرگشتِ تاریخی- اعتقادیِ واژه «حُبّ» از ادبیّات عصر جاهلی تا آموزههای عرفان اسلامی
mehdi shafai Mohammad saleh Sharif asgari Mohammad ali Rabiipour -
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652 - Contrastive Componential Analysis and Strategies for Translating Mystical Terminology from Persian into English
mohammadreza ghari Hasan Hashemiminabad -
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653 - Characteristics of Sufism and Islamic mysticism in the practical and theoretical life of Thomas Merton
Reza Rezaei Tahereh Hajebrahimi Shahram Pazuki -
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654 - تکدی در آموزههای عرفانی وفقه
Seyed mohamad Sadri Heidar Amirpour Hasan Alipour -
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655 - Study and Analysis of Expectation in Hossein Monzavi's Poetry from Islamic Mystical Perspective
Reza Hadilou Touraj Aghdaeie Heydar Hassanlou Mehri Talkhabi -
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656 - Study of the Concepts of Saint in Christianity and Wali in Islamic Mysticism
Amir Hossein Farrokhzadnia Jamshid Sadri -
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657 - Impact of the Koranic, Islamic, and Mystical Trainings on Social Life Style
Rahmat Razaghi Mohsen Nouraii Zeinabolsadat Hosseini Mohsen Mousavi Hasan Bagherzadeh khojasteh -
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658 - تاثیر نگرش عرفانی نظامی بر شکلگیری هویت فرهنگی «جهان وطنی» در خمسه نظامی
Mohamad Moradi ahmadreza keikhafarzane -
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659 - انسان کامل از دیدگاه قونوی
Fatemeh Fathimoghadam Mehdi Kahnooji Mohammadjavad Roodgar -
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660 - The Role of Phantom in Religious Training, Regarding to the Islamic Mysticism and Wisdom
MohammadTaghi Yousefi Yarali Kord Firoozjayi saeed ahmadi -
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661 - Relationship between Prayer and Status of Satisfaction in Islamic Mysticism
Mohsen Mehrani Monirossadat Pourtolami -
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662 - بررسی اثربخشی تربیت بر سازندگی فرد و اجتماع از منظر قرآن مجید با نگاهی به عرفان اسلامی
Shahin Simiari Ali Qaemi amiri Mohamad Armand -
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663 - Analysis of Qalandariat and Related Topics in the Poetic and Prose Works of Sheikh Ahmad-e Jām
Jaanmohammad Afrazi Hamid Tabasi Abolghasem Raadfar -
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664 - Comparative Study of Mother and Motherhood in Simone de Beauvoir and Islamic Mysticism
Sheida Safvat Safaii Seyed Fazlolah Ghodsi -
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665 - A Study of a Mystical, Quranic Woman in “Love of the War Years
Fariba Rahimi Shahrokh Hekmat Majid Azizi -
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666 - Phenomology of Sacred Places Based On Iranian-Islamic Architecture: Case study of Historical Mosque of Sheikh Lotfollah in Isfahan
Mina Salimi Mohamadreza Sharifzadeh Esmaiel Baniardalan -
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667 - Methods of Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil in the Practical Sufism of Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair
Ali Rahimi Hatef Siahkuhian Jamshid Sadri -
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668 - The Mystical Hierarchy of the Universe in the Works of Rumi and Suhrawardi
Mohammad Taghi Khammar behrooz romiani Mostafa Salari -
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669 - Review and Analysis of Security from the Perspective of Mystics
Bahman Amini Sadeh alireza Saberyan Reza Kohsary -
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670 - Allegories of Light in Mystical Contexts
Hosniye Abidi -
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671 - تخیل، رؤیت و رویا در اشعار عارفانه ملک الشعرای بهار
Hamideh Jamalzehi Behrooz Roomiani Mostafa Salary -
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672 - The Common Experience of Dissolving Individuality in Islamic Mysticism and Indian Mysticism
Mahnaz Danaeifar Ali Einalilu Shahin Ojaghalizadeh -
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673 - تطبیق مفهوم «حرکت جوهری» ملاصدرا با قواعد «گرهسازی» در هنر اسلامی بر مبنای رویکرد وجود تطبیق هم ارزی
Asadollah Shafizadeh Tavakol Koohi kigloo Fazel Abbaszadeh -
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674 - Position and Causes of Tranquility in the Holy Quran and Islamic Mysticism
Khadijeh Aseel Alireza Saberian Jafar Taban -
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675 - انواع و مراتب صبر در متون منثور عرفانی
Fereidoon Tahmasebi Seyed Mohsen Hoseini Moakhar Hossein Jababrpour -
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676 - حال و مقام در عرفان اسلامی
shapour nourazar -
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677 - The Role of Liberalism and the Collapse of Communism in Expanding Mysticism & Spirituality
Amirreza Habibi samad ghaempanah Hasan Shamsini Ghiasvand Seyyed Assadollah Athari -
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678 - The place of hope in the mysticism of Yahya bin Maaz Razi
Tina Niknam Roghie Alavi Reza Yusofvand -
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679 - Analysis of Human Dignity and Freedom in Islamic Mysticism and Sharia with Emphasis on Privacy
Hossein Yari marzieh Pilevar Ali Hossein Ehteshami -
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680 - بازشناسی پدیداری اندیشههای عرفانی در معماری مسجد گوهرشاد مشهد
Amir Akbari Amenehsadat Fatahimasoom -
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681 - Evaluation of policies of the Islamic city council in the field of urban planning and architecture of Shiraz city from the perspective of sustainable development
Abdoljalil Sharifi mohammdali shariari Nafiseh Vaez, -
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682 - Explaining the Semantic Components of the Islamic City in Line with Urban Sustainable Development
Tahereh Nasr Sahar Salahi Nejabat Piran -
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683 - Investigating the Role of Socio-Cultural Sustainability Indicators in Urban Public Spaces’ Development (Case Study: Kholdebarin Park and Eram Garden Street, Shiraz)
Tahereh Nasr Maryam Emadi -
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684 - Research in architectural design patterns in the development of the urban environment; Importance, necessity and practical examples in Islamic teachings
Mohammad Sharifani Mohammad Marefat -
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685 - Comparative Study of Genet Intertextuality with Islamic Rhetoric Theory in Nafi-e-Zahid-e Zaydari Nasavi
marjan kamyab somayeh mohamadi -
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686 - The Influences of Neo-Platonic Thoughts on Islamic Mystic
reza ashraf zadeh roja Poorfaraj Beig'zadeh -
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687 - بررسی اخلاق زیست محیطی در فرهنگ ایرانی با تأکید بر شعر ناصرخسرو
بتول فخراسلام -
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688 - Attar’s Motives in Writing Tazkerat-ol-Owliya (Biographies of the Saints)
mohi'odin ghanbari -
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689 - بررسی حقوقی نوآوری های قانون آیین دادرسی کیفری مصوب 4/12/1392 در خصوص حقّ آزادی متّهم در خلال رسیدگی قضایی از منظر حقوق شهروندی با تکیه بر منابع اسلامی
ایمان عطری محمد رضا کاظمی گلوردی غلامحسن دلاور -
Open Access Article
690 - واکاوی مبانی فقهی هم گرایی مسلمانان در جهان اسلام
اکرم هاشم زاده حسین ایزدی -
Open Access Article
691 - بررسی و تحلیل هستیشناسی در فرهنگ و تمدن نوین اسلامی
روح اله پورآسیاب دیزج سید حسین واعظی محمد رضا شمشیری -
Open Access Article
692 - بررسی دین شناختی مساله شر از دیدگاه اسلام و یهودیت
ابراهیم قدرتی محمدرضا عدلی غلامحسین طریقی بخشعلی قنبری -
Open Access Article
693 - رابطه دین وقدرت سیاسی درقانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
سیدعباس قریشی مجید معصومی -
Open Access Article
694 - درآمدی بر مبانی حقوق شهروندی در پرتو حقوق عمومی اسلام
مهدی قنبری -
Open Access Article
695 - واکاوی ادله و اثبات جواز شکنجه در اسلام
محسن رزمی مرتضی انفرادی -
Open Access Article
696 - در آمدی بر نقش مایه طاووس در فرهنگ وتمدن ایرانی اسلامی
پروین رنجبر -
Open Access Article
697 - مستندات فقهی ضرورت تعامل مسالمتآمیز پیروان مذاهب
زهره جباری احمد شفیعی نیا -
Open Access Article
698 - نگاهی بر حقوق انسان در حکومت علوی
عصمت سوادی زهرا حسین ابادی -
Open Access Article
699 - ,وثیقه المدینه و تأثیرآن برتحول اجتماعی مفهوم اسیر پس از اسلام
حمید رضا پورقربان مهدی حبیب اللهی -
Open Access Article
700 - بومی سازی مدل سیاست جنایی ایران با نگرشی برمدلهای دلماس مارتی
سیدمسعود یثربی سیدحسن هاشمی محمدعلی طاهری بجد -
Open Access Article
701 - Investigating the jurisprudential realm of Islamic criminal policy in the process of adapting to Delmas Marti's criminal policy models
سیدمسعود یثربی سیدحسن هاشمی محمدعلی طاهری بجد -
Open Access Article
702 - کاربرد منابع تاریخ اسلام در تفاسیرقرآنی (بررسی موردی قرون 14 و 15 هجری)
حسین کمالیان مهرناز بهروزی -
Open Access Article
703 - بازشناسی الگوی طراحی معماری از منظر احکام و قواعد فقه اسلامی
اصغر مولائی -
Open Access Article
704 - تبیین احکام و اخلاق اسلامی در آمایش سرزمین (نمونه موردی: منطقه خراسان)
مریم محمدزاده اصغر مولائی -
Open Access Article
705 - تحلیل و بررسی علل تقابل یهودیان حجاز نسبت به دعوت اسلامی در عصر پیامبراسلام(ص)
ارسلان ایلکا محسن حیدرنیا صابر اداک -
Open Access Article
706 - نقد آرای هیلن براند در خصوص مقبرهسازی
سجاد حاجی بابایی سیدجلیل موسوی غلامرضا طلیسچی محمدرضا فریدونی -
Open Access Article
707 - قابلیت اجرای حد زنا از منظر فقه شیعه، قانون و عرف
میثم موسی زاده کیومرث کلانتری -
Open Access Article
708 - نقش میرسید علی همدانی در انتقال و تثبیت مظاهر فرهنگ و تمدن ایرانی – اسلامی درکشمیر
احمدرضا بهنیافر -
Open Access Article
709 - تأملی بر مفهوم واژه «حکومت» در تعامل با حکومت اسلامی
عبدالله باقری سیدمحمدصادق احمدی غلامحسین مسعود -
Open Access Article
710 - بررسی موانع و چالشهای حضور زنان در اجتماع از منظر فقه اسلامی
سوسن رجبی احمدرضا بهنیافر محمدجواد باقی زاده -
Open Access Article
711 - آسیبشناسی مداخلههای کالبدی صورت گرفته در بافت قدیم مشهد (با تاکید بر دورههای صفوی، پهلوی و معاصر (پس از انقلاب اسلامی)
نسرین نجیب کازرکار کتایون علیزاده حمیدرضا صارمی -
Open Access Article
712 - بررسی فقهی مبانی مدیریت در حکومت اسلامی
ابراهیم جعفری حسین احمری مصطفی رجائی پور -
Open Access Article
713 - بررسی اعتبار و کارایی قاعده ی ملازمه در فقه و حقوق
هدایت الله حسین زاده هرمز اسدی کوهباد سید حسن حسینی گودرز شاطری -
Open Access Article
714 - مبانی فقهی وحقوقی نظام فرهنگی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
مجید سبزیکاران غلامحسن دلاور محمدرضا جواهری -
Open Access Article
715 - بازگشت به دوره دادگستری خصوصی در عدالت کیفری نوین
محمد جوانبخت سهیلا محمدی -
Open Access Article
716 - بررسی تاریخی و فقهی تدلیس سیاسی حکومت معاویه و آثار آن
zeinab yoprom حسین میرسعیدی مصطفی رجائی پور -
Open Access Article
717 - نقش عقلانیت دینی در فقه سیاسی میرزا محمد حسین نائینی
علیرضا بهشتی -
Open Access Article
718 - بررسی تاریخی جایگاه امام صادق (ع) در مهندسی فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامی
عباس رهبری حسین خسروی سهراب اسلامی -
Open Access Article
719 - جایگاه حقوق حیوانات از منظر فقه
فاطمه باستانی مرتضی براتی مهدی ذوالفقاری -
Open Access Article
720 - تحلیل فقهی رقابت آزاد اقتصادی بر اساس مفهوم متداول آن
احمد علی یوسفی -
Open Access Article
721 - بررسی ابتلاء و آزمایش انبیاء الهی از منظر دین اسلام
الیاس آذرکمان سیدحسین واعظی محمدرضا شمشیری -
Open Access Article
722 - تحلیل جغرافیایی نمایندگی زنان در انتخابات مجلس شورای اسلامی ( دور اول تا نهم مجلس، 1358-1391)
زهرا پیشگاهی فرد وحید کیانی سیده زهرا موسوی -
Open Access Article
723 - آینده پژوهی دیالکتیک علائق ژئوپولیتیکی ایالات متحده آمریکا، ایران و روسیه درآسیای مرکزی
علیرضا محرابی امیرعلی عابدینی -
Open Access Article
724 - تبیین چالشهای عمده توسعه روستایی برای دستیابی به توسعه پایدار: مطالعه موردی روستاهای شهرستان اسلامشهر
بهادر حیدرپور تهمینه دانیالی علیرضا استعلاجی -
Open Access Article
725 - Comportment, steerage and Consciousness Islamic in literature the Iraqi Shia women Case Study: stories Ameneh Sadr (Bentolhoda)
Morteza Zare Beromi Sayed Adnan Eshkavari Fatemeh Kazemi Somayeh Soltani -
Open Access Article
726 - The Effect of the Principle of Women's Privacy on The Architecture Of Iranian Houses, Based On Islamic Teachings
Hamed Hayaty Ahmad Aminpour Ramin Madani -
Open Access Article
727 - The Relations of Adherence to Islamic Beliefs and Affective Family Climate with Identity Crisis among the Female Students
Fatemeh Sadat Marashian Sahar Safarzadeh -
Open Access Article
728 - The Role of Women in the Strength of the Family by Modeling on the Rich Islamic Culture
Reza Baniasadi -
Open Access Article
729 - Pedagogical role of women in Islamic society
Naeime Kabiri Ghomi Samira Masomie Zavariani -
Open Access Article
730 - The spiritual status of women in Islamic Mysticism
Maryam Bakhtyar -
Open Access Article
731 - The Right to Abortion for Women from the Islamic Ethics Point of View
Seyed Abdullah Mirkhandan -
Open Access Article
732 - Comparison of Post Marriage Legal Privileges and Restrictions of Women in Iran and Some Islamic Countries
Zeinab Sadat Mousavi tabar Mohsen Fattahi -
Open Access Article
733 - Feminist Approach to The Position of Women in Christian and Islamic Mysticism
Maryam ui-sadat Siahpoosh Leila Hooshangi -
Open Access Article
734 - Recognizing the Concept of Islamic Clothing Fashion and Designing in Women's Dress
Zahra Akbarzadeh Niaki Azam Nemati Charmhini Robabeh Taghizadeh Borujeni -
Open Access Article
735 - Consequences of Islamophobia for United Kingdom Muslim Women Based on Moral Panic Theory
Ali Sabbaghian Mohammad Sadegh Koushki Hamzeh Safavi Ali Mohammad Khaksar -
Open Access Article
736 - The Psychological Status of Women in Islam and Western Civilization Based on the Ideological Paradigm of the Supreme Leader
Ali Ahmadpour -
Open Access Article
737 - Evaluation of female components in architecture based on the Islamic view of thought
Mina Moradi Saeid Alitajer -
Open Access Article
738 - Analyzing the Educational Role of Women in the Family Environment from the Perspective of Islamic Culture With Emphasis on the both Imams of the Revolution Point of Views
Ahad Omidi Leyla Aghaverdizadeh Sadeg Faizzadeh -
Open Access Article
739 - The Association of Adherence to Islamic Beliefs and Responsibility with Life Satisfaction in University Students
Hassan Ahadi Nagmeh Nikobakhat -
Open Access Article
740 - Study Of The Political Participation Of Women In Political Management Structure Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran
Ali AliHoseini Mina Nazari -
Open Access Article
741 - Women Social Capital Role in the Iran Islamic Revolution
Faradon Akbarzadeh Anosheh Darbandi -
Open Access Article
742 - Women’s Poem and Its Features in the Advent of Islam
M. J. Esmael Ghanemi جواد Sa`adounzadeh علی Sepahyar -
Open Access Article
743 - Historical Review of Islam Role in Women Life Styles Changing
A. R. Tohidi صادق Shafiei -
Open Access Article
744 - History And Structure Of Women's Clothing From The Era Of Ancient Persia To Islam
زینب Izadkhasti مریم Izadkhasti -
Open Access Article
745 - Plotical Culture among Shia Women (Emphasis on the Role of Iran Islamic Revolution)
حامد Nazari M. R. Alam S. M. Ghafoor -
Open Access Article
746 - Survey on Hazrat Fatemeh (Peace be upon her) Characteristics in the Post Islamic Revolution Poem
Sh. Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
747 - Hejab (Veil) in Different Nations, Religions and Faiths
آیت Shokati فاطمه Hajighassemloo -
Open Access Article
748 - The Women and the Political Participation
M. R. Alam منا Hamidinasab سمیره Hazbavi -
Open Access Article
749 - The effectiveness of Iranian Islamic lifestyle on cohesion, marital satisfaction and family mental health Staff of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in the Corona crisis
Mahmoud Goudarzi sahar rezaie -
Open Access Article
750 - Development of a model of married life based on a positive approach and Islamic psychology and its effectiveness on psychological well being
seyedeh narges mousavi rahim hamidi pour hosein davoodi hasan heidari -
Open Access Article
751 - Predicting marital adjustment based on Islamic lifestyle, perfectionism and couples communication patterns in culturally employed women in Khomein city
mina Dori hassan heidari -
Open Access Article
752 - Predicting the quality of married life based on Iranian-Islamic lifestyle and communication patterns of female teachers
milad solgi -
Open Access Article
753 - The role of the Islamic family lifestyle in the realization of the Iranian Islamic model of progress
Iman Zaghian Hasan Zareei -
Open Access Article
754 - Exploring the Effect of lived experience of the Iranian-Islamic lifestyle on the emotional atmosphere of the family from the perspective of young married women
leila zoghi Mahboubeh Fatholahzadeh milad solgi -
Open Access Article
755 - The effectiveness of Islamic resilience skills training on Parental attitude and Guilt of mothers of blind children
Open Access Article
756 - Studying Islamic Accounting: Emphasis on Objectives, Characteristics, Users and Social & Religious Oriented Information
Mohammad Nazaripour Mohammad Seddgi Amiri Dalir Naserabadi -
Open Access Article
757 - Rethinking the content of teaching life skills in the Islamic approach (Case study: Islamic education specialists)
farhad habibi Siros Asadian Sadegh Maleki Avarsin -
Open Access Article
758 - Identifying and role review of effective social factors on organizational reputation of the employees of Islamic Azad University of East Tehran branch through using analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
Sedighe Tootian Isfahani Faranak Khodayari Yosef Azizi -
Open Access Article
759 - The effectiveness of training of spirituality based on Islamic Teachings on improving resiliency in married students
محمد خالدیان -
Open Access Article
760 - The effect of moral intelligence components based on Islamic education approach with mediated by social capital on students' self-awareness
Sayyed Hadi Delbari Vahid Fallah Saeed Saffarian Hamedani -
Open Access Article
761 - The Effectiveness of Life Skills Training with Islamic Approach on Epistemological Beliefs and Psychological Well-Being of male students
fateme sadat tabatabaeinejad -
Open Access Article
762 - Effectiveness of Mindful Self-compassion Training with Focus on Islamic-Iranian Life Style on Family Function Mothers of Children with Autism
Ghasem Abdollahi parviz sharifidaramadi Mahdi Ghodrati Mirkohi samira vakili -
Open Access Article
763 - Development of a psychological training package to deal with suspicion based on Islamic sources And its feasibility in reducing marital conflicts
hoosin fatemi khah mohamad reza salari far mohamad farhosh -
Open Access Article
764 - The Effectiveness of Sexual Abstinence Training Based on Islamic teachings on Sexual Impulsivity, Attitude Toward Contraception and Attitude Towards Sexually Transmitted Diseases among Female Students
Mohammad Soltanizadeh shadi jazini -
Open Access Article
765 - A comparative study of the concept of "death" and its manifestations in Islamic mysticism and the existentialism (Based on the mosibat- nameh of Attar and the novel of Nausea Sartre)
farshad valizadeh Ali Dehghan Hamid Reza Farzai -
Open Access Article
766 - Patriotism in the Persian resistance poetry
مسعود باوان پوری نرگس لرستانی الهام ابراهیمی حدیثه متولی -
Open Access Article
767 - Analyzing the Surrealist Components of mantegholteyr of Attar Neishabouri
hassan soltani kouhbanani sara hosseini -
Open Access Article
768 - mention of the personalities of the Islamic Revolution and the Sacred Defense in the collection " Sorod Sepideh" by Hamid Sabzevari
mayam haddad Rostam Amani Hamid Reza Farzai -
Open Access Article
769 - Evaluating the interpretation of manifestations in the wisdom of Mazdisna and theoretical mysticism
Saeed Mohammadi kish Farah Niazkar -
Open Access Article
770 - Determinism and Freewill Concept in ‘Iyn al-Quzzāt’s Viewpoint (with an emphasis on Tamhīdāt, Nāmi-hā, Yazdān-shinākht and Lavāyih) Based on Theological and Mystical Approach
Valioallah Esmaeilpour -
Open Access Article
771 - The moral and motto instructions in Bahman nâmeh and a search in its Islamic and Iranian roots
Layla Hashemian Behzad Atoni -
Open Access Article
772 - Take a Look at the Origins of Mokawamah Literature (Case study of mokawamah poetry in Islam)
Hadi Rezwan -
Open Access Article
773 - Examining the Barriers to Happiness for the Professors of the Fars Section of the Islamic Azad University with a Combined Approach
Nahid Radmanesh Nooshin Razmi -
Open Access Article
774 - Investigating the archetypes of Iranian houses from an Islamic perspective with the approach of residents’ mental health
Behrang Moradi Sharmin Eesazadeh Ziri Sara Afshar Zahra Goudarzi -
Open Access Article
775 - Investigate the effect of Good Governor on Developing of Entrepreneurship in the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran
Hadi Abolfathi -
Open Access Article
776 - Examining the Role of Good Governance Components in the Political System of the Islamic Republic of Iran with an Emphasis on Urban Development
abdollah pirozi -
Open Access Article
777 - Rational Analysis of Intermediaries in Islamic Philosophy with Emphasis on the View of Allama Tabatabai
seyed reza mousavi Roohallah khodadadi Mostafa khodadadnijad Mohammad Mahdi Khodadadi -
Open Access Article
778 - Rethinking on the concept of Shath in Ruzbihan Baqli's View
Ali Asghar Mosleh -
Open Access Article
779 - Examining the nature and consequences of Islamic Resistance Front's discourse in the Middle East
javad Bostan afrooz Hamed Mohagheghnia Rohollah Shahabi Feraydoon akbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
780 - On Politics in Islam: a non-state-based inquiry
Hamid Malekzadeh Maryam Shamsaei -
Open Access Article
781 - An introduction to the capacities of Islam to empower women in Islamic countries with emphasis on the verses of the Qur'an
ShakibaSadat Hashemian Saeed Gazerani AliAsghar Davoudi -
Open Access Article
782 - Islamic revolution as a conceptual revolution Case study: concepts of republicanism and Islamism
mohadeseh jazaei -
Open Access Article
783 - Characteristics and effects of monotheism in the thought of Ayatollah Khamenei
mohammad farahani NARGES SOLTANI -
Open Access Article
784 - The Method of Historiography in the Political Thought of Khaje Nizam al-Mulk Tusi
Mahin Niroomand Alankesh Garineh Keshishyan Siraki -
Open Access Article
785 - The political and social situation of Iran and its neighbors in the 20th century in the works of Sarrider Bullard
maryam sheipari Hossein mirzaei -
Open Access Article
786 - The Idea of Modernization in the Context of Modern State and Revolutionary Movement in Contemporary Iran
saeed hajinaseri sadegh zafari hatam khani -
Open Access Article
787 - The Tradition of Quran politico-social Research in Contemporary Iran(Sheikh Hadi Najmabadi and Asadollah Kharaghani)
Sayyed Mohsen Ale Sayyed ghafur Mona Hamidinasab -
Open Access Article
788 - The points of historical transformation in the ethics of a century of Iranians and its effect on politics in Iran
Hossein Ebrahimnia Seyed abdolamir Nabavi -
Open Access Article
789 - "Sovereignty Gap" in the Islamic Republic of Iran and its reflection in its regional policies
Ashraf Kargar Ghomiha Mohammad Rahim Eyvazi Majid Tavassoli Roknabadi Ali Ashraf Nazari -
Open Access Article
790 - Iran's strategic goals and leadership role in the axis of resistance
Open Access Article
791 - The Kingdom Expediency in Iran Political Thought؛ A Comparative Study of pre-Islamic and Islamic Period
سید علی میرموسوی -
Open Access Article
792 - The role of the Islamic revolution in the level of political participation of women at the elite level (case study: Members of Parliament)
Soheyla Afsharpour Shiva Jalalpoor Fereydoun Akbarzadeh Rohollah Shahabi -
Open Access Article
793 - Conceptualizing the Social Identity in the Medieval Islamic Philosophy: A Review on Al-farabi's and Avecinna’s Thoughts
Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi -
Open Access Article
794 - The potential capacity to monitor the fulfillment of the obligations of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's human rights documents
Marmar Asadian Seyed Bassem Mavalizadeh Seyed Hasan Hosseini -
Open Access Article
795 - Conceptual developments of authority in the discourse context of public law
Mohammad Lorinejad mohsen ghaemi -
Open Access Article
796 - Investigating the prevention of administrative corruption in Iran with an Islamic perspective
امین امیریان فارسانی زینب بنی اسدی -
Open Access Article
797 - Basics of Social Prevention in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
laleh akefi امیر ایروانیان امیر پاکنهاد -
Open Access Article
798 - A comparative and native study of the theory of social control of crime with Islamic principles with emphasis on the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
samira tajkhorasani Gholam Hossein Masoud mohsen shekarchizadeh -
Open Access Article
799 - Analyzing the legal status of high officials in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America
hedieh sadat mirtorabi ehsan aghamohamadaghaee -
Open Access Article
800 - The Position of the Approvals of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in the Hierarchy of Legal Rules
عابد رمضانپور بلوچی hojjatollah ebrahimiyan -
Open Access Article
801 - The legitimacy of The Taliban Government : viewe point of International law
Akbar saavari Samaneh Rahmatifar Shahram Zarneshan -
Open Access Article
802 - A comparative study of the rule of negation of mustache from the point of view of Imamiyyah and Sunni jurists
Hossein Bakhshi shahrokh abadi Alireza Askari Seyyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
803 - بررسی دیدگاه متفاوت افراد عادی و متخصص نسبت به نانومواد در ایران
لیلا ابراهیمی قوام آبادی پروین فرشچی سید خطیب الاسلام صدرنژاد ناصر محرم نژاد محمود محمودی -
Open Access Article
804 - A review of research published in the international journal of Islamic Marketing
Shahnaz Nayebzadeh fatemeh mohtagali -
Open Access Article
805 - The Scientometric of Social Media Marketing Position in International Islamic Research
Fatemeh Abolhasani targhi Seyyed Hassan Hataminasab Mohammad Soltanifar -
Open Access Article
806 - Designing a branding model of human resources in the field of health with an Islamic approach
sahar abedini saeed sayadi -
Open Access Article
807 - Designing and Developing a Model of Halal Tourism Destination Love with a Sustainable Development Approach
Abas Fallah Nezhad Mohammad Ali Abdolvand Kambiz Heidarzadeh Hanzaee Mohsen Khounsiavash -
Open Access Article
808 - Investigating the impact of Islamic financial instruments (sukuk) on investment in Iran
Ashkan Rahimzadeh Bahman Khanalizadeh -
Open Access Article
809 - The relationship between the performance of non-usury banking and innovations types with the mediating role of Islamic knowledge (Case study Melli banks of Qazvin province)
Mohsen Rahmani Mehdi Zakipour -
Open Access Article
810 - Investigating developments in Islamic financial literature with an emphasis on sukuk in Iran and the world
mahdi goldoozha akbar mirzapour babajan -
Open Access Article
811 - Investigating the mechanism of monetary policy transmission in the short term with the approach of Islamic wisdom, relying on a structural vector auto regression model in Iran
Mahshid Tabatabaie zavareh beitollah akbari moghadam Farhad Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
812 - Exploring the epistemology of the function of utility in Islamic economics
mahdi goldoozha akbar mirzapour babajan -
Open Access Article
813 - Modeling the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in neutralizing economic sanctions
Samira SherkatRazavi Mohsen Hosseinian -
Open Access Article
814 - Determining the content elements of the integrated financial report with the Islamic approach
Kazem Goodarzi Fariborz Avazzadeh Fath Abdolkhalegh Gholami -
Open Access Article
815 - Examining the components of Islamic marketing based on the product dimension in electronic businesses from the customer's point of view
Alireza Kasraiyan Ahamd Rahchamani Mohammad Bagher Pournajafzadeh Ardakani -
Open Access Article
816 - The study of the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Creativity with Self-Regulated Learning among the Employees of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran
Ali Khoshakhlagh Hamid Shafizadeh -
Open Access Article
817 - Impact of Managerial Entrepreneurial Characteristics on Innovative Behavior and Critical Thinking (Case Study: Islamic Azad University Incubator Center of Technology Units)
Reza Yadegari Ebrahim Abbasi Majid Ashrafi Freydon Azma -
Open Access Article
818 - Identifying the Factors Affecting Organizational Innovation among Islamic Azad University Libraries Using the Delphi Technique
Seyed rasool Toudar Zahra Abazari Zohreh Mirhosseini Najla Hariri -
Open Access Article
819 - Designing a Human Resource Effectiveness Model at the University with an Innovative Data Base Approach (Case Study: Islamic Azad University)
Mehrdad Ghaffari Zenozi Serah aldin Mohebbi Karam ollah Daneshfard -
Open Access Article
820 - entifying the dimensions, components and indicators of creativity and initiative to evaluate the research performance of the faculty members of the Islamic Azad University Tehran
َAmir Khalili Fereshteh Kordestani Yalda Delgoshaei Ali Hosseini khah -
Open Access Article
821 - Identifying the dimensions, components and indicators of creativity training of middle managers of Islamic Azad University (Case study: Central Organization)
Seyedeh Masomeh Azizian Leila Sharifian Saeid Moradi Abbas Khorshidi Ali Delavar -
Open Access Article
822 - The Relation between Attitude toward Knowledge Management and Creativity among the Directors and Staff of Volleyball Federation of I. R. Iran
Javad Shahlaii -
Open Access Article
823 - Creation and empowerment of Islamic Azad University graduates in employment
R. Fani Khiavi A. Moallemi Khiavi -
Open Access Article
824 - Investigating and identification of sources and parameters of water pollution in Karaj River in Islamshahr range
Maryam Khodabakhshi Farahnaz Karimzadeh Behnoush Khoshmanesh Afshar Zieazarifi -
Open Access Article
825 - Assessment of Islamshahr Watershed Environmental Reaction by Kinematic Wave Theory in GIS Base
Mahmood Zakeri Niri -
Open Access Article
826 - Effects of land use on groundwater quality, with an emphasis on the major cations and anions, case study of islamshar county
zahra farzanehdizaj zahra zanganesirdardi toraj nasrabadi mojtaba sayadi -
Open Access Article
827 - Reson of sand production on drinking wells Islamshahr town
محمود Salari مجتبی Sayadi -
Open Access Article
828 - Investigating the amounts of sediment pollutants of the Karaj River in the area of Eslamshahr (southern Tehran) and their adverse effects on the surrounding environm
Farahnaz Karimzadeh Maryam Khodabakhshi Behnosh Khoshmanesh Afshar Ziyazarifi -
Open Access Article
829 - Examining Psychological Structures from the Perspective of Islamic Texts
Mehrnaz Azadyekta -
Open Access Article
830 - Effectiveness of Training Communication Skills with an Emphasis on the Teachings of Islam on Marital Satisfaction and Emotional Divorce in Wives of Veterans in Zahedan
razieh khosravi Fatemeh Soghra Karbalai Herofteh MohammadAli Fardin -
Open Access Article
831 - A Comparative Study of God's Friendship Signs in Prose Works and Mystical Poems (Mostamli Bokhari and Rumi)
Mostafa KordKatouli Malihe Mahdavi Masoud Mahdian -
Open Access Article
832 - Comparative comparison of the components of love in the thought of Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi and Ervin Yalom
Masoome Ghasemlo qaidari Morteza Razakpour Mohammad Ismail Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
833 - A Study of Jami's Opinions on "Special Prophecy" in the Divan of Poetry with an Approach to the Basics of Islamic Theology
hashem bahraminia Dr.farzad abbasi Dr.mahdi nowrooz Dr.Mahboobeh zia -
Open Access Article
834 - Investigating the contexts of the use of miracles in the Kashf al-Mahjoob Hojwiri And its comparison with the Resaleye Qosheiriyeh
Fathiyatosadat sadat.karamooz Dr.ِِREZA ASHRAFZADEH Dr.majid taghavi -
Open Access Article
835 - Comparative study of the three axes of Gerard Genet intertextuality with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the gardens of lights by Mohammad Sadegh Ghomshami
Mahin Farahmand Seyyed Mahmoud Seyed Sadeghi Shams Al-Hajiyeh Ahmadi roknabadi -
Open Access Article
836 - Critical Discourse Analysis in Ain al-Qudat Tamhidat Based on Norman Clough Theory
Mehdi Nosrati Habibullah J adid al-Islam Ahmad Reza Kikhai Farzaneh -
Open Access Article
837 - Criticize of the relationship between architecture and social security in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh
Abdoulah shahriar ramin sadeginajhad Maryam mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
838 - Comparative comparison of the intertextuality types of Gerard Genet with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the sixteenth and seventeenth chapters of the principles of chapters in obtaining
Saeed Abedini Dr. Azizollah Tavakoli Kafi Abad Dr mahmoud sadeghzadeh -
Open Access Article
839 - The Study on the Effect of the Ash'arites and Mu'tazilites Theology in Hadigheh Sanai
maryam naser Tork Dr. Azizollah Tavakoli Kafi Abad Dr.Hadi Heidarynia Seyed Hossein Shahab Razavi -
Open Access Article
840 - Analysis of similarities between the nature of wisdom in Friedrich Nietzsche's perfect man and divine insight in Islamic mysticism
Saeed Mohammadi kish Farah Niazkar -
Open Access Article
841 - Comparison of Qalandari themes in the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jam and Hafez Shirazi
, Jan Mohammad Afrazi, Hamid Tabasi, . Abolghasem Radfar -
Open Access Article
842 - A study and analysis of the concept of "Taysir" in the spiritual Masnawi and Ghazals of Shams by Mowlavi And comparing it with the views of Islamic jurisprudence
ALI BAKHSHI farhad edrisi mohammadhosein saieni hosein moradi zanjani -
Open Access Article
843 - A comparative study of Ameshaspandan in Zoroastrianism and the standing property in theoretical mysticism
Saeed Mohammadi kish -
Open Access Article
844 - Connection and confrontation of mythical reality and mystical miracles in the Abrahamic religions
Nasser Amir Mohammadi Nemat Esfahani Omran Hamid Tabasi -
Open Access Article
845 - ساماندهی سکونتگاههای غیر رسمی با شیوه توانمندسازی (نمونه موردی اسلامشهر- محله مظفریه)
نسا خزاعی -
Open Access Article
846 - Investigating the effect of waqf on the bodies of Islamic cities (Miami case study)
zeynab karkeabadi mehdi asghari -
Open Access Article
847 - بررسی و تحلیل مولفه های ساختاری و زمینه ای سازمان فرهنگ و ارتباطات اسلامی
مهدی مولائی آرانی -
Open Access Article
848 - بررسی ضرورت اعتبار سنجی مشتریان از دیدگاه آموزه های اسلامی و ارائه الگوی بهینه
احمدرضا راضی علی محمدی آشنائی -
Open Access Article
849 - اثر بانکداری اسلامی و رشد اقتصادی بر فقر و نابرابری اقتصادی در کشورهای منتخب اسلامی
محمدتقی نظرپور فرشته اشراقی زهره خواجه سعید -
Open Access Article
850 - تأثیر پذیری نهادهای مالی اسلامی از بحرانهای مالی
احمد شعبانی محسن خدابخش -
Open Access Article
851 - شناسایی مولفه های شایستگی های حرفه ای مدیران و کارکنان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران جنوب
عباس خورشیدی ماندانا نصراللهی علی اکبر خسروی -
Open Access Article
852 - تأثیرپذیری نهادهای مالی اسلامی از بحرا نهای مالی
دکتراحمد شعبانی محسن خدابخش -
Open Access Article
853 - Classification, Typology, and Chronology of Glazed Pottery from Bozanjerd Islamic Site, Hamadan Plain
Mostafa Rezaei Maryam Mohammadi Kazem Mollazadeh -
Open Access Article
854 - Qazvin from Pre-Islam to Modern Times Based on Historical Sources and Archaeological Studies
Shima Ahmad Saffari -
Open Access Article
855 - Tepe Nezam-Abad and its Position in the Late Classical Antiquity and the Early Islamic Era
Ali Hozhabri Mohammadreza Nemati Mohammad Mortezayi Mohsen Saadati -
Open Access Article
856 - Introduction and Analysis of Shiyan Fire Temple, Islamabad-e Gharb
Elham Sahaki Zarin Fakhar -
Open Access Article
857 - Chronology of Madrish Castle Site in Sistan based on the Study of Pottery Obtained from a Systematic survey
Yasaman Nasiripour Sepideh Bakhtiari Mohammad Keikha Sahar Bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
858 - Archaeological Investigation and Analysis of the Settlement Patterns of Middle Islamic Sites in Namin County, Ardabil
Babak Behshid -
Open Access Article
859 - Historical Geography of Central Zagros Region in the Pre-Islam Era
Yaghoub Mohammadifar -
Open Access Article
860 - Preliminary Report on First Seson Excavations on Ali Yourd Tepe, Sa'in Qal'eh, Zanjan
Amir Sadegh Naghshineh -
Open Access Article
861 - Bishapour City Changes in Sasanian to Islamic Period Transition
Zeynab Afzali Sattar Khaledian -
Open Access Article
862 - PreliminaryResearch on the Economic Aspects of the Kohgiluye and Buyerahmad, Based on Archaeological Evidence and Historical Texts
Hossein Sepidname Ahmad Salehi Kakhki Ahmad Azadi -
Open Access Article
863 - The Review on Islamic Potteries from the Site of Moshkin Tape, Parandak in Central Province
Hossein Sedighian Firouz Mahjour -
Open Access Article
864 - A Study of the Architecture of Entrances: The Case Study of Safavids'Caravanserais in Khorasan-e Razavi
Mahdi Tatari Javad Neyestani -
Open Access Article
865 - Rise and Fall of Siraf based on Archaeological Finds
Hayedeh Khamseh Zahra Fallahi Yarvali -
Open Access Article
866 - Islamic Archaeology, History and Concepts
Sattar Khaledian Hossein Sedighian -
Open Access Article
867 - تحلیلی بر ابعاد و مولفه های رضایتمندی اعضای هیات علمی از آموزش الکترونیکی
روح انگیز پروهان حمیده رشادت جو -
Open Access Article
868 - نشاط بر تاثیرگذار عوامل سنجش و شناساییدر کارکنان سازمانی غرب تهران واحد اسلامی آزاد دانشگاه
فرزانه دکتر1 باشی چاوش ناهید2 عفیفی دهقان -
Open Access Article
869 - مطالعه تطبیقی نظم از منظر اسلام و نظریه آشوب
عزیز جوان پور هروی جعفر اسماعیلی محمدرضا شیخی -
Open Access Article
870 - رابطه مکانیسمهای دفاعی با کمالگرایی در دانشجویان دختر دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد همدان در سال تحصیلی93-92
نرگس کوشا محمد اسماعیل ابراهیمی محمد رضا ذوقی پایدار -
Open Access Article
871 - اثربخشی زوج درمانی مبتنی بر عوامل مشترک با محتوای آموزه های اسلامی بر گفتگوی مؤثر زوجین
مهناز رحمان مهدی نژاد قوشچی معصومه اسمعیلی عبدالله شفیع آبادی -
Open Access Article
872 - تحلیل رابطه بین سرمایه اجتماعی و کیفیت زندگی شهری (مطالعه موردی شهرستان اسلامشهر استان تهران)
سعید ملکی مهناز حسینی سیاه گلی مریم محمودی امین صفدری مولان -
Open Access Article
873 - بررسی و تحلیل نقش طبیعت در ساختار معماری و شهرسازی اسلامی
سعید ملکی جعفر سعیدی -
Open Access Article
874 - بررسی مسائل اقتصادی در روابط اجتماعی از دیدگاه قرآن کریم و تأثیر آن بر پیشرفت زندگی انسانی
ناهید سجادیان مریم ناصر اصغر محمدی -
Open Access Article
875 - کنکاشی در هویت و فرهنگ شهروندی در شهرهای اسلامی آرمانی
سعید امان پور مهبار سجادیان -
Open Access Article
876 - تحلیلی برنظم فضایی محلههای شهرهای اسلامی-ایرانی (موردمطالعه: شهر قم)
محمد محیط آرا عباس ملک حسینی مجید شمس -
Open Access Article
877 - تدقیقی بر ساختارها و کارکردهای مسکن مبتنی بر آموزه های اسلامی
سعید ملکی مهیار سجادیان -
Open Access Article
878 - تحلیلی بر تأثیر فرهنگ در ساخت شهرهای ایرانی اسلامی
سعید امانپور جعفر سعیدی -
Open Access Article
879 - کاربست جهان بینی اسلامی در شهرهای ایرانی- اسلامی با تأکید بر توسعه پایدار محله ای
محمد کاظم شمس پویا ابوالفضل مشکینی مجتبی برغمدی -
Open Access Article
880 - مدخلی بر تبیین مفاهیم بنیادین اقتصاد اسلامی در برنامه ریزی و مدیریت شهرهای کشور
مسعود صفایی پور مهیار سجادیان -
Open Access Article
881 - مدخلی بر ابعاد اجتماعی در شهرهای اسلامی از دیدگاه قرآن کریم
ناهید سجادیان صفیه دامن باغ هادی علیزاده -
Open Access Article
882 - ارزیابی مولفه های تاب آوری شهری در شهرهای پیرامون کلانشهر تهران (مطالعه موردی شهر اسلامشهر)
صمد علائی علی توکلان رحیم سرور -
Open Access Article
883 - بررسی میزان رضایتمندی شهروندان از عملکرد شهرداری و شورای اسلامی شهر سراوان
مجید کریم زاده فرزاد دهواری محمد زارع -
Open Access Article
884 - ساماندهی و توانمندسازی سکونتگاه های غیررسمی در شهر زنجان (مطالعه ی موردی: محلّه ی اسلام آباد)
محمد جواد حیدری فاطمه لطفی -
Open Access Article
885 - جستاری بر تحولات و تطورات مفهوم شهر اسلامی
مسعود صفایی پور مهیار سجادیان -
Open Access Article
886 - مدخلی بر شناسه های تشخص بخش شهر سازی و برنامه ریزی در شهرهای اسلامی
محمد علی فیروزی مهیار سجادیان -
Open Access Article
887 - A study of management by value situation in Mazandaran Islamic Azad University
Abolghasem Barimani کیومرث نیازآذری محمد صالحی -
Open Access Article
888 - Providing a model of professional ethics of high school managers based on religious teachings
Mahdi Rezalo Seifollah Fazlolahi Abolfazl Bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
889 - The relationship between management by value and organizational excellence in Mazandaran Islamic Azad University
Abolghasem Barimani -
Open Access Article
890 - A Semantic Analysis of Staff Empowerment of Islamic Azad University and Selected Universities in Canada
Seyedeh Azadeh Safarbaglou Kamran Mohhamad khanei Maryam Mosleh BabakN Naseri Gharaghanei -
Open Access Article
891 - Providing a model for training efficient teachers in the style of the Islamic Republic
narges yahyaei Hamid reza Motamed Alireza Ghasemi Zad -
Open Access Article
892 - Investigating the current and desirable situation of the education system in sustainable development with the approach of the Islamic-Iranian model of progress
samaneh karami Taraneh Enayati kiumars Niazazari -
Open Access Article
893 - Presenting a model of the impact of technology management on knowledge commercialization in Islamic Azad universities of Mazandaran province
samaneh shirzad mohammad salehi kiumars khatirpasha -
Open Access Article
894 - The effect of social capital on human resources empowerment of Islamic Azad universities of Mazandaran province to present a model
seyed zeynolabedin ebrahimin shiyadeh Aliasghar shojaee babak hoseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
895 - Prioritization and evaluation of dimensions and components of creativity training of middle managers of Islamic Azad University in the form of a conceptual pattern
SeyedehMasomeh Azizian leila sharifian saied moradi abbas khirshidi ali delavar -
Open Access Article
896 - A survey of the Historical background of Ayyari movement in Iran.
