Observation of Urban Management Concepts of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the city of Medina, the Splendid Manifestation of Urban Management in Islamic cities
Subject Areas : Business Management
Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi
Hossein Zabihi
1 - Ph.D. student of Urban Planning, Department of Science and Research, Tehran, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: urban management, The Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), The City of Medina, Islamic cities,
Abstract :
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been introduced as a good example and eternal Paradigm of the human societies, especially in Islamic societies.His urban management concepts in Medina can be used in urban designing and programming in contemporary Islamic cities. Consulting the Islamic texts and sources and a true understanding of the Holy Prophet’s practical concepts of urban management in Medina can lead us to understand and reach the paradigms and concepts of urban management in today's societies. In this paper, we try to investigate the Holy Prophet’s most important teachings and concepts of urban management in Medina, which can be used and referred to as a paradigm and splendid manifestation of urban management in Islamic cities.
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