Ontology of Art from the Perspective of Islamic Philosophy
Subject Areas : Art
1 - PhD in Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Faculty of Theology, Farabi Campus, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding author)
Keywords: ontology of beauty, Meaning, Islamic Philosophy, ontology of art,
Abstract :
The objective of this research is to investigate the 'what,' 'why,' and 'how' of realizing art from the perspective of Islamic philosophy. This examination is rooted in the philosophical genealogy of art across three layers: conceptual, substantive, and existential. Initially, the conceptual origin of this phenomenon is explored from a philosophical standpoint. Subsequently, in the substantive layer, the elements contributing to the definition of art are elucidated in philosophical terms. In the third stage, the method of realizing art from the perspective of Islamic philosophy is scrutinized based on the philosophical reproduction of these elements. Conducted in an analytical-documentary manner, this research reveals that the realization of art, from the perspective of Islamic philosophy, relies on a systematic process comprising four micro-processes. Firstly, the emergence of meaning occurs in the artist, followed by the creation of an idea to transform this meaning into an artistic work. Subsequently, by metaphorically aligning the artistic effect with the intended meaning, the process of rendering that meaning into art takes shape. Ultimately, the process of realizing art concludes with the audience of the artistic work interpreting and internalizing the created meaning.
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