sedegheh ghnadzadeh -
Open Access Article
897 - Islamic management strategies to curb government corruption in Iran
Babak Bahadori Hoseinali Bahramzadeh -
Open Access Article
898 - The impact of English language skills in the development of entrepreneurial attitudes (For students of English Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University)
hojatallah moradi sanaz mtlabi -
Open Access Article
899 - A model for the improvement of life in twelve residential area of Islamic Azad University
reza shaban nezhad nadergholi ghourchiyan -
Open Access Article
900 - The effect of ICT on students identity
homauon motemeni reza yusefi khadijeh moafi abolghasem barmani -
Open Access Article
901 - A survey on Mental Health Status of students in Islamic Azad University-Abadan branch; admitted at 2006-2007 academic year
mohammadali tavakoli nasrin chinisaz maryam alipour -
Open Access Article
902 - The Study Of Effective Factors On University Students Tendency Toward Research
naser javaherizadeh -
Open Access Article
903 - The degree of effectiveness of teaching methodology in higher education on the promotion of entrepreneurship behavior from university faculty points of view
farzaneh vasefiyan mohammadjavad liyaghatdar -
Open Access Article
904 - df
saefala fazlolahi -
Open Access Article
905 - Islamic Education a forgotten necessity in Islamic Azad University
mohammad bagher roukni -
Open Access Article
906 - The investigate and Position of Islamic Azad University on Students as well as Graduates Educated Women
parviz saeidi -
Open Access Article
907 - f
farzaneh vasefiyan -
Open Access Article
908 - Messiah Mehr and Jesus – Two Saviours of Ashkanian Era
امیر امجد رخزادی کیوان شافعی -
Open Access Article
909 - An Analysis of Islamiyah, Experience of Resistance Economics in Iran during the Qajar Period (1278-1289
مریم حایک -
Open Access Article
910 - The place of historian doctors in Islamic historiography
hassan abdipour Asghar Montazerolghaem Torab Attari -
Open Access Article
911 - The role of Islamic civilization in intellectual developments in Europe in the Middle Ages
ebrahim bavafadalivand -
Open Access Article
912 - Haqshbandiyya studies in the West and Russia
Ali Aramjoo -
Open Access Article
913 - Analyzing peoples' role in Islamic Revolution of Iran in Chahrmahal and Bakhtiari province
mashaallah izadz Feizollah Boushasb Gousheh alireza abtahi -
Open Access Article
914 - Religious convergence between Islam and Christianity in Andalusia
abbass vaziry ahmad ashrafi hasan shadpor -
Open Access Article
915 - Components of Iranian identity in cultural soft power in the context of cultural globalization
farzaneh dashti mohammadrahim eivazi -
Open Access Article
916 - Iranian immigrants to India on the trappings of office-holders effects of Mughal era architecture
احمدرضا بهنیافر -
Open Access Article
917 - The role of labor unions in the working community management and its impact on the Islamic Revolution
niki razaz zadeh tousi masoud taheri lari mohamad rafati hamid khanzadeh -
Open Access Article
918 - نقش و کارکردهای سیاسی حج در عصر عباسی
esa samadi allahyar khalatbari mehdi ansari -
Open Access Article
919 - The impact of Safavid sultans' policies on the migration of Iranian scientists to India
احمدرضا بهنیافر -
Open Access Article
920 - Conquering Fars regions from Muslim entry to the end of the Rashidun caliphs
Jalil Khoshhal Mirza Mohammad Hasani Hasan Shadpoor -
Open Access Article
921 - Discourse and The Political in Iran Constitutional Revolution
javad jamali -
Open Access Article
922 - Recognition of historical geography and administrative divisions of Nain in the early Islamic centuries (from the perspective of historical evidence and archaeological evidence)
milad baghsheikhi -
Open Access Article
923 - Islamization and Shi'ism in Anatolia
hadi aminian Ahmad Ashrafi Mohammad Nabi Salim -
Open Access Article
924 - Interaction of Bouyehid and Safavid rulers with religious minorities based on the approximation of religions
Ayyoub Tahmazi Hossein khosravi sohrab eslami ahmadreza behniafar ali elhami -
Open Access Article
925 - The Role of the Model of Cultural Hegemony with the Axis of Ethnic and Religious Nervousness in the Integrity and Political Discourse of Safavid Iran
Ali Reza Rashidi محبوبه sh سینا فروزش -
Open Access Article
926 - colors and motifs in Iranian fabrics of Islamic civilization: the first seven centuries
Afsaneh Heydari Amin Meftahi siamak nazemi -
Open Access Article
927 - the role of the middle class after the Islamic Revolution in Iran (from 1978 to 2013)
Aliakbar omidi Hamidreza Saeedinejad Idris Beheshtinia -
Open Access Article
928 - An Analysis of Madaʾini Approaches in Writing History
hosein moradi nasab -
Open Access Article
929 - islamic Revolution of hran; Reconstruction of real identity (Iranian-Islamic) and cultural upliftm
ali soleimanpour -
Open Access Article
930 - The cultural confrontation of the pagans of Mecca against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) with emphasis on Muqtasminchideh group
arsalan ilka mohsen heydarnia -
Open Access Article
931 - The position of Khwaja Ahmad Yessavi in Sufism and Islamic mysticism
habib safarzadeh -
Open Access Article
932 - The role and position of Mozhaj tribe in scientific and cultural developments
Fahimeh Nasrollahi -
Open Access Article
933 - The Historian’s Activism in the Narration of Historical EventsThe Critical Insight of Nazim Al-Islam Kermani and Mehdi Malekzadeh in the Historiography of the Constitutional Event
golamreza vafaee mehr محبوبه sh aliakbar khedrizadeh -
Open Access Article
934 - A survey of the effective factors on Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the Ilkhans and West
Omid Omid Sepehri Rad -
Open Access Article
935 - Islamic culture and educational institutions in Seljuk era
gholamreza montzve -
Open Access Article
936 - Khorasan Governors and Developing Islam in Omavi Era
ali akbar abbasi -
Open Access Article
937 - Evaluation of the Naqshbandiyya studies in the West and Russia
ali aramjo -
Open Access Article
938 - Psychological war of the Jews against the Prophet (PBUH & HP assured)
maryam aghaee naemeh movahedi -
Open Access Article
939 - The Holy Prophet’s Letters and the spread of Islam
mehdi fani -
Open Access Article
940 - History of Iran and the United States of America Foreign relations
amir akbari reza jalali -
Open Access Article
941 - In the fourth century the two capital cities in the World of Islam i.e.Baghdad
maryam baihi nezhad naser jadidi -
Open Access Article
942 - Historical role of sects and religions in Genesis jurisprudential schools
ghorban ali esmaile -
Open Access Article
943 - Abna` role in political developments and social Yemen
جمشید Bagherzadeh R. Akbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
944 - dfg
mitra mehrabadi -
Open Access Article
945 - Reasons and Quality of the Conversation of Sultan Ahmed Tequder and Sultan Mahmud Ghazan to Islam
amir sphrevad -
Open Access Article
946 - Issues and Evidence of Expediency in the Holy Prophets foreign policy
ali salmanpor -
Open Access Article
947 - A historical study of appearing Zionismregim and the affection of Islamic Iranian Revolution on the Palestinian revolutionists
fariborz najafi -
Open Access Article
948 - Government and Market in the era of the Prophet of Islam
ruh allah nazari mostafa salimifar bahram fathi -
Open Access Article
949 - srt
rasul abbasi babak Duniq -
Open Access Article
950 - Inspirations and Transactions of Architecture between Iraq and Egypt in Islamic Era
maryam briji mohammadali cheloungar Mohammed Karim Yousef Jamali -
Open Access Article
951 - Explaining the historical and theological Mu'tazilite school Basra and Baghdad
morteza mousavi parisa fiezi -
Open Access Article
952 - The Effect of Beit- ol Hekmeh in developing of translation movement in Abbasid era
ramezan rezaei -
Open Access Article
953 - living, treaces and political thoughts of ,,Abdol-Rahmane kavakebi
masoma gharedaghi -
Open Access Article
954 - the characteristics and scholar place of Imam al haramein joveini
mahdi goljan -
Open Access Article
955 - Historicism of Hafiz-e Shirazi
mohammad tayebi -
Open Access Article
956 - sgd
unes frahmand -
Open Access Article
957 - The Liberated and their role in islam history
mahdi javadi -
Open Access Article
958 - The representation of Islam factor in the historical reports of Qajar era.
mohsen khalili -
Open Access Article
959 - An Analysis of Islamiyah, Experience of Resistance Economics in Iran during the Qajar Period (1278-1289)
maryam heyek -
Open Access Article
960 - Components of Iranian identity in cultural soft power in the context of cultural globalization
فرزانه دشتی محمد رحیم عیوضی -
Open Access Article
961 - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
mashallah izadi fizollah boshasb alireza abtahi -
Open Access Article
962 - A study on the reasons of changing Caliphate center from Medina to Kufa (35-40 A.H)
Ali Akbar Khadrizadeh -
Open Access Article
963 - The role of Islamic civilization in intellectual developments in Europe in the Middle Ages
ebrahim bavafa -
Open Access Article
964 - Iran and the US relation on the verge of Islamic Revolution
fariba pat zahra alhoei nazari -
Open Access Article
965 - alhyl science in the Islamic civilization
massood taherimoghaddam -
Open Access Article
966 - Analysis of life of the most handsome man in Medina in early
A,A Sahebi -
Open Access Article
967 - A Survey of Ilkhanan’ Relations with Egypt Mamalik in Ghazan Khan’s Reign (694-703 AH/12q4-1304 AC)
Omid Sepehri -
Open Access Article
968 - The beginning of Islam as a representative of a Islamic republic
Ali Soleimanpur -
Open Access Article
969 - A survey of the Historical background of Ayyari movement in Iran.
seddigheh ghannadzadeh -
Open Access Article
970 - Iran and the US relation on the verge of Islamic Revolution
ali soleymanpor amir akbari -
Open Access Article
971 - Islamic Sects and Rational approaches to Religion
محسن Modir=shanehchi علی Solimanpour -
Open Access Article
972 - The Impact of Soft Power on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei
karim abbasi samad ghaempanah hasan shamsinighyasvand seydasasdolah athari -
Open Access Article
973 - An analysis on the background of formation and growth of Salafism and its reflection in the Islamic World
davood mirzaei Mahdi Javdani Moqaddam Reza Parizad -
Open Access Article
974 - Islamic modern civilization and security sector economy
Ali Akbar TAROMI afshin zargar Rahmat Hajimineh Hoseinali Nowzari -
Open Access Article
975 - The position of Soft Power of Islamic Republic of Iran on the Statement of the Second Step of the Iranian Revolution
fazel feizi -
Open Access Article
976 - A comparative study of ethnic politics in the Pahlavi government (first and second) and the Islamic Republic of Iran
Asghar partovi Shaaban Moharramnejad Abbas Moradi Abolfazl lotfizadeh -
Open Access Article
977 - The political and security approach of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the West Asian region
safar alirezaei Bashir Ismaili Gonharani Esmaeil shafiee Sarvestani -
Open Access Article
978 - Islamic revolution of Iran in the context of the difference between the attitude of present science and positivist perception
Bahamn Kohantorabi mojtaba atarzadeh alirreza golshani -
Open Access Article
979 - A Comparative Look at Socialism in the West and Islamic Teachings from the Perspective of the School of Political Liberalism
Mehdi Eshaghi Nimouri Sayeed Eslami kamal pouladi -
Open Access Article
980 - Examining the Activities of the Islamic Republic Party from the time of its Formation Until its Termination
Mehdi Mohammadi Bidakhti Ahmad Bakhshaish Ardestani mostafa kavakebian morteza mahmodi -
Open Access Article
981 - the Educational Characteristics of Statesmen in the Shiite legal Dystem With an Approach to the Political Views of Imam Ali
amirreza mahmoudi seyedeh mahshid miri balajorshari farzin afrooz -
Open Access Article
982 - Diplomacy and Foreign Policy in The Shahnameh and its Impact on the Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohammad Bireh ali akbar amini Bijan Nayeri -
Open Access Article
983 - A Comparative Study of Ethnic Politics in the Pahlavi Government (first and second) and the Islamic Republic of Iran
Shaaban Moharramnejad asghar partovi Abbas Moradi Abolfazl Lotfizadeh -
Open Access Article
984 - A Comparative Study of the Relationship between Knowledge and Power in the Thoughts of Philosophers in the West of Islamic Civilization (Ibn Bâjja, Ibn Tufail, Ibn Rushd)
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Mahdi Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
985 - Review of Operational Budgeting System in Iran and USA
Abbas Emami Asgar Jalalian Sayed Hosain Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
986 - Islamic Republic and Social Capital
Ali Akbar TAROMI afshin zargar Hoseinali Nowzari -
Open Access Article
987 - Investigating the Jurisprudential, Legal, Theological, Political, and Unity of the Islamic Ummah Based on Jurisprudential Opinions
morteza pourmolaii Rahmat Farahzadi -
Open Access Article
988 - The effect of faculty mobilization on political elitism in the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case study: Shiraz universities)
Mohammad Karimian Ghaffar Zarei Ali Mohammad Haghighi -
Open Access Article
989 - Research Process in the Political System, Social Forces and Capital Markets In the First Decade of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution
Amir reza Khatir Mojtaba Maghsoudi Saeedi Eslamibidgol -
Open Access Article
990 - The Status of the Expediency Council in Formulating and Overseeing the Implementation of the Overall Policies of the System
Hajjollah Ebrahimian Hassan Ansari Ahmad Gharibi -
Open Access Article
991 - The Position of Bakhtiari Political Elites in the Islamic Revolution and their Position in the Power Structure in Iran after the Revolution
Mehdipour Najaf Fereydoun Akbarzadeh Lana Abdul-Khani Hamed Mohagheghnia -
Open Access Article
992 - Recognition of the validity of the sanctions of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the territory of U.S.sovereignty laws
Seyed Hossein Mortazavi Malek Zolghadr Farshid Jafari -
Open Access Article
993 - Explaining women's suffrage from the perspective of Islam and international human rights instruments
Zohreh Daraei Mohammad Hossein Nazemi Taher Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
994 - Analysis of Turkish Foreign Policy and Its Security Threats for Islamic Republic of Iran (From 2002 to 2013)
niloofar Hamdi Hossein Ahmadi Saeid Mirtorabi -
Open Access Article
995 - The Impact of Islamic Fundamentalism on Iran-Pakistan Relations (1991-2020) Based on Constructivism Theory
Hassan Same Nasayeh Esmaeil shafiee Sarvestani Nafiseh Vaez -
Open Access Article
996 - Geopolitical Analysis of Pakistan-Iran Relations: with Emphasis on Threats
abolghasem ovaisikikha Ahmad Rahdar Yaser Kahrazeh -
Open Access Article
997 - Comparative evaluation of tribal nationalism and contract-based nationalism with the political identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Shaban Moharamnezhad Asghar Partovi Abbas Moradi Abolfazl lotfizadeh -
Open Access Article
998 - Criminal Responsibility of Murderers in Mass Murder From the Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence with Emphasis on Criminal Justice
Saeed Salamati Marzieh Pilehour Mohammad Javad Rajabi Salman -
Open Access Article
999 - Party in the View of Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjan
Mohammad Reza Ali Hoseini Abbasi Khodayar Mortazavi Acel Seyed Ataollah Sinaei -
Open Access Article
1000 - The Effects of US Economic Sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran
Hojjatullah Ghaedi Bardeh sohrab salahi Khairullah Parvin -
Open Access Article
1001 - Critical Review of "Fair Trial" in International Documents
Namdar Babayi Valiolah Ansari Ali qorbani -
Open Access Article
1002 - The Basis of the Legitimacy and Acceptance of the Islamic Government in the Political Thought of Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Bagher Sadr
Mohammad Bazvand Masoud Motallebi Ali Fallahnejad Ali Fallahi Saifuddin -
Open Access Article
1003 - Legal Principles of Economic Decisions in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Ayoub Ahmadi Mohammad Sadeghi Babak Basri -
Open Access Article
1004 - A Study of Cognition from the Perspective of the Quran and the School of Liberalism (Carl Popper's Case Study)
Ebrahim Zare Hamid Reza Haghighat Abdolamir Jorfi -
Open Access Article
1005 - Explaining the Role of Think Tanks in Trump's Decision Regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran
Reza Haghshenas Gorgabi Hossein Ahmadi Mohammadali Basiri -
Open Access Article
1006 - Strategies for Maximizing the Deterrent Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Persian Gulf Region
Mohamadjavad Rashidi Abu Mohammad Askarkhani Maryam Moradi -
Open Access Article
1007 - Investigating the Political and Social Tendencies of the Members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly with Emphasis on the Sixth and Seventh Terms
Ali Mohammad sharifi Masoumeh Reshad Mohammad Tohidfam -
Open Access Article
1008 - The Role of third Generation Iranian Intellectuals in Shaping the Revolutionary Ideology of the Islamic Revolution
Jahanshah ShokerBigi Ghasem Toraby Aabbas Salehi nejafabadi -
Open Access Article
1009 - Coordinates of Freedom Foundations in Islam; Emphasizing The Opinions of Late Iranian Thinkers
Haji Ali Shiravand Hasan Shamsini Ghaisvand Ali Fallah Nejad -
Open Access Article
1010 - The Gap between Opinion and Practice in the Realization of the Iranian Islamic Utopia with Emphasis on its Instruction in Secondary Education
Hassan Shams Ebrahimi Seyed Shamsoddin Hashemi Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1011 - Comparative Study of the Silence of Law in The Legal System of Iran and Islamic Countries (Afghanistan, Egypt and the Saudi Arabia)
Seyed Nooredin Heydarimanesh Abbas Sheikholeslami Mahdi Sheidaeian -
Open Access Article
1012 - Designing the 3D model of social responsibility for public organizations (Iranian-Islamic approach)
Monavare Sobhani Mohammad Ataei Gholamreza Memarzadeh tehran Mahmood Alborzi -
Open Access Article
1013 - Representation of a Conceptual Model and Drawing a Strategic Map for Entrepreneurial Organization through Fuzzy Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) Approaches
ali samaei Majid Ashrafi Roohallah samiei samereh Shojaei -
Open Access Article
1014 - Entrepreneurship development model design with a social accountability approach in higher education (Case study: Islamic Azad University)
mahboubeh porgoo vahidreza mirabi Hamideh Reshadatjoo Hossein Vazifehdust -
Open Access Article
1015 - Explaining the staff evaluation model based on religious principles and teachings and Islamic evaluation
Seyamak Pezeshkifar yaghoub alavi matin mortaza hazrati -
Open Access Article
1016 - The Model of Managers Competency on the Basis of Imam Ali's Nahjolbaleghah
Parisa Ghorbannejad Ahmad Isakhani -
Open Access Article
1017 - Identification and Analysis of Islamic Work Ethics in Governmental Organizations of Iran: the Case of Governmental Organizations in Qazvin Province
akbar hassan poor rahman hassan ali poor meisam rahimi -
Open Access Article
1018 - A Comparative Study of Management in Islam and the West in the Area of Management Process
saeideh Lotfipour Hasan Rangriz Mehdi Sadegi -
Open Access Article
1019 - The impact of human resource strategies to gain competitive advantage with the mediating role of organizational agility
Ghanbar Amirnejad Zhale Azhdari -
Open Access Article
1020 - Identification and ranking of competence management dimensions in Tehran Islamic Azad University units
Parisa Asghari Mohammad Salehi Kiyomarth Niaz Azari -
Open Access Article
1021 - The study of relationship between the Maturity Knowledge Management personnel and quality of educational services in Kerman Unit Islamic Azad University
sanjar salajeghe Samaneh Mehdizadeh Mojghan Nazeri -
Open Access Article
1022 - Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Dimensions and Components of Organizational Excellence in Mazandaran Islamic Azad University
Abolghasem Barimani -
Open Access Article
1023 - Identifying and ranking the dimensions of academic independence with a causal approach (Case study of Islamic Azad University of Mazandaran)
mohammad salehi -
Open Access Article
1024 - University functions from the Islamic Azad University (Ardabil Branch) students’ perspective Ardabili)
Yusef Namvar Azam Rastgo Sadredin Satari -
Open Access Article
1025 - A Study of the Relationship between the Application of the Components of Learning Organization and the Quality of Faculty Members’ Work Life
Mohammad Hadi Asgari Farahnaz Tavakollian -
Open Access Article
1026 - The Relationship organizational Learning and Learning Culture With intellectual capital in Islamic Azad Unuversity Sari Branch
Fataneh Amoie Kiomars Niaz Azari Marzie Niaz Azari -
Open Access Article
1027 - The study of the effect of teaching of contrastive training skills originated of Quran on reducing anxiety among high school girl student in Ahwaz
Sedigheh Moarefzadeh Mansor Sodani Abdollah Shafiabadi -
Open Access Article
1028 - Providing a Practical Model to Implement Knowledge Management and its Impact on the Islamic Azad University Branches in Mazandaran Province, Iran
Mohammad Salehi Sayed Abdollah Khavari Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh -
Open Access Article
1029 - Identification and Ranking of Effective Factors on Job Satisfaction among the Faculty Members in Mazandaran Province Islamic Azad University Branches
Abolghasem Barimani Kiumars Niazazari Mohammad Salehi -
Open Access Article
1030 - The study assessment life skills students of Islamic Azad University of sari branch
Kiumars Niazazari Fattane Amuei Mohammad. Taghi Maddah Abolghasem Barimani -
Open Access Article
1031 - The Share of Thinking Styles in Predicting Emotional Creativity of Students in Islamic Azad University of Khoy
Ahmad Marandi Heydarali Zarei Bagher Sardari -
Open Access Article
1032 - Evaluation of Organizational Performance Viewpoint of Faculty Members (Case Study: Islamic Azad University Ardabil Branch)
Sadraddin Sattari Yosef Namvar -
Open Access Article
1033 - The Survey of expectations and the factors affecting job satisfaction of faculty members in departments of Azad University, Mazandaran Province
Mohammad Salehi Mohammad Hajizad Homayoun Moutameni -
Open Access Article
1034 - Survey of High-Performing students' learning strategies in Islamic Azad University: Implication for teaching and learning
Yousef Namvar Azam Rastgou Sadredin Sattari -
Open Access Article
1035 - Surveying the Implementation of Learning Organization Components in Islamic Azad University Ardabil Branch Based on Wick and Leon Model
Sadraddin Sattari Yosef Namvar Reza Rezaei Zarchi -
Open Access Article
1036 - Evaluation of organizational performance viewpoint of faculty members (case study: Islamic Azad University Ardabil Branch)
Sadraddin Sattari Yosef Namvar -
Open Access Article
1037 - The Comparison of the professional skills of professors of Human sciences, Basic Science, Islamic Azad University in Mazandaran Province
Mohammad Hajizad Mohammad Salehi -
Open Access Article
1038 - Women's personality With an Adaptive Approach to Artistic and Islamic Culture
Zohreh Oleiaeyee -
Open Access Article
1039 - Social factors related to the tendency of female students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz towards democracy .
Javad Ali Ali Akbarpour Mahmoud Elmi Samad Abedeni -
Open Access Article
1040 - Comparison of the effectiveness of group education based on mindfulness, Geshtalt theory and religious spiritual approach Islam oriented on psychological distress and quality of perceived marital relationship of Educable Intellectual Disability student's mothers
Nazila Mazruei Marziyeh. Alivandivafa. Naemeh Moheb -
Open Access Article
1041 - the effectiveness of group education based on religious spiritual approach Islam oriented on psychological distress, Guilt and quality of perceived marital relationship of educable student's mothers
Nazila Mazruei Marziyeh. Alivandivafa. Naeimeh Moheb -
Open Access Article
1042 - Effect of Women's Self-Awareness on Social Responsibility by Explaining the Mediating Role of Adherence to Islamic Moral Values
Nazila Masoudi Hosein Bodaghi Khajeh Noubar Farzin Modarres Khiyabani -
Open Access Article
1043 - .
الهام کاظم پور ساریدرق جهانگیر یاری خدیجه سفیری مینا معروف پور آرزو قلی پور غلامحسین جوانمرد زینب گل محمدزاده نازی عبدالله پور -
Open Access Article
1044 - حقوق سیاسی زنان در قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
احسان شاکری خوئی عذرا کامران آذر -
Open Access Article
1045 - بررسی تأثیر آموزش تنظیم هیجان با رویکرد اسلامی بر کاهش اضطراب زنان شهراصفهان
فاطمه وارسته خو مجتبی جعفری -
Open Access Article
1046 - ابداع قانونگذار اسلامی در تحقق عدالت در روابط مالی زوجین
عزت السادات میرخانی صبا غفوری دره گرگی لیلا سادات اسدی -
Open Access Article
1047 - Interaction of Nitrogen Fertilizers and Plant Density on Physiological Characteristics, Yield and Yield Components of Canola (Brassica napus L.)
