Infrastructures of knowledge management at Islamic Azad and State Universities of Qom from viewpoint of faculty members
Subject Areas : Educational Psychology
faeze natqe
Abbas Ali Norouzi
1 - azad
2 - دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد آموزش بزرگسالان، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی تهران.
Keywords: Information Technology, Islamic Azad University, Organizational Culture, knowledge management infrastructures, Managerial infrastructure, Qom State university,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compareknowledge management Infrastructures status at Azad and State Universities of Qom from faculty members' viewpoint. The research method was descriptive (survey) and statistical population included 324 professors at these universities; Using Morghan table 226 Faculty members were selected as the sample size. The method of sampling was stratified random sampling. Data were collected using Zamani et al. knowledge management questionnaire with 28 items in three technical, cultural and managerial dimensions with a reliability of 0.91. The results indicated that there was not an appropriate status in term of the infrastructures including technology, organizational culture and management for knowledge management establishment at these universities; therefore, the university administrators should consider this urgent need. However, IT status was relatively better than other factors and Azad University was better than Qom State University in managerial infrastructure. There was no significant difference between these universities in terms of their preparation in technological, cultural and managerial dimensions for establishment of knowledge management. Finally, considering the results of this study, some suggestions have been made to improve this situation.
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