Islamshahr Town Environmental-Legal Problems’ Evaluation
Subject Areas : environmental managementNaser Ghasemi 1 , Vali ollah mohammadi 2
1 - Assistant Professor. Executive Deputy, Faculty of Legal Sciences and Official Services, Tehran
2 - M.Sc, Environmental Rights, Faculty of Energy and Environment , Science and Research Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Theran
Keywords: Environmental pollution, Environmental Law, Penalties, Environmental Evaluation, Islam Shahr,
Abstract :
Introduction: Migration, population increase and industrializing of mentioned county (Islam Shahr)without noticing to the environmental capability and evaluation, caused environmental pollution andsocial raucousness in this city. In addition, by the population increase, water consumption increases aswell. So we will face decreasing of the agricultural water and farms dehydration in one hand, andincreasing the pollution of fresh water and decreasing county’s freshwater because of the sewage andits discharge to underground water table on the other hand.Material & Method: Environmental rights are important tools for supervision, management andcontinuous development. These rights are affective in policy determining and environmentalprotection affairs and rational /continuous using of natural environment. We can move based on publicopinions and governmental support alongside with internal rules and statutes and bureaucracy revisionto increase the quality of environmental management. In addition, constraints and prohibitions stateinstructions issues and pollutant units’ penalties and other rules can be used as management tools tohelp environmental retain and pollutant decrease.Result & Discussion: Industrializing of the county causes population urbanization increasing, naturalrecourses damage, rising consumption rate change and environmental pollution as well as losing lifequality and misbalancing the county’s environment. As the population has increased from 1000 peoplein 1961 to 500,000 persons at present, it created the environment such problems.
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