Behnam Hosseininasab Farhad Mohajeri Mohammad Rahim Owji Mehdi Madandoust -
Open Access Article
1048 - Sociological analysis of the relationship between perceived social support and the social health of the devotees of East Azarbaijan province
Abbas Pourhassan Mahmoud Elmi Davod Ebrahimpoor -
Open Access Article
1049 - affecting factors the evaluation of cultural activities of Islamic Azad University based on upstream documents
Naser Fazelheravi Jafar Qahrmani Abolfazl Qasemzadeh Alishahi -
Open Access Article
1050 - Presenting a Three-Dimensional Model in Explaining the Problem of Civil Disobedience in Iran of decads 1370 - 1390
yazdan hashemi Mohammad ali tavana javad jarideh -
Open Access Article
1051 - The study of the role of quality of good governance in public welfare (Case study: OIC and OECD member countries)
Seyed Isa Karimpour Samad Abedini Eghbaleh Azizkhani -
Open Access Article
1052 - Tendency to Democracy and Its Relationship with Religiosity and Family Type: A Survey among Students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz
Javad Ali akbarpour Mahmoud Elmh Samad Abedini -
Open Access Article
1053 - Islamic-Iranian Progress Model in Urban sociology Studies Based on Reading of the Book “Man Lā Yahḍuruhū al-Faqīh”
Hamid Karamati Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi Aziz javanpourheravi -
Open Access Article
1054 - On the impact of the social order on the voters’ attitudes towards the policymaking of the Islamic Parliament
Morteza Shabani Reza Simbar MohamadReza Akhzariyan kashani, -
Open Access Article
1055 - Representation of cultural components of Iranian-Islamic lifestyle in domestic computer games
Mohammadreza Alizadeh Alireza Esmaeili Shahrzad Bazrafshan Mohsen Noghani dokht Bahmani, -
Open Access Article
1056 - The Role of Islamic ethics in dicators from the perspective of religious sociology on the organizational performance of universities from Imam Khomeini's point of view
Seyyed jafar Hosseini Rahim Vakilzadeh Hassan Movassaghi -
Open Access Article
1057 - Reflection of the Islamic revolution Reza Baraheni's stories Based on the analysis the content analysis method
Vahideh Jedari Ali Ramazani Reza aghayarizahed -
Open Access Article
1058 - Professional ethics and its relationship with organizational culture among Department of Culture and Islamic Ershad of West Azerbaijan employees
Roshan Soleymanzadeh Firouz Rad -
Open Access Article
1059 - Comparative Study of Liberal Democracy with Religious Democracy in the Islamic Republic of Iran from the point of view of political sociology
Shahram Tahmasebi Mehrdad Javaheripour Reza Ali Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1060 - Iranian culture and civilization and globalization; opportunities and challenges
Mohammad Yousefi Joybari Nejat Mohhamadifar -
Open Access Article
1061 - The study of different attitudes of Tabriz Azad university's urban and rural students toward social damages and problems and social factors associated with it
Davood Ebrahimpoor Rakhshandeh Alayi Hejrandost Siroos Fakhraie -
Open Access Article
1062 - Investigating the relationship between religiousness and social trust among M.A. students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz
Ali Reza Kandovani Faramarz Tagiloo -
Open Access Article
1063 - Examination of the relationship between social health and organizational citizenship behavior staff of Islamic Azad University, District 13
Davood Ebrahimpoor Rahim Abdullah Fam -
Open Access Article
1064 - Investigating the effectiveness of the observation of Islamic council in the improvement of performance of Bo nab Municipal
Babak Rahimian Bahram Sarmast -
Open Access Article
1065 - Presenting a systematic relationship model of factors affecting the promotion of human resource effectiveness in university with Fuzzy Dimatel approach from organizational sociology perspective
Mehrdad Ghafari Zonouzi Serajuddin Mohebbi Karamollah Daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1066 - Studying Social Classification in Islam
Nazi Abdollahpour Fariba Eskandar Jafarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1067 - Content Analysis of the Supreme Leader's (Ayatollah Khamenei) view of "Relations with America" in the period 1368-1395
Soraya Vedady Mohammad Reza Rasooli -
Open Access Article
1068 - The civilians’ rights in Islamic government: reviewing the verdict of apostasy because of its repetition
Abdollah Bagheri seyyed Mohamadsadegh Aahmadi gholamhossien masood -
Open Access Article
1069 - The process of monitoring the systems and entities of the government in a system based on divine sovereignty with a view to the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
mohamad mehdi resketi Ali Banaee_Mehr Seyed Askari_Hoseini_Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1070 - Civil liability in competition law and intellectual property law in Islamic law and the European Union
yahya mirzamohammadi fard garakhanlou naser masuodi مصطفی نوراللهی -
Open Access Article
1071 - Crime ignore the new Iranian Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure effects
Mehdi Soleimani -
Open Access Article
1072 - Jurisprudential attitude to the role of white marriage and the place of temporary marriage in the evolution of the laws of the family system in the Islamic society
AZADEH ZEINALI masoud raei Mohammad Bagher amerinia -
Open Access Article
1073 - The Jurisprudential Study of Women’s Singing in Islam
Seyyed Mohammad Reza Ayati narges soroush -
Open Access Article
1074 - Studies of Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic system based on Islamic standards and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
reza asghari davood ghasemi ali babaei mehr -
Open Access Article
1075 - A refection on the punishment of insulting the Prophet of Islam and his Family
Adel AsgharpourTolouie -
Open Access Article
1076 - Jurisprudential Foundations Citizenship Rights in the Legal System of Iran and Islam
moslem orange mohammadtagi alavi rahim vakilzadeh -
Open Access Article
1077 - Priority of the leap of production in the sources of Imami jurisprudence
Ebrahim Mahmoodzadeh rahim vakilzade Reza Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1078 - A comparative study of the Convention on the Prohibition and Punishment of Genocide with Islamic jurisprudence Community Verified icon
محمد تقی گهرنیا اسمعیل رحیمی نژاد رضا فانی Ismaeel Rahiminejad -
Open Access Article
1079 - Jurisprudential and legal analysis of the function of the city's Islamic councils in the field of citizen-oriented after the Islamic revolution
Reyhaneh Asadollahzadeh Kenari Ali Babaee mehr Reza Nasiri Larimi -
Open Access Article
1080 - Jurisprudential documents on the necessity of the convergence of the Muslims of the world
Akram Hashemzadeh Hossein Izadi -
Open Access Article
1081 - -
سمیه اسلامی مرتضی نجابت خواه Ali Akbar Gorji Azandaryani Mostafa Taghizadeh Ansari -
Open Access Article
1082 - -
vadood barzi Ali gharibe esmaeil saghiri naser masuodi -
Open Access Article
1083 - -
هادی آبان گاه ازگمی سیدعلی پور منوچهری -
Open Access Article
1084 - The role of experts in the field of Islamic law in the realization of administrative justice
Mohammad Habibi Faramarz Atrian -
Open Access Article
1085 - -
امیر امیدی شبیلوی علیا حمید عیوضی سعید حسن زاده دلگشا -
Open Access Article
1086 - حق بر آزادی کار و منع بیگاری در نظام بینالمللی کار و حقوق اسلام
علی بیگی دکتر ابوالفضل رنجبری دکتر محمد محمدزاده اصل دکتر جمال بیگی -
Open Access Article
1087 - -
علیرضا عنابی محمود جلالی -
Open Access Article
1088 - جرم بودن اقدام علیه بشریت بهوسیله سلاحهای هستهای از نگاه فقه با رویکرد فتوای مقام معظم رهبری
دکتر حامد رستمی نجف آبادی دکتر عبدالرضا فرهادیان -
Open Access Article
1089 - -
jabrail fouladian Garakhanloo حمید عیوضی -
Open Access Article
1090 - بررسی و مقایسۀ نظریات امام خمینی (ره) و ماوردی در مورد حکومت اسلامی
خالد عسیی زاده دکتر محمد جواد باقی زاده دکتر حمید مسجد سرایی دکتر ابوالقاسم ولی زاده -
Open Access Article
1091 - -
Akram Mohammadzadeh, جمال بیگی Fatemeh Ahadi -
Open Access Article
1092 - Islamic economics jurisprudential study with an approach to Imam Khomeini 's thoughts
Ebrahim Mahmoodzadeh reza ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1093 - -
yahya mirzamohammadi fard garakhanlou abasat pourmoahammad naser masuodi mostafa nourollahi -
Open Access Article
1094 - -
حامد مهردادیان mohsen razmi -
Open Access Article
1095 - -
seyed hamed avazpour rahim sayah Seyed Hesamodin Hosseini farajolah barati -
Open Access Article
1096 - The Abilities of the Constitution on the way of achieving the Ideal Islamic State
Mojtaba Qanbardust Akbar Ashrafi -
Open Access Article
1097 - On the effects of ‘social field’ on the voters’ attitudes towards the policymaking of the electoral institutions in Rasht
Morteza Shabani Reza Simbar Mohammad Reza Akhzarian Kashani -
Open Access Article
1098 - The Return to the Qur'an in the Contemporary Political Islam Thought
amir kordkarimi ehsan shakeri khoyi reza nasiri hamed -
Open Access Article
1099 - Legal Explanation of Security Control of the Strait of Hormuz in International Law
Mahdi Salehi -
Open Access Article
1100 - Critical hermeneutics; A framework for analyzing detente in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
ALI KAVEH Alireza Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1101 - Comparison of the discourse of the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS from political IslamAnd its impact on developments in the Middle East
Syed Abas Hosini saeed eslamee انوش جعفری -
Open Access Article
1102 - Obstacles and Requirements For the Implementation Of the Revolutionary Civilization System
ali mohseni shanbeh bazari saeed eslamee kamal pooladie -
Open Access Article
1103 - Islamic fundamentalism; From theory to political practice
Mohammad Taheri Khonakdari فاطمه تابان -
Open Access Article
1104 - The possibility of inferring the justice system as fairness from within the discourses of the Islamic Republic
afshin habibzadeh kolli Reza Akbari noori khodayar mortazavi asl -
Open Access Article
1105 - as
seyed reza salehi mohammad malekinia arash radmehr -
Open Access Article
1106 - a
saeed chehrazad alireza azghandi Abolghasem Taheri hamid ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1107 - The Causes of Continuing Left Parties Before and After the Islamic Revolution in Iran
mohammad taghe sadegh famian ghadim mohammad tohidfam -
Open Access Article
1108 - a
Yadollah Mohammadi hasan khodaverdi Garineh Keshishyan Siraki masoud motallebi -
Open Access Article
1109 - a
alireza karimian esmaeil baibordi -
Open Access Article
1110 - The conceptual transformation of women and politics in the newspapers of the Islamic Republic and Kayhan after the victory of the Islamic Revolution
gharineh keshishyan siraki khadije aghaali -
Open Access Article
1111 - An Enquiry into the role of Modernism in the Rise of Islamic Radicalism
احمد ساعی علی محمد حقیقی محمود مقدس -
Open Access Article
1112 - aa
Alijan Moradi jou alireza azghandi Seyyed Mostafa Abtahi -
Open Access Article
1113 - aa
hamid reza davoudi ahmad bakhshayesh asghar arabiyan -
Open Access Article
1114 - a
مجید گلپرور parisa khorasani esmaeili -
Open Access Article
1115 - a
Ali akbar jafari "kazem shojaee -
Open Access Article
1116 - Personalist Government and Coup d’états in Contemporary Iran; Comparative study of 1299, 1332 & 1359 coup d’états
علیرضا سمیعی اصفهانی یونس خداپرست -
Open Access Article
1117 - a
Mahdi Ghorbani Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani Naghi Tabarsa -
Open Access Article
1118 - a
Hassan Khodaverdi فرزانه رحمتی -
Open Access Article
1119 - Globalization and the Process of Generalism and Particularism in the Political Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Seyyed Javad Emamjomehzade Seyyed Saeed Moosavi -
Open Access Article
1120 - a
مهدی حاجی سیاری -
Open Access Article
1121 - a
مسعود مطلبی -
Open Access Article
1122 - The Investigating the Role of the Islamic devotees (Fadā'iyāns) in the Period of the Nationalization of Oil Industry in Iran from Convergence to Divergence
Mohammad Fazel Sadri Sadegh Zibakalam Abolqasem Taheri Seyyed Mostafa Abtahi -
Open Access Article
1123 - aa
Masoumeh Abdolvahabi Ali Roshanaie omid aliahmadi Hossein Jamali Ashtiani -
Open Access Article
1124 - Explaining the relationship between government and society in the era of Mohammad Reza Shah (1332-1320)
rashid recabian -
Open Access Article
1125 - a
علی قاسمیان -
Open Access Article
1126 - aa
ehsan razani mohsen shariatinia -
Open Access Article
1127 - Law and Legislation in the Thought System of Imam Khomeini
Ali Sheirkhani -
Open Access Article
1128 - Manifestation of Republicanism and Islamism in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran
Nader Mirzadeh Kuhshahi Hasan Farsi -
Open Access Article
1129 - a
Javad Shamsi Ali akbar jafari -
Open Access Article
1130 - a
اعظم رحمانی راد محسن احتشامی نیا -
Open Access Article
1131 - a
علی مشهودی علی فلاح نژاد محمد فلاح -
Open Access Article
1132 - Iran; U.S.; Carter; Pahlavi; Human Right.
شهروز شریعتی مهدی عباسی -
Open Access Article
1133 - a
معصومه پیرویسی ali shirkhani mohammad torabi -
Open Access Article
1134 - a
علیرضا امینی -
Open Access Article
1135 - aa
ghafarzarei zarei -
Open Access Article
1136 - راستی ازمایی مجموعه کتب خواندن Cover to Cover از نقطه نظر تناسب فرهنگی محتوی با ارزش های فرهنگی جامعه ایرانی
مرجان وثوقی -
Open Access Article
1137 - Comparative Study of Feyz Kashani's Policy by Implementing Islamic Criminal Law
mohesen safari reza Zahravi -
Open Access Article
1138 - Documental and Implicational Study of Stoning Decree
Aliakbar Rabinataj Zeynab Zargar Hajar Asadi Mojtaba Hosseinezhad -
Open Access Article
1139 - Judicial-Lawful Survey of Recidivism by Emphasizing on Article 136 of IPC
yousef noraei -
Open Access Article
1140 - Evaluating "Taadol Tarafoei (Tanazor)" in Judicial Proceedings and International Commercial Arbitration
Hassan Gholipour Mehdi Ahamadi محمدحسن جعفری -
Open Access Article
1141 - Comparative Study of Correctness and Void Constructive Condition in Iran's law and Islam's law
mohsen vaseghi -
Open Access Article
1142 - Lawful Nature of Dowry, its Relation with Perpetual Marriage in Family Right System of Islam
amanollah alimoradi -
Open Access Article
1143 - Taqas in Government-owned Property
Alimazhar Qaramaleki Ali Asgahr Afshari -
Open Access Article
1144 - Analyzing and Criticizing the Proofs of Lawfully Admissibility of Backbiting Religious Opponents
Ali Mohammadian Mohammadreza Elmi Mohammadtaghi Fakhlaei -
Open Access Article
1145 - Study of the Social Aspect of Intentional Crimes against Physical Integrity in the Islamic Jurisprudence and the laws of of Islamic countries with Emphasis on the Iranian Law
Ruhollah Akrami Masoud Heidari -
Open Access Article
1146 - Verdict of Curst upon those Who Known as Lecher and Infidel in Islamic Jurisprudence
mohammad rasool ahangaran Mehdi Dargahi -
Open Access Article
1147 - The effect of the victim's consent on the criminal responsibility in Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law
abolfazl elyasinia tayebeh arefnia -
Open Access Article
1148 - The Impact of Islamic Law Criteria on Determination of Nationality in the Commercial Companies
alireza jafariyan Asghar Arabian Rabia Eskini -
Open Access Article
1149 - Juridical recognition of sexual education and matching it with 2030 document
Sayyad Ali Poomanuchehri Hadi Abangah -
Open Access Article
1150 - Feasibility study of criminalization of soft annihilation of the Islamic government with the viewpoint of rebellion concept
Mohammad Sadeq IranAghideh Alireza Saberian Sayyad Ali Jabbar GHolbaghi Masoleh -
Open Access Article
1151 - Investigating the security commitment of digital and software systems manufacturers in Islamic jurisprudence, Iranian and European subject laws
Seyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini Alireza mazloomrahni Alireza Rajabzadehestahbanati -
Open Access Article
1152 - Role of Religious Institutions in Preventing Crimes (Challenges and Solutions against it
Masoud Heydari Masoud Momeni -
Open Access Article
1153 - Jurisprudential and legal review of the additional condition as a review, especially in contracts
Amir Barani Amir KHajehzadeh Efat Ahmadzadeh -
Open Access Article
1154 - The Initial Protective Measures Regarding Child development in Islamic Criminal Policies
Masoud Heydari -
Open Access Article
1155 - Juridical Approaches Analysis based on Gender in Testimony
soheila Rostami merangez rostaei -
Open Access Article
1156 - Examining the relevance of ignorance to the Shari'a ruling in criminal liability
seyed mohammad sadri Abedin Momeni Mohammad Mehdi Karimi Salimi -
Open Access Article
1157 - Execution of Options in Sukuk Al-Ijara Bonds
Alireza Hamisi Majid Ghorbanali Dolabi Majid Vaziri Mahmoud Veysi -
Open Access Article
1158 - A Comparative Study of the Fundamentals of Wife's Nafaqah in Islamic Jurisprudence and Its Effects on Marital Life
Sohela Rostami Voriya Hafidi abubakr ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1159 - Recognition of Animal Rights in Fiqh Imamiyah with Emphasis on Alimony
Hassan Alidadi Soleymani seyyed Mostafa Tabatabaei -
Open Access Article
1160 - Religious Study of considering the personality of the guilty personiTazir
razieh sabzehali mahmood ashrafy Masoud Haedari -
Open Access Article
1161 - Strict Liability in Destruction of Environment according to Islamic Jurisprudence
Abbas Gohari Mehdi Bizhani -
Open Access Article
1162 - Comparison of insulting Hadi and Ta'ziri sanctities in Iranian criminal law
abbas mohammadkhani Majid Sadeghnezhad Naeni -
Open Access Article
1163 - Analytical Study of Severity to Proving Crimes in Fiqh Imamiyah
Soraya Moniri Rahim Vakilzadeh -
Open Access Article
1164 - Critical Analysis of the Political-Jurisprudence Basis of the Takfiri Salafism on the Issue of Jihad
Roghayeh Alizadeh abdolhadi feghhizadeh Mohammad Hadi Amin Naji -
Open Access Article
1165 - An Investigation about the Owners of Quint
Abbas Nikzad -
Open Access Article
1166 - The Legitimacy of International Criminal Courts in Dealing with Environmental Crimes Caused by Oil Pollution from the Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence
Housin Foroughenia Ali Ashrafian -
Open Access Article
1167 - The Rules governing Smart Contracts in Islamic Jurisprudence and Positive Law
Seyed Ali Rabbani Mousaviyan -
Open Access Article
1168 - Interference Decrees in the Crimes Subject of lex talionis (Qisas) Envisaged under Islamic Penal Code Adopted in 2014
Elnaz Minoei Babak Pourghahremani -
Open Access Article
1169 - Place and Guarantees of the Principle of Innocence in Islamic and Public Law with Emphasis on the Judgment of the Administrative Justice Court
mojtaba hemmati mehdi zeynalzadeh Amir Sarmasti -
Open Access Article
1170 - The Validity and Effect of the Dominance of Persuasion of the Judge's Conscience on the Purpose of the Trial
Rahman Valizadeh Sayyad mohammad sadegh Mosavi asghar arabiyan -
Open Access Article
1171 - An Evaluation on the Use of Islamic-Iranian Cultural Indices for Designing Practices in the Lessons, Introduction of Architecture Design (Case Study: Tehran University)
Elham kazemi Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi Rahmat Mohammadzadeh Afra Garibpour -
Open Access Article
1172 - Model of Shared Leadership Institutionalization at Islamic Azad University: Case Study of Islamic Azad University Branches in West Azerbaijan Province, Iran
Vahid hayatlou hamidreza araste kamran mohammadkhani -
Open Access Article
1173 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Group Training Based on Mindfulness, Gestalt Theory and Islam-oriented Spiritual-Religious Approach on the Perceived Marital Relationship Quality of Mothers of Mentally Retarded Students
nazila mazruei marziyeh. alivandivafa naeimeh moheb -
Open Access Article
1174 - Presenting a model for rectors’ selection in Islamic Azad university branches based on Fuzzy logic
Mostafa Ejtehadi Ali Reza Bafandeh Zendeh Nader Gholi Ghourchian Parivash Jafari Behnam Talebi -
Open Access Article
1175 - Investigating Social Capital Level and its Regression Equation with the Organizational Excellence at the Islamic Azad University Organization
Maryam Mousivand -
Open Access Article
1176 - The Assessment of the Value Components of Contemporary Housing Architecture based on the Epistemic System of Islam (Case Study: Urmia Contemporary Houses)
Ebrahim Samin Sharifi Miaveghi Masoumeh Yaghoubi Sangharchi Masoud Hagh Lesan -
Open Access Article
1177 - A study of the relationship between organizational intelligence and organizational learning among academic members and staff in first Islamic Azad University region, and presenting a model for improving organizational learning
Mohammad Jamalzadeh Younes Gholami Mohammad Hassan Seif -
Open Access Article
1178 - Infrastructures of knowledge management at Islamic Azad and State Universities of Qom from viewpoint of faculty members
faeze natqe Abbas Ali Norouzi -
Open Access Article
1179 - An Ethics and Performance-Based Model for Promoting Faculty Members’Social Responsibility: The Case of Islamic Azad Universities in Tehran
Zahra Najafzadeh Ojghaz ُُSamad Karimzadeh Fattah Nazem -
Open Access Article
1180 - The Impact of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) on Reducing Costs at I.R.I Postal Company
roohallah noori Mohammad reza Naghibi -
Open Access Article
1181 - Human Capital Productivity in Strategic Organizations and Design of an Applied Model Using Structural Equation Model and Covariance Matrix: The Case of Strategic Navy
Sohrab Sadegh Abutaleb Motallebi Varkani Zahra Alipour Jamshid Sadeghi Yosef Mohammadimoghadam -
Open Access Article
1182 - Systemic Model of University Human Resource Productivity Improvement via Fuzzy Dimatel Approach: The Case of Islamic Azad University Branches in East Azerbaijan Province
mehrdad ghaffari zenuzi serajeddin mohebbi karamollah daneshfard -
Open Access Article
1183 - The Effect of Cultural and Social Capital on the Establishment of Knowledge Management at Universities and Presenting the Optimal Model: Islamic Azad Universityes of Tehran
Alireza Dawodi Mohamadreza Rasoli -
Open Access Article
1184 - Presenting a model of the Impact of Economic Variables on the Total Productivity Index in Iran
Ali SHAHINPOUR Kerem Karabulut -
Open Access Article
1185 - Identifying factors affecting the competence of heads of units and centers of Islamic Azad University in accordance with the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution (case study of Islamic Azad University units in the northwest
Seyed samad Emadi vahdi mohammadreza mardani Nader Bohlouli Mojtaba Ramazani -
Open Access Article
1186 - Designing a Model for Performance Evaluation of Payame Noor University Staff Based on the Components of Happiness from the Perspective of Islamic Iranian Progress Model
Mikael Jamalpour Karim Esgandari -
Open Access Article
1187 - Providing a Model for the Development and Implementation of Entrepreneurship in Islamic Azad University
Said Mozafari Mahmod Abolghasemi Gholamreza Sharifirad -
Open Access Article
1188 - Investigating the Relationship between Managers' Locus of control and the Job Motivation of the Staff of East Azarbaijan Islamic Azad Universities during 88-89 (2009-2010)
Habibollah Akhondi Bonab Zahra Mousomi Shojaee Alireza Pirkhaefi Mahdi Mahdi Pour Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
1189 - The philosophy of Islamic management
Azizhavanpour Heravi -
Open Access Article
1190 - An Exploratory study of factors influencing human resource productivity aspects in an Islamic context from the point of views of Mashhad municipal employees
Afagh Arjmandi Nejad Habibolah Doaei Noor Mohammad Yaghoubi Seyed Aligholi Rowshan -
Open Access Article
1191 - Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Health and Personnel Productivity of the Staff Working at Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch
Soleyman Iranzadeh Gader Zemestani Mehdi Pakdel Bonab Sadeg Babaye heravi -
Open Access Article
1192 - Investigating the Role of Knowledge Management Implementation in Labor Productivity in Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch
Soleyman Iranzadeh Mehdi Pakdel Bonab -
Open Access Article
1193 - Investigating and Specifying the Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Human Resources and Ranking the Factors among the Staff Members in Izeh Branch of Islamic Azad University
Mahmood Danyali Deh Hoz Sayed Mohsen Allameh Hossein Mansoori -
Open Access Article
1194 - Observation of Urban Management Concepts of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the city of Medina, the Splendid Manifestation of Urban Management in Islamic cities
Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi Hossein Zabihi -
Open Access Article
1195 - A study of fundamental and indices of knowledge based economy in Islamic countries of middle-east and North Africa
Alireza Bafande Gholamreza Soltanifsgndes -
Open Access Article
1196 - The Analysis of Obstacles of Developing Productivity in Main Department of Islamic republic of Iran rail road wagons based on productivity indicators and presenting an effective procedure for its promotion
Vahid Baradaran Mozafar Barad Mahya Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1197 - Evaluating the Conditions for Establishing an On-line Book and Magazine Purchase Network in the Islamic AzadUniversity Central Libraries: Attaining a Coordinate Management in Book Purchase
Yahya Doustdar Mohsen Hamidi -
Open Access Article
1198 - Investigating the Relation between Organizational Culture and the Performance of the Personnel in Islamic Azad University, North Branch of Tehran
Ebrahim Kheradmand Fattah Nazem -
Open Access Article
1199 - The Analysis of Relationship between Conflicting Management Styles and the Personnel Preativity in the Islamic Azad University of Tabriz
Soleyman Iranzadeh Gader Zemestani Mehdi Pakdel Bonab Sadegh Babaye heravi -
Open Access Article
1200 - Investigating the Behavior of Information Seeking among the Full-time Members of the Academic Staff of Islamic Azad Universities, Region 2
Davood Shogpour Zahra Gholami Mohammad Reza Soleymani -
Open Access Article
1201 - Evaluation of the Performance of Tabriz Islamic City Council (case study of Tabriz Munıcıpalıty’s constructional projects)
Yaguoob Alavi Matın Alireza Dadjouyan Farhad Nejhad Irani -
Open Access Article
1202 - Managers' Views on Mechanization Management for Visual Archive of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB)
Zahra Abazari SeyedRasool Toudar Rasool Abbasi Mojtaba Nasiri -
Open Access Article
1203 - The Investigation of Islamic Management Principles from Nahjolbalaghe perspective
Rahim Vakelzadeh -
Open Access Article
1204 - نقش نیازهای جوانان در نوع مصرف موسیقیایی به عنوان مقوله ادبی و هنری ( مطالعه موردی دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اندیمشک)
محمدحسن مقدس جعفری محسن قلاوند -
Open Access Article
1205 - ارتباط و تأثیر ابعاد سرمایه اجتماعی بر تعهد سازمانی (مطالعه موردی : دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد آیت ا... آملی)
علی اصغر عباسی اسفجیر محسن دهقان محرم آزاد نیما خاکپور -
Open Access Article
1206 - الگوهای ازدواج و ارتباط آن با رضایت زناشویی؛ مورد مطالعه دانشجویان همسردار دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحدسنندج*
جلیل سحابی سعید خانی اسعد خانی -
Open Access Article
1207 - * بررسی میزان هوش فرهنگی دانشجویان دانشگاههای آزاد اسلامی شرق استان مازندران
هوشنگ ظهیری حمیده سلیم بهرامی ناصر پوررضا حسین احمدی فاطمه ذبیحی محمودرضا علیزاده -
Open Access Article
1208 - مقایسه تطبیقی مشارکت سیاسی زنان در دوران مشروطیت، پهلوی و جمهوری اسلامی ایران
مسعود کاوه انوش جعفری سمیه عباسی -
Open Access Article
1209 - Explanation of Islamic ethics in the process of architectural design and production
mohammad bagher valizadeh owghani Asghar Molaei Minou Gharehbaglou -
Open Access Article
1210 - Evaluation of the quality of the explanatory components of the learning environment in the education of architecture (a comparative study of Istanbul Technical University and Tabriz Islamic Art University)
Jahed Jafarimand Shahriyar Shaghagi Hasan Ebrahimi asl Nasim Najafgholipoor kalantary -
Open Access Article
1211 - Geometrical Analysis and Numerical proportions in the decorations and physical composition of Pir Bakran mausoleum
Sajad Alizadeh Kafeshani Seyyedeh Marzieh Tabaeeyan -
Open Access Article
1212 - Analyzing physical stability of urban housing with Sustainable Development Approach; the case of Islam Abad, Zanjan
Jila Sajadi Asghar Teymoori Hossein Tahmasbimoghadam -
Open Access Article
1213 - Analysis of the concepts of environmental ethics and culture Case Study: Islamabad Gharb City
Saeed Maleki safieh damanbagh -
Open Access Article
1214 - Evaluation of the satisfaction of suburban citizens of Tabriz from the performance of municipality and city council during the past three terms (1999-2013)
علی آذر افسانه رحیمی اسکلو -
Open Access Article
1215 - بررسی عوامل اقتصادی و کالبدی در ایجاد تعارضات حاصل از الحاق روستا به شهر(نمونه موردی شهر اسلامشهر)
نغمه محمدپورلیما علی نوری کرمانی فرشید عالیزادمیناآباد -
Open Access Article
1216 - بررسی تحلیلی – تطبیقی نمادهای هویت بخش شهری (مطالعه موردی: شهر اصفهان)
رضا مختاری ملک آبادی -
Open Access Article
1217 - ایام در در شعر نظامی
اسحاق طغیانی اسفرجانی زهرا صالحی -
Open Access Article
1218 - بررسی رابطه آموزشهای ضمن خدمت با مهارتهای مدیران (مطالعه موردی: دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، مناطق هشت و دوازده)
مرضیه محمدی امین نیک پور -
Open Access Article
1219 - "quality of life" in the Islamic city Iranian neighborhood within the framework of social sustainability and spatial (studied; Qom)
Mohammad Mohitara Abbas Malekhussaini Majid Shams -
Open Access Article
1220 - Reviews impact Religious landusese influences on the city's Islamic identity case study:Regions 1 and 2 in Yazd
Bahar Nokar Zeynab Karkehabadi Abbas Arghan -
Open Access Article
1221 - Evaluating Good Urban Governance for Iranian Cities (A Case Study of Ahvaz)
Heydar Kazemi Bijan Rahmani -
Open Access Article
1222 - Evaluating of the degree of citizens' satisfaction of the urban Islamic councils (Case study: Jiroft)
Hamid Reza Rakhshaninasab Tayyebeh Karimi -
Open Access Article
1223 - Creative Planning and Leadership in Iranian-Islamic City and its Relationship with Urban Creativity
khosrow motalebian Bijan Rahmani -
Open Access Article
1224 - City and Thinking: a Solution Based on contemplation quality in Islamic Geometric Patterns.
Ehsan AzarHomayoun Parisa Alimohammadi Ataollah Tahaei -
Open Access Article
1225 - The Concept of City and Social Security from the Perspective of Religious Teachings
Yadollah Maleki -
Open Access Article
1226 - "Design and Accreditation of Strategic Talent Management Model in Islamic Azad University, Case Study of Region One"
maysam shakeri mokhtar ranjbar amin nikpour -
Open Access Article
1227 - Explaining the Relationship between Islamic Work Ethics and Professional Ethics with the Mediating Role of Responsibility (Case Study: General Directorate of Education of West Azerbaijan)
zahra najjar azari javad keyhan -
Open Access Article
1228 - Designing a conceptual model of management risks related to the implementation of insurance policies in the insurance industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Samira Ghazavi sanjar salajeghe Alireza Manzari Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
1229 - Explaining the effective factors on Islamic moral intelligence and its effect on organizational apathy of the staff of Khorasan Razavi General Department of Environmental Protection
Laleh Masoomian Davod Kaveh Yaser Salary Samaneh Mehdizadeh Mehdi Mohammad bagheri -
Open Access Article
1230 - Investigating the Causal Conditions and Identifying the Consequences of Public Sector Human Resource Performance Management Based on the Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress (Case study: Court of Audit)
ROYA HASHEMI Karamollh DaneshFard Naser Mirsepasi -
Open Access Article
1231 - Presenting a model of organizational ambivalence based on the tasks of Islamic human resource management in Naja
salim Sanai Masoud Pour Kiyani Sanjar Salajegheh Saeed Sayyadi -
Open Access Article
1232 - Presenting the model of Islamic government based on Islamic management and modern government management
Mahmood Bagheri Aflatoon Amiri Yaser Salary Ameneh Firoozabadi -
Open Access Article
1233 - Improving human resources based on Islamic criteria to reduce conscious organizational forgetfulness of employees of government organizations in Kerman city
Rasoul Salarnejad Amin Nikpour Yaser Salari sanjar salajeghe -
Open Access Article
1234 - Imam Hadi (p.b.u.h) in the valid historical references of Sunnis from Imamate to martyrdom
Hojjat Ebad Askari Ardeshir Asadbeigi Mohammad Hossein Rajabi Davani -
Open Access Article
1235 - The role of medicine in the development of Islamic civilization
mohammad ali shah heydari ghafar porbakhtiar Abdolaziz Movahed -
Open Access Article
1236 - The process of Islam entering Hamadan in the first century AH
behrooz sadeghi sayah hassan shadpoor mahboobeh esmaeili -
Open Access Article
1237 - The causes and contexts of the development and prosperity of historiography during the period of the Mamluk Sultans (648-923 AH)
amirhosein sharifi sattar Oudi RAMAZAN rezayi -
Open Access Article
1238 - Explaining the dimensions and components of the Iranian-Islamic approach in recreating urban green urban spaces
Javad Namjomanesh Bahman Karegar Parvaneh Zivyar -
Open Access Article
1239 - Cultural diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the three European countries of Germany, France and Britain
abedin soleimani ali akbar amini Shiva Jalalpoor -
Open Access Article
1240 - Etymology of Bishapur and Location Two Sassanian Monuments in Bishapur City on the Reports of Islamic Authors
Ahmad Heydari -
Open Access Article
1241 - Ways of spreading Islam in the Islamic Maghreb in the first two centuries AH
Saeed Aziminia Mehrnaz Behroozi -
Open Access Article
1242 - Location of the Kufa Mosque in Islamic Civilization
Abbas Ali farahati Mahboubeh sater -
Open Access Article
1243 - Discourse of the Islamic Revolution on the Political and Social Status of Women with Emphasis on the State-Constructive and Reform Approach
Gholamhossein Zargarinejad sina forosezh fatemah haghani sarmi -
Open Access Article
1244 - Local history of Helwan up to the Ottoman period
soltanmorad mahaki mohammadreza shahidi pak mohammad dardashti -
Open Access Article
1245 - Investigating the position of the middle class in Iran after the Islamic Revolution
Aliakbar omidi Hamidreza Saeedinezhad Idris Beheshtinia -
Open Access Article
1246 - Investigating the ways and ligaments of Neyshabur after Islam to the Mongol invasion Based on historical sources and travelogues (1st to 6th century AH)
Elahe Rezanejad yazdi Aliye Jahanian -
Open Access Article
1247 - Historical background of rebellion and repentance in Islamic government
Jafar Nasseri Mohammad hosein Nazemi ashani Alireza Salimi Seyed Alireza Hosseini -
Open Access Article
1248 - The position of the sultan and the monarchy in the ancient writings of the period of Islamic Iran
sodabeh dasti tark soheila torabi farsani naser jadidi -
Open Access Article
1249 - Equal thought in the Qarmatian movement
Maryam Ashoori hasan shadpoor ahmad ashrafi -
Open Access Article
1250 - Social functions of the family with emphasis on the role of women in the Safavid era
Neda Kabeh Koorosh Fathi -
Open Access Article
1251 - The historical course of the mystical hadith "I was a hidden treasure" in the sources of Muslim mystics
jalal usofi enayat ali hosein ehteshami mohammad reza freydooni -
Open Access Article
1252 - Interaction and confrontation between East and West and its representation in the transfer of medical knowledge from Islamic civilization to Europe
Mahmoud Akbari ahmad ashrafi Mohammad Nabi Salim -
Open Access Article
1253 - Analysis of Position of Religion in Interaction with Modernity in Ideas of Religious Intellectuals of Pahlavi II (Case Study: Shariaati and Bazargan)
maryamsadat moosavi shokrollah khakrand hassan allahyari -
Open Access Article
1254 - The evolution of the historical geography of Amol from the beginning of Islam to the end of the Qajar era, relying on archaeological evidence and written historical sources
Maryam Bathaie Mohammad Esmaeil Esmaeili Jelodar mohammad mortezayi -
Open Access Article
1255 - The role of the Church in the formation of Islamic studies in Andalusia
Mehrisadat Hashemi Dolabi Mehrnaz Behroozi mohammad sepehri -
Open Access Article
1256 - Moralism and deep –thoughts in the Pre Islamic Periods And The First Centuries After The Islam
زهرا خسروی ومکانی -
Open Access Article
1257 - Explaining the dimensions and components of the Iranian-Islamic approach in recreating urban historic green spaces
javad namjomanesh abbas kargar parvaneh zivyar -
Open Access Article
1258 - A look at the social consequences of the conquest of Kerman after the Arab attack
faeezeh saberi farinaz hooshyar Soheila Torabi Farsani -
Open Access Article
1259 - Military structure - Taherians and Safarians
gholamreza shahrian Mahmood Seyyed -
Open Access Article
1260 - Imam Reza's(AS) cultural polocies in uniting and synchornizing Islamic religions
Ali Asqar Khosravi Hafshajani hoseyn khosravi Ali Elhami Sohrab Eslami -
Open Access Article
1261 - The jurisprudential challenges of waiting sukuk; A look at jurisprudential historical texts
Manoochehr Ghafoori Mohammad Sadeghi Aliireza Rajabzade -
Open Access Article
1262 - The spread of Islam in Iran from the perspective of Quranic references and hadiths of the Imams
Leila Narimanfard amir teymoyr rafiei ebrahim aslani -
Open Access Article
1263 - Investigating the origins, growth, expansion and decline of the Mu'tazila sect in the Islamic world
Muhammad Karim Abdolaziz Movahed Ghaffar Pour Bakhtiar -
Open Access Article
1264 - Representation of the Prophet’s Battles in the Iranian Books on the History of Islam from 1980 Till Now
Zarifeh Mir farinaz Hooshyar Soheila Torabi Farsani -
Open Access Article
1265 - Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the historical course of hadiths considered by Muslim mystics
jalal usofi enayat ali hosein ehteshami mohammad reza freydooni -
Open Access Article
1266 - The views of contemporary Iranian thinkers on the decline of Islamic civilization
Jahanbakhsh Savagheb -
Open Access Article
1267 - Analyzing the effect of Islamic teachings on strengthening the family system
fatemeh okhravi -
Open Access Article
1268 - A look at the relationship between proportions in the system of creation and architectural proportions in Islamic monuments of Iran
Majid Taheri Demneh Aboozar Majlesi Koopayi Shirin Toghyani -
Open Access Article
1269 - The monetary system of Muslims in Iran until the end of the Umayyad rule
Abas Shahraki Ebrahim Khorasani Parizi Ali Rahimisadegh -
Open Access Article
1270 - Analyzing the importance of the economy and the trade relations of the Maghreb in the The flourishing period of the Almohads (543- 610/ 1148- 1213).
mohammad hassan Behnamfar -
Open Access Article
1271 - بررسی ریشه ها و زمینه های بین المللی انقلاب اسلامی ایران
دکتر علی فلاحی سیف الدین دکترجمیل حسن پور -
Open Access Article
1272 - نقش مدارس موقوفه در توسعه فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامی
مصطفی فقیه اسفندیاری -
Open Access Article
1273 - بررسی چگونگی تسلط نیروهای اسلامگرا در جریان انقلاب اسلامی ایران
دکترسید حسن قریشی کرین فاطمه رضایی رادفر -
Open Access Article
1274 - نقش عناصر ایرانی در بنای تاج محل
مژگان اسماعیلی -
Open Access Article
1275 - نقش بازرگانان مسلمان در گسترش اسلام به شبه قاره هند (در نخستین سالهای هجری)
دکترصالح پرگاری حسن جوادی نیا -
Open Access Article
1276 - نقش مراکز علمی در نهضت ترجمه ( قبل از اسلام تا قرون اوّلیه حکومت اسلامی)قرن اوّل تا چهارم ه.ق
دکتر داریوش موگویی دکترافشین صالحی لیلا ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
1277 - شیوه های تبلیغی صوفیه ی هند در نشر اسلام
دکتر رضا شعبانی مژگان پور فرد -
Open Access Article
1278 - بررسی سند استراتژی امنیت ملی آمریکا (2015) و تأثیر آن بر امنیت ملی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
دکتر احمد جالینوسی سید محمود هاشمی محسن باقری -
Open Access Article
1279 - عصر دعوت یا آغاز فرهنگ وتمدن اسلام
دکترحمیدرضا صفا کیش طیبه کاظمی ابیازنی -
Open Access Article
1280 - تأثیر آیین مهری بر هنر و فرهنگ ایران
زهرا زمرشیدی دکتر علی اصغر فهیمی فر -
Open Access Article
1281 - نقش تاریخی رودکی دراحیای هویت ملی ایرانیان
دکتر فیاض زاهد کبری فخرآور -
Open Access Article
1282 - جستاری در نقش شیعیان ایرانی کوفه در طول قرن اول هجری
دکتر سید علاءالدین شاهرخی -
Open Access Article
1283 - بررسی حمله تیمور به هند و نقش آن در گسترش اسلام
دکتر ابوالحسن مبیّن دکتر امید سپهری راد عظیم جهانی بهنمیری -
Open Access Article
1284 - بررسی تطبیقی واکنش سیاست خارجی امریکا در برابر انقلاب کمونیستی چین و انقلاب اسلامی ایران
دکتر جمیل حسن پور -
Open Access Article
1285 - تفکر تاریخی ارجاء و مرجئه در بوته نقد
شهاب الدین وحیدی مهرجردی عبداله رحیمی -
Open Access Article
1286 - رابطه هجرت و تشکیل دولت نبوی
دکتر مهدی صلاح فاطمه برخورداری -
Open Access Article
1287 - خط شناسی و تاریخ خطوط در دوره اسلامی
دکتر امیرتیمور رفیعی لیلا کاویانی اسکندری مهرناز کاویانی اسکندری -
Open Access Article
1288 - مراکز علمی و آموزشی شیعیان در عصر ایلخانان و تأثیر آن در فرهنگ و تمدّن اسلامی- ایرانی
دکتر سید جعفر موسوی گیلانی دکتر نعمت اله صفری فروشانی -
Open Access Article
1289 - عوامل موثر در ظهور مزدک
دکتر علاءالدین آذری دکتر امیر تیمور رفیعی سمیه عباسی -
Open Access Article
1290 - جایگاه و نقش مکتب کوفه در بنیانگذاری و شکوفایی علمی در تمدن اسلامی ( از ورود امام علی (ع) تا تاسیس حوزه علمی بغداد )
احمد رضا بهنیافر -
Open Access Article
1291 - انقلاب اسلامی در ایلام
دکتر عبدالرفیع رحیمی رحیم عابدینی -
Open Access Article
1292 - بررسی انتقادی مسافرت پیامبر اسلام (ص) به شام وملاقات با بحیرا، راهب مسیحی
مهدی خزائی -
Open Access Article
1293 - مواضع سیاسی نهضت آزادی در ارتباط با سال های آخر سلطنت پهلوی(1357- 1356ﻫ.ش)
دکتر کیوان لؤلویی ایوب نظری مسلم نوروزنژاد -
Open Access Article
1294 - عملکرد مدارس جامعه تعلیمات اسلامی درشهر اصفهان
دکتر علی رضا ابطحی فروشانی کیمیا کشتی آرا -
Open Access Article
1295 - خط کوفی در گذر تاریخ اسلامی
دکتر امیر تیمور رفیعی لیلا کاویانی اسکندری مهرنازکاویانی اسکندری -
Open Access Article
1296 - هویت فرهنگی ایرانیان و اسلام در قرون نخستین هجری
دکتر سید علاءالدین شاهرخی -
Open Access Article
1297 - هنر تصویر گری در ایران و سرزمین های اسلامی از ظهور اسلام تا تیموریان
دکتر رامین یلفانی -
Open Access Article
1298 - نقش متوکل عباسی در مخالفت با جریانهای کلامی خرد گرای اسلامی
حمیدرضا عاقلی نژاد بمانعلی دهقان منگابادی -
Open Access Article
1299 - تجلی عشق و ایمان زنان مسلمان در حماسه کربلا
آذر کریمی -
Open Access Article
1300 - Mahatma Gandhi's ideas about Islam
Mahmood Seyyed Majid Golmohammadi -
Open Access Article
1301 - Pathology of Present Situation of India's Shiites
Hamidreza Fathnejat Ali Almasi -
Open Access Article
1302 - Insight and Method Historiography of Hamzeh Esfahani In the Sanni al-Muluk and al-arz al-Anbia
Zekrollah Mohammadi Pourya Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
1303 - تدوین الگوی دانشگاه کارآفرین با رویکرد تراز انقلاب اسلامی
حسن میامی غلامعباس شکاری عالمه کیخا -
Open Access Article
1304 - طراحی مدل کارآفرینی اخلاقی از منظر ارزشهای اسلامی با استفاده از روش دلفی فازی
سهیلا خدامی پرویز سعیدی عباس رضاشاطری -
Open Access Article
1305 - The Effects of Corruption on Financial Inclusion (A System Generalized Method of Moments approach)
Farzad Rahimzadeh Siamak Shokouhifard Hatef Hazeri Niri -
Open Access Article
1306 - Analyzing the Feasibility of Islamic Finance Resistance in Financial Crises Situations
yadollah dadgar asadollah farzinvash nima mohamadnejad -
Open Access Article
1307 - Labor Market Equilibrium in Profit-sharing Model Emphasizing on Islamic Approach
yadollah dadgar Iraj Totonchian mohammadreza armanmehr -
Open Access Article
1308 - The Effect of E-government on the Reduction of Economic Corruption in Islamic Countries selected
mohamad ali motefaker azad zeinab jameh shoorani zeinab heideri dad -
Open Access Article
1309 - The Effective Factors on Survival Duration of Economic Expansion in Selected Countries of Islamic Cooperation Organization (Survival Analysis Approach)
Majid Feshari -
Open Access Article
1310 - Evaluating the Economies of Scale in Islamic Azad University Branches
mansour ardeshiri -
Open Access Article
1311 - Designing an Optimal Resource Allocation Model in Iran's Banking System
ali asghar movahed asghar abolhasani mohamad hosin porkazemi yeghane mosavi jahromi -
Open Access Article
1312 - Developments and transformations of Bakhtiari poetry in post-Constitutional Literature
Ali Asmand Jonegany -
Open Access Article
1313 - The position of health in the religion of Islam
Fatemeh Hosseini zahra meregan hanieh nourollahi -
Open Access Article
1314 - Comparing the situation of Islamic banking in iran with selected countries of the lslamic world
jalal yousefi parviz saeidi Maryam Bokharaeian khorasani Jamadordi Gorganli Doji -
Open Access Article
1315 - Designing the model of internal audit through new technologies in Islamic Azad University
Seyyed Abdulhamid, Cheraghi Allah Karam Salehi Alireza, , Jorjorzadeh Saeed, , Nasiri -
Open Access Article
1316 - Differential Criminal Policy of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Crime of Computer Espionage
Yasser SHakeri Ali Reza Salehi GHolam Hosein Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1317 - Jurisprudential Rules Governing the Interaction of the Islamic System with Other Muslim Nations in Cyberspace
Fatemeh fallah tafti -
Open Access Article
1318 - Rethinking the criminal policy of Imami criminal jurisprudence against political crimes )With an approach to crimes: prostitution, moharebeh and apostasy (
mohsen moosavifar kazem khosravi -
Open Access Article
1319 - Moral foundations of law in legislative politics with an approach to commercial law
Mahmoud Erfani amirreza mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
1320 - Historical Explanation of the Character and Social Behavior of the Wives of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) (With an Emphasis on the Holy Qur’an and the Historical Context of Early Islam)
mahdieh sabermolayi mohammad taghi diaribidgoli mohammad reza shahroodi -
Open Access Article
1321 - The History of the Discipline “Tanāsub al-Āyāt” (The Verses Coherence)
Atiye Akbari mohammad ali mahdavi rad Rouhollah Shahidi -
Open Access Article
1322 - The History of the Concept "Ḥamd"; Investigating Semantic Changes from the Pre-Islamic Period to the Holy Qur’an and Islamic Culture
Mohammad Hosein Akhavan Tabasi amirhosein hoseinzadeIvary Morteza Ohadi -
Open Access Article
1323 - An Approach to Islamic Feminism: A Reading of Sa’diyeh Sheikh's Perspective and Her Feminist Processing of Ibn Arabi's Opinions
Mohammad Sadegh HedayatZadsh Soheyla Piruzfar -
Open Access Article
1324 - Islamic Taxes of Khorasan in the Late Umayyad Era (100-132 AH): A Review of Jurisprudential, Hadith and Historical Data
ali shamsariyan mehrnaz behruzi -
Open Access Article
1325 - A Historical Analysis of the Phenomenon of Antinomianism among Islamic Sects and Intra-Religious Currents
Saemi Marziyeh Seyed Mohammad Razavi Amir Tohidi -
Open Access Article
1326 - A Study of Fatemah Mernisi's Historical Approach to the Holy Qur'an; Case study of 34:4
mohammad sadegh hedayatzadeh Soheila Pirouzfar -
Open Access Article
1327 - The method of discovering Tadlis and its motives in Islamic narrative relations; Example: Darqotni's narration from Jea'bi
Mohammad Afi Khorasani Rouhollah Shahidi -
Open Access Article
1328 - Historical-content review of medical hadith sources
Elham OSTADI -
Open Access Article
1329 - انسان در صحیفۀ سجادیه
عباس اسکوئیان آرزو شمس آبادی -
Open Access Article
1330 - اندیشۀ اخلاقی بازتابیده در صحیفۀ سجادیه
حامد خانی (فرهنگ مهروش) -
Open Access Article
1331 - راویان مُکْتِب: کاربرد دادههای رجالی برای شناسایی جریانی فرهنگی
حامد خانی (فرهنگ مهروش) -
Open Access Article
1332 - آیینهای ذکر در روایات اسلامی و جایگاه و کارکرد اجتماعی آنها
حامد خانی (فرهنگ مهروش) -
Open Access Article
1333 - شِعریٰ در قرآن کریم: رویکردی گفتمانی به مفهوم
احمد پاکتچی -
Open Access Article
1334 - Prioritizing dimensions and components of ethical entrepreneurship from the perspective of Islamic values Using the network analysis process method
Abbas Rezashateri Soheila Khoddami Parviz Saeidi -
Open Access Article
1335 - Evaluation of Genetically Modified Organisms in Terms of Islamic Law
Amirreza Mahmoudi Abbas Taghvaee Mohaddeseh Ghavamipour Sereshkeh -
Open Access Article
1336 - The Relationship between Belief in Resurrection and Meaningful Life in the Tradition of the Prophet (pbuh)
Akram Khalili NooshAbadi -
Open Access Article
1337 - Polygamy: A Critical Approach to the Reports of Qājār Period Travel Writers from the Perspective of the Holy Qur’an and Hadiths
ali balvardi -
Open Access Article
1338 - Investigating the Effects of Zainab's 40-Day Jihad on Civilization
Maryam Rezaee Akram Khalili NooshAbadi -
Open Access Article
1339 - Islamic Lifestyle with the Focus on Verse 34 of Surah al-Nisá
Seyed Mohammad Razavi Marziyeh Saemi -
Open Access Article
1340 - The Relationship between Information and Communication Technology Applications and University Staff Empowerment
Farideh Haghshenas Kashani Kazem Ramezani Mina Jamshidi Evanaki -
Open Access Article
1341 - Identification of effective components in cloud-based knowledge-sharing behavior: the case study of the: faculty members of Islamic Azad University (IAU)
rashid nafei Aliasghar i Razavi safiyeh tahmasebi limooni -
Open Access Article
1342 - Lived experiences teachers, of online evaluation in the e-learning system of Iran Azad University during the Covid 19 epidemic: Challenges and solutions
shahla rezaei faramarz malakian alireza ghasemi sahar mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1343 - Investigating the impact of digital welfare on the educational works and Islamic lifestyle of the master's degree students of the Islamic Azad University of Sari in the era of Corona
maryam taghvaeeyazdi -
Open Access Article
1344 - The effect of information technology on social responsibility and organizational learning in Islamic Azad University of Mazandaran province to present a model
Mohammad Salehi -
Open Access Article
1345 - Technological role analysis of organizational transparency in order to organizational trust of managers of Islamic Azad University of Mazandaran province
hosna kashef -
Open Access Article
1346 - Investigating the impact of information overload caused by the advancement of information and communication technology on education from the perspective of Islamic texts.
Mostafa Moallemi abdolvahid davoodi -
Open Access Article
1347 - The Study of General Computer Literacy Among the Employees of the Islamic Azad Universities of Mazandaran Province
Mohammad Salehi Mohammad Hajizad -
Open Access Article
1348 - The Evaluation of Islamic Azad University Website System and the Status of The Islamic Azad University Marvdasht Branch in this System
Hojjat Baghban Seyad Rasoul Toudar Zeynab Sam Daliri Alireza Naseri Malvani -
Open Access Article
1349 - Relationship between the Quality of Electronic Services and Students' Electronic Satisfaction in Islamic Azad University of Bonab
Jafar Beikzad Zahra Molavi Karim Esgandari -
Open Access Article
1350 - Comparing the Amount of Faculty Members and University Students Familiarity with ICDL Skills in Islamic Azad Universities of Mazandaran
Reza Yousefi Mojtaba Rezaee Rad -
Open Access Article
1351 - A Study on the Information Literacy of the Faculty Members of IAU Region One
Said Ahmad Hashemi Abuzar Hemmati Abolfazl Abbasi -
Open Access Article
1352 - Analysis of Conservatism “moderate Islamism” Reflected in the Policies of Erdogan (Based on the Theory of Constructivism)
ali alihosseini enayatollah yazdani zahra behzadi beirak olia -
Open Access Article
1353 - Multi-aspect System of Power of Islamic Republic of Iran in Lebanon
Masoud Jaafarinejad -
Open Access Article
1354 - Takfiri Salafism in the Middle East in the Third Millennium and the Islamic Republic of Iran
hosein nasirzadeh Mahnaz Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
1355 - Typology of Women Non-Governmental Organization in some Islamic Countries
Naima Mohmammadi -
Open Access Article
1356 - Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Middle East Developments (Islamic Awakening) with an Emphasis on the Syrian Crisis
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Soheil Soheily Najafabadi -
Open Access Article
1357 - Iraqi Kurdistan and Islamic Republic of Iran in an Era of interdependence: Opportunities and challenges
Hossein Masoudnia Ali Ebrahimi Mojtaba Rezazadeh -
Open Access Article
1358 - “Omni balancing” and Saudi Arabian Coalition Building against the Islamic Republic of Iran
Abdol Majid Seifi Naser pourhassan -
Open Access Article
1359 - The impact of women's rights in the foreign policy of the united states towards the Islamic Republic of Iran
Elham satari Gholam Hossein Bolandian -
Open Access Article
1360 - Imperatives of Islamic Theorizing of international relations
معصومه جمالی مجتبی عبدخدائی -
Open Access Article
1361 - A Study of the Effective Geopolitical factors of Iraq and their Impact on National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Sayed Mostafa hashemi abdolreza farajirad rahim sarvar -
Open Access Article
1362 - The Decline and Fall of the Turkish Model of Democracy in the Middle East
بشیر اسماعیلی mohammad zarezadeh محمد فلاح -
Open Access Article
1363 - Reopening of the Naval Base of Britain in Bahrain: The Grounds and the Necessity
ali bagheri dolatabadi jaseb nikfar mehdi mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1364 - The Role of Identity in Saudi Arabia's Foreign Policy
sedighe zare zahmatkesh ghasem toraby -
Open Access Article
1365 - The structural explanation of the metamorphosis of Afghanistan parties from militarism to compromise (Case Study: Islami Party of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar)
naser yosefzehy mehdi najafzadeh -
Open Access Article
1366 - A Comparative Study of the Concept of Citizenship in Contemporary international Law Systems and Islamic Law
Mosoud Hemmat -
Open Access Article
1367 - Islamic Republic of Iran’s Foreign Policy: identity promotion
ghodrat ahmadyan Seyyed Amirhossein Baniashraf -
Open Access Article
1368 - Comparison of the role of political stability in the pattern of development of Malaysia and Turkey with the Islamic-Iranian model of progress
Amirebrahim Rasouli Gholam Reza Khaje Sarvari -
Open Access Article
1369 - The evolution of the global power structure and its impact on the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia
محمد حسین جمشیدی Sajad Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1370 - The alignment of ideology and national interests and the process of Regional Empowerment of Islamic Republic of Iran (1989 -2017)
mahdi parhan gholamreza karimi arsalan ghorbani sheikhneshin Seyyed Ali Monavari -
Open Access Article
1371 - BRICS and Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
abdilreza seifi mohammadbagher khorramshad -
Open Access Article
1372 - Competition of political Islam and secularism during the Turkish republic with emphasis on the era of justice and development party (adalat ve kalklmna partisi (akp)) during 1990 - 2016
kambiz ghahramani Ebrahim Motaghi Alireza Golshani -
Open Access Article
1373 - Representing Muslims in Hollywood Cinema (Case Study of "Tikken 1" and"Tikken 2")
saeid rezaei Alireza Golshani Mohammadreza Ghaedi -
Open Access Article
1374 - Analysis of the Behavioral Actions of the Republican People's Party of Turkey towards the Islamic Republic of Iran
Abdulmutallab Abdollah Ramin Valizadeh Meidani Sina Fekri -
Open Access Article
1375 - Investigating Iran's foreign policy in the post-ISIS period
hamid shayanpour Hossein Masoudnia Nafiseh Vaez -
Open Access Article
1376 - Islamic-Iranian Patterns Required for Relations with Africa
Behnam Sarkheil mohammad mohammadi fard -
Open Access Article
1377 - The role of the Iranian Islamic Revolution model in the formation of the axis of Islamic resistance
MAHDI LOTFI ALI SHIRKHANI Mehdi Javadani Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1378 - Modernization of Islamic civilization in the international arena, Based on the mystical views and ideas of Imam Khomeini In the formation of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
mohammad reza shamshiri Mansour Shafizadeh -
Open Access Article
1379 - The role of wisdom in the formation of an efficient political system in the Islamic Republic of Iran
mohammad hosein agharokh mirabadi Alireza Golshani sharif lakzaee -
Open Access Article
1380 - The Impact of the Soft Power of Sports Diplomacy on Iran-US Relations: A Case Study of Wrestling Diplomacy (1998 – 2013)
Soudabeh Mokhtari Garineh Keshishyan Siraki -
Open Access Article
1381 - Driving forces of the development of the parties in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohammad Aryanmanesh HAKEM Ghasemi, Ghrban-Ali Ghorbanzadeh Savar -
Open Access Article
1382 - Analysis of Divergence Factors in Political Relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey - 2011-2020
Khatib Shayanfar Bahram Montazeri -
Open Access Article
1383 - The position of the political-spiritual approach of social capital in the victories of the era of holy defense
Nematullah hamrahi feredoun akbarzadeh Shiva Jalalpoor Hamed Mohagheghnia -
Open Access Article
1384 - Developments and dynamics of the southern part of the surrounding environment of J.A. Iran; Reasons and contexts
Amirhossein Nemati alireza naeej Jalal Torkashvand -
Open Access Article
1385 - The effect of virtual social networks on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran (a case study: Telegram channel of Amadanews)
Sayyed Saeid Safavi Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani akbar ashrafi Mohammad tohidfam -
Open Access Article
1386 - Explaining the Impact of Globalization on Status seeking of Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia
Fazel Hassanzadeh amin ravanbod Ghaffar Zarei -
Open Access Article
1387 - Futures Research and sudies about the Process of Integration and Unity in Islamic World
Mohammad Reza Ghaedi Alireza Golshani -
Open Access Article
1388 - An Examination of the Security Implications of Iran’s Membership of Disarmament and Arms Control Treaties: the Case Study, Non-Proliferation Treaty
Seyed Asghar Jaafari Alireza Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1389 - The Role of Islamic Fundamentalism in Central Asia: The Case of Uzbekistan
Sayed Davod Aghaee Mohammad Reza Damiri -
Open Access Article
1390 - Terrorism from the View Point of Islam
Mohammad Reza Hatami -
Open Access Article
1391 - Explaining the Impact of Iranian Nuclear Program on Mutual Relations of Iran and European Union
عنایت الله یزدانی Leila Morovati -
Open Access Article
1392 - Moderate Islam and Democracy in Turkey
SayyedAhamd Movasaghi Hooman Nayeri -
Open Access Article
1393 - A Study of the Activities of NATO-Russia Council: Ups and Downs in the Cooperation of NATO and Russia from the Beginning till 2009
Esmaeil Shafiee Payam Jahangiry -
Open Access Article
1394 - Economic and Military Take off of China and its Security Impact on Islamic Republic of Iran
محمدعلی بصیری معصومه رشید -
Open Access Article
1395 - Islamic Awakening and Globalization: the Repercussion or Answer
Hossein Masoudnia -
Open Access Article
1396 - The Impact of Geopolitical Features of Azerbaijan Republic on Islamic Republic of Iran (Text in Persian
Majid Abbasi Morteza Noormohammadi Syed Mohammd Reza Mosavi -
Open Access Article
1397 - New Developments in the Middle East: The Intra-Structural Challenges & Security Processes in the Middle East (ME)
Bahram Montazeri -
Open Access Article
1398 - An Explanation of the Relations between Iran and USA in Imam Khomeini’s Foreign Policy Discourse
Rahim Afsharian Seyed Asadolah Athari -
Open Access Article
1399 - Cybernetic Reflection on Iranian Nuclear Decision- making Model
Seyed Yousef Ghorashi -
Open Access Article
1400 - The Place of Lebanon Hezbollah in Deterrence Strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran
Alireza Golshani Mohsen Bagheri -
Open Access Article
1401 - A Reflection on the Meaning and Basis of Western Style Development and Islamic-Iranian Style Development
Abdolreza Baghidevelopment -
Open Access Article
1402 - -
hossein karimi fard -
Open Access Article
1403 - A Study of the Impact of Local Political Culture on Elections Competitions in Iran (Case Study: Mamassani City)
Mohsen Gorjizadeh Majid Golparvar -
Open Access Article
1404 - The Role of Language in Cultural Diplomacy Discourse of Islamic Republic of Iran
Abbasgholi Askarian Sarem Shiravand Mirhadi Mosavi -
Open Access Article
1405 - A Comparative Study of Supervision on Government in Islam and in Liberal Democracy
Masoud Raei -
Open Access Article
1406 - A Study of the Grounds of Formation and Growth of Islamic Radicalism in Nigeria: Case Study of Boko Haram
Abolghasem Shahriari Mohaddaseh Jazaei Sara Akbari -
Open Access Article
1407 - Politico-Economic Relations between Islamic Republic of Iran and Russian Federation after the Imposition of Sanctions by Western Countries on Ukraine Crisis
محمدتقی جهانبخش جعفر حقپناه -
Open Access Article
1408 - Media War: The Challenge of Political Islam Based on Iranian Shia and Saudi Wahhabi Based Model of Bahrain
Karamreza Karamian Hengameh Alborzi -
Open Access Article
1409 - The Strategies of Islamic Republic of Iran towards the Security of Persian Gulf
Mohammadali Basiri Leila Javidi -
Open Access Article
1410 - Technological Diplomacy of Iran with Emphasis on Defensive and Security Technologies
Nozar Shafiee Asghar Shokri Moghadam -
Open Access Article
1411 - بررسی تأثیر توان شناختی و نگرش فراگیران در پودمان مجازی یاددهی واژگان انگلیسی به فراگیران ایرانی
علیرضا جلیلیفر زهره گونیبند شوشتری سعید خزایی -
Open Access Article
1412 - .
عبدالحسین کلانتری Minoo Sedighi Kasmaee -
Open Access Article
1413 - بررسی ویژگی های شهر پاک برگرفته از فرهنگ و شاخصه های شهر اسلامی در شهر تهران ...
فاطمه طهرانی مجید ولی. شریعت پناهی. فریده اسدیان -
Open Access Article
1414 - بررسی و تبیین وضعیت روستاهای شهرستان اسلامشهر از نظر چالشهای توسعه روستایی
بهادر حیدرپور تهمینه دانیالی علیرضا استعلاجی -
Open Access Article
1415 - تبیین اهمیت منابع درآمدی برای موفقیت تمرکززدایی؛ پیشنهاداتی برای موفقیت نهادهای محلی در ایران
حسن کریمی فرد -
Open Access Article
1416 - ارزیابی بناهای بلندمرتبه مسکونی ایرانی از منظرمعماری الگوگرا در معماری و شهرسازی ایرانی – اسلامی
فرهام مقدم راد منصور سپهری مقدم -
Open Access Article
1417 - مطالعه جامعه شناختی تأثیر مؤلفه های سرمایه اجتماعی بر عملکرد مدیریت های محلی(شوراهای اسلامی شهر و روستا - شهرداری و دهیاری)
مهدی درویشی کمال جوانمرد زهرا حضرتی صومعه -
Open Access Article
1418 - تحلیل ابعاد و مولفههای جایگاه زنان در برنامهریزی و طراحی فضاهای عمومی در شهرهای ایرانی- اسلامی (مطالعه موردی: شهر زاهدان)
سودابه هاشم زهی معصومه حافظ رضازاده مریم کریمیان بستانی -
Open Access Article
1419 - بومی سازی الگوی مفهومی سازمان کارآفرین برای مناطق جغرافیایی ایران؛ مطالعه موردی گمرک جمهوری اسلامی ایران
علی سمایی مجید اشرفی روح الله سمیعی سامره شجاعی -
Open Access Article
1420 - مطالعه تطبیقی قوانین و مقررات مقابله با تروریسم از منظر اسلام و حقوق بین الملل
امین امینی زارع ابومحمد عسگرخانی مریم مرادی -
Open Access Article
1421 - ریشههای بسط و نضج بنیادگرائی افراطی در پاکستان در راستای ایجاد امنیت ملی و منطقهای با تاکید بر مرزهای مشترک ایران
فاطمه زهرا علی محمدی حمیدرضا محمدی عزت الله عزتی -
Open Access Article
1422 - بحران مناطق شرق و تحلیل ژئوپلیتیکی برای مدیریت برون رفت از آن
محمدحسن نامی وحید بارانی پسیان غلامرضا سعیدی -
Open Access Article
1423 - تحلیلی بر اولویتبندی وضعیت چرخه حیات در مناطق نمونه گردشگری مورد مطالعه: قطب گردشگری اسلام آباد غرب
غلامرضا نوری زهرا تقی زاده معصومه امانی بختیاروند -
Open Access Article
1424 - مقایسه تطبیقی روستاهای دارای دهیاری و فاقد دهیاری در روند توسعهیافتگی (مطالعه موردی: روستاهای بخش مرکزی شهرستان اسلامشهر)
امیر هومن اسفندیاری تهمینه دانیالی -
Open Access Article
1425 - ارزیابی همگراییهای اقتصادی میان جمهوری اسلامی ایران و کشورهای عضو سازمان شانگهای
سید مرتضی طباطبایی علی اصغر اسماعیل پورروشن تهمینه دانیالی حیدر لطفی -
Open Access Article
1426 - بررسی فقهی و حقوقی تخریب محیطزیست و تأثیر آن بر گردشگری
غفور خوئینی محمدمهدی یحیی پور -
Open Access Article
1427 - اصفهان، دارالعلم شرق در دوران صفویه
لیلا پهلوان زاده -
Open Access Article
1428 - بررسی تطبیقی چارچوب تنظیمی سفر و گردشگری در کشورهای حاشیه خلیج فارس، با تاکید بر جمهوری اسلامی ایران
رسول افضلی سیدعباس احمدی محمود واثق منوچهر جهانیان -
Open Access Article
1429 - تحلیل و بررسی چالشهای فقهی و حقوقی حضور گردشگران غیر مسلمان در ایران
عبدالله زندی فر محمد روحانی مقدم مریم آقایی بجستانی -
Open Access Article
1430 - سنجش تفکر استراتژیک در مدیران شهرداری و شوراهای اسلامی شهر جهت برنامه ریزی استراتژیک منابع درآمدی پایدارشهرداری (مورد مطالعه شهر و شهرداری ملایر)
علیرضا امامی فخرالدین معروفی نقدهی -
Open Access Article
1431 - تحلیل الگوی فضایی شاخصهای کیفیت زندگی در اجتماعات شهری (نمونه موردی: اسلامشهر)
غلامرضا ملک شاهی وحید بارانی پسیان اصغر آقایی محمد حسن نامی معصومه مولوی -
Open Access Article
1432 - ژئوپلیتیک شیعه با تاکید بر نقش زائران حرم رضوی(مشهد مقدس)
محمدحسن نامی علی محمدپور مجید ولی شریعتپناهی اسفندیار حیدریپور -
Open Access Article
1433 - بارزههای فرهنگی- مذهبی ایران در خارج از مرزها پس از انقلاب اسلامی
سید عباس احمدی محمود واثق عطاء اله عبدی احسان لشکری -
Open Access Article
1434 - بررسی و تبیین ژئوپلیتیکی اسلام گرایی اعتدالی در سیاست خارجی ترکیه از سال 1995 تا 2011 میلادی با رویکرد سازه انگاری
افشین متقی -
Open Access Article
1435 - بررسی و تبیین تعاملات ایران با ترکمنستان و کشورهای آسیای مرکزی
نظامعلی صالحی تهمینه دانیالی محمد اخباری -
Open Access Article
1436 - کاربرد قاعده لاضرر در حفاظت از محیط زیست و معماری در راستای ارائه مدلی برای شهرسازی اسلامی و ایرانی
محسن حسن پور سید محمد موسوی بجنوردی مریم ابن تراب -
Open Access Article
1437 - تحلیل و بررسی رابطه جرائم افساد فیالارض و امنیت ملی ایران
نغمه فرهود امیر وطنی -
Open Access Article
1438 - الگویی راهبردی از محله پایدار شهر اسلامی – ایرانی (محله بنیاد شهر قم )
محمد محیط آرا عباس ملک حسینی مجید شمس -
Open Access Article
1439 - واکاوی مولفههای تاثیرگذار بر همگرایی کشورهای اسلامی (باتاکید برظرفیتهای انقلاب اسلامی)
حسین ابوالفضلی کریزی محمد ستوده -
Open Access Article
1440 - بررسی تأثیر دانشگاه بر توسعهی منطقهای مبتنی بر عدالت اسلامی در غرب استان تهران با تأکید بر توسعه فرهنگی شهرستان اسلامشهر
علی عقبایی شریف مطوف -
Open Access Article
1441 - تحلیل ویژگیهای محیطی بر تنوع شخصیت انسان از دیدگاه فلاسفه اسلامی و نقش آن در برنامهریزی محیطی
سعید ریاحی مرضیه اخلاقی علی اصغر احمدی مهین رضایی -
Open Access Article
1442 - Genetic and relational science in Islamic civilization; Opportunities and challenges
mehdi bigdeli sayed Abolfazl Razavi Reza Shabani samgh abadi -
Open Access Article
1443 - Discourse Analysis of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in the Viewpoint of Identity
hamed nazari seyed javad emamjomehzadeh ali alihosseini -
Open Access Article
1444 - The typology of the series of the era of the Prophet (PBUH) until the fifth year AH
Mina Rezaei farinaz hooshyar alireza abtahi -
Open Access Article
1445 - Representation of Fadak Event in the Books on the History of Islam Iran (from 1980 till 2019)
farinaz hooshyar Zarifeh Mir Soheila Torabi Farsani -
Open Access Article
1446 - .
زهرا رستاک زهره کیانی نژاد -
Open Access Article
1447 - .
کیوان حاجیان -
Open Access Article
1448 - .
mohammadtaghi fazeli -
Open Access Article
1449 - .
زهرا رستاک زهره کیانی نژاد -
Open Access Article
1450 - .
مصطفی ده پهلوان محرم باستانی نعمت الله علی محمدی -
Open Access Article
1451 - .
ام البنین لطیفی منصوره زلقی -
Open Access Article
1452 - Archaeological Survey of Islamic Sites in the Central Part of Shazand
Fatemeh Mahdikhani -
Open Access Article
1453 - تغییرات الگوی استقراری بخش جوادآباد شهرستان ورامین از دورۀ ساسانی به صدر اسلام
نرگس زاهدی مرتضی حصاری مصیب امیری حسن درخشی -
Open Access Article
1454 - بررسی هنرهای تزئینی در معماری دوره اسلامی کجور با تاکید بر برجمقبرهها
شراراه عطایی نیا محمد مرتضایی محمد کلهر -
Open Access Article
1455 - عصر یخبندان کوچک و تاثیر احتمالی آن بر الگوی اسکان کوچ نشینان دوره اسلامی متاخر شمال خوزستان
مصطفی عبداللهی داریوش نوراللهی افراسیاب گراوند -
Open Access Article
1456 - تغییرات الگوی استقراری بخش جوادآباد شهرستان ورامین از دورۀ ساسانی به صدر اسلام
Narges Zahedi مرتضی حصاری مصیب امیری حسن درخشی -
Open Access Article
1457 - گزارش مقدماتی از طرح کاوش باستان شناختی محوطه اؤجاق آرتاویل تایر اردبیل
سعید ستارنژاد محمدرضا شایقی منوچهر نورزاده علی مهری رویندزق ماهان یونس پور -
Open Access Article
1458 - A lexical Analysis of Protest Poetry in the Islamic Revolution
Najmeh Taheri Mahzamini Mohammadsadegh Basiri Mohammadreza Sarfi -
Open Access Article
1459 - Evaluation of Different Estimation Methods of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration and Their Comparison with the Pan Evaporation Method case study: Islamabad-Gharb Area عنوان کوتاه
mohammad amin parandin seyed aliashraf sadraddini -
Open Access Article
1460 - Investigation of meteorological drought Eslamabad-e Gharb using of draught indices
Rasoul Bagherabadi -
Open Access Article
1461 - Evaluation of Different Determination Methods of Class A Pan Evaporation Coefficient For Estimation daily Evapotranspiration In Islamabad-Gharb Area
amirhosein nazemi mohammad amin parandin seyed aliashraf sadraddini -
Open Access Article
1462 - The effect of Islamic leadership and Islamic work ethics on the Islamic performance of employees with the mediating role of Islamic organizational culture
Abbas Ghaedamini Harouni Mehrdad Sadeghi de cheshmeh Ali Morad Khosravi Ghulam Reza Maleki Farsani -
Open Access Article
1463 - Explain and Evaluate the Sustainable Situation of Future Cities and Islamic Symbols (Using Grounded Theory)
masoud safaeepoor hoshang moradi -
Open Access Article
1464 - Place of Urban Creep Phenomenon in Spatial-Spatial Developments of Settlements in Metropolitan Area of Tehran (Case Study: Islamshahr City )
masoud ghanei fard ALI REZA ESTELAGI majid karim pur reyhan -
Open Access Article
1465 - The Meaning of Identity and Physical Identity in Architectural Works (with an Analysis of Iranian Historical Architecture)
Maziar Sardari Leila Zare Avideh Talaei Vahid Ghobadian -
Open Access Article
1466 - .
Seyed Farshid Sadatsharifi Aliakbar Safipor -
Open Access Article
1467 - Review and criticism of the community of Iranian advisers (after Islam until the 8th century AH)
sajjad rahmatian -
Open Access Article
1468 - Explaining the position of Qaboos-Nameh in Moral Letters tradition
sayed jalal mousavi -
Open Access Article
1469 - Review and criticism of the community of Iranian advisers (pre-Islam)
Sajjad Rahmatian Esmat Khoeini -
Open Access Article
1470 - The Practical Causes and Motivations of Didactic Themes Based on Islamic-Iranian Lifestyle in Masnavi Manavi
Farzaneh Abad Shabnam Hatampour Farzane Sorkhi Fereidoun Tahmasebi -
Open Access Article
1471 - .Didactic streaks in the poem of holy defense (60th decade)
Navaz ol-Lah Farhadi -
Open Access Article
1472 - Comparative evaluation of City Islamic Council Approvals in different Areas of the Cities (Case Study: Kashmar)
Issa Ebrahimzadeh Morteza Asadian Ali vaez Tabasi Vahid Yari Gholi -
Open Access Article
1473 - Evaluating of the influence of Islamic texture on sense of security based on second generation CPTED (Case Study: Fahadan neighborhood of Yazd city)
Keramatollah Ziari Mohammad Sina Shahsavari Esmaeil Najafi -
Open Access Article
1474 - Explaining the Role of Social Security in Promoting Social Health in the Informal Settlement Area (Case: Aslam Abad Area in Zanjan City)
Mohammad Taghi Heydari Majid Hazrati -
Open Access Article
1475 - Analysis of factors Affecting the Urban Life Quality (Case study:Islamabad and Karmandan Neighborhoods City of Zanjan)
Mohsen Ahadnejad Saeid Najafi Hojjat Mohamadi Torkamani -
Open Access Article
1476 - Identifying The Key Factors of Iranian-Islamic Lifestyle in Urban Neighborhoods (Case Example of Maghsodieh and Yakhchian Neighborhoods in Tabriz)
ali mirzaie -
Open Access Article
1477 - Geo-Strategic capabilities of the Zionist regime and its impact on the Geopolitics of the Islamic republic of Iran
alireza keshvardoost hamed khadem -
Open Access Article
1478 - -
اکرم رحمانی علیرضا اقدامی -
Open Access Article
Nasrollah Molaei Heshajn -
Open Access Article
1480 - -
seyed ali mirebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1481 - Citizenship Education From the Perspective of Islam and Pragmatism
HOSSEIN MOHAMMADI mohammad mazidi Saeed beheshti -
Open Access Article
1482 - ..
الهام خانیان Mohammad Ali Hosseini اختر جمالی -
Open Access Article
1483 - Investigating the Components of Responsibility Based on Islam's Viewpoint
zahra hoseini mahshid izadi najmeh vakili -
Open Access Article
1484 - Presenting A model for internationalization of Islamic Azad University of Mazandaran
vahid falah Reza Yousefi Seyedeh Sedigheh Tahmasebzadeh -
Open Access Article
1485 - Prioritizing the indicators required for monitoring and control in the organization based on management in Islam (Study in the Khuzestan State Organization for Deeds and Properties)
vahid chenari parisa seyedi -
Open Access Article
1486 - Sustainable development with the focus on religious buildings of neighborhoods
ghazal nouri araz najafi farzad mafi -
Open Access Article
1487 - The role of television programs in the institutionalization of the Islamic dress of Islamic students
Parvaneh riahi -
Open Access Article
1488 - The study of Discourse of Evolution between political forces the Islamic Revolution in Iran
Ahmad Ali Hesabi nabiolaah ider -
Open Access Article
1489 - Identifying Dimensions and Components of Islamic Azad University Students' persistence
maryam zare Kamran Mohammadkhani Hamid Reza Araste Amir Hosain Mohammad Davoodi -
Open Access Article
1490 - Presenting the model of the Research-oriented University For Islamic Azad University Units of Tehran
azam jamshidi goharrizi lotfollah abbasi sarvak mehdi shariatmadari fereshteh kordestani -
Open Access Article
1491 - Analysis of the Confrontation of Post-Revolutionary Wall Painting Discourses in Tehran (1979-2019)
ali mobasherzadegan zahra ghasemi Malihe Shiani -
Open Access Article
1492 - Analysis of the influential social policies of the Islamic Republic System of Iran on maintaining social capital in Khuzestan province
hassan khiri Hossein Azhdarizadeh Abdol Amir Ezariani -
Open Access Article
1493 - A comparative study of the concept and characteristics of the family in the islamic and western model ( pattern )
shoeyb rashidi Seyed Hesamoldin Hosseini moosa shahriyari -
Open Access Article
1494 - Representation of economic components of Iranian-Islamic lifestyle in domestic computer game
Mohammad Reza Alizadeh Alireza Esmaeili Shahrzad Bazrafshan Mohsen Noghani -
Open Access Article
1495 - Identifying factors and measuring the level of people's satisfaction with the performance of Ghiamdasht Municipality
nowruz hashemzehi somayeh hashemzehi nazanin malakiyan lela niromand keyvan mikaili agah -
Open Access Article
1496 - .
منصور حقیقتیان آمنه فیروزآبادی حمید محمودیان -
Open Access Article
1497 - .
یعقوب احمدی بهزاد حکیمی نیا -
Open Access Article
1498 - Evaluation of Factors Affecting Promote a Culture of Quality in the University System of the Country
علی فقیه حبیبی اسماعیل کاوسی -
Open Access Article
1499 - Inter-Generational Comparison of the Relationship between Media usage and Attitude toward Commanding Good and Forbidding Wrong
محمدتقی عباسی شوازی مجید موحد زهرا قطرانی -
Open Access Article
1500 - Study of socio-demographic factors associated with students' tendency to value the Islamic Revolution (university students azad Islamic and payam noor gilangharb city)
احمد آذین هابیل حیدرخانی حسن الهیان منوچهر رشادی -
Open Access Article
1501 - .
عدنان رحیم پور حسین رحیم زاده فلاح رحیم پور -
Open Access Article
1502 - مولفههای تاثیرگذار بر توسعه حرفهای اعضای هیات علمی (مطالعه موردی: دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی استان ایلام)
رویا اشراقی -
Open Access Article
1503 - عوامل موثر بر توسعه فعالیتهای پژوهشی در زمینه کارآفرینی در نظام آموزش عالی کشاورزی: رهیافت دو مرحله ای مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری
مسعود احمدی نژاد -
Open Access Article
1504 - Designing the model of strategic competencies of managers from the perspective of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Supreme Leader (Madazla Al-Ali)
Qanbar Amirnejad Akram Elsadat Mostafavi -
Open Access Article
1505 - Identifying and prioritizing factors affecting the maintenance of human resources of Islamic Azad University (Case of study: North Tehran branch)
مریم ادیب زاده حسین مهدی رکن آبادی -
Open Access Article
1506 - Presenting the model of organizational loyalty in the central organization of Islamic Azad University
Siddiqa Tutian Isfahani mohsen faraji -
Open Access Article
1507 - A Study of Stoicism and Islamic Thought of Hafez
fattaneh semsar khiabanian -
Open Access Article
1508 - Providing an effective model of employee psychological empowerment (Case Study: Islamic Azad University of Tabriz Branch
Melikeh Beheshtifar Ahad Shahbazian -
Open Access Article
1509 - Providing a model for replacing higher income generation (case study of Islamic Azad University of Tehran)
ELHAM ELBAD sadraddin sattari yosef namvar -
Open Access Article
1510 - Presenting the transparency model in the Islamic Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran (investigating the extent of the gap between the opinions of experts and citizens from the perspective of the characteristics of the transparent parliament)
Hadi BerenjiMaryan hamidreza rezaee kelidbari karim kiakajouri -
Open Access Article
1511 - The Relationship between Organizational Ethical Climate with Emotional Intelligence and Empowerment Among Heads of Educational Departments in Branches of Islamic Azad University- Fars Province
Nima Shahidi sirous hadadnia -
Open Access Article
1512 - Qualitative analysis of human resource risks using Fuzzy dematel method(Case study: Islamic Azad University)
Ameneh golsaran kermani Melika Beheshtifar Mohammad Montazeri Hossein Arabpour -
Open Access Article
1513 - The Effect of Job Desighn on Plateau Due : A Study on Staffs of Provincial Affairs - Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting
mehrak mirsaeedi Amir Garoosi Azadeh Ashrafi -
Open Access Article
1514 - Investigating the the relationship between islamic work ethics on adaptive performance with the mediating role of innovative work behavior and moderating role of ethical leadership
marzieh heydari -
Open Access Article
1515 - Presenting a model for improving the productivity of human capital in government organizations with the approach of the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution
Seyed Amirali Didegah -
Open Access Article
1516 - Investigating the effect of Islamic moral intelligence on the organizational indifference of the employees of the General Department of Environmental Protection, Khorasan Razavi, using the structural equation model approach
Laleh Masoomian Davod Kaveh Yaser Salary Zahra Anjomshoae -
Open Access Article
1517 - Analysis of the legislative and supervisory performance of different periods of the Islamic Parliament using two-stage data envelopment analysis
Ahmad Ghanbarian Boroojeni kambiz Shahroodi Alireza Amirteimoori mehrdad Goodarzvand Chegini -
Open Access Article
1518 - Analyzing the Drivers of Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting: The Application of Meta-synthesis
Mahdi Samei Akram Taftiyan Mahmood Moeinadeen -
Open Access Article
1519 - The Local Model of Prevention of Administrative Corruption of Human Resources in the Public Sector of Iran (Iranian-Islamic Approach)
Fatemeh Alizadeh Mohammad Feizei Mohammad Hassanzadeh Majid Ahmadlu -
Open Access Article
1520 - The relationship between the attitude towards death and the meaning of life in the women's society of Shiraz (a comparative study based on the views of Islamic philosophers and humanist and existential psychology)
zakiyeh fattahi shirin sasani soode dashtiane -
Open Access Article
1521 - Determine the relationship between jihadi management and organizational innovation through Islamic work ethics in physical education teachers
ali shokrelahi omid safari -
Open Access Article
1522 - The relationship between Islamic leadership and job performance through Islamic work ethics in the employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Fars.
sed hossen hosini omid safari -
Open Access Article
1523 - Investigating the attitude of Librarians about execution of data governance strategies for planning the collection making of information resources in libraries of Islamic Azad University
fariba jalili fariborz doroudi Sayed Aliakbar Famil Rohani -
Open Access Article
1524 - Investigating the Effect of Librarians’ Self-Leadership on Organizational Self-Efficacy, And Respect for the Role of Organizational Voice (Case Study: Islamic Azad University (
Maryam Sadat Seyedein Ali reza Isfandyari-Moghaddam atefeh zarei -
Open Access Article
1525 - Identification and ranking of knowledge flow barriers in Islamic Azad University libraries
asgar akbari -
Open Access Article
1526 - Evaluation of Relationship between DigitalLiteracy and the Quantitative Use of Cybernetic Management Patternin the NationalLibrary and Archives ofthe Islamic Republic of Iran
hamid amanollahi فاطمه نوشین فرد سعید امان الهی نیک -
Open Access Article
1527 - Examining the Relationship between Talent Management and Intellectual Capital Management and Quality of Working Life in Libraries of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch
hasti sohrabi Ali Asghar Razavi leyli taherkhani -
Open Access Article
1528 - The relationship between the use of mobile technology and problem-solving strategies in students of the Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch
anahita mirzaei Fatemeh Ahmadbeigi -
Open Access Article
1529 - Investigating the relationship between mental health and the performance of administrators in university libraries (Case study: Islamic Azad Universities of Tehran)
Fatemeh Zahra Shokri Afra Majid Saki -
Open Access Article
1530 - Mapping the knowledge map of articles extracted from master's theses in information science and epistemology of Islamic Azad universities
Esmaeil Khademizadeh Fatemeh Nooshinfard Amirreza Asnafi -
Open Access Article
1531 - Explaining the optimal model for implementing knowledge management in the Football Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran
javad shahlaei bagheri siavash khodaparast vahid bakhshali por Javid Pourabdi -
Open Access Article
1532 - The implementation of information marketing programs in Iranian National Library and offering a proposed model: a feasibility study
ashraf asadat bozorgi somaye nasiri -
Open Access Article
1533 - A study of research methodologies used in Master of Library and Information Science students’ dissertations in Islamic Azad University, North Branch of Tehran (1992-2005)
neshaneh pakdaman -
Open Access Article
1534 - A survey on the information seeking behavior of faculty members of Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch
adeleh ahangar mehrdokht vazirpoor keshmiri -
Open Access Article
1535 - Ranking and determining the core websites of Islamic Azad University's comprehensive and state branches using webometrics method
alireza isfandyari moghadam farshid danesh faramarz sohili -
Open Access Article
1536 - A Survey of Fars Islamic Azad University Faculty members use and Familiarity with technical databases of the related fields study
mojtaba Asadi Anjileh abdalhamid moaref zadeh noorallah karami -
Open Access Article
1537 - Entrepreneurship protective features among the librarians of academic libraries and finding the relationship and effect of demographical variables on their entrepreneurship protective features
Mohammadreza Abazari fahimeh Babalhavaeji -
Open Access Article
1538 - Entrepreneurship qualification characteristics and job skills abilities in university librarians: A case study of comprehensive Islamic Azad Universities
Mohammad Reza Abazari Fahimeh Babalhaveji Fatemeh Nooshinfard -
Open Access Article
1539 - Citation analysis of M.S. theses of Architecture in Hamedan Islamic Azad University during years 2001-2008
reyhaneh Izadi -
Open Access Article
1540 - Factors influencing the adoption of digital audio archive by radio program makers of IRIB in the region NorthWest of Iran, based on the " Davis’s Technology Acceptance Model”
Talat Hasanpour abdalreza Noroozi Chacoli -
Open Access Article
1541 - Citation analysis & historiography map of scientific production by Islamic Azad University in Web of Science from 2000 to 2009
maryam shojaei abdolrasool jowkar -
Open Access Article
1542 - A survey on information pollution in common data-bases of Islamic Azad University of Tehran Science & Research Branch in retrieving library information from the viewpoint of postgraduate students
fahimeh Babolhavaeji nafiye Gorjizade -
Open Access Article
1543 - Perspective of Islamic Azad University Chaloos Branch faculty members about user interface of Islamic Azad University Digital Library based Nilson's Model
Zahra Basti mitra ghiasi -
Open Access Article
1544 - The feasibility study of implementing electronic-reference services based on user-oriented approach Case study: central library of Islamic Azad University – Research & Science branch – Tehran
hajar zarei Marziyeh Sekandari -
Open Access Article
1545 - Talent and succession management in the libraries of Islamic Azad University Branches located in Tehran
Nadjla Hariri Nahid Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
1546 - Investigation and Comparison of the Use of Persian Scientific Journals Indexed in Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) in Scientific Production of the Mother Universities Researchers During 2001-2010
Maryam Jahangiri Farideh Asareh -
Open Access Article
1547 - A survey on students' familiarity and use of library services in Karaj Islamic Azad University
shokouh tafreshi Solmaz Derogar Kalkhoran -
Open Access Article
1548 - Studying the Entrepreneurship Psychological Characteristics of Librarians In University Libraries from the Viewpoint of Humanistic School A Case study: Comprehensive Islamic Azad Universities
Fahimeh Babalhaveji mohammad reza abazari Fatemeh Nooshinfard -
Open Access Article
1549 - Studying the state of faculty members' scientific productivity at Karaj Islamic Azad University during years 2003 to 2007
azam rozitalab -
Open Access Article
1550 - A Survey on the types of reference services of the central libraries of Islamic Azad University
iraj moradi nadjla hariri -
Open Access Article
1551 - Studying the status of information technology infrastructure in central libraries of Islamic Azad University, Fifth Region
nadjla hariri yari hossein yari firoz abadi -
Open Access Article
1552 - Study of Information flow in the research Institutes of Islamic Azad University
Ali Sadeghzadeh Vayghan Mohammad Hassanzadeh Fahimeh Babalhavaeji nadjla hariri -
Open Access Article
1553 - Comparison of the Internet searching information-seeking behavior of engineering students at Dezful Islamic Azad University with Kuhlthau's Information Seeking Model.
Samaneh Sadat Ghazi Dezfuli zahed bigdeli -
Open Access Article
1554 - Studying the effect of the emotional intelligent (EQ) and its variables on the performance of Karaj Islamic Azad University staffs
Maryam Ghanbarpour zahra abazari -
Open Access Article
1555 - The application of information technology in job empowerment of employees working in library of Islamic Azad University, Fifth Region
mohsen hamidi Rozita sartipi yarahmadi -
Open Access Article
1556 - Study of Library User Expectations and Satisfactory Using LibQUAL (Case Study: Islamic Azad University – Marvdasht Branch)
Open Access Article
1557 - A survey on visibility, impact and co links of the branches of Islamic Azad University websites
Ali Mardaninezhad Faramarz Soheili Farshid Danesh -
Open Access Article
1558 - Feasibility of implementing distance reference services in the central libraries of Islamic Azad University (Region 13)
Mohammad Reza Soleymani -
Open Access Article
mitra ghiasi Soheila jabbari -
Open Access Article
1560 - Study and Measurement of the amount of awareness of architecture students of Islamic Azad University-Mashhad Branch about reading different techniques
Mohsen Tabasi -
Open Access Article
1561 - The role of educational workshops in promoting Islamic Azad University libraries
zohreh mirhosseini zahra abazari Reza Rastavan -
Open Access Article
1562 - Investigating the using rate of Persian printed Journals by post graduate students of Islamic Azad University of Qazvin
Saeed Ghaffari mahtab najafi -
Open Access Article
1563 - Investigating co-authorship rate of Iranian researchers in Psychology field in Islamic World Science Citation Database between 2007-2011
hajar salehi fariba nazari -
Open Access Article
1564 - Islamic Azad University’s scientific productions in Scopus (2007 & 2008)
abdolreza Noruzi Chakoli jafar gholi Mollamohammadi -
Open Access Article
1565 - The Role of Libraries and Information Centers in the Information Stream from the Perspectives of Managers and Researchers of Higher Education Research Institutes in Iran
ali sadeghzadeh vayghan Aazam Najafgholinezhad Varjavi -
Open Access Article
1566 - Digiqual a tool for assessment of the quality of digital libraries: A case study in digital library of Broujerd Islamic Azad University from users 'viewpoint
Elham Naiich Yaghoub Nouruzi Mohsen Hamidi -
Open Access Article
1567 - Investigation of the research output of faculty members of Tehran pharmacy colleges according to h-index factor
zohreh mirhoseini marjan jalili baleh -
Open Access Article
1568 - Study of the amount of satisfaction for library services in Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch with marketing approach
Yaghob Nororzi Hamid Arablo Arezo maghsoudi -
Open Access Article
1569 - A decade of Islamic Azad University’s scientific productivity in ISI Databases (1999 to 2008)
afshin moosavi chalak abdalreza Noroozi Chakoli -
Open Access Article
1570 - A comparative study on the usability of national library websites at Iran, Iraq and Turkey
Sedigheh Mohammad-Esmaeil Somayyeh Kazemi-Koohbanani -
Open Access Article
1571 - Analysis of the links of the websites of Islamic centers of the Qom
Parvin Godarzi ashraf asadat bozorgi -
Open Access Article
1572 - Evaluating the Islamic books’ back-of-the-book indexes in Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch according to the compliance with ISO 999 Standard
fatemeh nooshinfard abdalkhalegh Ghochaghi -
Open Access Article
1573 - Comparing the formats of MA produced abstracts with other disciplines matching with ISO 214 at the University of Science and Research Branch of Khuzestan: From 2007 to 2011
Fariba Nazari mohsen hamidi -
Open Access Article
1574 - Measuring the relationship between workplace spirituality and organizational excellence in the National Library and Archives of Iran
Fatemeh Nooshinfard Azita Khodabakhsh -
Open Access Article
1575 - Evaluating Islamic Azad University’s Websites based on the Knowledge Management Criteria
Faranak Mohsenzadeh Hassan Behzadi -
Open Access Article
1576 - Survey on the level of information literacy of different educational groups of Zone 5 of Islamic Azad University
Alireza Mahmudi Hossein YariFiruz Abadi -
Open Access Article
1577 - باب هفتم گلستان در سایه روشن تصحیح
محمدخلیل طالبان پور -
Open Access Article
1578 - وجوه مشابهت عرفان اسلامی و مسیحیت در آثار فارسی
مریم محمدی -
Open Access Article
1579 - Ontology of Light in the Philosophy of Illumination and its Association with the Iranian-Islamic Architecture
Zeynab Arab -
Open Access Article
1580 - The application of artificial intelligence in the formal ideation of the belonging architectural space with the approach of environmental psychology (Case study: The future Islamic-Iranian city center)
Ali Pordel Neda Zia Bakhsh -
Open Access Article
1581 - Explaining the evolution of the use of moqrans in the architecture of Khorasan with the approach of investigation in the religious buildings of Mashhad
majid Azizi -
Open Access Article
1582 - تبیین سیرتطور استفاده از مقرنس در معماری خراسان با رویکرد بررسی در ابنیه مذهبی شهر مشهد
majid azizi mohsen vafamehr -
Open Access Article
1583 - «راهبرد بازآفرینی شهری با تأکید بر نقش بازار( مطالعه موردی: محله بازار شهر خرم آباد)»
Seyedah Zohra Shahrokhi -
Open Access Article
1584 - وجود شناسی نور در فلسفه ی اشراق و نسبت آن با معماری ایرانی- اسلامی
Zainab Arab -
Open Access Article
1585 - The application of artificial intelligence in the formal ideation of the belonging architectural space with the approach of environmental psychology (Case study: The future Islamic-Iranian city center)
Ali Pordel Neda Zia Bakhsh -
Open Access Article
1586 - شکاف جنسیتی و منازعه سیاسی در ایران: رویکردی جامعه شناختی
ملیحه مهدی پور علی اصغر داودی اهورا راهبر -
Open Access Article
1587 - The Cultural-Social duties of students from the Leaders of Islamic Republic of Iran viewpoint
saeedeh khorasani hosseinali jahed dariush matlabi -
Open Access Article
1588 - The components and indicators of the Islamic University in the thought of Imam Khomeini (RA)
Forozan Rezaivarmarzyar mahmoud sharafi -
Open Access Article
1589 - The hopeful indicators of expectation in the Islamic model of progress in the thought of Imam Khamenei
Forozan Rezaeivarmarzyar mahmoud sharafi -
Open Access Article
1590 - Ethical analysis of the principle of cooperation on goodness in the Qur'an and hadiths and its adaptation to how synergistic in cyberspace
hamideh behruzmoqadam -
Open Access Article
1591 - Strategies for economic growth in the realization of the advanced Islamic system
Narges Norouzi -
Open Access Article
1592 - Study of Islamic Lifestyle and Its Plagues to Provide Solutions to Improve the Lifestyle in the Realization of the Advanced Islamic System
elham askari Sara Motamed abas zarenezhad babak amani -
Open Access Article
1593 - Statement by the second step of the revolution, the charter of Mahdism and the field of realizing the new Islamic civilization
morteza molaei -
Open Access Article
1594 - Investigating the effect of jahadi management on the organizational performance of Islamic Azad University staff
Seyedeh Niloufar Shamoradi mojtaba moazzami -
Open Access Article
1595 - Knowledge management from the point of view of Islam, using content analysis method with emphasis on The Holy Quran
Vahid Bekhradi Nasab -
Open Access Article
1596 - The antecedents and consequences of the leadership style of the Imams of the Revolution in comparison with the scientific styles of management and leadership
hossein ghadiani -
Open Access Article
1597 - Presenting a negative model of Islamic work-life balance with a Meta-synthesis Approach
sedigheh moghbeli mehni mehraban hadi paykani reza ebrahimzadeh dastjerdi alborz gheytani -
Open Access Article
1598 - Strategies and strategies for promoting spirituality and ethics in the realization of the advanced Islamic system
zeynab shahmoradian -
Open Access Article
1599 - Investigate the relationship between Cultural stratejic orientation & Cultural resistance at Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
mina faramarzi palangar Mojtaba Moazzami Esmail kavousy -
Open Access Article
1600 - Governance of Islamic medicine with media tools
Seyed Hamed Mosavi panah Jafar Hosseinporsaadatabadi Esmail kavousy -
Open Access Article
1601 - Investigating the Role of Iran Railways in Supporting Veterans and Revolutionary Management of Transportation and Rail Communications in the 8 Years of Imposed War
nowruz hashemzehi Rasol Yahai -
Open Access Article
1602 - Study of the role of Islamic councils with the approach of Islamic management and governance in urban and rural development (Case study of the Islamic Council of Shahriar city)
khodadad karimi Mohammadreza Mardani zeinolabedin amini sabegh -
Open Access Article
1603 - The intellectual and civilizational system of the Supreme Leader in the four decades of the Islamic Revolution
mahmoud sharafi hadi abdolmaleki -
Open Access Article
1604 - Designing a strategic agility model of the Social Security Organization with the approach of Islamic Jihadi management.
MohammadReza Karimfar Mohammad Jalal Kamali Yaser Salari -
Open Access Article
1605 - jehadi management from the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah
reza abbasi bakhtiyari Farzad Ziviyar fariba salahi amir daneshvar -
Open Access Article
1606 - Investigating the Effect of Social Media Activities on E-commerce Satisfaction and Shopping Intention by Considering the Mediating Role of Trust and Moderating External Factors
Zahra Hojati Kooshali Mohsen Amini khozani Alireza Rousta -
Open Access Article
1607 - Kbowing the cultural pattern JEHAD-oriented management on base of valued Islamic system
Esmail kavousy -
Open Access Article
1608 - Turbulent state of legislative management in Iran
Mohammad javad Hosseini Hadi Ramezanian fahandari -
Open Access Article
1609 - Investigation the Effect of Credit Risk on Financial Stability in the Islamic Banking System
Alireza Heidarzadeh Hanzaei -
Open Access Article
1610 - Islamic financial system, an effective approach to economics in Islamic governance
Mohammad Reza Radfar Mansoureh Aligholi -
Open Access Article
1611 - Presentation and test of service quality model for restaurant management in Islamic society
Abolghasem Ahmadi Azam Rahimi Nik Mandan Momeni -
Open Access Article
1612 - Management of behavioral problems by relying on training based on mindfulness with an Islamic approach
Seyyede zahra Rashidi Fard Fateme Soltanian -
Open Access Article
1613 - Presentation an structural model of human resource risks in capital market financial institutions In Islamic governance
azim sabet Vajhollah Ghorbanizadeh Ahmad Vedadi -
Open Access Article
1614 - Analyzing the lifestyle components of managers in Islamic governance from the perspective of Imam Khamenei
asghar rajabi dehborzoei mohammad Bidgoli -
Open Access Article
1615 - The components of optimal governance in the Islamic system: With an emphasis on the thought and action of Ayatollah Shahid Beheshti
mohammadreza abdolahnasab faramarz morzazadeh -
Open Access Article
1616 - The Moderation Role of Islamic Work Ethics in Explaining the Relationship Between Employee Creativity and Entrepreneurial Behavior
Maryam Arbabi Isfahani Mashaallah valikhani Nahid Mohamadi Sabet -
Open Access Article
1617 - Explaining the Impact of Knowledge Management and the Role of Business Networks in Islamic Banking
Abolghasem karimi Majid Ahmadi Alireza Rousta -
Open Access Article
1618 - Presenting the model of sustainable development in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with the approach of the Iranian Islamic model of progress
jafar Alizadeh Mohammadreza Bagherzadeh yousef gholipour kanani asadollah mehrara -
Open Access Article
1619 - Testing the Conceptual Model the relationship Jihadi Culture and Manpower Productivity through Islamic Work Ethics
syedehmehrnaz dehghani omid safari -
Open Access Article
1620 - Investigate the relationship between Jihadi Culture & management with development of political culture in Islamic Communication & culture organization
Aliakbar Talebi Matin Esmail kavousy Abbasali Ghayoumi -
Open Access Article
1621 - Investigating the effect of Islamic leadership principles on employee commitment (Study: Isfahan Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan))
Abbas Ghaedamini Harouni Mehrdad Sadeghi deh cheshmeh Mohammad Karghar SayyedAli Hashemi Hossein Dashti Askari -
Open Access Article
1622 - People-centered principle with emphasis on cooperatives in the general policies of resistance economy
rasool ahmadi beni faramarz atrian seyed mohammad mahdi ghamamy -
Open Access Article
1623 - Requirements of Islamic governance in cyberspace The second step of the Islamic Revolution
mohsen abedi dorcheh -
Open Access Article
1624 - Quranic Accountability: A Model for Islamic Governance
mahdi amiri -
Open Access Article
1625 - Developing a pattern for determinants of Attitude and Intention Adoption towards Islamic Financing in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohammad Reza Radfar Mansoureh Aligholi -
Open Access Article
1626 - Presenting the model of organizational virtue in the central organization of Islamic Azad University
mohsen faraji Sedigheh Tootian Esfehani leila saiedi -
Open Access Article
1627 - Designing the model of the roles of Basij managers of departments based on the Supreme Leader's list in order to realize the Islamic state (with emphasis on Yazd province)
mohammadreza niknam amin nikpour Yaser Salari ameneh firoozabadi -
Open Access Article
1628 - Investigation the effect of cultural dimensions on development of Characteristics of governance in the Islamic system among public organizations in Asalouyeh
shobeir Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1629 - A systematic review of the Islamic model of professional ethics based on Islamic teachings in line with organizational values.
Shwana Abdoullahi Reza Rostamzadeh -
Open Access Article
1630 - Investigating the effect of perceived ease on customers' digital value creation with the mediating role of perceived usefulness in Islamic banking (case study: Qarz Al-Hasneh Mehr Bank)
Behnam Ahmadzadeh -
Open Access Article
1631 - A proposed model for establishing the establishment of the performance management process of employees of the Tax Administration of the country with the approach of Islamic values
afshin hashemi Dariush Gholamzadeh Ahmad Vedadi -
Open Access Article
1632 - Investigate effected factors on development of Islamic organizational citizenship behavior in Tax Affairs Organization in Iran
Mehdi Mihandoost Amirmohsen Madani Serajeddin Mohebbi -
Open Access Article
1633 - Investigation the effect of cultural factors on Islamic citizenship behavior in Tehran
Mohsen Naebi -
Open Access Article
1634 - Design a qualitative model for the development of Islamic organizational citizenship behavior in Tax Affairs Organization in Iran
Mehdi Mihandoost Amirmohsen Madani Serajeddin Mohebbi -
Open Access Article
1635 - شناسایی ابعاد و مولفههای ارتقاء پایداری ملی موثر بر مدیریت علم دانشگاه، طراحی مدلی براساس پژوهش پدیدارنگارانه
حیدر احمدی محمدرضا کرامتی غلامعلی احمدی -
Open Access Article
1636 - .
nazanin bani asadi فاخته اسحاقی رضا محمدی -
Open Access Article
1637 - رابطه هوش معنوی و سبکهای تصمیم گیری در بین مدیران دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی استان تهران
مجتبی معظمی سیده نیلوفر شامرادی -
Open Access Article
1638 - Investigating the Relationship between Students' Personality Traits and Their Enthusiasm for Entrepreneurship and Starting a Small Business: Case Study
Mansour Torkiantabar Farzad Asayesh Tooran Bagheri -
Open Access Article
1639 - A study based on the theory of social threat to turn it into an opportunity for unveiled women from the perspective of active prevention in the teachings of Islamic criminology
mohammad reza mousavifard -
Open Access Article
1640 - The role of Islamic beliefs on the tendency to buy life insurance by emphasizing the mediating role of attitude
Mohammad Azizi Hamid Hosseinlo -
Open Access Article
1641 - Islamic financing and mobilizing banking resources in Iran
seyyed ali paytakhti oskooe Arash Negahbani Nader Mehregan Mohammadreza Nahidi Amirkhiz -
Open Access Article
1642 - The Effect of Islamic Banks on GDP Growth: Evidence from Selected Islamic Countries
hadis dalvandi Davood Jafariseresht Mohsen Khezri -
Open Access Article
1643 - The Impact of Islamic Financial Instruments on the Occurrence of Business Cycles in the Iranian Economy: A Case Study of Participation Bonds
Yazdan Gudarzi Farahani Vahid Mahboubi Matin -
Open Access Article
1644 - Morphology of traditional markets in Islamic countries based on the theory of transic lost space (Study sample: Zanjan and Istanbul markets)
Mohammad Behzadpour Mahsa Razzaghi -
Open Access Article
1645 - ارائة مدل موانع مؤثر بر نظام اطلاعاتی سبز در ادارات ورزش واحدهای دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
بابک داودی علی زارعی فریده اشرف گنجویی -
Open Access Article
1646 - بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر پایداری کسب و کارهای ورزشی با رویکرد اسلامی
محمد رضا قاسمی احمد ترک فر محمد صادق افروزه یونس محمد زاده -
Open Access Article
1647 - ارتباط بین عدالت سازمانی و فرسودگی شغلی کارکنان وزارت ورزش و جوانان جمهوری اسلامی
یزدان تقی پور عباس خدایاری شهرام علم -
Open Access Article
1648 - A comparative study of the position of women in Islam and other Abrahamic religions
Nafiseh Navid -
Open Access Article
1649 - Endowment and its social and cultural function
jale ebrahimibarog Younes Vahed Yarijan Maryam Ebni Torab -
Open Access Article
1650 - Analysis of zakat compared to taxes from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence
iran soleimani -
Open Access Article
1651 - Examining the doctor's responsibility in surgery by looking at jurisprudence
mohammadkazem rostami kafaki ebrahim yaghoti amrollah nikomanesh -
Open Access Article
1652 - Analysis of the concept of wine in the poems of Sadr al-Motealehin Shirazi
saeed mohammadi kish -
Open Access Article
1653 - Islamic government and democracy
erfan khoshbakht Younes Vahed Yarijan Sayyid Husayn Sadjadi -
Open Access Article
1654 - Repelling doubts about the birth and life of Imam al-Zaman (as) in the news of the two parties
Alireza HeydariNasab -
Open Access Article
1655 - Kabir's views and ideas and his place in the nobility movement
Haniyah Muhabbat Panah zahra Hoseini Hamid -
Open Access Article
1656 - Legitimate trade from the perspective of Islamic law
Maryam Ebn Torab -
Open Access Article
1657 - Philosophy of Punishment in Islam; A combination of retrospective and futuristic
fatemeh jabbari ahmad baqeri Younes Wahed Yarijan -
Open Access Article
1658 - Explaining the relationship between proportions in the creation system with The proportions of Iranian Islamic architecture and the reflection of mystical themes in it
Majid Taheri Damaneh Abuza Majlesi Kupaei Shirin Toghyani -
Open Access Article
1659 - The nature of the Holy Spirit in Christian and Islamic mysticism
Jamshid Sarmastani alireza ebrahim -
Open Access Article
1660 - A Comparative Study of the Rulings (Usury) in Islam and Judaism
sareh qasemlu yahya Sabbaqchi Tayyebeh Akbari Rad -
Open Access Article
1661 - What is marriage in Islamic mysticism; From nominal marriage to elemental marriage
Muhsen Hakemi Fatemah Hami Karegar Elham Shirdel -
Open Access Article
1662 - Need and Necessity from the Perspective of Psychology and Islam
Mujtaba Emami -
Open Access Article
1663 - Islamic Jurisprudence's Approach to Modeling
Muhammad Adibi Mehr Gukani Dawud Dadash nejad Sayyed Asghar Musawi -
Open Access Article
1664 - Jungian Archetypes and Abu Saeed Abu al-Kheir’s Mystical Method: A Comparative Study
Taqi Eje'i Mahdi Arab Jafari -
Open Access Article
1665 - Transformation of Mithraic Myth of Creation in Iranian-Islamic Mysticism (Based on Rumi’s Poems)
Abdollāh Vaseq Abbasi Yaqub Foolādi -
Open Access Article
1666 - Asceticism in the Worldview of Attar of Neyshaburi
Hadi Dini Mir Jalil Akrami -
Open Access Article
1667 - Re-examination of Chelleh-neshini in Islamic-Iranian Mysticism
Tāhereh Koochakiyān Behnāz Payāmani -
Open Access Article
1668 - Two New Readings of the Mythological Narratives Based on Henri Corbin's Shiite Reading
Vidā Dastmālchī -
Open Access Article
1669 - The Wise Fools (Uqalā al-Majānin) and Sufis; A Study Based on the Views of Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat
Ali Rahimi Hatef Siahkoohian Jamshid sadri -
Open Access Article
1670 - Alexander Dhu al-Qarnayn” as an Archi-myth
Javad Hadavand Bahman namvar motlagh Esmaeel Azar -
Open Access Article
1671 - The Archetype of Hero in Hamzanama: A Phenomenological Approach
alireza sayadnejad fatemeh namazi -
Open Access Article
1672 - Mystic Contents of Inscriptions of Sheikh Safi al-Din's Tomb
سیدهاشم حسینی -
Open Access Article
1673 - A Jungian and Mystical approach to Divine Grace
علی محمد پشتدار محمدرضا عباسپور خرمالو -
Open Access Article
1674 - Immortality in Zoroastrian and Semitic Mythology: A Comparative Study
مهدی رضایی حشمت ا... آذرمکان -
Open Access Article
1675 - بررسی معراج پیامبر اسلام(ص) در شعر فارسی (دورة مغول و تیموریان)
علیرضا شمالی -
Open Access Article
1676 - آهن و پیدایی آن در اساطیر ایرانی
فاطمه محسنی گردگوهی -
Open Access Article
1677 - Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Balkhi and the Problem of Fate and Freedom
ناصر نیکوبخت -
Open Access Article
1678 - Humanistic Landscapes in Islamic Mysticism
mehdi sharifiyan -
Open Access Article
1679 - Fear and Hope in Dante's Divine Comedy and Islamic Mysticism: A Comparative Study
Mohammad Ebrāhim Mālmir Sudābeh Farhādi Ayyub Omidi -
Open Access Article
1680 - Predictors of job involvement among faculty members of islamic azad university
Malek Mirhashemi -
Open Access Article
1681 - Factors affecting job satisfaction among faculty members of islamic azad university
Abdolhamid Shakib Ali Reza Raga-ei -
Open Access Article
1682 - A comparative study of the Islamic model of Iran's legislative criminal policy with the inclusive authoritarian western model (from traditional Delmas Marti models)
seyed masod yasrebi Seyed Hassan Hashemi tahire, Mohamad Ali -
Open Access Article
1683 - The effects of the dissolving condition in the legal system of Islamic countries according to Imamiyeh jurisprudence
hosein gafari samet mahshid sadat tabaei javad niknehad -
Open Access Article
1684 - Analyzing the role of credit containers in regulating financial legal relations With a comparative study of Shia jurisprudence and the legal system of Iran and France
ali shariati mehr ebrahim abdipoor ebrahim delshad -
Open Access Article
1685 - تحلیل فقهی و حقوقی تفاوت تهاتر با مقاصه و تقاص
علی جان سکندری حسین احمری مصطفی رجایی پور -
Open Access Article
1686 - تربیت جنسی کودکان ونوجوانان با رویکرد اسلامی بستری برای پیشگیری ازجرائم و انحرافات
مسلم قبادیان سعید دهقان اژدر شمخانی -
Open Access Article
1687 - جلوه هایی از کارکردهای تفضیلی عرف در نظام کیفری تقنینی ماهوی عمومی
محسن موحدی فرد منصور رحمدل محمد جعفر ساعد -
Open Access Article
1688 - مقررات زدایی در صنعت برق جمهوری اسلامی ایران
زینب عصمتی تهمینه عدالتجو -
Open Access Article
1689 - جواز قتل در فراش؛ تاکید دوباره در قانون مجازات اسلامی مصوب 1392 در راستای جواز قتل مهدورالدم
محدثه صادقیان لمراسکی کیومرث کلانتری ایرج گلدوزیان -
Open Access Article
1690 - موانع اصل 139 قانون اساسی در مسیر الحاق به موافقت نامه تریپس
معصومه صدخسروی توکل حبیب زاده -
Open Access Article
1691 - حفاظت از طبیعت در قبال ریز گردها در دیدگاههای حقوق اسلام و غرب
یوسف محمدحسینی حاجیور جمشید میرزایی سید ابراهیم موسوی -
Open Access Article
1692 - بررسی سیاست جنایی تقنینی ایران در خصوص جرایم و تخلفات انتظامی قضات
منیره محلوجی محمدرضا شادمان فر مسعود حیدری -
Open Access Article
1693 - شرط مذکر بودن با رویکرد معتبر بودن آن در ریاست جمهوری ، قضاوت و مجلس خبرگان رهبری
مهدیرضا کولیوند تهمینه عدالتجو -
Open Access Article
1694 - مطالعه تطبیقی مفهوم قانون و ارکان قانون گذاری در نظام حقوقی ایران و مالزی
احمد ساجدى روح اله رحیمی حسین علائی خدیجه کریمی اصفهانی -
Open Access Article
1695 - بررسی حقوقی نظارت بر صنعت بانکداری در عرصه جهانی شدن اقتصاد با تأکید بر اقتصاد مقاومتی
حمید اسدی جعفر جمالی -
Open Access Article
1696 - Jurisprudential study of foreign investment and the environment and their legal relations with each other
seyed sajjad khaloei tafti reza aqaabbasi reza shamsi -
Open Access Article
1697 - The challenges of monitoring and investigating the deviations of members of Islamic councils from their legal duties with an emphasis on good governance
hasan karimifard -
Open Access Article
1698 - تضمین حقوق شهروندی در پرتو شوراهای اسلامی با نگاهی به اسناد حقوق بشری
سید محمد آقامیری kh parvin -
Open Access Article
1699 - Interest in the banking system with emphasis on compound interest in Iranian laws and international documents
علی دیزجی حسین مهرپور علیرضا مظوم رهنی -
Open Access Article
1700 - The study of democracy and people's sovereignty in Shia jurisprudence relies on domestic and international laws
Amir Ahmadi Tahere pournemati shamsabad ali partovi -
Open Access Article
1701 - Economic cooperation in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
zeinab asqari -
Open Access Article
1702 - آثار الحاق ایران به کنوانسیون رفع تبعیض علیه زنان بر قانون مدنی
بهشید ارفع نیا مریم دشتی زاده -
Open Access Article
1703 - چگونگی حمایت از محیط زیست در فقه اسلامی
مصطفی تقی زاده انصاری -
Open Access Article
1704 - بنیادهای قرآنی حقوق بین الملل اسلامی
عباس منتهایی -
Open Access Article
1705 - بررسی دیدگاه های مختلف در ضمان عاقله
صادق مرادی -
Open Access Article
1706 - حقوق بشر انسانهای دوگانه درجمهوری اسلامیایران
مهدی عباسی سرمدی سید رضا هاشمی -
Open Access Article
1707 - عوامل هنجاری و ساختاری قانون گذاری در نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران
سید محمد هاشمی ابوالفضل جعفر قلیخانی -
Open Access Article
1708 - «تأثیراندیشه و عمل امام خمینی (ره) بر تعیین جمهوری اسلامی» به عنوان نوع نظام حکومتی
نادر میرزاده کوهشاهی بابک درویشی -
Open Access Article
1709 - The theme of sustainability in the poetry of Hamid Sabzevari and Mousavi Garmarodi
hassan habibi Tahereh Khabbazi Msoumeh Khodadadi Mahabad -
Open Access Article
1710 - وصایت حضرت علی (ع) و بازتاب آن در شعر پارسی تا پیش از دورۀ صفویه
باقر قربانی زرین -
Open Access Article
1711 - ارادت قلبی شهریار به مولا علی (ع)
صدیقه نصیر اوغلی خیابانی -
Open Access Article
1712 - بررسی ویژگی های سبکی و تحلیل محتوایی شعر سپیده کاشانی (1313-1371)
محمود صادق زاده -
Open Access Article
1713 - Teleology in some of the Pre-Islamic Poetry
Simin valavi -
Open Access Article
1714 - اقبال تصویر کننده ی اینترناسیونالیسم و جهان وطنی اسلامی و انعکاس تفکر دینی اسلامی وی بر نسل امروز
بهروز رومیانی مهلا سعیدیان -
Open Access Article
1715 - The religious and cultural consequences of the migration of Iranian Shiite bureaucrats to the Deccan Peninsula with an emphasis on the role of the Persian language (Bahmanian rule with an emphasis on the role of Khwaja Mahmoud Gavan)
ramezan hasanvand Seyyed Mahmood sina foroozesh -
Open Access Article
1716 - A comparative study of the development of financial markets on the impact of business cycles and economic growth on oil price fluctuations in countries with Islamic banking systems and countries with conventional banking systems.
Alireza Golzar هوشنگ مومنی وصالیان -
Open Access Article
1717 - Islamic banking and condemnation of usury with a look at Persian literature in the works of authors from Iran and Tajikistan
Marjan Madani Garakani Umar Safar -
Open Access Article
1718 - بررسی اثرات نامتقارن نرخ ارز بر تابع تقاضای پول ایران با وجود هزینه مذهبی خانوار: رویکرد NARDL
محمود عیدی کامبیز هژبر کیانی یداله رجایی اشکان رحیم زاده -
Open Access Article
1719 - The Relationship between Exchange Rates and Other Effective Factors on Unemployment in Selected Countries of the Islamic Conference’s Members
Homayoun Ranjbar Somayeh Moazen -
Open Access Article
1720 - The optimal capital adequacy ratio in Islamic banks: the study of Iranian banks
محمود عیسوی حبیب انصاری سامانی فتح اله تاری حسن عموزادخلیلی -
Open Access Article
1721 - بانکداری اسلامی وریسک، یک تحلیل تطبیقی
سید سجاد علم الهدی -
Open Access Article
1722 - The Economic Security effects on Economic Growth in Islamic Conference Groups (ICG) with emphasizes on Iran
Ahmad Jafari Samimi Shahram Ekhteyari -
Open Access Article
1723 - The effect of financial indicators on economic growth in Islamic countries using a non-linear model
hadi agababei Manijeh Hadinjad S. Khashayar Seyed Shokri -
Open Access Article
1724 - Comparative study of effective factors on equipping banking resources and model presentation
حمید گلی زاده محمدرضا باقرزاده اسداله مهرآرا یوسف قلی پور کنعانی مهشید شاهچرا -
Open Access Article
1725 - Investigating the Eeffects of Factors on Capital Adequacy Ratio in the Islamic Banking System of Iran and Malaysia
پریما بهرامی زنوز آزاده محرابیان رویا سیفی پور نارسیس امین رشتی -
Open Access Article
1726 - Investigating the non-linear effect of the stock index on the development of the industrial sector in Islamic countries, using the simple panel transfer regression (PSTR) approach.
Mohammad Bagheri Ahmad Naghilu Mohammad Dalmanpour -
Open Access Article
1727 - The Effects of Knowledge-Based Economy Index on the Economic Growth of Islamic Countries (Martin Barrow Test Model)
مقداد محمودی مرجان دامن کشیده شهریار نصابیان -
Open Access Article
1728 - Explaining the economic and social effects of usury with an emphasis on the role of Persian literature (Case study: works of authors from Iran and Tajikistan)
Marjan Madani Garakani Umar Safar -
Open Access Article
1729 - Investigating the Nonlinear Impact of Financial Development Index on the Development of the Industrial Sector in Islamic Countries Gentle Panel Transition Regression (PSTR)
محمد باقری احمد نقی لو محمد دالمن پور -
Open Access Article
1730 - بررسی نقش مهاجرت های درون استانی در گسترش سکونتگاه های خودرو در منطقه کلان شهری تهران ( مطالعه موردی اسلامشهر)
اسداله بیات اصغر بیات -
Open Access Article
1731 - مطالعه نقش فارغالتحصیلان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی در گستره جغرافیایی آموزش و پرورش مناطق محروم
محمد رحمانی -
Open Access Article
1732 - The logic and structure of justification in the propositions of Islamic humanities (with emphasis on the verses of the Holy Quran)
ramazan alitabar mahdi abbaszadeh -
Open Access Article
1733 - Mohammed Arkoun and using post structuralism in critic of Islamic intellect
Hameh Aliakbarzadeh Mostafa Soltani -
Open Access Article
1734 - Geopolitical analysis of relations between Afghanistan and its neighbors in the era of neo-Talibanism: challenges and threats.
morteza karimi Aliasghar Esmaielpour Roshan Tahmineh Daniali -
Open Access Article
1735 - The echo of the Islamic Revolution in Nigeria based on broadcast theory
mahmood alipour gorji Hadith Rahmati -
Open Access Article
1736 - Turkish-Israeli relations in the last two decades (2000-2019) Convergence or divergence
Majid Bozorgmehri -
Open Access Article
1737 - EU-Iran relations in the light of transatlantic relations (Case study of the Obama and Trump eras)
Ebrahim Bagheri seyed Davood Aghaee -
Open Access Article
1738 - Deterrence as a Security-defense Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Challenges, Requirements, and its Strategic Model
Masomeh Ansarifard امیر محمد Haji-Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1739 - Explaining and Analyzing the Tunisian Revolution from the Perspective of a Discourse Approach
Karim Shahvali محمد یوسفی جویباری Ehsan Shakeri Khoee -
Open Access Article
1740 - Russia's approach to the Islamic world after the Arab revolutions: Continuation or change of policies
sayed razzagh moghimi Davoud Kiani Mahdi Javdani moghaddam -
Open Access Article
1741 - The role of public diplomacy in the growth and development of economic relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq(in the post-ISIS period 1400-1396)
Seyed Hamid Seyed Taghizadeh mahnaz goodarzi -
Open Access Article
1742 - The Behavior of the Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Towards the United Nations in the Years 2013 to 2021
fatemeh sadat mirkhan reza simbar Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Mohammadreza Ghaedi -
Open Access Article
1743 - Ranking of South West Asian countries based on the regional policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on national power
Mohammad Reza Mofatteh Abdolreza Faraji Rad Azam Yiousefi Rebaz Ghorbaninejad -
Open Access Article
1744 - Analysis and evaluation of US foreign policy towards Iran in the light of the benefit of smart power(2008-2020)
mojtaba romouk mashallah heidarpour Alireza Amini -
Open Access Article
1745 - Impacts of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 Programme on Foreign Policy Islamic Republic of Iran
Majid Abdollahi mohammadreza ghaedi maryam moradi -
Open Access Article
1746 - Russian security threats Analysis after the U.S. Pullout from Afghanistan in Central Asia with emphasis on Islamic fundamentalism
hassan ainehvand Ali keyvani Mohammadali basiri -
Open Access Article
1747 - The relations between Iran and the great powers from the perspective of Imam Khamenei's revolutionary diplomacy and the challenges of the JCPOA
Morteza Soveylami حبیب اله ابوالحسن شیرازی shiva jalalpour حامد عامری گلستان -
Open Access Article
1748 - Strategic environmentalism and strategic assessment of Iran's role in the Middle East region
Ayub Nikunahad Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin Abdolreza Beyginia -
Open Access Article
1749 - Resistance (Moqavimat) strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Middle East based on security theoryCopenhagen School (2019-2014)
Sadegh Shahvarpoor najafabadi حامد محقق نیا فریدون اکبرزاده -
Open Access Article
1750 - Evaluating the effects of the Negev meeting on the Ibrahim Pact
Akbar Ashrafi Pooria Aqajani Mohammad Tohidfam Reza Jalali -
Open Access Article
1751 - Impact of United Nations Development Plans on Development Programs of Iran
Ramezan Esmail Asadi Mahnaz Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
1752 - Comparative Study of the Effect of Developmental Policies of the UN on Human Development in South Africa and Iran
Tahereh Ebrahimifar Turaj Akhavan -
Open Access Article
1753 - Influences of Arabic Spring and Color revolutions in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Habibollah Abolhassan Shirazi -
Open Access Article
1754 - Foreign Relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Tajikistan; Convergence and Divergence
Habibollah Abolhassan Shirazi -
Open Access Article
1755 - Law Abiding and National Security in Political Thought of Imam Khomeini
Akbar Ashrafi Hamidreza Davoodi -
Open Access Article
1756 - Role of Political Socialization in Forming Talibanism in Afghanistan
Ahmad Bakhshayeshi Parviz Mirlotfi -
Open Access Article
1757 - The European Union’s Human Rights Policy towards Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia
زهرا الوندی داود کیانی -
Open Access Article
1758 - Indonesia: A New Power in Asia And Dynamic in International System
Esmaeil Baibordi Mohammad Khosh Haikal Azad -
Open Access Article
1759 - Confrontation of Shiite and Salafi Brotherhood Discourse on Traditional West Asian Security Arrangements within the Analytic Framework of the Copenhagen School
morteza shirody Ahmad Reza Shah Ali -
Open Access Article
1760 - The Role of Islam in Relations between Iran and the Nations of Central Asia
مرتضی محمودی جوری لطیف اف -
Open Access Article
1761 - Political Islam and the West Asian Security Order
Jahanbakhsh Izadi Hamidreza Akbari -
Open Access Article
1762 - Impact of Insecurity on Development of Neoterrorism in the Middle East An Approach to Iran and Saudi Arabia
Amir Heshmati Alireza Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1763 - The Relationship between the Authority and the Legitimacy in the Islamic Political System
Ali Larijani Gholamreza Gholami Abarestan -
Open Access Article
1764 - Russia's Policy in the Syrian Crisis and Its Consequences on Iran's National Interests
Rouhollah Darayandeh hamid ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1765 - An Outlook to the Turkish Armies Relations and the AKP
Reza Jalali -
Open Access Article
1766 - The role of transparency in the efficiency of the legislative process of the parliaments of the European Union, the United Kingdom, Italy and Iran
Mohammad Baqer Bahrami Fereydoun Akbarzadeh Ruhollah Shahabi Shiva Jalalpour -
Open Access Article
1767 - The Paradox of America's Foreign Policy in Syrian Crises
Mohammad sadegh Kooshki Mahjobeh Karimi -
Open Access Article
1768 - Cooperation of NATO with Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and Its Impact on Security of Iran
Ardeshir Sanaei Ehsan Taherimehr -
Open Access Article
1769 - Public Diplomacy and Soft Power with an Emphasis on Iran's Soft Power in Iraq
حسین رفیع Malihe Nikravesh -
Open Access Article
1770 - A Comparative Study Of Nuclear Policy of president Ahmadinejad with the Nuclear discourse Of The Islamic revolution in Iran
Akbar Ashrafi Mahdi Soltani Gerdframarzi -
Open Access Article
1771 - The Globalization of Culture and Its Effect on Iranian National Identity
AhmadReza Khazaie -
Open Access Article
1772 - Sinusoidal Relation between Iran and Britain after the Islamic Revolution
Jahanbakhsh Mohebbimia Alireza Amini Hasan Sanati -
Open Access Article
1773 - A Survey on Iran-U.S Relationship in the light of the Strategic Culture
Soheil Godarzi Ahmad Soltaninejad Mostafa Zahrani Mohsen Eslami -
Open Access Article
1774 - The Geopolitics of Emotion and Iran-US Relations (with Emphasis on Iran Hostage Crisis)
Mahdi Mohammad Nia Naser Pourhassan -
Open Access Article
1775 - National Identity & Foreign Policy of the IR of Iran
Abolghasem Taheri Hossien Karimifard -
Open Access Article
1776 - Developments of Iran-Russia Relations, 1992-2016
Open Access Article
1777 - Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran Strategy towards the Crisis in Yemen
Seyed Ali Nejat Raziyeh Musavi Mohammadreza Saremi -
Open Access Article
1778 - The Rise OF ISIS and Its Impact on Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran
Ardeshir Sanaie Mona Kaviyanpor -
Open Access Article
1779 - Iran’s Relations with the UN after Victory of the Islamic Revolution
Mostafa Maleki Mojtaba Babaei -
Open Access Article
1780 - The role of identity in shaping and guiding the policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in response to the Syrian crisis
saman mohammadi mahdi zakerian -
Open Access Article
1781 - Analysis of the Factors in the Emergence and Rapid Growth of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
Kamran Taremi -
Open Access Article
1782 - a
hamid ahmadinejad mohammadali basiri -
Open Access Article
1783 - Analysis of the content of the national security strategy of the United States of America towards the Islamic Republic of Iran (2001-2021)
Hossein Mozneb Mohammad Reza Ghaedi Reza Simber -
Open Access Article
1784 - Turkish foreign policy towards the Islamic awakening in the Arab world
Seyed Mohammad Tabatabaee Akram Fazlikhani -
Open Access Article
1785 - National Security of Israel and Strategy of Military Threat against Iran
Morteza Mahmoodi1 -
Open Access Article
1786 - چگونگی بازنمایی جنبش های مردمی کشور های اسلامی در اخبار شبکه خبر
تژا میر فخرایی علی میرزایی تابش -
Open Access Article
1787 - بررسی تطبیقی مطالب انتخابات نهمین دوره مجلس شورای اسلامی در روزنامه کیهان و اعتماد
حسن درزیان رستمی مهری قدیمی -
Open Access Article
1788 - بررسی نقش برنامه های معارفی سیما در باورهای دینی مردم
صدیقه ببران محمد مهدی مومنی ها -
Open Access Article
1789 - Analyzing the approach of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Syrian crisis using the theory of resistance
Hasan Larti Hamed Mohagheghnia Rohollah Shahabinia Lena Abdolkhani -
Open Access Article
1790 - Pahlavi's rentier government and the formation of the discourse of the Islamic revolution
Majid Ostovar Hossein Mahboob -
Open Access Article
1791 - Criticism of Farahangi liberalism in the political out of sight of Imam Khomeini (RA).
mohammad ensandoost samad ghaempanah asadolah athary hasan shamsini -
Open Access Article
1792 - The discourse of religious democracy in the political thought of Ayatollah Khamenei
Akbar Ashrafi -
Open Access Article
1793 - Comparison of the Islamic Resistance Front and the Imperialism System in Western Asia,
younes khodaparast -
Open Access Article
1794 - The influence of Islamic ideology as soft power in the future of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran with an emphasis on the horizon of 1404
Amir Sajedi Erfan Zandi -
Open Access Article
1795 - Reflection on the reasons for maintaining the Islamic system with an approach to narrations
ali rashidi mohammad jafari harandi Ahmad Rezvani Mofrad -
Open Access Article
1796 - Transcendent Wisdom: Foundations of the Social Sciences
Mohammad Pezeshgi -
Open Access Article
1797 - Investigating the effect of the social field on the voters' attitude towards the policies of the electoral institutions in Rasht
Morteza Shabani Reza simbar Mohamad Reza Akhzariyan Kashani, -
Open Access Article
1798 - Iran's response to Bahraini and Yemeni popular uprisings, opportunities and challenges
mojtaba ostovar abolfazl khampichi -
Open Access Article
1799 - The Discourse Logic of the Statement of the Second Step of the Islamic Revolution: Governance to Civilization
amir dabirimehr -
Open Access Article
1800 - The Role of People in Iran's Islamic Revolution: An analysis based on Foucault's Perspective
Mahin Niroomand Alankesh Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Jahangir Karami -
Open Access Article
1801 - The discursive order governing public policy making after the Islamic revolution in Iran
Matin Anjomrooz -
Open Access Article
1802 - Defense discourse of the Islamic Revolution with emphasis on women's participation in defense affairs
Meisam Belbasi Seyed Abolfazl Hosseini zadeh -
Open Access Article
1803 - The evolution of identity and the formation of the Islamic revolution
ّFaramarz Mirzazadeh Ahmadbeyglou -
Open Access Article
1804 - Fighting methods in the field of political competitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran (case study: the period of reformists and fundamentalists)
علی جان مرادی جو -
Open Access Article
1805 - Scenarios of building an Islamic society based on the middle links of the advancement of the Islamic Republic of Iran
nafise akhavan nilchi mohamad rahim eivazi mahdi naderi -
Open Access Article
1806 - The structure of the rentier government in Iran and the collapse of the Pahlavi government
Mehdi Majd Alireza Soltani -
Open Access Article
1807 - A Comparative Study of Educational Concepts of Revolution in the Poems of Four Contemporary Poets of the Islamic Revolution
Farhad Akhondi Gholamali Zare masood mahdian maliha mahdavi -
Open Access Article
1808 - therolee of the foreeign policy discourse of the islamic revolution in the rreestablishment of relations beetween iran and saudi arabia
amirhossin mirahmadi Akbar Ashrafi Abolhassan shirazi reza jalali -
Open Access Article
1809 - Comparison of the economic performance of the governments after the Islamic revolution based on the Gini coefficient
Faramarz Nemati Miri Reza Shirzadi Mirabrahim Siddique -
Open Access Article
1810 - The principles of measuring the Islamic nature of knowledge in the field of humanities
mohamad taghi bekhrad mohamad kazem kaveh pishghadam Mohamad akhgar koorosh sarvarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1811 - The position of political parties in the Imamat-Ummat system from the point of view of Nahj al-Balagha
farzad jahanbin -
Open Access Article
1812 - Strategic analysis of "elections" and "security" on the continuity of the Islamic revolution Batakidbrandishe of the Supreme Leader
rashid rekabian naser pourhasan -
Open Access Article
1813 - The effect and confrontation of virtual social networks on the dimensions of national security of the discourse of the Islamic revolution (case study: Telegram channel of Amadanews)
Sayyed Saeid Safavi Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani Mohammad Tohidfam -
Open Access Article
1814 - Statement of the Second Step of the Islamic Revolution in Explaining the Quranic Lifestyle
behruz salehi -
Open Access Article
1815 - Basics of Islamic Revolution discourse from the perspective of Imam Khomeini
mojtaba shirafkan Akbar Ashrafi habibollah shirazi -
Open Access Article
1816 - Social capital in the Islamic worldview: the case study of the analysis of the theme of public trust in the intellectual system of the Supreme Leader
Seysd hossein Eftekhar Afzali -
Open Access Article
1817 - The role of the media on the level of political-social awareness of the fourth generation of the revolution (a case study (youths of Shiraz)
Alireza Biyabannavard Sarvestani Fatemeh Bagheri -
Open Access Article
1818 - تحلیل دیدگاه فریقین در تفسیر آیۀ وضو و بررسی پیشینۀ تاریخی اختلاف در آن
محمدرضا حاجی اسماعیلی موسی منصوری جوانمردی -
Open Access Article
1819 - Competitiveness and Business environment
mohmmad kamalipour reza zeynalzadeh -
Open Access Article
1820 - The Leadership Style and the Quality of Working Life of Staffs (Islamic Azad Universities of Isfahan)
Davood Kianoosh zahra boroumand Ali Rezaiyan -
Open Access Article
1821 - A model for financial strategic Capabilities in successful Implementing of Operational Budgeting System in Branches Islamic Azad University
ebrahim kheradmand nasser khani -
Open Access Article
1822 - Investigating the effect of growth of knowledge-based economy index on the growth of institutional and economic regime (Business convenience) on Islamic countries (using panel model)
meghdad mahmoudi nemat falihipirbasti marjan damankeshideh shariyar nessabian -
Open Access Article
1823 - نقش آفرینیِ "زبانِ نام و نشان تجاری " در ارزش ادراکی مشتریان
سوسن قهرمانی قاجار بهنوش جووری -
Open Access Article
1824 - عصر اطلاعات و مدیریت سلامی
بهروز رشیدی محمد سهرابی -
Open Access Article
1825 - ارائه الگویی از اثر متغیرهای هوش هیجانی بر مولفه های سرمایه فکری به منظور طراحی استراتژی های رقابتی در دانشگاه ها ( مطالعه ی موردی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی استان هرمزگان)
محمدحسین رنجبر مهدی باقری مظفر اسپید -
Open Access Article
1826 - کیفیت زندگی کاری و عملکرد کارکنان
صادق ملکی آوارسین بیتا دلنواز اصغری ابراهیم خردمند -
Open Access Article
1827 - ارائه مدل بازاریابی احکام اسلامی مبتنی بر اصول بازاریابی اجتماعی: رویکرد نظریه داده بنیاد
عباس صالح اردستانی محمدرضا صادقی مقدم سید یاسر مهدی ابوترابی فرد -
Open Access Article
1828 - تبیین نظریه مسئولیت اجتماعی جوانان در بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب اسلامی با تأکید بر حکمرانی خوب
زین العابدین امینی سابق هادی ردایی احسان ساده -
Open Access Article
1829 - تاثیر دین در تحقق بازاریابی سبز
ناصر یزدانی فاطمه گلی -
Open Access Article
1830 - Investigating the environmental factors affecting the ethical marketing system based on the Pierce and Robinson model based on the Islamic-Iranian approach with emphasis on the food industry
Fatemeh noorshargh Hasan Esmailpour Hossein Safarzadeh Behrooz Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1831 - بازیابی هویت جمعی غالب در میان جوانان شهر ری در فرآیند جهانی شدن
حسین دبیریان تهرانی ملیحه کاظمی نسب -
Open Access Article
1832 - بنیادگرایی اسلامی و پست مدرنیزم
بهروز مرادی -
Open Access Article
1833 - کاربرد مفهوم رجحان محتوا بر شکل در اجارهها؛ چالشی در حسابداری اسلامی
ساسان مهرانی غلامرضا کرمی علیرضا رامروز سید علی حسینی -
Open Access Article
1834 - The Relationship between Credit Risk and the Rate of Interest Allocated to Different Islamic Contracts in Agricultural Bank of Kurdestan Province
Zohreh Hajiha Farzaneh Heidarpoor Zanyar Rajaee -
Open Access Article
1835 - ضرورت گسترش سطح افشاء و توسعه گزارشهای مالی در بستر حسابداری اسلامی
محسن حسینی الاصل آزیتا جهانشاد -
Open Access Article
1836 - Reviewing the methodology of the book Humanities Issues; Methodological challenge (Emphasizing the methodology and epistemology of the theory of modern Islamic civilization)
Kazem Azimi -
Open Access Article
1837 - The philasophy of the possiblity of miracle from Allameh Tabatabai’s viewpoint
Masoud Khoshnamvand -
Open Access Article
1838 - The Concept of Light In Quran, Theorem, and Mysticism
ali fatholahi akram baghdadi -
Open Access Article
1839 - بررسی اعتماد اجتماعی وعوامل موثر برآن(مورد مطالعه:استادان،کارکنان ودانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران شمال)
afsaneh edrisi ehsan rahmani khalili seyedeh narges hossini amin -
Open Access Article
1840 - جایگاه عفو و گذشت در ادیان اسلام و مسیحیت (مطالعه موردی در قرآن کریم و کتاب مقدس مسیحیان)
mohammadhosein tohidifard ebrahim nouri -
Open Access Article
1841 - بررسی پیامدهای تأسیس دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی در امور آموزشی، پژوهشی، فرهنگی و اقتصادی زنان شهرستان خلخال
eqbaleh azizkhani -
Open Access Article
1842 - A Comparative Study on Citizenship Education Curriculum in elementary Schools of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Japan
elham tamjidtash mohamad ali mojalal chobgalo -
Open Access Article
1843 - A comparativestudy on political participation in both second Pahlavi and Islamic Republic of Iran eras
gholam reza khaje sarvi rashid jafar por -
Open Access Article
1844 - سرمایه اجتماعی و باورهای دینی و فرهنگی
mohamadreza shadmanamen -
Open Access Article
1845 - بررسی تأثیر تأسیس دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی بر وضعیت فرهنگی اجتماعیمردم شهرخنج
gholamreza jafari mohamad bazarafshan -
Open Access Article
1846 - راهبردهای مطلوب ترویج فرهنگ عفو و گذشت برا ی سیمای ج.ا.ا
ahmad aminfard ahmad aminfard forogh chitsaz -
Open Access Article
1847 - بررسی عوامل مؤثّر بر گرایش به مصرف مواد مخدر صنعتی در بین دانشجویان پسر دانشکده علوم انسانی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرمان در نیم سال 94
kamal javanmard -
Open Access Article
1848 - Studying the degree of Internet dependency among students of Islamic Azad University of Tehran
Somayeh Tajik Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
1849 - The Relationship between Social capital and Organizational Agility the Islamic Azad University
Abolghasem Barimani Seyyedeh Zahra Hosseini Miyangaleh -
Open Access Article
1850 - The effect of Rentier government on the patterns of political participation (Case study: Iran, during the Islamic Republic)
shahram tahmasebi mehrdad javaheripour Reza Ali Mohseni Mohseni -
Open Access Article
1851 - Discourse analysis of economic development from the point of view of su bdiscourses in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
sayyed ghaem mousavi Ahmad Azin masoud jafarnejad -
Open Access Article
1852 - Comparison of the position of women before the Islamic Revolution and after the Islamic Revolution of Iran..
leila hajigahramani Bahman Keshavarz Hasan Eivazzadeh Mehdi Khoshkhati -
Open Access Article
1853 - A Sociological analysis of the relationship between youth values and Iranian- Islamic lifestyle (case study: youthof Behshahr)
Kulsoom Tirgari Mansour Haghigitian mohammadali chitsaz -
Open Access Article
1854 - Causes of inefficiency of socio-political parties in Iran after the Islamic Revolution based on social and cultural factors: A qualitative study based on thematic analysis
farshid salamat Sasan Vadie zahra Hazrati someeh -
Open Access Article
1855 - Designing a talent management model for presidents of Islamic Azad University of Tehran province
Masoumeh Takhteravan saeid moradi Abas khorshidi Pari Soushabi -
Open Access Article
1856 - A comparative study of the right to life of a sick fetus from the perspective of Islamic religions with an Islamic approach.
Azadeh abdi abyaneh younes vahedyarijan maryam ebn torab -
Open Access Article
1857 - Criteria for fulfilling the ablution and its desecration in the five religions and criminal law of Iran
Soheila Baybordi Mahmoud Qayyumzadeh Abbas Ali Heydari -
Open Access Article
1858 - An Essay on Migration from the Islamic Standpoint (with Emphasis on Its Sociological and Psychological Aspects)
Atefeh Shakiba Rad Haeideh Saberi Mehrdad Sabet -
Open Access Article
1859 - A Reflection on Social Capital Status in Imamieh Jurisprudence and Islamic Teachings
Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini Farzad Navabakhsh Frank Seyedi -
Open Access Article
1860 - A Review of Women´s Rights of Citizenship with Emphasis on Shiite Jurisprudential Teachings
Vali Allah Safari Mohammad Reza Ayati Asghar Arabian -
Open Access Article
1861 - A reflection on the reasons for maintaining the Islamic system with an approach to the narrations of the Imams (as)
ali rashidi mohammad jafari harandi -
Open Access Article
1862 - The Elements of Individual and Social Happiness from Islamic Standpoint and in Social and Psychological Theories
Javad Atabaki Maryam tooski Farhad Imam Juma -
Open Access Article
1863 - The development of Shia jurists' thoughts about political power
Hassan Abbaszadeh Hossein Ahmari Mohammad Reza Javaheri -
Open Access Article
1864 - Expropriation by the government and its affiliated institutions in the light of modern jurisprudential views
Hoddein Ranjbar hoseyn Rajabi -
Open Access Article
1865 - Studying the approach of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the action of the Islamic Court of Justice in the peaceful settlement of international disputes based on the concept of "effectiveness"
Marmar Asadiyan Seyed Bassem Movalizadeh Seyyed Hasan Hosseini -
Open Access Article
1866 - Designing an evaluation model for credit rating of Islamic securities with a Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy network approach
Mohammad Shabani varnami Hosein Didehkhani Ali khozain arash naderian -
Open Access Article
1867 - طراحی مدل جامع سرمایه گذاری خطرپذیر
محمدابراهیم محمدپورزرندی مجید شهریاری -
Open Access Article
1868 - Analysis of Spatial-Physical Changes of Urban Squares in Islamic Cities; Case Study: Martyrs' Square in Beirut, Marjah Square in Damascus, and Taksim Square in Istanbul
Navid Jahdi Milad Fathi Javad Shekari Nayeri -
Open Access Article
1869 - Application of Gireh on Free Surface Pattern with Recognition of Gireh Projection on Iranian Domes Surface in the Congruence Method
Aref Azizpour Shoubi َAhad NeJad Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1870 - The Rle of Islamic Culture and Auditor's Experience in Mutual Fairness and the Quality of Audit in the Iranian Environment
حسین رضا رمضانی کاوه آذین فر حمیدرضا غلام نیا روشن رضا فلاح -
Open Access Article
1871 - Developing Pattern of human resources lay‐offs in islamic azad university of Tehran branches.
Tahmoures Norouzi rashid zolfaghari zaferani esmaeel asadi -
Open Access Article
1872 - The Effect of Dark Personality Traits on Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Incivility in the Workplace and Islamic Work Ethics
, Majed Maharani Barzani, Mehrdad Sadeghi Ali Rashidpour -
Open Access Article
1873 - Explaining the Dimensions and Components of the Knowledge Management Enablers Model based on Islamic principles in Kerman Education
Mohammad Moradi Khalaj Saeed Sayadi -
Open Access Article
1874 - A Comparative Study and Examination of the Views of Faculty Members and Students Regarding the Doctoral Comprehensive Exam
Mohammad Ghafari Mejlej -
Open Access Article
1875 - Exploring the Causal Factors Affecting for Promoting Pedagogical Wisdom in Islamic Azad University
Farshid Khanjanian Nadergholi Ghourchian , Kamran Mohammadkhani Parivash Jafari -
Open Access Article
1876 - Presenting the Quality Model of Educational Services in the Virtual Instruction System of Islamic Azad University of Bushehr Province
Farideh Sadeghzadeh mojtaba moazzami Amineh Ahmadi Hoseinali Jahed -
Open Access Article
1877 - Pathology of Educational Justice in Iranian Law in order to Provide a Suitable Model
Alireza Darzi Boorkhani Ali Babaee Mehr reza nasiri larimi -
Open Access Article
1878 - Identifying and leveling the dimensions and components of the Islamic culture promotion model according to the organizational structure and the implementation of cultural policies with the interpretive structural equation method
mohammad shahabi nejad navid fatehi rad amin nikpour -
Open Access Article
1879 - Analysis of the Economic factors Affecting Income of Football Clubs (Selected World Clubs)
B. Rafat M. Emadzadeh Z. Ghandehary Alavijeh -
Open Access Article
1880 - Evaluation and comparative analysis of waqf documents based on shafi'i and imami jurisprudence standards
Abdolaziz Mirani Fereydoun Rahnama Roodposhti Seyed Abbas Mousavian Mahdi Madanchi Zaj Mohammad Adel Ziaei -
Open Access Article
1881 - Multi-level analysis of success factors in islamic banking with a structural-interpretive and recursive approach
Jalal Yousefi Parviz Saeedi Maryam Bokharaeian Khorasani Jamadoordi Gorganli Davaji -
Open Access Article
1882 - Dynamic relationship between strategic goods and Islamic financial markets in Iran using SVAR-CCC model
Farideh Bakhtiarian Fatemeh Zandi Abdollah Davani Fatemeh Saraf -
Open Access Article
1883 - Iran, the Cultural and Literary Intermediary of Islam and India
Mohammad Bagher Zeinali Alli Aelhami -
Open Access Article
1884 - The Thematic Studying of the "Ashuraee Elegies" from Haydar Shabgard " In the mold of Liberty, revival of Islamic religion, Divine love and guidance"
Fatemeh Aghazadeh Rasool E'tebari -
Open Access Article
1885 - Studying the So-called Shadelessness of Prophet Mohammad ( p. b. u. H ) in the Prophecy Exaltations
Rogayyeh Hadipour Maryam Mohammad Zadeh Ramin Sadeghi Nejad -
Open Access Article
1886 - Similarities of Neoplatonic Wisdom and The Asrar Nameh of Attar Nishaburi
Soheyla Zeiali Tooraj Aghdaee Hossein Aryan Nozhat Noohi -
Open Access Article
1887 - Roles of University Educations on the Development of Students' Abilities and Entrepreneurial Activities
keyvan salehi Hojat Allah Moradi Pordanjani -
Open Access Article
1888 - The impact of knowledge management strategies on knowledge management performance, Case study: Islamic Republic of Iran Railway Company
Amir Najafi maryam amirarsalan -
Open Access Article
1889 - The Adaptation of Islamic Azad University Libraries with Learning Organization Components in Order to Provide a Strategic Model for Transforming University Libraries into Learning Organization
Babak Oliadonighi mohammadrahim rasoliazad nadjla hariri -
Open Access Article
1890 - Identifying and Ranking the Consequences of Internal Branding with the Structural Equation Approach (Case Study of Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch)
Hooman amirahmadi mehrdad sadeghi siyamak korang beheshti -
Open Access Article
1891 - ...
Masoud Samadzadeh -
Open Access Article
1892 - The Social Responsibility Strategy in State Banks with Iranian Islamic Culture Approach
Kazem Asgari shahriyar azizi asghar moshabaki -
Open Access Article
1893 - Drawing an Iranian Islamic Model of Iranian Science and Technology System Based on Upstream Documentation with SODA Methodology
Amin Vahidi alireza ali ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1894 - Entrepreneurship Development Strategies in Higher Education on the Horizon of 1440 with a Future-Research Approach (Case Study: Islamic Azad University)
mahboubeh porgoo vahidreza mirabi Hamideh Reshadatjoo hosain vazifehdost -
Open Access Article
1895 - Strategic Financial Management Using Identifying Necessary Factors for Implementing Performance Based Budgeting System in Islamic Azad University
maryam takhtaishahi Rahmatollah Mohammadipour mahmoud hematfar -
Open Access Article
1896 - بررسی تأثیر عوامل نهادی بر توسعه بازار سرمایه: شواهدی از ایران و کشورهای منتخب عضو سازمان کنفرانس اسلامی
دکتر سید علی پایتختی اسکویی ولی پور کریم لاله طبقچی اکبری -
Open Access Article
1897 - Investigating cultural and individual factors affecting political participation
Azam Amouzadeh Manouchehr Kord Zanganeh Amir Ali Dorosti -
Open Access Article
1898 - The assessment of National loyalty's Feeling among Students (Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branches)
taha Hashemi Aliakbar Rezaei -
Open Access Article
1899 - The Culture-maker Myths (The Link between Myths and Religious Characters in Panegyric Poem)
Amiesmael Azar taha Hashemi -
Open Access Article
1900 - The social movement and soft power of Muslims in the Arbaeen March, the Arbaeen March from a political and international perspective
abdollah taherkhani parvin savadian mansoor sharifi -
Open Access Article
1901 - The Role of Arabic Language and Literature in the Transfer of Islamic Culture and Civilization to Andalusia
enayatolah fatehinejad mohammadhossein ashraf -
Open Access Article
1902 - Exploring Typology of Challenges to Fulfillment Cultural Policy Objectives In the Islamic Republic of Iran
Abdulrahman Afshari majid tavasoli Saeid Sharifi -
Open Access Article
1903 - Internal Disputes in the Political Structure and Challenges of Cultural Reproduction in the Islamic Republic of Iran
hojat kazwmi gholamreza basirniya -
Open Access Article
1904 - Investigating the Favorable Lifestyle of Political Agents in Accordance with the Quran, the Tradition of the Infallibles (AS) and Reason in Line with the Iranian Islamic Model of Progress
zahra khosravani Masoud Jafarinezhad alireza golshani -
Open Access Article
1905 - Explaining the Pattern of Knowledge Commercialization in Higher Education Centers with Emphasis on Cultural Factor (Case study: Islamic Azad University)
iman khaki Toraj Mojibi Gholamreza Memarzadeh Tehran -
Open Access Article
1906 - The Alienation of the Islamic Jurisprudence Discourse Based on the Thought of Imam Khomeini (RA)
Mohamad hosain bagheri khozani mansour mirahmadi hamid ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1907 - A Study the Lifestyle of Political agents in the Islamic Model of Iranian Progress (Case Study: Lifestyle of Political agents in Fars Province between 1392-1396)
zahra khosravani Masoud Jafarinezhad alireza golshani -
Open Access Article
1908 - The Role of Imam Khomeini's Cultural Capital in the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Majid Ostovar -
Open Access Article
1909 - Studying the Effect of Alavi Culture on Islamic Business Ethics with the Mediating Role of Managers' Philosophical Mindset
abdolhossein khosropanah mahboubeh porgoo amirreza alizadehmajd -
Open Access Article
1910 - Study of Cultural and Religious Movements in Sudan with Emphasis on the Pathology of Cultural Diplomacy of Iran in This Country
mostafa ghasemi Mohammad ali Basiri enayat alah yazdani -
Open Access Article
1911 - The Strengthening Criteria of Cultural Diplomacy in the Thoughts of Imam Khamenei
Mehdi Hedayati Shahidani danyal rezapoor ali golestani ali eskandarinasab -
Open Access Article
1912 - Sectarianism, Clash of Civilizations and Crisis Management in the Islamic World
Najmeh Malekian Borujeni nozar shafie Mohamad reza Dehshiri -
Open Access Article
1913 - Comparative Studies of the Gender’s role in The Politics from Feminism and Islam Perspectives
nouzar shafie mohsen akhbari -
Open Access Article
1914 - Model of Cultural Competencies of Human Resources from the Point of View of Islam (with an Emphasis on Alavi and Razavi Cultures)
ehsan namdar jovami seyed aghil roshan noormohamad yaghobi badraldin yazdani -
Open Access Article
1915 - The evolution of science and technology From unity to plurality (cultural-historical approach)
abolfazl ahmadi abolfazl zolfaghari -
Open Access Article
1916 - Explaining Iranian Cultural Diplomacy towards Iran Phobia
Seyed Mehdi Mirmohammad sadeghi rahmat hajimineh -
Open Access Article
1917 - Identifying the Components of Islamic-Iranian Lifestyle among Students
mehrdad navabakhsh seyed reza salehy amiri aliakbar rezaee s.abbas hashemi -
Open Access Article
1918 - A Framework for the Revolutionary Reconstruction of the Iran's Cultural Structure
reza gholami -
Open Access Article
1919 - The Role of Media in Strengthening Social Capital in the Second Step of the Islamic Revolution
Saeid Rezaei Mohammadreza Ghaedi -
Open Access Article
1920 - Investigating the Culture of Religious Democracy in the Holy Quran
sayed abdolmanaf mohseninikou Mohammadreza Ghaedi hamidreza haghighat -
Open Access Article
1921 - Investigating the Role of Ethics and Religiosity in the Meaning of Life with Emphasis on the Solutions of the Holy Quran (Case Study: Students of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch)
akhtar soltani hamed hayati -
Open Access Article
1922 - A Survey of medical graduates' opinions about medical education at Islamic Azad University of Mashhad 2015
Zahra Mostafavian Mohammad Moein Safa -
Open Access Article
1923 - تعیین موقعیت سبک زندگی ایرانی-اسلامی الگوهای ورزشی در ایران بر اساس مدل SWOT
محمدصالح عباسی mahdi naderinasab nima majedi -
Open Access Article
1924 - Model of Barriers on green information system in Sport Facility and organizations of Islamic Azad University
babak davodi ali zarei fareideh ganjoei -
Open Access Article
1925 - Identifing the Behavioral Factors Involved in Increasing Students’ Participation in Recreational Sport Activities at Islamic Azad University
هادی عبداللهی فر علی محمد صفانیا مهدی نمازی زاده شیوا آزادفدا -
Open Access Article
1926 - Intellectual Capital and Its Evaluation in Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch
Hoda Mirzarrabi Somayeh Feizi -
Open Access Article
1927 - شناسایی و اولویت بندی موانع موثربر توسعه آموزش الکترونیک در جوامع اسلامی (مورد مطالعه دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی وپیام نور استان البرز)
حمیده مظفری دهشیری طلعت دیبا واجاری -
Open Access Article
1928 - مطالعه فرهنگ جهادی و اخلاق کار اسلامی با بهره وری آموزشی معلمان تربیت بدنی
امید صفری روح اله رنجبر غلامرضا صفری -
Open Access Article
1929 - Reform of government public system and its authority in the globalization process With an emphasis on the legal system of the Islamic Republic of Iran
فرامرز عطریان محمد مهدی غمامی -
Open Access Article
1930 - An Investigation into the Relationship between Religion and Democracy in Religious Modernism; Case Study of Mehdi Bazargan
Mohammad Taghi Ghezelsofla pooneh ghasempour Mehrdad Khoram Nasr -
Open Access Article
1931 - Investigating the Political Participation of Women in the Process of Formation, Stabilization and Continuation of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
قادر زارع مهدوی محمود نقدی پور مصطفی نجفی -
Open Access Article
1932 - A comparative study of the discourse of peace among human and religious schools (Case Study of Islam and communitarians)
nilofar chinichian Malek Yahya salahi -
Open Access Article
1933 - Investigating to establish a favorable government in the opinions of thinkers after the Islamic Revolution
mojtaba akbareyan Ali Fallahi Seifodin -
Open Access Article
1934 - The role of internal factors, governing institutions and influential figures in the neoclassical realism approach of Iran's foreign policy
seyed mahmoud kamalara -
Open Access Article
1935 - Investigation of Hirmand Hydropolytic Effect on National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran
farhad gorgij ziya khazaei -
Open Access Article
1936 - Comparative study of Islamic Republic of Iran and EU's foreign policy on ISIS crisis from the point of view of Defensive Realism
Mohammadmehdi Ghasemi aliabadi Hossein Masoudnia Seyyed Javad Emam jomezadeh -
Open Access Article
1937 - محیطشناسی تهدیدهای تروریستی در سطح جمهوری اسلامی ایران
محمد قنبری بهرام بیات -
Open Access Article
1938 - نحوه استفاده از میادین مشترک نفتی و گازی جمهوری اسلامی ایران و کشورهای همسایه
mohammad ahmad abadi محسن احمدپور -
Open Access Article
1939 - A documentary study on understanding globalizable identity in the form of common political components in Iranian-Islamic culture
Mohammad kazem Tafteh Farhad Ziviar -
Open Access Article
1940 - Social networks and a new understanding of the identity of the Islamic Revolution
qafar zarei abdosamad khosravi -
Open Access Article
1941 - The Islamic Revolution and the spread of political Islam in the Arab world
sajad Bahrami moghadam mahdieh heydari -
Open Access Article
1942 - Analysis of Israeli diplomatic influence in the Middle East after the Arab Spring based on the swot model
maryam hatefi mohammad hassan nami ezatoolah ezzatti -
Open Access Article
1943 - Constructive Reflection on the Role of Identity in the Defense Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Emphasis on Defense Self-Sufficiency
Ali ajorlo mojtaba maqsodi -
Open Access Article
1944 - Hizmet (service) Movement, and the Golinistic Understanding of Islam in Modern Turkey; the Nature, Trends and Perspectives
masoud motallebi -
Open Access Article
1945 - Threats of the israeil and strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran to deal with it
omid jafarzadeh ahmad azin masoud jaafarinejhad -
Open Access Article
1946 - The concept of democracy and freedom in Islamic State from the prespective of Abdulkarim Soroush and Mesbah Yazdi
Seyed Mohsen Ahmadi Abbas Salehi Najafabadi qhasem Torabi -
Open Access Article
1947 - "The Alliance of Islam and its role in government policies during the First World War"
alireza raste Gholam Hossein Zargarinejad sina forozesh -
Open Access Article
1948 - The Impact of Political Developments on Contemporary Iranian Painting with Emphasis on the Political Teachings of the Islamic Revolution
shahnaz Alipuri moradi Soheila dizgeli -
Open Access Article
1949 - A comparative analysis of nuclear discourse of president Rouhani and discourse of the Islamic revolution in Iran
mahdi soltani gerdfaramarzi اکبر li احمد بخشایش اردستانی سوسن صفاوردی -
Open Access Article
1950 - US internationalism after eleven septamber and the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic (Structural or neoclassical approach?)
mohsen jamshidi Hamid Reza saeedy nezhad -
Open Access Article
1951 - The goals of the discourse of Islamophobia in the political thought of Evangelicalism
amir aghajani asadollah athari Mohammad Reza hatami hojjatollah darvishpour -
Open Access Article
1952 - The Impact of Identity Confrontation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia on Regional Security Policies of the Two Countries (Case Study of Yemen)
Saeed totonchi Majid golparvar ALi bagherizadeh -
Open Access Article
1953 - Educational Institution and the Need to Adopt a comprehensive identity Policy to Strengthen National Identity in Iran
Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali -
Open Access Article
1954 - Basic components of media policies and the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards the free flow of information
Mohammad-Ali Gholizadeh Hadi Khaniki Feruz Rad Morteza Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
1955 - The relationship of social networks and national order in the Islamic Republic of Iran
amirhossein ebrahimyazdi Mohammad Ali samiee seyed zakaria mahmoudi raja -
Open Access Article
1956 - The effect of cyberspace in reducing the tendency of Iranian users towards national identity and the need for adopt a Favorable media policy
Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali -
Open Access Article
1957 - Security literacies effective in preventing unrest in the Islamic Republic of Iran
mahmoud asgari mojtaba asadpour -
Open Access Article
1958 - Prospects for Iran-US political, economic and security relations in the Middle East by 2026
asghar rajabi dehborzoei Mohammad Bidgoli -
Open Access Article
1959 - The Role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Deterring the US Military Presence in the Persian Gulf after September 11, 2001
Aliasghar Ghaffari Hassan Khodaverdi Garineh Keshishyan Siraki -
Open Access Article
1960 - Sports diplomacy, a strategy to improve political relations with Saudi Arabia
Mohammad Bidgoli asghar rajabi dehborzoei Abdullah Iraqi -
Open Access Article
1961 - Analysis and evaluation of the Iranian resistance from the arrival of the Arabs to the Umayyad caliphate: Its effect on the Identify of Iranians
Afshin Eshkevar kiaei -
Open Access Article
1962 - Negative vote: Analysis of political behavior Candidates for the Islamic Council elections
Attaullah Khalili saeed sharifi lotfolah forouzandehdehkordi -
Open Access Article
1963 - The influence of the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran on resistance groups in the Middle East region; A case study of Hashd al-Shaabi
Karim Abbasi samad ghaempanah hasan shamsinighyasvand asadollah athari -
Open Access Article
1964 - The challenges of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in the Neo-Talibanism era
Morteza Karimi Ali Asghar Esmaielpour Roshan Tahmineh Daniali -
Open Access Article
1965 - State and society of the era of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the framework of Joel Migdal theory
Hasan Baratipour ahoura rahbar morteza manshadi -
Open Access Article
1966 - Influence on the social transformations of the Turkish society in the adoption of modernization
maryam malmir hamidreza saeedynezhad Siamak Bahrami iraj ranjbar Ali Moradi -
Open Access Article
1967 - تهدیدات، امنیت، نظام اسلامی، راهبرد، نهج البلاغه، اهداف
عبدالله عراقی رضا جلالی -
Open Access Article
1968 - Pathology of Cultural Policy Making in Islamic Republic of Iran
Morteza Moghtadaie Alireza Azghandi -
Open Access Article
1969 - Human Rights and Citizen Rights on the Opinion of the Middle Eastern Islamic States with Emphasis on the Iranian Constitution
Amir Sajedi -
Open Access Article
1970 - جایگاه و کارویژههای سکولاریسم در غرب و جهان اسلام
امیر ساجدی -
Open Access Article
1971 - Securitization Approach of NATO and Islamic Republic of Iran
Masoud Motallebi Majid Gholami -
Open Access Article
1972 - Constructivism and the Logic of Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia Confrontation
Mohammad Reza Dehshiri -
Open Access Article
1973 - Iran's Influence on the Formation of Islamic Jihad in Palestine Since the Inception to 1376
Hossein Masuodnia Saeed Ghorbani Tazekandi -
Open Access Article
1974 - Performance of Islamic Fundamentalism against the West
Jamil Hassan Pour Mohammad Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
1975 - Iran's Islamic Revolution Impact on the Activities of Jihadist Groups in Palestine Case Study: A Comparative Study of the Impact of the Reform Discourse States and Conservative State
Asghar Montazerolgaem Saeed Ghorbani Mohammad Maosud Aghaei -
Open Access Article
1976 - Research of Economic Poverty and Election Attitude; A Case Study: Islamic Azad University Students in Elam Province
Nosratollah Heydari Bagher Arayesh -
Open Access Article
1977 - Application of MDA Model to Evaluate Factors Affecting Performance Levels of Farmers In rural areas of Eslamshahr
Hooman Mansouri Mohammad Ghorbani Mohammad Reza Kohansal -
Open Access Article
1978 - The Symbolic Capital of Iranian Intellectuals and the Construction of a Revolutionary Ideology (Case study of Jalal Al Ahmad and Ali Shariati)
Majid Ostovar Nastaran Ali Ramaei -
Open Access Article
1979 - The position of proxy wars in the competitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia in Syria
Majid Nasiri Rahmat Haji mineh Nozar Shafiee -
Open Access Article
1980 - مطالعه تطبیقی مصادره،تملک اموال واملاک مبتنی برفقه اسلامی ونظام های حقوقی بین المللی
MOHAMMADSADEGH EBRAHIMIYAN Bitollah Divsalar parviz zokayiin -
Open Access Article
1981 - Professional development model of professors in Islamic Azad University based on contextual analysis
Mahshid Sardarabadi Hossein Momenimahmouei Asadallah Zangoei Ali akbar Ajam -
Open Access Article
1982 - Analyzing the role of digital transformation leadership in strategic alliance based on the Islamic culture of Iranian organizations and companies
Mahbod Sohrabi کامبیز هنزائی Abas Asadi -
Open Access Article
1983 - Investigating the effect of internal (innate) and external (educational) factors on organizational indifference with the mediating role of Islamic moral intelligence among the employees of the General Department of Environmental Protection, Khorasan Razavi
laleh Masoomian داود کاوه یاسر سالاری زهرا انجم شعاع -
Open Access Article
1984 - The effect of Islamic work ethics on deviant behaviors in the workplace with the mediating role of abusive supervision and hostility of workers
Abbas Ghaedamini Harouni رضا ابراهیم زاده دستجردی مهرداد صادقی -
Open Access Article
1985 - تأثیر مدیریت منابع انسانی بر عملکرد سازمانی از دیدگاه مدیران و کارکنان با رویکرد تطبیقی
عادل کولک حسن سلطانی شیوا مداحیان مهدی محمدباقری -
Open Access Article
1986 - Standardization of halal tourism indicators in ecotourism resorts with an emphasis on Iranian-Islamic hospitality (Zanjan province ecotourism resorts)
Mohammad Taghi Heydari Daryoosh jahani parvin rahmati -
Open Access Article
1987 - Improving productivity in Islamic governance by the model of reducing social loafing in remote work organizations
Mohsen Ghadirinejadian Karamollah Daneshfard Reza Najaf Bagy -
Open Access Article
1988 - Investigating and analyzing the basics, goals, principles and methods of citizenship education based on upstream documents
Sahar Bakhtiari najmeh vakili مهشید ایزدی Mahdy davaee -
Open Access Article
1989 - Idrīs Bitlīsī, Clerkly Historiography and Islamic Paradigm in the Ottoman Historiography
Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1990 - Investigating rationalism in theological religions; Focusing on the Ash'are religion
Yasir Alizadeh hossein soleimani amoli abdollah rajaee litkohi -
Open Access Article
1991 - Theoretical Foundations of Justice in the Political Discourse of the Islamic Revolution
Ali Ghadimi Garineh Keshishyan Siraki حسن خداوردی -
Open Access Article
1992 - Comparative analysis of the perspectives of Mutnabi, Ferdowsi, and Nasir Khusraw on wisdom
Maliheh Zanali Mahmodabadi Aboalqasm Amir Ahmadi Ali Eshghi Sardehi -
Open Access Article
1993 - Designing a model of professional ethics based on the components of Hammam's sermon (Case study: Professors of Islamic Azad University of North Khorasan Province)
Homeyra Firouzeh Roya Afrasiabi Maryam Hafezian -
Open Access Article
1994 - The effect of cultural values on critical thinking tendencies among students
مجتبی رضایی راد maral abbaszadeh -
Open Access Article
1995 - بررسی وضعیت زنان پناهجو از منظر اسلام، آیات قرآن و مقررات حقوق بین الملل
Zahra Ansarifar Samira Golkhandan اکبر رجبی -
Open Access Article
1996 - Investigating external obstacles to cultural development in advancing the political development of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Atyieh Janali Nejad khosro mazrai -
Open Access Article
1997 - The Effect of Globalization on The Efficiency effectiveness of Monetary Policies in selected Islamic Countries
Robab Azali seyyed ali paytakhti oskooe منیره دیزجی AliReza tamizi -
Open Access Article
1998 - Jurisprudential Foundations Citizenship Rights in the Legal System of Iran and Islam
moslem orangi Mohamad taghi Alavi Rahim Vakilzade -
Open Access Article
1999 - The Role of Political Culture in the Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mahmoud Mosalanejad Shiva Jalalpour Fereydoun Akbarzadeh Bahram Yousefi -
Open Access Article
2000 - The Effectiveness of Shafi'i Kodkani's Poetry from Mystical Parables and Iranian-Islamic Historical Stories
Rahman Kalantari Masoud Sepehvand Ali Fardad -
Open Access Article
2001 - The Reaction of Major International Relations Theories to the Actions and Reactions of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Fazel Feizi farshid fayyaz sanavy -
Open Access Article
2002 - Discourse foundations of the Islamic revolution in the constitution
ehsan maktabi Mohammad Tohidfam ahmad bakhshayeshi hojjatollah darvishpour -
Open Access Article
2003 - The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards terrorist groups in the Middle East region
Seyed Ghasem Mousavi Hossein Karimifard Ali Hossein Hosseinzadeh Jahanbakhsh Moradi -
Open Access Article
2004 - Examining the Concept of Murābatah in the Qur'an Based on Tafāsīr al-Mīzān and al-Taḥrīr va al-Tanwīr
Abdolrasool Shabani Ahmadreza Basij Mohammad Hossein Ghasem Peyvandi -
Open Access Article
2005 - Capacities of Imami jurisprudence against secularism
Afshin Safaryani Gilan عبدالرضا جمالزاده سیدحسین سجادی -
Open Access Article
2006 - Presenting a Total Quality Management Model in Islamic Azad University
haghreza eyvazi fattah Nazem , Kamran Mohammadkhani ABBAS KHORSHIDI Amirhossein Mohammaddavoudi -
Open Access Article
2007 - The Impact of "Continuous Learning", "Research and Conversation" and "Group Learning" components to provide a strategic model for transforming university libraries into learning organizations (Case Study: Libraries of Islamic Azad University)
babak oliadonighi Mohammad Rahim Rasouli Azad Nadjla Hariri -
Open Access Article
2008 - Investigating the Effective Factors on the Organizational Pathology of Knowledge Production in Islamic Azad University
Keyvan Kaveh Taghi AghaHosseini Mahboubeh Sadat Fadavi -
Open Access Article
2009 - Localization of knowledge management categories based on the basic model of knowledge building In the artistic field of the Islamic Propaganda Organization
mahnaz khodadad fahomeh babolhavaeji Esmat Momeni n adjla hariri -
Open Access Article
2010 - Philosophical Analysis of the Five Mindsets of Higher Education Directors in Islamic Azad University (Case Study: Tehran and Alborz Provinces)
Fatemeh Parasteh Hosein Abasi Sanaz Esfandiari Maryam Mostafapor hosein abadi -
Open Access Article
2011 - Designing a professional ethics model for faculty members of Islamic Azad University
seyed karim mousavy ghodsi ahghar zahra Taleb -
Open Access Article
2012 - Investigating the relationship between educational components and skill components required for accounting in Islamic Azad University
Fatemeh Rasouli Habibollah Nakhaei Ghodratollah Talebnia Mohammad Hassan Ghanifar -
Open Access Article
2013 - Investigating the Impact of COVID- 19 on Educational Activities in universities: Emphasizing Satisfaction with the Quality of Virtual Education system in Islamic Azad University
marzieh yarizanganeh -
Open Access Article
2014 - Synthesis research of manager's competency dimensions with emphasis on Islamic management.
Lida SHeshpari Hossein Momenimahmouei -
Open Access Article
2015 - provide an executive model for improving the level of talent management of employees of the Central Organization in Islamic Azad University
نوشا هژبرنژاد amirhosain mahmoodi fatemeh hamidifar mohammad naghi imani -
Open Access Article
2016 - identify the components of educational leadership based on the teachings of Islam.
amir aliasgari -
Open Access Article
2017 - Identifying the Effective Factors on Human Resource Education in Islamic Azad University and Presenting a Desirable Model (Case study: Islamic Azad University of Tehran)
Bahereh Yalpanian Fattah Nazem Samad Karimzadeh -
Open Access Article
2018 - Identifying the Dimensions, Components, and Indicators of Productivity Management for Province (Case study: Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Tehran)
Samereh Ghaffarian Amir Hosain Mahmoodi Fatemeh Hamidifar Fereshteh Kordestani -
Open Access Article
2019 - The new organizational skills model of Azad University employees with emphasis on dimensions (information knowledge management, professional intelligence, environmental scanning)
fereshte pourmzaherian Badri Shah Talebi mahbobe sadat fadavi -
Open Access Article
2020 - Designing a professional development model for teachers of Farhangian University based on Islamic teachings
Simin Amini Zare Ramezan Jahanian Parisa Irannezhad -
Open Access Article
2021 - Presenting the model of factors affecting the acceptance and effectiveness of the electronic human resources management system in the Islamic Azad University of Mashhad
Rasool Islami Nejad Muslim Charabin Mohammad Karimi Alireza Davoodi -
Open Access Article
2022 - Identifying and prioritizing effective factors on emotion management based on dominant personality types in Islamic Azad University
Mirmajid Ghozati Roohallah Samiei Abdolaziz Paghghe -
Open Access Article
2023 - Identifying the components of knowledge management with emphasis on Islamic principles Case study: Kerman city education
Mohammad Moradi Khalaj Saeed Sayadi Zahra Shokoweh Mohammad Jalal Kamali -
Open Access Article
2024 - Presenting a model of improving the work engagement among of faculty members of Islamic Azad University
dorsa malekshahi kamran mohamad khani Amirhossein Mohammaddavoudi -
Open Access Article
2025 - Predicting employees' productivity based on organizational intelligence in IAU (zone8)
fattah Nazem afsaneh saber Amir Hossein Nazem -
Open Access Article
2026 - Effective Leadership among Islamic Azad University Managers
Fatteh Nazem -
Open Access Article
2027 - The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship among MA Students
Asghar Moshabbaki Mohammadi Mehdi Ali tabarbaee Zahra Shayganfard -
Open Access Article
2028 - Thinking Style of the Managers and Its Componenets in Islamic Azad University
Fattah Nazem -
Open Access Article
2029 - Organizational Commitment and Its Components among IAU Managers
Fattah Nazem Mohammad Javad Ghaed Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
2030 - Psychological Environment and its Components in Islamic Azad University
Fattah Nazem -
Open Access Article
2031 - The relationship between the efficiency of in-service training courses and its role in the increase of effectiveness of the clerks Islamic Azad universities lorestan branch
Marzieh Astaraki -
Open Access Article
2032 - The Relationship between Thinking Styles and Academic Adjustment among the Students of Islamic Azad University-Khoy Branch
Heydar Ali Zarei Malek Mirhashemi Hassan pasha Sharife -
Open Access Article
2033 - Check Relation Islamic ethics job and spiritual intelligence with organizational citizenship behavior of Marvdasht city educations staff
Mojgan Amirianzadeh Seyedeh Fatemeh Habibi -
Open Access Article
2034 - identification and explanation of dimensions and components of organizational culture of faculty members
faranak mosavi nada khodadade abas mohmadypor saydah bahramiyan mohsan moradi -
Open Access Article
2035 - The relationship between information seeking behavior with elements of creativity among students of Islamic Azad University Golpayegan
Somaye Sadat bathai Mansour Torkiantabar -
Open Access Article
2036 - Multiple intelligence, leadership and management in higher education and to provide an appropriate model
Hadi rezghihshirsavar Sharareh Hashemnia -
Open Access Article
2037 - Major Factors Influencing Book Publication in Islamic Azad University as Perceived by Deputies of Research and Publication Directors
Mansour Torkiantabar Tahereh Hasoumi Nafiseh Hasoumi -
Open Access Article
2038 - The Conformity of Higher Education Institutes with the Components of Learning Organizations Based on Senge's Model
Raheleh Zamani Hamidreza Bahrami Parinaz Banisi -
Open Access Article
2039 - The Predictive Validity of Islamic Azad University’s Entrance Examination: Does Access
Mojtaba Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
2040 - Compare current and desired status dimensions and components of staff development in higher educational system of Iran (case of study: Islamic Azad University)
Javad moghadasi Kamran Mohammadkhani Amirhossein Mohammaddavoudi -
Open Access Article
2041 - A Quantitative Investigation into the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Academic Success of the Students in IAU (Roudehen Branch)
Mojtaba Mohammadi Pegah Setarehsanj -
Open Access Article
2042 - The Effect of Work Life Quality on Organizational Culture (Case Study: Lorestan Islamic Azad University Staff
seid mostafa hadadi mohammadreza hashemi -
Open Access Article
2043 - Intellectual Capital Management in Islamic Azad University
Fattah Nazem -
Open Access Article
2044 - E-Learning Readiness in Students: A Case of Information Science Students of IAU
Sedigheh Mohammadesmaeil Atash Karimi -
Open Access Article
2045 - A Proposal to Run an Inter-Library Loan System in IAU Libraries
Mohammadrahim Rasouliazad -
Open Access Article
2046 - Detect And Investigate The Status Of The Substructures Of Effective Application Of Knowledge Management At Islamic Azad University
Davood Maleki Bijan Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
2047 - The Determine Relation Between Religious Adhering With Health Organization In The Islamic Azad University Branch Roodehen
Fahimeh Babelhavaej Tahereh Hasoomi Victoriya Manhziy -
Open Access Article
2048 - The Predicting Job Involvement upon Enterpreneurship
Malek Mirhashemi, Korosh Hanifi -
Open Access Article
2049 - Investigation relationship between some dimension of organizational Intelligent on employment efficiency in Islamic Azad University unit Shargh.
Zavosh Khastouei Parinaz Banici -
Open Access Article
2050 - Sociological approach to women’s politics in the early Islam
الهه ضابطی اکبر معصومه رشاد -
Open Access Article
2051 - A survey on the impact of electronic word of mouth advertising on brand image and consumer purchase intention (case study: Final buyers of Samsung Mobile phone in Islamic Azad university-Aliabad Katoul Branch)
Hormoz Mehrani Mansoureh sadeghi Majid saftari -
Open Access Article
2052 - A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapy with Islamic approach based on Balance Selection on Quality of Life, Happiness, Life Satisfaction of Women Referred to Counseling Centers of Tehran
Monireh Kordloo جواد خلعتبری bagher sanai -
Open Access Article
2053 - Validation of leadership power and its relationship with job commitment in Air Force officers of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi Mahnaz Askarian -
Open Access Article
2054 - Preparinga list for analyzing adults’ spiritual health based on Islamic-Iranian culture
zahra abaspor azar sadegh taghi lou -
Open Access Article
2055 - q
حسین زکایی سید حمید سجادی هزاوه فرشاد تجاری عبدالرضا امیرتاش -
Open Access Article
2056 - ش
فیروز کیومرثی پرویز شریفی درآمدی کامبیز کامکاری -
Open Access Article
2057 - Identifying the Components of Jihad Management in Islamic Azad University
Aboulfazl Safieepoor Mahtab Salimi Ramezan Jahanian -
Open Access Article
2058 - Investigating the individual factors effective on knowledge hiding in science space
Mahdi Hoseinpour Sanjar Salajeghe Mohammad Jalal Kamali -
Open Access Article
2059 - Relationship of the Organizational Culture Based on the Islamic Values and Work Engagement in the Employees of the Municipality of the District 16 of Tehran.
sharareh roohinezad hossin shokrkon ali mahdad -
Open Access Article
2060 - Explaining Structure of Strategic Performance of Managers in empowerment of human resources in scientific and research centers (A Case Study of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research )
ALIREZA ALIZADEH pooramirarsalani fattaneh yalda Hajialilou hashemi mandanasadat -
Open Access Article
2061 - A Comparative Study of Islam and Divid Vikart’s View on Early Childhood Education
محمدحسین Heydari Sh Hosseini زهره Saadatmand -
Open Access Article
2062 - Designing a philosophical model of physical education based on Islamic approach in Tehran Municipality Sports Organization
seyed ali amir zadeh saeid safarian hamedani taraneh enayati -
Open Access Article
2063 - Development of a model to promote effective on-the-job training of administrative staff of Islamic Azad University (studied in Tehran province)
Ali Ramazani Limaei Abdolreza Sobhani amir hossein mohammad davoudi Ali Taghipour Zahir -
Open Access Article
2064 - Factors Affecting Organizational Virtue Based on Iranian and Islamic Teachings with Dimtel Approach and Theme Analysis
ehsan hossein pour hamidreza motamed pari mashayekh -
Open Access Article
2065 - Investigating the structural and managerial factors of an integrated content management system in digital libraries (Case study: Islamic Azad University)
Fereshteh Sepehr Rasul Abasi zohreh mirhosseini Aliraza Isfandyari moghadam -
Open Access Article
2066 - Identifying and evaluating the factors affecting the sustainability of knowledge-based businesses in Islamic Azad University
amir seifi HASAN SHARAKIPOUR afsaneh saber -
Open Access Article
2067 - Identify and rank the dimensions and components affecting the promotion of productivity management of faculty members of Islamic Azad Universities of Tehran Province
samereh ghaffarian Amirhoissen mahmoodi Fatemeh hamidifar fereshteh kordestani -
Open Access Article
2068 - Designing the model of teaching-learning system in Islamic Azad University
mahmood asadi Mohammad Naghi Imani MasoumehM Alaadian -
Open Access Article
2069 - Determining the relationship between the use of information technology and the self-confidence of librarians in university libraries, the universities of Tehran
Azam jafarani mosalman tahere hasoomi -
Open Access Article
2070 - Realm of bewilderment and light of mysticism
M. Mosaffa -
Open Access Article
2071 - Ethics of war in Muslim Culture: A critical and comparative perspective
M.J. Mahallati -
Open Access Article
2072 - Criticism and Analysis of the concept of spiritual silence from Attar’s perspective
Shahin Ghasemi Mehdi Mahoozi -
Open Access Article
2073 - A research into the history of Persian Literature
Gholam hossein Heydari -
Open Access Article
2074 - The concept of management and leadership in Islam according to Nahj al-Balaghe
Mehdi Mahoozi -
Open Access Article
2075 - The charm of stone and colour in the old texts
Florence Namjouyan -
Open Access Article
2076 - Adaptation legal Jurisprudence the Criteria of the Organization of Crimes by investigating Crimes in Rule of War
teymoor taherloo tayyebe arefnia fariba pahlevani -
Open Access Article
2077 - Critical Examination of Political Systems in International Relations Based on the Concept of Justice from the Perspectives of the West and Islam (with Emphasis on the Thoughts of Martyr Motahhari and Imam Sadr)
malakeh gazour Seyed Mohsen Al Seyed Ghafoor farzad Navidinia -
Open Access Article
2078 - Manifestations of Islamic awakening in the national and patriotic concepts of Sayyida Nabaviya Musa and Seyyed Ashrafuddin Gilani
javad karkhane mohammad mehdi roshan ebrahim namdari zahra lotfiyan nader -
Open Access Article
2079 - Drivers affecting the socialization of faculty members of Islamic Azad University
maryam Hafezy mahmoud Rezaeezadeh ناصر میرسپاسی -
Open Access Article
2080 - The Right to Peace in Iran and Lebanon Law with a Focus on Western and Islamic Human Rights Precedent
حیدر مطلب فائد احمد رضا سلیمان زاده حسین رستم زاد -
Open Access Article
2081 - Validation of the model of the relationship between the organizational structure and the level of implementation of the cultural policies of the municipalities of Kerman province in the direction of promoting Islamic culture
mohammad shahabi nejad navid fatehi rad amin nik pour -
Open Access Article
2082 - Studying the effect of religiosity and suicide tendency: Meta-analysis of researches
Taha Ashayeri elham abbasi tahere Jahanparvar Hanieh Adel -
Open Access Article
2083 - New Export Management Based on Full Gravity Model Policies (Case of Study: Organization of Islamic Conference Countries)
Sedige Atrkar roshan Shamsollah Shirinbakhsh hamide zamani -
Open Access Article
2084 - The modern international system and the development of the role of takfiri jihadism in the Arab world
Yoosof Seify -
Open Access Article
2085 - Studying the quality and manner of applying rhetorical techniques in the maxims of the Islamic period (based on Siasatnameh, Qaboosnameh, Golestan)
Sajjad Rahmatian -
Open Access Article
2086 - Investigating the impact of the development of the banking sector by using facilities Islamic finance on the emission of carbon dioxide polluting gas in Iran (with VECM vector error correction approach)
Seyed Ziya,addin Pishnamaz Mohammadi Mohammad Reza Nahidi Amirkhiz Ehsan Shafeie Monireh Dizaji -
Open Access Article
2087 - Investigating cultural diversity in Iran's Islamic legal system and Unesco
Hedayat Hasanpoor faramarz atrian Alireza Ansari mahyari -
Open Access Article
2088 - Validation of Organizational Culture Model Based on Islamic Resistance in Martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani School
Mehdi Alizadeh Mohammad Jalal Kamali Bahareh Naseri Zahra Anjom Shoae -
Open Access Article
2089 - Business and entrepreneurship physical space model for Islamic Azad University units
Mohammad Ansari Fereydoon Azma Roohallah samiei Tayyebeh Tajari -
Open Access Article
2090 - Abstract Criticism and analysis of the proofs of preserving the Islamic system by considering the approach of hadiths
ali Rashidi Mohammad Jafari harandi ahmad rezvani mofrad -
Open Access Article
2091 - Designing an education model based on reverse learning (a case study of education in the cities of Tehran province)
Saeedeh Koohi kamran mohamad khani nader gholi ghorchian Amir Hossein Mohammad Davoudi, -
Open Access Article
2092 - The desirable model of governance, based on Islamic values in the development of justice and the status of people after the Islamic revolution
Aliakbar hosseini shahneh -
Open Access Article
2093 - the Effectiveness of Group Education based on the Islam—Oriented Religious Spiritual Approach on the Psychological Distress, Guilt and Quality of Perceived Marital Relationship of intellectually disabled student's mothers
nazila mazruei Marzieh Alivandi Vafa نعیمه محب -
Open Access Article
2094 - The Position of the Deprived Class in the Discourse Criteria of Imam Khomeini (RA) in Iran after the Islamic Revolution
Ebrahim Aghamohammadi mohammadreza Ghaedi Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Hassan Khodaverdi -
Open Access Article
2095 - The role of the Islamic revolution in the development of Shia political discourse in Iraq
hamid salehi samaneh Tahmasbi Abbas Ali Rahbar -
Open Access Article
2096 - Identifying Deterrent to socialization of faculty members of Islamic Azad University
maryam Hafezy Mahmood Rezaeezadeh ناصر میرسپاسی -
Open Access Article
2097 - Application of Fuzzy System Analyzer for Design and Modeling of Persian Vernacular Architecture
Mostafa Azghandi Mahdi Yaghoobi Elham Fariborzi -
Open Access Article
2098 - Typology of control in Islamic management: meta-synthesis
hamed hajaghamemar Mahdi Bagheri maybodi -
Open Access Article
2099 - positivist horizons in Iranian Islamic historiography
Amir Hossein hatami meysam akbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
2100 - "Al-Anwa" books and its influence on the geographical works of the Islamic period
Hossein Kamalian mehrnaz behruzi -
Open Access Article
2101 - Investigating the Effect of Islamic Values on Improving the Job Performance of Employees with Regard to the Mediating Role of Organizational Spirituality (Case Study: General Department of Education of Fars Province)
Javad Makari pirouz hashempour -
Open Access Article
2102 - Analyzing the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the decline of American power from Imam Khamenei's point of view.
mohammad Bidgoli -
Open Access Article
2103 - The Role of Women's Religiosity in Islamic Culture Propagation, Family Sanity and Psychological Disorders Curing
Mohammad Sharifani Nasrin Alavinia -
Open Access Article
2104 - Prison in the Qur'an and its evolution and structure in the periods of Islamic civilization
Hossein Barshan ابراهیم خراسانی Iraj Jalali -
Open Access Article
2105 - Identifying fundamental labor rights in the global and Islamic declaration of human rights
Abdullatif Amiri روح اله رحیمی ali faghih habibi -
Open Access Article
2106 - Assessing the feasibility of the intellectual paradigm of desirable urban social anarchism in Iran (Case study: Eslamshahr city)
فاطمه ادیبی سعدی نژاد fatemeh mehri -
Open Access Article
2107 - The role of jurisprudence in the formation of Islamic government from the perspective of Imam Khomeini (RA)
Seyed mohammad reza Motamedi مولود گرمرودی ثابت hosein ahmari -
Open Access Article
2108 - A comparative study of the components of civilized Islam in the thought of Hossein Nasr and Ayatollah Khamenei
ali mohseni shanbeh bazari saeid Eslami kamal pouladi -
Open Access Article
2109 - Investigation of Verdict of Homicide Due to Mistaken Target in ImamiyaFiqh
elham salehi Aliakbar jahani -
Open Access Article
2110 - A Comparative Study of God's Friendship Signs in Prose Works and Mystical Poems by Mostamli Bokhari and Rumi)
Mostafa KordKatouli maliha mahdavi masood mahdian -
Open Access Article
2111 - Dimensions and Methods of Hybrid Warfare by Israeli Lobbies Against the Islamic Republic of Iran: Focus on AIPAC Activities
Mostafa Delavarpour Aghdam -
Open Access Article
2112 - Examining the Influence of Soft Power in Sports Diplomacy on Iran-U.S. Relations: A Case Study of Volleyball Diplomacy
Mohammad Bidgoli -
Open Access Article
2113 - A semantic analysis of the role of the international system in the failure of the state building project in Afghanistan
Yoosof Seify Keyhan Barzegar مهدی ذاکریان -
Open Access Article
2114 - Love in the perspective of Attar Neishaburi and Søren Kierkegaard
Razieh Shahrabadi Ali hajimousaei -
Open Access Article
2115 - Factors affecting the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the African continent
Mohammadbagher Mokaramipour Ruhollah baseri Samiyar layeghi -
Open Access Article
2116 - The transformation of the approach of intellectual cinema on the eve of the Islamic Revolution (42-57) using Skinner's intentional hermeneutic method
sajjad mahmoodi akbar ashrafi عبدالحسین الله کرم علی اکبر امینی -
Open Access Article
2117 - Standing in Najd: The Ghataf§nÊ Tribes' Relations with The Prophet (PBUH)
Mehran Esmaeili Maryam Behdarvand -
Open Access Article
2118 - Idrīs Bitlīsī, Clerkly Historiography and Islamic Paradigm in the Ottoman Historiography
Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
2119 - Internal Conflicts and External Pressures: The Collapse and Fall of the ṬūlūnÊd State in Egypt and Syria
masoomali panjeh -
Open Access Article
2120 - Examination of the Role of Appeal to Customary Assumptions in Understanding and Interpretation of Islamic Texts (Verses and Narrations)
Hossein Andailb -
Open Access Article
2121 - A Comparative Study of the Principles and Types of Installment Sale in Iran and Islam the Vienna Convention 1980
jalal soltanahmadi Joseph EBRAHIMI -
Open Access Article
2122 - Jurisprudential rules from the perspective of Islamic religions (as a source for deriving rulings)
ahmad hamidi hosen rajabi Mohamad taghi Alavi -
Open Access Article
2123 - A comparative study of the Convention on the Prohibition and Punishment of Genocide with Islamic jurisprudence
محمد تقی گهرنیا اسمعیل رحیمی نژاد Reza Faani -
Open Access Article
2124 - The culture of environmental conservation from the perspective of Islam
Atefeh Chamani -
Open Access Article
2125 - The evidence of the right to life of the fetus and the legal basis of its preservation according to the cultural changes of the society
Azadeh Abdi Abyaneh younes vahed yarijan مریم ابن تراب -
Open Access Article
2126 - اصول ارتباطات میانفرهنگی از منظر اسلام؛ بررسی آیات قرآن و سیره پیامبر در مواجهه با یهودیان، مسیحیان و زرتشتیان
Mohammad Mahdi Mostofi Sharabiyani Reza Gholami -
Open Access Article
2127 - The Role Of Macroeconomic Policymaking Of The Governments Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran In Environmental Preservation With A Focus On Economic Development Programs From 1981 To 2021
Ayoub Dehgan Hasan Eyvazzadeh malek Zolghadr -
Open Access Article
2128 - The relationship between volumetric geometry and Islamic architecture in historical writings
Aref Azizpour Shoubi Ahad Nejad Ebrahimi یاسر شهبازی -
Open Access Article
2129 - Presenting the Political-Islamic Model of Performance Monitoring In Order To Increase Administrative Health in the Country's Document and Property Registration Organization
Reza Amiri Mavi zeinolabedin Amini sabegh , Ehsan Sadeh, Masuod Ghorbanhosini, -
Open Access Article
2130 - رویکردی نوین به شناسایی مؤلفه ها و ابعاد پیاده سازی مدیریت دانش در نظام آموزش عالی
سیده نیلوفر شامرادی مجتبی معظمی فاطمه احمدبیگی -
Open Access Article
2131 - بررسی تأثیر مؤلفه های رهبری تحول آفرین بر رفاه کارکنان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد زاهدان
وحید پورشهابی نواب سپاهیان -
Open Access Article
2132 - A Critique and Analysis on the Claim of Invalidity of the Tradition of Islamic Historiography from Dequin's Point of View in the Book the Beginning of Praise of Ali and the Emergence of Abbasid Worldview
Mohamad Reza Noor Abadi Nowrooz Amini Mahboob Mahdavian -
Open Access Article
2133 - The Islamization in Qumis and Damghan
mohammadnabi Salim Shima Doolabi میرزا محمد حسنی -
Open Access Article
2134 - A legal-criminological study of the personality case with a preventive approach in the laws of Iran and Canada
Maryam Soleimani Naghmeh Farhood Seyed Bassem Mavalizadeh -
Open Access Article
2135 - Development of a model of the curriculum of intellectual education from the perspective of Islamic texts
Sirous Haddadnia -
Open Access Article
2136 - Investigating the deterrence of retributive punishment in Islamic law
Mostafa Zamen Amin Amirian Farsani Seyyed Hossamuddin Hosseini -
Open Access Article
2137 - Analyzing the impact of Iran's Islamic Revolution on the views of the framers of the 1358 Constitution on the foundation of Islamic economy
Ebrahim Abdipour Fard Seyedhadi Arabi Alireza Dabirnia Sedigheh gharloghi -
Open Access Article
2138 - Identity and Violence in Salafi Groups
Maryam Alipanah Bizhan Mirzaee Nader Pourakhondi -
Open Access Article
2139 - Designing an educational package of Islamic coping style in the face of Corona disease
mozhgan aghamohammadi -
Open Access Article
2140 - A Conceptual Model of Competency for Managers of Islamic Civilization-Building Universities Using Grounded Theory
Syfollah Fazlollahi ghomshi -
Open Access Article
2141 - Application of moral values in organic agriculture
Mohammad Mirzaei Heydari Mohammadreza Naderi Darbaghshahi -
Open Access Article
2142 - The effect of Iranian Islamic model of progress on inflation in terms of corruption control governance index (Markov switching method)
mojgan karimzadeh khoei -
Open Access Article
2143 - Identifying and Analyzing the Dimensions and Components of Empowering Female Faculty Members at Islamic Azad University
Saeedeh Koohi kamran mohamad khani nader gholi ghorchian Amir Hossein Mohammad Davoudi, -
Open Access Article
2144 - Possible scenarios about the war between Russia and Ukraine and its consequences for the Islamic Republic of Iran
MOHAMMADHAMED KIANI Mohammad Reza Aghareb Bashir Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
2145 - How the role of cultural intelligence in the occurrence of social indifference
zolfaghar rashidi -
Open Access Article
2146 - actors Affecting the Attitude towards the Phenomenon of Consumerism among Tehran Citizens
akbar mohammadi Soroush Fathi Mehdi Mokhtarpour -
Open Access Article
2147 - Presentation of the model of the way out of the syndrome of organizational terrorism (case study: Foundation of the Weakened of the Islamic Revolution)
Seyyed Mohammad Reza Parhizkar Azbari Serajedin Mohebbi -
Open Access Article
2148 - Philosophy and functions of history from the perspective of Islamic and Western philosophers
Ismail Salehian Rad shokrolah khakrand sohila payan -
Open Access Article
2149 - The function of jurisprudence in government administration
Afshin Safariani Abdolreza Jamalzadeh سید حسین سجادی -
Open Access Article
2150 - China’s Role in the Relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern Security Order
Saeed Totonchi مجید گل پرور ali bagheri zadeh -
Open Access Article
2151 - Examining the conflict of jurisprudence and ethics in the selection and priority of each in Imami jurisprudence and Islamic lifestyle
Eskandar Ahmadi Faraj Allah Barati Seyyed Hessamuddin hosseini -
Open Access Article
2152 - The possibility of claiming and methods of compensation for moral damages in Iranian law and Islamic jurisprudence
Shouka Yavarian Jamshid Mirzaei hengameh ghazanfari -
Open Access Article
2153 - Identifying the components of students' belonging to Islamic Azad University
Fatemeh Gharibi Farahnaz Mashayekh Alireza Ghasemi Zad pari Mashayekh Amin Bagheri Kerachi -
Open Access Article
2154 - تحلیل کارآمدی و امکانسنجی پیادهسازی مولفههای طراحی محیطهای مسکونی بر اساس نصوص اسلامی
hadis soloukaneh miandoab Ali Akbari sajad moazen -
Open Access Article
2155 - Presenting a model of the effectiveness of talent management in succession planning with an approach to the fourth generation of universities (case study: Central Organization of Islamic Azad University)
Soleyman Bahramzadeh yagoub Alavi matin -
Open Access Article
2156 - Jurisprudential documentation of the statement of the second step of the revolution
Ahmadali Sarhaddi Mahmoud Ghayoumzadeh Nader Mokhtari zeinab sanchooli -
Open Access Article
2157 - طراحی و اعتبار سنجی مدلی برای تعیین ویژگیهای مدیریتی و شخصیتی مدیران باحیا از دیدگاه فرهنگ اسلام(با رویکرد تحلیل مضمون)
ZAKIEH BEIKI Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi Mohammad Reza Dalvi -
Open Access Article
2158 - Identifying the competences of revolution level managers in Islamic governance with an emphasis on entrepreneurship from perspective of Imam Khomeini(RA) words
ali Savasari kiyomarth niazazari Masoud Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
2159 - Platforms and requirements of electronic management of human resources in Islamic Azad University (thematic analysis)
Mohammad Mohammadi Yousof Mehdipour Hossein Momeni Mahmouni -
Open Access Article
2160 - Decision-Making Principles of Politicians in Alavi Conduct and Jurisprudential Opinions
Hamid Reza Shiri meysam khazaee -
Open Access Article
2161 - Investing the Effects of Globalization on Physical Structure of Islamic Cities (Case Study: Isfahan Megalopolis)
مجید شمس علی صفاری راد احمد قاسمی -
Open Access Article
2162 - Scenario Development affecting Islamic-Iranian progress with regional planning approach (Case Study: Western Azerbaijan)
M.N Mousavi -
Open Access Article
2163 - Study the Effect of Islamic teachings on the architecture of Iranian homes: A Case Study on the Traditional Houses in a Hot and Dry Climate in Iran
احمد Aminpoor رامین Madani حامد Hayaty علی رضا Zare -
Open Access Article
2164 - The evaluation of social sustainability indicators in the Rural Areas Case Study: Rural suburban city north of Islamabad-West
Bahram Emani Soheila Bakhtar Abdoreza Khoshraftar -
Open Access Article
2165 - Measuring the position of Islamic countries in terms of global competitiveness of travel and tourism using the MABAC technique (MABAC)
majid akbari vahid boustan ahmadi معصومه انصاری وحید سهرابی -
Open Access Article
2166 - Geopolitical foundations of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Turkey From a constructivist approach
Arash Soltani Afshin Mottaqi Dastnaei reza Simbar -
Open Access Article
2167 - Evaluation of the realization of the freedom of education and research in the Charter of Citizens' Rights and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran with regard to the role of the three-member power control (case study: Shiraz metropolis)
mahdi sheykh movahhed hosein rahmatolahi -
Open Access Article
2168 - The Role of Rural Women's Home Business and Empowerment on Family Economic Decision-making (Case study: Islam-Abad Gharb County)
sara jaliliyan heshmatollah saadi -
Open Access Article
2169 - Structural analysis of the Driving force the spatial developments of the southwest of the metropolis of Tehran Case study: Islamshahr city
Siamak Khezli Vizhnani اسماعیل علی اکبری فاطمه ادیبی سعدی نژاد حمیدرضا جودکی جمیله توکلی نیا -
Open Access Article
2170 - Explaning the foreign policy strategy Of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the subcontinent ( India and Pakistan)
saied mostafa hosaini Yadollah Karimipour Afshin Mottaghi Javad t Etaat -
Open Access Article
2171 - Investigating the Role of Social capital in Political and Social Development of Iran after Islamic Revolution
Masood Jafarinejad mahdi moradi ahmad azin alireza golshani ali baghaei sarayi -
Open Access Article
2172 - The Significance of ‘Wisdom’ in Urban Planning and Architecture in the Direction of Future Studies of Iranian Islamic Development Pattern Document
Tahereh Nasr -
Open Access Article
2173 - Investigating the non-linear relationship between democracy and corruption and its role in the development of member countries of the Islamic Conference: Applying the Panel Smooth Threshold Regression Model
majid babaei agh esmaili Hassan Khodavaisi -
Open Access Article
2174 - The role of the culture of resistance to the security threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Middle East region from a constructivist perspective
ghaffar zarei solyman ghasempoor Aii mohamad Haghighi -
Open Access Article
2175 - Analysis of the Impact of the First and Second Development Programs on the Deprived Class in Iran after the Islamic Revolution
Ebrahim Aghamohamadi Mohamadreza Ghaedi Garinh Keshishiyan Sirki Hasan Khodaverdi -
Open Access Article
2176 - ضرورتها و ظرفیت های گردشگری اسلامی و رویکردهای آن (از منظر الگوهای فرهنگی اسلام و فقه اسلامی)
سیروس شفقی عباس حسنوند محسن مصلحی -
Open Access Article
2177 - بازشناسی هویت کالبدی در شهرهای اسلامی (مطالعه موردی: شهر ری)
علی موحد علی شماعی ابوالفضل زنگانه -
Open Access Article
2178 - تجزیه و تحلیل اثرات تغییرات بارش در سیل خیزی حوضه آبریز رودخانه راوند (منطقه اسلام آباد غرب- استان کرمانشاه)
حسین نگارش جلیل ویسی -
Open Access Article
2179 - The Effect of Social Base in Rural Administrators Performance (Case Study: Hassan Abad District of Eslamabad-e- Gharb(
فرامرز بریمانی جواد بذرافشان بهمن شفیعی -
Open Access Article
2180 - Study the Agricultural Market Convergence in the D8 and G7 Countries: Gravity Model Approach
ابوالفضل Shahabadi یونس Salmani S.A Valinia -
Open Access Article
2181 - Psychometric Properties and Confirmatory Structure of Islamic Spiritual Intelligence Scale in Students
zekrollah morovati yosef fathi samaneh mohamadinodhi -
Open Access Article
2182 - Investigating Factor Structure of Islamic and Protestant Work Ethics in Students
Seyed Esmaeil Hashemi -
Open Access Article
2183 - A comparative study of psychology and Islam view to positivity in human
سامان کمری B. SH -
Open Access Article
2184 - A comparative study of psychology and Islam view to positivity in human
سامان کمری babak shamshiri -
Open Access Article
2185 - Qualitative content analysis comparing the structure of the family from the perspective of Islam and the structural approach of Minuchin
Hojatollah Shayeghifard Zhaleh Refahi Mohammad Hossein Fallah Saied Vaziri-Yazdi -
Open Access Article
2186 - A Model for Job Burnout Reducing among the Central Organization of Islamic Azad University
Mehdi Akbarzadeh kamran mohamadkhani nadergholi ghorchian axtar jamali -
Open Access Article
2187 - The role of philosophy constructing and producing of Islamic psychology
B. Shamshiri -
Open Access Article
2188 - A comperative study on the concept of self from the humanistic psychology and Islamic mysticism perspectives
B. SH Z. فریدونی -
Open Access Article
2189 - The study of mental health mediating in relationship between religion commitment with vocational performance in Islamic Azad University Lamerd branch
S. A. Hashemi -
Open Access Article
2190 - Probability of Constructing a Theory of Conselling and Psychotherapy Based on Islamic Mysticism
B. Shamshiri -
Open Access Article
2191 - Attachment to God in the Context of Islamic Culture: Theoretical Foundation and Development of a Scale
B. Ghobari A. A. Haddadi Koohsar -
Open Access Article
2192 - Islamic mysticism and its implications for psychology of marriage and family
B. Shamshiri -
Open Access Article
2193 - Construction and Validation of Responsibility Multidimensional Questionnaire Based on Islamic Texts
M. احمدی آخورمه S. سهامی J. رفاهی B. SH -
Open Access Article
2194 - Review of the spatial and physical evolution of health uses with emphasis on baths in Islamic cities of Iran from Safavieh to Qajar (Case study: Ardabil city)
amin ghahramani toolabi Saiedali nouri -
Open Access Article
2195 - Realization of Qur'anic Concept and Validity of Rights in Urban Planning and Designing Housing
حامد Hayaty A.R Zare احمد Aminpoor رامین Madani -
Open Access Article
2196 - Community-led Urban Regeneration Through Training Based on Islamic Thought in Tabriz`s Sorkhab Historical Zone
nastaran najdaghi Ahad Nejad Ebrahini -
Open Access Article
2197 - Explaining the Role of Islamic Political Economy on Urban Livability (Case: Zanjan City)
mahsa faramarzi mohammad hosein jafari Om al-salameh Babaie -
Open Access Article
2198 - Codifying a community development pattern in Islamic City
mohammad taghi pirbabai parisa hashem pour peyman zadeh bagheri -
Open Access Article
2199 - examining the effect of urban elements in accordance with the iranian _ islamic art in the absorption and satisfaction of tourists in shiraz city
S. Mohammed Hussain Kamani Sahar Sazgar Mehrdad Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
2200 - Investigating the effects of urban creep on settlements in the metropolitan of Tehran (Case study: Islamshahr city)
masoud ghaneifard Alireza Estelaji majid karimpour reyhan -
Open Access Article
2201 - A comparative study of the livability indices of urban areas of Islamshahr
Seyedeh Monavar Zeiny Hossein Mojtabazadeh -
Open Access Article
2202 - The position of the mosque in the realization of social solidarity and development of the Islamic city
ali esmaili -
Open Access Article
2203 - Evaluation of urban development from the perspective of public policy-making with emphasis on the role of the Islamic Council of Shiraz city
Abdoljalil Sharifi Mohammadali shahriari Nafiseh Vaez -
Open Access Article
2204 - Examining the health of life in the Iranian-Islamic neighborhood after the corona disease pandemic; case study: neighborhoods in Tabriz city
kasra ketabollahi Morteza Mirgholami Yaser Shahbazi -
Open Access Article
2205 - تحلیل رابطه جرم و تراکم جمعیت در بلوکهای آماری با استفاده از سامانههای اطلاعات جغرافیایی GIS (مطالعه موردی منطقه اسکان غیررسمی اسلام آباد زنجان)
مجیـــــد شـــــمس فریـــــاد پرهیـــــز حــــافظ مهــــدنژاد مصــــطفی قمــــری کــــاوه محمــــدی -
Open Access Article
2206 - The assessment of intervention trend in Informal settlement areas with emphasis on demolition and clearance policy (A case Study, Islamabad of Karaj city 1995-2012)
M. Ahadnejad S. Alipour -
Open Access Article
2207 - بررسی و مقایسه تطبیقی کیفیت فضاهای عمومی در سکونتگاههای خودرو؛ نمونه موردی: محلات اسلام آباد و ده ونک تهران
مجتبی آراسته -
Open Access Article
2208 - The Causal Relationship between Socialization and Motivation with Sport Participation of Female Employees of Islamic Azad University of Marvdasht Branch
بهجت Tahmasebi احمد Torkfar -
Open Access Article
2209 - The Second Sex in the philosophy of Schopenhauer and critical view of Islam
علی Hosseini S.F Didehvari -
Open Access Article
2210 - Investigating the Role of Six Sigma Strategy in Improving Quality of Services in Islamic Azad University Libraries from the Viewpoints of Female Librarians
مرضیه Yari Zanganeh زهرا Khodadadi -
Open Access Article
2211 - The Status of Women in the Discourse of the Leaders of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
رضا Simbar دانیال Rezapooral -
Open Access Article
2212 - Representation of Female personality in Novels before and after Iranian Islamic Revolution Case study: Suvashun and I turned the lamps off novels
Mahnaz Jokari Ali Arabi Ali Ruhani -
Open Access Article
2213 - Explain student girls' perception of how to wear veils in schools where the tents are mandatory
behnam talebi fatemeh karimi -
Open Access Article
2214 - تبیین نقش عفاف و حجاب در پایداری امنیت اجتماعی
Sajjad Nikkhoo Mehdi Aslani Salman Rezvankhah -
Open Access Article
2215 - A Comparative Study on News Reflection on the Concept of Woman and Politics in Kayhan and Jomhuri Eslami (Islamic Republic) Newspapers (1979-2019)
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Khadijeh Aghaali -
Open Access Article
2216 - Passivity of Women Subject's Transformation in Contemporary Iranian History
Mohammadreza Alimardani Alireza Azghandi Seyed Mostafa Abtahi -
Open Access Article
2217 - Multi-dimensional Aspects of Religious Conversion Process from the Experience of Christianized Iranian Asylum-seeking Women in Eskişehir/Turkey
RAYEHE Mozafarian Fuat Güllüpınar -
Open Access Article
2218 - Suggesting the Model for Social and Spiritual Roles of Women based on Islamic Teachings
Masoume Tahergholi Ladan Salimi esmat rasoli -
Open Access Article
2219 - Comparative comparison of the position of women in Islam and the West by emphasizing the views of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Ayatollah Khamenei
Hassan hajizadehanari mohammad rasoli -
Open Access Article
2220 - Studying the Effects of Social Capital Components on the Empowerment of Rural Women in Sheyan Village of Eslamabad-e Gharb City
وکیل Heidari Sareban سهیلا Bahtar وحید Taleihur -
Open Access Article
2221 - The Cultural and Educational Effect of Islamic Azad University of Kazeroun on Women of Kazeroun
فرهاد KHormaee سهیلا Ziyaee فرنگیس Darvishi بیتا Alaee تهمینه Torani -
Open Access Article
2222 - An Investigation on Gender Differences in Work Culture
سیروس Ahmadi لهراسب Rosta -
Open Access Article
2223 - The Effect of Chastity in Empowerment of Women in Political Society of Iran with Emphasis on Islamic Republic
زهرا Ghasemi حمید M. Ataabadi عبدالعزیز Fazeli -
Open Access Article
2224 - The Influence of Home based Businesses on Rural Women's Social Empowerment
H. سعدی S. جلیلیان A. یعقوبیفرانی -
Open Access Article
2225 - A Study of the Impact of the Islamic Azad University on the Economic Development of the Women Life from the Point of View of the Kazeron City Women
فرنگیس Darvishi فرهاد Khormaee سهیلا Ziyaee -
Open Access Article
2226 - Women’s Employment in Family and Society; the Holy Quran’s Perspective
S. Shahedi M.A. Farjodi -
Open Access Article
2227 - Designing a model to promote the programs and activities of the Association of Parents and Teachers : Iranian-Islamic lifestyle in Focus
Tayebeh sadat Shahamiri Hasanali Bakhtiar nasrabadi Jahanbakhsh Rahmani zohreh saadatmand -
Open Access Article
2228 - Design the People Capability Maturity Model among Faculty Members Based on Grounded Theory (Case Study: Islamic Azad University of Fars Province)
maryam mahdavi nader Sheikh al-Islami narges Hassan Moradi narjes shukri -
Open Access Article
2229 - Comparison assessing the status of motivational theories of management in content spam of the Holy Quran
یحیی safari فرشته Matinnajad سمانه Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
2230 - Developing a Model for Organizational Citizenship Behavior based on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Justice in Islamic Azad University of Arsanjan
لیلا rezaei میترا mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
2231 - Identifying the effective factors on the development of human resources in the general administrations of sports and youth (with the Islamic-Iranian approach of progress)
seyed hamidreza ashrafi Kamelia Abdi Amir Kazemi -
Open Access Article
2232 - Presenting Culture – Orientation Model Based on Islamic Doctrine and Instruction in Education Organization of Iran
آیسودا goldehan فریبا karimi M.A nadi عبدالرسول Hadian Shirazi -
Open Access Article
2233 - Formation of the Professional Identity Model of Faculty Members (Case study: faculty members of Islamic Azad University of Fars province)
moein foroutan hamideh reshadatjoo siamak samani -
Open Access Article
2234 - The study of organizational structure of Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad Branch and its relationship with job satisfaction and employee empowerment
حسن Jafari حسین Mehrdad -
Open Access Article
2235 - sustainable human resources development: effects of knowledge management channels and Organizational factors
میرمحمد سید عباس زاده mohamad hasani abbas bazargan kolsum nami -
Open Access Article
2236 - Fourth generation university model in Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch
Sohrab Jahangiri Fard Hamid Shafizadeh Nader Soleimani -
Open Access Article
2237 - A Motivational Framework based on Holey Quran Concepts: Towards Developing an Islamic Perspective
جعفر ترک زاده مهدی محمدی علی محمد ساجدی عبدالحمید اسماعیلی -
Open Access Article
2238 - An Appropriate Framework for Assessing of the Work Place Spirituality Based on Iranian and Islamic teachings in higher education
علیرضا Ghasemizad نازنین Salami -
Open Access Article
2239 - The Study Of Localization Of Knowledge Management In Public Organizations Based On The Teachings Of Islamic Religion And Iranian Culture
hasan movaffagh golamreza hashemzadeh khorasegani esfandiar doshmanziari -
Open Access Article
2240 - Designing an Organizational Ethics Framework with an Islamic Approach: A Qualitative Study
Jafar Torkzadeh farshad amerifar rahmatallah marzooghi mohammad javad Salmanpoor farhad khormaei -
Open Access Article
2241 - Identifying the performance gap in the higher education system and providing solutions to reduce the gap
behrang esmaeili shad barat mohamad asheghi maryam hafezian -
Open Access Article
2242 - developing and accreditation A framework for identifying the challenges of Islamic University development
جعفر ترک زاده Seyyed Javad hashemi ardakani -
Open Access Article
2243 - Determine the relationship between social capital and organizational learning Given the Intermediate role of knowledge sharing among faculty members of Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch
سعید مرادی -
Open Access Article
2244 - Factors Influencing Human Resources Architecture in Islamic Azad University of Fars
mehdi mehdizadeh rostam Iraj soltani hamid davazdaemami -
Open Access Article
2245 - Design and validation of internal evaluation management model of Islamic azad University
annahita yazdani Nader Shahamat moslem salehi ahmadreza ojinezhad -
Open Access Article
2246 - To present the Suitable Model for Organizational Innovation among Islamic Azad University Libraries
seyed rasool toudar Zahra Abazari Zohreh Mirhoseini nadjla hariri -
Open Access Article
2247 - The mediating role of self-esteem in the Relationship between social support with emotional exhaustion and psychological well-being
مرضیه حیدری masoud ghorbani dolatabadi -
Open Access Article
2248 - The Entrepreneurial University Model Emphasizing Islamic Azad University Using Grounded Theory
katrin mirjavani zangeneh nader soleimani hamid shafizadeh -
Open Access Article
2249 - Investigating the impact of social networks functions on social change in Islamic Azad Universities of Fars Province
Reza Davoodi mohammad soltanifar Ali Akbar Farhangi -
Open Access Article
2250 - Cultural tendencies of students of Islamic Azad University of Fars Province; With applications for higher education managers
Abdolhamid Farzaneh محمدرضا محمد جانی مژگان امیریان زاده -
Open Access Article
2251 - Designing a model for teaching creativity to middle managers of Islamic Azad University (Case study: Central Organization)
SeyedehMasomeh Azizian leila sharifian saeed moradi Abbas Khorshidi Ali Delavar -
Open Access Article
2252 - Designing and validating a comparative model of the impact of human resource management development on organizational performance from the perspective of managers and employees
adel koulak hassan soltani Shiva Madahian Mehdi Mohammad Bagheri Navid Fatehi Rad -
Open Access Article
2253 - Presenting the Model of Cultural Participation of Islamic Azad University Students (Case Study: Islamic Azad Universities of Hormozgan Province)
ZAHRA SAYAFAN kolsum nami mokhtar zakeri Mahmoud Sabahizadeh -
Open Access Article
2254 - Identifying and counting factors affecting the establishment of total quality management in Iran's higher education system (case study: Central Organization of Islamic Azad University)
REZA SAHRAEI HASAN SHAHRAKIPOUR afsaneh saber garekani -
Open Access Article
2255 - Designing and compiling a comprehensive talent management system in Islamic Azad University
maysam shakeri mokhtar ranjbar Amin Nikpour -
Open Access Article
2256 - Designing a model for the application of needs assessment in the process of strategic planning in Iran's higher education system (case study: Central Organization of Islamic Azad University)
Open Access Article
2257 - Relationship Between Islamic Work Ethics, Equity and Love of Money with Teachers’ Job Satisfaction
M. گلپرور M.A نادی -
Open Access Article
2258 - Peace Education InferenceRelying on the philosophical foundations of Islamic mysticism:Implications for Training Managers
میثم Kohgard - B. Shamshiri -
Open Access Article
2259 - Providing a Model for evaluating universities performance (A survey study of Islamic Azad University Isfahan(Khorasgan)Branch
M.H یارمحمدیان S. SH M. فولادوند B. SH -
Open Access Article
2260 - A Structural Model of Higher Education Managers’ Job Burnout Based on Quality of Work life, Organizational Commitment, and Knowledge Management
H. سینا S. کریم زاده F. ناظم E. احمدی -
Open Access Article
2261 - On the Relationship of Self-efficacy and Organizational commitment to Teaching Quality of Faculty Members in Zone of Islamic Azad University
N. SH P. جعفری N. GH J. بهبودیان -
Open Access Article
2262 - Providing a Structural Model of Organizational Justice Based on Transactional and Transformational Leadership at Islamic Azad University
F. Nazem S. Haddad Pour -
Open Access Article
2263 - A Causal Model of Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Commitment with Mediating Role of Work Values of Organizational Justice among PNU Faculty Members
mohammad reza Sarmadi -
Open Access Article
2264 - A Survey of Shiraz Islamic Azad University with regard to Learning Organization from the Perspective of Faculty Membersof Teachers of Shiraz
Mohammad Jamalzadeh حسن Rahgozar Fatemeh Alavi -
Open Access Article
2265 - The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Efficiency Mediated by Organizational Culture Islamic Azad University of Lamerd
S.A هاشمی -
Open Access Article
2266 - Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Development among Staffs of Islamic Azad University of Shabestar
سعید Najarpor هوشنگ Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
2267 - رابطه هوش فرهنگی با سرمایه اجتماعی و سرمایه فکری اعضای هیات علمی
M. حیدری S. محمدجانی -
Open Access Article
2268 - The Relationship of Social Capital to Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management (A Case study of Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan Branch)
GH. محسنی فرد GH. رضایی S.A. حسینی راد -
Open Access Article
2269 - An Assessment of the Satisfaction of Faculty Members ofMarvdasht Islamic Azad University (IAU)
رضا Zaree -
Open Access Article
2270 - The Qualitative Development of Lamerd Islamic Azad University with an Emphasis on the Amount of Faculty Members’ Awareness of Curriculum Development Criteria
S.A Hashemi -
Open Access Article
2271 - The Effectiveness of Cultural Events from the Perspective of the Islamic Azad University Students, Fars Province
abdul hamid Farzaneh mojgan Amirianzadeh -
Open Access Article
2272 - The Quality of Work Life of Faculty Members in Research Mirror (Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch)
N. سلیمانی -
Open Access Article
2273 - Evaluation of Educational Service Quality in Postgraduate Programs at Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch, on the basis of SERVQUAL Model
S. ستاری Y. نامور A. راستگو -
Open Access Article
2274 - Investigating Organizational Readiness of Knowledge Management Implementation: A Case Study of Islamic Azad University and Payam Noor University
E. KH.M -
Open Access Article
2275 - The typology of Alevi prisoners and the appropriateness of their crime and punishment in the first and second Abbasid eras with an emphasis on Islamic law
Noorali Ahmadi Falehi Younes Farahmand Fahimeh Mokhber -
Open Access Article
2276 - Challenges of Confiscation Operations of Debtors’ Properties in the Islamic , Iranian, and French Law
Fatah Salimi KHoeshidi Masoud Albrzi Varaki salman valizadeh -
Open Access Article
2277 - Penal principles of the law on reducing the punishment of imprisonment from the point of view of criminal law and Islamic jurisprudence
Reza Alinasab Eisa Baninaeimeh amir alboali -
Open Access Article
2278 - Providing the organizational growth pattern of Faraja employees with emphasis on people's satisfaction
ALi Ebrahimi seyed medi Alvani Javad Mehrabi Mehdi ALizadeh Gholamreza Memarzadeh Tehran -
Open Access Article
2279 - Dalāil Nigārī Moʻtazilī: Historical Examination of Ethbāt al-Nabovvat al-Nabī Moḥammad by Al-Moʼayyid Billāh Hārūnī
mohammad amir ahmadzadeh mahnaz koohi -
Open Access Article
2280 - The Sultan of Science: Reflection of the Relationship between the Promotion of Science and the Legitimacy of Rulers in Persian Admonition Literature from the Islamic Era to the 7th Century AH
Zahra Esfandiyarimehni Zahra Esfandiyari -
Open Access Article
2281 - Shiite Mottos on Coins of Iranian Rulers from the 2nd to the 8th Century AH
mirza mohamad hasani -
Open Access Article
2282 - Effect of exchange rate and interest rate uncertainty on economic Growth and development Selected Islamic countries based on Simultaneous equations system approach
mohsen sAMI بهروز صادقی عمروآبادی forozan baktash -
Open Access Article
2283 - Analysis of Settlement Patterns of Chalcolithic Sites in Eslamabad-e Gharb Using GIS Models
Houshyar Salehi Amir Sadegh Naghshineh Mohammadreza Saeedi -
Open Access Article
2284 - Examining the effect of interest rate changes on the inflation rate in Islamic countries using self explanatory panel regression or Var
سید محمد آقامیری -
Open Access Article
2285 - طراحی الگوی استقرار مدیریت کیفیت جامع در سازمان مرکزی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
reza sahraei hassan shahrakipor afsaneh saber gorgani -
Open Access Article
2286 - The Role of Political Awareness in New Social Movements with an Emphasis on the Iranian Islamic Revolution
بهناز اژدری -
Open Access Article
2287 - The Effect of Rudeness on Psychological Safety as a Mediator of Psychological Well-Being in Young Athletes of the Country
Jaber Abasi kazem Cheraghbirjandi -
Open Access Article
2288 - Investigating the defense rights of the person under observation in Iran's procedural system and Islamic jurisprudence
Hamidreza Alipour Ali Afrasiabi amir alboali -
Open Access Article
2289 - Mechanisms of socialization of faculty members of Islamic Azad University
maryam Hafezy Mahmood Rezaeezadeh ناصر میرسپاسی -
Open Access Article
2290 - Analysis of the theme of the crises facing the seminary in the thought of Ayatollah Khamenei
saeed ghorbanitazekandi -
Open Access Article
2291 - Examining the effects of artificial intelligence on the dimensions of Islamic education and its role in shaping the Islamic Iranian identity of children and adolescents.
Roya Davoodi Shandiz Maoumeh Al Sadat Abtahi حمیدرضا مقامی Mahdi Ashouri -
Open Access Article
2292 - Evaluation of Ahādīth Involving Amulet and Seeking Refuge in Terms of Narratives and Wisdom
Farzaneh Mafi Mohammad Jafari harandi Sayedeh Fatemeh Hoseini mirsafi -
Open Access Article
2293 - Comparison of criminal and civil liability of judges in Iran, Egypt and Islamic jurisprudence
Mohammad Hossein Bahrami Hassan Heidari mansur atasheneh -
Open Access Article
2294 - Discourse of the family in the Iranian Islamic model: review and criticism of destructive discourses for the family
خدابخش احمدی -
Open Access Article
2295 - Evaluation of the effect of land use changes on the level of underground water (Case study: Islamabad watershed plain)
Open Access Article
2296 - The impact of second Karabakh War on Iran's security environment
معصومه فلاحتی رحمت حاجی مینه افشین زرگر آرمین امینی -
Open Access Article
2297 - Cultural Development Management Policy in forefront of Islam
Mohammad Taher Achak Robabeh Pourjabali صمد عابدینی -
Open Access Article
2298 - بنیادهای آزادی های اجتماعی در آرای متفکران اسلامی؛ با تاکید بر آرای حامد ابوزید
hajiali shiravand hasan shamsini ghiasvand ali fallahnajad -
Open Access Article
2299 - A comparative study of the sale defect before receipt in Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law and the international sale of goods convention
نضهت صنیعی Ali Chahcandi mohammad razavi -
Open Access Article
2300 - An Analytical Study of Implication and Independence from the Perspective of Aḥādīth and Late and Contemporary Islamic Scholars
Abbasali Rostami Sani -
Open Access Article
2301 - Reviewing the Religions of Pre-Islamic Arabia Based on Material Evidence
Mohammad Ali Khavanin Zadeh -
Open Access Article
2302 - The Frequency of Fundamental Doctrines in Religions as a Method for Discovering the Authenticity of Doctrines
behrooz haddadi -
Open Access Article
2303 - Consequences of iconoclasm in Christianity and Islam
Mohammad Shafigh فاطمه قربانی -
Open Access Article
2304 - The wear and tear of the Iranian-Islamic language and the modern western language
Masoud pourfard -
Open Access Article
2305 - The effectiveness of financing available to private production companies in Iran from
Atefeh Sarkesh Seyed Ali Chavoshi Jolfaee -
Open Access Article
2306 - "Requirements and solutions for the compatibility of revolutionary excitement and political and social order; based on the theory of the revolutionary system"
mojtaba qanbardoust -
Open Access Article
2307 - The Theory of the Restriction of Divine Names and Attributes and the Analysis of Quranic Verses
Amir Hadizadeh Sepideh Namkhodai -
Open Access Article
2308 - The Effectiveness of Uniformity of Procedure in Iranian Criminal Law and Islamic Jurisprudence
Mohsen Mohammad Akbari Elham Heidari Karim Salehi -
Open Access Article
2309 - International Sanctions Against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Shift in Power Dynamics in West Asia
Behroz Hatami Mehdi Khoshkhati Farshid Jfari -
Open Access Article
2310 - An Analysis of the Epistemology of Pure Experience and Previous Beliefs in it from Ibn Arabi’s Point of View
Leila Mirzakhan Abdolreza Mazaheri bakhshali Ghanbary -
Open Access Article
2311 - Meaning of the Life in Saadi’s Golestan & Bustan Based on Islamic Ethic
Bahareh Pourdadash Miri Ali eynAlilou Seyyedeh Mandana Hashemi Esfahan -
Open Access Article
2312 - The Islamic Mysticism in the thoughts of Mahdi Mohaghegh
Elaheh Gholami Varnamkhasti asghar rezapourian -
Open Access Article
2313 - Analysis of the Effect of Globalization and the Strength of Legal Rights index on the Vulnerable Employment of Women in Selected Islamic Countries
Firas Sabah Alivi Sara Ghobadi Saad Makassees Hossein Sharifi Renani -
Open Access Article
2314 - Resistance Discourse in Iran's Foreign Policy and Emerging Challenges: The Model for Hedging the Islamic Revolution
hosein karemefard -
Open Access Article
2315 - Iran and the historical role of the struggle against the occupation of Palestine
Open Access Article
2316 - Investigating the feasibility of jurisprudence and ethics
ٍEskandar Ahmadi Farajollah barati seyedhesamh hosseini -
Open Access Article
2317 - Investigating the impact of the political thought of Constitutionalism on the Formation of the Political Discourse of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Hussain Soheil Doroudi gholamreza naghavi Elahe Abolhasani فاضل فیضی -
Open Access Article
2318 - Research in the shadow of colonialism: Sigismund Koelle's approach in introducing The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Razieh Sirousi elghar -
Open Access Article
2319 - The impact of communication methods on developments in Iranian history during the Islamic era
Open Access Article
2320 - A comparative study of terrorist crimes from a criminological perspective in Iranian criminal law and Islamic jurisprudence.
Tofigh Sobhani Seyed Hasan Hoseyni Eisa Baninaeimeh -
Open Access Article
2321 - Examining the positions of Islamic law against terrorism
Tofigh Sobhani Seyed Hasan Hoseyni Eisa Baninaeimeh -
Open Access Article
2322 - Jurisprudential and legal study of security and educational measures in prisons
Ali Rashidfar Hassan Heidari Eysa Bani Namaeh -
Open Access Article
2323 - Iran's Islamic Revolution and the role of Shia ideology in changing the balance of power in the Middle East region
Asghar Rajabi Deh Borzoei mohammad Bidgoli Abdullah Iraqi -
Open Access Article
2324 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Waiting-Oriented Training Package Based on Mahdism Doctrine and Iranian-Islamic Positive Psychology Training on Psychological Well-Being of Girl Students
زهرا قاسمی Ilnaz Sajadian Mohammad Ali Nadi -
Open Access Article
2325 - A study of landlord-tenant relations in Iranian law and Islamic jurisprudence.
Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Seyed Hesamuddin Hosseini Mansour Atasheneh -
Open Access Article
2326 - 2222
Yaser Grivani Seyyed Farshid Jafari Paybandi Mehdi Khushkhati -
Open Access Article
2327 - Examining the role of belief in the afterlife in the development of servitude from the perspective of Islamic jurists
Seyedeh Narjes Khatoon Eftekhari Seyed Hesamuddin Hosseini جعفر تابان Farajollah barati -
Open Access Article
2328 - A jurisprudential examination of doubts surrounding the life of purgatory
Seyedeh Narjes Khatoon Eftekhari Seyed Hesamuddin Hosseini جعفر تابان Farajollah barati -
Open Access Article
2329 - Investigating the effect of educational effectiveness based on the Baybi model on the empowerment of students of educational management at Islamic Azad University, Maroodasht branch.
fatemeh mosalanejad mokhtar ranjbar -
Open Access Article
2330 - Analyzing the dimensions and components of the new approach to the right to self-determination in jurisprudence and international law
Leila Ramezannezhad Maryam Moradi mohsen dianat -
Open Access Article
2331 - The Impact of the Use of Social Networks, Source Control, and Academic Skills on the Academic Achievement of Students After COVID-19
Ali akbar Khoshgoftar Fatemeh Mohajernia -
Open Access Article
2332 - Explaining the types of damages resulting from failure to fulfill obligations in Iranian, Egyptian and Islamic jurisprudence law
Taghi Shahavand Rahim Sayah روحالله مرادی -
Open Access Article
2333 - Manifestation of Plotin's Philosophical-Mystical Teachings in Attar Nishaburi's Theology
soheila zeynali hosein arian nozhat noohi -
Open Access Article
2334 - Manifestation of the Aesthetics of Islamic Mysticism in the Framework and the Meaning
mahboobeh zamani amir akbari -
Open Access Article
2335 - Investigation of Some Mithraic Symbols in Islamic Mysticism
maryam shabani Alisoroor yaghoobi mohsen izadyar -
Open Access Article
2336 - Explaining the strategies for achieving Islamic urban planning patterns in the design of urban public spaces (Case study of Aligudarz city)
Mohammad Behzadpour mehdi khakzand seyed mohamadreza mousavi